Henry VIII: August 1538 1-5

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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'Henry VIII: August 1538 1-5', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1893), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp1-14 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: August 1538 1-5', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1893), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp1-14.

"Henry VIII: August 1538 1-5". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 2, August-December 1538. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1893), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no2/pp1-14.


August 1538 1-5

1. Disposal of the Crown Revenues.
Cleop. E. iv.*
B.M. (fn. n1)
There will by this account remain to the King to be annexed to his Crown, over and besides all the monasteries lately surrendered—40,000l. His Majesty may reform the hospitals already founded or erect new to the yearly charge of 10,000 mks. He may furnish 200 gentlemen to attend upon him at 100 mks. yearly, 20,000 mks. He may appoint for certain garrisons 20,000 mks. He may assign yearly for repair of highways or other good deeds, whereby valiant beggars may be set to work, 5,000 mks. And yet his tenths, besides the first fruits, will amount to 20,000 mks. Since the suppresion, monasteries have come to the King's hands and have been given away, nearly to the value of 20,000l. with those that are now agreed to surrender.
In Wriothesley's hand. P 1.
2. Sir William Kingston to Cromwell.
R.O. This day Roose, herald of Scotland, came to the King and delivered letters from his master, desiring a passport for certain ladies (fn. n2) and also gentlemen, which the King desires he shall have. They are now at Ware, and you are to appoint some to keep them company there, and get knowledge how they have been entertained in Scotland. This must be by some good cheer made to them in London; "and they to make now (qu. no?) great haste," so that the King may be near Dover at their coming to the sea side. Mr. Shurley's house, 2 o'clock.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
3. John Atkinson, Priest, to Lady Lisle.
R.O. Since I left you I have been sick and am yet but slightly amended. Physicians say it is consumption, which made me much afraid of myself, but I have been recovering since Easter. But for my illness I would have been in Yorkshire before this and have seen your Ladyship this summer. Your son Mr. George has been sick of an ague at his host's. I went to him and comforted him the best I could, and gave the wife money for his needs. She asked payment for his lodging and washing since Magdalen tide, which I have promised to send at Easter. Edw. Russell fetched him away at Easter, but since then I have not heard of him. Mrs. Bridget is merry; her lady wants two partletts for her. It is said that lord Lisle is coming to England at Bartholomew tide and will have a garrison to rule near Portsmouth. It would be great gladness to me to see you both at your heart's case in England. Mottesfont.
John Clement is merry and labours the world for his living. He thanks you for your kind letter.
Hol., p. 1. Add: at Calais.
1 Aug. 4. Cromwell to the Bailiffs of the City of Worcester.
R.O. To release Richard Rithe, late of Evesham, goldsmith, attached on suspicion of false coining, that he may appear before Cromwell and others of the Council in the quinzaine of St. Michael ensuing; and to restore his goods. Petworth, 1 Aug. 30 Henry VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Endd.
1 Aug. 5. Robert [Earl of] Sussex to [Cromwell.]
Vesp. F. xiii.
News has come to the Court of my lord Steward's death. Reminds Cromwell that the King granted him the reversion of the stewardship of his house after the said Lord's decease. Desires credence for his son, Sir Humphrey Radclif, and his chaplain. Eliplace in Holborn, 1 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Address copied in a modern hand: Privy Seal.
1 Aug. 6. Norfolk to Cromwell.
R.O. Notwithstanding the order taken last term by the Council that my tenants should put their cattle upon the common which Candisshe pretends to be his, till he could show better title, his servants daily drive them off. I sent two of my bailiffs to him, and he said he would keep his title unless I prevented him by force. Order this wilful man and show that your Lordship and the King's Council will not have him break directions taken in Council and handle "a poor noble man" as he does me. Give credence to the bearer. Kenyngale, 1 Aug. Signed.
P.1 Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: 1538. Sealed.
1 Aug. 7. Henry Letherland, Vicar of Newark.
R.O. "These be the true debts that I, Henry Letherland, vicar of Newarke and parson of Belton, doth owe this present day," 1 Aug. 1538. Creditors named, Ric. Levit, parish priest at Belton, Thos. Thorneton, parish priest at Newark, Thos. Yaitts of Lincoln, his chaplain, John Chandeler, Robt. Colling, Alex. Skott, Ric. Banyster, John Dronyng, Ric. Bennyngton, John Cooke, and the kitchen boy, his servants I desire you that Agnes Leveit, widow, may have all the stuff she brought to Belton parsonage and three kye for her pains taken. Other debts to Alyson my servant at Belton, and to Sir Roger Boull of Ponulles Pilley (Paulers Pury?), Ntht. Requests that he may have 20s. to be dealt to poor folks of Belton. Amounting in all to about 25l. Signed.
P. 1.
1 Aug. 8. Sir Fras. Bryan to Cromwell.
R.O. Frauncisco arrived on the 29th with letters from the King for the return of my lord of Winchester, Master Thirleby and Bryan, when Dr. Boner is once placed in his place. On that day, neither Boner nor the French king had arrived, and Boner could not be here for a good season. Has therefore taken leave of the King. Sends letters from Mr. Wyatt from Spain which came open. On coming home, will have to declare to him honey with gall. The matter is too long to write. Hopes to be with the King at Ewerst or Eryge if the wind serves. Lyans, 1 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add. . Privy Seal. Endd. . Sir F. Brian. po Aug. 1538.
1 Aug. 9. Adrienne de Mortaingne to Lady Lisle.
R.O. This day, 1 Aug., I have received your letter by a gentleman of your house. I cannot sufficiently requite your friendship. To come and see you, as you desire, before I leave Gravelines would gratify me above all things, but I must ask you to excuse me for six weeks yet as it is so lately that my husband (fn. n3) died, and I would not give occasion to any one to talk of me. As soon as the half-year is out I will not fail to come and pay my respects. That will be about Michaelmas. I should be glad if you would send Mademoiselle Marie to me at my house at Sain Tome (St. Omer). Gravelines, St. Peter's Day.
Commendations to lord Lisle.
Hol., Fr., p.1. Add.: Madame la Debytis de Calais au dyt lycuc.
1 Aug. 10. Florantyne de Mortaygne to Lady Lisle.
R.O. I thank you for the ring you have sent me by a gentleman of your house, and also for doing me and my sister De Touar the honour to invite us to your house. There is nothing I desire more in this world, but at present it is impossible, as it has pleased God to take my brother-in-law, Mons. do Touar, from this world. Half a year after his death, which will be at Michaelmas, we shall be glad to visit you if it please my husband† (fn. n4) the captain, Gravelines, 1 Aug Signed.
Commend me to my Lord.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
1 Aug. 11. Francis I. to Castillon.
Villefranche, 1 Aug.:—Has received the letters of 25 July, and approves the language held by Castillon. Does not believe they will soon see the daughter of England duchess of Milan, and that the Emperor pursues the marriage, of the. Infant with her to give them Milan. The memory is still too fresh of the interview of the Emperor and me, and we parted in too great amity to commence this language yet. You may believe, we did not part without debating all the things which could estrange our amity for the future, and therefore you will do well not to rely too much upon what they tell you about Milan, and if they continue to speak of it, do not trouble to write it to me, for I know where I am with the Emperor touching this.
Can add nothing to his refusal to send Madame de Longueville to Calais. As to Brian, has never made him better countenance than since the interview The king of England can recall Winchester and Brian and do as he likes with his own servants. Castillon shall act as regards the English interview as the Constable has written, and continue to entertain the king of England.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
1 Aug. 12. The Provost and Chapter of the Sainte Chapelle of Dunoys to the Queen of Scotland.
Balcarres Ms.
iv. 46.
Abv. Lib.,
You were good enough to say before your departure that you would continue while you lived the service of the dead, as you have done during the past two years "pour fen Monseigneur" (the late duke of Longueville), and that you would make assignation to keep it up. Have therefore continued the service since the conclusion of the second year on the 29 July last. Wish instructions whether to go on, and beg her to remember four high masses and vigils already celebrated by her order. Advise that "rouges" should be made for the common feasts of the martyrs. Remind her of her promise of 12 cr. or 12 ft. of wood out of the forest of Fretenal for the repair of her chapel of Saint Roch and of the frairic of "feu Monseigneur." If Monseigneur is to remain in the said frairic at the next feast of S. Roch, a year will be due, and the banquet, if it is to be held.
Chand, 1 Aug. Signed: "Les Prevost et Chappitre de vostre Saincte Chappele de Dunoys par commandement dudit chappitre. H. Bouchier.
Fr., pp. 2. Add.. A la Royne d'Escosse Duchesse de Longueville.
2 Aug. 13. [Sir] Ric. Gresham to Cromwell.
R.O. Conesby is found guilty and judged to be hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyborne. He asked to speak with Cromwell or Mr. Whreysseley for the King's advantage. Sends his letter. Sends depositions of ill words spoken by the parson of St. Margaret's Lothbury, whom he has committed to ward.
Has sent Cromwell's letter to the lord Chancellor, and has received from him the King's proclamation, which he sends on for Cromwell to see before it is proclaimed. By it the merchants will make their exchanges between now and All Saints' Day, which is a very short time, for they make them to Lyones, Jenes, Venysse, Spayne and other places, so that it will be Christmas before the rechanges return. Advises that the proclamation should be so made that it may endure till otherwise determined by an act of the next Parliament.
On Wednesday last, at 5 p.m., the roof, the lead, and the rood-loft of the church of St. Mary's Spetyll without Busshoppisgaite fell down. There was no one, inside. Supposes it is the will of God that the said house should be converted to some better use. H[..]ade a letter to the King, which he asks Cromwell to cause him to re[...], for the refreshing, maintaining, and comforting of the poor and sick.
Asks him to remind the King of his letter to Mr. Monockes for the Bursse, and for the accustomed warrants for the Mayor and Sheriffs. London, 2 Aug.
P.S., pasted on. Supposes that the lord Chancellor has made the proclamation so that the merchants may make a new suit to him at All Saints. Desires it to be re-made. What Gresham promised shall be ready when he will remind the King of the purchase of the lands in Norfolk.
Hol., pp. 3.A. Add.. Privy Seal. Endd ; my lord Mayrs lettres.
2 Aug. 14. Guidus Jannetus to Cromwell.
R.O. Has decided to return to Italy as he is of no use here and may be there. Asks him to attend to his request made through Peter Vannes. Would not think of leaving if he were not compelled by need. Expresses his determination not to follow idola Romana. London, 2 Aug. 1538.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Privati Sigilli Custodi, &c. Endd.
15. Guidus Janettus to [Cromwell].
R.O. Being unable to serve his Lordship, and being forced by necessity, has determined to return to Italy. If his Lordship has any commands for him, asks him to send them before going hence to the King.
Hol., Lot. p. 1. Endd.
2 Aug. 16. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R.O. Has received his sundry letters by Olyver, and according to that of the 28th ult., has delivered him the covenants for Soberton. In that of the 29th, where you state you are at a point with my lord Admiral for Porchester and Bere, you do not tell me at what point. As Mr. Oliver is to deliver your letter to my lord Admiral it will not be necessary for me to go to Court. I wrote you my lord Privy Seal's answer, who spoke to me of no writing to my lord of Chichester or others. I do not think your licence will be obtained till after Mr. Marshal's return. Cannot see what it will avail to move my lord Privy Seal any more for the Friars, as it has been done so frequently, and all is referred to Mr. Polstede's conclusion for Paynswiek. If you will write to him, however, and say how long you have been delayed, I will obtain his answer. But as my Lord promises to do his best to obtain licence for you to come over and discuss matters with him, you might defer the subject till then. Will pay the draper who continually calls upon me for money the 10l. 16s. 8d. due from Mr. Acton. Mr. Oliver says you are surprised I have not come over, but you have never written to me to that effect. London, 2 Aug.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
2 Aug. 17. Sir J. Russell to Cromwell.
R.O. Thanks for Cromwell's letter. Trusts soon to be rid of his disease. Cheynes, 2 August. Signed.
P.1. Add. . Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
2 Aug. 18. William Button.
R.O. Recognizance by Wm. Hyde, of Densworth, Berks, before lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal, for the appearance of Wm. Button, of Alton, Wilts, now prisoner in the Tower, before the Council at any time within a year following. Petteworth, 2 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Endd.
2 Aug. 19. Bishop Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R.O. According to your letters, dated Oking, 26 July, I have sent by this bearer, my servant Lewes Johns Roger Vaughan of Clero; and by another servant, Ric. Blyke, I have sent Thomas Vaughan separately. Thanking you for the relaxation of certain injunctions and for the warrant for the stag in the forest of Wyer, and also for the advertisement in your letters touching the extirpation of the bishop of Rome's authority and the abolishing of hypocrisy, idolatry, &c., in which I shall do my best. Give credence to the bearer in the particular causes he shall inform you of. From the New Town of Kedewen, (fn. n5) 2 Aug.
Mr. Justice Sulyard sends commendations and thanks for your remembrance of him in your late letters. Signed: Roland Co. et Lich.
P.1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd. . Bishop of Chester.
2 Aug. 20. Chr. Jenney to Cromwell.
St. P. i. 560.
Mr. Clareneicux shall inform your Lordship of the arraignment of Lancastrc, Lytherland, and one Moreby, a monk of Fountains. The evidence against Laneastre was handled by Mr. Clarencieux and his fellows honestly and not of malice; albeit Lancastre alleged the contrary he could not prove it. After he was condemned he used himself like a good Christian. Of their requests concerning goods and debts, &c., we caused him and Litherland to make, several books of remembrance, which I enclose. Mr. Clarencieux shall show you their demeanour at execution. "I devised that Lancastre's head should be set up by the body of Aske."
There was a little business between Sir Nicholas Fairefax and Fox, but we will know the truth before our departing; from the North, and I shall show your Lordship thereof at my next waiting upon you. York, 2 Aug. Signed.
P.1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Serjeant Jenney.
2 Aug. 21. Ric. Pollard to Cromwell.
R.O. At the assizes now at Exeter James Courtenay, Thos. Gibbes, and all their servants whose names are contained in Courtenay's confession to Cromwell, are indicted of felony. Put the confession in evidence. It is a great comfort to the country to see them punished. Three are attainted of high treason, and 18 others of felony, with five of James Courtenay's servants. It would be well if Courtenay and Gibbes came no more into Devonshire. John Sperke, a servant of Gibbes at London, is an arrant thief. Asks that he may be apprehended. Trusts shortly to wait upon Cromwell. Exeter, 2 Aug. Signed.
P 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R.O. 2. Confession of .James Courtenay of his knowledge or participation in divers robberies of cloth, church jewels, fishing nets, cattle, &c., at various times.
In 4 Hen. VIII., when he was [in the compa]ny of Thomas Daveis, Ralph Greyn, his servant, Gree of Kenton, and Wm. Goonyll, they robbed Thos. Monkey in Topsame. In 9 Hen. VIII. he and his brother Thos. Gibbys robbed Powdram church. In 12 Hen. VIII. he and Thomas Gibbes, Ralph Bratt, and John Sperk robbed Blaeawton church. In 12 Hen. VIII. they also robbed John Copston of Copston, at Tynggrace. He and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . of Hoop, Rober Bacon of Marlborow at S . . . . . . . cut the "coad " of a net and caused four mackerel nets to be joined to it to make a "seyne" which they sold to the farmer of Byckbere for 4l. He commanded John Hechyn, Wm. Gervys, and Roger Cooke to rob John Herward's house. In 28 Hen. VIII. Hechyn (here called Hewchyng), Cooke, Thos. Lane, and Robt. Newton stole oxen of Hervy of Ladyswell, but Courtenay caused them to bring them back. In 25 Hen. VIII. Gervys, Hewchyn, Roger and Geoff. Brytten had sheep from Copston. In 25 Hen. VIII., Gervys, Hewchyn, Wm. Panton, and Cook took sheep from Hey House in Codbrogke; also from Forder of Stokill in Poll: also they and Lane had an ox from John . . . off Mylton in Alyngton parish. In 24 Hen. VIII. they took sheep from Wattn, of Pole parish. In 25 Hen. VIII. they took an ox from Rope, of Mylton parish; and in 23 Hen. VIII. they took two oxen off Bygbery down. In . . . (fn. n6) Hen. VIII. they took two swine from Hasylwood. In 27 Hen. VIII. Courtenay and Rugeway took two sheep in Ylton. Wm. Dawlysche of Marlborow received two oxen stolen by Wm. Lee of Totneys, and Henry Heys of Chyrstowe, and one Pyell of Goton in Charleton, and another time 10 oxen which Dawlishe and Hugh Harrys brought to Stodbery wood, in a farm of Hugh's, and part of which they sold to Elyott of Byckbery. Dawlishe stole sheep of one Perot of Rewe in the parish of Marlborough. Informed Richard Hallys of the robbing of Blacauton church at the wedding of John Hooyll of Kingsbryge 16 years ago, and Hallys told Thos. Doonley of Marlborow, not two years past, and on Sunday before Whitsunday last Hallys sent me word by John Hyllersdon that he would never utter the said robbery. Richard Hallys came to my brother, (fn. n7) the last year my brother was sheriff, and desired favour for an arrant thief Robt. Harredon, and John Halls, the undersheriff, let him escape. Six or eight years ago George Stewer of Bouclond, fuller, came to John Gylbert and desired the peace against one Sumpter, who was brought before Richard Halls and discharged. A fortnight after Sumpter met Styer coming from market and killed him.
ii. [Examinations of] . . . . . . . . . afo[re] . . . . . and Sir Hugh Po[llarde].
Evidence given by Wm. Daym[an of Slepton], of felonies committed by R[obert Baron, Piers] Chadder, and Wm. Jervys, servants to James Cort[naye]. Thai eight years ago they stole two codds of seine nete, one of which James Curtnaye sold to Roger Elyott of Bygbery. They sent one Yevylslegh, of Huysshe parish, to desire Dayman and Richard John net to charge them with this robbery, to which they would not agree.
Confession of Baron and Chadder, of the above.
Confession of Ralph Brytt, servant to James Curtnay:—That Curtnay, Thomas Gybbys and he 11 or 12 years past broke the house of the said . . . . . Copleston at Tynggrasse. As to the burning of the Woodbyne he knows nothing. As for the murder done by him at Salcome he has the King's pardon. Confesses the robbery of Blacauton church 14 years past along with Jas. Courtenay and others. Knows nothing of the robbing of John Harward of South Huysshe.
Sayings of Sir Richard Pryst, vicar of Lodyswyll, and John Harvy:— Two years ago Pryst lost two fat oxen, but found them again at his gate two days after making inquiry for them. Two years ago Pryst was on his way to Boltbury, Curtnay's house, when John Harvy asked him to inquire for two oxen he had lost, but Curtnay said he knew nothing of them.
Saying of John Hadde of Churchestowe:—That between Purification and Ash Wednesday last he lost sheep out of Aylston. Hugh Harrys told Richard Halse that Roger Perott and Thos. Lane had them.
Evidence of Wm. Warde of Kyngeston, against, the servants of James Curtnay, esquire:—About loss of sheep.
Evidence of John Edward against Roger Phelyp:—That three years past Phelyp stole some of his sheep in South Mylton and he complained to Sir Wm. Curtnay, to whom Phelyp confessed taking them to Boltbery, James Curtnay's house.
Evidence of Wm. Putt:—Lost an ox at Norton and tracked it to Alsyngton.
Evidence of Hugh Very against John Huchyns, Wm. Paumton, and John Scryche, servants to James Curtnay:—Lost two fat hogs out of Halswood, where they were at mast.
Sayings of Ric. Worthe, parson of Thorleston, Robert Fayerwether, and Davy Stevy[ns?].
Saying of Thomasyn Cragoe, late servant to Mr. James Curtnay, examined by Sir George Carne and Sir Hugh Pollard:—Various small robberies by her master and his servants.
In Richard Pollard's hand, pp. 12. Mutilated.
2 Aug. 22. J. De Honcourt to the Deputy Of Calais.
R.O. Gave a goshawk the other day to a gentleman of the Deputy's to present to him. Asks for a hawk, if he has any to spare. Offers to get him goshawks when he wants any. Castle of Abbe[ville], 2 Aug. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
2 Aug. 23. Montmorency to Castillon.
Paray le Monial, 2 Aug.:—Never two princes were greater friends than the Emperor and Francis; and the former will certainly not give Milan with the marriage of the Infant and lady Mary, nor give the king of England the widowed duchess of Milan. Warns him not to believe these stories, for they tell the same to the Emperor to make profit on both sides. Castillon had better entertain the King with good words and not show he is afraid of them or make more suit to them; for Francis indeed wishes to keep the amity of his good brother, but not to buy it so dear as they would sell it. As the interview the English speak of is only to throw suspicion on that with the Emperor, Castillon shall listen to what they say without showing that Francis is inclined for it. As to the marriage, has already answered: they are not ladies to be sent to trot on show; but he shall have his choice of any one in the kingdom. Whatever follies Brian may have written, if it has been after supper, Castillon knows what to answer. Nothing was done there without his being called to it, and the King made him as good cheer and as confidential as possible, as M. de Lassigny will have shown. Brian departed so suddenly that a present could not be given him, but one shall be sent to him there. The King will be in ten days at Chavaignac and fifteen days afterwards at Blois and Amboise, where he, will so order his affairs that he shall not trouble his friends, and his enemies shall trouble him still less. Paray le Moyncau.
P.S.—Let me know what cheer they make you on Brian's arrival, and, above all, find out what reports he makes there and send back this courier who is paid for his return. When we are in a place of sojourn I will send your money. Hearing that your man of the office of waters and forests of Brittany was dead, I have commanded M. de Villandry to expedite you.
French extract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O.
3 Aug. 24. Cranmer to Cromwell.
C.' s Letters,
Wrote about a twelvemonth ago of the flight of Robt. Antony, subcellarer of Christchurch. (fn. n8) Hears that he was at Rome and has returned, and that the prior has called a chapter and readmitted him. Thinks this not well done, unless he had first been examined by the Council. Thought it well to advertise Cromwell thereof, that the King might know. Had letters from a scholar who met him beyond sea going to Rome ward, but is not sure whether he has been there.
Recommends the suit of his servant Nevell for his farm at Bowghton under the Blayne, which he had of the abbot and convent of Feversham, and which the King has commanded him to be dispossessed of. It will be a great disquietness to him to see his servant and officer, who has done him good service and always been ready to the King's business at the late commotion and otherwise, so suddenly expelled for so small advantage. Doubts not he will be willing to reform anything in the lease, but to have him clearly excluded were too much extremity. Lambeth, 3 Aug. Signed.
P.1. Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
3 Aug. 25. Cranmer to Cromwell.
R.O. Thanks him for his goodness to the bearer, Wm. Swerder. Intends to send him to France or Italy, and asks Cromwell for a passport for him. Desires him to be good lord to Master Statham and Mistress Statham, "my lord of Worseter hys noryse, as touching the suit that the bishop of Worseter had unto you for them." Reminds him of Hutton, in Flanders, who has none to help him but Cromwell. "If you could make him an abbot or a prior, and his wife an abbess or prioress, he were bound unto you, as he is nevertheless most bound unto you of all men; but if you would help him to such a perfection, I dare undertake for him that he shall keep a better religion than was kept there before, though you appoint him unto the best house of religion in England." Lambeth, 3 Aug.
These houses are in Hutton's country: Combe Abbey, Merevale, Eytun, and Polyswerth. Signed.
P.1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
3 Aug. 26. Castillon and Lassigny to Francis I.
Kingston, 3 Aug.:—Lassigny arrived 31 July and found Castillon. After communicating his intention they went together to the King, who was hunting 10 miles from London, and Lassigny in presence of Castillon declared his charge, and suggested as dexterously as he could the great amity in which the Emperor and Francis parted. He replied, looking as if the thing scarcely pleased him, "And the duchy of Milan?" Lassigny answered he did not know, but that they could not be greater friends. He did not yet know the Emperor had slept at Aigues Mortes. "The friendship will not last long," said be. "I once was in company (ai eu la reüe) with the Emperor for three weeks." Lassigny then asked for a passport to go to Scotland, as he was charged to say as much to the king of Scots. The King seemed surprised, but gave the passport willingly.
After their conversation Castillon spoke at some length with him, and found him as assured of the amity of the Emperor as Castillon wrote on the 25th ult., and, to hear him speak, he has some hope of meeting the Emperor, for he said, "Since the King my brother has seen the Emperor, he will not find it strange if I see him." He continues confident of the marriage of the Infant and lady Mary with the conditions of Milan, and seems to wish to return to the marriage of the duchess of Milan, for he said that since the Emperor and Francis parted he had had news of it. Thinks that for these matters, and because he doubts the sure amity of Francis and the Emperor, he is sending this courier to his ambassadors in Spain to learn the truth, and another to the queen of Hungary in Flanders. He will spare nothing not to remain alone. He will send a reply by Lassigny on his return from Scotland.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O.
3 Aug. 27. Castillon and Lassigny to Montmorency.
[Kingston], 3 Aug.:—Lassigny leaves tomorrow for Scotland. It would be good for you to learn as soon as this King whether you or he is deceived. If you have nothing of consequence to negotiate here, I (Castillon) request to be recalled, and will not spare myself in any other place where you may employ me. You are very long in sending me money; I cannot write the trouble I am in for it.
French extract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O.
[3 Aug.] 28. Herry Polsted to Cromwell.
R.O. Went to-day to Sir John Dudley to have concluded with him for his reversion in Gloucestershire, but he had made provision already for money and sold Dray ton to Mr. Pope. Pope did not know that Cromwell wished to purchase it, and said that Robynson concluded the bargain with Sir John on Friday week, and yesternight the indentures were sealed. Desired b[...] Pope and Dudley to write to Cromwell about it. Gives particulars of the transaction and advises Cromwell to purchase the manor again of Pope. Dudley is minded to part with his reversion in Gloucestershire to Cromwell. The Rolls, Saturday afternoon. (fn. n9) Signed.
P 1. Add., my Lord my master. Endd.
3 Aug. 29. Adriane de Noyelle, Old Abbess of Bourbourg, to Mary Basset.
R.O. I desire to know how you are, and my lord Deputy and your mother. Since your departure, my niece (fn. n10) and I cannot sufliciently thank them for the love they have shown us in honour of the Church. Bourbourg, .3 Aug. Signed: Adriane de Noyelle, anchienne abesse.
Hol. Fr., p. 1. Add. . Mademoiselle Maaric de Basset, a Cales.
3 Aug. 30. Anthoinette de Bourbon [Duchess of Guise] to the Queen of Scotland.
Adv. Lib.,
Cannot express the joy your father and I have had from the letters you have written to me—not from his (i.e., those to him) with which he has gone to Court, thinking that mine were for both of us. We rejoice to hear of the good health of the King and you, and of the good reception given you on your arrival. You and we have cause to thank God for having lodged you so well. "Je ne fere pleus que couster sy me mandre point vous trouves degoustee, et combien je vous desire continuation de sante, sy ne, sereje marye vous dire se mal." All well on our side. Your father came to see me here soon after my return. His stay (son sieur, apparently an error for séjour) there was only 15 days; for having had news of the interview and good cheer between the King and the Emperor, and thinking peace assured, after they had parted, as the King was approaching Lyons, he left on Wednesday last, to return to his own Burgundy, passing through the towns in order to be at Moullins on the arrival of the Court there, "ou il a este monde (mandé?)." He there awaits "la despeche entier de la dite Bourgongne pour luy, ainsy luy a este monde (mandé?) ; toutefois tant que la voire non prendre seurte." (fn. n11) The Admiral's affairs do not prosper; it is said the Emperor has not spoken much to his advantage. Our grandson is as well as can be; you never saw him so en bon point. His grandfather has managed him well, and the two were so friendly that they could only separate with tears. He enjoyed himself so much with him that he has lost part of his naughtiness (mauveystyé), but somewhat still remains "des rongnes," both in the head and all over. For three days he has not ceased speaking "de la Royne Madame et racontet touplain et de Chateaudum a de lesprit largement." His uncles are well, but not your sister, who has taken a quartan fever within this fortnight. I shall not be sorry if it take away her paleness, and I think even now she is not so yellow as she was. Except this day of her access she keeps pretty well, and I fear nothing but the length of her illness. I hear nothing more "de pourpos conneuse dauent. (?) vous"; you are nearer at hand to know about it than we. As to Gueldres, knowing of the death of our uncle (fn. n12) they have written to us that my brother-in-law (fn. n13) has made application both to the Emperor and to the King to obtain his rights; but I know not yet what he has done therein. He has been ill on this voyage with gout, going by sea to visit the Emperor when he was near Nice. He was not so brave as you who were never sick, and that gives me hope that some time you will not be afraid to cross again (ne craindre point la repaster). If I were younger I would like to try it and go and see you. Your father says now that we have peace he will do so.
These letters were not finished the day they were begun because the messenger who was to take them was gone. I wrote them eight days ago. I have got as messenger one of your subjects (?) of Normandy, who came for the vicomte d'Estrepaigny, who was on the point of death. Already there are many applicants, though he is not dead . . . . . . . Whatever affects your interests or your son's will be seen to as if it were our own. Your belle mere wants to sell some wood. They will hinder her as much as possible. "Madame to Marquyse‡ (fn. n14) luy en pourchasse la despeche a la Court," but she can hardly remain there longer, for she is said to be very big and about six months gone. I think they are all at this hour at Moullins. Your father expected to be there tomorrow. I am very anxious to learn how he prospers there. He desired me at parting to send his humble recommendations to the king of Scots. Jainville, 3 Aug.
Fr., pp. 3. Add.: A la Royne d'Escosse. Parts of this letter are almost unintelligible, from the difficulty of the handwriting and spelling.
4 Aug. 31. Walsingham Priory.
Close Roll,
p. 1, No. 68.
Rymer, xiv.
Surrender of the house and its cell of Flycham, and all possessions in cos. Norf., Suff., Essex, and Camb., and elsewhere in England and Wales and the marches thereof, belonging to the said house or to the said cell.
4 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII.
Acknowledged same day, before Wm. Petre, King's commissioner.
4 Aug. 32. The Friars of Worcester.
R.O. Certificate that, 4 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII., the two houses of friars in Worcester surrendered into the hands of Ric. bp. of Dover, the King's visitor, in the presence of John Browghyng, deputy to the bailey, and Thomas Hyll, town-clerk; considering that they were not able to live for very poverty, and no charity had come to them as of old, for in the space of six weeks each house had run at least 3l. in debt. The visitor then took inventories (fn. n15) of their goods, which he delivered to Browghyng and Hyll, and despatched them. Signed by John Braughyng and Thomas Hyll, and by Edmund Leyddyngton, as witness.
P. 1. Endd.
4 Aug. 33. Ric. [Sampson], Bishop of Chichester, to Cromwell.
R.O. Has no matter of weight to write, but takes the opportunity of his servant passing the Court.
There is no need to write of the great matters here with the Germans, as there were lately such reporters of the same with the King. Hears from Mr. Crofftes, one of the canons of Chichester, that Cromwell will lodge at his house when he comes thither. London, 4 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
4 Aug. 34. Duke of Norfolk and Sir Roger Touneshend to Cromwell.
Cleop. E. iv.
Ellis 1st Ser.
ii. 85.
On Thursday last the justices, on their way to Bury assize, came to the Duke to dinner, and informed him that Anth. Browne, sometime Observant Friar of Greenwich, who late took upon him as a hermit, and, being accused of treason, was committed toward by Townsend, had confessed on being brought before them at Norwich. Send his confession. He received judgment accordingly, giving the sheriff ten days' respite for his execution, because the judges thought it well a sermon should be made by the bishop of Norwich as was done by the bishop of Worcester at friar Forest's execution. Finding from conversation both with the judges and the sheriff that some in these parts doubted if the Bishop meant well about Brown's opinions, Norfolk, by their advice, sent for both the Bishop and the friar, desiring Townsend, who "is only of the King's Council in these parts" to be present at the examinations. This forenoon we so handled the friar that he would not stick on the authority of the bishop of Rome, but denied that a temporal prince could be head of the Church. The Duke had with him Dr. Call, a Grey Friar, who "handled him right honestly" in defence of the King, but to no purpose. Since dinner have been eftsoons in hand with him, when the bishop of Norwich came, who undoubtedly handled the matter in such sort that it should have turned the opinion of any man not given to wilfulness as this fool is. The Bishop and Call have both shown themselves learned men and true subjects. Have delivered Browne to the sheriff, to suffer on Friday next; before whose death the Bishop will preach such a sermon as will convince everybody that he deserves to suffer. Send the bearer in haste in case it be thought advisable to have him brought to the Tower and tortured. The return message should be sent to the sheriff at Norwich, as the Duke knows not where he may be found. Kennyngale, 4 Aug. 1538.
P.S.—Since writing the Bishop wished to talk with the friar, not to save his life but for the weal of his soul; and Townsend saw the Bishop handle him very clerkly, but though he divers times was like to have altered, he persisted in his errors. Signed.
Pp.3. Add. Endd.
4 Aug. 35. Florentyne de Mortaygne to Mary Basset.
R.O. Commend me to your mother. I hope to come with my sister De Thovare and pay my respects to her. My sister De Thovare's grandson is dangerously ill. I thank you for the remembrance you have sent me. I I send you a pair of bracelets of my colours, Graveliners, 4 Aug. anno '38.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: Mademoselle Marie, la fille de Mons. le Debitys de Calais.
4 Aug. 36. Card. Pole to Card. Contarini.
Poli Epp. ii.
Was Glad to learn by his letters that he was well; the more so as it was said that he had found himself so weak on the way as to be unable to make the journey according to the plan formed here. As to his courteous invitation to come into those parts; was decided to do so uninvited, and was only waiting till Monsignor Aloisio should be despatched from Venice, whither he had not yet gone since Contarini's departure, but he will set out tomorrow and return soon. If Pole's departure be still longer delayed, he will not fail to send that happy company of St. Basil and St. Augustine. As to these news of the peace, can only say, as a painter at Verona replied to him when speaking of spiritual things, "O bontà di Dio; et quod non frustra cadit in terram verbum Domini, &c." "Ego interim fructus otii hic capio con questo buon Padre con tanta avidita con quanta mai agnello da latte sugens ubera matris." Has asked Aloisio to supply the rest. Commendations to Monsignor Tomaso and Monsignor Mattheo. Treville, 4 Aug. 1538.
Italian and Latin.
5 Aug. 37. The German ambassadors to Henry VIII.
Cleop. E. v.
Burnet, iv.
Do not wish to be troublesome, but have thought proper again to write to the King on matters of religion. Declared to him long ago their instructions and by the King's own request conferred for nearly two months with certain bishops and divines on the articles of the Christian religion. Have no doubt the result will be a sincere agreement between the King and the German princes. Cannot remain for the further discussion of abuses, but before their departure state their mind to the King, who will doubtless have the subjects discussed by his divines.
Three heads of papal idolatry must be got rid of if the power of Rome is to be rooted out:—The prohibition of communion in both kinds, private masses and enforced clerical celibacy Give arguments on each of these heads at considerable length. London, 5 Aug. 1538.
Signed: Franciscus Burgratus, Vicecancellarius: Georgius a Boyneburgk, D., Oratores:—Friderichus Myconius, ecclesiastes Gothanus.
Lat., pp. 72.
Cleop. E. v.
2. Summary of the above in Tunstall's hand, headed: "Litterarum oratorum Germaniæ brevis summa."
B.M. Lat., pp. 6. An abridgment of this in English is printed in Strype's Eccl. Mem. I. ii., No. 96.
lb. 256. 3. Copy of § 2, in another hand.
Imperfect, pp. 2.
5 Aug. 38. Franciscus Burgratus Vice-cancellarius and Georgius a Beineburg, doctor, Oratores, to [Cromwell].
Vitell. B. xxi.
B. M.
"[Spectabil]is ac magnifice Domine," according to your desire expressed by Chr. Montanus, to whom we have committed some things to be explained to you in return, we send you a letter for the King about certain abuses introduced by the bp. of Rome into the Church. Beg Cromwell will promote the matter so that they may leave in 14 days by the Hamburg ships. Have great hope of agreement in matters of religion. London, 5 Aug. l538.
Lat., pp. 2. Mutilated. In the handwriting (signatures included) of the secretary to the Embassy.
39. Franciscus B[urgratus] to [Cromwell].
R.O. Reminds him of the letters of Bernhard a Mila, that that matter may be dispatched before the writer's departure. Signed: "Franciscus B. Vc."
Hol. Lat., p. 1. Endd.: Thambassador of Saxon.
5 Aug. 40. Robert Cowley to Cromwell.
St. P. iii. 63.
Suggests that Cromwell's servant. Jas. Sherlok, who has arrived with letters from the Council of Ireland, should be examined with regard to the Deputy's proceedings there.
The Deputy "despised" and alienated the Irishmen whom Skeffington allured to the King's service, so that they returned to the rebels, as O'Nele and others. His affection to the Geraldines, and suffering young Gerald, Kildare's son, to escape, and with ,Jas. Delahide, Robt. Walshe, and all the rabble of traitors, to continue with Eleanor, Kildare's sifter, and accompany her from south to north of the land 300 miles, without any attempt at apprehension. The Deputy's winning garrisons, and giving them "for lucre to himself," to Desmond and O'Brene, will make fearful trouble if they unite with O'Neill, O'Donell, and O'Conor of Connaught. There are five O'Conors, viz., O'Conor of Affaley, the Deputy's counsellor, O'Conor Roo, O'Conor Don, O'Conor Corcomroo, and O'Conor Connaught, who is stronger than all the other four. Although the Deputy has a few young boys as hostages, Irishmen take little note of their pledges.
The lord Chancellor, who has ever been a Geraldine, is dead. None in Ireland is so meet for the room as Mr. Alen, Master of the Rolls. Desires despatch for himself and Mr. Cusac. Sherlok says Wm. Saintloo will not suffer him to enjoy his office and farm. Hears many complaints of Saintloo's misdemeanors. London, 5 Aug.
The abp. of Dublin told Sherlock that the Deputy when in Galway highly entertained a Papist who lately obtained a bishopric there by the bp. of Rome's bolls. I reckon it is he who expelled the King's presentee from the bprie. of Clonfert.
Hol., pp. 2. Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd. with a memorandum of the contents of the letter.
5 Aug. 41. Grey Friars, Bridgenorth.
R.O. Certificate of the surrender of the [Grey Friars] of Bridgenorth to Ric. bp. of Dover. The warden and brethren say they could not live, for the charity of the people was so small that in three years they had not received in alms in ready money 10s. a year, but only live by a service they had in the town in a chapel on the bridge. The house with appurtenances was delivered to Thos. Hall and Randolphe Rodes, bailiffs, by indenture. 5 Aug. 30 Hen. VIII. Signed by Hall and Rodes.
P. 1.
R.O. 2. Inventory of the house of Grey Friars in Bridgenorth, received by the lord Visitor and delivered by him to Thos. Hall and Randolph Rodes, bailiffs there.
A suit of red velvet, 6 copes; yellow silk, green silk, silk with birds, and cloth of bankeng, 3 old vestments. 4 "tenacles" (tunicles) of banken, 4 surplices. 2 cross cloths, stained, 3 chasubles. 9 albs. A little altar cloth. 2 corporas cases with the cloth, one poor. A fair cross of copper and gilt with Mary and John. 3 great coffers. A silk cope with 2 old tunicles.
In the choir.—2 great candlesticks of lay metal, 4 candlesticks, a censer and a ship of laten. A cross of lay metal with a staff. A hanging lamp and holy water stoup of laten. 2 sacre bells. 2 small cruets. 2 bells in the steeple. A pair of organs. 3 old altar cloths. 13 books.
In the fratry.—5 tables.
Plate. —A chalice and six spoons. 14½ oz.
In the hitchen.—Kitehen utensils and "conduit coming from the high cross which was not seen many years."
In the brew-house.—A copper with a fornes (furnacc). A brass pan. Signed by Hall and Rodes.
Pp. 2 Endd.


  • n1. Madame de Montreuil and her suite, who had accompanied James V.'s first queen (Madeleine) into Scotland, and were now returning to France.
  • n2. Madame de Montreuil and her suite, who had accompanied James V.'s first queen (Madeleine) into Scotland, and were now returning to France.
  • n3. Jehan de Touar, late captain of Gravelines.
  • n4. Apparently Brusset.
  • n5. Newtown or Tre Newydd, Montgomeryshire, formerly Llanfair Ynghedewain.
  • n6. Mutilated.
  • n7. Sir Hugh Pollard, the statement being written down by his brother Richard, who was sheriff at the taking of the depositions. Sir Hugh was sheriff in 1535–6.
  • n8. See Vol. XII., Pt. i., No. 436.
  • n9. This letter is here placed under the date of the first Saturday in August; but a reference to Part I., Nos. 1472–3, makes Saturday the 27 July the more probable date.
  • n10. Anthoine de Noyelle.
  • n11. The meaning seems to be "He there awaits a favourable despatch of the whole matter of Burgundy, for so they have given him to expect; nevertheless till I see it I shall feel no surety of it." The modern reader is much perplexed with spellings like voire and prendre for verrai and prendre.
  • n12. Charles duke of Gueldres, whose sister Philippa was wife of René, duke of Lorraine, and mother of the duchess of Guise. He died, according to Anderson, on the 25 June 1538.
  • n13. Anthony duke of Lorraine.
  • n14. Johanna of Rohan, wife of Francis marquis of Rothelin, a younger brother of the late duke of Longueville.
  • n15. These inventories being undated, were placed by conjecture in the end of July. See Part I., No. 1513.