Henry VIII: March 1515

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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'Henry VIII: March 1515', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp69-89 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: March 1515', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp69-89.

"Henry VIII: March 1515". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1864), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp69-89.


March 1515

Norfolk.—R. Bp. of Norwich, Th. Duke of Norfolk, Chas. Duke of Suffolk, Th. Earl of Surrey, Rob. Radcliff Lord Fitzwalter, Wm. Lord Willoughby, Sir Rob. Curson, Sir John Fyneux, Sir Rob. Rede, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Th. Boleyn, Sir Wm. Knevet, Sir Rob. Brandon, Sir Jas. Hobart, Sir Th. Wyndham, Sir Philip Tilney, Sir Rob. Clere, Sir Rob. Lovell, Sir John Audeley, Sir John Shelton, Jas. Boleyn, Nich. Apilyard, John Straunge, John Spelman, Fras. Calibut, Hen. Noon, W. Elis, Wm. Conyngesby, Wm. Wotton and Fras. Moundeford. Westm., 1 March.
Suffolk.—R. Bp. of Norwich, Th. Duke of Norfolk, Chas. Duke of Suffolk, Th. Earl of Surrey, Rob. Radcliff Lord Fitzwalter, Wm. Lord Willoughby, Sir Rob. Curson, Sir John Fyneux, Sir Rob. Rede, Sir Th. Wyndham, Sir Arthur Hopton, Sir Rob. Brandon, Sir Jas. Hobart, Sir Rob. Drury, Sir Ric. Wentworth, Sir Th. Boleyn, Sir Wm. Walgrave, Sir Wm. Clopton, Sir Edm. Genney, Sir Ph. Tilney, Sir Anth. Wyngfeld, Sir John Audeley, Sir Jas. Framlyngham, Sir Ph. Bothe, Sir John Veer, Sir John Glemam, Sir Ric. Candisshe, Th. Lucas, Wm. Ayloff, Humph. Wyngfeld, Lionel Talmage, John Wiseman, Hen. Noon, John Suliard, Wm. Playter, Edm. Lee and John Goldyngham, jun. Same date.
Worcestershire.—G. Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, R. Bp. of Hereford, Th. Earl of Arundel, Geo. Earl of Shrewsbury, Edw. Sutton Lord Dudley, Sir Humph. Conyngesby and Rob. Brudenell. Same date.
Herefordshire.—G. Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, R. Bp. of Hereford, Edw. Duke of Buckingham, Walter Devereux Lord Ferrers, Rob. Brudenell, John Newport, Chas. Bothe, clk., Sir Gilb. Talbot, Sir Wm. Uvedale, Sir Griffin Rice, Sir John Lyngen, Jas. Baskervild, Th. Dalabre, Th. Poyntz, Peter Neuton, Geo. Bromeley, Th. Lynom, Wm. Rudhale, David Guilliam Morgan, Roger Bodnam, Ralph Hakelett, John Braynton, Roland Moreton, Wm. Clerk, Th. Monygton and John Dansey. Same date.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7d.
Herefordshire.—Same as above, with omission of Roger Bodnam and Th. Monyngton, and substitution of William for John Dansey. Westm., 1 March.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
1 March. 208. For SIR EDW. COBHAM.
To be keeper of the park of Marwood and Wolleys in the lordship of Barnardis Castell. Westm., 1 March.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16.
2 March.
Galba, B. III. 295. B. M.
Wrote last on the [27th] Feb. There have been great dissensions in the Council respecting Cawler's despatch. Chievres has not carried his point. Nothing will be done without the privity of the ambassador of Arragon. Berghes thinks matters here are in a more favorable way. Cawler states that Mons. de Guiche is to be sent from the French to England, and they are not inclined to give up the French Queen. As Chievres complains of the intelligence sent by Spinelly, begs to have a cipher. Gaunt, 2 March 1514. Signed.
Encloses a letter from the ambassador of Arragon to his fellow in England.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
2 March.
R. O.
210. LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
Had consented at Henry's instance to recall Andrew [Forman] Abp. of St. Andrew's (who had been of great service to the Holy See, and at the Pope's request had ceded the archbishopric of Bourges), going as legate to Scotland. The Pope has persuaded the Archbishop that there is nothing he so much desires as the amity of England, and has commanded him, before entering Scotland, to visit Henry and satisfy him; which he has consented to do, provided he may have a safeconduct. Rome, 2 March 1515, 2 pont.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
2 March.
R. O.
Has written on several occasions in behalf of John Cavalcanti, a Florentine merchant, now at London, who has lost a cargo of alum and never recovered it. Begs redress. Rome, 2 March 1515. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Rev., &c. Tho. Archiep. Eboracen.
2 March. 212. For TH. WINGFELD.
To be comptroller in the port of Sandwiche. Westm., 2 March.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24.
2 March 213. For FELIX MASSAROZEE, nephew of the Bp. of Worcester (by his sister) and rector of Tredyngton, Worc. dioc.
Denization. Westm., 2 March.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 32.
3 March.
R. O.
This afternoon the bearer came to him and his cousin Sir Ric. Wingfield, to offer his service to England, "saying that he is the pilot which hath conveyed the great ship of Scotland into these parts," and has taken thither La Motte. He knows what way the Duke of Albany is to pass and all the havens of Scotland on the west, and offers to fetch the ships. Says he is well known to many persons in England. Paris, 3 March. Signed.
In Wingfield's hand, pp. 2. Add.: To my Lord of York. Endd.
3 March.
Vit. B. II. 123. B. M.
Excuses himself for not answering sooner his letters of the 17th Jan. Encloses certain legal documents. His brother has sent the Cardinal 2,000 ducats. Two briefs have come from Rome of the 8th Jan., one to the King and the other to the Bishop of Winchester. In the former Corneto had consented to give up the collectorship to the prizefighter (harenarius); in the other were many passionate arguments. These created a great disturbance and may perhaps cause Wolsey to write again, if he can satisfy the mole. Fox has shown himself their friend. A heretic has been put to death by the Bishop of London and created great outcry. They are imposed on at Rome. The briefs have been extorted from the Pope or are surreptitious. Received his letters of the 24th Jan. and the 3rd Feb., stating his information respecting the briefs. Has heard that Sadolet wrote privately to the prizefighter. Must act silently and energetically, and make use of money or the imperial influence: if the King write to him, must answer humbly in his usual fashion and fear nothing, for the Bishop of Winchester would not take their part unless he was assured that somebody else cared for this business, and not the King. If they will but fight they will conquer. Through fear of what the prize-fighter will say has given only nine dispensations in the month of February.
Very few will pay the Peter pence; they say they will wait the end of the dispute,—among them the Abbot of St. Alban's. Has begun to pay the Theatin. Begs he will ask nothing from them de stica solis, until he has made his collection. The mole has comforted the prizefighter. "Nuper talpa consolatus est harenarium de eo conquerentem quod se his implicuit curis, longissimis literis, et ait quod nuper dum pontifex iret venatum, est suam sanctitatem allocutus et illa promisit scribere brevia tam ad me quam ad Cant. sub censuris ut possessio pacifica harenario daretur." Begs Hadrian to prevent the danger. The mole has asked the prizefighter to press for a final composition, with letters from Wolsey or the King, to persuade the Pope that they are interested in this matter, though they are not. Has no leisure at present to attend to the town house. The mole has written to the prizefighter that Corneto has many cardinals who favor him in this business of the collectorship. Proposes certain arrangements for the collection, and that Corneto should give a pension to some of those about the Pope, to settle the dispute. He himself has offered le. mi. 100l. annually. Sends an old account made in the time of Bishop Oliver. A rumor lately came of the death of Cardinal Gurk, on which his benefices were sequestered. Will obtain no money from the archdeaconry till after Easter. Parliament and convocation are now sitting. Supposes they will have to pay for the present war. Hopes the Queen of France will be married to the Prince of Castile. The Duke of Suffolk is now in Paris to pay his respects. London, 3 March 1515.
P.S.—The King's ambassadors leave on the 10th, with letters for the Cardinal. Perhaps it will not be allowed without the permission of le.mi., who are (fn. 1) hateful to heaven and earth. The Bp. of Rochester will be glad to visit him. Will send by his hands the King's gift.
(fn. 2) Le. mi. is* so tyrannical towards all men that his [influence] cannot last. All England abuses him. For money's sake he is now [treating of] peace with the French without reverence for man or God.†
Hol., Lat., pp. 7, mutilated.
2. Another copy in the hand of Ammonius; and at f. 126 (fn. 3) is apparently a postscript to the same letter, addressed to Wolsey, expressing the thanks of his holiness to the King and Wolsey, and showing him the indecent words that Polydore speaks of the Pope. The Pope has seen similar letters, expressing that the King is but a boy and is ruled by others, and signs papers without knowing their contents. Would be glad to have some manifest reason for chastising Hadrian, and requests that his and Polydore's letters may be intercepted.
* The address is pasted by mistake on the next folio (126**).
3 March. 216. ROBERT MUNDIS of Norwich, worstedsherman.
Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wyngfyld, Deputy of Calais. Westm., 3 March.
Fr. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16.
4 March
R.MS. 13 B. II. 242. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 207.
217. JAMES V. to LEO X.
His ancestors have honored the apostolic see since their conversion to Christianity in A.D. 312, and have obtained certain privileges, &c. To the same effect as the following. St. Andrew's, 4 March 1514.
4 March
R. MS. 13 B. II. 241. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 204.
The privileges granted to the Scotch Kings are already well known, viz., that vacant prelacies should not be filled up for eight months contrary to the King's wish. His father refused his countenance to the Council of Pisa, though Scotch Kings have often died in the cause of France. Hopes the privileges ratified by Pope Alexander, and mentioned in Leo's letter sent by Balthasar Stuart, will not be infringed. On the death of James IV., Andrew Bishop of Murray, ambassador in France, obtained letters from the French King and Albany, by means of which he usurped the disposal of the prelacies and other high offices of Scotland. For these misdeeds he was declared a rebel and deprived of office. Is determined not to allow him to return to Scotland. Has written also to the Pope, asking him to annul all letters in his favor and to grant no prelacies except according to his letters. Asks them to hear the dispute fairly. If this be done, ambassadors will be sent to offer his services in their behalf. St. Andrew's.
Adv. MS. 100. 219. JAMES [V.] to CARDINAL ST. MARK, Protector of Scotland.
Requests the Cardinal, who has already procured two years' indulgence for James Abbot of the Benedictine monastery of St. Margaret, Dunfermling, to get it lengthened to five years, as the Abbot is the King's treasurer and indispensable to his service. Writes to the Pope in this behalf. Desires credence for Gilbert Strathane. Is displeased with the other John Barri, "veteranus homo," for doing things without his orders and giving offences to his servants. From the palace near Edinburgh.
Copy, Lat., p. 1.
R. MS.
13 B. II. 240. B. M. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 203.
Writes also to the College of Cardinals concerning the Scotch prelacies. Encloses a copy. Thanks him for using his authority to preserve their privileges. Will not submit to their violation. Leo will consider the state of the kingdom of more importance than the interests of one man. Desires credence for Gilbert Strachan.
Copy, Lat.
5 March.
Galba, B. III. 297. R. M.
Wrote last on the 2nd. Encloses a packet from Sir Rob. Wingfield. The French have told the Prince's ambassadors that England is anxious for the continuance of the treaty and allows them to marry the Queen if they please. Chievres and Ravenstein have accordingly charged their ambassadors to conclude the marital alliance with France. Thinks the Emperor's consent must be gained. The ambassador of Arragon is very angry. Gaunt, 5 March 1514.
The Archduchess has been compelled to write in favor of Don Diego for money he pretends to be due to him in England. Signed.
Pp. 3, multilated. Add.
5 March.
Calig. D. VI. 176. B. M.
Begs Wolsey to help him now as he has done always. When he came to Paris he heard many things which put him and the Queen in great fear. "And the Queen would never let me [be] in rest till I had granted her to be married; and so, to be plain with you, I have married her harettylle and has lyen wyet her, in soo moche [as] I fyer me lyes that sche by wyet chyld." Fears lest the King should know it and be displeased with him; had rather be dead than that he should be miscontent. Entreats Wolsey not to let him be undone, which he fears he shall be without his help. "Me lord, as me thynkees the[re is no] rymede in thys matter bout that I m[ay obtain] anoddar lettar of the Frynch K[ing and a let]tar of the Frynch Quyen, and a ... es nodar to the Kyng me [sovereign lord] dyssearyng hes grace that the ... her by thym the wyche shold by m ... to hall Franche and that hes grace schold ... parssayef that thay wold by glad to se et ... most honnorabylle that cold by and in ... spyssealle by caus that hall the nobyll men [of] France by her. Me lor, I dowth not bou[t that] thay wyell wreth thys for me ar how y[e] schall thynke byst they schold wreth ... For I by sche you to in stroke me in h[all] the hast possebbyll. Me lor, they marre as wyell in Lynt as howth of Lent wyet lyssenes of anne boussope. Nhow, me lord, [you] know hall and in you es hall me trest; by[sche]yng nhow of your asseurd helpe and ... I may have ansar from you of thys and [hall] me oddar wrettynges as schort tylle as ... may by possebbyll, for I enseur you that I have as hewye a hart as anne man lyw[yng] and schall have tell I may her good [tidings] from you." Paris, the V ... [M]arch.
P.S.—"... awartessed the kyng in me [letters] .. sent that I have wretton to dywares ... to awartes hes grace, prayng hes grace ... yth doo hes grace sarwyes in scheth mattars ... ave wretton to in that hes grace wold by [coun]tent that I myth have the dooyng of et ... ave that I myth by the more exstemed in thes [p]artys non thyng messeyng (?) hes grace of [t]hys mattar in thys lyettar, for I whold. old not for hall the good in the warld he schold know of et bout as you schall [t]hinke byst."
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To me Lord of Yorke.
5 March.
R. O.
As touching the Queen's matter and his, thinks that a diamond with a great pearl, hereby sent from the Queen, should be delivered to the King, with a promise that whenever she obtains the residue he shall have the choice of them according to her former writing. "Me lord, sche and I bowth rymyttys thes mattar holly to your dyskraseun, trestyng that in hall hast posebbyll wye schall her from you sum good tydynges tocheng howar afyeres." 5 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add. in Sir Ric. Wingfield's hand: [T]o my Lord of York.
Writes to him with sorrowful heart, perceiving by his letters dated at Paris, the 5th, that he has secretly married the King's sister, and they have lived together as man and wife. Could not do otherwise than show Suffolk's letter to the King, although the Duke begged him not to disclose it. The King would not believe it, but took the same grievously and displeasantly, not merely for Suffolk's presumption, but for breaking his promise made to the King at Eltham in Wolsey's presence, and would not believe he would have broken his promise had he been torn with wild horses. Is so perplexed he can devise no remedy, considering that the King, out of love to Suffolk, was content "that with good order and saving of his honor ye should have in marriage his said sister. Cursed be the blind affection and counsel that hath brought ye hereunto! fearing that such sudden and unavised dealing shall have sudden repentance." Suffolk must induce Francis to write in his favor, pay yearly to the King during the Queen's life 4,000l. of her dower, thus leaving her 6,000l. and over, return the gold plate and jewels the French King had with her, give up her "dote," bind the French King to pay 200,000 crowns he is bound to pay for the said "dote," as the King has declared by his letters lately sent. Will not advise him to advance any further in the matter of Tournay, as proposed by the French King. He will have enough to do to take care of his own matters. He is in the greatest danger that ever man was in.
Draft in Wolsey's own hand, pp. 2.
Calig. D. VI. 184. B. M. 225. [SUFFOLK] to HENRY VIII.
Begs the King's forgiveness for his offence in this marriage and intreats "for the passion of God" that it may not turn his heart against him: "but punish me rather with prison or otherwise as may be your pleasure. Sir, rather than you should have me in mistrust in your [he]art that I should not be true to you as thys may by accusseun, [str]yke of me hed and lyet me not lyef. Alas! Sir, my Lord of York hath written to me two letters that [it] should be thought that the French King would make ... es hand with your grace, and that a would occupy me as [a]n instrument thereunto. Alas ! Sir, that ever it should be thought or said that I should be so; for, Sir, your grace not offended, I will make good against all the world [t]o die for it that ever I thought any such thing or did thing, saving the love and [ma]rrag of the Queen, that should be to your displeasure, [I p]ray God let me die as shameful a death as ever did man." But for this he might have said there was never man that had so loving and kind a master as himself, or master that had so true a servant as the King had in him.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated.
Calig. D. VI. 242. B. M. Green's Royal and Illust. Ladies, I. 199. 226. MARY QUEEN OF FRANCE to HENRY VIII.
Excusing her marriage with Suffolk and stating that she had constrained him to break his promise to the King. The two friars had put her in despair of the King giving his consent to the match if he came to England.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
Begs he will remember that she had consented to his request, and for the peace of Christendom, to marry Lewis of France, "though he was very aged and sickly," on condition that if she survived him she should marry whom she liked. Since her husband was dead, remembering the great virtue in my Lord of Suffolk, "to whom I have always been of good mind, as ye well know," she has determined to marry him without any request or labor on his part. She is now so bound to him that for no earthly cause can she change. Begs his good will. Trusted him as one who had always honorably regarded his word. Has come out of France and is at Calais, where she will wait till she hear from him. Binds herself to give up to him her "dote," all such plate of gold and jewels as she had with Lewis, and to give such securities for repayment of her dower as he shall think fit.
A draft in Tuke's hand, very much corrected, and with one or two corrections by Wolsey, who has changed her expression "tender and loving manner" into "humble manner." Pp. 2.
Calig. D. VI. 249. B. M. Green's Royal and Illust. Ladies, I. 187. 228. MARY QUEEN OF FRANCE to HENRY VIII.
Desires to hear more often from him, as all her trust is in him, and shall be during her life. Beseeches him to keep the promises he made her before she took leave of him "be the w[ater s]yde. "Ser, yowr grace knokethe (knoweth) w[ell t]hat y ded mary for yowr pl[easure] thys tym; and now I tro[wst th]at [you] wel sowfor me to ... to do; for, Sere, I k .. (some lines almost entirely lost) * * * rs that they dothe[; and I i]nsowre yowr grace that [my my?]nde ys not ther wer they wold have me, and I trowst y[owr gr]ace wol not do so to me that [have al]wes bene so glade to folfel yo[wr] mynde as I have bene, wer to [I] be schye (beseech) yowr grace wol ha[ve] graun ... ae maryde yn on ny plaa[s ...]ng wer as my myn[de i]s I wel be ther wer as y[owr g]race nor no nothyr shal h[ave] any goye of me, for I prom[ise yo]wr grace yow shal her tha[t I] wel be yn some relyge[us ho]wse, the wche I thyncke yow[r gr]ace wold be very sory of a[nd] yowr reme allso. Sere, I k[now w]el that the Kyng that y ... we wol sende to yowr gra[ce ..] hys oukloke the ... re of ... &c.
Hol., pp. 4, multilated. Add.: "To the King my brother."
Calig. D. VI. 247. B. M. 229. MARY QUEEN OF FRANCE to HENRY VIII.
"[Please it yo]wr grace to understande [that wh]are as I wrote unto yowr [grace] towchyng my jewels and plate wyche I promeste yowr [gr]ace, sowche as I have shal be at [yo]wr commandemente ewer wil ... fe. How be yt tys nat so wele [as] I wold yt had bene, for thyr [is] moche styckkyng thyr at. [Ho]w be yt I dowte nat but I [sch]ale have yt at the lyncke with the good helpe [of] yowr grace and yowr [Cown]cele that be here. Sere, I thyncke my Lord of Sowffolke wole wr[ite m]or playndler to yowr gra[ce tha]n I do of thys maters. [The]n wan yow and the ... agrede with yowr gr[ace and] I have thym I wil ... yow my part of th ... re, the Frenche Kyng ... spekys many ky[nd word]s unto me a[nd doth affirm] ne that he ha[the a] specyalle mynd to ha[ve] peace with yowr gr[ace be] fore anye prynce Cry[stend]. And, Sir, y wold beche (beseech) yowr grace that yt myt so be, yf yt [myt] stonde with yowr favowre [and] playssowr, for by the men[es] and fayvowr of yowr gr[ace] I have obtaynede as mych honnowre in thys raym [as] was possybel to any woma[n to] have, wyche causys m[e to] wryte to yowr grace [in t]hys matter. Over and ab[ove] this I moste humbly bese[che] yowr grace to wryte to th[e Fr]anche Kyng and al [yo]wr enbassadowrs here, [that they]e make all they sp[eed] possybele that y m[ay come] to yowr gra[ce], for my] sengler dess[ire and [co]mforte [is to see] yowr grace abowe [all thi]ngs yn thys world. [As kn]aokys owre Lord, now [ewe]r presawre yowr grace.
"By your lowing
Swster Mary."
Add.: The Kynges grace, me brodar. Endd: The French Queen's letter.
Hol., pp. 3, multilated.
6 March.
Vesp. F. III. 17b. B. M. Ellis, 1 S. I. 121.
Thanks him for his comfortable letter. Hopes he will continue his favor to her and her friends, and send for her with all convenient speed. Paris, 6 March.
Add.: The King's grace.
6 March.
Calig. D. VI. 176. B. M.
Thanks him for his "comfortable writing," and prays him to [have] in remembrance the short coming home of the Queen and him. Had followed Wolsey's instructions touching Tournay, to inquire, as of himself, what lands the French King would give in exchange for it, having been privately spoken with on the subject by Mons. Bohousse, who represented that "the King his master was marvelous desirous to [re]cover it, and that he would think it a marvelous kindness in the King my master if he would [be con]tent to let him have it for so reasonable a sum to be paid in years." Suffolk gave it as his own opinion that the coun[ty of Guisnes might be taken in exchange for it (?)]. On this, Bohousse asked him to dinner next day, when he told him that he had communicated with the King and the King's mother, who were willing to treat for the delivery of the county; "[ne]vertheless the King knew well that there should be a [great] clamor on the side of the King for the delivery [by the] subjects of the said county; for he said that they were the best Frenchmen in France. Whereunto [I] replied that the King my master should have no less clamor for the delivery of the city of Tournay and Tornassen, and so [I begged] him to advertize you to the intent that you [might] break with the King in it." ... Desires Wolsey to get him and his fellows a commission, "and in ... sseunes, and I dowth not bout yt you and I schall [do] the Kyng howar mastar byttar sarwyes [than] anne men lywyng in thys mattar, and hall [hi]s oddar afyrres in thes parttes. Me lorde, I trust [by] your good means that the King my master may be drawn (?) by me [to] the intent that the King here may know that the King [my] master is so good lord to put me in trust [in] this matter, which shall cause him to be more gladder to be good to me in all [other] affairs." Paris, 6 March.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To my Lord of York.
6 March.
S. B.
To be bailiff and parker of Beaudeley and parker of Yernewodde, Salop. Del. Westm., 6 March 6 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24.
7 March.
S. B.
233. For JOHN CUNDALLE of London, salter, native of Scotland.
Denization. Del. Westm., 7 March 6 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24.
8 March.
Galba, B. III. 138. B. M.
For indemnification to Peter Martenez, merchant of Dort, for injuries done to him by Will. Knevez of the town of Lynden, who had robbed him of 20l. Ghent, 8 March 1514. Signed.
Fr., pp. 2.
8 March. 235. PIRATES.
Commission of oyer and terminer to Thos. Earl of Surrey, High Admiral, and John Batemanson, LL.D., and Christ. Middylton, Bachelor of Law, commissary and deputy of [the said Earl] in respect of the piratical offences alleged to have been committed by John Baker, John Brigenden, and John Bristol, and their adherents. Westm., 8 March.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26d.
8 March.
S. B.
Commission to Brian Palmes, John Erneley, Sir Christopher Pikeryng, Thomas Wharton, Ambrose Crakenthorp, Geoffrey Lan caster and Henry Salkeld, the King's justices, to make inquisition whether the burgesses of Appulby, Westmor., can afford the fee farm rent of 20 marks a year, by which they hold their borough or town, as appears by charter, 27 April 14 Edw. II.; and if the town have so fallen off that they cannot pay the same, then from what cause and from what time. Del. Westm., 8 March 6 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26d.
9 March.
R. O.
"Be it known to all manner persons that I, Mary Queen of France, sister unto the King of England, Henry the VIIIth, freely give unto the said King my brother all such plate and vessel of clean gold as the late King Loys of France, the XIIth of that name, gave unto me the said Mary his wife; and also, by these presents I do freely give unto my said brother, King of England, the choice of such special jewels as my said late husband King of France gave me: to the performation whereof I bind me by this my bill, whereto with mine howne hand and signed with my name, and to the same have set my sawlle, the ixth day of February, (fn. 4) the year of our Lord fifteen hundred and fourteen.
"By your loving sister, Mary Queen of France."
Hol., pp. 2. Endorsed: A bill of gift, &c.
10 March.
R. O.
238. LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
A month since Polydore Virginius, the papal subcollector in England, arrived at Rome with letters recommending his continuation in the office. He had been confirmed in it by Hadrian Cardinal St. Chrysogon. Since then three letters have been received from the King, requesting the office for Andreas Ammonius, Henry's Latin secretary, which the Pope had granted, assuming the Cardinal's concurrence. As the Cardinal doubted the sincerity of this intervention, had written to England requiring its confirmation. The Cardinal assents to the arrangement. Sends a confirmation. If the King be not hearty in this desire and wish the Cardinal to remain in his ancient position, begs he will notify the same by the messenger. Rome, 10 March 1515, 2 pont.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
10 March.
Galba, B. III. 320. B. M.
Has written before "to y ... ness for your administration." Wolsey will perceive that "with tha that now be go[vernors y]ow have no favour," though my Lady is very good. The ambassador of Arragon is active in Wolsey's behalf, so is Sir Thomas [Spinelly]. Lord Fiennes gives him fair words and refers him to the Prince's Council. The Lord Barges does nothing: the rest are faithful Frenchmen. Has already mentioned the Lord Chancellor's offer of a compromise. On demanding of him the terms the elect would agree to, found that they amounted to his having all parts of his bishopric, past and future. Replied that even if Wolsey released his claims the King was entitled to the temporalities. When he said he had no power to accept a composition, but would refer it to Wolsey, the "Chancellor said for nothing he would ... or his rehearsed," and that if Sampson would write his demand he would refer it to the Council. Encloses his demand and their answer. On receipt of the latter requested an interview with the elect, but he was gone to Bruges. Will go thither on Monday; meanwhile will use his spiritual power to deter him from taking the fruits. The time has come for action, as the Chancellor disputes Wolsey's authority altogether. Thinks the Pope will justify his grant, and if Wolsey desire it, suspend the Bishop. Ghent, 10 March 1514.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: My Lord of York.
12 March.
Calig. D. XI. 86. B. M.
Requesting him to allow the Duke of Suffolk's marriage to take effect, and assuring him of Suffolk's devotion to his service. Paris, 12 March. Signature burned.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
12 March.
S. B.
241. For JAMES METCALFE, usher of the Chamber.
Custody of the possessions of his brother Francis Metcalfe, an idiot, and Joan his wife, in cos. Northt., Oxon, Leic. and Rutland. Del. Westm., 12 March 6 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 33.
13 March.
R. O.
Have received letters from Humfrey Bannaster, the mayor, who is now at Paris, and also a copy of the King's letters dated Greenwich, 7 Feb., directed to Sir John Wilshyr, the comptroller here, the mayor, and Thos. Prout, bailly of the lordships of Mark and Oye, by which they perceive the King is informed by Thos. Thacker that he is deferred from justice, by the favor of the mayor, in his actions against Peter Roy, Peter le Negro and Bartholomew Costopolegrino. The mayor in his said letters asked them to state the case as it really was. Have accordingly enclosed the process as it is registered here in the books of record, which will prove that no partiality has been shown. Have, moreover, other communications made by the said parties, which they have not written, as they commanded them to be brought in writing at 9 o'clock the next morning. Peter Roy offered to go to London with Thacker and there answer him according to law, as Thacker alleged the trespass had been committed there, but he refused to do so. After that he suffered the action before them to abate and recommenced it before the said bailly of Mark, in which court the mayor has no jurisdiction. The action is still before the bailly; and the mayor soon after went to Paris and is not yet returned. Calais, 13 March.
P. 1. Add.
14 March.
Vit. B. II. 132. B. M.
Has ordered his ambassadors, now going to make profession of their obedience to the Holy See, to pay their respects to his excellency. Greenwich, 14 March 1514. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
14 March.
R. O. Rym. XIII. 473.
Commission to John de Selva and Peter de la Guiche to treat for peace and intercourse with England, and renewal of the league of London. Paris, 14 March 1514. Signed and sealed.
14 March.
R. O. Rym. XIII. 475.
Commission to John de Selva and Peter de la Guiche to arrange for the payment of the one million g. c. promised by Lewis XII. to Henry VIII. Paris, 14 March 1514. Signed and sealed.
E. I. 77. B. M.
* * * * He will, notwithstanding, do his best to conclude the affair ... If the King of England be willing to accept 400,000 crowns=100,000 francs, his master will agree to it. Begs he will use his efforts to conclude.
Hol., Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: A Mons. &c. Mons. le Cardinal.
[Calig. E. I. II.?] IV. 261. B. M. 247. P. DE LA GUICHE to [WOLSEY].
Has given the message [to the King] contained in Wolsey's Latin letter written with his own hand. The King professes his gratitude. The rebellion of Francisca Maria [Sforza] is as distasteful to the King of France as to the Pope. Aid has been sent accordingly to the latter of 700 men at arms and money.
Hol., Fr., pp. 2.
R. T. 137. Teulet's Pièces et Documents relatifs à l'Hist. de l'Ecosse, I. 3. 248. FRANCE and SCOTLAND.
"Instructions à Maistre Jehan de Planis, docteur es droits conseilher du Roy, embassadeur dudict seigneur par devers le Roy, Regent et Seigneurs du Conseil d'Escosse."
1. To assure them of the good will of Francis and his wish to preserve the old alliance between France and Scotland, which he has empowered Albany to ratify. 2. That he will not forget the services of the late King of Scotland to the late King of France. 3. That he sends Albany to aid them with his advice and has commissioned him to declare his intentions. 4. That the late King of France would not have made peace with England without letting Scotland know, but that his kingdom was attacked on every side by the Swiss, the King of Spain, the Emperor and England. 5. That [the said treaty expires in January next and] (fn. 5) Francis has sent ambassadors to England for peace, in which Scotland will be included; 6. but that if England refuse or propose to make war on Scotland, Francis will aid the King of Scots with money, men and ships. 7. He has commissioned Albany to ask to have the younger brother of the King of Scots brought up at the French court.
Northumberland.—Rob. Lord Ogle, Sir Wm. Hilton, Sir Ralph Bowes, Sir Edw. Musgrave, Sir Humph. Lisle, Sir John Bowlmer, John Bentley, Christ. Broune and Christ. Metford. Westm., 14 March.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8d.
15 March.
R. O.
Will understand the news by the letters. Has received the greatest part of the revenues due for the last year from Hexham, owing to the activity of Lord Dacre and his brother Sir Christopher. Mr. Adam and himself are suprised they have had no letters from the King and Wolsey touching their last, "which were with you at Fastens." When they meet with the Queen of Scots' servants they will know what to do. Albany is setting forward into Scotland. Will leave for the South, unless they have commandment otherwise. Ten prisoners are in ward at Hexham and Carlisle for nonpayment of their rents. The Scots are in great confusion, making inroads into their own marches. Abbots and priors determine their elections by force. Sandy Jarden has come out of France into Scotland and boasts of the coming of Albany. Kirkoswald, 15 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My Lord Arch[bi]sshop of York. Endd.
15 March. 251. For TH. BURGH, clk.
Presentation to the church of Fulbek, Linc. dioc., vice John Constable, resigned. Westm., 15 March.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 31.
16 March.
S. B.
252. For CHARLES EARL OF WORCESTER, Chamberlain.
To be receiver of the lordship of Dynas and Walsshe Talgarth, Marches of Wales. Del. Westm., 16 March 6 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 31.
20 March.
Giust. Desp. I. 48.
On the 15th arrived within two leagues of Paris. Had a visit from Count Gian Giacomo Triulzi. He told them that, from fear of the Swiss entering Dauphiny, he was to be sent to Lyons by Francis, who proposes to add 8,000 lansquenets to the 4,000 now in Provence. These forces, he said, were well nigh mustered in Gueldres; and, if there be no fear from the Swiss, the King will descend into Italy. The design was opposed by those who thought that the King must first establish himself in his kingdom; that the peace between England and Flanders would be concluded, but not the truce with Spain, as Ferdinand wished to include in it the duchy of Milan, to which Francis would never consent. A secret message has been sent by the Doge of Genoa to arrange their affairs. Francis demands 150,000 crowns for destruction of the Lantern. He is so very liberal he would drain the very blood from his veins, but his mother hoards money and claims the management of everything. De Boissi, formerly his governor, has great influence with him, next to him the Bastard of Savoy, then the Constable of Bourbon, then Lautrec. "Triulzi evinced great regret at his majesty's being under petticoat government, condemning, moreover, his mode of life since he became King, which is in this wise. He gets out of bed a little before noon: then, after dressing and hearing mass, he forthwith dines and immediately afterwards withdraws to his mother; and, after remaining a short while at the Council board, occupies himself with incessant amusement until supper time, so that with difficulty can one find an opportune moment for transacting business with him." Have not yet had their audience on account of the indisposition of the Chancellor. Paris, 20 March 1515.
20 March.
S. B.
Release, as Master of the Ordnance to Hen. VII. and Hen. VIII., of 5,209l. 11s. 7d.; also of 45l. 17s. 8d. received of John Heron, treasurer of the Chamber; of 5,800l. received of Sir John Cutt; 166l. 13s. 4d. received of Sir John Daunce; 380l. 16s. of Sir Gilbert Talbot, late Lieutenant of Calais; 4l. of Sir Richard Sacheverell, late Treasurer of War in the Vanguard, for the provision of ordnance, &c. for the war; of 97l. 14s. 8d. for the selling of 289 cart horses at Calais by command of the King; and all other arrearages "a principio mundi." Del. West., 20 March 6 Hen. VIII.
22 March.
R. O.
255. LEO X. to WOLSEY.
Thanks him for his good offices, an account of which he has heard from the Bp. of Worcester. Has told the Bishop what he intends to do for Wolsey's honor, commanding him to write to Wolsey on the subject. Rome, 22 March 1515, 3 pont.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Ven. fratri Tho. Archiepiscopo Eboracen.
22 March.
Calig. D. VI. 254. B. M. Green's Letters of Royal Ladies, I. 198.
Thanks him for the letters my Lord of Suffolk lately received by Cooke, by which she perceives 'that Wolsey will not abandon her and Suffolk in their extreme trouble.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: [To] my Lord of [Y]owrke. Endd.: The Frenche Quene.
22 March.
Vesp. F. III. 50. B. M.
257. ISABELLA OF ARRAGON, widow of Frederic King of Naples, to [MARY QUEEN OF FRANCE].
Has lately been informed of her kindness towards her son Alphonso, Infant of Arragon. Ascribes it to the piety for which her house has always been remarkable. Had trusted, by favor of Mary's most Christian husband, the misfortunes of herself and her children would be alleviated. They have been driven from their country and their rule to wander, like beggars, nearly all over Europe. Have reason, therefore, to regret with her the death of the King (ipsius Regis). Trusts she will bear it with fortitude. Begs Mary, when she writes, to commend her, and especially her eldest son Ferdinand, (who, she is aware, though innocent, is in prison,) to the King her (Mary's) brother. Ferrara, 11 kal. Apr. 1515. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2.
22 March.
S. B.
258. For SIR JAMES STRANGWYCE, alias STRANGWEYS, of Harlesay, York.
Pardon and release as late sheriff of Yorkshire. Del. Westm., 22 March 6 Hen. VIII.
22 March.
S. B.
Wardship of Peter, son and heir of Humphrey Blyke; and grant of the issues of his possessions from 6 Nov. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 March 6 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 26.
22 March.
S. B.
260. For ALAN FYNDELASON of London, brewer, native of Scotland, a denizen.
Grant of all his confiscated goods. Del. Westm., 22 March 6 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26.
23 March.
Galba, B. III. 299. B. M.
Wrote last on the 10th and received his letter dated the 16th. Has communicated to the Archduchess the clauses of the King's letter. She has promised to silence the indiscreet reports of the Prince's ambassadors. She is glad of the coming of the English ambassadors, saying, that if the confederacy of the Emperor, England and Arragon take effect, it will ruin all those that desire the contrary. Spinelly told her many things were well devised which were never executed. Thinks that the King of Arragon will punish Chievres for his insolence in removing the ambassador of Arragon from the court, cherishing Spaniards, saying by the help of France they would expel the King from Castile, &c. When the ambassador of Arragon saw no way of counteracting Chievres, he pretended to be on good terms with him; to which design Spinelly was made privy. The Archduchess desires him to say, that she is sore displeased with Chievres, that the Emperor has not listened to Count Felix or to the Bailly Damount, sent to obtain his consent to the treaty with France.
Nassau has married the daughter of the Prince of Orange. The French make provisions in Burgundy and Dauphiné to resist the Swiss. By means of Albany France will aid the Chamberlain of Scotland. Frescobald and Galteroti have heard from Rouen that the Duke was there, and that Obbeabarton (Rob. a Barton), the Lord Maly with other pirates were at Hounflete ready to sail with him. Jakys Oggeby, a Scot, has returned out of France to the said Chamberlain. The Bishop of Murray has written to say he will attend the Duke. He has gotten a bishopric [for] the Earl of Angus' brother. Hears that the Duke, not being able to find a crayer in this country, has gone towards Sceryssey [near] Amsterdam. Advises that the children of the Scotch Queen come not into French hands. War is begun between France and Spain. On Monday will go to Lord Berghes with the King's message. The Scotch ships are ready to sail from Camfer. Desires a cipher. Gaunt, 23 March 15[14]. Signed.
Pp. 7, mutilated. Add.
23 March.
R. O.
Wrote last on the 15th. Has since been at Bruges with Sampson touching the bishopric of Tournay. He is determined to have the whole of the revenues of the see, and declares the Pope's brief is of no effect. Wolsey must, therefore, take some other method. Thanks him for the King's letters. As Lord Berghes is absent, has not delivered his letters. Will ride over to him on Monday next. Desires a cipher may be sent and his servant Ichyngham despatched. Gaunt, 23 March 1514. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Tho. Arch. Eborac. Endd.
23 March.
[Calig. E. I. II.?] I. 214 b. B. M.
263. [MONTMORENCY ?] to [BOISSI,] the Grand Master [of France].
Has received his letter from Paris of the 15th. The money was necessary, or they would have been bankrupt. The King has written (l'on a escript) to the Admiral. The sum he proposes to send is all very well, but will not serve for the dislodgement of this place, as the Swiss have left. Thinks he is aware of the death of the General of Normandy. Hopes he will send him a large sum of money, as it is impossible to conduct such an army without it. Hears that the Swiss are beginning to move (desce[ndre]). At Vigesne, 23 March.
P.S.—The enemy are retiring to Alexandria.
Copy, Fr., pp. 2, mutilated. Same hand as in f. 214.
26 March.
[Calig. E. I. II.?] I. 213. B. M.
264. FRANCIS I. to BONNIVET, Admiral of France.
Has received his letter of the 16th. Is sorry to hear that Marshal Montmorency had been attacked with a fever and pains in the reins. Madame was extremely ill: the flux has not left her, but she is better to-day. Is to urge the Sieur des [Lignes] to make another descent with their people by ... Varetz and Bergamasque. This will compel them to succor Milan or abandon it altogether. He is not to run any hazards. Has ordered 50,000 francs to be sent him. Has seen the contents of the letters of Count de Carpy and St. Marsault. Since then has heard from the Seneschal of Lyons of the arrival of the Archbishop of Capua, who wishes his mission to Paris to be kept secret. The more he considers the affair of Fontarabia the more he is convinced of the mistake that has been made. Madame has taken this morning nine pills of rhubarb, "qui ont fait bonne operation." She is now out of danger. Bloys, 26 March.
Copy, Fr., pp. 3, mutilated. Same hand as f. 214.
[Calig. E. I. II. ?] I. 212 b. B. M.
265. FRANCIS I. to [BONNIVET] the Admiral, his lieutenant in Italy.
Has received his letters of the 19th. Is glad to hear [of the recovery] of Montmorency and that affairs go well. All that is possible shall be done for the payments. Madame is improving. Bloys, ... March.
Copy, Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Same hand as f. 214.
24 March.
P. S.
266. For GERARD DANETT, squire of the Body, and MARY his wife.
Grant, in tail male, of the manors of Bidford and Brome, Warw., which belonged to Henry Lovell Lord Morley. Greenwich, 4 Jan. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 March.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 31.
25 March.
Giust. Desp. I. 50.
Gives an account of their audience with Francis I. Were told by him that he intended to enter Italy and had concluded a treaty with the Archduke, who tendered homage for Flanders and agreed to espouse Madame Renée. He spoke bitterly of the King of Spain as a tyrant and deceiver, but said he would not now dare to move; and that England, without the aid of Flanders and with the uncertain friendship of Scotland, would have small power against France, as at the last time, when it lost time and treasure before Terouenne, which the King was now having rebuilt. He said he could recover Tournay whenever he pleased. He was well disposed to Henry VIII., "who seemed, however, to be raising a difficulty by requiring his majesty to withdraw his protection and amity from Scotland, which he would never do." His difficulty of descending into Italy is the state of the treaties, as he cannot bring his troops together without exciting suspicion. Paris, 25 March 1515.
26 March.
Vit. B. II. 130. B. M.
His deed appointing Andreas Ammonius to the office of sub-collector in perpetuity. Rome, 26 March 1515.
Copy in the hand of the Bishop of Worcester's clerk, p. 1.
27 March.
R. O.
Thanks him for the favor shown to himself and Polydore in the office of collector. Commends their cause to his consideration. Rome, 27 March 1515. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
28 March.
S. B.
270. For BERNARD CAVALCANTI, merchant of Florence.
Licence to retain the customs on all his imports and exports during the next five years to the amount of 1,000l. Del. Westm., 28 March 6 Hen. VIII.
Fr. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13.
28 March.
S. B.
271. For WILLIAM CANTWELL of Bedford.
Pardon. Del. Westm., 28 March 6 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 33.
29 March.
Vit. B. II. 131. B. M. Fiddes' Wol., C. 15.
The Pope has expedited bulls in favor of the appointment of Ammonius to the collectorship, making sure that Hadrian would not oppose it, which he did, affirming that the King never dictated the letters, and that he had heard from a very high councillor in England that the King did not intend he should be turned out of his office. The Pope compromised it, appointing Andreas subcollector, reserving to the Cardinal a pension of 1,400 ducats, as the King will learn from Ammonius, by which the Cardinal will suffer no loss. The King will not be surprised if the briefs granted to the Cardinal are somewhat excessive, as it was done to satisfy him. It is the intention of his holiness that the King should declare Ammonius his subcollector [and a deed] be given him by the Cardinal for that purpose. Andreas will inform him of the rest. Rome, 29 March 1515. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated.
29 March.
R. O.
Recommends Richard Pacye, the bearer, just come from Rome. Paris, 29 March 1515. Signed.
P. 1. in the hand of Spinelly's clerk. Add.: My Lord the Abp. of York.
29 March.
S. B.
274. For ROBERT BRYGHT, clk., LL.D., the King's chaplain.
Presentation to the church of Lytylbury, London dioc., void by death and in the King's hands by vacancy of the bishopric of Ely. Del. Westm., 29 March 6 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26.
30 March.
P. S.
275. For THOMAS GRESSHAM, chaplain.
Presentation to the church of Sidropys, Norwich dioc., vice William Hales, deceased. Richmond 26 March 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 March.
Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 26.
30 March.
Giust, Desp. I. 55.
Gives an account of his audience with Louise of Savoy, who expressed herself favorable to Venice, as did also Madame de Bourbon: the Swiss are holding a diet, to make some arrangement with France: she said her son would certainly go into Italy. After Easter he is going to Lyons, then to Dauphiny and Provence. He has despatched to Marseilles Friar Bernardin and Prejean, with orders to fit galleys. Du Boissi asserted the same, so did Vendome, "a prudent youth." He said that an arrangement will be made with England, as the Duke of Suffolk, who is yet there, had promised. They are negotiating with the Swiss through the Duke of Savoy. The Provost of Louvain had come from the King of the Romans to prevent the agreement with Flanders, but finding it concluded, had proposed an alliance between France and the Emperor. Visited Mary the Queen Dowager; were assured by the English ambassadors that the agreement with France would certainly be effected. Property has been made over to Mary, leaving her annually 80,000 francs. On the 29th had an audience with Francis, who complained of the low condition of his finances, occasioned by the debts of the late King. He said that Ferdinand had by his envoy Gabrieleto requested a truce of three years, but it had been refused. In fine, placing his hand upon his breast, he said, "Assure the republic on my behalf, that, on the word of a gentleman, a year from this day, or thirteen months at the utmost, shall not elapse ere she recover her whole territory." He asked after Andrea Gritti, of whom he spoke highly. Paris, 30 March 1515.
31 March.
Galba, B. III. 141. B. M.
277. J. DE BERGHES to WOLSEY and others.
Has received their letters in answer to his. Is glad of their affection to the Emperor. Will do what he can for the redress of the matters referred to. Berghes, 31 March. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated.
Add.: Messieurs larchevesque de Jorck, le Duc de Nortfolck et levesque de Wincestre, et a chacun deulx. Endd.
31 March.
Er. Ep. II. 2.
Explains the reason why he had never returned. Had resolved to visit England, to which place he had been invited by powerful friends and the King's favor. Great promises had been made him and he intended to have spent his days there. Has not found his expectations fulfilled. The King has been taken away by a foreign war. Wm. Mountjoy, his oldest friend next to Henry Berghes Bishop of Cambray, has been overwhelmed with warlike business; "ut inter hujus regni barones animo magis quam re beatus."
Is under great obligations to Abp. Warham, of whose sobriety, experience, sagacity, industry, judgment and modesty Erasmus speaks in the highest terms. All the liberality and kindness he had experienced from the whole College of Cardinals when at Rome were made up to him in Warham. Two years ago was to have visited Rome in the suite of Fisher Bishop of Rochester, a prelate very like Warham; but Fisher was suddenly recalled. Last year had gone to Bâsle about his new edition of St. Jerom. Gives an account of it. Had intended dedicating it to Warham, but proposes now to dedicate it to Leo. Expects, next summer, to bring out his notes on the New Testament. Has in hand a treatise De Instituendo Principe, intended for the Archduke Charles. Speaks of the persecutions of Reuchlin. Proposes visiting Rome next winter. London, pridie kl. April 1515.
31 March.
Er. Ep. II. 3.
Excuses his long silence. Speaks of his treatment in England, and the favors he had received from Ruthal Bishop of Durham and the Archbishop of York (Wolsey), who is now omnipotent with the King: "nam regiis curis sic adest ut maxima pars publicorum negotiorum in hujus inclinet humeros." Had been invited to England with great promises. The King was very friendly, so much so that a little before the death of his father he had written a letter with his own hand to Erasmus, then in Italy, "ut vel ex his singulare quoddam et regno dignum ingenium possis agnoscere." Complains of the troubles of the times and his own hopes having been dashed by the warlike propensities of Julius II. St. Jerome is now in the press. So much care has been bestowed upon it, that nothing like it will have appeared for the last twenty years. Speaks strongly in behalf of Reuchlin. London, pridie kl. April 1515.
31 March.
S. B.
280. For WILLIAM AUDEWYN of London, fishmonger.
Protection; in the King's service for the victualling of Calais, Del. Westm., 31 March 6 Hen. VIII.
Calig. D. VI. 260. B. M.
Had received Henry's letter thanking him for the great affection he had shown to his sister Mary, "ma belle mère," and to "mon cousin" the Duke of Suffolk, and informing him that the said Queen has lately written with her own hand desiring above all things to return to England, which Henry also desires and prays Francis to allow. "Et apres son retour a v[ous] communiqué oveques ele et sen ... intensyon que aryes a ma contem[plation] et pour honneur et faveur de m[on d]yt cousyn de Sufort de tant plu[s ...] commande. Mon frere, quant ... er mersys que me fayte ... e jay en vers ... de mon dyt cousyn ... nen estre nul besoyn ... que je y veus contyneur de ... eus et pour lonneur et a ... vous et au regart de son alee de ... et la este est et sera touryours en ... verte quant le tans se trouvera [con]venable." Thanks Henry for his assurance that he would hold Suffolk "pour recommandé" on his account. Queen Mary has again told him that she is more and more desirous that the marriage between her and Suffolk should take effect, and has this day desired him again to write to urge Henry to consent to it, which he not only does in this letter, but has written more at length to his ambassador, Mons. de la Guysche, instructing him what to say to Henry on the subject.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: A mon bon frere et cousin.
R. O.
He and De la Guiche would have visited Wolsey, but could not do it twice in one day without suspicion. Had thought it better to send him the caskets (vasa), and with them a goldsmith to unpack them. Will visit him to-morrow and bring the inventory. Hope the business will be satisfactory to the King and Wolsey.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Rmo. etc. Domino Ebor. archiepiscopo.
Sends his letter in all haste. In conformity with his wish to know what jewels and plate could be had to satisfy the King, they have done the best they can. Cannot decide upon the Queen's right. Has persuaded Francis to share with her "that the King might see that he dealt not to extremity." He will give her 50,000 crowns in gold plate and the same in jewels, being half the whole, on condition that it be accepted as a free gift. Must have the jewel that he sent by Richmond returned, as it never goes from the Queens of France.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
"Parcels delivered unto the French Queen's use, as followeth, [by Rob.] Amadas and Hen. Wheeler before her departing over the sea."
... of silver graven with the arms of England ... weighing 15¾ oz. at 3s. 4d. the oz., 51s. 3d. ... Queen's baldric weighing 2¾ oz. 76s.; [mak]ing of the same, 13s. 4d. Fine gold for the garnishing of the Queen's frontlet, 14 oz.½ dwt., at 40s. per oz. Silvering for the garnishing of 4 carving [knives], 65s. 10d. A case for "the King's collar of garters," 4s. "[Mak]yng new of a gilt pot to a macher [Mr.] Compton hath in his keeping weighing [more than] the old pot by 2 oz., 6s. 8d."; making and gilting the same pot, 46s. To Henry for mending the collar of diamonds, 20s.; &c. Total 175l. 18s. Paid to Rob. Amadas and Henry Holtweler [by Sir Hen.] Wyat, for device on baldric, 4 roses set with diamonds ..., 9l. 5s. 2d. Delivered to the same a double A, set with fair diamond and a fair large table balais. with a [lar]ge pearl, weighing together with the gold 1¾ [oz., to wh]iche there must be made an M of a goodly [size], 47s. 2½d., Delivered to them a bracelet to mend, 2 triangle diamonds, to diamonde called a dake and [a rou ?]nde peal, and 4 table diamond, a fair [diam]onde taken out of a cross and 9 fair pearls, to make a device for her neck; also 8 pearls and 9 rubies, all orient taken [out of t]he M, and 12 pearls taken out of the K, to set in [a bra]sslet, and 6 roses of rubies and 14 small pearls [for ano]ther bracelet; also 9 fair rubies set in colettes. Total, 72l. 7s. 2d. "Rest clear to the said Amadas, 102l. 14s. 4d."
To Wm. Holland. New making of 2 pots broken [and a] collar of the Queen's, 8l. Making of a chafing dish, weighing 35 oz., at 4d. the oz. New making of 4 bowls of the Queen's broken, 20s. 8d. New making of an ale pot, of a broken ga ... pot, parcel gilt 21s. 9d.; &c. Total, 19l. 15s. 9d.
To John Twyselton, goldsmith. For 25 ozs. of [cra]mpe rings of gold, at 40s. the oz. For 140 ozs. of crampe rings of silver, [at] 4s. the oz. For mending of a chafing dish, [with the] head and the ring broken off, 3s. For mending of a great pot, 12d. Total, 78l. 4s.
Grand total, 200l. 14s. 1d.; "which sum, John Heron, we will that ye content and pay upon the sight thereof." Signed: Henry R.
Paper Roll, much mutilated.
March. Calig D. VIII. 278. B. M. 285. NEWS FROM FRANCE.
"The articles of Antonyne by th ..."
Item, this man says that Albany will embark on the 1st April with 400 men of arms and 4,000 foot, but does not know where he will sail to; that Pont de Remy has left to go beyond the mountains; that Monsr. de Vuydame has sought (purchassé) Mons. de Mailly, but has not been heard, and De Mailly has been sent to Loches. He was taken in consequence of some representations made to the French ambassadors then in England, but knows not on what charge. The informant was at Molynes in Bourbonnois at the baptism of a son of the Constable, where an Italian told him the Queen of England would have a male child within a year, and offered to stake his life on the truth of it, but till he comes to England must have money for his wife. It is said the Duke of Gueldres intends laying siege to Tournay with the aid of France. The King of France said lately that if England intended war he should know it within 15 days. The son of the King of England's barber was present.
Fr., pp. 2, mutilated.


  • 1. Singular and plural.
  • 2. This passage does not now occur in Polydore's letter.
  • 3. f. 127.
  • 4. Apparently. for March.
  • 5. These words scored out in the document.