Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1538

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1538', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1893), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp496-539 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1538', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1893), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp496-539.

"Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1538". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1893), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp496-539.


Report 75816

1182a. Undated Grant [1538?]
Eliz. Anys, of London, widow, victualler. Protection for one year, as of the retinue of Sir Thos Clifford, Captain of Berwick-on-Tweed. Signed by Clifford.S.Bb.
1183. Rites and Ceremonies.
R. O. Proclamation intended to correct mistakes occasioned by a previous proclamation which certain persons wrested to the maintenance of their old fantasies in religion. The previous proclamation was for the maintenance of all ceremonies and rites heretofore used which are not put down by the King's authority and that the bps. and curates should instruct the people as to their value.
Draft. Pp. 14. Corrected by Cromwell.
1183. Cromwell.
R. O. "Gentlemen of my lord Privy Seal's mete to be preferred unto the King's Majesty's service,"viz.:-Lord Thos. Graye, Walter Hungreforde, Albery Veyre, Rauf. Vane, John Wadham, Peter Courteney, John Briggenden, Robt. Merler, Chr. Roper, John Palmer, Ant. Awcher, Wm. Manby. Edm. Wright, Thos. Cave, Fras. Goodyere, Wm. Lygon, Nic. Arnolde, Fras. Bedingfelde, Wm. Dormer, Wm. Potter, John Portynary, George Rowce, Geo. Swillington, John Hasilwood, John Turfelde, Barth. Bayneham, John Cheyney, John Babington, Thos. Culpeper, John Fogg, John Norwiche, Thos. Wyat, Andrew Baynton, Robt. Carr, John Wotton, —— Spenser, Ric. Waller, Ant. Sandes, —— Sturton, John Horsey, Ph. Egerton,—— Chombley, Humph. Connysby, Wm. Phyneux, John Leeds, Thos Godolphin, Wm. Perry, John Sydenham, Edm. Shefelde, Thos. Baskett, James Coffin, John Porte, Edm. Knight, Edm. Fetypace, Humph. Wells, John Luttrell, —— Homer, Steph. Parry, Henry Graie and Wm. Tuysden.
ii. "Gentlemen most mete to be daily waiters upon my said lord and allowed in his house," viz.:—Mr. Walter Crumwell, John Willyamson, Geo. Pollarde, Ralph Hopton, Nic. Wadhain, Thos. Avery, Hen. Blunt, John Rede, Adrian Poyninges, Ralph Latham, Ric. Bowstred, Thos. Palmer, Ric. Woodall, Edm. Jerningham, James Wilforde, Lionel Carnabyp, John Skypwythe, Robt. Cotton, Thos. Worthington, Ric. Washington, John Watson, Thos. Ysley, Kenelm Throgmerton, — Hopton, Thos. Basford, Robt. Bumsted, Nic. Canton, Roger Amyce, Thos. Lambe, Wm. Lane, Thos. Sternolde, George Ferreys, Thos. Denys, Robt. Lussher, Ralph Catulyne, Wm. Pettj Geo. Lawson, Thos. Chaloner, Chr. Goldyngham, Geo. Fogg, Wm. Pyckering, Nich Walwyn, Thos. Godolphin, and Ric. Henege.
iii. "Gentlemen not to be allowed in my Lord's household aforesaid but when they have commandment or cause necessary to repair thither," viz.:— Thos. Rotheram, Ric. Houghe, Nic. Gyfforde, John Godolphin, Geo. Saintlegier, Wm. Fyndon, Leonard Smyth, Oliver Denham, Thos. Wrothe, Wm. Umpton, John Cocke, John Wykham, John Antony, John Brabson, Wm. Saunders, JohnCooke, Wm. Jackson, Giles Morgan, Bryan Cave, Edw. Saunders, Ant. Rocke, Wm. Burley, John Bellowe, Ric. Salewaie, Wm. Leghe, —— Choone, John Lacells, Edw. Draycotts, Edm. Bellingforde, John Oglesthorpp, John Fysher, Ric. Welby, John Horseman, Wm. Vowell, HughLosse, Philip Mourice, Wm. Morgan, Thos. Craxton, Henry Dudley, Wm. Merthe, Thos. Clacy, Edw. Plankney, Ric. Sherarde, Ric. Gainsforde, Thos. Bushop, James Barnarde, Wm. Culpeper, John Basset, —— Thornborowe,. John Feimer, John Peryer, Wm. Godolphin, John Edmonds, Thos. Temys,—— Danyell,John Chechester, Miles Coverdale, —— Wigmore, John Dering, John Marshe, —— Aclam, Ric. Porter, Thos. Frebarn, —— Levybone, John Pilborowe, Gilb. Gryce, Wm. Mylenton, Thos Smythe, and —— Rysing.
Pp. 6. Endd.. Concerning my Lord's affairs.
1185. A "Remembrance." (fn. n1)
R. O. "Master Gresham, 266l. 13s. 4d. Master Warren, 200 l. Master Raffe Alley, 120 l Antony Bonvyxye, 100 l. Henry Salvag, 66 l. 13s. 4d Robt. Dacres, 66 l. 13s. 4d. In the hands of Thos. Thakker, 500 l."
In Cromwell's hand. Endd.: My Lord's remembrance.
1186. The Houses of Friars.
R. O. Draft commission for taking the surrenders of the houses of friars and for selling their goods.
1187. Suppression of Monasteries.
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
Form of commission to take the surrender and receive possession of [the monastery of] N. which the King understands is not now used for the honour of God or benefit of the Commonwealth.
Draft, pp. 2. Undated.
1188. Images.
R. O. List of crucifixes and other images, viz.:—
A great crucifix of cut work for an altar, with Mary and John, six other crucifixes with Mary and John, 10 small crucifixes, two pieces of Our Lady of Pity. A great Trinity. 26 images of St. John Baptist, St. Katherine, St. Peter, St. Thomas of Canterbury, The Resurrection, The Rood, with a cross, St. Savyour, the Trinity, St. Margaret, St. Michael, Our Lady of Pity, Ecce Home and St. Gregory's Pity.
P 1. Endd.: Thembrotherer.
1189. Heresy.
R.O. An information headed : "These be the articles."
That he said: 1.—That his mother was so good as Our Lady and better, for she had five children and Our Lady but one. 2.—That a lay man had as good power as a priest in hearing confession. 3.—That it was not convenient for a priest to hear the confession of a woman. 4.—That holy bread and holy water were but foolish ceremonies. 5.—That he would not pray to saints for they could not help us, nor we them. 6.—That the sacrament of the altar was not the body of Christ and that the priest had no power to consecrate and make it flesh and blood.
P .1.
1190. Fifteenths and Tenths. (fn. n2)
R.O. Payments to the receipt of the Exchequer by the collectors of the 15th and 10th granted to the King by the Laity, 26 [Hen. VIII.].
Yorkshire—East Riding, 674l.; North Riding, 168l. 14s.; West Riding ——(blank). York city 157l. 19s. 6d. Lincolnshire.—Holland,500l. 13s.8d.; Kesteven, 561l. 2s. 3d.; Lindesey, 1220l. Bucks., 25l. Salisbury, 65l. 6s. lOd. Suffolk, 84l. Sussex, 138l. Dorset, 320l.
Total, 39,14l. 16s. 3d.
P 1.
R. O. 2. Payment to the receipt of the Exchequer by the collectors of a fifteenth and tenth granted by the laity, 26 [Hen. VIII.]
Yorkshire, 1339l. 16s. 4d. York city, 322l. 19s. 6d. Dorset, 511l. Bucks, 234l. 5s. 8d. Salisbury, 65l. 5s. lOd. Lincolnshire, 2,361l. 15s. 11d. Suffolk, 665l. 13s. 4d. Sussex, 545 l. Leicestershire, 474l. Kent, 599l. Essex, 235l. 10s. Herts., 347s. 2s. 8d. Surrey, 74l. 3s. Southampton (Hampshire), 701l. 19. 3d. Norfolk, 100l. Staffordshire, 316l. Hun tingdonshire, 159l. 3s. 8d. Somerset, 483l. 6s. lOd. Cambridgeshire, 424l. 11s. 3d. Ntht., 523l. 5s. 4d. Berks., 217l. 13s. 4d. Wilts., 370l. Canterbury, 28l. 8s. Leicester, 26l. 13s. 4d. Devonshire, 685l. 14s. 8d. London, 300l. Isle of Wight, 120/. Bedfordshire, 30l.
Total to 28 May, 12,362l. 7s. 6d.
Lat., pp. 3. Endd.: Payments made at the Exchequer.
1191. The Royal Wardrobe.
Among a number of loose papers found together relating to the Wardrobe the following belong to the years 1537 and 1538, or may probably be assigned to those years.
A.D. 1537.
R. O. 1. Inventory of "stuff" in the Wardrobe at the time of the view taken by Mr. Kynston and Sir John Dansey, knights, 7 Oct. 29 Hen. VIII., viz. of divers white and black horns garnished with gold and silver; "lewers "of cloth of silver and of crimson velvet; walking staves, one being "a staff of a unicorn's horn garnished with gold," another, "a staff covered with black satin garnished with gold, having upon the top of the staff a perfume, underneath that a box with 39 counters of gold, under that a dyell, under that a dust-box, under that a ink pot, underneath that a penner of gold, a knife the haft of gold, a file the haft of gold, a foot rule of gold, a pair of compasses of gold and a whetstone tipped with gold with a vyrall (ferrule) of gold at the nether end"; swords (one given to the King by Lord Beauchamp), daggers, "lyons and colers," bottles, bucklers, targets, hats, swords, and "skernes" (among them "a little 6hort knife with a gilt hilt, the haft rolled with Venis gold and red silk, the pummel having an ink horn within it, the sheath of crimson velvet having in it a knife gilt at the top of the haft, a pair of twytches, a foot rule gilt, a pen of silver and gilt, a pen-knife the haft gilt within it a hammer with a file, a pair of compasses gilt, a whetstone tipped with iron gilt" ), daggers, girdles, "and arming points."
Many of the articles like those described above, are very rich and elaborate.
Pp. 10. Endd.: Robes.
A.D. 1537–8.
R. O. 2. Stuff (described) delivered out of the Tower, i.e. cloth of silver, tissue, -velvet, satin, &c.
To John Malte, 26 Sept., 27 Oct. and 7 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII., to enlarge various jackets of the King's, make gowns and to furnish lining, &c.; 24 Dec. 29 Hen. VIII., to six gentleman ushers i.e. Mr. Anth. Knevet, Peter Mewtas, Raynesford, Greneway, John Norrys and——Blunte and to Serjeant Cutberd, the King's poticary, to make doublets per mandat' Hegem (sic); also the same day to Mr. Weldon, chief clerk of the Kitchen and Mr. Brykket, chief cook, and to John Mallte, "for his gown cloth against New Year's Day in anno dicto for the Lord Chamberlain of the King's chamber." To John Malte, 27 April and 3 May, 30 Hen. VIII. To Chappel, the King's bed-maker, 20 Nov. 29 Hen. VIII. To Thos. Adyngton, the King's skinner, 27 Oct., 24 Nov., and 7 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII . To Wm, Crofton, hosier, 3 May, 30 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 3. Endd.: Cloth of gold dd. to the tailor.
A.D. 1538.
R. O. 3. Delivered to John Malte 5 June 30 Hen. VIII. (24 doublets described.)
ii. Delivered at the same time to Malte to deliver to Wm. Crofton. (4 pairs of hose described.)
Pp. 2. Endd.: Robes.
R. O. 4. Memorandum of pieces of cloth of gold and damask taken out of the Tower, 8 June, anno Regis, 30.
On the back in another hand. Memorandum of linen damask work: towels, napkins, and table-cloths.
Pp. 2.
R. O. 5. List f swords and knives, gilt or otherwise ornamented, "delivered to Maryonys man," 2Oct. 30 Hen. VIII. Among them "to schortte knyuys gyfuene the ougte of Almen (two short knives given thee out of Almain) with skabbredeis of grene veluett." Added in another hand: Pecoks crofts on Graunge Hill in Cbygwell parish for Mr. Addyngton; to speak to Mr. Coke for a lease.
P . 1.
R. O. 6. "These parcel delivered unto the King's grace in anno tricesimo."
Costs of repair, &c. (detailed), of swords, skeynes, daggers, &c., containing such items as :—Delivered, 9 May, by Mr. Syssell: delivered 12 May; cost of carrying the same to the King to Watton Abbey; delivered to Mr. Gates; delivered on Christmas even at Greenwich all the King's swords, skaynes, wood knives, and daggers in number 132 at 4d. a piece for dressing and keeping all the year; repaired by John Bankks; and the like. Total, 8l. 18s. 2d.
Pp.2. Endd. : Books of the Garderobes.
R. O. 7. View of cloth of gold, bawdekyn, velvet, &c, estimated in yards, and of sables and gennets in skin-. The sables are "all issued out to the King's use."
Pp. 2. Endd.: Bill of the Robes.
R. O. 8. "A bill of certain cloth of gold."
Twelve items describing pieces of cloth of gold and their length in yards. On the back are "Item, a French sword with a velvet scabbard. Item, a woodknife with a white."
P . 1. Endd.
R. O 9. List of "hornes."1 of brass, 1 "garnished with silver with a grene corse full of white bullions of silver," 16 white (one garnished with gold and five with silver), and 3 black, 1 "of St. Corneles covered with green velvet," 1 white, covered with green satin, 1 white, "flewed" with silver and gilt, and 1 white, graven with antique work.
P . 1. With further memoranda on the back, and endd.: Byllsofthe Robes.
R. O 10. Remembrances for my brother Denny.
i. Corben's patent or leases for the market and fishing of Aldwod brod. The woodwardship. The offices of Masyng Wood and Herrolds Parke. The fishing of certain ponds in Stonard's ground. To make up patents and leases of Marybone; and of Hatfyld parks and woods.
ii. My brother's patents of Marybone; and of Hatfyld parks and woods. To commune -with the Chancellor for amending the inventory of Waltam; and for the allowance of the patents fur the baileywick of Westminster and a stewardship in Kent.
P 1. Endd.: "Remembrance for Mr. Dene"(i.e., Denny).
R. O 11. Paper headed "by computation"; being a list of 9 items of articles of apparel lacking.
P . 1.
1192. Bonds (for First-fruits).
R. O. Fragment of a list, apparently of debtors with their sureties, ranged in alphabetical order under the names of the former, beginning with the letter R, with sums of money ranging from 6d. to 34l. set opposite them. Each page signed by John Gostwyk. The names are:—Humph. Robynson of London, clk., with Thos. Twyne, barber, and Thos. Day, tailor; Edw. Redmayne, clk., and John Coppyn of Hathurst, Suff., yeoman; Claude Rent, clk., and Wm. Redman; John Routh of Long Assheton, Somers., clk., John Welsh, gent., and Jas. White, merchant tailor; John Rawlyn of Bristol and Nic. Adams, goldsmith, of London; Hugh Rice of Skynnefreth in the Welsh Marches and Jas. Whitney; John Rigewey of the Middle Temple; John Swale of Danby-super-Wisk, Yorks, clk.; Hen. Smyth of Clipston, Notts, and John Morrice of Christchurch; George Sutton of Oxford, clk., and Nic. Russheton of London; Cuthbert Skott of Holborne, skinner; Nic. Saunderson of Revesby, Line.; Wm. Stanysby, clk., and Thos, Hopperton of York, goldsmith; Robt. Shyngleton, clk., and Thos. Gybson of London, grocer; Henry Sturges of Roydon, Norf., clk., John Sturges, jun., and Robt. Sturges; Chr. Strode, clk., and John Hudy of Pillisdon, Dors., gent.; Bryan Sandforde, clk., John Sandeforde, gent., and Peter Sandeforde of Fleet Street, merchant tailor; John Sparry of Ledbury, Heref., clk. and John Champyn, clothworker; Ric. Schute, of Sandwich, Kent, and Wm. Lee of London, haberdasher; Wm. Symondes, of Windsor, gent.; Sir John Sainctlowe of Sutton, Somers., and Wm. Smalecombe of Clutton, Somers., clk.; John Stanley of Grove, Notts, gent., and Eustace Wodford, gent.; Thos. Toy of Ledbury, Heref., clk., and Ric. Morton of Estbacbe; Raaf Thoraebarr of Whalley, Lane, clk., and Wm. Talbott of Greysynne (Greys Inn?), gent.; Wm. Willis dean of Mydleham, Yorks., and Tbos. Willeis; Thos. Worsley, vicar of Hatfield, Yorks., and Wm. Peigham of Hatfield, yeoman; Leonard Woursley of Kyngton, Warw., gent., and Griffith Chidlowe de Lighthorne, yeoman; Wm. Wodd of Aberguly in co. Carm., clk., John Gennyns, grocer, and Laurence Fellowes, leatherseller, of London; Arthur Wellisboure de Albury, Herts, clk., and Thos. Cheyny, brewer, of 'London; Wm. Wayne of Cambridge, elk., John Tregolde of Aylsham, Norf., merchant, and Chr. Jacson, clothworker; John Welsh, elk., John Welsh gent., and Philip Morrice of Roydon, gent. Attachment to be made against Wm. Roch, of London, for his fine for knighthood, 13l. 6s. 8d. George Lovekyne of East Greenwich, Kent., on an obligation to the late lord Rocheforde, now of right appertaining to the King, 100l.
Pp. 4. Endd.: A book of certain obligations anno 30.
1193. "The King's Purchased Lands."
R. O. Account of the "yearly increase gotten and improved in the surveying of divers the King's purchased lands by Geoffrey Chamber, surveyor and receiver general of the said lands," viz. . lands, late of the duke of Suffolk, lord Audeley, and part of those of the late earl of Northumberland in the marches of Wales, "which was concealed by the bailiffs." Surveyed 28 Henry VIII. Improvement, 83l. 15s. 5d.
Lands surveyed 29 Henry VIII. viz.: Arustuley and Kevelioke; marches of Wales, late the duke of Richmond's. Imp., 35l. Manor of Litlington and lands there imparked, 19l. 7s. 11¼d. The late monastery of Boxley, 112l, 12s. 0½d. The late monastery of Stretford Langthorne, 96l. 9s. 9d. The late monastery of Wardens 58l. 2s. 9¾d.
Large paper. P .1.
1194. Pains in the Hip.
R. O. Extracts from Celsus, Hippocrates and Galen, touching pains in the hip (adversus coxendicem) made perhaps with reference to Henry VIII.'s ailment.
Lat., p. 1. Endd. A byll of divers phylisouvers concerny (sic) physyk.
1195. The Suppressed Monasteries.
R. O. Writ of certiorari to the chancellor of the Augmentations requiring a list of the monasteries lately suppressed. Westm., 11 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII (fn. n3)
ii. A similar writ addressed to the chancellor of the County Palatine of Lancaster. requiring a return of those tinder his court. Westm., 11 Nov. 30 Hen. VIII
iii. Return of Will, earl of Southampton, chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, dated 16 Nov. 30 Hen. VIII. to the preceding writ. The monasteries are Burscough, Conyshed, Cartemele and Holland, all in Lancashire.
iv. Certificate of "the names of such monasteries as bene atteynted of high treason" now answerable to the General Surveyors, viz.: Whalley, Jervaux, Kyrkstede, Barlynges, Byrlyngton, Lenton, Woburae. Signed by Sir John Dannce, John Hales, and Ric Pollard.
v. Return of Sir Ric. Ryche, chancellor of the Court of Augmentations, dated 10 Oct. 30 Hen. VIII., giving the following list: —
Yorkshire, city of York and Kingston-on-Hull: Priories of Holy Trin., York, Clementhorpe alias St. Clement-. Helaug Park, Synnyngthwah, Drax, Arden, Marton, Mollesbie, Warter, Haltamprice, Feribye, Nonburneholme, Rosedale, Keldome; monasteries of Salley and Roche; hosp. of St. Nicholas in York.
Lincolnshire : Monasteries of Borne, Valdey, Nubo, the prior of Norton Park, Swynished, Tupholme, Staynfeld, priors of Grenefeld and Markeby, Hagnaby, Lekborne, LowtliParke, Humberston, Wello, Newsome, Elsham, Goykwell Thorneholme, Torkesey, Newsted near Stamford, Axholme, St. Katharine's, prior of St. Michael by Stamford.
Devon : Prior of St. Nicholas of Exeter, priory of Barstaple alias Barnestapalia (?), priors of Pilton, Frithilstok, Totton and Comeworthy.
Cornwall: Priory of Tywardreth.
Hampshire : Priories of Wynteney and St. Denis, abbeys of Lettley and Quarr in the I. of Wight, priors of Bremmore and Mottesfonte; monasteries of Beanlieu, Suthwike, Tychefeld.
Somerset: Priors of Mynchynbarowe, Worspryng and Cannyngton, monastery of Clyve, prior of Barlyche.
Wilts : Priors of Maydenbradley, Farleigh, and Kynton; abbey of Stanley; priors of Eston and Ederose alias Iverchurche, monastery of Kyngyswood.
Gloucester, co. and town: Abbey of Flaxley; priors of St. Oswald's beside Gloucester, Lantony Secunda, and St. Mary Magdalene beside Bristol.
Wore.: Priors of Westwood, Whiston near Worcester and Parva Malverne; monastery of Bordesley.
Leic.. Priory of Bradley: monastery of Ulveston, prior of Kyrby Bellers; monastery of Garradon; prior of Langley; monasteries of Croxton and Leycestre.
Notts.: Priors of Shelford and Fell[ey]; abbey of Rufford; priors of Brodeholme and Blythe; cell in Marisco; monasteries of Welbek and Thurgarton.
Ntht.: Priors of Chacombe, Catesbie, Canonsayshbye, Sewesley, BothewelL and Fynnyshed; [a name erased]; monasteries of St. Andrew and St. James in Northampton.
Camb.. Priors of Iklyngton, Anglesey and Soffham Bulbek; monastery of Fordeham alias Byggyng and mon. of Chateres.
[Essex] : Prior of Donmowe and Leighes, mon. of [Bi]leigh, prior of [St. Botol]ph's by Colchester; monasteries of Colne, Hatfeld Peverell [Pr]ytwell, Henyngham, Berden (?), Walden, Stratford Langthorne, Coggeshall, [Th]remhall, Hatfeld Regis, and Tiltey.
[Norf] : Priors of Horsham St. Faith's and Carow near [Norwich], mon-of Langley, priors of Bokenham, Blakborough, of the canons of Thetford, [He]mpton, [nuns?] of Thetford, [two names illegible], Marham, Crabhouse, prior of Bynham, mon. of W[endling] Bromeholme, prior of Wa[yb]orne, [two more names illegible], prior of Hykeling, [two names illegible], the mon. of [W]ymondham, the mon. of Dereham, and of Shuld[ham].
Suff.. [Mon.] of Eye and about 12 other names illegible.
Cheshire: Three or perhaps four names illegible. Warw.: Nine names illegible.
Sussex: Tortington, Boxgrave, Hastyngs alias New Priory, Michelbam, Shulbrede, Durford, Estburne, Rusper, Battle (Belloo), Lewes, and . . . . .
[Derb.] : Abbey of [Be]auchieff, priors of Greysley, Bradsolle [Park], and Pratis [Regis].
Oxon: Prior of Goryng, abbeys of Rewley, [D]orchester and Bruerrne, priors of Wroxton and Burchester . . . . . .
Surr.. Abbey of Waverley, priors of Reygate, Tanrege, Marton and Chertesey.
Salop: Prior of Chirburye, abbey of Bildwaies, priors of Wormebridge and . . . . . .
[Heref.] .Acornbury and four others illegible.
Beds.: Bussm[ede], Harrow, and two others. [Perhaps two counties with about nine names illegible].
Cumb.: [Two names illegible], Holme [Cultram]. Lanc.: Furneys. Rutl; Broke.
Archdeaconry of Richmond: [Six names illegible]. Lond.: Elsyng Spittell. [Midd.]; Kilborne and Stratford at [Bow].
[Berks.]: [One name lost]Abendon, [Bi]sham.
Bucks.: Ankerwyke, Mynchyn Marlo[w], Medmenham, Snelleshale, Lavenden and Mursley alias [St. Ma]rgar[et's].
Four or five more districts follow with nearly 60 names of monasteries, for the most part illegible.
1196. Monks' Pensions. (fn. n4)
Rot. Harl.
I. 11.
The yearly pensions of every religious man of the late dissolved monasteries within the counties of Surrey and Sussex, in the receipt of William Saunder, esquire, with the tenth thereof to be deducted for the first payment of the subsidy granted to the King's Highness, as followeth, received by the said William Saunder.
St. Mary Overey, list of 10 monks, eight of whom have pensions of 6l. and two of 8l.; deductions for first subsidy, (fn. n5) 12s. to the former and 16s. to the latter. Barmondsey, 12 monks, one (Ric. Gyle) at 10l., one at 7l., four at 6l., four at 5l. 6s. 8d., one at 40s., and one at 13s. 4d. Marton, 12 monks, viz., John Bowie the prior, 133l. 6s. 8d., one at 8l., the rest at 61. 13s. 4d. Newark, nine monks, one (Ric. Lyppyscombe) at 40l., seven at 106s. 8d., one at 6l. Shene, one (John Crabtre) at 8l. Shelbrede, two, one at 12l. (Will. Burreys) and one at 40s. Battell, 16, the late abbot, John Hamond, at 100l., seven at 6l. 13s. 4d., seven at 6l., one at 10l. Robertsbrygge, eight, the late abbot, John Taylor, at 50l., two at 8l., three at 6l., one at 6l. 13s. 4d., one at 4l. Tanrege, 1, John Lyngfflyld, prior, at 14l. Reygate, 1, John Lymden, at 10l. New Priory, 1, Thos. Harmar, late prior, at 6l. Total pensions, 773l. 13s. 4d.
A paper roll.
Endd.: Mr. Sawnders, receiver for the counties of Surrey and Sussex.
1197. Cardigan Priory (fn. n6)
R. O. Commission to ——— (blank) Jonis, King's servant, William Wagham, Jenken Lloid, Gregory Richardson, and Robt. Holmes, to take a survey and value of the priory or cell of Cardigan in Wales, which belonged to the abbey of Bysham alias Bustlesham, Berks., now surrendered into the King's hands; also to see what interest John Hore, now prior or governor of the said priory or cell, has in it.
Corrected draft. Large paper, pp. 3.
1198. City and Monastery of Coventry.
R. O. Scheme for utilising the lands of abbeys by [Humfrey Beynoldes] of Coventry, who has admitted yeoman of the Crown at [the suit of Sir Fras.] Bryan, at the King's last being at Ampthill.
Religious houses have as goodly and profitable lands as are within the realm, and yet few keep themselves oat of debt or maintain their houses, and by making men overbid one another for convent leases, they set men at variance. Their ill living and conversation was partly the cause of the pulling down of abbeys, and few or none live after theirprofession. Houses of religion and especially Black monks may spend 40l. and above for every mo[nk] and yet have not their fall number.
Proposes a scheme for reform at Coventry, which might be applied to other places. The Black Monks there can spend little less than 1,000l. in rents, and yet the bishop has 300l. of their best lands. Few men are maintained and they owe near 1,000l. Proposes that the revenue should be spent in supporting 20 monks, priests; the abbot to meddle only with his brethren and not with temporalities. The abbot or prior to have 40s. in ready money yearly, the subprior 20s., and every monk 6s. 8d. Every monk should have his scholar found in the "ambre," (almonry) till he be priest. There should be a head captain, a justice of the peace with 40l. fee from the abbey and 6l. 13s. 4d. for his livery; a petty captain with 20l. and 4l.; an attorney and controller, 20 mks. and 5 mks.; a steward 20 inks and 5 mks.; a receiver, 10l. and 35s.; a marshal, 5l. and 35s.; a physician, 4l. and 35s.; 15 gentlemen, 4 mks. and 7 yds. cloth at 5s.; 15 yeomen, 40s. and 7 yds. cloth at 4s.; 15 grooms, 26s. 8d. and 7 yds. cloth at 3s. 4d.; 15 pages, 20s. and 7 yds. cloth at 3s. 4d,; all these to have meat, drink, horsemeat and man's meat in the abbey, and horse, harness and weapon of his own, and every two a bed. Including necessary servants and artificers, this would cost about 1,000l. yearly. The necessary hay, corn, &c, might be provided by saving in the monk's commons, for which 4l. yearly is allowed, but there is now no priest in these parts that is above 3l. commons if there be a company together. Complains of the monks enhancing their seals. They sometimes get 100 l. for the seal of 10l. fee; and how should younger brethren and yeomen live, having neither land nor fee, if gentlemen and merchants give such large fines? The King's yeomen are sure to have little or nothing, except by promotion of the King's own land, and even then, knights or gentlemen will give a fine to take farms or bailiwicks out of their hands.
The house has divers hospitals, chauntries, and other benefices, which are used contrary to the founder's will. Proposes that the head captain should be justice of the peace where his fee is.
There must be a remedy found for the decay of cities and corporate towns. The decay of Coventry and all other parts of the realm is for lack of learned men to be on their councils, and administer justice, and there is no city or good town without an abbey near it, in which the justices might sit. The mayor being appointed for one year," driveth forth his time, what for affection and foolish pity," so that men go unpunished. Some men may think that this would be against their liberties, but it is not so, for these men shall be citizens and townsmen. They shall not come into the council house with the mayor and his brethren unless summoned. They must have houses within the city, which will be glad to have substantial learned men among them, "and the poor husbandmen will be best content that they be so far from them, whereby they may occupy their pastures and closings to their best use. For if they dwelled nigh them, if there were other (either) profit or pleasure in them, they would have them from them." The justice shall go in general processions next the mayor with the recorder, and the attorney and steward with the councillors of the city. Trade is decayed. There is little "made ware "but what comes from beyond sea, so that if the commons would work, they could not sell. Acts are made to punish vagabonds, but it were expedient to find means to set them to work. Acts have been made to reform part of these made wares, but no man takes pain therein. Unlawful games are used, so that the artillery is decayed. Has seen 10 or 12 companies going shooting, but now a man should seek through the city or he could get one company to shoot "half take pence." The should be reformed, for unlawful games make men Bit at the alehouse, when they have a penny to spend, and they care not what inventions they imagine. Refers to the insurrection in the city after the death of Mr. Swillington, the recorder, who, while he lived, kept the people well in awe. Of the four men who sued to the King for the commission by which the offenders were punished, one only remains in the city. He is both loved and dreaded for his humanity, and if ought come to him but good, they would neither set by may or nor recorder nor by one another. The charges of holding office are so great that when a man has got his living, he sues to an abbey for a convent seal or else goes to farm in the country. Some sue for licences to exempt them from offices. The writer, "with other which come of the younger brether," has no fee nor wages nor occupation; if his wife died he would lose part of his lands, and then he should be taken into office of the city and in two or three years spend all that his friends have gotten for him. And therefore he sued to his master to put him to the King's service, that he might avoid the said offices which ever} man seeks to avoid. Begs the King to maintain the cities so that honest and wise men may be glad of the offices.
When the city and monastery are set in order, the captain and council shall ride and view the tenants and farmers. Rents should not be raised by them nor fines taken; but to find men with horse and harness and wages for a month or two. Sales of wood must be at a reasonable price, so that the buyer may have a living. If lords and great men would
on their lands, and leave farms and merchandise, priests live on their benefices, and merchants and craftsmen live by their occupations in cities and towns, and let the poor husband [man] live by his husbandry, then the realm would prosper. This the captain and council will help to do.
Recapitulates the advantages of the scheme.
Large paper, pp.16. Endd.: Supplication of Humfrey Reynoldes.
1199. Tenants of Vale Royal.
R. O. Petition of the tenants of the lordships of Over and Weverham, in the manor of Vale Royall, Chesh., to Cromwell. Complain that the officers are trying to make them pay sums of money in lieu of "beanes" or services, which they rendered to the late Abbey of Vale Royall in return for bountiful dinners, and relief, heybote, housebote, &c, though now there is no such relief nor comfort of hospitality nor of timber. Beg Cromwell, being their head steward under the King, that they may have their tenures as in times past and at the old rents.
Largepaper, p 1. Endd. Headed: Lord Privy Seal.
1200. The Wax Child (fn. n7)
R. O. Confession of Ric. Guercey, that he told Sir Martyall in the kitchen of Corpus Christi College [Oxford], that one of Peckwaters Inn called Osmond had informed him there was a wax image found in London way with a knife sticking through his head or his heart representing the Prince, and as that did consume so likewise should the Prince. Signed.
P . 1. Endd.
1201. Silks.
R. O. "An order to be taken, by Mr. Denny touching his business at Westminster devised by Bristowe."
1. No silks to be delivered without Bristowe's presence. 2. The clerk to note whether silks thus delivered are of the old store or of the new. 3. Silks must be marked with the contents and the name of the person from whom bought. 4. At the delivery of silks a clerk must write the name of the person to whom delivered, to what use, and of what piece, upon the bills of content and in the book of silks with Mr. Denny, and a copy to be given to Bristowe. 5. The price of silks bought by the King must be put upon the labels. 6. Bills for money brought in by any persons must be comptrolled to Bristowe. 7. Such bills are not to be paid without Bristowe's presence, and he is to enter them in the journal book. 8. All manner of warrants are to be made by Bristowe. 9. Immediately upon the receipt of a bill he must make a remembrance of it and in what title he is discharged. 10. That no stuff be delivered by Hewetson, Mrs. Vaughan, Mr. Lok, or any other which ought to be allowed by Mr. Denny without a bill signed by Denny or his deputy, which the clerk is to enter in his book of remembrance. 11. The clerk is to have a receipt for all money delivered to his master's use. 12. No man shall have a key to the clerk's study except his master or his deputy.
Pp. 3. Endd.
1202. Whittington College.
R. O. One William Gebson, tutor of Wytyngeton College, has said divers times that the Northern men rose in a good quarrel and that he trusted to see a new day. John Redlay (elsewhere Radley), John Baysslay and others in the college have heard him. Many are so weary of such communication that they are ready to go out of the house.
Both Gibson and one John Forlonge, a conducte in the choir, have said that Friar Forest died in a right quarrel, and that the bps. of Canterbury, Worcester and Rochester and Drs. Crome and Barns, are heretics with all their affinity, with much other railing against the King's acts. Cryspe, Person, and Wm. Wyllyamson were present.
P . 1. Endd.
1203. Mildmayjs Audit.
R. O. Title page of a book entitled "Liber arrerag. terr. et possessionum divers, abb'iarum, ruonaster' et prioratuum infra circuit'Thome Mildmaye, unius auditonun Domini R. Curie Augmentac' revencionum Corone sue, in Com. Midd., Civit' London', Hertford., Norff, Suff., Cantebr. et Hunt." Anno 30 Henry VIII.
P . 1.
R. O. 2. Modern transcript of the beginning of an account belonging to the Augmentation Office, viz., "Parcell possessionum nuper prioratus Cartus. infra insulam de Axholme in Com. Lincoln, in man. D'ni R. sursum reddit"
"Firma xme pasture de Brinkelowhurste." ("Newbolde" written above this name)
P . 1.
1204. Suppression of the Monasteries.
Tanner MS.
343 f. 84.
A discourse showing that it would be better to apply the wealth resulting from the suppression of religous houses to building towns, administering justice, &c, rather than to let the King have possession of it.
Begins: It is verie like that Maughumetes secte shall shortly be destroyed, and the people converted to Christian faith, and that cannot be but that peace be first had and established in Christian realms and that good reformations be made of such things as have been brought in against the purity and truth of Christene religion.
Imperfect copy headed: This discourse seems to be a preparation for the suppression of the religious houses in Hen. VIII. his tyme.
1205. Anonymous Statement.
R. O. Met with Mr. Jenny towards Westminster who inquired after the writer's old master Mr. Vowell. (fn. n8) Said he was a little troubled for the arrears of the "howe," ( house?), of which the commissioners promised at the dissolving of the house to discharge him against the King, but he trusted that Mr. Southwell and Dr. Peter would see him discharged, according to their promise. Then said Sir Christopher Jenny, "What gat he in conscience"? Replied, Four copes of cloth of tissue for 12l., [adding] "I offered him 20l. again for them." A rich cope and a vestment in the prior's chamber was reserved for my lord Privy Seal; but Mr. Southwell came suddenly into the prior's chamber and asked for whom the cope was, and as the prior replied, "For you, if it be your pleasure," he took it away. The prior afterwards sent the vestment to him also.
Hol. p. 1. Endd.: Touching Mr. Suthwell.
1206. Dissolution of the Monasteries.
R. O. Account of the manner of dissolving the abbeys by King Henry VIII. by a modern writer.
Pp. 3. In a modern hand.
1207. The Bishop of Dover.
R. O. Plate received of the Suffragan of Dover from eight houses of Friars, viz.:— gilt 1936 oz.; parcel gilt 1924 oz.; white 508 oz. Total 4368 oz.
P . 1. Endd.
1208. Hereford Cathedral.
R. O. "Jocalia extracta de feretro Sancti Thome pertinentia ad Ecclesiam Cathedralem Herefordensem.''
"An image of the Trinity of gold with a diadem on his head with grene stones and rede, one oche on his breste with v. stones and iij. perles." A table of gold with green and other stones. A plain gold table. A child with the arms of the Marches with green and red stones. A table of gold with Jesus and Our Lady. A round "oche" compassed with pearls. The salutation of Our Lady—three, one with 3 sapphires and one emerode. A crucifix with "emorads" and pearls. An oche to the same. An agnus Dei with a chain of gold and 15 rings, some with stones, some without. And six other items.
From the Treasurer's inventory:—A chalice of gold weighing 22½ oz. Four basins, silver gilt, and a cruet. A "trenacle for holy water and his dassell." A pax. A great "seneers," 102J oz. A bishop's "bagle" in five pieces weighing 12 lb. 7 oz. 3 quarters troy.
P . 1. Endd.
1209. Diocese of Hereford.
R. O. Churches owing procurations to the Abp. of Canterbury by reason of his late visitation in the diocese of Hereford sede vacante.
i. Appropriate to religious houses dissolved. To Lanthony near Gloucester; Burghill, Webley, kington, Frome Episcopi, and Staunton Lacey. To Brechon; Bodenham. To Clifford; Clifford. To Monmouth; Monmouth priory and church. To Tyntarn; Wollaston. To Churburye; Churburye priory and church.
ii. Others appropriate.
To Bishopric of Hereford; Bosburye. To the bpric. of Llandaff, Newland. To the priory of St. John of Jerusalem; Garwey. To Shene; Eyrsland. To Reading; Leominster priory and church and Eya. To Fotringhay; Newent. Also Dymmocke, Montgomery, Kingsland, Old Radnor, Bytterley, Stretton-in-le-Dale, the "sinistra pars" of Westburye and the third portionary of Pontisburye.
Pp. 3. Amounts in each case given. Endd.; proxies of certain churches.
1210. Diocese of Hereford.
R. O. "The names of such persons as be permitted to live in advoytry and fornication for money."
The vicars of Ledbury, Brasmyle, Stowe, and Clonne, the parsons of Wentnor Rushebury, and Ploden, the dean of Pontesbury, the parson of Stratton (Stretton?) Sir Matthew of Montgonery, Sir D'd. and Sir Lewis of Llanevang, Sir John Brughe, Sir Morys and Sir Adam of Clonne, Sir Ric. ap Res, Sir Pierg of Norbury, Sir Gruff ap Eignon, Sir John Ockeley, Sir John of Mynton, Sir John Rinaldys, Sir Morys of Knighton, Hugh Davis, Cadwalader ap Jevan, Edward ap Merike, with many other within the diocese of Hartforde.
Your petitioners request "your good lordship's" letters for their "dismicion" else they dare not go into the country because they have sought for a remedy; and that the King's? officers with those who speak or do anything against the King's ordinance may be called to answer before your Lordship.
P. 1.
1211. [Grey Friars.]
R. O. List of name divided into: —
(1.) Doctors:—Wm. Call minister generallis, Wm. Wawysar, Wm. Wall, Wm. Germaye, John Thornall Peter Brinegley, Robt. Brigott, Thos. Hadley. (2.) Bachelors :—Thos. Chappman, Wm. Watts Hugh Glasyer, Thos. Tomson. Edm. Colles, Greg. Bassett, John Triaharne, Giles Coventre, John Crawforth, John Arthur, John Wyllyams, Thos. Wood.
Latin, p.1.
1212. Friars' Houses in the Eastern Counties.
R. O "Hereafter ensueth the causes of such houses as we have not as it (sic) defasede he resede.''
1. The late White Friars of Burneham.—The houses are not sold, but stand as they were left by the Visitor on account of a letter written by Mr. Southwell to Will Buttes, his deputy, ordering him not to meddle us Sir Rie Gresham had the preferment of the said house at the King's hands.
2. The late White Friars of Blakeney.—The house left untouched for same reason.
3. The Grey Friars, Wahingham—Mr. Sydeney is accomptant for the buildings and all things left by the Visitor.
4. Black Friars, Norwich.—Mr. Southwell wrote to Will. Buttes, his deputy, to make no sale till Mr. Chancellor's letter came to the contrary.
5. Grey Friars. Norwich.—We have not meddled as your commandment was to the contrary in the bill of remembrances delivered to me at my going into Norfolk.
6. Austin Friars, Norwich.—We have not meddled on account of a letter signed by Mr. Chancellor.
7. Grey Friars, Ipswich.—The house was delivered to Mr. Millesent, servant to the lord Privy Seal, by the Visitor, of whom he bought most part of the things and his inventory was not there.
8. Grey Friars, Ipswich.—We were commanded not to meddle by the lord Privy Seal
9. Black Friars, Ipswich.—Were forbidden to meddle by a letter from Mr. Chancellor.
Pp. 2. Endd.
1213. Friary of Babwell, near Bury.
R. O. Estimate of the lead remaining on the church and other buildings of the late friary, "aappeareth by the walls there yet remaining."
Length of the church, 167 ft., "and the sparre on the one side 25 ft-, which is in breadth 50 ft." Estimated contents, 28½ fodder. The two aisles each 88 ft. long, "and the sparre of either of them in one whole length. 17foot;" 10 fodder. The cloister "in length, being fowre sware. 352 foot, and the sparre in one length 12 foot;" 14 fodder. The cloister from the fratry to the kitchen, 79 ft. "and the sparre in one whole length, 10 foot; "3 fodder.
Memoranda in another hand over the leaf touching the bells of Bury. Bells in the "Choveher" (Clocher). four in number, weighing in all 30,000 [Ib.], the first bell being 13,000. "Most part of the weight delivered to Harbottell, of Ipswich, merchant.'' Bells is the steeple. 12, delivered to Core. "These bells were exchanged with the town of Mildenhall."
Annable(?), farmer, of Haberdon by Bury, "brake the bells in the cloycher, and declareth that they were barrelled without weighing and conveyed to Ipswich in carts by Palmer, Mr. Southwell's servent. Anthony Dunryche had no bell metal but the brass pillars in the quire and the copper of the gravestones. Sir Richard Southwell sold to Mr. Asshefeld the lead upon the cloycher for 73s. 4d
Pp. 2. Add.: To my brother, Mr. Thomas Myldemay. Endd. : Babe well priorat'.
1214. Black Friars, Melcombe.
R. O. Indenture showing all stuff of the Black Friars of Melcam, received for the King by the lord Visitor under the lord Privy Seal, and delivered to John Clerke, controller of the custom.
Choir:—A fair table of alabaster, a "fair table follt of beyond sea work," fair new stallys, &c. Church:—New altars and one altar cloth, a new candlebeme, seven images, "new sileid setis at Jesus altar," new 6eats in the body of the church, a little bell in the steeple, &c. Parlour and buttery: —two items in each. Vestry: —a "priest, deacon, and sub-deacon white silk," &c. Chambers-.—Two old coffers, four old bedsteads, one feather bed and one flock bed. Kitchen: —A hangell and a pair of pot-hooks, a little pot and kettle, three platters, a dish, saucer and chafing dish, all broken, a little board and a bucket with chain and rope on the well.
The Visitor has a chalice, 11½ oz., and paid debt, 20s., and his own costs. Signed : John Clerke.
1215. [The Duke or Norfolk.]
R. O. Account of lands sold and purchased [by the duke of Norfolk].
(1.) "Londes solde":—To the King.; the manors of Claxton and Fyndon, 70l.; the manor of Hunsdon (fn. n9) with the parks, 50l. To Sir John Dudley; the manor of Acton Burnell, 98l. To Jas. Lawson; the manor of Wollerhampton, 27l. To Geo. Throgmerton; the manor of Sullyhill, 34l. To Gostwicke; the manor of Willyngton, 46l. To my lord of Suffolk, "when I went into Ireland;" the manor of Cossey, 110l., and divers other manors to the value of 133l. 6s. 8d. Total, 568l. 6s. 8d. Whereof, lands of inheritance, 325l., lands during life, 243l. 6s. 8d. "Item, left by my father unsold," 1,075l. Of the King's gift in Lincolnshire, 333l. 6s. 8d.
(2.) Lands purchased. The manors of Wynthering and —— (blank), 104l. The manors of Snape and Alborogh, 80l. The manor of Romborowe and the "priores" in Hyntelsbam, 27l. The lands of Fylstowe, Falkenham, and lands bought of Sir Thos. Russhe, 38l. The manors of Sheffyld and Imbcrcorte, 82l. Total, 1,739l. 6s. 8d.
(3.) [Annual receipts]. The fee of treasurership, 378l. An annuity of my lord of Suffolk, 413l. 6s. 8d. The stewardship of the Augmentation, 100l. The stewardship of Winchester, 100l. Of suppressed lands given by the King, 200l. Of Sipton, 200l. Whereof to the quondam and other monks, 72l. "To my wife and my son, 400l. And so remaineth to me clear, 2,638l. Whereof to be deducted in fees"——. (The rest is blank).
Large paper, pp. 2.
1216. Subsidy.
R. O. Names of the collectors of the first payment of the subsidy granted 26 Hen. VIII. who have not accounted. The amount due is stated in each case.
Cambridge: John Hyldersham, for the hundred of Radfyld Cornewall: John Cole, hundred of Este; Wm. Tubbe, hundred of West; Wm. Penpons, hundred of Pouuder.' Lancashire: Thos. Gererde, of Ince, wapentake of Derbye; Roger Ryssheton, wapentake of Blakeborne; Geo. Gelybrownde, wapentake of Westderbyshere. England: Vincent Man dye and Wm. Smythe, collectors of the lords and greatmen. Suffolk: Wm. Bygott, hundred of Sampforde in the town of Ippeswiche. Somerset: John Catecott, hundred of Horethorne. Warwick: John Salamon, hundred of Balechwey (Barlichway); Edw. Everdon and Wm. Hall, hundred of Knyghtlowe. Wilts: Rie. Gardnard, hundred of Maummesbury. London : Roger Mundy, goldsmith, wards of Tower, Algate, and Lymestrete. Total, 765l. 7s. 7d.
ii. Collectors of the second payment who have not accounted.
Bristouce: David Harrys and Thos. Olyver. Cambridge: John Ivott, handled of Papworth. West Riding of Yorkshire: Thos. Joly, wapentake of Stayneeliffe and Yacresse. North Riding: John Gattyngby, wapentake of Halykeld; Wm. Leyton, wapentake of Gyllyngwest; Wm. Thorneton, wapentake of Rydale. Hertfordshire: Harry Curteys, hundred of Hychyn. Gloucestershire: John Atwood, hundred of Grymeboldesasshe; John Dalles, hundred of Cheltname. Hereford: Rie ap Thomas. Herefordshire : Jenkyn Wynston, hundred of Wemelowe; Hugh Gyne, hundred of Webstre: Thos. Blount, hundred cf Brokeysasshe. Kent: John Raynold, hundred of Maidstone; John Broke, hundred of Ryngeslowe. London : Ric. Alyn, wards of Dowgate; Ric. Buklond, wards of Castelbaynerd; Andrew Judde, ward of Algate. Middlesex .John Wykeham, hundred of Edelmeton. Suffolk : Thos. Almott, hundred of Sampford; Thos. Deve, hundred of Bosmer; John Xonune (?), hundred of Blakeborne; John Deve, hundred of Hartysmcre. Oxfordshire: Robt. Eyeres, hundred of Wotton; Thos. Penystone, hundred of Chadlyng. Berkshire: John Knyght, hundred of Ferispose. Shropshire: Edw. Moore, hundred of Mounselowe. Somerset.Thos. Honer, hundred of Brewton; Ric. Buklond, hundred of Taunton. Dorset: Hen. Chetell hundred of Mowray. Sussex: John Stapley and Jas. Burton, rape of Pevensey. Warwick: Ric Wylcokkes, hundred of Knyghtlowe; John Notyngham, hundred of Himlynford; John Edmondes, hundred of Barlychewey. Wiltshire : Richard Ive, hundred of Chippenham. Worcester Henry Russell, collector in certain villages in hundred of Parshore. Total, 2,848l. 4s. 10¾d.
Pp. 5. Endd.: The collector's names of the first Subsidy. Matters of suyte. Ao xxxmo.
1217. The Clerical Subsidy.
R. O. Commission (fn. n10) under privy signet to the person addressed to examine the abbots of Fourd and Bucklond, collectors of the clerical subsidy in Exeter diocese, and the abbots of Tavistock, Dunkeswell, Hartlond, and the prior of Bodmin, collectors of the supplement to the same there, concerning the arrears of these subsidies, which should have been paid to the bp. of London before the 1 March xx[yii]j Henry VIII and 24 Dec. 29 Henry VIII. respectively. Certificate to be made before the last of February next. Rychemont, the . . . . . . . . . ember.
Large paper, p. 1. Not signed or addressed.
1218. Tithes.
R. O. Suggestions to avoid disputes between the clergy and their parishioners as to the payment of tithes, the abuse of which "hath been the only cause of decay of tillage within this realm." Ever since "that king of England" made an Act by the advice of his bishops for the payment of tithes after the fashion now used, (fn. n11) the commonwealth has continually decayed; "which is to be supposed Almighty God would not vouchsafe to reveal unto us as long as that Antichrist of Rome reigned; for it is manifest that the decay of this realm hath not been neither for lack of justice, quietness, nor other civil policy." Three alternative proposals are made, and a further suggestion added in case impropriations of benefices cannot be got rid of.
In Derby's hand, pp. 2. Endd.
1219. Lands of Merton Priory.
R. O. Valor of the manor of Caldewych with the rectory of Glaston, Staff., parcel of the lands of the late monastery of Merton, Surrey, leased by the convent 8 April 28 Hen. VIII. to Sir Ralph Longford for 43l., with obligation on the lessee to discharge a pension of 60s. to the late priory of Kelyngworth. Audited by Will. Cavendyssh.
Note by Sir Ric. Riche: "Fiat dimiss' Rad'o Longford milit' pro term' xxj. annorum (?), Rychard Ryche."
1220. "Heith Mill."
R. O. Repairs done by John Pratye, farmer of the Heith Mill, according to his lease for 2 years ending 30 Hen. VIII. Payments to various workmen (named): total 1.6l. 7s. 8d. Signed as surveyed by Robert Whyttworth, bailiff.
In another hand on the back: The said repairs are certified to me by the bailiff, being required to examine the same to the King's profit. Although the particulars amount to 16l. 7s. 8d., and the bailiff certifies this to be true, the farmer offers to be satisfied with 10l. Signed, in the same hand: Per me Georgium Wryght.
Large paper, pp. 2. Endd.: "Traynoton (Trentham?) pro proret (pro Prety):"
1221. Winkfield, Berks.
R. O. Ministers' accounts, Berks, 30 Hen. VIII. Account of Wm. Cater:—Rents of free and customary tenants in Wynkefeld. Total 8l, 5s. 6½d.
Modern copy. Large paper, pp. 11. Endd.: "Computus terr. Abb'iede Abbingdon in Winckfeld in forest, de Windsor," followed by a list of 22 names which are not in the document, viz. Ric. Locke, Duodatus Stafferton, Peter Godfry, &c.
R. O. "Brother, I certify you of the order that was taken at the departing of the abbot of Bewly, bishop of Bangor, (fn. n12) as Mr. Water Baker of Hampton showed me: that is to say that the said bishop after he rose in a morning called for water to wash his hands, and then washing his hands and his face, the palsy took him so that he never spake after, and then by and by John Myllis and Pace, with other to help them, took pen and ink and put in his hand and took his hand with the said pen and wrote a will after their pleasure, and that he was verily dead ere they had finished, and other will he made none." Mr. Baker also showed me that seven years ago the said Mylle had 10,000 mks. of the bp.'s in keeping, and that the bishop had said to him and Milles that "in his end" he would remember the King so that his Grace should say he had a true chaplain in the said bishop. I heard him myself say the like.
Mr. Baker has subscribed his name to affirm that all this is true. As to the 10,000 mks. in Mille's hands it is well known in Hampton that the bishop "came every yer onse and senyght togeder to se his mony told, wher any lackyd or noo." Signe : Be me Water Baker.
P. 1. Endd.: Ao xxxo.
1223.——— to[Cromwell].
R. O. Since being last with his Lordship, has often remembered how Cromwell told him he had no sure evidence of his having "deposed those papistical dragges." Is ashamed to speak good of himself, but can still less endure the suspicion of being a papist. Reminds him that the first time he spoke with him was in his low parlour in his old house at the Austin Friars concerning the Lady Dowager's matter, when he declared his opinion against her purpose, and that he never did speak for her but when he was enforced by the late bp. of Canterbury. On this Cromwell was content to restore him to the King's favour, got him made his Grace's chaplain, and got him all the living he has. Cromwell also put him in some experiments of the King's civil causes, and called him to his board divers dinners and suppers, where he heard such conversations as was the very cause of his conversion, for he compared the conclusions maintained by Cromwell with his English and his Latin Bible, and found them convincing. Examined also Erasmus' Latin translation, and, considering that the New Testament was first written in Greek, got Mr Robert Wakefelde, who is with my lord of Canterbury, to teach him Greek grammar. Has now studied every word of the New Testament in Greek, and since Michaelmas has begun to study the doctors in Greek and Latin. In proof of his thorough conversion, refers to what he has written and to persons who know his judgement. Reminds him of the pains he took in the making of the new laws, and desires Cromwell to read the proem to these laws, which is of his own penning, also the sermon that came from my lord of Canterbury, which, in truth, was composed by the writer. Dr. Barnes can also bear witness of his doctrine and communication in Wales this last summer. He is also known to Cromwell's servants Nic. Arnold and Mr. Edw. Draycote. Hopes Cromwell will no more suspect that he has not thoroughly deposed "thoulde rammyshe and Romish John populorum of Rome." Would rather be noted for a thief than a Papist.
Pp. 4. Endd.. The excuse of a certain man to my Lord.
1224.——to Lord [Lisle].
R. O. We beg your Lordship and the Council of Calais to favour us in the following articles :—
1. That whereas the Cowswaye bank must be repaired in delving, which will be a great charge, the poor commonalty thinks the beasts. pasturing there should be "weved," numbered, and separately taxed to pay the expenses. 2. That the repair of the Synghe bank be sufficiently done, else it will be the destruction of all their lands. 3. That your poor subjects will undertake to make the said Synghe bank good as far as Collomsterest goes to the Presession wave, provided they may have their said Mene Brooke common, or else that your Lordship would see them paid for what they have done in delving on the said bank. 4. That the Colleners may be bound to make their bank sufficiently as we shall do, as far as their "presession" goes southwards to Hervie Netes place. 5. That turnpikes may be set upon the banks when made.
Hol, pp. 2.
1225. John ap Rice's Petition.
R. O. The manor of Westdereham, (fn. n13) in the hands of the abbot, is worth 52l. 12s. 8d The residue of the rent is upon 200l., and the moveables worth 600l.
ii. "Considerations whereupon John ap Rice maketh his suit to the King's Highness."
His office is decayed, and no fee attached to it, yet it is charged with the keeping of the King's muniments. Has written for the King, without any allowance therefor:—Professions of all prelates, persons, and bodies politic throughout this realm; divers instruments for my lady Marie concerning the abdication of the bp. of Rome's power and renunciation of appeals; divers great instruments, as well of the process of divorce of Queen Anne, as of the contract and solemnisation of the same between the King and the most noble [late] (fn. n14) Queen Jane; all which instruments and others he is charged by his office to keep. Wrote to the King the abridgements of the comperts of the late visitation; also the confessions of the late rebels in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, and abridgements of the same. Rode post to the examination and execution of that traitor Halom and his accomplices at Hull. Was promised a pension of 40l. out of Guysborough, but had it not. Has ever since been occupied in examination of traitors, felons, or heretics. Kept one David, at the King's appointment, for half a year at his own cost. And now he desires but 50l. that is not in the King's hands, and to bring to his Grace therefor 200l. a year, besides moveables worth 400l. or 500l.
In Ap Rice's hand, pp. 2.
1226. John Arundell to Cromwell.
R. O. Begs his favour to obtain the keeping of the castle and park of Restormell.
Hol.p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal.
1227. Philip Barnard to Cromwell.
R. O. Is prevented by sickness from appearing before Cromwell in answer to his tender letters. There is a house of the Black Friars in Yarmouth, of which the King is founder, which has been in spoil and great ruin ever since Mid-Lent. The lead, timber, and houses that may be conveyed be sold. Begs that some honest person be appointed to keep it till the King's pleasure be known.
Hol.,p.1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
1228. John Barnardyn (fn. n15) to [Bonner].
R. O. Petition of Giovanni Bernardino, of Pavia, many years servant to Sir Gregory Casale, for a benefice : he being now on business at the Court of France.
Italian, p. 1. Headed:IIIlmo et eccmo Sor. Endd.: "The desire of John Barnardyn."
1229. John Bayker, of Castle Cowme, Wilts, to Henry VIII.
R. O. Seeing the pains the King has taken to set forth God's honour and the public weal is bound in conscience to reveal what he knows to be prejudicial to the common wealth. In spite of the laws against vagabonds and valiant beggars they daily increase in number. Is a poor artificer, has been in most of the cities and great towns of England on his business, and pity it is to see everywhere bare walls standing where habitations once were. Explains at great length how the King's fee farmers by means of fines and forfeitures ruin the tenants. Begs pardon for his boldness for the love he bears his Highness and his gracious heir and prince.
Hol., pp. 4. Commences : "Forasmuch as your Grace at all times."
1230. James Bettes to Cromwell.
R. O. Requests a bill signed by the King for the discharge of himself and the executors of his fellow Palshid, as to the moneys paid by them, which Master Huttoft can declare. As to his own debt to the King, process is made against him in the Exchequer notwithstanding that Cromwell granted him to pay 100 marks a year. Begs a final end and will make shift to pay 100l. at Michaelmas. For the rest 1 beg you to take compassion on me, "considering my hindrance by the strangers," that I may pay 50l. a year. Southampton.
Hol.,p.1. Add,: Privy Seal. Endd.
1231. Bishop Bonner.
R. O. Form of a warrant with blanks for the payment of the diets of Doctor Bonner, now elect of Hereford, as ambassador at the French Court from 27 Aug. last, paying him up to that date according to a former warrant for the diets of Dr. Heynes and Dr. Bonner at 40s. a day each, from 5 April last past, when they were sent beyond sea.
Broadsheet, p. 1.
1232. [Statement of William Cave]. (fn. n16)
R. O. Where Sir John Jenkes says I grudged at the payment "to colector at Camden" I deny it. John Lytster, Thos. Freman, and others were present. At the church wall he said "there should not be four abbeys standing in England." "Marry God forbid," said I, "that it should be so, for that were pity; if it please God and the King and his council it might be otherwise.'' I deny saying we should never have "other world" while the King lived; as Jenkes on St. Thomas' even swore "by God's blood" before a great company of the parish that I did.
Small paper, p. 1.
1233. William Cavendish.
R. O. "Declaration" made by Sir John Daunce by express command of the King "for the trial of certain particular sums of money paid by William Cavendisshe, (fn. n17) Commissioner appointed with Thomas Leighe, doctor in the law, for the dissolution of divers and sundry houses of religion hereafter ensuing, for the rewards and wages of divers and sundry persons being servants within the same" at the first payment; "whereunto the said William Cavendish added sundry sums of money written with his own hand without knowledge of any of his said clerks."
Then follow in four columns (1) a list of the houses; (2) the names of the persons; (3) The first rewards; and (4) the additions. The houses are:—The late monasteries of Meryvalle, Warw.; Breedwoodde, Staff.; Lyllshulle, Salop; St. Thomas, nigh Stafford; Delacres, Staff.; Darley, Dale, and Repton, Derb.; Pippewell, Northt.; total of the additions, 34l. 13s. 8d.
"Memorandum, as touching the plate that was supposed to be sold by the late abbot of Meryvall to George Warrenne, goldsmith of London, to the value of 18l. St., whereof information was given to Dr. Leigh and William Cavendisshe after they dissolved the said monastery, riding by the way, the same Dr. Leigh and William Cavendissh sent unto the said late abbot f [or the] said 18l., which 18l. they confess that th[e said l]ate abbot sent to them by one of their servants by way [of . . . .] e to be good masters unto him and his brethren, [And] (fn. n18) [as t]he said Cavendisshe doth affirm by his answer, [and a]lso by the said Dr. Leigh confessing the same."
Paper roll of five sheets written, on one side only. Each sheet signed by Daunce.
1234. William a Dene, of Upmerden, to [Cromwell].
R. O. Lately made supplication for a certain duty concerning the taking of the parsonage of Upmerden (fn. n19), and Rich. Coclyve, your 'Lordship's servant, has informed you that I have had "the years." I gave Coclyve a noble to be a mean with your Lordship for taking the parsonage, and he divided it with Wm. Pay. Has never had the said years or any parcel thereof. Asks him to command Wm. Pay, Robt. Pay, John Sone, Roger Haccate, and others to prove him. Wm. Salter had the parsonage 2 years, and Mr. Portyngton a year.
Hol., p. 1.
1235. Thomas Abbot of Dieulacres to Cromwell.
R. O.
I have accomplished your Lordship's request for your servant Mr. John Broughton for his most profit. We have no more churches but one adjoining our monastery, to which belongs no corn but oats, and no granges or demesne lands in our own hands; only a few closes to keep our horses and a few cattle. We beg therefore that such small things as we have may remain in our occupation, for divers gentlemen make great labour to the King to have them from us. At Dieuleucres.
Hol.,p.l. Add.: Privy Seal. Seal. Endd.
1236. Margaret Doone, widow, to Cromwell.
R. O. As she carries on her husband's occupation of a hosier and intends to marry one of her servants named Will. Butler, who is very expert in that business, desires that the said young man be admitted as hosier of our noble Prince.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
1237. Margaret [Marchioness of] Dorset, to [Cromwell.]
Is a poor widow unkindly treated by her son the Marquis, and not suffered to have her own stuff out of her own house. Few mothers alive have been so handled. Begs him to make her son write to his servants to let her have it; "for ther lyys awl thys whyl my servantys and hyyrd men with theyr carttys and horssys wyche standys me in no lytyl mony," and it would be to her rebuke if they left that behind which they were sent for. Her son knows that with her years and sickness and continual aches and pains her time cannot be long, to keep him from what he ought to have. Begs Cromwell's help as a nobleman and Knight of the Garter.
Hol., p. 1. Begins: In the honor of our Lord's passion, my lord.
R. O.
1238. John Fellowe.
The Pedigree of John Fellowe, baker, dwelling in St. Nicholas parish (fn. n20) [See Nos. 703–885.]
P . 1. Endd.
1239. John Frierus to [Cromwell.]
R. O. Appeals to him for justice against the executors of his patron the bp. of Hereford, who detain from him the 10l. bequest and the portion of an annual stipend due to him. Of this he spoke to Cromwell at Stepney some days ago.
Lat. Hol.,p.1. Endd.: John Fryer.
1240. Index of chapters of a book relating to the customs of the county of Guisnes.
R. O.
One leaf, pp. 2. Mutilated.
1241. Guillaume le Guryer, mariner of Brittany, to Castillon.
R. O. Was drinking in a tavern at Hampton with some English sailors, when one of them accused him of having said the king of England was no good Christian. The accusation was evidently made out of malice and his accuser has fled, but he still remains a prisoner. Begs him to move the lord Privy Seal for his deliverance, for without Castillon's help he is likely to remain a prisoner although the mayor and governors of Hampton have moved the lord Privy Seal for him.
French,p. 1. Petition headed: A mons. du Catyllon, ambassadeur, &c, en Engletere.
1242. Thomas Gybson to [Cromwell.]
Cleop. E. vi.
B. M.
The ignorant multitude know not the "increase of godliness which floweth in your lordship, and all other such which be God's elect," and the great pains you take in times like this when schisms begin to be talked of. Has gathered certain prophecies of a king that "shall win the Holy Cross and also divers realms." As such things have been done to advance the glory of the eniperor Charles, the writer has ventured to attempt it to show that Henry VIII. is the King meant, and that he will ultimately overthrow his enemies the papists.
Gives thirteen curious prophecies by St. Thomas, John Hermyte, Marlyn, and Silvester, &c. The 6th is that Ampho the patriarch of Armonie "calleth him the Weste beast, the which shall put down a part of the friar preachers and win a great part of the world and make a free way unto the Holy Land, and in that time shall be many marvels of Antichrist." Explains this. The King has left none of the Friars Preachers, he has made a free way to the Holy Land by setting the Scripture at liberty for every man to look on it, &c. The 13th is "Macamyte said unto the Paynems and ealled him the very delicate rose of Britain. If this were Macamyte the which set up the sect which the Turk is of, then had he his knowledge by the Devil the which was the author of his religion" who most likely told him how long his sect would endure.
Concludes from these that the King shall overthrow the Devil's minister, the bp. of Rome.
Pp. 11.
1243. John Hartford of Coventry, yeoman of the Crown to Cromwell.
R. O. Informs against the vicar of Hygley "within the dyozece of Hartford in the countie of Shrewysburye" who has new gilded a picture or image of Our Lady to which much offering was made in times past, and which is said to have restored sight to a blind woman (story recounted). Dated at the head: "Anno H. viij. xxxo die Martis vero prox . . . . . . "
Hol, p. I . Mutilated. Add.: Lord Private Seal. Endd
1244. The Sheriff and two Justices of Herefordshire to Cromwell.
On the information of George Cornwaile of Herefordshire, we have called before us Humph. Strete of Leominster, and commanded him to declare such matter as he had concerning the King's Highness. Enclose his depositions in his own hand. Signed "John Blount, schreve of the counte of Heref (fn. n21) —Nycholas Fyton, Richard Palmer, justices at peax in the same counte."
P . 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd. "H."
1245. John Hoodgekyne, Bishop of Bedford,Suffragan, (fn. n22) to Cromwell.
R. O. Has this five years been in poverty and misery because he has not been able to make suit to Cromwell for his favour. If at any time the writer has not done all his duty, or so well as he might, it was due to ignorance, not wilfulness. The lord Chancellor, abp. of Canterbury, and bp. of Rochester, have promised to be suitors to Cromwell for him.
P . 1. Add. at the head: Lord Cromwell lord Privy Seal.
1246. Lord Edm. Howard to the King's Council.
R. O. "In primis, whereas Anthony Pykering, as attorney unto Wm. Burdon, hath made information that I lord Edmund Howard;" comptroller of Calais, have bargained with dame Rose Wallop, widow, for certain her lands here, the matter depending in law, contrary to justice and the Statute of Champertie, my reply is:?
Before I came to Calais seven years ago come next Lent (fn. n23) Sir Robert Wallop and my Lady his wife came to me to my house in Hampshire and offered, seeing that the King had given me the comptrollership of Calais, to sell me their house and lands there at a price to be named by Sir Ric. Whethill, deceased. I then knew nothing of Burdon or his suits against Sir Robert or lady Wallop. They asked too high a price and the matter dropped. Lately lady Wallop came over and before Mr. Mayor and the law cleared her house and lands "with award" which she showed, and caused her house to be proclaimed six times in both parish churches. I then bargained with her for it, and purchased it for 201. more than Thomas Scryven, now mayor, had offered, and Burdon and Pykeryng took no action till four days after the purchase and many think they never would have taken action if the mayor might have had it. Describes how the mayor and his brethren would not give him possession till they had written to Mr. Baker, the King's attorney, whose answer is herein written, &c, &c. I beg the King and you my lords of his Council to consider what grief it is to an honest man to be thus slandered. Signed.
Pp. 3. Mutilated.
2. Baker, Attorney General, to the mayor and his brethren of Calais.
Gives his opinion of the case and concludes that by English law they should not give seisin to lord Edmund, the plea depending, or it would be Champertic; but whether it is against Calais laws he knows not.
Copy, p. 1. Mutilated. Enclosed in the preceding.
1247. John Huntley to Cromwell.
R. O. My late wife and her two sisters were heirs of Edmund Langeley of Sudington Glouc, deceased, from whom lands worth 40 marks a year came to my wife for her part of which I am tenant by the courtesy of England. My wife had issue remaining, by her former husband, a son, Sir Ant. Everdon, priest, and a daughter, and by me, two sons. The land, as Mr. Wigston, whose wife is one of the three sisters, and the bearer can show, is entailed so that my sons are heirs to it after Sir Anthony, if he do not alienate it. I know not whether he has done so, but divers have refused it at his offer. Once in his possession it were gone as he is so unthrifty. He had an elder brother who died, a year or two after he was made priest, seised of a little land from their father, which he sold after his brother's death. Because I and my son, the bearer, have done what we could to save the reversion, he hates us, though I brought him up as mine own till he was made priest, and then got him a benefice worth 20l. a year. My wife would have put the land from him if she had lived, as her friends, Sir Edm. Tame, Thomas Tame, and Mr. Wigston know. Please cause an act to be made in the next Parliament that priests shall not inherit land, or at least, shall not alienate lands. Moreover, the King has granted to this bearer, my son, a joint patent with me in my office of Thornbury. To have these two matters take effect I will give you 40l. towards furnishing your cellar.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1248. Sir William Kyngston to Cromwell
R. O. This bearer has desired me to write to your lordship to be good Lord unto him.
There is a bailliwick of the gift of the abbot of Ramsay now void. His name is William a Wod, gentleman usher with the King's grace. Also he says he will move your Lordship "touching abbotte who you shall hear complaints of," and he supposes the said abbot would accept a pension, "and the King's Grace to have the first fruits and you to have 100 marks in money, and you and Mr. Gregory to have 30l. by year during the longer liver, and I shall have somewhat." I trust to see you shortly. Luton, Monday.
Hol, p. 1. Add.; Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1249. John Legh (fn. n24) to Cromwell.
R. O. It was no small comfort to me when, of late, I received letters from my friend, sometime in these parts, Mr. Moryson, whose residence has been there about you, certifying me of your favour. I feel I have little deserved such favour. Have written very seldom, because afraid of molesting your Lordship; but now I perceive you are affected towards me "in the way of old friendship and acquaintance" and would have me write oftencr, I cannot but be grateful for your goodness towards me
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd
1250. Drs. Legh and Layton to ———
R. O. Request him "to help this poor man with his pension to be made and sealed; 10l. we have appointed him. He shall see to your pains for your travaile herein. We commit you to Christ.—Yours Thomas Legh—your friend to command Richarde Layton."
Fly leaf, with address, lost.
1251. The Brethren and Sisters of St. Nicholas Hospital, [Lewes], to Cromwell.
R. O. At the suppression of the house of Lewes, they put into the hands of Ric. Cromwell, Mr. Pollerd, and Mr. Mylsent, a. certain book containing their foundation and the gift and grant of their founders. The said gentlemen promised the writers to have the charitable alms as of old time had been accustomed, and so Ric. Cromwell gave them 15s., but they have never had more. Ask Cromwell to do herein what he thinks most convenient to stand with charity.
Hol., p. 1. Add. at the head: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1252. John Bp. of Lincoln to Cromwell.
R. O The abbot of Messynden, Bucks, is dead. Begs favour for John Ottewell, a canon of the house, to be abbot. (fn. n25) Ottewell might have had the room before but gave place to his superior at the request of others. Holborn, Friday morning. Signed
P . 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd. Seal.
1253. Alexander Longforde to Cromwell.
R. O At your request, I have obtained from the bp. of Chichester the lease of the farm that I lately sued for to your Lordship for one of my sons. Now I beg your favour for the bearer, another of my sons, and will partly recompense you.
Hol.,p. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Ao xxxo.
1254. Christopher More to Cromwell.
R. O. My friends Sir Richard Gressham and Sir John Gressham, his brother, have made suit to your Lordship in my behalf, and their answer is such that I can desire no better, saving that I might know my end. I would trust to serve therein that the King should find no lack. I have not done my duty to your Lordship myself, that those who began my suits might not think me changeable; nor would I pester your Lordship with many suits. Signed.
P . 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Ao xxxo.
1255. R. Moryson to———.
R. O "My lord," as Master Bonner has released your conventual seal to me, giving me what you know was my own, I give my whole interest to Nic. Lental, who I desire may have the annuity you gave to Bonner, thinking it to be his, that in very deed was mine. He was sometime marshall of my lord Cardinal's Hall, and is far past 50 years of age, so that Moryson is like to outlive him. Asks for information about quittances and arrears for the frst year and also for this. The figures 16s. 8d.—12s. 6d. jotted down at the end
Hol., pp. 2.
1256. Morison.
R. O. Detached leaf of a treatise in which Henry VIII. is represented as arguing with the Pope against his claim to be supreme over princes. In the second page there is a reference to Cochleus ("ut impudent! Cocleo os obstruam.")
Begins: "Cum tu nihil non possis nisi quod nolis, nos nihil velle vis, nisi quod possumus? Cur prseceptorem tuum non imitaris, qui primum coepit facere, deinde docere?"
Ends : "Nullum honorein neque tribui neque expe . . ."
Pp. 2. In Morison's hand.
1257. Sybbill Penne (fn. n26) nurse to the Prince, to Cromwell
R. O. In favour of her brother in law, Gryffyth Richards, the bearer, to be in service with their lord and master the Prince.
Hol.p 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal.
1258. William Perkyns to Henry VIII.
R. O. Petition showing that at the beginning of Lent last, he was enforced to exhibit a bill of complaint to the King to the effect that one John, son of Jenkyn Litlehey, was seised of lands, held in fee to his use by John Spencer, the elder, Wm. Heynes, Thos. Crispe, and others, in Adelston, Donchurche, and Byfelde, worth 10l. a year; that Agnes, wife of the complainant, was next heir to the same, the evidences being in the keeping of the prior of Asheby, now suppressed; that after the decease of John Litlehey, Crispe, pretending title to the lands, sold 60 acres in Adelston to the said prior; that the prior soon after, perceiving that Crispe had no right to make such sale, resorted to the complainant and his wife for the same, but they refused; on which the prior withheld the evidences of all the lands for 8 years until the late suppression, when he confessed the having of them to the King's visitors. They are now come, by the suppression, to the hands of Mr. Richard Riche, chancellor of the Augmentations, and Mr. Pope, treasurer of the same; who will not make redelivery of them to complainant, although commanded by the chancellor of England, and requested by Sir John Russell, comptroller of your Grace's household, without warrant from your Grace. Begs for such a warrant as he is a very poor man and has many small children.
Pp. 2. Endd.
1259. [The Abbot of Pershore?] (fn. n27) to Cromwell.
Hopes his Lordship will continue his good friend. Has received a sore, indeed bitter letter concerning the pension of his (the writer's) predecessor, [Mr. William Compton] (fn. n28) If I have not fulfilled your Lordship's order, taken two years since, paying him by such acquittance as Mr. Wriothesley, by your Lordship's command, did draw, I will not desire your favour. If I have I beg that the statute made for all the King's subjects may serve me in my right. No doubt this benefice has been sweet to me, as your Lordship says, but remember what I left when I came to this. When my lord Cardinal, God have his soul, put me in, my predecessor at his resignation gave me a bill of such debts as he could remember : these I have paid and 500 marks more, yet he still finds new debts. I trust you will think, whereas in 12 years he could not bring in such debts, that they are feigned. Please appoint any two of your Counsel, or other gentlemen, to end this matter and I will bear their charges. I will give your Lordship, as a token, 20 mks. I send my servant with this letter, desiring you to deliver my age from vexation of which I have long been weary.
Pp. 3. Rough draft in Moryson's hand. Begins: My singular good Lord, I most humbly beseech you that as I have evermore found you my very good Lord,——
1260. Sir Wm, Poulet to Wriothesley.
R. O. Asks him to remind the lord Privy Seal that the tenants of Est Farneham, Hants, desire to have a piece of ground hallowed for their churchyard. They are Wriothesley's countrymen as well as Poulet's. Thursday after noon
Hol.,p.1. Add.: At Chelsey. Endd
R. O. 1261. Edmund Racheley.
"The saying of Edmunde Racheley that deeessed at Buxted Bredge."
When he came to Chidinglegh he asked for lodging, saying that he was servant to the lord marquis of Exeter, and was going to lord Dacre. He told one Fawknor that he was servant to Mr. Longe of the Court.
At his coming to Buxted Bridge on Friday he said he was servant to lord Dacre, was sick of the ague, and wanted a lodging. On the morrow he said he was "burned with a common woman." On Sunday he called for a ghostly father. Before he died he told the ostler that he was born near Wollerhampton in Staffordshire, and willed his horse to his youngest brother, his horn to one Ric. Pope, and the rest of his apparel to those who kept him. He was displeased when any one asked his name or where he lived, and said that his science was such that he could live without a master.
P . 1. Endd.
1262. Sir John Raynsforth to Cromwell
R. O. Asks for the White Friars at Ipswich. His friends cry out, Why does not he ask as well as others? Is he not the King's servant? Has not his service been acceptable? Is he not a true man,? Is not the lord Privy Seal his good Lord? "Spare to axe and spare to speed." Has nothing for his long service, save only Wyxe, which he is in danger to lose. Pyrton has 40 mks. a year of the duke of Buckingham's lands. Wonders how he came by it. If the White Friars in Ipswich are past remedy, asks for the Grey Friars in Colchester. Would fain be Chrystmessys neighbour.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd
1263. John Reading, Prior of Leomstre, to Cromwell.
R. O. Concerning the articles I moved your Lordship in, (fn. n29) I trust they agree with right and conscience. As for my money recited in the bill of articles, please direct my master the abbot's (fn. n30) receiver of rents to pay me at least 100/. of it, your letter to be their discharge You shall have 40l. of it. Touching the seal of mine office that unjustly is witholden from me, please let it be restored or allow me to use another, and you shall have half the profits that shall arise thereby. My master the abbot has made the chief and richest of the bondmen of Leominster free, and taken the profits to himself which onght to have gone to the priory. My predecessors have had authority to "manumys" them; and if you will comfort me to use the same, you shall have half the profits.
Hol., p. 1. Add.; Lord Privy Seal.
R. O. 2. "The instructions of the lordship belonging to the prior of Lemster, cell unto Reading abbey."
"It may please your Lordship to consider that the -whole lordship is by year 700l.", as I was told by the prior, and the common people say it is 1,800 mks. The abbot and prior have wasted the woods, and the tenants make no repairs, and the abbot "doth excuse them by great poverty to make money to pay the King's Grace."
I beg your Lordship's favour for the prior "who will show you of great money, &c, the abbot has "with divers other things which is great pity he should continue in that case." There are here, with the prior, Sir Robert Worralle priest and John Ynke, his bailey of Lemster, who can give your Lordship further instructions. There are many bondmen belonging to that lordship, and "it is a royal rich country."
P . 1.
1264. Reigate.
R. O. Audit of rents of the late priory of Reigate, viz., of Thos. Stidolff and John Stidolff, his son, 3 years' rent ending Michaelmas 30 Henry VIII., for farm of lands, &c., in Hedlegh and Walton super Montem, Surrey, 8l. 16s., and for the manor of Westhumble in Mikelham, Dorking, and Leatherhead, 15l. 15s. Total due 24l. 11s. Whereof 18l. 7s. 4d. is respited upon the decree of the chancellor and council "curiæ predicts" (of the Court of Augmentation). Remainder 6l. 3s. 8d. paid to John Mores receiver there by the hands of John Skynner, with 60s. for the same Mores. Examined by Gregory Richardsone, deputy to Wm. Cavendyssh, auditor.
In the handwriting of Nicholas Bacon: Mr. Auditor, pray certify us why this 6l. 3s. 8d. is put in charge. Signed by N. Bacon and J. Arscot (?)
In another hand : Mr. Solicitor, I am assured the 6l. 3s. 8d. was paid to Mr. Mores. It was not discharged because the indentures were not decreed. Yours to command Gregory Richardsone.
Pp. 2. Endd.
1265. Robt. [Ferrar], Prior of St. Oswald, to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received his letters in favour of Wm. Pykrynge for a lease of the cell of Wodkyrke. Has always endeavoured to keep truth in word and deed towards all people, and therefore the simple true-meaning people have more trust in the word of God plainly uttered by him. Nevertheless the enemies to the truth suspect him to be only an instrument to bring about alterations. The ungodly would gladly see some occasion in him whereby the simple might be slandered and averted from God's word. Asks therefore that he may defer Cromwell's pleasure about Wodkyrke till he is commanded to take away the canons there. Will then give Cromwell a lease thereof. St. Oswald's. Signed: "Roberto ——(blank) theer."
Hol., p. 1. Add.. Lord Privy Seal.
1266. Robt. Ferrar, Prior of St. Oswald, to Cromwell.
R. O. The bearer, Robt. Foxley, the King's servant at Pontefract Park, has obtained the King's letter and made suit both to him and his predecessor for "a parcel of tenth," but ceased his suit as it was necessary for the house. Asks Cromwell for leave to make him a reasonable lease at his reasonable request. St. Oswald's. Signed: "Roberte Ferrar of the same."
Hol.,p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Ao xxxo. The abbot of S. Oswaldes.
1267. Wm Stacboll, Chaplain to Lord Butler, to Cromwell.
R. O. Petitions for the advowson of the deanery of Cashel, in Ireland, worth 20 mks. a year, for which lord Butler wrote to Mr. Wriothesley in his favour. The incumbent is an old decrepit man, and holds the deanery by bulls obtained from Rome. Mr. Wriothesley being now beyond the sea on [the King's business, he has no one here to sue for him. Begs he .may have this to enable him to continue at Oxenford
Hol., p. 1. Add. at head: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1268. Starkey.
R. O Notes on the argument of a treatise of Pighius (which appears to be the Hierarchiæ Ecelesiasticæ Assertio published in 1538), with references to the folios; and sketch of a proposed answer. Headed: "Ex Campensi Pigio."
In Starkey's hand, pp. S.
1269. The Duke of Suffolk.
R. O "Names of the houses of religion that I, Charles duke of Suffolk, hare, enjoy, and am in possession of, by the King's Highness' grant by his letters patent and by Act of Parliament; and also of all such other houses of religion which I have by the inheritance of my wife, daughter and heir to the lord Willoughby, with the yearly values of the same as appeareth in the King's books; "arranged in counties, viz.:—
Norfolk: Bromeholme. Lincoln : Eevesby, Thornholm, Yawde j or Yalla Dei, Alvyngham. Somerset: Clyff. Suffolk: Leiston, Butteley, Eye, Redlyngfeld. Line.: Stanffeld, Hagneby, Grenefeld.
Total value (yearly) : 2.028l. 0s. 1¾d.
Large paper, two sheets written on one side.
1270. S. V. [Stephen Vaughan] to Cromwell.
R. O Lacked time to speak further concerning the communication Cromwell had with him yesterday in the way. Intends today to depart towards Northampton for 14 to 16 days, and then repair to Court. Begs Cromwell's continued favour, and that his Lordship will excuse, to the King, his non-attendance (due to being letted with his foot) : henceforth his attendance shall declare he thinks of nothing so much as "a recompence for that is past." Trusts his Majesty will not be against "him that is exceeding sorry and with all his heart will make amends." London, this Saturday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.: The paquett of H.
1271. The O'Mores and Lord Leonard Grey.
R. O
St. P. iii. 26.
"Certain articles alleged for the part of O'More, concerning how grievously my lord Deputy entretyth him : and again the late O'More's sons." O'More being lineal successor to the last O'More, asked Ormond's favour with the Deputy to get him named O'More, and, by Ormond's advice, gave money to the Deputy for his favour, [offering to maintain for the King certain galloglasses; but the late O'Morre's sons attempted to expel the galloglasses, and Leysagh, the eldest of the sons, was slain. O'More was appointed to come to Athy to have the dispute settled, and there, before Stephen Appary and others, Rory, one of the late O'Morre's sons, assaulted and had near slain him. Apparry then carried him prisoner to Rathangan and Dublin, where the Deputy examined him privily whether Ormond had procured him to join O'Conor, and threatened him when he denied it. "Was then released by the King's Commissioners. O'More then made a further bond to pay certain rent; (fn. n31) and the lord Deputy, the Commissioners, Ormond, the lord Treasurer, and the Council ordered the lordship of O'More to be rendered to him.; but O'Morre's sons, by privy counsel of the Deputy, as appears since, refused, and murdered O'More's messenger in the church. Wonders the little reward paid by O'Morre's sons, who keep 100 plough lands that were Kildare's, is preferred to the rent now granted, which none of O'More's ancestors "condescended to give."
1272. The Cardinal of Lorraine to the Queen of Scotland (fn. n32)
Balcarres MS.
ii. 136.
Adv. Lib.
The beginning of his letter shall be to request her to inform him "que vous estes grosse," for it would be a great happiness for her and her whole race. Begs she will keep in the good grace of the King her husband.
Hol., Fr., p.1. Add.: A la Koyne d'Escosse. Endd.
1273. The Cardinal of Lorraine to the Queen of Scotland.
Balcarres MS.
ii. 130.
Adv. Lib.
Could not let the bearer depart, who will be despatched by the King to the King her husband, without letting her know that she has no kinsman more anxious to do her service than himself. Begs to have news from her occasionally.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
1274. The Cardinal of Lorraine to the Queen of Scotland.
Balcarres MS.
ii. 134.
Adv. Lib.
Begs her to consider that all her race is anxious to do her service. My brother your father sends the bearer (whom you know well) express "pour nous ramantevoir tous en vostre bonne grace," and for my part I should be too happy to show how I desire to do you service.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
1275. The Cardinal of Lorraine to the Queen of Scotland.
Balcarres MS.
ii. 133.
Adv. Lib.
Hopes to be excused if he importune her by letter as many times as the bearer says. Is not afraid, however, to importune her again. No one desires more to do her service. Has quite recovered his health. Refers further to bearer.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
1276. The Cardinal of Lorraine to the Queen of Scotland.
Balcarres MS.
ii 126.
Adv. Lib.
The whole of this Court is devoted to her service. She knows how the writer has loved her all his life. Must not fail to inform her of the good office done by the bearer.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Endd. Add.: A' la Royne d'Escosse Madame ma nyepce.
1277. The Cardinal of Lorraine to the Queen of Scotland.
Balcarres MS.
ii. 135.
Adv. Lib.
Could not let the bearer depart without informing her how much the King is pleased with her, and how she is honoured by the principal persons of this Court.
Hol.,Fr.,p. 1. Add.
1278. Madame de Basqueville to the Queen [of Scotland].
Balcarres MS.
iv. 99.
Adv. Lib.
Thinks when the Queen left Rouen she knew something of the writer's devotion; who if she had had no mother would have given her life to her service. Hopes once in her life to see her in France. The news of what God has given her has delighted everyone, showing how much she was loved in France, and how her departure has been regretted. "De vostre maison de Basqueville." Signed: "Vostre tres heuble et tres obeysante servante yanco."
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd. : Madame de Basqueville.
1279. A Preacher Explains Himself.
R. O A sermon preached by command on the text Reddite ergo qtse sunt Cæsaris Cesari et qua sunt Dei Deo, in the course of which the preacher, who had been reported against to the King and the lord Privy Seal, protests that he never spoke or preached the words deposed against him, viz., that the peers of the realm would have pat Christ to death if he were alive now, for the King and the nobles had set forth the Bible in their mother tongue. He had shown his loyalty in preaching at the time of the insurrection, when he said that in his prince's quarrel he would kill his own father if he would insist on being a rebel. That insurrection was only to maintain superstition, hyprocrisy and abominable living among monks, canons, friars, and nuns. "Well, I pray God open your eyes and then I doubt not but we shall be more gladder for to pull and pluck down the houses of monks, canons, friars and nuns and all other of such sect than ever our predecessors were for to set them up. Yea, and furthermore I say, and if you did know so much as the King's visitors had shown unto them when they visited, then you would marvel greatly, but for the great patience and kindness that our Sovereign lord the King showeth to see their amendment, that any of these religious houses (as they be called) doth stand and remain and be not plucked down or changed to some other good use, the which I pray God that I may see come to pass." Explains the words he really used, which were directed not against the peers but against those who burned Christ's word, who, he said, would have put himself to death if he had been alive now
Pp. 23. After the text and translation of it into English the beginning is "Forasmuch, right honorable audience."
1280. The King's Payments.
MS. 97
B. M.
Payments in February ao 29o. Saturday, Candlemas day at York Place, the King's offering, 46s. 8d.. Sunday [3rd], at York Place, the King's offering, 6s. 8d., the King's daily alms this week, 37s. 11d. Sunday, [10th] at York Place, ditto. Sunday [17th] at York Place, ditto. Sunday [24 th] at Hampton Court, ditto.
[Note.—The authority upon which a payment is made is generally given in the MS. Some, it will be seen, are by warrant dormant, by warrant of a particular date, by a bill signed by some officer of the Household, or the like. But the majority are "by the King's commandment certified by my Lord Privy Seal's letter," and payments so made are here, for brevity, indicated by an asterisk prefixed.]
f. 1 b The wages of the yeomen of the Chamber, at 12d. a day each, for this month of February by warrant, 101l. 9s. Rowland Rampson and Oliver Rygby, keepers in Waltham Forest, at 6d. a day, augmented by 2d. a day each by warrant of 31 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII., for keeping the New Lodge and the half hundred of Waltham, making 8d. a day from 31 Jan. to 1 March and henceforth, 9s. 4d. The Almain armourers at Greenwich for one month ending 6 March, 28l. 16s. 9d. The fraternity of St. Clement's without Temple Bar, for one year ending Feb. ao 29, in way of reward, 6s. 8d. John Piers and John Belson, "Yomans of the Garde" for themselves and four women "to brush and ayere for the rich cotes of the Garde" two days, by command of Mr. Vice-chamberlain, 6s. Ric. Smythe, groom of the Chamber, costs riding from Windsor to Lord Delaware's, 4 days by command of the Council through the vice-chamberlain, 4s. Jas. Nedeham, by warrant dormant for 100l. monthly for repair of the King's manors and places, in full payment of the 100l. due 31 Dec. last, besides 50l. paid in January, 50l. John Maulte, the King's tailor, on warrant of 8 Nov. ao 29, for the coats of seven yeomen of the Guard, and seven sheaf of arrows with cases and girdles, 17l. 18s. l0d. Rob. and John Owen, by warrant 22 Nov., for 71l. 3s. 2d. for falcons, sakers and colveringes of brass new made, besides 30l. paid in January, 41l. 3s. 2d. Thos. Welden, chief clerk of the Kitchen, by warrant 17 July ao 29 (sic) for 50l. "for the apparelling of 33 galapynes of the King's kitchen," besides 25l. paid in July ao 28 (sic),
f. 2. 25l. *Wm. Cholmeley, late cofferer of the household of the Lady Mary and Lady Elizabeth, by my Lord Privy Seal's letter, for surplusage of his final account ended March ao 25, for one half year, 16l. 5s. 8d. To Peter Bawde, gun-founder, on a warrant 24 Jan. ao 29 for 210l. 2s. for new casting certain guns of brass at Houndesdeche beside London, 110l. 2s. *Swallowe, King's messenger, charges going and coming with important letters to the King of Scots at Hendens Castle, for him and three horses 65 days, 8l. *Mr. Pates, late ambassador with the Emperor, in full payment of his diets at 30s. a day from 15 Nov. ao 25 to 30 Sept. ao 29, i.e. 1,416 days, and for costs of posts and messengers, 203l. 13s. 4d. *John Caliberghe, the King's reward, 4l. 13s. 4d. Peter Collen, blacksmith, by warrant 31 Jan. ao 29, "for two jemys the one of them with a racke and thother with pollys and shores," 40l. *Thos. Barnaby, sent in post with important letters to the bp. of Winchester and Sir Fras. Bryan, ambassadors resident in the French Court, charges, 11l. 13s. Ad. *Hen. Ferthing, "sent in great diligence with the King's letters to Mr.
f. 2 b. Hutton,"agent with the Regent in Flanders, 46s. 8d. Jas. Nedeham, by warrant dormant for 100l. monthly for repair of the King's manors, payment for January, 100l. *Ph. Hoby, sent into France about the King's "necessaries and affairs of importance," 23l. 6s. 8d. *Fras. Pitcher, sent to the bp. of Winchester, ambassador resident in France, with the King's letters of importance, 11l. 14s. 4d., and sent at this time similarly into Spain, 46l. 13s. 4d. Sir Chr. Morrice, by warrant 13 Jan. for 200l. to him and other, for furnishing and repairing artillery in the Tower, besides 100l. paid in January, 100l. The earl of Anguishe, by warrant dormant for 1000l. a year' payable half yearly, in part payment of half a year's annuity ended 28 Feb. next, 200l. The commissioners in the marches of Wales, by warrant 24 Jan., for diets, foreign expenses and wages of an armourer at Ludlow, for one quarter fully run at Christmas last, 218l. 18s. 11½d. *Fras. Philip, reward, 20l.
f. 3. *Peter Rede, sent with the King's letters of importance to Sir Thos. Wyat, ambassador resident with the Emperor, 52l. 10s. The prior of Newarke, by warrant dormant for 200l. monthly for buildings at Hampton Court, for this February, 200 l.
Wages in Feb. ao 29 :—13 trumpets at 16d. a day, 26 l.; Philip Welder, luter, 66s. 8d.; Peter Welder, luter, 28s.; John Severnacke, rebeck, 40s.; Thos. Evans, rebeck, 18s. 8d.; Wm. More, harper, 2 8s.; Thos. Bowman, minstrel, 18s. 8d.; Andrew Newman, the waite, 9s. 4d.; Noyal Zoole (or Zale or Sale), (fn. n33) tabret, nil; Baltazer, tabret, 28s.; Hans Highorn, viall, 33s. 4d.; Hans Hossenet, viall, 33s. 4d.; Marke Anthony, sagbut, 40s.; Pelegrine, sagbut, 40s.; Petir de la Planche, sagbut, 24s.; Nic. Vorcifal, sagbut, 55s. 6d.; Ant. Symond, sagbut, 18s. 8d.; Nic. Andrewe, sagbut, 18s. 8d.; Guilliam de Trosshis Cor Trosshes), minstrel, 53s. 4d.; Guilliam Dufayt, minstrel, 53s. Ad.; Morrice Defresne, a writer, 33s. 4d.;. John Madison, yeoman, 28s.; John Harrison, yeoman, 18s. 8d.; Wm. Rolt, serjeant-at-arms, 28s.; Wm. Lambert, 26s. 3d.; John Poole, yeoman, 9s. 4d.; Wm. Poole, yeoman, 14s.; Wm. Tumour and Hector Pirton of the toyls, 32s.; Wm. Le (or Lee), yeoman, 14s.; Alex. Gingham, board wages, 16s. 8d.; Haniball and Fraunces, two Italians, board wages, 33s. 4d.; Paul Freland "oystregefedermaker," 22s. 2d.; Luke Hornebaud, painter, 55s. 6d.; the children of the Chapel, board wages, 26s. 8d.; Thos. Walter, a hunt, 9s. 4d. , Barthol (or Barthil) and Hans, dromslades, 33s. 4d.; Hughe Falconer, 70s.; Sir Hen. Pynnago (or Pynnogo), 28s.; Matthew Falconer, 46s. 8d.; Gerard Brode, falconer, 30s.; John Apricbardes, falconer, 6s. 8d.; Wm. Barker (or Bakers), falconer, 28s.; Chr. Walleson, falconer, 18s. 8d.; John Shirwood, falconer,18s. 8d.; Ric. Ellis, falconer. 28s.; Ric. Baker, board wages, 6s.; Eic. Brandon, falconer, 28s.; Thos. Farnall (or Fernall), falconer, 28s.; Philip Clamp, falconer, 56s.; Ralph Aphowel falconer, 28s.; Thos. Aper (Apper, Aperr or Apperre), keeper, 18s. 8d.; Edw. Hawkins, 18s. 8d.; Robt. Stoner, 14s.; John Node (or Noode), keeper, 18*. 8d.; Simon Burton, keeper, nihil; John Stoner (or Stonard), Oliver Rigby and Rowland Rampson, keepers, 14s. each; John Holland, keeper, 18s. 8d.; Ric. Johnson (John,in Sept.), keeper, 14s.; Ric. Haybourn (or Heybonm), yeoman, 28s.; Wm. Awbury, yeoman of the Crossbows, 18s. 8d.; Giles Churchil, groom of the Crossbows, 9s. 4d.; Ric. Wyther, yeoman, 9s. 4d.; John Broune, yeoman, 9s. 4d.; Sampson Cleyton, 95. 4d.; Wm. Welshe, yeoman, nihil; Wm. Paget, clerk of the Signet, 37s. 4d.; Nic. Worston, clockmaker, 20s.; Sir John Wolf, priest, deviser of "herbours," 20s.; Thos. Chartres,
f. 4. yeoman, 9s. 4d.; Matthew de Johanna, caster of the iron bar, 18 s. 8d.; Ant. Denny, yeoman of the Robes, 28s.; Guillaume le Craunt, crossbow maker, 9s. 4d.; the grooms of the buckhounds for finding them meat, 22s. 2d.; John Willat (Williat), Thos. Johns, Wm. Borras (or Borros), Robt. Axe, John Skreven, John Apprice, Ric. Sandel, Rog. Boxwel, John King, Hen. Johns, Geo. Edwardes, John Powes, Thos. Lewes, Wm. Totehil, John Hickeman, John Brompton (or Brumpton), Adam Betton, Folke Langley, Lionel Borras, Armel Grene, Edw. Fox, John Skarlet, Jas. Kinston (or Kinson), Thos. Cowper, Ric. Roche, Amyas Hil, John Bettes, John Wavant (or Wevant), and Jas. Stanford (or Stamford), yeoman, 14s. each.
Total payments in February, 1,784/. 3s. 7½d.
f. 4 b March.—Sunday [3rd] at York Place. Sunday [10th] at York Place, the bp. of Chichester for preaching before the King, the first Sunday in Lent, 20s. Sunday [17th] at York Place, the prior of Worcester, preacher, 20s. Sunday [24th] at York Place, Dr. Starkey, preacher, 20s. Sunday [31st] at York Place, the bp. of Rochester, preacher, on Midlent Sunday, 20s. Offerings and weekly alms as in preceding month
f. 5. Monthly wages of Almain armourers, 28l. 16s. 9d., and of yeoman of the chamber 114l. 3s. 6d, Guilliam Duwaite, minstrel, upon a warrant of 28 Feb. ao 29, for half a year's wages paid beforehand, to 1 Sept. next, 16l. Thos. Newman and Wm Fumes, trumpeters, on a warrant of 3 March, for the 16d. a day which John Fryer, dec, had (i.e. 8d. a day each), from 15 July last to 1 April next, and afterwards to be paid monthly for life, 17l. 5s. 4d. Thos. Brome and Arth. Skarlet, trumpeters, on a similar warrant of 3 March for the 16d. a day which John Furnes, dec, had, from 10 Nov. last, 9l. 8s. Hen. Atkins, Wm. Polixhill, John Hopkins, Ric. Wigan, Robt. Grymhil and Adam Gaskin, messengers of the Chamber, riding on the King's business by command of the Council, as appears by bills signed by the Lord Privy Seal, 10l. 18s. 4d. David Phinsent, of the Wardrobe of Beds, costs at Westminsfer while the King was at Hampton Court and Otelaund, 14 days, for furniture and trimming of two beds of down and pillows "for the King's own lying," at Grenewich, on a bill of Mr. Fitzchamberlain (Vice-Chamberlain),
f. 5 b 12s. Rob. Reynolde and Thos. Glyn, minstrels, by warrant of 4 Aug. ao 29, for half year's wages due at Lady Day ao 29 and 20s. 9d. due previously 4l. 7s. 5d. Mr. Wolfate, clerk of the Closet, "for the King's candle burning before King Henry of Windsor," for the year ended Mich, last, 13s. 4d., and for that "before our Lady of Doncaster," 20s. Thos. Hutton, 4d. a day for two quarters ended 31 March. Wm. Betton, organ maker, by the King's livery of 20l. a year, three quarters ended at Lady Day, 15l. Thos. Davy, by warrant of 31 Dec. ao 29, for 40s. a year, one quarter ended 31 March, 10s. Wm. Armorer, yeoman of the henchmen, by warrant 20 Jan., one quarter ended 31 March, 35s. *Barnard de Mello, "Jermyn," by my lord Privy Seal's letters dated 17 June 30 (sic) Hen. VEX, in part payment of his annuity, 70l. Edm. Peckeham, cofferer of the Household, by livery dormant dated 26 Feb. ao 29, for 21l. a year out of the issues of Audeforde, Echils and Aldersley, Chesh., 15l. 15s. Yeomen of the Guard at id. a day, quarter wages ended 31 March, 303l. 8s. 4d., at 6d. a day, 76l. 10s. John Willis, King's rat taker, by livery of 4d. a day from 8 Sept. ao 29 to 1 April, 70s. 8d. *Chr. Moonte, prested towards the charges of his diets at 20s. a day, 70l. *Philip Hoby and Wm. Swerde, "sometime servant to Mr. Hawkyns, dec, ambassador with the Emperor, for two journeys by him laid out by the said Mr. Hawkyns, 45l. 5s., and 28l. disbursed by the said Philip Hobby for his costs and charges coming in post from Spain to declare the said Mr. Hawkyns departure," 73l. 5s. Wm, Gonson, on warrant 2 Feb., for wages and victuals due to the keepers of the King's ships "in the river of Thamys at Rye," 93l. 7s. 4d. *Philip Hoby, "sent in all possible diligence for the King's affairs in the parts of beyond the sea," 23l. 65. 8d. The earl of Anguishe, in full payment of half a year's annuity ended 28 Feb. 300l. Peter Baude, on warrant of 24 Jan., full payment, 100l. *The bp. of Winchester, ambassador in the French court, post money, 116l. 13s. 4d. *Thos. Ashe, poticary, "for certain medicines by Dr. Cromer and other physicians, aud by the poticary employed for the relief and conservation of the health of the lady Marget Douglas during the time of her being in the Tower of London and also since the same," 14l. 4d. Morgan Wolf and John Freman, by warrant 17 Feb., for plate delivered at New Year's tide last, 548l. 10s. 7½d.
f. 7. Commissioners in the marches of Wales, by warrant of 24 Jan., in part payment of the quarter ended Lady Day next, 100s. Jas. Nedeham, one month, 100l. *Hans alias Dythyk, Bent to Lubek, and thence to the King of Denmark, 26l. 13s. 4d., and for another journey, "lately made" to Lubek and the said King, 12l. 2s. 10d. Sir Chr. Morrice, by warrant of 15 Feb. for 350l. for buildings and repairs on a. new house for the ordnance "to be made within the Tower of London," 200l. *Ant. Fagion, Sicilian, "for making of certain devices of bulwarks and blockhouses and other devices," and "for his long waiting and offering of his said service," reward 10l. *Lady Margret Douglas, daughter to the earl of Anguishe, for her servants and gentlewomen's wages aud board wages, 24l. 7s. 10d. The prior of Newerke, one month, 200l. Edra. Peckeham, cofferer, by warrant 8 March ao 28, for 6,797l. 9s. 7d., in full payment of the same for surplusage of the Household ending Mich. ao 28, the rest having been paid in March, April, May, July," Nov. and Dec.
f. 7b. last, 191l. 16s. 3d. John Hutton, agent in Flanders, for posts, 28l. Morgan Wolf, by warrant 6 Feb. ao 28 for 662l. 6s. 5½d. for plate delivered for the King's New Year's gifts ao 28, in full payment, the rest having been paid in March, May and June last, 47l. 18d. The same by warrant 18 Feb. ao 28 for 300l. yearly to be prested to him for preparing plate for the King's said gifts, besides 200l. paid in July and Dec. last, 100l. Edm. Pecham, cofferer, by warrant 14 March ao 29, for 6,103l. 4s. 7d. for surplusage of the Household for the year ended Mich, last, 100l.
Wages of 13 trumpets, &c, names in nearly the same order as in February. Peter de la Planche has nil, "quia tnortuus" Simon Burton's name is omitted. The amounts paid vary somewhat from those of February as payments have been generally reckoned by that day.
f. 9. Quarter's wages at Lady Day:—Sir Edm. Walsingham, fee, 25l.; to him for finding of prisoners, 25l.; for wages of the yeomen of the Tower, 36l. 10s. 7d. Percival Hert, fee, 51. Ant. Chabo, surgeon, 10l. [Sir] (fn. n34) Thos. Palmer, fee, 50s. Nic. Crazer (or Crazier), astronomer, 5l. Dr. Buts (or Buttes), physician, fee, 25l. Dr. Bentley, physician, 10l Piro, the French cook, 66s. 8d. Eobt. Draper and John Halile (or Alelie), of the Jewel House, 33s. 4d. each. John Kirbe, of the Jewel House, 26s. 8d. John Bedel, late of the Jewel House, 33s. 4d. John Barwicke, of the Leishe, 10s. Wm. Wright, bricklayer, nil. Hen. Webbe, of the Stable, 66s. 8d. The Stable:—Thos. Ogle, 50s.; Eic. Breham, 50s. and 22s. 10d. board -wages; Ant. Imers, 50s.; Robt. Webbe, 15s. 2d.; Eic. Longe, 66s. ,8d.; Jas. Jacson, 20s.; Austen Clerk, 20s.; Fras. Sidney, 66s. 8d.; Fraunces de Rege, a rider, 5l.; Hannybal, a farrier, 50s. Wm. Pennyson, fee, 10l. Alex. Gingham,
f. 9b 5l. Matthew de Mantua, stud man, 4l. 11s. 3d; and his servant, 60s. 10l. Hen. Sell, a hunt, 45s. 6d.; Wm. Armorer, footman, 10s.; Edm. Mody, footman, 15s. 2d.; old Mistres Knevet, annuity, 22l. 8s. 4d.; Ant. Lowe, 22s. 10d.; Eleanor Hutton, with my lady Mary, 33s. 4d.; Sir Ric. Bawdewin, priest, 45s. 8a; Beatrix Aprice, with my lady Mary, 16s. 8d.; John Day, groom of the Chamber, 50s.; John Evans, falconer, 50s.; Hugh Harris, falconer, 50s.; Luke de Lyarke, gunner, 4l. 11s. 4d.; Baltazar de Bolla, cl. 20d ; Baroardyne de Bolla, 6l. 20d.; Sir Wm. Paulet, master of the Wards, 25l., and his clerk, 50s.; Hugh Pigot, cook, fee, 30s. 5d.; Win. Lewes, instrument maker, 50s.; John Haywood, player on the virginals, 50s.; Lovell, gardener, 15s. 2d.; Nic. Clerc, keeper of Hatneld Brodehoke, 30s. 5d.; Jenyns, of the Pastry, 30s. 5d.; Wm. Crooghton, King's hosier, 35s.; Thos. Warde, for the oversight of the King's harness at Windsor, 30s. 5d.; Mr. Whitington, schoolmaster to thenxmen (the henchmen), 5l.; Wm. Hastinges, wirh the old lady of Norfolk, 25s.; John Johnson, messenger, 25s.; Wm. Forde, keeper of the mastiffs, 30s. 5d.; John Parker, of the Stable, board wages, 45s. 6d.; Won Brereton, groom of the Privy Chamber, 50s.; John Penn, barber, 66s. 8d.; Nicholson, yeoman of the henchmen, nil, quia mortuus; John Demayne, graver, 100s.; Wm. Hamnaon (Hamond), of the Leishe, 20s.; Thoi. Wodall, sewer, 30s. 5d.; Sir Edw. Nevel, nil, because paid by warrant; Hen. (Robt. in Mich. Payments) Webbe, of the Stable, for carrying dung, 15s. 2d.; Hen. Bomains, locksmith, 13s. 4d.; Chr. Haulte, falconer, 33s. 4d.;
f. 10 Thos. Warde, keeper of Windsor butts, 15s. 2d.: Sir Eic. Page, nil; Alex, de Bollony, rider, 71. 10s.; Euice Carmillion, "miUyrer," 33s. 4d.; Mighel Brosard (Froxard), "moyieharnesmaker," 40s. 6d.; Wm. Snilliard, fee, 25/.; John Fitzwater, clock keeper at Beaulieu, 13s. 4d.; Thos. Vicary, surgeon, 100s.; Sir Nic. Carew, 8l. 6s. Sd.; Sir Thos. Hennage, 8l. 6s. 4d.; Sir John Dudley, master of the armoury, 16l. 13s. 4d.; Wm. Pennyson, of the Stable, 66s. 8d.; Wm. Phelip, a writer, 50s.: Thos. Cowper, falconer, 4l. 11s. 3d.; Sir Brian Take, treasurer of the Chamber, 25l.; Geo. Nodes and Geo. Grenefelde, Serjeants of the "bounts"(hunts), 5l. 14s. each. Hunts:—Wm. Haces (Howel in Mich. Pat/ts.), 33s. 4d.; John Bum, 33s. Ad.; Jas. Maperley, 45s. 6d.; Humph. Reynsford, 25s.; Ralph Mody, 33s. 4d. Nic. Parfrey, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Geo. Sutton, late gentleman usher, 50s.; John Cockes, footman, 10s.; Sir Fras. Bryan, 8l. 6s. 8d.: John Myston, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Robt. Hobbes, keeper of the wardrobe at More, 4os. 6d.; Thos. Spincke, 15s. 2d.; Eliz. Darrell, 50s.; Ant Toto and Bartilmewe Pen, painters, 12l. 10s.; John Welsbonrn, of the Privy Chamber, 8l. 6s. 8d.: Geo. Dodsworthe, a hunt, 45s. 6d.; Sir Thos. Seymour, of the Privy Chamber, 8l. 6s. 8d.; Wm. Herbert, annuity, 11l. 13s. 4d.; Peter Mighen, a writer, 66s. 8d.; Thos. Wolward, armourer, 30s, 5d; John Lewes, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; John Amadas, yeoman, 45s. 6d.; Robt Fowler, deputy keeper of Greenwich, 15s. 2d.; Alice Fylmer, widow, 7s. 7d.; Wm. Longe, arrow-
f. 10 b head maker, 30s. 5d.; Wm. Philip, writer, board wages, 30s. 5c.; Geoff. Bromefeld buckler maker, 15s. 2d.; Sir Thos. Palmer, 5l.; Ric. Bolton, of the Leishe, 10s.; Edw. Burgeons, a farrier, 50s.; Massy Willard, 5l.: Sir Wm. Windesour, 5l.; John Pitcher, of Totnam, 20s.; Thos. Derby (Darby), clerk of the Privy Council, 5l.; Ric. Atzile, polisher of stones, 5l.; John Worthe, of the Stable, 66s. 8d.: Fras. Blake, 30s. 5d.; Dr. Mighel, physician, 16l. 13s. 4d.; John Taughan, sewer, 57s.; John Griffith, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Robt. Hinstocke, Geo. Birche, and Geo. Mailour (Nayler), players, 33s. 4d.; Dr. Tregonel's annuity, 10l.; Thos. Decon, poner with the lady Mary, 60s. 10d.; Thos. Dulsacy, annuity, 13s. 4d.; Giles Everson, 30s. 5d.; Thos. Gilbert, late gunner, 33s. 4d.; Wm. Orwell, messenger, 30s. 5d.; Thos. Care (or Carew), sewer, 5l.; Wm. Toiler (Towly), yeoman, 45s. 6d., Simon Barton, 50s.; Steph. Vaughan, 100s.; Walter Dodsworthe, 33s. 4d.; Chr. Mountabourn (Mountabourne), 100s.: John Gurson (Curson). groom of the Chamber, 30s. 5d.; Wm. Uxley, John Reynolds, and Wm. Blacney (Blackeney), yeomeo, 30s. 5d. each; Ant. Knevet, gentleman nsher, 100s.; Leonard Storry and Launcelot Stokker, riders, 50s. each; Owen Dodsworth, a hunt, 33s. 4d.; Sir Wm. Pounder, 100s.; the warden of the Friars (or "of the Grey Friars") of Greenwich for their relief, 25l.; John Sodo, poticary to the lady Mary, 6l. 13s. Ad.; Ric Longe (Sir
f. 11. Ric. in June), of the Privy Chamber, 8l. 6s. 8d.; John Yerdley, Ph. Chute, Owen Lloid (dawkeeper, 15s. 2d.), Edw. Hudswell, Geo. Mountjoye, Robt. Kirke, David Morgan, Ric. Keys. Thos. Smithe (page of the Chamber, 50s.), Ric. Lewes, Edw. Davy (David), Ric Sentlowe, Ric. Fisher (Fysshe), John Tournour, and Tuos. Walton, yeomen, 45s. 6d. each; Wm. Willis, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Sir Ric Longe, master of the buckhounds, 8l. 0s, 8d.; Walter Goodson, hunt, 33s. Ad.; Sir Ric. Longe, master of the hawks, 10l.; Edm. Harman, Robt. Bocher (Bowcher), and John Genyngs (Jenyns), grooms of the Privy Chamber, 50s. each; Ric. White and John Everingham (Everington, Erringham), yeomen, 30s. 5d. each; Thos. Moreton, yeoman, 25s,; Hans Holben, painter, 71. 10s.; John Davye (Davis), fee, 50s.; Ant. Kingston, serjeant of the hawks, nil; Thos. Dodsworth, 33s. 4d.; Laur. Cooke, yeoman, 30s. 6d.; John Yonge, 30s. 5d.; Chr. Erington, rider, 50s.; John Alif, surgeon, 100s.; Mrs. Eliz. Oxenbrige (Uxenbridge), 66s. 8d.; Hugh Lee, of the Leish, 10s.; (John) Wolf, armourer, 40s. 6d. Thos. Paston, annuity, 11l. 13s. 4d.; Nic. Hare, annuity, 25l.; John Care, paymaster and overseer of the works at Hounesdon, 41. 11s. 4d.; Mich. Stannop, of the Stable, 66s. 8d.; John Broune, yeoman, 30s. 5d.; Sir Edw. Nevel, fee, nihil.
11b Half year's wages at the Lady Day ao 29 :—Firewood for the yeomen of the Tower, 26s. 8d.; Sir Hen. Pynnogo, 10l.; Sir Ant. Broune, 16l. 13s. 4d.; Sir Fras. Bryan, master of the toyles, 33l. 6s. 8d.; John Parker, of the Stable, 10l.; Sir John Nevel, 10l.; lady Anne Grey, 6l. 13s. 4d.; Robt. Fowler, annuity, 10l.; Robt. Seymer, 100s.; Master Wolfate, clerk of the Closet, for wages of certain priests, 60l.; Sir Thos. Spert, clerk of the King's ships, 16l. 13s. 4d.; John Clement, physician, 10l.; Nich. Sampson, fee, 50s.; Basterd Falconbrige, 110l.; Wm. Morraunt, annuity, 100s.; John Till, annuity, 70s.; Mighel Marcatour, organ maker, 11l. 5s.; Sir John Russell, 11l. 6s, 8d.; Archaungel Arcan, gunner, 9l. 2s. 6d., and his servant, 60s. 10d.; Sir John Gifford, 100s.; Sir Laur. Staborons, 17l. 10s.; John Mynne, clerk to the general surveyors, 100s.; John Rydley, groom of the long bows, 20s.; Nich. Fytton, annuity, 10l.; Austen de Augustyns, physician, 25l.; John Slee (Slye), player, 33s. 4d.; Robt. Forde, annuity, 6l. 13s. 4d.; Edm. Connysbe, groom of the Chamber, 60s. 10d.; John Hynde, "surveyor of the King's livery for lands," 25l.; Peter Mewtas, of the Privy Chamber, 10l.; Thos. Mynton,
f. 12 the King's scholar, 100s.; the King's candle before Our Lady of Walsingham, 43s. 4d; to the prior there "for the King's salary before Our Lady," 100s.; Ric. Candishe, annuity, 100s.; John Norres, yeoman, 20s
Total payments in March, 4,445/. 12s. 0¼d. Total from 1 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII., 7,706l. 11s. 1½d.
f. 12b April ao 30.—Sunday [7th], at York Place, Dr. Willson, preacher on Passion Sunday, 20s. Sunday [14th], at Greenwich, Dr. Cromer, preacher on Palm Sunday, 20s. Fortyeight poor men at the King's maundy on Maundy Thursday [18th], 48 pence each, and four dozen purses for them, 2s. Good Friday [19th], at Greenwich, offering, 20s. Sunday [21st], at Greenwich, the King's offerings "at resurrection," 6s. 8d.; "at taking his rights in the morning," 6s. 8d.; "at high mass," 13s. 4d.; heralds at arms for largess on Easter Day, 5l.; the cooks of the Kitchen, 6l. 13s. 4d.; the officers of the Pastry, 20s.; the officers of the Equillery (sic), 20s.; the porters of the Gate, 53s. 4d.; "thenxmeu for their howsingling money," 20s.; the King's offaring on Easter Monday, 6s. 8d. Tuesday [23rd], St. George's Day, the King's offering 6s. 8c?.; offering at requiem maas, 6s. 8d.; fraternity of St. George, 13s. 4d.; heralds at arms for largess, 100s.; offerings on Easter Wednesday and St. Mark's Day, 6s. 8d. each. Sunday [28th], at Greenwich. Offerings and weekly alms as in preceding month.
f. 13 Month's wages of yeomen of the chamber, 110l. 2s. 6d.; of Almain armourers, 28l. 16s. 9d.; *Ric. Wegan, John Hopkyns, Hen. Atkins, Robt. Grymhill, Adam Gaskyn, and Wm. Pollixhill, messengers of the Chamber, riding by command of the King and divers of his Council, as appears by bills signed by my lord Privy Seal, 12l. 8s. 4d. Robt. Draper, John Halile, and John Kyrby, of the Jewel House, board wages when absent from Court from 20 Feb. to 3 March ao 29, at 8d. a day each; also Draper and Halile, board wages attending at the Tower after Christmas last to receive certain plate, as accustomed yearly; also board wages of all three when absent from Court by the King's command from 7 to 18 April (Shire Thursday), ao 29; in all 60s. 16d. Edm. Peckeham, cofferer, on warrant of 14 March ao 29, for surplusage, part payment, 3,766l. 13s. 4d.
f. 13b *Matth. Kinge, for bringing the King's letters out of Ireland, "declaring the submission of Ochom and James," and for his return with answer, 100s. *Fras Pitcher, sent in post with letters of importance to the Court of Spain, going and coming, 240 ducats at 5s. each, 60l. Jas. Nedebam, 100l. (as before). Sir Fras. Bryan, ambassador with the French king, on warrant of 6 April, in prest upon his diets at 53s. 4d. a day, &c, 200l. *Thos. Darby, for Robt. Trewman, 10l. Dr. Thurleby, ambassador sent at this time into France, on warrant of 6 April, prest for diets at 40s a day, &c, beginning 6 April, 300l. Dr. Haynes, ambassador with the Emperor, on warrant of 7 April, prest for diets at 40s. a day, &c., beginning 5 April, 335l. Dr. Bonner, agent and ambassador with the Emperor, on warrant
f. 14 of 7 April, prest for dici at 40s. a day, &c.,from 6 April, 335l. *Leonard Skerington, captain of the garrison at Nortinghan, wages of himself and men from 18 Jan. last to 30 May next, four months, 56l. 18s. 8d. Sir George Lawsra, on warrant dormant, for 20 gunners, "for their wag is in a newe crewe within the towne and castle of Barwicke," besides 114l. 3s. 8d. paid him last November, 69l. 6s. 4d.; the same for the same in part payment of wages due at Michaelmas next, 100l. The prior of Newark, 200l. (as before). *Thos. Barnaby, "sent into Hispayne with certain protestations newly imprinted," for his going, 30l. Jerom Bruyn, merchant, on warrant of 28 March ao 29, "for certain demi haks complete, gunpowder with certain matches and javelins" delivered into the Tower, particular; in a bill annexed signed by Sir Chr. Morrice and Ant Anthony, 504l, 6s. 8d.
f.. 14b. The bp. of Hereford, King's almoner, on warrant 17 April ao 29, for alms on Good Friday, 100l. * James Hamelton, "a gentleman of Scotland," reward, 6l. 13s. 4d. Hen. Johnson, on warrant of '24 March ao 29 for 200l., for casting of ordnance at Salisbury Place, Houndesdich, and Calais, and for stocking, wheeling, and iron work, part payment, 50l. *Lady Margaret Douglas, to the hands of Dr. Cromer, for preparations against Easter, 20l. Rothissey, "herald at arms with the King's dearest nephew the king of Scots,"reward, 20l. *Fra-. Blake, reward, 6l. 13s. 4d. John Breket, on warrant of 7 April for 50l. for apparelling 33 gallapynes of the King's kitchen, part payment, 25l.
f. 15, 15b, 16 Wages in April.—13 trumpets, a* before. Also "four other trumpets at 8d. a day each," 4l. Then follows the luters and others as in March, except Petir de hi Planch, who is omitted. Sir John Wolf is styled "planter of graftes."
Total in April 6,645l. 2s. 6d.
f. 16b May, ao 30.—Offering on SS. Philip and James Day, 6s. 8d. Sunday [5th] at Hampton Court. Sunday [12th] at Waltham. Sunday [19th] at Havering. Sunday [26th] at Greenwich. Offering on Holy Thursday [30th], 6s. 8d. Sunday offerings and weekly alms as before.
Wages of Almain armourers, 28l. 16s. 9d., and of yeomen of the Chamber, 110l. 15s. 6d. Rob. Owen, John Stephens, John Kellam, and Hen. Atkyns, messengers of the Chamber, riding by command of the Council, on bills signed by the Council, 62s. 4d. Rowland Budgeley, yeoman of the "Wardrobe of Beds, lying at the Tower to receive and make ready certain stuff, 26 days at 20d. a day, on a bill signed by Sir Wm. Kingiston, vice-
f. 17. chamberlain, 43s. 4d. John Bonntauns, minstrel, on warrant of 21 March ao 29, for 16f. a day from 18 Feb. last to 1 June next in the room of Petir Planche, dec., 6l. 16s. Sir Nich. Carewe, master of the Horses, on warrant of 28 Feb. ao 29 for certain provision for the Stable, shown in a -bill annexed, 79l. 18s. 8d * Wm. Muriell, servant to my lord of "Winchester, ambassador with the French king "sent at this time in great diligence with the King's letters of importance," 80 crs. soleil at 4s. 8d each, 18l. 3s. 4d. Morgan Wolf, King's goldsmith, on warrant of 20 March ao 29 for 1732.10s. 8½d., for plate made and given to the bp. of Terby, the French king's ambassador, and "for a certain cup given at the christening of the earl of Hertford's son," part payment, 201. *Arthur Nowell, sent "with the Kings letters of great importance to the King's ambassador resident in the French king's Court," 18l. 13s. 4d. Sir Thos. Wyat, ambassador with the
f. 17b Emperor, to the bands of Sir Tbos. Poninges and Geo. Blagry, on warrant of 1 April ao 29, for diets in advance at 54s. a day for a whole year ended 31 March next, 654l. 9s. 2d. Jas. Nedebam, 100l. as before. *Mighel Stony, sent with "letters of importance "to Sir Fras. Bryan, ambassador resident with the French king, 182.13l. 4d Edm. Peckeham, cofferer, on warrant of 14 March for surplusage, besides payments in March and April, part payment, 216l. 9s. l½d. Sir John Dudley, on warrant of 15 April
f. 18.
f. 18b.
ao 29, for gowns, &c, of 21 officers of the Armoury named in a bill annexed, viz., for each 4 yds. of broad cloth at 5s. for a gown, 3 yds. of kersey for a doublet and pair of hose, at 2s., 28l. 6s. Henry Johnson, on warrant of 24 March, for casting ordnance, besides payment in April, part payment, 100l. *Sir Fras. Bryan, ambassador resident with the French king, diets and postages, 250l. Thos. Baruaby, sent with "letters of great importance,"to Sir Fras. Bryan and Dr. Thurleby, ambassadors resident with the French king, 23l. 6s. 8d. The prior of Newarke, 200l. as before. *Lady Seymor, reward, 40l. *Sir Thos. Clifford, for repairs done on the walls of Berwick, particulars in a bill annexed 52l. *Geo. Gonnasse, sent with "letters of great importance "to Mr. Hutton, ambassador resident with the Regent in Flanders, going and coming, 7l. The Commissioners in the Marches of Wales, on warrant of 24 Jan. ao 29 due at Lady Day last, besides payment in March, 213l. 18s. ll½d. John Bryket, on warrant of 7 April for the galapynes, besides payment in April, full payment, 25l. Sir Geo. Lawson, for the 20 gunners in Berwick (as in April), part payment, for the year ending Michaelmas next, 60l. Thomas (sic) Hutton, agent in Flanders with the Regent and Emperor's Council, on warrant dormant of 6 June at 29 for diets at 20s. a day "for iiij months advanced to him beforehand beginning iijo Marcii anno xxxo and ending xxiijo Augusti next following,"112l. Robert and John Owen, on warrant of 20 May ao 30, for ordnance new made and cast, shown in a bill annexed, 23l. 15s. 2d. Peter Bawde, gunfounder, on warrant of 18 April ao 29, for 32l. 13s. 6d. for casting and new making brass guns, part payment, 19l.
f. 20. Wages in May.—Trumpets, &c, as in April. Hans Hosnet is here called Hans Highorn, probably a mere clerical error, while Hans Highorn appears as Thomas Highorne. Dufayte has nihil. Sir John Wolf is again styled "devisour of herbours.''
Total in May, 2,587l. 0s. 3d.
f. 20b. June, ao 30.—Sunday [2d.] at St. James'. Sunday [9th] at Eltham, the King's offering on "taking his rights," 6s. 8d., the heralds' largess, 5l., and offerings on Whitsun Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, each day 6s. 8d. Sunday [16th] at Greenwich, the King's offering on Corpus Christi Day [20th] and on taking his rights, 6s. 8d. each. Sunday [23d] at York Place, offering on Midsummer day, 6s. 8d.; the grooms of the Hall for making a bonfire on St. John's night, 10s.; offering on St. Peter's day, 6s. 8d. Sunday [30th] at York Place. The usual Sunday offerings and weekly alms.
f. 21.
f. 21b.
f. 22.
f. 22b.
f. 23.
The fraternity of St. Dunstan's in the West, for the year ended at St. Peter's tide ao 30, 40s. Wages of yeomen of the Chamber, 107l. 12d., and of Almain armourers 28l. 16s. 9d. Robert Dell Woode, clerk of the Checke, hire of a house in London for the great standards and rich coats of the Guard, for one quarter ended at Midsummer ao 30, 8s. 8d. John Johnson, master of the King's barge, for "burning and tallowing of the King's great barge called the Lion," 10s., and for bringing the same from London to Greenwich and thence to Gravesend and back, three days, himself and twenty-four men, viz.: two days himself at 2s. and the men at 12d. each, and one day coming from London to Greenwich, himself at 16d. and his men at 8d., on a bill signed by Mr. Vieechamberlain. Fras. Pitcher, Rob. Smithe, and Adam Gaskyn, messengers of the Chamber, riding by command of the Council, as appears by bills signed by divers of the Council, 41s. 8d. The yeomen of the Guard at 6d. a day for one quarter ended 30 June ao 30, by warrant, 78l. 7s., those at 4d. a day, 298l. 13s. 3d. Philip Hoby, groom of the Privy Chamber, on warrant of 4 Feb. ao 30 (sic) for 10l. a year, for the quarter ended Midsummer, 50s. John Siddenham, on warrant of 18 Apiil ao 29 for 4d. a day for 73 days from 19 April last to 31 July next, 24s. 4d. Edm. Hodgeson, broderer, on warrant of 18 April ao 29, for 6d. a day one quarter, 2 April to 30 June, 45s. Thos. Culpeper, on warrant dormant of 14 June ao 30, for 66l. 13s. 4d. yearly, one quarter ended at Midsummer, 16l. 13s. 4d. Morgan Wolf, King's goldsmith, on warrant of 20 March (recited as in May) full payment, 153l. 10s. 8½d. Sir Geo. Lawson, for 20 gunners (as in April and May) full payment of wages due Michaelmas next. Peter Bawde, on warrant of 18 April (recited as in May) full payment, 13l. 13s. 6d. Jas. Nedeham, on warrant of 28 Mny a?30 for 425l. towards repairs of the King's manors of Otford and Knolle, Kent, and Petworth, Suss., and two new chambers and a watching chamber at More, part payment, 225l. Hen. Johnson, on warrant of 24 March (recited as in April) full payment, 50l. Sir Chr. Morrice, on warrant of 15 Feb. for building a new house for ordnance in the Tower, and for "tiling of other houses of ordnance which the prior of St. Bartholomews heretofore caused to be made" besides 200l. paid in March, 150l. Edm. Peckeham, cofferer, for surplusage (as in May) 1,520l. 2s. 2d. *Sir Thos. Wyat, ambassador resident with the Emperor to the hands of John Morris, his servant, for money disbursed for posts as appears by my lord's letter, 290l. *John Beamounte and Robt. Caityn, "sent at this time by the King's Highness to the abbot of Wobourn and other to give evidence against them,'' 6l. 13s. 4d. *Tadeus, the courier,sent "in great haste" with the King's letters to Sir Fras. Bryan, ambassador resident with the French king, going and coming, 46l. 13s. 4d. The prior of Newark, 200l. as before. *The Chief Justice of Ireland and Master of the Rolls there, reward, 53l. 6s. 8d. *Robert Symple, a gentleman of Scotland, reward, 14l. 6s. 8d. The bp. of Hereford, on warrant of 8 June ao 30 for 232l. 15s. 9d. disbursed upon the King's works "within the new College Royal within the university of Cambridge, over and besides other sums of money by him received and employed about the said works," part payment, 100l. *Thos. Johns, sent at this time into Ireland with letters of importance, 6l. 13s. 4d. *Sir Barnard ran Melakt, "sent at this time in message to the King's Highness from the duke of Saxony and eertara princes of Jennaynye," reward, 70l. Win. Welshe, groom of the Chamber, his whole year's wages prested in advance at 6s. 8d. a month from 30 June next, 4l. *Fiancis Pytcher, sent with letters of importance, to the ambassadors with the French king and Emperor, going and coming, 46l. 13s. 4d. The earl of Angnishe, on a warrant dormant for 1,000l. a year, part payment of the half year ended 1 Sept next, 200l.
f. 23 b. Wages in June :—Of 13 trumpeters, &c, as in May. Hanns Hossenet again instead of Hans Highorn. John Bountauns, tabret, 40s. is additional.
ff. 24 b.-27. Quarter's wages at Midsummer:—Similar list to that for Lady Day ao 29, the order of the names being somewhat different. The following entries are omitted:—Wm. Wright, bricklayer, Nicholson, yeoman of the henchmen, Sir Ric. Page, Sir John Dudley, master of the Armoury, Edm. Harman, and Sir Edw. Nevel The following are additional entries :—Wm. Armorer, yeoman of the henchmen, 35s.; Wm. Beton, organ maker, 100s.; Thos. Davy, yeoman. 10s.; Sir John Gage "for his half year's fee," 33l. 6s. 8d. Dr. Mighel here appears as "Dr. Mighel de la Se, physician to the Lady Mary,"16l. 13s. 4d.; Hans Holbein (Holbyn) has one whole year's annuity, advanced to him from Lady Day last, 30l.; the two Bollas are described as "myllyvers."
Total payments in June ao 30, 4,758l. 0s. 5½d.
f. 27 b. July.Sundays [7th and 14th] at Hampton Court. Sunday [21st] at Okyng. Sunday [28th] at Petworth; offering on St. James' Day, 6s.8d.; to the heralds at arms at the creation of the lord Dawbeney, earl of Bridgewater, 21 July, 66s. 8d. Offerings and weekly alms as before.
f. 28.
f. 28 b.
f. 29.
f. 29b.
f. 30.
Payments:—To John Belson and John Piers, yeomen of the Chamber, for conveying 77 bows and 3 javelins and 77 sheaves of arrows from the Tower and from the King's fletchers, "for the yeomen of the Guard to ride with the King in his progress, and for the carriage of it them" to the White Friars in Fleet Street for the King's use by the space of iij days, every of them by the commandment of Mr. Vicechamberlain," 7s. 4d. Wages of the Almain annourers from 27 June to 24 July, 28l. 16s. 9d. *Jas. Joskyn, clerk of the wardrobes and Launcelot Aldeforde, groom of the same, with servants and horses, 10 days at 2s. a day each, "furnishing of the lord Prince Edwarde house with wardrobe stuff" and riding to Newhalle for stuff for the same, on the lord Privy Seal's bill, 40s. Ralph Holfforde, Geoff. Johnes, Thos. Hawkins, Chr. Chapman, Chr. Lambert, Robt Smythe, John Smythe, Thos. Hiltoune, Ralph Eyre, Walter Tanghan, Lyonel Mertyn, and John Aphowell, yeomen, grooms and messengers of the Chamber, riding by command of the Council as appears by several bills signed by divers of the Council, 8l. 7s. The yeomen of the Chamber, wages, 109l. 9s. The bp. of Hereford, on warrant of 8 June ao 30 (fn. n41), for works "within the new church of the King's college in the University of Cambridge," full payment 132l. 15s. 9d. Jas. Nedeham, on warrant of 28 May, full payment, 200l. *Fras. Pytcher, courier, sent with letters of importance to Sir Fras. Bryan and other ambassadors in the French Court, going and coming, 35l. Edm. Pekham, cofferer, on warrant of 14 March ao 29, full payment, 500l. Koger Smith, the King's scholar at Oxford, on warrant dormant, one whole year's payment in advance due at Midsummer next, 6l. 13s. 4d. *Ric. Candishe, and other commissioners "to have the oversight of the King's mines of gold in Suffolk and to ccnvey certain finers and other artificers there for the trial of the ore there," 20l. Thos. Barnaby, sent with letters of importance to the ambassadors resident with the Emperor, going and coining, 56l. Commissioners in the Marches of Wales, on warrant dormant of 24 Jan. ao 29, for the quarter ended St. John's Day, 218l. 18s. 11d. *Jas. Distre, reward, 13l. 6s. 8d. *Ric. Lucas, for "bringing one Bonaventure, a friar of Newark," 40s. *Sir Thos. Wentwourthe, captain of Carlisle Castle, for repairs done at the said castle, particulars in a bill signed by him, 53l. 0s. 6d. Wm. Gonson, gentleman for the Body, on warrant of 14 June, for the ships at Rye and in the Thamys, for 6 months from 23 Dec. ao 29, 78l. 0s. 4d. Laur. Askewe, for "the apprehension, keeping and taking of William Whetherall and conveying him to Durisme and hither, and his servant with him,"reward, 100s. The prior of Newerke, for the month, 200l. Dirike Dethike, on warrant of 25 April for "200 staves by him made for jousts, by the King's commandment, with all manner garnishments necessary and requisite for the same,"16l. 13s. 4d. *Fras. Pitchar, courier, sent, 4 July, with letters to Sir Fras. Bryan and other ambassadors in France, who were thought to be then between Avignon and Lyons, but, at his coming, were as far as Aquas Mortes and he was "compelled thereby to a greater charge than he could bear with 35l., at that time to him appointed,"as a liberal reward for his further riding and diligence, 10l. Hen. Huttoft, on warrant of 12 July, a loan to ba repaid in ten years, 2,000l. *Wm. Wade, servant to Sir Piers Edgecombe, 60s. for bringing hither, from Cornwall, Manuel George and Wm. Wynget, miners, "to be sent at this time into Suffolk to try and work at the new mine;"and to the said George and William "for their charges going down to Suffolk, upon a reckoning of their wages," 6l. *John Horseley, for "sure conveyance of one Miller late called Lancaster and also the Vicar of Newarke unto York and there to be reigned" (arraigned), 100s. *Sir Fras. Bryan, by warrant of 6 April ao 29 ambassador resident in the French Court, diets and post money, 250l. The earl of Anguishe, on warrant dormant, part payment of 500l. due for half year ended 1 Sept. next, besides payment in June, 66s 8d. Jas. Nedeham, 100l. as before. *Fras. Pytcher, sent with letters of importance to the ambassadors resident with the French king, being at Lyons, going and coming, 28l. *John Apprice, expenses "in his journey made of late about certain the King's affairs into the parts of Wales, and other sums defrayed to other persons about the same business," 15l. 5s. 8d. *Thos. Throwyden, and Wm. Deceythe, "for as much as they be dismissed from his Grace's affaires in Suffolk," for their charges, going and coming, 5l.
Wages in July, ao 30.—Of 13 trumpeters, &c., as in June. Baltazer, tabret, is omitted, and Wolf, priest, is styled "maker and devisour of the King's herbors and planter of graftes."
Total payments in July, ao 30, 4,265l. 9s. 6d.
f. 31b. August, ao 30.—Sunday [4th], at Cowdrey. Sunday [llth], at Portsmouth. Sunday [18th], at Arundel. Sunday [25th], at Ewrige. Offerings and weekly alms as usual, and also offerings of 6s. 8d. on tha days of St. James, Our Lady and St. Bartholomew.
f. 32. The yeomen of the Chamber, for August, 107l. 12s. Almain armourers, 25 July to 21 Aug., 28l. 16s. 9d. Walter Vaughan, Laur. Serle, Ric. Clerke, and Robt. Grenehil, yeomen, grooms and messengers of the Chamber, riding by command of the Council, 74s. *Thos. Spencer, Brian Bradford, and their company, "conveying of a prisoner, one James Prestwiche, from York hither, and for their return home again," 6l. 13s. 4d. *Tadeus Bolle, sent, with letters of importance, into Flanders to Mr. Hutton, ambassador resident with the Regent there, 7l. *Nic. Depelle, courier, sent, with letters of importance, to Mr. Wyat, ambassador with the Emperor in Spain, going and coming, 30l. Jas. Nedeham, for June and July, 200l. *Lewes Johns and Ric. Bleke, costs, "for 13 men and so many horse, made in conveying hither to London of Roger Vanghan and Thos. Vaughan, prisoners, out of the part of Wales," and for their repair home again, 6l. 13s. 4d. Mr. Hutton, ambassador in Flanders, for posts, 14l. 18s. 8d. Cornelis Johnson, King's smith, on warrant of 11 Aug., prest for new making certain ordnance of iron, "as porte peces slynges and basses," 150l. *Ph. Hobby, "sent into the parts of beyond the sea with all diligence," 66l. 13s. 4d. *Chr. Mounte, sent to certain princes of Germany for "affairs of importance," 40l. The prior of Newerke, 200l., as before.
f. 32b, *Clareneius, king at arms, Somerset herald, Rouge Dragon and Rouge Cross, pursuivants at arms, going Jo York to give evidence against "Thomas Myller, sometime Lancaster,"' and returning. 24l'. *Sir John Dego de Mendosa, one of the Emperor's ambassadors here now resident, reward, to return toward his master, 400l. The bp. of Carlisle, on warrant of 22 Aug., he being registrar of the Order of the Garter, "for impetracion of the grace and mercy to the soul of the earl of Shrewsbury, late one of the companions of the said noble order,"16l. 13s. 4d, *Rosse, herald at arms to the King of Scots, reward, 10l. John Hntton, ambassador and agent in Flanders, diets at 20s. for four months in advance, from 23 Aug. to 12 Dec. next, 112l.
f. 32b—33b. Wages in August, ao 30.—Of the trumpeters, &c, as in July. Hugh Falconer and Folk Langley do not appear in this list, but the name of the latter, which reappears in Sept. no doubt occurred on a lost leaf.
One or more leaves are here wanting.
f. 34.
f. 34b.
f. 35.
"Yet payments in September, ao xxxo."—Ric. Ellis, falconer, at 12d. a day, upon warrant of 7 July for 16d. a day, which Hugh Ellis, dec., had, from 30 June to 1 Oct next, that is, 4d. a day more than his present wages, and so afterwards to be paid monthly, 30s. 8d. Ant. Sainctleger, of the Privy Chamber, on warrant of 4 July for 33l. 6s. 8d. a year, payable quarterly from Lady Day last, two quarters, 16l. 13s. 4d. Dr. Bonnor, ambassador "in the parts beyond the sea," on warrant dormant for diets at 40s. and postage, 338l. 10s. The earl of Angnishe, full payment for the half year ended 1 Sept., 296l. 13s. 4d. *Sir Wm. Pennyson, reward "for bis attendance upon Madame de Montrelly and certain other French ladies coming out of Scotland both at their being in London and in their journey from thence to Dover" 40l. The yeomen of the Guard at 6d. a day for the quarter ending 30 Sept., 78l. 4s. Wm. Hunte, gunner, on warrant of 5 Sept, in prest to be "employed about the making and furnishing of the King's Highness' devices of certain pieces of artillery," 25l. Dr. Heynes, "one of the ambassadors in the parts of beyond the sea,"on warrant of 6 April, full payment of diets at 40s. from 6 April to 31 Aug., 76l. 5s. *Mr. Writhesley, money disbursed to a servant of Mr. Halis, Master of the Rolls, for bringing one Hen. King out of Thanet, 20s., "and to two servants of the bp. of Thetford for bringing Gervaise Tyndale, 40s., and to the said Geffrey (sic) for his costs coming and returning, and tarrying at Lewes ij or iij days," 22s. 6d., and "for so much money by him laid out in sundry parcel; by way of his Majesty's rewards unto sundry monks and chief officers of Chnstchurch in Canterbury, and also to sundry servants and labourers travailing about the disgarnishing of a shrine and other things there,'' 23l. 16s. Dr. Tiunieby, ambassador resident in the Court of France, on warrant of 6 April ao 29, diets at 40s. and postages, 150l. *Thos. Barnaby, reward, going and coming with the King's letters into France, 23l. 6s. 8d. *Mons. Guydo, reward, 50l. *Mr. Stephen Vaughan, sent at this time into Flanders to be the Kings agent there, prest of diets at 20s. from 17 Sept., 50l. The Commissioners in the Marches of Waies, a quarter's payment due at Michaelmas next, 218l:. 18s. ll¾d. *Wm. Wyndet (sic), miner, and Manuel George, finer," at this time despatched out of the King's mine in Suffolk," costs and also wages, "working and labouring there in the said mine or mines," 6l. 13s. 4d. *Thos. Callard and his fellow, savants to Sir Thos. Denys, "riding once from Devonshire, bringing up a priest called Gulpbinus of Bretayne, suspect of treason," 4l The prior of Newerke 200l., as before. *Leonard Skevington, captain of the garrison at Nottingham Castle, wages of himself and men at 14l. 4s. 8d. a month from 20 May last to 2 Dec. next, 99l. 12s. 8d
f. 35b. Wages in Sept., ao 30—Of trumpeters, &c, as in August and July. (fn. n35) Ric. Haybourn, yeoman, is omitted, and the wages of the Almain armourers from 19 Sept. to 16 Oct. are entered here.
f. 36b. Quarter's wages at Michaelmas, ao 30.—Similar list to that at Midsummer. An additional item is:—Thos. Culpeper, fee, 16l. 13s. 4d. The Bollas are here styled "myllyners," Sir Edw. Nevel and Hans Holbyn, have nothing because paid by warrant, the space for Sir John Gaage's half year's fee is left blank, Jas. Jacson, Barnardyne de Bolla, and Thos. Ward receive nothing because dead.
f. 39. Barnarde de Mela, German, in full payment of his pension of 300 crs. a year up to Michaelmas besides 70l. paid at Lady Day and "other sums paid heretofore by Sir Brian Tuke, knight, and by John Gostwic, esquire,, 65l. 14s. 4d. Philip Hobby, 50s. Edm. Hogeson, 45s. 6d. John Sydnam, 30s. 5d.
Half year's wages at Michaelmas, ao 30—As at Lady Day. Master Leighton appears, instead of Master Wolfate, as clerk of the Closet. For the King's candle before Our Lady of Walsingham, and to the prior there for his salary, nil. The following are additional:—
Robt. Reynolds and Thos. Glyn, minstrels, 66s. 8d. .; John Wolly, rattaker, 60s. 10d.
f.40. October .—Sundays [6th, 13th, 20th, 27th,] at York Place. Offerings and weekly alms as usual, and also offerings on St. Luke's, and SS. Simon and Jude's days.
f. 40b.
f. 41.
Wages of Almain armourers, 17 Oct. to 13 Nov., 28l. 16s. 9d; of the yeomen of the Chamber at 12d. a day for October, 108l. 10s. 5d. *Thos. Swallowe, messenger of the Chamber, riding on the King's business, 73s. 4d. Arthur Dewes, player on the luke (sic), on warrant of 13 Oct. for 4d. a day from 1 Sept. to 1 Nov., and after that to be paid monthly, 20s. 4d. Mr. Ric. Long, master of the Buckhounds, for carriage of the cart for the said hounds, and money given to keepers of parks, &c, in the King's last progress, where they have hunted, 10l. 12s. 11d. Sebastian Lesseney, born in Normandy, one of the King's clockmakers, on warrant of 2 April ao 29, for 8d. a day from 31 March to 1 Nov., and after that to be paid monthly, 7l. 2s. 8d. *Thos. Barnaby, "riding in post at this time with the King's letters of importance "to Mr. Wriothesley, and Mr. Vaughan, ambassadors in Flanders, 100s. *Lady Margaret Douglas, "reward by her to be employed about her necessaries," 20l. *A captain of Scotland called Bortyke now passing over into France, reward 20l. Sir Brian Tuke, treasurer of the Chamber, wages of his clerk for one year ended at Michaelmas, 20l. *Dr. Kerne, "sent at this time to the Court of Flanders with his Grace's commission of greatest importance," prest for diets to be hereafter fixed, 50l. *Fras. Pytcher, "sent at this time to the Court of Flanders, with the King's letters of importance, to his ambassadors there, being about Compaigne or Cambray," 100s. *Philip Hoby, of the Privy Chamber, "sent at this time in post with all celerity "with the King's letters to the Emperor and Sir Thos. Wyatt, ambassador, going and coming, 150l. Sir Chr. Morrys, master of the Ordnance, on warrant of 12 Oct. ao 30, for 200l. to be employed with the advice of Jas. Nedeham, Hen. Johnson, and Ant. Anthony, on the building of a new ordnance house in the Tower and on other buildings and repairs lately committed to him, part payment, 100l. *Thos. Barnaby, sent in post with letters to Sir Ant. Broune, ambassador in France, 100s. *Nic. Pelley courier, "sent now in post and appointed as a guide to ride in post with Mr. Hobby to the Emperor's Court," 10l. *Robt. Trewman, reward, 41. *Mr. Wriothesley, ambassador in Flanders, prest for diets to be appointed and post money, 100l. *Steph. Vaughan, diets at 20s. a day, and post money 50l.
Wages in Oct. ao 30:—Trumpeters, &c. as in September, except the Almain armourers. Noyall Zale, has 33s. 4d., Thos. Apper, nihil quia mortuus.
f. 42b. Total payments in October, 850l. 18s. 1d.
f. 43. November.—All-Hallow'n Day at York Place, the King's offering at taking his tights, 6s. 8d.; at high mass, 13s. 4d.; the heralds at arms for largess, 100s.; the children of the Chapel "for singing of Audivi vocem on Allhallonday," 20s.; offering on "All Solnedey," 6s. 8d. Sundays [3rd, 10th, 17th,] at York Place. Sunday [24th] at Hampton Court. Offerings and weekly alms as usual; also an offering on St. Andrew's Day.
f. 43b.
f. 44.
Wages of yeomen of the Chamber, 104l. 19s. 6d.; of Almain armourers at Greenwich, from 8 (sic) Nov. to 11 Dec, 28l. 16s. 9d. Wm. Temple, King's fletcher, on warrant of 20 July, ao 30, for 78 sheaf of arrows with cases and girdles, at 5s. 4d. each, for the King's guard, 20l. 10s. 8d, *Gilbert Dethicke, "riding in the King's business into sundry places," on two bills signed by my lord Privy Seal, 13s. 4d. Ric. Awnsham, groom porter, laid out on "stuff for the King's use to be occupied in his Grace's chamber "(i.e. 2 "fire forks, both weighing 94 lb., of iron,"at 12d. a pound, 15s. 8d. (sic), 18 "stoles "at 12d. each, 2 iron plates 13s. 4d., 4 "skrynes"at 4s. each, 1 doz. pair of snuffers, 4s.) on my lord Chamberlain's bill, 67s. Sir Chr. Morrice, master of the Ordnance, on warrant of 11 Oct. (fn. n36) for 200l. (as in October), full payment, 100l. *John Williams and Ric. Pollard, expenses in the King's service as in bill of particulars annexed, 77l. 5s. *Fras. Pytcher, sent with letters of importance to the ambassadors in Flanders, 70s. Jas. Nedeham, 100l. due in October. Sir Fras. Bryan, on warrant of 17 Nov., "for taking of one thousand quick deer within divers the King's parks, for the replenishing of the parks of Nonesuch and Kinton,"166l. 13s. 4d. *Dr. Kerne, ambassador in Flanders, prest for diets to be appointed, 50l. *Nic. Pelle, courier, sent with letters of importance to Sir Thos. Wyatt, ambassador with the Emperor, 30l. *Fras. Pytcher, sent with letters of importance to Mr. Wriothesley and other ambassadors in Flanders, going and coming, 71. Sir Fras. Bryan, on warrant of 23 Nov. "for taking 200 deer for the storing of the King's new park beside Ampthill called Combes Park,"part payment, 33l. 6s. 8d. Robt. Lorde, on warrant of 23 Nov., to be employed at the King's manors of Hampton Court, Nonesuche, and Otland, 1000l. *Hen. Corkebecke, "a truthie," reward "for certain service done," 20l.
Wages in November, ao 30:—Trumpets, &c, as in October, with the addition of Arthur Dewes, luter, 10s., and Sebastian Lesney, clockmaker, 20s
Total payments in November, 1,904l. 6s. 10d.
f. 46. December:—Sunday [1st] at Hampton Court, the children of the Chapel, reward, 6l. 13s. 4d. Sundays [8th, 15th] at Hampton Court. Sunday [22nd] at York Place. Wednesday, Christmas Day, the King's offering at taking his rights, 6s. 8d.; at high mass, 13s. 4d.; to the heralds, 100s.; the children of the Chapel for singing Gloria in excelsis, 40s. Sunday [29th] at Greenwich. Offerings and weekly alms as usual, and also offerings on the days of St. Thomas, St. Stephen, St. John, and St. Innocents.
f. 46b.
f. 47.
f. 47b.
f. 48.
f. 48b.
Ric. Wygan, Hen. Atkins, John Hopkins, Wm. Kinde, and Edw. Brigges, messengers of the Chamber, riding by command of the King and Council, on bills signed by divers of the Council, 11l. 13s. Wages of the Almain armourers, 12 Dec. to 8 Jan., 28l. 16s. 9d. Robt. Draper, John Halile, and John Kirby, "board wages, being absent from Court from 29 April to 8 June, 29 days at 8d. a day each, 78s.; again 28 Aug. to 23 Dec. 116 days, 11l. 12s.; charges in "carrying of certain plate by water and other ways at sundry times to the King's Grace, and for cariage a (sic) certain plate "received of his Grace at sundry times, from 29 April to 23 Dec, as appears by bill signed by them, 10s. 4d. Yeomen of the Chamber, 108l. 16s. 6d. Robt. Dell Wood, for hire of a house in London for "the rich coats of the Guard," for one quarter ended Christmas ao 30, 8s. 8d. Mich. Davy, for conveying money from London to the Court for wages and other payments there in the King's progress from Christmas ao 28 to Christmas ao 30, and for hire of divers houses to pay these wages in, as at Guildford, Esthamstede, Petworth, Cowdrye, Portsmouth, Arundell, Dover, Canterbury, and "other places in the said [progress] (fn. n37) overlong to reherse," 33s. 4d. John Miston, "one of 4d. by day," advance of wages for one whole year from 1 Oct. ao 30, 6l. 20d. Mr. Ant. Kingiston, warden of the hawks, wages at 2s. a day for one whole year beforehand from 1 April next, up to which time he is already paid, 36l. 10s. Thos. Welden, chief clerk of the Kitchen, on warrant of 1 Oct. ao 30, for wages of 2d. a day for keeping the King's butts at Windsor, payable quarterly from Midsummer last, half year's payment, 30ss. 8d. Ric Warde, by liberate dormant of 8 Nov. ao 30, for 4d. a day for keeping the armoury at Windsor, payable at Easter and Michaelmas, vice Thos. Warde, his father, who died 1 July last and received wages up to 1 July, wages for July, Aug., and Sept., 30s. "Item, where John Brigges, late clerke of the King's wardrobe died in July ao 29o, and report was made that he died 24 Junii ao 29o, by reason of -which report there was no money paid to him for that quarter;"on certificate of John Rede, executor to the said Brigges, Jas. Jaskyn, now clerk of the Wardrobe, and others, that the said Brigges died in July, payment is made to Rede for the Midsummer quarter, 70s. Walter de Lyen alias Galtherus de Lenns, on warrant of 31 Oct., for 100 crs. soleil yearly, payable quarterly from Michaelmas last, 5l. 16s. 8d. Jas. de Garnado, "one of the escuyeres de escurye of the King's stable,"on warrant of 28 Oct., for 40l. a year, payable quarterly, from Michaelmas last, 10l. Nic. de Modecio, on warrant of 21 April ao 2S, for 10l. a year payable quarterly from Lady Day last, and 20s. a year for livery, three quarters, 8l. 5s. Alex. Penny, taborer, appointed a drumslade, by warrant of 5 Oct., at 6d. a day, one quarter, 45s. 6d., paid to Mich. Davy, 6 Jan. ao 30. Ant. Chabo, King's surgeon, half year's wages in advance from Christmas, 20l. AuguBtine de Augustinis, physician, half year's wages due at Lady Day next, 25l. The yeomen of the Guard at 4d. a day, for one quarter, on warrant, 291l. 6s. 8d.; those at 6d. a day, 70l. 10s. On warrant of 30 Oct. for yearly payment of 12d. a day "to Anthony Basson, maker of divers instruments of musick," from Midsummer ao 30o, payable quarterly, one half year's wages, 9l. 4s. *Hans Holbyn, one of the King's painters, "at this time sent about certain his Grace's affairs into the parts of High Burgony," reward, 10l. *The bp. of Winchester, in full payment of 282l. by him disbursed to posts and couriers, from 23 June ao 29 to 31 Aug. ao 30, "for so much money paid and allowed to Sir Francis Bryan, knight, upon a letter of exchange of Anthony Bonvix," as shown by a bill of particulars, 165l. 9s. 8d. *Wm. Raynsford, gentleman usher of the Chamber, "for certain green cloth and hanging of the scaffold at Westminster Hall and for other allowances in that behalf," 15l. 9s. 4d. Jas. Nedeham, 100l. due 30 Nov. *Philip of the Privy Chamber, (fn. n38) "for supplement of the rest of his costs, riding in post to Hispayne to the Emperor's Court and returning, for the pains and labour he took," 100l. *Rof (sic), one of the heralds of the King's nephew the king of Scots, reward, 13l. 6s. 8d. *Fras Pycher, sent in post with letters of importance to Mr. Wriothesley, ambassador in Flanders, going and coming, 7l. 10s. *Robt. Trueman, reward, 100s. Sir Fras. Bryan, on warrant of 14 Dec. "for taking of 120 quick deer, and 80 quick deer of antelere, within his Highness' chase of Alice Holt, and for conveying of them to his park of Asshere towards the replenishing of the same, after the rate of 3s. 4d. a. piece," 33l. 6s. 8d.
f.49. *John Lunis and Hen. Hannerself, falconers to the duke of Spurce, reward for bringing hawks from the said Duke, 20l. *Sir Wm. Goringe and Mr. Will. (sic), (fn. n39) charges sustained as the King's commissioners for "disgarnishing of the shrine at Chechester and bringing the same to the Tower of London," 40l. *Mr. Wriothesley, ambassador in Flanders, prest of diets to be appointed, 210l. The Commissioners in the Marches of Wales, on warrant dormant, part payment for one quarter fully run at Christmas last, 20l. Wm. Gonson, on warrant of 10 Nov., prest "for payment of wages and victuals due to the keepers of the King's ships at Rye in the Thamys," from 24 June last to 22 Dec., 78l. 8d. *Jaa. Nedeham, "for the costs and charges of the scaffold made in the King's Hall at Westminster at the condemnation of the late malefactors and traitors (fn. n40) there," 28l. 19½d. John Briket, master cook, on warrant dormant, dated-–––(blank) Dec. ao 30o, "for thapparelling of 33 gallapyus," 50l
Wages in Dec, ao 30o:—Trumpets, &c, as in November.
50 b Quarter's wages at Christmas; ao 30o:—As at Michaelmas. John Sodo is here John Desodo. Bernard de Mela is omitted and Ant. Sentleger, of the Privy Chamber, 8l. 6s. 8d., added. The warden of the Grey Friars at Greenwich has nihil.
f. 53.
f. 53b.
Rewards given on Wednesday, New Year's Day, at Greenwich:—The heralds at arms, 6l.; marshals and officers of the hall, 6l. 13s. 4d.; the King's watch on New Year's eve, 40s.; trumpeters, 100s.; porters of the gate, 40s.; old sagbutts, 50s.; pages of the Chamber, 20s.; drumslades, in reward, 20s.; the "still mynstrells, in reward," 4l.; the new sagbutts in reward, 41.; John Gates of the Robes, 40s.; Iron Brereton, of the Privy Chamber, 40s.; John Penn, barber, in reward, 40s.; Wm. More, Thos. Evans, Thos. Bowman, and Andrew Newman, minstrels, in reward, 40s.; Edm. Barbour, in reward, 40s.; Wm. Hammon, of the leish, 10s., four children of the leisb, 40s.; Robt Draper, of the Jewel House, 40s.; Bucsted, the King's bowyer, 20s.; Wm. Grenway, a bowyer 13s. 4d.; "Mr. Crane, for playing with the children before the King," 6l. 13s. 4d.; the King's fletcher, in reward, 20s.; John Wawyn, a bowyer, 10s.; Wm. Sheraton, of the Robes. 40s.; Alex. Gingham, in reward, 20s.; Alex, de Bollony, 20s.; Hanyball, a farrier, in reward, 20s.; the King's vials, 20s.; the gentlemen of the Chapel, in reward, 13l. 6s. 8d.; Fras. de Rege, in reward, 20s.; "three hunts of the privy buckhounds," 20s.; John Wood and Coper that gave the King pheasants, 20s.; the four hunts, in reward, 20s.; Thos. Bolley, bowyer, in reward, 10s.; Ric. Holland, a fletcher, 13s. 4d.; John Norris's servant, in reward, 6s. 8d.; Wm. Baynsford's servant, in reward, 6s. 8d.; Ric. White, that gave two bows to the King, 10s.; John Wattes, that gave two bows, 10s.; Archaungel Arcan, that gave perfumed gloves, 20s.; Ric. Rawlins, that gave two bows, 10s.; Grene, coffermaker, that gave a goodly coffer, 6s. 8d.; Mr. Ric. Cromwell's servant, 13s. 4d.; the treasurer of the Augmentations' servant, 13s. 4d.; Jenyns and Robt. Bowcher of the Privy Chamber, in reward, 40s. each; John Halylie of the Jewel House, 40s.; Mr. Bream's, servant in reward, 6s. 8d.; Geo. Aynsbery's servant, "that gave a pair of perfumed gloves," 6s. 8d.; John Godsalve's servant, that brought two New Testaments, 6s. 8d.; servants of Mr. Elderton and Mr. Burche, 6s. 8d. each; of Mr. Long, 13s. 4d.; of Ant, Toto, that brought "a depicted table of Calomia," 6i. 8d.; Wm. Stafford and Wm. Polyver, each for two bows, 10s.; servants of Dr. Leighton, 5s. Peter Mewtis, 6s. 8d, Philip Hobby, 40s., Mr. Penyson, 10s., and Dr. Augustyn, physician, 10s.; Ric Enyons, Thos. Corde, Wm. Carpenter, Ric. Waliis, Edm. Tale, each for two bows, 10s.
f. 54. Servants of the bishops of Winchester, Exeter, York, and Durham, 40s. each; of Canterbury, 53s. 4d.; of Lincoln, Carlisle, London, Bath, Chester, Ely, Salisbury Rochester, Worcester, Chichester, Hereford, St. David's, and Llandaff, 20s. each.
Servants of the abbots of Peterborough, Westminster, Reading, Ramsey, St. Mary Abbey (40s.), St. Alban's, Glastonbury (40s.), and Waltham, and of the prior of Christchurch, 20s. each.
Servants of Dr. Lupton, Dr. Bentley (6s. 8d.), Dr. Chambre, the archdeacon of Richmond, Mr. Magnus (20s.), and Mr. Frankelin, dean of Windsor, 13s. 4d. each.
f. 54b. Servants to my lord Prince, 53s. 4d., the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, 40s. each, the earls of Rntland, Westmoreland (40s.), Oxford, Wiltshire, Sussex, Huntingdon, Derby, Hampton, and Hertford, Marquis Dorset, and earls of Bridgewater, Essex and Shrewsbury, 20s. each.
Servants to the lords Chancellor, Privy Seal, Stafford, Chamberlain, Audeley, Liriey, Souch, Windsor, Powis, of St. John's, Monteagle, Moriey, William Howard, Borough, Mountjoy and Richard Grey, the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th, 40s. each, the rest 20s. except Howard, Mountjoy and Grey who have but 13s. 4d.
f. 55. Servants to the lady Mary, (53s. 4d.), the duchess of Suffolk,1 the old lady of Norfolk,1 the ladies of Westmoreland,1 Rutland, ladies Powis, Sandes,1 Dorset,1 Huntingdon,1 Mounteagle, Audeler (40s.), the lady of Kent,2 ladies Wollopp, Rochford, Broune,2 Bryan,2 young lady Marquis Dorset,1 ladies Guildford, Derby,1 Caltrope, Baynton,1 Hertford, Kingston, Russell, Hampton, Hawarde,2 Russell of Worcestershire, Zouche, Shelton, Paulet,2 young lady Knevet, ladies Hennage, Dudley, Page, lady of Sussex, ladies Bridgwater,2 lady of Kildare, lady Margaret Grey, lady Harbert of Troy, Mrs. Hil,2 (this case "in reward"), Mrs. Denys,2 and Mrs. Chamborne.2 The amount is in most cases 13s. 4d. but those marked (1), above have 20s., and those marked (2) but 10s.
f. 55b. Servants of Mr. Treasurer (20s.), Mr. Comptroller (20s.), Sir John Dauncy, Sir Ric. Weston, Sir Edw. Baynton, Sir Wiu. Kinston, Sir Thos. Palmer, Sir Ant. Broune, Sir John Aleyn, Sir Brian Tuke (20s.), Sir John Nevell, Sir Arthur Darcy, Sir Thos. Nevell, Sir John Dudley, Sir John Shelton, Sir Fras. Bryan, Sir Thos. Cheyny, Mr. Gostwicke, the master of the Jewels, Mr. Welsborne, Sir Thos Hennage (20s.), Sir Ric Gresham, John Cavalcant, Wm. Lock (10s.), Domyngo (10s.), Sir John a Briges, Sir John Wallop, Sir Hen. Knevet, Mr. Pollard (20s.), Sir Ric. Page, the King's players for playing before the King this Christmas (6l. 13s. 4d.), and Peter Vans; 13s. 4d. a-piece except where otherwise indicated.
f. 56. Guilliam de Trosshes, Guilliam Duwayt, Petie John, and Noyall Zale, minstrels, 41., (collectively); Ant. Carsydony's servant, 6s. 8d., Edw. Blacney that gave a gilt sword, 40s., Bastard Falconbrige's servant 6s. 8d., the Chancellor's servant of the Augmentations 20s., Ralph Pilkington that gave a velvet purse garnished with gold, 20s.; Mr. Edgar's servant, in reward, 6s. 8d.; Mr. Robt. Seymour's servant, 10s.; Mr. Chambre's servant of the Temple, that gave a piece of velvet, 10s.; Mr. Ant. Deny's servant, 13s. 4d.; Chr. Milliner's servant, that brought a hat garnished with gold, 6s. 8d.; Cornelis Symson, smith, that gave "an iron wrought to hang the Sacrament on," 5s.; Mr. Hare's servant, in reward, 10s.; John Gresham's, 10s.; Mr. Morys', that brought four satin purses, 6s. 8d.; Sir Wm. Pounder that brought a pair of gilt spurs, 5s.; a woman that gave a book of wax, 10s.; Thos. Butler that gave a gilt sword, 40s.; Jas. Foteman, in reward, 40s.; Thos. Hasilwood's servant, 13s. 4d.; Mr. North's, 6s. 8d.; Bartlett the King's printer's servant that brought "a book covered with crimosen saten embradered," 6s. 8d.; Ant. Donrige that brought "a case of green velvet with iiij cups and a White spaniel, 6s. 8d.; Walter de Lynnis that gave a book, Luke Hornebaud that gave a screen, and John Rypley, King's joiner, that brought "a desk with boxes," 6s. 8d. each; "divers poor men, women and children that gave the King capons, hens, oranges, apples, books of wax, and other trifles, in reward, 69s. 8d."; Mich. Mercator that gave two handguns, 6s. 8d.; Robt. Morehous, that gave "a purse with buttons of gold," 6s. 8d.; Philip Parys' servant that gave a chalice of gold, 10s.; Matthew dc Johna, tumbler, 10s.; Ant. de Basson, that gave "a case of connys," 20s.; the Queen's players for playing before the King this Christmas, 41.; Jas. Hubert that gave "figges and reasons of the son," 40s.; the Prince's players for playing before the King this Christmas, 4l.; Fabyan Wythers' goldsmith's, servant that gave "pomegarnads," 6s. 8d.: Robert Lorde's servant, in reward, 6s. 8d.; Pynto "yt" broght ye King Jenoweyhens," 20s.; Robt. More, in reward, 20s.
Total payments in December, 2,862l. 17s. 9½d.
Total payments from 1 Oct. to 31 Dec. ao 30o, 5,618l. 2s. 8½d.


  • n1. Referring apparently to the King's debts, as the amounts opposite several of the names are the same as in Vol. XI, No. 1419.,
  • n2. See Part I., Nos. 1128, 1408.
  • n3. See Part I., No.253.
  • n4. This paper is of a later year, as some of the houses here mentioned were not suppressed in 1538. The error was not discovered till the entry was in type.
  • n5. The subsidy deducted is always given, but is not repeated in the abstract, as it is invariably one tenth.
  • n6. This appears to be a first draft of the Commission granted on the 26th June (see Part I. No. 1260), with fewer names and less sweeping powers.
  • n7. See Part I., No.41.
  • n8. Apparently Richard Vowell, prior of Walsingham, who surrendered his house on the4th Aug. 1538.
  • n9. See Statute 21 Hen. VIII.c.22
  • n10. This would seem to be the Commission referred to in Part I., No. 370: in which case either that letter is of the year 1539 (which it should be by the endorsement), or the date of this document must be December 1537 after Christmas. * Bat after Chrtstmas 1537 the King appears to have been at Greenwich, not at Richmond; so that the bishop of Exeter's letter was probably written in 1539. What seemed against this supposition was that on the 28th Feb. 1539 the abbeys of Buckland and Hartland and the priory of Bodmin had just been dissolved. But the fact was very recent, in the cases of Bodmin and Buckland only the day before.
  • n11. Doubtless the Act 27 Hen. VIII. c. 20.
  • n12. Thomas Skeffington, who died in 1533
  • n13. John ap Rice obtained a lease from the Crown of the kinds in question, 28 March 30 Hen. VIII. (1539). See patent to Thos. Dereham, 8 Dec. 32 Hen. VIII
  • n14. Crossed out.
  • n15. Apperantly this is the Italian mentioned by Bonner in NO.639.
  • n16. See Part I., No. 38.
  • n17. See No. 839.
  • n18. Erased.
  • n19. Upmerden paid a pension to Lewes priory.
  • n20. At Calais.
  • n21. The date must therefore be between November 1537 and November 1538
  • n22. He had been in years past provincial of the Black Friars, in which office he was succeeded by bp. Hilsey. See Vol. x. No. 1235
  • n23. He appears to have gone to Calais in Lent 1531. See the Calais accounts in Vol. V., No. 370 v. This document must have been drawn up late in 1537 or early in 1538
  • n24. See No. 847
  • n25. Otwell was the last abbot, but when he succeeded does not appear.
  • n26. Sibilla Penne, wife of David Penne, in reward for her services to the Prince, afterwards, 24 March 32 Hen. VIII., received a life grant of the manor of Beamonde, Bucks, and rectory of Little Missenden, Bucks, parcel of the lands of Burcester monastery, the manor or farm of Auffrykks in Little Missenden, which belonged to Godstow monastery, the rectory of Penne, Bucks, which belonged to Chacombe priory, and other lands. This grant was afterwards confirmed to the said David and Sibilla and the heirs of the said Sibilla, 11 May 7 Edw. VI.—Originalia Roll, 7 Edw. VI., part ii., rot. 49.
  • n27. Although this draft letter is in Moryson's hand it is certainly not written in his own name, as he calls himself a young man in 1533 (see Vol. vi., No. 1582), while here the writer speaks of himself as an old man wearied with a long dispute. Neither is Moryson heard of during Wolsey's time, though he had a pension out of the priory of Worsop, Notts, granted him "by the archbishop of York" (Valor Eccl. v. 175). The reference to a predecessor of the name of William Compton seems to show that the person in whose name it was written was John Poletensis, abbot of Pershore, whose predecessor bearing that name resigned in his favour in 1526 (see Vol. iv., Nos. 2537, 2562, and compare Vol. vii,, No. 808). If so the date of this paper, which alludes to a lapse of 12 years, must be 1538. Note also the reference to the benefit of a statute here and in Vol. vii., No. 808.
  • n28. This name occurs in the second of two drafts for the commencement of this letter on the third page
  • n29. See Part I. No. 1316, which shows that he went up to Cromwell in the summer of 1538
  • n30. The abbot of Reading, to which Leominster was a cell.
  • n31. Sep No. 182.
  • n32. This and the five following letters are placed together for convenience. The first at least was probably written in the latter part of the year 1538. The others may have been, and most of them probably were, written in later years,—perhaps one, or even two of them, after 1542, when the queen of Scotland was a widow. But the dates are quite uncertain
  • n33. These alternatives are from later months.
  • n34. So at Midsummer, but not at Michaelmas.
  • n35. The end of the August payments being lost as noticed above.
  • n36. The date is given as 12 October before.
  • n37. Word omitted in MS.
  • n38. Philip Hoby.
  • n39. Wm. Erneley. See No. 1049.
  • n40. Exeter, Montague, &c.
  • n41. So in MS., although the Bp. was dead at that date.