Index: Y

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1896.

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'Index: Y', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1896), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index: Y', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1896), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index: Y". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1896), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.



Yaldham (Yeldham), Kent, 498 iii. c. 72.

Yapton, Suss., g. 436 (72).

Yarborough (Yerburgh), Chas., 628.

Yarcombe, Devon, letter dated at, 30.

Yarcome, Thos., p. 544.

Yardeley, Worc., 895.

Yarham. See Yarm.

Yarlington, Soms., g. 282 (73).

Yarm or Yarum (Yarham, Yarome), Yorks., 555:—g. 282 (37).

-, Black Friars (supp.) of, 555:—p. 564.

Yarmouth (Yermouthe), Norf., 9, 196, 256.

-, shipping at, 256.

-, Grey Friars (supp.) of, g. 611 (8).

Yarome. See Yarm.

Yarowe, Ric., g. 612 (3).

Yarwell, Ntht., g. 144 (2).

Yate, Anne, p. 549.

-, J., 14 (p. 6).

-, John, g. 831 (24).

-, (Yatte), Thos., p. 543.

Yates (Yattes), Eliz., 840:—p. 548.

Yatesbury (Yeatesbury), Wilts, 20 (2).

Yattes. See Yates.

Yatton, Soms., 756.

-, parson of, 756.

Ychingham. See Ichingham.

Yeadon (Yedden), Yorks., p. 562.

Yeard, Ric., g. 282 (33), 942 (75).

Yeatesbury. See Yatesbury.

Yeatminster. See Yetminster.

Yedden. See Yeadon.

Yeddingham, Yorks., p. 562.

-, nunnery of, Yorks., 431:—pp. 553, 562.

-, -, pension list, 431:—p. 553.

-, -, prioress. See Bradrigge, A.

Yeldham. See Yaldham.

Yelverton, Wm., g. 942 (11).

Yeo, Hugh, g. 942 (75).

Yeoman (Yoman), John, letter from, 1030 (67).

-, -, his wife's son, 1030 (67).

Yeovil (Yewill), Soms., 252.

Yercombe. See Yarcombe.

Yerdley (Jerley), John, 323.

Yerle, John, priest, 183.

Yerlethecote. See Ireleth.

Yermouthe. See Yarmouth.

Yerneshill. See Earnshill.

Yetminster (Yeatminster), Dors., g. 942 (90).

Yevans, Ric., 689 (5).

Yevylchester. See Ilchester.

Yewill. See Yeovil.

Yngylscome. See English Combe.

Yoman. See Yeoman.

Yomans, Alice, p. 554.

Yonge. See Young.

Yonger. See Younger.

Yonges, John, p. 552.

York, 120, 175, 362, 417, 428, 515, 1029 (18).

-, letters dated at, 25–7, 77, 85, 131, 174, 284, 319, 361–2, 417, 428, 515, 875, 958, 971.

-, Council at. See North, Council of the.

-, malt kilns, excessive number of 417, 515.

-, mayor of, g. 612 (14).
-, Austin Friars (supp.), 465 (3):—p. 556.
-, Black Friars or Friars Preachers (supp.) of, alias Tofts priory, p. 542:—g. 613 (16).
-, -, warden. See Vavasour, W.
-, Castle, g. 144 (20).
-, Cathedral, 971:—g. 282 (10).
-, -, chancellor. See Downes, G.
-, -, dean of. See Layton, Ric.; Higdon, B.
-, Clementhorpe nunnery (supp.), g. 436 (50), 611 (33).
-, Gaol, g. 144 (20).
-, Grey Friars, p. 557.
-, St. Leonard's hospital (supp.), 922.
-, -, master of. See Magnus, Thos.
-, St. Mary's abbey (supp.), 174, 197:—pp. 552, 563–4, 566:—g. 611 (32).
-, -, abbot. See Thornton, W.
-, -, pension list, p. 552.
-, Sanctuary of, 498 (12).
-, White Friars (supp.) of, p. 565.

York, abp. of, 113:—g. 611 (44), 733 (66). See Lee, Edw.

York, archdeacon of, g. 733 (66). See Westby, T.

York, Convocation at, 514.

York, duchy of, g. 144 (24).

York Place. See under Westminster.

Yorke, John, 153, 806 (p. 380):—g. 831 (84 bis).

-, T., 14 (p. 6).

-, Thos., 298:—g. 282 (3, 8).

-, -, letter from, 298.

-, Wm., 806 (p. 380).

Yorkshire, 52, 362, 432:—g. 1027 (41).

-, lands in, 28, 102, 691.
-, North Riding, commission of peace in, g. 942 (41b).
-, West Riding, 600 (pp. 269–70).
-, -, commission of peace, g. 282 (21).
-, Receiver of attainted lands. See Teshe, T.
-, Receiver of Augmentations. See Beckwith, L.

Youghall (Youghill), in Ireland, 387, 455.

Young (Yong), Alice, p. 551.

-, (Yonge), Hugh, 393 (2):—p. 554.

-, (Yonge), John, 749 (2):—p. 562.

-, (Yonge), Ric., p. 543.

-, (Yong), Thos., 336.

-, (Yonge), Wm., p. 550.

Younger (Yonger), Humph., p. 546.

-, (Yonger), Joan, p. 551.

Yowcross. See Ewcross.

Yowdall, John, g. 831 (53).

-, Ric., g. 831 (53).

-, Rob., g. 831 (53).

Yoxford (Yxforde), Suff., g. 942 (43).

Yrey, in Queen's county, 1019.

Ysceifiog (Eskyveske), co. Flint, 585.

Ystradfellte (Astradvelte), co. Brecon, p. 564.

Ywadde. See Iwade.

Yxforde. See Yoxford.

Yxnynge. See Exning.