Henry VIII: May 1527, 6-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: May 1527, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1392-1416 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: May 1527, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1392-1416.

"Henry VIII: May 1527, 6-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1392-1416.


May 1527

6 May.
R. O.
3098. REVELS.
i. For the King's use at the triumph.
Delivered to Gibson, 5 March 18 Hen. VIII., for new trimming of 24 barbs, with new bolsters of canons stuffed, new buckles, and tails of Hungary leather, 3s. 4d. each; for 9 copper gilt buckles for the King's barb, at 12d.=4l. 5s. 8d.
Corrected in Gibson's hand: "£3 abattyd by the kounsell."
R. O. ii. 1527, 19 Hen. VIII.
John Skutt. For making 8 gowns of cloth of tissue and red tinsel for the Princess and 7 others, for the triumph at Greenwich, 6 May, 10s. each, 4l. (In Gibson's hand): "By the kounsell, 53s. 4d."
Received of Mrs. Phellype 12 yds. red ribbon for laces.
iii. "The Copper."
For a quantity of hoops of various sizes, 19s. 5d.
iv. Tuesday, at Bridewell, for coals, 5d.; for woodcocks, 9d. Wednesday, _. Thursday, coals at Bridewell and here, 9d. Friday, coals at Bridewell, 5d.; candle, 2d. To my master, 4d. This morning, for coals at Bridewell, 4d.
v. A long bill for nails and tacks. Signed by Gibson.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
vi. Account of money spent by Gibson for flour, hoops, thread, size, boat hire, &c., 1s. 7½d. Signed.
Memoranda of delivery to Lady Gylford of 7 bonnets, 5 caps, and 3 ears. Names of workmen.
P. 1.
vii. Parcels delivered to Ric. Gibson, sergeant-at-arms, 18 Jan. 18 Hen. VIII. Paper, packthread, hammers, knives, awls, orsady, &c., 25s. 5d.
P. 1.
viii. Another copy. Signed.
ix. Names of 17 working men on Monday, 22 April,—5 labourers and 3 carpenters. Tuesday, 31 May, 16 tailors. In Gibson's hand.
Nine pieces of paper stitched together.
R. O. 2. Gibson's accounts for jousts held Monday, 6 May 19 Hen. VIII.
Was ordered by the King to prepare 16 bards and bases, "covered with riches," two for himself and his associate, and to cover four bards for the challengers.
Bought of Wm. Bottre, 28 Jan. 18 Hen. VIII., 17 yds. purple velvet, at 14s., for 2 half bards and bases; 1 yd. cloth of gold, 40s., for embroidering them. Of Eliz. Phelyp, 48 oz. of gold of Venice at 5s., and 12½ oz. of purple silk at 1s.; 20 lb. 7 oz. of silk cordells at 10d. the oz.
Wages to workmen: 18 men, at 6d. a day, 6l. 2s. Thread and shears, 7s. 3d.; buckram for linings, 12s. 4d.
To Thos. Foster, for embroidering bards with mountains, and brooms, and other devises, 9l. 3s. 9d. 48 oz. damask gold, at 5s., bought of Robt. Spendlay.
To Nic. Mageor, saddler, for trimming bards with bolsters, thongs, buckles, nails, &c., 4l. 5s. 8d. (abated to 3l. by the Council). Carriage from Greenwich to London, 8s. 4d.
Total, 84l. 19s. 6d.
29 yds. plunkkett sarsenet, at 3s. 8d.; 25 yds. red sarsenet, at 3s. 8d.; 20½ yds. purple velvet, at 14s.; 61¾ yards white sarsenet, at 3s. 8d.; 37 yds. white sarsenet, at 2s. 4d. = 39l. 7s. 9d.
In Gibson's hand, pp. 6.
ii. Copy of the above.
Pp. 5, mutilated.
R. O. 3. For the King's triumph held at Greenwich, 6 May 19 Hen. VIII.
For embroidering 2 half barbs and bases, of purple velvet, richly powdered with knights riding upon mountains, and ladies casting darts at them, and clouds, the spaces between flourished thick with broom of gold and silver of Venice, and gold of damask, 9l. 3s. 9d. Altered in Gibson's hand: "8l., by the kounsell."
To Rob. Spenlay, gold drawer, for 48 oz. of gold of damask, 12l.
P. 1.
R. O. 4. For the charges of the Revel House.
For canvas for covering of the main roof, 30l. 464 ells of linen cloth, with gold, silver, &c., for the ceiling, 40l. Timber, boards, hoops, &c., for the pageant, 24l. For 80 basons and the silvering of them, and the setting them up, 14l. 6s. 10d. For colors gold, &c. For painting the stages, rails, and pillars, 6l.
Articles spent on the Revels, 6 May 19 Hen. VIII.
In Gibson's hand, pp. 4.
6 May.
Vesp. C. IV. 87. B. M.
3099. GHINUCCI and LEE to [WOLSEY].
Letters came on the 30th April, stating that the Viceroy had taken a truce for eight months with the Pope. A place is left for the French and the Venetiaus. It is thought that the first post went to the French king. The Nuncio and the Venetians here are surprised they have not heard of it, and imagine that Francis is dissatisfied and retains the post, although the Pope had promised that he should join it. Some say Bourbon is not contented, and is gone to the land of the Venetians, and to content him the Pope sent him 60,000 ducats. It is thought there are secret articles for him and all the Pope's affairs with the Emperor. The Pope has promised for the Emperor's army 150,000 ducats, the Florentines 200,000. The advance of Bourbon made the Viceroy more quick to accept the truce, "ne admitteretur in participatum gloriæ." The Emperor has sent 200,000 ducats into Italy. The Empress expects her time in fourteen days. Wrote by Bluemantle that the Emperor said he stood under appellationem ad futurum concilium. The appellation is now printed. Valladolid, 6 April (fn. 1) 1527. Signed.
Pp. 2.
6 May.
Vesp. C. IV. 113. B. M.
3100. LEE to [HENRY VIII.]
To the same effect. Valladolid, 6 May.
Hol., pp. 2.
7 May.
Vesp. C. IV. 114. B. M.
Wrote last on the 17 April. Lee has since written twice, but there is little to report even now. What there is Wolsey will learn by their joint letters. Some think the truce will not take effect, as Bourbon will not agree to it; others that it will be only between the Pope and the Emperor, not between the Emperor and France and the Venetians; for which reason the Emperor is about to raise 120,000 ducats for Italy. He is treating with the merchants. Hears that the Emperor has ordered the building of twenty galleys to be completed, of which the Genoese will pay half the cost. They say Bourbon's soldiers will not hear of the truce, as they hope to plunder Florence. The Pope is sending hither the Datary. Valladolid, 7 May 1527.
The Emperor has told the Nuncio that the French have detained two couriers sent hither by his Holiness, and have intercepted letters of the Legate, which, though they cannot decipher, they will not give up to him.
Hol., Lat., p. 1.
7 May.
Nero, B. II. 102* B. M.
Thanks Henry for his declaration by his ambassador of his concern for the safety of Christendom. Henry has heard of the death of Sigismund's nephew Lewis, and of the disasters of Hungary, and how Sigismund has alone to resist the Turks, the Tartars, the Muscovites, and other infidels, as well as the encroachments of schismatics. Asks the King to assist him, and to exhort other princes to do the same. Endeavors to prevent the impending war between the two rival kings of Hungary, and desires the King to help him in his endeavor. Cracow, 7 May 1527. Signed.
Lat., vellum. Add. Endd.
7 May.
R. O. Rymer, XIV. 196.
Thanks him and the King for Wallop's charge, and asks assistance against the Infidels.
Commends his subjects of Dantzic and others who trade in England. Cracow, 7 May 1527, 21 regni. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
7 May.
R. O.
"A book of payments of money disbursed by Sir Henry Gwildforde, knight, and Sir Thomas Wyat, knight, in building a banketing house at the King his manor of Greenwich." (In a later hand.)
"Here after ensueth as well the receipts of ready money received by the right honorable Sir Henry Guildford, knight of the most honorable order, and comptroller of the King's household, received of the King's highness, and of Sir Henry Wiat, treasurer of the Chamber, for the making of two arcks triumphant of antique works, garnishing and trimming of a banket house at the King's royal manor of Greenwich. Payments made for wages of joiners, laborers, mulders of paper, sawyers and carpenters, turners making candlesticks and pillars, mulds bought for casting of lead, carriage by water and land, crounys made of plate, painters Italians. Necessaries bought, as iron, iron pins for candlesticks, coals and faggots, hogsheads, Spanish iron, tin, lead, thread and white paper, being in the reckoning of George Lovekyn, fine gold, party gold, silver gold size, painter's oil, colors, cotton, packthread, whiting, brushes, tails for pencils, line, fine bise, coarse bise, sangdragon. Generals, white lead, packthread, cotton, and other necessaries for painters, bought and provided by Master Broune, the King's painter, and Vincent Vulpe, with the wages of guilders, painters, and grinders of colors, being in his reckoning. Antique heads, linen cloth for lining of knots east in paper, brown and white paper to make knots with, sponges, oil, pork grease, flour for paste, candles, wax and roson for moulds of paper, nails of divers sorts, wire for candlesticks, tools for painters, glue, tin, coals, potter's earth for the battaile, and boat hire, being in the reckoning of John Demyans. Wainscot bought for making of antique cups, for candlesticks, iron work for the said candlesticks, red buckram bought for the roof of the Banquet House, party gold, gold paper, silver and green, orsedye, gold skins, glue, white paper, nails, packthread, colors bought, carriage by water, small cord, folding ladders, and the wages of workmen as well, guilders, painters, and joiners, as tailors working and trimming up the said roof and candlesticks, being the reckoning of Clement Urmyston. Divers necessaries bought for the trimming of the Father of Heaven, lions, dragons, and greyhounds holding candlesticks, as more plainly appeareth in the reckoning of John Rastall. And divers other necessaries received by George Lovekyn, of Thomas Foster, of the King's store, as wainscot, plaster, quarters, quarter boards, elmyn planch board, lead and nails, with allowances for fetching of the King and Queen's stuff and plate from the Tower and Baynelskastell to Greenwich, and so re-carried thither again."
Received by Guldeforde, of the King, 600l.; of Wiat, 60l. Paid to joiners for wages, working day and night, including Sundays generally, holidays only excepted, being St. Matthew's Day, Lady Day, Palm Sunday.
Wages to moulders of paper, day and night, at 18d., 16d., 12d. Sawyers and carpenters at 6d. per day. Sawyers at 6d. the day and night, and others at 10d. the day. Laborers at 4d. the day, and 2d. the night. Casters of lead, 12d. day and night. Archangell and Raphael at 3s. 4d. day and night, others at 20d. To Italian painters, Vincent Vulp and Ellys Carmyan, at 20s. the week. Paid to Master Hans for the painting of the plat of Tirwan, which standeth on the backside of the great arch in grete, 4l. 10s. Italian painters and gilders, Nicholas Florentine at 2s., and Domyngo at 16d., day and night. _ bricklayers, 7d. a day. To Chr. Smythe, plummer, of London, for 80 lb. of sawder for sawdering of the lead cast in knots, roses, leaves, castles, lions, greyhounds, and other antique work, at 6d. the 1b. To Rob. Wilkyns, turner, of London, for making of 44 candlesticks, pillars 40, 13 bases for pillars by a bargain in grete, 9l. 14s. To him for 88 pillars at 16d. each, and 30 bases for pillars at 8d. each. Paid to John Wildeman, brazier, of London, for moulds bought to cast in lead at 6d. per lb., and repair of the same, named the broad leaf and the rose, the rose and the garnet, the leaf, the double ring, the double flower, the great pillar, the little flower, the 2 dolphins, the little pillar. Coals at 10s. the load, 9s. ditto, (horse coals) 5d. the sack, 4½d. ditto. Wood at 2s. 9d. the hundred; faggots, 2s. 6d. a load. Boat hire. Cart hire. Master Carrewis place mentioned. Paid for 40 round pins of iron for the candlesticks of the great arch to set the wax upon it, at 3d. each; for one hundred and a quarter of Spanish iron for bars of the furnace to melt in the lead, 6s. 8d. 5 hogsheads for plasterers at 8d. each, for shavings of white paper to make lions, &c., and the King's arms, 16d. 12lb. candles, 1d. per lb. Iron for the great arch, 3½d. per lb. 24 ells of fine canvas for lining of the backside of the great arch whereupon Turwin is stayned, at 7d. the ell. 200 of 6d. nails, 12d.; 500 of 3d. nails, 2s. 1d. 14 candlesticks of plate, at 5s. each. 4 great cans or reeds to light the candles in the banqueting house, 14d. A sword for St. George, 2s. 8d. Black collars for Mr. Hans, 3s. 4d. To 2 tailors working 2 days upon St. George's coat, and sewing the carpets in the disguising house, 12d. a day each. 2 sheets for the gilders to keep the gold clean from fretting. A great caldron for melting wax and rosin for the moulds of paper, 40s. Trimming, tinning, and dressing of 4 flat bars of iron, at 6d. each. Stools and forms, 20s. To Thomas Weyver, for keeping a book of workmen, overseeing them at work night and day, receiving and delivering stuff, 13 weeks, 40s. To John Midelton overseeing the workmen and keeping of the gallery by the said space, 40s. Total of George Lovekyn's payments, from 6 Feb. 18 Hen. VIII. to 7 May 19 Hen. VIII., for making of 2 arches triumphant antique wise for the King's banketing and disguising house made at Greenwich for his banket and tryumphe holden there, 262l. 9s. 8d. Gold, &c., bought by Master Brown, the King's painter, for gilding and painting the two arches:—fine gold, 50s. the thousand; party gold, 20s., ditto; fine silver at 7s. 6d. ditto; distemper, 8d. the gallon; lean oil, 16d. gall.; fat oil, 16s. gall.; fine sise in oil, 6s. 8d. quart; vermillion, 2s. lb.; white lead, 2½d. lb.; red lead, 2d.; Spanish oker, 1½d. lb.; coarse bise, 3s. 4d. lb.; Spanish white, 8d. doz. lb.; copperas, 1s. lb.; Spanish brown, 1d. lb.; sapgreen, 16d. lb.; brasell, 8d. lb.; gilding cotton, 10d. lb. Fyne hers for tollis, 8d. lb.; working tollys, 2d. each; fine thread for tollys, 8d. lb.; white paper, 2d. quire; paper royal, 8d. quire; a great fox tail, 6d.; a potell of pink fine, 12d.; verditor, 14d. lb.; general, 8d. lb.; fine floreye, 2s. 6d. lb.; fine ynde bavedens, 14d. half pound; russet, 8d. lb.; orpiment, 16d. lb.; 4 oz. of synoper tops, 4d.; dark oker, 16d. lb.; one doz. of black, 10d.; double sarsenet beaten with fine gold and antique works, 16s. 8d. yard. Other items for colors, &c., among which, ½ lb. of ground glass, 2s.; 3 pints aquavitæ, 2s. 3d.; for the hire of two grindstones, 13 weeks, 3s. 3d. Wages to gilders, painters, &c., by the day and night, at 2s., 20d., 16d., 14d., 12d.
Payments made by John Demyans. Wages of laborers working upon moulds, &c., day and night, 12d. and 4d. To John Demyans for 6 antique heads, gilt, silvered, and painted, at 26s. 8d. each; for old linen cloth for moulds of paper for the vaulting of arches, comprising old sheets at 2s. 8d. per pair, &c.; brown paper; sponge, 2s. 6d. lb.; pork grease, 3d. lb.; fine flour for paste, 2s. bushel; candles, wax, and rosin for knots; different sorts of nails with their prices; tools for the moulders; tin, 4½d.; lb.; wainscot for antique cups for candlesticks, &c. For 24 wainscots spent in making 230 cups for all the lights, side branches of 5 lights, and hanging branches of 6 lights, 20s. 10d.; for sawing and to the turner, 1½d. the cup each; carving, 3¼d. For 100 antique knops, pomander fashion, for garnishing the shanks of the hanging lights, 6s.; for carving of them, "as hit is to see," 7s. For 66 pieces, turned lyllypot fashion, more than a foot long, 6s.; carving, 5s. For 800 pieces, turned and bored, for the garnishing of the crooked irons of all the hanging branches, at 2s. 8d. the hundred; 90 feet of timber turned, that standeth up bearing the cups over the side lights, 3s. 4d.; 250 round pieces, turned and bored, thorough gilded, 5s.; for 4 wainscots to make the 18 beams to bear all the lights, 4s. 8d.; for sawing thereof, 3d.; th'embowing and carving of the said lights, at 6d. each; 680 yards red buckram, at 4½d. Other items for varnish, gold skins, &c. For 400 little roses, and 500 little antique leaves of lead that garnished the 18 beams for the lights, 1,900 leaves of lead that garnisheth the cups for all the lights, weighing 27 lb.; 20 great budds of timber to set in the roses. For 31,700 of party gold spent in gilding all the buckrams for the roof, at 22d. the hundred. For 400 party gold for candlesticks. For 3 quarters of fine gold that gilded the 20 great budds. For 4,200 of nails spent in nailing 800 pieces for the lights, and 12,700 nails for the nailing of leaves and lillypots, at 13d. the 1,000. For 5 burden of rushes that strawid the floor where it was shewed, 7½d. For making the pageant of lights with 20 images holding candlesticks; the joiners' work, wainscot, and the clothes that garnished it, in grete, 33s. 4d. Printing the buckrams, by the day, 8d.; working at the press, 6d. Painters working on the candlesticks, 8d.; grinder of colors, 6d. Cutting plates round for candlesticks, 6d. Cutting of gold paper, silver paper, and orsedye for the candlesticks, 8d. Gilders working upon the buckram for the roof, 8d. Tailors lyring, ringing, and sewing the roof, at 6d. Setting up the roof and the candlesticks, 8d. Necessaries of the King's store received by George Lovekyn, of Thomas Foster, comptroller of the King's works.
"Divers necessaries bought from trimming of the pageant of the Father of Hevin," lions, dragons, and greyhounds holding candlesticks, as more plainly appeareth in the reckoning of John Rastall; for the writing of the dialogue and making in rhyme, both in English and Latin, 3s. 4d. For the washing of 5 doz. napkins, at 8d. a doz. Washing and bleaching, for the scouring and oiling of 4 cases with carving knives small, 3s. 4d. For washing 5 doz. napkins, 28 towels, 2 long tablecloths, and one short tablecloth, 6s. Sum total of the whole account, ending the 7th May, anno 19 Henry VIII., 761l. 4s. 7d.; whereof received by me, Sir Henry Guldeford this present accountant, 660l. So, more to be had for the full contentation, 101l. 4s. 7d.; whereof had of your own store by the hands of Tho. Foster, as appeareth by the particulars within written, wherefore a warrant to be had, 43l. 3s. 4½d. So, to be had in ready money, 58l. 15d. Signed: Henry Guldeford.
Pp. 58.
8 May.
Add. MS. 12192, f. 43. B. M.
"Relation de ce qui fut negotié en l'an 1525 (1527) avec Henry VIII. le Roy d'Angleterre et le Card. d'Yorck par l'evesque de Tarbes, le vicomte de Turenne et le president le Viste, ambassadeurs du roy François Premier, touchant le mariage de la fille dudit Roy d'Angleterre avec ledit Roy François, ct pour traitter une alliance contre l'empereur Charles V. pour dellivrance des enfants de France. Rédigé par écrit par Claude Dodieu, conseiller en la cour de Parlement de Paris."
Arrival of the
French ambassadors in England.
On Feb. 26, 1525, (fn. 2) Messire Gabriel de Grammont, bishop of Tarbe, François vicomte de Turenne, Antoine le Viste, president of Paris and Bretagne, and the writer, embarked at Boulogne, arriving at Dover (Donuoes) at 1 p.m. Were met by Jean Joachim de Passaut, seigneur de Vaux, and proceeded to London. On Saturday, the 2nd of March, de Vaux went to the Cardinal, who asked him what charge they had as to Fitzwilliam's offers. De Vaux excused himself, and said only that it depended on Wolsey whether they took effect._March 3. The ambassadors, with Dodieu as secretary, had audience of Wolsey at Westminster. The Bishop thanked him in Latin, on the part of Francis, for being the occasion of peace with the king of England, which peace had been the means of his deliverance; and for proposing the marriage with the English princess. Wolsey answered he had not merited such honor; and after reading the letters of credence presented by the Bishop, went with them into a little room, where the Bishop in French thanked Wolsey for his offers of the marriage, and of a closer league for the deliverance of the Princes, which the Emperor's anger at the marriage would make more difficult, and said they had brought powers to conclude these articles, and to treat for a universal peace; and they were instructed to apply first to Wolsey, and to take his advice. One article they advisedly omitted, to ask Wolsey to moderate the demands made by Fitzwilliam.
Wolsey insists
on a new and
perpetual treaty.
Wolsey thanked them for attributing the King's deliverance to him, and said that after seeing him at Ardre, he had become his servant in consequence of his nobleness and virtues, and no subsequent circumstances had destroyed his affection, which was increased by the similarity of the two Kings in habit and person; he had endeavored to obtain his release, and to preserve his realm in his absence, and to dissuade Henry from invading it. As to Fitzwilliam's proceedings, Wolsey denied that he had any instructions to offer the Princess in marriage, and could not have taken it upon him to offer such a noble lady, but it had been talked of in France with his knowledge, and by the advice of Madame; he added certain words in the Princess's praise, that she ought to be asked, not offered; he had desired, and would desire, the restitution of the Princes, and for that reason had offered an offensive league in consideration of the marriage, but before either, he intended to confirm perpetual peace, that there might be no further contention between them; of this Fitzwilliam and the bishop of Bath had made overtures in France. Answered that there was sure friendship, and that since the last treaty of peace with Madame, no one had doubted it would be perpetual. But Wolsey replied that this treaty was only during the lives of the two Kings, and they could not persuade him of the contrary, although the president of the Parliament assured him that it spoke of the King and his successors. He said nothing could be done without this, and the Princess could not be given to a man with whom they were not sure of perpetual friendship; he had told the French king of this, and he had said he would send ambassadors with full instructions. They answered they had no instructions on this point, and it was quite new to them. How can this be? said the Cardinal; Brinon and Robertet have been commissioned by Francis to hear the proposals made for perpetual peace by Madame's advice, and since Morette's departure I have sent them to France by Fitzwilliam, who has been answered by Francis that since the principal is granted, she has granted the three accessory demands about Boulonge, Ardre, the salt and the 50,000 cr. Answered that they thought the Cardinal was satisfied as to them, by the answer given by Fitzwilliam about their unreasonableness, and that Francis could not grant them without dishonor; he ought not to buy a wife so dear, when the marriage was so profitable to both parties. Wolsey answered that he regarded the honor of Francis as much as his master's, but he knew for certain that Henry could not consent to leave the Emperor without the perpetual peace and pension and the salt, and he had considered how to draw up the obligations so as to preserve the honor of France.
The ambassadors have powers touching the marriage;
He then asked about Francis's capability to marry, for he knew that he had espoused Madame Helienor per verba de præsenti, that he had called her his wife in letters and in an apology in his own name, and that he had sent the secretary Bayard with articles signed by himself to demand her. Answered that the King made great protestations against the validity of the said marriage with Madame Helienor, which would be shown to the Cardinal, if necessary; that the King was but little bound by the treaty, as he was then in the Emperor's power; that he had refused to confirm it after returning home; that the Emperor bound himself to deliver Madame when he received the Princes, which he has not done, and has therefore broken the treaty. Wolsey was content with this;—repeated that the perpetual peace must be the foundation of the treaty, and that the Pope must give a judgment to take away all suspicion of the Spanish marriage. He meant to deal with them openly, and said nothing could be done without the salt and the 50,000 cr.; that he could not believe they had no instructions about it. Offered to show him all their instructions; which he declined, and said they ought not to dissemble, lest the Pope, hearing that the marriage makes no progress, should abandon them; for the Emperor, who is raising money in Flanders under the pretence of a crusade, would meanwhile invade Italy, and the French king would be abandoned by all, and in greater danger than ever, especially as the Emperor offers to pay the pension owed by France, and to give one of the Princes as hostage with certain frontier towns in Flanders. Answered, that Francis would be very glad for his children to be in the hands of the King, but as to the Emperor's offers, the King had found out how much security was to be placed in him, and would not be likely to listen to them. Wolsey repeated that the marriage must be pressed on as the thing most likely to promote their interests. Answered, they had brought sufficient powers for that, and hoped that he would find the conditions reasonable. Wolsey again said that the marriage could not be settled without the perpetual peace and other demands, that he would tell the King of their coming, and on Thursday next they should see him.
but none for
the league.
Said that no such great demands were made when the Dauphin was proposed for her, though he might not be king for a long time. Wolsey replied angrily that that treaty was made when they were under age, to preserve the friendship of the kingdoms, but it was never intended to carry it out, and it could not be done without these demands. He then took the bishop of Tarbe aside, and told him of the trouble he had had to bring the King to consent to this, and of the opposition shown by some persons, and he said the same to the Viscount. He then recalled them, and said he would arrange that we should declare our credence to the King, and would ask him to commission persons to deliberate about it, that he did not doubt all would be entrusted to himself, and that on Friday they might begin to work. He then dismissed them, keeping Jean Joachim, and told him of the trouble he had had about the marriage, and that it was in danger of being broken off by this delay. Joachim answered that the delay was on his side, that he had always told him that this design of making France tributary would never be executed, but notwithstanding he had sent Fitzwilliam; that he was quite sure the ambassadors had no instructions about the perpetual peace, and if Francis knew how he had behaved about it, and in doubting his capacity, he would be very much displeased. Finally, he begged Joachim to prevent the ambassadors from writing anything to the King that might make him angry. On his return, Joachim told the ambassadors how necessary this marriage was to the English. They determined to persist in their refusal, as their instructions contained nothing except to ask the Cardinal to moderate the demands made by Fitzwilliam.
They still
deny they have instructions.
On Monday the 4th the Cardinal sent word that he wished to see them next day at 9 o'clock, which was Shrove Tuesday. He then told them that the day before he had told the King of their coming, and their powers for concluding the marriage, the offensive league, and the perpetual peace, at which the King was much pleased, and asked for the conditions of the peace, and was much surprised when Wolsey told him they had no charge about it; and he went on to use the same persuasions that he had on the previous Sunday about the salt and pension. Begged him to excuse them, as there was no mention of it in their instructions. Wolsey would not believe this, and said they must have other instructions, as Fitzwilliam had reported that Francis had consented to what he asked, and Clerk had written the same from France, and Francis's letters which he showed them gave credence to Fitzwilliam; he wished that Fitzwilliam would report to them what he had said to Francis about the salt and pension; that it was no use to send ambassadors unless he would grant them, and that Francis had replied that he was content with the marriage, and the ambassadors should settle the demands by Wolsey's advice; perpetual peace was more advantageous to France than England, and the pension was very little for deserting their old ally in favor of their old enemy, and the war expences they would be led into would be far more than this; he would rather pay it himself to the French king than that the alliance should fail, always repeating these words, Sine hoc nihil fiet, and they on their side always assuring him that the King could never consent. Finally, he said he could not believe that Francis had given up his intention of treating with the Emperor and marrying dame Eleanor; suspected that he had sent them thus unprovided to facilitate treating with Spain; and said that if he would let him know such to be his intention, he would willingly assist to bring it about.
On their return consulted on their future course, as their instructions only authorized them to ask the Cardinal to moderate the demands, and decided to write to the King that they hoped to make the Cardinal abate a little, and to ask him to write a letter to the king of England according to a minute drawn up by Jean Joachim, and sent to monseigneur d'Alluye (?) asking him not to insist on what is so dishonorable and grievous, and similar letters to Wolsey.
with the King;
On Thursday the 7th, went to Greenwich, "distant de Londres 3000" (trois milles). Were presented to the King in his arriere salle. The bishop of Tarbe presented him the letters of credence from Francis and his mother, which he called Wolsey to read. Thirteen or fourteen other persons were present, including the bishops of London and Ely, the dukes of Montfort (Norfolk) and Suffolk, the marquis of Exeter, Talabor, grand master of England (Talbot earl of Shrewsbury), Feuguillain, Mon. de Rochefort, Mr. Maure (Sir Thos. More), his secretary, the dean of Windsor (Sampson), and others. The bishop declared as his credence the first and second articles of the first instructions. The King replied that he was much obliged to Francis for condescending to take his little daughter, who did not deserve such honor; he had for a long time had an affection for the King, such as a simple gentleman might have for his friend, and, if their state allowed, he would not be one single day without his company; their alliance was so firm that there was no necessity to make a fresh treaty; that in consequence of the marriage he hoped they would achieve what would be to the glory of God and the exaltation of all Christendom. Afterwards he said he was astonished that nothing was said in the credence about the universal peace, but he had been informed that they had orders to treat of it. Answered, that they were commissioned to do so after the marriage, for which chiefly they were sent. He said, you forget the perpetual peace and the conditions required. Answered, that the peace between the kingdoms was so firm that it would last for ever, and it could not be more ample. He answered that it was for their lives. To their argument that the good effects. of the peace would induce their successors to maintain it, and that the knowledge of its utility was the true way to preserve it, he said that the chief cause of its commencement was the friendship of the kings, but that their successors might have a different opinion; their friendship made him desirous of removing all causes of war from their successors. The ambassadors excused themselves for want of power. Henry said this could not be, and showed Madame's letter, expressing a hope of perpetual peace. Told him that was not the meaning of it; that they had no instructions on that point, as it was considered a thing already done; that they had informed their master of the Cardinal's instances, and they asked Henry that commissioners might be appointed to settle the conditions of the marriage with them. He agreed to this, but wished to know the truth about Madame Helyenor, for he could not give his heiress to a man about whose capacity to marry there might be doubts. Reminded him of Fitzwilliam's interview with the King on the subject; that he had been forced to promise what he did not think himself bound to perform; that Fitzwilliam had spoken about the Princess as from the king of England, and that in consequence of that, they were sent; Francis would never do anything contrary to honor or his conscience, and they feared he would think it strange that this difficulty should be made after he had given his word. The King said nothing was intended but to discover if the French king was able to contract the marriage. Would say no more about it, as they were not instructed to dispute about his capacity. The King recalled his councillors, and, after consulting with them, said that Francis did him great honor in demanding his daughter, and he would give her, if Francis was a mere gentleman, but all advised him not to risk her being afterwards separated, and his capability of contracting marriage must be declared. Promised to inform Francis. Wolsey then with great courtesy told them that the next day was fixed for the commencement of the business, and asked them to come to his house in the afternoon to meet the English commissioners. Answered, that if a declaration of the King's capacity was necessary, it was only waste of time; they would write to him, and could say nothing till they had his answer. Wolsey said they had better come and hear what they had to say; which they agreed to do. The King took Turenne aside, and told him that such great matters could not be treated without difficulties. Turenne said these should be graciously handled, and advised him not to require anything dishonorable from Francis.
with the Council. On the 8th, met Norfolk, Suffolk, the bishops of London and Ely, lord Rochford, Fitzwilliam, and Mr. More, at the Cardinal's house. Wolsey thanked Francis for the offer of marriage, but finished by saying that the engagement to Madame Helyenor must be cleared up. Answered as before, and said they had informed their master, but they expected he would think it strange. The Cardinal and the others excused themselves; said they did not consider he was bound by his promise; they did not wish to irritate him, but wished to have everything settled honorably to both parties; future disputes about the marriage might lead to trouble; they desired the reasons for which Francis is free to marry, and a papal declaration thereon, to be placed in the archives of France and England. The English commissioners then declared in French, that they wished for the conclusion of the marriage, and they only desired matters to be so firmly settled that they might not be hereafter broken. Thanked them; promised to write to Francis, but declined to dispute about his capacity till they heard from him. At Wolsey's request, showed him their powers for treating of the marriage. He found fault that they were not empowered to swear for Francis and bind him under censures and obligations. Promised to obtain such a power; and the Cardinal said they were content to commence the capitulation about the marriage, told him that, in consequence of what Clerk and Fitzwilliam had said, they had been sent to ask for the Princess. He answered that the King had consented to it, and they all thought that the conditions would be considered so reasonable, that matters would be soon settled; he then told them that the Imperial ambassador had been with him that morning, having heard of the proposed alliance, and was more mild than usual. Knew he came then by Wolsey's orders, but said nothing. He went on to talk about the need of a universal peace against the Turks; said that the Ambassador told him he had power to treat for peace with Francis, and to give up his children on such conditions as the king of England thinks reasonable; that the Ambassador had had the power for a long time, but Wolsey had advised him not to produce it till they came, and now he would give it to Wolsey, and a copy to the French ambassadors. Answered that they had ample powers for a universal peace, which they would show before the ambassadors of the Pope and Venice, but not without them,—that they did not intend to treat with the Emperor till the marriage was concluded, and that Francis would remit his differences with the Emperor to Henry. Wolsey said that Clerk had told Francis it would be better to begin by concluding the universal peace; to which he answered, that though he had told his ambassadors to begin with the marriage, he would follow Wolsey's advice; which was to take the peace first, as the Emperor was well disposed. Excused their refusal by their instructions, and said besides, if the peace were made, the Emperor might stipulate for Francis marrying his sister. He answered that the Emperor might consent to the marriage and give his sister to Charles de Bourbon. Answered that their commission did not require the consent of the Emperor or his sister, and that the King would not suffer Bourbon's affair to be connected with his.
The ambassadors at last show their powers.
Conversation with queen Katharine.
Next day brought their powers for the universal peace, and the papal and Venetian ambassadors did the same by Wolsey's orders, that they might be read over without beginning to capitulate, and in the absence of the imperial ambassador. This done, Wolsey talked for a long time with the bishop of Tarbe, making him great offers, and saying that the conditions of the marriage would be easy, as the King had no male heirs, and that he would look at the previous treaties of marriage, and follow the most sumptuous. The Bishop said the King meant to take her over to France; but Wolsey said that could not be, on account of her age. The Bishop said that all the virtues and graces he had spoken of could not exist in a person unfit for marriage, and they would supply the deficiency of age, and that the greatest difficulty was the salt and the pension, about which there was nothing definite in their instructions. On the following Monday, the 11th, Rochford invited Tarbe and Turenne to visit the King the next day, while waiting for their answer from France. The President and Jean Joachim visited Wolsey on Tuesday. The Bishop and Turenne were conducted to Greenwich by the bishop of London and Rochford. After dinner the King sent for them to the Queen's chamber, and they talked about the King's prosperity and the friendship of the two monarchs. The Queen asked the Bishop if they did not intend to treat for a universal peace. He answered that the object for which they had come must precede, but did not state what it was, as he did not know whether it ought to be mentioned to the Queen; but the King said, smiling, to her, that he was speaking of the marriage of the Princess. They then begged for her favor for the marriage; which she promised, but said that what concerns only two princes should not delay the profit of all Christendom. Suggested that after the marriage, Henry, being Francis's father-in-law, could moderate the disputes which would arise on the articles of the peace, so as to tend to the honor and content of all parties. To the Queen's objection that this alliance would make the King suspected by the Emperor, told her that the two Kings would be so powerful that they could dictate terms to the Emperor.
The ambassadors will not discuss the demands of England, nor Wolsey the marriage. Went to see the furniture and riches of the King, who ordered a suit of armour to be made for Turenne, like his own, which are said to be the safest and the easiest that are made. When Turenne was speaking to the King of the high regard Francis had for him, and that he was the means of his deliverance, he told Turenne of the close alliance that he had had with the Emperor before the King's capture; that he had prepared 6,000 horse and 30,000 foot to invade France when the King was taken prisoner; he then sent word to the Emperor of his preparations, and told him to do the like, according to their alliance; to which the Emperor answered, that he had the French king in his power, and that his captivity seemed a better means for obtaining their ends than going to war; that from this time he lost his wish of attacking Francis, and exhorted the Emperor to treat him well and set him free graciously; made a defensive alliance with Madame, and thus ensured the tranquillity of the kingdom in the King's absence. He thought Francis ought to be much pleased with the devotion and obedience of his people, who never favored Bourbon, much as he had been esteemed in France, and he considered him very happy to reign among such people. Le Viste, Jean Joachim, and Dodieu were all the afternoon at Westminster with Wolsey, who tried to treat about the salt and the 50,000 cr., saying that the peace made with the Regent was only for the lives of the kings; that it was not authorized by the Estates of England, without whose consent such contracts were never considered stable or binding on successors; that in order to make them accept it, some profit must be shown to accrue from it, as England will be bound not to trouble France, even in those lands to which a claim is asserted, and he could not think of anything less than the salt and pension; he recited the articles for the succession of children from the marriage, and for the first son to be brought up in England, &c., like enough to their instructions; that in an affair of such importance the Estates of both kingdoms must consent; and he endeavored to make them say something about the demands, but they merely replied that they were waiting to hear from Francis, but would discuss the marriage. Wolsey, however, returned to the demands and the custom of assembling the Estates. In answer to the President's question about their manner and powers, he answered that they were summoned by the King, and deliberated on matters proposed by him, the result of which was always in accordance with the King's desire, and that their decisions were inviolable. Thought that this consent of the Estates was put forward for some purpose, as they discovered afterwards; and the President insisted that it could not be so, as the law of succession was fixed in France and England; there was no necessity for this in France; the King, who is the soul of the law, could make what law he chose for the good of the kingdom, and being registered in the Court of Parliament it was rigidly enforced. Wolsey then spoke about the capacity of Francis to marry, called his doctor to read reasons which he had drawn up in favor of it, founded on the non-consummation and the compulsion by imprisonment; all the doubt was owing to Francis having demanded her by his ambassador after his return. Answered that they had not heard of that, and, from what Francis had said, thought it was not true; that the captivity of his children caused him as much fear as his own, and would excuse what he had said. The next day, the 13th, Wolsey invited them to dine with him the following Friday.
At 7 o'clock on Friday morning seigneur D'Ouarty, Grand Maistre Reformateur des Eaux et Forests de France, arrived with two instructions; the first approving of what the ambassadors had done as to the demands, which the Council thought unreasonable, and would not grant, even if they could not succeed in their charge otherwise. But, contrary to the advice of his Council, and for the love he bears to the King and the Princess, he will deliver to the King during his and the Queen's lives 1,500 cr. worth of salt every year, which shall be delivered "au Brouage" at the current price to the King's deputies. He demands the delivery of the Princess within a month after the ratification, otherwise he will not listen to the marriage; the offensive league must commence at the consummation of the marriage, and last until the delivery of the Princess; the universal peace must be taken after the marriage and offensive league; they must manage matters with moderation so as not to produce a rupture. The second instructions were, that if the English deputies persisted in these demands, the King would grant them as follows: that any child, male or female, who came to the English crown, should have for his appanage from France 1,500 cr. worth of salt, and 50,000 cr. yearly to him and his successors. And it was suggested in the agreement to insert the words "la fortune de France distraite." As to the King's obligation to Madame Eleanor, the same answer as before was given, and that a declaration from Rome could be had, though it was not necessary. Finally they contained instances of the Emperor's ingratitude to Henry, and of the opportunity offered in Italy to diminish his strength, orders to hurry on the marriage and the delivery of the Princess, as delay will produce suspicions, and the Emperor will spare nothing to prevent it, and any mischance in Italy might hinder it. D'Ouarty also brought a letter in cipher, unsigned, that if the ambassadors see that a refusal of the demands will produce a rupture, they must yield, and take pains to find out whether the object of the demands is to delay the delivery of the Princess and the offensive league.
Wolsey is astonished that they still make difficulties Went to Wolsey, and found him in the gallery with the English deputies. D'Ouarty gave him the King's letters from the draft sent by Joachim, and begged him to give up the demands, and advise Henry to do so, as they were dishonorable and impossible. This seemed strange to Wolsey, to judge from his face, and he asked them if they had anything else to say. They said they had not; that that was their answer from the King. He said they either did not understand their commission, or intended to manage it differently to their orders; for Clerk had written that the King told him they had power to grant the demands, which letter he translated to them in Latin. Referred to D'Ouarty and the King's letters to the Cardinal, and assured him that was all the answer. Dined with him, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Rochford, the bishops of London and Ely. After dinner, Wolsey repeated that from his desire to serve the French king he had advised the marriage and the alliance for actual war against the Emperor, contrary to the opinion of many of the Council; that the demands were so small that he would never have thought Francis would have made so much difficulty; as to his praying the king of England not to force him to do what will make him hated by his people, he ought, on the other hand, to regard the honor and satisfaction of the King and people of England, who will never grant a perpetual peace without some recompence for their claims; and though he is better disposed to Francis than to any one else beside the King, he would rather die than give such advice, for which he would be thought either a fool or a traitor, and would be in danger of being murdered in his house: Francis should consider his services, and not press him to do what might cause his death.
To these words, spoken with an angry countenance, they replied calmly and gently, telling him the gratitude Francis felt to him, and his desire for his safety, and the increase of his power, in consequence of his favor to French affairs; and he begged him to dissuade the king of England from making such a demand, which is neither honorable nor reasonable; his Council determined that it could not be granted, but, from his affection to the King and the Princess, he will pay 15,000 (fn. 3) cr. of salt annually during the life of the King and Queen, which is making his kingdom tributary. Wolsey took no more account of this than if they had given him a pair of gloves; said he would abate nothing; that the King had granted it to Clerk; that they did not understand matters, and would spoil everything; that he was displeased at their not taking his advice; that if he knew any other way he would help them to it willingly, but that to decide on the perpetual peace, which is the foundation of everything else, the Estates must be summoned, and they would never consent to the Princess's marriage without taking away all occasions of future war, which cannot be done without this recompence. Understood by this for what reason Wolsey had invented his three Estates. It was finally settled that next day D'Ouarty should present his letters to the King.
visits the King.
Consulted on their return as to what they should do. Were much troubled by Clerk's letter, and saw it would be difficult to defend themselves. Next day, the 16th, D'Ouarty and Jean Joachim being ready to go to Greenwich, Mons. Chesnay (Cheney), gentleman of the Chamber, came to conduct D'Ouarty, and said the King expected him alone. After reading his letter, the King said he knew that he came about the demands; that as to the salt, it was only 15,000 cr., he had often lost more than that at play; as to the pension of 50,000 cr., which he finds so odious, he should think also of Henry's honor, and that he cannot give up his claims on France without contenting his people, especially as he is giving up his only daughter. D'Ouarty answered that Francis did not ask for her because she was an heiress; if Henry had a dozen daughters he would ask for one, from his affection and gratitude to the King, which he will never forget, as the Emperor had done. Henry seemed pleased, put his hands on D'Ouarty's shoulders, and told him commissioners were appointed to treat with them; that he would tell Wolsey to be reasonable, and they must be also. The King then led him to the Queen's chamber. Gave her messages from Madame and the queen of Navarre, but said nothing about his charge, as Wolsey had told him not to do so. Wrote on the 16th to their master an account of these conferences.
Next Monday, the 18th, D'Ouarty and Joachim visited Wolsey, who received them coldly. He told them he heard from the Venetian ambassador that the Pope was in treaty with the viceroy of Naples for a year's abstinence from war, which was delayed till England and Venice had decided about joining it; the proposed marriage was the best remedy to keep the Pope from doing this. The Papal and Venetian ambassadors then entered by Wolsey's direction.
Wolsey suggests a different match. He repeated what he had said, adding that Henry, to gratify Francis, had aided the Pope and the Holy League, and was ready still to help his Holiness with money, and keep him from the alliance with the Emperor, if his Holiness, the French king and the Signory would bind themselves not to make any agreement with the Emperor without Henry's consent. They thanked him, but declined answering without their colleagues, and asked when he would please to treat about the marriage according to the king of England's desire. He replied that the King was determined to have the two demands; that he knew that the difficulty made by Francis came from his desire to marry Ma- dame Helyenor, but the alliance could be made by the marriage of the Princess with the Dauphin, or of the duke of Richmond with the French princess. This was a new proposal. Answered that this was not the way the king of England meant the marriage to be treated; nor was it according to his own promise at Greenwich, that he would do what was agreeable to the French king. He answered that he had told them the way it could be done. Till now the ambassadors hoped they would gain something, but on hearing this report they were in great perplexity. Clerk's letters and the news from Italy were the causes of their failure. After long discussion, determined to offer, at the next meeting, to treat in detail of the demands and the conditions of marriage, according to D'Ouarty's second instructions, and to find out their intention as to the speedy delivery of the Princess.
On the 19th met the deputies, except Suffolk, at Wolsey's house at 9 a.m. Wolsey did not receive them with his usual countenance. He asked Tarbe and Turenne if they were well lodged; said that, if not, he would find them another house nearer his own. Said they were satisfied, and asked him to consult about their matter, as the King wished. He said he was ready, but they must begin with the foundation, the perpetual peace. Told him that the peace, the marriage, and the offensive league should be treated together; it was not reasonable for them to negotiate about the demands, without knowing what would be agreed about the marriage and the league; his suggestion, that paying the pension to the King and his successors was only paying it to themselves, is not true, for the King and Queen are young enough to have male children, in which case it would not be reasonable for these conditions to be observed. He replied that the payments might be declared to be for future kings of England, the issue of the Princess. He said that the difficulties on their side were no less, and that the perpetual peace could not be had without these demands. Answered that if they were to make these promises, they would be void as indiscreet and causeless; if they were made for the marriage, it would be selling the Sacraments of the Church; if for the peace, there is perpetual peace already. This last assertion he would not allow, and referred to Joachim, who had been present at the meeting for the last treaty. He answered nothing then, but told them afterwards that Wolsey was right. Said that the manner of the demands was dishonorable and impossible, but if Wolsey would treat about the marriage and the league, and show himself reasonable, they hoped to find means to grant a portion. As he was determined to listen to nothing before the peace, assured him that he would have what would please him, and began to tell him some of the articles about the Princess's dower and the succession. Wolsey seemed easy about this, but wished first to know what they meant about satisfying him as to the demands. Wished first to be assured of the prompt delivery of the Princess, and the offensive league; but proposed that any child coming to the English throne should have for his appanage from France a certain sum for him and his successors. He thought nothing of this; and said that the portion, which would be in lieu of the right of succession of their children, would not recompense them for their claims in France; and, finally, that the perpetual peace is the commencement, and, that despatched, the rest could be settled in an hour.
Wolsey will not agree to the delivery of the Princess. He would say nothing about the delivery of the Princess, except that he would act so as to satisfy Francis; but, when pressed, said she should be delivered when she was of marriageable age. Referred to Clerk's and Fitzwilliam's offer, but he said she could not be delivered till she should be of marriageable age in the opinion of the queen of England and Madame. As to the offensive league, he said that it should be discussed with the peace and the marriage, and signed at the same time; ambassadors should then be sent by both Kings to summon the Emperor to accept honorable conditions, or war on refusal. Made him repeat this, and took their leave. Tarbe, D'Ouarty, and Joachim returned to ask Wolsey if, granting the salt and pension, Fitzwilliam's offer of the prompt delivery of the Princess would be carried out. He answered that he would not advise her delivery till of age, for half the realm of France, and he refused to give hostages, but their promise might be trusted. Tarbe said, in presence of Norfolk, "When you would not observe the marriage with the Dauphin, and told us it was never your intention to keep it." He denied that he had spoken of it, but had said that the marriage should be ratified by such princes and estates of England as ought to satisfy them, and advised them not to break off what might be so useful to their master; their objections must arise from the King's wishing to marry Madame Helyenor; if the King would say so, he would make the marriage with the duke of Orleans, or the French princess with the duke of Richmond. D'Ouarty said Francis had broken off the marriage by advice of the King and Wolsey, and such proposal should be let alone. Would have granted the demands immediately, if Wolsey had granted the delivery. Wrote to the King on the 20th.
On the 21st Joachim went again to Wolsey, reminded him of former interviews about the marriage, in which he promised the delivery of the Princess, in consequence of which the ambassadors had come, and that he had made fresh difficulties at every conference with them. He said the King could choose whether to marry the Princess or let d'Orleans have her. Answered that the King wished for her; that this proposal about d'Orleans was merely to put off her delivery, which had before been granted. Wolsey replied that Fitzwilliam had no power to grant it, and begged Joachim to return with the others to talk more fully about the last proposal.
Wolsey's offers. On the 22nd Tarbe and Joachim were all the morning with the Cardinal, who finally proposed an alternative marriage; that if Francis refuses the Princess, the duke of Orleans shall marry her, and shall be brought up in England with her; the King shall not promise her to any other, unless, when the Duke comes of age, he refuses to marry her; the two Kings shall endeavour by peaceable ways to recover the Princes, and, if their conditions are not accepted by the Emperor in a certain time, shall make war on him; perpetual peace shall be taken between the two Kings and their successors, with payment of the salt and 50,000 cr. annually by France, to be observed if the marriage take place, and the English make war on the Emperor; if the marriage do not take place, Francis shall reimburse Henry for the expences of the war, and shall pay the salt during Henry's lifetime; or the peace shall be maintained with paying the war costs, according to the choice of the French king; if Henry refuse to deliver the Princess when of age, he shall not be reimbursed for the war, and the perpetual peace shall not hold good; all conquests shall be divided; the Kings shall be bound not to make separate terms with the Emperor, and a universal peace shall be treated for at the proper time through Henry.
These articles Wolsey told them to communicate to the French king, and he would do the like to Henry.
(The above articles follow in Latin.)
Wolsey also offered to visit Francis on this matter at the end of May. Received letters from Francis, that he had heard from Venice that the Viceroy, being unsuccessful against the Pope, was endeavoring to obtain an abstinence. He disapproved of this after the successes of the army at Fresselonne, and the reduction of the city, and would not accept it; he had heard that Russell, ambassador with the Pope, had returned to Rome with Cæsar Feramousque, and thence to Venice, to persuade the Signory to accept the abstinence, which is contrary to the present negociations; and he wishes them to remonstrate with the King about it. To this Wolsey replied that Russell would do no such thing. He went the next day to Hampton Court, where the King was. The Princess also had lately come thither.
At Hampton Court. March 25, dined with the Mayor of London. After dinner, went to Hampton Court, and stopped at the village at the end of the park. The next day, went to the Palace, a handsome house, built by Wolsey, and presented by him to the King. Wolsey asked Tarbe if they had considered the articles; to which he answered that they had sent them to Francis, but refused to give any opinion on them, except that Francis would not think much of them, as he refused the immediate delivery of the Princess. This cold speech did not please Wolsey, who said that the delivery was impossible, and he could not make a treaty more profitable to Francis than the said articles. Henry approved of them, and the consent of Francis alone was now wanted, and he asked the ambassadors to tell him so. After the King had heard mass, Wolsey led them to him in the hall. The King told them he had sent for them to stay with him while they were waiting for their letters. Dined with Wolsey, Norfolk, Suffolk, and the marquis of Exeter. After dinner, went with Wolsey to the Queen's chamber, where the King was also. The Queen and Wolsey conversed with the Bishop, and the King with Turaine and Le Viste about the Lutheran heresy and his book, showing himself to be very learned. Taking leave of the Queen, the King talked with them for some time, and then Wolsey led them to his room with Norfolk, Suffolk, Rochford, and Fitzwilliam. Before entering, he told Tarbe that to conceal from the other English deputies that nothing new had been done, and to hide from them the occasion of our truce, he wished to treat now of the universal peace. He spoke of the cruelties of the Turk, and exhorted them to come to a universal peace for the purpose of a crusade. Tarbe answered, he thought they had already satisfied Wolsey about that, and asked permission to consult with his colleagues. They then produced the last article of the first instructions brought by D'Ouarty, that they must first treat of the marriage and the offensive league. He remonstrated with them, but to no purpose; he wished them to understand that he had drawn up the articles, to satisfy Francis; asked them to tell Francis of Henry's wish; said it should be concluded immediately on hearing that Francis accepts; that haste was necessary, that there might be more time to fight the Emperor; that for the security of these articles there was no need to assemble the Estates, or observe great solemnity; ambassadors should be immediately sent to the Emperor to demand an answer in 20 days; if this were negatived, Henry would meet the King at Boulogne or elsewhere a fortnight before Pentecost; that then the alternative marriage should be decided; Francis should be satisfied as to the offensive league and the delivery of the Princess; that to hasten matters, the offers to be made to the Emperor about the liberation of the Princes should be agreed on; that he would promote French interests with as much affection as if they were his King's. Returned to their lodging in the village. Norfolk, Suffolk, and Exeter, who supped with them, told them of the King's answer to the Archduke's ambassador, who asked for aid against the Turks, that the strength of the Emperor, the Archduke, and England is not sufficient, but that he will assist if they make peace with France.
Francis sends the powers asked for, and wishes Wolsey to confer with him in France. Returned to London the next day, March 30. Sent an express with an account of everything to the king (Francis), asking him to communicate his final intention to Clerk. Wrote also to Madame; told her of Wolsey's affection for her, that he had ordered daily prayers to be offered for her in his college at Oxford. Wrote to Robertet, asking him to bestow on Wolsey's bastard son, whom he calls his nephew, and who is studying at Paris, a house belonging to St. John Lateran. 4 April, received two letters from the King, dated 27 March. The first letter said, that he had heard from Clerk that Wolsey could not content the ambassadors, as they would not declare the King's wish as to the demands, and he expected the King had some other purpose. He wished them to tell Wolsey that they had orders to treat about the demands, if he would treat at the same time about the marriage and delivery of the Princess, and the offensive league, and to ask Wolsey to be reasonable; their powers were so ample that nothing should be delayed for want of it; they must speak openly to Wolsey, and not let him get suspicious. In the second letter, the King said he had re-read their articles and letters of the 22nd, and would show them to Madame. On April 4, received other letters from the King, dated 31 March, enclosing the powers asked for, and instructions about the articles; he hoped that they would conclude the treaties this time, and he asked Wolsey to persuade Henry to allow him to come to France, and to tell him the time; he would do for him what he would not do for all the cardinals in Rome,—would go to Picardy to meet him and talk privately with him; he said also that the Pope had concluded eight months' truce with the Emperor, which he and the Signory would not enter. The instructions were that he wished to marry the Princess, that articles for the dowry, &c., and for the salt and pension, should be made; that if she could not be delivered at once, the offensive league must begin at June 1, and last till the recovery of the Princess and the satisfaction of the king of England; the expence to be shared; he approves of the alternative marriage, but his wish is to marry her himself; if war is made, and the marriage not performed, he will pay expences, except as far as Henry has paid himself by conquests from the Emperor; the Princess's age must be inserted in the marriage treaty. There was added, in cipher, that if they cannot obtain the immediate delivery of the Princess they must conclude the articles as they are, but must be careful to do nothing disagreeable to their master. Three powers were also sent, dated March 31; the first for treating of the marriage, the peace, and the league; the second to Turenne to be the King's proxy to marry the Princess par parolles de (fn. 4) futur; the third to conclude the foresaid articles.
The same day Joachim informed Wolsey that the King had written. He answered he heard from Clerk that the King approved of the articles, and had sent power to grant them. The other ambassadors went to him after dinner, showed him the King's first letters, the agreement with Venice to persevere in the Holy League, of which Wolsey had already heard, as well as of the suspension of arms granted by the Pope. He said much about the means of making the alliance and the marriage; that the conditions of the latter would depend on whether it were the King or the duke of Orleans; that ambassadors must be sent to offer a ransom for the Princes, which he estimated at two millions; if the Emperor will not take a ransom without the marriage of his sister, both the King and Cardinal advise it to be carried out rather than break off the affair, deducting the 2,000,000, which would be a suitable sum for her dowry. Answered, that this about Madame Helyenor was contrary to their charge. He replied that their charge was to treat of the offensive league, which could not take place till the Emperor had refused the conditions offered, or insisted on the marriage with Madame Helyenor; that rather than fail of a universal peace, Francis had better marry her, and this should be treated of. Answered, that for that marriage the aid of the King and Wolsey was not necessary; that the King had no wish for it after the advice of Wolsey, the Pope, and the Signory. Read and discussed the articles in Latin. As to the condition that if neither marriage take place, the French king may choose either perpetual peace or payment of war expences, Wolsey said he must declare what he will do before the war commences.
Next day returned to Westminster, and met Wolsey and the deputies. Demanded the prompt delivery of the Princess, the execution of the offensive league, and the renunciation of claims on France, and showed the powers sent them.
He made a difficulty about the delivery, whatever security they promised. Offered to treat of the alternative marriage, and showed their power. After consulting with his colleagues, he asked the French to choose between the certain and the alternative marriage. They chose the former, for the King. He spoke again of the difficulty about delivering her, and said that was his reason for proposing the alternative; that Henry approved of the articles, but they were drawn up roughly, and would want modifying. Fearing that this would merely bring new difficulties, insisted on their conclusion as they stand, alleging the limitation of the power sent to them.
Wolsey alters his tone about Madame Eleanor. The principal contention was about the article should Henry refuse to deliver the Princess, which was drawn up in Wolsey's presence. He wished it to be struck out, and another to be inserted that if the King or Orleans refused the Princess twice, the expence of the war should be paid, to make the conditions equal. It was determined that if, after the declaration of Francis as to the marriage, which must be before the commencement of the war, the King prevents it, Francis shall not be bound to observe the peace or repay the costs. The declaration of Francis as to the marriage, the time of which was not specified in the articles, was settled to be made before the English declare war. Wolsey returned to what he had said about the marriage with Madame Helyenor, and the dukes of Orleans and Richmond. Made the same answer as before. Not contented with having so often spoken of Madame Helyenor, Wolsey told Tarbe that the King and his Council advised this marriage for the good of peace, if the Emperor would not restore the Princes without, and would not make war on the Emperor if Francis refused it. At this De Tarbe desired his fellows to bear witness to these words, and they took leave of him, ill-pleased, and "en contenance de rupture." Could not make out for certain Wolsey's intention, for he had prevented the marriage with Madame Helyenor as much as he could, but made these offers to discover what Francis wished. Always answered so as to extinguish his jealousy about her. While dining, Wolsey sent to say that he wished to see one or two of them privately. Tarbe and Joachim went. Wolsey agreed not to mention Madame Helyenor in the treaty; and to the article about Henry's refusing the marriage, it should be added, "after Francis's declaration about the alternative." This must be made at the interview between the Kings and the Cardinal before the commencement of war, which Henry will be bound to make, even if Francis refuse the marriage entirely; if Orleans marries the Princess, and she succeeds to the throne, the peace must be observed; the conditions to be offered to the Emperor shall be inserted in general terms in the treaty, and the particulars given to the ambassadors, signed by both Kings; war to be declared in twenty days; Francis to offer 2,000,000 and Hedin, on the Emperor returning Tournay, the sovereignty of Flanders to remain with the Emperor during his life, and Bourbon's revenues to be paid to him yearly. If the Emperor demand the marriage, and will deduct the 2,000,000 from the dowry, the ambassadors must inform their masters and wait for answer. Wolsey also promised an interview between the two Kings.
Treaties drawn up. Wrote to the King, 7 April. On the 10th the treaties were drawn upand read before the Cardinal and the English and French commissioners;—the first of closer friendship, the second the offensive league, the third the perpetual peace. In the last, they wished an article to be inserted that Francis should not be bound by it, unless the war or the marriage take place. He would not consent to this. All they could gain was that a separate article should state that the treaties depended on each other. Copied the said treaties secretly at night, and discussed them in the morning. Proposed several modifications, and sent them to the King on the 12th, by "le Commandeur de l'An (Laon)," asking for his opinion, and that the bishop of Bath might not hear anything of it; but said nothing of the endeavors for the reformation of the treaty made by Tarbe, Joachim, and Le Viste, who went to Wolsey on the 11th, and showed him the said difficulties, some of which he granted, as much as possible to the King's profit, always advising them to finish their charge as soon as possible.
On the 14th heard that Wolsey had gone to the King. On the 15th went to him again at Westminster. He said the King approved of the treaties, with many good words and promises, and, notwithstanding their excuses of the little leisure they had had to see the treaty, told them that if it was not settled by Wednesday it must be put off till the Thursday after Easter; he had added the number of men required for the war,—9,000 foot, 3,000 archers, 6,000 pikemen and hackbutmen, and 1,000 horse, with 500 men for the sea,—and he was sure Henry would be ready sooner than Francis. Promised matters should be settled on Wednesday, and signed on both sides, subject to the pleasure of the King. As their power which contained the first articles was not sufficient, Wolsey drew up a draft, which they sent to Francis. Heard from Italian merchants in London that Wolsey had ordered them to take their property away from Flanders and the Emperor's country, and not to trade there.
On the 16th Wolsey was taken ill with tertian fever. Went to his house next day. He excused himself from dining with them, leaving them with the deputies. After dinner he talked about the difficulties which they had sent to the King by the Commander de Laon, and most were altered as they wished. Tried to alter the articles about the twenty days to be given to the Emperor to answer, about the consent of the king of England being necessary to attempts for the delivery of the Princes, and about the 50,000 cr.; but in vain. The English referred to a similar pension granted by Louis XI. The salt in case of the marriage of the Dauphin was reduced to 1,500 cr. Sent particulars to the King. The treaties could not be signed, owing to the many erasures, and business was postponed till after Easter. After breaking up the meeting Wolsey talked with one and another. Learned that Suffolk will lead the army. He told Tarbe how desirous he was of serving the French king.
Terms of Francis. On the 19th, Friday, the Commander de Laon arrived at 8 a.m., with letters of the 18th, saying that Francis found matters were very different to Clerk's and Fitzwilliam's offers, and to the first articles sent; he was satisfied with the renunciation of rights, the 50,000 cr., and the salt; the crowns to be of the weight and alloy now used in France; he will pay two thirds of the war expences; the time for making the summons must be fixed, that the war may begin on July 15; he approves of the treaty for closer friendship, if the choice of the marriage remains with him; if, after choosing, the marriage falls through by his fault, he will pay for the war; if by the King's fault, Francis will be bound to pay nothing; they must be careful about the article which forbids either to treat with the Emperor separately, as by that Henry might leave the Princes as hostages. This was altered so that no treaty could be made without the delivery of the Princes and the reimbursement of Henry; the article not to have effect before the marriage, or after the actual offensive league. The King intends to observe the treaty of Madrid, except as to Bourgogne, Auxonne, Masconnois, Auxerrois, and other adjacent lands, and to leave the sovereignty of Flanders and Artois to the Emperor during his life. He will not execute the article about the kingdom of Navarre, the duke of Gueldres, and Fornesecs (?) As to the aids demanded by the Emperor in Italy and Germany, he wishes to have the King's and Wolsey's advice, as well as about Naples and Milan; he will pay 500,000 cr. three months after the treaty, at the delivery of the Dauphin, "autres cinq mils" (cinq cent mils) at the delivery of Orleans, and the rest by 100,000 cr. a year. The treaty of Madrid will be followed as to Bourbon. Nothing to be concluded but what these letters authorize.
Were much astonished, and afraid that their letters had not been understood; that they could not hope for any diminution, and Wolsey was pressing them to sign, and always saying that his master was continually urged to break it off by many of his Council, one of them being Norfolk, with whom Wolsey had had high words in the King's presence, which had partly caused his illness. Fearing delay might lead to serious consequences, despatched a courier to Francis post haste. The price of the crowns was fixed more advantageously for Francis, at 35 sols Tournois. If salt is scarce one year, less may be paid, and the quantity made up the next year. As to the renunciation, it cannot be made without delivering land; the English only intend to promise, not to trouble the King or his successors in his possessions. Wolsey says it means simply that as long as the French wish to have peace, they will pay the 50,000 cr.; when they please to make war they will be free from it. The terms of the offensive league are more exact. Immediately on the Emperor's refusal, the English will commence war. As to the King's choice of the alternative marriage, which was granted in the first articles, Wolsey said it was not right that such a lady should be at the King's refusal, and it was worded that Henry should marry her to Francis or the duke of Orleans as he thought best; but still Francis can refuse her for both without Henry's consent; in this case, if war is made, Francis must either accept the peace or pay the expences, which he will be freed from if the marriage is hindered by any one in England. If after the declaration it is hindered by Francis, he must pay double the war expences.
Francis desires power to treat separately for his children's liberation. These particulars are remitted till the interview with Wolsey. The article against separate treating is to last till the return of the Princes and the satisfaction of the king of England. The terms to be offered to the Emperor were those before mentioned. Though matters were thus near enough to the King's wishes, put off the settlement until the arrival of the courier sent on the 19th. Wolsey's illness assisted them in doing this. Though still suffering from tertian fever, he sent for Joachim and Tarbe on the 22nd. He spoke of his services to Francis and Madame, and his endeavors to settle the treaty; said he had heard from Clerk that the King and Madame were ill pleased with the variations he had made from his previous offers. This was very unpleasant to him, and did him more harm than his illness. They could see that he was angry with them for having written thus to Francis. They excused themselves by their necessity of writing a full account to their master. Wolsey spoke of a difficulty that had before been made about the summoning and defiance of the Emperor; a month's time to be given the Emperor seemed too long, if war was to be begun this year. It was altered, that war should be declared in 20 days after the offers were made, or if he prevents their coming to him. As to the article about separate treating, Francis complains that it is not fair that he should be unable to treat separately for the restoration of his children, as that is the end of the alliance; but Wolsey insisted that their friendship must be such that they can treat of nothing without common consent, else suspicions will arise; the Emperor has many friends in England, and has tried all means to dissuade Henry from this alliance, even by means of women who he thinks are favored by the King; but Wolsey has done what he could to hinder them.
Answered that Francis did not see why he should be prevented from treating for his children, if he provided for Henry's satisfaction; if Henry obtained this, did not think his consent was wanted. It was settled that the article should remain as it was, but a separate one should be inserted in the offensive league, that if the Emperor would at any time return the Princes and give honorable terms to Henry, Francis might receive them without waiting for Henry's consent, and similarly in Henry's case.
The Princess Mary. Spoke also of the Italian news and of the Pope's cowardice, and his proposal of going to Spain. It was agreed to write to the Datary that the Pope, by advice of Fr. Nicolo, wished to send to France, and would not leave Rome for the present. Sent the above articles to the King. Next day, the 23rd, went to Greenwich, where the King kept the feast of St. George. After dinner he led them to the hall where the Queen, the Princess, the queen Mary and a large company were. He told them all to speak to the Princess in French, Latin and Italian; in all which languages she answered them. (fn. 5) She then played on the spinet very well. She is the most accomplished person of her age, to judge from what he (Dodieu) has heard. Was not there, being busy about the two last articles with the Cardinal's doctor, who is very uneasy in his manner and suspicious. The ambassadors wrote to the King after their return, about what Henry had said;—his hopes of bringing back the Pope into the League, his desire to humble the Emperor and invade the Low Countries; that his affairs have always been hindered by the delay in talking of war, and that he intended to visit Francis. Said that this interview would delay the war, and he might entrust everything to the Cardinal; but he answered that he would tell Francis things of which Wolsey knew nothing.
A new power received. On the 25th received a letter of the 23rd, bidding them to sign the articles at once, enclosing a power according to the draft sent, and asking for news of the King, Queen, Princess and Cardinal, thanking the latter for the pains he had taken in his affairs. Showed them to Wolsey on the 27th. They relieved him from the distress caused by Clerk's letters of the 17th. He told them that the Scotch queen had left her husband, earl Douglas, for a simple gentleman named Stuart; her son had remonstrated with her, and she intended to leave Scotland and go to France, and she talked of marrying Albany; Henry was much vexed at this, and could not believe that Francis would encourage his sister in her folly; he wished them to tell this to Francis, that she may be sent back to her brother, if she comes into the King's hands. Assured him that the King would not favor her, and that Albany could not intend anything so wicked, and they would sent a courier the next day about it. Next day, Dimanche de Quasimodo, Dodieu and Wolsey's doctor (fn. 6) looked over the treaties, and found their copies did not agree as to the article about treating for the restoration of the Princes without Henry's consent, which Wolsey had granted. The Doctor spoke to Wolsey in English, who argued against it as before, and finally said he would think of it. The same day Turenne and Douarty visited the King, who spoke of the delays. and said it would be the end of August before the armies could take the field, and Francis had better reinforce his armies in Italy to defeat Bourbon and the Emperor's forces there; it was necessary to stop his progress there, and depriving him of Italy was the best way to injure him; to this Henry would contribute 100,000 cr. and more without asking for any recompence; he did not give this advice to save the aid he had promised against Flanders, but because he did not think it well to send a large army thither unless to do some great exploit, which cannot be done there now; at the declaration of war, Francis should garrison his frontiers to annoy Flanders, Haynault and Artois during the winter, to assist which Henry would forward troops to Calais, and he should send by sea to break down the dikes of Holland, Zeland and Brabant; finally he sent his recommendation to Francis and Madame, with certain secret messages by Douarty, who came to take leave of him.
The treaties signed. On Monday, 29 April, brought the treaties, with the intention of signing them. Met the Doctor in the gallery, who said they could not be signed that day, as there were other matters to attend to. Joined the other ambassadors, who were waiting for Wolsey, whilst he was talking to his colleagues. Thinks they were discussing the making war in Italy. When they met the French, they showed great desire of signing the treaties, which would have been done but for the article about separate treating, which was still under discussion. It was settled that in the separate treaty which states that the treaties depend upon each other, a clause should be added, that as the restoration of the Princes and the payment of Henry's claims are the chief causes of war, the Kings should be bound to make peace if Charles offers to do these things on reasonable terms, and they shall try to make all Christendom join the peace. Knows this article did not please them at first; but it remained thus, and thinks it is like that sent on April 22, except that in the previous one Francis could treat for both objects without Henry's consent, and now Henry is bound to consent. Thinks it much to their advantage, as it is easier for Henry to make peace with the Emperor than for Francis to do so, and this binds Henry so firmly that he cannot abandon them. Discussed the ratification of the treaty of peace, which must be authorised as solemnly and be as stable as their coronation oaths. Wolsey, not content with this, wished it to be ratified by the Three Estates of France. Have often refused this, and explained the French custom. He asked for the ratification by the Estates of Normandy and Languedoc. Demanded in return that of the Estates of England, and told the Doctor that it could not be refused, as an article obliges the Kings to pass the treaty in the form of a law, and no law can be passed in England without this. This objection threw the Doctor into great doubt, and he talked for a long time with the Cardinal, who was much troubled, and recalled the English deputies. After consulting with them, he assured the French that the authorisation of the Estates was not necessary, though he had often said before that it was, and Dodieu was told the same by More; and the Doctor then wished the clause to be taken out, saying that acknowledgment by the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer was sufficient, but finally allowed it to stand, although he does not mean to observe it. This may be occasion for a rupture. April 30, the treaties were signed and sealed. It was agreed that Mr. Ponius (Poyntz) and Clarencieux should go to Spain with the bishop of Tarbe.
Audience at Greenwich. 1 May, kept at home, for fear of the London artizans, who go in arms "querir le May," and sometimes attack foreigners. 2 May, Douarty returned to France. 3 May, received letters from the King, dated April 23, saying that the Holy League had been confirmed with Venice, although the Pope had left it. 4 May, received others of the 1st, that he would do what Henry wishes about the Scotch queen. On the 4th, Saturday, went to Greenwich after dinner with the bishop of Ely, Rochford, and others. Found the King on his throne, with Wolsey, the ambassadors of the Pope, Venice, and the duke of Bari, and many prelates and nobles. After the King had embraced them, they sat in front of his throne with the Knights of the Garter behind them. Tarbe recited a Latin speech, thanking the King for his good wishes, and saying how Francis desired to maintain his friendship, and to marry the Princess. The King, after consulting with his prelates, told the bishop of London to reply; which he did, standing bareheaded at the foot of the throne, thanking Francis, and promising a more detailed answer. Henry then spoke very graciously to the ambassadors, thanking God that matters were in such good train. They showed their master's letters about the Scotch queen, which pleased him, as well as those about the Holy League. He spoke of the means for bringing back the Pope to the league. Were taken in the evening to a house well furnished for their lodging.
Henry confirms the treaty.
Offers of the Emperor.
Next day, Sunday, 5 May 1525 (1527), the bishop of London sang mass in the chapel, after which the King swore to and signed the treaty, protestation being made that he would not be obliged to keep it unless Francis did the same by a certain time. Tarbe and Turenne dined with the King; Le Viste and Jean Joachim with Wolsey and other lords. Discussed for a long time with Wolsey the conditions to be offered to the Emperor, but nothing was settled that day. At night Wolsey returned to Westminster; they, to the house in the garden, newly built, near the lists, where a tournay had been held all day. A great supper was given in the house. After supper Henry said to Tarbe what he had before said to Turenne about the war in Italy. The festivities lasted till day. The next day, the 7th, Wolsey declared that the Imperial ambassador had come to him to thank him for the trouble he had always taken to preserve peace between his master and the King; to ask him to continue doing so; to tell him that Francis could not ask for the princess Mary in marriage, as he had promised himself to Madame Helyenor, with whom he would have consummated marriage in Spain if the Emperor had not prevented it on account of his illness; that Francis only wishes to impose upon the King; in proof this, letters were shown from him to Charles, his wife, and Madame; that the people of Spain had offered him much money and troops to fight the Turk, which he refused for the present, telling them that war could not be made without the union of all Christian princes, which he is trying to procure; he asks for Wolsey's advice thereupon; has sent power and instructions for peace, and is quite ready to conclude it; his wife expects to be confined in June, but she is so weak that the doctors fear she will die, and if so, he wishes to marry the princess Mary, as his people urged him to marry his present wife and not the Princess, as the latter was so young. He offers also Madame Helyenor's daughter to the duke of Richmond, with a dowry of 300,000 or 400,000 ducats.
To this Wolsey had replied that they had heard of the refusal of the Estates to assist the Emperor in his affairs, and their offers to defend Hungary; that Henry and Francis intend to send ambassadors to the Emperor with reasonable terms of peace, and they will accompany him against the Turk; is sure that the kings of England and France, and the Signory, will be reasonable; if Charles had not forgotten the benefits he has received, would consider himself much obliged to him; is sorry for his wife, but such overtures during her life are not honorable; that the King would rather marry the Princess to a simple gentleman than to a prince who has refused her; it is too soon to talk of the duke of Richmond's marriage; that he will probably be able to make a great and honorable match; that he does not wish to prevent the marriage which the Emperor says Francis has contracted, but the letters shown do not seem to be his handwriting, and the artist who has tried to forge them is a bad workman. He showed them other letters of Francis to compare with them. They excused themselves by saying that they were sent to them.
Wolsey then began to talk of the terms to be offered to the Emperor; both his master and himself thought both the Princes should be restored at once for the ransom of a million, saying "quod non est malicia super maliciam mulieris," and that Madame Helyenor, being disappointed, might do some harm to the one who remained; that 500,000 should be paid at once, and children of the noblemen be offered as hostages for the remainder; the sovereignty of Flanders and Artois should remain with Charles during Francis's life; that he should give up Hesdin if the Emperor returns Tournay; the duke of Bari must be restored to Milan, paying the Emperor 50,000 cr. yearly; all exiles to be reinstated; the Emperor shall be excused the 100,000 cr. from Naples during his life, on condition that he has nothing from Milan; the King shall make no more claims on Naples or Milan; Bourbon shall have his revenues; Henry demands payment for his loans to the Emperor, the first payment to be made when the first million (of the ransom) is paid; he demands the kingdom of Castile by right of his predecessors, Tournay and Tournesis according to previous conditions; and 40,000l. promised annually as indemnity, which have not been paid. Henry is very anxious for the return of the Princes, and will be content with half the money due to him at the payment of the first million, and the rest annually, as the other million is paid; he will remit his claims to Castile, Tournay, and the 40,000l., till another time.
Thanked the Cardinal, and told him that it was impossible to pay 1,000,000 at once, and that if the Emperor had so much money at once, it might tempt him to make war again. Wolsey replied that he begged Francis to take his advice in good part; Henry would be paid his debs out of the first million; if Charles made war with the rest on Francis, Henry would assist the latter.
On the 8th left London. On the way received letters from the King to Francis and Madame, expressing his satisfaction with the conduct of the ambassadors, and his intention to observe what had been resolved upon.
The letters are copied.
Fr. In a modern hand. Pp. 75.
8 May.
Vesp. C. IV. 115. B. M.
Complaining of the conduct of the English admiral in possessing himself of a Spanish wreck which was not derelict. 8 May. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: D. Eboracen. Cardinali atque totius Angliæ legato. Endd.
9 May.
R. O.
"Werks be gun the xiiii. day of Yenyvyer for the Kyngs graas as pagents and other devyssys for plessyer, the xviijth yer of my soverayn lords rayn."
Monday, 14 Jan.: 3 laborers, for cleaning the Wardrobe, 15d. Tuesday, 15 Jan.: carrying away lumber and old store, 4 men, 20d.; 13 painters, 6d. to 12d. each; brushes and purfeling tools ... Wednesday, 16 Jan., to Thursday, 9 May: wages of painters, carpenters, and laborers, from 5d. to 12d.
Articles bought: 8 pair of great shears, 6s.; 13 pairs of scissors, 2s.; 30 pieces of timber, containing 108 feet, 18s.; 12 lb. verdigris at 10d.; orsade at 14d. a lb.; a ream of geen paper, 2s. 8d.; horn glue, 2 ½d. a lb.; gum arrobyke, 4s. a lb.; gold foil, 3d. a doz.; vinegar, 2d. a pottle; pink, 4d. a quart; vermilion, 16d. a lb.; russet, 8d. a lb.; coals, 7d. a quarter; cotton candle, 1d. a lb.; sinaper lake, x .. an oz.; 6 gouges to cut stars, 8d.; white paper, 2s. 4d. a ream; silver paper, 2s. 4d. a doz.; 324 ft. elm boards, at 2s. 4d. the 100 ft.; cloth for the roof, 16 score ells; 3 carts to carry the King's stuff from London to Greenwich, 2s. Hay to strew under the roof cloth, 1d.; a boat to bring it to Brightwell, 1d. Orpiment, 2s. 4d. a lb. Tailors' wages for making garments, 6d. a day Hire of 17 labourers at Errethe to remove heavy stuff, 4s. 3d. "For kosts doon as by fors of ryppyng of roops the bettyr to kep the laborers together," 10d. "Brassyll to make wattyr," 10d.
March 11:—Total of wages of painters for making a rock, staining 600 yds. of cloth, and making flowers, beasts, &c., 24l. 0s. 11d. Carpenters' wages for framing the great pageant, the ports and towers, cutting stairs, and levelling and hylling the roof, 8l. 11s. 8d. Tailors' wages for sewing and making the great roof of canvas and 8 rich coats, &c., 7l. 6s. 4d.
April 15:—2 carts to carry the body of the [pa]geant to Greenwich, 16d. 7 coifs for ladies, 4l. 14s. Wages for painters, &c. till 9 May.
In Gibson's hand; pp. 66.
10 May.
[Cal. B. I. II.?] I. 217. B. M.
Since he wrote last, has heard from the Venetian ambassador that the Pope has made, in presence of Russell and the count de Carpy, a new capitulation for rejoining the league, of which a copy is enclosed, that it may be shown to Wolsey and the King, and he must ask the former to send his opinion and advice upon it. Sieur Douarty arrived yesterday, and gave an account of what they have done, and of the honorable and loving words of the King. Will thank the King and Wolsey when he sees them. Au Boys de Vincennes, 10 May. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A Messrs. de Terbe ... Viconte De Turenne, president ... le Viste et de Vaulx, mes ... conseilliers et ambassadeurs ... et Angleterre.
10 May.
Acts of Parl. of Sc. II. 318.
Edinburgh, 7 May 1527. A judgment against Sir John Striveling of Keir annulled.
10 May. Concerning the same and similar matters.


  • 1. So dated by mistake.
  • 2. 1526/7.
  • 3. Quinx mil ecus;" elsewhere, 1500 in figures.
  • 4. "ct" in MS.
  • 5. She was then in her twelfth year.
  • 6. De Augustinis?