Index: P

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Index: P', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: P', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: P". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.



P ..., de la, 966.

Pace, John, 2486, gr. 2074.
-, -, Richard, the King's secretary, 14, 125, 133, 215, 216, 235, 239, 240, 241, 243, 246, 251, 252, 279, 283, 302, 305, 310, 312, 344, 345, 348, 393, 394, 402, 419, 420, 491, 530, 566, 585, p. 242, p. 244, 731, 739, 740, 771, 783, 803, 816, 968, 1273, 1274, 1395, 1426, 1473, 1611, 1869, 1884, 1887, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1896, 1901, 1902, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1913, 1941, 1957, 1960, 1961, 1977, 1985, 2001, 2017, 2024, 2147, 2165, 2417, 2460, 2462, 2465, 2495, 2555, 2562, 2684, 2772, 2867, 2908, 2941, 3103, 3140, 3153, 3211, 3231, 3247, 3279, 3280, 3372, 3377, p. 1536, p. 1537, p. 1540, gr. 2980, 3483.
-, -, -, letters from, 5, 19, 76, 99, 103, 104, 165, 218, 222, 234, 253, 254, 255, 274, 283, 296, 297, 299, 300, 301, 307, 308, 318, 323, 326, 331, 339, 351, 353, 363, 392, 398, 412, 448, 490, 504, 539, 549, 942, 946, 950, 995, 1003, 1010, 1188, 1220, 1223, 1275, 1370, 1399, 1425, 1429, 1437, 1440, 1454, 1455, 1459, 1473, 1503, 1516, 1517, 1519, 1520, 1533, 1536, 1539, 1543, 1558, 1559, 1564, 1582, 1591, 1594, 1629, 1630, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1650, 1673, 1674, 1680, 1681, 1691, 1700, 1709, 1713, 1716, 1734, 1739, 1744, 1759, 1771, 1772, 1774, 1918, 1966, 1967, 1980, 1981, 1984, 1990, 1995, 1996, 2044, 2045, 2064, 2105, 2133, 2153, 2154, 2177, 2211, 2420, 2440, 2498, 2576, 2676, 2716, 2755, 2756, 2847, 2857, 2870, 3023, 3077, 3266, 3464, 3484, 3514, 3592, 3593, 3651, 3659.
-, -, -, letters to, 470, 917, 930, 1204, 1343, 1392, 1500, 1551, 1830, 2863, 3389.

Pace, Richard, instructions to, 2497, 2901.
-, -, -, his handwriting, 255, 741, App. 12.

Pecence, bpric. of. See Badajoz.

Pack, John, 3585.

Packman, _, and his wife, p. 1546.

Paddington, Middx., 365 (19).

Paderborn, dioc, of, 522.

Padilla, Don Garcia de, 2288 (4).

Padilla, John de, 976, 988, 1045, 1303, 1388 App. 17.

Padua, 198, 1043, 1889, 2460, 3594, App. 22.
-, -, letters dated at, 1267, 2420, 2465.

Page, Hen., 3288, p. 1555, p. 1556, gr. 2356.
-, -, Matthew, p. 337.
-, -, Ric., gr. 2016, 2415.
-, -, Stephen, gr. 1379.

Pageham, Ric. de, 154.

Pagenham, Nic., p. 1529.

Pageot, John, gr. 933.

Paget, Th., 2613.

Paglystone, Geo., of Petersfield, 1285 (26).

Painter, Ric., 558.

Paisley, my lord (abbot) of, 3404.

Pake, John, 492.

Pakenham, Edm., p. 1364.

Pakenton, John, p. 1530.

Pakyngton, John, p. 395, gr. 2016, p. 1361.

Pakker, Wm., 2411, p. 1336.

Palatine, Frederick count, 84, 116, 138, 254, 274, 283, 297, 299, 308, 548, 551, 560, 626, 804, 883, 907, p. 436, 1029, 1106, 1185, 1328, 1770, 2515, 2593, 2816, 2919, App. 8, 22.
-, -, -, letter from, 338.
-, -, -, his brother, 299.

Palatinus, cardinal of, 385.

Palencia, bpric. of, 709, 866, 880, 899, 900, 921, 1045, 1887, 2701, 2774, 3032, 3244, 3245, 3393, 3591, 3607.
-, -, bishop of, 866, p. 314, 899, 1326, 1415, 1601, 1636, 1640, 1677, 1705, 1706, 1858, 1887, 2042, 2119, 2288, 2235, 2246.
-, -, Peter de Mota, bp. of, p. 989.
-, -, -, his brother, 3204.

Palermo, abp. of, 36, p. 870, 1460, 2001, 2534, 2542, 2593, 2856, 3301.
-, - (Besançon), abp. of, 2515. See 2542.

Palice, marshal de la, 702, p. 313, 1176, 1413, 1416, 1492, 1496, 1504, 1511, 1525, 1526, 1569, 1590, 1643, 1651, 1707, 1817, 1947, 1978, 2257, 2770, 2772, 2798, 2829, 3463.
-, - (Chaubanes), 2522.

Pall in Holderness, p. 510.

Pallavicini, 1388, 1549, 1640, 1687, 1869.
-, -, lord Manfred, 1403.

Pallett, Mr., 3687.

Pallos, in the Low Countries, p. 411.

Palmer, Hen., 327.
-, -, John, p. 493, 2583, pp. 1361, 1366, 1367.
-, -, Margaret, widow, 2411.
-, -, Master, p. 1049.
-, -, Mawde, 1034.
-, -, Ric., 2415, 3375.
-, -, Robt., gr. 933.
-, -, Thos., 278, p. 244, 1114, 1168, 3288, gr. 442, 933, 1379, 2993.
-, -, Sir Thos., 2486.

Palmershe, Essex, 2214.

Palmes, Brian, gr. 102, 278.

Palpa, letter dated at, 1990.

Palsgrave, the, 907.

Palsgrave, John, 1680.
-, -, -, letter from, 3681.

Palshyd, _, 2193, 2337, 2442.

Palshide, Ric., 2320, 2472, 2750, 2793, p. 1364, p. 1458, gr. 3376.

Palterton, John, gr. 529.

Palyard, Julyan, p. 336.

Pampeluna, 1303, 1309, 1326, 1350, 1352, 1367, 1380, 1524, 1548, 1562, 1581, 1602, 1631, 1640, 1643, 1662, 1964, 3237, 3392, 3532, 3646.
-, -, letters dated at, 3532, 3533, 3559, 3569, 3572, 3581, 3582, 3629, 3646, 3647, 3652, 3653, 3654.

Pandulf, _, 2763.

Panell, Ric., gr. 1121.

Paniagua, Roderigo, 2853, 3018.

Paniter, Patrick, 34, 35, 268, 341, 322, 658, 2321.

Pannell, 1983.

Pantre, John, 2695.

Pantwall, Roger, gr. 1621.

Papelwek, John, p. 1365.

Papworth Agnes, Camb., p. 1117.

Papworth, Everard, Camb., p. 1117.

Papworth Hundred, Camb., p. 1117.

Parcher. See Parker.

Parcher, dom., 1159.

Parcius, Thos., letter to, 91.

Paregetour, lady, 2486.

Parell, Edm., 627.

Paresse, _, 2486.

Pareus, Magister, 2052.

Paris Garden, 365.

Paris, 18, 58, 116, 118, 125, 153, 170, 189, 246, 291, 385, 402, 403, 416, 454, 530, 615, 626, 681, 721, 748, 749, 750, 793, 806, 859, 966, 1108, 1168, 1202, 1209, 1310, 1501, 1513, 1523, 1538, 1551, 1557, 1569, 1581, 1816, 1817, 1866, 1900, 1946, 1951, 1994, 2036, 2050, 2371, 2522, 2549, 2553, 2558, 2707, 2798, 2800, 2817, 2858, 2867, 2879, 2914, 2919, 2939, 2958, 2966, 3399, 3448, 3462, 3504, 3525, 3601, 3651.

Paris, letters dated at, 9, 13, 22, 23, 26, 30?, 31, 32, 33, 56, 57, 69, 70, 92, 93, 94, 100, 111, 112, 114, 118, 121, 122, 129, 131, 189, 246, 413, 536, 596, 609, 616, 687, 797, 949, 987, 1014, 1100, 1822, 2092, 2607, 3018, App. 2.
-, -, University of, 1388.
-, -, Tournelles in, 2707.
-, -, the Bastille, 809.
-, -, premier president of, 1504, 1610, 1717, 1793, 1816.
-, -, Stephen Poncher, bishop of, 36, 155, 158, 312, 320, App. 2, 17.
-, -, late Bishop of, 311.

Paris (or Parys), John du, gr. 492. See also Parysse.
-, -, John, gr. 644.
-, -, Margaret, p. 1117.
-, -, Master, of Cambridgeshire, p. 245.
-, -, Mistress, p. 245.
-, -, Philip, 644, p. 397, 2615, 2640, pp. 1365, 1458, gr. 2667.
-, -, -, his signature, p. 1119.
-, -, Ric., gr. 492.
-, -, Robt., 2583.

Park, _, 77.
-, -, John à, p. 128.
-, -, Robert, gr. 967.

Parker (or Perker) _, 152, 309 (2), 491, 797, pp. 1528, 1541, 1555, 1557.
-, -, Christ., p. 1529.
-, -, Edmund, 1989.
-, -, Henry, p. 244, 3376, p. 1528 (?), gr. 102, 278, 716, 3062.
-, -, Hugh, 102.
-, -, John, 627, p. 244, p. 332, p. 1533, gr. 206, 347, 492, 970, 1114, 1262, 1324, 2807.
-, -, Margery, 1114, p. 1535.
-, -, Mistress, p. 1559.
-, -, Mr., 606, 675.
-, -, Nic., 1320.
-, -, Ric., gr. 1151.
-, -, Robt., p. 1367.
-, -, Dan Robt., 1461.
-, -, Tho., pp. 1117, 1367.
-, -, Walter, p. 498.
-, -, Wm., pp. 1367, 1529.

Parketowne, Wilts, 3584.

Parkyns, John, jun., gr. 1151, 2214.
-, -, -, sen., 2214.

Parlent, p. 1256.

Parma, 1310, 1398, 1415, 1435, 1464, 1468, 1477, 1482, 1486, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1526, 1532, 1540, 1545, 1549, 1556, 1561, 1562, 1568, 1574, 1581, 1601, 1609, 1610, 1618, 1655, 1687, 1720, 1726, 1767, 1795, 1810, 1824, 1860, 1866, 1890, 1895, 1941, 1965, 2044, 2076, p. 1475.
-, -, governor of, 1415.

Parowe, Th., 2411.

Parr, John, 970.

Parr, Katharine, 3178.
-, -, Master, 3178, 3360.
-, -, lady, 491, 528, 577, p. 1049.
-, -, lady, (wife,) p. 245.
-, -, lady Matilda or Maud, widow of Sir Tho., p. 245, 1121, 2356.
-, -, -, letters from, 3178, 3264.
-, -, -, letter to, 3210.
-, -, -, her daughter, 3649.
-, -, Maurice, p. 1556.
-, -, Tho., p. 1117.
-, -, Sir Tho., p. 238, 1121, 2356.
-, -, Wm., 1121.
-, - (Perre), Sir Wm., 703, 704, p. 326, 2020, 2486, 3039, p. 1366, 3482, pp. 1528, 1541, 1545, gr. 2482, 3146.
-, -, -, letter from, 3227.
-, -, Sir Wm. à, 2960, 3135, 3172, p. 1542.

Parsha. See Pershore.

Parslow, Ric., 3585.

Parsons, Ric., 3685.

Parteney, Linc., 278.

Partrich, Nic., p. 1861.
-, -, Tho., 704, 822, 1042, p. 396, 2020, pp. 1363, 1457, 1540, gr. 2415, 3586.

Parvyn, John, pp. 1366, 1458.

Parysse, John a, 1461.

Paschelowes, Suff., 3162.

Pascow, John, of Polpenruth, 3503.

"Pasis wife, of London," 2585.

Paslewe, Walter, 3410.

Pasqualigo, Laurence, 54; p. 1546.
-, -, Piero, 402.

Passar, Evangeliste, 2051. See also Evangelista.

Passerino, Silv., of Cortona, 3547.

Passin, Sir _, 2841.

Paston, John, 2415.
-, -, Wm., 703, 2712.
-, -, Sir Wm., p. 241, p. 326, 1168, 1648, 2328, 2345, 2876, pp. 1366, 1457, gr. 2415.

Patavia, bishop of, App. 22.

Pate, John, pp. 244, 334, gr. 854, 1262.

Paten, John, p. 915.

Patengeham, Staff., p. 396.

Patenson, Dr., p. 1542.

Paterson, Geo., 2896.

Patman, Wm., 2613.

Patmer, Hen., 54, 2074.

Pattesall, W., 1117.

Pattesley, Norf., 2415.

Paule, Nic., p. 1545.

Paulett, Sir Amias, pp. 498, 1366, 1457, 1458.
-, -, John, jun., 703.
-, -, Wm., p. 502, p. 503, p. 1364, 3492, pp. 1457, 1458, gr. 1451, 2667, 2862.
-, -, Wm., jun., gr. 2862.
-, -, Sir Wm., p. 1458.

Pauncefote, Hen., p. 396, gr. 2862.
-, -, John, 854, 1262, 1324, 2297.

Pavis, 1477, 1549, 1795, 1824, 1831, 1860, 1879, 1890, 1958, 2070, 2111, 2133, 2144, 2149, 2153, 2158, 2176, 2179, 2187, 2195, 2196, 2199, 2211, 2224, 2225, 2478, 2588, 3463, 3514.
-, -, letters dated at, 2275, 2276, 2278.

Pawmer, Walter, 3685.
-, -, William, 3685.

Pawne, Francis, p. 1537.
-, -, William, 58, 153, 416, 446, 576, 584, p. 335, 1520, 1811, 2058, 2074, 2337, 2609, 2750, 2859, 3071, 3199, 3536, 3665, 3666.
-, -, -, letters to, 153, 294.

Pawnsforth, Camb., p. 1118.

Paxford, Richard, 3191, 3493.

Payn, Alex., gr. 2482.
-, -, Edward, gr. 2482.
-, -, Master, p. 245.
-, -, Ric., gr. 2482.
-, -, Tho., gr. 2482, 3495.

Paynell, Geoff., p. 397, 1262, p. 1365, gr. 278, 1379, 2587.
-, -, Sir Geoff., 703.
-, -, Ric., 627.

Paynter, John, 2356, p. 1361.
-, -, als. Grove, Wm., p. 1361.

Paynyswike, 812.

Payrot, _, 1245.

Payton, Edw., gr. 2074.
-, - Eliz., p. 1117.
-, -, Francis, gr. 2074.
-, -, Robert, 2020, pp. 1118, 1365, gr. 2074.

Pazzis, Petrus de, 756.

Peachey, John, p. 1116.
-, -, Sir John, 9, 23, 54, 199, 246, 247, 261, 405, 458, 492, 529, 576, 594, 612, 683, 702, 703, 704, 716, 779, 795, 851, 854, p. 335, 967, 1005, 1036, 1074, 1081, p. 398, 1114, 1252, 1358, 1377, 1462, 1739, 1773, 2016, 2644, pp. 1534, 1535, 1543, 1554, 1556, 1557, App. 28, 31, gr. 229, 492, 1379.
-, -, -, letters from, 259, 265, 286, 293, 390, 587, 594, 597, 641, 747, 760, 819, 877, 1211.
-, -, -, his signature, 1036.
-, -, Tho., p. 1116.
-, -, Wm., p. 1116.

Pears, John, p. 1365.

Peck (Pek), Ric., 2737.
-, -, Silvester, p. 1364.
-, -, (Pekke), Sir Robt., p. 1329.

Peckham, Surrey, 365, 1324, 2074, 2482.

Pecok, Margaret, 644.

Peddon, Kent, 854.

Pedefer, Wm., 154.

Pedeling, Edw., 627.

Pedyngton, Northt., 2356.

Peebles, 3470.

Peers, John, 3585.
-, -, Ric., gr. 2482.
-, -, Robt., p. 1361.
-, -, Stephen, p. 1361.

Pegard, Hen., 627.

Pekeman, Tho., 1546.

Pekesale. See Pexsall.

Pekham, Edmund, 2349, 2750.
-, -, -, letter from, 2348.
-, -, Edward, pp. 333, 1050.
-, -, Reginald, gr. p. 1336.

Pelham, Anth., gr. 2145.

Pell, David Lloid ap, gr. 2923.

Pellande, Ric., pp. 411, 412.

Pelle, John, 3695.
-, -, Wm., p. 1118.

Pelles, Tho., 599.

Pellon, François de, s. de Gourd't (?), p. 313.

Pellyn, Grono ap, 2694.
-, -, John ap, 2862.

Peloux, sieur de, 3318.

Pembroke, App. 44.

Pemyrton, Hen., 389.

Pemmerton, Roger, 1030.

Penago, Hen., pp. 1529, 1533, 1535.
-, -, Sir Hen., 151, p. 244, 1114, 1899.

Pencarreg, Uske, 278.

Pencost, Simon, 3503.

Pencroudy, 278.

Pendecherf, Wm., 2048.

Pendok, Ric., 627.

Penfoun, Tho., p. 1364.

Peniser, John, 3501.

Penyston, _, 1160.

Peniston, York, 1151.

Penkelly, South Wales, p. 508, 1337, p. 917, 3695.

Penkelly Anglican, South Wales, 2214.

Penkiston, Ireland, 3052.

Penleston, Salop, 2356.

Penmarke, 196.

Pennant, John, 1231, 2210.

Penne, Robt., p. 245.
-, -, als. Pende, Jasper, 206, 2297, gr. p. 915, 2862, 3677.

Pennyngton, _, 293.
-, -, Adam, 612, gr. 55, 529, p. 1546.
-, -, Anne, 1168.
-, -, Hugh, 970.
-, -, Master, 2586, 3047.
-, -, John, 1168, gr. 2667.
-, -, Wm., 612, 1168.

Penny, Barth., 2486.

Penny, John, bp. of Carlisle, 77, p. 1533.

Penoy, count, 907.

Penrith, Cumb., 278, 1262, 2356, p. 1337, 3406, 3407.

Penrose, Ric., p. 397, 2415, p. 1364.

Penshurst, Kent, 469, 2214, 3695, p. 1537.
-, -, letter dated at, 412.

Pentyre, John, p. 1364.

Penwith, Cornw., 1379.

Peny of - vyll, p. 1050.

Penzance (Penansee), 3503.

Peper, Ric., 1444, 1725.
-, -, Robt., 1725.

Peppes, Ric., 102.

Pepys ..., p. 1117.

Per ..., Laurence, p. 1119.

Perath Bassa, 3331.

Perbright. See Purbright.

Percher, John, p. 1364, p. 1458.

Percyvale, Jas., 1284, p. 1366.

Percon, Hen., App. 8.

Percy, Alan, gr. 779.
-, -, Eliz., p. 498, p. 504.
-, -, Geo., p. 505.
-, -, Hen. See Northumberland, earl of.
-, -, Sir Ingram, 2186.
-, -, Jeffen, 1114.
-, -, Joselon, p. 1533.
-, -, lord, 2536, 2645, 2537, 3321, 3322, 3334, 3365, 3384, 3509, 3648.
-, -, Thos., p. 1367.
-, -, Sir Thos., 2186.
-, -, Wm., 1367.
-, -, Sir Thos., 2186.
-, -, Wm., 1367.
-, -, Sir Wm., 573, 2271, 2318, 2402, 2412, 2522, 2955, 2960, 3078, 3097, 3110, 3135, p. 1367.
-, -, -, letter to, 3100.

Perham, Nic., p. 1361.

Perkins, John, p. 1363.

Perlaunte park, Bucks, 3376.

Perle alias Parle, John, 3376.

Perme, count, 2333 (12).

Pero (Pirro), _, French cook, 491, p. 408, 1534.

Peronne, 37, 57, 58, 1115, 1816, 1914, 1915, 2708, 2761, 2939, 3535.
-, - (Peroyn), count, 907.

Perpignan (Purpinion), captain of, 3392.

Perpoint, _, 3313.
-, -, Edm., 2807.
-, -, Hen., gr. 2992.
-, -, Sir Hen., p. 241.
-, - (Pierpoint), Wm., 1153, p. 1458.
-, -, Sir Wm., 703, p. 326, 1168, 2020, 2807, p. 1457, p. 1528, App. 35, gr. 2694.

Perre. See Parr.

Perronot, Nic., 1603.
-, -, -, letter from, 1593.

Perrot, _, 3392.

Perruse, Robt. de, 2841.

Persall, Ric., gr. 890.

Perse, Thos., 558.

Persebrigge, York, 1215.

Pershore (Parsha), Worc., abbot of, p. 1047.

Person, Edm., letter from, 2580.

Perter, Dr., p. 1048.

Perth (St. Johnston), 1091, 3086, 3423.
-, -, letter dated at, 1936.

Perugia, 858, 1932, 1958, 1965, 1980, 2017, 2037, 2044.

Perus, barber at Richmond, his wife, p. 497.

Peryent, John, 2486, gr. 1451.
-, -, Thos., sen., gr. 278, 1379, 2074.

Peryn, John, 3642.

Peryns, Robt., 347.

Perys, Conyn, 3060.
-, -, Thos., 3060.

Pesard (Montpesat?), p. 1551.

Pescara, marquis of, 1464, 1795, 1831 (ii.), 1869, 1885, 1890, 2223, 2275, 2371, 2462, 2881, 2908, 3689.
-, -, -, letters from, 2277, 2280.

Pesenatz, letters dated at, 224, 225.

Pessenall, Valentine, gr. 2482.

Pesyer, _, 2754.

Peter, master, chaplain, p. 245.

Peterborough, abbot and convent of, 405.
-, -, abbot of, p. 1047, p. 1049.

Petershame, Surrey, 1151, 2694.

Peterson, Clesse, 3060.

Peteshoo, Bucks, 1036.

Petham, Kent, 3687.

Petra Varadin, 1471, 1472, 1497.

Petre, _, Wolsey's secretary, App. 19.

Petresfylde, Hants, 1285 (26), 2016.

Petrucci, cardinal. See Sienna.

Petworth, 529.

Petyr, Hen., 2074.

Petywalis, p. 191.

Pever. See Ever.

Peverell fee, 309.

Pexsale, Ric., 500.

Pexsall, Ralph, p. 1364, gr. 206, p. 915, 2415, 2862, 3376.

Pewe, Our Lady of. See London.

Pewsey, Wilts, 3062.

Peynter, Hen., 1451.

Peynter, Wm., gr. 347.

Peynter. See Dynys.

Peynton, Rob., gr. 2667.

Peynton, Roger alias Botte, gr. 154.

Peyton, Edw., p. 244, gr. 2016.

Phelipp. See Phillipp.

Philborough, Kent, 3687.

Philip, king of Castile, Charles V.'s father, 991, 1707, 1708, 1758.

Philip Augustus, king of France, 626.

Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, p. 774, 2524.

Philip, Phelipp or Phyllyp, _, 1911.
-, -, Elizabeth, 113, 2305, pp. 1522, 1551, 1533, 1555.
-, -, Francis, 168, 177, 202, 491, 528, p. 245, 968, gr. 2074.
-, -, John, 2095, p. 1364, gr. 102.
-, -, John Thomas ap, gr. 112.
-, -, Joyce, p. 332.
-, -, Sir Thos. ap, 1121.

Philips, Edw., p. 337.
-, -, Eliz., p. 502.
-, -, Hugh, p. 1363.
-, -, Mistress, 3695.
-, -, Ric., p. 1456, 3585, gr. 206, 2415, p. 1361.
-, -, Rowland. See Croydon, vicar of.
-, -, Thos., gr. 1451.
-, -, Sir Thos., 1121.
-, -, Wm., p. 497, 3585.

Philpott (Fylpott), Peter, 500, 2862, 2895, p. 1364.

Phippes, Wm., 3695.

Phrysius, Zach., 260.

Piacenza, 1879, 2044, 2105, 2111, 2418.

Picanet, bastard of, 3535.

Picardy, 378, 681, 704, 740, 851, 1057, 1092, 1245, 1270, 1278, 1283, 1303, 1721, 1812, 1946, 1971, 2059, 2074, 2092, 2139, 2169, 2176, 2222, 2229, 2232, 2256, 2309, p. 988, 2360, 2378, 2423, 2435, 2450, 2494, 2567 (5), 2757, 2764, 2769, 2770, 2771, 2776, 2802, 2832, 2868, 3055, 3154, 3217, 3225, 3229, 3307, 3325, 3392, 3504, 3646, App. 10, 42.
-, -, governor of, 1817.

Picas, Thos., 627.

Piccolomini, cardinal, 1932.

Pychar, Thos., 278.

Picharro, _, 2522.

Pickering, 1084.

Pickering, Anne, 405.
-, -, Sir Chris, 405.
-, -, -, his daughter and heiress, 3396.
-, -, Sir Edw., 703.
-, -, James, 3474.
-, - (Pykrynge), Sir John, 1070.
-, -, Ric., 1301.
-, -, Wm., 309, 3429, 3474.
-, -, -, letter to, 3473.
-, -, Sir Wm., 2486.

Pickman, Hen., p. 1536, p. 1545, gr. 2415.

Pyckwell, John, 1020.

Pied de Port, St. Jean de, 1326.

Piennes, Messieur de, 2220.

Pierce, David à, 970.

Piercebridge, York, 2415.

Piero, John, of Brescia, gr. 55.

Pierpoint. See Perpoint.

Piers, crossbow maker, p. 408.

Pierson, John, 3695.

Pierson, Ric., 1001.

Pygge, John, p. 1118.

Pygyn, Th., 604.

Pigot or Pygott, John, p. 1533.
-, -, Ric., p. 1362.

Pigot or Pygott, Th., 102, 154, 405, 2020, p. 1365, gr. 278, 347, 529, 644.
-, -, Wm., 2356.
-, -, Sir Wm., 3082.

Pigton, 2524.

Pikhall, 2524.

Pikell, Th., alias Pikcle, gr. p. 915.

Pikman. See Pickman.

Pilkington, Arthur, 3432.
-, -, Edw., p. 1529.

Pillesdon -, 3694.
-, -, John, gr. 405.
-, -, Roger, p. 1529, p. 1530.

Pimpe, Hen. son of Hen., 644.
-, -, Raynold, 703.

Pinchebek, Gilbt., p. 1365.

Pinchincthorp, 2524.

Pinelli, Augustine, gr. 1531.

Pink, Wm., p. 1117.

Pinkernell, John, gr. 405.

Pinnago. See Penago.

Pinnel, Sir Francis, p. 367.

Pinner, 2485.
-, -, Rob., 1009.

Pinson, Nic., 800, p. 336.
-, -, Ric., the King's printer, 337, 999, 3015, p. 1544, 3680.

Pynto, Bastyan, 2486.

Pypar, alias Anstie, Wm., gr. 278.

Pypehall, Warw., 1451.

Piperwell, abbot of, p. 1047.

Pirehill, Staff., 3687.

Pirro. See Pero.

Pirton, Wilts, 3584, 3585.
-, -, John, gr. 2648, 3146, p. 1337.
-, -, Wm., 1081, p. 1367, gr. 3586.
-, - or Pyrton, Sir Wm., 1009, p. 1337, p. 1367, 3289, p. 1456.

Pisa, 1961, 2790, App. 22.

Pisano, Aloisio, Magnifico, 2516, 2529, 2721, p. 1475.

Pisano, cardinal, 2507, 2516.

Pischegytton, 2265.

Pithey gate, 457.

Pittor, Ric., p. 244, p. 337.

Plus, Albertus, p. 1476.

Pizleo, castle of, App. 34.

Place, Rowland, 2524, 3410.

Placentia, 1310, 1464, 1522, 1532, 1549, 1568, 1640, 1795, 1817, 1860, 1866, 1890, 2055, 2070, 2076, p. 1475.

Plangkeney, Hen., 907.

Planis, John de, 1046, 1071, 1078, 1087, 1319.
-, -, -, letters from, 1072, 1088, 1175.

Plankney, Thos., 1151.
-, -, Alderman, 871.

Plantanaget, Arthur, 703, 2020.
-, -, Sir Arthur, 704, p. 326, 1256, 1899, 2288, 2438, 2982, 3492, p. 1545, gr. 220, 812, 2074, 2667, 2862, 2979.
-, -, Elizabeth, gr. 220, 2074, 2979.

Plantart, Nic., p. 1545.
-, -, Piers, p. 1545.

Playdon, Suss., p. 1336.

Playnefeld in Overstowey, Somers., 278.

Plasshe, college of, p. 509.

Players, the King's, p. 1543.

Pleine, Gerard de, lord of Maigny de la Roche, 635, 739, 740, 771, 798, 1012, 1211, 1525, 1572, 1802.

Plesaunce, East Greenwich, 288.
-, -, John, p. 332.

Plomme, John, 335.

Plompton, _, p. 55.
-, -, John, p. 398.

Plummer, Chr., p. 1048.
-, -, John, p. 512.

Plumpton, Wm., p. 1365.

Plumstead (Plompstead), John, 3137, p. 1366, gr. 2993.

Plunket, Sir Edw., 1447.

Plymouth (Plemue), 710, 711, 828, 1000, 2258, 2388, 2415, 2543, 2617, 2663, 2924, p. 1361.
-, -, letters dated at, 2138, 2591.
-, -, mayor of, p. 1361.

Plympton, p. 1361.
-, -, prior of, p. 1048.

Plympton Earl, Devon, 206.

Poblacion, Dr., 2288 (4).

Poillot, Mons, Denis, 453, 556, 710, 859, 1127, 1794, 1813, 1815, 1817, 1822, 2103, 2139, 2241.

Pointz (Poyntz or Poynes), _, 246, 2409, 2419, p. 1551.
-, -, Sir Anthony, p. 241, p. 243, p. 326, 1284, 2480, 2937, 3256, 3270, 3281, p. 1367, 3358, pp. 1457, 1458, 1554, 1556, gr. 206, 3495, 3583, 3586.
-, -, -, his daughter, p. 245.
-, -, Francis, 999, 1899, p. 1555, gr. 492, 3586.
-, -, John, p. 245.
-, -, Mr., 491, 528.
-, -, -, his servants, 1288.
-, -, Robt, 1153, p. 1529.
-, -, Sir Robt., p. 241, 2740, 3586, p. 1528, p. 1530.
-, -, Thos., p. 396, 1042, 1284, 2020, p. 1457, 3586, gr. 1379.
-, -, Wm., 2074.
-, -, Sir Wm., 2545.

Poissy, 131.
-, -, letters dated at, 142, 145, 170, 189, 210, 212, 223, 246, 273, 289, 311, 320, 352, 913, 922, 923, 2853, 2854.

Poitou, baily of, 685.

Pokley, Geo., gr. 716, 3289.

Polanco, _, 2202.

Poland, 1376, 1729, 1838, 1932, 3621.
-, -, king of, 128, 133, 297, 318, 1532, 1575, 1887, 1900.
-, -, queen of, 1575.
-, -, grand master of, 1575.

Polayn, Rauf, 3432.

Pole, Dorset. See Poole.

Pole, Arthur, 152, p. 244, p. 313, 999, p. 498, 3288, App. 24.
-, -, -, letter from, 2636.
-, -, Sir Arthur, 3516.
-, -, Edm. de la, 2214.
-, -, Geo., 1114.
-, -, Hugh, 1121, gr. 529, 581.
-, -, John, 3585.
-, -, John -, 1000.
-, -, Leonard, 1284.
-, -, Lucy, p. 1537.
-, -, Margaret, countess of Salisbury. See Salisbury.
-, -, Ranulph, 2712.
-, -, Reginald, 411, 1267.
-, -, -, sent to Italy by the King, p. 1544.
-, -, -, letter from, 198.
-, -, -, letters to, 2460, 2465.
-, -, Ric. de la, (Sometimes called Blanche Rose,) 99, 587, 995, 1221, 1403, 2035, 2340, 2446, 2497, 2558, 2707, 2708, 2737, 2755, 2768, 2769, 2798, 2799, 2800, 2856, 2869, 2870, 2907, 2914, 2919, 2922, 2939, 2947, 3222, 3224, 3325, 3365, 3368, 3445, 3447, 3456.
-, -, Ric. de la, temp. Edw. III., 1451.
-, -, Thos., p. 1529.
-, -, Wm., 1284, p. 1536, gr. 2297.

Polefeld, Worc., p. 1336.

Polefflate, Denbigh, 2356.

Polemedowe, Worc., p. 1336.

Poley. See Polley.

Policote, Bucks, 2993.
-, -, bailiff of, 3695.

Pollain, Le, de la Bastisse, p. 313.

Pollard, Anth, p. 1049, p. 1361.
-, -, Hugh, p. 1361.

Pollard, Lewis, p. 1049.

Pollard, Sir Lewis, Justice of the Common Pleas, 347, 529, 644, 933, 1081, p. 396, 1186, 1262, 1284, 1451, 2016, 2074, 2393, 2415, 2862, p. 1336, p. 1361, 3495, 3586.

Pollesheved, Suff., 105.

Polley or Poley, Edm., p. 1365.
-, -, Geo., p. 495.
-, -, Ric., p. 498.

Pollyngton, Thos., p. 1364.

Polton, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Pome, Dr. (?), 1663.

Pomerania (Pombre), duke of, 1029 (ii.), App. 8, 16.
-, -, -, letter to, 658.

Pomerey, Edw., p. 243, p. 1529.
-, -, Sir Edw., 500, 703, p. 326, p. 1361, p. 1457, p. 1528, p. 1546.
-, -, Mr., 3503.
-, -, Ric., p. 1528.

Pomfret or Pontefract, Yorksh., 2412, 2545, 2584, 2995, 3187, 3289.
-, -, lordship of, 3682.

Pommerolles, Gabriel de, 2841.

Pommereul, _, p. 313.

Poncher, Stephen, bp. of Paris. See Paris.

Ponferrat, letter datéd at, 688.

Ponsy -, 3203.

Pont Avendon, 1115.

Pontdormy, letter dated at, 2951.

Pontdormy, (Pont Remy de Rumeny, &c.), Anthoine de Crequy, sieur de, p. 304, 1581, 2549, 2592, 2776, 2785, 2799, 2816, 2817, 2882, 3229, 3422, 3462, 3516.
-, -, -, letters from, 2951, 3535.

Pontefract. See Pomfret.

Pontesbury, Salop, 405.

Ponteyn, count of, 3490.

Ponthievre, count de, 3622, 3646.

Pontifex, Wm., p. 1336.

Pontisbury, Heref., 278, 347, 2016.

Ponynges, Brian, 3214.
-, -, Eleanor, 3214.
-, -, Sir Edw., 223, 330, 355, 419, 593, 618, 638, 644, 656, 702, 703, 704, 739, 804, 851, p. 313, 889, p. 326, 1114, 1182, 1200, 1321 (iii.), 1372, 1379, 1712, 2181, 3066, 3214, p. 1536, App. 31.
-, -, -, letters from, 82, 315.
-, -, Richard, 3214.
-, -, Robt., father of Sir Edw., 3214.
-, -, Robt., lord, 3214.

Ponzetti, card., p. 1476.

Poole, _, p. 1530.

Poole, Dors., 2074, 2214, 2685, 2712, 2862, p. 1361, p. 1548.
-, -, German, p. 1362.

Poole. See Pole.

Pope, election of a, 3547.

Pope, Edm., p. 1336.
-, -, Hen., p. 1365.
-, -, John, 3261.
-, -, Robt., 558.
-, -, Wm., 627.

Popill, Cornelius, 2473.

Poplar, Midd., 365.

Popley, Wm., letters from, 1963, 2461, 2577.

Porcean, count, 36, p. 327, 964, 1044, 1702, 2305, App. 9.
-, -, -, his son, p. 314.

Porchester castle, 2320.
-, - Haven, 2438.

Porrett, Ralph, gr. 1151.

Porta Veneris, beside Rome, 2490.

Portalen, Edw., p. 333.

Portbury, Somers., 779.

Porte, John, 405, p. 397, p. 1049, p. 1362, gr. 1451, 2074, 2862, p. 1336, p. 1337.

Porteman, John, 1042, 1168.

Porter, Augustine, gr. 2648.
-, -, Edmund, 3685.
-, -, Florence, 2485.
-, -, John, 2060, 3685.
-, -, Mrs., 2582.
-, -, Robert, gr. 492.
-, -, Roger, 405, p. 396.
-, -, Wm., p. 915, p. 1458.

Porterfeld, Collyn, 1025.

Porth, John, 529, 644, 1114, pp. 1534, 1538, 1544, 1553.

Portyllys castle, App. 14.

Portinary, Guido, 3261, p. 1530, p. 1535.

Portington, Thos., 3432.

Portisdowne, 2337.

Portland, 828, 2351.

Portsmouth, Hants, 524, 2207, 2302, 2320, 2337, 2341, 2355, 2359, 2409, 2419, 2431, 2442, 2500, 2685, 2746, 2750, 2764, 2916, 2924, 2935, 2937, 2974, 2992, 2994, 2999, 3020, 3256, p. 1364, 3376, 3379, 3394, 3400, 3415.
-, -, letters dated at, 2193, 2793, 2964, 3046.
-, - Haven, 2073, 2863.
-, -, bailiff of, 1256.
-, -, petty customs of, 8.

Portt. See Porth.

Portugal, 130, 548, 560, 988, p. 429, p. 435, 1395, 1493, 1507, 1524, 1556, 1566, 1729, 1838, 1932, 2138, 2522, 2735, 2764.
-, -, John king of, 2098.
-, -, king of. See Emmanuel.
-, -, daughter of, 20, 385, 1258, 1720.

Portugal, Eleanor queen of, sister of Charles V., 36, 688, 1978, 2026, 2450, 2481, 2567, (5), 2663, 2772, 3055, 3150, 3151, 3154, 3194, 3203, 3225, 3246, 3533.
-, -, -, letter to, 3236.
-, -, princess of, 1310, App. 14.
-, - don Geo. de, 2288.
-, -, cardinal of, p. 1477.
-, -, ambassador of, in Spain, 385.

Posier, Hen., p. 502, 3375.

Postern park, Kent, p. 508, p. 1336, 3695.

Postey park, Denbigh, N. Wales, 206.

Posyer, _, 2447.

Potell, Thos., gr. 347.

Potentya, count de, 1464.

Poterne, Wilts, 3548.

Potew, alias Portar, Wm., 2992.

Pothelinus, Hieronymus, letters from, 850, 867.

Potier, Pierre, 1310.

Potkyn, Dr., 1029.

Poton (Potton), _, 118, 145, 1521, p. 1541.

Pott, Robt., 45.

Pottelles, sieur de, 2001.

Potter, Ambrose, gr. 1379.

Potter;, Harry, 3261.
-, -, John, p. 1361.

Potterell, Hen., gr. 1531.

Potterspiry, Northt, 3146.

Potton, Beds., 206.

Poughley, Holy Trinity and St. Margaret, priory of, gr. 1722.

Poullain, _ le, p. 313.

Poullot, Denis. See Poillot.

Pounde, John de, 999.
-, -, Mr., 2193.
-, -, Ric., gr. 2415.
-, -, Wm., 2438, p. 1364, gr. 2667, 2862.

Pounder, Sir Wm., 1266, gr. 2356.

Pountesbury. See Pontisbury.

Pountfeverger, letter dated at, 1613.

Pountfrett. See Pomfret.

Pountreme. See Pontdormy.

Pourient, Thos., p. 1367.

Pory, Th., 3585.

Powell, _, 2944.
-, -, Dr., p. 1539.
-, -, Edw., letter from, 2652.
-, -, John, p. 1256.

Power, Edith, 2694.
-, -, John, p. 1365, 3695.

Powers, Essex, 278, 492, 581, 1451, 2074.

Powis, Edw. lord de, 405, 1215, 2016, 3516.
-, -, Geo. (Edward?), lord de, 347.
-, -, John Gray lord, 1215.
-, -, Lewis, 2685.

Powle. See Poole.

Powles. See London, St. Paul's.

Pownd, Wm., 703, gr. 3583.

Poxwell, Edw., 280.

Poynes or Poyntz. See Pointz.

Poytevyn, Yvon le, 2729.

Prado, the fiscal, 2288 (4).

Praet, Louis de, chamberlain of Charles V., 2255, 2288 (4), 2471, 3111, 3153, 3216, 3225 note, 3284, 3319, 3537, 3581, 3647.
-, -, -, letters from, 2543, 2868, 3064, 3314, 3318, 3399, App. 30.
-, -, -, letters to, 2522, 2829, 3462, 3646.

Prague, letter dated at, 2299.

Pranter (or Pruanter), Dr., Imperial ambassador to the Swiss, 2357, 2867, 2941.

Prat, Anthony du, chancellor of France, 57, 84, 129, 212, 275, 276, 320, 404, 416, 697, 723, 1245, 1268, 1331, 1385, 1413, 1416, 1463, 1487, 1489, 1502, 1504, 1534, 1541, 1544, 1549, 1551, 1553, 1557, 1563, 1566, 1567, 1551, 1581, 1590, 1593, 1595, 1602, 1603, 1609, 1610, 1611, 1612, 1625, 1637, 1643, 1688, 1709, 1717, 1724, 1732, 1736, 1743, 1748, 1749, 1762, 1763, 1768, 1776, 1789, 1816, 1817, 1823, 1946, 1994, 2036, 2047, 2053, 2076, 2224, 2413, 2522, App. 2.
-, -, -, letters from, 325, 536, 1467, 1498, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1535, 1552, 1555, 1556.
-, -, -, letter to, 1780.

Pratt, David, p. 501.
-, -, John, p. 916, p. 1116.
-, -, Wm., senr., p. 1363.

Pratte, Katerin, 1140.

Preda, Albert, 2208.

Pre John de Bidoux, prior of St. Giles, at Rhodes, 2841.

Prenwyke, 3510.

Preshet, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Pressye, Mons., 74.

Preste, Wm., 627.

Prestgrave, Robt., 715.

Preston, in Aldernesse, Lanc., 612, p. 915, 1923 (2), 2821, 3510.
-, -, Kent, 3687.
-, -, Suff., 1324, 3234.

Price, John, 153.
-, -, Thos. à, p. 1541.

Prychard, Hugh, p. 1118.

Prie, Mons. de, 3392.

Pryme, Thos., p. 1118.

Prince, John, 1114, gr. 2694.

Princes Risborough, Bucks, 967, 2297, p. 1337.

Pringle, David, letter to, 3170.
-, -, Geo., 3286.
-, -, Wm., 3286.

Printing, indenture for, 337.

Priseley, M., p. 411.
-, -, Wm., 907.

Proisy, Sieur de, 1608.

Proner, Jeronimo, 312, App. 17.

Provost, Dom. See Utrecht, provost of.

Prowde, John, 3495.
-, -, Thos., 907, 1200, 3288.

Prowe, Ric., p. 332, p. 915.

Prowse, Barth., 1940, p. 1367.
-, -, Eliz., 1940.
-, -, John, 3493.

Pruanter, Dr. See Pranter.

Prussia, Albert of Brandenberg, Grand Master of, 3319.
-, -, -, letter from, 1554.

Pudsey, _, 1070.
-, -, Ambrose, 2074, gr. 1121, p. 1538.
-, -, Hen., 1121.

Puis, l'evêque de, 3392.

Pulla, prior of, p. 1048.

Pullett, le, 1951.

Pullevyre, John, 153.

Pulley, Ric., 3585.

Pulleyn, John, p. 1367, gr. 1451.

Pultney, John, pp. 244, 245.

Pulteney, Sir Thos., p. 1364, p. 1457.

Pulter, Francis, 1168.
-, -, Ric., 1168.

Pulton, canons of, gr. 2021.
-, -, Giles, p. 1366.
-, -, Ric., gr. 102.

Punsunby, alias Ligh, Rob., gr. 1324.

Purbeke, isle of, 2074.

Purbright, Surrey, 429, 1121, 2807.

Purcas, John, gr. 2648.

Purde, Arthur, gr. 2862.
-, -, Wm., senr., 2862, gr. 529, 2074.
-, -, -, junr., gr. 2074.

Purdue, Wm., gr. 1379, 2074.

Purfey, Thos., p. 1364.

Purpinion. See Perpignan.

Purrey, Edm., p. 1366.

Purton, Sir Wm. See Pirton.

Pursean, count de. See Porcean.

Purslow, Thos., 3694.

Purwiche, Ric., p. 397.

Purybarre, Staff., 102.

Puttenham, Sir Geo., 703, 2895, gr. 2862.
-, -, Robt., p. 1364.

Pybyth, Griffith, gr. 2214.

Pyder, hundred of, 644.

Pye, John, p. 1361.
-, -, Th., p. 1117.
-, -, Wm., 278.

Pygyn, Th., 604.

Pyk, Wm., p, 1366.

Pykenham, Wm., 562.

Pykenham Wade, 3062.

Pykyll, Th., gr. 1215.

Pyle, _, 3099.

Pyle, Ric., gr. 1379.

Pyle, Wm., 3585.

Pympe. See Pimpe.

Pymphill, 347.

Pynnere. See Pinner.

Pynnoy, lord, 1115.

Pynson. See Pinson.

Pyons, Mons., 74.

Pyrry, John, 3261.
-, -, Ric., p. 1537.

Pyrsbridge, _, 3069.

Pyrson, Christ., gr. 2356.

Pyrson, John, 3657.

Pyscaro, Spanish captain, 2442, 2459.

Pyse, John, p. 1528.

Pyshe, Marg. (?) p. 1118.