Henry VIII: June 1542, 21-25

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Henry VIII: June 1542, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp241-245 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: June 1542, 21-25', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp241-245.

"Henry VIII: June 1542, 21-25". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1900), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp241-245.


June 1542, 21-25

21 June.
Dasent's A.P.C., 14.
420. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 21 June. Present : Norfolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Westminster, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. No business recorded.
A heading for 22 June follows, but without record of attendance or business.
21 June.
R. O.
421. The Loan.
Acknowledgment of receipt, 21 June 34 Hen. VIII., by John Germyn, servant to Sir Robt. Southwell, Master of the Rolls, of 28 privy seals from Wriothesley, to be employed about the King's loan.
P. 1. Endd.
21 June. 422. The O'Neils.
Arbitrament between O'Neyle and Phelim Roo O'Neyle and Captain McDonell, made, by indenture, at Trym, 21 June 34 Hen. VIII., both parties having appeared before the lord Deputy and others in the Great Parliament there, and accused each other of divers spoils and crimes, submitting themselves to the order of John Alen, Chancellor, Edmund bp. of Kilmore, Oliver Plunket, baron of Louth, Wm. Bermyngham, baron of Carbery, Thos. Cusacke of Cosingeston, master of the Rolls, John Travers, master of the Ordnance, and Geo. Dowdall, clk., late prior of Ardee, or else, if they disagreed, to the order of the lord Deputy, viz. :
Thirteen articles relating to divers spoils of cattle, an expedition lately made by Phelim Roo and McDonald to Armagh (with intent to slay O'Neyle), certain wrongs done to individuals, a controversy about the lands of Phelim Roo's inheritance, the killing of O'Neyle's eldest son, Phelim, by McDonell, &c.
Lat. Draft, pp. 9. See Carew Calendar, No. 169.
21 June.
R. O.
423. Wallop to Norfolk.
By his servant, Nic. Alizaunder, wrote to the King, yesterday, that 27 horses serving in the works here were killed in one night. The Frenchmen were suspected to have done it, and the enquiry seems to confirm suspicion. George Rowse, whom Mr. Rowse sent to Norfolk with a letter, returned to find his gelding sore hurt. Told his servant to inform Norfolk of the above, in passing by London; and wrote also, darkly of a practice between the French King and the Duke of Cleave. Has now learnt further that Andwarp and Gawnt should have been taken by treason, which "was discovered by one that brought letters out of Gelderland to the father and the son, the one being in Andwarp and the other in Gawnt." The letters declared how 7,000 men were gathered within 8 leagues of Andwarp. Awaits further news, for much is expected to ensue hereupon, especially in Andwarpe, where dwell many Clevoys and Gelders, artificers, much suspected. One that came by Gravelyng says that a gentleman dwelling thereby was yesterday taken by the Frenchmen. Thinks war will ensue shortly.
Begs him, if not at Court, to forward this letter to the lord Privy Seal, and the rest of the Council now at Court. Humble commendations to my lord Chancellor. Calais, 21 June. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
23 June.
Dasent's A.P.C., 15.
424. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 23 June. Present : Norfolk, Southampton, Sussex, Hertford, Russell, Durham, Winchester, Gage, Browne, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Recognisance (cited) of Castell, of Glotton, Hunts, to publish the untruth of his accusation of treason against Cotton, &c.
[*** Next entry is 27 June.]
23 June.
Add. MS. 11,041, f. 44. B. M.
425. Walter Hendle and N. Bacon to Master Skydmore.
As Roger Corvyser, alias Williamson, has produced a patent by the late convent of Delacres, Staff., for 26s. 8d. yearly during his life, which patent seems to be good, and made without fraud, they desire Skydmore to pay the said annuity. Westm., 23 June 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : receiver general of the late mon. of Delacres.
23 June.
R. O.
426. J. Sevicourt [Sieur De St. Cheval] to Wallop.
Hears there is a bruit in Calais and Guisnes that his men injured the horses that were lately killed and hurt at pasture. Puts none of his soldiers outside this town at night, and if he could find the perpetrators would send them to Wallop for justice. Ardre, 23 June. Signed.
French, p. 1. Add. : A Monsr. de Wallot, cappne et gouverneur de Guynes.
23 June.
R. O.
427. Oudart Du Bies to Wallop.
Encloses the deposition of a vagabond Englishman, taken at the village of Noeuschastel, in this county of Boullen, charged with heresy. As the bp. of Therouenne, their prelate, demands him, desires answer by bearer whether the English would like to have him, to do justice upon him themselves. Boull. (Boulogne), 23 June. Signed.
French, p. 1. Add : captain of Guisnes.
R. O. 2. [Deposition, taken] 19 June, 1542, before Louis Chinot, licenciate in laws, King's Councillor, and lieutenant general of Mons. le Seneschal, governor of Boullenois.
Dionisius Tod, born in England, in the diocese of York (Diort), mendicant, confesses that he has never exercised any art, but always applied himself to letters, and trusted to charity for food and clothing. He went from England to Germany seven years ago to learn the will of God, because they believe in God alone, and there studied letters. Returning towards England, and being in New Castle church on St. Claude's day, he suffered very great injury, especially from two priests, for no reason unless it was that he said he believed in Jesus Christ alone, and trusted not in the Virgin Mary. Asked whether he revered the Sacrament, he said it was not to be revered, and that all sacraments were in Christ Jesus. He said he had not received the body of Christ for seven years, nor confessed his sins except to Christ, and that he was not bound to confess to any priest, and would be subject to none but God alone. He said also that all sacraments were outward signs, nor could be administered, except by Christ. He confessed that three books, which certain religious theologians have asserted to be tainted with Lutheranism, are written with his own hand and divinely inspired.
Latin, pp. 3. Heading in French.
24 June.
R. O.
428. The Loan.
Acknowledgment of receipt, 24 June 34 Hen. VIII., by Thos. Holmes, servant and secretary to my lord of Suffolk, of 60 privy seals, from Wriothesley, to be employed in Lincolnshire for the advancement of the loan money. Signed : Thomas Holme. Sealed.
P. 1. Endd.
24 June.
R. O.
429. The Late Abbot Of Sawtry.
Deposition of Wm. Angell, clk., late abbot of Sawtrey, Hunts, aged 62, examined 24 June 34 Hen. VIII., that, being abbot, in 25 Hen. VIII. and half a year later, he borrowed two sums, each of 13l. 6s. 8d., from Thos. Russell of Bedford, for payment of the King's subsidy, and also, half a year after that, 6l. 13s. 4d. for glasing a new window at the West end of the church. In return has delivered 20 kine, 10 steers, and 40 couple of ewes and lambs, in recompense of 26l. 6s. 8d.; and so remains still due to Russell 7l., as he notified to the commissioners at the dissolution. In 25 Henry VIII., and after, he borrowed money, fish and reeds, detailed, to the value of 43l., of Wm. Cony, of Yaxley, Hunts.; in part payment of which he delivered 50 qr. of beans and pease, 2 horse colts, 6 oxen, and 2 bullocks. In 25 Hen. VIII. he borrowed of Wm. Bekelles, of Conyngton, 18l.; in part payment of which he delivered 40 couple of ewes and lambs, 20 sheep called "hoggerelles," and 10 kine, worth in all 16l. While he was abbot, he was always in debt.
Depositions of Bekelles, Russell and Cony, the same day, confirming the above.
Large paper, pp. 4.
24 June.
R. O.
430. Little Walsingham, Norfolk.
"The receipts of the oblations of the parish church of All Saints of Little Walsingham." from Mich. to Christmas, 33 Hen. VIII., and from Easter, 33 Hen. VIII., to St. John's Day, 34 Hen. VIII., viz., for "yeryng dayes," "dede dayes," marriages, oblations of guilds, and the like, the total for the two periods being 26s. 3d. and 24s. 3d. respectively.
"Allocations" paid for the same periods, viz., for clerk's wages, singing wine, and bread, rushes from Styfkey for all three churches of Great and Little Walsingham, lavender's wages, wax, incense, poor people, &c., 16s. 10d., and 25s. 11d. respectively, of which latter sum 9s. 4d. is noted as received later, which was "owing to Master Sydney for iiij loads of pease straw for strowing of all three churches for Halowmesse and Christemes strowyng, every load ijs. viijd. with the carriage."
4 long narrow pages, two of them headed : Harlowe.
24 June.
R. O.
431. Wallop to the Council.
Yesterday, Mons. du Bies sent a letter and depositions touching a vagabond Englishman, taken at the village of Nevechasteau in Boulloin, accused of heresy. The bp. of Tyrwan has sent for him, but Du Bies would first know whether Wallop would do justice on him here. Encloses the writings. Answered, thanking Du Bies for his gentleness, that, as a temporal man, he could not undertake to do justice in such cases; and prayed him in no wise to deliver the man to the bp. of Tyrwan, "who should have as good justice here, and as brief, being an heretic, as in any other part of Christendom," for he trusted shortly to answer that his gentle offer was gratefully accepted. This morning received a letter (enclosed) from the captain of Arde, who shows himself very sorry at the bruit that his men killed the horses. The gentleman who brought the letter trembled as if afraid, and suggested that the deed was done by them of Muttory for a pique. Quotes his words. Evidently they fear the King, and wish that Arde had never been built. Of himself, the man said Count Bryan was expected at Arde, and that Count Russe, his younger brother, was leaving with his band, and Mons. de Torse coming, with his, for the summer, as the King's lieutenant. Also that Mons. de Vandosme is at Abbeville, that 300 footmen, all arquebusiers, come to Arde to-morrow, and that Du Bies will be there to-day. An espial from Mustrull says Du Bies has warned the waggoners that go weekly to St. Omer's with coals, &c., that henceforth he will not assure their safety. The men-of-war about Wase were ready to make a course into the bailiage Tournehen, but the bailly of Wase stayed it. There is no great assembly in Boullenois, and people flee with their goods into Boulogne, the rather because Mons. de Fuxsailles has brought all his goods thither. In Artois they do the like, as if it were war already. Guvsnes, 24 June. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
24 June.
R. O. St. P. IX. 62.
432. Paget to Henry VIII.
Although he wrote on the 20th, yet, having commodity of this messenger, who has been here to visit the Court, thinks it his duty to write. Mons. de Teas, yesterday, brought word from Turin of a conspiracy by the standard bearer of Mons. de la Guerra (fn. 1) to betray the town to certain Spaniards and Italians. Mons d'Annebaulte has executed the conspirators, but the King thinks he should have tried to entrap their accomplices. A post that brought news from Flanders that the Queen was returned to Gaunt, and Mons. de Rews (Rewes in 2) was visiting the frontiers, was robbed of his money by lanzknechts about Lorraine. Hearing of his arrival Paget sent to the Emperor's ambassador to know how the Queen did. He sent back word that she was well, and was our great friend, and wrote that your Majesty promised she should lack neither men nor money, and she was expecting 5,000 or 6,000 English archers; also that the army is before Buda, but the Turk will not meddle this year by land, "and by sea hath lost lately forty galleys." Last news touching the Almains and the readiness of the duke of Cleves is confirmed. The King waits about Jenvile until he hear from Pulciano, and yet the Emperor's ambassador says openly that Pulciano had no commission of the Emperor. If that be true, men marvel that the King listens to Pulciano, and if not, it is a practice that passes Paget's capacity. St. Urbayn's, 24 June. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
Caius College MS. 597, p. 129. 2. Letter book copy of the preceding, in the hand of Paget's clerk.
Pp. 2.
25 June.
Harl. MS. 283 f. 252. B. M.
433. Sir William Coffin's Debts.
Warrant to Sir Ric. Riche, chancellor, Sir Edw. Northe, treasurer, and the other officers of Augmentations to acquit Sir Ric. Maners and Margaret his wife, and all other persons bound thereto, of the sum of 150l., which he has now paid to the King, and to give him day to St. John Baptist's Day, "called Mydsomer," next, for payment of the other 150l. due for a debt of 331l., which Sir Wm. Coffyn, dec., owed for stock and store belonging to the late mon. of Garryden, Leic., and for rent of the demesnes there; of which Sir Richard has before paid 31l. Hampton Court, 25 June 34 Hen. VIII. Signed at the head by the King.
Parchment. Seal gone.
25 June.
Kaulek, 428. (Abstract.)
434. Francis I. to Marillac.
Received his letters by his cousin the bearer. He must have an eye to embarcations of men of war, and continually warn Du Bies of things touching the surety of Picardy. Countersigned : Bochetel.
French. Headed : [Joinville], 25 June.


  • 1. Suerra in 2.