Henry VIII: September 1542, 26-30

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Henry VIII: September 1542, 26-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp463-511 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: September 1542, 26-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp463-511.

"Henry VIII: September 1542, 26-30". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1900), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp463-511.


September 1542, 26-30

26 Sept.
Dasent's A.P.C., 36.
845. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Greenwich, 26 Sept. Present : Canterbury, Chancellor, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Riche, Dacres. Business :O'Neil being come to make submission, and the King minding to advance him to the degree of an earl, as there lacked here a convenient number of earls for the solemnity of his creation, the earl of Oxford was written to to be here on Sunday morning next with his robes. Upon letters from the king of Portugal in favour of two merchants wronged in Ireland, letters were written to the Deputy to minister justice. Oliver Russell, of Southwark, saltpeter maker, who was at Westm., committed to the Marshalsea for lewd words to the dean of Canterbury, released upon recognisance (cited). Placard signed for Foster to take up post horses to Berwick.
26 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 236. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 182 (1).
846. John Cake to [the Lord Admiral?].
Advertises his "good lordship" that on Thursday, St. Matthew's Day, the Small Gallion, Dragon, and other small vessels with ordnance, corn, &c., weighed anchor from Yarmouth with a fair wind for Berwick, but a great storm came on, with foul misty weather, which dissevered them. The Dragon lost her boat and two men, another small vessel had to throw overboard 1 qr. of wheat, and the Mary Flower, one Gervise master, laden deep with ordnance, grounded on the Cocles, and had to throw a brass piece overboard, where five days before the Thomas Dowtty was totally lost. The Mary Flower has a great leak, and is transferring her ordnance and stuff to another ship at Yarmouth, and we tarry here for its coming. Scarborough, 26 Sept.
Copy, p. 1. Headed : "The copy of John Care's letter."
26 Sept.
Lamb. MS. 603 p. 110a. St. P., III. 422.
847. The Lords Of Munster.
Indenture, 26 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII., between Sir Ant. Sentleger, Deputy, Jas. earl of Desmond, William Brabazon, treasurer at war and under treasurer, John Travers, master of the ordnance, and Sir Osborn Echingham, marshal of the militia, of the one part, and the Lord Barrie, alias the Great Barrie, Makartie More, Lord Roche, Makartie Reagh, Thady McCormocke, lord of Musgrye, Barry Oge, alias Young Barry, O'Suyluvan Beare, captain of his nation, Barry Roo, alias the Lord Red Barry, McDonogho of Allowe, captain of his nation, Donald O'Challogan, captain of his nation, and Sir Gerald FitzJohn, of the other part.
The latter parties agree to acknowledge the King's sovereignty, renounce the bp. of Rome and submit all disputes to the arbitration of the bps. of Waterford, Cork, and Ross, the mayors of Cork and Youghall, the sovereign of Kinsale, Philip Roche, Wm. Walshe, and the dean of Clone; also to submit to certain laws. Offences to be reported to the earl of Desmond and the three bishops. Eight articles.
Lat. Copy. pp. 5.
Lamb. MS. 603 p. 60. 2. Another copy, with note at the end of a peace made between the lord Deputy and McMorice in 31 Hen. VIII.; and certificate by John Chaloner that "the copies contained in this transcript of nine written leaves do agree with the copies found registered in the old Council book."
Lat. Copy, pp. 7. See Carew Calendar, No. 172.

Lamb. MS. 603 p. 28.
848. Ireland.
Ordinances in addition to those made in Parliament at Dublin, 12 July 33 Hen. VIII. for the reformation of Munster, to be enforced (art. 24) by the earl of Ormond, the King's treasurer, in cos. Waterford, Kilkenny and Tipperary, and by the earl of Desmond in the rest. Twenty-four articles providing that the King shall be acknowledged King of Ireland, and regulating the holding and exercise of ecclesiastical promotions, punishment of theft and crime, retaining of kerne, exaction of coyne and livery, responsibility of captains and heads of families, payment of tithes, wearing of shirts and recovery of stolen goods, &c. Signed at the beginning, Antony Sentleger, and at the end, James Ormd. and Oss. : Georgius Dublin : Edwarde Miden : John Travers : Thomas Cusake, Mr. Rotulorum.
Lat. Pp. 6. See Carew Calendar, No. 157.
Lamb. MS. 608 f. 54b. 2. Another copy.
Lat. Pp. 5.
Lamb. MS. 611 p. 107. 3. Another copy.
Lat. Copy, pp. 5.
Titus B. XI. 375. B. M. 4. Later copy.
Lat. Pp. 5.
R. O. 5. Another copy signed by Thady Dowling, chancellor of Leighlin, the Irish antiquary, as taken from the roll of a concordat to that effect proclaimed at Casshell. Signatures copied (at the head) of St. Leger, and (at the end) of John Alen, chancellor, James earl of Ormond, Geo. abp. of Dublin and Edm. abp. of Cashell. Together with two copies of decrees of later date, touching Cashell cathedral, and also (in another hand) legal notes upon the above and other matters.
Pp. 11.
Lamb. MS. 603 p. 23a. 6. Another copy adapted for the reformation of Thomond and Connaught, to be enforced by Cormac, son of Donald, within his country of Osullevan, and by other governors within their own limits.
Lat. Pp. 6.
26 Sept.
R. O.
849. Wallop to the Council.
Wrote of late that the footmen who served Vandosme in Boullonoies should repair to Bullen for wages, and then lie on the Borders about Hesding, fearing the coming of the Burgundians; and that Mons. de Beez was gone thitherward before. Learns now that Vandosme has begun his camp again at Daussey, beside Dorlance, assembling all horse and foot that can be made in Picardy and Bullonoyes, and all the Clevoiez and Allemaygnes that were with Mons. d'Orleans, saving those that so shamefully surrendered the town of Luxembourgh, whom the French king has "abandoned" out of his countries. All the towns that Mons. d'Orleans had gotten are now in the Emperor's hands, and the Burgundians marching towards these parts. It is bruited in France that the Dolphin has gotten Perpynion, and 20,000 on both sides are slain.
Was advertised sundry ways of the late assembly De Beez made for a course in the county of Guisnes; and, to feel what he would say, wrote to him that henceforth he would not trust their peace, "seeing they would make such sudden invasions, but would ride a hawking as I have before done in time of war with a good 'skulte' of horsemen." Encloses his reply, made yesterday. With Mr. Rous, treasurer, and the Surveyor, takes musters of the 300 footmen at Calais to-day; and the lord Deputy and others of the Council do the like at Guisnes on Thursday. After which musters "it were a good time to overrun all Boullonoies, their power of horsemen and footmen being now away." Newneham Bridge, 26 Sept. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. : 26 Sept. ao xxxiiijo.
27 Sept.
Dasent's A.P.C., 37.
850. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Greenwich, 27 Sept. Present : Canterbury, Chancellor, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Riche, Dacres. Business :Letter written to Mr. North to call in debts. Letter written to Norfolk, Southampton, Durham and Browne to enquire into an intended betrayal of Norham castle to the Scots by an Englishman.
27 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 240. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 184.
851. The Privy Council to the Commissioners at York.
Have reported to the King the Commissioners' letters of the [24th] (fn. 1) inst. Where they desire to know which two of them shall repair to the Borders if they agree with the Scots; remind them that the King named them "all four or two at the least," but since the lord Privy Seal may have business one day in another place, and should be here to prepare for it, his former appointment being, as the King thinks, much altered, he is to return hither, and the rest to resort to the Borders, where, after they have done, Mr. Browne must attend for the king of Scots. Send a letter for John Cary, vice-admiral, to assemble the ships of war at such place as the Commissioners appoint. The French are preparing ships at Havre to send into Scotland, and a Scot has conveyed powder and munition in a hoy from Flanders. The King rigs forth two more ships for the war, which shall depart in 3 or 4 days.
Corrected draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 3. Endd. : Minute to my 1. of Norff., etc., xxvijo Septembr. ao xxxiiijo.
Harl. MS. 6,989 f. 98. B. M. 2. Original letter of which the foregoing is the draft. Dated, Greenwich, 27 Sept. Signed by Cranmer, Audeley, Hertford, Winchester, Gage, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler, Baker and Robert Dacres.
Pp. 2. Fly leaf with address gone.
27 Sept.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 64.]
852. Chapuys to the Queen Of Hungary.
Has received her letters of the 11th, 16th, and 19th inst. with the despatch addressed to Thoison d'Or, which he at once forwarded to Bristol, where he will doubtless still be. To-day, in pursuance of her orders, has been to the King to give him the news of that country, so as to induce him to grant the aid. To remove his chief excuse that he has no news from Spain and knows not how he stands with the Emperor, has shown him private letters from merchants stating that before the 10th ult. the bp. of Westminster had taken his leave with as favourable an answer as could be wished. After much discourse the King showed himself glad to hear of the Emperor's successes, and had no doubt the French would get well beaten about Perpignan if the garrison were not scant of provisions. As to the aid, he answered as before, saying that if it were as the letters stated, some of his people would have brought the news, the matter being of such importance; and nothing Chapuys could say about the bad weather and contrary winds prevented his complaining over and over again of the delay in answering him, especially for the enterprise of which Mons. du Reulx spoke to Chapuys, and that the best opportunity was lost, and it suited him very ill to remain in suspense, not knowing how he stood with the Emperor, while the French, taking him for the Emperor's ally, had done mischief at Guisnes, which Du Byes lately thought of invading. The captain of Guisnes (fn. 2) was incessantly desiring licence to invade the French territory, now when the French garrisons were all gone to Dorlens (Doullens); but he would not grant it till he had a good answer from the Emperor. Things might still be arranged to the Emperor's advantage, and when that answer came an interview ought to be held between the Queen and him.
Asked him, if it was true that Yvoix had been recovered from the enemy, what our army ought to do next. He said they ought at once to march to Mazieres, and lay waste the country without stopping before any fortified town or penetrating further into France, for the French might give them opportunities in order to cut off their retreat. He was sure that the French, expecting him to take the field, had made up their minds not to put obstacles in his way, till he had passed the Somme; and he thought Vendosme, if he took the field, should be allowed to engulf himself in the Emperor's territory, and it would not be difficult to destroy him with the troops sent by the Queen to Hainault. If, therefore, powers came from the Queen to treat with him he would be glad to furnish men and money to any amount.
Got him by and by to speak about Scotland, to feel what likelihood there was of peace or war with that country. He told Chapuys confidentially that he believed there would be no war, for the Scotch ambassadors had already agreed to release all the prisoners, and make some compensation for damage done. They had even agreed to a permanent league without reserving France, as they have always done hitherto, and promised that their King would come to him in this city before Christmas. The only difficulty was about hostages, about which the ambassadors asked for two days' respite to send to Scotland, offering meanwhile to remain themselves as hostages. The King expects answer by Sunday next, and says that it will be greater honour for him to achieve this than to gain a battle. Agreed with him as to that, provided he could only rely on the Scots, for though, now they were alone and without aid from France and the other allies, they spoke fair, they might become more intractable later if France, Sweden, or Denmark assisted them. The King said that the talk of the said league was only a brag, and when the King of Scots came hither all would be set in order and surety. Had some further conversation on small topics, which he has no time to report. London, 27 Sept. 1543.
French. Modern transcript from Vienna, pp. 4.
27 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 230. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 181.
853. Commissioners at York to Henry VIII.
Late yesternight the ambassadors received answer from their master. Met this morning and demanded what answer they had of the amity and meeting. They showed two commissions, the one to treat of the meeting, restraining the place to York or Newcastle; the other a power to remain in England until the articles concluded for the meeting were performed, revoking former commissions to treat of any peace. Showed them, at great length, that since they limited the meeting to places which Henry would never condescend to (for, after coming to York last year and being deluded, he would surely never come hither at this season), and their commission to treat of amity was revoked, although princes at breach were never wont to meet without peace or truce first concluded, it was plain that the army must proceed in their journey. They, being sorry the matter was taken so hotly, offered to agree that their master should come to London or thereabouts. Said that was but trifling, seeing they had no commission to bind him; and at last they brought out their instructions, signed by their master and under his signet, that, in case of sticking, they might agree to other place than the commission named. Told them that was a warrant to them to pass their commission, but not to us to conclude. They said that at the meeting all should undoubtedly be concluded touching rebels and bounds, and the amity so made that they should for no prince or potentate living break with England. Declared to them the article in last instructions showing how France in the last treaty left them out. (fn. 3) They asserted that "at this there would be no sticking at your meeting." Told them a treaty made at the meeting would be vain, their master not being at liberty. They answered that their master in his own realm might make a commission to some of his subjects to treat and conclude amity, bearing date in his realm before he came forth, which he, at his coming, might make more strait, and then at his return confirm; whereas if they sticked to conclude amity before the meeting, the whole Council of Scotland would say What needs any meeting? Here Larmonthe said that albeit we set so little by the instructions they declared your nephew's inward heart, whereas the commission regarded outwardly his honor. Asked and obtained a copy (herewith); and, after much debate, they said they would despatch to their master, in all haste, for absolute commission without determining place; and offered to lie as pledges till all were performed, saying they thought their master would be at York about St. Andrew's Day, and with Henry before Christmas, and desiring that upon conclusion of the meeting the armies might be dissolved. Stuck to have the prisoners restored first of all. They replied that immediately upon the dissolving of the armies they should be restored, and would be restored before if Henry wrote to demand them.
They desire us to write for a commission for this meeting, as our commission speaks of peace and truce only. They will agree that their master shall come to London. Their Queen looks to take her chamber about Martinmas, and after the King sees "what will come of her," he will set forth. They say it cannot be brought to pass that earls should come as pledges. York, 27 Sept. Signed by Norfolk, Southampton, Durham, and Browne.
Pp. 6. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
Ib. f. 233. 2. "Th'article of the Scottish instructions."
As, in our other writings and commission, York or Newcastle is specified as the place of meeting, we pray you condescend to no other; but if the Commissioners of our dearest uncle, not regarding our honor, insist on the meeting at London, you may agree that, being come to York, we will at our uncle's desire come to London.
P. 1., in a Scottish hand. Headed as above.
27 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 235 B. M. Hamilton Papers. No. 182.
854. Commissioners at York to the Council.
Write to the King of their conference with the ambassadors of Scotland. Enclose copy of a letter they have received from John Care. Hear nothing of victual ships from London or Norfolk, or of 2,200 of Norfolk's men out of Norfolk and Suffolk, save that 240 are with difficulty come to Newcastle. The rest, shipped on Thursday last, were driven back. Remind them of the uncertainty of the coming of the ordnance and victual, which must be ground, brewed, and baked after it comes; also that the ill time of year comes sooner there than in the south, and through excessive rain, much corn here yet stands in the ground. Are most sorrowful at the state of things. Wrote in their last to know which two of them should repair to the Borders. The King shall have no loss by the tract of time taken with the Scots, provided they have his answer before Tuesday next, when money for conduct and coats is appointed to be paid to all except those who came with the Commissioners or from Wales. Have informed Suffolk of their proceedings, and received his answer that the King shall be at no great charges until he hears further. York, 27 Sept., 7 p.m. Signed by Norfolk, Southampton, Durham, and Browne.
Pp. 2. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
27 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 238. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 183.
855. Norfolk to Winchester and Wriothesley.
Desires them to get him appointed one of the two that shall go northwards, and to consider that, to punish offenders there, he should have an honest company with, him, for he thinks many will be found faulty. In the event of agreement, if the King of Scots make such offer as he did to the earl of Northumberland for the punishment of Lidersdale, we doing the like for Tindale and Ridsdale, it should not be refused. If appointed to convey the King of Scots to the King, he must have support, as this journey has plucked the bottom out of his purse : "it is not 8d. a day that will find man and horse standing in the stable as all ours do here." York, 27 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
27 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 242. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 185.
856. Southampton to Wriothesley.
Our letters to the King and to the Council show the present state with the Scots. No more victual has arrived; so that, if the King refuses these overtures and we go forward, I pray God that there be no lack of necessaries. Sir Thos. Wharton and others of experience in these marches, think that, at this late season of the year, in the country we have to enter (being barren, wild, cold and utterly ungarnished with wood) we shall lack fire to dress our victual; for they have unthacked their houses, intending, if we enter, either to burn the timber or carry it away. It is to be trusted that our ships may arrive in time with bread and drink and cheese; yet when that is spent and we driven to seethe or roast, and the men to lie on the wet ground, if we lack fire to dry them or warm their meat, I fear it will prove a pitiful case. Assures him that every man is willing to serve. Allowing time to bake and brew after the ships arrived, it will be three weeks ere they can enter. John Caries letter describes the mischance to the ship (fn. 4) with ordnance.
Had written thus far when Lermowthe sent Rhosse herald, requiring me to write to the King that if his master come all shall be wrought as he desires, and to beg him therefore not to stick in any light matters. York, 27 Sept., 7 p.m. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
27 Sept.
R. O. St. P. IX., 188.
857. Edmond Harvel to Henry VIII.
Since his last, of the 24th, letters from Constantinople of 20 and 28 Aug. report that the Turk winters in Andrinopli, and sends men to succour Buda. Letters from Vienna, of the 13th inst., say that the Christian host is gone to give battle to Pest and Buda. There are 7,000 Turks in Pest, and 20,000 in Buda, but ill conditioned through pestilence and famine. The Christians abound in everything needful. Ferdinando goes from Vienna to Buda. A great number of Bohems have joined the Christian host, and 8,000 Hungarian horsemen are expected. The Marquis of Marignan commands the navy on the Danube, with 10,000 Italians under him. Five thousand Almains have gone from Geane towards Spain. 60 galleys are assembled at Geane. Guasto has taken towns near Turin, and greatly prospers. Lately 8,000 Swiches are gone to the French king, probably towards Parpignan, where the French "seemeth to have had evil rescontre." Venice, 27 Sept. 1542.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd.
28 Sept.
Dasent's A.P.C., 38.
858. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Greenwich, 28 Sept. Present : Canterbury, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Gage, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business : Letter written to Sir Robt. Sowthwell, Sir Matth. Browne, Sir Chr. Morres, Jas. Skynner, and John Skynner to enquire into the conveyance away of the King's timber in (blank) Bristowe's charge. Order (detailed) taken in the dispute between Wm. Bowyer and Mariotto Neretti (about a bargain of woad bought of Bremont Fourmer), in accordance with the opinion of Sir John Gresham, Pol Withipol, Hen. Salvago, and Bart. Cumpagno, who examined the case; as the broker is detected of "corruption," he is to be set on the pillory next market day with his ears nailed to the same.
28 Sept.
Harl. MS. 6,989 f. 99. B. M.
859. The Privy Council to the Commissioners at York.
The King is informed of a certain treason concerning the delivery of Norham Castle to the Scots, as appears by a schedule enclosed. They are to cause the place to be secretly searched, and to try and find if there be any person in the house meet to be suspected. Greenwich, 28 Sept. Signed, T. Cantu[arien.] (rest of the signatures torn off).
P. 1. Add. : "To our very good lords, the Duke of Norfolk, therle of Southampton, the Bishop of Durham, and to our loving friend Sir Anth. Browne, knight." Endd. in a modern hand, "clxix."
28 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 261. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 190 (1).
860. Sir George Lawson to [Norfolk].
There are arrived in this haven 19 ships and crayers with malt, beans, barley, &c., and four crayers with Suffolk cheeses, but no ships with ordnance, save some of Norfolk's own provision. 400 barrels and 200 costrelles are ready full of beer, and of wheat meal there is 180 qr., Norfolk measure. Sends daily 10 or 12 miles to the mills, but dare not leave the wheat in the mills at night for fear of stealing; for every night the mills are broken and corn stolen. On Tuesday morning, when the workmen were carting stone from Caram church to Wark castle, the Scots took three of the King's carts with horse and harness, without any rescue of John Car and his fifty men or other soldiers in Wark castle, none of whom were stirring. Reminds him of the lack of wheat, foists and hoops. Berwick, 28 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Begins : Please it your Grace.
28 Sept.
861. H. Lord Maltravers, to Henry VIII.
Is indebted to the King and to friends in an amount which the selling out of hand of the living he has from his father would not satisfy, and he cannot beg any more things of the King, from whom he has received so many. There is a college in Arundel, of his ancestors' foundation, of 200l. rent, to obtain which he begs the King's assent, and trusts then to get the goodwill of his father and the master and fellows. Will give the King 1,000l.; and it will enable him to pay his debts, by selling part of his own lands or those of the college. Calais, 28 Sept.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
29 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 249. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 189.
862. Henry VIII. to the Commissioners at York.
Has received theirs of the 27th inst., with the schedule delivered by the Scottish ambassadors. As the Scots vary from the whole purport of their former promises, seeking apparently to gain time, he will briefly signify the conditions upon which the Commissioners shall arrest, and without which they must, with God's help, go forward in the intended enterprise and do, if not all that was determined at their departure, at least as much as seems feasible. First, the ambassadors must agree, in writing, to deliver the prisoners in Scotland at once, before the discharge of our army; for otherwise they might use them as hostages to redeem their pledges left here, and if they mean well they will not refuse this after so many fair offers to send them as a present. Second, they must agree, in writing, that their King shall repair to London before Christmas next, "without ifs or ands of his wife" (which might minister uncertainty, "considering the common error of women in reckoning their time"), or of further desire to be made at his coming to York, they three and some other nobleman (if possible) remaining as pledges. And since they will now agree upon no amity, but refer all to their King's coming, the pledges shall remain, after his return home, until his ratification of what shall be agreed is sent hither.
If the ambassadors, having commission to do so, roundly agree upon these points, you shall, upon knowledge that they have dissolved their army, dissolve ours both by sea and land, as instructed, and the garrisons after your repair to the Borders.
If, on the other hand, they will not fully agree, but seek new delays, you shall assemble the whole army and set forward. And if, for lack of victual (whereof we think that, by the time the army is assembled, you shall have as much as you thought necessary at your departure hence) or because of "the extreme weather and rain that hath fallen," you cannot accomplish the enterprise as first devised, you shall do some notable exploit in Scotland, devastating the Marsh and the Borders, and overthrowing [Lowmaben and] (fn. 5) all other holds thereabouts, and at the same time furnishing forth all the ships to go to the isles of Orkney and Shetland, and devastate the corn and cattle there, (fn. 6) and sending frequent news of your proceedings. In case the Scots, by their refusal of the above two articles, declare how they have dissembled with us, some honorable enterprise must be made to make them feel their fault, and make us think your pains and our money well employed. If the journey proceed, Suffolk must be warned to repair with speed to the Borders, according to the former appointment.
Draft corrected by Wriothesley, pp. 17. Endd. : Minute to my 1. of Norf., my 1. P.S., the bp. of Durham, and Sir Anthony Browne, xxixo Septembr. ao xxxiiijo.
29 Sept.
R. O.
863. [The Privy Council to Richard Lee.]
In reply to his of the 18th inst., the King thinks there shall be no need of the ". . . . . . . salye out of the bray at th'end of the basse courte". As to the workmen, if he can employ them in "such works as would . . . . . before winter," he shall do so; and if not he shall despatch the meanest men of them, retaining the tallest "that can do best service both in the works and otherwise if the case should so require."
Draft corrected by Wriothesley, pp. 3. Endd. : Minute to the Surveyor of Calays, xxixo Septemb. ao xxxiiijo.
29 Sept.
Harl. MS. 6,989 f. 100. B. M.
864. Wriothesley to [Norfolk].
"Pleaseth your Grace," my lord of Winchester and I have received your letters of the 27th inst., but have had no time to make a full answer. I think the letters from Havering resolve all those doubts, save for instructions which we thought here could not so well be given, especially your Grace and others having the order of things at your discretion. I and others here labour all we can that your Grace shall not be bounden but as you think things may be accomplished. Greenwich, Michaelmas Day at midnight.
Hol., p. 1. Endd. : Ebor., 1 Oct.
29 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 244. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 186.
865. Commissioners at York to the Council.
Have received the Council's letters of the 27th inst., declaring that (if they agree with the Scots) Norfolk, Durham, and Browne shall repair to the Borders, where also Browne shall attend the King of Scots' coming. Browne is not furnished to receive the said King, having no liveries for his servants other than those of white frieze with red crosses, mostly worn with harness, nor silver vessel, nor apparel, and, as the ambassadors say their King will tarry until the Queen be delivered about St. Martin's Day, and not come until St. Andrew's Day, he (Browne) begs that he may meanwhile repair to the King for instructions, and to furnish himself. If not, he begs to have full instructions sent. There is no other news of the ships than they wrote before, to their great marvel and sorrow, the wind being now as contrarious as possible. York, 29 Sept., Michaelmas Day, 1 p.m. Signed by Norfolk, Southampton, Durham and Browne.
Pp. 3. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
29 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 246. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 187.
866. Norfolk to Winchester and Wriothesley.
Blames himself for not well perusing their joint instructions, and writing as though he thought he was to accompany the King of Scots. That folly shows his lack of remembrance, which his years will daily increase; and, surely, it were not meet to send to convey him the man he and his subjects love worst. Is sorry to perceive this intended journey likely to take no such effect as he expected. York, Michaelmas Day, "with the hand of him that doth think himself most unhappy of all men."
Hol., p. 1. Add. Sealed.
29 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 247. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 188.
867. Sir Anthony Browne to Russell and Wriothesley.
Perceives by the Council's letter received this day that he shall accompany Norfolk and Durham to the Borders, and there await the King of Scots' coming. Has neither apparel nor plate nor other things for such a purpose, and it will be nine weeks ere the King of Scots comes, so that he desires leave to repair to the King and return hither in post. York, Michaelmas Day.
Seeing that lord Asken is here every day served on silver, thinks that, for the King's honor, he, as master of his Horse and captain of his Pensioners, should be served with the same.
Hol., p. 1. Add. : To, etc., my lord Admiral and Mr. Wryslay, or to either of them. Sealed.
29 Sept.
R. O.
868. Attainted Lands.
Payments out of the attainted lands in the North for the year ended Mich. 34 Hen. VIII. for which the receiver seeks allowance.
A book of reprises similar to those of preceding years (See Vols. XIV., Part II. No. 239, and Vol. XVI., Nos. 96 and 1214).

R. O.
869. Attainted Lands.
A calendar for Tristram Teshe as receiver of the lands of Jervaux, Bridlington, Kyrkested, Darcy, Constable, Bygod, Hamerton, Wyvell, and Halam, in the counties of York and Lancaster, giving the names of the bailiffs, collectors, farmers, or the like, of all the manors and other lands (named), with the date at which they are to appear "before me at York," viz., the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, or 22nd of October. With regard to the manor of Kenerley, Lanc., the writer says, "I cannot tell how they shall have knowledge except I give them knowledge when I am at Whalley."
At the end."Mr. Receiver, I pray you cause Mr. Bulmer to have knowledge to be at the audit with his decree, and that in your letters; that every farmer which hath taken any lease of the King's Majesty since the lands came unto his Grace's hands may be brought in, for that the increase therein contained hath not truly been answered; and that every bailiff bring in his rentall declaring every tenant's name that now he receiveth the rent of, for since the survey many be dead."
Large paper, pp. 11. Headed : "Kalendar. pro audit. metuendissimi Dni. Regis nunc Henrici Octavi," &c., anno xxxiiijto.
29 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,469. B. M.
870. Court of General Surveyors.
Valor of all Crown lands within the rule of the Court of General Surveyors, prepared from several valors passed before Sir Ric. Southwell, one of the General Surveyors, for the year ending Michaelmas, 34 Hen. VIII.
[A beautifully written book showing in columns, county by county, the names of the places, the nature of the property (manors, farms, rents or the like), and in some cases the tenants' names, the yearly value, and often the names of the auditors in whose circuits they lie. At the end is a list of the total values for each county.]
Latin. Volume in original binding, containing 174 large paper numbered folios, of which 9 are blank, and a title page with engrossed title, "Liber valorum particularium," &c.
29 Sept.
R. O.
871. Petworth.
Certificate that the King has been "answered of" the lands, late of John Aske, esq., in Sussex, now annexed to the honor of Petteworth for 1 years from Lady Day, 32 Hen. VIII., to Mich, 34 Hen. VIII. Signed : Per me Walterum Wadelond, audit.
P. 1.
29 Sept.
R. O.
872. The Abbey Of Tewkesbury.
Receiver's accounts of the lands of Tewkesbury Abbey for the years ended Mich., 23, 33, and 34 Hen. VIII.
A bound book of 347 long pages.
29 Sept.
Lamb. MS. 602 p. 142.
873. Friars' Houses In Ireland.
Note of the sale of Friars' houses in Ireland, giving the purchasers and the amounts paid, the latest date being Michaelmas 34 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 2. See Carew Calendar, No. 175.
30 Sept.
Dasent's A.P.C., 39.
874. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Greenwich, 29 Sept. Present : Canterbury, Chancellor, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Gage, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. No business recorded.
At Greenwich, 30 Sept. Present : all the above except Wingfield. Business :John Browne, of Essex, having stayed, without occasion, a ship of war of Flanders; letters were sent to the bailiffs of Yarmouth to release it as the King took "in evil part" the said Browne's proceeding.
30 Sept.
Add. MS. 32,647 f. 259. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 190.
875. Commissioners at York to the Council.
Enclose letters just received. The bringer reports that Norfolk's men out of Norfolk and Suffolk are arrived at Newcastle, Holy Island, and thereabouts, with all the provision made by Thos. Waters, Thos. Wodhouse, and Maltby for cheese, but not the ships of war or those that should bring the ordnance and artillery, beer, hoops and other coopers' things. Two brewhouses are ready, and a third will be shortly. Will, unless they fall to a peace, be at Newcastle on 11 Oct., and hasten to Berwick, where they intend not to tarry more than one day. Received their letter this day with a schedule purporting that there is a vault at Norham castle leading to the captain's chamber. I, the bp. of Durham, assure you there is no such, but have to-day written to the captain to look upon the matter. I, the duke of Norfolk, also assure you there is no such vault. York, 30 Sept., 4 p.m.
Pp. 2. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
30 Sept.
R. O.
876. Jehan Ango to the Deputy Of Calais.
Is commissioned to conclude a truce with Flanders as regards fisheries, and must intimate it to Mons. de Beuures and the towns which it concerns. Prays him, therefore, to forward his packet by a herald or trumpet to Mons. de Beures. Dieppe, 30 Sept. Signed.
French, p. 1. Add. Endd. : R. 2 Oct. 1542.
30 Sept.
R. O.
877. Sir Thomas Seymour to Henry VIII.
On 16 Sept. came to the camp at Ottsande, which is "a nylande" 16 miles from Boda, where they lay for 6 days passing over the Danube. Gives an account of several small skirmishes with the Turks, both by land and water. Laid siege to Pest on the 29th. One of the "bassaes" of whom he wrote in his last from Vienna, of the 5th inst., is come to Boda, but with only 3,000 men. He is called Mette Beke. The other, called Peter Waren, is expected daily with 40,000 Turks, whom the lanceknights are very eager to meet. Hope to win the town of Pest in 10 days. The Camp before Pest, 30 Sept.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.

Add. MS. 32,647 f. 262. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 190 (2).
878. [For the Scotch War?]
Estimate for coats, wages, and conduct money of 5,000 men, for one month, and for two.
Two copies, one endd. : "A rate for th'setting forth of vm men to th'war."

R. O.
879. Canford, Dors.
"Interrogatories anenst John Carewe, gent., and Thomas Gay, farmer, of Canforde."
Concerning the farm that Gay holds of the late dissolved monastery of Bradstoke, and encroachments by Carewe on the King's common of Canforde and the common of a certain mead (? "of aserten mede").
P. 1. Endorsed with a memorandum concerning the drowning of Luke Hirling, bastard son of Nicholas Julyan, a Frenchman, at Poole, in Sept. 34 Hen. VIII.
30 Sept.
Stowe MS. 554. B. M.
880. The King's Payments.
Account of receipts and payments of Sir Brian Tuke, from 1 May to 30 Sept., 34 Hen. VIII.

f. 4b.
i. Receipts :
Remaining in the hands of Sir Brian Tuke, Treasurer of the Chamber, on the last of April, 34 Hen. VIII., as appears in the account rendered before the General Surveyors, 17, 621l. 9s. 0d.
f. 5.

f. 5b.

f. 6.
May, 34 Hen. VIII. For wards : viz., from Dorothy Cokayn for wardship and marriage of Thos. s. and h. of Francis Cokayn, 50l.; Joan Smyth for wardship and marriage "Make William filii et heredis Will'mi," 32l.; Charles Jackson for Eliz. Bradford, 10l.; Steph. Brakenbury for Fras. Borne, 20l. For livery of lands : from Sir Edm. Knevette, 40l.; John Walgrave, 10l.; Sir Jas. Bulleyn, 30l. For debts : from John Parker, 103s.; Thos. Culpeper, 10l.; Thos. Aleyn and Robt. Hyette 30l. For goods and chattels of Damport, attainted, received from John Robertes by Robt. Robertes his brother, 60s. For issues of lands, viz. :From Thos. Carter, collector of a moiety of the manors of Baldewyn and Brightwell, Oxon, parcel of the lands of Sir Adrian Fortescue, attainted, 20l. 15s. 8d.; Fras. Johnson, receiver general of lands, attainted, of St. John of Colchester, 12l. 0s. 2d.; John Grenefeld, particular receiver of the manors of Pitworth, Stonehame, Yelhame, Devon, which belonged to Margaret countess of Sarum, attainted, 69l.; Joan Favell, receiver general of Barstabell, Pryor Mawdeley, Devon, parcel of the lands, attainted, of Lord William Howarde, 55l. 13s. 4d.; Rog. Amyce, receiver general of attainted lands of Glastonbury monastery, 707l. 10s. 4d.; John Conynsbye, receiver general of the Duchy of Lancaster, by John Plumpstede, 900l.; John Smyth, receiver general of the lordship of Haveringe at Bowr and other lands, parcel of the dote of the late Queen Jane, 40l. 15s. 5d.; Walter Teysdale alias Capper, farmer of Mayden Crofte, Herts, 13l. 6s. 8d. For subsidy of the clergy, from Roger Amyce, receiver general of the lands of Glastonbury and Redynge, attainted, for divers pensionaries in these places for the first and second payments of the subsidy granted to the King in the year 32 Hen. VIII., 81l. 7s. 4d.
Total receipts in May 34 Hen. VIII., 2,140l. 11s. 11d.
f. 6b.

f. 8.

f. 8b.

f. 9.

f. 9b.

f. 10.

f. 10b.
June.For wards : viz., from Sir Geo. Darcy for Thos. s. and h. of Thos. Mettam, 33l. 6s. 8d.; Lady Matilda Lane for Robt. s. and h. of Sir Ralph Lane, 40l.; Marg. Banastre for Margaret d. and h. of Wm. Wilfride, 6l. 13s. 4d.; Francis earl of Shrewsbury, for John lord Bray, 133l. 6s. 8d.; John Hennage for Andrew Byllisbye, kinsman and heir of Andrew, 22l. For liveries of lands : from Wm. Bellamye, 20l.; Stephen Adams, 6l.; (continued at f. 8) John Gascoyne, 100l.; Robt. Pakenhame, 21l.; John Wadehame, 10l.; Wm. Mannock, 20l.; Cuthb. Horseley for lands of Robt. lord Ogle, 20l.; John Rede, 10l.; Thos. Carewe, 20l.; Wm. Ingleby, 25l.; Fras. Salveyn, 10l.; Henry marquis of Dorset, 66l. 13s. 4d.; Ric. Fynes, 40l.; Hen. Portington, 25l. For debts : from Edw. Gore, 32l. 0s. 2d.; John Asshe, 4l.; Sir Ric. Walden in part payment of 120l. 2s., for which John Rollesley and others are bound anew of the price of certain goods (some specified) of the said Richard as shown by an inventory taken 11 Oct. 30 Hen. VIII., by Thos. Leveles, 20l. 7s. 6d., and by Eliz. countess of Shrewsbury, 8l. 5s.; Thos. Pester, 4l.; Jas. Moryce, 300l.; Edw. Grevell, 50l. For farms from Robt. Aleyn, farmer of Hadleigh Ree, &c., 70s.; from George Shetelworth, sen. and jun., and John Baron, for the farm of a moiety of lands within Whalley manor, Lanc., and a house in Cleyton, Lanc., 6l. 13s. 4d. For a fine from Ant. Smyth for lease of Kepwik farm, Yorks., 10l. For goods of Thos. Culpepper, attainted, from Robt. Gawyn, 102s. 4d. Issues of the office of butlerage of England, viz., from Sir Fras. Brian, chief butler, by Nic. Mynne, 47l. 10s. Issues of lands, viz.From Robt. Gosnold, farmer of Burwasshe and Manwyk, Suss., 10l.; Lewis Fortescue of Vale Pitte, Devon, for reliefs of Asseridge, parcel of lands of Dertington manor, Devon, 4s. 2d.; Wm. Button, bailiff of the honor of Amptehill, Beds., 62l. 16s. 9d.; Ant. Fitzherbert, bailiff of Mylkeley manor, Herts., which belonged to Henry marquis of Exeter, 12l.; Geo. Hawe, farmer of Honneley, Warw., parcel of lands attainted of Jas. Fitzgerald, 8l. 7s. 6d.; Robt. Tatton, receiver-general of a tenement in the city of Chester, 20s.; Thos. Rede, of Abingdon, Berks., executor of Kath. Audelette, executrix of John Audelette, for arrears of Wallingforde honor, 45s. 6d.; John Adams, receiver-general of Carewe manor, co. Pembroke, which belonged to Katharine countess of Bridwater (sic), attainted, 50l.; Oliver Frankeleyn, receiver-general of the lands which belonged to the countess of Sarum, 200l. 8s. 7d.; Sir John Williams, one of the chief collectors of a certain subsidy of the laity in the year 26 Hen. VIII., part of the first payment from the King's household, 32l.; Ric. Pole, chief collector of the same subsidy, part of the 2nd payment for Amondernas wapentake, Lanc., 16l. 16s. 2d.; Ric. ap Thomas, chief collector in the city of Hereford, 39l. 9s. 6d.
Total receipts in June, 1,557l. 7s. 7d.
f. 7.

f. 7b.

f. 2.
July.For livery of lands, of Edw. Skipwith, 8l. For debts : of Jas. Morice 100l., Sir Miles Busshe 20l., Hen. Webbe 4l. 11s. 4d., Geo. Lasselles 26l. 13s. 4d., Joan Huse, widow, 16l. 13s. 4d., Robt. Brokesbye 52l. 5s. 4d., Jerome Morisyne 14l. 18s. 9d., John Chaundeler 100s., John Halele 100s. Issues of the office of butlerage of England, viz., from Sir Fras. Brian, chief butler, by John Mynne, 35l. Issues of lands, viz. :From John Coninsby, receiver-general of the Duchy of Lancaster, by John Plompstede, 1,891l. 19s. 5d.; Hen. Coke, farmer of the marsh or fishery called "le Merches de le Sues" (marshes of Lessness), Kent, 6s. 8d.; John Wilshire, farmer of Effinghame manor, Surr., 101s. 8a.; John Rither, receiver-general of lands attainted of Thomas Cromwell, earl of Essex, 200l.; Ph. Paris, receiver-general of Wards' lands, 1,254l. (Continued at f. 2.) Ant. Rous for purchase of the manor of Donnyngton, Brondedisshe, &c., 200l.
Total receipts in July, 3,839l. 9s. 11d.
f. 2b. August.For debts of Jasper Fesaunte 185l. 12s. 10d., Robt. Suttell 6l. 13s. 4d., Ric. Reynoldes 100l., John Champeneys 33l. 6s. 8d.
Total receipts in August, 325l. 12s. 10d.
f. 3. September.For debts of Sir Robt. Sheffeld 133l. 6s. 8d., and Hugh Jones 24l. 8s. 3d. Total, 157l. 14s. 11d.
Total receipts from 30 April to 1 Oct., 8,020l. 17s. 4d.
f. 11. ii. PAYMENTS :
Payments made by Sir Brian Tuke, treasurer of the King's chamber and of the Court of General Surveyors, from 1 May, 34 Hen. VIII., "being the first day appointed by authority of Parliament for the erection of that court," to 1 Oct. following, viz. :

f. 11b.
May, 34 Hen. VIII.Ordinary payments :The King's offering on Seynt Philippe and Jacob's day 6s. 8d. Sunday [7th] at Westonhanger, the King's offering this Sunday 6s. 8d., the King's daily alms this week 37s. 11d. Sunday [14th] at Dartford, offering 6s. 8d., daily alms 37s. 11d., offering on Ascension Day [18th] 6s. 8d. Sunday [21st] at Westminster, offering and alms as before, Whitsunday [28th] at Hampton Court, offering 6s. 8d., at taking his rights 6s. 8d., daily alms 37s. 11d., heralds at arms for their largess 100s., the King's offering on Whitson Monday, Whitson Tuesday, and Whitson Wednesday 6s. 8d. each day. Wages of the Almain armourers at Greenwich for the month 28 April to 25 May, 28l. 16s. 9d.
f. 12.

f. 12b.

f. 13.

f. 13b.
Month wages in May, viz. :13 trumpeters at 16d. the day, 26l.; 2 trumpeters at 8d., 40s.; Philip Welder, luter, 66s. 8d.; Peter Welder, luter, 31s.; John Severnake, rebeck, 40s.; Thos. Evauns, rebeck, 20s. 8d.; Wm. Moore (More), harper, 31s.; Andrew Newman, the wait, 10s. 4d.; Hans Heighorne, viall, 33s. 4d.; Hans Hosenette (Hosenet), viall, 33s. 4d; Mark Anthony, sagbut, 40s.; John Madyson, 31s.; John Poole (Pooll), yeoman, 10s. 4d.; Wm. Turnor and Ric. Skydmore, of the Toils, 32s.; John Bonntanns, tabret, 41s. 4d.; John Gambolde, 20s.; Paul Frelands, feather maker, 22s. 2d.; Luke Hornebaude, painter, 55s. 6d.; Thos. Walter, hunt, 10s. 4d.; children of the Chapel, board wages, 26s. 8d.; Gerard Brode, falconer, 30s.; Wm. Barker, falconer, 31s.; Ric. Ellys, falconer, 41s. 4d.; Chr. Wallyson, falconer, 20s. 8d.; John Shurwood, falconer, 20s. 8d.; Ric. Brandon, falconer, 31s.; Ric. Baker, board wages, 6s.; Thos. Farnall, falconer, 31s.; Ph. Clampe, falconer, 62s.; Ralph Aphowell, falconer, 31s.; Ric. Auberton (Awberton), falconer, 31s.; Elbert Hoilthuseum, falconer, "nihil he is gone into his country"; Robt. Stonner, 15s. 6d.; Oliver Rygby, keeper, 20s. 8d.; Rol. Rampson, keeper, 20s. 8d.; Ric. Jonson (Johnson), keeper, 15s. 6d.; Ric. Barnes, keeper, 20s. 8d.; Geo. Stonerde, keeper, 20s. 8d.; Ric. Barnes, keeper of Laton Walke, 10s. 4d.; Wm. Pagette, Clerk of Signet, 41s. 4d.; Barthell and Hans, drumslades, 33s. 4d.; Hans Garette, drumslade, 41s. 4d.; John Pretrey (Petrey), fifer, 41s. 4d.; Nic. Andrewe, sagbut, 41s. 4d.; Ant. Simon, sagbut, 41s. 4d.; John Whaton (Whatton), mole taker, 10s. 4d.; Ric. Wyther, yeoman, 10s. 4d.; John Browne, yeoman, 10s. 4d.; Sampson Cleyton, yeoman, 10s. 4d.; Nic. Worsten, clockmaker, 20s. 8d.; Sebastian Lysney, clockmaker, 20s. 8d.; John Node (Noode), keeper, 20s. 8d.; Nic. Puvall, minstrel, 41s. 4d.; Anthony Mary, sagbut, 41s. 4d.; John Russell, crossbow maker, 10s. 4d.; the grooms of the Buckhounds for finding them meat, 22s. 2d.; Matth. de Johanna, caster of the iron bar, nihil quia mortuus; John Wyllatte, Thos. Jones, Robert Ap (Ax), and John Skreven, yeomen, 15s. 6d. each; Giles Chirchill, yeoman of the Crossbows, 20s. 8d.; John Auberye, groom of the Crossbows, 10s. 4d.; Nic. van Whittenburgh (Whitenborough), Peter Neve, Jas. Welder, Hen. van Emlen (nihil quia mortuus), Chr. Hane, Hen. van Sutfende, Alerdine Cleyson, Mich. Moseman, Lyoberd Stockeman, gunners, 15s. 6d. each; Nic. Wursten, clock keeper at Hampton Court, 10s. 4d.; Sir John Wulfe, priest, maker and deviser of the King's arbours and planter of the grafts, 20s. 8d.; Wm. Lee, yeoman, 15s. 6d.; Wm. Boras (Borros, Barras), yeoman, 15s. 6d.; John Fryes, taker of pheasants and partridges, 20s. 8d; Alberto de Venicia, Phincenzo de Venicia, Alexandro da Millano, Joanna Maria de Cremona, Ambrosa de Millano, and Romano de Millano (nihil quia mortuus), vialls, 31s. each; Ric. Cissell, yeoman of the Robes, 31s.; Matthew van Satten and Courte van Hamell, gunners, "nihil they be gone into their country."

f. 14.

f. 14b
f. 19.
Payment by special warrant :To Smyth, the messenger, 7 May 34 Hen. VIII., for riding in post with letters from Westonhanger to Hull, to Rogers, surveyor of the King's works there, and returning, 40s.; Francis Picher, courier, riding with letters, 8 May, from Westonhanger to the Privy Council at London, and from them with letters to Westonhanger, and with letters from Rochester to the Privy Council at London, 10 May, and returning with letters to Rochester, 40s.; Wm. Smyth, son to the aforesaid Smith, riding with letters dated Westonhanger, 8 May, to Hull, to Mighell Stonnoppe, touching the fortifications there, and returning, 40s.; Mr. Thos. Leigh, esq., 21 May, for charges of himself and Sir Robt. Bowes being sent to the Borders foranempst Scotland, 100l.; Thos. Jefferey, a clerk of the Privy Seal, 22 May, riding to the counties of Linc., York, Derb., Nottingham, and Rutland with instructions, privy seals, etc., "touching the loan, hire of horses, provision of caskets necessary for the same," 13l. 6s. 8d.; warrant dated 26 May 34 Hen. VIII. John Garette, one of the falconers extraordinary, upon warrant of 26 May, for wages at 12d. a day, which Elbert Hoylthuseun lately had, from 30 April to 1 June, and afterwards to be paid monthly 31s. Humph. Orme, of the Wardrobe of Beds, lying at Westonhanger with the King's stuff whilst his Grace lay at Dover, 5 days at 2s., bill signed by the lord Great Chamberlain, 10s. Ric. Bethell, of the Wardrobe of Beds, lying at Murtlake with the King's stuff, 3 days at 2s., bill signed by the lord Great Chamberlain, 6s. John Belson, Benette Kyllygrewe, Robt. Hogekins, Gregory Revell, Ric. Maxen, and Thos. Butler, yeomen, grooms, and pages of the Chamber, riding by the King's command, bills signed by the Council, 44s. 4d. Mr. Wm. Pagette, ambassador in France, on warrant dormant for 40s. by day, three months' in advance, 168l.; and post money 14l. Hen. Coldewell, goldsmith, upon the General Surveyors' letters "for the making and graving in silver of a new privy seal for the King's Court of Survey," 7l. 5s. 8d. Sir Ralph Ellerker and Sir Robt. Bowes, on warrant dormant dated 19 May ao 348, for money disbursed by them "about of the King's affairs in the marches anempst Scotland," 19l. Ant. Aucher, paymaster of works at Dover, warrant dated 29 May ao 34o for wages and necessaries, full payment, 978l. 16s. 8d. Total payments in May, 1,481l. 14s. 11d.
f. 19b.

ff. 17, 15.
June.Ordinary payments :Sundays [4th and 11th] at Hampton Court, [18th] at More, and [25th] at Hampton Court, offerings and daily alms as in May, offerings of 6s. 8d. on Corpus Christi Day; like offerings at taking his rights on Corpus Christi Day and on 12 (sic) Jan. ao 33o, at Westm., at the mass of the Holy Ghost at the beginning of the Parliament. The fraternity of St. Dunston's in the West for the year ended at St. Peter's Day, 40s. The grooms of the Hall and Woodyard as hath been accustomed at the feast of Midsummer, 10s. John Pyers for hire of a house in London for the standing of great standards with the rich coats of the Guard for the quarter ended at Midsummer, 8s. 8d.
Month wages in June :As in May. Hans Heighorn has "nihil quia mortuus," and Hoylthuseun, Johanna, Van Emlen, Van Satten, and Van Hamell are omitted. John Garette, faconer, is a new name, and there is a final entry of John Whatton, mole taker, for his livery coat due at Midsummer, 20s.
f. 15b.

f. 16.

f. 16b.

f. 18.

f. 18b.

f. 20.

f. 20b.

f. 21.
Quarter wages for Midsummer :Sir Edm. Walsinghame, lieutenant of the Tower, 25l.; "for finding of poor prisoners," 25l.; for wages of the yeomen of the Tower, 36l. 10s. 8d.; Sir Wm. Penyson, fee, 10l.; Percyvall Harte, fee, 100s.; Ant. Chaboo, surgeon, 10l.; Nic. Crasyer, astronomer, 100s.; Dr. Buttes, physician, 25l.; Dr. Bentley, physician, 10l.; Pero, the French cook, 66s. 8d.; John Bedill, of the Jewel House, 33s. 4d.; John Barwyke, of the Leash, 10s.; Fras. de Rege, a rider, 100s.; Matth. de Mantua, studman, 4l. 11s. 3d., and his servant, 60s. 10s.; Beatrice ap Rice, 16s. 8d.; Hen. Selle, hunt, 45s. 6d.; old Mrs. Knevette's annuity, 22l. 8s. 4d.; Ant. Lowe, yeoman, 22s. 10d.; Eleanor Hutton, 33s. 4d.; Ric. Baudwyn, priest, 45s. 8d.; John Evans, falconer, 50s.; Hugh Harres, falconer, 50s.; Edm. Modye, footman, 15s. 2d.; Wm. Armurer, footman, 10s.; Balthasar de Bulla, milliner, 6l. 20d.; Hugh Pygotte, cook, 30s. 5d.; Wm. Lowes (Lewes), instrument maker, 50s.; John Heywood, player on the virginals, 50s.; John Lovell, gardener, 15s. 2d.; Nic. Cerk, keeper of Hatfeld, 30s. 5d.; Croughton, hosier, 35s.; Thos. Moreton, 25s.; Fras. Blake, 45s. 6d.; John Everinghame, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; John Jonson, messenger, 25s.; John de Mayne, graver, 100s.; Wm. Hamonde, of the Leash, 20s.; Thos. Wodall, sewer, 30s. 5d.; Chr. Hawte, falconer, 33s. 4d.; Thos. Welden, keeper of Windsor butts, 15s. 2d.; John Jenyns, of the Pastry, 30s. 5d.; Hen. Romayns, locksmith, 13s. 4d.; John Fitzwater, clock keeper, 13s. 4d.; Thos. Vycary, surgeon, 100s.; Wm. Phelippe, a writer, 50s.; Thos. Cowper, falconer, 4l. 11s. 3d.; Sir Brian Tuke and his clerk, 30l.; Geo. Noode, sergeant of hunts, 114s.; Geo. Grenefeld, sergeant of hunts, 114s.; Wm. Howell, hunt, 33s. 4d.; John Bourne, hunt, 33s. 4d.; Jas. Maperley, hunt, 45s. 6d.; Humph. Raynesford, hunt, 25s.; Ralph Modye, hunt, 33s. 4d.; Nic. Purfrey, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Geo. Sutton, late gentleman usher, 50s.; John Cockes, footman, 10s.; John Myston, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Robt. Hobbes, keeper of Moore Wardrobe, 45s. 6d.; Thos. Spynke, 15s. 2d.; Eliz. Darrell, 50s.; Geo. Doddisworth, keeper, 45s. 6d.; Wm. Harbarte, 11l. 13s. 4d.; Thos. Wolwarde, armourer, 30s. 5d.; Ellis Carmyllion, myllyner, 33s. 4d.; Barth. Penne and Ant. Torte, painters, 12l. 10s.; John Lewes, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; John Amadas, yeoman, 45s. 6d.; Wm. Longe, arrowhead maker, 30s. 5d.; Wm. Philippe, board wages, 30s. 5d.; Geoff. Brumfeld, buckler maker, 15s. 2d.; Sir Thos. Palmer, "nihil quia Decembr. anno xxxiijcio"; Ric. Bolton, of the Leash, 10s.; Massy Vyliard, 100s.; Sir Wm. Wyndesore, 100s.; John Pitchar, of Tottenhame, 20s.; Ric. Atzile, 100s.; John Vaughan, sewer, 57s.; Thomas Deacon, porter with my lady Mary, 60s. 10d.; Giles Iverson, 30s. 5d.; Gilb. Thomas, gunner, 33s. 4d.; Wm. Orwell, messenger, 30s. 5d.; Thos. Carewe, sewer, 100s.; Wm. Towley, 45s. 6d.; Simon Burton, 50s.; Steph. Vaughan, 100s.; Walter Doddesworth, 33s. 4d.; Chr. Mounte, 100s.; John Curson, groom of the Chamber, 30s. 5d.; Wm. Uxley, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; John Reynoldes, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Wm. Blakeney, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Robt. Hinstock, George Birche, and Ric. Parowe, players, 33s. 4d.; Sir Wm. Pounder, knight, 100s.; John Yeldeley, yeoman, 45s. 6d.; Ph. Chutte, yeoman, 45s. 6d.; George Mountyoye, yeoman, 60s. 10d.; Thos. Smyth, page of the Chamber, 50s.; Edw. David, yeoman, 45s. 6d.; Ric. Santlowe, yeoman, 45s. 6d.; Ric. Fissher, yeoman, 45s. 6d.; John Turner, yeoman, 45s. 6d.; Thos. Walton, yeoman, 45s. 6d.; Wm. Willes, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Sir Ric. Longe, master of the Buckhounds, 8l. 6s. 8d.; Dr. Mighell de la So, physician, 16l. 13s. 4d.; John de Soda, poticary, 6l. 13s. 4d.; Walter Goodscnne, hunt, 33s. 4d.; Sir Ric. Longe, master of the Hawks, 10l.; Ric. Keis, yeoman, 45s. 6d.; John Care, paymaster of Hunsdon, 4l. 11s. 3d.; Hans Holbyn, painter, 7l. 10s.; John Younge, 30s. 5d.; Nic. Alcock, surgeon, 50s.; Marques Erle, 30s. 5d.; John Aylyffe, surgeon, 100s.; John Wulfe, armourer, 45s. 6d.; Wm. Armorer, yeoman of the Henchmen, 35s.; Wm. Beton, organ maker, 100s.; Thos. Davye, yeoman, 10s.; Thos. Doddesworthe, hunt, 33s. 4d.; Laur. Coke, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Edm. Hodgeson, 45s. 6d.; John Sydenhame, 30s. 5d.; Alex. Penyx, 45s. 6d.; Gatterus de Leuns, 116s. 8d.; John Curwyn, falconer, 4l. 11s. 3d.; Ralph Stannowe, schoolmaster of the Henchmen, 100s.; Jerome Benall, graver of the precious stones, 56l. 7d.; Thos. Paston, annuity, 11l. 13s. 4d.; Thos. Bill, physician, 50s.; Dr. Huick, physician, 50s.; John Glover, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Nic. Bacon, 50s.; Robt. Grene, footman, 30s. 5d.; Nic. de Modeno, "nihil quia mense Decembr. ao xxxiijo"; Hen. Webbe, 100s.; Fras. Sydney, 100s.; Thos. Guilhame, 15s. 2d.; Geo. Ramzewe, 10l.; Eliz. lady Kildare, 33l. 6s. 8d.; Thos. Alsoppe, gentleman poticary, 6l. 13s. 4d.; Ric. Vaucer, 30s. 5d.; Dirick Jonson, stonecutter, nihil quia mortuus; John Emmyngeway, yeoman poticary, and for his livery, 55s. 7d., Segewalte Fredrick, 6l. 13s. 4d.; Fras. Benall, graver of precious stones, 55s. 7d.; Chr. Duk, groom of the Buckhounds, 33s. 4d.; Edw. Grame, a rider, 66s. 8d.; Justice Grame, a rider, 66s. 8d.; Gerard Holthroppe, 6l. 5s.; Florence Diaceto, 17l. 10s.; Thos. Speryn and John Sperin, keepers of the King's "beres" (bears), 57s. 0d.; Ric. Darington, for keeping of the King's mastyves and for his servant under him, 106s. 5d.; Robt. Draper and John Halele, of the Jewel House, 33s. 4d. each; John Kirby, of the Jewel House, 26s. 8d.; John Parker, of the Stable, 66s. 8d.; Robt. Dacres, 25l.; Jasper Donyaby, 6l. 5s.; Geo. Aldewyn, of the Leash, 10s.; Thos. Paston, for keeping of the long gallery at Grenewiche, 16l. 13s. 4d.; Hierome Trevix (Trevixi) Bollonia, 25l.; Wm. Hodgeson, crow keeper, 15s. 2d.; Philippe Lufkyn, widow, 50s.; John Heydon, a page of the Chamber, 60s. 10d.; Sir John Gage, for his half-year's annuity, 33l. 6s. 8d.; the earl of Rutland's fee for his half-year, 50l.

f. 21b.

f. 22.

f. 22b.

f. 23.

f. 23b.

f. 24.

f. 24b.
Payments by special warrant :Wages of the Almain armourers at Greenwich for the month 26 May to 17 June, 28l. 16s. 9d. The bp. of Westminster, advance of diets at 53s. 4d., sent into the parts beyond the sea, diets "to begin the last day of this instant month of June," warrant dated 30 June ao 34o, 333l. 6s. 8d. Johannes Luderius, chancellor of Lubyke, 13 June, reward, 23l. 6s. 8d.; Nic. Burdeck, clerk, Scottishman, reward, 13 June, 10l.; Ric. Broke, servant to Wm. Pagette, ambassador in France, 14 June, for conveying letters to his master, 10l.; warrant dated 18 June. Nic. de Plee, courier, charges in his late journey with the King's letters to Wm. Pagette, ambassador in France, and return, over and above post money delivered at his going, "finding the said William Pagette further than it was thought he should have done," 46s. 8d.; Thos. Palmer, one of the Gentlemen Pensioners, for "himself, Jeronimo de Bologia, their servants and horses, from the town of Guisnes to Founteign de Belle caue (sic for eaue), in France, and their return, 12l.; Edw. Haliwell, servant to the King's "said ambassador," for conveying the King's letters to his master, 2 June, 9l. 6s. 8d.; warrant dated 4 June. Simonde Fitz Richardes and Robt. Pyrry, yeoman of the Guard, going to London for the rich coats of the Guard against Whitsontide, 4 days, and for two carts for carriage of the coats from London to Kingston-upon-Thames and back to London, upon the Fythchamberleynes bill, 14s. 8d. Robt. King, John Nasshe, Robt. Smith, Hopkins, Adam Gaskyn, Ric. Clerke, and Edw. Arundell, grooms and messengers of the Chamber, riding by command of the King and Council, bills signed by the Council, 11l. 7s. John Halyle, of the Jewel House, board wages, being absent from Court attending daily in the Jewel House at the Tower of London, "for reckoning, surveying, and ordering of the plate there charged and discharged, and of the plate there remaining." from 6 Jan. ao 33o to 6 April following, and from 24 April ao 34o to 1 July following, in all 155 days, at 8d., bill signed by the master of the Jewel House, and John Halile, 103s. 4d. Robt. Draper and John Kerkbye, of the Jewel House, board wages, absent from Court at the Tower for reckoning, &c., of the plate there from 7 Jan. to 6 April ao 33o, and from 24 April to 27 May ao 34o, and from 9 June to 1 July ao 34o, in all 142 days at 8d., bill subscribed by the said Draper and Kyrkebye, 9l. 9s. 4d. Sir Wm. Pounder, prest for a half a year's wages beforehand to Christmas next, 10l. To ten of the King's footmen, warrant dated 16 June, ao 34o, for their apparel for the half year ended Lady Day last, each to be paid 20l. a year half-yearly, 200l. Jasper Doniaby, w. 9 June ao 34o, for two quarters' fee to Christmas next, 12l. 10s. Mr. Florencius Diaceto, in prest for one half-year's wages ending at Christmas next, 35l. John Colson, w. 20 April ao 33o, for 4l. a year "for pricking of the King's books of his Royal Chapel," for the half-year ended at Midsummer, 40s. Margaret Moreton, w. 4 June ao 34o, for 10l. yearly, for the quarter ended at Midsummer, 50s. The yeomen of the Guard, at 6d. a day, for the quarter ended at Midsummer, 111l. 18s. 10d.; those at 4d., 266l. 16s. Jas. Nedehame, on warrant dormant for 100l. a month for repairs of sundry castles and manors, for the months of May and June, 200l. Sir Edm. Walsingehame, lieutenant of the Tower, upon warrant dormant for the diets of Edward Courteney and Hen. Pole, for two months, at 4l. a month each, from 30 March ao 33o to 24 May ao 34o, 16l Wm. Harvye, alias Hampnes, pursuivant at arms, being in France, attending on Mr. Wm. Pagette, ambassador there, upon warrant dormant for 2s. a day for 3 months from 19 March ao 33o to 20 June ao 34o, 8l. 8s. Roger Smith, the King's scholar, upon warrant dormant for 6l. 13s. 4d. a year, advance for the year to be ended at Midsummer, 1543. The Commissioners in the Marches of Wales, upon warrant dormant for 218l. 18s. 11d. quarterly "for their diets and foreign expenses," for the quarter ended at Midsummer, 218l. 18s. 11d. Mr. Wymonde Carewe, receiver to lady Anne Cleves upon warrant dormant for wages of her officers and gentlemen, for the quarter ending at Midsummer, 221l. 5s. Mr. Wm. Pagette, ambassador in France, upon a reckoning of his post money, 31l. 5s. The earl of Anguishe, upon warrant dormant for 1,000l. a year, part payment of 500l. for the half-year ending 1 Sept. next, 200l. Eliz. Peche, widow, by virtue of a decree of the General Surveyors, dated 22 June ao 34o, 20l. Henry Coldell, goldsmith, "for mending of the graving of the privy seal of the Court of General Surveyors, by the commandment of Sir John Dauncey, knight, by mouth," 10s. Total payments in June, 2,900l. 6s. 1d.
f. 25. July.Ordinary payments :Sundays [2nd and 9th] at Hampton Court, [16th] at Ocking, [23rd] at Guldeford, [30th] at Windesore, offerings and daily alms as before, and also offerings on Mary Magdalene Day and St. James' Day. Wages of the Almain armourers at Greenwich for the month 18 June to 15 July, 28l. 16s. 9d.
ff. 25b., 26, 26b. Month wages in July :As in June, except that the vialls, Alberto de Venicia, &c., are not mentioned.
f. 27.

f. 27b.

f. 28.

f. 28b.

f. 29.

f. 29b.
Payments by special warrant :The earl of Desmonde, 6 July, reward, 133l. 6s. 8d.; Okarrell of Ireland, the same day, reward, 20l.; Wm. Welshe, the same day, reward, 20l.; warrant dated 6 July ao 34o John Lee, servant to the bp. of Carlisle, 26 June, for his journey with letters to the said bp. and other commissioners on the Borders and return with letters from them, 4l.; Hammes pursuivant, 26 June, riding with the King's letters to Wm. Pagette, ambassador in France, 16l. 6s. 8d.; Ric. Candisshe, hire of a ship and mariners "for the transportation of the Emperor's ambassador lately repairing into Flanders and returning again with the said ambassador," 12l. 11d.; warrant 3 July. Pyro Guye, wages at 12d. a day from Michaelmas last to 1 Aug. next, and so afterwards to be paid monthly, warrant 8 July, 15l. 4s. John Swetinge, wax chandler of London, "for wax and other stuff employed at the burial of the late lord Lysle," 6l. 3s. 6d., as appears by particular bills subscribed by Sir Edm. Walsinghame, lieutenant of the Tower; John Barhame, 8 July, conveying letters from the Council at Calais and returning thither again, 26s. 8d.; Petit John, 15 July, reward, 25s.; Ric. Broke, servant to Wm. Pagette, ambassador in France, riding with letters to his master, 15 July, 11l. 13s. 4d.; warrant dated 18 July. Robt. Smyth, Robt. Griffith, Robt. Gibbes, Wm. Holmes, Ric. Clerke, Walter Comye, and Wm. Polexhill, yeomen, grooms and messengers of the Chamber, riding by command of the King and Council, bills signed by the Council, 11l. 18s. 8d. John Reede, keeper of the standing wardrobe at Westminster, for himself and 4 other men making ready at Westminster against the King's coming thither, 2 days, upon the Vice-Chamberlain's bill, 10s. John Carter, master of the King's barge, "for mending of the King's barge, called the Lyon, and changing of certain boards in the said barge, new flooring of the same," for stuff and workmanship, upon the lord Great Chamberlain's bill, 8l. 6s. 6d. Robt. Pery and Simon Fitzrichardes, for two carts carrying the rich coats of the Guard from London to Kingston upon Tems, 10 miles, and back to London, and their own charges for four days, upon the "Fithchamberlein's" bill, 14s. 8d. Edmond Duff Kineslagh, of Ireland, reward, 16 July, 10l.; Ant. Antony, clerk of the Ordnance, 19 July, for putting the ordnance at Callis in order, 20l.; Mons. de Laulespine (sic), 24 July, "who lately repaired to the King's Highness from the French King," reward, 50l.; Roland Litton, servant to Wm. Paget, ambassador in France, 24 July, riding with letters to his master, 12l. 16s. 8d.; Thos. Jefferey, a clerk of the Privy Seal, 25 July, "for conveyance of money" to Kingston upon Hull for fortifications there, 13l. 6s. 8d.; warrant dated 28 July. Sir John Russell, Lord Russell, "by virtue of a declaration signed with the hands of Sir John Dauncey, knight, Will'm Stampeford and John Mynne, for the surplusage," 26l. 5s. Sir Thos. Wiat, upon warrant of the General Surveyors, dated 26 June, 40l. Walter Butler, the King's servant, warrant 2 July, "for his diet and expenses after the rate of 10s. by day," 130l. 10s. (blank) Laurence, Robt. Care, Peter Johnson, Wm. Fare, and Englebright van Cokesburye, late footmen, on warrant dormant of 20 July ao 34o, to each "in lieu of their apparel," 15l., 75l. Mr. Wm. Pagette, ambassador in France, on warrant dormant, post money, 14l. Sir Edm. Walsyngehame, lieutenant of the Tower, on warrant dormant for diets of Henry (sic) Courteney and Henry Poole, at 4l. the month, for two months ended 19 July ao 34o, 16l. Jas. Nedehame, on warrant of 20 July ao 34o, "for the making of brick walls, wharfes, pales, and other necessaries within the King's town of Dertford," full payment, 250l. The earl of Rutland, captain of Nottingham castle, "cont. the payment of one petty captain at 4s. a day, and 3 souldiers after the rate of 8d. by day for three months' wages, finit. xxx. die Julii," 25l. 4s. Robt. Lorde, paymaster of works at Hampton Court, on warrant of 30 June ao 34o, for "to be employed about the said manor of Hamptoncourt," 2,561l. The lord Matrivers, deputy of Calais, on warrant dated 24 July ao 34o, "for conduct, coats, transporting of certain soldiers, and their wages," full payment, 650l. 10s.
Total payments in July, 4,314l. 2s. 9d.
f. 30. August.Ordinary payments :Sundays [6th] at Windsor, [13th] at Sonyngehill, [20th] at Hampton Court, [27th] at Westminster, offerings and daily alms as usual, and also offerings on Lady Day and St. Bartholomew's Day. Wages of Almain armourers at Greenwich for the month 16 July to 12 Aug., 28l. 16s. 9d.
ff. 30b. 31, 31b. Month wages in August :As in July. Sampson Cleyton is omitted. Pyro Guie, minstrel, is a new name.
f. 32.

f. 32b.

f. 33.

f. 33b.

f. 34.
Payments by special warrant :Wm. Temple, the King's fletcher, on warrant of 14 July ao 34o, for 101 sheaves of arrows, with cases and girdles thereunto belonging, at 5s. 4d., for the use of the Guard, 26l. 18s. 8d. Geoff. Thomas, servant to the lord Matrevers, deputy of Calais, 10 Aug., for riding with letters to Sir John Walloppe, captain of Guisnes, 45s.; Hugh James, riding in diligence to the lord Great Chamberlain with letters to be sent to the sheriffs of Essex and Suffolk, directed to sundry gentlemen of the same for levying of men, 30s.; Thos. Jefferey, a clerk of the Privy Seal, charges in conveying 5,000l. to Kingston-upon-Hull, to Mich. Stanhoppe, lieutenant, besides 13l. 6s. 8d. delivered in prest, 14l. 16s. 8d.; Robt. Grimhill, messenger of the Chamber, 13 Aug., riding to Sir John Walloppe, and returning, 60s.; Edmond Duff Kineslagh, of Ireland, 14 Aug., reward, 66s. 8d.; warrant dated 22 Aug. John Whatton, mole taker, on warrant of 1 Aug., for wages, at 4d. a day, which John Whatton, dec., had from 12 July to 1 Sept., and so after to be paid monthly, and 20s. for his linen coat yearly, 16s. 8d. Two servants of Sir Thos. Wharton, warden of the West Marches, 22 Aug., conveying letters to their master, 40s.; the earl of Southampton, lord Privy Seal, to be "employed in reward by the King's appointment," 6l.; Thos. Petit, 26 Aug., riding to Barwike about the King's affairs, 4l.; Rossye harrold of Scotland, 28 Aug., reward, returning to Scotland, 7l. 10s.; Somerset herald at arms, 31 Aug., riding in company of a herald of Scotland to the Borders and returning, 13l. 6s. 8d.; warrant dated 31 Aug. Wm. Rainesford, gentleman usher of the Chamber, for repairs done, by command of the Council, at Chobhame, against the King's coming thither, 15 Aug., on the Vice-Chamberlain's bill, 4s. 4d. Two servants of Sir John Walloppe, captain of Guisnes castle, 2 Aug., "for their charges and expenses, with the hire of horses in bringing hither the bodies of Bernerde Grete and his wife apart," 100s.; Ric. Dakins, servant to the bp. of Landaffe, president of the Council in the North, 5 Aug., for conveyance of letters and 100 mks., in company of a servant of Sir Thos. Wharton's, to the said bp. to be sent to the said Sir Thomas, 40s.; Sir Thos. Wharton, "by wey of the Kinges rewarde, and to be employed about especialles," 5 Aug., 100 mks.; Nicholas de Plee, one of the King's couriers, 5 Aug., conveying letters to Sir John Walloppe, and returning, 60s.; Robt. Smith, messenger, 7 Aug., riding with letters to the wardens of the Borders, and returning, 6l. 13s. 4d.; Thos. Butler, a groom of the Chamber, 7 Aug., for conveyance of letters to Hull, to Mich. Stanhope, and returning, 40s.; warrant dated 7 Aug. John Harris, Nic. Sandall, Thos. Asteley, Simon Wallis, Wm. Polexhill, John Hopkins, Ric. Clerke, Edw. Arundell, Adam Gaskin, Wm. Bellingham, Robt. Smith, Geoff. Johns, and John Belson, yeomen, grooms and messengers of the Chamber, riding by command of the King and Council, bills signed by the Council, 26l. 2s. 4d. The earl of Anguishe, on warrant dormant for 1,000l. a year, in full payment of 500l. for the half-year ending 1 Sept. next, besides 200l. paid in June, 300l. Wm. Pagette, ambassador in France, post money, 53l. 10s. The Earl of Rutland, captain of Nottingham castle, on warrant for a petty captain at 4s. and three soldiers at 8d. a day, for three months ending 22 Oct. ao 34o, 25l. 4s. Jas. Nedeham, on warrant dormant for 100l. monthly for repair of manors and castles, for two months, ending 31 Aug., 200l. Wm. Pagette, ambassador in France, on warrant dormant for diets of 40s., for three months, ending 14 Nov., ao 34o, 168l. Jas. Nedeham, on warrant signed by Sir John Dauncey and others of the new Court of Survey, part payment for building the new office of the new Court of Survey, 100l. Total payments in August, 1200l. 5s. 1d.
f. 34b. September.Ordinary payments :Sundays [3rd and 10th] at Westminster, [17th] at Pyrgo [24th] at Greenwich, offerings and daily alms as before; also offerings on Our Lady Day, Holy Rood Day, St. Matthew's Day, and Michaelmas Day. To John Piers, for hire of a house in London for the great standards and rich coats of the Guard, for the quarter ended at Mich. ao 34o, 8s. 8d. Almain armourers at Greenwich for the months 13 Aug. to 9 Sept. and 10 Sept. to 7 Oct., 28l. 16s. 9d. each month.
f. 35. Month wages in September. As in August, with final entry of 22s. 6d. to John Fries, taker of pheasants and partridges, for his livery coat for one year "due at Michaelmas last past." Hans Garette has nihil quia mortuus.
f. 36b. Quarter wages at Michaelmas.As at Midsummer. Dirick Jonson is omitted, and also the half-year's fees of Sir John Gage and the earl of Rutland. A new entry is Margaret Moreton, gentlewoman, 50s. Sir Thos. Palmer has nihil quia mens. Decembr. ao 33o, and Sir Wm. Pounder and Florens Diaceto each nihil quia mens. Junii ao 34o.
f. 39b.

f. 40.
Half-year's wages for Michaelmas :To the yeomen of the Tower for firewood, 26s. 8d.; Sir Fras. Brian, 33l. 6s. 8d.; lady Anne Grey, 6l. 13s. 4d.; Robt. Seymer, 100s.; Dr. Leighton, clerk of the Closet, 15l.; Bastard Faulconbridge, 10l.; Wm. Moraunte, 100s.; Sir John Gifforde, 100s.; John Mynne, the surveyorgeneral's clerk, nihil quia aliter promotus; John Ridley, groom of the King's bows, 20s.; Nic. Fitton, 10l.; Robt. Forthe, 6l. 13s. 4d.; John Hynde, one of the General Surveyors, nihil quia solutus in officio Magistri Wardorum; John Wyly, rat taker, 60s. 10d.; Sir John lorde Russell, 11l. 13s. 4d.; Edward (sic) Peckehame, cofferer, 10l. 10s.; Sir Ant. Kyngeston, serjeant of the Hawks, 18l. 5s.; Robt. Reynold and Thos. Glynne, Welsh minstrels, 66s. 8d.; Barnard de Mela, 35l.; Ric. Candisshe, 100s.; Mich. Mercator, 11l. 5s.; Ric. Warde, 60s. 10d.; lord George baron of Heydock, 70l.; James Acore, Ric. Darrington, Ric. Tredre, John Coke, John Rychebell, Ric. Clerke, Chr. Botho, John ap Richardes, Fras. Broughton, footmen, 20l. each; Hen. Williams, 20l.; John Osborne, comptroller of the King's ships, 16l. 13s. 4d.
f. 40b.

f. 41.

f. 41b.

f. 42.

f. 42b.

f. 43.

f. 43b.

f. 44.
Payments by special warrants :To Andrew Dyer, 2 Sept., riding to Wm. Pagette, ambassador in France, 17l. 10s.; John Richardson, servant to Sir Thos. Wharton, warden of the West Marches, 3 Sept., riding with letters to his master, 20s.; Robt. St. Leygor, 3 Sept., for conveyance of treasure into Ireland, as well for hire of men, horses, and other necessaries to the sea side as for a ship, 80l.; Robt. Cranwell, 4 Sept., for the charges of himself and Ric. Bullen to Fawmouth. furnishing a ship to transport him to Spain, riding to the Emperor's Court to the King's ambassador, and returning in post, with the charges of them which shall attend with the ship to bring him back, 80l.; Edm. Duff Kinslagh, of Ireland, reward, 5 Sept., 20l.; warrant dated 5 Sept. Mr. James Leirmonth, ambassador of Scotland, 8 Sept., 100l.; Morgan Wolfe, the King's goldsmith, "for a bowl of silver and gilt with a cover to put the said 100l. in," weighing 42 oz., at 5s. 2d., 10l. 17s. 7d.; warrant dated 8 Sept. John Arden, servant to Sir John Walloppe, captain of Guisnes, riding with letters to his master, 9 Sept., 20s.; a poor man of Alborough, 10 Sept., reward, 20s.; Theoball Othole, son to Tirlogh Othole, dec., 10 Sept., reward, 10l.; Thos. Knight, a clerk of the Signet, 10 Sept., riding about the King's affairs, 66s. 8d.; Adam Gaskyn, messenger of the Chamber, riding in post with letters to the duke of Norfolk, lieutenant-general in the North parts, and returning 66s. 8d.; John Freman, 16 Sept., "for his charges in hiring of horses, carts, and other necessaries for the sure conveyance of certain things of importance by him sent to the duke of Suffolk," 13l. 6s. 8d.; "an harold of Scotland, called Snowden," 17 Sept., reward, 10l.; warrant dated 18 Sept. Mark Anthony, Nic. Andrewe, Ant. Symon, Ant. Mary, Guilhame de Trosshis, Guill'm du Vait, Peti John, Nic. Puvall, John Petraye, Hans Garet, and John Bonntaunce, the King's minstrels, reward, warrant dated 31 Aug., 40l. George Thomson, "for the half freight of two ships, hire of lighters, and prest of men and mariners," 51l. 13d.; the same "for the double manning of three ships now sent to the seas," 50l. 3s. 4d.; Robt. Cople, one of the King's trumpeters, appointed to attend the duke of Suffolk to the Borders anempst Scotland, post money, 40s., and one month's wages to begin at his arrival with the duke, at 18d. a day, 42s.; James Sutton, one of the clerks of the Green Cloth, "charges in lying in London about the despatch of certain provisions," by command of the Council, 6l. 13s. 4d.; Wm, Hunnynge, besides money received of Edw. Shelley, 4s. 5d.; warrant dated 27 Sept. Thos. Browne, 19 Sept., for bringing letters from John Lare (sic), vice-admiral on the seas, and returning, 20s.; Roland Lytton, servant to Wm. Paget, ambassador in France, 21 Sept., riding with letters to his master, 23l. 6s. 8d.; Calyce purcivant at arms, 24 Sept., riding with letters to the Deputy in Calis, 20s.; warrant dated 24 Sept. John Rowlande, page of the Robes, attending upon the said robes at Windsor, the King being at Sonnynghall, 7 days at 6d., on the Vice-Chamberlain's bill, 3s. 6d. Sir Ric. Longe, master of the Buckhounds, money laid out "for reparation of the cart to carry the hounds in and carriage of the hounds from place to place, and for rewards given to keepers of forests, chaces, and parks whereas he hunted with the said hounds in the King's last progress," on his own bill, 58s. 10d. Robt. Smyth, Simon Walles, John Hopkins, Wm. Smyth, Edw. Hopton, Robt. Capon, Ralph Holford, Ric. Maxen, Robt. Grimhill, John Taylor, Wm. Mylner, Adam Gaskyn, Gregory Revell, and John Apulbye, yeomen, grooms and messengers of the Chamber, riding by command of the King and Council, bills signed by the Council, 30l. 9s. 8d. Jasperine Gosson, Italian, warrant dated 29 June ao 34o, for 23l. 6s. 8d., quarterly, "for one quarter fully run at this present Michaelmas," 116s. 8d. John Osborne, comptroller of the King's ships, on liberate dormant, "for 16 days due to him," from 9 to 24 Dec. ao 33o, at 22d. the day, 29s. John Rotz, Frenchman, warrant dated 28 Sept., for payment of an annuity of 40l., for the half-year fully run at this Michaelmas, 20l. John Mynne, master of the King's wood sales, warrant dated (blank), for 50l. a year, for the half-year ended Michaelmas, 25l. Wm. Staumford, attorney of the court of Survey, warrant dated (blank), for 40l a year, for the half-year ended Michaelmas, 20l. Laur. Lye, Nic. Jacob, and Robt. Case, footmen, warrant 18 Oct. ao 34o, for 13l. 6s. 8d. a year each, for the half-year ended Michaelmas, 20l. Ric. Candisshe, advance of a whole year's wages to Mich. 1543, 10l. Sir Brian Tuke, treasurer of the Chamber, on letters patent for 26l. 13s. 4d. a year, for the half-year ended Michaemas, "in recompense of the office he had of the French secretaryship," 13l. 6s. 8d. The yeomen of the Guard at 6d. a day for the quarter ending Michaelmas, 112l. 12s.; those at 4d. a day, 263l. 7s. Mr. Edmond Harvell, the King's agent in Venice, on warrant dormant for 20s. a day, advance of diets to 30 Nov. ao 34o, 100l. Ralph Clesbye, captain of the fortress of Holy Elande, warrant dated 16 Sept., riding in post with 2 servants, and for wages of 12 men, and their conduct, coats and passage, 24l. 13s. Mr. Wm. Pagette, on warrant dormant, post money, 20l. Sir Edm. Walsinghame, lieutenant of the Tower, on warrant dormant for diets of Edw. Courtenay and Henry Pole for two months at 4l. the month each, for 2 months to 13 Sept. ao 34o, 16l. Jas. Nedeham, on warrant signed by Sir John Dauncy and others of the new Court of Survey, part payment for "making of the King's new office of Survey," 100l. (the date 27 Sept. in margin). For "wages of posts ordinary laid out for conveyance of the King's letters and passages of the same by the sea, with charges of messengers sent to divers places with the letters, and wages of the Master of the Posts, and other charges for conveyance of letters accounted and reckoned in the post book and not as any parcel of letters despatched at the Court by the King's council," from 30 April to 1 Oct. ao 34o, 54l. 10s. 8d. Paid for "sundry things requisite to the sure order, keeping and inning of the King's money, that is to say for paper, ink and wax and for faggots and coals sitting in the Treasury Chamber and rewards for making clean the Tower chamber every term, and for rushes, bags of canvas to put in money, for counters, packthread, candle, hampers, and for other necessaries appertaining to the same," from 30 April to 1 Oct. ao 34o, 100s. Boat hire of Sir Brian Tuke, treasurer of the Chamber, for the half year due at Michaelmas, 100s. Edward Shelley, one of the masters of the Household, warrant dated 30 Aug. ao 34o, for "the King's affairs in the North parts," 8,000l. Total payments in September, 10,795l. 5s. 11 d.
f. 44b. Total receipts from 30 April to 1 Oct. ao 34o, 25,642l. 6s. 4d., and payments 20,691l. 14s. 10d.
A book of large paper leaves, some of which are bound in wrong order (as appears by the marginal numbers in the above abstract) similar in form to that calendared in Vols. xiii., Pt. ii., No. 1280 ; xiv. Pt. ii., No. 781 and xvi. No. 1489. The amounts checked in another hand.
Sept./Grants. 881. Grants in September 1542.
1. Connacius Onele. Creation as earl of Tyrone, in the kingdom of Ireland; to be succeeded by his son Matthew, alias Feardorghe Onele, and his heirs male; the said Matthew and his successors, heirs apparent to the earldom, to be barons of Douncanon. Endd. : Warrant for the Great Onele to be earl of Tyrone and his eldest son baron of Douncannon. At the suit of the Lord Chancellor. Del. Greenwich, 1 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII.S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 16. Rymer, XV. 7.
[*** The date 1 Sept. in this is, apparently an error for 1 Oct. The list of witnesses given in the enrolment is not in the S.B., and at least three of those named, viz., Norfolk, Suffolk, and Southampton, were not present at the creation. This grant is printed in Rymer as of the year 1543 owing to a slip, "35" for "34," in the reference to the Patent Roll.]
2. John Harrington, of Exton, Rutl. Grant, in fee, for 492l., of the manor or grange of Wikeham, in Spalding, Linc., and certain lands (named) there which belonged to Spalding priory, Wikeham marsh containing 652 acres in Spalding and Weston between the water of Weland on the west and the sea bank on the east, and Brodowcote creek on the south and the "casum" of Cowhernegote on the north, and certain pastures (specified) in Spalding and Weston, which premises belonged to Spalding priory; except the lead upon the convent chamber and the chapel there; to hold as one-twentieth of a knight's fee by rent of 53s. 7d. Windsor, 4 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Sept.Pat. p. 6, m. 25.
3. Bishopric of Oxford. Erection of the late monastery of Oseney to be the cathedral church of a bishop, dean and six prebendaries, with the King's chaplain, Robert Kyng, bp. of Rouensis, S.T.P., as the first bishop, having for his palace the college or mansion called Gloucester College in St. Nicholas' parish, Oxford, near the site of Oseney Abbey, with all its appurtenances in tenure of John Elles and John James, annual value 26s. 8d.; the office not to prejudice the University of Oxford, and the bp. of Lincoln to continue to hold the authority he has, as founder, over Lincoln, Oriel, Brasenose, and Balliol Colleges.
Also appointing John London, LL.D., to be the first dean of Oxford, and Alex. Belsyze, M.A., Thos. Daye, LL.B., Wm. Heynes, S.T.P., Ric. Besyley, S.T.P., John Dyer, M.A., and Gervase Lynche, M.A., prebendaries, as a corporate body to be called the dean and chapter of the bishopric of Oxford; and having to them the site, church, &c., and furniture of the late abbey of Osney, except the meadow called Fullyngmylham and the first vesture of that called the Hurst, lying within the said site in St. Nicholas' parish in Osney, which are reserved to the bishop and his successors. Westm., 30 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. 1 Sept. P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 26. Rymer, XIV. 754.
4. Fras. Knolles. Licence to alienate the manor of Aspryngton, alias Ashpryngton, Devon, to John Giles and Wm. Giles, his son and heir apparent. Westm., 1 Sept. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 12.
5. Robert, earl of Sussex, Great Chamberlain of England. Custody of the manors of Tedbury (Todbury on Pat.) and Thornebery, and an annual rent of 14l. out of the manor of Frampton, Glouc., during the minority of Henry, s. and h. of Thomas late lord Berkeley, dec.; with wardship and marriage of the said heir. Del. Westm., 1 Sept. 34 Henry VIII.S.B. Signed by Lord St. John. Pat. p. 6, m. 3.
6. Edw. Egliamby, the King's servant. To be governor and captain-general of the newly built citadel of Carlisle, with 6 gunners, 8 foot soldiers and one porter under him, of whom the foot soldiers are to be at his absolute appointment; with 2s. a day for himself, 6d. for each gunner and foot soldier, and 8d. for the porter; and, as he has occupied the office since Michaelmas 33 Hen. VIII. without fee, payment shall date from that time. Westm., 28 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 22.
7. Elina Griffith and Sagia Lewes. Annuity of 10l. out of lands in Kellieghe, Kidwelli, Gomfreiston, and Hiskenned, cos. Pemb. and Caerm., which belonged to Lewis Thomas ap John, dec., during the minority of Walt. Griffithe, kinsman and next heir of the said Lewis; with wardship and marriage of the said heir. Westm., 31 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 Sept. P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 18.
8. Chr. de Carcano, the King's servant, and Francis Albert, his servant. Licence to export 400 tuns of beer. Windsor, 29 July 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 2. In English.
9. John Man, the King's servant. Grant of the canonry and prebend of Bigleswade, in the Cathedral of Lincoln, void by the promotion of Robt. King to the bishopric of Oxford. Westm., 31 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 14.
10. College of St. Michael, Cambridge. Grant, for 200l. 0s. 10d., to Fras. Mallet, clk., S.T.P., the master, and the fellows and to their successors, of the rent of 106s. 8d. reserved upon a lease made by Marg. Develyn, late abbess, and the late monastery of Chatteresse, in the Isle of Ely, 7 March 24 Hen. VIII., to Wm. Totnam, of the manor called Spaldynges in Baryngton, Camb., and a cottage called Sowters there, for 21 years from Mich. 1534; and also the manor of Baryngton, alias Berstede alias Spaldyngs, annual value 11l. 11s. 2d.; to hold as one-twentieth of a knight's fee by rent of 23s. 1d. and exemption from payment of first-fruits and tenths. Sonnynghill, 14 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 28. Rymer, XIV. 759.
11. Ant. Denny, one of the gentlemen of the Privy Chamber. General pardon and discharge, he having had (as keeper of the New Palace at Westminster, yeoman of the Wardrobe of Robes, and otherwise, by the King's assignment) in his custody divers parcels of the King's money, plate, jewels, &c., none of which remained in his custody 23 April last. Hampton Court, 21 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Sept. P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 17. In English.
12. Sir John lord Russell, Great Admiral. Licence to retain 70 men in his livery. Westm., 3 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 20. Rymer, XIV. 764.
13. John Crayforth, S.T.B. Grant of the canonry and first prebend in Durham Cathedral, void by the death of Mr. Edw. Hindmars. Westm., 3 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 17.
14. Commission of the peace.
Hants.Lord Chancellor Audeley, Treasurer Norfolk, Lord President Suffolk, Russell (sic) lord Privy Seal, S bp. of Winchester, Hen. lord Mautravers, John lord Audeley, Wm. lord Seynt John, Sir Thos. Wryothesley, Sir Ric. Lyster, Sir Thos. Wylloughby, Sir Edm. Mervyn, Sir Humph. Broun, Sir John Wallop, Sir Mich. Lyster, Sir Wm. Barkley, Sir Fras. Dawtry, Sir Wm. Gyfford, John Paulett, John Kynesmyll, Wm. Thorp, Thos. Welles, John Norton, Robt. Boulkeley, Wm. Warham, Ric. Cotton, John Wyntershull, John Whyte, Wm. Moore, and Thos. Pace. Westm., 7 Sept. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 4d.
15. John Moore, clk., King's chaplain. Presentation to the church of Mounkton, Bath and Wells dioc., void by the resignation of Thos. Payne. Westm., 3 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 23.
16. Thos., earl of Rutland. Grant, in fee (in exchange for the moiety of the rectory of Ulsby, Linc., the grange of Ryddyngs, in Cheryburton, Yorks., and all his possessions in these places, and for 183l. 12s. 6d.) of the reversions of the following Crown leases :(1) To John Gostwyke, 14 March 31 Hen. VIII., of the grange called Blaunche Marle, in the lordship of Wartre, Yorks., which belonged to Meux monastery, Yorks., with reservations, for 21 years, at 60s. rent; (2) to Sir Ric. Wylliams, alias Crumwell, 25 May 34 Hen. VIII., of the house and site of the late priory of Ulvescrofte, Leic., and a water mill upon "lez dames" there, which belonged to the priory, with reservations, for 21 years, at rent (for these and other lands specified in the lease) of 61s. 8d.
Also grant of the rent reserved of 60s. and of 20s., parcel of the said 61s. 8d.; also grant of (1) the said grange of Blaunche Marle in tenure of John Gostwick, and the messuage in tenure of John Saunderson in Wartre, which belonged to Meux, (2) the house and site and demesnes of Ulvescrofte priory, with certain closes (named) there, in tenure of Sir Ric. Williams, alias Crumwell, the grange, &c., called Charley, in Charley and Ulvescroft, Leic., in tenure of Wm. and Ric. Standishe, which belonged to Ulvescrofte; (3) the manor of Staturne, alias Stathurne, Leic., which belonged to Haverholme monastery, Linc., with the grange there in tenure of Robt. Broxham, and messuages there in the several tenures of Thos. Grene, Hen. Patching, Wm. Patchett, John Wylson, John Alan, and Robt. Caunte; (4) the messuage and two cottages in Whysbye in Dodyngton parish, Linc., which belonged to the commandry of The Eagle, Linc., in tenure of John Rowson, late commander of The Eagle; and (5) the messuage called Selly Brygge, in tenure of Sir Roger Cholmeley, in Thorneton, Yorks., which belonged to Ryvaulx monastery, Yorks. Annual values given :(3) 9l. 4s. 6d., (2) 20l. 19s. 4d.; rents(3) 18s. 6d., (4) 3s., (5) 18s. 4d., (1) 8s. 8d., (2) 42s. Westm., 5 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. [9] (fn. 7) Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 23.
17. Ant. Bonvix, alias Bonvise, of Lucca, alias of London, merchant. Grant, in fee, for 207l. 18s. 4d., of the reversions and rents reserved upon the following leases :(a) By Anne Asshefeld, late prioress, and the convent of St. Helen's within Bishopsgate in London, dated St. John's Day, 1466, 6 Edw. IV., to John Crosbye, grocer, dec., of the great messuage or tenement now called Crosbye's Place (formerly in tenure of Cataneus Penelli, merchant of Genoa, and then in tenure of the said Crosbye, under a lease of Alice Woodhouse, formerly prioress, and the said convent), in Bishopsgate Street, St. Helen's parish, together with a lane from the eastern gate of the same tenement to the southern end of a little lane skirting divers tenements (? borien. diver. tent.) in the close of the Priory, with 9 messuages in the said parish, six of them lying in Bishopsgate Street between the front of the said tenement and the front of the steeple of the church aforesaid, another of them which Kath. Catesby, widow, formerly held, lying within the gates, under the steeple, and annexed to the said six, with a vacant piece of land in length, on the east along the said tenement of Kath. Catesby on the outside of "le Plate sive Poste" [of] the said steeple abutting upon the north of the said six messuages along Bishopsgate Street to the churchyard there, 58 feet, and in width from thence southwards to a tenement formerly of Robt. Smyth, and two messuages of the said nine, united and lying within the close of the Priory, and in tenure of the said Crosbye and Smyth respectively; for 99 years; at 11l. 6s. 8d.; and the residue of this estate of the said Crosby the said Ant. Bonvix now holds. (b) By Mary Rollesley, late prioress, and the said convent, 28 March 1538, 29 Hen. VIII., to the said Bonvix, confirming his estate in the premises and granting him a lease of them from the expiration of the previous term, which shall be in 1565, for 71 years, at the same rent. (c) By the same, 5 Oct. 30 Hen. VIII., to the same, of a tenement or chamber in an alley within the close of the Priory, built upon the larderhouse and coal-house of the said Crosbyes Place formerly in tenure of Julian Frances, for 80 years, at 10s. rent. (d) By the Crown, 2 July 31 Hen. VIII., to Thos. Myldemary (sic), an auditor of the Augmentations, of the house and site of the late priory of Friars Preachers in Mulsham, in the parish of Chelmsford, Essex, a croft called the Gravel pits in Magna Badowe, Essex, crofts then late in tenure of Wm. Aylionoth in Wryttell, Essex, of Ric. Lowe in Mulsham, and of John Carter in Mulsham, which belonged to the same priory, for 21 years, at 32s. 2d. rent.
Also grant of all the foresaid premises, and of a cottage with curtilage and the way to the common jakes there in the parish of St. Mary at Naxe, London, late in tenure of John Welborne, and now of Dominus Dorett, alias Doriat, which belonged to St. Helen's Priory, which tenement extends from the highway on the east to the stone wall on the west, 44 ft. 7 in., and from the south from the cottage in tenure of Dionisya Tynson, widow, to the cottage in tenure of John Monshe, pewterer, on the north, 11 ft. 5 in., and the way to the said common jakes on the north side of the said tenement is 2 feet wide, and in length along the said stone wall 17 ft. 7 in.; annual value of the said cottage, &c., 12s.
To hold the said Crosbyes Place, &c., as one-fortieth of a knight's fee, at 23s. 8d. rent, and those in Essex as one-hundredth, at 3s. 3d., and the said cottage and way to the common jakes as one-hundredth, at 15d. Westm., 6 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
18. Philip Hobbye, the King's servant. Grant, in fee, of the great tenement called le Harber, in which Margaret, late countess of Sarum, dwelt, in London, a tenement called Mabsons in Carter Lane, in tenure of Thos. Nycholas, a tenement or inn called le Cheker, leased to Thos. Kendall, a chamber being parcel of the said inn, in *Supplied from Patent Roll. tenure of John Dawson, a tenement adjoining the principal part of the said le Herber, in tenure of Hugh Rykthorn, another adjoining the north side of the back gate of le Herber, in tenure of Walter Hide, and others adjoining in tenure of Edm. Tredewell (and lately of Dennis Solder), Wm. Scott, Robt. Stile, and Ric. Hale; all which lie in London, and came to the King by the attainder of Margaret, late Countess of Salisbury; to hold as one-fortieth of a knight's fee, rent free. This is made on surrender of a grant 16 June 33 Hen. VIII. of the premises in tail male. Westm., 4 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 21.
19. William earl of Southampton, the King's Councillor. Grant of the reversion and rent reserved upon a Crown lease, 12 July 32 Hen. VIII., to him of the manors of Chalton, Hants., and Crokeham, Berks., and the agistment, herbage, and pannage of the great and little parks of Crokeham; which premises belonged to Margaret late countess of Sarum, attainted; with reservations; for 21 years, at rents of 75l. 4d. for Chalton, 27l. 5s. 10d. for Crokeham. Also grant of the above manors, to hold in tail male, with remainder to Wm. Herbert lord Herbert, son and heir apparent of Henry earl of Worcester, in tail male; as one-fourth of a knight's fee. Westm., 3 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 30.
20. City of Gloucester. Grant to the mayor and burgesses for 493l. 14s. 2d., of the reversions and rents reserved upon the following Crown leases :(a) To John ap Rice, of London, 12 (month omitted) 31 Hen. VIII., of the site and certain lands in the fields of Tredworth, etc. (named), of the manor of Barton Abbots, Glouc., which belonged to St. Peter's Abbey, in Gloucester; with reservations, for 21 years, at 14l. 4s. 4d. rent. (b) To Wm. Morgan, of Hempstede, in co. city of Gloucester, 16 March 33 Hen. VIII., of a pasture called Hackettisfeld in Hempstede parish, then in tenure of the said William; with reservations; for 21 years, at 24s. rent. Grant also of the said manor of Barton Abbots, in the co. city of Gloucester, and the said pasture; also pasture called Snedeham, parcel of the demesnes of Barton Abbots, in the parish of Upton St. Leonard's, co. city of Gloucester, a cottage adjoining, in tenure of Wm. Mychell, in St. Michael's parish, pasture called Netherhide, parcel of the said demesnes in St. Michael's parish, a messuage with a water mill and a fulling mill, called Corneham Mylle, in tenure of John Samforde, in Stonehouse parish, Glouc., a grove called Snedegrove, in Hertpury, co. city of Gloucester, parcel of the manor of Uppeledon, co. city of Gloucester; all which premises belonged to St. Peter's, Gloucester.
Also the chief messuage of the manor of Mattesden, in co. city of Gloucester, a messuage, &c., called Pyperlase, in the suburbs of Hereford, between lands of the late Friars Minors there and land late of Sir John Scudamore, dec., and a pasture called Longmaddeley, in Lanthony parish; all which belonged to Lanthony Priory, beside Gloucester.
Also lands in Acornebury, Heref., in the tenures of Jenkyn Griffith, Ric. Glasebury, Ph. Brace, Rog. Churcheyard, Wm. Pynnock, John Taylor, John Lynke, Thos. Gethyn, John Polen, John Gunny, Ric. Vaughan, Wm. Veyle, Margery his wife and their two sons, and David Wylcocks, the rectory and advowson of the vicarage of Acornebury, the manor of Rowlston, and lands in tenure of Ric. Vaughan, sen., Agnes his wife and Richard their son, in Rowlston and Byrche, Heref.; all which belonged to Acornebury Priory, Heref.
Except three selions of land in Trudworth and two acres of meadow in Hempstede.
Value of the premises in Acornebury 65s. 10d., and in Rowlston and Parva (sic) Byrche 43s. 4d. a year. To hold as one-twentieth of a knight's fee by rents of 37s. for the lands of St. Peter's, 2s. 5d. for Hackettisfeld, 9d. for Pyperlase, 3s. 10d. for the rest of the lands of Lanthony, 6s. 7d. for lands in Acornebury, and 4s. 4d. for those in Rowlston and Byrche; free of charges except 4l. 13s. 4d. stipend to the curate of Acornebury, 4s. to the earl of Shrewsbury out of Rowlston, and 2s. to Hereford Cathedral out of Rowlston manor. Westm., 8 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 4, m. 9.
21. Sir Humph. Foster, the King's servant. To be steward of the lordship or manor of Stratfield Mortimer, Berks., vice Sir Ric. Weston. Westm., 6 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Sept. P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 4 (dated 6 Sept.).
22. Morgan Philip, alias Wolff, and Elizabeth his wife. Grant of lands in London, Essex, and Monmouthshire. Windsor, 7 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Sept.P.S. (slightly mutilated).
*** This grant is enrolled on the Patent Roll of 33 Hen. VIII. as of that year, and has, consequently, been calendared in 1541 (see Vol. XVI., No. 1,226 [14]), but the real date is, of course, 1542.
23. The city of Canterbury. Grant (at the petition of Thomas abp. of Canterbury and for 212l.) to the mayor and community of the city of the reversions and rents reserved on the following leases :(a) By the Crown, 10 Nov. 33 Hen. VIII., to Walt. Trotte, of Canterbury, of a water mill, called Abbott's Myll, in the parish of St. Alphege, Canterbury, the adjoining tenement late of John Beman and le Mill mede outside the city walls in the parish of St. Cross, late in tenure of John Beman; all which belonged to St. Augustine's monastery outside Canterbury; for 21 years; at 7l. rent. (b) By John, late abbot, and the convent of St. Augustine's, 23 Dec. 22 Hen. VIII., to John Hales, baron of the Exchequer, of half an acre of meadow in the parish of St. Mary de Northgate, lying between the lane leading to the river Stoure on the south, the river Stoure on the north and west, and the land of Simon Vudean on the east; for 21 years, at 3s. 4d. rent. (c) By the same, 15 May 27 Hen. VIII., to Ric. Exbridge, of a garden at Boresende, alias Boresars, in St. Mary's parish, between the High Street on the west, the lands of Christchurch on the east, of Thos. Bencher on the north, and of St. John's Hospital at Northgate on the south; for 50 years, at 2s. rent. (d) By the same, 10 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII., to Rog. Wellys, of an angular tenement in St. Andrew's parish, Canterbury, lying between the High Street on the east and north, the convent lands on the south, and Pyknot Lane on the west; for 20 years, at 40s. rent.
Also grant of the said premises.
Also rents (specified) for holdings (specified) in the various parishes of Canterbury, 4l. :Paid by Wm. Oldfelde, Wm. Hales, Wm. Hammond, Jas. Hales, serjeant-at-law, Thos. Myller, Walt. Colyn, Gregory Rand, John Breggs, Peter Brune, Thos. Hales (now deceased), John Castlyn, clk., John Yonge, Wm. Copyn, John Fourde, Barth. Peter and Eliz. his wife (which Bartholomew was late a churchwarden of St. George the Martyr), John Williams, clk. (late), Ric. Milley, Peter Scriven, alias Scrivener, Robt. Brome, in St. George's the Martyr; of Thos. Frenche, in St. Mary de Bredyn; of Chr. Bale (late), Matth. Whitehals, John Hales, s. and h. of Sir Chr. Hales, Wm. Dudston, in St. Mary de Castro; of Hen. Gyldwyn, Thos. Hilles, Geo. Saunders, Eliz. Nutte, widow, Wm. Angell, Thos. Frenche, weaver, in St. Mildred's; of Wm. Watson, Robt. Nutte, Eliz. Nutte, widow, in St. Margaret's the Virgin; of John Alcok, Wm. Dogrell, and Wm. Hart, in St. Mary Bredman's; of Geo. Hardres, Thos. Woode, in All Saints'; of John Boyden, Thomasina Wylls, widow, Geo. Toftes, Eliz. Hull, widow, Martin Stone, Nich. Reynold, Geo. Rychardson, Isabel Spencer, in St. Mary de Northgate; of the house and piece of ground called Whitstaple Market, Nic. Fysshe, Marg. Fooks, widow, Nic. Rutlande, John Alcok, John Mascal, in St. Andrew's; of Edw. Kecherell, John Hobbys, sen., in St. Mary Magdalen's; of John Lewys, Thos. Payne, clk., and John Respis, clk., Agnes Nutte in St. Alphege's; of Steph. Euston, Geo. Sutton, Thos. Byng, John Clerke, clk., John Burgeaunt, and John Shelwiche, in St. Michael's; of John Peers, Thos. Hall, Wm. Rygdon, Geo. Sutton, Jas. Videan, David Brigges, Hen. Sym, John Clerk, clk., Stph. Sare, Hugh Downynges, John Michell, John Wydop, the brethren and sisters of Harbaldowne Hospital in Kent, in St. Paul's; also messuages, &c., in tenure of Wm. Hont, Wm. Baker, Edw. Prat, Walt. Grenleif, Jerome Wyldbourne, Ric. Sprot, Wm. Rogers, John Thatcher, Wm. Lincoln, John Nutte, Chas. Walley, John Shorthose, Geo. Martyn, John Clerk, clk., John Wydop, Joan Brandon, widow, Joan Dunk, widow, all in St. Paul's parish.
To hold as one-fortieth of a knight's fee, by rent of 55s. 2d. Westm., 11 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Sept. Pat. p. 6, m. 23.
24. Thos. Bankys, of Ryseley, Beds., husbandman. Pardon for killing Robt. Watson, of Ryseley, in self-defence. It appeared by the coroner's inquests, taken at Overdene, Beds., and at Bedford, that the parties met, 11 June last, at a place called Estfeld, in Ryseley parish, quarrelled, and Bankys ran away, but, coming to the bank of a lake, or "slak," he could go no further, and therefore defended himself with a stick. Westm., 14 Sept. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 10, m. 7.
25. Bpric. of Oxford. Grant, to Robt. Kyng, bp. of Oxford, and his successors, of the manors of Medley, Water Eton, Hoke Norton, and Watlington, Oxon., and of Steple Cleydon, and Stowe, Bucks., which belonged to Osney Abbey, and of Tetisworthe and Stoke Talmage, Oxon., which belonged to Thame Abbey; with all appurtenances in the places above-named, and in Cuddeslowe, Oxon., and Lamport, Bucks., two meadows called Fullingmilham and le Hurste, in St. Nicholas' parish, in Osney, the moiety of two water-mills beneath Oxford Castle, in the parish of St. Gregory, Oxford, a meadow called Kyngesmeade, in the parish of St. Nicholas' Osney, the moiety of a pasture and fishery in the Thames called Hide Brigge, as far as the said water-mills, all the lands of Osney in Dodford, Bucks., the several water called Rushey, flowing within the parish of Bampton, Oxon., in tenure of John Bonde, and the chief messuage called le Wyndemyll, in the parish of St. Sepulchre, London, in tenure of John Talcarie, all which premises belonged to Osney. Also the site, &c., of the monastery of Thame, Oxon., with meadows and closes there (named), and a rent of 84l. 6s. 8d. and service due from the manors or granges of Sydenham, Shippcotts and Home Grange and from all possessions of Thame in Sydenham, Moreton, and Thame, Oxon., granted 15 March 33 Hen. VIII., to Sir John Williams and Elizabeth his wife; the rectories and churches of Hokenorton and Watlington, Oxon., and of Stepull Cleydon and Stowe, Bucks., and the vicarage of Hokenorton, tithes of the demesnes of Water Eton in tenure of Charles duke of Suffolk, lesser tithes in Cuddeslow, in tenure of John Dannet, with the advowsons of the said churches, all which belonged to Osney. To hold the premises, in frank almoign, by rent of 33l. 6s. 11d., exempt hac vice from payment of first fruits, and free of charges, except the above rent, 33s. a year to the bailiff or collector of Water Eton, 10s. 7d. a year to the archdeacon of Oxon. for procurations of Hokenorton, 10s. a year to the bailiff or collector of Hokenorton, 10s. 7d. to the said archdeacon for procurations of Watlington, 2s. 6d. a year to the Queen, out of Stepull Cleydon, 7s. 7d. a year to the archdeacon of Bucks, for procurations of Stepull Cleydon, and the same for Stowe, 49s. 4d. a year to the vicar of Stowe and 10s. a year to the bailiff or collector of the manor of Stowe, alias Stowe Lamport, 4s. 4d. a year to the Queen out of the lands in Dodford, 6s. 8d. a year to the bailiff or collector in the said parish of St. Sepulchre, and 39s. 6d. a year each to Eustace Grenefeld and John Towrsey, of Queynton, for the moieties of the lands in Stoke Talmage which the monastery of Thame held in fee farm from the said Eustace and John, in right of their wives. Date torn off the P.S. Del. Westm., 15 Sept.P.S. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 11.
26. Bpric. of Oxford. Grant to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Christ and St. Mary of Oxford, of the manors of Arnecote, Tewe Parva, Worton, Forsthill, Church Cowleye, Sibford Burton, and Lewe, Oxon., of Owing and Maydemorton, Bucks., of Byburye and Alerington, Glouc., and of Senston, alias Shenston, Staff., which belonged to Osney Abbey; of Toursey, Oxon., which belonged to Thame Abbey; of Rysboroughe Princes, Bucks., which belonged to Notley monastery; with all appurtenances in Arnecote, Tewe Parva, Worton, Forsthyll, Churche Cowleye, Sibforde, Burton, Clanfelde, Lewe, Oving, Mayde Morton, Bybury, Alerington, Senston, Sandreton, and Rysborough Princes. Also the demesne lands (specified) of Osney Abbey, in the parish of St. Nicholas, a mansion, &c., called le Tanne House, there, in tenure of Wm. Tovy, all the houses, &c., which belonged to Oseney, in the parishes of St. George, St. Mary, St. Ebba, St. Michael in the North (aquilon.), St. Mary Magdalen, St. Peter in the East, St. Martin, St. John, All Saints, St. Peter in ballivo, "St. Aldat, St. Edward, and St. Nicholas, lately called St. Thomas the Martyr and now Thomas Becket, in Oxford; a watermill in Cudlyngton, Oxon.; lands in Hanborough, Oxon., in tenure of John Coke, and in Shipton, Oxon., of Wm. Large, and in Garsington, Oxon., of Ric. Forde; 12s. quit rent out of Hodyngton manor, Oxon., and lands and a mill in Ipwell, Oxon., in tenure of Thos. Walker; lands in Clanfeld, in tenure of Wm. Pallyng, quit rent of 13s. 4d. out of the tenement of Thos. Wayman, in Weld, Oxon; lands there in tenure of John Hillyard; in Abburbury, Oxon., of Thos. Eton; in Dunstewe, Oxon., of Wm. Andrewes; in Holcombe, Oxon. (called Newbery), of John Byslegh; in Bysshopston, Southcote, and Hayforde, Bucks., of Rob. Robyns; in Northmerston, Bucks., of Rob. Bell; in Stratforde ad Aquam, Bucks., of Geo. Saunders; in Iver, Langley Marryes, and Chalfaunte Bucks., of Thos. Archer; in Asthorp, Ntht., of John Aprice; in Wynston, Glouc., of Wm. Brigefeld; and in Balset, Oxon.; all which premises belonged to Osney. Also the farm of Brennes Norton, Oxon., in tenure of Ric. Wall; lands in Lacheford, Oxon., in tenure of Thos. Lentall; in Saunderton, Bucks, of Thos. Wynter; and in St. Sepulchre's parish in London, of Thos. Colyns; all which belonged to Thame. Also in Claydon, Bucks., of John Mede, which belonged to Nottley. Also rent of 20d. in Carsyngton, Oxon., for licence to bury the dead, which belonged to Eynsham, and of d. in Stone, Bucks., which belonged to Osney. Also all lands in Barton Odonis, Barton Magna, Middell Barton, Westcote, Hensyngton, and Warbrugh, Oxon., and in Hartwell, Bucks., which belonged to Osney; and in Kyngeston, Oxon, which belonged to Thame.
Also the rectories, &c., of Cudlyngton, Magna Barton, Forsthill, Churche Cowleye, and Burton, Oxon., of Stone, Bucks., of Turkeden, Bybury, and Alsworth, Glouc., and of Shenston, Staff., which belonged to Osney; of Chalgrave, Oxon., which belonged to Thame; of Wyncheden Inferior, Chilton, Chardesley, Burton, Risborough Princes, Asshenden, and Hilesden, Bucks., of Caversham, Barton Hartishorne, and Stokelyke, Oxon., of Shiringham, Norf., of Netherswell, Glouc., and of Maydon Bradley, Wilts., which belonged to Nottley; of Bensyngton, Drayton, Stodham, Sherburne, Clyfton, Birdcote, and Overe, Oxon., which belonged to Dorchester monastery; of Ardington, Berks.; of Stratton Audeley, Oxon., which belonged to Byscetour monastery; of Enston, Oxon., which belonged to Wychecombe monastery, Glouc.; of Preston in Craven, Browghton, Carleton, Skipton, and Kyldewyke, and the chapel of Bolton, Yorks., which belonged to Bolton in Craven priory; of Ledes, Yorks., which belonged to Holy Trinity Priory in York; of Carsyngton and Southnuyngton, Oxon., which belonged to Eynsham. With all appurtenances in Cudlyngton, Barton, Forsthill, Churche Cowley, Burton, Chalgrave, Caversham, Barton Hartishorne, Stokelyke, Bensyngton, Drayton, Stodham, Clyfton, Bridcote, Overe, Ardyngton, Stratton, Enston, Carsington, and Southnuyngton, Oxon.; in Stone, Wynchenden Inferior, Chilton, Chardesley, Rysborough Princes, Asshenden, Hylesden, and Burton, Bucks.; in Turkeden, Bybury, Harlyngton, Wynsyngton, Alsworthe, Shenston, and Netherswell, Glouc.; in Shiringham, Norf.; in Maydon Bradley, Wilts.; in Preston in Craven, Haylesfeld, Wykelesworth, Westhalton, Browghton, Carleton, Lodersden, Yoleson, Skipton, Sturton, Thorleby, Emesey, Esteby, Halton, Draughton, Barwyke, Storthes, Hesylwoode, Darestones, Kyldewyke, Kyldswyke Grange, Selesden, Brigge Ends, Estborne, Conondley, Collinghed, Newhall, Bradley, Bolton, and Leeds, Yorks. Certain tithes out of Abburbury aforesaid, which belonged to Osney, and in Heylefeld, Wykelesworth, Westhalton, Lodersden, and Yeleson, Yorks., which belonged to Bolton.
Pensions (specified) out of the churches of Bokenhull, Hardwyke, Hayford Warren, Somerton, Torwersmore, Cornewall, Chastelton, Treton, Kencote, Wyggynton, Swereford, Shyrborne, Oxon.; of Ratclyffe and Chakmore, Chaldeston, Stratford ad Aquam, Bucks.; of Harewell (paid by the dean of Wallingford), Ardington (paid by one John Rede), and Lettecombe Basset, Berks.; and of Brasynnose College in Oxford (paid for lands in Thenfford, Ntht.); all which pensions belonged to Osney. Also out of Kettelwell, Yorks., which belonged to Bolton. Also out of Kighley, Ledes and Addell, Yorks., which belonged to Holy Trinity Priory. Also out of Chalgrave, which belonged to Thame.
Also tithes in Grove, Oxon., and in the manor of Chamberleyn, Oxon., with a tenement called le Teys in Barton Odonis, and tithes of the fish and fisheries there, late of Lady Jane Denhame, and now in tenure of John Hanwell, which belonged to Osney; portions of tithes in Flete Marston, Bucks., and Culham, Middl., which belonged to Thame; of Essyngton in Chilton, Oxon. (sic), in tenure of Roland Rydge; in Chisseley, Norf., in tenure of Hen. Standysshe, and in Lyfford, Berks., in that of Wm. Fetyplace, which belonged to Notley.
Advowsons of the vicarages of Cudlyngton, Magna Barton, Burton, Stone, Turkeden, Bybury, Alsworthe, and Shenston, which belonged to Osney; of Chalgrave, which belonged to Thame; of Wynchynden Inferior, Chilton, Chardesley, Caversham, Burton, Rysborough Princes, Asshenden, Hyllesden, Caversham, Barton Hartishorne, Stokeley, Shyringham, Netherswell, and Mayden Bradley, which belonged to Notley; of Bensyngton, Drayton, Stodham, Sherburne, Clyfton, Bridecote, and Over, which belonged to Dorchester; of Ardyngton and Stratton Audeley, which belonged to Byssiter; of Enston, which belonged to Wynchcombe; of Preston in Craven, Browghton, Carleton, Skipton, and Kyldewyke, which belonged to Bolton; of Ledes, which belonged to Holy Trinity; of Cassyngton and Southnuyngton, which belonged to Eynsham.
Except tithes in Wynchenden, in tenure of Sir John Dauncy; Burton and Esyngdon, Bucks. (due to Chilton rectory), in tenure of John Croke; Chardesley, in tenure of Sir John Dauncy, and the house called "le Chamber," in occupation of Wm. Skynner, alias Harvey; all which belonged to Notley.
To hold in frank almoign, by rent of 98l. 7s. 4d., with exemption from first fruits. Also release from first fruits to the dean and prebendaries by name (London, Belsyze, Daye, Haynes, Besyley, Dyer, and Lynche).
To hold all the premises free of charges, except the aforesaid rent and the fees of certain bailiffs, &c., and 6l. 13s. 4d. a year to the curate of Cudlington, 11s. to the duke of Suffolk for a custom called "mote money," 10s. 7d. to the archdeacon of Oxford for procurations and synodals, out of Cudlington rectory, 10s. to Eton College for the lands in Myddelton, 3s. to the archdeacon for procurations and synodals out of Forsthill rectory, 19s. 4d. to the bp. of Lincoln for appropriations of the rectories of Cowley, Cudlyngton, and Burton, 13s. 7d. to the archdeacon for procurations and synodals out of the same, 53s. 4d. stipend to the curate of Church Cowley, 3s. to the bp. of Lincoln, for the indemnity of Burton, 2s. to the dean and chapter of Oxford (sic) Cathedral, for a portion of tithes, 10s. 8d. to the archd. of Bucks, for procurations and synodals out of Stone rectory, 12s. to the bp. of Worcester, for the peculiar jurisdiction of the church of Bybury and chapels of Aldesworth, Byrdley, and Wynston, Glouc., and 3l. 6s. 8d. for the indemnity of the same, 3s. 4d. to the archd. (sic) of Bybury, 4l. stipend to the curate of Alsworthe, 3l. to the chapel of St. George in Windsor, 53s. 4d. to the chapel of Wallingford, 7s. for procurations and synodals out of Chalgrave, 6s. 8d. stipend to Wm. Walker, curate of Netherwynchenden, out of the rectory of Wynchenden Inferior, 5l. 6s. 8d. each to the curates of Chylton, Burton, Asshenden, Drayton, Stodham, Sherburne (out of the rectory), and Clifton, 6l. 13s. 4d. each to those of Chardesley and Rysborough Princes, 6l. each to those of Bersyngton, alias Bensington, and Stratton Audeley, 4s. to the abp. of York out of Browghton rectory, 2s. to the same for synodals, 4s. to the archd. of York for procurations of Carleton, 5l. 6s. 8d. stipend to the curate of Bolton, 8l. to the vicar of Southnuyngton, 6s. 8d. to the archdeacon for procurations and synodals there, and 1 qr. of meal (mixtilionum) to be distributed to the poor there. Westm., 31 Aug. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Havering, 15 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 12.
27. Robt. Bradley. To be a gunner in the Black Bulwark at Dover, vice John Semple, dec., with 6d. a day. Westm., 4 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Haveryng, 20 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 4.
28. Edm. Mowdye, captain of the bulwark upon the hill beside Dover pier. Licence to retain four men in livery. Westm., 4 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 1. In English.
29. Barnardo de Garibaldo, master of the ship St. Nicholas, of Genoa. Protection, for one year, that his ship and cargo, being at anchor in England, may not be seized by certain creditors of Ambrosius Italianus, of Genoa. Addressed to John Russell, lord Admiral, and the King's officers. Westm., 11 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Haveryng, 21 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
30. Wm. Nootte, or Notte. To be auditor of the lands forfeited by Edward duke of Buckingham, in cos. Essex, Suff., Norf., Bucks., Beds., Oxon., Ntht., Notts., Warw., Cornw., Kent, Surr., and the city of London; with 10l. a year, as enjoyed by John Assheton, late auditor. Westm., 9 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
31. Commission of Sewers. Norf. and Camb.Thos. bp. of Ely, Robt. bp. of Down, Sir John Spelman, Sir Chr. Jenney, Sir Roger Townesend, Sir Edm. Bedyngfeld, John Gooderyke, Osbert Moundeford, Thos. Bedyngfeld, James Hewe, Wm. Yelverton, Thos. Rudston, Hen. Gooderyke, Thos. Prentyse, and Thos. Myller, commissioners for the Marsheland. Westm., 26 Sept. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 9d.
32. Owen Oglethorp, S.T.P., King's chaplain. Grant of the canonry or prebend in St. Frideswide's College, commonly called "the King's College," in Oxford, void by the death of James More. Greenwich, 25 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Sept.P.S. Pat. p. 8, m. 11.
33. Commission of gaol delivery. Hertford Castle.Sir Wm. Sydney, Sir John Cornewallys, Sir Geo. Cotton, Sir Hen. Parker, Sir Ph. Butler, Ric. Cotton, Robt. Lytton, Edw. Brokett, John Peryent, sen., John Coke, and Thos. Knyghton. Westm., 28 Sept. Pat. 34 Hen. VIII., p. 11, m. 13d.
34. Nich. Randhall. To be constable of Trematon castle, Cornw., and comptroller and "havenator" of the Duchy of Cornwall, with the usual fees and profits, as amply as John Thomas, dec., enjoyed the office. Greenwich, 22 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Sept. P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 14.
882. Musters. *** These musters seem to have been taken at various dates in September, 1542 (one as late as 1 Oct.). Many of them are distinctly dated, but others are only placed here as probably taken about the same time. In the following abstracts the names of persons described as "esquires" or "gentlemen" are given in parentheses.
R. O. M. 1. Dorsetshire.
Musters taken at Dorchester, Dors., before Sir Thos. Trenchard and John Williams, 28 and 29 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. "of all the hundreds, boroughs, liberties, and manors as hereafter ensueth fro xvj years upwards."
[Giving, by tithings, lists of names, each followed by the names of some weapon or weapons, and a few of them preceded by letters "ar" or "b," for "archer" or "billman."]
Contents :Hundred of George : Tithings of Charmyster 34 names, Bradfford Peverell 23, Polyston 9, Grympston 12, Stratton 28, Wynterbourne Martyn 45, Bokhampton 15, Mayne Martyll 28, Frome Belett 4, Wolveton (Sir Thos. Tresham and 29 household servants).
Hundred of Colyffordestre : Tithings of Radypoll 15 names, Elwell 14, Aschton 1, Lytell Mayne 3, Sutten Poyntez 58, Osmanton 39, Wynterbourne Cane 14, Cryppton 8, Wynterbourne Wast 26, Brodwaye 28, Fryer Mayne 6, Upwaye (John Frampton, gent.) 8, West Stafford (Wm. Byngham, gent.) 14, Knyghton 24, Chyckerell 22, Wytcombe 26, Heryngston (John Willyams, esq., Robt. Willyams, gent.) 24 (of whom 20 are household servants of John Willyams).
Hundred of Uggescombe : Tithings of Stypelton 23, Flett 16, Langeton Herynge 29, Portesham 36, Roddon 11, Shylvyngton 10, Chyldcombe 6, Pouncknoll 13, Swyer (Walter Geye, gent.) 21, Lytelbrydye 36, Corton 7, Lytton 44, Abbatysbury 97, Fylle 37.
Hundred of Wynffrythe : Tithings of Wynffrythe 50, Owre (Nic. Chyverell, gent. with 3 servants) 32, Moreton 32, Chaldon 8, Warmwell 16, Galton 11, Eastlurwurthe or Estlulwurthe 29, Poxwell 19, Knyghton 11, Comekaynes 12.
Borough of Dorchester : St. Peter's parish 75, Holy Trinity 34, All Saints 34.
Borough of Melcombe Regis 44.
Borough of Waymouthe 70.
Liberty of Elwell 6.
Liberty of Wyk 39.
Liberty of Portelonde 79.
Manor of Fordyngton 77, with tithings of Dalwood 26, and Hermytage 20.
Liberty of Frampton 82, with tithings of Burton 51, Compton 20, Bynckombe 16, and Betyscombe 16.
Long paper, pp. 48.
R. O. 2. "Musters taken of certain hundreds, boroughs, and manors within the county of Dors.," 28 and 29 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII., by John Poulet and John Wadham, "commissioners, amongst other, within the said county assigned for the same."
[Giving, by tithings, lists of names, each name followed by a note of harness and weapons, e.g., "hath a bill and a sallet," or "set to provide a bow and 6 arrows," and many of them with letters "a a" or "a b" (for "able archer" or "billman") prefixed.]
Contents :Egerdon hundred : Tithings of Wynterborn Abbot 21 names, Askerwell 21, Langbredy 16, Athelington 21, Mylton 12, Nettelcombe 8, Hooke 15.
Lyme Regis borough, 92 names.
Byrtporte borough, 71 names.
Brodewynsor manor (John Crokhorn, gent.) 43, Porestoke manor 14.
Hundred of Bemyster Forum and Redhone : Tithings of Mostorum 20 names, Bradpolle 34, Maperton 22, Southe Perotte 25, Northe Porton 14, Southe Porton 6, Overkancombe 4.
Whytchurch hundred : Tithings of Stoklond 92, Wotton Fytzpayn 50, Charmoth 62, Chedyoke 57, Symondes Borow 42, Sarum 16, Welles 11, Graylshays 5, Stokatram or Stokeatrame 17, Wotton Abbot 16, Wyle 6, Pylsdon 11, Mershwode (Mr. Thomas Vavter, Mr. John Gaunt) 45, Burstoke 23, Caterston Lewston (John Wadham, esq.) 4, Staunton Gabryell 10.
Goderthorne hundred : Tithings of Shipton (John Beall, gent.) 45, Sturtell 12, Lother 84.
Bymyster hundred : Tithings of Wanbroke 22, Chidyngton 22, Ashe 10, Langdon 20, Chardstoke 31, south end of Charstoke (Mr. Coxden, Mr. Tetherley) 59.
Bemyster hundred (continued (?) in another hand) : Tithings of Bowoode (Giles Keylewey, gent.) 22, Cossecombe 56, Netherbury 56, Abbotstoke (John Boyes, gent.) 45, Melplasshe 17, Bemyster (pages transposed) 111.
ii. (f. 38.) Similar musters taken before Sir Giles Strangways and Hen. Strangways "within the limits of their division."
Contents :Modbarogh hundred : Tithings of Sydlynge 49 names, Compton 4, Catstoke (Chr. Cheverell, esq., with four servants) 10.
Tollarfforde hundred : Tithings of Wynfforde Egle (Thos. Sydnam, gent.) 9, Tollerffr'm 1, Frome Vanchurche 6, Chilffrome 6, Toller Porcorum 10, Maydenewton 29, Chelborowe (Ellis Kymer, gent.) 10, Ransham 26, Fromequyntyn 38.
Whitwaye hundred : Tithings of Melcome (Robt. Byngham, esq.) 6, Medelton 111, Helton 41, Iberton 15, Stokewake 16, Longe Chesilburne 35.
Totcome hundred : Tithings of Pedylltrenthed 51, Mynterne 11, Godmaston 7, Cerne 65.
Pp. 96, a few of which are blank.
R. O. 3. [Continuation of the preceding ( 2), found apart.]
Musters taken before George Delalind and Roger Stowrton "within their limits and divisions."
"Hereafter the view of the muster of our most dread sovereign lord," &c., taken before us, Geo. Delalynd and Edw. Stowreton, by virtue of commission "to us and other directed in the xxxiiijth year of his grace's reign, of and within the hundreds of Pudeltowne, Conckysdyche, Bere Regis, and Hundreddesbarowe, the liberty of Pudelhenton and the manor of Develyshe, in the county of Dors., with a declaration of the names of all manner of persons having horse, harness or weapons meet for the wars (the which horse, harness or weapons beeth set out upon the names of the havers thereof), and also the names of every manner person within the said hundreds, liberty and manors that beeth able to do the King service in the wars," &c.
Contents :Pudeltowne hundred : Tithings of Pudeltowne and Walterston 48 names (among them Stephen Tolsacke, alien, "must provide a bill and deliver him to the tithingman to keep"), Tolpudell 26, Sowtheover, Tyngyldon and Thrope 13, Mylborne 9, Elsyngton 9 (Nic. Devyar, alien, "must deliver a good bow to the tithingman"), Burdelston 6, Adelhamston (Robt. Martyn, esq.) 3.
Puelhenton liberty : 28 (Mich. Nele, alien, "a bill delivered to the tithingman").
Conkysdyche hundred : Tithings of Whatcombe 4, Fyve Ayshe (Eliz. Gerard, gent., widow) 4, Turberffeldystowne (Geo. Strangweys, gent.) 8, Bloxworthe 28, Blanfforde Marie (Hen. Chetthull, gent.) 15, Whytchurche (Hen. Turberfelde, gent.) 7, Clenston (Geo. Delalynd, esq.) 12,
Bere Regis hundred : Tithings of Bere (Geo. Turberffeld, gent.) 56 (including two aliens, who must deliver bows and arrows to the constable), the Parson's tithing of Bere 9, Kyngston 20, Mylborne (Thos. Moreton, esq., with horse and harness for five archers) 5.
Hundreddesbarowe hundred : Tithings of Afftepudell 28 (1 alien), Sheterton 11, Turnerspudell (Mistress Wylloughby, widow) 10, Bryantespudell 15, Worgrete 15.
Develyshe manor (Thos. Baskatt, esq.) 13. Signed : George Delalynd : Roger Storton.
ii. Similar musters taken before Wm. Thornehull and John Dackecombe "within their limits and division."
Contents :Borough of Shafton (Hen. Henbery, mayor) 116 (one of them an alien).
Alcester hundred 13.
Gylyngham liberty : Tithings of Motcombe (Wm. Wykys, gent., Sybill Payne, widow) 58, Gylyngham 56, Burton 17, the Free tithing 29, Mylton upon Stower 15.
Redlane hundred : Tithings of Stower Estover 24, Stower Westover 16, Fyfehed 17, Stower Pervys 42 (1 alien), Keynton 34, Weston Buckeron 24, Thornton 2, Manston (Chr. Lyot, esq.) 19, Chyldeokeford 32, Sutton Walron 14, Sylton (Wm. Wylughby, esq.) 24, Hamford 4, Ewerne Courteney 27.
Browneshull hundred : Tithings of Stalbryge 41, Thornehill 11, Weston 16, Woderew 10, Candell Hadden 25, Candell Wake 6, Stoke 8.
Pp. 48, forming part (ff. 57 to 81) of a bound volume of musters of an earlier year.
R. O. 4. "The certificate of John Rogers, knight, and Harry Assheley, esquire, commissioners for the musters among other appointed and allotted to divers hundreds and boroughs in the county of Dorsett, the xxxiiijth year of King Henry the VIIIth."
[Giving, by tithings, lists of men, followed in successive columns by notes of the armour, weapons and horses (if any) which they have ready, and in the margin prefixed to many of the names the letters "a a" or "a b" (for "able archer" or "able billman").]
Contents :"The hundred of Cranebourne with the members," Tithings of Bagbeare 7 names, Parley 9, Fyffehed 22, Hampreston 29, Russheton 16, [Pen]terrigge (? mutilated) 9, Petursham 8, Okeford and Kayseworth 43, Aisshemer 12, Edmundesham 12, Wychampton (Edw. Twynew, esq.) 31, Gundevyle 13, Turneworth (Wm. Bamfyld, gent.) 17, Wymbourne All Halowez 4, Farneham 13, Alderholt 16, Hollwell 8, [Cra]nebourne 24, borough of Cranebourne 15, tithing of the late priory there 10, Upwymbourne 12, Bouerigge 19, Terrauntmonkton 19, Chettell 10.
Badburye hundred with Kyngston liberty : Cowgrove 21, Abstrete 22, Hynton Mertell 38, Dudlyngton 11, Barnerdesley 19, Morekyrchell (Harry Vudale, esq.) 13, Thornhyll (John Lovell, gent.) 14, Horton (Thos. Darbye, gent., John Daccombe, gent., Rog. Arney, gent.) 25, Gussage 15, Lye 35, Stone 37, Burgage 24, Preston 19, Lytyll Hynton 8, Wymbourne ((blank) Hanan, gent.) 71.
Hundred of Upwymbourne Seynt Gylis : Tithing of Upwymbourne Seynt Gylis (Hen. Assheley, esq., Thos. Chasy, gent., Ric. Clavyll, gent.) 30, Wodeyates 1,
Knolton hundred : Wodelond 9, Gussage Regis 25, Folpiston 3, Boresven 13, Longkyrchell 23, Knoll 2, Upwymbourne 1.
Sixpenhanley hundred : Hanley 30, Fountmell 50, Ewrn Minster and Estorchett 38, Comton Abbas and Westmelberye 50.
Pymperne hundred : Pymperne 28, Knyzton 19, Tarraunt Gundvyle 7, Hasylbeare 33, K[ey]nston 12, Fyvehed 7, Hammone 7, . . . . . . . (mutilated) 13, Teranthynton 7, Sticklane 12, Stourpayne 15, Launston 10, Langton 12, Durweston 10, Aisshe (Thos. Coker, gent.) 3, Bryanston (John Rogers, knight) 5, Quarleston 1, Antyocheton (Geo. Lovell, gent.) 1, borough of Blanford 96 (including a Dutchman and a Frenchman), tithing of Blanford within Pymperne hundred 13, Stypleton (John Daccombe, esq.) 2.
Liberty of Shapwyke within the hundred of Badburye (Thos. Husee, esq.) 30. Signed : John Rogers : Henry Assheley.
Parchment roll of 8 membranes, written on both sides. Injured by damp.
R. O. M. 2. Gloucestershire.
"Com. Glouc.How the justices of the peace within the said county divided themselves into sundry hundreds of the same county for the execution of the King's Highness commission for musters to them directed," 1 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII., viz. :
Hundreds of Seven hundreds of Cirencester, Cleve, Cheltenham, Slaughter : Commissioners, Sir Ant. Kyngeston, Sir Edm. Tame, Sir Ant. Hungerford, Sir Ric. Lygon, Ant. Straunge, Thos. Davys. Berkeley, Bisley, Whytston : John Guyez, Robt. Wye, John Trye, John Huntley, Jas. Clyfford, Thos. Lane. Cromboldes Asshe, Thornebury, Pukkylchurch, Henbury, Barton juxta Bristoll : Sir Walter Dennys, Davy Broke, John Poyntz, Nic. Wykes, John Berlowe, Hugh Dennys. Wesbury, Botlowe, Seynt Brevelles, Bleddeslowe, Duchy of Lancaster : Thos. Whytyngton, Geo. Beyneham, John Arnold, Arth. Porter, Ric. Brayne, Thos. Havard. Kyftesgate, Tewkysbury, Derehurst, Westminster, Tybalston : Sir John Bridgez, Sir John Huddelston, Ric. Reede, Roland Moreton, Ric. Cotton, Geo. Throkmerton.
The certificate of John Gyes and the others (except Clyfford), commissioners allotted to the hundreds of Berkeley, Bisley, and Whitston, "as hereafter followeth in this book of paper and roll of parchment thereto filed."
[Giving by townships, &c., lists of names about half of which are preceded by letters "ar" or "b," and most of them followed by names of weapons or harness. Totals of archers, billmen, horses, and harness given after each township.]
Contents :Whytston hundred : Leonard Stanley 90 names, Frocetur 73, Kynges Stanley 82, Sall 66, Oxlynch 85, Harsfelde 70, Whitnestur 41, Longney 70, Stonehouse 84, Hardwyck 52, Moreton Valence 34, Quaddesley 28, Estyngton 40, Alkerton 24, Frampton super Sabrinam 85.
Bisley hundred : Bysley 102, Netherlyppyate 64 (of which 16 are more or less lost by mutilation), Stenebrydge 31 (of which 12 are partly lost), Saperton 27, Egworth 22, Tonley 5 (partly lost), Pagenhull 24, Myserden 26, Thrugham 24 (11 are partly lost), Mansell Frampton 17, Wynston 15, Overlyppyatt 76 (8 partly lost), Payneswycke 52 (5 partly lost), Strode End 21, Spondbedd 27, Schippyscombe 52. Signed : John Gyes : Robert Wye : John Huntley : John Trye : Jamys Clifforde : [Thoma]s Lane.
Long paper, pp. 40.
R. O. 2. Certificate (headed in the same way as 4) of musters in the hundred of Berkeley, Glouc., made before John Gyes, Jas. Clyfforde, John Huntley, [Robert Wye, John Trye, and Thos. Lane] (fn. 8) at Dursley, 22 Sept. and Barkeley 23 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII.
Contents :Borough of Barkeley 76 names; tithing of Brodstone 13, Hamsfolowe and Hyntonssyde (Thos. Thorpe, gent., Thos. Buttler, gent.) 32, village of Stone ( (blank) Sargeant, gent.) 27, tithing of Hame 67 (note at the end that the "tithing of the Mershe" hath two pairs of harness, for archer and billman, and two horses), Hynton 51, Hull 51, Nybley (Robt. Thomas, gent.) 74, Almesbyrye 26, Kynges Weston 21, Fylton of the Hay 14, Horfyld 16, Vley (Giles Bassett, gent.) 36, Wolpen 6, Camme 90, Cowley (John Goodryge, gent.) 57, Elbertton (John Campneys, gent.) 23, Dursley 67, Wodmyncote 50, Newton Bagpathe and Wosylworthe 15, town of Wutton under Edge 88, tithing of Synvell 27. Signed here by the Commissioners.
Symmynsale and Come 19, Worttley 21, Kyngyscote 25, parish of Slymbrydge 95, Stynchcomme 30, tithing of Awckynton 79, parish of Nymsfyld 27, tithing of Lyggyns Cromwell 35, Abbottes Cromwell 22, Arlyngamme (Walter Yeate, esq.) 78, Asshellworthe 57, Beverstone 26.
Parchment roll of 10 membranes, of which 7 are written on both sides.
R. O. 3. "The muster taken by virtue of the King's commission the xiiijo, xvo, xvjo, xvijo and xviijo days of September ano R. Henrici viijv xxxiiijo of all the able men for the King's wars," with arms, &c., taken within the hundreds of Barton, Henbury and Thornebury, Glouc., before Sir Nic. Poyntz and John Poyntz.
[Giving, by tithings, &c., list of names, mostly followed by notes of armour and weapons, and with letters in the margin opposite each, to indicate whether they are able archers or billmen or not able.]
Contents : Hundred of Barton by Brystow : Tithing of Clyfton 20 names, Mangottysfyld (Morys Barkley, esq.) 52, Stapleton 32, Barton (John Yong, gent.) 68.
Hundred of Henbury in Saltmarche : Tithing of Henbury (?) 18, Westbury (household servants of Mr. Denys) 33, Yeate 38, Northwyke and Redwyke 23, Charelton 16, Schyrehampton 30, Stoke Byshop 21, Stowyll 36, Henbury 12, Compton 20, Auste 19, Stoke Gyffordes 22, Ychynton 12.
Hundred of Thornebury : Town of Thornebury 71, tithing of Acton and Lateridge (Nic. Poyntz, knight, with 10 archers, 10 demilances and 80 footmen) 30, Raungerworth 20, Tedryngtown 18, Kengton 18, Gauntes Yrcote 5, Marchefyld 91, Morton 15, Falefyld 14, Oldebury (George Huntley, esq.) 42. Signed : N. Poyntz : John Poyntz.
Parchment roll of 11 membranes, written on one side only.
R. O. 4. "The certificate of the names and surnames of men of arms and men armed meet for war, as well archers as of other horsemen and footmen above th' age of xvj years within all and singular towns, boroughs, sokes, hamlets, parishes and places, as well within liberties as without, within the hundreds of Kyftesgate and Tybaston, in the county of Glouc., arrayed, viewed and tried and caused to be armed, also warned to have armour and weapons according to their degrees after the form and effect of the statutes and ordinances thereof made and provided," before Sir John Brigges and Ric. Coton at Wynchecombe 25 and 26 Sept. and at Cheltenham 30 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII., by virtue of the commission to them and others directed, and of "the diversities of armour with which every of them is armed," so that they "from thenceforth may be prompt and ready to serve our said sovereign lord as often and when need should be," constables and tithingmen being sworn to make true presentment and "every able archer totted with this letter 'a' in the mergent and the bill men with 'b.'"
[Giving, by townships, &c., lists of names, most of which have letters "a" or "b" prefixed and are followed by notes of armour and weapons. Totals of men, horses, &c., at the end.]
Contents :Kyftesgate hundred : Wynchecombe 92 names, Alderton 4, Charyngworth 6, Bachesore 17, Aston-under-Egge 8, Aston Summerfyld 10, Lyttle Wormyngton 7, Potteslyp (Edm. Bradway, gent.) 6, Langeborough 28, Sudeley 17, Chorleton Abbottes 11, Fourde 9, Pebworth and Marston 24, Campden (Ant. Porter, gent.) 52, Brodecampden 9, Westyngton 8, Buckland 34, Twynnyng (Roland Moreton, esq.) 52, Coundicote 6, Snowshill 13, Dorsyngton 10, Overswell 8, Farmecote 5, Chyldyswikewan 43, Admyngton 12, Templeguityng 28, Westonunder-Egge 15, Naunton 10, Fraunton 2, Cawhonyburne 20, Quynton 17, Weston-upon-Aven 6, Senbury 18, Ebarton and Hydcote 13, Hawlyng 17, Dydbroke 19, Grete 8, Gretton 15, Stauntun 20, Haylys (Ric. Androys, gent.) 7, Dombleton 19, Mycleton 16, Netherguytyng 15, Stanley Pountlarge 12, Toddyngton (Hen. Tracy, esq.) 21, Wyllarsey 11, Longmerston 16. Signed : John Bryggys : Rychard Coton.
Total archers 187, billmen 323, harnesses for archers 41, for billmen 174, horses 60, other harness, viz., saletts 43 and splints 26.
Tybaston hundred :Hynton (Geo. Daston, gent.) 25, Aston-under-Bredon Hyll 20, Beckford 26, Grafton 15. Signed : John Bryggys; Rychard Coton.
Total archers 29, billmen 28, harnesses for archers 3, for billmen 12, horses 2, other harness, viz., saletts 12 and splints 7.
Long paper, pp. 32.
R. O. 5. Certificate of musters in the hundreds of Gromboldisasche and Pokylchurche.
[Instead of marginal letters, the names of the able archers and billmen are repeated at the end of each list.]
Contents :Hundred of Gromboldisasche : Tithings, &c., of Olveston, 20 names in the harness list and 9 of able men, Tortworthe (Thos. Throgmorton, esq.) 31 and 30, Olde Sodbury 24 and 12, Horton 24 and 14, Sodbury borough 19 and 18, Little Sodbury tithing 10 and 3, Charfeld 0 and 12, Frampton 0 and 5, Boxwell and Leythorton 1 and 7, Lytill Badmyngton 10 and 5, Lytylton-upon-Severne 0 and 5, Hawkysbury 9 and 19, Wapeley and Codryngton (John Soper) 5 and 7, Kylcott 15 and 12, Dydmerton and Oldebury 0 (harness only), Hambrok 0 and 6, Upton 0 and 4, Alveston 1 and 2, Wynterborne 3 and 13, Acton Ager (?) 9 and 0, Wykewarre 1 and 17, Hempton and Padchewaye 0 and 9, Tormerton, Acton Turvyld and Litilton (Sir Edw. Wadham) 1 and 11, Over 0 and 4, Rochampton 0 and 9, Bitton 1 and 13, Dereham (Sir Walter Denys) 1 and 3, Dynton 0 and 5, Tokyngton 5 and 18, Dodyngton (Nic. Wykes, esq.) 1 and 9, Great Badmyngton 6 and 4, Alderley (John Poyntes, esq.) 3 and 4.
Hundred of Pokylchurche : Tithings of Puckulcheirche (Hugh Denys, esq., Wm. Trye) 3 and 11, Syston 0 and 3, Coldaston 0 and 2, Wyke 0 and 13, Westurley 0 and 39. Signed by Sir Walter Denys, Davyd Broke, John Poyntz, Nic. Wykes, John Barlow, and Hugh Denys, commissioners.
Parchment roll of 6 membranes, written on one side only.
R. O. 6. Names and dwelling places of all persons appointed to have harness and other weapons ready, and also of all able archers and billmen within every tithing, township and borough in the hundreds of Sente Brevelles and Bledystowe (sic) mustered viewed and tried by George Baynam and Ric. Brayn, two of the commissioners assigned by the King, allotted by division to the said hundreds.
[Giving under townships, &c., the names of the men, and some women, with the harness they have (e.g. "horse harness for two men," "bill and a body harness." "bill and splints," "bow and sheaf of arrows") and in the margin the words "byll" or "ar," opposite the names of able billmen and archers. No numbers given.]
Hundred of St. Brevelles : Townships of Mycheldeane 52 names, Habynhall 30, the Lee 17, Ruarden 36, Lytledeane (Ric. Brayn, esq., with harness for himself and 2 archers on horseback and 2 billmen afoot) 46; town of Newnam (John Sparke, mayor) 27; township of Norwod 15; parish of Flaxley 12; township of Saynt Brevels 39, "Clowrwalles Bem" (fn. 9) (Geo. Bayghnam, esq., with harness for 4 archers on horseback and 6 billmen afoot) 52, Englysbyknar 40, Coullvord 59, Stawnton 34, Bryme 19, Churchyn Bem 42, Brokewere 11.
ii. Hundred of Blydislowe : Tithings of Awer 31, Agrelow 9, Blydslow 5; hamlet of Blakeney 18; tithings of Etlowe 15, Pyrton 21, Aylberton 39; township of Lydney 65; tithing of Nasse 8, township of Huelfelde (Wm. Warren, gentleman) 12.
iii. Similar musters for the hundreds of Botlowe and Westbury and the duchery of Lancaster, taken by Thos. Whyttyngton, John Arnold and Arthur Porter, commissioners.
[Giving the names of persons with harness as in the preceding, followed by lists of the names, repeated, of the archers and billmen.]
Botlowe hundred : Township of Dymock, viz., Ryland 34, Woodende (Wm. Brugges, gent.) 37, Ledingeton 37; township of Newente 76; hamlets of Kempley 31, Malleswyke 26; tithings of Oxenhall 27, Kylcote 10, Cugley 15, Compton 22, Bullesdon (Arth. Porter, esq., with harness for himself and 2 archers a horseback) 17; hamlet of Bromesborowe 29, Pauntley (Thos. Whittyngeton, esq., with harness for himself and 6 archers a horseback and 4 billmen, John Brugges, gent.) 35, Upleden (John Arnold, esq., himself and 2 archers a horseback and 2 billmen) 30; tithing of Rudford 10; hamlet of Taynton Magna 22; tithing of Teynton Parva 11.
iv. Westbury hundred : Hamlet of Westbury 8; tithings of Overley 14, Netherley 28, Ruddylle 21, borough of Bleisdon 26, tithing of Churcham 32.
v. Duchery of Lancaster : Hamlet of Huntley 31; townships of Longe Hope 45, Mynstreworthe 70; tithing of Bulley 9; hamlet of Tybreton 30; tithings of Elton 25, Adsette 41, Rodley (Wm. Bowleys, gent.) 84.
Parchment roll of 28 membranes, written on one side only. Divided into five sections as above, each section signed : Thomas Whityngton : George Beynam : John Arnold : Arthure Porter : Richard Brayne.

R. O.
M. 3. Herefordshire,
A list of the hundreds in Herefordshire, followed by a statement headed, "The devysyon," showing the allotment of commissioners to them, viz. :Stretford and Wigmore : Sir Edw. Croft, Thos. Havard. Huntyngton and Grymsworthe : Sir Jas. Baskervyle, Jas. Vaughan. Radlowe, Greytre and Wormelowe : John Scudamore, Stephen ap Harry and Ric. Warmecombe. Ewiaslacy and Webtre : Sir Ric. Vaughan, Miles ap Harry, Thos. Baskervyle. Broxashe and Wolfey : Ric. Palmer, Ric. Warmecombe, Ric. Wynforde.
i. Certificate, to the King and Council, of Sir Edw. Croft and Thos. Havard, commissioners allotted to the hundreds of Stretford and Wygmore, by virtue of the King's commission to them and others, that they have viewed and mustered all his loving subjects within these limits with their "harness, artillery and other habiliments of war," and commanded such as had not harness and habiliments as required by law to provide themselves with all celerity, and commanding all "from thenceforth from time to time" to be ready to serve in the King's wars. Signed.
[Giving by boroughs and townships lists of names, each prefixed with the letter "a" for archer or "b" for billman, followed by statements of the "abilamentes of warre" (or "artillery" if there are only weapons), viz., the numbers of harness, horses, saletts and splints besides the harness, glayves, bows, sheaves of arrows, swords and daggers; and totals for the whole hundred under each of these heads.]
Contents :Stretford hundred : Borough of Pembruge (Robt. Lochard, gent., Wm. Brace, gent.) 39; parish of Kyngeslande 23; lordship of Leonhales 33; borough of Webley 36; townships of Almaly and Upcot 32, Dylwyn 19, Hynton and Twyforde and Burton 16, Bery, Weston and Broxwodde 13, Shobdon (Jas. Croft, esq., demilance) 37, Kyngespewen 17. Staunton and Stockelowe 14, Kynarsley 20, Marston, Noke and Leue 13, Monkelane 12, Ereslonde 19, Letton 5, Morcotte 7, Stretforde and Byrley 13. Totals of able men (360), etc.
Wigmore hundred, late a member of the dominion of Wales and by act of Parliament united to Hereford county : Borough of Wygmor (Thos. Croft, gent.) 35; Aylmystre 12, Brompton Bryan, Borisforde and Bucton (John Harley, esq., demy lance) 22, Herton 8, Tytley 14, Lynebroke 3, Nashe 4, Lynghen 16, Byton 8, Yetton 12, Donton 10, Leynt 11, Frowyke 6, Cassop 9, Wylley 9, Come Villa 6, Waples Evys 4, Walforde 8, Stepulton 7, Over Kyngsham and Nether Kyngsham 16, Moldeley 7, Knyll 6, Brompton 6, Marlowe 2, Shurley 2, Nether Lye 7, Cotsole 4, "the township of " (blank) 11, Aston Boryngton 7, Lentwarden 14, Atforton Staner and Speton 7, Lentall Irons 9, Kynton 7, Letton and Newton 3, Aston 5, Stepulton and Wytton 3. Totals of able men (337), etc.
ii. (f. 20.) Like certificate by Sir Jas. Baskervyle and Jas. Vaughan.
Contents :Grymsworthe hundred : Wellyngton (Wm. Harpar, esq.) 29, Canon Peown (John Monyngton, gent.) 26, Morton 5, Norton 10, Toppisley and Byfford and Hampton 38, Credenshill 7, Staunton and Letton 12, Shelwycke (John Monyngton, gent.) 20, Tylynton 5, Brobry and Wornesley 5, Upton, Yasor and Monyngton 12, Brugge Solers and Bysshbston 15, Mawncyllacy 14, Stretton and Suggwas 10, Burhyll and Burletton 12, Nether Lyde 19, Breynton 8, Brymshop (Thos. Dansy, gent.) 13, Mawnsyll Gamage and Were 3. Totals of able men (263), etc.
Hunttyngton hundred : Lordship of Clyfford (Jas. Whytney, gent., Robt. Vaughan, gent.) 86; Wyllersley (Thos. Havard, gent.) 5, Erdysley 39, Whytney 18, Wynfreton 17, Kynton 14, Hengoyd 4, Hergest and Oulde Kynton 13, Russhoke and Chyckeford 14, Huntyngton 23. Totals of able men (232), etc.
iii. (f. 34.) Certificates of the names of the able men of Wormelowe hundred mustered at Harrwoodes Grene 15 Sept., Radlowe hundred mustered at Ledbury 19 Sept. and Greytre hundred mustered at Rosse 20 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII., before John Scudamore, Ric, Warmecombe and Stephen Aparry.
[Giving billmen and archers in separate lists and the names of the individual (or joint) owners of the "harnes and other abylymentes," under townships as before, ending with a list of townships appointed to find harness specified for 24 "shire archers" named. Total numbers not given.]
Contents :Llangaran 22 names of able archers and billmen and 17 (mostly the able men repeated) who have harness, Balyngeham (Wm. Scudamore, gent.) 4 and 9, Litle Dewchurch and Bolston 5 and 6, Orcoppe 19 and 0, Much Dewchurch 31 and 15, Henthllan (John Gll'm, esq., Walter Gll'm, gent.) 18 and 12, Byrches 8 and 7, Dewyswall and Llandinabo 4 and 2, Seyntwaynardes 15 and 6, Welsshnueton and Llanrothall (Ric. Harbarte, esq.) 16 and 3, Garwey 14 and 4, Kylpeck 14 and 4, Lytle Wylton 5 and 9, Bayseham and Foye 15 and 5, Wylton 12 and 7, Kynges Caple 11 and 5, Petourstow 6 and 4, Llanwarn 3 and 6, Michellchurch and Pencoyd 9 and 4, Goodrich (Thos. Apowell, esq.) 36 and 38. Names of townships appointed to find horses and harness for 24 shire archers, named. Signed : John Scudamore : Stephen Ap Harry : Richard Warmecombe.
Radlowe hundred : Ledbury 18 and 25, Ledburye Foreyn 30 and 52, Estnour (Thos. Clynton, esq.) 14 and 12, Collewall 30 and 40, Donyngton 7 and 6, Canon Frome 5 and 9, Castell Frome 11 and 19, Evysbache, Ledon and Litle South Hyde (Ric. Morton, gent.) 4 and 10, Busshoppes Frome and Egletton (John Fyzours, gent.) 6 and 20, Parke and Pyxley 10 and 6, Ayvton 4 and 7, Monesley (Rog. Chabnour, gent.) 8 and 9, Litle Marcle 10 and 8, Stoke and Westhyde (John Lyngen, esq., Ric. Monyngton, gent.) 20 and 19, Asporton 18 and 0, Stretton 14 and 0, Yarkehyll and Weston 13 and 18, Morton Geffrey (Thos. Wykes, gent.) 5 and 3, Tadyngton (John Bromwhich, gent.) 18 and 21, Luggewardyn (Nic. Wallwen, gent.) 14 and 14, Bosebury 22 and 23, Upledon (Ant. Wesbourne or Weshbourne, gent.) 24 and 25, Cradley 45 and 40. Names of townships appointed to harness 24 shire archers named. Signed by Scudamore, Ap Harry and Warmecombe.
Greytre hundred : Mordyford (Rog. Hereford, gent.) 27 and 27, Fownhope (Thos. Bromwhich, gent.) 26 and 40, Bartwastre and Dormynton 13 and 22, Solers Hope 9 and 6, Wollhope 29 and 50, Rosse Foren 12 and 9, Rosse Borough 45 and 40, Walford (Walt. Motton, gent.) 18 and 23, Busshoppes Upton (Chr. Grey, gent.) 27 and 30, Eton Treygos (John Abrehale, gent.) 15 and 9, Aston Ingen 13 and 15, Howe Caple (Wm. Caple, esq.) 7 and 7, Brompton 7 and 13, Much Marcle 48 and 37, Lynton and the Lee 13 and 16, Woston 8 and 16, Putley 7 and 5, Hope Manysell 4 and 0, Fawley 2 and 2. Names of townships appointed to harness 24 shire archers named. Signed by Scudamore, Ap Harry and Warmecombe.
iv. (f. 73.) Certificate (in the same form as i) by Sir Ric. Vaughan, Miles ap Harry and Thos. Baskervyle. Signed.
Contents :Webtre hundred : Bolyngshope 8, Nethe Bolyngshope 11, Kleonger 14, Mokas 12, Turneston 6, Poston (George Ap Harry, gent., demy lance) 6, Wowchurche 7, Webton 4, Woormebryge 16, Kenchurche 6, Bacton 17, Bredwardyn 36, Preston and Plowffeld 6, Doro 7, Doore is Wale 9, Dydley and Grafton 8, Cobwall and Mawlffyld 5, Coblyngton 5, Canon Brygge 4, Belyner, Chilston and Webton 3, Eton 9, Lullham and Canonbryge 4, Peturchurche Wylbroke 7, Hynton, Madley and Dorston 19, Tyberton and Monyngton 20, Homlacy 11, Dyndor, Alensmore 17, Dewles, Kyngston, Howton (Thos. Amorgan, gent.) 3. Totals of able men (314), &c.
Ewiaslacy hundred : Craswall 35, Llanveyno 35, Newton 28, Llan Angell Escly 52, Raulston and Llansillo 27, Walterston, Trewyn and Swythoke 34, Cusope 42, Longtowne 64. Totals of able men (286), &c.
v. (f. 88.) Similar certificate by Ric. Palmer, Ric. Warmecombe, and Ric. Wynford.
Contents :Wolfey hundred : Hampton Mapmore and Hampton Richard 4, Lytyll Hereford (Nic. Fytton, esq.) 33, Sarneshill (Thos. Monyngton, esq.) 39, Chorlstre and Staggesbache 27, Hope, Wynsley, Hyd, Hyll and Wyntercott (Wm. Berynton, gent.) 48, Newton, Brodfyld, Ryffyn and Warton 23, Yarpolle 20, Berchore 14, Hatfyld and Edvyn 20, Medylton 35, Pencombe 13, Homber and Rysbury 14, Rocheford and Croft (Ric. Croft, esq.) 18, Oreleton 35, Laystres and Whyle 10, Asheton and Morton (George Cornewell, esq.) 27, Dockelowe, Westewood and Brokemounton 21, Eton 30, Upton and Playstres 11, Stokelowe 30, Ricardes Castell and Ludford 38, Kymalton, Stocketon and Bache 38, Eyton. (Thos. Hacluytt, esq.) 7, Bryerley and Bradford 9, Lufton 20, Eventon (Simon Hyett, gent, John a Brygges, gent.) 15, Brymfyld 31, Lucton (John Wygmour, gent.) 18, Solers Dyllewyn 38. The borough of Lemster : Yetman strette 48, Southestrete warde 18, High strete betwene the Crosses 25, Hye Strete warde 45, Medyll Mershe warde 35, The Nether Mershe warde 29, Westrete warde 21, The Cornemarkett warde 23, The Burgestrete warde (Robt. Phelips, gent.) 19, The Churche Strete warde 10. Totals of able men (957), &c. Signed : Richard Palmer, per Warmecombe (in Warmecombe's hand) : Richard Warmecombe : Richard Wynford.
Broxasse hundred : Borough of Bromyord 35, Ocle Lere 2, Wethyngton, Nonyngton, Preston and Bothe Dyngylles 26, Stokelacy 16, Brokehampton 1, Bodenham cum hamlettes 51, Testarn Delamere and Testarn Wafur 16, Avenbury and Kynges Stanford 18, Norton Halywater and Bushops Stanford 18, Felton 16, Muche Cowarne 64, Mawreden and Amburley (John Lyngen, esq.) 68, Sutton 35, Grendon Waren, Marsheton and Grendon Episcopi (John Blount, esq.) 16, Bredynbery and Wacketon 10, Thornebury, Rowdon, Colyngton, Stockeblysse and Hampton 37, Wolferlowe, Sapy, Pery and Hyde 43, Stanford Episcopi and Norton 16, Whitborne 17, Pychardes Ocle 34, Ullyngewyck and Lytyll Cowarne 29, Wynslowe and Lynton Halywater (Rog. Hardwyck, gent.) 24 Totals of able men (591), &c. Signed by Wynford, Palmer (by Warmecombe) and Warmecombe.
vi. (f. 110.) Similar certificate by Sir Jas. Baskervyle, Ric. Warmecombe and Thos. Havard, commissioners for the city of Hereford.
Contents :Wybrugge warde within the Yat and without the Yat 65, Puston, Hynton and Newton townships 4, Wydmershe warde within the Yat and without the Yat 23, Bystrete warde 60, Eyne warde 49, Seynt Towens warde 35. Totals of able men (230), &c.
vii. (f. 115.) List headed "The commissioners," showing the numbers of men and harness to be provided by each, viz., the bp. of Hereford, "six demi lances, xxiiij pair of harness and xxiiij men," Sir Edw. Crofte, "horse and harness for himself, xxiiij pair of harness and xxiiij household servants and baileys of his lands;" and so on, with Sir Jas. Baskervyle, John Scudamour, Jas. Vaughan, Jas. Baskervyle, Roger Bodenham, Myle ap Harry, Wm. Hull, clk., Ric. Wallewen, Ric. Palmer, Ric. Warmecombe, Thos. Havard, John Glm., Ric. Wynford and Sir Ric. Vaughan, sheriff.
A bound volume of 120 folios, of which some are blank.

R. O.
M. 4. Lincolnshire.
Musters for the wapentakes of Louth Esk and Ludborough.
"The certificate of Sir William Skipwithe, knight, and John Hennege, esquire, commissioners concerning the musters for the wapentakes of Lowthe Eske and Ludeburgh, whereunto they were allotted; as well of the number and names of all such persons as be charged with white harness to serve the King's Grace as also the names of all the persons of every township within the said wapentakes as be able to serve the King according to the tenor of the said commission."
[Giving, under townships, first the names of gentlemen and others who provide harness, and then a list of names to each of which is prefixed a letter "a," "b," "aa," or "bb." Totals given at the end of "Alman revyttz, cottez off plaitte ande grekendyns," of able men, of archers of the best sort, archers of the meaner sort, billmen of the best sort, and billmen of the meaner sort.]
Contents :Lowtheske wapentake : Yarburge (John Wallay, gent.) 7 names, viz., 1 who provides harness and 6 able men, Awthorpe 4 and 10, Ruckelande 5 and 0, Burwell 3 and 14, Halynton 0 and 5, Haughame 0 and 6, Taythwell (Thos. Billesbie, gent., Barnard Mesendyn, gent.) 2 and 16, Mucton 0 and 8, Northe Reston 0 and 6, Calestrope 0 and 4, Raythbie-cum-Maltbie (John Etton, gent., Wm. Manbie, gent.) 2 and 10, Sowthelkyngton and Northelkyngton 0 and 12, Withcall 0 and 8, Kelstron (Chas. Yarburghe) 1 and 10, Great Carlton (Chr. Meyrs, gent.) 1 and 10, Gayton off the Wolde 1 and 6, Est Wyckam 1 and 4, Welton 0 and 10, Stuton 0 and 6, Carlton Parva 1 and 4, Conesholme 0 and 10, Cokeryngton Mare 4 and 12, Kenyngton 2 and 12, Alvynegame 0 and 22, Garnethorpe 11 and 27, Manbie 0 and 12, Grymolbie (Wm. Somercotz, gent.) 1 and 19, Sowthe Somercottz (Wm. Skupholme, gent.) 6 and 24, Northe Somercottz 6 and 31, Skydebroke and Saltffleithaven (John Phitzwilliam, gent.) 7 and 24, Saltefletbie (Bryan Newcome, gent., Robt. Burghe, gent., Thos. Craythorne, gent.) 9 and 34, town of Lowthe (Robt. Doughton, gent., (blank) Marlingz, gent., John Chapman, gent.) 60 and 139.
Sir Wm. Skipwithe charged with horse and harness for himself and 12 household servants.
Ludeburge wapentake : Utterbie (John Skipwithe, gent., John Awncewyne, gent.) 3 and 14, Foderbie 0 and 7, Nune Ormesbie (Arthur Ormesbie, gent.) 1 and 14, Wargholme 0 and 14, Conehame and Calthrope 0 and 23, Ludeburghe-cum-Whiame 1 and 14, Litill Grymesbie 1 and 0.
Totals of harness and men (634). Signed, Will'm Skipwith. Pp. 13.
R. O. M. 5. Northamptonshire.
[Musters in Northamptonshire.]
The heading, which is very mutilated, ends with the words, "and sene by Syr ... esquier and Will'm ... the same wyth in ... xijth daye off the [month of] ... yere of the rayne of [our most dread sovereign lord Henry] the viijth by the g[race of God of England France and] Ierlond kyng, defend[er of the Faith, and supreme head of the Church] off Englond and Ire[land]."
[Giving, by townships, first the name of the constable and then the names of the archers and billmen, followed by the names of those who have horse or harness.]
Contents : [King's Sutton hundred] (fn. 10) :Sursame, Whytfylld, Over Rodston and Nether Rodston 15 names (mutilated), [next page containing the names for at least one place entirely lost], Hover [Rodston] 6 names. Warkeworth, Overthroppe, Nether Cotte, Huscott, Chacom and Grymsbery, 1 shire archer named, viz. :Warkeworthe (Mr. Larrens Whodull) 11 names, [Nethercotte and Grymsbery] 16, Chacumbe 13 able men and 10 (or more) finding harness. Wapnam, Helamdon and Fawcoktt, 1 shire archer named :Whapnam 9 names of able men and 6 (and more) finding harness, Helamden 11 and 5, Fawkotte 5 and 0. Newbotell, Charlletton and Purston (Mr. Crosswell) 8 and 4. Fen[defo]rde and Larrense Marston 11 and 9 (and more), Lawrence Marston 11 and 2. Kyngsutton 40 and 14. Hynton 15 and 0. Myddelton Cheny 22 (and more) and 7. Farnynggo 10 and 7 (and more). Anoo and Crotune (Mr. Hanskape, Mr. Bowton) 15 and 9, Crowton (Mr. Wacklyn) 6 and 1. Culworthe and Thrope Monfyld (Mr. Davers) 11 and 17. Stene (Mr. Barker) 5 and 1. Brackley 22 and 1. Halsse and Ho[ld] Brackly (Geo. Yorke, gent.) 9 and 1. Evenly (Mr. Waynman, Mr. Thos. Stutbery) 8 and 5. Hawlsse 5 and 3. Thrope Mownndvyll (Mr. Gyfford) 5 and 4.
Chepyng Wardon hundred :Chepyng Wardon and Eggotte 19 and 13, Edgecott 12 and 7. Byffelld and Trafford 17 and 15. Solgrave and Grytworthe (Mr. Stwstebury, Mr. Arden) 20 (?) and 15, Gryttworth 10 and 1. Woodforrd, Edon and Hynton 14 and 7, Edon 10 and 7 (inverted order), Hynton 10 and 0. Bodyngton, Asshdon in the Walls and Appultre 15 and 8 (?), Aston in the Walls (Mr. Butler) 11 and 9.
[Greens Norton hundred :Weston] 14 (or more) and 12 (?), [Wedon] (entirely lost), [Pl]umton 9 and 5. [Bradden], (Mr. Mathe[w]) 4 and 10. Slapton (Mr. Nic. Lovett) 6 and 9. [Moreton], 8 (and more) and 9, [Aschebe] (Mr. Cope) 5 and 5. Blaxley and Woodend (Mr. Thos, Foxlee) 12 and 2 (and more), [Woodend]e 6 and 14. [Maydford] 9 and 7. Haydson 3 (and more, mostly lost). [Sylweston] 12 and 5. [Norton Dawy] 10 (and more, half lost) and 8 (or more). Wytylbere 6 (and more) and 17.
[Towcester hundred :A muster showing names of men of at least seven places, the first of them being a large town with over 70 archers and billmen; but the names of the places are all lost by mutilation. It appears by comparison with another muster certificate in R. O. that the hundred is Towcester and the other places of which names of inhabitants appear are Tyffyld, Grymescott, Abthorpe, Caldcott, Gayton (Mr. Tanfyld named) and Patsell.]
Large paper, much mutilated, pp. 49.
R. O. 2. Certificate of Thos. Cave and Wm. Saunders, commissioners appointed for the musters taken within the hundred of Gyllesburgh, Ntht.
[Giving, under the townships, the names (of the able men?) arranged as archers and billmenand where one of these possesses horse or harness the fact is noted. At the end of each township or group of townships is a note of the harnesses the community is "bound to find." No indication of the rank of persons named. No numbers except the total.]
Contents : Nortoft 14 names, Cotton 4, Gyllesburgh 6 and Holwell 3; Thurneby 14, Creton 20, Coldassheby 13, Cottesbrok 41, Wynwyk 14, Westhaddon 27, Navesby 35, Elvertoft 22, Watford 11, Long Bukby 45, Cley Coton 13, Croke 25, Lylborne 15, Stanford (Thos. Cave, esq., with 10 men) 19, Welford ("William Saunders, esquire, appointed by the King's letters to vj bowmen, which be ready") 21.
Total archers 102, billmen 276, harnesses 44, horses 19. Signed by Cave and Saunders.
Parchment, 6 long pages.

R. O.
M. 6. Nottinghamshire.
Muster roll for Bassetlaw hundred.
[Giving, under townships, lists of names, each described as "able in person" or "not able in person," and with the harness and weapons, if any, he possesses noted. In the margin the words "archer" or "bill" opposite names of the "able" men, and at the end of each list the number (1, 2, or 3) "of shire archers for the same town." The name of the constable heads each list.]
Contents : Stretton (George Lascelles, Ant. Thorneye, gentlemen) 61 names, "iij shire archers for Styrton and Fenton jointly," Everton and Scaffworth 44, Northleverton 33, Southleverton (Anthony, gent., (fn. 11) with horse and harness for himself and two archers) 53, Southbeck Wheytley 9, Hayton-cum-Tyln (Thos. More) 25, Clareburgh 58, Westretfford 29, Lytylburgh 23, Heydon-cum-Upton (Geo. Wastenez, esq.) 42, Stockham 13, Estdrayton 29, Ragenell (Robt. Nevyll, esq.) 17, Gammylston-cum-Westdrayton (Edw. Thurlond, esq., John Thurlond) 36, Laxton (Mich. Clerkson) 55, Worsopp 77, Gaytforth 12, Warsopp 57, Carleton in Lyneryk 48, Clypyston 23, Scofton, Clumbur and Budbye 21, Barnebye 10.
Parchment roll of 10 membranes (one very small), docketed Bassetlawe.
R. O. 2. Bingham hundred.
[Giving, under townships, lists of names, mostly with marginal letters "ar." or "b." opposite them, and sometimes with the heading "these be the names of these persons that be able to do the King service betwixt sixty and sixteen," or the like. With notes of any harness any of them can furnish.]
Contents : Outhorpe 14, Adbolton 14, Flyngton 24, Watton 20, Shelforde 17, Cropwell Butler 21, Skreton 18, Cropwell Byschop 20, Kneton 10, Cottgrave (Mr. Rossell) 26, Scaryngton 7, Saxundall 4, Thoroton 8, Hawkysworthe 12, Byngham 37, Orston 18, Thorleston 14, Carcolston 28 (seven of whom are "cotegers"), Langar 35, Hiklyng 11, Kynnalton (John Constable, esq.) 19, Brydfford on the Hill 21, Newton 2, Tethbe 12, Clypston 4, Stanton 6, Granby 25, Aslokton 15, Brokton Soney 16, Elton 11, Ratclyff 23.
Twelve slips of paper, in different handwritings, stitched together, and endorsed : Wappontagio de Byngham.
R. O. 3. Thurgarton hundred.
[Giving, under townships, lists of names with letters "ar." or "b." opposite most of them in the margin and notes of the harness and weapons in possession of any of them.]
Contents : Southe Muskham 12 names, South Carleton (Mr. Wm. Bassett) 10, Marnham (Mr. Thos. Babyngton) 16, Kellam (Mr. John Sutton) 28, Snaynton 11, North Muskham 23, Holme 17, Malbek and Kyrsall 6, Edyngley and Halum 25, Nether Cowyke 6, Sir John Byron "and xx. household servants with him to serve the King's Grace horsed and harnessed" 20 (in Byron's hand and signed by him), Roulst[on] 21, Stathorp 8, Ossyngton 7, Bulcot and Burton (Sir Brian Stapleton with 14 servants) 17, Cawnton 9, Grestorpe 12, Normonton 11, Upton 22, Farnysfeld 19, Cromwell 18, Hornyngham 6, Thurgarton 23, Halton (Laur. Maxer) 8, Wodborowe 11, Hocorton 11, Wynkburn 11, Oxston 22, Caleverton 16, Averham (Sir Hen. Sutton and 6 servants) 29, Bleysby, Gybbesmer and Goyrton 15, Weston 25, Skegbe 8, Morton 12, Kyrlyngton 21, Eperston 13, Lowdam 30, Lamley 14, Northe Carlton 11, Fyscarton 21, Westroppe 27, Gownaston 17, Sutton-upon-Trent (Sir Wm. Mering with 6 servants) 51, Southwell 70, Gedleyng 21, Blythwurthe 10, Knesall 11, Norwell 22, Wyllabe, Wodhouse and Mydylthorp 4.
25 long pages, with parchment cover endorsed : Thurgarton and Lithe.
R. O. 4. Newark town.
[Giving, under the several divisions of the town, lists of the able archers and billmen and "not able men," with notes of any horse or harness they have.]
Contents : Town of Newark (Ant. Forster, baley of Newark, and 8 servants named), Mylnegate 54 names, Balderton Gate cum Cartergate 34, Osmanthorpe 16, Barnby Gatte 27, Kyrkgatte 41, Cottchardes 10, "The payment Dysney of Newarke" 47, (blank) Street 14, Wynthorpp 16, Ferneton within the liberty of Newarke 29. Totals mutilated.
Pp. 13.

R. O.
M. 7. Oxfordshire.
The certificate of Sir Geo. Darcye, Thos. Brydges and Thos. Wenman "of and for taking of the musters" of the hundreds of Chadlyngton and Bampton, Oxon., by virtue of the King's commission to all the justices of the shire directed, unto which two hundreds the said Darcy, Brydges and Wenman were "elected and appointed," 34 Hen. VIII. Signed : G. Darcy : Thomas Brigges : Thomas Waynman.
[Giving, under townships, lists of names bracketed in two groups as archers and billmen, and in another column the "armour" furnished by the township, e.g., "The town an archer on foot furnished." Totals of each township.]
Contents :"The said Sir George Darcy is contented to find x bowmen, fully to be furnished on horseback, and x billmen on foot." Similarly Bridges and Thos. Wenman, each to find three archers and three billmen.
Chadlyngton hundred : More and Moorton (Chr. Arundell, gent.) 12 names, Feild 4, Shipton 6, Mylton 7, Fulbroke and Westhall 7, Swynbroke 6 (including the lady Inglefeld), Chirchill 7, Chastleton and Brokeend 6, Enstone parish (Thos. Gybons, gent.) 10, Cleveley 10, Gagingwell 1, Heythropp 7 (including Mistress Elynour Asshefeld, widow, and Master Humph. Asshefeld), Teynton 7, Mynsterlovell 2, Spellysbury 17, Deane 3 (including Master (blank) Penyston), Ramysden 3, Fyfeld 6, Kyddington 1, Idburye 5, Saresden 2, Chadlington 8, Hooke Norton (John Croker, gent.) 19, Walcot (John Hacker, gent.) 2, Ascot 9, Rolrighte Magna 4, Swarford 6, Pudlycote (Ric. Bekingham, gent.) 1, Chilston 2, Lyneham 4, Over Norton 5, Cornewell 2, Kenkham 8, Salforde 3, Rolrighte Parva 2, Cippyngnorton 34.
Bampton hundred : Wytney parish 70, Bampton Decan 3, Bampton Halymote 20, Bampton Doyly 2, Hadden 2, Lewe 4, Bresingnorton 10, Burforde borough with the parishes 88, Upton and Signett 3, Aulscott 7, Bradwell 14, Canfeld 9, Brighthampton 2, Duckelington 12, Shifford 6, Browghton 2, Brightenden 11, Astall 13, Kentcott 2, Burton 12, Chimney 6, Helforde 5, Fylkyns 3, Stanlake 20, Cockethrup 3, Kelmecot 5, Astoon 15, Westwell (harness only) 0.
A parchment roll of 9 membranes, stitched together at the one end; with ornamental capitals and headings to the membranes.
R. O. 2. Wootton hundred.
[Giving, under townships, lists of names with the letters "a" or "b" opposite them in the margin, and at the end of each list the number of the township harness and the names of persons who have harness.]
Contents :Watereton and Gosforde 12 names, Begbrooke 4, Yardyngton (Ant. Androys) 9, Wolvercote and Goestowe 6, Carsyngton 15, Worton 6 (here "the tenants of the late dissolved abbey of Godstowe and Master Elmys tenants" have harness for one archer), Eynesham 30, Staunton Harecourte 15, Southby (John Redley) 18, Cogges 9, Wylcote 2, Northeley 9, Hamborough 13, Bladon 11, Combe 15, Stonefelde 9, Kyddyngton 3, Glympton, Ludwell and Darneforde (Wm. Lyddiard) 6, Glympton, Wotton, Hordeley, Darneforde and Old Woodstocke 1 harness, Wotton and Hordeley 8, Olde Woodstocke 2, Woodstocke 36 (Ric. Williams, mayor), Hensyngton 2.
8 long pages.

R. O.
M. 8. Shropshire.
The certificate of the muster of our sovereign lord King Henry VIII., taken at Hodnet in the hundred of Bradford, Salop, 16 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII., before Thos. Newport, Wm. Yonge, and Thos. Pygot, "commissioners for the said muster to be taken within the county of Salop," to whom, upon division, the hundred of Bradford is allotted.
[Giving, by townships, lists of names almost all followed by the words an able billmen or bowman, and with a note of his harness and weapons.]
Contents :Shabury 13, Wollerton 15, Shenton 9, Staunton 4, Shorslow 1, Ightfelde 23, Norton 14, Wore, Grenhunger, Doryngton 28, Betton under Lyne 13, Whyxall 8, Kenston 2, Adderley 11, Sponele 10, Paynton 4, Lytle Whytheford 3, Lybrockhurst 12, Weston 14, Hodnet 27, Letle Drayton 5, Terne 1, Hawghton 3, Edgebald 2, Much Arcall 11, Peplowe 14, Prese 41, Hethe 14, Wodlandes 5, Morton Corbett 9, Sandford 7, Letle Bowlas and Mooston 10, Hackston 7, Morton Saye 7, Hatton Heynethe 10, Laken 6, Sulton 1, Coldhatton 4, Blecheley 11, Slepe 6, Rowlton and Elwardyn 13, Marchomley 17, Espley 3, Mystley 2, Sandbroke 5, Keynton 10, Pylson 7, Lygombrye 4, Cheryngton 11, Cheswardyn 15, Goldston 2, Pyxley 2, Muche Aston 6, Wyllaston lannd 5, Berston (Rondill Gravener, esq.) 12, Howle 4, Pyxstock 3, [K]etley 3, Upynton 6, Wellyngton 39, Crug[edon], Slepe and Kynnerley 12, Lylleshull 29, Preston upon Wyldmore 7, Letle Dawle 3, Esumbryge 4, Langford juxta Newport 7, Wodcote Lynden 5, Muxston 14, Tyberton 5, Childes Arcall 7, Newport 68, Cullyshurst 4, Sutton 7, Lonkeslowe 13, Norton 7, Uckynton 10, Hawghton, Newton and le Hurst 3, Walcott 5, Leyghton and Garmeston 15, Downton, Preston de le Were 7, Drayton 72, Kynges Eyton 11, Rusheton 9, Hynstok 14, Rockcetur 14, Lawley 4, Wythyngton 11, Bowlas 11, Meeston 3, Aston under ye Wreken 5, Upton under Hawgmond 15, Eton Constantyn 11, Allerton 8, Muche Whetheford 3, Stoke upon Terne 12, Wystanwicke 4, Berwyck 6, Styrchley 4, Yeton upon Terne 5, Sugdon 4, Dawley 10, Accham 12, Chorleton 7, Besslow 3, Stele 4, Uffynton 7, Edgemond 24, Watersupton 9, Rodynton 8, Admaston 6, Rockwarden 12, Burcote 1, Leton 1, Alscott 5, Longdon upon Terne 7, The Ree 1, Chetwyn 6, Stockton 5, Hopton under the Hyll 3, Lytle Byldos 4, Longford Ternhill 24, Weme 58, Tylley 18, Newton, Lowe and Le Dyches 25, Aston 9, Woberley 5, Horton 8, Coton 15, Edstaston 16, Whychurch cum membris 155, Hadley 4.
Total bowmen 340, billmen 1,010; of whom 233 have horse and harness. Signed and sealed by Thomas Newport, William Yong, and Thomas Pygott.
Long paper, pp. 48.
R. O. 2. View of muster taken of the hundred of Munslow [, Salop,] 21 Sept. last past, 34 Hen. VIII., by Ric. Cornewall and Wm. Foxe, justices of the peace.
[Giving, by townships, lists of names, almost all of which are prefixed by the letters "a" or "ar" or "ab," and many of them followed by notes of harness and weapons. At the end are totals of archers, billmen and harness.]
Contents :Munslowe, 27 names, Stone Acton 6, Coldweston 5, Rowthall 3, Felanton 17, Burton 24, Patton ("this township hath harnessed a man for the yerle of Salop, and Mr. Lee hath the inductyng of hym") 7, Walton and Aterby 11, Kalaton 13, Halgot 31, Abton 10, Mylychop and Hongerford 22, Veston 10, Mydlehope 9, Hopbowdeler 25, Angheston 9, Tugford ("the township hath harnessed a man and set him forth with Sir John Talbot") 35, Cardyngton 19, Wylston 36, Wegewecke and Harreld 5, Stoke Milbrow 17, Hugh Lye 20, Thonglond 8, Yeton and hamlettes 36, Hopton 11, Weston 9, Hatton 9, Lytyll Wenlock and Huntyngton ("these townships have harnesshed iij men already which are with Mr. Thomas Lee") 17, Wystanton 10, Bropele 43, Clestanton Richardmarten 11, Acton 25, Dilton 9, Derrton 3, Medilton ("these townships have harnesshed fyve bylmen and ar gon wt Mr. Lee to the yerle of Salop") 10, Browun 9, Prestope 9, Rusbury (Ric. Lacon, gent.) 35, Barrowe 9, Madeley (Ric. Chorton, gent.) 33, Becbery and Badger 11, Ewyrye 18, Lynley 16, Miche Wenloke 57, Aston 14, Corston 23, Stanton 8, Gretham 31, Shipton 12, Norhowse (?) and Larden 8, Wyck and Bardbe 9, Bentall and Posenall 11, Willey 18, Sant Margaretes Clee 13, Puet Bromfyld 5, Stevynton 4, Total archers 90, billmen 519, harness for 33 men, and also 11 jacks and 6 salletts.
Like muster by the same commissioners taken in Ludlow, 20 Sept., 34 Hen. VIII., of Stanton Lacy and other townships in Munslow hundred, viz. :
Stanton Lacy (Thos. Cressett, gent.) 37, Longley 3, The Pole 9, Hochekys 1, Hopton (Wm. Hopton, gent.) 12, Sutton 10, Hyggeford Middelton (Edw. Brocton, gent.) 20 (six of them servants to John Baughe), Nether Heyten (John Hopton, gent.) 7, Onybury (Wm. Slade, gent.) 14, Walton 4, Ledwiche 7, Shelderton 5, the Rooke 7, the Over Heyton 5, Sheriffes Ledwich 3, Henley lordship 10, Wolferton 10, Assheford 19, Rye Felton 9, Halton 12, Assheford Carbeno 10, Overton, More and Bitchcott 22 (one of them servant to John Benson, parson of Richardes Castell), Hauford 9, Dynynchop 9, Cleyfelton and Whitbach 8, Burwey (Thos. Hopton, gent.) 2, Aldon 14 (among them servants of Mr. Vernon and John Baugh), Bromfyld 23, Church Stretton [and] Stretton le Atle 18, Alnestretton 27, Lytyll Stretton 15, Mynton 12, Whittingeslowe ("this whole lordship hath harness with the appurtenances and horses for iiij men which are appointed to go with the earl of Arundell") 11. Total archers 55, billmen 169, harnesses 24 and also 6 salletts and 8 splents.
Like muster by the same commissioners of the town of Ludlow, 15 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII., viz. :Councillors of the town : Thos. Wheler and Ric. Handeley, bailiffs, and 34 others and 3 servants named (Wm. Fox, (fn. 12) gent., John Bradshaw, gent.). Inhabitants : Castell Ward 61, Brodstrett Ward 36, Olde Strett and Galford Ward 78, Corvestrett Ward 58. "The hanex (harness) artylery and weapon in the custody of the occupacions of thus towne of Ludlow over the armour and weapon above declaryd," viz., of the "mylners and bakers," "smythes," "taylours and mercers," "walkers," "corvisers," "tanners," "wevers," "bochers," and "barbours and dyers." Total archers 100, billmen 124, harnesses 41.
Like muster, taken by the same commissioners, of Purslows (sic) hundred, 22 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII.
Contents :Purslowe 2, Clongonnas. Apcot and Rowton Salters ("all these townships are gone to serve the King under Mr. Litelton"), Coston 10, Rowton Pyardes 2, Clonbery and Brampton 17, Kempton 26, Brome 5, Ledome 14, Clunton 19, Downe and Acton 19, Wentnore 20, Astun 13, Syptun 9, Hopsay and Barley 17, Yetewyn and Chelton 11, Weston 8, Constable Home 4, Ratlychop 9, Wistonstow 4, Longfyld 11, Egedon and Bromslow 17, More 23, Bedsten and Beckey 12, Beck 6, Hopton 22, Wolston 6, Stowe 10, Modlecote 6, Boknell 16, Myntowne 9, Scete 5. Total archers 37, billmen 214, harnesses 54, and also 5 coats and 10 splents.
"Busshops land. The view of muster thereof taken at the Windmill by the Towre (?) of the Lee," on Monday, 8 Sept. 14 Hen. VIII. [No commissioners named, but apparently a portion of the foregoing hundred of Purslow.]
Contents :Eyton and Plowden (Humph. Plowden, gent., John Eyton, gent., Roland Eyton, gent.) 8, Tokorton 11, Lydbury (Wm. Nedham, gent., Ralph Nedham, gent.) 30 ("Syr Ric. Dawes, vicar there, to harnes a foteman with vjs. viijd. which Richard Nycolles did geve hym"), Astanton 12, Broughton 5, Colbache 19, Wedbache 12, Lynley and the Beche 18, Lee and Ocley 5, Beyston 7, Brocton 11, Norbury, Whitcote and Herdwicke 22 (Mr. Litelton's tenants to harness two men and Mr. Leighton's one), Bushops Castell 76. Totals of "able men" 35, billmen 93, harnesses 35.
Musters, taken 15 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. of Overs hundred before Ric. Cornwall and Wm. Foxxe, commissioners.
Contents :Grite (Thos. Locheard, gent.) 26, Sylvyngton 6, Nasshe and Tylsopp (Thos. Hill, gent., Edm. Hill, gent.) 20, Whitton (John Whitton, gent.) 18, Mulston 13, Nynd Solers (Humph. Conysbe, gent.) 17, Cleton 3, Byturley (Ric. Hopton, gent.) 16, the franchise of Burford 13, Boraston 12, Wetmore 3. Total archers 42, billmen 87, harnesses 17. The commissioners can harness themselves and 11 (Cornewall 8 and Foxe 3) able men.
Grand totals of the above musters. Signed : Rychard Cornewall : William Foxe.
Long paper (originally a roll), pp. 100. Endd. : "The musters taken of the hundreds of Munslowe, Overs, Purslowe and the town of Ludlowe," Salop, by Ric. Cornewall and Wm. Foxe.

R. O.
M. 9. Worcestershire.
Certificate, addressed to Sir Thos. lord Audeley of Walden, lord Chancellor, by Edw. Bratt and Ric. Callowehyll, bailiffs of Worcester, of the muster of the inhabitants of the city and liberties of Worcester above the age of 16 years.
[Giving, under the several wards, lists of the bowmen and billmen with marginal notes of how many there are and how many of them (not more than half) are able men to serve the King in his wars if need require. After some of the names are the words "a man's harness" and the numbers of these harnesses are noted. No indications of the rank of persons named.]
Contents : High Ward 151 names, St. Andrew's Ward 150, St. Martin's Ward 95, St. Clement's Ward 34, Alhallowe Ward 194, St. Nicholas' Ward 94. St. Peter's Ward 97.
The "whole total sums" of bowmen and billmen 818, of which those able to serve the King are 273 "and noo horcemen." There are 147 men's harness ready at an hour's warning.
Parchment roll of 2 membranes.

R. O.
M. 10. Yorkshire.
Book of musters taken by Sir Ralph Eure and Sir Roger Chomley in Pikryng Lith, the borough of Scarburro, Whitby Strand and the lordship of Spawnton, according to the King's commission.
[Giving list of names, each either followed by the words "able person," with some note of his horse and harness if any, or else by a note of harness or weapons, without the words "able person." Most of the able persons have the words "archer" or "a bill" in addition. Totals of men and harness.]
Contents : Pikringe 177 names of able persons, Synnyngton, Merton and Eddyston 55, Wrelton 20, Aslaghby 16, Middylton 26, Cropton 25, Rosdayll 13, Herttoft 18, Cawthorn 8, Kynthrop 15, Newton-upon-Rocclyff 15, Levysham 20, Loketon 19, Gottland 25, Ellerburn-cum-Sarmonby 40, Thornton 73, Wylton 17, Alnerston 44, Eberston 55, Snaynton 28, Brompton-cum-Sawden 30, Wykham-cum-Ruston 55, Hotton Buschell 27, Atton 27, Catton and Osgodby 19, Lebston and Grystwaytte 14, Scalby 37, Burnyston 19, Clowghton and Staynton 21, Marres 13, Ryton 13, Kyrkby Mysperton 22, Bergh and Bergh (sic) 12, Great and Little Habtoa 16, Normonby 22. Total archers in Pikringlith 286, billmen 866, harnesses 255, jacks 80, salletts 57, splents 7 pair, horses 280.
Scarbrugh (Newbrugh, Hawbrugh and Under Clyff) 28 archers, 80 billmen, harness for 40, and 40 horses.
Whitby and Whitbystrand 97, Robynhoyd Bay and Fyllyng Dayll 82, Scleghtes and Eschdayll syd 10, Snetton 28, Ukkylberby 10, Newham and Donslay 20, Rowswarpp 11, Hawscares and Staynsyker 21, Broxsay 6, Everlay 16, Haknes 16, Sylffow 22. Total archers 126, billmen 213, harness for 67, and 50 horses.
Spawnton 38, Appilton 20, Rosdayll 16. Total archers in Spawnton lordship 17, billmen 47, harness for 15, and 12 horses. Grand totals.
Pp. 42.

R. O.
M. 11. Wales.
"The names of them that ben charged to buy coats of fence, glaves, swords, daggers 'whese' (who is) ready with the same according to their charges."
[Giving, under lordships and parishes, lists of names, each followed by the word "cot," "gleif," or the like.]
Contents : Lordships of Welsh Talgarth and English Talgarth, including the parishes of Kethedyne and Glasbury, and the lordship of Tretour, Langedre parish. Roger Vaughan and about 430 names arranged in various lists, but as the document is mutilated, it is probable that some 50 more are lost.
Large paper, pp. 3. Mutilated.

R. O. [1540-2.]
883. Wymounde Carew to John Gate.
Pray remind Mr. Chancellor of the Augmentation Court and Mr. Pollard to declare to the King my accounts given before them and the brief declaration in my own handwriting. Mr. Pollard promised to deliver these books and declare my honest doings. Please thank Mr. Pollard for me, and get my brother Denny to thank him; if he come without my books get him to declare it by mouth. Rychemount, Wednesday. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : "To his loveyng brother John Gate, esq'er, geve this." Endd.


  • 1. Blank here in the draft. Supplied from 2.
  • 2. Wallop.
  • 3. See p. 451 note.
  • 4. The Mary Flower. See No. 846.
  • 5. Cancelled.
  • 6. A cancelled passage here directs that when these exploits are done and order is taken for the security of the Marches, Berwick and Wark, as in former instructions, all the Commissioners and Suffolk, who will have joined them, shall return to the King, leaving Rutland, as lord warden, on the Borders with a garrison.
  • 7. Supplied from Patent Roll.
  • 8. Interlined in another hand.
  • 9. Taken as a part of St. Brevel's.
  • 10. In this abstract the names in brackets have been supplied by comparison with Vol. XIV., Part i., No. 652, M. 14 (2).
  • 11. Surname omitted?
  • 12. Cancelled "quia postea."