Henry VIII: December 1527, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: December 1527, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1640-1650 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: December 1527, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1640-1650.

"Henry VIII: December 1527, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1640-1650.


December 1527

11 Dec.
R. O.
"Bill" made 11 Dec. 19 Hen. VIII., witnessing that he has borrowed 100l. of Magnus in order to pass into Scotland with the more haste, instead of receiving it from the abbot of St. Mary's, as authorised by Wolsey's letter, to be paid to Angus. Signed.
P. 1. Endd.
12 Dec.
R. O.
Asks for letters of safe-conduct for David Falconare and Robt. Gardinare, of Leith, to trade in England with a ship of 100 tons or less, for one year. Edinburgh, 12 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: 12 Dec. 1527.
12 Dec.
R. O.
Wrote on the 11th of the want of corn. Thank him for the commissions for its supply sent to Southampton and Kent. Ask him to allow grain, and specially wheat, to be procured by licence from the French king, considering the great price of wheat in England, and the insufficiency of the produce of this country. Remind him of it, because they fear the price will rise. Caused the mayor to examine the bakers and brewers as to the grain in their possession, and what money they have to provide it, of which the report is enclosed. They have been in the habit of buying wheat and malt from Englishmen on credit, paying for them at the pay days of the retinue, but now the price is so high that the dealers will not serve them without ready money. Ask him to make provision, for they fear what may happen. Enclose the examination or confession of a man whom they have discharged and committed to prison. Fear that many of the town are infected with extreme poverty. Calais, 12 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
R. O. 2. A view of the store of the bakers of Calais, 10 Dec. 19 Hen. VIII.
Ten bakers named, whose stock, including quantities coming in, amounts to 352 rasures wheat and 135 meal.
P. 1.
R. O. 3. The store of the brewers, 10 Dec. 19 Hen. VIII.
Five brewers, whose stock amounts to 230 qr. malt, 95 rasures barley, 385 rasures oats, and 31 rasures wheat.
P. 1.
12 Dec.
R. O.
Warrants from the King, Arthur lord Lisle, and Wm. Gonson, to Sir John Daunce, general surveyor, for payment of money to Th. Jermyn, clerk of the King's ships, to be expended on the Henri Grace de Dieu, Mary Rose, Gabriel Royal, Peter Pomegranate, Great Bark, Lesser Bark, Great Galley, Mary George, Katharine Galley, Sweepstake, Minion, and Swallow, on building the Store House in Porchester Castle, and for other naval purposes at Portsmouth and in the Thames; with Jermyn's receipts.
Dated from 1 March 17 Hen. VIII. (1526) to 12 Dec. 19 Hen. VIII. (1527.)
17 documents; some on parchment.
13 Dec.
R. O. St. P. VII. 23.
Further news has come since his last, that the Pope and hostages have escaped. The Pope is at Orvieto.—Reminds Wolsey that the effect of his commission, for which he was sent hither, is expired, and he is the worse regarded now that Gregory has a commission to the duke of Ferrara and the marquis of Mantua. Parma, 13 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: "Messr. Jernegan, the 13th of December 1527."
14 Dec.
Vit. B. IX. 202. B. M. Pocock, I. 33.
Sends the Prothonotary Gambara to inform the King and Wolsey of his having regained his liberty. Expresses his gratitude to them for their exertions in his favor. Orvieto, 14 Dec. 1527.
Lat., vellum, mutilated. Add. Endd.
14 Dec.
R. O.
Has received his letter, dated at the Vyne, the 9th inst., remonstrating with him on matters written to my lord Legate by Wingfield, the mayor of Calais, and the constable of the Staple. Will answer every article, hoping Sandes will take all in good part, as from one who will honor and serve him as a poor gentleman should a great lord.
1. He wrote to Sandes and master Treasurer of this town about the scarcity of corn and money here, hoping they would speak to my lord Legate, as he has no doubt they did.
2. As to the restraint of corn made by Sandes' officers, would be loth the Castle of Guisnes should lack anything, but would have been glad, after the accustomed manner, to have sent out archers on horseback, who, with the sergeants of Guisnes, might have taken a view of all corn in the county, so that we of Calais might have known how much we could reckon upon. But if Sandes' grant be larger than those of former captains, and Wingfield's less than those of former deputies, Sandes' officers might have suffered the view to take effect, according to precedents, of which there are no few records in the council chamber. Were not only disappointed of the corn they had expected by the stopping of carts laden hitherward, but the price of corn rose in the market 2s. a rasor above what it should have been, and is now hard to re-adjust. Has this day caused wheat out of the soldiers' garner to be sold at 8d. under the market price on Wednesday, and will do the same every market day till Christmas.
3. Does not wish to dispute the extent of Sandes' authority, but would do wrong to the King if he left anything undone which was done by his predecessors. Does not think Sandes responsible for the county of Guisnes, but only for the castle. Sandes has no reason to accuse him of being unfriendly. Never yet lost a friend in his own default, nor will.
4. What Sandes writes about my lord Legate's decree is the first any one here has heard of it. Hopes the corn bought by himself and Mr. Porter will not raise the price of wheat, for they find plenty of eaters.
5. Wonders how Sandes could have been informed that Wingfield had deprived the King of all security for his rents. The truth is he and the mayor enjoined all who had rent corn in Guisnes to pay their rents with diligence, that they might bring in their corn. Calais, 14 Dec. 1527.
Copy, pp. 6. Add. in Wingfield's hand: To the right honorable doctor of both laws, Master Stevyn Gardyner. Endd. erroneously in a modern hand: From Sir Arthur Plantaganet afterwds lord Lisle.
14 Dec. 3660. WM. MYLSENT, the elder, of Great Lynton, Camb.
His will, 18 Oct. 1523. Proved 14 December 1527. Printed in Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 617.
15 Dec.
Vit. B. IX. 206. B. M.
3661. [WOLSEY to LAUTREC.]
The King is glad to hear that the duke of Ferrara has joined him, and he thinks that "nullo nunc labore marchio Mantuæ pro viribus [juva]bit," and Italy is in such a state that victory depends upon Lautrec's diligence and fortitude. The King, and all others who wish well to the expedition, advise an attack on the enemy, who are few and in disorder, thinking more of booty than battle. A march to Rome would result in an end to his labours and a victory, "modo tanto cum damno rei promovendæ neutiquam desinit ... maximum (?) nunquam emolumentum regis Chr., cujus nunc causa agitur, actionibus hæc procedendi diligentia affe ... [Cæ]sar adigetur ut summæ rei consulat, et de concordia serio tractet, confœderati omnes in fide cont[in]ebuntur, et omnis ex hac cunctatione concepta suspicio tolletur. Dux Ferrariæ, qui non alia causa ... inivit, quam ut illæ hostium superstites copiæ ex Italiæ visceribus ejiciantur ad susceptum fo ... obeundum negotium animabitur, et Chr. Regis conatibus ea accedat existimatio, ut ... nullo temporum curriculo imposterum deleri queat, adeoque firmum Ser. hæc Regia Mtas * * * rerum omnium fundamentum. Ita ... exitum sint habitura, et ut in tam salutari fovenda expeditione, null ... [p]ræter summam ex conventionibus contributa, nunc quoque liberalissime addidit secundum veterem ... [Novem]bris et Decembris contributionem, providet rex Chr. quoad potest, contribuunt Veneti, [Dux Ferra]riæ et Florentini. Scio præterea Cardinales istos in propria sustinenda causa ... t[ot] quot ... [et] pecunias ministraturos."
Affairs now require the speedy setting out of Lautrec, as Francis promised the king of England. "Posthac [l]abores, sumptus, [peric]ulaque summo ... malo, publica ... die perpetuoque ... [a]nimo ... pta videatur ... scio excellentiam vestram ... nobili et ... nio est animo ... nullam dili[gen]tiam omiss[uram e]sse, quo nomen ... immortale reddat ... tam principi suo fidem comprobet ... que tandem opera et virtute Christiana respublica in portum reducatur." The More,—Dec. 1527.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated. Draft in Vannes' hand, altered from the draft of a letter to the Great Master.
15 Dec.
R. O. St. P. VII. 23.
I have learned by your letters of the 23rd the present state of Italy. The King and I are glad to hear that the duke of Ferrara has joined the Confederates, and I think a better opportunity has been offered to Lautrec than ever before. I trust he will advance against the enemy. The French king, at my intercession, has made fresh provision for the army, on condition that Lautrec goes straight to Rome without delay. I must earnestly beg of you to proceed with the utmost diligence in the affairs of which I wrote to you by Taddeo on the 6th. From your information of the proposed liberation of the Pope by the intercession of Guido [Rangone] we are in good hopes that we shall succeed, and there never was any matter of greater moment. Use Guido's influence, if you can, at any cost. I have written to Dr. Knight and the prothonotary Gambara; but I should be glad for you to have the whole reward. If the Pope is at liberty, urge him to retire to the ranks of the Confederates, or to some place of security, and tell him that the King and I will do all that is possible in his behalf. The More, 15 Dec. 1527.
P.S. in Wolsey's hand: Apply all your efforts to the contents of this and my other letters, as the King's life and safety depend upon them. Signed.
Lat. In Vannes' hand. Add. Endd.
Vit. B. IX. 203.
B. M.
2. Draft of the same, with a few verbal differences.
Lat., pp. 5. In Vannes' hand.
15 Dec.
R. O.
3663. NORFOLK to [WOLSEY].
Has received his letter, dated Westm., 5 Dec., with thanks for his advice. Reminds him that he promised to send to these parts some of the corn that Coo shall bring, before it goes as far as London. Wishes to know the good news that he trusts Fraunces Poyntz has brought from Spain. Stoke, Sunday night, 15 Dec.
Hol., p. 1.
15 Dec.
R. O.
The secret search was made last Monday night through Suffolk and Norfolk. A great number of vagabonds were punished, and treated according to the instructions, at which the people are very joyful. The search for corn began on Wednesday last, and he hopes it will be done in Suffolk before Christmas, though not so soon in Norfolk, as there is more there. Has heard of two people who were occasioners of the affair at Stow Market, of which Sir Thos. Tyrrell informed Wolsey, and has sent them to prison at Ipswich, where they shall stand in the pillory next Saturday, market day, unless Wolsey orders otherwise. At Ipswich was taken a poor Fleming, who has made two false groats, which are enclosed. He will not confess that he has any accomplices, or that he has made any more; but prints of pence and halfpence graven in cuttle bones were found at his house. He might confess more if he were "put to some pains," but the Duke dares not do this without the King's licence. Stoke, 15 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
R. O. 3665. CORN SURVEY.
1. Essex, hundred of Hynkford.
"The certificate of all the corn sold and unsold in all the towns underwritten within the hundred of Hynkford, in the county of Essex, searched and viewed by Will. Clopton, Esq., one of the commissioners of our sovereign lord the King, over and above the allowance and sufficient sidd (seed) of barley, pease and oats and harres to sow the lands of every husbandman there this next seed time to be sown, as nigh as all the same corns could or might be by me extemyned and numbered; with the number of people inhabitants that are to be found and sustained within every of the said towns undernamed. The same view and search beginning the 15th day of December, in the 19th year of the reign of our sovereign lord King Henry the 8th, in manner and form as hereafter ensuingly doth appear."
Belchamp Otton:—In men, women, and children, 113. In wheat, "myxtelon," and rye, 26 qrs. 3 bush.; barley and malt, 196 qrs. 2 bush.; pease, oats, and "harres," 63 qrs. 5 bush. Accounted to serve and sustain the said number of people in bread corn, after the rate of a bushel for every 6 persons a week during the space of 38 weeks, that is to say, from the 15th day of December to the Nativity of Our Lady next coming, 88 qrs. 3 bush. Accounted likewise to sustain the people in drink corn, after the rate of a bushel and a half to every 6 persons for a week, for the same time, 112 qrs. Thus there is a lack of bread corn for the town of 62 qrs.; of drink corn a surplusage of 84 qrs. 2 bush. Sum of the surplusage in pease, oats, and "harres," 63 qrs. 5 bush.
Brondon:—Inhabitants, 19. In wheat, &c., 15 qrs.; in barley, &c., 50 qrs. Bread corn allowed for the inhabitants, 15 qrs. 1 peck; drink corn, 22 qrs. 4½ bush. And so there lacketh, of bread corn, 1 peck. In surplusage, of drink corn, 27 qrs. 3½ bush.
Belcham St. Paul:—Inhabitants, 131. Wheat, &c., 16 qrs. 2 bush.; barley, &c., 41 qrs.; pease, 10 qrs. 5 bush. Bread corn for the inhabitants, 103 qrs. 5 bush. 1 peck; drink corn, 134 qrs. 4 bush. Lacketh in bread corn, 77 qrs. 3 bush. 1 peck; and in drink corn, 113 qrs. 4 bush.
Borley:—Inhabitants, 104. Wheat, &c., 19 qrs.; barley, &c., 60 qrs. Bread corn allowed, 82 qrs. 4 bush. 1 peck; drink corn, 103 qrs. 2 bush. Lacketh, in bread corn, 63 qrs. 3 bush. 1 peck; and in drink corn, 63 qrs. 2 bush.
Belchamp William:—Inhabitants, 106. Wheat, &c., 24 qrs. 4 bush.; barley, &c., 123 qrs.; pease, &c., 13 qrs. 6 bush. Bread corn allowed, 83 qrs. 5 bush. 1 peck; in drink corn, 105 qrs. 4 bush. Lacketh, in bread corn, 59 qrs. 1 bush. 1 peck; and in drink corn, 18 qrs. 2 bush. Surplusage in pease, &c., 13 qrs. 6 bush.
Pentlow:—Inhabitants, 84. Wheat, &c., 19 qrs.; barley, &c., 40 qrs.; pease, &c., 7 qrs. Bread corn allowed, 67 qrs. 1 peck; drink corn, 112 qrs. Lacketh, in bread corn, 48 qrs.; and in drink corn, 72 qrs. In surplusage of pease, &c., 7 qrs.
Foxherth.:—Inhabitants, 126. Wheat, &c., 20 qrs.; barley, &c., 110 qrs.; pease, 10 qrs. Bread corn allowed, 99 qrs. 3½ bush.; drink corn, 126 qrs. 4 bush. Lacketh, bread corn, 89 qrs. 3 bush. 1 peck; of drink corn, 86 qrs. 4 bush. In surplusage of pease, 10 qrs.
Lyston:—Inhabitants, 60. Wheat, &c., 15 qrs.; barley, &c., 40 qrs. Bread corn, allowed, 47½ qrs.; drink corn, 70 qrs. 3 bush. Lacketh, bread corn, 52½ qrs.; and in drink corn, 30 qrs. 3 bush.
Balydon:—Inhabitants, 223. Wheat, &c., 15 qrs.; barley, &c., 87 qrs.; pease, 16 qrs. Bread corn allowed, 153 qrs. 4 bush. 3 pecks; drink corn, 220 qrs. 6½ bush. Lacketh, bread corn, 138 qrs. 4 bush. 3 pecks; and in drink corn, 153 qrs. 6½ bush. In surplusage of pease, 16 qrs.
Medilton:—Inhabitants, 89. Wheat, &c., 9½ qrs.; barley, &c., 74 qrs.; pease, 3 qrs. Bread corn allowed, 71 qrs. 1 peck; drink corn, 117 qrs. Lacketh, of bread corn, 61½ qrs. 1 peck; and drink corn, 43 qrs. In surplusage of pease, 3 qrs.
Sum total:—Inhabitants, 1,055. Bread corn, 119 qrs. 5 bush.; drink corn, 732 qrs. Lack of bread corn, 572 qrs. 1 bush, 2 pecks; and of drink corn, 451 qrs. 7 bush. Total of pease, &c., 112 qrs. 5 bush. Signed: Wyllyam Cloptun.
Parchment roll of 2 membs.
R. O. 2. Northamptonshire, hundred of Clayley.
Certificate of Robert Chaunterell, one of the commissioners for the hundred of Clayley, Northt. Total grain in certain persons' hands, besides the finding of their houses and sowing of their ground, 160 qrs. Many within the hundred have not more than sufficient for these purposes, and many others lack grain. Have commanded them to send corn weekly to market, to sell to those that have need. Since the beginning of his first view, the markets have been sufficiently supplied.
P. 1.
R. O. 3. "Wilts.—[The repor]t of the commission for corn by Sir [John] Bourghchier, knt., and Charles Bulkeley, of the hundreds of Amysbury, Elstubb, and Everley."
"In the hundred of Ambresbury, this book ... the 19th year of the reign of King Henry th[e V]III. fy ... wheat, barley, and malt, &c."
Enumerates the persons in each parish having grain to sell, notifying the number of quarters each has over and above the allowances for his household and for sowing, and the number of persons in the parish having no corn. In some cases, the latter number is not directly stated, but the total population of the parish is given:—
Parish of Boscum: 3 persons have grain; pop. of parish, 80. Alyngton: 2 persons have grain; pop. 70. Newtontony: 6 persons have grain; pop. 125. Cholderton, 3 persons have grain; pop. 57. Northetedworth, 7 persons have grain; pop. 140. Signed by Bourghchier and Bulkeley.
Parish of Fiddelldene: 7 households, consisting of 114 persons, have grain; and there are 60 persons who have no corn.
Brigmeston: 1 household of 16 has corn; 30 persons have none.
Doryngton: 5 households (47 persons) have corn; 100 persons have none.
Ambresbury: 3 households (45 persons) have corn to sell. Will. Nottyng- ham, an innholder, has 60 qrs. of barley, but he has made a bargain "to serve my lady of Ambresbury and the convent of ale," and must buy more. 300 persons have no corn.
[B]ulford: 3 households (of ..., 8, and 6 persons respectively) have corn; 60 persons have none.
Westambresbury: 4 households (40 persons) have corn; 30 persons have none.
Normanton: 2 households (53 persons) have corn.
Dorneford: 11 households (95 persons) have corn; 55 have none. Signed as before.
Pp. 11.
ii. Hundred of Elstubbe and Everley.
Overton: 6 households (64 persons) have corn; 30 have none.
Wrofton: 15 persons (households) have corn; 30 households (180 persons) have none.
Bussheton: 3 persons (households) have corn or beans to sell; 40 persons have none.
Feyfylde: 7 persons (households) have corn; 3 households (16 persons) have none.
... 13 persons have corn; 4 households (20 persons) have none.
Colyngborne Duke: 12 persons have corn; 14 households (160 persons) have none.
... 10 persons have corn; 6 households (30 persons) have none.
Feyttylton: 10 persons have corn; 1 household of 6 has none.
Longstrete: 6 persons have corn; 8 households (46 persons) have none.
Comme: 7 persons have corn; 3 households (18 persons) have none.
Netherhavyn: 18 persons have corn; 18 households (80 persons) have none.
Stowell: 4 persons have corn; 3 households (18 persons) have none.
Aulton Priors: 8 persons have corn; 3 households (18 persons) have none.
... Deloffoly: 4 persons have corn.
Chesyngbery Priors: 10 persons have corn; 5 households (30 persons) have none.
Pp. 14.
16 Dec.
R. O. St. P. VII. 27.
We have received your letter, and given your secretary audience. You will learn from him how important we consider your request. Your services need no testimony, and we shall be glad of an occasion to oblige you. Fail not in your efforts, which we share with you, for the good of Christendom and the Holy Church. Orvieto, 16 Dec. 1527.
Hol., Lat. Add. Endd. by Wriothesley.
16 Dec.
R. O.
In behalf of Mons. de Brosse, a gentleman of the King's chamber, whom Francis is sending to the king of England. Paris, 16 Dec. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
The seigneur De Brosse is coming to England with good news from the French king. Asks when he can have an audience. London.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Illmo, &c., Carli Ebor., legato, &c. Endd.
Assent to the election of Thos. Marshall, as abbot. Le More, 16 Dec.
Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8.
18 Dec. 3670. MONASTERY OF WENLOCK, Heref. dioc.
Writ to the escheator of Salop and the Marches of Wales for the restitution of temporalities on the election of John Bayly, as prior. Le More, 18 Dec.
ii. Similar writ for Middlesex.
Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 27.
18 Dec.
Vit. B. IX. 207. B. M. Pocock, I. 34.
Desires credence for the bishop elect of Tortona (Terdonensis). Orvieto, 18 Dec. 1527.
Hol., Lat., p. 1.
18 Dec.
Vit. B. IX. 208. B. M.
Arrived here today with Paolo Camillo Triulzi. Has prevailed with the Florentines to do what they wish, and they are sending two ambassadors to Lautrec. They are content that the army shall pass the way he thinks best, though they are of opinion it should go by Romagna. They have determined that if the Imperialists come towards Florence, the marquis of Saluzzo shall be admitted with his army into Florence or any other city he wishes. They desired to be assured that the Pope would not molest them. Told them he knew the Pope intended to leave them free, and urged them to send an ambassador to his Holiness, because, when the papal ambassador came to them, they refused to hear him. Is informed that the leaders of the allied army are going to the Pope, and that the three Cardinals who were expected have been to him. The lords of Florence have told him that the Pope has not only given the hat to those whom he created Cardinals according to his agreement with the Emperor, but that he has since confirmed their creation. Florence, 18 Dec. 1527. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2.
19 Dec.
R. O. St. P. VII. 27.
Wrote last on the 12th. On Monday 16th, the King was at the Palace, and asked a great subsidy of his subjects, spiritual and temporal. Respite was granted to make an answer, and the King rode out hunting. "Madame daily hath a sermon before her in her chamber during this time of Advent." Both the King and my Lady were much pleased that Wolsey sent a post to Italy in so much diligence. Tonight news has come of the escape of the Pope and his hostages, as Wolsey will see by the letters conveyed by the bearer, Mons. Brosse. The Grand Master has desired him to write that when he was in England he took by exchange of Antony Vivald 4,000 skutes, and now he is informed that he must pay seventy-six skutes for the King's right, viz., 1d. for every skute. He says no such duties were ever paid by ambassadors. The King in three or four days goes to St. Germain's to keep his Christmas. Paris, 19 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
Cal. D. X. 367. B. M.
3674. [TAYLOR to WOLSEY.]
"[Pl]ease it your Grace two daye[s ... t]he which maketh no great has[te] ... bringer hereof shall be shortly w ... diligence by post, he cometh from ... came by Mons. Loteryk and ca ... the state of the affairs of Italy ... King hath been in the pales and t ... granted to him 24,000 scutes thr ... spiritualty three parts the lords a ... part the officers men of law of ... merchants. The King was deli ... morrow to St. Germyns, but th ... rheum in the one part of his head ... worse than a rheum wherefore it ... not so shortly depart. This nygh[t ... home Mons. Morret from the A ... is in secrets with the King and ... it is not known what tidings ..."
Paris ... Dec.
19 Dec.
R. O.
"In Christi nomine, die 19 Desemb. (sic) anno 1527." (fn. 1)
Worshipful Sir, at my departure from London I met with Mr. Crane, who asked me how I used my business with Jasper [Penn]. From him I perceived that Clarencieux hath a protection, or some other means to defeat me; for he said, that if I had troubled Clarencieux he would immediately show "that thing for him whereby I should be simply satisfied of my purpose." He has evidently prepared somewhat, for once he told me in great anger that he had provided a remedy against me. Be pleased, after your best advice, to give order in any pretence against Clarencieux. I shall sooner obtain my purpose by fair means, if he have any such advantage. If when Clarencieux comes home you learn from him his intentions, you will do me a great pleasure. You may tell him he has put me to great hindrance, and I owe money in the city, and am not able to pay, but am forced to go into Flanders, and so am utterly undone; and he will thus conceive the more pity. I understand that Jasper Penn is in the country with a young man, by whose advice he has sold 20l. land; so he will have money. When you hear he has come home, speak to him, and induce him the best you can. I trust to be with you before Candlemas, though I leave my business in Flanders "incommended" to some friend. If you have anything to command write to Barro.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the worshipful Thomas Cromwell, in London, beside the Friar Augustines. Endd.
19 Dec.
R. O.
Receipts and payments for Cardinal's College, Oxford, from 16 Jan. 16 Hen. VIII. to 19 Dec. 19 Hen. VIII., Nicholas Towneley and Rowland Messaunger, controllers.
Receipts by the bishop of Lincoln, Thomas Cromwell, Thomas Heneage, and others; in all, 9,828l. 11s. 4½d. Expended for stone, timber, slates, and glass, of which the specialties are given; also for purchase of the house of Black Friars, "called Busshopp Johny his house," Oxford, valued at 70l. 14s. 2d.; in all, 8,882l. 3s. 4d. Signed by Higden.
Parchment roll.
19 Dec. 3677. WILLIAM KNYGHT, clk.
To have a canonry or prebend in St. Stephen's, Westminster, vice John Taylor, resigned. Del. Westm. 19 Dec. 19 Hen. VIII.—S. B.
Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
20 Dec.
R. O.
Proceedings at the chapter house of the monastery of St. Mary and St. Aldelm, Malmesbury, 20 Dec. 1527, before William abbot of St. Peter's, Gloucester, commissary or reformator.
The abbot of Gloucester exhibited a commission of John abbot of the exempt monastery of St. Peter's, Westminster, president of the Black Monks of the Benedictine Order in England, which he had received on 4 Dec. at Prynkemarsh, in the presence of John Trye and Thos. Hale, notary public, for the visitation of Malmesbury. He made Thos. Grenow alias Baker, LL.B. his registrar; and the Word of God being placed before him in Latin by Gabriel Moreton, S. T. B., of the monastery of Gloucester, and a constitution read touching the Order of St. Benedict, and a certificate exhibited by Richard abbot of Malmysbury, he commenced proceedings, taking Thos. Phelips alias Taylor, notary public, to act in place of Grenow, who was otherwise engaged.
i. Deposition of the abbot Richard Cam, complaining of the rebellion and contumacy of these monks: Thomas Gloucester, John London, Thomas Purton, William Bristow, Will. Bisley, Rob. Sodbury, Will. Wynchecombe, Thos. Frocetor, Rob. Elmore, with their abettors, Rob. Ciscetor and Richard Glastonbury; Richard Ashton and Walter Bristow. The sub-prior Philip Bristow is unfit for his office; the prior John Codryngton keeps hunting dogs.
ii. Deposition of the said John Codryngton, accusing the Abbot of mismanagement,—of the chapter being held in the English, not in the Latin tongue, and other disorders.
iii. _ of John Combe, that the juniors are disorderly, and Dom. Thomas Gloucester uses a hat under his hood in the quire.
iv. _ of Thomas Tewkysbury, precentor, accusing the Abbot of detaining a silver cup, the gift of Dr. Drayton and Thomas Shewell; and that he is irregular in the administration of discipline.
v.—viii. _ of Raph Sherewodde, of Philip Bristow, sub-prior, Robert Ciscetor, John Gloucester, then prior and sacristan, on the same subject.
ix. _ of Robert Frampton, seneschal, infirmarer, and gardener, to similar effect; and that one Alice Taylor, living in the town of Malmesbury, tells the Abbot tales against the monks.
x. _ of Richard Pilton, of Anthony Malmysbury, sub-sacrist and sub-almoner, of similar disorders; and that Alice Taylor is often in the Abbot's kitchen and brewhouse.
xi. _ of Richard Glastonbury, under-cook, against the same Alice Taylor, who sows discord in the house;—and that the tailor and laundress do not keep the clothes in good order.
xii.—xvi. _ of John Calne, cook, of Thomas Glouceter, of John Horsley, of Thomas Stanlegh, sub-sacrist, of Thomas Puryton; to similar effect.
xvii. _ of Robert Sodbury, W. Wynchcomb, Will. Bristow, William Lee, Roger Hertbury, W. Bisley, John London, Th. Froceter, Rob. Elmore, in one; to the same effect.
xviii. Draft sentence of the visitor, pronouncing A, B, C, D, &c. to have incurred the crime and guilt of contumacy.
xix. Draft instrument delegating the power of visitation from the abbot of Westminster to the abbot of St. Peter's, Gloucester.
xx. Injunctions laid upon the abbot of Malmesbury by the visitor.
xxi. A list of monks belonging to the house, 34 in number. (Vellum.) Endorsed "Rebelles," with the names of the refractory monks, in the above list.
Lat., pp. 12. Endd.
20 Dec.
[Cal. E. I. II.?] I. 145. B. M.
In behalf of John Le Baillif, merchant of Rouen. Paris, 20 Dec. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: "Rmo., etc., D. Card. Ebor., &c., legato."


  • 1. It is uncertain whether this date is 1527 or 1522. Apparently the last figure more resembles a 2 than a 7, and the handwriting varies considerably from that of a letter by the same writer dated 7 Aug. 1528. On the other hand, the same persons, and apparently the same affair, are referred to in this letter as in that; and in 1522 Cromwell resided in Fenchurch Street.