Henry VIII: August 1527, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: August 1527, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1514-1524 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: August 1527, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1514-1524.

"Henry VIII: August 1527, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1514-1524.


August 1527

11 Aug.
R. O. St. P. I. 254.
Though I have found much affection in the French king, I have forborne at present to speak of your private matter, deferring the same till I have put your affairs in perfect train. I hope he will agree, and for this I study the means day and night. I have received letters from Hacket, out of Flanders, stating that it has come to my lady Margaret's knowledge that you intend to be divorced. No doubt, therefore, the Emperor has knowledge of it, and will do all he can at Rome to prevent it. "I have therefore, by the advice of my lord of Bath, devised certain expeditions to be made to Rome, as well by the bishop of Worcester, for whom I have sent with all diligence to come hither, as by Gregory Cassales and the Pope's ambassador (Salviati)." And I have not spared money in order to get access to the Pope to obtain his consent for convoking the Cardinals during his captivity, &c.
As I have found the French king so compliant it will not be necessary for me to go to Spain; and the same would be dangerous, as you have advertised me. As it is your request I should send Master Stevens to receive your instructions, I beg you will forbear the same "till ye shall be advertised of such expedition as I have, and shall conceive for the advancement of your secret matter," as he is the only instrument I have for the purpose. If I should send him he will be in peril of his life, for both he and I are much weakened by the excessive heat and continual labour. I will send Dr. Alen to learn your pleasure. Amiens, 11 Aug. Signed.
In Gardiner's hand. Add. Endd.
Galba, B. IX. 97 and 100. B. M. 2. Draft of the above, mostly in Wolsey's hand, from the words "And for-asmuch as sithens my coming hither" to the end.
Pp. 3.
11 Aug.
Cal. D. X. 373. B. M.
"... t pour ce que Madame au ... necessaire pour faire l'emprinse ... [tr]oys mille homme de pied qui soient ... Item, 2,000 hommes d'armes, 3,000 chevaulx ligiers, avec une bande de bonne artillerie et ... La Seigneurie est contante y mectre u[n tiers a ses] despense et des gens. Les autres deux tiers les aye a m ... et Angleterre. Sur tous les hommes de pied que aura a I ... et Angleterre qu'ilz aient a estre su ... lancequenetz et autres bons hommes de [guerre] ... Item, de faire quelque offre au Roy d'Ang[leterre] ... de luy donner quelque honneste recom[pense] ... duche de Milan pour les mises qu ... Touchant l'armee de mer la ... rapporte du nombre e * * * ... envoyer pouvoir suffisant p ... la teneur des lettres.
"[Item que] Madame et le royaume de France [ne fera] ... aucun accord et appoinctement [avec l'Empereur sans] inclusion des confedrez.
"[It]em que sa Mageste et le Regne susdit [soient] tenuz de bailler ydoines et suffisantes cau[tions] d'observer et tenir ce qui sera appoincte et [agree].
"[I]tem que sadite Mageste se obligera de ... rompre guerre contre ledit esleu Empereur ... ymites de France."
Headed, in a modern hand: "[Fran]cia, xi. Aug."
Cal. D. VIII. 135. B. M. 3342. TREATY with FRANCE.
Articles agreed to in the French king's council, in which Wolsey presided, touching the Italian expedition. Present, the chancellor of France, archbishop of Sens, the archbishop of Bourges, president of Rouen, chancellor of Alençon, and the Venetian ambassador.
(1.) An army shall be raised under Lautrec to the number of 30,000 foot, of whom 10,000 shall be Swiss, 10,000 German lanzknechts, and 10,000 French and Italians. (2.) The Venetians shall pay the wages of half the Swiss and Germans, the money to be kept ready in the camp from month to month. (3.) Any deficiency in the number of Swiss or Germans to be supplied by French or Italians at the same rate. The first payment of the Germans for the portion now agreed to by Venice to begin on 1 Sept. next. (4.) That the number of foot under the marquis of Saluzzo and the Captain General be restricted to 14,000, besides 7,000 horse under the Marquis, and 7,000 under the Captain General. (5.) Of which 14,000 foot * * *
Lat., pp. 2. Imperfect and mutilated.
R. O. St. P. VI. 596.
A postscript to his other letters. Has received theirs, dated Valladolid, 31 July, concerning the secret practices of Mons. de Tarbes and others. Has been made privy thereto, and has arranged that he shall practise apart from them with Madame Elienora, according to the instructions sent him by Robertet. They must keep this secret. Has good hope of a speedy peace. On receipt of these letters they shall tell the Emperor of his arrival at Amiens, under a promise of secrecy, and shall say that besides a universal peace he is endeavoring to conclude a marriage between the lady Princess and the French king, which indeed is almost decided, and he awaits only an answer from the Emperor to the following overture: that if the Emperor, at the King's intercession, will agree to more reasonable conditions, and will send hither Mons. de la Chault with full instructions, Wolsey will give up the aforesaid marriage, and labor for the marriage with Madame Eleanora, and will persuade the French king to honorable conditions of peace. Desires them to send an answer to this with diligence. Amyas,—Aug. Not signed.
Pp. 3. Add. In the hand of Gardiner.
12 Aug.
R. O.
3344. The LISLES. (fn. 1)
i. "The copy of the proclamation" against Sir Will. Lisle and Humphrey his eldest son, and Will. Shafteho, as rebels, who have broken the King's prison at Newcastle, liberated traitors, escaped to Scotland, and, in company with other outlaws, have burned the town of Holmeshaugh in Northumb. Rewards are offered for their apprehension, viz., 100 marks for Sir William, 40l. for Humphrey, and 20l. for Shaftehoo.
Pp. 2.
ii. "The copy of my lord of Richmond's letters sent unto the king of Scots."
The King has written to James touching the escape of Sir Will. and Humph. Lisle and Will. Shaftehoo to Scotland, and demanding their extradition. They wilfully, without being in danger of the King's laws, or suffer- ing any strait imprisonment, broke open the prison at Newcastle; Sir William "against all nature" is guilty of great extortion and wrong to his own mother and kinsfolks. Since his escape he has invaded this realm and stolen near 40 horses. He proclaims himself captain of all thieves, both of Scotland and England, and has burned Holmeshaugh. Sends copy of the proclamation against them. Hopes James will have them apprehended and delivered to the Duke's officers. Hasilwood, 12 Aug.
Pp. 2.
iii. "The copy of my lord of Richmond's letters sent to the earl of Angus."
On the same subject. Hasilwood, 12 Aug.
P. 1.
13 Aug.
Eras. Ep. XXIX. 34.
Praises him for his love of learning. Sends him his Commentary on the Psalm which Rochford had pointed out. Basle, Id. Aug. 1537 [1527 ?].
13 Aug.
R. O.
Explains the causes of the delay of the letters sent with these, written in his favor, by his master, Henry duke of Mecklenburgh; that the messenger had gone off very shortly after they were written, and the writer has since found him ill at Antwerp. Obtained leave of the Duke to send another with these, to whom he desires the King to give a safe-conduct for himself, that he may return to England in the full enjoyment of the King's favor. Antwerp, Id. Aug. 1527. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
R. O. 2. Modern copy, very faulty.
15 Aug.
Calig. B. V. 215. B. M.
Begs that he will require cardinal Wolsey to deliver certain briefs which had fallen into the Cardinal's hands. They were directed to the Pope in contravention of others, and purchased by sinister means by an Observant Friar. Edinburgh, 15 Aug. 14 Jac. V.
P. 1. Add. Endorsed by Wriothesley.
15 Aug.
R. O.
3348. JAMES V. to WOLSEY.
Informs him that a certain monk (fn. 2) has left his convent, and surreptitiously procured unlawful writings. Asks him to have "the said letters and briefs" delivered again. Edinburgh, 15 Aug. Signed.
P. 1, badly mutilated. Add.: To, &c. Thos. card. of York and great chancellor. Endd.
16 Aug.
R. O.
Reminds him that in all the matters at variance between lady Willoughby and himself he has always followed Wolsey's orders until she refused to do so, and Wolsey set them both free to take any advantage they could by the law. Has obtained several writs of diem clausit extremum for finding an office of the inheritance, but they have always been discharged by writs of supersedeas obtained by my Lady. Complained of this, last term, to Wolsey, who gave order to Mr. Paulett that no more such writs should be granted, but that the Escheator should proceed to find the said office. He had appointed a day for this next Thursday, but my Lady's counsel have procured the postponement till Friday after St. Bartholomew, hoping to obtain another supersedeas. Begs him not to grant it. The King will have no loss by reason of any wardship. The only question is whether she ought to have the lands for life, as part of her jointure, or not. Dynnyngton, Suffolk, 16 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add. To, &c., my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
16 Aug.
R. O. St. P. I. 256.
So much time is required for engrossing the treaties that the solemnities thereof must be put off till Sunday next. On Our Lady's eve (14 Aug.) the Great Master came to me, telling me that Francis wished to go to the cathedral to hear evensong, and would be glad to meet me there. Accordingly I repaired with the Great Master to the King's lodging, who saluted me, bonnet in hand; and we proceeded through the church to the high altar, where were two traverses, one for me, and one for the French king. On the latter were two chairs; and when I prepared to leave him, he would not permit it, but made me kneel and sit with him, in view of all the people, "and so conforming myself to his commandment, we, kneeling together, making to the sacrament a few prayers, without suffering me to say to him evensong, or hearing the same said" by others, he sat down in one chair, and made me sit in the other, talking about Italy, Lautrec, and the town of Bosco.
I found upon inquiry that Lautrec was not so well furnished with men and money as he should be, and urged the King to look to it, as his reputation would suffer if there were any failure; whereas, if he succeeded, he would recover his children more easily. He promised to follow my counsel, and for that purpose Vademount, Joachim, and Gregory de Casalis shall be sent into Italy, and Lautrec substantially furnished. In further talk with him, his Grace entered into communication of the perpetual peace between your two Majesties; and, holding the image of St. Michael, which he had on his neck, said "Now the King my brother and I be thus knit and married in our hearts together, it were well done, it seemeth, that we should be knit par colletz et jambes," alluding to the Garter. It is for your Majesty to decide whether this interchange of Orders would be advisable.
Have also spoken with the French king about a General Council, and found him agreeable, according to a minute, which I now send, which will not a little confer to your purpose. I have also arranged that you shall not be compelled to undertake the protection of the treaty between Francis and the Emperor. It is also agreed that, notwithstanding his alliance with Eleanor, he shall not have any communication with the Emperor without your privity. Nothing now remains except to disclose your private matter, which I propose to do in so cloudy and dark a sort that he shall not know your utter determination. Amiens, 16 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd.
Calig. E. III. 74. B. M. 2. Draft in Tuke's hand.
Pp. 8, mutilated.
16 Aug.
R. O.
Received his letter on 23 July (x. kal. Sextilis) at Paris. It was worthy of a King and a defender of the Faith. Is gratified by the King's continual regard for him. Wrote immediately, at length, what occurred to him at that time, but could find no convenient messenger. Afterwards met with Wolsey, who explained to him that the King was using every effort for the preservation of the Pope. Promised he would obey the King's wishes, and wrote to his colleagues on the subject, but thought that his letter rather deserved to be destroyed than express so feebly his gratitude to the King. Amiens, 16 Aug. 1527. Signed.
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Add.
16 Aug.
Vit. B. IX. 144. B. M.
"Reverende domine, affinis et frater bonus."
Thanks him for his letters. Supposes that though he was pleased at De Carpy's safe return with his wife and children, he is also in great trouble on account of the present calamities. Perhaps they are both to blame for their advice to the Pope, though it seemed best to them at the time. Knows that he will not be wanting in giving all the assistance he can. Is much fatigued with his journey. Would have been here a month sooner, but he was obliged to wait with the galleys at Porto Ercole; was detained for want of horses at Savona, Frejus (Friusii) and Avignon; and at Lyons, to make arrangements for his Countess, whom he left behind, and for proceeding himself, as he was without a sou.
Intended to go to Amiens to pay his respects to the King and the cardinal (Wolsey), in whom alone the Roman court has hope. Casale, who is among the besieged in the citadel, can testify to this. All think that this meeting of the French king and the Cardinal will result in the liberation of the Pope and the safety of Italy. Heard, however, that Wolsey was about to return, and received a letter from the King, bidding him wait here to recover his fatigue, until he returned from his progress. Is sorry that he will not see the Bishop before his return to England, but more so that he cannot wait upon "amplissimo Domino nostro," which he desires so much to do, that he has determined to visit England before his return to Italy. Paris, 16 Aug. 1527.
Lat., pp. 3. In Vannes' hand. Headed: Exemplum. (fn. 3)
17 Aug.
Lettere di Principi, II. 78.
I have received a joint letter from [you and] the cardinal of Cortona, exhorting me to pray the French king to persuade the free cardinals to convene in Bologna. It was the intention of his Majesty, as also of the king of England and the cardinal of York, that the cardinals should assemble in Avignon. But, to satisfy your desire, I spoke again to his Majesty (Francis) on the subject, and found him still of the same opinion, as Avignon is the more secure and convenient place for these cardinals, especially York, who greatly desires to be present; and, as it is nearer to Spain, messages can be more conveniently sent to the Emperor. The French king wishes you to come. Inform me at what determination the cardinals arrive. The French king promised to give the commissions which they require for the defence of the States of the Church, and ordered the Secretary to write to Lautrec accordingly. The cardinal of York has warmly exhorted the French king to this effect, and is very active in endeavoring to procure the release of the Pope by means of the English ambassadors in Spain; this being the first point which the Cardinal demands from the Emperor in the negotiations for the universal peace. Gambara is here. Amiens (Ambrian), 17 Aug. 1527.
Tomorrow the perpetual peace between the kings of France and England will be published. The marriage of the latter's daughter to the French king [is to take place] in case the universal peace is not concluded. If it is concluded, and the French king take queen Eleanor, [the Princess] will be given to the French king's second son, the duke of Orleans.
17 Aug.
R. O.
Wrote in his last that the King would leave this on the 27th for Greenwich, passing the time till Holy Rood day in Waltham Forest; but in consequence of the sickness he has changed his plan. He will go to Berwike on the 27th, thence to Greenwich, and so to Oxford. No news, except that the King is much pleased with Wolsey's letters, and likes all he has done. But of this doubtless Master Secretary has written to him, whom Fitzwilliam esteems a right honest man and a friend to Wolsey. Is glad to hear that the great affairs are in such good train for universal peace. Beaulieu, 17 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: My lord Cardinal's grace.
17 Aug.
R. O.
Hears that Wolsey has received his letter dated 30 July, with another from lady Margaret, who would be glad of a cordial answer. Received last night a letter for Wolsey from Wallop, and another addressed to himself, both inclosed. The king of Bohemia has lately sent a gentleman with letters and credence to the Emperor, with instructions to pass through England or not, as he thought best; but, in consequence of the advice of the governors here, he will take ship direct from Zealand to Spain.
Was this morning with Hoeghstrate, who is sore infected with gout. He asked for news from France. Said some good answer was daily expected. He said that Wolsey had told their ambassador there that if the business came to a good end, he purposed to meet my Lady before his return. He said also that if Wolsey could bring these two Princes to an agreement, it would be one of the best acts done this hundred years. It is reported that Andrea Dorry, captain of the Papal fleet, and the duke of Ourbyn, captain of the Venetian army, are both turned to serve the Emperor. Does not know if it is true. Gant, 17 Aug. 1527.
A plot to betray Tournay to the French has been discovered, and those implicated are being beheaded day by day. Flanders has consented to pay to my lady Margaret 36,000 gulder, besides the 150,000 gulder for the men of war.
Sends back his servant to know Wolsey's pleasure.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
18 Aug.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 203.
1. Confirmation by Francis I. Amiens, 18 Aug. 1527.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 209. 2. Confirmation of treaty for mercantile intercourse. Amiens, 18 Aug. 1527.
Lat. Signed and sealed. Beautifully illuminated.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 212. 3. Confirmation of treaty for withholding consent to a General Council to be summoned by the Emperor, so long as the Pope is a prisoner. Amiens, 18 Aug. 1527.
Lat. Signed and sealed.
Beautifully illuminated with portraits of Francis I., Henry VIII., and their attendants. The treaty itself is in Leonard, II. 277.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 216. 4. Oath of Francis I. for observance of the same treaties. Amiens, 18 Aug. 1527.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 217. 5. Notarial attestation by John de la Forest and Francis Boureti of the oaths of Francis I. and cardinal Wolsey, for the observance of the above. Amiens, 18 Aug. 1527.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 218. 6. Confirmation by Francis I. of the treaty of perpetual peace. Amiens, 18 Aug. 1527. Gold seal attached.
R. O. Duplicate, signed and sealed. Illuminated.
R. O. Another, signed. No seal.
R. O. Modern copy. A contemporary copy is in B. M., Add. MS., 25,114, ƒ. 20.
R. O. 7. Confirmation of the treaty declaratory of the matrimonial alternative between the princess Mary and the duke of Orleans, likewise of the treaty of obligation for two millions, &c. Amiens, 18 Aug. 1527.
Signed and sealed. Illuminated with a picture of the marriage contract between the Duke and the Princess, with their portraits.
Leonard, II. 282. 8. Ratification by Wolsey as the King's lieutenant, of treaty stipulating that the king of England will consent to the marriage of Eleanor with Francis, and that he and Francis may claim their pensions of Sforza, if he is established in the duchy of Milan by their intervention. Amiens, 18 Aug. 1527.
Bundle of loose leaves and imperfect drafts referring to the above treaty.
Pp. 413, Lat. Some leaves mutilated.
18 Aug.
R. O.
Received on the 14th his letters dated Hasilwood, 12 Aug., desiring that Sir Will. Lisle and his son should be expelled from Scotland or delivered to the English vicewardens. Has considered also his letter to the King, and made such inquisition that he is certain Sir William "haunts nor uses" in no part of Scotland, and is not within the bounds of his office, but in the Debateable Ground with the broken men of the Borders. Will do his best to fulfil the Duke's pleasure. Holyrood, 18 Aug. 1527. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
19 Aug.
R. O.
3359. JAMES V. to THE SAME.
To the same effect. Edinburgh, 19 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
19 Aug.
R. O. St. P. I. 261.
Norfolk, Suffolk, Rochefort, and the treasurer (Fitzwilliam) are privy to the other letters sent to Wolsey. After which the King delivered Knight Wolsey's letter "concerning the secrets," and gives him hearty thanks for it, and for his devices about the Pope. He is satisfied with the arrangement for Mr. Stevens, and there will be no necessity to send Alayn. Incredible things are spoken respecting the conduct of Alayn and Cromwell, as I have heard from the King and others. It is most expedient that you should know them at your arrival. Is old, and his sight faileth. Beaulieu, 19 Aug.
Hol. Add.
Calig. D. XI. 52. B. M. 3361. [KNIGHT to WOLSEY.]
... "[French k]ing should assist ... e stand that he should neither assist ... against the Emperor."
"The 22nd article discontenteth his highness ... and saith that in lieu and place of the same [it should be] devised that the French king should not in an[ywise] empeshe, let or hinder, directly or indirectly, them[peror's journey] into Italy."
As to the 43rd article, which states that the French king would leave out the Venetians rather than that the peace should not succeed, the King says this implies contradiction, for a peace cannot be concluded without them, leaving them as a prey to th[emperor]. As they are powerful enough to resist the Emperor, and have hitherto stood out for the League of Italy, a special [article] for their comprehension should be devised in the treaty. The King will therefore not allow this article to remain in the book of offers, but it must be cancelled.
"... King's pleasure is that like pro ... esse, marvelling gr[eatly] ... ther is neither ... * * * ... more ponderous th ... perform, bear, and accomplish ... [ina]smuch as the said conditions and offers ... by the King's mediation his Highness would ... should appear hereafter that he had so used him ... in the same that the offers were either very reason[able,] or as near thereunto as might be studied and de[vised.]" Finally, when the King considers that there will shortly be a puissant army in Italy for the League, that the enemy is weakened by continual plague and stroke of God, so that [not] more than 9,000 remain, that the country is ready to rebel if they are assured of success, and that there are daily practices for it, he marvels that the French king so suddenly agrees to offers which, being observed, may bring h[is own] country into miserable servitude and subjection. If the confederates have any success, and Italy rebels "incontinently and co ... [the Emperor's coura]ge shall abate and he ... s reasonable." * * *
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
Cal. D. XI. 53. B. M. 3362. [KNIGHT to WOLSEY.]
* * * "charges, make ... who can avoid by any reason b ... [It]alie, Hispaigne, Germany, with the Low C[ountries] shall imperare Gallis, being so environed ... and France, being not far off from subjection, [shall] fear to stir or move, how shall other princes [be able to] defend their liberties ? Wherefore his opinion [is that if] he had divers children in captivity or hostage, rat[her to let] them endure their lives, and die in the same, th[an to] condescend unto like articles, being so far discrepa[nt from] reason, and manifestly tending near unto a sore [evil] and incurable. And for the eschewing of like [discommodities] his Highness thinketh necessary to forsee certain p[erils] that hereafter ensueth, which well tried and comp[osed], the French king shall more easily perform his prom[ise, and] the rest of Christendom better assured.
"As overture hath been made in time past unto the K[ing's] ambassadors being in Hispaigne, that the Emperor would [give] the daughter of Portugal in marriage unto the d[uke of] Richmond, and the duchy of Milan withal as [her] dote; the French king being minded among [other articles] in the treaty of Madril, and in these that now ... [be pro]poned, to renounce the title of Myll[aine] ... by your Grace induced not ... [th]at in case the Em[peror] ... * * * ... [Fren]sh king, we think he ... [e]nsue, whereupon if any toward[ness were foun]d in the Emperor, and communication for the same folo[w, it r]esteth that ye by your high wisdom will foresee ... [a]nd covenants so to pass that the duke of Richmo[nd] shall have better foot therein than the house of Sforza [has], which seemeth not to hold but ad voluntatem domini."
By these means the Emperor and the kings of England and France would join in a triple indissoluble knot; for as the French king would have Dame Alienore, and the duke of Richmond her daughter, with the duchy of Milan, there would be great hope for the long continuance of a universal peace. This would be a way to enter into a treaty arctioris conjunctionis et amicitiæ with the Emperor, which w[as] lately desired of the King by the Emperor's amba[ssador] here. If it ever come forward, the King will have it so couched that no prejudice shall engen[der] to any former act passed with the French king.
"Furthermore, whereas in the discourse and reuling (?) of t[he Fren]sh king's offers, it is contained in th ... be th ... [Fren]sh king should defend the ... [at his ow]n cost and charge ... them ..." * * *
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
Cal. D. XI. 54. B. M. 3363. [KNIGHT to WOLSEY.]
* * * "[am]ple and long matter ... [amb]assador was here with letters of credence ... showing, but all in generalities, much ... of my lord of Worcester's letter late sent unto yo[ur Grace] ... unto the King, his highness, supposing th ... some other charge that within a day or twain he w ... differ ... making of answer unto those letters ... to ma[ke a]wnswere unto that letter only that con[cerned those] affaire[s, w]hereof no man living is participant and ... except his Highness and I. And this he willed me t[o write unto] your Grace.
"As touching the tenor of your letter containing the secret [matter, his] Grace doth suppose that for the more sure, honorable, and [safe] conducing of the King's said secret affair unto the end th[at is] purposed, which for many high and urgent considerations [a] true, loving, and faithful subject ought to desire, [and] pray to Almighty God to bring to good and brief conclus[ion, his] Grace hath studied and by your wisdom found that tw[o things] must be foreseen, of which the one is necessary and requisite for approbation of the process that shall be made by your [Grace]. The first is the Pope's consent, authorizing you so to do, [with] full power and liberty to condescend, and if, by [occasion] of the Emperor by no mean admitting conditions reasonable, [he be kept] in servitude and captivity, then the other way ys [that the] cardinals re]presenting the state of the college ... dependeth chiefly ... * * * ... effect by and for thobst ... case ye will recur unto the convoc[ation of a council] convening at Avignon, as at that place th[at is] most meet for the administration of ecclesiastical ... [p]urpose also to repair, not esteeming labour, pain ... [and] expense to do service unto his highness, for which your [st]udye, zeal, love, and perfect affection that [your Gr]ace beareth s ... th continuance of his health, surety of [his] reame and su[bjects,] he most highly and heartily thanketh yo[ur Grace].
"And in that that your Grace, being at Avignon, do suppose the Emperor willing to come personally unto Perpignan adjoining unto the confines of Spain, and not distant from Avignon 100 English miles, the French king with his m[other] and your Grace meeting there with the Emperor, the conduc[ing a] peace by the King's mediation, not being desperate, nor inti[mation of] hostility made on the King's behalf, it should much [conduce] as well for deliverance of the Pope as for the concluding [of a] peace between the Emperor and the French king, with many [other] commodities that your Grace thinketh might succeed and ensue [from] the said meeting. In this point the King's hi[ghness] for the great affection and entire love that he beareth u[nto you,] and unto the preservation of your person, considering [the in]warde hate, grudge, and malice that he thinketh ve[rily the Empe]ror beareth unto you, and the opportunity and o[ccasion that he mi]ght have for satisfying o[f the same,]" * * *
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
Cal. D. XI. 55. B. M. 3364. [KNIGHT to WOLSEY.]
* * * "[c]harges ... the French king to spare and ... then to consume in causes of pleasure ... ale be forborne. Your Grace hath so handled ... the French king's own and proper suit, request and ... said interview is put off, and this unto the King's hi[ghness' no] small contentation; who considering rig[ht] ... [an]d often calling unto his remembrance the great solicit[ude and th]e continual study, watch and breach of mind in your G[race, in se]ttyng a part, and exiling all pleasure or pastime that su ... very necessary for the health of your person to be mixt and ... with cures and charges, only rejoicing and delighting in that ... that bringeth forth fruitful and pleasant effects in the ... affairs, his Highness thinketh that he cannot [render] condigne thanks unto your merits.
"As touching the offers conceived for deliverance of the Fren[ch king's] children, the King maketh a foundation, and presupposeth t[hat] neither the French king nor his ambassador hath hitherto [heard of] or discovered the said offers unto the Emperor, but that he al ... first for the King's advice and counsel, as he thinketh r ... if under the title of the King's mediation they should be pro[posed] and set forth. And whereas his Highness [desires you should] profoundly search and consider the sequel and consequence tha[t must in] a manner necessarily follow if the French king should gr[ant and condescend] to all the said conditions, and accomplished a great par[t] ... immediately upon delivery and restitution ... [his Highn]esse doth evidently ... [uni]versal pe[ace] ... * * * ... that he sup ... the day before the receipt of ... [inte]rcepted by the Burgonyons. And ... his Highness with great desire to know th ... open, read and peruse them, finding in th ... and high effects that hath lately been comp[leted by your] study, continual diligence and profound wisdom ... first by inducing and persuading the French king ... and council to condescend unto a perpetual peace [in such form] and manner as the subjects that now be and h ... shall have cause thereby to laud God, to speak ho[norably] of the King, and to give thanks to your Grace, w[hich hath] extinct and utterly taken away by this inestimable [peace all] occasions of cruel war that once in few years resur[ged and] always was renewed between the two realms [to the great] empoverishing [thereof] and undoing of the noble hou[ses and of the] poor commons, specially of this realm. M[oreover] in handling of the alternative your Grace hath showed sy[ngular] and circumspect industry, forasmuch as the French king h[ath by your] mean agreed and resolved himself that the said a[lternative] of my lady Princess's marriage shall be determined in [personam] Ducis Aureliani with the perpetual peace, and the same to [hold good, sive] matrimonium sorciatur effectum sive non, without imp ... and reserving the same unto the King's ... take more effect; yet ... nd vigour ..."
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
19 Aug.
R. O. St. P. I. 262.
According to his letters of the 16th, the peace was sworn on Sunday with great solemnity, as the King will be informed by the bishop of Bath, whom Wolsey intends to send in two or three days. The French king, my Lady, the king of Navarre, many nobles and prelates, are to dine with him today, and he is therefore much straitened for time. Sends a post with news from Italy, and copies of letters to the Viceroy, certifying the surrender of Genoa, with advertisements from Lautrec, Andrea Doria, and Theodore Trivulce, announcing other advantages in Italy, which will tend to peace, and the King's honor.
After dinner, the French king will visit certain places according to vows made in his sickness. Wolsey will be left with the Chancellor and others, in which Salviati and other cardinals will determine with him what is to be done during the Pope's captivity. Is then to meet the King at Compiegne. Hopes that the Emperor's chancellor, who has always disdained that Henry should have such a stroke in Christendom, "shall 'scape narrowly, but he shall be brought under your Grace's hands," and then he shall see where his blind imaginations have tended. Amiens, 19 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd.
Cal. D. IX. 135. B. M. 3366. FRANCIS I.
The King goes to Compiegne, thence to Amiens, Abbeville, Hesdyn, Therouenne, Montreuil and Boulogne. Bayard the elect has returned from Spain without having concluded anything with the Emperor. All the servants of the Dauphin have returned to France on foot. The count de Bryanne has gone to Abbeville to repair all the towns on the frontier, and erect a castle at Dorlans. The Dauphin has advanced further into Spain. There is great fear in France that the ambassadors in England will not be heard. ("L'on doubte fort en France que le[s] ambassadeurs qui sont en Angleterre ne seront ouyz selon leur charge.")
Fr., mutilated, p. 1.
20 Aug.
Vesp. F. XIII. 88. B. M.
Has received her letter. The gentlewoman who accompanied her daughter had no commission from the Countess to tell her that the Controller of the Princess's household bore singular favor to her said daughter. Had heard nothing about the matter at that time. Since she left Hartlebury the Controller spoke to her of it, but finds nothing in her whereby any effect should be taken therein. Hopes, therefore, she will be a good mother to her, and think of the matter which she formerly sent her word of, which she considers would be a very meet bargain. Worcester, 20 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.


  • 1. Enclosures in No. 3383.
  • 2. James Melvin ?
  • 3. In Vit. B. IX. 154* is a blank leaf, which may possibly belong to the above document. It is addressed, "[R.] domino, D. Carll de Salviatis," &c. "[in] Curia Xmi Regis;" and endorsed, "Lettres in cifris [to Car]dinal Salviatis."