Henry VIII: January 1517, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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'Henry VIII: January 1517, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp887-905 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: January 1517, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp887-905.

"Henry VIII: January 1517, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1864), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp887-905.


January 1517

11 Jan.
Galba, B. VI. 93, 134.
B. M.
Has received his letters of the 3rd, ordering him to go in company with my Lord Chamberlain on special embassy to France; the Emperor repairing in the first place to Tournay, where they are to wait till they hear from him at what place they shall meet him. Informed Chievres that he must depart; and on asking when he would take his leave, was told that Richmond should return next day to learn the King's pleasure. A severe frost set in that night; and the King having taken the opportunity to go out hunting that morning, Tunstal was appointed to wait upon him this day. Told him of the above. "After going apart, the By[shop of Badajoz, Dr. ?] Motta, supplying the place of the Chancellor, which is sick," told him the King would do whatever Henry wished, and would have been glad for Tunstal to stay. Tunstal stated that a resident would be sent, and went to the Chancellor to take leave, who told him that, on the 24th, Felynger and other ambassadors of the Emperor and the King of Castile would meet at Cambray, where nothing should be done prejudicial to England. He said the Emperor would be there about the end of the month. He believed that the ambassador to be sent to England would please the King; that the Pope had written to say that Charles could not admit the clause. Tunstal said if there were no other treaty between them and France than what England knew of, he could not understand the objection; that the Pope had declared to the King's friends he fully approved of the clause, "I meant the letters of the Cardinal Sion sent to the Bp. of Colonna."
(fn. 1)Was sent for by the Lady Margaret, the King of Castile having gone hunting as before said. Explained to her that the King thought it right my Lord Chamberlain should lie at Tournay awaiting the Emperor's pleasure, rather than tarry for his coming at any town in the King of Castile's dominions, which might raise the suspicions of Chievres and the Chancellor, if the ambassadors did not come hither; and that the King had written to the Emperor and the Cardinal of Sion to inform her of the Emperor's pleasure, that she might send word to Tournay. Urged her to write herself to the Emperor, which she promised to do. She says the governors urge that the Emperor is willing to confirm the peace with France; but she is convinced he will not do so except with the consent of England; and she told the governors so herself. Tunstal replied, that Henry's chief confidence was in her for that matter. She answered that the Emperor would not deceive Henry, although "he had condescended to such preamble as he yet had done, for his more sure coming down; that he were not empe[ched] unto he come hither; and that now he was on this side Trever, and would within ten da[ys] be in this country," and had sent for men at arms to meet him on the way. Nevertheless she thought he might come by a way that no one expected.
Told her that, according to her letter sent to him two days before, he had written to caution Henry against the ambassador of Arragon now sent to England, but Tunstal regretted he had fallen out of her favor, having formerly been one of her staunch supporters, and begged her to remember what sort of persons it was who spread evil reports about him. She said she took no notice of such reports, either during the life of his late master or after his death, till his deeds declared him; that the governors had reproached her with such practices as she had against them in deed, which led her to suspect, first her servants, afterwards Andreas de Burgho the Emperor's ambassador, whom she caused to be recalled, afterwards Lord Berghes, but she felt convinced it was the ambassador of Arragon, who had of late been advancing many who were out of favor with his old master, and that Chievres and he had walked together three hours alone, of which he did not give her a satisfactory explanation, and that they were only sending him to abuse Henry as he had abused her, intending to recal the Bishop because he had exceeded his commission.
Has heard the ambassador speak as strongly of my Lady's conduct in divulging secrets, and he will doubtless confirm what Tunstal wrote of my Lady's changing. Advises the King to give him a hearing without saying anything of the governors, who would not have sent him, had they not been pretty sure of him. Thinks he must be changed, as he actually left two days ago; or, if not he, the Lady Margaret. Perhaps despair of better times has driven him to it. He has many Spanish friends in office. On the coming of the Emperor it will be seen whether the Lady Margaret is altered or the ambassadors. (fn. 2) Took leave of the Lady Margaret after taking leave of the King. Tomorrow intends to depart for Tournay. Brussels, 11 Jan.
Hol., cipher, deciphered by Tuke; pp. 6, mutilated.
11 Jan.
Galba, B. V. 18.
B. M.
Received on the 30th his letter dated the 25th, touching the 10,000 florins which Robert Fowler had delivered him as part payment of 20,000 florins. Before Wolsey's letter came had paid the same to the Emperor, who has received them, according to Sir Robert Wingfield's letter. Has devised means how Spinelly should have no knowledge of the other 10,000. Fortunately he was absent at the payment of the first. As he and Spinelly lodge together, and his servants are always about, and know Fowler, had persuaded him to go out sporting at Malines or Antwerp, that he might have an interview with the ambassador of Arragon at Lovaine before his departure. Left Richmond behind him to receive the money of Fowler, who came three days after their departure. Delivered the money, 'and left without being seen, or known for what purpose the money was given.
Had arranged to visit the ambassador of Arragon to learn the reason of the Archduchess' displeasure against him, and of this peace with France. He appointed Malines the 12th, when he sent an excuse, and broke his appointment many times. Thinks he will not see Tunstal "for the displeasure of these governors." Remits him to the King's letters. Returning to Brussels found the King's and Wolsey's letters ordering him to go to Tournay. His letters to the King will explain his movements. Will not fail to accomplish his commands of the 25th, touching the other 10,000 fl., without difficulty, if Sion will write in the form that Wolsey proposes. Thanks him for 100l.; begs he may be reimbursed 50 gold florins for a post to the Emperor. Has "paid 13s. 4d. to the F[renchman], which the Governor of the Fellowship of the Merchants brought to y ..., because he promised he would bring to my knowledge things right necessary to be known." He has returned, and tells Tunstal he has been at Mese in Lorraine. He says he has spoken with a person that will serve the King's purpose touching Richard de la Pole. As he will neither go to England, nor give up his name, thinks there is no use in him, and he is only a spy for the French. Will fight shy of him, unless Wolsey order otherwise. Wishes that Lord Mountjoy knew him. Brussels, 11 Jan.
Hol., partly cipher, deciphered by Tuke; pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: Cardinal of York.
11 Jan.
Galba, B. I. 15.
B. M.
Encloses a letter from the chaplain of Ysylstain. Hans Nagel says that Richard de la Pole lives no longer at Metz, but at a place "belonging to Sir Nyclas Wev, broder-in-law to the Lord Reux, within two legys of the cytte." The dean of the King's chapel has been ordered to Cambray for Tuesday next, on business concerning the bishopric. Chievres and the Chancellor will depart in six days to meet the Grand Master of France on the 20th, and discuss, as it is thought, concerning Verona. They are not yet fully agreed. My Lord Reux Provost of Lovain, brother of Hans Renner, and Casius, went into France on Friday last, with such charge as Spinelly has already written. The Bp. of Paris and other, sent to take the Emperor's oath, reached Namur on the 7th. The maistre d'hotel Mocron has been sent to conduct them. They will probably meet the Emperor at Treves or at Brussels; so the French will have no opportunity for an audience. Fyllynger and Cortavylle are expected.
The Master of the Posts told him they have had little dispatch from the Emperor, and if the King would take that resolution in his affairs, which reason dictates, though the generality have little hope. Expected much from the presence of the Cardinal of Sion, "but money make all." Marlien says, if the Pope and England will purvey for the keeping of Verona, this peace with France may still be hindered; but without the Catholico, Verona cannot be saved. This may be done if the Emperor will use his authority. News has arrived that the suite of the Bp. of Paris had arrived at Namur on the 7th. The Bishop, with the Sieur of Tornou, was at Mons in Hainault. The Audiencer was appointed to go to Chievres, and the Chancellor to Cambray, but declined on the score of indisposition. He does not believe the Emperor will be there, although the others assert it. The Bp. of Colonna has been advertised by a gentleman of Nas[sau], one of the rebels, that a proposal has been made for a marriage between the Pope's nephew and the King of Navarre's sister, and waits only for the consent of France. Don Pedro Correo is expected to demand the Lady Elianora in marriage for his master of Portugal, and will probably succeed, as he is well provided with money. Dr. Motta, Bp. of Badagios, has been deprived of his charge in Castile and Arragon, which has been transferred to Quintana, principal secretary to the late King of Arragon.
Refers him unto Mr. Vice-chancellor for the news touching De la Nuca coming to England. Lord Berghes is on ill terms with the Archduchess respecting this embassy, who takes it very ill, "persisting upon light reports in her opinion." "The charge thereof is totally laid unto the governor of Bresse, who is the cause that few or none wol intend in no matter of importance with her (their ?) mistress." The Lord Nassau was near being made a prisoner by the partizans of the Duke of Gueldres at Utrecht in Holland, whither he had gone to persuade the people to accept the Admiral for their Bishop. The Count de Caryate had no better answer than the Bp. of Colonna touching the new amity. Marraton says that the term for the delivery of Verona expires within eight days. Brussels, 11 Jan. 1516.
Hol., part in cipher, deciphered by Tuke; pp. 5, mutilated. Add.: T[o t]he King's grace.
ii. Note enclosed in the above. The bearer was told to inform Spinelly that he heard from a French spy, a man of low stature, with a red beard and a grey hermit's habit, then going into Gueldres, that the French were preparing a fleet in Normandy and Britanny to send the White Rose into Scotland in the March following, and commence war with England; that at the same time they intended sending an army against Tournay, where they had many friends, and a body of German troops into Scotland. This spy said he was a nobleman, and had been with the French at the battle of Ravenna.
Lat., p. 1.
11 Jan.
R. O.
Has written to the King, and will continue to do so in the Vice-chancellor's (Tunstal's) absence. The Vice-chancellor is highly esteemed. Thanks Wolsey for the favor shown to Mr. Bryan Tuke in recovering his money. Brussels, 11 Jan. 1516.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My Lord Cardinal.
12 Jan.
Vesp. F. III. 90.
B. M.
In behalf of Wolfgang Richart, whose counsel in war his father Albert, Palatine of the Rhine, much depended upon. He has related to the Duke how well he was received by Henry on his exhibiting a certain musical work, and asked to give his services to the King, which he was prevented from doing, because he was under engage- ments to the Marquis of Baden, for which he had to leave England. Has now fulfilled them, and is ready to return. Munich (oppidum Monacense), prid. id. Jan. 1516. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
12 Jan.
S. B.
Rym. XIII. 579.
2770. For RIC. SAMPSON, LL.D.
To be the King's proctor at Tournay. Greenwich, 12 Jan. 1516.
Fr. 8 Hen. VIII. m. 6.
12 Jan.
P. S.
2771. For MILES WELLEN, clk.
To have the rectory or free chapel of St. Peter in the Tower of London, with 10 marks a year, vice Roger Norton, resigned. Greenwich, 2 Jan. 8 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Jan.
Pat. 8 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5.
13 Jan.
Er. Ep. I. 24.
Is delighted to hear from him, and have his memory of his friends in Venice refreshed. The name Watson had forgotten was Marcus Musurus. Commends him for the interest he takes in the new studies, notwithstanding his great love of Scotus. Erasmus had mounted his horse to visit Cambridge, when a messenger informed him that the Bp. of Rochester would be that same day in London; where Erasmus had to wait for him some days. Did not receive Watson's letter until months after. Brussels, id. Jan. 1516.
13 Jan.
Er. Ep. App. 112.
2773. MORE to ERASMUS.
Maruffo's bond is illegible like More's letters. Erasmus must acknowledge its receipt to the Archbishop. Has sent a letter of thanks to Busleyden. Begs Erasmus will thank Paludanus and Giles (Ægidius). Linacre is a great ally of Erasmus. More has not heard why Grocin wished so much to meet Erasmus, as he is not yet in London. London, 13 Jan. 1517.
13 Jan.
R. O.
Received a letter from the King's spy by the priest, which he has drawn out of ciphers into French. Has received a budget from Sir Thomas Spinelly, requiring extreme haste. Wishes to know if the priest is to go to the ports of Britanny and Normandy. Calais, 13 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cardinal of York.
13 Jan.
Vit. B. XX. 77.
B. M.
Wrote ... to the King and Wolsey. "And the 6th day of this present month [I wrote from] Trevyrs to my said Lord Cardinal, touching [such news as I was] then purveyed of, and worthy writing." On the 8th the Emperor left Trevirs, leaving the two Cardinals there, and giving [the ambassadors] the choice of passage to this place by land or water, i.e. either to go by the Mwselle to Covalence, and after [by] the Rhine, or by land, using the lodgings he had assigned. The Cardinal Gurck, who has been ill for this year past, the Pope's ambassador, and M. Jamys de Banissis, wished to go by water, both for [comfort and] quick passage, "by mean of the sw[ollen] flood, which was then greatly enforced by the great habund[ance] of rain that fell but late before." Wingfield induced the Cardinal Sedunensis to follow his couns[el], and arrived here with him, "with such commodity as [the excessive] cold and marvellous hard and perilous way would graunt; where our said company are not likely to arrive here in [many] days; for the 9th day of this month, on which day we [started] from Treevyrs, the frost began so fervently, that, or th[e said Gurck] and his company had passed the third part [of their journey, they were] besieged with frost and flakes of ice, which descended [the river] by force of the flood, that they could neither proceed [nor retur]ne, but with great danger and travel attained ... de where they might best areeche the same." All their horses and carts had gone in Wingfield's train, and nearly reached this town. To-day, hearing of their mischance, their servants with their baggage went back to them.
Informed the Emperor, who lodged last night within a Dutch mile. Since their arrival Sion has received a letter from Marroton, written by the Emperor's command, which Wingfield encloses. The danger of frost will delay the Emperor's diligent descent. Till he hears the ambassadors are together again he will stay at Dwre, "as the good pastor which will not leave any of his flock in preede to the wolf and his adherents, which, as the world goeth now, doth show himself as tretable as a sheep; which in no wise doth so appear by any change of his nature, but rather by an astute and feigned semblance, to the intent that at his ease he may strangle or devour all such as he goeth now about to enchant, bery or overqwelme with words, length of life, or effusion of gold."
Dated "a[t Bonn on] the Ryn, four Dutch mile from Collen, six mi[les from] ... ten mile from Agwis granys (Aix-la-Chapelle), the 13th day of [January]."
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To the King's highness. Endd.: Robert Wingfield, 13 January.
13 Jan.
R. O.
2776. LAUNCELOT COLYNS, treasurer of York, to WOLSEY.
Wrote to him a short time since. Has given this short letter to Dr. Bradbrige. Is now engaged in his studies at Bologna. Wishes him many happy years. Bologna, id. Jan. 1517.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Tho. Archiep. Ebor. Card.—Londinis.
13 Jan.
Galba, B. v. 336.
B. M.
[Has received] his letters of this day, and added what seemed to the purpose; inter alia, the Emperor said the Frenchman wishes to deceive me with fair promises, but I will be faithful to the King of England,—and ordered the writer to tell Sion and Wingfield they need not be suspicious, as all would be well. The Emperor thinks it would have been well to have detained the Cardinal one or two days at Treves. He has arranged that they should tarry for Gurck at Boen. He will wait for Sion at St. Ann's in Duren, and send horses to meet him midway between Boen and Duren. Is sorry that the Bp. of Cologne will be put to great expences, "quia moris est ut princeps principem extra hospicium liberet." Armler, 13 Jan. Sends respects to Wingfield.
Hol., Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: Reverendissimo, &c. Math. tt. S. Potentianæ presbytero [Card.] Sedunensi.
13 Jan.
P. S.
2778. For WM. SPROTTE alias SPRATTE, haberdasher of London.
Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wingfeld, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 6 Jan. 8 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Jan. 8 Hen. VIII.
Fr. 8 Hen. VIII. m. 8.
14 Jan.
P. S.
2779. For JOHN LONDON.
To have the pension which the Abbot elect of Lynshull, Salop, is bound to give a clerk of the King's nomination till he be promoted to a competent benefice. Greenwich, 10 Jan. 8 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Jan. 8 Hen. VIII.
14 Jan.
P. S.
To be searcher in the port of Pole, with a moiety of all forfeitures. Westm., 14 Jan. 8 Hen. VIII.
14 Jan.
P. S.
2781. For JOHN LOK of London, merchant, alias of Luton, Beds. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Greenwich, 6 Jan. 8 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Jan.
Pat. 8 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4.
15 Jan.
R. O.
Begs to know by his chaplain, the bearer, whether he can have the licence he asked, for exportation of a cargo of corn bought by some Spaniard, as they had bought it at a time when free exportation was allowed. Begs that a servant of the Duke of Alva, who has been waiting two months for his letters, may be expedited. From my house, 15 Jan.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: D. Cardinali Ebor.
15 Jan.
Vit. B. XX. 15.
B. M.
2783. NEGOCIATIONS with the SWISS.
Conclusio dietæ Turicensis, XV. J[anuarii (fn. 3) ] ... fœdus cum S. D. N. Ce ... includitur) et velle omnia omnibus fideliss ... exceptione. Item, quod nuper pacem composuerunt ... ulla obligatione." As to the King of England, they are mindful of former benefits, and will spare no labour to be of use to him. "Cum quo velle quidem componere ... non posse, ideo quod populus plura fœdera recusat affe ... tatem." The King of England has also been comprehended in the French peace [with the] Swiss, and when the French ambassadors said they wished nothing but firm friendship between the Kings of France [and] England, they desired all the ambassadors to write to their aforesaid princes, and press them to be contented with this answer, vehemently praying the King of England, "ut habeat se et unive[rsam] ligam Helvetiorum commendatam."
Reply of the English ambassador to the above.
Is much pleased with the intention of the Swiss lords to observe what they had promis[ed to] the Pope, the Emperor, and the King Catholic, "qu ... eundem cum Cæsarea majestate nomi- nare." As for their request that he should write to his King ... "gratum habeat responsum nunc datum, eoque contentius sit ... quidem nullum responsum potest esse molestum, quia Majestas e ... huc misit oratorem, quod indigeret opera Dominorum Helvetiorum, [sed quia] ipsis post maximam cladem acceptam, succurreret sua [Majestas] s[in]e ulla spe remunerationis vel commodi, ut videlicet se ... [a]dversus fidelis-simum amicum ostenderet ... composuit cum Rege Fra[ncorum] ... * * * ... deinde nihil agit causa sua sed communi" ... As for their willingness to serve the King he will show his goodwill towards them in proportion as they observe these promises. He has no occasion to thank the Swiss lords that the French King included England in the last peace, but rather to thank the French King if he did it honestly. However that was, he is the firm ally of the Emperor and the King Catholic, and will risk his money and his person with them against all enemies.
Lat., pp. 2, much mutilated.
ii. "Responsu[m]...
f. 16. "Primo, conquesti sunt de Hel[vetiis] ... componenda pace Gallica absque co[mprehensione] ... sed eidem majestati injuriam in capitulis pacis ... dominium Genuæ, Regis Francorum et hoc nimi[s] ... non conveniat Helvetiis, adjudicare jura Cæ[sareæ Majestatis] ... graviter Cæsarem offensum esse affirmabant, quod pop[ulus] ... Majestatem ejus excepissent; adjecerunt quædam verba de ... promiseruntque sese non concessuros milites Cæsari contr[a] ... petierunt ut Helvetii se obligarent ad nullum unquam mili[tem concedundum] ... Gallo; nec ad eum suos confluere permitterent sub pœna per ... eis inde provenire possent; ad quod si vellent se obligar[e] ... eis annue xxxm florinorum vel scutorum ab ipso Cæsare et se[renissimis] regibus suis confœderatis. Nec debent mirari Domini Helvetii, quod [nec] misit huc oratorem, nec scripsit rex Catholicus, quia omnes vices suas cum apostol[ica] potestate componendi, ratificandi, et promittendi, commisit Cæsaræ Majestati."
The Lords replied that they had done nothing with the French to offend our royal masters; whenever we examined the matter, their intentions would be found honorable; they thought also that their answer had been satisfactory. "Sed postquam intellexerunt ... contrarium quodque possent novum fœdus principum nostrorum cum consensu ... percussum cum utilitate sua et sine alicujus offensio[ne] rogarunt nos ut propositiones nostras super hoc sibi daremus." They promised an answer at the next diet.
P. 1, mutilated.
16 Jan.
Galba, B. v. 17.
B. M.
Wrote last on the 11th. A post is come from the Emperor this side Cologne, who was to be yesterday at Aix, tomorrow at Mastreck, and so forth to Lovayn, where the harbingers are appointed to prepare lodgings by Sunday next. All now depends upon the efforts of England to hinder the Emperor's business. Felinger and Casius arrived this morning. The secretary of the Spanish ambassador, now in England, told him the Pope had said that the French could not ratify the new amity. His holiness has approved of it, persuading them, however, not to go against their oath. Accord- ing to Raphael de Medicis the King Catholic hath in the last six days granted unto the Pope fifteen matters desired by him, by which it may be conjectured his holiness has obliged the King. Great practices are going on between the Pope and the French King, to marry the Pope's nephew to the second daughter of Navarre. The Duke of Savoy demands a daughter of Portugal in marriage. The Emperor has with him 1,500 horse and 500 foot. The Bp. Colonna believes the Emperor will induce the Catholic King to confirm the confederacy. Brussels, 16 Jan. 1516.
Hol., partly cipher, deciphered by Tuke; pp. 2, mutilated.
16 Jan.
R. O.
Wrote last on the 11th. News has come of the Emperor's arrival this side Cologne. Tomorrow night he is looked for at Mastreck; on Thursday at Lovayn. This is much spoken about. "The presence of Sedunensis is grettly by the goodes extymed." Refers him to the King's letters. Brussels, 16 Jan. 1516.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My Lord Cardinal.
16 Jan.
P. S.
2786. For ROB. LESE of London, draper.
Licence to export 1,000 quarters of wheat; not to exceed 6s. the quarter. Greenwich, 8 Jan. 8 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Jan.
Essex.—Rob. Radclyff Lord Fitzwater, Th. Prior of St. John's, Sir John Cutte, Sir John Raynefford, Sir Th. Tyrell of Heron, Sir Ric. Fitzlewes, Sir John Marney, Th. Bonham and Anth. Darcy, for the hundred of Rocheford. Westm., 16 Jan.
Pat. 8 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12d.
17 Jan.
R. O.
Sends his clerk, John Rowsse, with a memorial of the 200 marks he had received from Fowler. Begs it may not be seen, on account of the names in it. Has respited the execution of Henry Leder as ordered. Begs him to remember the poor priest by whose means Leder's untruth was discovered, and help him to recover his benefice. He has done good service, and must not return to France; if he does, nothing can save him. Begs his favor for Robert Bishop, one of the garrison, to have the confiscation of Leder's goods. Calais, 17 Jan. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: [To the] most rev. &c. Cardinal of York, [Chan]-cellor of England.
Calig. E. II. 147.
B. M.
"When Sir Richard Wingfield forced me, Henry Leder, to write that I was a false wretch to [the K]ing, I then so wrote, for ... his son and my keeper said I should be racked, as other had been there, if I [did] this not. I thought [ho]w I was an old man, and if I were pyned I should be lost. And so wrote [af]ter his mind, trusting ... ly to come afore some judge. Yet I wrote that I was but false as foloed (?) wherein [was no] treason." Wingfield made him write on the back of his Testament that he sent all the news he could learn to the Governor of Fynes.
P. 1, badly mutilated. Add. at the head: To the King's most honorable council.
17 Jan.
Vit. B. xx. 29.
B. M.
Wrote last on the .. inst, "from the town of Bone up[on the Rhine] ... [be]inge (in the same town) I received [your highness' letters], bearing date at your manor of G[reenwich], ... month," and two lett[ers of the Cardinal] of York, one directed to the most reverend [Cardinal of Sion], the other to himself. On the 15th inst. [the said] Cardinal and he left Bonn and ... about noon overtook the Emperor, and rode in his [company] to this town. Late yesternight the Cardinal of [Gurck] came hither, and all three accompanied the Emperor at eight o'clock this morning to the great church, where they heard high mass, and saw "the most precious relic, hoo[ly] Saint Anne's head." They dined with the Emperor. During dinner he caused a prophecy in the Flemish tongue, which had been lately sent to him, to be read aloud, specifying openly all that had befallen the House of Bourgoyne since the taki[ng of] Duke John in battle with the Turks to the present day, and foretelling "to [the] heirs of that house that before the [year] of owre Lord 1527 a King of England should fyght a war with France, which should dwre but one year; howbe[it], he should win and retain one city, and after bef[ore the end of the] yer be crowned King of France; with many other ... weere ... withdrew into an inner chamber, and we ... he had awhile disputed with his marshal ... and lodgings between this and Mastryk, ... same with his departing hence tomorrow his majesty ... said marshal with all other to depart safe we three and ... the most reverend Sion declared unto him how both he [and I] had had letters from your highness and from my Lord Cardinal," informing us of the despatch of the Lord Chamberlain, which was before the King had received their letters conveying the wish of the Emperor that the English ambassadors should go straight to Berghis. They told him Henry had sent the Lord Chamberlain to Tournay, where the Vice-chancellor would meet him, and wait to hear from the Emperor when and where they should come to him; whether they should first pass by the King Catholic or not; and what charge they had for that King.
The Emperor desired them to write to the English ambassadors that on the 19th or 20th inst. he would be at Mastryk, where he intends to stay six or eight days. Thence he will go straight to Bruxellis. As his nephew intends to meet him at Louvain, he desires the ambassadors to make the more haste to Bruxellis to have audience of him, and he will write to his daughter accordingly. The time here not sufficing for long consultations, he prayed "us" to wait till he reached Mastryck. Meanwhile he desired "that the tw[ain] Cardinals and I when we mig[ht] ... certain articles that ... that time, though so was tha ... on mine as I might have room to ... with words shewing your fraternal ... majesty and the perfect proof of the same an ... been presented to your highness from sundry pla[ces] ... should be clearly joined to France by admitting a ... of the detestable treaty of Noyon, to which his majesty ... neither let men to suspect or say what them be ... my brother and son the King of England, I have not given [any] cause to suspect or mistrust me, nor will; for though by mea[ns of the] King my nephew the French do esteem to have great hold on me, [and that by] virtue of my seal, yet I doubt not but my brother doth esteem [to] have greater hold by my solemn oath, which I will never break. And besides that, I am bound by this order which I bear, and put his own hand to his coller of [the] garters, and with that other opened his gown and set forth h[is] legge with the garter, and ovyr that said: 'It is not beste ye tem[pt] me ony more in that matter of diffidence, for to you twayn[e] I have shewid so largely my harte and mynde boothe by wourde an[d] dede that farther I maye nott, but yiffe I woold oopyn myn harte and cawse you to rede [what] is wretyn in it." It only remains for Henry and the Emperor to meet, when all the world shall see what is written in his heart. Meanwhile he hopes Henry will be patient. The Cardinal writes, no doubt, of this "... your highness of the same and though in ... [m]atyrs your highness shewith to be amerveyld ... oure said letters, I had not made ony ... ation ye had made concerning your personal [meeting with the Em]perour on this side the sea, but remitted all thinge ... Sedun's writing." Hopes Wolsey, to whom he has written, will help to excuse him. Trusts that since the date of Henry's "said letters" he and Wolsey have received "divers or rather many" letters from the Cardinal Sion and himself, which will "facilly assoyle myn offence." Will suffer any punishment if the Emperor prove false to Henry. Dwre, in the land of Juliers, 17 Jan. 1517.
Hol., pp. 4, badly mutilated.
17 Jan.
Vit. B. xx. 27.
B. M.
[Wrote on] the 6th inst. from the ci[ty of Treves] ... "same I wrote a letter to the Kyn[g's grace, from the town of] Bone on the Rhine, and the 14th day [of this month] I received a packet of letters, wherein w[as a letter from] the King to me, and twain from your grace," [one of which] was directed to the Card. Sion, and th[e other to Wingfield] in cipher. Delivered forthwith those addressed to Sion. When he had deciphered his own ... "joynyd but easily with mine old eyin, which have [lost somewhat] of their perfection by mean of cold and often writing ... sith in seven years past I have not made any servant of my[ne] privy to such matter" as I have written to or received from the King and his C[ouncil]; and he does not intend to do so henceforth. Apologises for not writing in cipher. During these seven years none of his letters have miscarried, as may be seen, if it be observed how [they] "be chained together." Does not know if all those from home have reached him, for they do not use the same form as he.
This time he also writes to the King, and Sion is writing very fully to Wolsey. Thanks Wolsey for his advice and favor. "The orderly discourse contained in your most gracious letters is greatly to be lauded." Hopes through his own letters, and those of Cardinal Sion, the King and Wolsey know by this time as much as they themselves do; "but if we would clearly set aside the inward perfection of the Emperor which he hath declared unto us, part by express words, and part by manifest signs, more amply than to any man alive, and follow the outward signs, which indeed be much apparent to the enemies purpose." Has no doubt the Emperor adopts this course "to the intent he may the more surely convey himself to execute the desired obviation, and to lead everything pertinent to the same, by such paths as may least appear to the enemies." Whoever would make the King and Wolsey believe the contrary "ben ... etiens or misincensyd by s ... * * * ... I have written to your grace in a forme[r] ... both the King and you to set aside all susp[icion and believe] verily that as much as may be possible for [us to] do shall be done by the said most reverend Sedunensis [and me]." Is sure Sion will work as diligently to save his master's honor] as he himself to save his own honor and life. Knows well that the Emperor will not dis[cover] all his mind to the Cardinal or to him; "but will conser[ve] the same till it may come into the forge, where it shall may not only take the convenient heat that may proceed [of] personal speech and ventilation, also take the right and desired form which the good Prince hath sought a long season, as who saith, through fire and water with such a p ... as hath not been oft seen in other princes." Sion has applied his great powers to the weal of Christendom and the honor of the Emperor and [Henry]. Though Wingfield put the Emperor first, "because of his mai[estie and] age," is sure that Henry is chief [in his] mind "as the flourishing branch upon which ... is that the wealth of Christendom shall ... preserved." Has forborne to write what had been said to Sion in answer to that which he had purposed in the King's name, believing that Sion's own writing would be better regarded and credited than his. Regrets that so little trusts has been given to what he has written in so many letters since he was last with the King. Nevertheless will continue to give true intelligence, and desires that any negligence of which he may be suspected may be intimated to him. Dure, 17 Jan. 1517.
Hol., pp. 4.
17 Jan.
Vit. B. xx. 19.
B. M.
2792. [SION] to [WOLSEY].
Received letters of the 4th inst. on the 13th "Jamque per alias meas eidem ... fuisse arbitror, et maxime circa ea quæ vel plurimum et q ... continent, vel in quibus rma d. v. et r.m. dubitare aliquid ... videntur studiosissime per singula momenta literis fere singulis Ca ... s integritatem et amorem quibus potest (fn. 4) (Christianissimum Regem) Cæsar complectitur, eidem quo afficitur inclinatur, cum eaque et pro illa omnia experiri, pertractare, perficere, colloqui et perimplere, desiderat." He intends to undo the intrigues of the French in Italy, Germany, Flanders, and in foreign courts, especially that of the King Catholic, by which they try to sow distrust between the Emperor and Henry. The Emperor is better acquainted with the perfidy of France than any man. "Fuit et tantis ... lacessitus a malo (Gallo) malis (Gallicis) injuriis omnifariam ... sit Gallo fidem accomodare vel amorem ... opportunis locis temporibusque in eos ... rare, quamvis forsitan dissimulare vel fingere [hi]s .. diebus necessitatus Cæsar fuerit admittere et consen ... et consentire ad aliqua de quibus vel inimici se jactant, et plerique obtinuisse omnia se putant; qui tamen non post multos dies, vel parum; lætabuntur, vel proderunt eis quæ retibus subdolis cepisse sperant, nam nexus illi solu- biles sunt, quos jusjurandum et sacramentalis firmitas non construxit sive firmavit. Scripsi proximis meis quod Cæsar pacem sua auctoritate et nomine firmatam, nec jurav it nec jurabit unquam, quod cum Christianissimo Rege pacem ingredi, vel cum eo extra manere vult et intendit, necnon cum eodem omnia facere et instituere, quæ mutuis commodis et honoribus convenientia et opportuna fuerint, desiderat; inquit enim dum super his firmitatem oratores et ego exposceremus in hœc verba: Christianissimus filius et frater meus quid potest de me dubitare? Habet enim juramentum meum et jusjurandum præstitum nuper super ratificatione fœderis mutui initi, quo omnis fraus excluditur, et quomodo nos mutuo observemus, perpulchre ad longum diseritur. An putat Christianissimus me suæ bonitatis auxiliorum obsequiorum et beneficiorum in me collatorum adeo oblitum, ut pro Christianissimo alium, qui me mal ... iis afficit assumam, vel con ... vel fidem frangere unqua[m] ... Christianissimus Rex, vel sui, vel vos alii mihi nolitis ... similibus rationibus, et verbis, et argu[mentis] adeo astricti sumus et firmati in fide, quod ego revera q ... toto mundo Christianissimum Regem Angliæ nec fallere nec falli pati vellem, ve[l]possem. Libere omnia recte consistere et sperari debere credo, et fidem meam, immo si necesse foret vitam subobligare nec timerem nec vereor. Habet nanque Cæsar pro moderamine experientiæ et prudentiæ suæ exquisitissimæ modos irreticula malorum evadendi dissuendique, et votiva quæque conducendi atque firmandi. Quæ vero necessitas Cæsarem constrinxerit ad aliqua tractabilia cum Gallo permittenda sive concludenda superioribus meis ad longum discussi; quando-quidem inter augustias et pressuras quibus premebat[ur] respirandi, remedia que adiciendi hæc sola semita erat; quæ si libramine recto examinata trutinataque fuerint, præter omnem culpam facta censebuntur.
Quod ad fœdus ratificandum per Catholicum Regem pertinet, Cæser nihil prætermittit. Misit Cæsar ad Flandriam comitem Cariati, deinde Philinger; et cum quædam verba fœderis viderentur currere. in ... dixit Cæsar: Philinger, credunt Regentes Catholici (fn. 5) quod ... Gallum debeat intermitti islud fœdus ... ad Catholicum Regem perventum erit, (fn. 6) qui Cæsari ... vel Lovanio occurret defectus resi ... t totisque conatibus Regem Catholicum in suam [pot]entiam conducere curabit, ut voto corde et animo trinitatem hanc, ut aptissime dicere solet rma d. v., terrenam subeat (fn. 7) et amplectetur. Nec deficit Cæsar cumulare rationes, artes modos, et tractatus aliqua, et omnia involucra, [ut] non solum convincat Catholicum Regem et sibi super lucretur, verum etiam animo et pacto cogat Gallum relinquere, vel eum ad talia pacta conducere quæ nec volet nec posset conditione legitima subire. Scribit rma d. v. ne eadem et r. m. irrisui et fabula hostibus sint, neque gratis et in damnum non modicum Christianissimo Regi pecuniæ petitæ per me et in Flandriam transmissæ, ut non exponantur, prudentissime rectissimeque scribit; quod præcaveri modis omnibus cupio. Quod si mei solius cura hæc est, voluissem quosquam alios pariter posteriorem milia Renensium decem transmissionem latuisse; me etenim ea tacere, alios vero illa prodere et insinuare velle, diversoria sonat. ... bi vero rma d. v. titubare videtur, ne Gurcensis præcedendo inficiatur contrariæque factiones [cap]itaneus fiat ... andum ... ssus est et hoc signum sic ... ambulat quia Dominus Gurcensis hoc odore ... nostras optime sectatur. Gaudeo autem ... ros litteras Domino Gurcensi offerre arbitror quoque non esse ... quod Cæsar regentium blanditiis dolisque capiatur, quibus si .. se et Regem Catholicum diligit, non solum non bona sed omnia mala desidera[re] debet.
Placuit præterea Cæsari oratores Christianissimi Regis trajecisse, quos vult Cæsar ad Melines (fn. 8) contendere, sibi commissa cum Rege Catholico exequi; inde cum eodem Catholico ad Lovanium vel Metelinam coram Cæsare una ire, prout Dominæ Margaretæ scriptum est. Cum eis vero de loco, quo Cæsar Christianissimus et Catholicus convenient, concluderetur, et spero desiderata pignora, saltim Catholicus Rex cum ad Hispaniam ibitur, in Angliam descensura. Sed neque ambigo Cæsaream majestatem ultra præmissa præsentiæ et colloquio Christianissimi Regis aliqua non pauci momenti conferenda servare, quæ placebunt. Ad ultimum ubi rma d. v. quæ tot monitis, tot scriptis, hinc inde de rebus Cæsaris, et quod Christianissimum Regem negligat et fraudet commonefactus est, et propterea saltim a me pro Regiæ maj. et rmæ d. v. fide ac in me fiducia conjectis de veritate petit commonefieri, quo et rebus suis rectius consultum iri, vel saltim ultimo loco pericula ... queat, non aliter quam sæpius et in præsentiarum scr ... valeo quod ubi aliter vest ... r odorarem potius vitam amittere ... lere vellem. Spero autem propediem ... m Christianissimo Regi et rmæ d. v. ulteriora dicere et facta omnia comprobare. Precor ac desidero quod rma d. v. me deditissimum servitorem habere atque facere Regiæ majestati dignetur. Cras hinc recedemus et in trajecto superiori per sex forte dies morabimur, ut interim oratores Christianissimi Regis ad Catholicum Regem perveniant; inde et nos ad Catholicam majestatem recto itinere contendemus. Ex Duren," 17 Jan. 1517. Signature lost.
Lat., part cipher, deciphered.
17 Jan.
P. S.
2793. For WM. HERDMAN alias HERDE, of London alias of Lincoln, tailor.
Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Winkefelde, Lieutenant of Calais. Greenwich, 10 Nov. 8 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Jan.
18 Jan.
Galba, B. v. 19.*
B. M.
Worcester arrived yesterday at Tournay. As he came by Bruges, learned from Jerome Friscobalde that the French King had provided 45,000 crowns to be paid to the Emperor at his first descent into the Low Countries, and 25,000 within fifteen days. People suppose that Worcester's coming is to take Richard de la Pole. Will stay here with the Master of the Rolls until they receive other orders from the Emperor. He is now at Maestrich, as Spinelly writes, going to Lovaine. Has written to my Lady Margaret by Dr. Knight, who leaves this day for the King Catholic, to know the Emperor's pleasure. Tournay, 18 Jan. Signed.
P. 1, mutilated.
18 Jan.
R. O.
Thanks him for the news in his letters received by the bearer, which are very strange and difficult to understand. Will wait further intelligence from him. Is dissatisfied at the departure of the ambassador, but thinks he knows how to make profit of it. Since writing, has had news from court, that if the Emperor has given his consent to this peace, he has left a door open to break it when he will. Knows not whether he is deceived, or attempts to deceive others. Berghes, the 18th. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
18 Jan.
Vit. B. XX. 26.
B. M.
Has received their letters ... dated at London on the ... inst. Praises their diligence. Is pleased with the continuance of the friendship of Henry towards him. They are to say that the feeling is mutual, and that Maximilian will never fail him, as he will more fully declare before six days are over to Cardinal Sion and Robert Wingfield. What has been done by him with the King of France up to the present time cannot injure Henry, as he will understand more fully when they meet. Begs them to make his affectionate remembrance to Henry, his Queen and Wolsey. As soon as he reaches Brabant he will provide for their own private matters. Has ordered his secretary Mareton to remind him of them at that time. Desires Hedin to come to him, according to his request in former letters, as he needs his help in other affairs. Duren, 18 Jan. 1517.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
18 Jan.
Galba, B. v. 25.
B. M.
Begs her to send a servant to the Lord Chamberlain at Tournay, and make arrangements for the ambassadors to be sent to Brussels before the King of Castile starts for the conference at Louvaine. Duren, 18 Jan.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated.
Vit. B. XX. 31.
B. M.
2798. [PACE] to WOLSEY.
"Please it your grace, [on the 15th of this present] month a diet was [held by the Swiss to deliberate] upon an answer to be [given to the propo]sition last made by the Emperor'[s ambassadors] ... [where]offe I sent at that time [a copy] unto your grace and also to tha[mbasadors] to treat here in the King's name." Sends copies of the answers given by them and [the Swiss]. They were made "communi [con]silio et consensu" to alarm the Swiss, as the case demanded; so that Pace made it appear as if their aid was of no moment. This was done by advice of the Emperor. The French King has lately written "[hi]dre two letters to the Bastard of [Sa]voy; in the first this is containe[d: that he] should not fear onythy[ng] ... [per]fecte peace and amitie bi[twixt himself and] the King Catholic, his son in law, (fn. 9) for so he calls him; and that if [the sai]d Emperor's orators do treat [any thin]ge here against him, they do [it] by vigor of an old com[mis]sion or against their prince's commands.
Cannot tell what to say about the "perfect peace," he hears such contrary reports. Trusts the King knows exactly how the matter stands. As to the commission of the Emperor's ambassadors, the French King does not write the truth. I have seen their new commission, assigned by the Emperor's own hand, very substantially made and as well to [the p]urpose as could be devised, and they * * * hys last letters doth write th[at] ... to bring the Emperor in ... to make a perfect co[nclusion of the things] treated betwixt him ... [the King Catho]lic and the said Emperor, and [to bring] this matter to a good and perfec[t conclusion], he will spare for no sum of [money] that shall be demanded by the Emp[eror]." Hears from my Lord of Worcester from Rome that the Pope will join the new league as soon as he is required by the King's letters, who also writes "one other thing, whereof I can but gretly marva[yle];" viz., that the French Ki[ng] has lately asked the [Pope] to make a "new li[ge]" with him, "no[t on]ly his own ambassadors * * * [ha]th desired to borrow [of the King's highne]sse 60,000 ducats, wherefore ... send one unto him as well ... tayne upon that desire, as the ... e of such chapters as were con[clu]didde between them at the said [Ki]ng's being in Italy."
Also the French King writes that he is trying for a close alliance with England. He has commanded the Bastard to return to France to be present at the approaching settlement between the Emperor, himself and the K.[Ca]tholic. The Bastard is [dep]arted hence the 13th day of this [present mon]the. "The Swiss be ... contented * * * in, with the said French King ... take of him as moche, and for to here a perfect ... expedition to be made for the recovering of the duchy of Milan, at which ... we shall lack no men; as I am ad[vertised] secretly by divers good cantons [that] the whole cantons hath made lately their cries through all their country that [no] soldier shall go to the French King, sub pœna c[apitis ?] et amissione omnium bonorum," because the Bastard tried to get them by crafty means. Henry must beware of trickery at the meeting of the Emperor and the French King, for all things are full of deceit, et Judas non dormit. The Emperor must not leave except he be satisfied.
The French King has sent into this country ... c.m. crowns in part payment * * * crowns. "The city of Milan [hath] undertaken to pay one hundred thou[sand crowns of the s]aid sum, and the residue ... hath paid 50,000." Cardinal Sion tells him not to be moved with any[th]ing he hears of the Emperor's negotiations with France. He says that everything will succeed well. Hopes so, for he has heard today that the French King has in his hands the ratification of the peace made between the Emperor and himself, with letters from the Emperor approving all that has been done therein by the King Catholic. Advises Wolsey from time to time of all occurrences here, so that he "may the better provide for all [contingencies] where he is. We have ... perfect * * * sufficient commissions, one ... the King Catholic ... city from there oith g ... to accept the governance ... in the said King's name ... Bishop hath had large commu[nication] with Mons. de Lutreche, Govern[or of] Milan, and M. Andrea Griti, the [Venetian] captain," for payment of a large [sum], part to the Emperor and part to the French King; which being paid, the Veniti[ans] will have the said city delivered to them. Meanwhile it sh[all be] in the King Catholic's hands and in [the] French King's. This is one of the a[rti]cles of the new peace between him and the Emperor. "Hæc res valde intricata et consimilis labyrint[ho]."
Pp. 7, badly mutilated. Add.: RR., &c. Dom. D. Thomæ, &c., Cardinali Eboracen, &c. Endd.: [Letters of Mr. Pa]ce, ex Turegio ... [Janu]arii.
20 Jan.
R. O.
Rym. XIII. 581.
Approbation of the abstinence of war concluded by the Duke and Wolsey, to continue to St. Andrew's Day, 1517. Edinburgh, 20 Jan. 1516.
20 Jan.
R. MS.
13 B. II. 254.
B. M.
Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 228.
2800. JAMES V. to LEO X.
Writes in behalf of his brother, Alexander Stewart, who is engaged in a suit concerning the preceptory of St. John's at Torfichen, with George Dundas, styling himself brother of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and who has obtained bulls from Rhodes against Paniter. Has deferred writing through press of business, as the English are plotting mischief, and war is impending. Edinburgh, 20 Jan. 1516.
20 Jan.
Vesp. F. XIII. 156.
B. M.
Since he wrote last another personage has arrived on the borders, whose report he encloses. Doubts what is there suggested; viz., that their neighbors are inclined to be troublesome, and that their preparations are directed against England; unless "this wilful prince" will not be guided by his Council, or is sure of the governors of the King Catholic being in his favor. Will keep a good look out. Calais, 20 Jan.
P.S.—Encloses a letter received from a friend since writing.
Hol., p. 1.
R. O. 2802. 2. "NOUVELLES apportees par celluy de TOURNEHAM."
No news except of war, which is kept very secret. A French gentleman has seen a copy of a letter from the court of France to Abbeville to the effect, as he thought that there would be no war with Flanders. The King Catholic has sent twelve horses to the King of France. Since then an ambassador of high rank has come to him from France. Expects the war will be against England, to judge from Mons. de Mailly, who is going to Boulogne to cross to England whilst La Faiette, the captain, goes to court. Has also seen a letter from Mons. de Hennenen to the abbey of Lisque. Mons. de Landreton is gone to court to excuse himself from collecting 500 foot. A proclamation has been issued ordering all men at arms to be in readiness, and that their captains should return to court. They are working Sundays and holidays at Terouenne. A gentleman pensioner of the King of France, living half a league from Ardre, returns to his house tomorrow, 20 Jan., with Mons. de Querquy.
Fr., pp. 2.
20 Jan.
Galba, B. V. 36.
B. M.
Wrote last on the 17th from Dwre, in Juliers. The same day the Cardinal of Sion wrote to Wolsey; and whereas he had stated the Emperor would be at Maestrich this day,—he arrived yesterday, and was received by a great company, on horseback and foot, with torches, and cries of the people; "for all the streets and windows were filled with men and women, notwithstanding, I trow, a colder weather was never seen than hath continued these twelve days past, nor a more perilous horseway." This day at eight he and the Cardinals attended the Emperor at the great church, and after he had heard high mass "the holy head [of St.] Sarvace was shown unto him, with a marvellous [cro]sse made of the cross of Christ, and a key of s ... with many other notable relics." The Emperor delivered a letter to Cardinal Gurcke for the writer and Sion to consult upon. At their audience the Emperor, in reply to Sion, said he would consult with Gurcke, and let them have his answer, saying the King would have reason to be content if he would follow the Emperor's advice, as the King Catholic had agreed to do. Had written to the Lord Chamberlain to come to Brussels in haste. The Bp. of Paris is already at Louvain. The Emperor had taken this way, and left that of Namur, to the intent that if the English ambassadors had come straight to Bruges as he desired, he should have more convenience to speak with them before the Bishop. The Emperor, however, is whole and sound, and the two Cardinals well disposed to England. Expects shortly to visit England. Maestrich, 20 Jan. 1517.
P.S.—As part of his array has been destroyed in his journey, by water, and his creditors are pressing him, begs he may have some money. Has written to Brian Tuke for that purpose.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
20 Jan.
Galba, B. V. 20.
B. M.
Received yesterday his grace's letters to the King, but was unable to deliver them till this morning, when Chievres and the Chancellor were commanded to show him in reply that the despatch of La Nuca would be countermanded, since his coming was not acceptable to Henry. In the chamber were the Lord Ravenstein, Master of the Horse, the Lord Montagny, Governor of Bresse, the Vice-chancellor of Arragon and Fellynger: but they were not made privy to the matter. No news of the Emperor's arrival at Mastrec, but he is expected this week at Lov[ain], whither the King would also have gone but for the news of the decease of the old Queen of Naples, sister of the King of Arr[agon]. " * * * the occasion of tarrying here is much for the propos of those that have the ruele by cause they have more frendis in this townn than in any othere of all the countries." The King will meet the Emperor in any place. The Admiral is gone to meet the Emperor, and since his arrival on this side Cologne there has been great rejoicing among the lords there. Is told if the Emperor to anything, "it will be a remedy imperfect, and such reform as was the same of Tournay." Three things are necessary to encourage him; money, the support of Cardinal Gurk, and the coming over of the King of England. Chievres and the Chancellor will not go to Cambray till they have seen the Emperor. The term of consignation of Verona unto Lotrecte is expired. The Emperor is, however, strictly bound to it, with all other clauses contained in the treaties, and cannot in honor retract. He is engaged by it to meet the King Catholic at Cambray. The French King to be at St. Quentin or Perrona. Loys de Marraton saith that Felinger and Courtevile are returning with despatches, according to their minds. Great efforts are made to raise money. Brussels, 20 Jan. 15[16].
The Bp. of Paris is at Louvain. Cardinal Gurce is expected at Brussels. The house of Bolzen are commissioned to pay 20,000 crowns of gold to the Grand Master of France.
Hol., part cipher, deciphered by Tuke; pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To the King's grace.
20 Jan.
Er. Ep. VII. 34.
Congratulates him on the birth of a daughter, and Tunstal as godfather. "Age ad istum tenorem vices gignendi fac serves, ut aequalis sit numerus filiorum ac filiarum." Greatly regrets the absence of Tunstal and Mountjoy. Does not intend to remain at Brussels. Would be glad if Ægidius could find him a chamber, "quod habet latrinam," that he may prepare what he intends for Bâle. Brussels, pridie Agnetis 1518.


  • 1. f. 134.
  • 2. The last sentence is not deciphered by Tuke.
  • 3. In a modern hand, in margin: "15 Januarii 1516 (corrected '1517') in dieta Turacense (sic) inter Helvetios."
  • 4. "potest." So throughout, for "Christianissimus Rex." It has not been thought necessary to retain it in other instances.
  • 5. "Regentes Catholici" represented here and elsewhere by the word "deficiunt" in plain writing.
  • 6. Deciphered "fuerit."
  • 7. "subeat" deciphered "superat."
  • 8. Deciphered "milines."
  • 9. Go[nerum]?