Henry VIII: February 1523, 1-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Henry VIII: February 1523, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1181-1188 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: February 1523, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1181-1188.

"Henry VIII: February 1523, 1-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol3/pp1181-1188.


February 1523

1 Feb.
R. O.
Sends two of the best falcons he has to the King, as he hears from Gregory de Casalis that the King will be pleased with them. They are not as good as in former years, for he has been prevented by military matters in the winter from training them more perfectly. If Henry wishes for more at a future time, promises to send him better ones than can be had of any Italian prince. Mantua, 1 Feb. 1523. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
1 Feb.
Vit. B. v. 144.
B. M.
Is not a little indebted to Gregory Casali for his account of the Cardinal's services to Henry, in recompense of which he has sent two horses called hobbies (ubivi) with some hounds. Hears from Casali that the King wants a falcon for herons. Sends one, the best he has seen for some years. Mantua, 1 Feb. 1523. Signed: Sor S. cardinalis de Gonzaga, manu propria.
Lat., p. 1.
1 Feb.
Vit. B. XVIII.
B. M.
2810. [JOHN LEMPER ?] (fn. 1) to_
Has made inquiries according to his directions. There is come to this island a ... "sa rançon que avait este prins de ceulx de Angleterre," who informs him that the French king [is building] a new [harbour] called "le Hable de Grace," where will be collected [the vessels] of Britanny and Honnefleur.. Several great ships have left Britanny. A burgess of Grantville, called Collardin, is [master of] one [going to] Fontarabia with victuals, intending to carry Bordeaux wines on his return to Hable Neuf and Honnefleur, and it was said in passing by this island they would attack the island, and plunder all the English merchants, as English men-of-war had plundered French merchants, with the connivance of the inhabitants. When the fleet is ready at Hable, they will land in England in three places, and burn the country, as the English have burned theirs. A Breton merchant says he never saw such a preparation for war, and tells him, as a great secret, that the Breton merchants are sworn to tell no news. Another, of St. Malo, says the ships that went to Fontarabia have returned, being unable to enter the town, and that the Emperor keeps up the siege.
Four days ago a little vessel came from Mourleys with an honest merchant, who said that a great many ships from the New Haven are coming to Brest, where the great ship of Scotland and the great ships of B[ritanny] are. He told me the French had sent several ships with victuals to Fontarabis, and they found the siege laid for 15 ... before the river. Notwithstanding, they thought they should enter, "mes ... on avait à fondre de grandes houlcques dedans la riviere que ... et touts iceulx navires de France se en ret ... leurs vitailles, esperants les p ... prest." * * Some say the victuals which the French left at ... had been taken by land to Fontarabia. This is not certain, but the town is victualled till Christmas. All the ships of France and Britanny are retained for war, which is well for us who have licences for merchandise. It is said that the Emperor offered to the captain of Fontarabia permission to go out with bag and baggage, if he would deliver the town; but he refused, saying he would make no composition if it cost him his life, but that now, from want of victuals, he had intended to surrender, if one of his sons had not reminded him that the King would deprive him of his offices and pensions if he did.
It is said that Francis will send Albany to Scotland with a large army. Three weeks ago those of this island counted more than 90 ships which had passed westward toward Britanny. It is not known if they were ships of Britanny which had passed in several fleets to go to Rouan, and were returning, or others that were going to Bordeaux, "et au seil," or the French ships that were going to Brest. I hear that many French ships have arrived at Brest. There come often to Jersey little boats with * * * "en ey envoie à querir pour la vitaillement de la place." Two young merchants have come to buy sheepskins and wool, and I have promised that if they will do what I desire them they shall have liberty to sell and buy as much as they please. I have given them money, and told them what to do, to enquire all the news of France. They will go hence to Rouen to buy merchandise, so as to avoid suspicion, and will return to this island. I wish you could obtain a safeconduct from the King for one or two boats of Normandy to carry cider and wine. By them I should be able constantly to gather news, and you would be able to send into Normandy with security. A letter has been shown me by Brouttelande, a servant of two Rouen merchants, from his employers, stating that they have liberty to bring all sorts of merchandise to the islands, except contraband of war, and if they have a safeconduct from you, valid for Spaniards and Flemings, they will bring French wines and all other merchandise. Desires permission to send "des rees, qui est poesso[n] sec," of which there are plenty in this island, to the Bretons and Normans, as he cannot send them at present anywhere but to Jersey.
There has come here this 1st of February a boat of St. Malo, desiring to know from me if they shall have justice and restitution for the wrongs done by Trubleville and his companions, and if they may come here henceforth without danger. I [told them] that you were making pursuit for them, and if they have not ... it is one of the principal reasons why the French wish to ... island. They say they have been robbed of a ship * * * They say the French have returned who were carrying victuals to Fontarabia ... "ont lessier a Boyonne;" that there are fifteen galleons at sea, and that Mons. de la Val had ordered everything touching the war, and had gone to court, and that they were making assemblies at Brest and Hable Neuf. They are at work every day on the fortification of the castle. I have taken two new gunners into wages. They want more saltpetre to make powder. There are forty men of the island, archers and arbalestiers, sworn to come to the castle whenever I order them, or they see a fleet, or hear a gun fired. They are doing their duty in the island, fortifying their boulevards and making good watch day and night. I have bought the artillery that has come from Flanders, and put it into the hands of the workmen who make the guns.
They are in great dread of the French, on account of the mischief done by Trubleville to the merchants. The men of the island are much displeased at the complaint made by Trubleville against the island, since he left it and went to the King. They showed him perfect cordiality in the island, and he has done all he could against it. They think he was here for a bad purpose. He remained a full month watching the harbour, where he has done great mischief, both to the King's subjects and to strangers. I warned him in a friendly way, then threatened, and then arrested him and put him and his petty captains in the castle, telling him I would keep him there until I knew the King's pleasure, if he did not restore the goods he had plundered; on which they promised on their faith to make restitution, and I let them go. Men of Jersey have told me that the captain said to him that you have need of * * *
Fr., pp. 4, badly mutilated.
2 Feb.
R. O.
Orders him to pay to John Jenyns 1,000l., on a prest for expenses of ships at sea, and of others now leaving the Thames, and for rigging ships at Southampton. Greenwich, 2(?) Feb. 14 Hen. VIII. Signed.
Mutilated and much faded.
4 Feb.
Harl. 6989.
f. 11.
B. M.
Was unable to write often when absent from Rome on account of the pestilence, but has heard of him from the bishop of Worcester. Is much bound to Wolsey for his high commendation of him and his house, of which he has been specially notified since his return. Rome, 4 Feb. 1523. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add. and endd.
R. O. 2813. _ to [WOLSEY]. (fn. 2)
Has already been detained two months and a half on the business of the cardinal Colonna and his master, count Adorno, which [Wolsey] has long known of. Winter is coming on. Has a long journey before him, and will have to travel through Germany now that France is closed against him. Will have no companions if he delays. His expenses here are very great, and he has a lawsuit at Rome to the amount of 300 ducats a year, at which his presence is required. There is great danger of the plague. Can get no audience from [Wolsey], owing to his press of business, and fears his despatch would be forgotten if it were not for his importunity. Begs, therefore, as it rests alone with him, to give him an answer as soon as possible, either in person or through a servant. The object of the Cardinal and his master is only to serve the King; the latter remembers certain projects of Henry VII., about which that King sent a special messenger to his father. Truly your Excellence may effect in me by a single word what Christ did by his death for the human race.
Copy, Lat., p. 1.
4 Feb.
R. O.
Inquisition taken on the seashore, on Wednesday 4 Feb. 14 Hen. VIII., before Sir Edward Guldeford, constable of Dover castle and deputy warden of the Cinque Ports, relative to the finding on the seashore by various persons of /? /"bekyn lynes," value 16d., a "sprot net," an anchor, a pale with butter, a barrel, and 4 "trynds" of grease, a cable, 2 porpoises, 2 boats and several barrels of rape oil. Also one presentment for assault.
Lat. Parchment.
ii. Writ by Guldeford to the mayor, bailiff and jurats of Dover to summon 18 men to make the above inquisition.
iii. Return of the same writ, with a list of names attached.
5 Feb.
Vit. B. XX.
B. M.
York herald arrived on the 26th, with letters from Henry VIII. to certain cantons, and from the Emperor to themselves. Nothing could have given them greater joy than thus to find the King and Emperor their friends, and at the same time studious of peace. Commend the wonderful celerity of the messenger. Zurich, 5 Feb. 1522. Signed.
Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
5 Feb.
Galba, B. VII.
B. M.
Wrote last on the 31st Jan. from this town. The companies of Vendome, St. Pol and Pontremy, with 4,000 foot, are besieging Renty in Artois, belonging to the marquis of Arscot. Fiennes has assembled the Flemings to dislodge them. The princes at Nuremberg have granted 4,000 horse and 20,000 foot against the Turk, as soon as it shall be known that he is preparing to invade Hungary. The Postmaster is informed out of Germany that Francis Seken's son is taken with 20 gentlemen of Almain by the Count Palentine and the cardinal of Mayence's company.
I enclose a copy of a letter from Rome to the lord of Hoowstraat, and one sent to me from the count de Bure, that the King may see what request he has made to me. Malines, 5 Feb. 1522.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
Has been with Bougaynville, who told him what he said to Norrey at Monstereul, that Thonyn should be sent to him in diligence, which was not done. The said Thonyn then went to him, and told [him] that if the King's army, being on this side the [sea], had passed over, Monstereul and Am[yens] would have fled without awaiting them; that they were conveying their goods into the high country, and also those of Corbie, and if the King's army in returning had marched on, Boulogne could not have held out. The duke of Albany is shortly to go to Scotland with 500 men-at-arms, 5,000 foot and a great sum of money. Cannot tell the day, but will inquire, and inform Thonyn when he next comes to him, which will be on the 14th Feb. When the English were to have made an incursion at Odingham in Picardy, the French were ready at Monstereul to have fallen upon them with 1,200 men-at-arms and 8,000 or 9,000 foot, to cut the road between Boulogne and our Pale, where they heard that our men intended to make a sally. The French king intended to send Bourbon beyond the mountains with 10,000 men-at-arms and 10,000 foot, but the Duke refused, being displeased on account of a wrong done him in a lawsuit between him and the mother of Francis. Bougaynville says that one of his acquaintance, who had been at Paris, told him that Francis was ill there, and nobody dared breathe a word about it; that the French intend shortly to victual Therouenne, and in going or returning "ont d[esir de] ruer jus le chasteau de Renty." In order that Thonyn may come in surety, Bougaynvylle caused him to speak to Pont Remy, [who] asked him if he would do any ... Thonyn replied, very willingly, "par ainsi qu[e son] addresse soit tousjours envers le dit Bou[gaynville]." Being asked where he lived, he replied at Hammes. Pont Remy then asked when he had been at Calais, and he said not for a long time. Pont Remy made him promise if he heard anything done at Calais against the French to let them know, "albeit it sh[ould be] such matters that the said Pont Re[my should] not be the wiser for it, but only to [be able] to speak surely with the said Bougaynville." If the King is going to send an [army across] the sea, he must do it early. The French will not [await] the King's men, but fly. At present the towns upon the frontiers are ill victualled. The sieur de Buys, when he was at Hesdin, would have delivered the castle to the English, but for the lord de Sa ..., within six days. Everybody says he is a great coward, and that at Boulogne, where he is, he trembles, as also does the sieur de la Frenaye at Terouenne. Bougaynville has orders to repair the town of Dorlens.
Fr., pp. 3, mutilated. One sentence English.
Vit. B. v. 109.
B. M.
The keepers of the fortress in the island of Scarpanto understand, by a letter of Ferrerius de Monolita, dated 27 Oct., as they write on the same date, that the Turk, after losing 100 standards, 22,000 Janissaries and two bashaws, has abandoned the siege for a time, and his mines entirely. He would altogether have given up the siege, had not an Albanian renegade stolen out of the town and exhorted him to persevere, as the Rhodians were in great want of everything, especially wine. Cardinal Petrucci of Sienna died on the 17 Dec. last. It was not known, when he wrote last on the 24th of that month, what the town of Sienna would do. He ruled the city as De Medici rules Florence.
Lat., mutilated, p. 1.
6 Feb.
Burnet, I. i. 3.
The King's writ for summoning convocation. Westm., 6 Feb. 14 Hen. VIII.
Lamb. MS.
XIV. 942.
2. Mandate of the Archbishop to Cuth. Tunstall bishop of London, in pursuance of the above. Lambeth, 7 Feb. 1522.
6 Feb.
R. O.
Indenture, 6 Feb. 14 Hen. VIII., between the King and lady Anne Stanley, countess of Derby, widow of Thomas late earl of Derby. The earl held of the King in chief; Edward his son and heir is aged 14 years. The Countess, on 30 Oct. 13 Hen. VIII., went into the chancery of the county palatine of Lancaster and demanded her dower; afterwards into the chancery of the realm. She also made suit to the King and council, who granted that writs should be made out to the escheators of the several counties, and the manors underwritten delivered to her. These manors, &c., she covenants to accept in full satisfaction; also, to pay a certain sum during the said Edward's nonage. The King agrees that she shall receive (fn. 3) —l., in recompense of her dower, from _* Tyllesley, receiver general of the Earl's lands in the marches of Wales, and from Sir Richard Tempest, receiver general of the same in the county palatine, from the—* day of
_ (fn. 4) to the feast of All Saints last. She agrees that all grants and leases made by Sir Andrew Knyyse (?) and John Hales, the King's commissioners, shall remain in force.
ii. Obligation of the said countess to pay to Sir Henry Wyote and _* 6l. for the King's use, if she fail to observe the above agreement. Lat.
Drafts, pp. 4.
iii. Lordships assigned to the Countess. In Lanc.: Byspam, Chyldwall, Reyneford, Anlazargh, Weton, Alston, Inseblundell, Aspull near Wygan, Frekylton (lately purchased of Wm. Hudleston); lands purchased of John Bampford in Saldfordshyre in Myddelton parish, called Nakefeld; lands purchased of Gilb. Lyegh in Racchedale; Doversdale, Chorley and the wapentake of Leylondshyre, Halywall, Halewodde, the moiety of Balderston['s] lands; Thorneton, late of Margaret Syngleton, parcel of Balderston['s] lands; Broughton, Bolton in Fournas, Brytby. In Cheshire: Dunham, Hale, Ryngehey, Dorfold, Overmerssh. Salop: Hampton, Culmere, Muddle, Straunge-Nesse. Westmorl.: Wyderslake. Yorkshire: Thryske, Kirkby-Malzard. Warw.: Meryden, Alspath. Oxf.: Gorynge. Northt.: Kyngesutton Hundred, Brakley, Halse. Herts: Great Gaddysden. Somers.: Hasylbeare. Dors.: Sturmynster-Marshall. Bucks: two mills near Woxbruge. Surrey: Reygate, Dorkynge. London: mansion near Pollys wharff. Middx.: Thystelworth. (The value of each of these manors is given in a column opposite the names.)*
Lancashire.—Due to the King for the year ending Whitsuntide 15 Hen. VIII. from Sir Ric. Tempest, receiver, from lands in Childewall, with Walton Grange, Knowseley, Roby, Inseblundell, Latham, Frekylton, Preston in Amoundernes, Bury, Holand, Osmonderley, Thorneley, Bryngnge and Kellermere, 746l. 13s. 4d.
Cheshire, Flint and the Marches.—Due from John Birkheved, receiver, for lands in Hawardyn, Moldesdale, Merford and Hosseley, Hope and Hopedale, and Chester, 148l. 1s. 1½d.
Shropshire and the Marches.—Geo. Tyldesley, receiver, from tenements in Mailors, 37l. 19s. 11½d.
Yorkshire, Westmoreland, Cumberland, Cheshire, Flint, the Marches of Wales, Lincoln and the Isle of Man.—Thurstan Tyldesley, receiver, from lands, &c. in Ellesmere, Bosseley, Barleburgh, Hovingham, Flyntham, Copull, Thirsk, Kirkby Malyard, Bethum with Brirton and the Isle of Axholme, 380l.
The South and West part of England.—Ric. Banaster, receiver, from King's Sutton, Gaddysden Magna, Brakley and Stephurton, 49l. 15s. 8½d.
Lat., pp. 14. Endd.: De terris nuper Thomæ comitis Derb. Mem., pro generale supervisore, &c.
Value of the lands assigned to the countess of Derby as her dower, during the minority of Edward Stanley, son and heir of Thomas late earl of Derby; sc., 602l. 13s. 2d. The lands are situated in various places (named) in cos. Lanc., North., Soms., Dors., Bucks and Midd., and in London.
ii. Value of other lands in cos. Chester, Salop, Westmor., York, Warw., Oxf., Herts, Sussex and Surrey, assigned to the same, 345l. 18s. 8¾d.
iii. Value of the lands of Thomas late earl of Derby, in the barony of Lewes, Sussex and Surrey, from Mich. 13 Hen. VIII. to Mich. 14 Hen. VIII., sc., 127l. 16s. 0 5/16d.; out of which 16l. 3s. 4d. paid for fees; 32l. 10s. 5d. for annuities to Charles earl of Worcester, Sir Thomas Lovell and others; and 66s. 8½d. to officers.
Paper roll, mutilated. Endd.
7 Feb.
R. O.
2823. ARMY.
Accounts of Thos. Russhe and Thos. Hungerford for provisions delivered at Calais to Wm. Brysewood, receiver of victuals for the King's army in France, while the earl of Surrey was captain, from June to Oct. 14 Hen. VIII.
Receipts from Edw. Weldon and Sir John Daunce, 7 Feb. 14 Hen. VIII., 1,233l. 17s. 6d., spent as follows:—
For corn, at 8s. 2d. a qr., 620l. 5s. 9½d. For malt, at 3s. 10d. a qr., 364l. 13s. 10d. Keelage between Reche and Lynne, at 2½d. a qr., 17l. 6s. 6d. Carriage at Lynne, from the keels to the granaries, and thence to the ships, 1d. a qr., and for measuring at½d. a qr., 9l. 6s. 8d. Hire of granaries and a boulting house at Ipswich, at 4d. and 8d. a week, and wages of men for keeping the granaries, &c., 6d. a day, 7l. 15s. 10d. Carriage of corn from Ipswich to Haxsted, Haxston and Nacton mills, and grinding at 6d. a qr., 15l. 13s. 10d. Necessaries for the mills: "filles," 4d.; shovels, 16d.; pitch for marking the sacks, 3d. 2,100 "hoping" nails, 21d.; 3 pieces boulting cloth, 15s.; 80 quarter sacks, 52s. 4d. 8 ells hempen cloth at 6d.; for making a boulting house, &c. 37l. 18s. 1d. Wages of bakers, 8d. and 7d. a day, 21l. 15s. Freightage from Lynne to Calais at 10d. a qr. by various ships. John Smith, for 62 doz. mats for putting over the corn, 10d. a doz., 121l. 5s. 11½d. Carriage of corn from the ships to the granaries at Calais, 2½d. a qr.; malt 1d. a qr., and flour at½d. a barrel, 15l. 16s. 0½d.
Delivered to Bryswood by the masters of the said ships, in all, corn, 836 qrs. 2 bushels; malt, 1,833 qrs. 2 barrels; flour, 985 barrels.
Lat., pp. 13.
8 Feb.
R. O.
St. P. II. 98.
Thanks him for the favor he always showed to his causes. When he was in England eight years ago the King promised him the next nomination to the bishopric of Kildare. Its value is not 100 marks sterling a year, and cannot be realized without the temporal power, as the chief part lies among the Irishry. It is now void by the last bishop's death, and Kildare has written to the King requesting letters of nomination to be delivered to the bearer, Edw. Dillon, dean of Kildare, a man of virtuous living and of English name. When Kildare left England he was unable, notwithstanding his long abode there, to have an end in his causes on account of Wolsey's illness. Has therefore left instructions to some of his servants there, for whom he desires credence. Maynoth, 8 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
9 Feb.
R. O.
Receipt by John Jenyns, dated.. Feb. 14 Hen. VIII. for 1,000l. from John Daunce, by virtue of a warrant from the lord Cardinal, dated 9 Feb., to be employed on the wages and rigging of ships. Signed.
9 Feb.
Vesp. C. II.
B. M.
Since his last letters by his three couriers, the English resident at his court have communicated to him their instructions. Begs to hear frequently from England. Valladolid, 9 Feb. 1523. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
10 Feb.
Vesp. C. II.
B. M.
Thanks him for the interest he takes in his service. Hopes for his speedy recovery. Is sorry to learn of his indisposition. Begs to have news from the King, "et de ma mieulx amee la Princesse future Imperatrix" (Mary). Valladolid, 10 Feb. 1523. Signed.
P.1. Add. Endd.: From the Emperor, the 10th of Feb. and the 8th of March.
11 Feb.
R. O.
The Emperor has sent for him by three or four letters; and he cannot delay his departure later than Easter, unless their two majesties have use for his services here in the war. Begs the King will ask the Emperor that he may be taken into their joint service this summer. Wishes to know his pleasure by the bearer, and will find him immediately 4,000 or 5,000 Germans. If he do not require them, as Madame de Savoy holds presently a diet of all the nobles and estates of these countries, to get them to grant 4,000 horse and 6,000 or 8,000 foot, requests Henry to write that he have the command of the foot. Bousleduck, 11 Feb.
Hol., Fr., pp. 2. Add.
12 Feb.
Galba, B. VII.
B. M.
Since writing to you today, news has come that the French king is dead. I do not affirm it as truth; but it is reported in divers quarters, and that for some days they have concealed his death. I desire you to inform the King and Wolsey, and to ask what they advise to be done, if it is true. The reduction of Fontarabia, and the capture of La Palice, are certain. Some say he was killed. Malines, 12 Feb. 1522. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.: The regent of Flanders to the King's majesty, from Malines. Divers letters to the King's majesty from the king of Hungary, the regent of Flanders and the cardinal of Lorraine.
14 Feb.
S. B.
2830. For SIR HENRY MARNY, the King's councillor.
To be keeper of the Privy Seal, vice Thomas bishop of Durham, deceased, with 20s. a day out of the petty custom, and subsidy of tonnage and poundage, in the port of London. Del. Westm., 14 Feb. 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28.
15 Feb.
R. O.
2831. WM. GYLYNGHAM to DR. HORNER, Proctor of the Charterhouse, Smithfield.
Wishes to be received into his religion, which he intended to enter nineteen years ago, in the life of Dr. Rochys; but Dr. Goldston, the Prior, who was then alive, said, with other words of gravity, that "I should then show to him the most unkindness that might be thought." Canterbury, 15 Feb.
Will be with him before Easter, if possible. Thanks him for the great cheer he made to his companion and himself after St. Bartholomew's Day.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Dr. Horner, proctor of the Charterhouse, Smithfield; or, in his absence, to the Prior.


  • 1. Name supplied from modern marginal note before the Fire.
  • 2. The date of this letter is uncertain. Most probably it was written before the winter of last year.
  • 3. Blanks in MS.
  • 4. Blanks in MS.