Index: B

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Index: B', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: B', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: B". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.



B ..., Tho., of Cottenham, Camb., p. 1117.

B ..., ne, abbot of, 2483.

Babbergh, Suff., 1095.

Babham, Ric., p. 244, 999.

Babington, 3135.

Babyngton, Anth., 1042, p. 1362, 3504, 3583, gr. 1081, 1186.

Babraham, Camb., p. 1117.

Bacchia, abp. of, 1471 (2).

Backehouse, Rowland, p. 1116.

Bacon, Tho., p. 1366, 3585.
-, -, Wm., p. 1366. See Bakon.

Bada, marquis of, 883.
-, -, marquises of, App. 16.

Badajoz (Pacensis), bp. and bpric. of, 10, 312, 709, 866, 880, 882, 892, 899, 900, 921, 958, 1012, 1016, 1094, 1101, 1145, 1187, 2361, 2701, 3244, 3607. See also Mesa, Bernard de.

Badcoke, _, 3657. See Batecok.

Baddesworthe, York, 2482, 2694.
-, -, parson of, 1221.

Badeley, Chesh., 2356.

Baden, 1405, 1464.

Badenoch, lord, 1856.

Badeshey, Warw., 2712.

Badger, Rog., gr. 2993.

Badham, Walt., p. 244, gr. 347.

Baeck, Jan., of Mechlin, 588.

Bagarottus, Dom ..., letter to, 1627.

Bagecroft, Ric., gr. 347.
-, -, Wm., 627, gr. 347.

Bager, Tho., 627.

Bagley, 703.

Baglioni. See Ballioni.

Bagnall, John, gr. 492.

Bagot, John, p. 1116.

Bagragh, Harmon, p. 1534.

Bailedon or Bayldon, Rob., p. 244, 1114, gr. 102, 405, 779.

Bailley, Chr., gr. 854.
-, -, Dr., 2483 (2).

Bailey, John, 3261.

Bailly, Guilliame, le Marchand, 2152.
-, -, Sir Lewis, 500, 703, 1042, p. 1363.
-, -, Tho., p. 1365.

Bailly or Bayle, Ric., p. 1119, gr. 529.

Bailye or Baily, Rob., 365 (4), 760, gr. 2749.

Bayley, Tho., 2483 (2).

Baily, Wm., p. 1361.

Bayly College, Oxford, 2483.

Baillons. See Ballioni.

Bainbridge, Yorksh., 2524 (2).
-, -, Chr., bp. of Durham, temp. Hen. VII., 2806.

Bainbrig, Nich. and Ralph, gr. 2482.
-, -, Rog., 2036, 2050, 2059.

Bainham or Beynham, Sir Alex., p. 493, p. 1367, gr. 1081, 2415, 3586.
-, -, Chr., gr. 641, 1081.
-, -, Sir Chr., 703, p. 493, 2374, gr. 2415.
-, -, Mrs., 851.
-, -, Ric. 3207, p. 1367.
-, -, Rob., 2441.
-, -, Wm., 2109, 3060, 3226.

Baith, John of, 2483 (2).

Bayns, _, parson, 3672.

Bayneton, _, 3421, p. 1538.
-, -, Edw., 2020, 3694, gr. 2016, 2145.
-, -, Sir Edw., 2667, p. 1361, 3434, gr. 2862, 3214.
-, -, Hen., 500.

Baions, Linc., 1035.

Bakenhoo, Beds., 2297.

Baker, _, 1140.
-, -, Alice, 1114, p. 1535.
-, -, Corn., p. 332.
-, -, Edm., gr. 2694.
-, -, John, 558, 2330, gr. 1036, 1262, 2016.
-, -, Sir John, 999, 1114, p. 493, 3075, p. 1535.
-, -, Matt, gr. 2145.
-, -, Ric., 970, gr. 1379.
-, -, Rob., 3685.
-, -, Tho., p. 1365.
-, -, Wm., p. 1367, 3685, gr. 1036.

Bakers (of London), 1528, 1529.

Bakyngst., Norf., 2712.

Bakon, Rob., 2486.

Balbi, Nich., 1870.

Balbus, Hieronymus, 1476, 2891.
-, -, letter from, 1900.

Balderton's lands, 2820 (iii.)

Baldiron, Baptiste, 2288 (4).

Baldock, Herts, 209, 405.

Baldry, Tho., p. 1361, p. 1366, 3504.

Baldwyn, John, 715, 1036, 1042, p. 1364, 3504.
-, -, Ric., 2240.

Bale, _, 138.
-, -, Alice, 365 (12).

Baleux, sieur de, 2403.

Balke, Ric., gr. 55.

Ball, Tho., gr. 1451.

Ballam, Alex., p. 1365, 3504.

Ballard, Wm., p. 1118.

Ballioni, the, 1640, 1678, 1881, 1889, 1941, 2070, App. 22.
-, -, Jo. Paul, 858, 925.
-, -, -, his sons, 2070.
-, -, Malatesta, 1965.

Ballymany, in Ireland, 3052.

Ballymony, in Ireland, 3052.

Ballysonan, in Ireland, 3052.

Ballytagy, in Ireland, 3052.

Balmascollog, in Ireland, 3052.

Balmer, Laur., p. 1361.

Balsham, Camb., p. 1117.

Balthazari, Cencius son of John de, gr. 2145.

Balwery, Will. Scot of, 1856.

Bamberd, John, p. 1116.

Bamborough, Northumb., 206, 1031 (ii.), 1147, 2186, 3472, 3477.

Bamboroughshire, 3381.

Bampford, John, 2820 (iii.)

Bampton, Oxon., 278, 492.

Banam or Banham. See Bainham.

Banaster, _, 804.
-, -, Fran., gr. 854.
-, -, Harry, 871.
-, -, -, letter from, 877.
-, -, Humph., pp. 496, 498.
-, -, Sir Humph., gr. 1186, 1379, 2923.
-, -, John, gr. 3062.
-, -, Ralph, 854.
-, -, Ric. 2821.
-, -, Rob., gr. 779.
-, -, Rog., gr. 3062.

Banbarg, bp. of, 1185.

Banbrughe, John, 435.

Banerygge, Westmor., 3586.

Banes, John, 3174, 3672.

Banggs (?), John, letter from, 3076.

Bangor, Cov. and Lich. dioc., 2980.
-, -, bp. of, 2288.
-, -, Thos. Skeffington, bishop of, 3019, gr. 1451, 2415, 2862, 3495.
-, -, John Gilbert, bishop of, temp. Edw. III., 3019.

Bank or Banks, Ric., 2944 (2), 2945, 2968 (2, 5), 3136.
-, -, letters from, 2943, 2969, 2972.
-, -, letter to, 3234.
-, -, his hand, 2664, 2834, 2927, 2968 (3), 3070.
-, -, Wm., 3530, 3585.

Bankers, Kent, 2587.

Bannisius (Bandysius), Jas., 925, 1561, 1601, 1901, 1964, 1970, 2187 (ii.), 2235, 2247, 2365.
-, -, letters from, 2208, 2300, 2462.
-, -, letter to, 231.

Bannour, Rob., gr. 2297.

Banwell, Tho., p. 1362.

Baptista, John, a Jewish physician at Rhodes, 2841, p. 1530.

Baralon, Jas., gr. 2074.

Barantyne, Sir Wm., p. 1362, 3504.

Barbanson, Loys de Ligné, sieur de, App. 45.
-, -, Mons, 153 (5, 10).

Barbar, Barber or Barbour, John, p. 1551, gr. 2482.
-, -, Laur., 2267, 2604.
-, -, Massy, 1114.
-, -, Patrick, 2693.
-, -, Ric., 1001 (3).
-, -, als. Wever, Steph., gr. 2145.

Barbieur, Baudoin, 3216.

Barbon, John de, Albany's secretary, 2182, 2532, 2571, 2618, 2645, 2649.
-, -, -, his hand, 2619.
-, -, -, letter to, 2619.

Barcar, Hugh, gr. 1379.

Barcelona, 36; letters dated, 87, 88, 89, 95, 116, 130, 156, 158, 164, 177, 184, 188, 192, 195, 202, 236, 266, 312, 343, 359, 360, 385, 409, 419, 422.

Bard, Wm., 2583.

Bardefelde, John and Tho., gr. 347, 529.

Bardeney, prior of, 3047.
-, -, Wm., abbot of, 2483, gr. 1379.

Bardewell, Edw., 1286.

Bardi, Bernard de, 54.
-, -, Francis de, 54, 852, 1153, 3025, pp. 1540, 1544, 1545.
-, -, John Francis de, 2999, p. 1530.
-, -, Misot de, 54, p. 1530.
-, -, Peter, 54.
-, -, Peter Francis de, p. 1530.
-, -, Ph. de, 2486.
-, -, Rayner de, 7, 2771, p. 1545.

Bardolf, lord, 607, gr. 1379.

Bardolfehall, Herts, 1379.

Bardwell, Rob., gr. 3289.

Barely, Rob., 2583.

Barett. See Barret.

Barfoot, _, 618 (2).

Bargas or Barghas. See Bergbes.

Bargham, Linc., 154.

Bargia, John de, 689.

Barham, Barth., 435.
-, -, Tho., 3504.

Bari, archbishop of, 2202, 2450, 2522, 2567, 2663, 2697, 2772, 2907, 2966, 3030, 3107, 3463, 3532, 3533, 3559, 3601, 3646, 3652, 3653, 3854.
-, -, Gabriel abp. of, 3572.
-, -, -, letters from, 2853, 2854, 3018.
-, -, -, letter from, 2357.
-, -, Fr. Sforza, duke of. See Milan, duke of.

Barington, Sir _, p. 243.
-, -, Sir Wm., 906, gr. 2415.

Baringtonhall, 2807.

Barker, _, 852.
-, -, als Suffolk, Chr., Richmond herald, gr. 2993.
-, -, Wm., gr. 854.

Barkeswell, Warw., 1451, 3677.

Barking, 558, p. 332, 1009, 1940 (ii.), 2486, 3289, pp. 1408, 1536, 1542,.
-, -, vicar of, p. 1542.
-, -, (Berking), abbess of, 2483.

Barkisdale, Tho., 2483 (2).

Barkleye, Alex., Black Monk and poet, 737.

Barkley. See Berkley.

Barlandus, Adrian, 474.

Barleburgh, 2821.

Barley, Yorksh., 529.

Barley, Hen., p. 1367, 3504, gr. 1379, 2074.

Barlyng, abbot of, 2483, gr. 1379.

Barlowe, Rob., p. 1362.

Barme, _, 1310.

Barmer Wood, 3506, 3508.

Barmeston, lord, 153 (24. ii.)
-, -, Tho., 2483 (2).

Barmsey, lord of. See Bermondsey, abbot of.

Barnabe, John, p. 1363.
-, -, Tho., 3490, gr. 3289.

Barnard Castle, 890, 1983, 1986, 2074, 2356, 2412, 2524 (2), 2531, 3214.
-, -, letter dated, 3195.

Barnard, John, gr. 2016.
-, -, Massyn, p. 1546.
-, -, Matt., 54.
-, -, Ric., gr. 2016, 3146.
-, -, Tho., gr. 3062.
-, -, Wm., gr. 3146.
-, -, See Bernard.

Barnardine. See Bernardine.

Barnbowgall, in Scotland, 1898.

Barneborow, lord of, 2436.

Barnemarshe, Essex, 2992.

Barnes, _, p. 1528.
-, -, John, p. 1367.
-, -, Tho., p. 1118.
-, -, Wm., gr. 1262.
-, -, lord. See Berners.

Barnet, 327, 822 (vii.), p. 1407.

Barnewell, mon., 2060, 2124, 2263, 2381.
-, -, prior of, 2483.

Barney, John, p. 1366.

Barnyngham, Norf., 2382.

Barnstaple, p. 1361.
-, -, mayor of, p. 1361.

Barnwell, Tho., 3695, gr. 644.

Barola, John de, 1310.

Baron Park, 309.

Barons, Peter, p. 1367.

Barow,_, 1986.
-, -, John, 1986.
-, -, Sir Maurice, 703.
-, -, Ric., p. 1363, gr. 2074.
-, -, Rog., p. 336.
-, -, Wm., gr. 716, 1324.

Barowdon, Rutland, 442.

Barrels, 3004.

Barres, Ric., 2531.
-, -, Wm. de, 671, 689, 690, 708, 730, 742, 802, 886, 926, 2091, 2113, 2139, 2173, 2187, 2490, 2491, 2558, 2611.
-, -, -, letter from, 2496.
-, -, -, sig., 672.

Barret, _, 523.
-, -, Agnes, 523.
-, -, John, 2752, p. 1544. See Berret.
-, -, Sir Redmond, 2580.
-, -, Rob., 3047.
-, -, Tho., 996.
-, -, Walt., 3585.

Barrewyk, Dr. 365 (14). See also Berwick.

Barry, John, p. 1361.

Barrington, Camb., p. 1118.

Barrosa, _, 1589.

Barrowe. See Berghes.
-, -, Derb., p. 917.
-, -, Linc., p. 918.

Barrow, laird of, 1190 (iv. v.), 2083, 2084.
-, -, John, temporal lord of. See Berghes.

Barroys,_le, 210, 2184.

Barsano, Bernardo, 2999.

Barthike. See Borthwick.

Bartholetto, _, 2696.
-, -, Bernard, 2763, 2853, 3018.
-, -, -, letter to, 2508.

Bartholomew, _, 203.

Bartholomew Fair, 2500.

Bartilmew, Ric., p. 1361, 3504.

Bartlet, _, p. 496.

Bartlow, Camb., p. 1118.

Barton, Camb., p. 1118.
-, -, Lanc., 102.
-, -, near Bristol, 405.
-, -, or Burton, near Linc., 2074.

Barton in the Benes, Notts, 1036.

Barton upon Humber, 2482.

Barton, _, 852.
-, -, John of, 3237.
-, -, Rob., controller of James V., 381, 396, 1024, 1893, 1919, 3110, App. 33.
-, -, Tho., 594, 3262, 3293, gr. 2694.
-, -, Walt., p. 1364.
-, -, Wm., p. 336.

Bartron, Wm., gr. 206.

Barwyke on Tese, 1121.

Barzia, _, 1492, 1496.

Basagaunt, prince of, 907.

Base, Martin, p. 1362.

Basen, Rog., 2202, 2264, 2313, 2521.

Baseworth, John, 627.

Basingstoke, Hants, 2992.

Basingworth, abbot of, 2483.

Baskerfeld or Baskervile, Edm., 2473.
-, -, Jas., 500, 1042, 2020, 2627, p. 1363, 3583, gr. 405, 2415.
-, -, Ph., 3585.
-, -, Tho., pp. 1363, 1546, gr. 206, 581, 779.

Basle or Basil, 3123.
-, -, letters dated, 2090, 2731.

Bass Rock, the, App. 33.

Basse, Tho., 2583.

Basset, Giles, p. 1367.
-, -, John, 558, p. 1364, gr. 1036, 3214.
-, -, Sir John, 703, 2020, p. 1361, 3504, 3583, gr. 529, 1081, 1379, 2415.
-, -, Ric., gr. 405.
-, -, Sir Ric., 2667, p. 1363, 3583, gr. 1451.
-, -, Tho., 196.
-, -, Wm., 196, p. 1363, gr. 1081, 1262, 2415, 3586.

Bassyngbourne, John, p. 1367.

Bastie, la, Ant. Darses, lord of, 100, 2069, (?) 3114, 3134.
-, -, (or Batte), Mons. de la (Olivier de la Vernade), 58, 69, 92, 93, 100, 145, 161, 197, 246, 416, 488, 530, 532, 535, 543, 545, 546, 549, 626, 629, 665, 666, 761, 764, 765, 786, 808, 843, 859, 905, 910, 913, 1239, 1278, 1306, 1308, 1310, 1315, 1316, 1331, 1338, 1386, 1387, 1393, 1416, 1424, 1425, 1426, 1439, 1467, 1489, 1504, 1552, 1555, 1557, 1610, p. 723 note, 1727, 1742, 1749, 1815, 1817, 1898, pp. 1539, 1541.
-, -, letters from, 836, 948, 1269.
-, -, letters to, 544, 642, 1994.

Bastille, the, in Paris, 809.

Bastisse, le Pollain de la, p. 313.

Bataill or Batell. Agnes, p. 1116.
-, -, John, gr. 405.
-, -, Ric., p. 1546, gr. 405.
-, -, Wm., p. 1116.

Bate, _, p. 1546,
-, -, Humph., gr. 55.
-, -, John, p. 503, gr. 55, 529.
-, -, Sir John, pp. 499, 502, 504.
-, -, Mary, gr. 2074.
-, -, Ralph, 2486, p. 1366, gr. 442.
-, -, Rob., his signature, 2694.

Batecok, Tho., gr. 529, 967.

Bateman, David, p. 1406.
-, -, Nich., gr. 347.

Batemanson, John, 793.
-, -, Ric., 3493.
-, -, als. Glover, Tho., gr. 854.

Bates, Rob., 3288.

Bath, p. 1365, 3504.
-, -, bp. of. See Clerk, John.
-, -, see of, 402 note, 900, 2439 (vi.), 2655, 2904.

Bath, prior of, p. 497, 2483.
-, -, (Baith ?), John of, 2483 (2).
-, -, abbot of, 2483.

Bath Place, in London, 2345, 3153.

Batha, Ph., marquis of, 1029 (2).

Bathavern Park, in Ruthyn, 2923.

Batilbury, Wilts., 3585.

Battersea, Surr., p. 496.

Battisford, Ric., 3288.

Battle Abbey, 1036.
-, -, abbot of, 562, 2483.

Battle Bridge, 558, 3261.

Baty, _, 2074.

Batyn, Humph., p. 1361.

Bauge (Bage, &c.), signor Fred. de, 1562, 1727, 1946. See also Borgery.

Bavaria, house of, 116, App. 22.
-, -, duke Albert of, 1185.
-, -, emperor Rob. duke of, 1018.
-, -, Will. duke of, 213, 804, p. 314, 1106, App. 22.
-, -, -, his brother Louis, 1106.
-, -, -, his brothers, 198, 1155, 1185.

Bavaryn, Anth., 54.

Bawde, Ralph, 1330.

Bawdeswell, Ric., 2737.

Bawdewyn, als. Bawdon, Ric., gr. 278.
-, -, Rob., gr. 644.

Bawdrip, Sir Wm., 196.

Bawmford, Rob., 1114, p. 1535.

Bawrman, Wm., 435.

Baxi, Wm., 2224.

Baxtar, _, 2483.
-, -, or Baxster, Edw., 3296.
-, -, Hen., p. 1530.
-, -, Joan, 3171, 3189.

Bayard, captain, 74, 1183, 1521, 1532, 1643, 1714, 1776, 1800, 1817, 1946, 2035, 2257, 3463, 3532, 3533.
-, -, Rob., gr. 967.

Bayeux, bp. of, 3018, 3103.
-, -, -, letter from, 922.

Bayhall, Kent, 2145, 2993.

Bayldon. See Bailedon.

Bayly. See Bailey.

Baylzay, Hen., 3410.

Bayn, _, 2390.

Baynard, Rob., p. 1361.

Baynbrigge. See Bainbrig.

Baynham. See Bainham.

Baynton. See Bainton.

Bayonne, 126, 2430, 2432, 2908, 3661.
-, -, "Le Moyne de Bayonne," 56.

Baysne, prince of, 907.

Baytton, Arth., 1436.

Bazoges, John Gerard lord of, 1156.

Beaconsfield, Bucks, 102.

Beagger or Beggery, duke of. See Bejar.

Beamond. See Beaumont.

Beamyshe, Northumb., 278.

Beanbusse Park, Suss., 3214.

Beansborough, Kent, 3687.

Beaton. See Beton.

Beauchamp, John, lord of Bokerell, temp. Edw. I. (?), 278.
-, -, Ric., earl of Warwick, 405.

Beauchief, abbot of, 2483.

Beaufild, Mons., 907.

Beaufort, count of, 702 (4).

Beauge. See Bauge.

Beaugency, letter dated, 752.

Beaujeu, _, 313.

Beaulieu, abbot of, 2483.
-, -, honor, 2956.

Beawlew or Beuleue, Mons. de, 1168, 2837.

Beaulragault, Mons. de, 3550.

Beaumaris, 1025, 2191.

Beaumont, Linc., 1035.

Beaumont or Beamond, _, p. 1528.
-, -, Alex., 1330.
-, -, Eliz. viscountess. 109, gr. 1379.
-, -, don Francisco de, 1045.
-, -, Hen., p. 1361.
-, -, John, 2740.
-, -, don Joan de, 2288 (4).
-, -, (Beaulmont) le seigneur, p. 313.
-, -, Ric., 2969, gr. 1151.
-, -, Tho., p. 1364.
-, -, Wm. viscount, temp. Hen. VII., his land, 80, 109, 607, 982, 1035, 1117, 1379, 2993.

Beaunays, John, 3014.

Beaune, wine of, 2622.

Beaurain, Adrian de Croy, lord of, 1552, 1560, 1562, 1568, 1579, 1610, 1644, 1787, 2026, 2119, 2288 (4), 2326, 2446, 2466, 2500, 2511, 2540, 2541, 2560, 2567 (5), 2568, 2772, 2773, 2879, 2881, 2898, 2908, 2909, 3030, 3055, 3056, 3064, 3087, 3123, 3140, 3153, 3154 (iii.), 3203, 3217 (2), 3225, 3232, 3236, 3246, 3247, 3252, 3254, 3281, 3318, 3326, 3386, 3392, 3532, 3533, 3569, 3572, 3646, 3652, 3654, 3689.
-, -, -, letter from, 2556.

Beauvais, sieur de, 2770.

Beawpre, Edm., Marg. and Nich, gr. 2074.

Bec, abbot of, 541.

Beccaria, Matt., 1549.

Beccles, Suff., p. 1366.

Bechop, Tho., p. 1558.

Beck, Bek, or Beke, the Christopher (ship), 2916.
-, -, Harry, letter from, 2058.
-, -, John, gr. 1151, 2694.
-, -, Ralph, gr. 1081.

Beck, Bek, or Beke, Rob., 627.
-, -, Rog., gr. 3495.
-, -, Tho., 2483 (2), pp. 1361, 1364.

Beckenham, Kent, 558, 3687.

Bedale, 2524 (2).

Bedale, Tho., 970.

Bede, Ric., gr. 492.

Bedell or Bedill, _, 2633.
-, -, Ingelram, gr. 3289.
-, -, Nich., 3175.
-, -, -, letter to, 1105.
-, -, Wm., 485, 618, p. 1362, 3695, gr. 405.

Bedelstan, letter dated, 3441.

Bedfont, East, Midd., 2485.

Bedford, p. 1367.
-, -, archdeacon of, 2483.

Bedford, Jasper duke of, 1118, p. 1529.
-, -, Tho., 1911.

Bedfordshire, 123 (ii.), 500, 627, 703, p. 241, p. 243, 753, 1000, 1042, 1052, 1186, 1286, 1287, 1843, 2015, 2020, 2288, 2483 (2), 2667, 2741, 3146, 3214, p. 1367, 3504, 3683, 3687, 3625.

Bedhampton, 2587, 2749, 2994.

Bedindone, 1379.

Bedingfeld, Edm., p. 1366.
-, -, Sir Edm., 3516.
-, -, Sir Tho., 500, 2020, p. 1366, 3504.

Bedington, Surr., 1081.

Bedlawe, John, gr. 278.

Bedminster, p. 493, 2016, 2145, 3695.

Bednell, John, 2425.

Bedon, Berks, 102, 209, 982.

Bedwell, 3375.
-, -, letter dated, 2437.

Bedwin, West, Wilts, 2145.

Beeston, Ric., p. 1364.

Before, Hen., 2486.

Beg, Mehemet, 1376.

Bejar or Vejar (Beggery, &c.) duek of, 10, 36, 925, 1632, 2522.

Bekeswood Park, 3376.

Beket, Gilb., p. 1364.
-, -, Rog., 1114; gr. 3214.

Bekinsal, Dr., p. 245, 2483.

Belamy, Ric., gr., 967.
-, -, Rog., 2583.
-, -, Tho., p. 1119.

Belane, in Ireland, 3052.

Bele, Hen., gr. 779.
-, -, Laur., 1920.
-, -, Tho., p. 1363.

Belesse, _, 3671.

Belfast, 3048.

Belford, 3349.
-, -, letters dated, 3481, 3482, 3488.

Belgrave, Rob. and Wm., gr. 1186.

Belknapp, Sir Edw., 58, 64, 65, 71, 152, 153 (14, 15), 190, 191, 331, 365 (19), 433, 437, 576, 702 (3), 703, 704, p. 243, 746, 765, 804, 826, 851, 906, p. 337, 920, 1140, 1203, 1792, 3471, gr. 278, 644, 716, 1121, 1215, 1379, 1451, 3062, 3677.
-, -, -, letters from, 57, 825.
-, -, -, his signature, App. 12.

Bell, Chr., 3510.
-, -, Hen., p. 1363.
-, -, John, 970, 2178.
-, -, Rog., p. 1529.
-, -, Tho., 102.
-, -, Walt, 3585.
-, -, Wm., 102, 644.

Bellamy. See Belamy.

Bellain, sieur de, 2785.

Bellay, Lewis du, 1156.

Bellefourriere, Pierre de, 1721.

Bellesis, 3510.

Bellingham or Belyngham, John, gr. 1324.
-, -, Ralph and Ric., p. 1362.
-, -, Sir Rog., 43, 3227, gr. 55, 854.

Belloel, in Haynault, 200, 201.

Bellond, Edm., 2163.

Bellowe, Pat., gr. 278.

Bellynger, Hen., gr. 3495.

Bellyngton, Tho., 2876.

Bellysis, Ric., sig., 2911.

Belser, Ant., App. 22.

Belsowe, 2074.

Belton, Linc., 2648.

Belton, John, 983, 1020.

Beltran, Jeronimo, 1574.

Belwode, Fran., p. 1365.

Belzers, the, 84, 1226, 1417, 1419, 1482. See Belser.

Bembo, Peter, papal secretary, sig., 1178.

Benbow, _, p. 1528.

Bend, Tho., 3657.

Bendflyt, 558.

Benefeld, Northt., 3146.

Benet or Bennett, _, 152, 909.
-, -, John, p. 1116.
-, -, Marg., p. 336.
-, -, als. Launder, Nich., gr. 442.
-, -, Tho., 1286, 2354, p. 1364, gr. 2862.
-, -, Wm., 2625, 3510.

Benevento, count de, 10, 688, 925, 1044, App. 14.

Benger, Joan, John, Ric. and Wm., 817.

Benynden, Kent, 529.

Benyngfeld, Sir Tho., 703.

Bennyngton, _, 1225.

Benolt or Bunoult, John, 199, 795.
-, -, Sir John, 3288.
-, -, Tho. See Clarencieux.

Benon, count of, 702 (4).

Benseligh, Suff., 1324.

Bensington, Oxon., 1081.

Benson, _, 152.
-, -, John, gr. 1451.

Bensted, Sir Edw., 55, 153 (2), 703.
-, -, letter from, 877.

Bent, Edw., p. 1363.

Bentall, Wm., p. 1363.

Bentham, York, 2016, 3234.

Bentivogli, the, 1640, 1678, 1746, 1881, 2133, 2144, 2149, 2209, 2211, 2235, 3463.

Bentivoglio, the prothonotary, 2044, 2194.

Bentley, _, 3174.
-, -, Dr., 1070, pp. 499, 501.
-, -, Geo., p. 1544.
-, -, John, 715, p. 1118.

Benton, Hen., 715.

Berd. See Bird.

Berdequyer, Bernard, gr. 2214.

Berdon, Rob., 3206.

Bere, letter dated, 1320.

Bere, John, 3687.
-, - See Bery.

Berefferis, Devon, 55.

Bereford, Warw., 1451, 3677.

Bereford, John, p. 1528.

Bereman, Adrian, p. 333.
-, -, And., p. 1364.

Beresford, Simon de, 278.

Bergagni, Francis de, 3118.

Bergevenny. See Abergavenny.

Bergham, abbot of, 2483.

Berghes, Berghen op Zoom, or Barrowe, 12, 21, 141.
-, -, letters dated, 2464, 2490, 2491, 2492, 2493, 2494, 2496.

Berghes, Anthony de, lord Gruneberg, son of John lord Berghes, 470, 471, 473, 474, 478, 590, 992 (2), 1114, pp. 1540, 1542.
-, -, -, letter from, 598.
-, -, -, letter to, 244.
-, -, Anthony de, the Emperor's chaplain, 2288 (4).
-, -, John lord, sometimes called the lord of Barrowe, 50, 84, 89, 116, 139, 140, 184, 232, 312, 478, 598, 635, 691, 692, 696, 723, p. 256, 771, 907, 932, 978, 992, 1028, 1044, pp. 410–1, 1181, 1248, 1340 (2), 1352, 1357, 1367, 1380, 1414, 1415, 1419, 1428, 1433, 1435, 1479, 1507, 1509, 1532, 1561, 1571, 1753, 1768, 1777, 1787, 1790, 1817, 1935, 1964, 1978, 2026, 2111, 2202, 2235, 2246, 2404, 2464, 2490, 2534, 2558, 2611, 2761, 2798, 2846, 2869, 2907, 2919, 2942, 3257, 3265, 3440, 3543, App. 14, 22, 45.
-, -, -, letters from, 12, 21, 44, 97, 141, 499, 590, 591, 2011.
-, -, -, letters, &c. to, 1491, 1766.
-, -, -, his sons, 12, 36, 470, 496, 517.
-, -, -, his son-in-law the Admiral, App. 14.
-, -, -, his niece, 312.

Berghes, licentiate, 787, 883, 1415.
-, -, treasurer. See Vergas.

Bergholt, East, Suff., 1186.

Berizlo, Petrus, 850.

Berkeley, Glouc., 405, p. 500, 1286, 2352, 3684.
-, -, Alice, Anne, Sir Edw., John and Kath., gr. 2482.
-, -, Jas., p. 1529.
-, -, lord, 3256, 3288, 3504.
-, -, marquis of, gr. 2923, 3062.
-, -, Maurice, 2667, p. 1529, gr. 2482, 3586.
-, -, Sir Maurice, 365 (19), 500, 702 (3), p. 241, p. 243, 804, 906, 1027.
-, -, -, letters from, 2301, 2334, 2335.
-, -, -, sig., 2109, 2217.
-, -, Maurice lord, gr. 3495.
-, -, Sir Tho., p. 493, 2667, pp. 1367, 1545, gr. 1081, 1451, 2415.
-, -, Tho. lord, gr. 2482.
-, -, Wm., pp. 1364, 1367, gr. 2482.
-, -, Sir Wm., gr. 2482.

Berket, John, p. 1529.

Berkhamstead, Much, Herts, 3677.

Berks, 123, 500, 529, 703, p. 240, p. 243; 753, 1002, 1042, 1052, 1843, 2015, 2020, 2178, 2288, 2415, 2667, 2685 (xii.), 2741, p. 1364, p. 1408, 3504, 3583, 3683, 3687.

Bermingham, John, 3052.
-, -, Pat., 1240, 1241, 1242, 1444, 2072.
-, -, -, sig., 961.

Bermondsey, 102, 159, 205, 206.
-, -, abbot of, 365 (5), 1290, 2288 (3), 2483, gr. 1081, 2415, App. 35.

Bernabo, viscount, 3571.

Bernard, _, 418.
-, -, Geffray, 2212 (ii.)
-, -, (Bernerd,) Nich., p. 1364.
-, -, Ph., 3288, p. 1365.

Bernard Castle. See Barnard Castle.

Bernardo or Bernardine, friar, French admiral, 170, 2105, 2123, 2220, 2224, 2509, 2907.

Bernardine, _, 2539, 2891.

Berne, 2423, 3203, 3452, 3455.

Berne, John, gr. 2694.

Berners, John Bourchier lord, 10, 11, 220, 365, 703, p. 240, p. 243, 822, 896, p. 304, 1070, 1074, 1286, 1287, 1288 (7), 1383, 2643, 2777, p. 1536, gr. 1081, 1121, 1151, 1186, 1215, 1262, 1324, 1379, 1451, 1621, 1928, 2016, 2074, 2214, 2297, 2356, 2415, 2587, 2648, 2694, 2749, 2807, 2862, 2992, 2993, 2994, 3062, 3146, 3214, 3289, 3495, 3586, 3677.
-, -, -, letters from, 873, 895, 1141, 1951, 2027, 2048, 2109, 2135, 2169, 2217, 2218, 2334, 2335, 2376, 2643, 2730, 2777, 2802, 2803, 2804, 2837, 2882, 2890, 2973, 3014, App. 26, 3156.
-, -, -, his signature, 2214, App. 12.
-, -, -, his seal, 3156.
-, -, - See also Calais, deputy of.
-, -, (Barnes), Wm. (John ?) Bourchier lord, p. 1528.

Byrnyshton, 2524 (2).

Bernoys, Jehan de, 712.

Bernuel, John, 75.

Berny, John de, gr. 2214.

Bernys, Edw., p. 1116.

Beron, John, 703.

Berret, John, 1153.

Bertelot, John, 2685 (ii.)
-, -, Ric., 826.

Bertoun, Rob. See Barton.

Bertram, Cuthbert, 3657.

Berwick, 55, 102, 206, 347, 396, 511, 573, 813, 890, 1072, 1081, 1110, 1147, 1199, 1215, 1262, 1444, 1897 (ii.), 1949 (iii.), 1983, 2012, 2016, 2022, 2054, 2068, 2075, 2122, 2186, 2271, 2328, 2357 (ii.), 2389, 2412, 2415, 2436, 2525 (iv.), 2531, 2536, 2621, 2796, 2852, 2876, 2907, 2955, 2974, 3004, 3041, 3046, 3071, 3094, 3098, 3115, 3117, 3121, 3135, 3147, 3158, 3159, 3177, 3181, 3199, 3214, 3310, 3321, 3330, 3333, 3338, 3365, 3381, 3385, 3400, 3404 (ii.), 3415, 3420, 3426, 3445, 3451, 3467, 3468, 3469, 3472, 3477, 3480, 3481, 3499, 3508, 3528 (2), 3536, 3574, 3575, 3624, 3626, p. 1544.
-, -, captain of, 813, 2058, 2271, 2524, 2536, 2852, 2960, 3097, 3177, 3536, 3596, 3645. See also Ughtred, Sir Anthony.
-, -, marshal of, 3181, 3385, 3644.
-, -, master of the Ordnance, 3645.
-, -, mayor of, letter from, 2058.
-, -, treasurer of, 3345.
-, -, letters dated, 1976, 2058, 2061, 2085, 2183, 2469, 2474, 2502, 2609, 2950, 3084, 3349, 3364, 3460, 3529.

Berwick, Wilts, 3584.

Berwick, pursuivant, 2545.

Berwyke, Alf., p. 1362.
-, -, John, 2227, 2343, 2380, 2424, 2429.
-, -, Dr. See Barrewyk.

Bery (Bury ?). 153 (26).

Bery, John, gr. 278.

Beryn, Sir John, p. 1363.
-, -, Wm., gr. 102, 644.

Beryton, John, p. 1363.

Besançon, letters dated, 3452, 3525, 3526, 3571, 3661.
-, -, bishop of, 3525.
-, -, dean of, 11.

Besser, John, 3060.

Best, Davy, 43.
-, -, Rob., 1262.
-, -, Sir Rob., 3432.
-, -, Tho., gr. 102.

Besteney, Edw. and Tho., p. 1116.

Besthorp, 529.

Beston, John, 2583.

Betberd, Tho., p. 334.

Betchworth, West, Surrey; 2712.

Bethlehem, house of Jesus of, [Shene,] 374.
-, -, Our Lady of. See under London.

Bethune, governor of, 907.

Betley, Alice, Joan, Marg., and Wm., gr. 442.

Betman, John, gr. 1036.

Beton, David, 1850, 2182, 2310, 2339 (ii.), 2347 (i. ii.), 2428, 2988, 3576.
-, -, Jas., abp. of Glasgow, chancellor of Scotland, 31, 111, 269, 480, 482, 964, 1024, 1067, 1087, 1091, 1126, 1199, 1820, 1897 (2), 1898, 1939, 2054, 2122, 2213, 2271, 2339, 2347 (iii.), 2476, 2525, 2645, 2723, 3080, 3085, 3110, 3138, 3179, 3281, 3300, 3313, 3327, 3328, 3336, 3339, 3349, 3350, 3354, 3355, 3461, 3552, 3674, 3675.
-, -, -, letters from, 1086, 1190 (ii.), 1196, 1850, 2039, 2162, 2310, 2717, 2886, 3086, 3133, 3303, 3556.
-, -, -, letters to, 1190 (iii.), 2051, 3079, 3449, 3105.
-, -, Marg., Rob. and Simon, p. 1118.
-, -, Rog., p. 332.

Betson, _, 751.

Bettes, Tho., p. 1366.

Bettis, _, 2320, 2442, 2653, 2793.
-, -, Jas., 2357*, 2750, p. 1364.
-, -, -, letters from, 2427, 2472, 2985.

Betton, John, p. 1117.

Beuleue, Mons. See Beawlew.

Beures, Mons. de, admiral of Flanders, p. 410, 1542, 1605, 2338, 2369, 2431, 2449, 2451, 2466, 2467, 2511, 2549, 2593, 2632, 2696, 2833, 2846, 2907, 2919, 3274, 3440, 3543, 3590.

Beverley, York, 2016, 2439 (vi.), 2487, 2752.

Beverley, John, p. 1367.
-, -, Tho., gr. 1151, 1451.

Bevys, John, p. 1118.

Bewcastle, 3436.

Bewcastle Dale, 1921, 2531.

Bewdley, 529, 3146.

Bewland, 3234.

Bewlewe or Bewleugh, Wm., 1042, 2667, gr, 1081. See also Bewley.

Bewley or Beuley, 79, 2752.
-, -, Ric., 1225, gr. 2016.
-, -, Wm., 1225, 2020. See also Bewlewe.

Bewster, Ric., p. 1366.

Bexley, 558.
-, -, abbot of, 2483.

Beylby, John, p. 1367.

Beynham. See Bainham.

Biblyns, in Uske, 278.

Bickerton, _, App. 24.

Bidoux, Pre John de, 2841.

Bies or Biez, Mons, du, 2549, 2882, 2951, 3535. See Buys.

Biggar, in Scotland, 3409.

Bigge, Ric., gr. 1081.
-, -, Wm., 2583.

Biggleswade, Beds, 854.

Bilboa, 2617.
-, -, letter dated, 2394.

Bildestone, Suff., 529.

Bildewas, abbot of, 2483.

Bileghe, abbot of, 2483.

Billesby, Sir And., 1042, 2667, p. 1365, 3504, gr. 1081, 1379, 2145.
-, -, Sir Anth., 2020.

Billing, Edw., p. 333.
-, -, John, gr. 1324.

Billinghurst, Suss., 2807.

Billop, Ralph, gr. 3062.

Billowe, 362.

Bingham or Byngham, John, p. 333, gr. 2016.
-, -, Rob., gr. 347.

Bingley, _, 558.
-, -, Tho., gr. 2862.

Bins, letters dated, 1614, 1615, 1616.

Bionet, Loys. See Vionet.

Birch or Byrche, _, 1611.
-, -, Jas, 2483 (2).
-, -, Tho., gr. 3495.
-, -, Wm., pp. 244, 1540.

Birchinsha, Maurice, letter from, 525, gr. 2648.

Bircholt, Kent, 3687.

Bird or Berde, _, 153 (24).
-, -, Hen., p. 335.
-, -, John, 2274, p. 1365, 3585, gr. 1451.
-, -, Sir John, 153 (25), 584.
-, -, Peter, p. 1365.

Birdale, York, 1262.

Bird's Nest, 309 (2).

Biryton, Tho., 1288 (8).

Birkebek, Tho., 3410.

Birkelonde, Notts., 362.

Birket, Thos., p. 1361.

Birkheved, John, 2821.

Birling, 1262, 1290, 1291, 2140, 2214.

Birmingham, 1379.

Birome or Byrom, Geo., gr., 2447, 2754.
-, -, John, gr. 1451.
-, - See Byrome.

Biron. See Byron.

Birton, 278.

Byseley, 2485.

Bisheved, prior of, 2483.

Bishop, Wm., 1009, 1911, p. 1366.
-, - See Bechop.

Bishopdale, 2524 (2).

Bishop's Frampton, Glouc., 3586.

Bishop's Hatfield, 2694, 2933.
-, -, letters dated, 2636, 2690.

Bishop's Lynn, Norf., 2648.

Bishopston, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Bishopstowe, 3289.

Bishop's Waltham, 2364, 2440, 2515.

Bisinyan, prince of, 1044.

Byspam, 2820 (iii.)

Bissam, 411.

Bisseley or Byseley, Tho., Rougedragon, 2654.
-, -, Wm., p. 1529, gr. 612.

Bisson, John, gr. 2016.

Bissy, sieur de, 2288 (4).

Bitler, Wm., p. 334.

Bitlesdon, laird of, 1986.

Bittons, governor of, 1115.

Blac, Pierre, 340.

Blachenden, Jas., gr. 1036.

Blakatur, 573, 2428, 2852, 3134.

Blackburn, 1095.

Blackeden or Blakden, Cuthb., 1114, p. 1535.
-, -, Wm., gr. 1151.
-, -, Sir Wm., p. 245.

Blackenall or Blacknall, _, 2583.
-, -, Ric., gr. 278.
-, -, Rob., gr. 2297.
-, -, Wm., p. 332, 2545, 2750.

Blacker, Tho., 1165.

Blackesley or Blakesley, Northt., 2016.
-, -, _, 152.
-, -, Mich., gr. 3586.

Blackfriars. See London.

Blackheath, 1379, 3687.

Blackmore, Hen., 208.

Blackwall, 575, 2288.

Blackwell Hall, 852.

Blades, John, gr. 102.

Bladwell, Lewis, gr. 1451.

Blagge, Rob., 1076, 2121, gr. 854, 1186, 1379.

Blagraff, _, p. 1551.

Blagrave, Ric., p. 333.

Blake, Hen., gr. 3214.
-, -, John, 365 (14), 2125, 2178.
-, -, Rog., 2483 (2).
-, -, Tho., 2583.

Blakehall, in Ireland, 3052.

Blakelok, John, 3657.

Blakemore, 1081, 3289.

Blakeney, Norf., 2145.

Blakford, Tho., gr. 1262.

Blakgrove, Rob., 852.

Blakney, Rob., 2583.
-, -, Wm., 970.

Blakwood, And., 1936.

Blanche, queen of Navarre, p. 773.

Blancheland, abbot of, 3615, 3616, 3633.

Blanche Rose. See Pole, Richard de la.

Blanckerd church, 2415.

Blande, Alice, gr. 2648.

Blandford, Dors., 2483 (2).

Blanerhasset, John, p. 1367.

Blank Chapelton (Whitechapel ?), 1009, p. 1551.

Blanksted, Hen., gr. 2145.

Blasy, Tho., 2415.

Blechingley, p. 492, p. 501, p. 502, 1286, 2397, 3062, 3695.
-, -, letter dated, 1288 (3).

Blechvache, Wales, 2992.

Bleke, And., p. 333.

Blengate, Kent, 3687.

Blenkensope, _, 3510.
-, -, John, 3510.

Blesby, Wm., p. 1365.

Bletschow or Bletshoe, letters dated, 2078, 2198.

Blew, Laur., 2490.

Blewet or Bluet, Ric., gr. 1186, 2415.

Blioul, _ Du, sig., 2494, 2884.

Blitheman, Wm, letter from, 3201.

Blockfeld, p. 493.

Bloel, Tho., 2212 (ii.)

Blois, 9.
-, -, letters dated, 446, 447, 452, 453, 454, 468, 514, 526, 532, 534, 535, 543, 544, 545, 547, 549, 556, 712, 713, 721, 723, 733, 734, 748, 749, 2435, 3057.

Blontesdon, And., 3585.

Bloomsbury, Midd., 1215.

Blossom, Wm., p. 1116.

Blount, Edw., gr. 2074.
-, -, John, 73, 79, 703, 1081, 2415, 2667, p. 1363, 3583, 3586.
-, -, (Blounte), Peter, p. 1362.
-, -, Ric., gr. 2074.
-, -, Sir Tho., 79, 703, p. 1363, 3504, gr. 1451, 2415, 3495.
-, -, Walt., p. 1363, gr. 2415, 3586.
-, -, Wm. See Mountjoy, lord.

Blower, Wm., 2712, p. 1363.

Bloxwich, 206.

Bluemantle, pursuivant, 265, 2109, 2567 (5), 2654, 2772, 2773, 2879.

Blunsdon, Broad, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Blyke, Giles, gr. 529.

Blythe, _, 2052.

Blythyng, Suff., 3684.

Bocarde, _, 1245, 1521, 1947.

Bocher, _, 2711, p. 1546.

Bocking, Essex, 2648.

Bocstepe, Suss., 779.

Bocton, Kent, 3687.

Bodenham, Heref., 1288 (8).
-, -, Hen., gr., 3062.
-, - or Bodnam, Tho., p. 1363, 3504, gr. 1186, 2415.

Bodington, Rob., gr. 2016.

Bodley, Ellis, 840.
-, -, Jas., John and Tho., gr. 2993.

Bodmin, 278, p. 1365.
-, -, prior of, 2483.

Bodryngan, Sir Hen., gr. 347.

Bodwell, Ric., 1897 (iii.)

Bodynton, John, 3685.

Bofild, Ric., gr. 55.

Bogeansye, letter dated, 752.

Bogya in Africa, king of, 130.

Bohemia, king of, 84, 128, 255, 297, 308, 318.
-, -, queen of, letter from, 2299.

Bohemians, captain of the, 2090.

Bois de Vincennes, 843.

Boisot, Pierre, 2288 (4).

Boissy, Arthur Gouffieur, sieur de, grand master of France, 11, 36, 50, 57, 84, 92, 93, 100, 111, 116, 118, 121, 122, 129, 130, 131, 138, 142, 158, 184, 189, 195, 224, 246, 252, 254, 265, 277, 312, 320, 404, 488, 702 (4), App. 2.

Boissy (Bussi), card. de, 137, 149, 158, 189, 416, 541, 698, pp. 310, 311.

Boissy. See Bowssey.

Bokar, Wm., 1911.

Bokengham, Anne, 1000.

Bokerel, lord of. See Beauchamp.

Bokmere, Anne, 997.

Bokovere, Glouc., 3289.

Bolayth, 278.

Bold. John, 2545, 3685, sig., p. 503.
-, -, or Bolde, Sir Ric., 2545, gr. 102.

Bolde, Lanc., 102.

Boleyn, Bullayn or Bullen, Anne, daughter of Sir Thos., p. 273 (note), 1994, p. 1559, gr. 1081.
-, -, Sir Edw., p. 243, gr. 1081, 3214; his wife, p. 245.
-, -, Eliz., 996.
-, -, Geoff., p. 273 (note).
-, -, Geo., gr. 2214.
-, -, Sir Jas., p. 1366, gr. 1081.
-, -, lady, 491, 528, p. 245, p. 1533.
-, -, Marg., 160, 996.
-, -, Mary, daughter of Sir Thos., 1004, 1011, 1762, p. 1539.
-, -, the Mary (ship), 3358.

Boleyn, Sir Tho., 9, 69, 92, 126, 222, 286, 306, 460, 534, 562, 576, 629, 661, 662, 663, 664, 666, 702 (3), 703, p. 241, p. 243, 834, 906, 996, 1004, p. 490, p. 493, 1383, 1526, 1547, 1555, 1557, 1610, 1693, 1694, 1696, 1704, 1712, 1738, 1750, 1777, 2288 (2), 2333 (24), 2446, 2481, 2483 (2), 2567, 2709, 2729, 2750, 2878, 2896, 2901, 2908, 2982, 3006, 3008, 3011, 3056, 3087, 3153, 3213, p. 1363, p. 1366, 3386, 3504, 3583, 3646, pp. 1534, 1535, 1537, 1538, 1546, App. 31, gr. 492, 2214, 3376.
-, -, -, letters from, 57, 70, 100, 111, 118, 121, 122, 129, 131, 142, 145, 170, 189, 210, 212, 223, 246, 273, 289, 311, 320, 348, 352, 416, 446, 447, 454, 468, 514, 530, 549, 1705, 1706, 1714, 1715, 1733, 1736, 1768, 1778, 2591, 2617, 2650, 2651, 2663, 2697, 2772, 2773, 2879, 2880, 2883, App. 2, 45*, sig., 1356.
-, -, -, letters to, 275, 415, 531, 1708, 1751, 2764.
-, -, Sir Wm., 562.

Bolham, Tho., p. 1117.

Boliston, Pemb., 2297.

Bolland Forest, 1923 (2).

Boller, John, 3685, gr. 2297.
-, -, Ric., Rob. and Tho., 3685.

Bolles, John, pp. 1365, 1367, 1529.
-, -, Ric., 3504.

Bolls, Wm., 3656.

Bolmer. See Bulmer.

Bolney, _, p. 1536.
-, -, Edw., p. 1363.
-, -, John and Kath., p. 1118.

Bologna, 1932, 3463, 3547.
-, -, letter dated, 2440.
-, - (Bononye), card. of, (A. de Grassis,) 3651.
-, -, -, letter from, 2005
-, -, house of, 1881.
-, -, Jacob de, 2288 (4).
-, -, John de, 2999, 3025.

Bolonoys, seneschal of, 877.

Bolrayst, Tho., p. 1367.

Bolsemer, Notts., 362.

Bolt, John, gr. 458.

Bolte, Rob., pp. 1530, 1546.

Bolton, 1986, 2975, 3178, 3468.
-, -, _, 1001 (3), 1330, App. 31.
-, -, Tho., sig., 2552.
-, -, Wm., 2485.

Bolton in Craven, Ric. prior of, sig., 2578 (3).

Bolton in Furness, 2820 (iii.)

Bolynton, Tho., sig., 2436.

Bon ..., _, 255.

Bonam, See Bonham.

Bonan, Nich., gr. 1928.

Bonar, David, 1911.

Bonaval or Bonneval, _, p. 313, 2133, 2247, 2265.

Boncle, Ric., 1927.

Bond, John, p. 1362, 3504. See Bounde.

Bonde, Tho., p. 1364.
-, -, Wm., 219, p. 1366, gr. 529.

Bone, John, gr. 1262.
-, -, Nicn., gr. 278, 1036.
-, -, Tho. p. 336.

Boneford, Jane, p. 336.

Boner, Ric., gr. 278.

Bonethen, Edm., gr. 1151.

Bonevaute, count de, 2522.

Bonham, _, 3192.
-, -, John, 2020, p. 1361, gr. 1081, 1379, 2862.
-, - (Bonam, Boneham). Tho., 489, 751, 898, 1042, 3137, p. 1367, 3504, sig. 2583, gr. 1379, 2415, 2594, 3586.

Boniface VIII., Pope, 1622, p. 775.

Bonyfant, _, 3657.

Boncle Ege, in Scotland, 3321.

Bonkle, in Scotland, 3273.

Bonnebuche, bastard of, 3535.

Bonneval. See Bonaval.

Bonnivet, Wm. Gouffier, lord of, admiral of France, 57, 116, 118, 145, 189, 202, 246, 320, 352, 363, 385, 392, 404, 416, 454, 468, 530, 541, 549, 642, 666, 685, 697, 699, 702 (4), 723, 724, p. 256, 734, 735, 752, 806, 843, p. 304, p.312, 894, 901, 936, 987, 1041, 1057, 1100, 1126, 1127, 1157, 1168, 1176, 1183, 1184, 1198, 1202, 1206, 1245, 1246, 1268, 1278, 1303, 1309, 1315, 1316, 1329, 1331, 1385, 1386, 1402, 1412, 1413, 1419, 1441, 1456, 1498, 1501, 1504, 1526, 1551, 1556, 1562, 1582, 1602, 1613, 1631, 1632, 1640, 1643, 1662, p. 702 note, 1697, 1702, 1707, 1732, 1848, 2008, 2036, 2049, 2076, 2092, 2139, 2176, 2275, 2446, 2522, 2707, 2870, 3463.
-, -, -, letters from, 26, 340, 488, 508, 534, 535, 545, 561, 625, 630, 643, 661, 681, 727, 733, 911, 937, 960, 1144, 1174, 1307, 1308, 1341, 1342, 1489, 1998, 1999, 2522, App. 11.
-, -, -, letters to, 736, 2327.

Bononye. See Bologna.

Bonora, Laur., 54.

Bonromeus, Louis, 1421 (ii.)

Bonsey, Wm., p. 1117.

Bonsignoribus, Silvestrin de, App. 34.

Bontyn, Sandor, 3685.

Bonvile, lady. See Dorset, marchioness of.

Bonvixi, _, 2778.
-, -, Anth., 54, 2624, p. 1530.
-, -, Laur., 1153, 2835, pp. 1530, 1546.

Bonyedworth, laird of, 1897 (iii.) See Jedworth, Bene.

Bonyngton, Ralph, p. 1362.

Boodley, Wm., 1436.

Books and MSS., 606, p. 1256, 3680, p. 1533.

Boolle, _, p. 1528.

Booth, Chas. bp. of Hereford. See Hereford.

Borage, Wm., 365 (5).

Bordeaux, 2497.
-, -, letter dated, 891.
-, -, parliament of, 1310, 1633.

Borders, the, 573, 1086, 1091, 1169, 1883, 1920, 1921, 1938, 1986, 2039, 2055, 2075, 2186, 2271, 2294, 2318, 2339 (ii.), 2412, 2525, 2536, 2544, 2564, 2612, 2645, 2649, 2695 (2), 2745, 2912, 2921, 2955, 2974, 3039, 3096, 3098, 3099, 3106, 3134, 3135, 3138, 3173, 3179, 3181, 3198, 3241, 3272, 3286, 3306, 3310, 3321, 3322, 3341, 3349, 3360, 3361, 3362 (2), 3368, 3379, 3381, 3394, 3395, 3404 (ii), 3415, 3417, 3418, 3427, 3438, 3441, 3445, 3452, 3456, 3458, 3468, 3469, 3477, 3512, 3515, 3625, 3626, 3651, App. 37.

Bordesley, Worc., abbey of, 492, 612.

Bordesley, John, 3695.

Bordier, Denis, 2571.

Boreham, Essex, 492, 581, 1451, 2074, 2297.

Borellus, John, 2203, 3695.
-, -, Marg., 3695.

Boreman, Sir W., 2863.

Boreton, Tho., gr. 2297.

Borgery, Fred. of, 1464. See also Bauge.

Borlace, Walt., 1391.

Borley church, London, 492.

Borne, Tho., pp. 1533, 1535.

Borneby, Linc., 2862.

Borneby, Tho., gr., 2807.

Bornemacker, Jacotyn de, 1115.

Borobrigh, Sir John, 840.

Borodon, Geo. Fynwyke of, 3510.

Boroughe Sancti Petri, Suff., 2145.

Borow, Sir Tho., p. 241. See also Aborowe.
-, -, -, sen, p. 1365.
-, -, -, jun., p. 1365, 3504, gr. 1081.

Borowe, Rob., p. 1364.
-, - See Burrugh.

Borowes Dane, 2711.

Borthwick, lord, 1091, 2428, 2645, 2911, 3305, 3435, 3456, 3555, 3564, 3576, 3643.
-, -, -, his signature, 3556.
-, -, -, his son and heir, 2186.

Borton, Hen., p. 1363.

Bosch, Pels Vander, 2370.

Bosebury, Heref., 2482.

Bosmer, Suff., 3684.

Bosna, Fred, de, 1738.

Bosnia, bp. of, 1471.

Bosse, Adrian, 3060.

Bosseley, 2821.

Bossolo, Fred. of. See Bozzolo.

Bostok, John, gr. 612.

Boston, Linc., 278, 933, 2411, 3062, 3214.
-, -, letter dated, 3015.

Boston, guild of St. Mary, 1324.

Boston, John, 2583.

Boswell, Sir Edm., gr. 529.

Bosworth, Oliver, gr. 854.

Boteler. See Butler.

Boterell, Chr., gr. 2994.

Bothe, John, p. 1362, gr. 102.
-, -, Sir Ph., pp. 1365, 1529.
-, -, Wm., gr. 405.
-, -, Sir Wm., 703.

Bothwell, earl, 480.

Botrye or Bottre. See Buttry.

Botte, Rog., gr. 154.
-, -, Tho., 1200.

Bottisham, Camb., p. 1116.

Botton or Bouton, Claude de, lord de Corbaron, 11, 156, 158, 164, 184, 192, 195, 197, 213, 224, 225, 312, 446, 530, 629, 666, p. 1536.

Botton, Rob., p. 1117.

Botzeim, John, letter to, 816.

Bouc ..., I'escuyer, 2770.

Boucal, _, capt., 677 (2), p. 313, 966, 1817, 2176.

Boucher, Joan, p. 500.

Bougaynville, _, 2817, 3229.

Bough, Ric., p. 1366.

Bougham, John, p. 1365.

Boughton, Kent, 102, 644.

Bowghton, p. 334.

Boughton, _, 2483 (2), p. 1528.
-, -, Edw., p. 493, 2712.
-, -, Wm., 1042, p. 1364, 3504, gr. 278, 1036, 2214.

Boukle ..., Marion of, 2402.

Boulogne, 117, 1935, 2109, 2135, 2219, 2360, 2376, 2446, 2817, 3064, 3248, 3256, 3302, 3315, 3319, 3320, 3346, 3399, 3495, 3496.
-, -, letter dated, 1684.
-, -, bark of, 2357 (ii.)
-, -, siege of, temp. Hen. VII., 973, 2958.
-, -, capt. of, 58, 452, 464, 609, p. 242, 877, 1745, 1748, 1931, 2027, 2137, 2222, 2352, 2446, 2459, 2592, 2804, 3149, 3150, 3346, 3371, 3496, App. 2. See La Fayette.
-, -, count of, his daughter, Albany's wife, 1887.
-, -, vice-admiral of, 2048.
-, -, seneschal of, 1513.

Bounde, _, p. 1529.
-, -, John, gr. 278, 1262, 2992.

Bourbon, card of, 454, p. 310, p. 312, 903, 925, 3547.

Bourbon, Chas. duke of, 184, 312, 320, 404, 541, 626, 698, 702 (4), p. 313, 966, 1043, 1456, 1521, 1557, 1562, 1581, 1602, 1613, 1631, 1643, 1651, 1662, 1698, 1727, 1748, 1817, 1971, 2258, 2450, 2522, 2567, (5, 6, ii.), 2697, 2707, 2770, 2772, 2773, 2798, 2799, 2800, 2802, 2817, 2879, 2881, 2898, 2907, 2914, 2939, 3029 (ii.), 3030, 3055 (ii.), 3064, 3123 (2), 3124, 3150, 3153, 3154 (ii. iii.), 3194, 3203, 3212, 3213, 3217 (2), 3225 (1), 3232, 3246, 3247, 3254, 3257, 3274, 3281, 3297, 3307, 3308, 3314, 3318, 3326, 3332, 3346, 3361, 3366, 3367, 3369, 3380, 3386, 3388, 3392, 3399, 3433, 3440, 3447, 3448, 3452, 3455, 3490, 3496, 3498, 3504, 3513, 3525, 3532, 3533, 3537, 3546, 3559, 3563, 3571, 3572, 3578, 3580, 3593, 3601, 3621, 3622, 3629, 3646–7, 3651, 3652, 3654, 3659, 3689.
-, -, -, letters from, 1506, 2832, 3021, 3335.
-, -, -, letter to, 3388.

Bourbonnais, 3307.

Bourchier, Agnes, 1773.
-, -, Anne, gr. 154.
-, -, John. See Berners, lord.
-, -, - See Fitzwaren, lord.
-, -, Sir John, gr. 2862.
-, -, Sir Tho., 1773, gr. 154.
-, -, Wm. lord Barnes. See Berners.

Bourdalles, Françoys de, p. 313.

Bourg en Bresse, letter dated, 3254.

Bourges, card. of, 189, 530, 541.
-, -, president of, 3318.

Bourgh, Sir John, Turcopolier, 2841, 3026.
-, - See Burgh.

Bourghchier, John, gr. 1379.

Bourgher, John, 500.

Bourgoyne, Sir Tho., 562.
-, -, See Burgoyne.

Bourne, letter dated, 2142.
-, -, Camb., p. 1119.
-, - park, Linc., 2074.

Bours, Guilliaume de, p. 313.

Bourton, Bucks, 3695.

Bouton. See Botton.

Bovall, Nich. de, 1114.

Bow ..., Ralph, 2583.

Bowben, water of, 2186.

Bowbrigge, York, 2862.

Bowcher, Geo., gr. 2415.

Bowdon, Ric., 153 (25), 584.

Bowen, Jas., gr. 3214.
-, -, Wm., gr. 2923.

Bowerman, Wm., 558.

Bowersgifford, Essex, 278.

Bowes, 2524 (2).

Bowes, _, 2186.
-, -, Eliz., gr. 1451.
-, -, Ric., 3410, gr. 1451. See Boys.
-, -, Rob., 3410. See Boys.
-, -, Tho., gr. 1379.

Bowet, John, gr. 405.

Bowghton. See Boughton.

Bowland at Bradgarth, 2968.

Bowler, John, 2583.

Bowman, John, 3182.

Bowmar, 3510.

Bowre, Rob., 627.

Bowring, _, p. 496.

Bowssey(?), _, 2802.

Bowyer, _, 2915.

Bowyer or Bowiar, John, 1165, p. 1118.

Boxford, Suff., 967.

Boxgrave, prior of, 2483.

Boxley, Kent, 779.
-, -, abbey of, 1353.
-, -, abbot of, 2483.

Boxtepe, Suss., 779.

Boxworth, Camb., p. 1117.

Boyaulx, Sir Emery, 2771.

Boydel, Rog., App. 43.

Boydon, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Boyer, general, 626.

Boyes, Rog., 2613.

Boylinger, John, p. 334.

Boylond, 715.

Boynton, Sir Hen., p. 1366, gr. 1262.

Boys, John, p. 1363.
-, -, Rob. "and Boys," (q. Rob. and Ric. Bowes ?), 573.

Boyvid, als. Bofild, Ric., gr. 55.

Bozola, Ludovico de, 2105.

Bozzolo, Fred. de, 1905, 1941, 1965, 2133, 2371.

Braban, Alard, p. 333.

Brabant, baily of, 2527.
-, -, deputies or states of, 925, 1388, 2761.

Braben, John, gr. 3062.

Brabon, Hugh, p. 1536.
-, -, Wm., 45.

Bracanbery or Brakanbery, Ant., 2524 (2), 3410.
-, -, letter to, 3174.

Bradbent, Ric., 627.

Bradbourn, Humph., gr. 405.

Bradbury, Joan and Tho., gr. 2993.
-, -, Wm., p. 1367, gr. 3586.

Bradenestock. See Bradstock.

Bradenyche, Devon, 2992, 3062.

Bradewell, prior of, 2483.

Bradfield, p. 334.

Bradford, John and Walt., gr. 1451.

Bradforth, Walt., p. 1367.

Bradfurd, Ralph, 3510.

Bradgate, letters dated, 48, 309 (2, 3).

Bradley, letter dated, 2400.

Bradman, John, p. 1367.

Bradmere, John, p. 1362.

Bradney Stoke. See Bradstock.

Bradsha, Sampson, p. 336.
-, -, Tho., p 1528.

Bradshawe, Adam, 1353.
-, -, Ric, 3657.

Bradstock(Bradenestock), abbey of, 3585.
-, -, canon of, 1722.
-, -, prior of, 1722, 2483.

Bradston, Anth., p. 1367, gr. 3586.
-, -, Tho., gr. 3586.

Brady, John and Wm., gr. 1262.

Brake, Tho., 3684.

Braken, Tho., p. 1365.

Brakenbury. See Bracanbery.

Brakley, Northt., 2820 (iii.), 2821.

Brambeton, _, 2585.

Bramleigh, Middx., 2485.

Brampton, John, p. 1366, gr. 102.
-, -, Ric. and Tho., gr. 2694.

Bramshed, Hants, 2214.

Brancepeth, 2531.

Branche, And., 2640.
-, -, or Braunche, Wm., p. 1116, gr. 1121.

Brand, Ralph, 1115.

Brandenburg, men of, 84.
-, -, marquis of, 804, p. 314, 883, p. 327, 2288 (4), 2305, 3213.
-, -, Joachim marquis of, Elector, 36, 132, 138, 145, 189, 255, 283, 293, 296, 297, 308, 311, 318, 323, 392, 402, note, 530, 551, 1029 (2), 2622, 3660, App. 8, 17, 22.
-, -, -, his son, 385.
-, -, -, his brother, the card. of Mayence, 36, 255, 296, 402 note, pp. 430, 436.
-, -, -, the two brothers of, 116.
-, -, Casimir, marquis of, 300, 925, 1185.
-, -, -, letter from, 338.
-, -, John marquis of, (Anspach branch,) 130, 1044, 2119, 2333 (6), App. 16.
-, -, marquises of, 925.
-, -, house of, 50, 132.
-, -, Albert of, grand master of Prussia, letter from, 1554.
-, -, bishop of, 1029 (2).
-, -, card. of, 84, 138, 1029 (2), App. 16.

Brandling, John, 2345, 2389.

Brandon, Chas., p. 1529.
-, -, -, duke of Suffolk, gr. 1262.
-, -, Sir Rob., 703, p. 241, p. 243, 1366, p. 1529, gr. 2587.
-, -, Sir Tho., p. 496, 2395, p. 1529.

Brankstone, Northumb., 1986, 3489.
-, -, field of, (battle of Flodden,) 256, 3427.

Branthuayte, 1225, 3437.

Brantyngishey, Herts, 485.

Branzton, _, 703.

Brasebrige, _, 715.

Braseby, Jas., 627.

Brasier, Rog., 1033.

Brasted, Kent, 2214, 2396, 3214, 3687, 3695.

Braswell, 2482.

Braunche, Wm. See Branche.

Braunston, 715.

Brausse, Ant. de, 1115.

Brawne, Ric., gr. 3495.

Bray, Berks, 3687.
-, -, Sir Edm., 500, p. 241, p. 243, 906, p. 493, 2020, p. 1362, p. 1367, 3288, 3504, p. 1546.
-, -, Edw., 2480.
-, -, Sir Edw. 703, p. 1362.
-, -, Sir Reginald, temp. Hen. VII., pp. 503–5.

Braye, in Picardy, 3462, 3485, 3504, 3516, 3601.

Braybroke, Hen., p. 332.

Braycot, Sir John, 703.

Brayfeld, Wm., 2441.

Brayles, Warw., 529, 1324, 1451, 3586, 3677.

Brayles, the "ellde (?)" of, 3685.

Brayneford. See Brentford.

Braynton, John, 3504, gr. 1186, 2415.

Brayton, Tho. à, p. 1363.

Bread, sale of, 1528, 3402.

Brearley. See Briarley.

Brecknock or Brecon, 1065, p. 497, p. 505, 1286 (ii.), 1288 (3), 2214, 2297, 3062, 3695.
-, -, archdeaconry of, 2992.
-, -, prior of, 2483.

Brechon Haie, lord of, 1287.

Breean, _, p. 1541.

Brege, John, 627.

Breges, Wm., App. 28.

Breke, vicar of, 3503.

Brekenbury. See Bracanbery.

Brekewast (Brequeface), _, steward of Margaret of Savoy, 2850.
-, -, -, letters from, 16, 527.

Bremen, abp, of, 1421, 1432, 2622.

Bremmo, prior of, 2483.

Brenchley (Brynchley), Kent, 3687.

Brendeles, S. Wales, 2145, 3695.

Brendon, Wm., 1927.

Brenkburne, canon of, 1920.

Brenmoy, in Ireland, 3052.

Brenne, count, 702 (4).

Brent, John, p. 1366, 3504, gr. 1186, 2415, 2862.
-, -, Wm., p. 1363.

Brente, Devon, 754.

Brentfeld, John, gr. 890.

Brenford, Middx., 374, 2485.

Brentwood, Essex, p. 1408.

Brereton, York, 1725.

Brereton, _, 2955 (ii.)
-, -, John à, p. 1362.
-, - (Bryerton), Ralph, 538.
-, -, Randall and Sir Randall, 1474, 2288 (2), gr. 405, p. 1546.
-, -, Sir Ric., 3097. See also Bruerton.
-, -, Rog., gr. 779.
-, -, Sir Wm., 703, pp. 1528, 1530, 1545, App. 35.

Brescia, Peter (Carmclianus) de. See Carmelianus.

Breslau (Wratislau, &c.), dean of, 985, 1375, 1419, 1860, 3103.
-, -, letters from, 1754, 2160.

Bresse, governor of. See Gorrevod.
-, -, treasurer of, 3318, 3371.

Brest, 2329, 2357*, 2810.

Bresze, Louis de, 2212.

Bret, John de la. See Albret.

Bretaigne, 2435.
-, -, baron de, 547.
-, -, chancellor of, 1817.
-, -, herald, pp. 310, 311.
-, -, la Poincte de, diamond called, p. 306.

Bretain, Annes, p. 1528.

Breten, John, 852.
-, -, Rob. and Tho., gr. 1036.
-, -, Wm., gr. 1036.

Brethonyere, Chas. s. de la, p. 313.

Breton ships, 2617.

Breton, Dr., 2483 (2).
-, -, Guillam, 1114, p. 1536.
-, -, Will., 1153.

Brett, Hen., 3695.
-, -, Rob., gr. 3062.
-, - (?) See Britt.

Bretteby, 102.

Brettis in Hamme, Essex, 429.

Bretton, Chesh., 1036.

Bretyn, Harry the, 3503.

Bretyslavya, dean of. See Breslau.

Breueton, abbot of, 2483.

Brewar or Bruar, John, 153 (9, 10, 11).
-, - (Brwr), Tho., 1927.
-, - (Bruer), Wm., p. 1409.

Brewster, Tho., gr. 206.

Breynton, John. See Braynton.

Brya ..., John, of Shuddy Campe, Camb., p. 1118.

Brian or Bryan, Frans., p. 241, p. 243, p. 313, 999, 1056, 1114, 1597, 1817, 1899, pp. 1534, 1535, 1536, 1538, 1543, 1544, gr. 779, 1451, 2074, 2145, 2356.
-, -, Sir Frans., 246, 491, 577, 906, 1070, 1899, 2408, 2526, 2667, 3237, 3281, p. 1367, 3421, 3434, 3508, 3515, 3583, pp. 1528, 1541, 1551, gr. 2214, 2992, 3062, 3146, 3214, 3677.

Brian, Hen., 2485.
-, -, (Bryan), John, pp. 332, 333, 1361, gr. 2994.
-, -, (Bryan), Marg., 361, 999.
-, -, or Bruyan, Tho., 529, p. 497, gr. 3214.
-, -, Sir Tho., 361, 2740.
-, -, (Bruyan), Wm., 529.

Briant, _, 1556.

Briarley or Brearley, Yorksh., 2016, 2234, 2915, 3070.

Bridewell, 576, 700, 2750, 2954, 2980, 2986, 3003, 3213, 3677, 3678, pp. 1535, 1537–9, 1544, 1547.

Bridgenorth, 2978, gr. 154, 2214, 2356, 3062.
-, -, (Brugenorth), p. 1363.

Bridges, Hen., 703.
-, - (Brydges), Sir John. See Brigges.
-, - (Brydges), Tho., pp. 502, 503.

Bridgwater, p. 1366, gr. 3062.

Bridlington, 3570, gr. 1379.

Bridport, 2899.

Bridweye, _, p. 505.

Brien, _, 677 (2), 2832.

Brienne, count, 702 (4.) See Brion.

Brigandyne, _, 1744, 2302, 2390, 2793, 2964.
-, -, John, 3694.
-, -, Rob., 2073, 2750, 3690, gr. 2992.

Brigeham upon the Tweed, 3489.

Brigeman, John, p. 1362.

Brigge, Kent, 3687.
-, -, Wm., 2583.

Brigger, Sir John, p. 1367. See Brigges.

Brigges, Anth., gr. 2415.
-, -, or Brigys, Hen., 1042, 3504.
-, -, Jas., 627.
-, -, Bruge or Brygges, John, 865 (3), p. 1363, 3504, App. 45*, gr. 2415.
-, - (Bridges or Brugge), Sir John, 703, p. 490, p. 493, 2667, 2742, p. 1361, gr. 2993, 3495. See also Brigger.
-, -, Sir John, mayor of London, 1081, 1529.

Brighows, Geo., p. 246.

Bright, John, 852.
-, -, Wm., gr. 2648.

Brightman, Tho., gr. 2923, 2992.

Brikman, Tho., gr. 1725.

Brinkburn. See Brenkburne.

Brion, Mons., p. 313, 893, 1442, 1613, 2092, 2457 (ii.), 3463, 3532.

Brirton, 2821.

Brisach, letter dated, 3619.
-, -, capt. of, App. 17.

Bristall, John, gr. 2807.

Bristol or Bristowe, 206, 375, 410, 457, 492, 779, 820, 1000, 1005, 1081, 1121, 1151, 1215, p. 493, pp. 496–7, p. 499, p. 501, p. 505, 1379, 1451, 1725, 2016, 2178, 2214, 2241, 2297, 2415, 2685 (iii., xiv.), 2923, 3062, 3214, p. 1366, 3495, 3504, p. 1538.

Bristol or Bristowe, sheriffs of, 457.
-, -, prior of, 2483.
-, -, Blackfriars, prior of, p. 499.
-, -, St. Austin's, 457, p. 496, p. 498, 2483.
-, -, St. Nicholas, vicar of, 457.
-, -, ships of, 3358.
-, -, letters dated, 1963, 2577.

Bristol castle, p. 493.

Bristow, Tho. and Wm., 3585.

Bristwike, 2016.

Briswood or Brisewood, the Christopher (ship), 3493.
-, -, Wm., 576, p. 332, 907, 1200, 2012, 2352, 2392, 2727 (iii.), 2823, 3261, 3288, p. 1542, App. 18.
-, -, -, letter from, 2582.

Britt, Ph., 3052.

Britte or Bryt, John, gr. 278, 1081, 1186, 2415.

Brittany, 1762, 2028, 2074, 2390, 2770, 2810, 2869.
-, -, admiral of, 2446.

Brixelles, _, servant of lady Margaret, p. 1536.

Brixham, 2355.

Brixius, Germanus, 766, 767, 1527.
-, -, -, letters to, 881, 1108.

Broad Blunsdon, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Broadhinton, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Broadtown, Wilts, 3584, 3585.

Brocas, Geo., p. 244.

Brode, Gerard, 1114.
-, -, John, 1165.

Brodeton, Wilts, 102, 2145.

Brodsted, 1070.

Brogh, Westmor., 2546.

Brograve, Kath. and Rob., gr. 492.

Brokbank, Chr., 347.

Broke. See also Brooke.
-, -, Anne, 367.
-, -, John, serjeant-at-law, afterwards justice, p. 497, p. 500, 1290, 1437, 1774, gr. 854, 933, 1081, 1186, 1379, 1451, 2074, 2415, 3695.
-, - John Van, 907.
-, -, Leonard, 627.
-, -, lady, p. 245.
-, -, Ph. Van, 907.
-, -, Ralph, p. 313, 932, 3288, gr. 2074.
-, -, Ric., serjeant-at-law, p. 497, 2483, gr. 347, 405, 644, 854, 967, 2993.
-, -, Sir Ric., 1284, 2956, p. 1362, 3504, gr. 1036, 1081, 1186, 1451, 2074, 2415, 2694, 2862, 2993, 3214, 3495, 3586.
-, -, Rob. p. 500.
-, -, Rob. Willoughby, lord, 703, p. 243, 1070, 1153, 1165, 3527, pp. 1529, 1530, 1533, 1546, gr. 278, 529, 1081, 1379, 2694, 3062.
-, -, -, letter from, 1165 (2).

Broke, Tho., 51, 610, gr. 1725, 2074.
-, -, Tho. See Cobham, lord.
-, -, Dan Tho., 2563, 2610, 2629.

Brokehurst, John, 3695.

Brokesby, John, gr. 3062.
-, -, Tho., p. 1364, p. 1366, 3504, gr. 1186, 3677.
-, -, Wm., p. 1364.

Brokesley, Wm., p. 332.

Broket, Edw., gr. 1379.
-, -, John, 3504.
-, -, -, senr., 3504, gr. 278, 1379, 2074.

Brokke, John, gr. 854.

Broktrey, gr. 644.

Brome, Harry, 2332.
-, -, John, pp. 1362, 1540, gr. 2415.

Bromehall, priory of, 1863, 2080, 2630.

Bromeley or Bromley, Geo., 1081, 2020, p. 1363, 3504, gr. 1186, 1451, 2145, 2415, 3495.

Bromfeld, 3311, 3597, 3617, 3618.

Bromfeld, Wales, 185, 1116, 3197.

Bromham, Wilts, 2483 (2), 3584.

Bromley, Kent, 558, 3687.
-, -, Ric., p. 1537.

Brompton, Middx., 2524 (2).

Bromwell, Wm., gr. 529.

Brondwoode, 365 (10).

Bronwyn, Rob., gr. 716.

Brooke, _, 1140, 3288. See Broke.
-, -, Wm., gr. 2749.

Brosse, _, a Frenchman, p. 1541.
-, -, le jeune, 547.

Brosuil (Brunswick ?), duke of, 258.

Brough, Sir Tho., jun., gr. 1379.

Brough. See also Bourgh.

Broughton, Lanc., 2820 (iii.)
-, -, Northt., 2482.
-, -, John, 502, 2589.
-, -, Ric., gr. 347.
-, -, Rob., 1747.

Brouttelande, _, 2810.

Brown or Broun, _, 111, 825, 826, 2486, 2591, pp. 1551, 1558, gr. 3146.
-, -, Anth., 246, 273, p. 244, p. 313, 1114, 2306, p. 1553.
-, -, Sir Anth., 1027, gr. 2016.
-, -, Clement, gr. 1186.
-, -, Edw., 3076 (2).
-, -, Frans., 1042, 2020, p. 1365, 3504, 3687, gr. 278, 1081, 1379.
-, -, Humph., 1042, 2486, gr. 1081, 1451, 3586.
-, -, Sir Humph., p. 1367.

Brown or Broun, John, 54, 750, 1114, p. 496, 2296 (2), 2302, 2355, 3181, 3517, 3685, 3687, pp. 1361, 1533, 1551.
-, -, his signature, 2992.
-, -, dame Lucy, pp. 1528, 1530, gr. 2482.
-, -, Matt., his wife, p. 245.
-, -, Sir Matt., 703, p. 241, 906, p. 493, 1290, 2288, 2352, 2712, p. 1362, 3504, 3583, gr. 1081, 2415.
-, -, Mistress, p. 1559.
-, -, Nich., 3175.
-, -, Ralph, 3181, gr. 102, 1262.
-, -, Ric., 907, 1288 (5), p. 1367.
-, -, his signature, App. 12.
-, -, Rob., 2545, p. 1365, p. 1366, 3504, gr. 55, 967, 1081, 1186, 2415
-, -, Rog., 852.
-, -, Tho., 3181, gr. 1262.
-, -, Walt., p. 1362, gr. 102.
-, -, Wm., 1042, 1153, 2020, 2667, pp. 1364, 1545, 1546, gr. 278, 1036, 2214, 3062.
-, -, -, senr., p. 1545.
-, -, Sir Wm., sig., 2578, (3).
-, -, Sir Wistan or Weston, 365, (19), 576, 703 (3), p. 239, p. 241, p. 243, 906, 1128, 1153, p. 490, p. 493, p. 1528, pp. 1540–2, pp. 1545, 1546, App. 25. 31, gr. 1081, 1379, 1451, 1818. See Weston, Sir.

Brownefeld. See Bromfeld.

Brownell, Humph., gr. 2648.

Browning, Wm., p. 1362.

Broxmedle, Suss., 779.

Bruar. See Brewar.

Brudenell, Rob., jun., 2483, gr. 347, 644, 933, 1081, 1186, 1451, 2074, 2862, 3214.
-, -, Sir Rob., 759, 1284, 1920, 2483 (2), 2956, 2970, p. 1366, gr. 347, 492, 779, 1036, 1081, 1186, 1451, 2074, 2356, 2415, 2694, 2862, 3214, 3677.
-, -, -, sig., 873, 895, App. 12.

Brudges, _, p. 1529.

Bruelles castle, Wales, 1286 (ii.)

Bruen, John, 1082.
-, -, See Brune.

Bruer, Wm. See Brewar.

Bruera, abbot of, 2483.

Bruerne, abbot of, 1550.

Bruerton, Sir Ric., p. 1363. See also Brereton.

Bruge, John. See Brigges.

Bruges, 1064, 1572, 1760, 1762, 1775, 1782, p. 767, 1862, 1876, 2011, 2464.
-, -, letters, &c., dated, 234, 486, 516, 925, 926, 959, 974, 979, 1181, 1482, 1491, 1499, 1500, 1502, 1505, 1508, 1510, 1561, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1578, 1579, 1778, 1969, 1974, 1977, 1978, 2255, 2258, 2265, 2270, 2272, 2312, 2456, 2786, 3347.

Bruges, treaty of, 1887, 1994, 2069, 2126, 2127, 2129, 2180, 2288, 2642.
-, -, bailly of, 3581.
-, -, president of, 3318.
-, -, provost of St. Donas, 1460.
-, -, warden of Observants at, 1028.

Bruges, Eliz., and Sir Giles, gr. 278.
-, -, Hen., p. 1364.
-, -, John, gr. 278.
-, -, Wm., 3288.

Brugge, als., Brygges, John, gr. 3146. See also Brigges.

Brundysshe, Suff., 109.

Brune, Tho., p. 1364.

Brunnesdon, Rob., 3585.

Brunswick, duke of, 258, 1155, 1310, 2173, App. 8, 16, 22.
-, -, old duke of, 1421, 1432.
-, -, dukes of, 551, 1185.
-, -, Erik duke of, 1729.
-, -, Hen. duke of, 925, 1029, 1729.

Bruse, Matt., p. 1365.

Brussels, 2798, 3102, App. 45.
-, -, letters, &c., dated, 237, 251, 252, 254, 279, 287, 314, 496, 499, 527, 730, 875, 876, 879, 882, 883, 884, 885, 888, 964, 978, 1134, 1281, 1350, 1352, 1357, 1361, 1362, 1365, 1367, 1371, 1375, 1380, 1388, 1392, 1537, 1546, 1548, 1585, 1586, 1587, 1588, 1589, 1599, 1600, 1601, 1603, 1637, 1679, 1817, 1989, 2001, 2023, 2024, 2026, 2033, 2035, 2040, 2041, 2042, 2043, 2047, 2053, 2056, 2067, 2069, 2079, 2091, 2099, 2111, 2119, 2120, 2143, 2149, 2152, 2155, 2156, 2160, 2170, 2171, 2172, 2173, 2179, 2180, 2181, 2185, 2187, 2195, 2196, 2199, 2200, 2223, 2230, 2231, 2384, 2386, 2387, 3216, (ii. iii.), 3338, 3243, 3257, 3259, 3265, 3274, 3283, 3294, 3297, 3301, 3308, 3317, 3319, 3332, App. 7, 9.

Brustwik, York, 2587, 3695.

Bruton(Breueton), abbot of, 2483.

Bruyan. See Brian.

Brwr, Tho. See Brewar.

Bryan. See Brian.

Bryerton, Ralph. See Brereton.

Brygandyne. See Brigandyne.

Bryggan, John à, gr. 405.

Bryggus, Geo., 852.

Brygstoke, Northt., 3146.

Brykehed, Joan, gr. 2862.
-, -, Miles, gr. 154, 2862.

Brykhill, Little, Bucks, 2074, 2145, 3695.

Brykles, John, gr. 3586.

Bryks, _, 704.

Brynde, Edm., 3585.

Brynfanyng, 581, 2694.

Brynkley, Camb., p. 1117.

Brynknell, Tho., 570.

Brynynge, Lanc., 2821.

Bryon. See Brion.

Brysley, Edw., p. 336.

Bryson, John, 42.

Brystow. See Bristow.

Bryswood. See Briswood.

Bryt, John. See Britte.

Brytton, Warw., 1203.

Buccleughe, laird of, 1871, 1949 (iii.), 2911, 3147, 3486, 3489.

Buckehalf, _, a Frenchman, p. 1541.

Buckeley, Ric., gr. 644.

Buckevyle, _, p. 410.

Buckfast, Alfred abbot of, 754.

Buckingham, 1036, 2145.
-, -, herald, 1288 (9).
-, -, Edw., duke of, 1, 196, 370, 383, 402 note, 412, 497, 702 (3), 703, p. 240, p. 243, p. 255, p. 310, 903, 906, 1065, 1070, 1153, 1204, 1233, 1245, pp. 490–513, 1276, 1283 (2), 1285–9, 1292, 1293, 1300, 1315, 1320 (2, 3), 1328, 1335–6, 1356 (2), 1556, 1747, 2027, 2043, 2049, 2167, 2169, 2218, 2239, 2382, 2396, 2397, 2659, 2672, 2682, 2730, 2956, 3162, p. 1410, 3625, p. 1528, 3695, p. 1533, p. 1536, App. 25.
-, -, -, gr. 854, 1081, 1186, 1324, 1531, 1725, 2016, 2074, 2145, 2214, 2297, 2356, 2482, 2587, 2807, 2862, 2992, 2993, 3146, 3214, 3289, 3376.
-, -, -, letter from, 469.
-, -, -, letters to, 282, 1277.
-, -, -, his hand, 1285.
-, -, -, his son. See Stafford, Lord.
-, -, -, his daughters, &c., 1285.
-, -, -, lady Anne, his sister, pp. 496, 498.
-, -, duchess of, p. 245, 1070, 1284, 1292, 2956.

Buckingham, co. of, 123 (ii.), 500, 627, 703, p. 241, p. 243, 753, 1000, 1042, 1052, 1286, (ii. iv.), 1287, 1843, 2015, 2020, 2178, 2288, 2741, 2822, 3146, 3214, p. 1364, 3504, 3583, 3683, 3687, 3695.

Buckland, Wm., p. 332.
-, - See Bukland.

Bucklond, Bucks, 779, 2297.

Buda, letters dated, 1376, 1471, 1472.

Budæus, Wm., letters from, 413, 871, 1302.
-, -, letter to, 1527.

Budbroke, Warw., 581.

Budde, Wm., gr. 3214.

Buffle, Adrian, p. 333.

Bugden, letter dated, 2739.

Buggheylerf, lord, letter to, 658.

Buglauton, Chesh., 2835.

Builth, Brec., 1116.

Buissard, Jaco, 153 (5, 9), 294.

Bukal. See Boucal.

Bukenhull, Wales, 278.

Bukkeler, _, p. 1529.

Bukland, Gervase, gr. 529.

Bukley, Tho., p. 1363.

Buklond. See Bucklond.

Bulcestre, abbot of, 2483.

Bulford, Oxon., 1262.

Bulkeley, Chas., gr. 3586.
-, -, John, p. 1366.
-, -, Rob., 2895 (v.)
-, -, Tho., p. 1364.
-, -, Sir Tho., 2545.
-, -, Wm., gr. 2648.

Bulkyn, Ric., gr. 779.

Bull, Wm., p. 333.

Bullemount, John de, 1114.

Buller, Alex., p. 1366.
-, -, John, p. 1534. See Boller.

Bullerwell, letter dated, 3228.

Bullok, Tho., p. 1364.

Bulmer, Anne, gr. 1451.
-, -, Sir John, 703, 860, 990, 1004, 1037, 2545, p. 1366, 3299, 3304, 3410, 3570, 3596, App. 15.
-, -, -, letter from, 3567.
-, -, -, letters to, 3305, 3635.
-, -, Ralph, 2524 (2), gr. 1451.
-, -, Sir Ralph, 3410.
-, -, Sir Wm., 573, 703, p. 239, p. 241, p. 243, 860, p. 492, p. 494, 2068, 2075, 2182, 2318, 2345, 2412, 2486 (2), 2613, 2875 (vii.), 2876, 2877, 3071, 3084, 3095, 3097, 3098, 3110, 3135, 3143, p. 1366, 3299, 3364, 3365, 3381, 3387, 3400, 3403, 3405, 3445, 3447, 3458, 3472, 3482, 3544, 3545, 3598, 3599, 3635, 3638, 3643, p. 1541, gr. 1928.
-, -, -, letters from, 3404 (ii.), 3435, 3446, 3451, 3456, 3457, 3468.
-, -, -, letter to, 3385.
-, -, -, jun., 3400, 3401, 3608.

Bulney, Ralph, p. 244.

Bulser, Sir Rob., 3516.

Bulstrode, Geo., p. 1364.
-, -, lady, 589.
-, - Walt., 703, p. 1362.
-, -, Wm., p. 245, p. 1364, 3504, 3635, 3638, gr. 102, 1036, 2415.

Bulward, John, gr. 2415.

Bunbery, _, gr. 1451.

Bund, the German, 25, 195.

Bungay, Suff., 2297.

Bunoult, John. See Benolt.

Bunon, Jehan, 1813.

Bunting, John, p. 245, 1114.

Bur ..., Chr., of Longstanton, Camb., p. 1117.

Burbage, Wilts, 2145.

Burbanke, Wm., archdeacon of Carlisle, 739 (2), 741 (2), 753, 2566.
-, -, letter to 968, sig., 2333 (6, 12).

Burcestre, prior of, 2483.

Burdett or Burdute, Sir John, 703, p. 243, 906, 1364.

Burdit, Wm., gr., 2297, 2992.

Burdon, John, 1009.
-, -, Tho., p. 1529.
-, -, Wm., 584, gr. 529.

Burdute. See Burdett.

Buren, Florys d'Egmont count of, 964, 2360, 2449, 2457, 2549, 2632, 2638, 2642, 2696, 2761, 2798, 2816, 2869, 2919, 3064, 3102, 3216 (iii.), 3274, 3294, 3301, 3308, 3317, 3319, 3348, 3513, 3537, 3543, 3577, 3580, 3601, App. 45. See also Isselstein.
-, -, -, letters from, 2369, 2370, 2466, 2467, 3238, 3315, 3316, 3323, 3324, 3430, 3462.

Bureton, Wore., 1372.

Burford, p. 495, 1262.
-, -, baron of, 1286 (ii.)

Burge, John, 153 (10).

Burgen, _, 2390.

Burgenorth, 1324.

Burgent, Rob., p. 411.

Burgeny, lord. See Abergavenny.

Burges, John, gr. 1262, 1324.
-, -, Wm., 3585.

Burgesse, Edm., 3585.

Burgh or Burghe, 2524 (2), 2695.
-, -, Camb., p. 1117.
-, -, Chr., Giles and Peter, 2524 (2).
-, -, (Borow), Sir Tho., 906, gr. 1081.
-, -, -, jun., p. 243, gr. 2145.

Burghill, Heref., 1288 (8).
-, -, _, gr. 2415.
-, -, Dr., 2483 (2).

Burgh Muir, near Edinburgh, 3440, 3441.

Burgio, baron de, 1471 (2).

Burgion, Claude, p. 1533.

Burgo, Andreas de, 84, 1616, 2299.

Burgon, _, App. 31.
-, -, John, 898.
-, -, the lord of, his son, p. 1542.

Burgos, 3123, 3236, 3258, 3315 (ii.), 3532.
-, -, letters, &c., dated, 635, 636, 637, 740, 3263.
-, -, commons of, 1045.
-, -, (Burgus), pestilence at, 3203.
-, -, bishop of, 10, 142, 551, 787, 978, 1141, 2202, 2506, 2650, App. 13.
-, -, -, his brother. See Fonseca, Antonio.
-, -, John de, 1045.
-, -, Pedro de, 2991.

Burgoyne, _, 3192.
-, -, Chr., p. 1365.
-, -, J., sig. 2584.
-, -, John, 489, 3137. p. 1367.
-, -, lord of, (? Abergavenny), pp. 499, 504, 505.
-, -, Marg., p. 1117.
-, -, Tho., gr., 644.

Burgundy, 84, 1612, 1789, 1800, 1810, 1816, 1817, 1848, 1858, 1881, 1887, 1933, 1946, 1970, 1991, 1992, 2059, 2092, 2139, 2352, 2365, 2457, 2541, 2567 (3), 2595, 3302, 3310, 3319, 3320, 3346, 3361, 3367, 3392, 3490, 3513, 3593.
-, -, (Bourgogne), Adolf de, letter from, 3016.
-, -, amb. of, 152.
-, -, archduke of. See Ferdinand of Austria.
-, -, Margaret, wife of Chas. duke of, 2333 (3).
-, -, count of, 879, 3525.
-, -, duke of, 404.
-, -, governor or lieut. of, 702 (4), 1323, 1876, 3550.
-, -, house of, 213, 254.
-, -, John, duke of, 130.
-, -, marshal of, 1357, 1415 (ii.), 2053, 2119, 2195, 2246, 2258, 2288 (4).
-, -, president of, 3055, 3154, 3203, 3455, 3525.
-, -, seneschal of, 1892.

Buri, bp. of (? Bussy), 137.

Burlacy, Edw., p. 332.

Burleigh, lord, temp. Eliz., memoranda by, 2333 (3), 2735.

Burley, Hants, 1186, 3376.

Burley, Hugh, 3695.

Burn, John, 627.

Burne, Linc., 102.

Burnell, Ant., 2896.
-, -, Tho., gr. 1324.

Burnelsede, Westmor., 55, 854.

Burnemouthe, 1920, 3295.

Burr, John, p. 332.

Burrell, John, gr. 102, 1262, 2074. (?) See Burwell.

Burrowgh, à. See Borow.

Burrugh, Wm., p. 497.

Bursell, Ric., p. 1363.

Burthes, letter dated, 2530.

Burton, 2524 (2).
-, -, Bucks, 2145.
-, -, Northt., 2482.
-, -, Staff., 2993.
-, -, Abbot of, 2483.

Burton, Adriana, gr. 2648.
-, -, Davy, p. 245.
-, -, Edm., gr. 3495.
-, -, Eliz., 999, gr. 779.
-, -, Hen., p. 493.
-, -, John, 1092, 1172, 3076, pp. 1544, 1548, 1549, gr. 2356.
-, -, Ric., p. 1366, 3504, gr. 3677.
-, -, Tho., pp. 1364, 1365, 1367, 1528, gr. 2356.

Burwell, Camb., p. 1116.

Burwell, John, 1289, gr. 2587.

Bury, Lanc., 2821.

Bury, John, gr. 1081.
-, -, Tho., p. 245.

Bury St. Edmunds, 612, 2752. See also Bery.
-, -, abbey of, 1095.
-, -, abbot of, 703, p. 498, p. 501, p. 503 p. 505, 1286, 2288 (3), 2483 (2), 2583, 2956, 3504, p. 1546, App. 35.
-, -, John, abbot of, 1243, gr. 1081.

Buryman, Wm., 3062.

Buryton, Glouc., 854.

Busch, Herman, letter to, 929.

Bushbury, Staff., 529.

Bushe, Sir Miles, 703, p. 241, 906, p. 1365, 3504, 3694.
-, -, -, his wife, p. 245.

Busshe, _, 2483 (2).
-, -, Edm., gr. 1081.
-, -, John, p. 332.

Bussart, Jacke. See Buissard.

Busseby, York, 2694.

Busset, _, 840.

Bussheley, Worc., 1081.

Busshell, Rog., p. 1367.

Bushoppesdale, 890.

Bussi, card. de. See Boissi.

Bussy., See Buri.

Bustard, John, p. 1362.
-, -, Wm., gr. 405, 442, 2415, 2807.

Butinck, Ludolf, 1082.

Butler, Boteler or Butteler. _, 1266.
-, -, lord Jas., 3054.
-, -, John, 1923 (2), 2485, p. 1365, 3504, 3585, gr. 347, 3376.
-, -, Ph., p. 1367, gr. 2074.
-, -, Sir Piers, called earl of Ormond, 670, 860, 924, 940, 989, 990, 1004, 1011, 1037, 1251, 1444, 1447, 1628, 1646, 1675, 1709, 1718, 1719, 1762, 1774, 1926, 2086, 2102, 2197, 3054, gr. 3677.
-, -, -, letter to, 2580.
-, -, -, sig., 2072.
-, -, -, his son, 1004, 1011, 1762.
-, -, Ralph, p. 493.
-, -, Tho., 1114, 2545, 3234, p. 1535, gr. 2016.
-, -, Wm., 179, gr. 2214.
-, -, Sir Wm., 365 (3), p. 1361.

Butlerage, 206, 716, 1379.

Butlesaye, prior of, 2483.

Butlesden, abbot of, 2483.

Butley Abbey, letter dated, 455.

Butside, Devon, 2694.

Butt, Ric., 2922.

Buttelsham, prior of, 2483.

Buttes, John, the King's physician, 970, 982, gr. 492, 1451.

Button, _, 2483 (2).
-, -, Wm., 594.

Button. See Bouten.

Buttry or Botry, Wm., 436, 852, 1139, 1261, p. 504, p. 505, 1407, 1669, 2305, pp. 1538, 1539, 1542, 1544, 1550, 1551, 1552, 1553, 1557.

Buys, sieur de, 2817.

Bya, Ric., p. 1116.

Bycketon, Hants, 1262.

Bydwill, John, p. 1361.

Byftowe, Nosery, 1390.

Bygod, John, 2486 (2).

Bykford, John, p. 1364.

Bylands, abbot of, 2535 (2).

Bylayne, Wm., 3501.

Byllyng Donfott, 2016.

Byllyngford, _, p. 1366.

Byllynworth, John, 3510.

Bylsyngton, convent of, 1849.

Bynde, Mychell, p. 335.

Byndon, abbot of, 2483.

Byne, Ralph, p. 1363.

Byngey, Wm., gr. 2297.

Byngham. See Bingham.

Bynknole, Wilts, 3585.

Byrchyngton, 3066 (vi. vii.)

Byrk, _, p. 333.

Byrks, Tho., 907, pp. 334, 1540.
-, -, -, sig., 2751, 3065.

Byrles, Wales, 2145.

Byrling, John, p. 335.

Byron, _, pp. 241, 243.
-, -, Hen., gr. 1036.
-, -, John, gr. 55, 278, 1036, 1451.
-, -, Sir John, 362, 2667, 3504, 3583, p. 1546, gr. 3376.
-, -, Simon, gr. 1036.

Byrt, John, p. 493, 2712, p. 1366.

Byseley. See Bisseley.

Byston, Adam, gr. 1121.
-, -, Ranulph, p. 1363.

Bythemore, Rog., p. 493.

Bythesse, Rob., 1000.