Henry VIII: August 1538 26-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'Henry VIII: August 1538 26-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1893), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp75-101 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: August 1538 26-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1893), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp75-101.

"Henry VIII: August 1538 26-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1893), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp75-101.


August 1538 26-31

26 Aug. 188. Thomas Barnaby to Cromwell.
R. O. As you commanded me, at my departing, to use diligence, I thought I had nothing to do at London but to receive my post money. I have sufficient for my journey towards France. I am shipped in the haven of Pevensey "and the partyd in to Frans, trustyng to be with the electe of Hereford or I schuld have bene at Dover." Written at the ship, 26 August.
P.S.—I did not deliver your favourable letters to Sir John Allyn as I had no time to treat with him till my return. I beg you "to show Mr. Wallope where I am become, that my folks do not muse."
Hol., (fn. n1) P. I. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
189.——— (fn. n2) to Cromwell.
Add. MS.
29,431, f. 4.
B. M.
"To my right honourable good lord, my lord Privy Seal, that it might please him to show those parcels following to the King's highness."
Delivered to the King jewels amounting to 468l 6s. 8d.; 500 gold cr.; an Almain dagger, halt and sheath of clean gold, amounting to 230 cr.; an agate enclosed in gold with two pair of gold bracelets, amounting to 92 cr. To Allyn King and Hare (i.e. Harry) Page, 100 mks. These were paid to the King, for the nobly of the ton of merchandise imported by virtue of certain safe conducts obtained by "the said Barnabe" to the use of Oystas le Doyon and John Bassoner, merchants of Paris, who dispute the payment.
Desires to have a commission to the Custom house of London to certify the truth, and that the King would speak to the judges on his behalf. Among other things the French merchants allege that the King wrote to Antwerp to constrain them to make their obligation due to the petitioner.
P. 1. Endd: A bill of certain jewels delivered to the King.
26 Aug. 190. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. This day at 1 o'clock I wrote to you by Chare, your .servant, with whom I sent your licence for coating to Dover, Clare promised to make all haste. The King will be at Dover on Saturday the last of this instant; you must come over on Friday or Saturday morning at furthest. I will be there on Friday night. The merlin you sent my lord Privy Seal was pricked with a thorn the very first flight. The spaniel proves very good. Jesu send you in surety to Dover. London 26 Aug.
Hol., P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Catais.
26 Aug. 191. Antony Barker to John Mason.
R. O. Has not written because he has been little at London these six or eight months, and when there little at the Court. Mr. Smyth has 20 marks for him. There is a suit for his benefice in the Court of Augmentations. Manwaryng's brother and Mr. Lee have money for him. Has no other news to recompense his "good news written from Nice." Asks for some information about the condition of this peace. Wishes he were where Mason is. London, 26 Aug. 1538.
Gave these letters to Rougecrosse. Desires to be commended to Mr. Ambassador and Mr. Blage.
Hol., p. 1. Add., with Mr. Wyatt in the Emperor's Court in Spain. Endd.
26 Aug. 192. Thomas Uvedale to Wriothesley.
R. O. Desires him to remind the Lord Privy Seal to speak to the King's surveyor in the Isle of Wight for the lease of the farm promised to the writer when his Lordship was at Tichfield. Recommends to the bearer, a neighbour, who desires to enter Wriothesley's service. Bishop's Waltham, 26 Aug. 1538. Signed.
P 1. Add.
26 Aug. 193. John Essex alias Roche, late Abbot of St. Austin's [Canterbury] to Cromwell.
R. O. Desires Cromwell to be good to him, in that he may have his house at Sturrey to receive his friends in. Mr. Ant. Sentleger and Dr. Layton said he would have 200 marks and the house of Sturrey. Perceives that, unless he dismisses his household, who would thus be forced to beg, he will have never a penny at the end of the year. Desires Cromwell to be a mean for him to the King, to whom he ha[...] freely surrendered his living, that ho may have the lordship of Sturrey, with hunting and fishing, worth 52l. a year. Sturrey, 26 Aug.
Hol., p. I. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
26 Aug. 194. Robert Nevell to Cromwell.
R. O. Sends a certificate of the examination of one Mylis Denyson, (fn. n3) a very drunkard, evermore troubling the officers and seldom quiet with his neighbours. Sends also the certificate of the suppression of the friars of Wodhouse; and the King's broad seal given to one Rydlay to gather men's alms. lie makes brethren and sisters as he was wont to do, to the great hindrance of the glory of God and hurt of this people. Hartylbery, 26 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Keeper of the Privy Seal. Endd.
26 Aug. 195. Ormond to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. iii. 92.
Has received the King's and Cromwell's letters. His dissension with the lord Deputy is the fault of the latter, who has so practised against him that ho was on the point of going to the King when Aylmer and Alen arrived. When the Council made the order between them the Deputy said: "Were it not to fulfil the King's pleasure and commandment, more than for any goodwill I have to perform your order, I would never put my hand to it;" and signed it without hearing it road. Catherlagh Castle, 26 Aug. Signed.
Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
26 Aug. 196. Butler to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. iii. 94.
Received his letters of 16 June on the 16th Aug. The Deputy is so wedded to those who were Kildare's councillors, that he will have no one put in trust who is of Cromwell's preferment. Before Butler went into England, Ormond and he were well entertained by the Deputy, but ever since he has practised against them. Has never offended him otherwise than by writing to Cromwell and to the King's Commissioners and Council of his misdemeanours.
Last week the vicar of Chester said at the Deputy's table in presence of the abp. of Dublin, Chief Justice, Master of the Rolls, and Butler, that the King had commanded images to be set up again. As the Deputy said nothing, the abp., Master of the Rolls, and Butler, said that if he were not in the Deputy's presence they would set him fast by the heels. His Lordship said nothing. "Surely he hath a special zeal for the papists." The abp. promised to put the said vicar in the castle. George Pawlet, when here, would not allow the patent to Butler and his father of the constableship of Dungarvan. Begs a new patent.
Are at peace on all borders, but fear the confederacy of O'Neill and ODonell, young Gerald being with them. The Chancellor is dead. Mr. Sentleger and his fellows, the late Commissioners, can suggest a successor. It is rumoured that Cromwell preferred the Master of the Rolls to that room when in England; there is none more meet for it. Gawron, 26 Aug. Signed.
In Thos. Alen's hand. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
26 Aug. 197. J. de Nouvelle to the Deputy of Calais.
R. O. Has received his letters by Peronnel and with them "deus (deux) gardes de noir cresey et ung garde et demey de blancq." Thanks him for his handsome present and sends him some bunches of grapes ("crapes de roisin "). Intends to hunt a boar this week, and if he get a good one will send him a good part. Tournehen, 26 Aug.
My wife sends compliments to you and Madame your wife.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
27 Aug. 198. Sir J. Russell to Cromwell.
R. O. I cannot yet, for debility, visit your Lordship. My ague is gone, and the pain in my head, so I feel no disease but weakness and that I cannot sleep at night. I beg your favour fur my friend the abbot of Peterborough; there is a bruit made by Dr. Lie and his men that his house should go down before Michaelmas. Such bruits are wrong, for they shall come to the King daily without any such forcing, The abbot is as good a subject as any of his coat, and I warrant he keeps his goods without embezzling. Cheynes, 27 August. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Sea1. Endd.: Sir John Russell.
27 Aug. 199. Sir Henry Sayvylle and Robert Chaloner to Cromwell.
R. O. After viewing your common or waste at Heptonstall we declared to the copyholders your Lordship's desire to have it enclosed like other places in these parts, and if they would agree they should have the preferment thereof. Gave them to the 16 Sept. to answer, but hear that before that day some of them will go up with a. petition to your Lordship. Heptonstall, 27 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
27 Aug. 200. Ric. Bp. of Dover to [Cromwell].
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
of the
Since departing from you I have received to the King's use 28 convents, as appears by the bill enclosed, of which I have written to your Lordship. Sends remainder of the copies of inventories and testimonials of release, and begs that the warrants for their habits may be sent as promised, for they cannot say mass abroad in churches till they have their exemptions. Has written and spoken to divers bishops to license them till after Michaelmas, when he promised them their licences free; for most of them have nothing to pay with. In many places men clamor for debts of the convents, and, without Cromwell's favour, poor men will lose money by the friars and will murmur.
Wrote for two houses in Shrewsbury: the Black Friars yet stands and suit will he made for its continuance. Its standing gives the writer more difficulty at other houses. Discharged the prior of the Austin Friars and sent the two Irishmen into their own countries. Hears the prior is gone to London to sue for his house again. Hopes these suits will not speed. Of the three convents in Bristol, the Black are ready to resign; but the other two are stiff, the Grey Friars because the warden is warden of Richmond, and is in favour (though not worth 20 mks.), and the Austin Friar by reason of a grant from the King for life under which he thinks he can sell the house and all, and has already sold part. If he knew Cromwell's pleasure he would on his return journey finish with them and with Salisbury and other places. Finds little plate. Begs news, as he has no word from Cromwell for 8 weeks. Would send some relics but they are too cumbrous. Has Malkow's ear that Peter struck off; but the holiest relic in all North Wales is sent herewith. No man may kiss it but he must kneel as soon as he see it and he must kiss every stone of it and afterwards pay a "met of corn" or a cheese of a groat or id. It was worth to the friars of Bangor, with another image which the writer has also closed up, 20 mks. a. year. Has been three days at Harford Est, and had much ado with the Grey Friars, who everywhere give trouble; but has succeeded at last and sends the releases.
Begs thanks to the mayors and baileys of the cities he has visited, and also to Mr. Holt "and to Master," (fn. n4) who have assisted him. Others of the King's servants have begged him to write for them and offered 20 nobles or more, but he will take none. John Turner, of the Guard, of Ludlow was one of these. Today I ride to Brecknock and so towards Carmarden and Harford West, and so over to St. Michael's Mount and to Cornwall and Deveonshire.
Asks instructions about Bristol, Southampton, Salisbury, and other places, 27 Aug. at Harford-Est. Siqned.
Pp. 2. Begins: My singular good lord.
27 Aug. 201. Sir John Wallop to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. i. 532
After Cromwell left the Court to go to Lewes the King desired Wallop to go and entertain the French Indies (fn. n5) and show them Westminster, Hampton Court and the Kind's other houses. On coming here Penyston showed him Cromwell's letters, desiring they should go to Dover against the King's coming, which shall be done. They have seen the King's house at Westminster and been feasted by the Mayor. When they depart, intends to go to Somerset. London, 27 Aug. Signed.
Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
27 Aug. 202. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. At my going to the Court I left these other letters, which I now send by the bearer, .Jas. Crane, whom I found here at my return from my lord Privy Seal. I send also my Lord's licence to come over. He and your Ladyship should be over on Friday next or Saturday morning, for the King is determined to be at Dover on Saturday night. I shall be there on Friday night and bring your gown and kirtle. I have written to my Lord largely about other things. London. 27 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
27 Aug. 203. Adriane de Noyelle, Old Abbess of Bourbourg, to [Lord Lisle].
R. O. I thank you and my Lady for your presents to my niece, (fn. n6) who also sends her respects and is ill of a fever. I send you some white and red rosyn (du rosyn, tant do blancq que du rouge), as much as I have been able to get. From our monastery of Brombr', 27 Aug. Signed: Adriane de Noyelle, anchienne abbessc.
Fr., p 1. Add.: Le Debites de Calais.
28 Aug. 204. Cranmer to Cromwell.
R. O.
C.'s Letters,
Asks him to obtain from the King, for Dr. Barons, the deanery of Tamworth College, Staffordshire, void by the death of Mr. Parker, brother to the abbot of Gloucester. He has hitherto had very small preferment for his pains in the King's affairs. This living is worth but 20l. Lambeth, 28 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
28 Aug. 205. Sir William Pexizon to Cromwell.
Titus B. i. 284.
B. M.
Yesterday morning about 8 o'clock received his three letters. Sent the one directed to the French ambassador to him at Chelsey, lost he should, according to his appointment, ride Courtwards straightway. Alter, went to Lady Mutrell, whom he found new risen from her bed. After he had told her the King's pleasure, she expressed her thanks in French for being permitted to see the King, and would keep the appointment made by the King and the days and places which Cromwell had written to Penizon. On going to her about two o'clock in the afternoon, found the French ambas- sador there. It was determined by his advice that she might be at Dover well enough, though she did not depart till Thursday, for her litter goes so fast that they will reach Dover by Saturday early enough. Seeing that they might well do so, did not much debate the contrary. Today she goes to Chelsey to dine with the ambassador. Has no tidings of weight but this. The French ambassador has showed him a letter from both the Emperor's ambassadors desiring to speak secretly with him, and asking him to appoint a time at Chelsey. He says he cannot lawfully refuse them audience. Was not allowed to sec the subscription of the letter. Believes they were together yesterday about three, as Cromwell shall know at Penizon's coming to Dover.
They did not go to Chelsey. Sent a man thither who brought word that neither the French nor the Imperial ambassadors were there, but on coming home he met some of the ambassador's servants with spare horses going to Chelsey, and on asking them where their master supped, they said they could not tell. Sent, to see if he had supped at the said Lady's, but he had not. "And further the said French ambassador showed me that he cannot remember that he spake unto them since the Queen's burial." Supposes he means this to be shown to Cromwell. On Thursday will wait on the said Lady to Dover. London, 28 August.
Delivered the letter to the lord Mayor, who shows himself like a very gentleman to the said Lady in giving her presents. Wishes there was such h Mayor in every town on their way to Dover, for then they could be sure of good meats and plenty.
Add.: My Lord Private Seal. Endd.
28 Aug. 206. Thos. Leygh to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Excuses himself for not seeing her when last at Calais. Was not there long and had so much business that he was not able to see her. Thanks her for a flagon of wine, a venison pastry and dotterells, and for 2 doz. quails sent to his wife. While at Calais sent her by Peter, Mr. Fowler's man, a ring which Mrs. Hutton gave him at Antwerp, and 20 ells of sarcenet which he will take back if the colours do not suit. Recommendations to lord Lisle. Loudon, 28 Aug. 153b.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: at Calais.
[28 Aug.] 207. Leicester, St. Mary Pre Abbey.
R. O.
Rymer, xiv.
Surrender of the monastery and all its possessions in cos. Leic, Warw., Ntht., [Buck?, Beds.], Notts, Line, Derb., Lane, and London and elsewhere in England, Wales and the Marches thereof.——30 Hen. VIII. Signed by John Bourchier, abbot, Ric Duckytt, Ric. Webbe, sub-prior and 17 others. [See Eighth Report of Dep. Keeper, App. ii., 27.].
Stained. Two seals, injured.
Enrolled [Cl. Roll, p. 3, No. 25] as acknowledged same day (fn. n7) before Fras. Cave, LL.D., King's Commissioner.
28 Aug. 208. John Bourchier, Priest, to Cromwell.
R. O. I and my brethren have surrendered our house into the King's hands, and thanks to his Highness and your Lordship, we be well entreated. Dr. Cave and Mr. Freman have given me the King's reward, 20l., to serve me till Lady Day in Lent next. It will cost me 8l. or 9l. in competent apparel, and then I have little left to serve me and 2 or 3 servants. I desire you to write to Dr. Cave that I may have as much more as you shall please; for so poor a man never made surrender. Leicester, 28 August. Signed.
P.S. in his own hand: I beg you to grant me this in my need.
P. 1 Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.: late abbot of Leicester.
29 Aug. 209. [Sir] Richard Gresham to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received by Mr. Penison his letters for the entertainment of the French ladies. Has made them presents, and had them to his house at dinner on Sunday with the French ambassador, the bp. of Chichester and others. To- day they have gone towards Dover. His son will go with them by reason of the language. Heard from Dr. Barnes Cromwell's mind about the images at Powlles. Sent to the bp. of Chichester, the Dean, and he had them taken down the same night, Aug. 23.
Advises the taking down of "two stayers that goithe upe to a hawle passe ther as the Roode dyd stande , with two awters ond other thynges to sett candylles upeon." Has spoken to Masteres Packyngton for Sir Clement Harleston. She is not inclined that way. London, 29 Aug.
Asks Cromwell to prefer his son to the King's service when at Dover. Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
29 Aug. 210. Walter Cromer (fn. n8) to Cromwell.
R. O. Master Brian is sore sick of a burning ague. Begs Cromwell will move the King to send him Master Michell the physician. A comfortable letter from Cromwell would do him no less pleasure "than his life is in value." Byllyngtown, 21 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add,: Privy Seal. Endd.: Dr. Cromer.
29 Aug. 211. Dr. Francis Cave to [Cromwell].
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
Strype's Eccl.
Mem. I. i.
of the
163. (fn. n8)
This is to advertise "your good Lordship" of the state, of the late mon- astery of Leicester, of which we have taken the surrender. By your Lordship's goodness I am in possession of the house and demesnes. Found debts, to 411l. 10s., besides the debt to the King; against which sale of stock, &c. brought 228l., find the plate, which Mr. Freman has, is worth 190l., lead worth 1,000l., and bells 88l. Discharged the abbot and convent with 149l. as appears by the book we send. The abbot having 20l. desires of your Lordship that he may have 20l. more. Church and house remain undefaced, and in the former are many things unsold. Requests instructions about defacing "the church and other superfluous buildings "; for 100 mks. a year would not cover the yearly repair of them all. Late monastery of Leicester, 29 Aug. Signed.
P. 1.
29 Aug. 212. Thomas, Earl of Rutland, to Cromwell.
R. O. Leonard Skevington has desired mo to beg your favour for him and his company at Nottingham for money due to them, as appears by his book. Fodringhaye, 29 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Sent. Endd.
29 Aug. 213. Thomas Earl of Rutland to Wriothesley.
Vesp F. xiii.
B. M.
Has written to my lord Privy Seal for such money as is due to Leonard Skevington and his company lying at Nottingham. Thinks also that 10s. spent now in repairs in Nottingham Castle will save 40l. in future. Fodringhaye, 29 Aug. Signed.
P.1. Address lost. Begins : Masistir Wreseley.
29 Aug 214. Nic. [Shaxton], Bp. of Salisbury to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received his letter. Does not, sis the King thinks, feel more indebted to any other man than to his Highness, But this is not in his power, for lie has given the advowson to Mr. Townesend.
Cromwell writes that unless he sends him the advowson of Horton, &c, the King will not only dispose of that and all other benefices, in his gift, by his supreme authority; "that other may learn to put a difference between his Highness' earnest request and their own fantasies b[ut will] repute me a person most unkind towards him." These are heavy words of a prince towards his obedient and loving subject, but he shall do his pleasure, not only with the things Cromwell writes of, but also with himself.
The King's letters are to be addressed to Mr. Townesende, who hath the disposition of this thing at this time, if his Grace is so earnestly minded to have it. Is sure he will do herein as he did in the like in Lent last past. Rammesbury, 29 August. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
29 Aug. 215. Black Friars of Brecknock.
R. O. Surrender of the house by prior and convent, to the lord Visitor for the King, 29 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Signed: Re. Dd., prior—Harry Coke— Roger Thomas—Thomas Meredythe—Hoen ap Res—Mathew Hary—Georg Whyeh—Ryeharde Wylyams—Lesson ap Dd.—Thomas Eve.
P. 1. Endd. in the bp. of Dover's hand: "The convent at Breknock is well builded; hath none lead; hath certain meadows and orchards worth 40s. by year, none chalices ner jewels."
29 Aug. 216. Lord Leonard Grey to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. III. 97.
Since writing last by John Brok, sometime his servant, the Council has assembled in Dublin. The Council took an order for better amity to be in future between him and Ormond and lord James Butler, which he will Weep, as be sees both by their letters and by the credence Aylmer and Alen brought him that it is the King's pleasure and Cromwell's. Begs answer by his servant the bearer, George Greneleyff, about his repair thither. Greneleyff has done good service. Lacks 100l. of the stipend of himself and men due at Lady Day in Lent last. The Chancellor is dead. Begs that the. room may be given to some "true Englishman out of those parts." Maynooth Castle, 29 Aug.
Encloses copy of ODonell's late letter. Signed.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: The deputy of Ireland's letters to ODonell and ODonell's letters unto him again. Aug. 29.
2. ODonell to the Deputy and Council of Ireland.
R. O.
Has received their letters of the last, of July, mentioning that the King's letters have come to their hands; not that he requires them for any offence lie ever did, but, lie is thankful for the King's remembrance and their mediation. The good counsels they sent him he has had read three or four times before him.
Will send his servant .John Fagon before the end of the month to appoint a day and place for their meeting. Has given no succour to the Earl's son or to any of those that came with his wife except Robert Walssh, who attends upon her and would fain serve the King. In times past his father had a gun from the Scottish king wherewith be subdued his enemies, and the writer trusting to have the same gun sent his servant Arth. OGalcom for it, whom he hears they detain to his great rebuke. Dongall, 15 July [should he August],
Subscribed: Copy of ODonell's letter to me, 15 July, 30 Hen. VIII.
29 Aug. 217. John Hutton to the Marquis of Exeter.
R. O. In pursuance of a letter from Sir Richard Gressam, lord Mayor of London, which came to mo on the 24th, I made, inquiry for Mr. Taylor, lote schoolmaster to my Lord, your son, and found he was at Louvain, which is a privileged university. As 1 could not come by him by force I tried policy and wrote a letter to two gentlemen of England residing there, to come to me and make good cheer and bring with them any students of our nation. This was done next day, and I perceived by the tokens mentioned in my lord Mayor's letter that Mr. Taylor was in the company. I made no sign but got the whole company to sup with me, and after supper took Mr. Taylor by the hand and told him privately your Lordship's wish that he should return to England, and that you wondered at his sudden departure. He said it was to avoid further displeasure, for he had been threatened by some young gentlemen of your Lordship's household for ministering correction to your son; but he consented to return. The bearer, Andrew Dyar, being near at hand, I desired him to keep company with Mr. Taylor and not leave him till he had brought him to your Lordship, which he was glad to do. Antwerp, 29 August. Signed,
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
30 Aug. 218. Sir Ric. Gresham to Cromwell.
R. O. Today it was declared in the court of the Merchant Adventurers that the George Modyc, with goods of the company, was taken by Norwegian pirates.
Asks Cromwell to obtain letters from the King to the kings of Denmark, France, and Scotland, and also letters from the ambassadors of Lubeck, that search may be made. London, 30 Aug. 1538. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : Lord Cromwell, lord of the Privy Seal. Endd.
30 Aug. 219. Will of Lady Jane Gildforde, Widow.
R. O. To be buried in Blackfriars church, London. Sir John Gage and Sir Wm. Penison, executors, and the lord Privy Seal, overseer of the will. Bequeaths 20l. to the convent of Black Friars to pray for the souls of her two husbands, Sir Thos. Branndon, Sir Hen. Gildforde, Lord Vaux, Marg. Babington, Alborowe Bacheler, and all Christian souls.
Other bequests to the poor of London, to her men and women servants, to the prison houses in and near London, to her niece Bridget, her nephew lord Vaux (amongst them "my book of French,") Oliver Catisbye, (fn. n9) Sir George Morlande, (fn. n9) chaplain, Wm. Barbour, (fn. n9) Alice Kinscote, (fn. n9) Cicily, (fn. n9) Mary Alborow's niece, for the marriage of poor maidens (50l., i.e. 6s. 8d. or, at most, 10s. apiece), to her friend Edw. Standbank, Ralph Cawldwell, Wm. Scote, Jas. Fawcet, Anne Hale, the master of the Gaunts, Sir John at the Gaunts, to the guh-prior, Peerson and Willet, of the Blackfriars, to lady Kingston, Sir Wm. Kingston, Alice Boocher, (fn. n9) Alice Milbank, Mr. Whit of Bristol, Mrs. Coderington. 30 Aug. 30 Hen VIII. Testes, Mary Owdale, Dominus Thos. Balam, Wm. Curson, Edm. Pocket, and Alex. Funtayne.
ii. "A codicil to this testament." Not dated.
Requests to Sir Thou. Balam, of Brokenworth, Sir Thos. Tasker, of Bristol, the good wife James, the good wife Fouks, Mrs. Mary the Frowe, Maud my fool, my niece Bridget, Kath. Wikam, (fn. n9) Anne Catisbye, Oliver Catisbye, Sir George my chaplain (advowson of Almesburey), Anne Staundebanke, (fn. n9) Wm. Hill, Thos. Higgins and John his son, and Annes Dryvor. Testes, Ralph Caldwell, George Morland, Oliver Catisbye, Wm. Barbour, Ric. Rutter, Wm. Faucet.
Copy, large paper, pp. 3.
30 Aug. 220. Sir Brian Tuke to Cromwell.
R. O.
Ellis, 3 S. iii.
There is a monastery in Staffordshire called Hylton, lands worth 80l. a year, of the foundation of lord Audelay, whose manor of Audelay is beside it, and is now in possession of young Mr. Audelay and my daughter his wife. by Act of Parliament. This monastery was not suppressed. The manor is all that he and my daughter have in recompense of her jointure, that by my bargain with lord Audelay should have been 300l. and is scant 100 mks.; and they have no house but an old ruinous castle. Mr. Audelay had the King's favour for the farm, but, the house standing, his suit was in vain. Now the incumbent is content to resign if Mr. Audelay could obtain the grant of it, and as the latter lacks friends and ready money he is come out of Staffordshire to your Lordship in that behalf. I beg your favour for him; it wore a charitable deed to relieve "that poor family and name by the infortune of his lather so sorely decayed." London, penultime of August 1538.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
30 Aug. 221. Sir Brian Tuke to Cromwell.
R. O. By your letters received this hour, your Lordship "doubteth my simple wit," in that I have not ascertained you what I did on receipt of your former letters for 400l. to the Emperor's ambassador Don Diego de Mendoza.
I prayed the bearer of your said letters to say your command should be accomplished, and to show Mr. Wriothealey the semblable. Because I had never seen the ambassador, though he lay at Mr. Capell's house by me, and I knew not how soon he would depart, I sent to ask when I might speak with him from the King. He appointed next day at dinner; "but I excused me of not coming to dinner, because I am of a precise diet, though I sent not him that word." I came after dinner and, with chosen words, presented the reward, which he received with thanks. I caused his servants to tell it, and, without my desire, the wrote me an acquittance, which he subscribed. Drank a cup of wine with him and departed. If there had been cause why this should not have been accomplished, and I had not advertised your Lordship, it were pity I should wear either ears or nose. He gave among my clerks against my will 21 angels. London, " penultimo Aug. 1538." Hol., p. 1. Add.; Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
30 Aug. 222. John Gostwyk to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your letters by Anth. Aucher and have dispatched him as commanded. Thanks for my licence to go home. "Advertising the same by this brief declaration what remaineth with my clerk." Since the making thereof I have received from Blytheman for first fruits 108l. 2s. 2d. I daily call upon debtors about London for first fruits and other debts, and have already committed some to ward for nonpayment. "And where your said Lordship is sorry to see my letters written for the frere of Calais, I trust there is nothing therein contained whereby I should offend God, the King's Majesty, nor your Lordship." Never meant to favour traitors. London, Friday morning. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: "The penultime of August."
30 Aug. 223. Works at Dover.
R. O. Brief declaration of money received by Ant. Ager, paymaster of the
King's works at Dover, from 31 Oct. 29 Hen. VIII. to 30 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII., 1,720l.: viz. of:—"Richard [Davy], deputy to John [Whalley], late paymaster, now [deceased] 80l.: John [Gostwike], esquire [Treasurer of the] Tenth a[nd First-fruits by] the hand of [Robert] Lorde" 1,640l. Whereof:—
Ant. Ager demands allowance for money paid to various workmen (detailed) and "for timber and carriages of timber in the time of John Whalley: "Total, 1,684l.
Large paper. P 1.
30 Aug. 224. John [Hilsey], Bp of Rochester, to Cromwell.
R. O.
Ellis 3 Ser.
iii. 98.
The bearer, the prior of the Black Friars at Cambridge, . (fn. n10) a man of good learning and a preacher of Clod's true Gospel, wishes to be allowed to take away an image of Our Lady in his house, which has had much pilgrimage to her, especially at Sturbridge Fair, which is drawing near. Asks Cromwell to take the said house into the King's hands. London, 30 Aug.
If Cromwell would trust him to be commissioner for the said purpose, would fain declare himself to lie not a maintainer of superstitious religion, as some untrue men bear him in hand.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
30 Aug. 225. John [Hilsey], Bp of Rochester, to Cromwell.
R. O. Has already written about the prior of Cambridge and the image of Our Lady. His long absence moves him to write this letter for his con- tinual suit for the house of Rochester. Wishes the house of friars of London, (fn. n11) whereof he is commendatory, to change their habits, as he trusts the honest of them have changed their hearts, "that not other should be example to me, but I rather to them, to abolish utterly the physsnamye of Antichrist." Does not wish any to think that he desires the maintenance of any popish religion, but would rather die than one of them should remain. 30 Aug.
Hol., p. 1.
30 Aug. 226. Sir Wm. Penison to Cromwell.
R. O. Received yesterday at 7 a.m. his letter dated Lewes, 27 inst. At 1 p.m. set forward "her" (fn. n12) train which was last night at Dartford. "She" arrived here about 11 o'clock this morning, will go to Rochester this afternoon, and tomorrow to Sittingbourne and Canterbury, remaining there till he hears of the King's coming to Dover. Has written to all the mayors for her entertainment. The French and Imperial ambassadors as he con- jectured in his last, spake together on Monday last at 4 p.m., and afterwards visited lady Mutrell together, and sent her two "fat bookes" (bucks). She dined with the French ambassador at Chelsey, not on Thursday as I wrote, but yesterday, the Imperial ambassador being also there. Hears that the last- come Imperial ambassador (fn. n13) is summoned home. The mayor of London has not ceased visiting the Lady with presents. Graveshynd, 30 Aug. Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
30 Aug. 227. Cromwell to Lord Lisle.
R. O. At his coming to Dover, the King desires that Lisle shall bring with him Thos. Delingcourt, a smith of Calais, to answer for his lewd behaviour. Bedgebery, 30 Aug. Signed.
In Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Add.
30 Aug. 228. E. Earl of Hertford to Cromwell.
R. O. I thank you for the commission for the surrender of the Charter House, the proceeding whereof has, I doubt not, since been declared to you. 1 beg to know, by bearer, how the King and your Lordship have fared since my departure. I beg you also to help the despatch of my uncle's request. You proposed, when I was at Court, to go from Crafton to London and from thence perhaps to Leeds, where I hope I shall meet yon. Wulfhaull, 30 August. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Scaled. Endd.
30 Aug. 229. The Grey Friars, Caermarthen.
R. O. Surrender, by the warden and convent of the house of Grey Friars of Carmardeyn to the lord Visitor for the King, 30 Aug., 30 Henry VIII. Signed by John Trahern (?) S.T.B., Lewis Richard, Richard Gr., Morgan Dd, Richard Ph., Thos. Markesfyld, Res Ord, Evon Phylyp, William Dd., Henry Morgan, Bernardin Blakburne, John Wyllyams, John Geffre, and John Brygon.
P. 1.
R. O. 2. Indenture of the stuff of the Grey Friars of Karmarden received by the lord Visitor under the lord Privy Seal and delivered to my lord William, bp. of St. Davids and Thomas Prichar, vicar of Caermarthen, for the King; Mr. Mayor to have the oversight of the same.
The Sextrey:—7 suits of white silk with golden beasts, of black velvet purpled with the Apostles on the back, of red velvet with red offeras with flowers, &c. A pall of cloth of tussey or the carl of Richmond's tomb. 2 poor coats for Our Lady. A wine bottle and 3 cruets of wine. A table of Mary Magdalen. And many copes, &c, 34 items in all. Choir:—Candlesticks, &c. A goodly pair of organs. A goodly tomb for Sir Rice as Thomas, with a grate of iron about him, and a streamer and banner of his arms with his coat, armour, and helmet. Church:—5 alabaster tables, 2 sacry bells, and a frame of iron through all the church before the altars for taberys. The Steeple:—a clock and 2 bells. The King's chamber, inner chamber, and chambers next the laverys and parlour door:—1 feather bed, &c. in each. Kitchen, brewhouse, hall, and buttery:—furniture detailed.
And besides this, received 3 brass pans and 1 pot that were abroad, a vestment, and 2 altar cloths that were at the castle and a coffer that was in the town. The Visitor has a cross with Mary and Joh[...] weighing with the iron in it, 108 oz.; two gilt chalices, of which the best lay in pledge 60 oz.; a basin and ewer which lay in pledge, 54 oz., for which the Visitor paid 5l.; a pix with a crystal, 27 oz. Memorandum of how the plate in pledge was redeemed. The 10l. owing, with 20 mks. for the table of the high altar, &c, Bbachelor Traherne, late warden, shall discharge; for which he shall have all pledges, corn, cheese, &c. and the goods of Thomas Tilar, paying his debts. Where Mr. Chancellor says his door in the friars was broken and certain stuff taken out, by whom is not knowns the Visitor has left a cope to satisfy him if he will. The Visitor allowed a friar that lay sick the provisions in the house and 6s. 8d. and to each friar, 12d. Signed by Wm. bp. of St. David's, Thos. Prichard, and Martin Davy.
Copy, pp. 5.
30 Aug. 230. Martin Pellys to Cromwell.
R. O. The Master of the Rolls labours for Thos. Alen, his brother, to have Rathmore in farm. If I have not Carlingford I beg I may have Rathmore; for Alen has some certainty towards his living, and, as yet, I have none. If do not continue in Carlingford, please let me have the profits of Carlingford and Green Castle, from the time I had the gift until Michaelmas next, towards my charges in keening the castle. Chester, 30 Aug.
Thanks God that the Deputy, load James, and the rest of the Council arr in such good amity.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Eadd.
30 Aug. 231. Fernando Gonzaga (fn. n14) to Charles V.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 212.
B. M.
Has received his letters from Aigues Mortes, 18 July, and congratulates him on the success of negociations. Prince Prince Doria arrived here the day before yesterday with his 20 galleys and two others of the Pope. Yesterday morning the galleon and other ships from Genoa joined him. So after taking in some wine it was resolved to sail this evening. Understands the Emperor's desire to set foot this year in the enemy's land and facilitate the enterprise for next year, &c. Messina, 30 Aug. 1538.
Italian, pp. 5. Modern copy from Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar, vi. i. No. 5.]
31 Aug. 232. Chapuys and Mendoza to Charles V.
Calendar, vi. i.
No. 7.
Have written, of late, to Granvelle, of small matters, as of the King's discontent at his not being expressly named in the last truce, and at the precedence given to the king of Portugal; also of Castillon's excuses for having made no manifestation of joy at the truce, or peace as these people call it, said to have been concluded at Aigues Mortes, of which he had not been officially informed; yet, after the arrival of the gentleman sent by Francis through Flanders., who went on to Scotland, the King had despatched to Flanders a .servant of Wyatt and another man without informing the French ambassador of their departure. Moreover the French ambassador saw that he would have again to attend the Court 60 miles away. On his return he said, to a confidential servant, that they might summon him again to Court three or four times before he would obey; so, it seems, he has not been well treated. He firmly believed that neither of the two matches this King was negociating, in France and in Flanders, would be granted. Received, on the 13th inst., the Emperor's letters, together with the copy of those addressed to the queen of Hungary, and at once wrote to the French ambassador congratulating him upon the pence, adding that on their return from Court (whither they were going only that Don Diego might take leave of the King) they would call upon him. He answered that he was marvellously glad of the news, and would be delighted if they would publish it at Court, as confirmation of the hints he himself had already spread concerning the said truce; adding that he wished lie had some trusty messenger to inform the King his master of their courtesy.
On the 17th left London for the Court 50 miles away. The King was hunting from place to place. (fn. n15) Audience was appointed on the 21st at a manor belonging to Cromwell. Were met on the way thither by lords Feris and Cobar (Cobham?). Were asked by Cromwell about the peace, as he called it, though he heard it was only a truce. Replied that they had no specific information about the meeting at Aigues Mortes, but they had a better understanding with France. Cromwell alluded to the subject again at dinner, counterbalancing it with the news that the Turk was already in Belgrade on the way to invade Hungary, and that the son of the duke of Cleve was already in possession of Gueldres. Report their answers. Cromwell asked if it was true that the Emperor meant to pass through France to go to Flanders. Said they had not been officially informed of it, but thought it probable if the sea were not navigable. Being naked how the Emperor could, under cover of a simple truce, or even of a peace, perhaps as fragile, throw himself into the hands of one who had been for years his sworn enemy, said that he and Francis, as Christian princes, knew the danger it would be to themselves and the whole of Christendom if war continued, that their rival pretensions were not worth the hundredth part of the damage already done, and we were sure that no quarrel was likely to disturb their perfect friendship. To this neither Cromwell nor the other councillors, such as Per by, Dorset, Wiltshire, the bishop of Durham, the Grand Esquire, (fn. n16) nor Wallop, made any reply, but lowered their heads and seemed stupified. After dinner Cromwell and the other councillors went to the King, and the writers had an audience afterwards. Told him without the usual compliments, that we believed he had later news from the Imverial Court than we had; but the Emperor had already transmitted to the queen of Hungary the powers he had desired, and, since the affair of the marriages was to be discussed by the said Queen, Don Diego was recalled, to go first to Flanders, as long as she required him. Don Diego therefore asked if he could be of any use to Henry in Flanders or Spain. The King asked how he intended to go to Spain, by land or sea? Replied through France, which the King was astonished to hear, and wondered also that we had no other charge; but to ask him his final determination on the principal affair, that we might communicate it to the Queen. Difficulties raised by the King about the powers, which the ambassadors said he ought to know better about than themselves, as his ambassador had seen them. Told the King the whole matter might have been settled long ago if he had sent some one to treat at once. He showed clearly an inclination to get out of the affair altogether, repeating the same objections. He then left us to converse with some of his privy councillors at a window, and, returning, said to Chapuys, "I am very glad you are to remain with us. As there will be plenty of time to discuss this and other matters I will not now go on with the subject. As to you, Don Diego, I must talk awhile with you that you may hear my confession." He then took Don Diego apart, and expressed his confidence that he would do his best to bring these matters to a satisfactory issue, but be desired him to tell the Emperor that he thought he ought to treat him frankly and say the same to the queen of Hungary. He begged Don Diego would write to him from Flanders, also from Spain, and communicate with his ambassadors as often as possible. Don Diego said he would be glad to serve him, but thought it should be sufficient if he wrote to Chapuys. The King returned to the centre of the room and begged both the ambassadors to do their best in the affair, and get the queen of Hungary to transmit to him, directly or by proxy, the substance of the powers she had received from the Emperor; otherwise he knew not how the thing could be managed. We said this was the very thing the Queen Regent had charged us to ask of him; but we could not get him to change his mind.
Two or three times, during this conversation, the King said he was already too much advanced in years to wait much longer and he must press the matter of the marriages as much as he could; which assurance we can hardly reconcile with his coolness in the affair. He gave us a further proof of his dissimulation by telling us plainly that the Infant's marriage was the principal topic of the negociation, without which it was impossible to proceed further. He had formerly sought only to conclude his own and postpone the other; now he is seeking to negociate that of the Princess only, his object being, we think, to draw from your Majesty some declaration about Milan which would sow discord between you and Francis. Whilst he was talking to Don Diego, Cromwell was making similar statements to Chapuys in a corner of the hull; saying that the Emperor was actually treating of a marriage between the young duke of Cleves and the duchess of Milan, which, he said, was injurious to his master's reputation. Chapuys said he did not believe it, but that, considering the manner in which [Henry's] negociation bad been conducted, he thought the Emperor would be justified in doing so, and he was astonished to hear him say that his master would fall into disrepute through it. He knew my reasons as well as I did, and I added that now was the time to put away dissimulation and proceed to business, and, since the difficulty in the King's marriage rested chiefly in the cession of the right of the duchess Palatine to her sister of Milan, the matter should be referred to the Emperor's arbitration, as well as that of the Princess's dowry, if there be any difficulty about it; for the Emperor is fair more partial towards the King than towards any other of the parties. Cromwell replied that it was the Emperor, not the English, who were cold; if there were any difficulty his master would give 20,000 crowns out of his own purse.
As we were making ready to ride, Cromwell came to us, saying he was ordered to give Don Diego 400l., and repeated in substance all that the King had said to us, especially to Don Diego, urging us to promote the affair, as his master was sure that everything would be settled by means of the duchy of Milan. This he said half between his teeth, whilst we, pretending not to have taken the hint, said he might be sure of our good will, and that as the King his master had suggested that the Emperor should send powers to the queen of Hungary, it was for him to send some one thither to commence the negociation. Cromwell immediately answered that it would never do for the King to send an embassy to Flanders for such an object; after so much trouble, to conclude nothing at all would be disparaging to his reputation, and, as to sending a private person, he had no one at present whom he could trust. The ambassadors replied that the Emperor had sent Don Diego a much greater distance, and that if the King was so scrupulous about distances, he should have been doubly so when he asked that the ladies should come to Calais.
We both consider that the King is at present much perplexed at what has happened, and has lost much of his old buoyancy of spirits. He shows greater mildness, and even simplicity than before—not owing to any real goodwill to the Emperor, but owing to his uncertainty as to the course things will take. He lately resented beyond measure the mission of the above-mentioned gentleman, M. de Cenys, (fn. n17) sent to Scotland by king Francis, as well as some rather piquant words which the French ambassador addressed to him in introducing him; for, on the very same day, just after the audience of the two Frenchmen, Wyatt's secretary was sent to Spain with dispatches, as above mentioned. But that is nothing in comparison with his anger at hearing the French ambassador's observations at the last audience of the two, as we will explain hereafter.
The King granted us permission to visit the Prince and the Princess, though we perceived that, had we not applied for it, he would have asked us to go; for he evidently wished the latter to speak to us in terms prescribed in a letter of Cromwell addressed to her in his name. The letter was to say that she had heard on good authority of the dissimulation employed by us in discussing the affair, which concerned her individually, and that people would have expected more from your Majesty's friendship: that, being a woman, she could not help saying so much though she felt no anxiety as to the issue, for she was only obeying her loving father's commands, in whom, after God, she placed all her trust, but nothing had been concluded after so many fine words, and whereas merchants usually settle upon their daughters one-fourth of their yearly revenue in cash, it was strange that we should only have offered 20,000 ducats and those on such slender security that, if she had been obliged to leave England, she might not have known on what her revenue was settled. Cromwell had written to her to use the very words of this letter coupled with such gentle terms as her own wisdom might suggest, and immediately inform him of what passed at the interview with us. The Princess communicated the contents of the letter to us the day before we called, that we might prepare our answer in writing, which she might transmit to the King. This we did and believe it is flattering and satisfactory for both parties.
After visiting the Prince, who is the prettiest child we ever saw, we returned to the Princess and spoke again about Cromwell's letter, when she said her entire trust was in the Emperor, whom she held in the room both of father and mother and could not be more attached to anyone. She knew quite well it was not your fault that her marriage was advanced no further, though last Lent her father had tried to persuade her the Emperor was not in earnest about it. We took occasion to ask her if, having a favourable opportunity, she would have the courage to leave England by stealth. She was reluctant to say yes or no, but things might arrive at such a pitch and the occasion be so favourable that she would have no scruple; but her father might treat her better and she would then wish to remain.
The day before this the Fiench ambassador had sent word that he wished to cull upon us, but we out of courtesy sought to anticipate him and started for his hotel by the river side. We met him, however, just after we had started, near the hotel of Mme. de Monstreul, late governess of the deceased queen of Scotland, who is on the point of returning to France. The ambassador had been dining with her, and at our request introduced us to her; for we knew the favour she enjoyed with the King, who, knowing she was to pass through London, had sent two gentlemen of his chamber to conduct her through the city, feast and entertain her and accompany her to Dover, where the King is to meet her by appointment. She was to leave next day, but agreed to wait till our return from the Princess to be present at a dinner the ambassador wished to give us, which passed off magnificently, the Venetian secretary being of the party, but no politics were discussed at the table.
In our two interviews with the French ambassador, he gave us full hope of a lasting friendship with France. He said that, in his last two audiences with the King, the first of which was to introduce his colleague going to Scotland, who has since returned with Madame de Montreuil, he had had high words with this King, and told him he was uncourteous to ask M. de Guise to come to Calais with his daughters and nieces, and proposing to send a personage of equal rank thither to choose a damsel for him; for, in the first place, he did not think there was in all England a prince of royal descent compared to the Duke's, and, secondly, it was throwing a slur on the ladies themselves. Indeed, if such a thing were granted, the King might ask to try everyone of the damsels in order to know which suited him best. He said the King grew very angry at these remarks and began to magnify his own power, saying he was quite justified in making the demand, and that the ambassador should not presume so much upon the truce with the Emperor, which was not so firm us he perhaps imagined; that he would see in u few days the King would have become master of Milan for the Princess, for the Emperor had often offered the Duchy to him, even after the meeting at Aigues Mortes, and the offer had since been renewed to his own ambassador a! the Imperial Court. The French ambassador replied that these were weighty words indeed, but the things were almost impossible and he could only have Milan by force against both the Emperor and Francis, who were now so closely allied that their interests were one. The ambassador reported this conversation with some acrimony. Towards the close, he told the King, whose full confidence he professed to have once enjoyed, Methinks this is not the time for bravadoes. The ambassador also read us a letter from his master quite approving of the langunge he had used, which he had reported in a despatch of the 10th ultimo, saying it was time to curb the arrogance of the English, and he should make the King understand that Lorraine was not under his sway; that he would have to apply for the hand of the damsel to her father and mother, and as for the two daughters of Guise, one had already professed as a nun, while the other, as well as the daughter of M. de Vendôme, could not be disposed of. Francis wanted them to accom- pany the Queen his wife to the interview with the queen of Hungary, which, he might explain, was only for pleasure and not for political matters, and the good understanding between the Emperor and himself was daily increasing. The Constable of France writes to much the same effect, adding that the English ambassador with the Emperor had once nearly overturned the whole of Francis' plans, but there was now no fear of that. The French ambassador, however, has always asked, when he had an opportunity, when we thought peace would be concluded; for, though it was not yet made, he fully believed all matters would be adjusted, and in case of arbitration, there ought to be no other arbitrator than the Emperor and Francis, or perhaps the Queen (Eleanor) who had been the chief instrument in bringing about this and former interviews. No one knew the Emperor better than she did, and all who were jealous of the close alliance between him and France were doubtless sorry for the interview at Aignes Mortes, especially the Pope, notwithstanding the mien he had put upon it. And on our remonstrating at this insinuation he said, perhaps we were right, but his Holiness, alter all, was only a man, and he could not resist the wickedness of the cardinals by whom he was surrounded. He made the very same remark at Madame de Montreuil's, and in her very presence, and afterwards repeated if at his own lodgings, adding that the Venetians were anything but pleased at the prospect of this amity. This we contradicted, pointing to their efforts to promote the alliance, without which they could not be preserved against the Turk, by whom they were now hard pressed. The ambassador said the Emperor was much more closely concerned to defend Epirus and the Morea than the Venetians. Took occasion to mention to him news received from Venice and Ragusa, of the death of the Grand Turk, though it required confirmation—a piece of intelligence not to the ambassador's taste; and we could see, from other expressions that escaped him, that Francis confidently hopes to have. Milan in the end.
The ambassadors of the duke of Saxony and the landgrave of Hesse are still here, in almost daily conference with the prelates deputed by the King. A priest (fn. n18) who has come in their suite is now preaching every feast day at Austin Friars The King goes on with the demolition of monasteries, and two days ago sent to the Tower the younger brother of cardinal Pole, for having corresponded with him without showing the letters to the King. Don Diego starts tomorrow. Would have done so earlier, but, has only just received Henry's letters to the Emperor and the queen of Hungary. London, 31 Aug. 1538.
French, from a MS. at Vienna.
[31 Aug.?] 233. [.Sir] Thomas Hennege to Cromwell.
R. O. According to your command I have moved the King for your licence and you may go when yon please. I moved his Grace also on Mr. Poynyngs' suit to you and will show you what he said at your coining hither. This morning his Grace has spoken much of Mr. Bryan and willed me to write to you to bring a book of his offices and fees, "and he thinks surely that ye have sent Mr. Wresseley unto him to know his mind as concerning the great matter that your Lordship doth know upon." Byrlynge, this morning. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
31 Aug. 234. John Swan, Mayor of Rye, to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your Lordship's letter, dated Lewys, 26 August, commanding me to make a pair of indentures concerning the forfeit of nine packs of William Sonnyngs of Rone, which counterpayne of indenture I enclose. The prisoner is escaped to France. I delivered him on the surety of Thomas Johnson, now searcher, in presence of Thomas Bocher, Thomas Tyler, and John Brystow. Johnson sent Sonnyngs to London the Monday after, and received him on his return again the next Friday, and on Saturday at one in the morning was with him in a ship ready to sail for France; at which time I had business at the waterside, and met Johnson, and when he told me Sonnyngs was gone I said, "You have not done well." I beg you take no displeasure with me, but let his surety discharge the matter. Rye, first [qu. 31st?] of August.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: 1o Aug.
R. O. 2. Indenture, date 31 Aug. 30 Henry VIII., describing the contents of nine packs of wool, cotton, &c , searched in presence of John Swan, mayor of Rye, Richard Nicoll and Robt. Barrons, jurats, Wm. Roberthe, town clerk, Henry Kete, porter, and Robt. Coke, commoner.
In Swan's hand, p. 1.
31 Aug. 235. Dr. John London to [Cromwell].
Cleop. E. iv
B. M.
of the
Has caused all the four Orders of Friars to change their coats. They wait for capacities, for which he has again sent up this bearer, Dr. Baskerfelde. He is an honest man, and caused all his house to surrender and change their papistical garments. Reminds Cromwell that he wrote in his favour for a capacity to dwell in Oxford, though he were beneficed, and Cromwell promised capacities to him and all others freely. He has been a visitor of various places which they call custodies, and knows many things in London and elsewhere. A friend of mine, the warden of the Grey Friars in Reading, also wishes licence for them lo change their garments. Most of them are very old men. Oxon, 31 Aug.
At Merston Mr. Johan Schorn stands blessing a boot, whereunto they say he conveyed the Devil. He is much sought for ague. Proposes to convey that booted image in another place.
Hol., p. 1.
R. O. 2. The names of such as desire capacities.
White Friars.
Priests. Ric. Chesse, prior; John Tyndall and Laurence Semar, bachelors of theology; Thos.. Sydall, Bartholomew Blythman, Robt. Charlys, John Haynes, John Bacon.
Not in Orders. Ant. Foxton, Robt. Eston.
Wm. Waterman, bachelor of theology; Thos. Borell, Peter Fletcher, Ric. Prikilbanke, Hugh Cordowen, Jas. Norys, Guy Welsch, Wm. Glanton, Hen. Mathew, Edw. Bampton; Wm. Dingle, anchorite; Davy Jonys and Henry Benet, not in orders; John Low, sub-deacon.
Grey Friars.
Priests. Eew. Baskerfelde, warden, S.T.P., desires a benefice with dispensation to reside in the University of Oxford, though above 40 years.
Brian Sanden, Ric. Roper, bachelor of theology; Ralph Kyrswell, Robt. Newman, Wm. Brown, John Come, Jas. Cantwell, Thos. Capper, John Staffordeschyer, Wm. Bowghnell, Jas. Smyzth, Thos. Wythman.
John Olliff, sub-deacon. Not in Orders. Symon Ludforth, Thos. Barly, Wm. Coke, John Coke.
Austin Friars.
Ralph Jonson, Geoffrey Tomson, Edw. Foxgill, Wm. Mory, Edm. Hyans,
Thos. Fryth, Michael Symson, Geo. Elsdan, Robt. York, Robt. Baly.
Pp. 2. In Dr. London's hand. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
236. The Friars At Oxford.
R. O. Jewels and plate pertaining to the Black Friars.
A chalice and paten of gold set with stones, 36½ oz. A silver-gilt cross, 120 oz. The foot thereof, 72 oz. 3 other chalices. A silver-gilt pax. 2 censers. A parcel gilt ship, 8 oz. A pax with silver and ivory. 2 silver parcel gilt basons. The little pyx on the altar.
The Grey Friars.
A silver-gilt cross. 4 chalices. A pyx. A censer. A pair of small cruets. 5 old masers, with silver bands, weighing with the trees 82 oz. A black horn with silver band and foot. 3 doz. spoons. A knop of the cover of maser,
Austin Friars.
3 chalices.
White Friars.
3 chalices. A silver ship. 2 silver cruets. A silver-gilt pax. A silver-gilt censer.
Mem.—"That my lord of Develyn (fn. n19) carried with him from the Austin Friars," the following:—
A black nut and a red nut, with gilt covers and knops. 2 standing masers, gilt, without covers. A maser with a broad band, gilt. A salts, parcel gilt, with cover. A goblet, parcel gilt. A salt, all gilt, with coders. 2 standing cups and a little pot. 9 silver spoons with maiden's heads and six with the Apostles. 2 gilt spoons. 9l. 11s. 1d. in money; and a quantity of bedding, tablecloths, garnish of vessels, &c.
Pp. 3. Endd.
31 Aug. 237. Nicolas [Shaxton], Bp. of Sarum, to Cromwell.
R. O. Sends a bill of accusation against Sir Lovell, a priest, for preaching seditionsly and speaking ungoodly of the King. Keeps him in ward till further orders. Ramesb[...]ry, 31 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
31 Aug. 238. Leonard Skeffyngton to Wriothesley.
R. O. Requests him to procure a warrant from my lord Privy Seal for the pay of the garrison of Nottingham Castle, in accordance with the letters of the earl of Rutland addressed both to my lord Privy Seal and to Wriothesley. Close upon tour months' pay is now due. Nottingham, "the last day of August." Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Wresley with my good lord Privy Seal in service. Endd.: xxviij die Aug.
31 Aug. 239. Melancthon to Joachim Camerarius.
Reform. iii.
* * * Franciscus "ex Britannia" and Basilius (fn. n20) "εκ της Γαλατιας"(from France) have not yet returned. Yesterday were with us two young Celtici who come straight form Padua, who, although they deplore the profanity of the Italians, yet say that many good men are anxious to embrace a purer doctrine. Therefore I have determined to dedicate a psalm to the duke of Ferrara. * * * Prid. Cal. Sept.
— Aug. 240. Sir Thos. Audeley, Lord Chancellor, to [Cromwell].
Otho E. x. 47.
B. M.
"After my right hearty commenda[tions] . . . . . . . . . perceiving by your last letters to me . . . . . . . . . . . .King's pleasure and will is, that th. . . . . . . . exchanges and re-eschanges should be ma[de] . . . . . taking respect to a deeper examination . . . . . . . . . . . . sent to your Lordship the same according[ly] . . . . . . . . marveling somewhat that it should be also . . . . . . . . order were taken for recompense of the p[atents] . . . . granted of the same. And now the merchants, [have their] desire, the patentees be driven to s[eek] recompense, and the merchants be well in quietness . . . . all the benefit." I have never seen any pate[nts] taken from poor subjects without recompense. This matter touches . . . honesty having the King's patent. I know well that at all the . . . . . with the King's Council, it was thought con- venient [that] the merchants should be relieved and the pate[ntees] recompensed, and now the merchants be abso[lutely] relevyd, and the patentees put to their suits. I care less for the profits than for the honesty. I am unhappy for patentees of offices. I am glad to hear of the King's good health and prosperity. Terlyng, . . . . Aug.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 2.
241. The Middle Marches of Scotland.
R. O. The "names of billes filed" since Sir John Wedderyngton, Deputy Warden of the Middle Marches, entered his office.
(1.) Day of trew at Coklawe, 25 April 29 Hen. VIII. "Sysere":— George Carr, James Carr, the lord of Hownthill: The lord of Howndhylle, George Carr, Lance's son, Robyn Davyson. Bill of John Gren of Barro, "full," upon Percy Robson; delivered for this Percy Robson, Scotchman. Bill of Jarret Rydle, "full of" Percy Robson; Robson delivered. Bill of Percival Selbeys, "full of" Dande Mydlmest; a Scotchman "fautor" delivered for this.
(2.) Day of trew at Hexspethgate, l3 May 29 Hen. VIII. Similar bills of John Bedenell on Will. Amoo, Rob. Trumbull on Jock Olyver of the Slakes, George à Potts on Arche Olyver, Roger Fenwyke on John Hall, Percival Clenelles on the laird of Moo, and Sandy Hall on Jock Laydley; "fantors " being delivered, or else the warden bound for them.
(3.) At Coklawe, 18 June. The weather so foul that nothing could be done.
(4.) At Coklawe, 27 June 20 Hen. VIII. Bills enrolled and "fulled" ready for "liverance."
(5.) At Coklawe, 12 July 29 Hen. VIII. Bills of Andde Haull on John Robson and Chairle Aynesle of the Mill; Robt. Collingwood on George Robson, Thurbrandhugh, Will. Robson, and Jas. Robson of Hownen Grange; Hen. Collingwud on Hobb Lomysden of Stokestruther, Bertte Hall on Hebbe Anysle of Doffynston and Riche Aynesle of Fawley, Jerry Fenwyke on the laird Amoo and Luchant Will. Amo, Belles Ersdon on Hobbe Doubles, and George Dychant on the lord Corbet.
(6.) Coklawe, Thursday, 6 Sept. 29 Hen. VIII. Bill of John Crysty of Hedgisle and his neighbours on Mungo Dowgles, Hobe Dowgeles of Caphup, Charile Dowgles of the Kirk, for four horses, three swords, and three daggers; of Andro Haull, called Spyrell, on James and Wat Robson and George Blakewatt "of trnblant Thome Pott of the Hern House."
(7.) Coklawe, 24 Oct. 29 Hen VIII. Bills of Thome Haull of Crosse- binkes, Robert of Collingwood, Rob. Haull of Wiskersheyll, Pereival Selby, Percival Fenwick, Audio Haull, John Wylkynson of Barro, Jas. Wylkynson of Insighte, and Hobe Potte of Durtres.
(8.) Coklawe, 9 May 30 Hen. VIII. Bills of Percy Fenwick, John Horsle, and Hobbe Whytte. "Sycers":—George Carr of Fawdonside, the lord of Grenchedes and Rauffe Carr; Henry Davyson, John n Bourne, and Robyn Carr.
(9.) Coklawe, Monday, 26 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Bill of Percival Selbye. "Sycers":—George Carr of Fawdonside, Dave Carr of Litillden, and the lord of the Howntyhyll; the lord Abown Jedworth, Robyn Ellett, and the lord of Howndhyll.
(10.) Coklaw, 30 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Bills of George Fenwick, Sandde Haull, Wille Haull, Thos. Collingwudd, George Dychant, Roger Horsle, Peter Snawdon, and "Watt Downe.
"Sum of English bills full and lyvertt for principal and doble" 310l. 15s. 10d.
ii. List of similar bills with the amounts of each in money:—
Bills of Thos. Doffanby "full of" Gib. Oliver, for 10 oxen and 2 mares, 16l. 13s 4d.; Sir John Weddrington, 6 horses, 20l.; John Horsle, 16 sheep, 3l. 4s.; Old Tome Browne; Percy Hall, a cow, 20s.; Thom Sponner, "a noxe," 26s. 8d.; Peter Hall, 9 swine, 40s.; Martin Hedles, 3 brood sows and a boar, 4l.; Thos. Fenwick, Wm. Fenwick, Renzen Goodayle, Thom Storrar, Jenkyn Anderson, Thorn Anderson, "Thom Anderson the lord his bill full of slaughter of Will. Edgare, his servant, in following of a mare, 26l. Sd.," Watt Down, Henry Anderson, George Gybson, Chr. Selbey, John Grene, of Barro, Thome Grene, Thom Gybson, John Gayre, Hobbe Smythe, George Fenwick, Lyall Greye, Sand Hall, Humph. Hall, James Pott. The day of liverance of the bills aforesaid appointed, 4 March. Total, 165l. 4s.
Large paper, pp. 6.
— Aug. 242. Sir Edw. Nevyll to Cromwell.
R. O. On Monday lost a Scotchman was taken at Rochester with letters and a pardon from Rome, sealed by four cardinals and others. Sends him up by the mayor and officers. He tried to break one of the letters in pieces. Thinks it is procured by some spiritual men of this realm. Signed.
P I. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Aug.
243. John Warney (Varney) to Cromwell.
R. O. Asks him to get the King's signature to his bill for having the patent of his office (fn. n21) during his life. Hears that Mr. Bryan is sore sick and and in danger. Fears if he dies some other will make suit; for he stayed the having out of the writer's patents, which he trusts now to obtain for his long service.
(fn. n22) Hol., p.1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: John Verney.
[Aug.] 244. Sir William Bassett to [Cromwell].
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
of the
According to your Lordship's late letters to me I send by bringer, my brother Francis Bassett, the images of St. Anne of Buxstone and St. Mudwen Burton-on-Trent. Brought them to my house within 48 hours after sight of your letter, in as sober manner as I could. That there should be no more idolatry, I defaced the tabernacles where they stood, took away "cruchys, schertes, and schetes with wax offevyd" and charged the keepers to allow no more offerings to be made. I also locked up and sealed the baths and wells at Buxstone that none may wash therein till your further pleasure be known. The bearer can report the "fond trust" the people had in these images. Langley.
Hol., p 1.
[Aug.] 245. Disaffection in Lincolnshire.
R. O. On Our Lady Day the Assumption, 30 Hen. VIII., Sir Robt. Tyrwhyt, Sir Wm. Ayscugh, Robt. Tyrwhyt, esq., Thos. Dymok, Wm. Dalyson, and Robt. Dighton, and other justices of Lyndysay, being at Thorneton Abbey, committed Thos. Bawmburgh, of Barrow, to the stocks, and Laurence his father abused the constable of Barrow, James Clarke, for taking his son, and used these words "Tin s doyng ys powlyng and I trust thys worlde wyll amend ons."
On the morrow Clarke and others (named) presented the said words in writing to Sir Wm. Ascugh at Stalyngborough; but he said "Get you home and agree together, for you will never let till one of you undo another." Sir William repeated these words openly in the sessions at Caster where Robt. Tyrwhit, Esq. found fault with them. Afterwards Clarke presented the words of the said Laurence to Sir Robt. Tyrwhyt, who considered them to be heinous against the King and sent Laurence to Lincoln Castle.
The cause of Thos. Bawmburgh's committal was that, during a case between him and the abbot of Thorneton, he used many proud words to the abbot. Whereupon Thos. Dymok said to him, "Get thee hence, there is over many such busy fellows in the country as thou art." To this Bawmburgh answered with a proud stomach, "By God's blood, there will be mo or they be fewer."
ii. Articles reciting the misdemeanor of Robt. Hanschey alias Smyth, of Barowe, Line. Clark the constable accuses him of interfering with him in the case of getting a watch, the punishment of a " valyent begger," who "had no letter," and the taking of Laurence Bawmburgh.
The names of 13 justices present at the exhibiting of this bill are given.
Hanschey is sentenced to the pillory at Barton and Caister markets, one hour each; Stevyn Teynby, who was his companion, to the pillory at Burton.
Sir Wm. Ascugh complained of this judgment as without precedent; but one of the justices pointed out that they had the King's letter for the punishment of such offenders. Sir William answered that it seemed Hanschey had the worse favour because he (Sir W.) favoured him. John Hennage said that was "foolishly spoken," and Sir Robt. Tyrwhyt rebuked him for maintaining such lewd fellows, and said Barrowe was never quiet since Sir Wm. bare any rule there.
When the constable of Barrowe at the last session at Caster presented the bill of Hanechey's and Teynby's misdemeanours, Sir Wm. put it in his purse.
Pp. 6. Endd.
Aug. 246. Buckinghamshire.
R. O. Injuries done by Roger Gyffard of Cleydon, and his sons John, George, Raffe, William, and Nicholas, to Thos. Gyffard, of Twyford. They persuaded the abbot of Notley to falsify a lease to Thos. Gyffard, of the parsonage of Hyllesden, made 16 Hen. VIII., that it might come to their hands. The lessee, at the duke of Suffolk's request, allowed John to have the rest of the lease for 40s. a year, which has never been paid. He also lent John 6l. six years ago, which has never been repaid. About five yean ago Raffe, with Dycke of the Forest, Hugh Snow, and others, fished the several pond in Thos. Gyffard's park, and the Pasture pond, also belonging to him, and caught a great number of bream, as appears by Dycke's and Snow's examination before Mr. Polstede, at the command or my lord Privy Seal. About Christmas two years ago the King wrote to Thos. Gyffard to provide carp and other fish for his manor of Cornebury. He drew his pools and put the chosen fish into Theves pond, which was robbed in the night, before they could be taken to Cornbury, by persons from Claydon. Raffe Giffard stole live carps worth five crowns out of the same pond, and on the 6th of this August, the Warell's pond was robbed, and a cart was traced thence to Steple Claydon, where Raffe Gyffard lives, and nets and other things were found there. Raffe told those sent by Thos. Giffard that he would fish his ponds before his face. About five years ago Nicholas Gyffard, with John Browne and Ric. Geffrey, were taken in Thomas's park at night with a stalking-horse, crossbows, and longbows, and on last St. Thomas's Day a buck was killed and Raffe's bitch found feeding on the paunch in the park. The keeper's hound drew straight towards Claydon, but Thomas ordered him to stop, as he did not wish his kinsman's conduct to be talked of in the country.
Pp. 3.
247. Ireland.
R. O. Robert Cowley's device for the reformation of Ireland. Commences by detailing the abuses, as absentee landlords, alliances with Irishmen, residence of the Deputy in Dublin being fixed, neglect of all the land except the four shires of the English Pale, danger of Irishmen combining if attacked (at the last hosting upon OBrien the pretended earl of Desmond assisted him), Englishmen who are disobedient (Desmonds, Barries, Roches, McWilliams, Burkes, Dillons, Daltons, Dalamares, and others), small bishoprics possessed by papistical wretches who oppress the people.
"The remedies for the enormities premised," the first of which is that the Deputy may be "a grave, discreet, politic man working not with heady rage [but] by advice of sage expert personages."
A marriage has long been brewing betwixt .Kildare's sister Eleanor and Manus ODonell now called ODonell, which I, Robert Cowley, have delayed these four years. Now since my coming into England she has married ODonell, and taken the brood of traitors young Gerot, James Delahide, and the Walshes with her, and if they combine with ONele they may cause much trouble. There is contention between ONele and ODonell for certain lands now really belonging to the King's earldom of Ulster. ODonell's title should be to support it in order to sever him from ONele.
In Cowley's handy pp. 5. Endd.
R. O. 2. Another copy.
Pp. 5.
248. Friar [Dove].
R. O. Interrogatories to the prior of the friars at Calais.
1. Where he was made friar? The answer follows in Morysine's hand, but is crossed out: "He answereth in Ichchen in Hertfordshire where he tarried from 10 to 14 or 15 year of age." 2. Where he has studied? 3. Where he has been master and in how many places? 4. By whose means he has been promoted to any office and who has chiefly helped him? 5. By whoso means he was made prior of Calais? 6. By what means and by whose help he became acquainted with the lord Deputy there? 7. How many of the Council of the town he took to be his friends? 8. And how many his enemies or unfavourable to his opinions? 9. How many of the retinue he took to be of his faction? 10. And how many of the contrary opinion? 11. Who encouraged him to hear the sermons of one Adam, (fn. n23) who came lately out of Germany? 12. Who encouraged him to come to England to depose against the said Adam? 13. Who directed him to the bishops of London, Chichester, and Durham? 14. What letters he had to them, and whether he were privy to their contents? 15. What intercourse he has had with the said bishops, or any of them [whether] before his going over or not? 16. What conferences he has had with them since his coming over; how often and in whose presence? 17. What letters he has written to those or other bishops any time these four years, and what letters he has received from them or any other person within this realm, and what they contained? 18. What intelligence he has with my lord Chamberlain, to whom he lately wrote, how many letters he has written to him, how long they have been acquainted, and what letters he has received from my lord Chamberlain, or any of his household? 19. Who directed any letters from Calais to John Gostyk in his favour, and what communications have been between them? 20. Who directed him to my lord of Durham, why he went to him, what communica- tion he had with him, how often, and how he departed from him? 21. Who directed him to the bishop of London, how often he was with him, whereupon they conferred, and what conclusions passed between them? 22. Who addressed him to my lord of Chichester, &c.? 23. Whether he were privy to the bishop of London's letters to the lord Deputy of Calais, what the bishop meant by the ending, "wherein he prayed that all should not perish there as it is lost here," and what words were between the bishop arid him at the delivery of the letters?
In Wriothesley's hand, pp. 5. Endd.; Interrogatories to the prior of the White Freers in Calais and answer to the same.
249. Grants in August 1538.
Aug./Grants. 1. John the abbot, and the convent of the monastery St. Osith, Essex. Licence to alienate by deed the manor of Aburton, Essex; and advowson of Aburton church; and all lands, &c, in Aburton, Langenhoo, Peldon, Estmersey, and Leyr de la Haye, Essex; the manor of Abottes, Suff., and all manors, &c, in Denham, Dalham, Dunstall, and Ousdon, Suff., to Sir Thos. Audeley, the Chancellor. Terlyng, 1 Aug. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 19.
2. Humph. Horton, clk. Grant of the prebend and canonry of Wyggynton, in the collegiate church of Tomworth, Cov. and Lich. dioc., vacant by the death of Roger Dyngley, clk. Arundel Castle, 16 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Waltham Holy Cross, 1 Aug. anno subscripto. (fn. n24) — P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 10.
3. John Pilkyngton, clk., King's chaplain. To be rector of the parish church of Bradley, Cov. and Lich. dioc, vice Roger Dyngley, dec. Arundel Castle, 16 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Waltham, 1 Aug. anno subscripto. (fn. n24) —P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 10.
4. Thos. Shawe. Licence to alienate the manor of Markhall, Essex, to Sir Hen. Parker lord Morley and his heirs by fine. Westm., 3 Aug. Pal. 30 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 20.
5. Baptista Monteso, of Spain. Licence to buy and export 300 tuns of beer. Oking, 25 July 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Terling, 6 Aug. —P.S.
6. Wm. Gibbs, clk. Presentation to the parish church and rectory of Northlufnam, Line, dioc, void by death. Pettiswoorthe, 1 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Aug.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 10.
7. Robt. Asplond. Licence to alienate the manor of Heydon and certain land, &c, in Heydon, Magna Chishill, and Chrishall, Essex, and the advowson of Heydon church, to John Sterne, sen., Thos. Castell, John Sterne, jun., and Wm, Sterne; to be re- granted to the said Robt. and Eliz. Serle, widow, and the heirs of the said Robert. Castell Campes, 14 Aug. Pat. 30 Hen. VIII., p. 5, m. 13.
8. Sir Anth. Brown. Grant in fee of the house and site of the late abbey of Battle, Sussex, now dissolved, the church, steeple, and churchyard thereof, and lands, &c. (specified) in Batell, Marley, and Howe, Sussex; the lordship and manor of Batell, the rectory, advowson, &c, of the parish church there, and all lands, &c, in Batell, Marley, Sedelescombe, Watlington, Hormountishurst, Wartlington, Cattesfeld, Tellam, Ukham, Swynham, Wyllingdon, Westdene, Holyngton, Beckys- hill, Bodyham, and Agmershirste, Sussex, and Romneymershe, Kent, belonging to the said late abbey. To hold the premises in as full manner as John Hamond, the late abbot, held the same, at 12d. rent, dis- charged of all corrodies, &c, except the above rent and an annual fee of 100s. granted under convent seal to Ambrose Comport for life, and an annual pension of 106s. 8d. to the dean of Batell. Manor of Cowdery, 7 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Erlys Colne (enrolled Westm.) 15 Aug.— P.S. Pat. p. 3 m. 11.
Aug./Grants 9. Anth. Anthony, one of the grooms of the Chamber. Licence for 7 years to buy and export 200 tuns of double beer and 200 weyes of cheese. Chichestre, 13 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurche, 20 Aug. —P.S.
10. Edm. Knyghtley, serjeant-at-law Grant in fee of the ground, church, steeple' and churchyard of the dissolved monastery of Studeley, and the manor of Studeley, with all lands belonging to them in the parish of Studeley, a field called Barbors- fielde, a croft called Huntiscroft, in the tenure of John Ede, one of the tenants in Studeley; and two small parcels of pasture called Gibbsclosis, in the tenure of Joan Wright, widow of Thos. Wright, one of the tenants in Studeley, in the parish of Ippisley; the advowson of the vicarage of Studeley, and the escheats, wards, marriages, &c, in said parish; in as full manner as John Yardeley, the late prior, held the same.
Also the rents and reversions reserved upon the following leases by Thos. Al- wode, the prior, and the convent of Studeley, viz.:—
(1.) 10 June 20 Edw. IV., to Adam Yarde- ley, of a messuage and garden in Studeley, opposite the cross in Kennell Strete, in which the said Adam then dwelt; a close called "le Shepcroft " lying in length and breadth between the pasture called Dun- stall and the common called "le Hethe;" two acres of meadow called Moremedow, between the meadow of the heirs of Alexan- der Rusheton, on the north, and that of the said prior on the south, nine selions of land with a, meadow at the end lying in "le Haddeway," and extending from "le Hilmedowbroke" to the little way at the end aforesaid; an enclosure called "le Newlonde," lying in length and breadth between Dunstallfilde Grange and the lane called Nelys Lane; and another croft lying in length between the highway from Bors- ley to Aucytor, and the said croft called Newlonde, and in breadth between the said lane called Nelys Lane and a croft then in the tenure of one John Golbam, in Stude- ley—to hold to the said Adam and Agnes his wife in survivorship; at the annual rent of 37s.
(2.) 18 April 13 Hen. VII. to Robt. Mor- gayne, now dec, and Anne, his wife, still living, of a mansion with kitchen and other houses thereto belonging in the site of the said late priory, with a garden lying [ex- tending] from said mansion to the water called Arrow, with fishery therein, through the space opposite said garden; and with another fosse of water running from the south of the said garden, with fishery in the same; with free ingress and egress with focalia, ropes, and other necessaries from the place called the great court ["Magna Curia"] by the lower doors of the great or old hall; also a stable near the great gate of the said priory, with a loft thereto adjoining; in survivorship; at 20s. rent.
(3.) 10 March 15 Hen. VII., to Ric. Par- sonnes, now dec.; for 40 years; at 13s. Ad. rent.
(4.) 14 March 19 Hen. VII., to Win. Crow- ley and Alice, his wife; for 39 years; at 42s. 6d. rent.
(5.) 26 Oct. 12 Hen. VII., to Robt. Mor- gayne, now dec, and Anne his wife, of pasture land in Studeley Park; in survivor- ship, at 20s. rent.
Annual value, 49l. 2s. 2d.; rent of 8l. 2s. 2d.
Also grant, at the said Edmund's request, to Ursula Knyghtley, his wife, of an annual rent of 15l. fee-farm of the manor of Fal- lesley, Northt., which Joan Knyghtley, widow of Sir Ric Knyghtley, dec. holds, for life, with remainder in tail male to the said Edm. with contingent remainder in tail male to Valentine Knyghtley, with contin- gent remainder to the right heirs of said Sir Richard. To hold, with similar remainders in tail, to the said Edmond and then to Valentine, and afterwards to the right heirs of said Edm. Also confirmation to the said Joan, Edm., and Valentine, and to Joan Knottisfurde, Susan Knyghtley, Anne Knyghtley, Mary Knyghtley, and Francis Knyghtiey, daughters and heirs of Ric Knyghtley, dec, s. and h. of the said Sir Ric, in whom the said reversion now rests; of their estate and title in the said manor of Fallesley. To hold by the annual rent of 2d. Del. Westm., 22 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. —S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 24.
11. John Pope, LL.B. Presentation to the parish church of Belton, Line. dioc. vice Henry Lytherland, last rector, dec, in the King's gift by reason of the manifold treasons proved against the said Henry. Castle of Arundell, 16 Aug, 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Brantham (enrol. Westm.) 23 Aug. —P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 9.
12. Ric. Longman. To be yeoman of the King's pavilions and tents in England and elsewhere under John Farlyon, Serjeant of the same. Castle of Arundel, 19 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Berechurch, 24 Aug. —P.S. Pat. p. 6, m. 16.
13. Fras. Dawtry. Grant in fee of the house and site of the late priory of St. Denis in South Stoneham, Hants; the grange in South Stoneham, Hants, and certain acres of land, &c, in South Stone- ham; the manors of Porteswood and Nort- ham; two gardens behind the tenements of the said Francis in the town of Southampton in the tenure of Ralph Hayward; the tenement called "le Bordelhouse" and three cottages in Bullestrete in the parish of St. Michael in the town, late in the tenure of Sir John Dawtry and now in that of Sir Ric. Lyster, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, with toft and curtilage adjoining on the east side of Bullestrete there; all which belonged to the said late monastery; and the manor of Lokerley, Hants, and lands, &c, in Est Deane, Hants, belonging to the same late priory, which John Whit- land now holds by copy of court roll of the said manor; with liberties; in as full manner as Walter Maye, the late prior, held the same. Clear annual value 32l. 15s.; rent 65s. 6d. Del. Berechurche, 26 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 6, m. 19.
Aug./Grants 14. Geo Taylor, a gentleman usher of the Chamber. To have the moiety of the rectory of Goddston alias Wolkamstede, Surr. not exceeding 4 mks. a year, late belonging to the monastery of Lessness, Kent, and in the King's gift by the attainder of Thomas, late cardinal of York. Ewrige, 23 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Del. Lyghes, 29 Aug,—P. S.
15. John Farlyan, yeoman of the revels. To be the pavilioner or serjeant of the King's pavilions and tents; with fees of 20l. a year and a livery. Bedceburye, 28 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Del. "Westm. 30 Aug.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 9.
250. Rafe Sadleyr to Wriothesley.
R. O. Mr. Pary, my Lord's servant, presented the letter you procured for me to the prior of Coventry, and received a verbal answer, which he has written to John Hales (enclosed). Thinks it will come to good effect if well followed. Encloses also copy of a letter devised by John Hales to be written by my Lord to the prior. Begs Wriothesley to get one of his clerks to copy or amend it, and ask my Lord to sign it that it may be sent tomorrow.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
251. Thos. Chapman, Warden of the Friars Minors, London, to Master Newell, (fn. n25) Steward of the Abp. of Canterbury.
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
Prays his assistance in a cause, but first will explain what moves him to write. Quotes passages of Scripture to prove that things in themselves good are to be eschewed if they offend our neighbour. Now the coat that they wear and the fashion that some of them use is the occasion of evil. The writer is warden, and has laboured to amend it in vain, so it is time to call for more help. All the house would gladly change their coats provided they have a living, and that living the writer could devise and put the King to no cost. Would show this to the lord Privy Seal, who has ever befriended him, but hears his Lordship has forbidden them to come in to speak with him. Could, however, remind his Lordship of some things which would be a way towards a better order of religion than is now. I wish you could speak to his Lordship of this, for I know you are my friend, and I am the same man as when I was with you. We all long to change our coats.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Right reverend . . . . in Lambeth.
252. The Warden [Chapman] of the Grey Friars, London, to Cromwell.
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
Your Lordship commanded me to send the names of my brethren, and you would send a dispensation of our papistical and slanderoys apparel. It has not been rightly used for many years, and no doubt Grod moves the hearts of princes to lake it away and to correct them for their sins, as he corrected the children of Israel by the Chaldeys and Babylons. I and my brethren are ready to obey your least writing. I remain in such apparel as you saw me in at Chichester. We all long for your dispensation. If you will make "your dispensation by any man's name here, I have sent them in this other letter."
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
253. John Tracher, Yeoman, to Cromwell.
R. O. Complaint against his landlord, Robert Cheyny, Esq., of Chessamboys, Bucks, who, because he has been glad to read the New Testament and other books set forth by the King's authority, warned him on Palm Sunday last to leave his ground at Michaelmas next, and caused the gentleman who owns the house in winch he dwells to give him like warning. Requests a letter to Mr. Cheyny to allow him to remain till Michaelmas 12 months, as he has fallowed the ground ready for next wheat sowing.
Large paper, p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
254. John Freman to Cromwell.
R. O. I desire to live and to have some mean living to maintain life withal, which cannot be had without your help. I often remember your kind words when I was last at Windsor, that you trusted ere ye died to see me spend by the King's grace 100l. a year. Please move his Highness to give me the third of that sum. I request the demesnes of Hawnby (fn. n26) Abbey, in Lincolnshire, which I have in farm for 36l. 7s. I have written to my friend Mr. Wrethsle.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.


  • n1. In a different hand from his other letters; but which is really his own is uncertain.
  • n2. This paper also is not unlikely to have been written by Thomas Barnaby, whose name is mentioned in it in the third person. The handwriting, however, does not correspond with that of either of the two preceding letters; nor y«t with that of another letter pro- fessedly written by him, which will be found later on in this volume.
  • n3. See Part I., No. 1509.
  • n4. Name accidentally omitted.
  • n5. See Nos. 2 and 177.
  • n6. Anthoine de Noyelle, the present abbess.
  • n7. This although the day and month are left blank in the surrender itself.
  • n8. Apparently Dr. Cromor, the Scotch physician mentioned in Vol. V., No. 233. He is also referred to in Vol. X., Nos. 83, 731.
  • n9. These are called her servants
  • n10. Gregory Dod.
  • n11. The Black Friars
  • n12. Referring to the lady of Montrenil mentioned later.
  • n13. Don Diego de Mendoza.
  • n14. The writer is called Luigi Gonzaga by Gayangos, but according to this transcript the signature is "Fernando Gonzaga." The writer is therefore apparently the count of Guastalla himself, not an imaginary son.
  • n15. He was then about Arundel.
  • n16. Sir Nicholas Carew.
  • n17. Certainly Lassigny.
  • n18. Probably Myconius.
  • n19. Dr. George Brown, formerly prior of the Austin Friars, London, and provincial of the Order.
  • n20. Basil Monner, LL.D. Ses Seckendorff, iii. 178, Jöcher's Gelehrten Lexicon.
  • n21. Steward of Berkhampstead and King's Langley. See Vol. VII., p. 146.
  • n22. The whole letter, including the signature "Warney" for "Varney" is in a clerk's hand,
  • n23. Adam Damplip.
  • n24. Sic
  • n25. Apparently Ric, Nevell. See Cranmer's Letters, 297, 332, 374, 386, 400.
  • n26. Hagneby, or Haughnaby, one of the small monasteries suppressed in 1536. The demesne lands were actually granted to Freeman on the 23rd November 1538.