Henry VIII: December 1538 16-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'Henry VIII: December 1538 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1893), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp455-466 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: December 1538 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1893), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp455-466.

"Henry VIII: December 1538 16-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1893), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp455-466.


December 1538 16-20

16 Dec. 1069. John Husee to Lord Lisle,
R. O. Your bill of your annuity (200/.) is signed and is to be paid quarterly at the usual terms by the treasurer of the Augmentations, the first payment at Christmas next. It shall pass the seal of the Court of Augmentations; but if the Great Seal be thought of more strength I trust to have it pass there. The payment of the said 50l. now due my Lady has left to the draper, to whom I stand yet bound. Meanwhile please write to Mr. Thomas Pope, esquire, treasurer at this time of the said Augmentations, that a bill of my hand of receipt of the said 50l. shall at all times be of sufficient discharge. My Lord (fn. n1) has promised you shall have the Friars despatched as soon as he can have time. As to the rent charged that ray lord Marquis bare yon the King seems good lord to you. A warrant must be had out for the same. How other matters have framed my Lady can relate. Acton has promised to seal his obligations. Soberton is yet in suspense; I wonld money were made of it: as to the heir there is no trust. You should make your profit of the reversion of the land Mr. Fawkner has: it were a good bargain for Mr. Skryven if he wonld pay reasonably. This journey has been nothing pleasant nor profitable to my Lady and you, but undoubtedly the King is your good lord. Sends by bearer a velvet undercap. My lord Admiral willed me to signify that the King's pleasure is that you shall nowise break the order and ordinance made for the advancement of the gunners, and that whosoever procured the King's letter? to the contrary upon any pretext should suffer. London, 16 Dec.
Hol, pp. 2. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
16 Dec. 1070. Southampton to Cromwell.
R. O. By reason of my riding yesterday my humour troubled me in my flank and descended to my leg and ankle, so that on alighting I could not put my foot to the ground. What with my ache thereof and my "ill stomach "together, I could do nothing of my charge overnight, and so went betimes to my naked bed, first applying to my leg a plaster devised by Mr. Buttes and the King's surgeon, and taking certain pills which have wrought so on me that I feel somewhat eased.
This Monday morning I repaired to my lady of Sarum and demanded her testaments. She said they were in her chests, which I then caused to be fetched, and there found them both. I looked only at the dates; the first dated anno 20o and the new anno 30o in September last. I asked why the first was cancelled and cut. She said when she made her new will she cut her name off the old to damn it. To let your lordship have the first view, I send them by bearer. When you have read them and shown the King thereof I shall be ready to execute his Grace's orders.
Yon remember I told you of a letter which a merchant had received from Portugal, showing that ihe King had arrested all ships in Lisborne for the Emperor. This morning I hear from Calais that the Emperor sets out on the Sth Jan. towards Constantinople with two great armies as well by sea as land, and that Mons. le comte de Reulx, grant mastre de Flandres, and Mons. Diseseten with others will follow. Although I hear many news from Calais, whereof some are lies, I am inclined to believe this, as the writer, Thicbault, is a Burgundian born, once a soldier under me at Guisnes, and hears more from his countrymen than others do. Considering what the bp. of Hereford lately wrote of the gentleman (fn. n2) of France coming out of Spain, I trust the King will soon hear news from the Emperor to his satisfaction. Cowdrey, 16 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.. Lord Privy Seal.
16 Dec. 1071. Bishop Rolaxd Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. By this bearer, my servant, Thomas Kynerston, I have sent to the King certain red deer, as I promised-––how many I cannot tell you, as they may die by the way, but I know he will do his diligence; as he brings so I send, although I had in November more than 26. There hath wanted no diligence, cost, or pains since I spake to your Lordship about this. I beg you intimate them in my behalf to the King. Scroysbury, 16 December.
Hol.,p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
16 Dec. 1072. W. [Barlow], Bishop of St. Davids, to Cromwell.
R.O. The King's attempts for the reformation of his subjects will never succeed in Wales unless provision be made for schools of erudition to be settled in divers places of the diocese. There is now scarcely a learned man there except those his poverty has provided for., It may be easily redressed with light expenses and without any hard difficulty. As he has uttered his mind in previous letters, will not make further suit unless he is commanded. Would like to see the King. Lanfaye, 16 Dec.
Hol.,p.1. Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1073. W. [Barlow], Bp. of St. David's, to Cromwell.
R. O. Has been a suitor to him for the translation of St. David's See and the erection of certain schools, and had comfortable answers, animating him to persevere. As he has not been able to speak to Cromwell, since last coming hither, asks whether he shall continue or surcease to molest him any more in this suit.
Hol, p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: The Bp. of St. Davis, "desiring he might translate Davyd's Psalmes "(the words between inverted commas are not contemporary)
16 Dec. 1074. De la Pre Abbey.
R. O.
Rymer, xiv.
Surrender (by Clemens, abbess of Delapraye, and the convent) of the house and all its possessions in England to John London, clk., to the King's use, 16 Dec. 30 Hen. VIII. No signatures. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. ii., 18.]
Seal mutilated.
Enrolled [Cl. Roll, p. 5, No. 52] without mem. of acknowledgment.
16 Dec. 1075. Ralph Earl of Westmoreland to the President of the Council in the North.
R. O. Upon the rumour that Hexham prison was broken I and Sir Thos. Tempest sent to my servant John Swynburne to enquire how it was done. He came to me yesternight. I enclose his report. Brauncepeth, 16 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Endd.
16 Dec. 1076. Anthoine Brusset to the Deputy of Calais.
R. O. Asks him, according to his promise, to grant licences to Nicolas de Bergues and Glaude Le Gay to buy 500 or 600 rasiers or wheat, oats, "soille,"and "soucrion" in the English pale, on paying the King's impost. Gravelinghes, 16 Dec. 1538. Asks for an answer by the bearer. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
16 Dec. 1077. Vaughan to Cromwell.
St. P. viii.
Besides our ample letter to the King by this post I send you "my poor conjecture"about the coldness of the Queen and the delegates she appointed to treat with us. First the Queen is much led by the said delegates and other councillors who for the sake of their lands lying near France and their alliances in the same are inclined to France. Again, the Emperor having taken an advantageous truce with the French king and intending a journey towards Constantinople, those here fear the French king, and during the said journey, dare not give him the least spark of suspicion.' Comparing their gentle entertainment of us with their deeds shows them to be "dissimulers,"as you will see by our letter to the King.
My diets being all spent and Christmas Day not yet come ("which to answer the 50l. I received of Mr. Tuke and th'other 50l. which your Lordship commanded Mr. Godsalve to pay my wife ") shall be the 100th day since my diets began, I am forced to beg your Lordship to write to Mr. Tuke to deliver me in prest 50l. at my day. Our charges are greater than my diets, though I have but three men and two horses, for Mr. Wriothesley's train furnishes us all. "When I shall keep house here alone, and must buy at least a dozen horses and have as many servants, and buy household things and pompous apparel, I trust you will favour me who have neither house nor lands but only a little money, "and knoweth that you have not been venged on your mortal enemy, but done good to the same." I have already bestowed over 200 mks. in plate here, and this I write to show how willingly, to my power, I bestow my money to serve the King. Brussels, 16 Dec.
Hol. Add.. Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
16 Dec. 1078. Jehan Bazouym to [James Basset].
R. O. I and your "commere"send commendations to your good grace. Excuse us for not having written news, as you have done. I sent you three or four pairs (?) of letters since you went thither {par dela). We speak of you daily. I have received your letters by Mons. Becquinsort, and thank you for keeping us in mind, hoping always to see you in good health at Paris. I have also sent you letters by an honest gentleman who was going into England about eight days ago. I know not if you have received them. We pray God that we may still see you at Paris for a long time. Do not regard the writing but the writer, "qui couche mal son cas."As to news here, I think you know them well enough. Written at your lodging, 16 Dec.
Fr. Hol., pp. 2.
16 Dec. 1079. James V. to Paul III.
Theiner, 611. Thinks his kingdom more highly honoured by the Pope's goodwill towards him and his desire to confer a title upon the bp. of Mirepoix (David Beton), as signified in two briefs and the letters of card. Carpi, as well as by Geo. Hay by word of mouth. Will endeavour to show his gratitude and devotion to the Church when any opportunity offers. Understands that the Pope has only put off for the present the legation which James had desired for the bp., and trusts that when the present storms of the Church are assuaged he will be more compliant. Edinburgh, 16 Dec. 1538.
16 Dec. 1080. [James V.] to Cardinal-–––––
Royal MS.
18 B. vi. 49.
B. M.
Wrote lately about his desire to confer the rectory of Glasgow (rectoria Glasguensis) on Henry Sinclair. Desires credence for James Salmond. Edinburgh, 16 Dec. 1538.
Copy. Lat., mutilated, p. 1.
16 Dec. 1081. James V. to Alex. Cardinal Farnese, Papal Vice Chancellor
Royal MS.
18 B. vi. 49.
Has received his letters and thanks him for his services. Edinburgh, 16 Dec. 1538.
B. M. Copy. Lat., p. 1.
16 Dec. 1082. James V. to Cardinal Ghinucci.
Royal MS.
18 B. vi. 49.
Thanks him for his diligence in his affairs, of which he has heard from almost all Scotchmen who return from Rome. Has entrusted certain business in Rome to James Salmond, and desires the Cardinal to favour him. Edinburgh, 16 Dec. 1538.
Copy. Lett., p. 1. Mutilated.
17 Dec. 1083. John [Hilsey], Bishop of Rochester, to Cromwell.
R. O. Asks him to prefer the bearer to the continuance of the understewardship of the Bishop's court at Rochester, to which he was admitted by Sir Chr. Hales, Master of the Rolls. Bromlegh, 17 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
17 Dec. 1084. The Town of Dunkirk to the Deputy of Calais.
R. O. We send you a small present of a "brunvisch,"but are sorry we have nothing better to offer. Dunkirk, 17 Dec.' 38.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
17 Dec. 1085. The English Bible.
Cleop. E. v.
Citation by Henry Garvais, S.T.D; prior of the Friars Preachers of Paris and vicar-general of Matthew Ory, S.T.D., of the same Order, inquisitorgeneral in France, of Francis Regnault, bookseller, at Paris, and all who are engaged with him in printing the Scriptures in English. 1538, 17 Dec.
Copy. Latin, p. 1. Headed by Bonner: The copy of the second citation and inhibition against the printer of the English Bible.
1086. Edward Whitchurche (fn. n3) to [Cromwell]
R. O. "Your Lordship's certifying me, that you would not write your letters nor meddle at all, with our purposed work, lately taken in hand for your Lordship,"brings me to despair. Considering your zeal for God's glory, I beg you will not refuse now to help us; and when you please, I shall inform you of "those people,"especially our countrymen who complain to the University, (fn. n4) and slander the King and his Council.
Hol., p. 1. Endd.
17 Dec. 1087. Paul III.
Burnet iv.
Wilkins iii
Bull against Hen. VIII., renewing the execution of the bull of 30 Aug. 1535, which had been suspended in hope of his amendment, as he has since gone to still further excesses, having dug up and burned the bones of St, Thomas of Canterbury and scattered the ashes to the winds, (after calling the saint to judgment, condemning him as contumacious, and proclaiming him a traitor), and spoiled his shrine. He has also spoiled St. Augustine's monastery in the same city, driven out the monks and put in deer in their place. Publication of this bull may be made in Dieppe or Boulogne in Fiance, or in St. Andrew's or Coldstream (? "in oppido Calistrensi"), St. Andrew's dioc., in Scotland, or in Tuam or Ardfert in Ireland, if preferred, instead of the places named in the former bull Rome, xvi. kal. Jan. 1538,5 Paul III.
17 Dec. 1088. Cardinal Farnese to the Cabdinal of Brindisl
Vatican MS. Uncertain state of the negociations for peace between France and the Emperor, although Brissac has been sent back from Spain with good words, and the Emperor accepts the French offer of 30,000 ducats a month for five or six months for the enterprise against the Infidels; for the French unless they have peace and the restitution of Milan, will neither join the League nor desert their friends, although the Emperor promised Brissac the King of the Romans' daughter for Mons. d'Orleans, with Milan as soon as she reaches her twelfth year. The enterprise against the Infidels:—it is said that a good number of ships is ready in Flanders to be at Malaga in the middle of January. Preparations and expenses. Barbarossa's shipwreck worse than at first reported: his son lost.
The new crimes of the king of England having been by his Holiness put before the eyes of the Christian princes have so disgusted everyone that his Holiness has good hope that the Emperor and French king will consent to stop all commerce with him; and a bull is already prepared (in ordine) against the King. Brindisi may tell it to "cotesta Maesta "(Ferdinand), in order that the thing may be the more favoured and assisted. A copy of the bull shall be sent. Rome, 17 Dec. 1538.
Italian, pp. 3. Add.: Legate in Germany. From a modern extract in R.O. Headed: Del cardinal Farnese al cardinal Brundusino, 17 Dec 1538.
18 Dec. 1089. Thomas Stydolf to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I desire you to be good lord to the bearer, John Lcveday, son of the late Nuel Loveday, some time of the King's cellar and gentleman for the mouth with the late Princess Dowager, to take him into your retinue or elsewhere, to break him from his youth and wildness. He is an honest man and good horseman. He was three years with Geo. Hennyngham, and has kinsmen in Calais, the Lovedays, my cousin, Geo. Gaynesford, and others. I promised Mr. Bassett. your son. to have seen my Lady your bedfellow when she was last in London, but the day I promised to see my Lady I sat on the commission with others of the shire of Surrey for the indictment of the late lord Marquis, (fn. n5) and was commanded by my lord Privy Seal to acquaint the King with the secret verdict.
I have of your Lordship's gift and lady Lysley's, your late wife, an annuity of 10/. out of Kebborthe in Leicestershire, and at your desire, for the payment of Holt, I was content to take yearly 5/. till your debt was paid. In recompense for the 5/. forborne for 10 years, if you will send me two barrels of herring and one hhd. of wine I will give you an acquittance for the arrears. Ham Curte, 18 Dec.
Hol., pp. 2. Add; Deputy of Calais.
18 Dec. 1090. Henry Earl of Essex to Cromwell.
R. O. Last Whitsuntide twelvemonth one Robt. Dellawale lost his ears at Royston for saving that "a horse of 10s. should bear all the lords within England once within three years" (fn. n5) He has now repeated the words. Has attached him and asks Cromwell's pleasure. At my house of the Base, 18 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
18 Dec. 1091. Sir John Gage to Cromwell.
R. O. Hearing that Cromwell wishes to let to farm all his lands at Lewes, offers to take both the Ryes where the conies are, and the "brokes" lying to the said Ryes, the fields between the Place and the Friars; and "the Broadwater" which he has of the archbp. of Canterbury. Keeps a poor house here and has but a small thing to bear his charges withal and these farms would relieve him. Firlez, 18 Dec. Signed.
P, 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
18 Dec. 1092. Sir Thomas Arundell to Cromwell.
R. O
Ellis, 3d. Ser.
iii. 230.
At my departure your Lordship asked me whether the abbess and convent of Shafton would surrender their house to the King, and I said I thought that as the King was so liberal to all who so surrendered, they would rather follow the "moo "(majority) than otherwise. But since the coming of Dr. Tregonel I find them to be of another sort, and notwithstanding all his earnest practising they will not agree, but have dosired me to write to your Lordship for the King's favour that they may remain, for which they offer his Majesty 500 marks and your Lordship 100/. Since my coming home the abbot of Cerne has desired me to make the same offer. Shafton, 18 Dec. Signed
P .1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd; "Anno xxx."
18 Dec. 1093. German Poole.
Add. MS.
6668, f. 396.
B. M.
Receipt given 18 Dec. 30 Hen. VIII. by Thos. Borowse, chaplain, on behalf of Sir Godfrey Foliambe, of Walton, of 55s. 8d. from German Poole for his "coope tayle,"and the "coope" of his late father, John Pole, due last Michaelmas.
Hol., p. 1.
18 Dec. 1094. Sir George Lawson and Wm. Blithman to Cromwell.
R. O. The priors of Pontefract, Newburghe and Maltone intend to surrender their houses if there be any commission to receive them York, 18 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
18 Dec. 1095. Sir Raynold Carnaby to Cromwell.
R. O. His letters to the lord President (copy enclosed) will inform Cromwell of the unfortunate breaking of Hexham gaol, and the escape of Gerry Charlton alias Toppyng, who was able to stay a great part of Tynedale. Had he taken Cromwell's advice and made sure those under him were as diligent and trusty as himself this would not have happened. Wrote by his brother Thos. Carnaby advising, for the stay of Tynedale, a general raid to destroy house, hay and corn of such as would not obey; and after that a body of ready horsemen to be maintained until those who fled should submit and a house of strength to be built for the keeper's residence. Cromwell answered that the King preferred "honest secret policy,"and would not make any devastation until all other ways were proved. At that time th inhabitants openly maintained rebels, and now it is said they have been devisers of this act, and that Gerry Charlton is among them in Tynedale. If the King will take any such way as I advise with the Tynedale men the time for it is between this and Candlemas; for when their hay and corn is spent and new grass sprung up, "then, when they go on shelyng (as they call it), unto the latter end of summer, and that harvest be past, there can no harm be done unto them." If the King does not wish this, but that a house and men be immediately furnished for the keeper, and that redress be had from Liddisdale. by meeting of the wardens, he will endeavour to defend the King's subjects adjoining Tynedale, divers of whom have lost goods and cattle. The inhabitants here have so long favoured thieves and evil doers that without some great punishment they cannot be reformed. As a house for the keeper, has already suggested to the Council Terset Hall in Tynedale, but has since viewed a house calltd Haughton (view euclosed) in which the keeper with 50 men or even 40, besides his own household, could rule the whole country. If so many were taken temporarily from the garrison of Berwick it would do no harm. Hallton, 18 Dec.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.. Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 2. Plan of the south, east, and west sides of [Haugbton Castle?] with notes of the position and size of chambers, thickness of walls, &c., and other notes such as: "On Tuesday the 3rd of December."
At bottom : "A bamikin in compass about 11 score yards all almost down. The demesnes whole together; Sir John Woddryngton's part and Wm. Swyneborn's is as I am informed 20/. a year. B. Carnaby kt."
Bottom edge of paper containing part of the flanking trail and gateway cut off.
18 Dec. 1096. Guillaume Groul to Pierre Beccwit, Secretary to Lord
Lisle, at Calais.
R. O. I have received your letter showing that you would have been glad if I had found a merchant to buy your sorrel (soret).No one in St. Omer will take it at the price you ask. They are sold here this year for 9 livres de gros. and are more esteemed than those of Calais, because they pass "lawart." A merchant of St. Omer will give you 24 livres de gros for the three lasts(?) (des troys let de ung nuit) provided it be delivered "au hopon" and be good merchandise, passing "lawart"of St. Omer. He will pay you half in ready money, the rest at a fixed term, or, if you prefer it, in wor-ted (demiostade). The other three lasts of two nuit you cannot sell for so much as the others unless they pass "lawart" of St. Omer, like the first. St. Omer, IS Dec. 1538.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
18 Dec. 1097. Thomas Wriotheslet to Mr. Soulemont.
R. O. I thank you for your last letters by Henry. Pray deliver the money you have for my "divident," with the 5/. to be received from Mr. Bellices, to my consin Stone, as in my last letters I wrote. Bruxelles, 18 Dec.
Pray see the letters herewith delivered, "specially my Lord's (fn. n6) letter,"and help my friend Mr. Lathum who is in a peck of trouble. Also send my letters to my cousin Stone with diligence.
Commend me to Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Pollerde, and all my Lord's servants.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Sealed.
19 Dec. 1098. Charles Duke of Suffolk.
See Grants in December, No. 18.
Harl. Ms.
604. f. 114.
B. M.
2. Valor of certain possessions of the priory of Maxstoke, i.e., Dunton Bassett, the parsonage of Aston Cantlowe (which is farmed by lady Constance Ferris, widow, and pays pension? to the prior and convent of Worcester), Yerdley in Worcestershire (net value 15/. 14s, "with 6s. charged upon Griffith Thomas more th[an] his patent is an appeareth by the same patent") and Filongley (among the pensions are some to the bishop of Worcester, the abbot of Worcester (sic), and the abbot of Kenilworth). Net total. 115/. 17s. 3¾d.
Pp. 3.
R. O 3. Rent roll of the late priory of Goryng.
Rents in Sowthmoreton, Berks; from Wm. Lever. FromEdm. Asheffilde for the parsonage of Stawntonbarie, Bucks. Hungerford, Berks; from Thos. Tayler. Oxford; from the parsons of Tuffilde (sic) and Crowmershe. Rowlsham and Wyngrave, Bucks; from Wm. Stone. Ledall; from Walter Corson. Kyngyston Blownt; from Wm. Belson. Hamstede Norris, Berks, and Bisshopton, Bucks.
P. 1. Long slip.
19 Dec. 1099. Bishopric of Ely.
See Gbants in December, No. 19.
19 Dec. 1100. Sir Res Manxell to Cromwell.
R. O. Begs the continuance of Cromwell's goodness. Sends a barren hind for Christmas. Morgan, 19 December. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, of the Council. Endd.
19 Dec. 1101. The Council of the North to Cromwell.
Calig. B. III,
Sir Ralph Ellercar, Rob. Bowes, and Rob. Challoner have been at Carlisle, and with the aid of lord Scroope and Sir Thos. Wharton, have held a general sessions of oyer determiner and gaol delivery. Two prisoners were condemned for high treason for bruiting that the commons were up in the South, the one Sir Ric. Howthwaite, subprior of Carlisle, the other John Humfrey, lately accused to Cromwell by Sir Thomas Wentworth of the same offence; Nicholas Watche for coining groats and half groats; seven for theft. Enclose a letter they have received from Sir Reynold Carnaby of the "attemptates"committed by the Scots of Liddisdale, in breaking the gaol of Hexham and their rescue of a priest of Chichester named Sir Rob. More. He had not been two hours in prison at Hexham when the attemptate was made, as shown by the examination of Lewis Ogle. Send also three books with which he was apprehended, and by which, even if he have changed his name, he may be identified. Sir Rauff Ellercar will be at the Court two days after Christmas. York, 19 Dec. Signed: "Robt. Landaffe, T. Magnus, Rauff Ellerkar younger k., Thomas Fairfax, Will'm Babthorp, Rob. Chaloner, Jo. Uvedale."
P.S.—Enclose letters received from my lord of Westmoreland of the late outrage. Westmoreland, Sir Thos. Tempest, and Ric. Bellises are authorised to examine all persons implicated by the examination of Lewis Ogle.
Pp. 3. Add.: lord Privy Seal. Endd.
20 Dec. 1102. Francis Earl of Shrewsbury to John Scitdamore.
Add. MS.
11,042, f. 96.
I have received your letter of the 15th inst. advising me to cause some of my servants to enclose my farm of Brynsholme and see it kept until my cattle be put in again; but at your late being at Roucetter I sent my servant, Thurstan Wodcok, to put in my cattle again, and he was extremely denied by Edw. Draycote's servants, and I would rather suffer wrong than that my servants should attempt anything otherwise than may stand with the King's peace and laws. I pray you, before your coining to London, according to Mr. Chancellor's letter, to put me in possession again, by my servant James Rolston, who shall see to your costs and charges. Chelsey, 20 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
20 Dec. 1103. Chichester Cathedral.
R. O. Inventory of the parcels of gold, silver, relics, ornaments, and other jewels taken from the shrine of the cathedral church of Chichester, Friday, 20 Dec. 30 Hen. VIII., by Will. Goryng, knt., and Will. Erneley, commissioners to take down the shrine.
In a ship coffer 55 images of silver and gilt. "In a long coffin, wherain bishop Richard's bones were," 57 pieces of silver and gilt. Three other coffers full of broken silver. "A cover with three locks that was delivered by the dean and archdeacon with relics and other jewels, parcel of the said shrine." In a little box 31 rings with stones, and three other jewels. In a casket 51 jewels set with stones and pearls.
P 1.
20 Dec. 1104. Sir Thomas Hennege.
R. O. Account of payments for my master, Sir Thos. Hennege, for wine, fish, soap, and other stores, and for carriage of wine sent as a present by Mr. Morese. Dated at head 24 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII., but with special entries referring to Easter Even and 9 May 30 Hen. VIII. relating to spices sent to Molsey; two hogsheads of wine are also mentioned as sent to Windsor.
Pp. 2. Endd.: Sir Thos. Hennege, knight.
R. O. 2. A similar account, dated at the head 20 Dec. 30 Hen. VIII., including trenchers, napkins, towels and charges for a patent "of certain lands purchased by my master," viz., fees for the signet and privy seal, great seal, silk lace, green wax, for the writing and enrolling, for drawing the great letters, and for the examination thereof, in all 15/. 4s. The further dates in this account range from 31 to 34 Hen. VIII., and include a reward "to one that brought a chest with harness when my master was in the North country at Bartilmewetide anno 34."
Pp. 2.
R. O. 3. Bill headed "Mayster Hennych,"for 23 pairs of shoes and buskins for "my master," "youre boye," and "your man Harry,"from 4 Jan. to 22 March. Total, 26s. 5d.
P. 1. Endd.: Thomas Hennege, junior.
20 Dec. 1105. North Allerton, White Friars.
R. O.
Rymer, xiv.
Surrender (by Wm. Homefraye, prior, and the convent) of the priory and all its possessions in Englaud and the Marches thereof and elsewhere. 20 Dec. 30 Hen. VIII. Signed by Wm. Umefray, prior, five priests, and five novices. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. ii., 33.]
Seal broken.
Enrolled [Cl. Roll, p. 5, No. 66] without mem. of acknowledgment.
20 Dec. 1106. Northamptonshire.
Add. Ch.
B. M.
Lease by Edm. Knevet, late serjeant-porter to the King, to Rob. Gylby, of Mych Okeley, Northt., yeoman, of certain lands in Much and Little Weldon, Northt., for 20 years. Dated 20 Dec. 30 Hen. VIII. Sealed.
Parchment, with seal appended.
20 Dec. 1107. Bishop Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. Please favour my friend Mr. Edward Littilton in his suit for the monastery of Hagmont, whereof I was ignorant when I wrote yen of late in favour of Richard Lee for the same. On Wednesday last I set forth my deer to be conveyed to the King's Grace to the number of 26; there was never such a drove seen. I trust to hear of [your] Lordship in my own matters shortly. 20 December, Scrosb[ury].
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Bp. of Chester.
20 Dec. 1108. Creation of Caedinals.
Add. MS.
26,837, f 32d.
B. M.
Decreta Consistorialia.
Note that on 20 Dec. 1538 the Pope released John de Toledo, of the Order of Preachers, bishop of Burgos, Peter de Manriquez, bishop of Cordova, Robert de Leuo[n]court, bishop of Chalons-sur-Marne (Catalaunum), and David the Scot, (fn. n7) bp. of Mirepoix, from their churches, and raised them to the dignity of Cardinals. He further reserved in pectore a Cardinal at the request of the French king, and another at that of the Venetians if they should ask it, for whom he took the votes of the Cardinals.
Lat., modern copy, p. 1.
20 Dec. 1109. Cardinal Carpi to [James V.]
Royal MS.
18B.vi. 52b.
B. M.
Wrote lately the Pope's wishes about Scotch affairs, and, having heard that George Hay had arrived at the coast, supposes the King has received his letters.
His Holiness has today promoted the bp. of Mirepoix to the Cardinalate. Expresses his gratitude to the King. Rome, 20 Dec. 1538.
Lat. Copy, p. 1.
1110. Instructions to Card. Pole.
Poli Epp.
ii. cclxxix.
First, to bless his Majesty [the Emperor] in the Pope's name, and then to explain the causes of his going to him and the French king, owing to the impiety and ferocity of the king of England. Then to persuade his Majesty to undertake the reduction of that realm to the true religion, and no longer suffer that King with impunity to rage against God and the saints hitherto worshipped by him and all the realm. In this he will be guided by the Pope, who, to show other princes the way, has published a bull, &c. He will have the king of Scotland and this new Scotch Cardinal, (fn. n7) a man of great power and authority in those parts. Therefore let commerce be prohibited, and let nothing which may pertain to this be omitted. And since the expedition which is preparing against the Turks is an obstacle to this reduction of England, and to the Council for the extirpation of heresy, &c., the Emperor must be persuaded that it is far better for the whole League (including the French king) to make a truce with the Turks, than, on account of the expedition against those Turks (which must be long, doubtful, and expensive), to lose the opportunity of successfully managing the matter of England and the Lutherans. Likewise to point out, what is very certain, that even if the war of the Turks were completely successful, the heretics, lest the League and the Emperor should harm them, will meanwhile (with the money of the king of England, which is very plentiful, and the German soldiery, which swarms with Lutherans) devastate the provinces whose guard is withdrawn for ihe Turkish war. To say, moreover, whatever else seems necessary.
1111. The King's Body Guard.
Harl 6807, f. 25
B. M.
"And like as the most noble and memory worthy King, Henry the vij., for the better furnishment of his house, first stablished and ordained the yeomen of his Guard in their livery coats to wait upon his Grace in his chamber, to the great setting forth and honour of his house," so as those now in the King's service having fee and office are continually absent on their own business, it is thought that his Grace should appoint 100 gentlemen waiting upon him with one captain, and that they should wait in his chamber, and where the yeomen bear bills or halberds the gentlemen might bear poleaxes, and go before the King when he goes to mass or evensong, &c. The order to be put in a book with the checks of their defaults and absences, &c. Allowances 10/. a year each for meat and drink. Livery gowns of silk twice a year, &c. Average total cost for each gentleman 50l. In all 5,000/.
Pp. 2. Endd: An order taken for 100 gentlemen to wait upon the King's Highness.


  • n1. Cromwell.
  • n2. In MS., "gent,' which may be singular'or plural. But Brissac seems to be referred to.
  • n3. One of the printers of the Great Bible.
  • n4. Of Paris.
  • n5. "The marquis of Exeter was indicted in Surrey on 29 Nov. 1538.
  • n6. Cromwell.
  • n7. David Betoun.