Henry VIII: October 1518, 16-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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'Henry VIII: October 1518, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp1383-1393 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1518, 16-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1864), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp1383-1393.

"Henry VIII: October 1518, 16-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1864), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol2/pp1383-1393.


October 1518

16 Oct.
R. T. 137.
Instrument stating that at Greenwich, 16 Oct. 1518, Henry VIII. appeared before his tribunal, and publicly promised to fulfil the contract of marriage between the Princess Mary and Francis Dauphin of Vienna, when the Princess was of fit age; the King desiring the Cardinal, if he failed in his promise, to excommunicate him, and pass sentence of interdict on his kingdom. Present: the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, Bps. of Durham and Ely, Earls of Surrey and Worcester, Dr. Tunstall, Sir Henry Marney and Sir John Heron. Attested by Robert Toneys and John Barett.
Lat. (The original sealed with Wolsey's seal.)
16 Oct.
Vesp. C. I. 204.
B. M.
Wrote his last on the 4th. The Catholico has heard from his ambassador in England of the arrival there of the Admiral of France with the rest of the ambassadors, and of the preparation for publishing the peace and the marriage in consequence of the business he has with the Venetians. It is not expected that the Emperor will ratify the peace without some express reservation of his right. This will not be easy, considering their dependence on the French. Spinelly proposes that the Emperor and Venetians should submit their differences to the Kings of England and Spain; but as the Emperor reckons always to be the better with every man, he will not be tractable unless the principal contracting parties give him money. Many are sorry for the delivery of Tournay to the French, chiefly the Flemings; the Spaniards set little by it. The Bishop of Burgos in the name of the nobles desired the King to take no discomfort at it, as they were ready to serve him with bodies and goods against the Moors and the Frenchmen. Disputes relative to the treaty of Noyon have not yet been settled. The alliance between the two crowns will continue firm if the peace be well kept, especially in relation to Tournay. The Great Master of France has offered to come to Perpignan only to speak with Chievres; "insomuch that I am determined to demand of him this night or tomorrow what I shall write therein unto your grace." Is of opinion that it refers to the confirmation of their treaty of marriage, which will be marvellously odious to the King's subjects. The Catholico has received letters out of Almayn that the six electors have given their voices in his favor, and agreed to publish the same at Franchfort on 1 Jan. next. All the sums promised them "hathe been sented." He has received the congratulations of the French King; has accompanied the Queen of Portugal two days' journey. The court will remove to Barcelona about the latter end of the month, when the states will have concluded their deliberation; though for some time they have shown themselves "difficyles."
Bulls have come from Rome "setting of one disme unto all the spiritualty." The president of the Duchess of Savoy arrived four days ago; this morning had his reception, and made his oath. He is the writer's old acquaintance. Desires his recommendation to the King. Saragossa, 16 Oct. 1518.
Hol., partly cipher, deciphered by Tuke; pp. 4.
16 Oct.
S. B.
4506. For MAURICE APPARRY, yeoman for the King's mouth in the cellar.
To be constable of Tenby castle, and to have the custody of the woods called Coyde Raf, Pembroke, S. Wales, with fees from 16 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. on surrender of patent 16 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. on surrender of patent 16 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11.
18 Oct.
R. O.
4507. JULIUS [DE MEDICIS,] Vice-cancellarius, to WOLSEY.
Has received his letters in favor of Cardinal Gurk, to whom already he is favorably disposed. Tuscanella, 18 Oct. 1518. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
18 Oct.
P. S.
To be comptroller of the coinage of tin in Cornwall and Devon, with the custody of the gaol of Lostwithiel, Cornw. Eltham, 16 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Oct.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 34.
20 Oct.
P. S.
4509. For WM. SABYN.
To be one of the King's serjeants at arms, with 12d. a day. Eltham, 16 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Oct.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10.
21 Oct.
R. O.
4510. The BP. OF HELNA to WOLSEY.
Though compelled to hasten his departure as the winter is at hand, which is apt to be severe on travellers (peregrinantibus), hearing of Wolsey's illness, did not wish to trouble him. Begs, however, to have one audience before he goes to Spain. London, 21 Oct. 1518.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
21 Oct.
R. O.
Had advertised him in his last of the imprisonment at Bruges of Robert Elves, soldier of Calais, for spoiling certain Brytons in the King of Castile's dominions. He has since been pardoned by the Lady Margaret, but had not been released by the Council there until he had given security for the damage done. Since then he has obtained leave of Lady Margaret that he should be set at liberty unconditionally. The ambassador of Liege is there, treating for a confederation between the Bishop and town of Liege and the house of Burgundy. Brussels, 21 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Cardinal of York, [Legat]e of England.
22 Oct.
R. O.
4512. PACE to WOLSEY.
Writes, by the King's command, about the gentlemen who are to attend the English ambassadors into France. They were with Wolsey yesterday to know what money they should have to prepare themselves, but had no answer. As the time of their departing draws nigh, the King wishes him to send by John Heron the whole sum to be distributed among his four chamberlains, whom "his grace thinketh that he shall best content and satisfy himself." Eltham, 22 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord legate's grace. Sealed.
22 Oct.
Er. Ep. App. 294.
Has been very unfortunate this year. His journey to Basle was far from agreeable,—his state of health there, owing to the heat, impaired. Suffered from the prevalent epidemic, and afterwards from dysentery. Received Latimer's notes too late. Left Basle in feeble health. Had intended to visit England before the winter, but is still in the hands of the surgeons. Gives an account of the printing of the New Testament, and its present state. When he is free from his present engagement will complete the Paraphrases. His friend the Chancellor has died in Spain. Has an invitation from France, as Tunstal will see by the letter of Budæus, dated id. April. Would prefer England, "si accederent centum marcæ quas rex jam pridem offert." Louvain, 22 Oct. 1518.
Lee, with whom Erasmus had once been on friendly terms, has dropped his friendship. Gives an account of Lee's annotations, and the occasion of their subsequent coolness.
22 Oct.
Er. Ep. x. 26.
4514. ERASMUS to PACE.
The whole of this year has been unfortunate to him. Pace will see his misfortunes from his letter to Beatus, of which he has also sent a copy to Tunstal. Pace's work is read eagerly by the Germans, but offends several at Constance (Constantienses). Had intended to visit him this autumn, and accept the King's bounty. Now the Chancellor is dead, nothing is to be hoped for here. Is much pleased with Linacre's Galen. The affair of the tenths does not please Germany. Compliments to Linacre. Louvain, 11 cal. Nov. 1518.
22 Oct.
S. B.
Grant, in tail male, of the manors of Pedyngton, Avenescourte and Wike, Glouc., by the service of half a knight's fee, and the rendering of two greyhounds whenever the King or his heirs shall come within two miles of Pedyngton: on surrender of patent, 16 July 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
22 Oct.
P. S.
4516. For ROB. ACTON, groom of the Chamber.
To be bailiff of the lordship of Penbrigge, Marches of Wales. Eltham, 15 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Oct.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19.
22 Oct.
S. B.
4517. For Wm. BRETON of London, grocer, alias merchant of the staple of Calais.
Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wingfeld, Deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 22 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII.
Fr. 10 Hen. VIII. m. 1.
23 Oct.
Er. Ep. App. 297.
Gives him an account of his journey to Louvain; his sickness and the mistakes of the surgeons who attended him. Thanks him for his liberality. Desires to know how his wife and son are. Louvain, 23 Oct. 1518.
23 Oct.
Er. Ep. App. 296.
Would be glad to know what he is doing; whether he is still employed in attacking the followers of Faber. Gives an account of his illness and glandular swellings on his arrival at Aix-la-Chapelle, and the foolish mistakes of the surgeons. Wonders with his feeble person he could have survived so many untoward circumstances. (fn. 1) The New Testament will appear shortly. Will then proceed with his Paraphrase. Sends a copy of the speech of Card. Cajetan, made at the diet at Augsburg: "ubi Imperator bellam egit comœdiam, et archiepiscopum Moguntinensem impulit (est enim adolescens) ut galero accepto dignitatem suam dedecoraret, monachus factus Romani pontificis. O ! mi Colete, quæ nunc reram humanarum scena vertitur !" Louvain, 23 Oct. 1518.
23 Oct.
Er. Ep. App. 295.
Is recovered, although the surgeon constantly affirmed that he had the true plague. Wonders what Potkin means by rejecting his bond (syngrapha). This is the payment for the year 18, not for 19. Begs him to explain the matter to the Archbishop, and hereafter employ Maruffo. Has Warham received the volumes of St. Jerome? Louvain, 23 Oct. 1518.
23 Oct.
Er. Ep. App. 298.
4521. ERASMUS to_. (fn. 2)
Of his journey from Basle; the attacks made upon him from all quarters; his sickness, &c. The New Testament will appear at the next sales; "cætera videbis aut jam vidisti in Angliam importata." Hochstrate has been driven ont of Cologne. Louvain, 23 Oct. 1518.
23 Oct.
P. S.
4522. For SIR GEO. HARVEY of Thurley, Bucks, alias of Relegh, Beds, alias of the Household.
Pardon and release as sheriff of Beds. and Bucks, temp. Hen. VII. Eltham, 18 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Oct.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 34.
24 Oct.
Er. Ep. App. 299.
Of his journey from Basle, &c. The Chancellor is dead in Spain. Does not intend to accept the invitation from France. Will either be an Englishman, "aut ex Anglo et Brabanto mixtus." Com- plains of Potkin. Nothing has been done at Augsburg, except that the Abp. of Mayence has been made a Cardinal. The diet is to be transferred to Frankfort, where the coronation of Ferdinand will be discussed. It is said that Charles will soon leave Spain and go to Naples. The pest is raging at Cologne. Louvain, 24 Oct. 1518.
23 Oct.
Galba, B. VI. 79.
B. M.
Has received by Hesdin and Jehan de la Sauch the gracious letters of the King and Wolsey. Understands their good will to her nephew. Despatches de la Sauch in answer to the important overture made by them. Brussels, 23 Oct. Signed.
P.S. in his own hand.—Cannot thank him too highly for his prudence and good will, in which she has entire confidence.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: A Mons. le Cardinal d'York, Legat en Angleterre.
24 Oct. Galba, B. VI. 81, B. M. 4525. MARGARET OF SAVOY to HENRY VIII.
Cannot thank him sufficiently for the gracious letter written with his own hand, received by Hesdin, his good will shown by Hesdin and John de la Sauch, and his offer to aid her in the government which the King her nephew has conferred upon her.
The said King has always had it in view to have an interview with Henry, which she doubts not will confirm for ever their old alliances. Despatches John de la Sauch to be informed more particularly of Henry's proposal. Brussels, 24 Oct.
Hol., Fr., pp. 2, mutilated. Add.
Inspeximus and confirmation of charter 16 May 9 Hen. VII., granting certain liberties to the borough. Westm., 24 Oct.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21.
24 Oct.
P. S.
Grant of the fee of the crown, viz. 6d. a day, vice Jas. Garteside, deceased. Woodstock, 26 June 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Oct.
South and North Wales, Salop, Hereford, Glouc., Worc., Chesh., Flint and the Marches of Wales.—Same as 1 May, with addition of Sir Ric. Thomas. Westm., 24 Oct.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2,—.1d.
25 Oct.
Giust. Desp. II. 235.
4529. SEB. GIUSTINIAN to the DOGE.
Wrote on the 12th. On the 13th received his missives of 17 Aug. and 1 Oct. Had already announced the truce between the Emperor and Venice, having heard of it from another channel. On the 23rd received his letters of the 5th, 17th and 28th ult. Has been unable to communicate their contents, from the illness both of himself and of the Cardinal. The Spanish ambassador, who has resided here the last four years, has desired his dismissal on the conclusion of this treaty. He "says he shall depart in a fortnight, without waiting for his successor; a pro- ceeding which I attribute solely to dissatisfaction experienced by his Catholic King."
The ambassadors to France (the Lord Chamberlain, Bp. of Ely, Grand Prior of St. John's and the Captain of Guisnes) are preparing to depart. "They are accompanied by a number of great personages as advisers, who are not mentioned in the commission." The legation altogether numbers 600 horse. After the ratification by Francis, Tournay will be surrendered by a third contract. Francis will make pecuniary compensation.
The Queen is near her delivery, which is anxiously looked for. Prays she may have a son, that the King may be at liberty to embark in any great undertaking. Learns that an accident has befallen his successor, calculated to delay his return. As he is so young he ought not to scruple to depart in the winter. Lambeth, 25 Oct.
25 Oct.
Er. Ep. App. 310.
Misinformed Erasmus respecting twelve nobles given by More. Warns him to take care of himself. "Cave inprimis ne contagio alicujus scabiem Gallicam tibi contrahas." Louvain, 25 Oct. 1518.
25 Oct.
Vit. B. xx. 103.
B. M.
Wolfgang Preischueth has returned from England. Understands Henry had delayed giving him an answer because he wrote himself to Maximilian, and had detained him in England awaiting the Emperor's reply. Had already sent an answer [while] Preischueth was in England. If Henry is still ignorant of his answer, his letters must have been overlooked (obscuratas) in England or Brabant, or lost, by the carelessness of the posts. Had written in them to say that it would be advantageous for himself and the Kings of France, Spain and England to support the Swiss in common. As they are accustomed to be hired for war, they might endanger the amity between those powers if left unemployed. Henry should send an ambassador to treat with the Emperor on the subject, who could afterwards proceed to Switzerland and there conclude the matter. Understands, though not directly from either of the contracting parties, that a treaty has been concluded between the Kings of England and France, for (1.) the marriage between the daughter of the King of France and a son of the King of England (sic); (2.) continual peace; (3.) an arrangement about the city of Tournay. Is glad to hear of the first two conditions; but cannot believe the King has agreed to surrender Tournay on the consummation of the marriage. Expected to have learned the truth from Preischueth, but, as he has had no answer, fears it will be so. Hopes the King will consider that this would be contrary to Maximilian's treaty with Lewis XI. in 1482, confirmed by Charles VIII., Lewis XII. and Francis, and will ponder well the support which Maximilian gave him in obtaining the city. Cannot suffer such an agreement, except on condition of the perpetual neutrality of Tournay. Hopes Wolsey will further consider that if he [can] do [nothing] else, Maximilian will complain to the Pope, and it will not be creditable to Wolsey if he has been the cause of such bad faith. Ympst, 25 Oct. MDX [VIII]. Signed.
Lat., pp. 7, mutilated. Add.: RR., &c. Dño n. Cardinali Eboracensi, &c., legato, &c.
25 Oct.
P. S.
4532. For ROB. WROTH.
Livery of lands in co. Somerset, as son and heir of John Wroth. Woodstock, 3 July 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Oct.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16.
25 Oct. 4533. For WM. RYGG alias SCAFF, of York.
Pardon for killing Wm. Stokall in selfdefence. Westm., 25 Oct.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 31.
25 Oct.
P. S.
4534. For RIC. PARYS, late constable of Berwick, alias of Calais, soldier, alias of London.
Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Ric. Wingefeld, Deputy of Calais. Eltham, 20 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII. Westm., 25 Oct.
Fr. 10 Hen. VIII. m. 5.
26 Oct 4535. For GEO. WALES, chaplain.
Presentation to the church of Stanstede, Norwich dioc. Westm., 26 Oct.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4.
26 Oct.
P. S.
4536. For ROB. BUTTER.
To be bailiff of the lordships of Orleton and Erysland, Heref. Eltham, 12 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Oct.
27 Oct. 4537. For the PRIOR and MONKS of HOLY TRINITY, YORK.
Inspeximus and confirmation of the following documents:—
i. Patent 12 June 4 Edw. IV. confirming (1.) three charters and a patent of King Stephen, granting them the chapel founded by Roger the priest at York, lands and liberties, &c.; (2.) a charter of King John, exempting them from tolls; (3.) patent 25 Nov. 30 Edw. III., confirming charters of Hen. I. and Hen. II., which confirmed grants of Ralph Paynell (Paganellus); and (4.) a charter of Hen. II. confirming grants of the said Ralph.
ii. Patent 19 May 6 Edw. IV. granting denization to the Prior and Convent (being a cell of the abbey of Marmoutier), and various lands and privileges. Westm., 27 Oct.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3.
28 Oct.
S. B.
Wardship of Thomas, son and heir of John Boswell, who held of Henry VII. as of his castle of Conyngesborough, York, which came into the King's hands by the act of resumption passed 14 Oct. 11 Hen. VII.; on surrender of patent 9 Dec. 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9.
29 Oct.
S. B.
Wardship of William, son and heir of Ric. Trevenour, who held of the King as of the duchies of Cornwall and Exeter. Del. Westm., 29 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII. Signed: Thomas Lovell—Rychard Weyston.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9.
30 Oct.
R. O.
Thanks him for licence for nonattendance on the King this summer, "wherein your grace did no less for me, than if ye had delivered me of an inevitable danger of my life." No Englishman is gladder than he is of this alliance with France. It is the best deed that ever was done for England; and, next to the King, the praise of it is due to Wolsey. In conformity with Wolsey's desire, that the Bishop should, upon his honor, certify him by letters, in a case then before him in the Chancery, of his right touching "inclosures of arable land contrary to the statute," he states that before Michaelmas last he caused inquiries to be made by his steward and others, and they have certified that the inquisitions found against him were untrue; and, though the Bishop has not personally viewed the lands surmised to be inclosed, he believes the certificate correct. His steward, William Frost, "is a sad, substantial and faithful man, and well learned in the law:" his surveyor, William Pownde, "being a man of an hundred pound land." The lands are copyhold. Will be contented to pay whatever fine Wolsey may assess them at. Marwell, 30 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: To the Lord Cardinal of York, Legate of England. Endd.
30 Oct.
R. O.
4541. DACRE to WOLSEY.
Has received his answer. Will let Wolsey know, when opportunity occurs, of the new devices, which cannot now be included in the abstinence. Will obey his precept for the finding of Graye's lands. Thanks him for obtaining the Bp. of Durham's consent in the matter between them, and for staying the coming up of the Lady Pickering, wife of Sir Christopher, whom Dacre wishes to marry. She has only 40l. a year, her goods are of little value, her father's lands will descend to her children. "The labor that I made unto your grace concerning her was more for love than for any profite, and that she is young, and that I have but one son, and am desirous to have moo, so it may stand with the pleasure of God." Is grateful to Wolsey for having moved the King to stay the grant of the stewardship of Penrith to Sir Henry Clifford, which Dacre had asked for his brother Sir Christopher. It is only 5l. in the year, and Sir Henry has from the King's lands in Yorkshire 100 marks, and is joined in a patent with Sir Thomas Writesley, and 60l. in Craven by means of Sir John Car. The Queen of Scots is badly treated, and no promise kept to her. Thinks the King should send into Scotland some quick man to secure her rights. The commissioners of the two countries met yesterday to settle disputes. They meet again 22 Nov. The Chancellor and the Scotch lords have gone to their homes, and meddled with nothing. A Council is appointed to meet in Edinburgh, 20 Nov. Requests that either Hen. Wallace or Rob. Ribton be appointed sheriff of Northumberland. Carlisle, 30 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: My Lord Cardinal's grace.
30 Oct.
P. S.
Wardship of Thomas, son and heir of Sir Rob. Cotton. Greenwich, 29 Sept. 10 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 Oct.
Pat. 10 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
3 Oct.
S. B.
4543. For HEN. GERARD of Bolton-super-le-Mores, Lanc., laborer.
Pardon; he having been accused of being an accomplice in a felony committed by John Bradshawe, laborer, and Rob. Fullaluff, "p'doner die Sabbato," for which they were sentenced to die, when Bradshawe confessed Gerard's innocence. Del. Westm., 30 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII.
31 Oct.
Vesp. C. I. 214.
B. M.
Wrote last on the 16th. On the 18th advertised Brian Tuke by cipher of his communications with Chievres, and his hope that, notwithstanding the French King's desire for a meeting with the Catholico, affairs between Henry and the French as touching the King will have such issue as was shown his grace. Chievres and the Audiencer persist in their good opinion. As to "the confirmation by the Frenchmen demanded for the marriage of their daughter," Chievres told him his master would put them off with fair words; which Spinelly believes, "because this second bargain wol not have the colorate excusation of the necessity, the which the Lord Chievres saith brought his master and council to the first, abhorred by all the subjects of Spain above all other things."
The Emperor has written promising to enter into the general peace if the Venetians be excluded, which it is thought the French King will not agree to; there is some anxiety, therefore, to know what Henry will do. As to the election of the King of the Romans, Chievres affirms "with much feste and joy" that his master has obtained it. The Fukkers have provided the sums promised. The elector spiritual of Brandenburg will have for his services to the Catholic King the first good bishopric vacant in Castile, besides other things for his brother.
Since writing the above has spoken with Chievres. A post is come out of Flanders with letters dated the 22nd from the Archduchess, Lord Montany and others. Chievres is dissappointed that there is no news from England, as the French ambassador twelve days ago published that all matters were settled to their desire, and the Lady of Angoulesme said the same to the Spanish ambassador, adding that the French lords had met with a more cordial reception from Henry than any strangers had previously done, the King "going privily at mumming and dancing with the Queens dowager of France at the Admiral his lodging." Whether true or not, the French are wise in publishing this.
News with regard to the election has come from the Emperor, to the same effect as formerly. It is to be declared at Francfort in January next, and will increase Charles's reputation both in Italy and Christendom. The Archduchess has written that the Duchess of Urbin is deceased, which may well be true, as the last letters from Rome are of the 21 Sept. If so, Chievres will procure the marriage for his niece; "howbeit, if the Lord Berghes wol the bargain for his son he shall be preferred unto every man." The Cardinal Sedunensis is in good favor, and so are many others "that during the competences of the government were otherwise taken. He writte the Frenchmen, notwithstanding their pursuits, have obtained nothing with the Swyccers, and that they shall find more difficulty than they thought."
The King will remain here 15 days "to see if he can set some order to the justice, both civil and criminal; and the Crystmass shalbe kepeth at Barsalona, and also the Toyson, for the which your highness must send your procuration." Recommends that Henry should write a letter of thanks to the Bp. of Burgus and the Lord Fonseca his brother. Saragossa, 31 Oct. 1518.
Hol., partly in cipher, deciphered by Tuke; pp. 5. Add.: [To the] King's most noble grace.
31 Oct.
Vesp. C. I. 216*.
B. M.
Wrote hastily on the 19th to Tuke, desiring him to show the contents to Wolsey, who will now learn by the King's letters what has since come to the writer's knowledge. The Pope's legate resident in France continually advises the nuncio here to favor the French King, especially as to the confirmation of the marriage, but the latter is too prudent to urge it. Begs Wolsey to keep this secret from the legate his colleague, who is thought to be a great friend of the one in France. Saragossa, 31 Oct. 1518.
Hol., partly in cipher, deciphered by Tuke; p. 1. Add.: [To my] Lord Cardinal's grace.
31 Oct.
S. B.
4546. To CUTHBERT TUNSTAL, Master of the Rolls.
To cancel a recognizance for 400 marks, made by Sir Nich. Vaux of Norton, North., 31 July 7 Hen. VIII., to Thomas Lord Cardinal, Abp. of York, Sir Th. Lovell, and John Heron, treasurer of the chamber; conditionally to pay 200l. to the said John Heron, to the King's use, for the wardship of Walter son and heir of Wymond Ralegh, according to the tenor of an indenture. Greenwich, 31 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII.
Calig. B. VI. 179.
B. M.
4547. [WOLSEY to DACRE.]
Is surprised that he has received no answer to his letters in which he desired Dacre to practise with Sir David Home for the liberation of the French ambassador, and to know the Queen of Scot's meaning in the letters she wrote to the French King touching her own danger and that of her son. Warns him hereafter that in matters of weight requiring immediate answer, the King looks for the "execution of process according to his laws for the lawful finding of his title and interesse, as well touching his wards as all other his revenues in these parties under your governance, wherein, as the King's grace and his Council be credibly informed by the officers of all his courts, such remiss dealing and colorable inventions be used, that neither his titles can be found, his process served for recovering of his duties, ne yet justice ministered according to his laws." The shame will rest upon Dacre if the Sheriff of Northumberland fails in his duty. As the Scots have refused to accept the comprehension of their country in the late treaty between England and France notified by the French ambassador, and their truce with England soon expires, Dacre is to discover whether they intend to send an ambassador to England for establishing peace or proroguing the truce. Though the French King has promised not to suffer Albany's return to Scotland, Dacre is to keep watch.
Draft, in Ruthal's hand, pp. 2.
Calig. D. VII. 69.
B. M.
4548. FRANCIS I. to [WOLSEY.]
Thanks him for the honor he has done his ambassadors, but declines the two "devi[ces?]" proposed by him as impossible and infeasible.
Hol., Fr., pp. 2, mutilated.
R. O.
"A declaration of all such payments, expences and provisions made by Sir John Daunce, knt., by the King's commandment, against the coming of the ambassadors of France, and during their abode here, in the months of August, September and October in the 10th year of the reign of King Henry the VIIIth: That is to say, as well for the repairing and glazing of divers chambers here, as for hiring of beds, hangings for chambers, carpets, cushions, kitchen stuff and divers other things by them occupied; and also as for money paid for wine, wood, coals, table cloths, towels, napkins, sheets and divers other things, by the said Sir John Daunce new bought and provided; and also with divers other and sundry expences made, and rewards to certain persons given, because of their attendance about the said ambassadors."
Names of creditors: John Whyting, esq., John Baxster, John Felde, Edward Vaws and Alan Kyng, the King's purveyors, Robert Whytehed, William Pounde of London, merchant stranger, Richard Blakgrove, mercer, and the keeper of Tailors' Hall (where the ambassadors were received). Also to John Thurston, for barges between London and Greenwich. Total of all expences, 130l. 2s. 10d.
Pp. 4.
R. O.
4550. TOURNAY.
Indenture, by William Pawne, of money received from Sir Richard Jernegan, Deputy, for works at Tournay, from 24 Feb. 9 Hen. VIII. to 17 Aug. 10 Hen. VIII., by the hands of Arthur Lovekyn, from John à Pole and William Lelegrave.
ii. Sums received by the same in October: too much mutilated to be ascertained.
R. O.
4551. ROBERT AP RAYNOLDE of London, draper.
Petition for justice against John Cavelarye, merchant of Luke, who, in the petitioner's absence, had seduced his wife, and by her means plundered his house.


  • 1. Le Clerc thinks a leaf has been lost here, and that what follows is part of a letter to Colet.
  • 2. Probably Fisher.