Henry VIII: February 1516, 1-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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'Henry VIII: February 1516, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp409-428 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: February 1516, 1-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp409-428.

"Henry VIII: February 1516, 1-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1864), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp409-428.


February 1516

1 Feb.
R. O.
St. P. VI. 42.
1470. PACE to WOLSEY.
After the writing of his former letters, Melchior Lango arrived with instructions for Cardinal Sion and himself. On the 20th of [January] a great number of captives came to him at Zurich offering their services. They desired him to solicit the Emperor to come to Constance and make a conclusive arrangement. Whilst they were thus talking, letters came from the Emperor thanking Pace for his activity in this matter, promising to be at Constance in three or four days. The Emperor did not keep his promise. All were dissatisfied. The Swiss said he never kept his promises, and would have departed but for Pace, who despatched an ambassador to the Emperor to warn him of the danger of his neglect. The Swiss declared, if Pace left, people would think all his promises were fables. Arranged with Cardinal Sion not to leave, and that they should write to the Emperor of his danger. Desired Galeazzo to do the same, "and to stir him forward." Will know the Emperor's mind on his return; is sure he intends, as yet, no hurt, or any concord with the French King. He fears England more than hell, as appears by his promising the Pope recompence for "breaking his faith in soliciting the Scotch against us."
The Emperor desires to see Pace only to get some of the King's money. The lords of Zurich have appointed a diet for the first Sunday of Lent; expects it will be long before he has their final resolution. They have appointed this diet in defiance of the cantons that favor France. Nothing can hurt his cause but the Emperor's slowness. "These Almayns be so diligent in resolving their matters that they had liever lose a great city than to arise from their dinner to defend the same." Constance, 1 Feb.
P.S.—Wolsey need not fear that the Emperor will lead the Swiss against the Venetians. The Swiss say they will have no Emperor in the field but Galeazzo and Pace, "for him they do esteem for his wisdom and faith, and me for my King's money, and a little the more because they do evidently see now that I was not sent into their country to deceive them." They cannot trust the Emperor as to money, and warn Pace that of 100,000 crowns given him by Henry in the last war for the Burgundian expedition they had only 40,000 florins. The Bishop of Veroli, the Pope's ambassador in Switzerland, is displeased with the Pope's adherence to France, and has advised him to take the part of England. Thanks should be sent to him and the Cardinal of Sion.
Hol., pp. 10. Add.: Tho. Card. Ebor.
1 Feb.
Er. Ep. XXIX. 79.
1471. ERASMUS to LEO X.
After complimenting the [Pope on his descent, speaks of his labors on the N. Testament. As he considered the only hope for restoration and reformation of religion rested in the study of the N. Testament, which ought to be drawn rather from the true source itself than from its lakes and rivulets, "Novum, ut vocant, Testamentum universum ad Græcæ originis fidem recognovimus." Gives an account of the work, (fn. 1) his obligations to Warham, to whom England is so much indebted. Bale, kal. Feb. 1516.
1 Feb. 1472. For HEN. BERDE and TH. TYLER, valectus emptoriæ.
To be master bailiffs of the Thames between Stanesbridge and the head of the river. Westm., 1 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 7.
1 Feb. 1473. For JOHN HARPUR.
Exemption from serving on juries, &c. No purveyor of the Household to enter his lands to levy taxes. Westm., 1 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 17.
1 Feb. 1474. GAOL DELIVERY.
Norfolk Circuit.—Sir John Fyneux, Sir Rob. Rede, and Wm. Mordaunt. Westm., 1 Feb.
Midland Circuit.—Guy Palmes, Brian Palmes and John Jenour. Westm., 1 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 16d.
2 Feb.
Has, according to Wolsey's desire, asked Bernardyne de Fokers, who undertook with other merchants to make exchange of a large sum of money to be paid in High Almain, what payments he received. Fokers refused to take it in crowns of the sun, at 39 stivers apiece, and preferred it in nobles at 10s. Understands from him that the Frescobalds would pay by way of Lyons and Italy, but thinks they will find great difficulty. Wolsey will see by this that the King makes the exchange, and pays the interest himself, and the advantage will go to his enemies. There is great lack of money in France. All reasons for Knight's remaining have ceased since the arrival of Count Decian on the Emperor's behalf. Brussels, 2 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Cardinal of England.
2 Feb.
R. O.
Has heard from Pace how zealously Wolsey takes his part. Pace will inform him of various things, which will make further words unnecessary. Constance, 2 Feb. 1516.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Card. Ebor.
3 Feb.
Calig. E. I. 84.
B. M.
Regrets that at last writing to him by Rougecroix he was ignorant of his being cardinal. Had written on the last day of August of the conduct of Albany towards the Queen of Scots, since his entry into the kingdom. If any differences have since arisen between them, they have been occasioned by false insinuations. Wolsey will know by the bearer De la Poussyme (?) the desire of Albany to maintain the peace of the two realms and treat the Queen respectfully. Is greatly obliged to Henry VIII. for his desire that De Planis should join with the ambassadors who are coming to England to negotiate the treaty. Edinburgh, 3 Feb. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: Mons. le Cardinal d'Yord.
4 Feb.
R. O.
Yesterday one of the Prince's chaplains was with him, named Alamire, stating that Hans Nagel had received letters from Sir Hen. Guldeford before Christmas, to come with his company into England to play before the King, which he declined to do till he had received a general pardon for his dealings with De la Pole. As they are not satisfied with their wages, they are now advised to go to England in the train of the ambassador appointed to receive the King's oath, Mons. Reux, that they may pass and repass in safety. Meanwhile Nagel wishes Alamire to go to Messe in Lorraine to Ric. De la Pole, to assure him that his going shall be profitable to him. Advises that Sir Hen. Guldeford should write to Nagel to defer his coming till after Easter, because music may be spared in Lent, and by so doing they may know all De la Pole's enterprises, and if Nagel goes to England he will work treason.
The King of Arragon has commanded his ambassadors to state that he will invite the Prince into Spain next May; but the Prince's Council, to support their authority, do all that they can to sow dissension between the grandfather and the nephew. They are inclined to send the Prince into Spain, and exclude the King of Arragon from the government, by the help of Don Pedro de Girona. The fear of losing the government made the King of Arragon disaffected to the marriage between the Prince and the French Queen. He will promise the King anything now to have help; without it he cannot keep Castile. Thinks that some one else is requisite to manage in this conjuncture than John Stile. Large pieces of artillery are making at Mechlin for the Prince, under the charge of Lord Ravestein. Thinks they may be for Albany. As they were going to church to swear the amity, Ravestein said he thought he was going to a requiem. The King of Arragon has made proclamation of reprisals against the French in Galicia, Biscay and Guipuscoa. The Almains from France have been countermanded; 4,000 of them, however, are going to join the Bp. of Luke. It is suspected that Ric. De la Pole will go with them to Gueldres or to Scotland, or they will attack Tournay. Brussels, 4 Feb.
Hol., chiefly cipher, pp. 3.
Add.: Lord Cardinal of England.
R. O. 2. Decipher of the above by Tuke.
4 Feb.
Galba, B. IV. 25.
B. M.
"Wrote his last on the 1st. yesterday the [Lord Chievres sent to] me Artois herald, desiring me to go speke [with him;] and soo I dyd, and find him in his on chambe[r, where] he showed me that the Prince of Castile was minded to desire I should come to the King for such business as the said Lord Chievres and the Chancellor had spoken with me heretofore." Spinelly declined to depart without the King's leave, and specially that he had heard a great band of Almains had arrived upon the Prince's frontiers, whom he suspects of a design upon Tournay; and considering a communication had by the people of Tournay with the French ambassador and the words of the abbot of St. martin, he and Dr. Knight had sent warning thereof to Lord Mountjoy. Would have sent Jasper van Ulmo to the King's grace to learn the truth if he had had the money. Chievres informs him that the Almains pass Mastik daily in small bands by reason of sickness. He cannot tell whether they go to Gelderland or the Bp. of Lucca. Clas Bakker is come to Barowe. Alamyre is gone to visit him. "He hath showed to Mr. Knight and me the answer of Direk van Ret to Hans Nagle, containing only the reception of divers letters and thanks. We labor that the said Hans shall go before his coming into England to Richard de la Pole, to the intent he might be the better informed." The French ambassadors are in constant communication with Chievres, the Chancellor and Casius, without the privity of the Lady Margaret, from which the ambassador of Arragon augurs no good. Has written to Sir Robert Wingfield "in such cipher as I have with him, to be vigilant with the Emperor."
The estates meet on the 12th for the business of the King of Arragon, but they are "so suborned" Spinelly expects no good of them. After the conclusion the Count Palatine and Lord Sampy shall go into Spain to foment some insurrection against the King of Arragon, and not for any good; and my Lord Reux will be sent to England. Is informed that the Prince's Council have intelligence with the lords of Spain; and if the King of Arragon "doth not cast the Frenchman" he will repent it. Chievres' nephew is expected, and will marry the Prince of Simay (Chimay's) daughter. In fifteen days the French King will be at Paris.
By two Scotch ships come from Dondy to Zeeland he learns that the young King is continually sick. Banisius writes that the Emperor will be shortly at Trent. It seems he is discontent with the Viceroy of Naples. Brussels, 4 Feb. 1515.
Hol., part cipher, deciphered by Tuke, pp. 4. Original and decipher both mutilated.
4 Feb.
Vit. B. XIX. 9.
B. M.
1480. [PACE] to [WOLSEY].
"Post omnia alia ... [the Lord Galias] is returned from [the Emperor ... all] things necessary for our voyage ... said Emperor is in a readiness; th[e] ... [is] ordered, victuals be provided, [as well as all] manner horsemen and artillery, [in such wise] that the Lord Galiace immediately will [begin] to make his musters of soldiers." ... has promised to levy ... horse as soon as he [hears] that the Lord Galiace is ready to proceed; which Pace trusts will be within a few days, "for the Swyce havynge knowl[edge of] thEmperor's mynde set in thys maner [fly] to him like bees." The Emperor has se[nt] word by Lord Galiace that ... in any case Pace is to come to h[im]; that he has received certain tr ... my Lady Margarete telling him that Pace is Wolsey's [tr]usty servant, and desires him ... When he goes he will be guided by the instructions contained in Wolsey's last letters, "adding [to the] same such things as I shall de[em] most necessary for to alienate him from the French King, to whom [he] hath at this time little affection." His good disposition is owing to the King, whose kind and loving letters he shewed to Lord [Ga]liace, declaring that all his trust was in Henry. [Wolsey] must not desist to set him forward by letters and promises, "for his name [and a]mity shall help us greatly." The Emperor has promised to take with him in his company the Duke of Bari, and make him ... Requests that the letter desired for the said Duke be sent to him, and ... if need be, so that the Duke at least may see the King's good mind. The Lord Galias is writing his mind to Wolsey "in re super ... saria; de fide autem fidelissimo uno adhibenda nolo scribere." The Emperor has committed to him the whole order of the Swiss with 1,000 crowns a month during the expedition, and wishes the King would do the same. Refers this to the King and Wolsey's discretion. "[If] it shall please the King's grace [to] treat him, it shall cost him ... life and lands but he will [recompence it]. A commission of the Swisses to enter the league is not to ..." [Constance, 4 Feb.]
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Endd.: L~res of Mr. pace.
Vit. B. XIX. 12.
B. M.
2. Abstract of the preceding by Brian Tuke.
4 Feb.
R. O.
By the letters of the King and Wolsey and the report of his Archdeacon [Langus] of his reception in England, understands the confidence placed in him. Will spare no effort to deserve it. Refers him for further particulars to D. Ricardus [Pace] and his own letters to Cardinal Wolsey. Constance, prid. non Feb. 1516. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
4 Feb.
Vit. B. XIX. 13.
B. M.
The messenger whom he had sent to the King and Wolsey returned two days ago. He has performed all that was enjoined by the King, and has fully related al that passed, and how well [he] was received. Is much gratified at the good opinion of himself expressed by the King and Wolsey in their letters. In return, promises the most unlimited devotion and submission. Wolsey has acted very prudently in sending ... thousand crowns, otherwise it [would have been] impossible [for them] to go to war with the French from various causes. "Expedit etenim eis nunc habitis etiam cumulatis ... et vires omnes addamus quo recte et tute, si quid tute geri potest, ... expeditio resistit;" for not only do the French, whose arts are well known to the Swiss, but "omnipotens pecunia cui plerumque omnia ... hanc præsens periculi et malorum quæ sibi proxima sunt non solum nun ... sed profundit." And while the Swiss, having deservedly lost their honor and ... with the deaths of their countrymen still to be avenged, ought to place all ... most are blinded by their gold crowns * * * "[Quod si pec]uniæ Christianissimi Regis nostri non adessent, quia magnopere expedit peribus armis [cu]m quibus pugnat evincere, et pacem Gallus et fœdus haberet cum Helvetiis ... invictis viribus sparsim jam cuneta invadere cœpisset; unde non solum ad arma Helvetii sumenda nobiseum, sed neque ad abstinendum a Gallico fœdere sine pecunia haberi potnissent; quo fit ut sæpe et ultra condignum errogari et præter votum expendere illas necesse sit." Thanks Wolsey for associating Pace with him, whose wisdom and constancy have gained the esteem of the Emperor, the Swiss, and every one in these parts. He pays Sion such entire defence Wolsey need have no anxiety on this matter. War leads to unexpected necessities for money ...
"Magnificus dominus Galeas Vicecomes qui valde magnam rerum istarum [experien]tiam et animum habet, et se talibus ac R. M. servitiis libenter et ... egoque impendimus, quos et fides et strennos fututos existimamu[s] ... musque 17,000 Helvetiorum peditum duodecima præsentis in civitate ... adesse debere, unde infra trium dierum in Italiam et Lombardiam spa[tium de]seendetur. Nec dubitent vel R. M. vel Rma. D. V. quod aut Cæsar prius ne ... expugnandis quam Gallis profligandis aut nos alios ad id consilio vel p. ... errogatione condescenduros, intendere." As Pace has well observed in his letters, when the French are speedily crushed, even the Venetians will be compelled not only to declare but to feel themselves ... The first attack, therefore, will be on the French ... but since the French King, at the mere report of our [movement] against him into the duchy of Milan ... has crossed to France, (fn. 2) which is to be deplored, for it had 'been wished his punishment should be on the scene of his trespass, "facilliman speramus cum ac ... gubernaculis suis, et ut melins dixerim, fœdaverit lasciviis prædi ... omnia ut loca terraque cum sais contempti contentis vindictam ... ut anteaquam Pasqua sit et vindictam fecisse vicisseque omnia sper ... * * *
The King's money being hardly sufficient for two months' pay, more funds must be forthcoming for the third month, for soldiers are wont to become unruly and lazy, especially those of this nation (the Swiss), when the money falls short even for a few days. It would be wrong to relax or [give] breathing time to the enemy, or to contract the limits of success at the moment when they are close upon a complete victory. Hopes, therefore, as the sum is not large, that it will be sent with all speed * * * "ludit etenim Gallus auro æreque immenso." Insists upon the difficulty of retaining the disaffected cantons from alliance with France, as they have the teat in their months, and will not forsake it except for a greater bribe. Constance, pridie non[as Februarias] 1516.
Lat., pp. 9, badly mutilated. Add.: Reverendissimo in Christo Patri D. D. T. S. Ceciliæ Presbytero Card. Eboracensi domnio meo colentissimo. Endd.: Car1 Sedussis, Februarii 1516.
Vit B. XIX. 373.
B. M.
1483. Abstract of SION'S LETTERS.
"Rmus Carlis Sedunensis. ... communibus eorumdem se jugum servitutis subit ..."
He praises Wolsey's prudence [in sending ...] crowns for the pay of the Swiss. The expedition will be duly made. "Et huic expeditioni solum g ... sed ejus pecuniæ, quas non modo numerat sed verius ... ipsos Helvetios." Had it not been for the aid of the King and Wolsey, and the unflagging zeal of Pace aided by Sion, the French [would have] drawn ten cantons to their side. Six have now joined the King. By virtue of former treaties made by some of the cantons, they can compel them after the peace is sealed, "per eos de ... sunt, Luceria, Wnderualdo, Zuch, et Glarona; eoque ... ut decem cantones in partes regiæ majestatis sen[tiant]." The King will have besides a large number of foot from the subjects of the others. If the King's money had not been forthcoming the French would have made peace with the Swiss. It had consequently been necessary to spend a great deal of money. Sion will see the first and second payments made to the troops. Galeazzo has been chosen general. They have provided the King with 1,700 troops, who will be at the city of ... on ... of the present month, and in three days march of Lombardy. The King's money now sent being hardly enough for two months pay, asks that the third month's pay be sent immediately. The King of France has withdrawn from Italy solely out of dread of this report about the troops. There is a universal cry to cross the mountains, and that Henry should seize his patrimony. As to the treaty to be entered into with the Swiss, Sion says they must be excused for the present, as it would not be made by common consent of all the cantons, and, like the league with the French, would not be observed. When the French have been beaten, all the cantons, even those on the French side, will be anxious unanimously to make a treaty with England.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
4 Feb.
R. O.
Will undertake whatever Pace promises in his name. Has written secret matters to Wolsey. Constance, 4 Feb. 1516. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. and endd. Numbered 10 in modern hand.
4 Feb.
R. O.
Has learned from Pace the confidence reposed in him by the King and Wolsey. Will do whatever Pace promises on his behalf, Is now 60 years old, and nothing will be more glorious for him than to die in the King's service. Begs his attention to the letter which he writes in Pace's cipher. Constance, 4 Feb. 1516. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Card. Ebor. Numbered 6 in modern hand.
4 Feb.
R. O.
The money must be diligently provided. It shall not be spent except for such evident purposes as Wolsey desires. Otherwise he is afraid the Swiss will desert and take French pay. Considers 300,000 fl., reckoning the 144,000 they have at present, will be required. Has conversed with Pace on the subject, to whom he refers for further information. Constance, 4 Feb. 1516. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Card. Ebor. Numbered 7 in modern hand.
4 Feb. 1487. For WM. IDLE, chaplain.
To have a stipend and allowance for bread, wine, and was for the celebration of service in Penrith Castle. Westm., 4 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 11.
See 15 March.
4 Feb.
P. S.
1488. For WM. LEGHE.
Annuity of 20l. out of the customs of Bristol. Greenwich, 27 Jan. 7 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 21.
5 Feb.
R. O.
1489. PACE to WOLSEY.
As he was this day departing to the Emperor according to his letters, an Earl and two great captains arrived from the Emperor as Constance, with a large commission and authority for Cardinal Sion and the Lord Galeazzo to conclude with the Helvetic ambassador. The Swiss insisted that Pace should be present at the conference. It has been arranged that musters be made for Italy in ten days. As soon as 17,000 men are afoot the Emperor is to join and the Viceroy be commander in chief. Wolsey must not sleep. Has urged the King Catholic and the Pope. They will require money, as more Swiss volunteers are needed, and cannot be refused. Galeazzo wishes to be the King's lieutenant. The French King, who has heard of this preparation, has departed into France. He states that he will forsake the Venetians, and agree with the Pope. This must be told the Venetian ambassadors now resident in England. Thinks the King should do so himself. Wolsey must not wonder if Pace sends many letters at once. Constance, 5 Feb. 1516.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Card. Ebor.
5 Feb.
Vit. B. XIX. 11.
B. M.
1490. [PACE to WOLSEY.]
Abstracts of Pace's letters of the [31st Jan], and of the 1st, 4th, and [5th] Feb. See the originals under those dates.
5 Feb.
R. O.
Thanks him for his confidence. Has communicated with Pace, Wolsey's messenger and secretary, in cipher, what he thinks conducive to the matter in hand. Constance, nonis Feb. 1516. Signed.
Lat., pp. 2. Add.: Thom. Cardinal. Ebor.
5 Feb.
R. O.
Has written to him two letters siating the efforts he had made to cause the monks of St. Martin's to complain of their abbot. As they cannot be induced to this, the King must represent to the Pope the Abbot's vicious life, his absenting himself from his place, robbing the goods of the abbey, and allowing the houses to decay. If he be furnished with the King's letters Sampson will procure a rescript forbidding the Abbot to resign during the inquisition. Desires the King's letters to the judges to obey the Pope's rescript, as the Abbot is in great favor with the Prince. Begs a remittance. Had by Richmond 61l. for his diets to 6 Oct., and 40l. for forty days to come, ended 15 Nov. Has already written of my Lord Chamberlain's kindness. Calais, 5 Feb. 1515.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: My lord Cardinal of York. Endd.
5 Feb.
R. O.
Writes, as she will see, to the King. Has sent the bearer, his secretary, for the good of peace both between the two kingdoms and with France and Christendom; has accordingly directed him to proceed to the Cardinal of York, whose efforts along with her own were formerly very powerful in promoting peace. Edinburgh, 5 Feb.
Copy, Fr., p. 1.
6 Feb.
S. B.
Rym. XIII. 531.
Safeconduct for six months to the ambassadors of James V. mentioned in his letter of 27 Jan. Westm., 6 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII.
ii. Same to the Earl of Arran, with twenty attendants.
iii. Appointment of Thomas Lord Dacre of Greystoke as warden of the East, West and Middle Marches, during pleasure.
Sc. 7 Hen. VIII. m. 17.
6 Feb.
Giust. Desp. I. 168.
An ambassador from the Emperor has arrived, a native of Aste (Titionius); no one knows the object of his mission. Some say it is to confirm the confederation between the Emperor, Ferdinand and Henry; others say it is to ask for money for an expedition against France and Venice. Found the ambassadors of the Emperor and Ferdinand closeted with the King. On the appearance of the French ambassador, the King drew aside with the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk. Heard that Francis had expressed his determination to preserve peace with England; had proffered that Queen Margaret should be restored, her dower secured, her children committed to the guardianship of nobles, or the point referred to arbitration; that he had returned into France for better correspondence with Henry. Henry replied that it was beneath his dignity to refer these matters to arbitration, that he would judge the affairs of Scotland himself. Went to speak with the King, who complained that he had received no letters from Venice, as the Spanish and Imperial ambassadors were present. It is necessary to cultivate his friendship. Ambassadors arrive in London from all the great Princes in Christendom. "All hammer at this anvil, some for money, and some for favor;" and not a week elapses, without missives being addressed to his majesty expressive of confidence and good will; yet Venice does not write. There will evidently be war between England and Scotland. London, 6 Feb. 1516.
7 Feb.
R. O.
Wrote his last on the 4th. Reports have since arrived of the Almains returned from the French King's service toward the Bishop of Luke and Duke of Geldres, of which Knight and he advertised Lord Mountjoy. Supposes they are retained in order to be sent to Scotland or against Tournay, as the Lord Chancellor informs him that by the French King's commandment the Duke will accept a four months' truce with the Prince touching Frysland; or else they are come at the request of the Prince of Castile's council, for better color with the estates, and furtherance of the alliance with the French King. Needful to make provision in time for Tournay, because its recovery is of great consequence to the French, and for Sir Edward Ponynges to be there. If he had had money, would have dispatched Jasper Van Ulmo to the Almains to learn their secrets. The Dean of Louvain is in great disfavor with the Prince of Spain by reason of the treaty concluded with the King of Arragon. The Count Palatine with the Dean of Cambray, who is the Prince's ghostly father and a Frenchman, are to go thither. Dr. Knight and himself had been to the Chancellor to liberate Robert Latimer, taken prisoner on "Sherof tyde" (Shrove Tuesday). The French King has written from Hays in Provence to this Prince that he has notice that ten of the Swiss Cantons were for him, and had promised to bring over the other three. He will be shortly at Paris. According to Bannysius, the Pope, who is all French, has used his influence with the Swiss. Desires his servant to be sent, and begs Wolsey to be kind to his brother Leonard. Brussels, 7 Feb.
P.S.—Laurence Daula of Bruges, a friend of Dr. Sampson, has heard from a servant of the Abbot of St. Martin's that he will resign his abbey to the Lord Chievres' nephew.
Add.: Reverendissimo, &c. Cardinali Angliæ.
Hol., partly cipher, deciphered by Tuke, pp. 3.
7 Feb.
R. O.
Received a letter from Sir John Stile, by a pursuivant who had been kept prisoner in Bayonne twelve days in irons, and all his letters taken except the King's, which he encloses. Has spent two days with the Chamberlain in effecting the deliverance of Rob. Latimer, who had been taken on suspicion of carrying the King's letters to the Earl of Thierstenne (d'Isselstein). Latimer, on his liberty, proposed to recommence his journey on Ash Wednesday, when Knight caused him to burn certain instructions that he carried, lest, if he were taken at Brussels or elsewhere, the voyage should be discovered. The French King has written to the Prince a letter with his own hand, stating that ten of the Swiss Cantons have agreed with him. The news is contradicted from Almain. Requests money. Brussels, 7 Feb.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Cardinal of York.
7 Feb.
R. O.
4,000 lanzknechts are assembled in the land of Luke, not far from Rob. de la Marche, who has them at his command. They are now two days' journey from Tournay, although it was reported that they were to cross the mountains. Vendome and Pontremy have lately come to the neighbourhood. The latter professes to be going to Scotland with 200 men. The Lieutenant has sent out spies. The Lord Chamberlain will inform him of the assembling of the Tournaise merchants at Ghent and Bruges. They will not dwell in Tournay as long as it is English, as John Garnere reports, who is the greatest of them. Tournay, 7 Feb. Sealed.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: My lord Cardinal of York.
R. O. 2. Similar letter to Henry VIII.
Has received 6,000l. from the Deputy of Calais for the payment of the garrison, and delivered the same to Sir Edw. Benstede according to the King's commandment. In consequence of the return of my Lord Chamberlain, writes the less. Begs credence for the bearer, John Seler, touching the secrets of Tournay, as well spiritual as temporal. He is the best Englishman there, and hated accordingly. It would be much to the King's honor if Wolsey had peaceably his bpric. of Tournay and the abbey of St. Martin's, especially if Sampson held them under his grace. "Ytt shuld be as muche strenkyth as one off the best towrys off the syttadell when yt shalbe made."
Hol., p. 1. My lord Card. of York. Endd.
7 Feb.
Giust. Desp. I. 171.
Received their letters 28 Dec. and 16 Jan. Went to the Cardinal, and translated them into Latin for him; expressed his fears of the intentions of England touching the Italian expedition; expatiated on the disadvantages of a breach with France, said that England with her sword sheathed made all the Princes of Christendom tremble. Wolsey denied there was any cause for fear; the Emperor would not receive the smallest coin from England to injure Venice. Said he was afraid the Emperor might promise one thing, and, when he had the money, employ it against the Seignory. As Wolsey was sent for, went to the Bp. of Durham, who affirmed that nothing was meditated against Venice; and then laughed, saying, "Per deum, we mean to effect your welfare in spite of yourselves." They bear the worst possible will to Francis, and will do what they can to drive him from Italy. It is in this way they think to benefit the Seignory. "So I, who well knew his drift, told him that, on the contrary, your Excellency's sole supporter in Italy was his most Christian Majesty." London, 7 Feb. 1516.
7 Feb.
S. B.
1501. For WM. DRURY and JOAN his wife.
Livery of lands, the said Joan being daughter and heir of Sir Wm. Seyntmaure, and heir of John Seyntmaure and Elizabeth widow of Sir John Byconell, formerly wife of the said John Seyntmaure. Del. Westm., 7 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6.
7 Feb. 1502. For ROB. COPER of London, haberdasher.
Licence to import twenty gross of French hats and caps, and 2 cwt. of silk ribbon. Westm., 7 Feb.
Fr. 7 Hen. VIII. m. 12.
7 Feb. 1503. For CHRIST. CUDWORTH, clk.
To be clerk in the church of Preston, Linc. dioc. Westm., 7 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 11.
Vesp. F. III. 110b.
B. M.
Is sorry that anything has been done at Rome contrary to Henry's pleasure, the more so as he himself is so far from that city, and unable to comply with Henry's request to go there. When he wrote in conjunction with the Pope, did not perceive the gravity of the case. "Incipienti enim per meos id agere nunciatum est, quod fieri sibi ea cupiebat, factum et indultum jam illi fuisse; quo eventu incredibile est quantopere gaudeamus; quamquam posthac cupiamus, (quod tamen commodo majestatis vestræ fieri semper velimus,) alias offerri nobis probandæ voluntatis huius nostræ erga eam occasiones." Rimini, 8 Feb. 1516. Signed.
Lat., p. 1.
8 Feb.
Giust. Desp. I. 176.
Heard from the French ambassador today that the Council had consented for the dispute concerning Scotland to be referred to arbitration. Francis does not intend to send any gentleman of his to stand godfather for the Queen's offspring, as he will not stir upon a verbal invitation from the Duke of Suffolk, but require the King to write. If he sends no one, it will prove extremely vexations. London, 8 Feb. 1516.
8 Feb.
S. B.
1506. For JOHN KNYGHT.
Wardship of Christina, d. and h. of John and Margaret Witham. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 4.
8 Feb.
S. B.
1507. For TH. CRESSYE of London, grocer.
Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngefeld, Deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII.
8 Feb.
S. B.
1508. For JOHN COPYNGER, page of the Wardrobe of Robes, and THOMAS RYDER, gentleman usher of the Chamber.
Corrody, in survivorship, in the monastery of Milton, formerly had by George Asshebe, on surrender by the said Thomas. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII.
9 Feb.
Calig. E. II. (68.)
B. M.
Since the Lord Chamberlain left, has made inquiries of what is required for building the citadel of Tournay. Begs whoever has the oversight may have authority to command the treasurer to lay out money for the works. Packman has returned spontaneously. He is with the canons near this town called St. Nicholas; and said he would come and clear himself if he could be secured against arrest for debt. Since his coming, Mountjoy has heard so much of his part in the late rebellion that he has committed him to ward. Encloses his examination. 5,000 Almains "casshyd" by the French King beg to pass that way, for the service, it is said, of the Bp. of Liege. Pounteremy is come from beyond the mountains to go into Scotland. The Duke of Vando[me] has come to his home near Tournay. Expects mischief. They are angry that the appointment with the Swiss has been broken off by money from England. Francis has broken up his army. Bourbon and De la Palis have been left at Milan. The Duke of Milan has taken his place in the parliament of Paris as highest peer of the realm. The French are much discouraged with the treaty lately concluded between England and the Prince of Castile. Begs more money. Tournay, 9 Feb. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
9 Feb.
R. O.
Has written to the King enclosing Packman's confession concerning certain merchants of England favoring Ric. de la Pole. Packman is now a prisoner. John Dymoe of this garrison, or Thyrkyll in Antwerp, may do much to discover the truth. Does not believe the report of troops assembling against Tournay. Has sent out spies. Would be glad to be discharged of his office. Wishes to go to England at Easter. Hansard, the under marshal, is highminded towards him. The bearer can tell him more. Tournay, 9 Feb.
Hol., pp.2. Add.: My lord Cardinal Abp. of York.
ii. "The examination of John Packman taken afore William Blount, knt., Lord Mountjoy, lieutenant general of Tournay, 8 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII."
Gives an account of the daughter of one John Silvester of Acon falling in with a servant of Blancherose at the sign of the Ship in the Fishmarket, Antwerp, who had communications with four merchants of Norfolk and Suffolk. States that Blancherose was with Rob. de la Marche and the Black Band of the Almains. Derick, who is now in England, knows William of the Stable, De la Pole's servant, referred to.
9 Feb. 1511. For the Town of EAST GRINSTED, Sussex.
Grant of a market on Saturday, and an annual fair on the eve of St. Andrew and the two following days, at a yearly rent of 3s. 4d. Westm., 9 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8.
9 Feb.
Wardship of Elizabeth and Isabella, daus. and hs. of John Stanley. Del. Westm., 9 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII.
9 Feb.
1513. For JOHN HUNT, chief cook for the King's Mouth.
To be keeper of Combmartyn Park, Devon, with 4d. a day, on surrender of patent 24 July 1 Hen. VIII., granting the office to Nicholas Aughton. Del. Westm., 9 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 22.
9 Feb.
1514. CALAIS.
* * * "The said treasurer asks allowance" for wages of captains and footmen of the old garrison, from 28 Jan. 6 Hen. VIII. to 11 March next, for 1½ month, after the rate that Sir Rob. Dymok, late treasurer, was accustomed to pay, 4,033l. 6s. 11½d. Wages of captains and footmen of the new garrison for the same time, after the rate assigned by the King to Sir Edw. Bensted, now treasurer, as appears more at large in the book of payments signed by the foresaid Lord Mountjoy, Sir Edw. Ponyngs, and another, 288l. 1s. 10d. Wages of horsemen of the old and new garrison from 30 Jan. 6 Hen. VIII. to 16 March, and certain odd days, 428l. 8s. Captains and footmen, from 11 March 6 Hen. VIII. to 7 April, 1,612l. 9s. Horsemen from 16 March to 14 April, 226l. 13s. 4d. Captains and footmen from ... to ... 1,603l. 2s. 5½d. * * *. Captains and footmen, from 29 July 7 Hen, VIII. to 52 Aug., 1,613l. 11s. 11½d. Horsemen from 13 Aug. to 11 Sept., 224l. 8s. 10d. Captains and footmen, from 26 Aug. 6 Hen. VIII. to 22 Sept., 1,612l. 13s. 3d. Horsemen, from 12 Sept. to 12 Oct., 224l. 8s. 10d. Captains and footmen, from 23 Sept. 7 Hen. VIII. to 20 Oct., 1,612l. 11s. 11d. Horsemen, from 12 Oct. to 10 Nov., 224l. 8s. 10d. Captains and footmen, from 21 Oct. 7 Hen. VIII. to 17 Nov., 1,613l. 11s. 11½d. Horsemen, from 11 Nov. to 10 Dec., 224l. 8s. 10d. Captains and footmen, from 18 Nov. 7 Hen. VIII. to 15 Dec., 1,613l. 11s. 11½d. Horsemen, from 11 Dec. to 9 Jan., 224l. 8s. 10d. Captains and footmen, from 16 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII. to 12 Jan., 1,588l. 7s. 11½d. Horsemen, from 10 Jan. to 8 Feb., 224l. 8s. 10d.
To Sir Antony de Fertyn, his pension as it appears in the King's rate, for one year, ending 10 March 7 Hen. VIII., 10l. To Allard Bentinck, receiver of the 6,000 fl. by virtue of the King's letter, dated Windsor, 19 Aug. 7 Hen. VIII., for three quarters fee, ending 28 Jan. next, at the rate which Sir Robt. Dymok, late treasurer, paid him, 25l. To John de Luysy, according to his letters patent, dated Calais, 20 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII., for half year ending 20 Oct. 7 Hen. VIII., 13l. 17s. 9¼d. To Wm. Penyson, according to the King's warrant dated Thornton, 16 June 7 Hen. VIII., 2s. a day, and four servants 6d. a day each. To the Earl of Worcester, Lord Chamberlain, by warrant dated Windsor, 4 Oct. 7 Hen. VIII., for diet, 200l. To divers idle persons, out of wage, conduct money to England, by the King's warrant, as appears in a book of their names signed by Sir Ric. Whettill, marshal, 100l. To the Bastard Daymeryes, by warrant dated Greenwich, 22 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII., over and above his ordinary wage, 33l. 6s. 8d. "By commandment of the above said lords," to the yeoman of the guard, soldiers and gunners, for a breakfast, for their good attendance given to the said lords and captains the day that the great assembly and rebellion was like to be, 27l. 13s. 4d. To Sir Ric. Jarnyngham, for red cloth for bends for the guard, 2l. 0s. 4d. To Symkyn de Rode, draper, for red cloth for bends for the soldiers, the same day that the great rebellion was like to be, 6l. 10s. To Lancaster Herald, expenses on going to England with Sir Ric. Jarnyngham, 40s. By commandment of the Lord Chamberlain to John Russell and Thyabyvyle for riding about the King's business, 8l. To Thos. Hert, master of the ordnance, for necessaries for conveying the ordnance to England, viz. for casing and dressing bows and arrows and carting and dressing guns. To John de Seller, for riding about the King's business for the "Court soverayne," 40d. a day. To Hammys pursuivant, for riding to Bruxells, Maklyn, and other places. Expenses of Lancaster Herald going to England with a message to the King, 40s. To certain yeoman of the guard absent by passport in Sir Rob. Dymok's days. By commandment of Lord Montjoye, to Sir Ric. Jarningham, for a waggon from Calais to Tournay for conveying the money, 6 days, 53s. 4d.
Total, 25,509l. 6s. 8d. Remainder in the said treasurer's hands, 842l. 15s. 1d.
Received from Wm. Penyson and his four men, which are overcharged in the said account, 6l. 8s. From Rauf Beiston, check money, 4s. 1d. From Sir Ric. Jarnyngham, 28,800 cr. of the sun at 4s. 2d. each, as appears by an indenture dated 12 Jan. same year. 5,000 pence for the overplus of 5,000 cr. paid to the garrison. Remainder in his hands, 12 Jan., 6,870s. 3s. 1d. Whereof, paid to captains and footmen of the garrison, from 13 Jan. to 9 Feb., 1,574l. 7s. 11½d. In his hands a bill of the book of accounts of John Dymok of Tournay, which is parcel of Sir Robt. Dymok for the victuals, 240l. 16s. 9d.
Signed: C. Worcester—W. Mountjoy.
Paper Roll. Commencement lost.
10 Feb.
Er. Ep. App. XLIX.
Has managed the business of his pension with the Archbishop, who had written to Maruffo to transmit it entire, which he has promised to do in his and More's presence. Warham approves of the design of dedicating the New Testament to the Pope, and warmly espouses the cause of Erasmus. London, 10 Feb. 1516.
Galba, B. III. 411.
B. M.
Doubts of the permanence of any amity between the Prince and France. They will never allow him to come into peaceable possession of so many dominions.—Lewis de Merlion, who is in great estimation at the Court, thinks it will be well to desire the Prince "to beg ... to the Queen's grace" deliverance. The King must write to Chievres and the Chancellor. Some resolution will be taken as to the Prince's going into Spain. * * *
"... first he come over to see the said Richard [he must have mo]ney in hand for his costs, promising to bring t[o your h]yghnes entire knowledge of the whole matter. [There]fore if your grace will put him to work as short[ly as it] is possible, ye must purvey to all things aforesa[id] ... [sa]ythe that the French King hath promised to send over th[e sa]id Richard with 14,000 or 15,000 Almains, and that upon the jeopardy of his head they have intelligence within your realm, as he will at length declared unto your grace." Date lost.
Hol., some words in cipher, pp. 3, badly mutilated. Add. and endd.
10 Feb.
Has not heard from his servant, and is compelled to importune his grace for his servant's despatch. Has written to the King of all the news. If Hans Nagel is to be used towards Richard de la Pole, Spinelly must have a short answer, and provision of such things as he demands. Brussels, 10 Feb.
Holograph, partly cipher, deciphered by Tuke, p. 1. Add.: Reverendissimo, &c. Thomæ g.d. presbytero Cardinali Angliæ, &c.
10 Feb.
Has made a declaration to Lord Mountjoy and Sir John Paiche against the wrongful complaints made by John Skrevyn, yeoman of the guard, against the writer and John Hamlet. Tournay, 10 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
10 Feb.
Is very glad he can oblige him by furthering the cause of the Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, now under discussion at Rome. Has already received sufficient instructions about it from the Bishop's chaplain. Florence, 10 Feb. 1516. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. and endd.
11 Feb.
Vit. B. III. 13b.
B. M.
If relief be quickly sent, hopes that all things will succeed, otherwise they must certainly fail. It is requisite he should have the sum of money of which he and [Sion] had written, in time for the second payment (page), or all will go to ruin (ruinabit). Zurich, 11 Feb. 1516.
Hol., Lat, p. 1, badly mutilated. Add.
Postscript. He departs to day to muster the army. That done they will march for Italy against the French. Neither Henry nor the King Catholic must sleep, as the French are in great difficulty. They may trust him, for he is a boy of 60. Would be glad if he could be one day in that country to witness the fervor of the Swiss The money will be well bestowed.
Hol., Lat., p. 1.
11 Feb.
Writes with his own hand to the King. If they had money all the Swiss in the end would be theirs. Begs Wolsey to bring to completion the good work, and recover the kingdom of France for "our King." Pace knows all his doings. Turegi [Zurich], 11 Feb. 1516.
Hol., Lat., p. 1.
11 Feb.
1523. LEO X. to WOLSEY.
Has written to the King in behalf of John and Gabriel Evangelists, merchants of Ragusi, who had become security for Michael Bon, merchant of London. On the flight of the said Michael, John had been arrested, and kept in prison two years. Gabriel cannot come abroad. Begs that the prisoner, having paid what he can, may be set at liberty, and that Wolsey will use his influence for this purpose. Florence, 11 Feb. 1516, 3 pont.
Vellum. Add.
11 Feb. 1524. For GEO. TANNER.
Inspeximus and exemplification of a writ 7 Hen. VII. to Nich. Kirkeham, escheator of Devon, in respect of Sir Jas. Fleming; and of an inquisition 8 Hen. VII. concerning Fleming's possessions in Highbray and Cridehoo, Devon, and finding that his son and heir was Christopher, aged 18 years. Westm., 11 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 4.
11 Feb. 1525. For EDW. son and heir of JOHN BAYNTON.
Livery of the lands of the said John, which came to the crown by his death, or by the death of Joan Delamier, tenant. Westm., 11 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6.
11 Feb.
1526. For TH. OTLAY, grocer, of London, alais of Nelmes, Essex.
Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wingfeld, Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 11 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII.
11 Feb.
1527. For ROB. LARDER.
Wardship of Coudrus, son and heir of John Strangewis. Del. Westm., 11 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 4.
11 Feb. 1528. For JOHN THOMAS, serjeant-at-arms.
To be constable of Trematon Castle, Cornw. Westm., 11 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 31.
12 Feb.
1529. To MOUNTJOY, lieutenant of Tournay.
For payment of arrears to Barnardin de Vallois, appointed gunner quartermaster there, on account of the good services rendered by him to the King at his entry into Tournay, at 18d. a day. Greenwich, 12 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII.
Endd.: "Allowed by this warrant to Bernardyn de Valois in Sir Edw. Bensted's account, late treasurer of the city of Tournay, from the 24th day of September, the 6th year of our sovereign lord King Henry VIII., unto the last day of May, the 8th year of our said sovereign Lord, after 4d. by the days over his ordinary wages as one of the gunners quarter master."
12 Feb.
After the abbot of St. Martin had been near resigning his abbey to a kinsman of Chievres, finding the latter was afraid to proceed, he discovered another that would. If the jurisdiction in the Prince's country were in Wolsey, Sampson might attempt something to the grief of the Abbot; but now "the elect's father is ambassador with the Prince, his officers be in great pride. I pray God there may come such a wind that may cause them to avale a bonette off ther mayne seylle." Bruge, 12 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Cardinal of York. Endd.: Letters from Tornay.
12 Feb.
Recommend the claim of the Lord Rueys, now ambassador and high steward to the Prince of Castile, for reparation of damage done to his lands, invaded by the English in the last war with France. Brussels, 12 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord [Cardina]ll of York.
12 Feb.
Rym. XIII. 495.
1532. LEO X.
Bull, inhibiting any one for the next five years being admitted into minor orders, unless he be promoted simultaneously to all the orders of subdeacon; as many persons, to avoid appearing before the civil courts and enjoy immunity, receive the tonsure and minor orders without proceeding to the superior. Florence, prid. id., Feb. 1515. Sub plumbo.
12 Feb.
1533. LEO X. to WOLSEY.
Has communicated his opinion of the subjects contained in his letters to the Bp. of Worcester, for whom he begs credence. Florence, 12 Feb. 1516, 3 pont.
Vellum. Add.
12 Feb.
Giust. Desp. I. 177.
Went on the 10th to the King at Greenwich. Communicated his news respecting Italy and the Turks. The King said he was glad to hear of the reverses of the Turks, and that the siege of Brescia was raised. Begged that if the Ambassadors of the Emperor or Spain demanded anything prejudicial to Venice, it should not be granted, and that the King would express to them his approbation of Venice recovering her territory. The King replied, "It is well; but the Emperor complains of your besieging his towns;" and with this he departed. The feelings of this people are much changed since the French defeated the Swiss by the help of Venice. The Emperor's success at Brescia has given them great pleasure. Details a conversation he had of the claim of the seignory to Brescia. London, 12 Feb. 1516.
12 Feb. 1535. For SIR EDW. NEVILL.
To be Squire of the Body in reversion, with 50 marks a year, on vacation by Sir Hen. Guldeford, Sir Wm. Sydney, Sir Ralph Chamberlain, or Sir Ric. Gernyngen. Westm., 12 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8.
12 Feb. 1536. For SIR WM. TYLER.
To be keeper of Marwood forest, Barnacastell, vice Rob. Bell. Westm., 12 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20.
Oxford Circuit.—Rob. Brudenell, jun., with John More and John Newporte. Westm., 12 Feb.
Home Circuit.—Simon Fits with John Butler and John Erneley. Westm., 12 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21d.
Midland Circuit.—John Jenner with Guy Palmes and Brian ... Westm., 12 Feb.
Norfolk Circuit.—Wm. Mordant, with Sir John Fyneux and Rob. ... Westm., 12 Feb.
Northern Circuit.—Th. Strey with Wm. ... and John ..., 12 Feb.
Western Circuit.—Th. Elyott with Ric. Elyott and Lewis Pollard. Westm., 12 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 31d.
13 Feb.
1. Spanish counterpart of the treaty between Henry VIII. and Charles Prince of Spain. Bruxelles, 1515, more Gallicano, 13 Feb.
Lat., with seal.
13 Feb.
2. Confirmation under the great seal of the treaty of intercourse made by the Prince's commissioners with Tunstal, Knight, and Spinelly. Brussels, 13 Feb. 1515. Signed.
13 Feb.
Rym. XIII. 539.
3. Enrolment of the same. 13 Feb. 1515.
Fr. 7 Hen. VIII. m. 10.
13 Feb.
Rym. XIII. 533.
4. Enrolment of the treaty of friendship made by the same, and confirmed by Charles, 13 Feb. 1515.
Fr. 7 Hen. VIII. m. 7.
13 Feb.
Galba, B. III. 230b.
B. M.
On behalf of the Sieur Du ... and the Provost of Aire, whom he sends on his affairs. Brussels, 13 Feb. 1515. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
13 Feb. 1540. For JOHN SALMAN.
Wardship of Rob. Arney, heir of Th. Arney. Westm., 13 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 21.
14 Feb.
Galba, B. IV. 28.
B. M.
Wrote his last on the 10th. Since then the Prince has been occupied "in purveying into Sp[ain] ... all the royalmes of the crown of Arragon that ... and administration shall be continued by those lewd [ministers of the] glorious King deceased, till the coming there of the sai[d Prince, and] all manner things performed according to his testament." Great preparations are made for the royal exequies to be kept about Easter. The estates have arrived; in "two or trye day" the Chancellor will show the Prince's determination upon the going into Spain, and other matters. It is expected they will make no difficulty, as it is promised that Don Fernando will be sent thither. It is thought the Emperor will now abandon his enterprise upon Italy, and incline to peace, for which the Prince of Castile is anxious, considering the danger to Friesland and Gueldres in his absence. Nothing will break his determination, except a victorious success of the Emperor and the Swiss against the French in Italy. The Emperor shall be urged not to condescend to a peace without England and the Swiss. The French King has offered his assistance to Charles to bring him into Spain. He will go by sea with Chievres "and ... remain chief governor the Lord Fenys wh ... the said Lord Chievres reckoneth that may not long live ... in the meantime go into Spain and as principal ruler about the Prince get honor and profit and have at his return here the said room." The Lord Berghes' son is to marry Chievres' niece. All favor is centered in Croy and the Chancellor.
The ambassador of Arragon is in great esteem there. He advises that 200,000 or 300,000 crowns of gold should be expended in confirming the Emperor and the Swiss, ard the French be thus driven to consent to a peace. He also advises court should be made to Chievres and the Chancellor, and good cheer unto the great master and the Provost of Heyre his fellow; and that Mr. Punings (Ponynges) be sent over to visit the Prince, which Spinelly also recommends. France is resolved to have Tournay, and * * (fn. 3) When he and Knight hear anything prejudicial, they will advertise Mountjoy.
The Prince requires for his journey into Spain 300,000 crowns, which will not be easily provided. Hans Nagel has his pardon, and is here waiting for letters from England. He is ready to go to Richard de la Poole, and to return to England immediately. He has many secrets to discover. Brussels, 14 Feb.
The Prince's Council will not suffer Don John Manuel to come to the court.
Hol., the parts in cipher deciphered by Tuke, pp. 5, mutilated. Add.: [To the Ki]ng's grace.
14 Feb.
Vit. B. XIX. 19.*
B. M.
1542. [MAXIMILIAN] to [PACE.]
Has seen Pace's letter to the Cardinal of [Gurk], intimating that he did not believe that the Emperor [would desert] the Swiss ... "non deberent exire usque ad aliam requisitionem nostram et ... non credere (quod disseminatum inter Elvecios sit) scilicet [inter imperatorem] nostrum tractare de pace inter nos ac Regem Francorum [cum] oratoribus Gallis in Elveciis agentibus." Pace's opinion was correct, nothing of all this being true. The Emperor intends solely to carry out the expedition with all diligence. Hopes Pace will never credit such reports. They are mere inventions of the French. Believes that the Diet of Zurich is ended (expeditum), and Pace on his way to the court; if not, requests him to come either to the court or to himself, whichever suits best. Was glad to hear, as Pace had written to Sir Rob. Wingfield, that the money would be speedily sent to the court. Has written to Sir Rob. himself on the subject.
Has established posts between Potnoy to the court, "[per] montem Sti Christofori, ac per Bludutz et Felkerch et [ab] Felkerch ad Constantiam et Thuregum." Hopes therefore he will write frequently. Ex Potnoy, 14 Feb. 15 ...mo.
Lat., p. 1, badly mutilated. Add.: Reverendo devoto nobis dilecto Ricardo Paceo, servienti Regis Angliæ, etc., oratori.
14 Feb.
P. S.
1543. For JOHN THOMAS, and ROBERT his son.
To be bailiff, in survivorship, of Tremyngton, Devon, with 4d. a day; on surrender of patent 5 Feb. 1 Hen. VIII., granting the office to Roger Ratclif, servant of the Queen, for services to Margaret Countess of Richmond. Greenwich, 10 Feb. 7 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8.
14 Feb. 1544. For ROGER CHAPMAN.
Wardship of Margaret Mars, heir of Wm. Mars. Westm., 14 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 31.
15 Feb. 1545. For SIR WALTER RODNEY, of Chepyngnorton, Oxon.
Pardon and release as late sheriff of Oxon and Berks; and release to Sir John Rodney of Stoke Rodney, Somers., and Th. Moleyns, of Birport, Dorset, Hen. Hymerford of Coker, and Th. Hymerford of Castell Carey, Somers., of their recognizance of 40l., made 15 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Westm., 15 Feb.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 26.


  • 1. In a letter addressed to Pirckheimer, dated Bale, ix. kal. Feb., Erasmus tells him he is engaged in his edition of St. Jerome, has corrected the whole of the N. Testament, and added notes; that he is so worn out with his work that has now lasted nearly six months, he can hardly keep his health; and that he expects to go to England in March.
  • 2. "Sola fame (sic) nostri contra se in ducatam M[ediolani] ... et receptus in Franciam trajecit." MS.
  • 3. One line lost.