Henry VIII: April 1527, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: April 1527, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1361-1372 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: April 1527, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1361-1372.

"Henry VIII: April 1527, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1361-1372.


April 1527

11 April.
R. O.
Requiring him to arrest and send to them at York one Jas. Houghton, staying in his house as his servant, who is outlawed for murder. York, 11 April. Signed by Sir Will. Parr, Godfrey Foljambe, Sir Will. Bulmer, and Jo. Uvedale.
Copy, p. 1. Endd. in Darcy's hand.
12 April.
R. O.
In favor of John Peterszen, "nomine Haberque," captain of Iceland, to have free access for transacting business in England, and to export and import goods free of custom. Thondher, 12 April 1527.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
12 April.
R. O.
My lord of St. John's is dangerously ill. Requests Wolsey's interest, in case he should die, to promote his brother, Sir William Weston, the turcopolier, to his room. Calais, 12 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "To my lord Legate's grace."
R. O. 3036. T. MAGNUS to [WOLSEY].
Hears that the lord of St. John's, at London, is dying, and that the King is minded to give his lands, and the lands of other men of that religion, as they fall, to those about his court. Thinks Wolsey should "remember my lord of Richmond, your godson, with part of the same," who is in many ways too heavily charged. Some part might be devoted to the keeping of Barwik, towards which, as my Lord has Sheriffhuton and Middleham, the King pays yearly 1,200l. out of his coffers.
Hol., p. 1.
13 April.
P. S. b.
Petition by Wolsey for restitution of temporalities to Thomas Sutton, the newly elected abbot, who has been confirmed by Wolsey's commissary, John Olyver, LL.D.
13 April.
Vit. B. IX. 91. B. M.
Wrote lately of the war news, but the messenger has not yet gone off. The Viceroy, after the truce with the Pope was concluded, hearing that the Germans and Spaniards under Bourbon would continue the siege of Bologna in spite of it, or attack Florence, unless offered a large sum of money besides, went thither and sent messengers to Bourbon, but has not been able to persuade them to retire. On the contrary, they have advanced to Imola and towards Forli, and were on the river Ronchus when last heard of, devastating the whole country. The damage they have done is estimated at 500,000 crowns at Rome, and to Campeggio's see of Bologna 4,000. The Legate has returned from Naples, and was received yesterday in consistory. Vaudemont is also returned. The rest Wolsey will learn from the bishop of Verona, who will probably deliver this letter. Rome, 13 April 1527. Signed.
Lat., p. 1.
13 April.
Vit. B. IX. 90. B. M.
3039. ITALY.
From letters of Gregory de Casalis, 13 April.
The Pope told the Venetian ambassador that Feramosca says the Germans can be pacified with 200,000 scudi, and the Viceroy wishes to borrow the sum of the Florentines, on security. He says he will not give the Imperialists money at present. Will urge him to come to some resolution. He replied that he saw through the treason of the Imperialists, and his own ruin was the nearer the more money he gave them, but he had no power to stand on the defensive. Further, he will send the Datary into France to treat for peace or war. Thinks that this is only done to gain time, to his own ruin. The whole fault is in the Imperial captains, who could, if they liked, draw off the troops and make outrageous demands, because they have to do with the Pope, with whom they can lose nothing. I told the Datary the Pope would have no justification. The Pope wishes to see the result of the promises of the Viceroy, perilous as it is. The Viceroy has written that the abbot of Najera will visit him, and he hopes a happy conclusion. The Florentines will pay no more money for an arrangement. The Pope has told de Vaudemont he may return to France when he pleases.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 3.
13 April.
R. O.
3040. LEE to WOLSEY.
Wrote on the 8th April of his communication with Almain. Stated in their common letters how Wolsey had refused to take the pension offered by the Emperor, "saying, You will none but will be free, and principally have respect to God's cause. And then Don Inachus said the Emperor well knoweth your Grace's uprightness, and hath great confidence in you." If, therefore, you were minded not to take the pension, you would not gratify the Emperor. "And then your Grace answered, Nay, refuse not, but peradventure I will take it.' Almain said that you must take it, as the Emperor had much trust in you. I then showed him certain clauses in your letter, and said I trusted that the Emperor would remember the sums due to you. He said that at the conclusion of this peace the money will be paid, with additional pensions, and if you were good to the duke of Bourbon "he shall be made sure of 12,000 ducats more" of annuity. He said that he had made satisfactory arrangements for Wolsey's pension to be paid out of the French king's money. Thinks Almain will be content if he receive less than 1,000 ducats for obtaining the arrears. He has taken his Christmas quarter pension of 1526, although he professed he would not have it as a pension. I have since found him another man. Hennege, who has received from the prior of St. Mary's 600 ducats in your Grace's behalf, complains that 2d. is lost in every ducat. Shows that this is better than receiving it direct from Spain, on account of the charges of exchange and transport. Has negociated with a substantial merchant at Bilboa, Nicholas Willesfed, on the subject. Valladolid, 13 April.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
"Scripta et munimenta in præsenti pixide imposita et transmissa."
1. The original bull sub plumbo for the pension of 2,000 ducats to be paid from the see of Palencia. Rome, 15[20], (fn. 1) 4 non. Jul., Leonis Papæ 8.
2. Letters patent of Francis I. for a pension of 12,000 livres Tournois. Anjou, 31 July 1518.
3. The same of Charles V. for a pension of 3,000l. 8 June 1517.
4. Letters patent of the same, certifying that within two months he will provide Wolsey with certain pensions from the sees of Badajos and Palencia. Compostella, 29 March 1520.
5. Ditto of the same for a pension of 9,000 cr. g. of the sun to be paid at London or Calais. London, 8 June 1522.
Memorandum.—Received of the Imperial ambassadors, July 15 Hen. VIII., for the first moiety due 1 Nov. last, in English gold, 975l. stg., and the same sum on the 24 Sept. for the second moiety, due 1 May last, making for one whole year 1,950l. There remains to be paid two whole years up to 1 May last (17 Hen. VIII.)
Received of Antonio de Vivaldis, 28 May 15 Hen. VIII., for the pension of the duke of Milan, 900l., two years in arrear.
Received in July 13 Hen. VIII. the pension of Francis I. for one year ending the beginning of Nov. 12 Hen. VIII., arrears due up to the 1 May last, 4½ years.
Lat., pp. 2. Added in a modern hand: "Two deeds concerning the power given by the Pope and king Henry VIII. to the cardinal of York and Campegius concerning the divorce between him and queen Katharine, to be put into the bag of Divorce."
Cal. D. VIII. 222. B. M.
3042. CLERK to [WOLSEY].
As I wrote in other letters to you, yesterday I was with the King, and he showed me a long process of such purposes and overtures as have been here with him, first by me and afterwards by Mr. Treasurer and me jointly: how we had induced him to forsake all practices with the Emperor, and send his ambassadors to England, where, as touching those overtures, they find very small conformity; and though they have made as large offers to your Grace as was required, yet you always found new overtures, and kept them in great uncertainty without an answer,—which was very inconvenient, especially considering the time of year, so that the opportunity for offensive action for the recovery of his children may be lost. He said, to speak frankly, he thought strange this demeanor of the King and you, especially as the offers came first on your part.
I told him that at my last conversation with him matters seemed to be well, and wondered that there should be any alteration; that he might be sure the King and you had taken measures for the delivery of his [children], and to bring about a universal peace; and asked him what were now the obstacles. "He showed me a ... every day upon a new matter, and from ... matters now at the last to the alternative ... the alternative now to have the disposition ... choice of the said alternative in the King's h[ighness]." But what pricked him most was that you would drive him to marry the Emperor's sister, whether he would or no, and that the King should be at his liberty, while he should be bound, "and ... take ne the one ne the other." He also said the King would be at liberty to desist from the offensive at his pleasure, which I did not see. "I said that I did [perceive] that much part of these matters did tend all to rem[ove] such doubts and stoppages as might let the un[iversal] peace," and exhorted him to consent to them. He said the King and you perhaps now saw what you did not at first, and, fearing the Emperor's power, were loth, perhaps unable, to consent to the invasion this year.
After much and very vehement discussion, he said that if the King and you had "any so [great] respect of delay," he wished you would speak it plainly that he might provide for himself. I had a like conversation with my Lady, who is very earnest, and thinks you do her wrong, although I can see, what they will not say plainly, the thing they fear most is, that you should seek occasions of delay, to do nothing this year but secure their assistance in the offensive. I think they will not refuse to make the King judge of the alternative, although they have raised so many objections; for they are not so much afraid of that as that you will start some other difficulty when that is granted.
As to Italy, on the 1st the Viceroy was still in Rome. Bourbon had rejected the articles concluded between the Pope and the Viceroy, and had marched with the whole camp within a mile of Bologna. The Venetians, upon the agreement between the Pope and Viceroy, withdrew their army. You will now see in what state [the lands of] the Church and Florence stand. There is no word from the Pope con[cerning the] alteration, but there are letters from Florence desiring the King not to suffer Florence to p[erish in] this manner. The King has sent his captains in Italy "a ne ...," and has sent to his galleys to resort thither ... makes all provision possible in the time, and has exhorted the Venetians to do the same. Florence is well furnished; and if they lack no stomachs, Bourbon can do the city no harm, except in the destruction of fair houses in the country. "If these men would do with ... as they must have done with the Venetians ... the Pope, if the appointment had holden, t ... should be shortly at an end." Paris, x ... April. Signature lost.
Pp. 4, mutilated.
14 April.
R. O.
According to Wolsey's order, has taken possession of Sherburne house for his master, and surveyed all the lands, which, as well as the house and furniture, are very good. The former will pay 100l. yearly, and 80l. for last year. The hospitality is great, as the country is populous and poor. There is a small vicarage named Kellowe, 8l., in the patronage of the house, which the incumbent would resign to a kinsman of the former. Supposes the executors will sue to Wolsey for dilapidations. Sir Chr. Burghe, parson of Spenythorne, is attached to appear in Chancery for 20l. he owed the late Mr. Dalby for the firstfruits of the parsonage of Wathe. He is very obstinate against Wolsey and "my master," as Cromwell can show. If he were treated as an example, the quiet of Richmondshire would be improved. Hears that the dean of Lincoln has refused to leave St. Leonards, in York. The house is out of virtuous religion, and their possessions in decay, and he does not choose Wolsey to know it. He is their visitor, as Chancellor and as Legate, and it would be a good deed to grant a commission to visit them. From your Grace's church of York, 14 April. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add.: To, &c. my lord Legate and Card. Endd.
15 April.
Vesp. C. IV. 92. B. M.
3044. LEE to WOLSEY.
Duplicate of his letter of 13 April.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
15 April.
R. O.
3045. ITALY.
Extracts from letters of the prothonotary Casale, from Venice, 15 April.
The ambassador of the duke of Milan in France writes to his master of the good offices of the Legate (Wolsey) towards him, and of the preparations made by the king of England. States that the marriage is to be concluded by the French king or his son within the year; that the king of England is bound to take up arms for the delivery of the French king's children in June, and, in case the French king changes his mind about the Princess, he is bound to pay the costs of the war and 50,000 cr. annually usque ad filios masculos ipsius principis; and that there are other articles about salt and mutual intercourse. The French king would not accept the justification of the Pope by his Nuncio, but told him that that was not the way to procure peace. If the Venetians see the Pope is really willing to defend himself and fight, they will assist him; but they will not put their troops in peril on uncertain words, nor favor him who deserted them. If the Imperialists were moderately resisted, they could not be in a worse position than the present.
They have again sent to the duke of Ferrara for provisions, but Ferrara has suffered from scarcity and plague. The Pope fears for Imola and Bologna. At the former they will not receive the garrison sent thither, from fear of Bourbon. Casale begs the Legate to send the money promised him, from which he will pay the ambassador at Venice, who supplied him while there.
Lat., pp. 2.
16 April.
Vit. B. IX. 92. B. M.
In their last of the ... wrote of the Viceroy's coming, and that, though he had made a truce, the Imperialists under Bourbon would not accept it; "[for which] cause the Viceroy went to Florence, promising to ... the lanceknights." Being there, he sent for Cæsar Feramosca and the abbot of Najera, seeing that Bourbon could not come to him, and he was afraid to go nearer the camp. The Imperialists would only agree to retire on payment of 200,000 ducats, which the Viceroy desired to borrow of the Florentines. Urged the Pope to consider "the often breaking of former appoint[ments], with the false and crudell dealing of the Imperials, viz., in b[urning of] churches, crucifixes, monasteries, abbeys and houses to [the] value of a million of gold, and the matter done of two p[riests] which they took, viz., the one they burnt, the other the[y cut off his] crown, and in his brain set a crucifix, and mak[ing] nuns to marry with the monks, and to lie with them." Advised the Pope, for these causes, to declare the [Emperor] excommunicated, and all his ministers; to write to all Christian princes for aid; and to take the 60,000 crowns which the Florentines had prepared for the Imperialists, and what the French and Venetians offered him, by which he could maintain himself in the meantime. He admitted all they said was true, and the more he yielded to the Imperialists the more they would demand of him, but said if he made war he would be the sooner ruined, and he was advised rather to make an ill appointment.
Yesterday the Pope said he had heard from the Viceroy that he had got the Imperialists to be content with 60,000 ducats at this time, to be increased to 130,000 at the end of May; which, he says, are much better terms than he was offered before. Advised him, if he must condescend to this appointment, to pay them nothing till they had withdrawn from his territory, as Bourbon seems to be guided by the duke of Ferrara, who is intent on having Modena. It is also rumored that the Emperor has revoked the Viceroy's commission, and committed everything to Bourbon. Think that, if the peace were made generally, the Emperor could not withdraw the lanceknights and Spaniards from Italy without the consent of all other princes. Rome, 16 April. Signed.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
16 April.
Vesp. C. IV. 98. B. M.
Wolsey will learn the news by their common letters. When they urged the Emperor to order that the peace should be treated in England only, telling him it would be difficult otherwise to come to a conclusion, he said he was so desirous of peace that he sought it everywhere. When they urged that this was not to the King's honor, he said the King had no interest in it if he was not a party. As to the deposit of Milan, he said the King was too far off from Italy. When he said he could not trust the Pope or the French king, we answered that, if he waited for that, peace would never be made, and that it was best to accept the King's mediation. As to the particulars of the peace, he only said his ambassador had hitherto descended further to particulars than the confederates, and whenever they went further he would.
In their interview with Nassau they said the great services done by the King to the Emperor in time past ought to prevent any suspicion arising from the aid of 25,000 or 30,000 ducats granted by Henry to the Pope; that war could not be maintained with such a sum; and that, if the King had intended it, things would not have been now in their present state. It is not our fault that you have not received an answer to my instructions. Wrote for an answer before he came, and received a written reply from the Emperor, "omnibus fuisse satisfactum," and the same answer has since been repeated in writing, which they have sent in duplicate to Wolsey. Writes in cipher, as requested, and in another letter, his opinion of what Wolsey writes about. Have been again with the Emperor for a more particular answer, in consequence of the hope given them by John Almain; but his Majesty referred us to what he had said before, and said he was writing more fully to his ambassador. Those who were called hither about the subsidy to be given to the Emperor against the Turks have taken leave and begun to depart. Their conclusion seems to be that the Emperor should first make peace with other princes, especially the Pope. News has come today by Lyons of an eight months' truce between the Pope and the Emperor. Valladolid, 16 April 1527.
Hol., Lat., pp. 2.
16 April.
Vesp. C. IV. 94. B. M.
"Ex literis D. Wigorniensis die xvj. Aprilis datis."
The Emperor in their last interview seemed unusually gloomy and exasperated (asper). He did not willingly give us audience. He seems to care only about his own affairs; hopes much, it is said, for the union of Bourbon and the Viceroy. Have urged the Emperor, in his own justification, to come to particulars, as the confederates had done, that peace may be concluded at once. He said his justification was before the world, and he desired to know what the confederates had proposed, as he was more ready to hear than to speak. Said the confederates were willing to refer everything to the King's arbitration. This the Emperor disputed, though we appealed to their commissions. Could get nothing out of him, but he kept saying it was only trifling to propose that a league should be first arranged against the Turks, and peace concluded afterwards. He seemed to make little of what was said about the 2,000,000, and before we spoke of terms of payment said he was surprised Wolsey considered he was acting for him in this, because, with the exception of some small matters, the French king had repeatedly promised to observe the treaty of Madrid, and also to satisfy the king of England. He also made little of what was said of the hope of Bourbon being restored by the French king, as if he were sure of it. He added that it was no use tempting him, because he would not be allured even by 10,000,000, much less 2,000,000. Could not get him to explain his meaning in this. Thinks, however, he has no idea at present of letting go the sons of the French king. When we told him the reply made to the French ambassadors in England about the marriage, he made no answer, as if he had either been informed already, or did not believe it.
No preparations seem to be made as yet for going into Italy. Nothing, they say, is done even about the galleys. Does not believe there is any intelligence between the Emperor and Francis, nor much between the Emperor and the Pope. The Cortes have refused money. It is said that some individuals offer a contribution of 50,000 ducats. Have spoken in their common letters about Nassau's words. Do not know whether it was done from some arrangement with the Emperor, as they have not seen the latter lately, and therefore can say nothing of his intentions touching his coronation, or England, &c. Does not change his opinion about him from Alleman's conversation with Lee, and thinks the true state of his feelings towards the King can be guessed from what they have written already in their letters of the 31 Jan., and likewise from the report of his threats to Russell (minatum esse Rossellum) and other circumstances. Thinks the Emperor has not changed his mind touching his coronation in Italy; and though Alleman says that he is placable, (fn. 2) I cannot believe it when I compare his deeds with his words.
Lat., pp. 6.
16 April.
R. O.
Receipt by Nicholas Walwyn, receiver to the master of Burton Lazarus and St. Giles-in-the-Fields, of 18s. from Ric. Broke, for the prior of the Charterhouse-extra-London, for a quarter's rent of Mr. Atherley's chantry at Queenhithe. 16 April 18 Hen. VIII. Signed.
17 April.
Vesp. C. IV. 99. B. M.
3050. LEE to HENRY VIII.
Bluemantle arrived on the 7th April, much encumbered on the way by snow and water. Refer to their common letter to Wolsey for their answer from the Emperor. The rest is left to Inigo. The parliament here is dissolved without granting any money. They desired peace with the Pope, and the nobles offered to serve against the Turks. The Empress expects her time at the end of May, and is very thin. The Chancellor has left, and there is none but the Emperor to answer. States the conditions of the truce between the Pope and the Viceroy, as reported by the French. There is a report that the Turk is at war in Persia. Valladolid, 17 April 1527.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
17 April.
Vesp. C. IV. 100. B. M.
3051. LEE and GHINUCCI to [WOLSEY].
Bluemantle arrived on the 7th with Wolsey's letters. Asked for an audience on the 8th, but Almain had not deciphered their letters from don Inigo. Sent again on the 9th, and were promised an audience between 12 and 1; but, on coming, were asked to put it off till next day, as the Emperor was busy. Almain said he was not yet "recovered of his late sickness of some murr' and little fever." On obtaining audience at last, Worcester began by excusing the error "made by reason that they, otherwise than they promised to Mr. Almoner, sent not the secret instructions by Echingham;" then declared the "purpose" of the French ambassadors, and the answers made to them. On the first topic the Emperor answered that he would have been much surprised if don Inigo had done anything otherwise than he might avow, adding that he was glad to learn the King and Wolsey were now satisfied with him. Touching the thanks given by the French ambassadors to Henry for interceding for the French king's deliverance, he said, "The King my uncle did therein like a good and noble prince; but I that let him go have had much business and much displeasure thereby; albeit I am well content for so much as thereby I declared that no impediment of the universal peace should stand by me." He said he was quite ready to deliver the Dauphin and his brother, if the French king did what he ought. Told him Wolsey had good hopes of inducing Francis to give 2,000,000 cr. in lieu of Burgundy; on which the Emperor said the French had already offered him more, and he had refused it. Told him the French denied having ever made such an offer, and Wolsey expected that they would rather increase than diminish it. The Emperor said, from past experience he could not trust the French, and expected they would deceive both the King and him. "Nay," saith he, "I have good pledges, and to them I will trust." Told him, if he would descend to particulars, he might have all reasonable assurance. "He said, They come to no particularities; putting hereto, First of all, let us entreat of an universal peace, and war to be made against the Turk." We said that would be useless until the particular quarrels between princes were first arranged.
Urged him, as he had declared he would not stick upon the demand of Burgundy, to say what he would require in lieu of it. He said, "It is not two millions that can move me herein, ne ten millions, ne money; but surety of continuance of peace is the thing I most desire, and that we may set all our powers against the Turk without fear. And in this behalf I am much annoyed and slandered in my mind, seeing there is no faith. The French king hath deceived me, so that I cannot trust his promise; and the Pope, on the other side, have given away my kingdom of Cicile to my vassal, Senior de Valdemonte, and to the same the governance of Naples; which dealing may make me not take him as Pope, no, not for all the excommunications that he can make; for I stand under appellation to the next general council. He somewhat smiled in this speaking, but yet he seemed therein to be somewhat stirred and moved." In the end he said he would take further deliberation, and make us answer.
As to the Frenchmen's third overture, touching universal peace, "he said, I think they mean not as they say. Where it was said that the King's highness and your Grace hath good hope that they will be conformable to all reason, as the King and your Grace shall think; at this word he said, Will they so? Will they do as the King my uncle will have them? here stopping. We gathered that he meant that then he would do as much." We said the King and you had written that their commission was ample and sufficient. To the fourth, touching the marriage of my lady Princess, he said the King might easily judge whether they desired it for his profit or their own. Francis had said he was in no way bound to take the Queen his sister, because the Emperor had been required to deliver her when he delivered his sons into Spain, and had refused. But he denied that he was bound to deliver her until the whole treaty of Madrid was ratified. In answer to their assurance that nothing would be done about the marriage prejudicial to his interest, he thanked the King much, and said he had full confidence in him.
He promised that Sforza should have justice, but would not take Milan from Bourbon if Sforza were found in default, making a general answer to the proposal to put it in the King's hands, that he would make further answer. Pressed him to resolve himself soon, that there might be no more need of sending couriers up and down, as Christendom stood in much danger. He answered "that he knew well in what state they be; and no further word then to this thing."
Said it would be a dishonor to the King if this treaty, so well begun in England, should be broken off by secret practices elsewhere. He said he had sent a commission to Rome which he could not revoke, and avowed he would rather have the treaty here than anywhere else, and rather in England than at Rome. When told that the king of England might think himself illused after he had undertaken to mediate at the Emperor's request, he said, "The King my uncle did first offer himself." In the end he said he would consider everything, and give us answer with all speed. Told him he would get more by putting confidence in the King than any other way; in proof of which, we were commanded to tell him that, if there were any prince of his Majesty's blood worthy to have her in marriage, the King would sooner bestow my lady Princess on him than elsewhere; but as he knew of no such prince unmarried, he proposed to give the duke of Richmond, "who is near of his blood and of excellent qualities, and is already furnished to keep the state of a great prince, and yet may be easily by the King's means exalted to higher things," to some noble princess of near blood to the Emperor, to strengthen the bond between them. To this he only said he was much bound to the King, "and would think and call to his remembrance such one of his nigh blood."
Went next to Nassau, to whom they gave, uncommissioned, the King's commendations, and urged him, as being the King's sure friend, to get such an answer given as would promote continuance of amity. He said no one would be gladder of peace than himself, for by this war he lost much, and he knew the negociations could be best carried on in England; adding, however, that the King's giving money to the Pope was not consistent with the office of a mediator. Answered that it was only to relieve his Holiness, not to maintain war. Told him of the King's inclination to an alliance by marriage and league. This, he said, was worth many 25,000 ducats, and he promised to do his best to advance the amity. After dinner Lee went to Almain to see what could be gathered from him. Perceived somewhat by his answers that he could not otherwise have discovered. In speaking of the 2,000,000, "what is, saith he, 100,000 millions without surety? We cannot trust the Frenchmen." As to the Princess's marriage, he said it could not be, because of the pre-contract between Francis and the lady Eleanor, which there was nothing wanting to complete but solemnization and consummation, "which had been done saith he, if we had not dissuaded it." He said the French king was not sincere. "We could be content, if it might be, that he had the Princess; but for my part, because I am a good Englishman, if you let her go so, I would be right sorry. Except for her, you might have aforehand your old inheritance, Normandy, Gascoigne, aud Guienne. And I tell you, saith he, get you these into your hands into real possession, and I promise you we shall for you defend these countries with 10,000 horsemen and 50,000 footmen." He advised that the Princess should wait and see how the world went:—"Peradventure the Imperatrice may die, and then is a marriage meet for you;"—and he regretted that she was ever refused "for this Portingalesse, by whom we can have no help, and our money that we had with her is all gone." Could not forbear asking him why they refused the Princess. He said the Emperor was promised 900,000 ducats for the journey of Italy if he would marry the daughter of Portugal. And now, said Lee, the promoters of that marriage seem not very toward when the Emperor calls on them for help. Almain shook his head.
Asked him what he thought about the duchy of Milan. He said Sforza had clearly lost it by all law and conscience; there was too much matter against him, and, sentence being once pronounced, the Emperor had covenanted to give it to Bourbon; that the King could not keep it, and that it would cost 100,000 angelots more than its revenues. He insisted that the Duke would die for sorrow if it were placed in deposito. He said the Pope was the cause that he had it, and doubtless would be glad if it were given him, especially if he would marry the Pope's kinsman as was now moved.
On his asking what marriage he thought meet for the duke of Richmond, Lee said he had little knowledge of the Emperor's blood. Almain asked what he thought of the queen of Denmark's daughters. Lee said he had no commission to speak of any person, but he had heard that the dowager of Portugal had a daughter. Almain said she was promised to the Dauphin by the treaty of Madrid. Lee said, "If the marriage quail with the mother, by all likelihood you may seek another Dauphin for the daughter? What age is she? He answered, Six years of age. O, said I, age most convenient for us, in my mind! He said, I know well why you would so fain have her:—because she shall have to her marriage 300,000 doubloons." Lee said this could not have moved him, for he did not know it, nor did he think the King would be moved by money. He seemed anxious for a new league, and said, don Inigo had a large commission to treat in England. Forgot that he said touching the duke of Richmond, "We will offer you no bastard. The Emperor hath bestowed one with the heir of the duke of Ferrara, and gave with her the county of Carpio, worth 10,000 ducats a year, and yet we have another born in Spain."
Inquired indirectly whether there were any secret practices anywhere else. He said, "Some say we have sent commission ad tractandum in Gallia. We be not so mad; ne unto Rome we have sent further commission than to entreat de treugis; but they have no commission ad tractandum de pace," adding that we might be assured the peace would be concluded only in England. Urged him, in conclusion, to procure us a good and speedy answer; which he said we should have, but that the Emperor would reserve some of his mind to his ambassador in England. He said that the marriage between the French king and Eleanor "had never passed, but only by that means to have Burgonne again." He said the Emperor would not go into Italy for the next three years, as it would be dangerous. Told him that the Emperor was very much obliged to Wolsey for furthering his interests with the King, and that he could not oblige the writers in anything, except in expressing his satisfaction with their conduct. When he said that 2,000,000 was too little, they replied that if less was given, it was important it should be paid at once. Thinks Almain means well, and has greater influence now the Chancellor is away. The Parliament will grant no money, as he wrote on the 8 April.
Were put off for further answer from day to day. His Majesty said that he had proposed more largely than any of the confederates, and he had no further answer to make, except what he had written to his ambassador in England.
News has come of the truce between the Pope and the Viceroy, and the conditions of it. The Emperor professes to know nothing about it. The Parliament is dissolved without any conclusion. Valladolid, 17 April 1527. Signed.
Pp. 16.
17 April.
Vesp. C. V. 108. B. M.
3052. LEE to WOLSEY.
Had a message from Gondissalvus Ferdinandus, the Emperor's chaplain, that he had made inquiries by his brother Rudius de Puebla, of the merchants of Burgos, and finds that they demand 12d. in the pound for transmitting money to England. Have received copies of the Emperor's letter to the Pope for assignment of 2,500 ducats out of the pension of Toledo to Wolsey. Has sent it by Bluemantle to the bishop of Bath. Are inclined to think that no bulls were passed in Wolsey's behalf. The Emperor has written to don Inigo "of all such things as be comprised in the ciphers touching your Grace." Inigo has power to conclude the treaty of intercourse, and to confirm the old grants of Ferdinand and Isabella. Valladolid, 17 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add. One passage in cipher.
17 April.
R. O.
i. Petition of Stephen Vawghan, merchant of London, to [Wolsey, lord Chancellor,] respecting wares bought, two years or thereabouts, of Bastyan Salvage, merchant of Jean, for 32l., which he was to pay to Bastyan's cousin. He sent his factor to Bourdeaux, at the vintage in 13 Hen. VIII., who bought wine of Salvage, laded them on the James of Rye, and took bills of assurance from Salvage "for all casualties of wind, water, and weather," and against enemies. The ship was captured by a man-of-war, of Croswike in Britanny. An action has lately been brought against the petitioner by Salvage's cousin for the 32l., without any deduction for the lost wines.
Draft, corrected by Cromwell, p. 1.
ii. [Cromwell] to Lady [Dorset?]
"Pleaseth it your good Ladyship." On Wednesday, 17 April, received from my lord a letter to her Ladyship, "with also all his honorable adventure into Scotland;" also a letter from my lord George [Grey?], of which the writer sends a copy, that she may advertise my Lord. Thinks it will be well taken when he perceives that she studies for the advancement of his honor.
Draft in Cromwell's hand, p. 1.
iii. Another draft of § i.
P. 1.
iv. Memorandum (fn. 3) concerning a bill of the abbot and convent of St. Mary of the Holme, on the frontiers of Scotland, often in great danger from the Scots, praying that by the present Parliament they may be discharged from the offices of collectors of dismes, aids, loans, and other exactions, and from payment of dismes, taxes, tallages, &c.
In Cromwell's hand, p. 1.
19 April.
Bradford, 243.
I have received your letter in answer to mine, sent with Luther's book. I cannot prevent him from writing, but I hope he will not address any book to me, purporting that I maintain his gospel. I beg you to be cautious as to reading his books printed at Antwerp, lest you give any occasion to be thought one of his converts. Olmütz, Good Friday, 19 April.
20 April.
Vesp. C. IV. 109. B. M.
3055. LEE to WOLSEY.
To the same effect as his letter of the 8 April, (fn. 4) and nearly in the same words. Valladolid, 20 April.
Hol., pp. 3, chiefly cipher. Add. Endd.: A duplicate, the 20th of April 1527.
Ib. f. 109*. ii. "I now remember he said, the French king promised to deliver Bolein afore Easter to you, but I know well he will not." The Nuncio has seen letters from Genoa, stating that the Pope's courier had passed that way; which shows that truce has been made. He carried letters to the French king, informing him that he might enter within a month. From the French king he was to come to the Emperor, but he (Almain) thought the French king detained him.
In Lee's hand, p. 1.
Ib. f. 110. 2. Decipher of the above by Tuke.
20 April.
R. O.
Sir Will. Paston has indicted a great number of the King's tenants in Great Yarmouth for three several riots, which he alleges to have been committed on the common pasture of Cayster Bardolff, Norf., in the 16th, 17th, and 18th years of the King. If such riots had actually taken place, it was Paston's duty, being one of the next justices of the peace, along with Clere, "the other next justice," and the sheriff, to have sat and inquired thereon. Has dwelt these six years at his poor lodging of Ormysby Hall, within two miles of the scene, and has frequently had intercourse with Paston during the period, but never heard him speak of it. Ormysby, 20 April. Signed.
P. 1. Broad sheet. Headed: To the most noble father in God, my lord Cardinal's good grace, chancellor of England.
R. O. 2. Petition of John Ladd and Thos. Gladon to Wolsey. Complaining that Sir Will. Paston "hath untruly indicted a great number of the King's tenants," inhabitants of Great Yarmouth, for a riot alleged to have been committed at "the feast of Jesu," 17 Hen. VIII., on the common pasture of Caster Bardolffe, which they can prove belongs to the town.
The petitioners served as bailiffs of Great Yarmouth in 17 Hen. VIII., and being, by authority of the King's charters, also justices of the peace, made Humph. Wyngfyld and John Harvy justices of the "coram" (quorum). With them were associated that year John Palmer, John Barton, and Harry Plumsted, who are all ready to swear there was no riot.
Signed by Ladd, Gladon, and Henry Plomsted.
P. 1.


  • 1. Blank in the bull.
  • 2. "quietæ mentis."
  • 3. This is a draft of later date, written on the back of § iii.
  • 4. At f. 88 of same volume.