Henry VIII: August 1526, 1-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: August 1526, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1057-1066 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: August 1526, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1057-1066.

"Henry VIII: August 1526, 1-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp1057-1066.


August 1526

Nero, B. VI.
B. M.
2363. DUKE OF BOURBON. (fn. 1)
"Lo que el magro Pedro de Burgos ha de desir al Sr Infante por parte de illmo sor duque de Borbon."
1. The castle of Milan surrendered on the 25th ult., on which day the duke Francesco Sforza went to the camp of the Pope and Venetians, where he remained two days and two nights, but not having succeeded in gaining Como, which he thought would have surrendered, he retired to Lodi.
2. "El alohamoi donde estan puestos los enemygos unde seguode de tenersse lo que mas pudieren par afamar esta ciubdad y exercito y estracar nes de dinsoa (?)".
3. They have practised with the Grisons and with a captain named Lheguene, who has bargained to bring over 1,000 out of 4,000 foot for whom money has been sent to Como.
4. To request his highness to send as many Germans as he can to succor that army, because the Swiss may determine to take part against them; in which case the Grisons might revoke the infantry of Capt. Leguene.
5. If more than 4,000 Germans can be sent, they had better go by Mantua, and not by the Grisons, because the Marquis is a faithful vassal of the Emperor.
6. Pedro de Burgos will be able to inform the Infant of the condition of the passes, because he will not pass himself without being made sure of them by Bartholomew de Mazii and a gentleman of Bourbon's in Como.
Sp., p. 1.
1 Aug.
Vit. B.VIII.
B. M.
2364. EXTRACT of a LETTER from the BISHOP OF LODI.
* * * "in Castris datis."
When the duke of Milan, accompanied with cavalry and infantry of the League, was about to take possession of Como, the Spaniards sent word that they would prevent him if he went with more men than his own retinue. The Duke protested, and returned to our camp. 3,000 lanzknechts will arrive tomorrow. Is displeased at the long stay here. This morning, Aug. 1, 4,000 foot and 500 men-at-arms, with artillery, are being sent to attack Cremona. The duke of Bourbon is fortifying his camp, fearing the French, who are approaching. Today count John Fermo and count Francis de Somaia arrived here from France. They say that the French forces will be here in 10 days. It is thought that Bourbon and the Spaniards will flee on their approach. The duke of Milan will go to Lodi, and perhaps to Cremona, if our forces besiege it. The doctors advise him to go to the baths at Padua. Malatesta Baglioni is commander of the troops sent to Cremona.
Lat., p. 1. Endd. : Episcopi Laudensis, the last of July.
1 Aug.
R. O.
Ellis, 3 Ser.
II. 163.
His father has received Cromwell's letter this last of July; and now, the 1st of August, sends servants to take down the bells at Beigham. Is viewing the lands. Intends to be in London at St. Bartholomew's. Beigham, 1 Aug. 18 Hen. VIII.
P.S.—Has spoken to Whitesyde, who will pay no more money till he has his obligation. "Busse, your man, is here," but does not speak of money.
Hol. Add.
1 Aug.
No. 1123.
1. "Last will of Jamys Denton, clerke, deane of Lichfyelde and canon of the College of New Wyndesore, made" 1 Aug. 18 Hen. VIII. With a variety of papers relating to the foundation of the college.
Camb. MS. 58. 2. Liber Statutorum Collegii de Wyndesore.
1. Fundatio, &c., 17 April 1520. 2. Indentura, &c., 18 April 1520. 3. Implements given by James Denton, being an inventory of the furniture, costs of the new building, &c.,3 Sept. 1520. 4. Suffrages. 5. Charges from 4 Sept. (1520). 6. Statutes, &c., 20 Oct. 1522. 7. Will of J. Denton, 1 Aug. 1526, &c.
2 Aug. 2367. For WELHOO ABBEY.
Restitution of temporalties on the election of Rob. Whitgift as abbot. Hampton Court, 2 Aug.
Pat. 18 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1.
P.S. b. 2. Petition by John bishop of Lincoln for the above, he having confirmed the election of Rob. Whitgyft as abbot vice Ric. Kingston, deceased. 6 Feb. 1525, 17 Hen. VIII.
Endd. : "T. apud Hampton Court, secundo die Augusti anno 18o."
3 Aug.
R. O.
No news worth writing. The King is merry and in good health. On entering the county of Sussex, he was met at Petworth by the earl of Arundel, lord Delaware, lord Dacres of the South, Sir Davy Owen, the sheriff, and other gentlemen. The officers of the earl of Northumberland, to whom the place belongs, presented him with 6 oxen and 40 wethers, and he had good game and recreation, entertaining those gentlemen who resorted to him in familiar manner and with good words, and presenting them with venison. Since his coming hither, my Lord, the owner thereof, has made him good game, and provided him a goodly present, all of which has not yet come.
He dined yesterday with the bishop of Chichester. There is not within 100 miles a properer and better cast house, more neatly kept, with fairer and pleasanter walks, except the King's houses and Wolsey's. Wishes Wolsey had seen the house, for there are sundry devices, which he has not seen elsewhere. On Monday the King will remove to lord Delaware's. He was pleased with Wolsey's letter, and the copy of Don Fernando's. At the first receipt he believed the news to be unimportant, and not of a truth; now he believes them to be a very lie. Arundel, 3 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
3 Aug.
di Principi,
II. 4b.
Has informed Madame (Louise) and the Council of his commission to go to England. They highly praised his purpose. Desired them, before his departure, to come to some determination, which would furnish him with grounds for persuading the King to declare himself and to make some contribution. By letters from the [Papal] ambassador (fn. 2) the Datary will have learned the protest which the king of England has ordered to be made to the Emperor. It is said the like will be made by the other ambassadors [at the Imperial court]. If thereupon the Emperor refuses to enter the league, the king [Francis] and these lords say they will declare war. Knows some persons of judgment who doubt whether the war will commence this year. It may be commenced if their intrigues in Navarre prosper. The French wish the king of England to invade Flanders, and offer him assistance. Expects to be in England by the time the result of the protestation is known. The French doubt whether the king of England will sound the drum in order to cause others to dance, without any intention of joining in the dance himself. The bishop of Bath is expected daily. Has given the breve and the Datary's letter to Dr. Tayler. Amboise, 3 Aug. 1526.
3 Aug.
R. O.
2370. HERON and LISLE.
Witnesses, on behalf of Roger Heron, to prove the articles objected by him against Sir Wm. Lisle, examined at York, 3 Aug. 18 Hen. VIII.
Sir Edw. Hutton, vicar of Felton, deposes that on last Good Friday Sir Wm. Lisle was talking with Roger Heron after service in the churchyard; but he did not hear Sir William use any ill words, either of the Legate or the lord Warden, but heard him desire Heron to refer the matter betwixt them to two indifferent persons, or else to two men of law. John Lisle, of Shilbottell Wood, Northumberland, and Rauff Lisle, of Cawcy Parke Side, Northumb., say the same; and the latter adds that Sir Wm. said he heard that Wolsey was displeased with him for seizing the ward of young Swynnowe, but he hoped he would be his good lord.
Witnesses on behalf of Sir Wm. Ellerkar, against Sir Wm. Lisle, examined the same day.
John Wetherington, of Wetherington, Northumberland, Esq., about 20 years of age, son-in-law to Sir Wm. Ellerkar, deposes that at Asshot field, about Whitsunday 17 Hen. VIII., Lisle was talking to Ellerkar about certain distresses taken by him from the latter, who, as sheriff, had awarded a replevy of certain cattle wrongfully taken by Lisle from Roger Heron; and he said, "By God's blood, there is nother king nor sheriff that shall take any distress upon my ground but I shall take another for it." Wm. Carlile, of Wetherington, servant to Sir Wm. Ellercar, about 32 years, deposes that he was with Sir Wm. Ellercar, when he pursued Lisle, after taking the said cattle. Ellercar demanded then, in a good and gentle manner, saying, "Sir Wm. Lisle, have we not a God and a king to live under?" To which Lisle, amongst other words, said in a great fume, "By God's blood, there is nother king nor his officers that shall take any distress upon my ground, or have ado within the liberties at Felton, but I shall take another for it, if I be as strong as he, and can be able to make my party good."
John Dowene, of Wetherington, servant to Sir Wm. Ellercar, 26 years, deposes the same.
Pp. 3. Copy. Attested by Jo. Uvedale. Endd.
4 Aug.
R. O.
Burnet, III. I.
No. 4.
There is no confirmation from Rome, Italy, France, or elsewhere, of the late news sent by the Archduke to the lady Margaret, whereof by many other letters I advertised your Grace. They are now taken but as "frasks;" and the bragging vaunts of the Spaniards are so calmed that they count their money laid upon the news as lost, and will not adventure five, four, or three to 100. I do not little marvel that since the 7th of last month, when it was written, there be no (fn. 3) letters come from France or Italy. It is bruited in Flanders that Pavia has been delivered to the Venetians. I forbear to despatch your letters to the cardinal of Mayence and duke George of Saxe, because I have not as yet Luther's original letters, nor any copy, which must needs be sent with your answer. Please order one to be sent me. Hampton Court, 4 Aug. Signed.
4 Aug.
R. O.
St. P. I. 169.
Commends Sir John Vere, now earl of Oxford, who is repairing to the King. He is humble, constant, and faithful, and will "furnish that room" as well as any of his predecessors have done. Hampton Court, 4 Aug. Signed.
4 Aug.
Vit. B. VIII.
B. M.
Wrote last of the invasion of Hungary. The Turk has taken Belgrade, and thrown his army across the Save. Sends copies of letters received. Hopes Wolsey and the King will second the Pope's efforts. Rome, 4 Aug. 1526. Signed.
Lat., p. 1.
4 Aug.
Cal. B. II. 198.
B. M.
On Thursday last the Elwalls, Nyksons, Crosiers, and other Liddisdail men came by Beaucastell and Thirlwall into Northumberland, and took one John Bell; he pursued them, and overtook them this side Kirsopp, where was an ambush of 300 horse and foot, who surrounded his servants, took 30 prisoners, and slew 11, as per list enclosed. Desires to know the King's pleasure on this violation of the truce. Is marked out for vengeance because he will not suffer the Armstrongs and others to settle on the Debateable Ground, or frequent Carlisle market. None of the people of Beaucastell assisted or scoured the field. The garrison of Carlisle refused to come out. Naward, 4 Aug. Signed.
ii. List.
Names of persons alive :—
Thomas Dacre, Henry Wallas, Miles Halton, Edmont Anlaby, gentlemen, household servants. 16 yeomen of the household, named. Thos. Hathrington, Mathe (i.e. Matthew), Patrik, and Robt. Stevinson, Thomas and Wm. Burtholme, John Makrobyn, Robt. and Walter Wilson, Dacre's tenants.
Men slain :—
George Skelton, Peter Moresby, gentlemen of the household, and nine yeomen, named.
Pp. 3. Endd.: "My lord Dacres," &c.
4 Aug.
R. O.
1. Lease, by Chr. Coo, of Lenn Byshope, to Jaques Darnell, of Manytre, Essex, clothier, of the messuage called the Gryffen, in Lynn, and lands in Bawsey, by Gaywood, Norf. Dated [4 Aug. (fn. 4) ] 18 Hen. VIII.
Draft, corrected by Cromwell; pp. 3.
R. O. 2. A second draft in Wriothesley's hand, with corrections, dated 20 Feb. 18 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 5.
R. O. 3. Deed of Chr. Coo and others, granting to Thos. Audeley, attorney of the duchy of Lancaster, Thos. Crumwell, John Broke, and others, the above messuage called the Gryffyn, &c., to the use of Coo and his heirs.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand; pp. 2.
R. O. 4. Award by Sir Will. Penington, Thos. Jermyn, and Thos. Russhe, Hen. White, one of the under-sheriffs of London, and Thos. Crumwell, between Chr. Jenye and Chr. Coo, of Lynnebusshop, Norf., who have submitted to their judgment by obligations dated 4 Feb. 18 Hen. VIII., touching the manors of Pages, Harbies, Howards, and Butlers in Saham Toney, &c., Norf.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, with corrections in Cromwell's; pp. 6.
R. O. 5. Indenture dated ... between Jenye and Coo, touching the above manors.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, corrected by Cromwell; pp. 19.
R. O. 6. Another draft of the preceding, also in Wriothesley's hand, with corrections. Date blank.
R. O. 7. Another draft of the same in Wriothesley's hand, corrected by Cromwell. Date blank.
Pp. 14.
R. O. 8. Another draft of the same, also in Wriothesley's hand, corrected by Cromwell. Dated 15 Feb. 18 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 12.
6 Aug.
Cal. x. 414.
[App. xxix.
B. M.
2376.[_ to HENRY VIII.]
Has arrived here on his way to the Emperor, and has heard of the King's good health from one of his gentleman, who is going to Bourbon.
The Emperor has granted him the marquisate of Saluzzo, with the county of Tende. The King's gentleman will give him better information about affairs here than (the writer) can write. Professes his willingness to serve the King. [Sain]t Martin, 6 Aug.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated.
6 Aug.
R. O.
The noblemen and gentlemen of these parts have been attending on the King, to his great pleasure. He likes much the castle of Arundel. It is in great decay, but he supposes the King has furthered the repairs. Reminds him that he was granted by the King a renewal of the lease of the lordships of Mark and Oye, at an increased rent to be valued by Sir J. Daunce. Has had some profit, but if he lose it, it will greatly injure him. Asks Wolsey to write in his favor to Daunce. As Daunce is also going to view the county of Guisnes, reminds Wolsey that he thought Sandys should have the fee-farm thereof, rather than any other. As he is captain, would prefer not to have any other to govern there. Today the King leaves Arundel for Halfacre, a place of my lord Delaware's. He will be at Winchester on the eve of the Assumption, and will spend there the time he intended to be at Romsey, where the sickness is. The rest of his "giests" he intends to keep. Arundel, 6 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord [Legat] is good grace. Endd.: From my lord Sands, 6 Aug.
6 Aug.
Vit. B. v. 78b.
B. M.
Was with the abbot of Peterborough on the 30 July. Told him of the favor Wolsey bore him, and what thanks ye gave him for his offer towards your buildings; and that you required no money of him, but promised if he would give it to the honor of God in the building of your college in Oxford, you would cause him to be prayed for as a benefactor. "And a little while he stayed; then asked me the sum. I said he remembered it well. He said, Nay. Then I showed him. To the which he said, he could not call to remembrance such words, but that he would resign, so that he might have convenient time. Thus unjustly he now ... chithe obliviousness. And as shall be bidden by, he spake those [words] which I both wrote and declared by Marthen under your Grace...the same form and manner of the 2,000 marks two times; and [before my] departure, when his brethren and other came into the chamber, [he asked me] to speak the same afore them, that when he was so...[desi]red them again to void the chamber, and said unto [me that it was] not convenient so many to have knowledge of the ... that it should be done (if he would do it) in a more ... That I bade them again to void the chamber...can witness at which time he also show[ed]...two days after sent one v... [to your] Grace to have been good lord... mo words which I sha[ll] hereafter declare unto your Grace. And then instantly desired me to move your Grace as afore, adding, that if I would do so much for him, he would stay the other parties at home. Whereupon I wrote unto your Grace his desire. And now he makes means otherwise to esca[pe].
"This penultimo Julii at night he desired me he might again in [the] morning speak with me, when he said unto me, may forta... he said to me at my former being there that he would [give] large money, such as his place might bear, rather [than that a] stranger should come to be head there. And then said he...a corner in your college, rehearsing the gifftor of 400l...was very far off from his first grant. And th...well (seeing he had made such proffer) if he wou[ld]... the same, and that if he did it would not sta[nd]...and that I would give your Grace knowledge...how it would be taken, I could not tell...to stay and not to write unto your Grace till ty[me the messenger should come] home, whom he lately sent unto you...by the counsel of his friends he sent the...that he would by the same monk [advertise me further of] his mind in the premises, and that...ensuing. So that I perceive b[y]...answer from your Grace or some...monk his kinsman, he said [that he would rather] give 1,000l. or a stranger...as I feel by his * * * sua; and yet is but a boy that hath the receipts and keeping of all his money, and at the end will come to a bare reckoning, I fear. And for as much as he keepeth [nothing] of his former words, noth[er] in sending his monk to me of his further mind as he affirmed to do, (for whom I have looked this six days, which causeth me thus long to tarry my letters from your Grace in the premises,) I would beseech your good Grace to know your pleasure how to have him ordered." Has used him gently hitherto at Wolsey's desire. Thinks if he thus "swerve and warble" in his words, he should be made to resign before Michaelmas on a reasonable pension. He is only wasting time, and thinks nobody can see his design. Regrets to see him behaving so lightly after getting the writer to make so many requests to Wolsey on his behalf, "and now to flee the same." To await Wolsey's commands, forbears his journey to Lincoln, and will remain at Lyddington. Written...[6th] (fn. 5) Aug.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Endd.: From the bishop of Lincoln.
6 Aug.
R. O.
Indenture dated 6 Aug. 18 Hen. VIII., between John Higden, dean of Wolsey's College, and Rob. Carter, Wolsey's chaplain, and Thomas Canner, subdean, and Edw. Leighton, of the receipt by the former of 34 bags containing evidences relative to St. Frideswide, Ravenston, and other suppressed monasteries. The same were delivered to Carter and others by Cromwell, in the presence of Wolsey. Also of two bags of evidences relating to Calceto, received of Rob. Willson. Subscribed by the dean and canons: Johannes Higdon, Richardus Barker, Ricardus Langgrische, Tho. Bagarde, Andreas Stockton.
P. 1. Endd.
6 Aug.
R. O.
2380. The NUNCIO in HUNGARY to the POPE. (fn. 6)
1. Your Holiness will see the news from Varadin by letters from the archbishop of Colocza (Colocensis). The bishop of Bosnia arrived here from the Archbishop, and stated that on Sunday, 15th July, about the first hour, the Turks attacked the castle and a ford at the same time. The defenders killed more than 1,000 Janissaries, as they say. Those at the ford, though they had no more than 40 small ships, which they call "nazadas," about 1,000 horse and 3,000 rustics, sunk one great Turkish ship, and killed many of their men. Only eight of little importance were lost by us. Almericus Zibacha, who brought your brief, had his horse killed. The battle was kept up on both sides till night. During the night the archbishop of Colocza resolved to abandon the ford of Varadin, and retreat to another, two miles off, seeing that with so few ships they could not resist the Turkish fleet, which consisted of 100 ships like ours, 23 galleys and other vessels. The Archbishop is at Baccia, with a few people, and resists the enemy as well as he can.
On the Monday following the Turks retired from the castle, so that our men could water at the Danube. On Tuesday another attack was made, the Turks thinking they would easily succeed, on account of the lowness of the walls; but after fighting all day they were driven off, and many of the Janissaries killed. On Wednesday they began to batter the town on four sides, by night and day. Fears the event, as the castle is weak. The archbishop of Colocza thinks it can be held for eight or ten days, and asks the King for 10,000 men, with whom he will attack the Turkish navy, take the ford, and succour the besieged. Arrangements are now made for sending assistance. When the ford had been lost, the Turks burnt the fort at Futachum, and several other towns across the Danube. Are in much fear for Petra Varadin, as the King cannot succour it, having neither ships nor infantry, except what your Holiness sent. Everything between the Save and Drave must be considered as lost. The King will make a stand at the Drave, and perhaps protect the ford, which will be difficult, considering his plans and his poverty. Have paid the infantry of your Holiness for a month and a half, and agreed to pay them the same amount in Buda. They number 5,000 foot and 200 horse.
Lat., pp. 2.
R. O. 2. Copy of the letters of baron de Burgio, nuncio at Buda, 5 Aug. Wrote on the 3rd instant of the taking of Petra Varadin, on the banks of the Danube. When the Turks had taken the castle by a mine, the garrison fought in the courtyard until the blood of Turks and Christians reached to their knees. Ninety alone escaped into the belfry of the church, the only building which was uninjured. As they resolved to defend themselves to the death, the Turks let them go unhurt to the archbishop of Colocza, but cut off the heads of the wounded, and flung them into the Danube. At the same time they stormed and took Vylac, a fort about twice the size of Petra Varadin, about four Hungarian miles distant from it. 600 soldiers only were in it, 300 belonging to your Holiness. What he will do next is uncertain. It will be some days before the King can join his army. It is reported that he intends to go to Tolna, and defend the passage of the Drave. If unsuccessful there, he will retreat to Illyria, because, the bishop of Zagrab and the bann of Croatia being faithful to him, he will not be afraid of treachery, and the province contains many strong places. If he do this, I know not what I shall do, but hope for orders from you by the first courier I sent. The archbishop of Colocza has assembled 4,000 cavalry, who have sworn to die rather than disband or retreat; but the King has advised them to change their purpose, and fight only where they will be of service. Of 500 horsemen who crossed the Danube to attack the Turks, part have been taken and part killed. The Queen is still at Buda, and no plans are fixed for her departure. Expects she will not be able to leave when she wishes.
P.S.—One of the 90 who escaped from Petra Varadin has arrived here, and narrated the whole affair. He says they did not surrender, but that some of the Turkish officers saved them from the multitude. The Turk says he means to take the kingdom, and will not retire until he has fought with the King. Among the said 90 there are some of your Holiness's infantry, and I have given them a garment each on account of their valor. It is said that Vylac is taken and burnt. The 500 horse who were thought to have been destroyed have returned, with the loss of only 25 or 30 of their number. The archbishop of Kolocza and Bacchia, who was the chaplain of the King in Syrmisch, desires a new office and bishopric, saying that Syrmisch no longer belongs to the King, and he has lost the revenue of Bacchia.
6 Aug., Buda. News came last night of the loss of Vylac, Athia, Zatha, and all the fortresses as far as Erdend, which is a mile from the Drave. The King is now setting off to defend the Drave, and asks the Queen to send some Viennese artillery. He has written to know if I can send him any money. Perhaps it would be as well to give him the little that remains, not because he can do any good with it, but because it is only a small sum, and he is in such necessity. Will act according to your letters.
Lat.,pp. 3. Endd.
6 Aug.
R. O.
2381. LETTERS from BUDA.
After his last letters, on Friday the 27th ult., although some say it was Wednesday, the Turks attacked six or seven times the castle of Petra Waradin, and were repulsed with great loss. Their corpses filled the ditches. The Hungarians could not bear the stench. Afterwards the Sultan undermined the walls, and blew them up with gunpowder. Of 1,000 Hungarians in the castle 100 only escaped to a small rock, who afterwards surrendered on condition of their lives. The Turk then attacked Vylac, where the body of St. John de Capistrano is buried. The King is at Tolona collecting forces. Is uncertain of the result. All the nobles and prelates are with the King. Every 100 peasants have to furnish 20 horses. Had reinforcements been sent in time, Petra Waradin might have been saved. Buda, 6 Aug.
Lat., p. 1. Endd.
8 Aug.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 185.
Treaty of reciprocal obligation between John Joachim and Sir Thomas More, to the following effect:—
It is agreed that if Francis treat with the Emperor for the recovery of his sons, &c., he shall do nothing prejudicial to the treaty made with England 30 Aug. 1525. 2. That he shall not aid the Emperor if Henry make war upon him for the recovery of the monies due to him. 3. The king of England is also bound to Francis in the same fashion. Hampton Court, 8 Aug. 1526.
Lat. Vellum. Seal attached.
R. O. 2. Modern copy.
P. 1.
9 Aug.
Calig. E. I. 71.
B. M.
Expresses his gratitude for the King's kindness to him. Has delivered the King's recommendations to the Pope, who highly approves of the alliance between him and the French king. His master has ordered him to write daily to Henry. Ro[me], 9 Aug. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
9 Aug.
B. M.
To the same effect. Rome, 9 Aug.
9 Aug.
R. O.
Have done what I could to seize Wm. Gilbank, who has broken the sanctuary of St. John's of Colchester, and is now in the "Crowche Freerys" there. Went with Sir Geffery Gates, and asked the Prior in your name to deliver him until you could examine him; but they refused, saying their privilege is as great as St. John's. Gilbank was in the choir, near the high altar, "where I durst not to enterprise." Before leaving, saw a watch set for him. This morning, Mr. Broke, the judge, came to Colchester, and I went with him, Gates and Sir Ric. Fitzlewis to the Friars. The Prior showed us a transumpt of a bull declaring his privilege, which he intends to show to you. Asked him if he had any grant of the King's ancestors for liberty of sanctuary. He said he had none to show, but supposed there was one in the head house of the Order. Gilbanke, on being asked why he took sanctuary, said it was for felony; and asked for a coroner, before whom he confessed it. Advised the coroner to defer the abjuration till we know your pleasure. Colchester, 9 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
R. O. 2. Depositions concerning the murder of Alberey Gates.
10 Aug.
Calig. D. IX.
B. M.
2386. CLERK to [WOLSEY].
Yesterday, the 9th Aug., arrived at Orleans. Received Wolsey's letters of the 27th July, when he was preparing to start for the French court. Understands that Tayler is coming to Blois, where I trust to be tomorrow night, and at court on Sunday. It is said that the castle of Milan has surrendered. Orleans, 10 Aug. Signed.
P. 1, mutilated.
10 Aug.
R. O.
2387. [GEORGE] MONOUX, Alderman, to CROMWELL.
Promised Cromwell by his servant that if he brought the matter to a conclusion in his favor he should have 20 marks, of which this bearer will put him in surety. Thinks if the gentleman be not disposed to take the money, or to exchange lands, he will delay his answer, and get Sir Thos. Hennage to move my Lord's grace so as to stop Monoux's purpose. Wishes he would go to him in person, and get a sure yea or nay. My lord mayor will give him money for his costs if he ride in person. The gentleman is chiefly ruled by Morsgrave, Gardener and John Hennage, brother to Sir Thos., who is steward of this his lordship, and keeps the court. Sent lately a paper of articles to Cromwell, thinking my Lord would not buy the lands except upon the report of Cromwell or some other trusty servant. Walkhamstowe, 10 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my faithful friend, Thomas Cromwell.


  • 1. Printed in error in vol. III., 2991.
  • 2. The Nuncio Acciaiolo.
  • 3. Misprinted "more" in Burnet.
  • 4. The day and month are struck out with the pen.
  • 5. Supplied from modern marginal note.
  • 6. This and the following No. were printed in 1521 by mistake.