Errata and Notes

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Errata and Notes', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Errata and Notes', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Errata and Notes". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Errata and Notes

33. Already catalogued in vol. ii. (no. 4644) from a bad copy in Adv. M. S.
139–141. These documents should be in the year 1520. The "1519" in the letter of Berghes must be understood as avant Paques.
154. In grant to Miles Brykehed, for "Achwich" read "Achurch."
199, (4, 5,) for "1,000 g. cr." read "1,000 livres Tournois."
229. Add reference "Fr. 11 Hen. VIII. m. 4."
230. Add reference "Fr. 11 Hen. VIII. m. 4."
259, 1. 6, for "Tylford" read "Gylford."
269. Belongs to a later period.
303. This letter, though dated 1519, was probably written in 1520 after Colet's death. See no. 959.
325. Belongs to 1518.
329. This document, from the reference to the earl of Rutland, cannot be earlier than 1525.
340. This document is probably of a later date.
373. Probably later. See 396, 1919.
467. Probably belongs to the year 1517. See vol. ii. p. 1171.
491, p. 171, 1. 6 from bottom, for "plate" read "place"; 1. 3 from bottom, for "scourers" read "storers."
535, 1. 2 (after heading), for "La Bastye" read "Marigny."
536. This document belongs to the year 1518.
537. Certainly 1518. See 431.
570. The last sentence should have been: "Await his advice about the stagnant marshes and watercourses mentioned in their last letter." The letter here referred to, dated 21 March 1518, has been accidentally omitted in vol. ii.
637, 1. 3, for "England" read "Flanders."
691, 692. These letters appear to belong to the year 1519. See nos. 140, 141.
760, for "Lawnder" read "Lawnde."
804, p. 281, 1. 32, for "Boger" read "Beger."
879, II. 2, 3, for "cardinal of Toledo's nephew" read "cardinal of Toledo [his] nephew."
998. This document should have been placed in 1519.
919, p. 331, 1. 2 from bottom, for "66l. 8d." (price of 20 sheep) read "26s. 8d."
1067 and 1075, for "Heppethgate" read "Hexpethgate" (error in Rymer).
1075. Insert "R. O." in margin.
1125. In date, for "Nov." read "Jan."
1190. belongs to 1522, where part of this correspondence, viz., iv. and v., is repeated.
1270, p. 484, article, 4 has been numbered "2."
p. 495, no. 1284 (5) is in Buckingham's hand. The reference in the margin should be "R.MS. 7 F. XIV. f. 1."
p. 497, 1. 11, for "my lady of Chewe" read "Our Lady of Chewe."
p. 498, 1. 5 from bottom, for "13s. 4d." (price of a throstle bird), read "6s. 8d."
p. 499, 1. 8, for "Ellis" read "Alys" (i.e. Alice).
p. 499, 1. 10, for "Mr. Gay" read "Mrs. G."
p. 499, 1. 29, for "Guildford" read "Gilbert."
p. 500, 1. 4 from bottom, for "Chichester" read "Cicestre (Cirencester.)"
p. 501, 1. 11, for "18th" read "8th."
p. 529. In grant to John Underhill, add "Pat. p. 3. m. 2."
1339. The same as no. 1311, from a different M.S.
p. 552, col. 2, 1. 6 from bottom, for "Thorton" read "Thornton."
1383. The P.S., which is on a detached slip, does not belong to this letter, and should be placed in the year 1522.
1412 and 1413. "Sunday, 13 July," is an error of Fitzwilliam's." The 14th was Sunday in 1521.
p. 590, 1. I, for "WOLSEY" read "CHARLES V."
p. 602, 1. 3 from bottom, for "Auken" read "Autun."
1511, 1. 6, for "Tuke" read "Brian."
1697. Should have been inserted in March or April 1521.
1718. There is a draft of this document in Ruthal's hand in Lambeth MS. 602, f. 70.
1888, 1. 3 from bottom, for "J. Fynglas" read "P. Fynglas."
2001, 1. 3 from bottom, for "(Sforza)" read "(duke of Urbino)."
2101, 1. 6, for "Redward" read "Jedward (i.e. Chadworth)."
2182. This document belongs to the year 1524.
2193, belongs to the year 1523.
2198, 1. 5, for "heard of" read "had."
p. 942. In grant to Th. Maners lord Roos, insert "S.B." before "Pat."
2268, belongs to 1520.
2344, For "14 Aug. 1521" read "14 Aug. 1522."
2369, 2370, 2466, 2467, 3430, and 3600. These letters are from Florys count Buren, not count Egmont or Isselstein.
2373. Add reference: "Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1. m. 20."
2450. Placed in August on the authority of the Editor of the State Papers; must have been written between the 8th and 25th September. Compare nos. 2522 and 2567.
2462, 1. 2, for "me by (Wingfield)" read "me (Wingfield) by."
p. 1047, 1. 42, for "Bergham" read "Beigham."
p. 1048, 1. 12, for "Oterie" read "Stone."
2497, 2863, and 2901. Earlier copies of these may be found in Harl. M.S. 283, folios 35, 44 b, 39 b.
2580. This letter may probably belong to Henry VII.'s time. See notices of Edmund Pierson or Persons in Gairdner's Letters of Richard III. and Henry VII., vol. ii.
2645, 1. 9, for "The duke of Erskine" read "Lord Erskine"
p. 1121. In grant to Geoffrey Hughes, add "Pat. p. 2., m. 23."
p. 1122. In grant to John Sanforde, add "Pat. p. 2. m. 23."
2773. In P.S., for "Maximus" read "Marinus."
2837. This document belongs to the year 1522.
2967, 1. 15, for "Austrian" read "Austin."
2991. This document belongs to the year 1526.
2995, 1. 8, before "Sir Edward Ringeley," insert "with."
3013, for "Thursday" read "Tuesday."
3103, for "N. SANDERUS" read "M. SANDERUS"; and at the end, for "pp. 3" read "pp. 4."
3131. This document has been placed here on account of the letter which follows; but, as it appears by no. 3119 that George Cromer had by this time succeeded Kite in the abpric. of Armagh, it must belong to an earlier period.
p. 1338, 1. 2 from bottom, for "the Duke's" read "his."
3397, for "Wm. Hale" read "Wm. Hals."
p. 1530, 1. 9, for "Sir Edw. Carew" read "Sir Edmund Carew."
p. 1532. 1. 6 from bottom, for "613l. 4s." read "6l. 13s. 4d."
p. 1593 (Index). Under the head, "Arches, court of," dele 1989.
p. 1618. Under "Canterbury, Christchurch," and "abp. of," dele 1989.
p. 1747, col. 1, (under "Stuart, Alan,") for "3578," read "3573."