Henry VIII: December 1515, 1-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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'Henry VIII: December 1515, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp323-338 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: December 1515, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp323-338.

"Henry VIII: December 1515, 1-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1864), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp323-338.


December 1515

1 Dec.
Sadoleti Epist. Pont. LXXXIII.
1228. LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
Sends to England Fras. de Chierigati, his chamberlain, begging him to pardon Polydore Vergil, and restore him to liberty. Requests his favor for Cardinal St. Chrysogon. Florence, 1 Dec. 1515, 3 pont.
1 Dec.
R. O. St. P. VI. 40.
1229. LEO X. to WOLSEY.
Complains of the long detention in prison of Polydore. The house of the collector has been closed. His books, seals, &c. not yet restored. Does not yet know of what offence he has been guilty, but asks to have it pardoned, whatever it is. As Wolsey is the creature of his hands, this indignity reflects upon him. Regard to the honour of Cardinal Hadrian, who has abandoned somewhat of his rights in compliance with the wish of the Pope and the King, induces the Pope to urge this request the more strongly. Sends Francesco de Chierigati, his chamberlain, to England, and begs he may be seconded by Wolsey's influence. Florence, 1 Dec. 1515, 3 pont.
Lat., vellum. Add.
1 Dec.
R. O.
Received on 26 Sept. the King's letters missive dated 8 July commanding him to examine the cause between Dames Anne Saint Leger and Marg. Bulleyn on the one side, and Sir Piers Butler on the other, touching the lands, *c. left by the late Earl of Ormond. Commanded Sir Piers to appear before him and the King's council, the 15th day after Michaelmas, but he sent his wife to excuse his non-appearance on the plea of war, and to ask for further respite. It was agreed that Sir Piers or his counsel, with evidence, as well as the ladies' counsel, should appear at Dublin eight days after Martinmas, and that the rents and profits of the lands should remain in the hands of the farmers. On that day the ladies' counsel showed a livery, under the Great Seal of England, of all the lands, &c. belonging to the late Earl and an inspeximus under the Great Seal of Ireland, reciting the creation of the Earl, with a gift of 10l. yearly to be paid to him and his heirs by the mayor and bailiffs of Waterford, and certain tails by fines levied to the said Earl and his heirs general, of his manors, &c. in Dublin and Meath. To all the residue of the Earl's lands the ladies asserted their title as heirs general, and Sir Piers and his counsel would show no evidence or counsel, but prayed to be remitted to the common law. Has commanded that all the profits and rents shall remain in the farmers' hands till the King's further pleasure be known. Dublin, 1 Dec.Signed.
Add., p 1. Endd.: A petition of the Earl of Kildare.
1 Dec.
Lett. de Max. et Marg. II. 304.
The King of England has sent Richard Pace (fn. 1) into these parts to practise with the Swiss and turn them against France. He assures the Emperor that his master has at Antwerp 100,000 g.e. ready to deliver to the Swiss for their assistance in case of their compliance. Begs she will send to Antwerp, and inquire of Th. Spinelly and others if such is the fact. If it be so, wishes her to manage secretly that the 100,000 crowns be delivered incontinently to the factors of the Foukers, and the receipt (bullette de récépissé) sent to Jacques Fouker in Augsburg, for delivery to the imperial treasurer, Jacques Villinger. The Emperor has already arranged with Fouker to pay the said money at Augsburg and Constance on arrival of the said receipt, for the purpose already specified. Kanffbuyren, 1 Dec. 1515.
1 Dec.
S. B.
1232. WM. MORE of London, mercer.
Licence to export any merchandizes not belonging to the staple of Calais. Del. Westm., 1 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Fr. 7 Hen. VIII. m. 12.
1 Dec.
S. B.
1233. WM. BLAKDEN, chaplain.
Presentation to the church of Shrawley, void by death of Simon Synggar. Del. Westm., 1 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m.17.
1 Dec. 1234. For SIR WM. KYNGSTON.
Reversion of the manors of Upton, Snodesbury and Wykeburnell, Wore., with appurtenances, forfeited by Francis Lord Lovel, granted to Giles Grevell by patent 4 Dec. 23 Hen. VII. for 31 years, at the annual rent of 40 marks; and grant of the said rent during the residue of said term, as held by Ric. Blunt; to hold at the service of one red rose at Midsummer. Westm., 1 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p.3, m. 9.
2 Dec.
R. O.
Wrote on the 26th. Has written to the King. Lord Chievres told him yesterday that the King had sent too late to the Swiss. The French ambassador complains that England has done its best to keep the Swiss enemies to his master. Desires money to satisfy his debts, and borrow 100l. upon his wages as Knight did. Sends his clerk, Rob. Baron, for Wolsey's answer. Begs to have some livelihood secured to him, as he served the King and his predecessors. Begs credence for Baron touching Cotingham. Brussels, 2 Dec. Signed.
P.1. Add.: My lord Cardinal of England.
2 Dec.
1236. To JOHN YONG, Master of the Rolls.
To cancel an untrue inquisition taken at Caresbroke castle, before the Abbot of Quarre, Sir Amias Paulett, Sir Nic. Wadeham, Th. Wadshawe, Th. Thomas and John Orenge; finding that Wm. Hyers or Eyre succeeded John Draper as Prior of the House of Christ Church (who died 12 Nov. 17 Hen. VII.) without warrant. Greenwich, 20 Nov. 7 Hen. VIII.
2 Dec. 1237. For ROGER ALFORD, yeoman of the Crown.
Annuity of 10 marks out of the issues of Denbigh. Westm., 2 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10.
3 Dec.
R. O.
1238. [KNIGHT] to WOLSEY.
On 26 Nov. received his letter, requesting him to desist from bargaining for the altar cloth. Delivered their letters to the Prince, who came to Brussels on the 28th. The articles for amity and intercourse will shortly be expedited; the separate article, when the article is passed at Tournay. Has been promised a favourable audience and better lodging, as ambassador resident. The King promised him in Wolsey's presence the vicarage of St. Michael's as soon as the Dean of the chapel [Sampson] had Windsor, but now the Dean claims Easter dues. The French King goes to Bologna to speak with the Pope and promote the war against the Infidels. They will be more fortunate than ever, if the King do not stop them. They spend money everywhere. At Knight's return from the Swiss the King might have had them for a small sum of money; now he hears they are confederate with the French. A company of English merchants at Antwerp has accused Wolsey of lending the King's money to strangers for his own advantage. It is "the nature of my countrymen to malign the felicity of their superiors." Sends his servant for an answer. His winter raiment and Christmas rewards will be chargeable. Brussels, 3 Dec. Signature lost.
Hol., pp. 4. Add.: Lord Cardinal [of] York.
Galba, B. III. 401.
The Archduchess read his letter, but durst not keep the ... as she had no trusty person about her; said she would communicate with Th. Spinelly. Had Knight known the contents of her letter he would have delivered it himself, as she might have spoken her mind more freely to him. Ponynges has been applied to by Captain Simond Francoyse. Ambassadors from France arrived on the 27th, who thanked the ... because he had labored the peace between the Emperor and the French King. Chievres says that the King of Arragon has made an arrangement with France.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: My lord Cardinal of York.
3 Dec.
Vit. B. XVIII. 210 B.M.
1240. [ENNIUS BP. OF VEROLI, the Papal Ambassador with the Swiss,] to HENRY VIII.
Is glad to have an opportunity of expressing the obligations he is under to the King on account of the [favor] shown him from childhood by Henry VII. "Reverendo dno Ric. Pace ejus familiari huc nuper advenienti ex ani[mo] ... obtuli, te accedente opportunitate procul dubio facturus sum. Cu[jus].. prudentissimam circumspectionem, etsi mea opera indigere non judicem ... apud Magnificos Dominos Elvetios ex se non aliter quam si eorum mores optime [novit]. Ita agit, ut gratior eis quotidie appareat." Will always be faithful to Henry's service, and prays that Henry may be triumphant in this as in other expeditions. Zurich, 3 Dec. M.D.X .. Signature burned off.
Lat., p. 1, badly mutilated. Add.
3 Dec.
R. O.
As a vermicle, desires to express his congratulations on Wolsey's exaltation to the cardinalate. Has visited Pace, his secretary, and explained to him what he considers conducive to the King's interests as much as if he had been the Pope's servant. Admires Pace's dexterity. Zurich, 3 Dec. 1515.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Cardinali Eboracen.
3 Dec.
S. B.
1242. FRANCIS DE VECHIANO, merchant of Pisa.
Licence to retain the customs on his merchandizes to the amount of 1,000l. for three years. Del. Westm., 3 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Fr. 7 Hen. VIII. m. 11.
3 Dec.
1243. For ANNE HUBERD, gentlewoman to the King's grandmother and mother.
Annuity of 100s. She is 80 years old. Del. Westm., 3 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p.3, m. 11.
R.O. 1244. PACE to WOLSEY.
On his arrival 24 Nov., "unto this town in Swiceland" (Zurich) desired hasty expedition from the Cantons, in the matter communicated to them by Cardinal Sion. They refused any answer till the 28th. Meanwhile the people said they had been deceived by all Christian princes, except the King, and would serve no other. This temper of theirs prevented the ratification of the French peace, which would have been concluded on the 29th ult., but for Pace's coming, who requested that no con clusion should be made at this time till he had had his answer. The French reported that Pace was not an Englishmen, but a false Spaniard; which beguiled many people. Pace on this desired to speak with two of the Council, and communicated with Galias Vicecomitte and the Emperor's ambassador, who certified to the Cantons that Pace had been sent by the King of England, and was Wolsey's secretary. They have put off the ratification of the French peace to the diet to be held at Lucerne, Tuesday after St. Nicholas day. The French King has offered, them 200,000 crowns, extorted from Milan. He offers ready money, we sola spes. Sent a post on the 16 Nov. to Wolsey with his own and Sion's letters. Will never forget the King's most discreet words spoken before Wolsey and Suffolk, that the did not wish Pace to offer promises, but ready money, to the Swiss. Nothing can be done there without it. Has seen the chapters made by the French King for peace betwixt him and them. They are directed against England. Bourbon said lately at his table at Milan, he would gladly see it concluded, though it cost 2,000,000 of gold. They could then revenge all injuries. The Swiss will be of most importance to recover England's right to France.
The Emperor's ambassador and Lord Galias have done all they can to advance his cause. The latter is allied to the exiled Duke of Milan. He will rather die in the field than accept the French offer. The Swiss honor him like a saint, because of his good qualities. Is anxious he should go as imperial ambassador to England. The King must write to the Swiss, otherwise they will not believe him. The Pope has deceived them by means of Cardinal Sion, who is therefore in disfavor with them. The Bishop Verulanus, the Pope's legate, supports the King's cause. Desires the King to thank him. He has ordered a doctor of divinity to preach to the people against the French. As the French have reported that Pace is a Spaniard,—a nation they hate like dogs,—he must have letters of credence, or he cannot stir abroad. Has just heard that the peace will not be concluded with France at the next diet. Thinks the King should write to the Zurichers, thanking them for their support. The Pope ought to contribute money, for, except they see it, the Swiss say they will not believe the Pope's word, spoken or written. It will be best to send the money to Augusta [Augsburg], Constantia, Argentina [Strasburg], or Basilea. The Duke of Barye will bind himself to repay whatever money the King advances on this side the mountains, and begs a letter to the Emperor to make him Duke of Milan.
Copy, pp. 7.
4 Dec.
1245. For AND. EDMONDIS.
To be feodary of crown lands in Essex and Herts. Del. Westm., 4 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Signed. Thomas Lovell.
4 Dec.
1246. To JOHN YONG, Master of the Rolls.
To cancel a recognizance of 200 marks made by Th. Earl of Derby, 29 Oct. last. Greenwiche, 14 Nov. 7 Hen. VIII. Del. by Ralph Pole, clk., 4 Dec.
Worc.—Same as 14 July, with addition of Sir Th. Cornewall, John Atwood jun. and Th. Nevell, and omission of Sir John Ardern. Westm., 4 Dec.
Berks.—Same as 8 May, with addition of Sir Hen. Sharnbourn and Lewis Pollard, and omission of Sir John Daunce and Jas. Strangwais. Westm., 4 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4 and 5d.
5 Dec.
Vat. Trans. XXXVII. 42. B.M.
1248. WOLSEY to LEO X.
Bonifacius the Pope's scutifer reached England quite unexpectedly with the Cardinal's hat (pileus). Immediately informed the King, who commanded he should be honorably received. Wolsey received from the hands of the Archbishop (Warham) and the Bishop of Winchester the hat and ring. Bonifacius instructed him in the mysteries of the ceremony, and performed his office with great credit. Professes his deep gratitude and devotion to Leo, and wishes for nothing more than an opportunity of displaying it. London, 5 Dec. 1515.
Sends his oath of fealty to Leo and his successors by the said Bonifacius. Signed.
5 Dec.
Vit. B. XVIII.213. B.M.
Wrote last on [29 Nov.] from Kempte in Swave, enclosing a letter received from the Cardinal Sion, with a copy of a postscript from [the Bp.] of Verulane, the Pope's ambassador with the Swiss. "The 4th day of this present month the Emperor ... likewise the Cardinal of Gource and divers of th ... from Insbroke, so that it is thought verily that he ... whether the Emperor shall take truce with the French ... George's day next coming, if the French will defy ... to the same or else if he may have the 14,000 ... he hath desired to serve him by virtue of the league that is ... the house of Austryk and them to pass straight into ..." Ou the 27th ulto the Venetians before Brescia, "after they had made a violen[t] ... in divers places," insomuch that they shot away 2,500 bullets of iron in two [days] (which have been found since), gave assault and were repulsed with the loss of 2,000 men, so that the siege now is but a siege volaunte to cut off succours. Nevertheless "it is said that syth they [have come] out, and taken a great quantity of victual, w[hich was] going in to the Venetians' army, and also the c[aptain] Peter Navarre with certain munitions of bullets ... "
On the other side where the Venetians had t[aken] Clewse upon the river of Lathis, which they garrison to prevent the passage of victuals to Ver[ona], Mark Anthony Colonna, who "is now t[he princi]pal captain," sallied out of Verona and recovered the ... [and] put the defendours [to flight]; he has taken Lignyago, where he found [ample] munitions and took three [captains] and many other good prisoners. It is said that four Spaniards took eight French and six Venetian men-at-arms. The French King is reported to have imprisoned some persons to whom he had granted a safe conduct. He has requested the Pope to have lodgings procured at Bonony for 12,000 horse; and being answered that it was impossible, has desired that the inhabitants be disarmed, or that the meeting may take place at Modena. "I trust this loving and bidding betwixt them shall breed to a jeffayle and the rather if the Emperor pass shortly into Italy." Wishes to be recalled, or else have money sent him. Fiesyn in Swave, 5 Dec. [151]5.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
6 Dec.
Giust. Desp. I. 144.
1250. SEB. GIUSTINIAN to the DOGE.
Badoer has left. Went to the King to communicate his news, who is very anxious for it and is often deceived by the Emperor. Peace has been established between him and Ferdinand. Hears that the Archduke is negotiating an agreement between the Emperor and the Christian King by an ambassador of his, who has been two months at the court of France. Has seen letters from Francis and his mother mentioning the honors conferred on the former by the Pope with whom he is going to Bologna. The letters state that Francis has made an arrangement with the Swiss on purpose to go to Bologna, and on his return will carry out the expedition against the Infidels. The Queen (Louise) speaks of the arrival of the Venetian ambassadors to see her son. Had represented to an English lord the little courtesy shown to the French ambassador. London, 6 Dec. 1515.
6 Dec.
S. B.
1251. To JOHN YONG, Master of the Rolls.
To cancel six recognizances for 100l. each, madé by John Dyngly of Charleton, Worc., groom of the Privy Chamber, 5 July 7 Hen. VIII. last. Greenwich, 6 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
6 Dec.
S. B.
1252. For WALTER MICHEL, late of Kelly, Devon, clk. alias priest.
Pardon. Del. Westm., 6 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
7 Dec.
Vit. B. XVIII. 214. B.M.
Wrote last on the [5th]. The news contained therein has not been verified "for ... the assault that should have been made to Br[escia]" [the road] is kept so straight and there are so many men about the said city and country that the spies do "not do their facte but with great difficulty." [The news] written from Mantua and other places is biassed by the affections of the writers. The report of the capture of the Clewse, Lyngnago and the c[aptains] is true, "insomuch that one of the same was a gen[eral from] Venyce which was sent from thence to be captain." Amongst the baggage of Peter de Navar[re], whose capture Wingfield notified in his last letter, were fou[nd] ... "crowns which should have paid the Gascons." This day at 12 o'clock the Emperor sent for Wingfield and informed him that tomorrow he departs hence towards ... but that he intends to tarry in a castle amongst the mountains, two Dutch [miles] off, till he gets an [answer] from the Swissers to his demand for 14,000 "ex ... my former letter." They have appointed Tuesday next [to send their reply]. The Emperor also said that an ambassador would [be sent] to England, and that James de Banyssis had been directed to deliver his instructions to Wingfield as soon as they were ready, in order that Henry might be advertised of them before the arrival of the said ambassador. The Emperor also desired him "to write [by the next] post which is sent by the ambassador [the words] that follow wh[ich he spoke to me].
"[The Fre]nshe King will take the Pope's person into his ... the more assured of him and upon the same ... the said Pope's spears and horsemen joined. with five [hund]red spears of his ordnance and the Swissers, to obtain [the] realm of Naples which they shall may do right [effectu]ally, considering the partiality that is in the said realm, and that the French King in person will remain still in the Duchy of Milan, with the remnant of his ordnance, which is 1,500 spears, Almayns and Frank archers, and the Venetians army, where he intendeth to keep me so waking that I shall not may succour the realm of Naples," and he will probably gain all Italy. "My son the Prince being so young and his council clearly French, the French King shall for money lead him after his appetite, which premises if they shall fortune to take effect, I cannot see how the realm of England shall remain without broilerie and great danger, wherefore me seemeth it is right meet for my said brother your master to make provision betime, and likewise my brother the King of Arragon" ... "Which words when he had finished, and I written them, he willed me to depart, for there were five or six secretaries at the door attending upon him." Fiesyn, 7 Dec. 1515.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
7 Dec.
R. O.
Had been using means to induce the monks of St. Martin's to complain of their abbot. His design has been frustrated by an advocate of the abbot. Proposes therefore that the King should demand redress from the Pope; if this be thought good, will procure a rescript and prevent his resignation. Bulls have come of indulgence for the reparation of St. Peter's at Rome, and have been received by the King's lieutenant, the canons denying that the Bishop has any power. Tournay, 7 Dec. 1515.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: My Lord Cardinal of York. Endd.
7 Dec.
1255. TOURNAY.
"The names of the persons justiced and banished at the city of Tournay the 3rd day and the 7th day of December, the 7th year of our sovereign lord King Henry the VIIIth."
On the 3rd December:—John Blande, Robert Dighton, Richard Thompson, William Mitton and Percival Frankyns, all executed for seditiously exhorting the people, spreading rumors, being in harness on the day of the rebellion, &c.
On the 7th December:—Christopher Johnson, hanged and racked; Gilbert Thompson, Richard Browne, and John Ball "to go in their shirts with halters about their necks," and be banished; and Henry Werreschall, William ap Jones, a Welshman, John Saler and William Matte, banished for maintaining rebellious opinions, being with the rebels, &c.
Pp. 2.
7 Dec.
S. B.
1256. For TH. GYBON, of Bishop's Lynne, late Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Pardon; also release to Thomas Thorisby, William Conyngesby and Thomas Cheveley of Bishop's Lynne, Francis Mountford of Feltwell, Norf., of their recognizances, 15 Nov. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
7 Dec. 1257. For DAVID TROLLOP.
To be bailliff of Shyrbourn, in Hertforth Lyth, and Knapton, York, with 4l. a year, out of the issues of those lordships. Westm., 7 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 17.
8 Dec.
Vit B. XVIII.215. B. M.
1258. [PACE to WOLSEY.]
"Your grace's letters written the 6th of Novem[ber came to my hands the] 30th day after the writing of the same ... considering that I did not only in Flanders ... propter mutationem rerum, but also tarried in Is[broke]," and therefore could not fully obey his instructions "because my matters were set fo ... receipt of them by my lord the Cardinal Sedu[nensis in] none other manner than your grace desireth." Did not disclose his instructions to any but the Cardinal, and not to him till he had ascertained both from him and the ambassadors of the thirteen cantons that the Swiss would invade the French again. This has all been brought about by the Cardinal who sent ... to his trusty friends. His enemies say it was only to interrupt the French practices; this shows that it was well Pace had no letters of credence to the Swiss, "for as for your grace's letters unto them I never [delivered them] but only made mention thereof, whereunto they did [give full] credence."
The French King is told that Pace is "nuntius subornatus et fictus" to counteract his [intrigues]. No one knows what he is;" ... I am an Englishman by the reason I had no l[etters]. Wherefore if the French King would [make any complaint] let him prove that the King did ... d in my charge and if he find that at never ... him be recommenced when such matters be purposed ... King's commission, no manner of credence is given unto [hi]m, neither reasonably should, and especially without letters [of] credence." Moreover if money be not sent his charge will not be credited. "And your grace shall have his intent comprised in his said letters; but I run into evident danger of my life," being taken for a spy. Will at least die faithfully discharging his commission against the enemies of his country. One answer, moreover, may be made to France, that it is more becoming in England to send some one to the Swiss, his confederates in the late peace with France, in answer to their demands sent by Michael de Abbatis for an amplification of the league, than that France should intrigue with the King's enemies in Scotland; of which the Swiss have knowledge. Learns something about Mr. Michael by the way. His communication with the posts does not betray any intelligence with the French King, for all the information he got would have been true if the Swiss had invaded France again, "and I am credibly informed that he was not [sen]t by the French King for that intent that your grace [doth conj]ecte; he was undoubtedly servant to the late [Duke of Milan ?] but as far as I can perceive and ... "
As to what Wolsey writes of the [interview] between the Pope and the French King, the Papal legate says the former was never less able to drive the French out of Italy than now, without the help of England, and has sent the Swiss a bull to ratify the league between [them and] him. Can see no indication of the Swiss being disposed to make peace with the French King. The commons of the country have determined not only not to do so, but to put to death those who had been corrupted by him. Will, nevertheless, conduct himself so as to appear fictus nuntius still. Will go "to Constance near unto them, where I shall ... everything by my Lord Sedunensis and ... for necessary it is to know tr[uly what the] Swisses will do." If the French King have such ... he will begin new practices with them. If the King will give them money all the world cannot take them from him—they possess great devotion to his grace as a Prince that never deceived them. Hopes his coming has had two good effects: 1st, it has prevented the Swiss making any league with the French King; and 2ndly, the Emperor from coming to terms with him, which he would have done otherwise, and for the sake of which the French would have abandoned the Venetians. If he had brought money his business would have been done by this time, and the French out of Italy. Surrik, 8 Dec.
Copy, pp. 4, badly mutilated.
8 Dec.
Calig. D. VI. 302. B. M.
Has advertised the King of the punishment of the riotous assembly and rebellion lately made here. Sends a list of the names of persons executed, and hopes this severity will prove a warning. Has received good assistance from the council, the captains and their companies. Hopes the King will have pity on the residue, who are ashamed of their offences and in great fear. Divers of them who were executed, at their death exhorted the garrison to beware of rebellion, so that "every man thinketh hit came more of the Devil than by any other." The capper on whom they relied for money is nowhere to be found, and they do not believe he exists at all. "[A] commissary is come from the Pope with great indu[lgences] for the helping to the building of St. P[eter's] Church," and has delivered the writer [a brief] as [the King's] lieutenant in favor of his cause. As nothing of the sort may be published without [the sanction of] the governors in the Prince's name, "I made hy ... was contented he shall publish; and suc[h alms], as should be given, to be put in a box with two keys, [of] which he to have the one key and I the [other]." Desires to know the King's pleasure, "for I would not take upon [me] to win thanks with the goods of the King my sovereign lord's subjects;" also what is to be done with the prisoners of Gaunte whom he has in his keeping at the Prince's desire. Had written unto the King thereof, but received no answer. Tournay, 8 Dec. Signed.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
8 Dec.
S. B.
1260. For CORNELIUS JOHNSON, master smith in the Tower of London, and WILLIAM IVE, gunner.
Licence to found a perpetual guild to the honor of St. Barbara in St. Katherine's Church, near the Tower; and mortmain licence to acquire possessions to the annual value of ten marks for support of a chaplain. Del. Westm. 8 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 30.
8 Dec.
Vit. B. XVIII. 60. B. M.
Commission empowering Margaret Duchess of Savoy to enter into a treaty with Joan Queen of [Castile] and Granada, Henry King of England and France, and Ferdinand King of Arragon, to wage war against the Infidels. "Datum in Faucibus Montium," 8 Dec. 15[15], 30th year of his reign as King of the Romans, 26th as King of Hungary. Signed.
Copy, pp. 2.
9 Dec.
R. O.
Commission, under his great seal, to Wm. de Croy Lord Chierves, John le Sanvaige Lord of Scaubek, chancellor, Michael de Croy Lord de Sempy, John de Hallewin Lord de Maldeglem, Master George de Thamisia, provost of Cassel, and Master Philip Wielant, or any three of them, to examine into and settle the disputes and the complaints of his subjects touching the infractions of the treaty concluded with his father Philip by England. Brussels, 9 Dec. 1515.
Lat. Vellum, with seal.
R. O. 2. Commission appointing the above-named to treat with Cuthbert Tunstal and William Knyght, ambassadors of Henry VIII., for a treaty of peace. Brussels, 9 Dec. 1515.
Lat. Vellum, with seal.
9 Dec.
Lett. de Max. et Marg. II. 310.
Is sending Count John Bart. de Decian ambassador to England. His father and his family have always been loyal servants to the Emperor in Italy. Fiessen, 9 Dec. 1515.
9 Dec.
Otho, C. IX. 27. B.M.
Is informed by letters from England that the King's ear has been poisoned against him through the means of Ric. Nevel. As turcopolier, had had to correct Nevel for irreverent speaking at a meeting of their Order. Would have defended himself before the King in person if he could have obtained licence to leave the island in its present dangers. Rhodes, 9 Dec. 1515.
I.at., mutilated, p. 1. Add. Endorsed by Wriothesly, incorrectly.
10 Dec.
Vit. B. XVIII. 217. B. M.
Wrote to Wolsey and the King on the 5th from Fiesyn, "and in those to you[r grace I made mention] of the King's letters and yours to the Emperor [and to the Cardinal] of Gurk," and wrote again to the King on the 7th of such matter as the Emperor advised him. "Where in your gracious letters of the 15th of the last m[onth, which] came to my hands the 3rd day of this month, and ... day I wrote unto your lordship from hence, advisin[g you] that they were come in to my hands, ye willed me t[o go to the] Cardinal of Gource, and use all policy to know quo ..., which need not to be rehearsed."—Since the delivery of Henry's and Wolsey's letters to Cardinal Gurk, as advised in Wingfield's letter of the 5th inst., has spoken with the said Cardinal at divers times, "and craftily, as my wit and practice myg[ht devise], to know the very pith of the said quo mo[do] ... much I have attained, as here shall follow, whereof ... directly from him, and prate brought fourt[he] ... argument."
"For the first, after he had spoken such ornate and ... words as he thought meet to the laud of ... with the great desire he hath to employ a[ll his] powers to do all the honor and pleas[ure] ..., be arechid by the same ... * * * ... at opening of the gates or way into France ... communed betwixt him and me, should or might ... now so facily, as appeared (by imagination) at that time ... than it was verily hoped that the Holy League should [now] have been inviolably observed by all the parties that were [then] joined in the same;" and that if it once were known that the King was willing to enter the Holy League, the Pope and Emperor might have been induced to ask him to begin the war; that the Pope might have been asked, if the French King would not desist, to fulminate the censures of the Church against him, and a sure promise have been given by the Pope and Emperor to assist in the invasion; but now that the Pope appears to favor the French King, and the Swiss rather inclined to him than otherwise, his hope has considerably abated;—nevertheless, he was very glad that he had been informed of Henry and Wolsey's mind in the cause, "which he doubteth not but should have taken the desired effect if the Holy League were now in the same case, he trusted it to have been in, [at the] time of our first communication in that matter, and ... the less if I could devise any manner of way like to [bring the] desired purpose about, I should find him as [willing and ready] an instrument to work the same as ... adjoin the best of his wit to the perfect accomplishing of the ...
Then I did set forth some matter to ... the entent that by the mean we might ... difficulty that appeared; and first I said ... by mean that the Pope now seemed to have joined ... with France, and that the Swissers be in such a ... [there was] much less facility to attain our purpose than [at] our first communication in that matter; neverth[eless as for] the Pope, I trusted verily that there is such a secret [understanding between] his holiness and the King's highness [that he] will not be slack to condescend to the thing that [serves] to the King's honor and weal, specially when he sh[all] see and perceive evidently that the same shall surely ind ... only a surety and weal to his holiness, the Church ... but also the restfulness and tranquillity of all the h[oly realm of] Cry[stendom] for ever, to the honor and laud of Almighty God, an[d advancement] of the same, to the ruin or reduction of many ... [infi]delys to the right way of religion and life. And as for the Swissers, I trusted that in conclusion the br ... they be in now, shall lead them to take the hooller p ... a part of the infect people which God will have i ... shall be irradicate clearly with the bitter roots of Fran[ce] ... hath made the peace of Christendom much unsav ... space of many years, whereof the realm of Englan[d] ... record 400 years and above, and there following ... might require, I declared how unjustly King Phi[lip] ... and how disceivately he dealt with King Richard the [First, called] Cæur de Lion, being in the Holy Land, and how ... of the said Richard, by the subtle mean of t[he same] King John was accursed and his realm [laid under an] interdict (for the said John was both Duke o[f] ... of Guienne), to the entent he might b ... a growndid occasion to make w[ar upon the] said Ky[nge] ... duchy of Normandy, which his ancestors [were posse]ssed of by right heritage above 300 years before [and which du]chye was never recovered wholly in 300 years after ... King Henry the Fifth won all France, and King [Henry] the Sixth his son (which lived in my days) crowned [at] Paris, or he was ten years old, as rightful King by heritage.
And for a sure conclusion to shew that the King hath good right to be King of France, it is notorious that his ancestor and progenitor King Edward the Third refused to do homage for the duchy of Guienne, because he would not by the mean deface or impair his title to the crown of France; which and it had not been perfect and good it is not to be esteemed that so wise a prince, as he was, would have wilfully put such a duchy in the peril of lesing, and beside that make war with so mighty a realm as France; and so forth I proceeded in such matter as joined to my purpose, which for the length were more meet to be put in a story than in a letter. And, for conclusion, when we had all argued and disputed, we found that the best way was, that by means of a secret and just ambassador, the Emperor should, with a letter of credence and instructions upon the same, move the Pope, upon the forsaid and such other considerations as should be put in the said instructions, to desire the King first to enter into the Holy League, and also that the Pope and the Emperor and all the remnant of the League should by several letters make request to the King, in consideration of the premises, to begin war with France, they promising to give him such assistance as shall be thought reasonable and necessary by means of treaty, and not to desist or the realm of France be clearly obtained, and also remain in the same integrity for the defence of the [real]me and conservation of peace in all the whole Cristente."
Wingfield concluded by thanking the King for his letters * * * "of the desired purpose that you ... a license of the King's highness ... send me to execute the said embass[ade] ... pass into Spain if the same may [be useful] for the desired purpose, and commune w ... to the King's highness, and then farther ... his grace; which letters from the said Ca[rdinal of Gource to the] King and you, your grace shall receive with these." The attempt to win France is an arduous one, and requires great energy; though [he has] better will than any other "... to execute an office of so great importance as I ... said nay to in the presence of the said Cardinal ... you to take the same in good part," and consider how the thing may be best brought about. "The elec[tion and] the order of such one as shall please the King and [exe]cute the forsaid charge is to be assigned to such oo[n as you shall] think most meet, and the less delay the better." Yesterday the Emperor left [Fresyn]; the Council remain here "till this I ... may come from the Swiss, which shall be th ... and from hence shall be despatched his embassade [to the] King's highness. And where in my letter to [your grace] by the ambassador of Spain's messenger, as is ... I shewed the Emperor to have ordained that ... should shew me the instructions ordained for th ... to the entent I might advertise the King's g[race of the] same; so that before the coming of ... matter may be somewhat * * * ... [s]ubstance in as far as I could comprehend by ... that after the said ambassador, which is ... Sir Bartholomew Tisson Count de Daciane, hath ... [he]arty and affectuous recommendations, and delivered his ... he shall desire to speak with the King apart without [the] presence of any but such as shall please his highness to ordain [p]roperly for the same."—First, he shall show how things have gone since the French King entered Italy, as he knows everything, and was governor of Aste under the late Duke of Milan,—how matters stand now, and what danger is likely to ensue if no remedy be shortly found. Secondly, to thank the King for the comfort he has given to the Holy League by sending to the Swiss. Thirdly, that, in consideration of the danger to Christendom, his majesty has commissioned his daughter to conclude a treaty with England and Arragon. The ambassador is a faithful man.
The Duke of Barre has desired "the Emperor's licence ... to the King's highness, and he hath granted ... within few days one Mr. Paul Semence ... of a place which is founded in the honor of ... of Canterbury, and was in marvellous great fav[or]." When the Duke made a show of defending the castle [of Milan] he came from Ro[me], and put himself into the castle with his master; and when the father of the late Duke was prisoner in France, he with many others, went to the Emperor's court. Has re[called] his letters of the 7th, which he had [given] to the ambassador of Spain, finding that the messenger did not leave so soon as the Emperor promised. Sends them with these. [Fiesyn], in Swave, 10 Dec. 1515.
P.S.—Having just received orders from the Emperor to put himself in the w[ay], is obliged to send these without the letters of Gurk.
Hol., pp. 7, mutilated. Add.: My Lord Card. Endd.
10 Dec.
Vit. B. II. 187. M. B.
"Magnifice domine observan. Io scrisse una ... in sieme amalato, ma tra el mal mio et el male ... da non avereti intessa, per que mi schusaro unaltra volta [che non] haveo scrito ala M. V. questi tempi pasati, maxim[e dei] vari successi mei, et per che so quela li sa non rep ... altramente salvo che mi staro in questa chorte esp ... di doi effeti; uno che se chazi Franzesi d'Italia, o ... che la corte del Papa retorni a Roma, che fazo c ... di retirarme a una de li doi parti, et rechordand[ome] dela amicitia et servitu che io chomo V.M. et la [gene]ralita de quela verso mi, mi pare fare el dover ... in scriver qualche chossa quela, et tanto piu lo ... quando io avero resposta di questa mia et che io inte ... aver a charo el mio scrivere et esser verso mi quelo ... devanti, chomo credo sia, et per che so mio Barba h ... mirabile, et non so se avera acharo scriva ad ... che lui, ben che di questo non lo habia ad obedire ta ... per piu honesta io accordato meter li mei Iri sot[to a] li Iri del Magnifico orator Vingfeld. Prego v. m. [che] se devia scriverme deli ocurenci de la, che mi f ... el simile di qua, et piu a la verita se pora ... Anchora, prego mi scriva delesser del pr ... mio Barba et chomo sono bene et male in s ... et maxime quo animo havera aceptato una [lettera] mia li scrivo sopra certo salario, mi voria ... che stesse in questa chorte et mi non lo volgio ... respondo quando debia stare a salario de ne ... volgio stare a salario di mazor maistro d ... [c]homo effeto lo voglio far, et in tuto ... gano far niente ne volgieno far una ... cione, pensa vestra Sa chomo mi darieno del ben [qu]ando non voleno adjutarme a mia spessa a defend[ere] li mei solum per la absencia mia. Questo pocho io h[o] [scrito] (fn. 2) scrivo a la M.V. chomo a mio bono patrono, et l[i] prega ne volgia parlare di qualche bona sorte che no pare venia da mi, et poi scriverme qualche chossa; in questo mi fara sumo beneficio.
If Pace be furnished with money,
the French will be
driven from Italy
before the end of
"De novo di qua et di Italia, per quanto sapiamo noi, li chossi stano in tale termino che se el sero (secretario) del vestro Serenissimo Re, quale a presente se trove a la dieta che sefara ad 12 di questo in Lucerna, havesse una parte di dinari contanti che profecisse, certamente non starieno li Francessi per tuto zinero in Italia, ma per la choruptione di alchuni Suiceri et per la pover[ta] loro, non hobstante che li cumuni populi sieno tuti bon[i] et non vorieno la ignomina pace; ma li mali dicono che li e dati paroli, et che non sono dinari a trovar, et sono barrati (?) per aver lor spesso stati passat[i] de paroli, dal tanto di qua; tamen spero in Dio et in li boni, et in la promessa et partiti li ofert[i per] la Mta. Cesarea che certamente anche non sieno dinari ... sono alor piu utile et honoreveli che grandissima somma di dinari, et anchora in le promesse del vestro Serenissimo Re, che se resolverano bene, ma forza e che vr ... habieno in pocho di dinari al presente, per che se avet[e] afar fate presto che valara dopui tanto che se li Suiceri resolveno chontra Francia, vi pro[metto] ... ranzi sieno diti Suiceri a Belinzone che el ... * * (two lines lost) * * * se daventura Suiceri chomo piu se sa ... non deliberarano contra Franza, ma solum p[ublica]rano la pace se solum havemo che li Suiceri ...la chossa in longo et stageno a vedere anchora ... vedo la nostra vitoria chomo certa, et quomodo fi[et] ut M. V. satisfaciam scribam.
Strength of the Emperor's forces. "Limperador a da 9 a dece [mil] fanti adesso in Verona, quali ano represso Lunago e[t] ... furnito presso dentro 3 zentilhomeni Venetiani et zente, devo prender anche Peschera. In Bressa sono 3,000 boni homeni et f[anno] grandissimo dano al campo di Venitiani et Francessi che ...la acampo, et uno di andarno fora mazarno a ... et menarno dentro doi chareti di polvere et ... butino; altro di volseno menar dentro Petro Nava[ro], ma di pocho schapo tuta volta, presterno el so cham[eriere], so magistro di chassa et soi muli, et fami[gli] tuti. Scriveno di Bressa di uni toti che in li chari ... del dito Navaro era di grande dinari per la pa ... di Gaschoni, non mancho de sei milgia schudi. Alchu[ni] dicono piu che 500 homeni darmi Francesi ... circha 5,000 Gaschoni, 5 milia fanti Venit[iani] et 800 homeni darmi poi chavali lizeri ... cernedi di vilani; ma vi prometto che da nostri ... et Gaschoni et altri pocho stimati. La Cesarea [Majta] delibera di secorir Bressa et revitualiarla ... grossato lo exercito in Verona di fanti et ch[avali] ... prima non ereno tanti, et per valdesa v ... * * * (a line lost) * * * ... 500 homeni devo andar per quale ... i fina a Bressa che pono andare a despeto de ... [a]mici maxime per esser li nostri meliori homeni et che ... eli di Bressa pono saltar fora, et tuto a uno [te]mpo el signor Marcho Anthoni Colona de partir de [Ve]rona et de andare fina apressa Bressa, chomo [4]000 (fn. 3) lanscheneti eleti, mili et cinque cento Spanioli ... cde boni et 500 chavali Todeschi et 150 homeni darmi sarano boni mili chavali, et piu de 8,000 boni [f]anti, li melgi del mondo, sanza bagagi, tanto che solo el [s]enior Marchantonio aspetara tuto el campo deli [e]nimici, et, sel parara bono, li asaltara certo, et che [l]i enimici non porano atender a la tera et [i]l senior Marcho Anthonio, et inpedio che li altri [n]on intrageno intra Marchantonio, overo li altri subito chombaterano li inimici, anche se stema che nel retirar. o chombater sara deferencia tra Venitiani et Francessi. Li Francessi non vorano volentera aventura la sona ... cente per non trovarse al presente el Re in el ... [S]tato di M'lo (Milano). Ultra questi sopraditi solum 6,000 [l]anscheneti et 12,000 homeni darmi li Veniciani [n]on sono soli bastanti per el campo de Signor Marcho [A]ntho di sorte che Venitiani vorano retrarse verso [P]adoua se porano li Francessi verso Cremona ... chomo la fortuna volgia per molti resone questo ... socorso o impressa ne promete grande ... a, perche li e unaltra mazor pro visione ... questo lo exercito del vice re et tut ... * * * (a line lost) * * * achordata de asinguarse et di ... trover a Verona et a questa chaussa limpera[dor fa] provisione che so mi de altri cercha mile chava[lli et] 4,000 fanti et vole andare a quele parte et za e ... partita verso Isprugk se avesse diti mile chavali and ... subito li avera fina dece de zenero ala piu long ... credo a la piu longa circha 20 di xinero pora ... in Verona et anche el vicere, el secorso sara f ... 15 di ala piu longa fato de Bressa non ave ... paura se perdi nanzi si che V. M. chonosa quanto ... chasso faria che li dinari vestri fosseno in tempo ... Suiceri, overo qua, che se limperador avera queli d[inari], faria sanza loro et anche in despeto di loro so ... tra da marchanti subsidio di soi subditi tual ... altri provici et anche dela liga de Suebia af ... bona provisione, tamen pocho deli vestri nobeli san[za li] Suiceri, et in dispeto de lor chazaressemo Francessi ... voluto far questo discorso a V. M. et piu ala ver ... sia posibile, per che tuti li lri venendo di Italia s[ono] in mio arbitrio de lezerli, ma questo non sapia ... verba, et anchora questo tale secorso sturbara ... covento del Re Franzeso et del Papa. Anchora [la] Cesa Mta dice, se fano tale chonvento che anche ... asperanza di torge a lozamento chomo 3 ... homeni adeso saria el tempo che questo bon ... sse qualche adjuto del vestro Re, et preg ... honestamente deli mei lri et me ... "
Hol., pp. 5, mutilated. Add. in a different hand: D. Thomæ, [Spinelly,] Serenissimi Angliæ et Franciæ [Regis apu]d Hispaniarum Principem [oratori]. Endd.: x. Decembris.
10 Dec.
S. B.
1267. For NICH. DUODO, merchant.
Denization as a native of Venice. Del. Westm., 10 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.


  • 1. Printed, Lacens
  • 2. This word is crossed through.
  • 3. The number is partly lost by marginal mutilation, and, though contained in a modern note before the fire, is blotted and uncertain.