Henry VIII: January 1528, 21-25

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: January 1528, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1702-1712 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: January 1528, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1702-1712.

"Henry VIII: January 1528, 21-25". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1702-1712.


January 1528

21 Jan.
Vit. B. x. 63. B. M.
3824. _ to [WOLSEY].
The Pope seems mad with anger at the refusal of the Venetians to restore Ravenna and Cervia. It is not only an injury but an insult. They treat him as an enemy, while he desires to be friendly to the League. He sent an ambassador to Venice to ask for their restoration, but no answer was given to him. They told the prothonotary Casale, who spoke in the King's name, that the Pope ought to be deprived of other towns also, as he inclines to the Imperialists. Lautrec is quite contented with the Pope, for he does more than he asks. Believes they will not restore the cities unless they are demanded by the kings of England and France. The Pope wishes Wolsey to take the matter up, and that both Kings should send ambassadors to Venice to demand it, and to use strong language if they refuse, and to remind them of their promise to Wolsey when in France. Thinks they would give a deceitful answer. The ambassador should consult Casale or some one else who knows them. Many of the Lords would try to overcome the obstinacy of the Pregadi, but the authority of the two Kings would be necessary to do so. The French would perhaps object to opposing the wishes of the Venetians, but it might be answered that the Venetians have never expressed a desire to retain the cities. If it is said that they ought to have some recompense for their expences, it should be from the kingdom of Naples, and not at the Pope's expence. Orvieto, 21 Jan. 1528.
Lat., pp. 4.
21 Jan.
R. O.
3825. JOHN CASALE, Prothonotary, to ANTONIO VIVALDI.
Has taken 2,030 cr. of the money, being authorised so to do by secretary Knight and the cavalier Casale. Has agreed with Piero Ram at 5 soldi and 4 danari the large ducat; and, supposing the ducat worth 5 soldi (shillings ?) in London, they will have to give there a large ducat and 5 danari for every ducat taken by me, i.e. for 1,943 ducats. Venice, 21 Jan. 1528. Signed.
Ital., p. 1. Add.: Al Mco come fratello M. Antonio Vivaldo, in Londra.
Titus, B. VI. I.
B. M.
3826. GHINUCCI and LEE to [WOLSEY].
"Post prohemium." On proposing to the Emperor the King's offers concerning the recall of the army and the restitution of the cities, he said he wished these things to be done before the release of the [French king's] sons; not afterwards, as we offered; and the French ambassadors did not wish to go to him again. Resisted this with the help of the Italian ambassadors, and induced them to continue the negotiations. Did all they could to dissuade them from the intimation of war, although they said it was clearly ordered in their instructions, and spent fifteen days in doing so.
Urged many of the Imperialists to show the causes of their suspicion, promising to provide for their security, for the King would not deceive any one, nor allow the covenants of others made under his sanction to be broken; but they refused to do so. (fn. 1)
As there was no hope of peace, or of further delay without causing a rupture with the French ambassadors, were obliged to go with them and the Italians to ask the Emperor for leave to depart. On their return all the ambassadors came to Lee's house, except the bishop of Tarbes, who went to Alemand's. The president of Bordeaux, in the Bishop's name, urged the sending heralds to proclaim war that day, which Ghinucci and Lee refused, hoping the Imperialists might change their minds. An altercation ensued between the president and Ghinucci. The same evening they sent again to Ghinucci, who replied that he must consult Lee. Lee replied that they would communicate with them next day. They immediately sent back a sharp letter, saying that there was no place for consultation. Agreed to consent to the intimation, as there was no hope of putting it off.
Endeavored to obtain the omission, in the reply to the intimation, of certain words dishonorable to the King, lest they might be a cause of war when other matters were settled. Found Alemand willing to do this, as the words emanated from the Chancellor, who is his rival, but the Emperor would not consent.
Did not see what else they could do but tell the French openly that they would not make the intimation, but would write to the King and Wolsey concerning the Emperor's offers; and they feared to do this, because Wolsey had so expressly warned them against causing the French any suspicion, and they thought they must be much more careful of a rupture. Besides, they had formerly known that the French had secret negotiations with the Emperor, when they had no suspicion of the King or Wolsey; but now that the Emperor was indignant with the King on account of the intended divorce, there was much more danger of this.
The bishop of Tarbes said that Alemand had told him that the King would never make war on the Emperor, and the latter felt quite secure of this, and they saw that the Bishop believed it. During a discussion with the President and Bayard, Lee said he would risk his own person to avoid war, showing them the great evils which war would produce. These words caused them suspicion, and they reported them to the bishop of Tarbes, who was much troubled, and reported them to Ghinucci, bidding him speak out his mind, and saying that if they did not consent to the intimation, they (the French) must take care of their own interests. They said also that Wolsey's instructions were clearly in favor of the intimation.
As the Emperor's offers were not acceptable to he French, and it would have been difficult to induce them to write, Ghinucci and Lee must have written by sea, which would have been uncertain and long in the winter. Ships sometimes have to wait three months for a wind. Even if the French had wished to write to the King, does not believe they would have allowed any letters to go which were disagreeable to them, and they would not write that the Emperor offered to put the hostages in the hands of the king of England.
Lat., draft, pp. 4.
22 Jan.
Léonard, Recueil, II. 316. Granvelle, I. 310.
1. Declaration of Guienne, with the Emperor's answer.
R. O.
Léonard, Ibid., p. 818. Granvelle, p. 316.
2. Declaration by Clarencieux.
The King, his master, has commanded him to say that, considering the necessity of peace in Christendom, and the danger of the Turk who has taken Rhodes and Belgrade, the mischief arising from new sects, and from the great wars kindled by Charles, whose armies have pillaged Rome and made the Pope prisoner, Henry had endeavored to compose the differences between the Emperor and Francis, and made Charles such reasonable offers that he thought he could not but accept them. But since Charles will not come to reason, he has concluded with the French king to compel him by force of arms to deliver both his Holiness and the sons of Francis, for a reasonable ransom. The King and Francis, therefore, summon Charles, once for all, to accept these final offers, and to pay the debts due by him to England, otherwise they declare themselves his enemies to make war upon him by sea and land. They are willing, however, that 40 days he given to the subjects of either power to withdraw themselves from the dominions of the enemy.
Fr., pp. 3. Endd.
p. 320. Granvelle, p. 319.
3. The Emperor's answer. See Jan. 27.
23 Jan.
Cal. D. X. 380. B. M.
3828. [TAYLER to WOLSEY.]
* * * "... my coming hither the ... King and Madame he was co ... e were letters come out of Spain ... [ca]used Baily Robert Tett to declare [to me the import of t]hose letters, in the which it is thought ... the council that there be many occasion[s ... for the] Emperor to defer the conclusion of pe[ace; wherefore it has been] determined here that the original letter ... shall be sent unto your Grace for to know [your] ... unsement and counsel in the same, fo[r the King's grace here] will do nothing but the King's highness [shall] ... of counsel. And when I had heard ... the Grand Master brought me to ... favorable words received ... to her hands well suaged and amended of h[er c]hiragra, and also she charged me on her be[half that I] should with hearty commendations show your Grace [how she had] word that the King was well amended and r[ecovered, and that] there was an humour fallen down off the head in ... so that it was decl ... lest it should fall ... aposthumacion, the which, Almighty God be than[ked, is now] healed without any aposthumacion, and shortly sh[e saith that] he shall come abroad.
"And then she reciting many clauses of the letters that [were sent from] Spain, and said they could find no comfort that [the Emperor] was disposed to any conclusion of peace, but rather [to war], and means to defer and prolong the time till h[e shall] hear how the affairs of Italy should pass. An[d he useth] dissimulation showing that he much esteemeth and [is glad to have] the King our Sovereign lord mediator in this [affair, for] whose sme to terms of] peace, with other many inventions, the which [they think] here be but of small effect if he were dispo[sed to come to] any conclusion of peace.
"Also the Council here be not well conten[t that Mr.] Almoner should say that he and the * * * ... is concluded and ... [m]ake answer or frustra ... d be take for answer and in ... should make intimation of war ... er spake these words neither by th ... your Grace's commandment or con ... sithe your Grace that by your Grace ... ner may be advertised of your ... forasmuch as there is no such co ... [fr]om the Emperor and ... his journey and strong ... thinketh that his proce ... should long continue ... my Lady willed me to ... the King's highness ... that th ... be ... would be glad ... not in som ... And for the f ... Mons. Lotrek ... Madame besech ... your Grace to be earnestly will ... Gambara that the Pope hinder not the conclusion of [the treaty] with the duke of Ferrara for that should be ... disturbance and let of all things that hath been d[one] ... to the which hereafter may be remedied with ... less business and more honor, thus evidently it ... appeareth that they here have more confidence in yo ... d ... for their own causes than they can do th ... self. Furthermore, the Emperor was not well content th[at the] navy of France had been in Sardinia where they furny[shed] themself of victual and money for a good time, we har[ken] daily to have word of them out of Sicily." Poissy, 23 Jan.
Cal. D. x. 381.
B. M.
3829. [TAYLER to WOLSEY.]
* * * "Fox being at St. Germyns ... to me from your Grace being da[ted] ... the same month to which letters we ... answer accordingly as the King w ... certify your Grace. At our returning ... there we found Master Wallop w ... the morrow I went to the Court wh ... benignly received him and after the dely[very to him of] the King's highness and your Graces letters and ... communication of the King's prosperity and ... [h]is good health he was remitted to another ... as I doubt not he will largelyer advertise [your Grace]. At my returning to my lodging I met with ... Gambara and desired me to write unto your G[race] ... plainly that if the Venetians do not immediate[ly] ... resign up such cities as they hold of the P[ope] ... that the Pope shall adhærere Cæsari, relicta leg[a] ... for his Holiness will no longer suffer them soo ... wrongfully to hold and possede the cities appert[aining un]to the Church, and as touching the duke of Fe[rrara] and the Florentines, his Holiness is content to ha[ve] patience till that Italy be in more quietness. If t ... Pope's holiness be as earnestly disposed as Mons ... Gambara showeth it, doubtless it should be a ... great hindrance to the French king's affay[res which are] now proceeding so prosperously, for they say h[ere how] that Mons. Lotrek hath received many tow[ns] ... and strong holds into his hands as yet w[ithout much] resistens. As tomorrow shall come to the [King's] presence the bishop Pistoriensis, the whi[ch the] Pope would send to the Emperor, b[ut the French] king will do nothing here till [there be come] word from the King's highness a ... look daily for Clarencieux ... tidings we have none a ... pr" * * *
Mutilated. Add.: [To my lor]de Legate's [Grace].
Cal. D. X. 381.
B. M.
3830. [TAYLER? to WOLSEY.]
"[Please] it your Grace, the 14th of F[ebruary came hither] Mr. Hercules de Missalis, and deliv[ered to me ... letter], dated the 10th day of the same. On the ... dinner came letters by the which he was com[manded] ... the sight of the same. Vincentius Casa[le] ... with me at dinner. And as touching all ... is done or spoken nother to the King nor to ... hath been showed by Mons. de Baion, f ... after that the truth was here published o ... he neither spake with the King nor with ... these matters and the secretlier it is kept [and the less it shall be] known the better and honorablier it s[hall be] ... after my poor judgement your Grace doth ... able to revoke the said Hercules, quia rimarum [plenus]. Vincentius is more sober and discreet the ... tarry till that your gracious pleasure be sent or k[nown whether] he shall return or pass forth, as for the cop ... protestations I keep with me in omnem eventum ... the said Hercules bringeth with him.
"News we have here in the court that Aquila ... hath recovered it, but in what manner I [know not,] whether by violence or composition. The ... has told me that they be in great fear ... Aquilam should come straight to Flor[ence] ... here make better and surer provisi[on] ... be many great words and high ... d. the which should b[e]" * * *
Cal. D. X. 182.
B. M.
* * * "... en Espaigne par le moyen d ... f que a Bayonne seurement avecques les lettres d ... deschiffrement la responce qui leur a este faicte [par le cons]eil de l'Empereur, dont pareillement le double s ... elle fin que vous puissiez le tout communicquer et faire [scavoir tant au] Roy mon bon frere et perpetuel allye, que a monsieur le [Legat, mon bon am]y, ausquelz vous savez que je ne vueil aucune chose ... seullement de ce qui me pourra survenir de ce couste la mai ... part quelle quelle soit, et pour autant que vous pourrez veoir [la response] faicte par l'Empereur a mesdits ambassadeurs et baillee par es[cript] que veu quilz s'arrestent a la revocation de mon armee et ... de Gennes et aultres places, laissent la responce ambigue co[mme] ... veoir, qu'il veult a ce qu'il dict estre faictes avant la restit[ution] de mes enffans, que c'est une vraye dissimulacion et rien ... que remectre la matiere en longueur et ne vouloir pour ceste [fois venir] a autre conclusion de paix ny de traicte, je vous en ay bien v[oulu advertir] affin que de ma part vous le puissiez bien amplement [montrer au] Roy mon bon frere et perpetuel allye, et a monsieur le Legat [mon bon amy,] leur alleguant que je ne me puis en cela de trop es ... mes ambassadeurs, veu que ayant en telle responce d[u dit Empereur] comme est celle, qu'ilz pourront veoir par le deschiffrem[ent] ... sans autre chose actendre, prins cela pour congie et li[berte] ... et suivant le contenu aux oblations communes ... finalles et derrenyeres en leur * * * ... l moyen pour les faire part ... [jus]ques icy tenu, et que sans venir la il est ... ne sauroit l'on avoir autre chose. A ceste ... [comme vous ver]rez par ledit deschiffrement, l'un des ambassa[deurs du Roy mon bon fr]ere et perpetuel allye, qui est l'aumosnier, estant en [Espagne pour le] faict de la dicte intimation remonstre a mesditz ambassadeurs ... prefix pour y procedder, et qu'il n'estoit d'advis qu'on ... [a]ccellerer le negoce, monstrant par cela qu'il voulust ou desi[ra] retarder et prolonger l'affaire, encores que par les instructi[ons] ... t est comme dit est baillees, il soit nommeement dict ... que incontinant apres avoyr congneu non seullement le reffuz ... sur les offres qui luy seront proposees, mais qu'il feust pour ... ou dilayer a y respondre, que en ce cas et sans aucune responce ... de nous ilz luy signiffyeroient et intimeroient ladite guerre, je [ne puis pas] a ceste occasion penser ne me persuader que ce soit du commandem[ent] et consentement du Roy son maistre, ny de mondit sieur le Legat [mon] bon amy, veu mesmement que lesdites instructions signees de leurs pro[pres] mains ainsy le portent et contiennent; parquoy, Mons. de Bayonne [vous] direz et remonstrerez sur cela de ma part, que ne venant ... ceste heure a ladite intimation, comme nous l'avons communement [et e]nsemble advise, conclud et delibere, et ne le commandant ... ledit Roy mon bon frere et perpetuel allye, mondit sieur [le Legat mon bon] amy pareillement a sesdits ambassadeurs ... ce telle * * * ... a la charge le sieur de Lautrech qu ... selon le reccord et advis de mondit sieur L ... a esperer. Apres la liberte de notre Sainct Pere e ... ect que nous pourrions ou sauryons desirer ne saur ... re portee, ny soustenue de moy seul, sans le sec[ours et ayde] dudit Roy mon bon frere et perpetuel allye, laquelle ... requerir ne faire demander quelque faiz et charge que jay ... que premierement je n'aye veu et entendu la responce du ... que je n'aye par icelle congneu son intention tendre a seulle ... pour pouvoyr me myner de ceste si grosse et lourde ... voit porter en Italye, saichant que je soys celluy [qui a jusques] icy le plus fourny et despendu, mais voyant par cela ... devoyr plus longuement durer en l'estat qu'elles sont s ... autre fin que je ne pensoys et la despence continuer t ... telle ou plus grosse que je l'ay jusques icy portee ... que c'est pour le commung bien de toute la Chrestiente, je vo[us ay] voullu escripre, Mons. de Bayonne, que suivant les bon[nes et] honnestes parolles que m'a tenues Mons. le Legat mon [bon amy] estant icy devers moy, de la part du Roy mon [bon frere et] perpetuel allye, et qu'il a depuys reiterees par de la ... a mon cousin le Grand Maistre estant derrenyerement ... par ledit Roy mon bon frere et perpetuel allye ... pour me laisser en nul besoing et ne me ... deux ny de trois moys, mais que je le ... de couryr avecques * * * cela il me convient journ ... enement de mon armee de mer, fourniture ... tieres, que aultres choses qu'ilz peuvent comme m ... durant ce present moys de Janvier, et de Fevrier ... que bon leur semblera, pour l'armee que j'entretyens ... lye, et jusques a ce que l'Empereur se soit condescen[du aux termes] plus honnestes et faisables qu'il na voullu jusques a present ... [je] suis tout asseure que quant il sentyra ledit Roy mon bon fr[ere et perpetuel a]llye continuer a y employer ayde et secours d'argent, et ... emprinse, ne me voulloyr laisser ny abandonner il sera po ... la raison en payement, et entendu aux choses justes et h[onnestes] qui luy sont par nous offertes et mises en main; dont (?) ... pourrons par ce moyen esperer une bonne paix universelle ta ... et neccessaire pour le bien et repoz de toute la Chrestiente, et ... que l'abreigement des choses peult naistre et ysser de la fi ... acion d'Espaigne, selon laquelle chacun pourra juger ... par cy apres a se conduire et gouverner, je vous pry[e] ... pour la dilligenter et abreiger comme il est requis, et neccessaire ... plus user de remises que vous faictes envers ledit Roy mon b[on frere] et perpetuel allye, et envers le Legat mon bon amy ... [ve]ullent escripre unes bonnes lettres a leurs dits ambassadeurs ... a ce que suivant le contenu en leurs instr[uctions] ... leur furent derrenyereme[nt]" * * *
Cal. D. x. 314.
B. M.
" ... Par les lettres venues d'Espaigne ... erez en quelz termes les choses sont avec la ... bonnes parolles et remonstrances qui luy ont este ... ambassadeurs, des deux Roys qui ont conjoinctement ... choses ledit Empereur non seullement a differe mais ... aux oblacions finalles, disant que le Roy s'abbusoit s ... revocquer l'armee d'Itallie et remectre les places qui a ... en ses mains il rendist messieurs les enffans, baillant ... qu'il a baillee par escript, veu lesquelles responces tant ... par lettre, si les oblacions finalles eussent este observees ... este convenu et accorde entre les deux Roys, il Y avoit ... proceder incontinant et sans aucune dillacion ne attendre autr ... a l'intimacion et denonciacion de la guerre, et telles sont les ... contenues en la derreniere clause des finalles oblacions, et nea[ntmoins] ... de la responce et remonstrance de l'aumosnier ambassadeur [d'Angleterre] qui dit lors qu'il ne se failloit haster, et qu'il n'y avoit jou[r] ... prefix pour l'intimacion de la guerre, combien que la prefix ... determination y feust expresse et plus que suffisante ... oblations, les ambassadeurs de France differerent de ... craignant de faillir s'ilz s'avancoient plus avant que les dits [ambassadeurs] d'Angleterre, aians charge et commission expresse de ... eulx assamblement et tout d'ung pied, et ne faire [chose sinon] d'ung commung accord et consentement. Toutesfoiz ... de quelle importance estoit et est ladite inti[mation] ... ne parlera autre langaige * * * ... rs tandra a dissimuler et tenir ... r fera ce qui a este deslibere, c'est de proceder ... [d]e la guerre, a ceste cause ferez instance vers le [Roy le bon] frere et perpetuel allye du Roy et mondit sieur le Legat ... pour lever toute difficulte et occasion de differer. Mand ... pour ladite intimation a leurs ditz ambassadeurs, c'est assavoir ... u dellay de l'Empereur de accepter lesdites oblacions finalles ... ont este desliberees conceues et accordees entre les deux Ro[ys] ... trouvees plus que raisonables dedans certain delay, c'est as[savoir, de] quatre ou de six jours, que sans plus differer, et des h ... autre attante ou dilation pour quelconque cause que ce puiss[e] ... soit procede a la dite intimacion et denonciacion de la guerre et q ... a mondit sieur le Legat de veoir la forme de l'intimacion ja envoie ... et si elle luy agree, mander ausditz ambassadeurs d'Angleterre quilz ... ladite forme, sinon qu'il y mecte ou adjouste ce qu'il luy plaira ... luy remonstrant que quelquechose que l'on dye le Pappe ... liberte d'autant qu'il a este, et est contrainct de bailler ost[ages] et que les ennemys sont es environs et a l'entour de luy tellement [que] pour se asseurer il a este contrainct de se fortiffier a Orbiette et [de] prandre garde de deux cens hacquebutiers de renffort et si es ... chacun jour menace par les lansquenetz de le forcer en ladite ville ... [O]rbiette, et au surplus veu les bonnes et grandes parolles qu'il ... roy d'Angleterre, me porter et a mondit sieur le Legat souvent ... cest que le Roy son maistre parlant de la cont ... pour troys mois, mais * * * ... courir une mesme fortune avec ... guerre d'Itallie dure, et les grans et mer[veilleux] ... portables que le Roy a sur les bras et que les a ... Venitiens et Fleurentins se portent si froidement a ... mise. Il plaise audit roy d'Angleterre son bon frere et p[erpetuel allye] continuer la contribucion par luy encommancee pour se ... Janvier et Fevrier, de la quelle a este differe de ... en esperance que l'Empercur vouldroit entendre a la [raison, ce qu'il] n'a fait, comme dit est, usant de dissimulaciou et mect[ant de] longueur ainsi qu'il a tousjours fait parcydevant, et ... que Mons. de Lautrec avec la puissance et armee des ... diligente le plus qu'il peult de marcher avant en pays pour ... les ennemys, esperant avec Paide de Dieu la victoire certaine ... desquelz ennemys, qui puis nagueres ont fait leurs monstres ... de dix mille hommes, et si ont este dellaissez de leur p ... meilleur cappitaine, s'est du sieur Larcon, qui s'est retire au r[oyaume de] Napples, et en a laisse la charge et conduicte au prince [d'Orange qui] est de l'eage et experiance que vous entendez. Il ... Roy de veoir Postinacion de l'Empereur si dure et si grande que ... de presser le roy d'Angleterre de ladite contribucion, dont i ... voulluntiers passe et depporte si l'Empereur eust voullu ente[ndre a la paix] a la quelle il espere qu il se rangera si sans plus ... proceder a la dite intimacion.
"Mons. le Roy a este semblablement ad ... pine qu'il s'est trouve a Orbiette, a d ... le duc de Ferrare qui * * * ... fait d'Itallye, que vous entendez ... [af]fectueusement desire par tous les confederez ... r nostre dict Saint Pere, de la quelle difficulte peuvent ... [t]rop apparens, que sa prudence congnoist et entend ... A ceste cause, s'il plaist a mondit sieur le Legat sera tr ... et conseille icelluy nostre dit Sainct Pere de ne differer la ... de cest appoinctement tant utille et si fructueusement et ... de cest appoinctement tant utille et si fructueusement et ... par les meilleures et plus vifves raisons qu'il luy sera p[ossibles] ... et en ces troiz poincts c'est assavoir de la prefixion d ... contribution, et du fait de Ferrare, je vous prie d'estre ... et nous advertir incontinant de ce qu'il sy pourra faire, vo ... et gouvernant en toutes choses par le bon et saige adviz ... tres prudent conseil de mondit sieur le Legat, en quy le Roy et ... se confient comme en eulx mesmes, vous asseurant au d[emeurant que] le Roy est en tres bonne disposicion et m'a donne charge de fa[ire ses] tres cordialles et affectueuses recommandacions au Roy son [bon frere] et perpetuel allye, sans oublier Mons. le Legat son bon [amy.] Madame leur eust escript, maiz elle se sent encores ung pet[it] ... sa goutte, vous ferez aussi ses tres cordialles recommendacions et excuses. Il vous est envoie le double de la responce ... qui a estc faicte en Espaigne par espie comme estoit venu ... qu'ilz avoient envoye. Qui sera la fin." St. Germaine-en-Laye ..."
Cal. D. x. 313.
B. M.
3833. [FRANCIS I. to _.]
" ... [jay] receu vos lettres en chif[fre] ... ung dupplicata avecques quelque p ... our Angleterre qui a este seurement ... [Ba]yonne et de la icy et par le derrenier esp ... vous du iijme de ce moys ay veu la responce ... et baillee par escript au conseil de l'Empereur ... pour laquelle vous estes pardela ensemble tout ... vous m'escripvez bien au long en chiffre et mes ... propoz que vous a tenuz l'Empereur sur la de ... feistes. Sy ce que vous avoit fait comme dit ... par escript estoit sa finalle et derreniere respon[ce] ... vous dit n'avoir autre chose vous dire et ... pensiez qu'il feust pour me rendre mes enfa[ns] ... premierement revocquer mon armee d'Ytallie et ... qui auroit este pris que vous estiez bien ab ... il me semble tant par ce qui est contenu en ... mesmement touchant ladite revocation de mon a[rmee et la] redition des places prises quilz veullent estre ... la delivrance de mes enfans que aussi ... que vous a sur ce tenuz l'Empereur, qui es ... me faire la dite delivrance. Sans l'execution p ... choses dessusdites que c'estoit vous donner ... evidente occasyon de ne vouloir rien f[aire] ... avecques vous, maiz essayer a tousjo[urs] ... longueur et dissimulation com * * * ... offrir plus grant ... en voz instructions j'ay trouve ... nt icelles veu l'occasyon que vous en ... a mectre fin en conclusion aux choses v ... et si estrange responce par la voye de l ... sumation de la guerre, et pour ce que vous ... ie sur cela l'aulmosnier du roy d'Angleterre mon [bon frere e]t perpetuel allye estant pardela vous a propose e ... n avant que vous n'avez temps prefix pour faire ladite ... qu'il n'estoit d'advis devoir si fort haster et a ... le negoce qui vous mectoit en paine ne scachant e ... comme vous conduyre.
"Messieurs, je croy que sy vous avez voulu veoir et r ... le contenu aux finalles oblations qu vous feurent d ... envoyees et mesmement le derrenier article, vous tro[uverez] qu'il y est contenu nommement et speciffie en ces propr[es mots]. Sy l'Empereur, que Dieu ne vueille, ne se vouloit cont[enter] ... ou ne vouloit, ou differoit de accepter les offres dess[usdits] ... concues et dirigees par l'ung et l'autre desdits deux Roys ... comme dit est; en ce cas la guerre sera inthimee et ... denonce de par eulx a l'Empereur par mer et terre ... [in]continent et sans aucune demeure, dilation ou autre attente ... responce, qui est assez termyner et preffiger le ... vous povez penser, parquoy et q ... intencion dudit Roy mon" * * *
23 Jan.
P. S. b.
3834. MONASTERY OF ST. MARY'S, BARKING, dioc. of London.
Confirmation by Cuthbert bishop of London of the election of Dorothy Barley as abbess in the room of Elizabeth Grene, deceased, 23 Jan. 1527.
24 Jan.
R. O.
Bishop Stafyleus arrived on Saturday the 18th, and lay without the gates, as he landed after they were shut. Wingfield visited him next morning at his lodging, and on Monday he departed towards Boulogne with Wolsey's chaplain, Marmaduke, in his company. The latter returned next day, but has been forced to remain ever since, on account of "right forsable weddyr" and contrary wind. Has given him a message for Wolsey. Has also written to Master Stevyn, your secretary, to show you matters of im- portance. Has had no answer yet to the letters of the Council "moo days past," and time presses. Would pawn or sell his plate to pay his debts. Cannot find a man, stapler or other, that will confess he has any money. If the town be not succoured soon, wishes he had never seen it. Calais, 24 Jan. 1527.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
24 Jan.
R. O.
Has written to Turnbull, dwelling beyond London Bridge, to deliver him a barrel of salmon. He shall receive his fee when Dr. Strangwais next comes up, which will be immediately after the audit here. Durham, 24 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Master Cromwell.
24 Jan.
[Calig. E. I. II.] I. 223. B. M.
3837. BRINON to [WOLSEY].
"Monseigneur, saichant que de jour a aultre ... monseigneur le Grand Maistre vous advertissoient et fais .. advertir de toutes choses par Mons. levesque de Bayonne leur ambassadeur, je ne me suys ingere entre tant de si grandz et de si haultz affaires que vous avez vous donner ennuy de mes lettres; combien que la memoire, la servitute, et laffection ayent tout jour este enclines et regardant a vostre reverendissime et illustrissime seigneurie, comme par trop de raisons je me sens bien oblige."
The King and Madame have been much pleased with Wolsey's honorable message conveyed by Brinon,—especially "Madame votre bonne mere," who loves him as her own son, is anxious to hear of his convalescence, and is loud in praise of Wolsey's noble reception of the Grand Master and the other French ambassadors, and his anxiety to preserve and augment the amity between the two Kings, and for the deliverance of "messeigneurs les enfans de France." By the letters and by what has occurred in Spain ("ce qui est venu d'Hespaigne"), Wolsey will see the aims of the Emperor, "qui par ses dissimulations ... consumer en despence priver et desnuer sil pouvoit de noz ... la Fortune quil espere luy estre tousjours mere; et que par ... il ayt tire et extorque deniers pour faire quelque esfor ... possible; mais jespere que la puissance et auctorite du ... et vostre prudence et faveur qui plus ont forge la fortune de lemp[ereur ...] la benignite des astres ayderont a luy rompre et aneantir s ... que lon y mectra tel obstacle quil se trouvera bien long de s[es] esperances et entreprinses." The King has sent a large sum of money to Lautrec, who, by Wolsey's advice, is advancing into the country to seek the enemy. With the promised aid of England "sera grandement pourveu pour ung long temps." Doubts not the Emperor, before he is ready, will receive a check, which he will remember for life. St. Germain, 24 Jan. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 2.
24 Jan.
Vesp. F. XIII. 121. B. M. Ellis, 3 Ser. II. 82.
On the night before Christmas Eve one Edward Byrmyngham, with two servants named Robert Sutton and Henry Fox, beat and robbed one of his tenants of Dudley, named John Moseley, leaving him for dead. Being afterwards pursued into Shropshire, the malefactors were conveyed by one Ralph of Warley into Worcestershire, in the hope of obtaining an acquitta, for them there. Henry Fox has confessed that there were 100 thieves of their affinity within three shires adjoining. Byrmyngham's friends have no doubt they will get him a pardon. Begs that they may be examined. Dudley, 24 Jan.
P.S.—Refers him further to the bearer, who he hopes will satisfy him, "more worth to you than the priory of Sondewall (Sandwell) that I gave you to your new college of Oxford." Signed.
P. 1. "The lord Legate de latere, cardinal and archbishop of York, &c." Endd.
25 Jan.
[Calig. E. I. II.?] I. 220. B. M.
Is requested by Madame to write to him touching certain points which have come to her knowledge: I, that the Pope is attempting to stop the contribution made by England for commencing the war in Italy, and has sent word of it to the prothonotary Gambara; 2, that the Emperor is attempting to bribe Wolsey with an offer of 10,000 crowns on the bishopric of Toledo, and that they had heretofore made great offers. She has too great trust in Wolsey to think he would suffer anything to interfere with the alliance. Mons. de Bayonne has certain information for him. St. Germain en Laye, 25 Jan. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 2. Add.: "A Mons. Mons. le Cardinal, arcevesque dYort, legat et chancellier d'Angleterre."
Calig. D. X.
309. B. M.
"[Mons. le Cardina]l mon bon filz et p[ere] ... de ma lettre et la fin par ... ns cy ne sera ce satysfait a ... ner cognoyssance de ce que je sens e ... es de Monsieur de Bayonne de la bo[nne affecti]on que vous portez au Roy Monsieur et fylz ... [se]s affayres, desquelz vous avez fayt ... ent et saige dyscours que tous les es ... de ny scauroyent ryens adjouster l ... notte et peze par ledit Sieur consydera ... raysons que celles que contyent vostre dit ... ment partyr que de parsone d'ung cueur ... par effect s'est monstre et monstre ... qui touche le pere, les enfans, et toute ... [comp]agnye, vous pryant, Monsicur le Cardynal, [mon bon filz et] pere, que vous veullez contynuer en ceste ... t de tant oblyger a vous toute ceste dite compai[gnye li]berallement y despartyr vostre tres prudent ... [b]on conseil lesquelz ledit Sieur a dellibere d[e suivre de] point en point comme procedens du lyeu d ... ou il a plus de parfaitte seurete et fy[ance] ... s y en a qui de bon cueur de rech[ef]"* *
Hol. Add.: [A M]onsr. le Cardinal, mon bon [fi]lz et pere.
25 Jan.
Ashmol MSS. 1134.
Sir Gilbert Dethick's narrative of "the manner for the installacion of the right Chrysten King Franceys" the first of France, K.G. in 1528: Beg.: "Furst the Saterday xxvth yere (fn. 2) of or said soveraigne lorde the King, all the lordes and knightes of the Order wch weare in commission."


  • 1. This paragraph is struck out.
  • 2. Qy. 25th day of January in the 19th year ?