Henry VIII: October 1523, 21-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Henry VIII: October 1523, 21-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1436-1453 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1523, 21-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1436-1453.

"Henry VIII: October 1523, 21-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1436-1453.


October 1523

21 Oct.
Vit. B. V. 204. B. M.
Since he wrote last, Bourbon has been at Lure, assembling horse to join his army at Bassigny. Much damage has been done to the French, but he has prohibited burning. He has heard good news of the Emperor by Bissy, and has sent to Genoa (fn. 1) to recover the rest of the 100,000 cr. promised by the Emperor, who has ordered his ambassador in Milan to send it thither. Fears it will be impossible, as the roads are stopped by the French army, who were attacked six days ago; and it is thought the rest will recross the mountains, and will be in danger of leaving their artillery, which is the best that has ever come hither.
Our commissioners have returned from Berne, where the Leagues were assembled. The French ambassador tried to make them believe that we had broken the neutrality by the passage of the Almains, and the assistance given to Bourbon; but it was answered that the Lords of the Leagues have always held us excused, and have written in our favor to the French king, asking him not to allow the country to be ravaged. They have given orders, however, that no assistance be given to the Almains, so as to break the neutrality; else they will be obliged by their treaty with Francis to serve him.
After the return of our commissioners, Jehan Durant was liberated, who had been taken in Savoy by the French, on his way from Spain, and brought before Francis at Lyons. He had letters from the Emperor to the Princess [of Orange (fn. 2) ], showing that the Emperor meant the neutrality to be preserved; for which purpose the Prince and the Grand Master had given him instructions, of which he sends a copy. Since Bourbon's coming, so many of Margaret's vassals have taken arms to accompany him, that he fears the Lords of the Leagues will consider the neutrality broken, which would ruin the country. Have assembled here to deliberate on a remedy. Will sent to Bourbon the Emperor's letters and instruction, and the commissioners who have been to the Swiss, that he may manage his affair so that the neutrality be not broken, which he has always been so anxious to preserve, that he would never let his men stay in this country. He says, however, he cannot hinder those of his subjects who come out of the country to serve him. Will publish proclamations about the neutrality, and take as severe proceedings against transgressors as possible, that the Leagues may see their intention is to respect it. Will also send them the Emperor's letters, and beg them not to consider it broken by the transgression of some individuals, who will be duly proceeded against. Thinks the country will be in danger if the French get the upper hand, for it will be difficult to keep her subjects from serving the Duke.
The Swiss have granted Francis 6,000 men for a bodyguard, for he is in great fear. It is said they will go toward Lyons by Geneva. The letters of Mons. de Guise to the Princess have not been executed; for when the Almains entered France, they went straight to his camp, and made him take refuge in villages. If they had had horse, they would have taken his artillery. There is some hope in the affair of the Duke of Lorraine, although he cannot write certain news. Besançon 21 Oct. 1523. Signed.
Fr., copy, pp. 4, mutilated. With marginal abstract by Tuke. Endd.
21 Oct.
Vit. B. XX. 286. B. M.
[Understanding] from Albert de Wolveston and ... that Don Ferdinand is about to come down hither shortly from Vienna, desiré to know if they are to wait for him here, or meet him at Isburg. "Ex [Nurem]berga," 21 Oct. 15[23].
Lat., mutilated, p. 1.
Ib. f. 286*. 3454. ii. DON FERDINAND to the ENGLISH AMBASSADORS.
Hears by their letters of the 21st inst. that they have arrived at Nuremberg. Is glad they have stayed there, as he leaves for Nuremberg in six or seven days.
"In Nova Civitate nostra Austriæ," 27 Oct. 1523.
Copy. Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Headed: "[Exemplum literarum] Archiducis ad nos." Address copied: "Magnificis," &c., "[Angliæ] et Franciæ Regis domini et avun[culi nostri ora]tori[bus]."
Add.: D. cardinali Eboracensi, legato e latere, &c.
22 Oct.
Galba, B. VI. 78. B. M.
My Lady's treasurer, Marnix, has shown him a letter dated Besançon, 10 Oct., from the president of Burgundy, stating that count Felix had destroyed a castle in France, and wasted the country as far as Langres, but his lanzknechts, for lack of pay, had retired to Burgundy. The Duke, who was then at Besançon, advanced 6,000 francs, the president 4,000, and the master of the posts arrived most seasonably with the 48,000 guildyns delivered by Knight. On this the Duke went to Lure to deliberate with the Count how to invade France, and hoped to have 1,200 horse in marching order to join the lanzknechts in eight days. The French ambassadors have complained to a Swiss diet that the Burgundians of Franche Comté have broken their neutrality, by allowing passage to count Felix, and favoring the duke of Bourbon. The Swiss deferred their answer to the diet at Berne on the 11th, when two lords of the parliament of Doole defended the conduct of the League. Today the King's money, which the duke of Bourbon asks for in the said letter, left this town. Mechlin, 22 Oct.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 2. Add. at 79*b.: "My lord Legate." Endd.
22 Oct.
Calig. B. VI. 429. B. M. Ellis, 3 Ser. I. 326.
Sir Wm. Lisle came to him today, and told him he had spoken with a Scotsman, who had drawn up a commission between the French and Albany, binding the Duke to invade England by Tuesday next; and that Ric. De la Pole, who was called duke of Suffolk, was to make another invasion in concert with him. Lisle saw this commission. The Scotsman promises to give information of the Duke's purposes, which no other spy can. He says Albany has not yet come out of Edinburgh, but he thinks Hamilton and the Lords have kept their musters. Bulmer has three spies at Edinburgh, but has no news from them. Fears one is hanged. Hears nothing of the prioress, Pete Sinclair or Sandy Trotter.
While writing, the wife of one of his spies came and showed him that her husband was under suspicion, and that Albany and the Lords came forth from Edinburgh today; that lord Home is charged to keep the Borders, and stop spies; that the foot and ordnance have gone in advance, and that lord Bortik, to whom the spy is near kin, said Albany would begin at Wark or Norham. He also said that Angus is come home, and Davy Home gone to the Duke; neither of which Bulmer believes. The weather has been too bad for any one to pass by sea. He said Albany had appointed the lord of Swynton to be captain of Wark, and another to be captain of Norham, and that he meant to be 20 days in England and "plenish such holds as he may get." Thinks no nobleman would speak such foolish words. The spy also says that Bortik sent warning to George Urde to put his cattle away, as they would make small forays.
It is true about Davy Home going to the Duke, for Tom Nisbet came to the waterside tonight and told him. The Duke has set forward tonight from Edinburgh. Norham, 22nd, 6 p.m. Signed.
Add.: My lord Treasurer.
22 Oct.
R. O.
Sends a "faggald" of letters which arrived since he wrote, and which the senders desire to have returned to them. The Queen has a servant at Coldstream, who will cross the water tomorrow to Surrey. Desires to know where he will lie that night. Sandy Trotter, who intends going to Surrey, is a spy of Albany's; so is another Trotter, dwelling in Cornell, whom Sandy may send in his place. Norham, 22 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Treasurer.
23 Oct.
Calig. B. VI. 336. B. M. Ellis, 1 Ser. I. 228.
Has not written since the 18th, not knowing what the Duke meant to do. Encloses letters received today from the queen of Scots, Sir Wm. Bulmer and others. In one Margaret writes that she sends her servant to him for peace comprehending France. Hopes tonight or tomorrow to hear from Wolsey what he is to do in answering such offers. If he do not hear, will write that he has no authority to comprehend France, and believes the King will think Albany too mean a personage to do so. Will tell her that he is commanded to receive her if she come away, but thinks she could do more good in Scotland.
My lord Marquis and the gentlemen of the King's house came on Tuesday last; my lords Northumberland, Clifford, Latimer, Darcy and Scrope arrived the same day. All the gentlemen of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, Nottingham, Derby, Stafford and Shropshire, and all Wolsey's retinue, have since joined them. Sir Wm. Gascoigne, Wolsey's treasurer, came today. We shall have men enough, the best willed men Surrey ever saw. As the roads were flooded, stopped those that came first to this town [Newcastle] and Morpeth, not being informed that the Duke had set forward. Tomorrow my lord Marquis goes to Alnwick with Darcy and others, in case Albany should overrun the country. Will not go past Morpeth himself, and those of Durham not past this town, till he knows whether the East or the West Border is to be attacked. Thinks the Duke cannot bring his ordnance to Norham, Wark or Carlisle before Monday, even if it rained no more; for the waters are so swollen, no man ever saw them larger. He can come to Berwick. Prays God he may, and waste his time there, so many good men being now in the town. All are afraid he will not abide us. If he do, we shall meet about Tuesday next.
(fn. 3) Albany makes great boast that Ric. De la Pole will meet with assistance in England. Advises that warning be sent to Sir Rice Ap Thomas, for the Duke says that he will land in Wales. "If your grace know any man suspect, I doubt not ye will provide that he shall not ship away. I know no man living that I should mistrust; but he hath spoken so largely, and daily doth, that I know not what to think." Begs Wolsey's favor to his children in case he be killed. Has spent so much in the King's service that he should leave them "the poorest nobleman's children that died in this realm these forty years, having neither goods nor foot of land to put in feoffment to do them good after me." "Scribbled the 23rd day of October at 11 at night." Signed.
Add.: To my lord Legate.
23 Oct.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 97. B. M.
3459. SURREY to [DACRE].
Has just received letters from the queen of Scots and from some of his spies, from which he perceives that Albany will undoubtedly invade England, probably on the East Marches, and will send lord Maxwell with 4,000 or 5,000 men "to keep you waking." He must send for the Kendal men when he thinks, from his spies, that it will be necessary, and must come to Surrey with such as he deems convenient, "and for the good love and mind that I do bear unto you, ye shall go next unto me in battle." Asks for news, and that he would make the posts ride oftener. Newcastle, 23 Oct.
Goes to Morpeth on Saturday. The lord Marquis leaves early tomorrow with the vanguard.
P. 1, copy.
23 Oct.
Calig. B. III. 257. B. M.
Albany is come forward. The lady of Fastcastell prepares for him. Expects the Duke this night. His army is between Yester and Ellham Ford, intending for Berwick. Yesterday he took his ordnance out of Dunbar to the castle of Yester. He sends it by Strayfountains, over Hempsed Ford, by the Tweed, and comes in person with lord Hamilton over Hewton More; Hamilton's power coming by Lawder. Shall have news with all diligence, "St. George to borrow. Come at your pleasure. Berwick fears not him." Sir Chr. Conyers is very anxious that his father's company, now with the lord Lieutenant, should be here with him at Berwick. Will send a light number of Sir Arthur Darcy's or Sir Nich. Tempest's. Berwick, 23 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "To," &c., "my lord Lieutenant."
23 Oct.
Calig. B. VI. 295. B. M.
Has received his letter dated Newcastle the 15th, with two others inclosed, from the queen of Scots to Patrick Synklar, and one from a servant of the chancellor of Scotland to the prioress of Coldstream. If overtures are made for peace, as seems probable by the letters of queen Margaret, until the Scots shall abandon the duke of Albany the King will not listen thereto. In consequence of the evil done to the Scots, they would have been constrained to send ambassadors to England for peace, but for Albany's brags, which alienated the King still more; and if Albany, with the ostentation of invading England, should obtain a truce, it might be thought that England had consented to it from fear, and that the war had been undertaken, not against the Duke, but against the young King. The desire of peace on the part of Albany, after so many preparations on his part and that of France, must proceed from want of courage or power; but as he cannot long serve his friends, the truce will be to his advantage,—the witholding of it is a great shame.
Again, the rumored design of Albany's return into France with the young King, to marry him to a daughter of Francis, must be exposed to the Scots in all its perils; and if some of the lords interfere to prevent it, others are so much in the Duke's favor that he will carry his point. He is therefore to make it generally known, that, much as the king of England is inclined to promote the interests of the nation, all must be prevented by the sinister proceedings of the Duke. If the Lords, therefore, are anxious to second the good purposes of England, they must exclude Albany and the French from their realm; and on their giving security to send ambassadors, an abstinence shall be concluded till the 31st Jan. next, and the King will support his nephew against all enemies. This is the more needful to be done now to prevent Albany's design, which will involve the two kingdoms in endless contention.
These representations may possibly set the French and Scots by the ears, and drive the former from the realm. He is by no means, therefore, to discharge his army until, "the light of this moon passed, it shall not be possible for them this year eftsoons to assemble." "At my place beside Westminster," 23 Oct. Signed.
Add.: "To my loving ffrend therle of Surrey, the Kings lieutenant in the Northe parties, treasorer and admyral of England."
Pp. 13.
23 Oct.
Galba, B. VIII. 80. B. M.
Has passed the river Dauthies, and marched upon Ancre, which surrendered. Sent the Spaniards and some of the English, with horsemen and some pieces of artillery, before Braye, which was taken by assault. Pont Remy, who was within with 2,000 foot, took to flight, and some of his company were slain and drowned. There were taken captain Adrian, badly wounded, and his standard-bearer. Having thus opened a passage, the whole army went over into this country of Santerre, where Roye and Niel surrendered. Expects to hear good news of Montdidier every hour. March tomorrow towards Noyon and Compiègne, and will make as much way to Paris as provisions will allow. The French are much astonished; and if the King will advance his interests, he may have the whole realm under his subjection. Is writing to the King, and Suffolk does the same, to know how they are to conduct themselves, and show the need of reinforcing the English army. The Flemings have much ado to guard their frontiers, and to support the army against Gueldres. These countries cannot furnish men; the Emperor is far off, and Buren fears some disorder from lack of payment. From the camp at Cappy, about to move to Lihon, 23 Oct.
P.S.—Desires him to present his letters to the King and Wolsey, if he be at the court. What he writes is not by the advice of Madame or the Council, but of those who wish well to the King and Emperor. Nobody knows how money is to be got.
Fr., pp. 3, mutilated. Copy. Headed by Tuke: "Copy of the count de Buren's letter to the Emperor's ambassador."
23 Oct.
Vit. B. v. 206. B. M.
Yesterday letters arrived from the camp in Lombardy, from sieur Antho[ine de] Leva, captain of Pavia, stating that the Swiss had told the admiral of France that they should return home, as the promises to them had not been kept, and the winter was approaching. This was prevented by the arrival of La Palice with 100 men-at-arms and part of the money due to them, which was given them on condition that they staid 15 days longer, that is till the 27th. It is thought they will go then, unless there is more money, or the King comes, as was promised them. His agents here make no doubt of it; but it is not likely, considering the hindrances he will find in his kingdom. Thinks the French are staying beyond the mountains, in hopes of taking Milan; but letters from Prospero and others in the Imperial camp say there is no chance of it. They have not commenced to attack it; though they say here, to gain the favor of the conclave, that it is already taken, for they are within two miles of it. Prospero is not yet recovered; so the Emperor has sent a skilful captain, named Alarcon, to act as captain general in his absence, till the arrival of the Viceroy, who left on Monday last.
The French are waiting for the election of the Pope, and have desired the cardinals of their party to stick to their opinions, and not to yield to De Medicis, which they have sworn not to do. They have given the said cardinals to understand that the King will come to Italy, and conquer not only Milan, but Florence and the rest, which will cause Medicis to be abandoned, and then a Pope can be created of the French party, who will treat Medicis as Volterra was treated. The duke of Ferrara has taken Reggio and other places belonging to the Church, which he says are his. He is now before Modena. Two thousand Spaniards have been sent to protect it. The French are inciting the Bentivogli to reconquer Bologna. They are not yet in the field, but it is said they soon will be; which prejudices the Emperor's affairs, till he has news of his successes elsewhere. The Spaniards in the French service have mostly joined the Emperor's part at Milan, and most of the horsemen of sieur Renee de Cheres have gone over to the Venetians for lack of payment. The Venetians are with the marquis of Mantua, but have not yet joined Colonna, because there is a river between them, and they fear being attacked by the French while crossing. They will join him when the French go to Milan, and hope to do something, especially if the Swiss leave.
* * * Frederick de Lorge and Bayart have revictualled the castle of Cremona, and assaulted the town without success. They have now returned, by the King's order, to Milan, but have suffered great loss on their way from the marquis of Mantua. Leva has more than 600 French horse prisoners in Pavia, and Prospero and the abbot of Najara have 150 men-at-arms, and 800 light horse and archers prisoners in Milan. Twelve days ago Jennyn de Medicis, the captain of the light horse, with captain Sucre and Milant, brought 50 men-at-arms as prisoners to Milan. Two days before, 1,000 Spaniards coming from Genoa to Milan met 300 spears and 1,200 Swiss, whom they repulsed, and killed a personage of the order of France, supposed to be Montmorency. They brought 26 horse and 100 Swiss as prisoners to Milan, and killed about as many. The light horse of the marquis of Mantua have taken Brion's standard, and 27 men. It is said the count of Carpi has arrived in Rome, as ambassador from France.
Ten days ago, the secretary of the archbishop of Barri, nuncio in France, said that the King told the Archbishop, whom he was keeping as a prisoner, that he could tell him news of the King Catholic. He said, "Your master has entered my kingdom on the side of Bayonne;" adding, "Foy de gentilhomme, I am sorry matters must needs pass in this rigor between him and me, the one to destroy the other. And that every one may see that it is not owing to me we are not at peace, I shall put me in all devoir to come unto it." He then said he would send the Archbishop to Charles, to say that he would do what Adrian had proposed by way of truce. To this the Archbishop replied, that the Emperor would not listen to him till he returned some Spanish ecclesiastics whom he had taken, but who were not fair prisoners. Francis said he meant to have had Don Pedro de Navarra for those prisoners, but finally gave them up, and the Archbishop has gone to Spain with them. The said secretary thinks Francis is at the end of his wits. The news from Venice is that the Turk has conquered most part of the Sophy's country, and will soon have the whole of it, when he will have nothing to do but attack Christendom. Rome, 23 Oct. Signed.
Fr., copy, pp. 7, mutilated. Endd.: Matiers in French. An English abstract by Tuke in the margin.
24 Oct.
Vit. B. v. 210. B. M. St. P. VI. 178.
By their other letters he has been informed of all occurrences since Adrian's death to the end of October. On his sepulchre was written, by order of the Cardinals, "Hic jacet [Adri]anus Sextus, cui nihil in vita infelicius contigit quam quod impera[ret]." Some "light brained fellows" erected a statue to Macerata, his physician, in a public place, with this title, Liberatori Patriæ. He is buried in St. Andrew's Chapel, in St. Peter's, between Pius II. and Pius III., and there was written over him Impius inter Pios. Many other slanderous verses were set up in public places, with the approbation of all. The city was never more glad of a Pope's death.
The Cardinals entered conclave on the 1st, and on the 2nd they were shut up. On the 3rd news came that the duke of Ferrara had taken Reggio, and intended to attack Modena. Little provision could be made to resist him, but they sent for bankers to the conclave door, and borrowed 5,000 or 6,000 ducats to send to Modena, which was thought sufficient till they have a new Pope. On the 5th news came that the three French cardinals, Auxe, Lorayn and _ (fn. 4) had arrived. They were brought in by the Ursyns, and others of the French party, and entered the conclave in their "short weeds," with boots and spurs, "which was thought very dissolute." The French faction boast they will have a Pope at their pleasure, and truly their coming has hindered our good purposes. At the last election had word out of the conclave daily, by secret ways, but now no advice can be sent either in or out. Till the French cardinals came, matters seem to have gone well enough for the cardinal De Medicis. On the 8th, "there was taken from them a great part of their service, and he that had roasted meat had no sodden, ne he that had sodden had no roasted, after the manner accustomed, which is the 8th day, to abridge them of the one or of the other."
On the 8th news came from Milan that the French had succored the castle of Cremona; that a convoy of victuals to their army was attacked, and 120 lances and light horse slain, and that Prospero Columpna intended to join the Venetians, and give battle to the French.
From the 9th till the 12th it was evident that there was great dissension, which put them in great hope for Wolsey's election, and all Rome was in a great rumor thereof, the more so as the heads of the city went to the conclave door to show the College the damage done by this long delay, and to exhort them to agree. Armelinus, who was deputed to answer them, said all they desired was to choose a Pope to content the people, and begged them to have patience, or they might be compelled to do as at the last election, and choose an absentee; adding, that if they could be content with an absentee, they were almost ready to choose one in England. At this they made a great exclamation, that at any rate some one present should be chosen. A similar answer was made by cardinal Columna the day after, so that it was thought that Wolsey would be elected, to break the strife. Columna has labored hard for himself, but could not get De Medicis to help him, of which he complained to the duke of Suessa.
On the 19th received his letters of the iii[jth], when it was too late for them to do more than they had done. Did all they possibly could for him. Have been with De Medici's agents, and told them that the King and Wolsey had written to the College in his behalf, and that Wolsey hoped, in case De Medicis could not obtain the dignity for himself, he would do what he could for Wolsey. They said, if they possibly could, they would advertise him of it in the conclave. They have been 24 days in conclave. The usual time is 10 or 12. Adrian was chosen in 14, which was thought a long time. By outward signs, do not expect a Pope within 12 days, for 20 of the old cardinals have sworn rather to suffer death than consent to De Medicis, whose party will suffer with him all that shall be possible to the contrary, and as the latter are the younger men, it is thought he will have his purpose. Columna is now against him, and has got up a rumor in Rome, that by his means, at the last conclave, the Cardinals elected a barbarian and a Fleming, and are now endeavoring to elect an Englishman. Columna's brother has said that if he "had [not a] ben," the Cardinals had chosen one absent in another world, meaning an Englishman. The constitutions for the abridgment of their diet are not observed. The duke of Ferrara had bargained in times past with the Emperor, for Reggio and Modena, and his attempt to recover them was with the consent of the duke of Suessa and Charles's agents here. The Cardinals, hearing of this, sent for Suessa on the 22nd, and said, if he did not cease these practices, they would call the marquis of Mantua from Lombardy to defend the cities. The Duke demanded whether they would continue in the league made by Adrian, the Emperor, the King and others; and on the next day they said they would do so till the Pope was chosen; whereupon he promised to do what he could to prevent them from being molested, and refrain from assisting the duke of Ferrara. The French army still lies about Milan, removing from one place to another, ever to their loss. Rome, 24 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 8, mutilated.
"Patryk Symklar, I command me hartly to you. And vyt ze for veryte that Edam Dondaz is passt to som of Ingland vyth the Frence kyngs gret seel. And ther for in qwyr tyl vham it is, for I dred tresson. And thys ze do in all hast, for and I wyst tyl vham it var, I schwld schaw it. And thys ze fayly not to dw in all hast, vyth answar of all matars. And I pray you kype thys vryteng sekret, and dw as my trast is in you, and be not owr lange a doing; bot thys is trowth that I vryt, and God kype you. Vryten thys Wedynsday.
Yours ze vyt."
24 Oct.
Calig. B. VI. 311. B. M.
Encloses two letters from the queen of Scots; one to himself, handed him by Jame Dog, and one to Patrick Synkcler. Has despatched the latter by post, as being of great importance. Adam Dondaz is in great favor with the Duke, as Dog informs him. Will make inquiries if he is in the realm. Hopes Wolsey will not let any suspicious person slip away. According to the Earl's letter of the 23rd, suspects it is a trick of the Duke's. Dundas cannot enter, except by the West Border, nor that way easily without lord Dacre's knowledge, to whom he will send. Encloses two letters received this day from the lord Ogle and the captain of Berwick. Dog tells him that when he last came from Edinburgh, the French foot and the light ordnance were at Newbotell. French oxen had gone to fetch the heavy pieces.
Lord Hamilton was at Lawther on Tuesday; the earl of Argyle and his men on Sunday last at Glasgow; the earl of Lennox with the Westlonde men at Lawryke (Lanark). If this unhappy Duke should fortune to hear how Surrey is ready for him, and should be afraid to set forward, hopes no default will "be arrected" to him. Would go to Rome on this feet, if the Duke would lodge two nights in England. My lord Marquis and Darcy are at Alnwick. Will stay where he is, as victuals are scarce, till he hears more certainly of the Duke. "And where your grace hath caused us to be prayed for, I beseech your grace to cause them to pray that the Duke may keep on his way to Berwick; and then I trust, if he ever return, it shall be with shame." "Scribbled the 24th day of October." Signed.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: "To my lord Legate's good grace."
24 Oct.
Calig. B. III. 105. B. M.
Received news from his spy, who was with the Duke on Friday till he went to bed at Haddington. Albany has sent two of his great guns to Lesswode. The same day the ordnance that was in Dunbar set forward. On Friday the two guns came to Sowtray. The Westland lords are approaching Musselburgh, and the French, Lawder; the Northern lords, Lauderdale. This day the Duke comes thither. As his ordnance is in the direction of Berwick, thinks the Duke will draw easterly. Begs his favor for the man who brought the news, who is a credible and substantial person, in favor with the Duke. "Scribbled this Saturday at night, at two of the clock."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To my lord Treasurer, lieutenant general, in all haste."
24 Oct.
R. O.
Learns by a spy that Albany was last night at Addyngton (Haddington). He had determined to attack the West Borders, but, owing to the uncertainty of the weather, took counsel of the lords, who advised him, if the Tweed were low, to attack Wark and Northam; otherwise Berwick. He goes therefore to Berwick. While writing, received a message from lord Ogle, stating that he and his folks had come to Bolton "to the parson Ogle," and that Surrey had referred him to Bulmer to know what to do. Told him to remain there at present, as he had no certain news of the Duke's intentions. Norham, 24 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Treasurer.
25 Oct.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 98. B. M.
3469. SURREY to DACRE.
Heard yesterday and today from three or four spies that the Duke lay on Friday, at Hadington, and intends to come to the East Border, either to Berwick, Wark, or Norham. Dacre must come on Wednesday with all the power he can, as Surrey thinks they will give battle on Thursday; and if the Duke alter his purpose, he can return, as he doubts not one of them will hear before Dacre comes to Hautwysill. Newcastle, 25 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
25 Oct.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 99. B. M.
3470. DACRE to SURREY.
Received yesterday his letter dated Newcastle, 23rd inst. The earl of Cassillis, with 8,000 or 10,000 men, has lain at Loughmabene, within twelve miles of this border, since last Thursday. His spies were among the host last night. Hears from other spies of his, that they saw "therles of Leyneux," lord Somerville, Sir Jas. Hamilton and others, in Peebles, on Friday night, and they had not removed yesterday morning at 8. Will order himself according to Cassillis' movements, and wishes to know Surrey's intentions. Carlisle, 25 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
25 Oct.
R. O.
Two receipts, signed by Ric. Trees and Hen. Wiat, for 150l. and 200l. from Wm. Shelley, executor of Sir Edw. Belknapp, late chief butler, being the arrears of his office. 25 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.
26 Oct.
Calig. B. VI. 310. B. M.
Will leave this town, as Albany is approaching England. Encloses copy of letters to that effect. Only hopes that Albany will keep in the same mind. At Berwick he can do no hurt, there are so many "good gentlemen and tall men" there. Norham is safe. At Wark the foundation of the dungeon is not two feet underground, and is easy for mining. My lord Marquis is at Alnwick, lord Darcy at Bamborough. The Duke, therefore, cannot override the country. Thinks the battle will not be before Thursday or Friday.
P.S.—Has just received two letters from Wolsey, which he cannot answer at present. Encloses a bill just received from a servant of Sir William Bulmer, sent yesterday to Coldstream. The Duke is near England. Hopes the money will be sent, remembering what exclamations were made against his father because his men were not well paid. Newcastle, 26 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate.
27 Oct.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 103. B. M.
Asks them to see to all matters belonging to Mr. Conyngesby till he comes. They should set a double watch over the cattle. Pikering can remain at home if this business requires it; but he must send his men, who shall be paid wages. Naward, 27 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
27 Oct.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 99 b. B. M.
Has received his letter. Did no more than his duty to his cousin, Coningsby's late wife. Will show him her will at their next meeting. After her death attended to her burial, and caused Wm. Pikering and Robt. Moresby to see to her property. Has caused James Pikering and a part of Killington to remain in Skalby to defend it; but they shall stay no longer than necessary, till the moon wanes. Desires him to get the rule of the Moresby lands, and that Wm. and Jas. Pikering may have the rule under him, so that Dacre may have the tenants to serve the King. Naward, 27 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
27 Oct.
R. O.
His retinue at Alnwick, 27 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.: 8 head captains, 8 petty captains, Esperance pursuivant, 2 chaplains, 2 surgeons and 854 men, whose names are given. Signed by the Earl.
Pp. 18, mutilated.
28 Oct.
R. O.
On the 7th received a privy seal by Dr. Eden, commanding him to send up 500l. by way of loan, to be repaid on the feast of the Purification (2nd Feb.) next. Was never barer of money since the second year of his consecration; has been at great charges for works against the sea at Wysbich, which has broken his new sluice, on which he expended 200l., besides the subsidy; "and over that in somewhat doing for my soul's health, which is time for me to look upon considered, for I fear quod tempus vocationis meæ non longe abest." Has sent up 200l., and will send 100l., which is the uttermost he can spare at this time, unless he break up his household or sell his plate. This he will do if needed. Begs credence for Henry Mine, his surveyor.
Had intended to be in London at this time, but in riding to Walsingham, before Michaelmas last, the old complaint in his leg broke out. It is now so bad, he can neither ride nor go nor stand long. If his leg hangs long at any time, the humors fall into it, and the leg swells as if it would burst. Downham, 28 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: My lord Legate.
28 Oct.
Calig. B. II. 27. B. M.
Arrived here yesterday. My lord Marquis is in Berwick with 6,000 or 7,000 men, Darcy at Bamborough, and the whole army in divers parts abroad in the country seeking to encounter Albany. He has been about Melrose (fn. 5) and Dryburgh since Saturday, and most of his company near the Border these seven days; at the furthest not twelve miles from it. Hitherto, thank God! they have not burnt a house, or taken a prisoner, cow or sheep. [Marginal note: "A small occasion to raise the King's great power."] Trusts it will not be easy for them to do much damage. Yesterday many of his host came over the Tweed, but returned without doing much harm, and lost one man and four horses, taken by the garrison. Fears he will not dare enter England this time. [Note in margin: "This was always the King's opinion and mine both."] If he do, and bring his ordnance with him, God willing, he shall never carry it home again. Doubts not to know his purpose tomorrow, "which I fear shall be to return shamefully without coming within this realm." [Note in margin: "This result should have been foreseen, and the expence of raising the King's main power to no purpose spared."]
Desires to be excused to the King for not writing until he know the issue. Has written the queen of Scots a very piquant letter against the Duke and the Frenchmen, and another to the lords of Scotland; in which, though he have not touched at length the matters mentioned to him in Wolsey's letter concerning the King's pleasure, what he should do if offers of peace were made to him, hopes he has said what will turn to the Duke's displeasure. Will send copies by next post. His clerk has had no leisure to make them. [Note in margin: "This is a material point, and would not have been forborne though the intimation had required leisure time. Nevertheless it might have been done shortly, forasmuch as the same was plenteously con- tained in my letters addressed unto him, needing no more but by his letters repetition of the same."] Transmits a letter received while writing from Sir Wm. Bulmer to my lord Marquis about the Duke's proceedings. Believes the spy's news. Thinks the Duke wants to wait for the disbanding of Surrey's army. [Note in margin: This must now be done, to avoid the inconvenients mentioned in my former letters. It will be a great expense, which might have been spared, if better espial had been made before the army was raised.] Will not forget the King's caution, of which Wolsey reminded him. The King and Wolsey need have no further care, except as to the expense, which cannot be remedied. Hopes Wolsey will not forget to send more money. [Note in margin: "Money is sent, and arrived by this time."] (fn. 6) Alnwick, 28 Oct.
P.S. in Surrey's own hand: Has written, more because Wolsey complained of his silence, than for any great cause. Here is no lack of goodwill to defend, but little appetite to invade. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: "To my lord Legate's good grace." Endd.
28 Oct.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 103. B. M.
3478. DACRE to SURREY.
Has received his letter, telling him to remain where he is till he hears further from him. Is informed by his spies in the Duke's army that they saw the Duke at Melrose on Tuesday, at 11 a.m.; that he took musters there, and commanded the host to pass over Melrose Brig towards the East Marches; and that he sent word to the men of Tevidale to follow him; and they probably lodged last night at Stichell. Hears by message from sundry gentlemen that the Duke intends to attack Berwick. His small ordnance goes by land, the great ordnance goes by ship to Alemouth beside Coldingham. Will be at Rothbury tonight. Wishes for further orders by tomorrow morning at six. Leaves part of his men here; the rest shall be tonight in Cartington, Rothbury and thereabout. Thursday, 28 Oct (fn. 7) at 9 a.m., 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 102. B. M. 3479. SURREY to DACRE.
Wrote yesterday that Dacre was to come no further till Surrey sent word what the Duke intended. He is now at Kelso with a great part of his army, and has set up many tents on this side the water, so Dacre must come forward with all haste. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
30 Oct.
Add. MS. 24,965, f. 101. B. M.
3480. SURREY to DACRE.
Has heard four times that Albany will be near Berwick today. Dacre must, therefore, come hitherwards, and keep two of his servants continually with my lord of Northumberland, to bring news from Surrey. Expects to hear in two hours what the Duke will do today, and will send him word. Friday, 9 o'clock.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
30 Oct.
Calig, B. VI. 306. B. M.
On Wednesday night Albany was at Eccles, which was burnt all but the church; on Wednesday and Thursday at Hoome castle. Yesterday he removed his ordnance two miles towards Berwick; was in a marvellous great fume all day, as Surrey's spies tell him, because the axletrees of five or six of his great guns broke;—Surrey thinks, in consequence of the letters "that I sent to the queen of Scots and to the lords of Scotland, which Jemy Dog, the said Queen's servant, showed him yesterday in the morning." Is told that the Duke intends to starve him out. The victual in Berwick is plentiful, though three parts of the army are obliged to lie in the fields. Begs 10,000l. may be sent with all possible speed. He has scarce money to pay the troops, who return home tomorrow. Though the Duke has a great power, and has approached England within two miles, he has never dared to enter it. He has done great waste to his own country. As the King sent Surrey word by my lord Marquis that he should go no further than St. Cuthbert's banner could go with him, all are of opinion not to invade. Thinks the Duke will fall upon Berwick or Norham within two days, or else disperse his army. Belford, Friday. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
30 Oct.
Calig. B. VI. 309. B. M.
Has written to the King. Begs Wolsey will expedite the money required. The funds in the hands of Magnus will not serve beyond a week. Apologises for not having answered Wolsey's letter of the 26th, and advertised him of the number of his grace's company. With my lords of Northumberland's, Clifford's, and Latimer's, they will amount to 8,000, besides the bishopric, and shall be next the Earl upon his right hand. Lords Dacre and Conyers, and Sir William Parr, with their company, shall form the wing; my lord Marquis, St. Cuthbert's banner, the gentlemen of Chester, Salop, Staff., Derby, Notts, the earl of Westmoreland, Sir Will. Bulmer, Sir Will. Evers, Sir Tho. Tempest, on the left; my lord Darcy shall form the wing; he will himself head the Lancashire men. "I am fain to take the leading, considering there is some little displeasures amongis them, and no man among them by whom they wolbe ruled; and by the next post I shall advertise of the fashion of our battle, which shall be only a voward and a rearward with wings." Encloses copies of his letters to the Queen and the lords of Scotland. Has written that Wolsey or De Medici will be Pope, to discourage the Duke's party. The lords of Northumberland and Westmoreland are at Alnwick. Belford, Friday.
Added in his own hand: "Most humble I thank your grace for the clause conteyned in your lettre consernyng my childerne." Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: My lord Legate.
30 Oct. 3483. For RIC. PACE, the King's chief Secretary.
Presentation to the church of Southmolton, Exeter dioc. Westm., 30 Oct.
Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15.
R. O. St. P. VI. 121. 3484. [PACE] to WOLSEY.
Thanks Wolsey for his promotion. Could not certify him before of the creation of Andreas Griti, as no courier was despatched till this day. "He is named to be a perfect Frenchman," and the French residents have made a great feast. Pace thinks he will not be partial to France, as he was received by the Doge with great courtesy.
P.S.—Hears that the Archduke is inclined to send his commission shortly.
Hol. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
30 Oct.
Galba, B. VIII. 87. B. M.
Has presented and read to the King Wolsey's letter to himself, dated the 27th, with my lord Admiral's letter, dated Newcastle the 24th; and the copies of Wolsey's two letters, the first in answer to the lord Admiral's, and the second to my lord of Suffolk. The King was thoroughly satisfied with what he has written, but, being about to ride, deferred his answer till he should arrive next day at Woodstock, expecting fresh letters, which he has now received; for today the post brought Wolsey's letter to More of the 29th, and the letter of Suffolk dated from the camp at Cappy, with the others in the same packet, which More returns with these. Read them to the King, who, on learning of the great victory at Ancre and Braye, the winning of the passage over the Somme, and unresisted entry into the bowels of France, with the likelihood of his obtaining his ancient right to the French crown, praised Wolsey's industry and zeal in providing for the reinforcement of his army, diminished by sickness, and for the supply of money and other things, which have brought results he would not have thought feasible. "Wherefore his highness, for your accustomed fervent zeal and goodness, giveth" (fn. 8) * * * "passed, the King's high and great matters, so much depending upon his honor, surety and reputation on all parties, being in so good train, with such appearance of notable effect to ensue that it might please his highness to resort unto some place," where Wolsey might often repair to him. The King, according to his advice, will, whenever he hears of the success of his affairs against Scotland, as he hopes to do shortly, repair to Windsor, and remain there till they determine further. Woodstock, Friday before All-hallow's eve.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.: Master More, 30 die Octobris.
30 Oct.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 104. B. M.
3486. SURREY to DACRE.
Hears that tomorrow the Duke will besiege Wark. Doubts not, if it be true, that he has heard of it from Sir Christopher, for he spoke this morning with the laird of Boklogh and Mark Car. If so, he must go with all haste to the place where he has appointed the lord Marquis, Darcy and the vanguard to be tomorrow at noon, and Surrey will come on with the rest. Friday, six at night.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
31 Oct.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 103b. B. M.
3487. DACRE to SURREY.
4 a.m. Has just received his letter, dated Friday, 9 o'clock. Heard tonight from his spies, who spoke with a substantial man in the Scotch army, that the Duke has been three days at Melrose, and his army about Stitchell, Mellestanes and other places, and that he is not yet removing; that the earls of Arran, Argyle, Levennox and Marshall, lords Maxwell, Ruffen (Ruthven) and Lisle, with the Homes, Carrs and Borderers, are in the van, and that the French are about the Duke. Sent Sir Christopher last night to obtain more news. He will speak with certain of the Scotch army if possible. Seeing he is within five miles of Surrey, will not draw nearer, because of the scarcity of victuals. Whittingham, Saturday, 31 Oct., 4 a.m., 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
31 Oct.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 105. B. M.
3488. SURREY to DACRE.
Has no news but that the Duke, hearing that victuals are scarce, intends to draw out the time till their men are departed and "skaled," which the King orders him in no wise to do. Dacre must remain where he is till further orders. If he wants bread, beer or cheese, he must send some of his servants for it. Belford, Saturday.
Has just heard that the Duke is told that Surrey has victual to last only till Monday, and that he will stay so long, "and then if I should skale," he will invade or go home. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
31 Oct.
Add. MS. 24,965. f. 108. B. M.
3489. DACRE to SURREY.
Sir Christopher has just come, saying that he spoke this forenoon with the laird of Buccleugh, Mark Car and others at Brankston, and was told that the laird of Wedderburn, with 1,000 men, crossed the Tweed this morning, at Riding Rak, under Brigeham, and returned after burning certain waste houses in Brankston, Cornell and Lermouthe. In crossing two of their company were drowned, "and went down Tweed towards Barwik Bridge." The Duke's great gun came to him last night, and he now has 8 cannons, 2 double cannons and 24 falcons and serpentines. Last night he intended to move today to Brigeham, within a mile of Wark. They do not know what ordnance is to come by water from Dunbar, "for the Duke hinges upon a thing which he wol make no Scotsman privy unto." He intended to shoot at Wark Castle over Tweed today or tomorrow. Sir Christopher will meet other Scots tomorrow at two, at Cornell, near Coldstream, and will take Leonard Musgrave with him to send to Surrey. Whittingham, Saturday, Allhallow Even, 3 p.m., 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Headed: Copie, &c.
31 Oct.
Galba, B. VIII. 82. B. M.
Thos. Barnabe, merchant, of London, and the gentleman of mons. de Bourbon, arrived on the 26th. The gentleman went immediately to my Lady, and showed her how he had sped with his charges in England. He then brought me your letter, with the copies of those of the King and you to my Lady. Went to my Lady, intending to declare his credence, but on his arrival she said Bourbon's gentleman had conducted himself very unwisely in England, in asking for more money, which he had no commission to do; and that she had told him if Sir John Russell had not left England before his arrival, his indiscretion might have caused Wolsey to wait for some fruit of the first payment, before putting more money in hazard. She has promised to do her best to get the Emperor's portion of money in reasonable time, and has no doubt it will come, though perhaps not so soon as it should, on account of the distance.
The master of the Posts r[eturned] yesterday, and certified that he had delivered to count Felix the value of 48,000 gold guldens, received by Knight, which he desired him to spend faithfully, and account for when required. He says Felix had not with him more than 7,000 pays, "which should not be 6,000 men." Many had deserted for lack of pay, and the nobles say the lanzknechts are returning in great number. When the postmaster arrived, the lanzknechts were paid for some days of the month ending on the 7th, and had an advance for half a month ending with the 23rd, on which day they will receive another half month's advance, on condition that they remain a month and a half after without demanding arrears. He left the count Felix at Porte sus la Sone in Burgundy.
Bourbon, hearing that if he remained at Besançon or in Franche Comté it might cause breach of neutrality, removed to Lure in the county of Feretre, not far from Besançon, and there came to him a count of Ponteyn, a great possessioner in France.—Here my Lady sent me word by young Marnix that she had letters from Burgundy that the French had lost 22,000 men besides Milan, that the Swiss had granted the French king 6,000 men for the guard of his person, and that Mons. de Guiche had sent a herald to the princess of Orange and other chiefs of Burgundy to deliver the duke of Bourbon, else he would invade their countries; on which count Felix marched against De Guiche, who speedily fled. It is said the king of Denmark, being unable to do anything this year for want of footmen, is beginning to treat with the Steeds. Mechlin, 31 Oct.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
* The leaves of this letter are misplaced, the second leaf being at ƒ. 85.
R. O.
Received on the 4th inst. the King's commission, dated [Hampton Court], 4 Sept., ordering him to [call before him] Sir John Saymour, Sir John Hungreford, Sir John Danvers, Sir Hen. Long, Sir [A]nto[ny Hungreford, Sir Edw. Darell,] Robt. Kaleway, John Yorke and John Gawen, late commissioners for the loan, and assess them, as they have not paid any sums as their proportion. Darell is at court. Danvers died about five years ago. Saymour intends to ask the King for a remission; and, if he cannot obtain it, will pay what he is assessed at. Hungreford says his goods exceed in value his rents, and are worth 400l., for which he will pay the due proportion, 53l. 6s. 8d. Long is so busy about the temporal subsidy that he cannot come to the writer till Martinmas, when he will pay what is due. The remainder say that they have paid it, and have for acquittance the King's letters of privy seal. "Under my seal, dated at Winchester,"—Oct. 15 Hen. VIII. Not signed.
P. 1, mutilated.
R. O. 3492. 2. [BP. OF WINCHESTER to WOLSEY.]
A similar letter concerning Sir Arthur Plantagenet, now viscount Lisle, John lord Awdeley, Sir Wm. [Sandes], lord Sandes, Sir John Wallop, Ric. Lyster, Wm. Paulett, Jas. Worsley, Ric. S[andes, Ric.] Norton, Wm. Uvedall, John Wintershull, Wm. Hawles and Thos. Welles. Lord Awdeley lives now in London. Lord Sandes, Wallop and Ric. Sandes are serving beyond sea. Lisle says his lands are worth only ..., for which he will pay 106l. 13s. 4d. before St. Andrew's Day. Worsley says he is assessed at the King's court. The rest say they have paid already. Winchester,—Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.
P. 1, mutilated.
R. O.
3493. NAVY.
Wages, from Feb. to Oct. 14–15 Hen. VIII., of the Mary Martyn of London, Chr. Thwatts capt., 46 men. The Edmund of Hull, Thos. Clere, 90 men. The Christofer Bryswood, Robt. Taylor, 52 men. The Thomas of Hull, Thos. Ellykar, 90 men. The George of Grenewich, Fras. Flemyng, 30 men. The Jesus of Newcastle, Wm. Coo, 100 men. The Katryn of Newcastle, Thos. Sharneborne, 70 men. The John Baptist of Lynn, Chr. Coo, 122 men. The William of York, 240 tons, Sir Hen. Sharnborn, viceadmiral in the North Sea, and afterwards Chr. Coo, 172 men. The Christofer of Grenewich, Richard Paxford, 80 men. The Mathewe of Newcastle, Chr. Thwaytts, 56 men. The Rassemewis (Erasmus) of Lynne, Johan Prowse, 40 men. The Nicholas Draper, Robt. Draper, 112 men. The Vyncent of Erith, Davy Myller, 60 men. The Mary and John, Wm. Horseley, 146 men. To Robt. Gibson, Hen. Forest and Ric. Batmanson, surgeons, for the surgery of thirty-four men hurt in the William of York at the encounter with a French ship, by warrant of 3 July, 13l. 3s.
Necessaries for some of the above ships and the Mary Katryn of Newcastle, Thos. Harbottle owner, 70 men, from March to Sept. 14–15 Hen. VIII., 23l. 3s. 1d.
The amount paid to each ship is receipted by the captain.
Pp. 23. The first leaf cut off.
Galba, B. VIII. 86. B. M. 3494. MUNITIONS OF WAR.
Account of things which can be procured for the war, and their prices.
10,000 corslets, "à courtes tasses," with 2 "gardebraiches," a steel cap (secrete) and gorget of mail, at 40 "sous de deux gros" each, 10,000 cr.; 5,000 others, "à longues tasses;" a double sallet; double "gardebraiche," closed beneath, such as the foot captains wear, for 50 sous each, 6,250 cr. 10,000 pikes, half the number of ash, 18 ft. long, at 6 sous each, and half of beech ? (fauch), at 3 sous, 1,125 cr. 5,000 halberts, well headed, 8 sous each, 1,000 cr. 10,000 hand culverins for foot soldiers, with "lontes," horns, "fourme" and powder flasks, 25 sous each, 6,250 cr. 5,000 hacquebuts, "à crochets, mises en layes," 40 sous each, 5,000 cr. 300 harness for mounted archers, carrying demilances, with casques, "gardebraiches," gauntlets, "cuisses" and gorget, at 14l. of 40 gros each, 2,100 cr.—For powder it will be necessary to have money immediately to provide saltpetre, as it is likely to get much dearer. Nevertheless, provision will be made to commence delivering 300 tons at the present prices. Signed: J. de Hesdin.
Fr., pp. 2, mutilated.
Oct./GRANTS. 3495. GRANTS in OCTOBER 1523.
5. Sir John Russell. Protection for Humphrey Smert, of Thornebury, Glouc., alias of London, late administrator of Thomas Smert, his father, going in Sir John's retinue, to serve in the war. T., 5 Oct. (year not stated.)—P.S. b.
6. Wm. Vaughan, clk., LL.D. Grant of the deanery of the collegiate church of St. Mary, Shrewsbury, vice Dan Ric. Thewford, clk., deceased. Del. Hampton Court, 6 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
9. Th. Birche, groom of the Chamber, and Th. Hert, farmer of the subsidy and ulnage in London and its suburbs. Warrant to seize, throughout the kingdom, all woollen goods or kerseys offered for sale, not bearing the seal of the collector of the subsidy. Richmond, 16 March 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
9. John Chamber, clk. Presentation to the church of Toryngton, Exeter dioc., void by death. Woodstock, 7 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 9 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 22.
9. Sir Anth. Poyntz. To be keeper of Okeley park, Glouc., as held by Edm. Wykes; on surrender of patent 27 Nov. 6 Hen. VIII. by John Copinger, page of the Robes. Hampton Court, 9 Oct.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22.
10. Roger Bek, yeoman usher of the Chamber. To be one of the King's serjeants-at-arms, with 12d. a day, in consideration of his services to Hen. VII. and Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 10 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
10. Geo. Whytwong, captain. Protection for Wm. Goodnap and Robt. Smyth, of London, draper, in his retinue. T., 10 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.
12. Th. Stepkin, merchant, "in partibus Hans' oriundus." Denization. Westm., 12 Oct.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15.
12. Sir Nich. Wadham. Licence to him and his heirs to empark 200 acres of pasture and 40 acres of wood in the manor of Merisfeld, Somers., and to make enclosures (saltos) called "sautrees" in and around the same. Del. Westm., 12 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 23.
13. Ric. Hotton, captain of the Marre Kattern. Protection for Wm. Holand, of London, haberdasher, in his retinue. T., Westm., 13 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.
14. Roger Mynours. To be steward of the castle and lordship of Wilton, Heref., in the King's hands by minority of Wm. Gray, as long as the premises are in the King's hands. The premises, and the manor of Kempley, Glouc., were, by patent 4 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII., leased to Florence Graye, lady Graye de Wilton. Del. Westm., 14 Oct. 15 Hen VIII.—S.B.
15. Thomas marquis of Dorset. Protection for Ric. Brawne, of London, vintner, servant of the said Marquis, and in his retinue. [Del.] 15 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.
16. Edm. Burton, of London, draper. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Guildford, 14 Sept. 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Oct.—P.S.
16. Ric. Thyrkyll, captain of the Bonne Espoyer. Protection for John Grene, of Bristowe, grocer, alias merchant; going in his retinue. T., 16 Oct. (year not stated.)—P.S.b.
18. Commission of the Peace.
Middlesex.—Th. card. of York, W. abp. of Canterbury, Chas. earl of Worcester, John Abbot of St. Peter's Westm., Th. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem in England, Sir John Fyneux, Sir John More, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir Ric. Wingfeld, Sir Th. Nevell, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, sen., Sir Hen. Wyatt, Sir John Daunce, Sir Th. More, Sir Th. Denys, Sir Th. Exemewe, Sir John Brugge, John Neudegate, Wm. Elys, Wm. Shelley, John Spilman, Th. Hennege, John Kirton, Roger Cholmeley, and Rob. Wrothe. Westm., 18 Oct.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9d.
19. John Drewes, of Bristol, merchant. Licence to import 600 tons of Toulouse woad, Gascon wine and bay salt, and to arm his ships with artillery for their protection. Westm., 19 Oct.—Fr. 15 Hen. VIII. m. 7.
20. Rob. Kyrke, captain of The Mynyon. Protection for Henry Bellynger, of Suthwerke, Surrey, skinner; in his retinue. T., 20 Oct. (year not stated.)—P.S. b.
20. Ric. Thyrkyll, captain of The Bonn Espoyer. Protection for John Prowde, of London, haberdasher, alias merchant, alias grocer; going in his retinue. Del. Westm. 20 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.
21. John Mason. Presentation to one of the two royal chantries called "Mortymer's chaunteries," in Chichester Cathedral. Westm., 21 Oct.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2.
22. Ric. ap Hoell. Lease of the town of Moston, Flint, for 21 years from Mich. 1525; rent 6l. 16s. 8d., and 3s. 4d. of increase, payable at the exchequer of Chester. Del. Westm., 22 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 2.
23. Commission of the Peace.
Salop.—T. card. of York, G. bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, C. bp. of Hereford, T. bp. of Bangor, Th. earl of Arundel, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Edw. Sutton lord Dudley, Walt. Devereux lord Ferrers, Sir Lewis Pollard, Th. Inglefeld, Sir Wm. Uvedale, Sir Th. Cornewall, Sir Ralph Egerton, Sir Wm. Thomas, Sir Th. Blount, Geo. Bromeley, John Salter, John Leighton, Ric. Horde, Th. Scryven, Th. Lakyn, Ric. Foster, Ric. Selman, Th. Vernon, and John Corbett of Lee. Westm., 23 (?) Oct.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11d.
24. Maurice lord Berkeley, deceased. Writ to Ralph Swillyngton and Th. Trye to make inquisition p.m., at Coventry, on his lands and heir. Westm., 24 Oct.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9d.
26. Brian Hertwell, alias Herfyld, of Otery St. Mary's, Devon. Pardon of all felonies, &c., according to the general pardon granted by Parliament. Westm., 26 Oct.—Pat. 15 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 18.
26. David de la Roche. Protection for Edm. Burton, of London, draper; going in his retinue. T., 26 Oct. (fn. 9) (year not stated.)—P.S. b.
29. Geo. Whytwong. Protection for Th. Payne, of Salisbury, Wilts, jun., mercer; to be in his retinue in the war. T., 29 Oct. 15 Hen. VIII.—P.S. b.


  • 1. Geneve in MS.; Jeanes in Tuke's abstract; which latter is doubtless the place intended.
  • 2. So in Tuke's abstract.
  • 3. The rest of the letter is in Surrey's hand.
  • 4. Blank in MS.
  • 5. Here it is observed in the margin, not very accurately: "This place is at least 30 mile from the Border."
  • 6. All these marginal notes are in Tuke's hand, and were evidently dictated by Wolsey.
  • 7. Thursday was 29 Oct. in 1523.
  • 8. A leaf is evidently lost here.
  • 9. See 16 Oct.