Henry VIII: January 1538, 26-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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'Henry VIII: January 1538, 26-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1892), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no1/pp50-66 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: January 1538, 26-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1892), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no1/pp50-66.

"Henry VIII: January 1538, 26-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1892), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no1/pp50-66.


January 1538, 26-31

26 Jan.
R. O.
147. Hugh Abbot of Reading to Cromwell.
Received his letter complaining that the divinity lecture had not been read in this monastery as it ought to have been, and that the brethren were thereby brought to a corrupt judgment; and desiring him to receive one Richard Cobbes, canon, to be reader of the lecture with stipend and commons. Has already a bachelor of divinity, a brother of the house, who by the judgment of others better learned than the abbot, is very well learned both in divinity and humanity, who profits the brethren both in the Latin tongue and the holy scripture. He reads the lecture continually, with far less charge than any stranger would do. Offers him to be examined by any that Cromwell will appoint. Understands, from the bp. of Salisbury's letters, that the other whom Cromwell recommends was once a canon and priest, and is now married, and therefore degraded. Though learned, he cannot but instil like persuasions of marriage, and that would be but occasion of slander, the laws standing as they do yet. It should seem that the deprivation and hindrance of the other to Cromwell was for the preferment of this rather than for any other just cause, but whatever seems best to Cromwell shall be done. Reading, 26 Jan. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
26 Jan.
Ellis 3 S. ii.,
148. Ric. Abbot of Glastonbury to Cromwell.
Where I have in right of my monastery certain parks with game, always at the King's pleasure if his Grace "should have course" in these parts, that game is much decayed by despoil. Sturmester Castle, 26 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Thomas lord Cromwell lord Privy Seal. Endd.
26 Jan.
R. O.
149. Richard Chomley.
Brudgenorthe, 26 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.
Forasmuch as Richard Chomley, esquire, now in ward in the porter's lodge, was ordered, the 15th inst., to put in bonds for the preservation of the King's peace against Randulf Maynwaryng, which, until this day, he has not done, but has kept the bill of complaint of the said Randulf four days without answer, to the contempt of this court; the said Council, learning moreover that Hugh Chomley, the defendant's brother, has been seen at Newport with 26 persons, mounted and armed, riotously assembled contrary to the law, have therefore committed the said Ric. Chomley to the castle of Wigmore. And hereupon a letter to Thomas Crofte, deputy constable of the said castle, to receive and keep the said Ric. Chomley.
Extract from a register, p 1.
27 Jan.
R. O.
150. Harry Tycheborne to Wriothesley.
Has given strict orders to his servants not to trespass in the warren of Longwod, and believes the complaints of Wriothesley's keepers to be unfounded, who do him and his children all the more displeasure the more gently he uses them. Will prove this to Wriothesley when he comes to this country. John Myllys, a servant of John Wodward, one of Wriothesley's keepers, after winning the confidence of one of Tycheborne's servants, who had a ferret of Ric. Lane's, assaulted him on Tycheborne's ground, and made him keep his bed all the Christmas holidays. Owsylbury, 27 Jan. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
[27 Jan.?]
R. O.
151. Anthony Roke to Wriothesley.
This week past Mr. Mylle, Mr. White, Mr. Ryve, and I have been at these courts following. First, the farmer of Walworthe, on Monday, where, as in every court, Mr. Myll declared openly the state of the late monastery, how it was freely surrendered to the King, who, considering your wisdom and daily service, as freely gave it to you and your heirs for ever under the Great Seal, which Mr. Ryve declares in English. That done, Mr. Myll declares we come to take possession for you, whereof every man is glad and wishes it had been seven years before, and then all are sworn to you. I, that lack wit and learning to do any good, to make the poor men think I come for some purpose, as gentle Mr. Solymond was wont to call me, play your chancellor, sealing the new indentures openly in court; and none stick to bring in their convent seals and receive yours. On Monday night we lay at Mr. White's wife's mother's house; on Tuesday at Portsey beside Portsmouth, where was presented a sea wreck found by one of your tenants. Though small it had been challenged by one of my lord Admiral's officers. It was a little firkin of salt butter and a bundle of hemp appraised at 4s. 8d.; the finder had it for 3s. 4d., which I received. They say the custom is for the finder to have half. That night lay at the prior of Southwyk's. On Wednesday kept court at Porchester where the King has but one foot of ground and you two. It is thought you are wronged and the matter should be tried by commissioners, as Mr. Myll and Mr. White can declare. That night we came to your manor of Tytchefelde, and on Thursday kept court there which should have been held in a little house in the market place; but as it was too small, they went to the parish church. A great number were present, but not all, for many were that day at the sessions at Winchester. You have now many good and hearty tenants, divers of them good archers, and some bondmen whose names shall be registered. Friday we kept court at Crofton; yesterday, Saturday, at Swanwyk, and thence I am come to Micheldever, contrary to what I wrote by Mr. Maxwell, because of the sickness. It seems the carpenter and those reported as ill are well; but he stays from his labour in taking down the abbey church "because we would be loath to adventure with him before the change of the moon" He and they are warned not to come to the parish church. The pavement of the body of the church is taken up; but scarce the tenth tile saved, they are so worn. Will keep no courts till about Friday. Expect men from Overton to view the south aisle for the building of a bell tower. Opinions of Mr. Mylls and Mr. Craford. Let no more labour be lost as at Micheldever, as Dr. Craford will have declared. Continues felling the woods in Candever. My good mistress your mother, Mrs. Elizabeth, Mrs. Mary, Mr. Anthony, gentle Mrs. Clerc are well. "I have seen none of them but Sutton and Mr. . . . . . who hath given me a box of lozenges contra . . . . ." Sends his servant with this, by whom he expects answer before the carrier, who brought two hogsheads of wine, comes to London. As to seeing to both households, wishes lie could do half as well as his good mistress. Hopes Tichfield will soon be clear of sickness and then he will bring both households hither, with the help of Doctor Craford, whom we long for back again. Scribbled this Sunday at Micheldever going towards Titchfield.
Your steward here is honest and active. When the courts are done Mr. Ryve and I will view your woods.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
27 Jan.
R. O.
152. Bishop Roland Lee to Cromwell.
Upon receipt of my cousin Dr. Leghe's and Mr. Pakington's letters, I perceive your goodness in getting the bill assigned for our diets augmented. I am most bounden to your Lordship. I hear it is noised in the Court that many poor thieves are executed here, and no gentleman thieves. This day sevennight last the justices, Sir John Porte, John Vernon, John Russell, Thomas Holte, and Ric. Hassall, of this Council, the earl of Worcester and lord Ferrers being present, have kept the quarter sessions for Salop, when four gentlemen of the best blood of those parts were executed, with others. As the gentlemen of the shire came at that time to serve the King and this Council, I made them good cheer; and the King was never better served here than at this time, as Mr. Justice Porte can inform you, though the cost was far above the commons of our diets. Be good lord to the bearer, my old servant, in his suits; methinketh he is not well treated, considering your goodness to the party, so to put him from his farm and taking his money. Bridgenorthe, 27 Jan.
I thank you for my servant Germyn's brother, to whom I desire you to continue your favour. Signed.
Pp.2. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
27 Jan.
R. O.
153. Richard Hough to Cromwell.
I have been to the abbot of Chester and required of him your Lordship's fee. I send 10l. which I received of him. I made the same request of the abbot of Vale Royal, who promised that he would wait upon your Lordship this term, if he were able to write, and if not, would send it by a servant. Reminds him that he promised the writer, at Mr. Wryseley's request, the office of rider of Dalamere Forest, in Cheshire. Sir Piers Dutton is now come up to London, who he believes will make great suit to continue in it. It is but 4l. 11s. 3d. a year. Chester, 27 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
27 Jan.
R. O.
154. Ric. Bramston, of Wells, to Wriothesley.
Mr. Parry, when last at Wells, desired me in your name not to be from home "after the 12th days," supposing you would have sent a servant to me to have ridden into Deanshere (Devonshire?) about your business. I now ride thither on business of my own, and if you have any commands will be glad to accomplish them. 27 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd: Thomas Avery.
[27 Jan.]
R. O.
155. Sir Francis Bryan to Lord Lisle.
Begs him to forward "these letters" to the Lord Privy Seal with all possible haste. The French king is coming to Molynges. "No nother apoyntement ys made," but truce till the 1 June by sea and land. Amiens, Sunday morning.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
27 Jan.
R. O.
156. Thibault Parroche.
Certificate by Thibault Parroche, man-at-arms of the garrison at Calais, that he had been in company with one Marant Casemare, who sold a horse to Jehan Morel, living at Dunkirk, for five angelots, of which two were paid him in ready money and the other three were to be paid upon a day appointed. The said Jehan Mourel also paid 12 sous at the request of the said Maran "pour lequot" to be deducted from the last payment. 27 Jan. 1538.
Hol., Fr., p. 1.
27 Jan.
R. O.
157. Anne Rouaud (Madame De Bours) to Lady Lisle.
I was very glad to learn that my Lord and you make good cheer. You direct me to send for your daughter to be at the marriage of her brother. It is right she should be, but I shall regret her absence, and hope when I go to see you, you will allow her to come and spend some time here with me. I have always found her of such good disposition that I love her as my own daughter. If Jean Semy had not come, I intended to have gone to you. Since receiving a letter from you I have been daily expecting some goshawks that have been promised me, as I have told Jean Semy. One has been given to my brother de Biaumont, which he sends you. I hope to obtain another to send to my Lord when you send to fetch your daughter. Jean Semy will report news of me. Bours, 27 Jan.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
27 Jan.
R. O.
158. Jehan Fouber(?) to Lord Lisle.
I have received a letter by the bearer, Jehan Dolincourt, your servant, desiring me to send you money of your wood, of which I send you the account. I was obliged to pay before the wood was delivered to me 4l. 13s. gr. Flemish money, both for him and for his expenses, about which I have had great dispute with him, as he ought not to make you pay for his trouble. I have given the bearer six angelots. I have done my best. I beg you to look at the account he sent by Guill. Bedeler, your servant. Has lent John Dolincourt 4l. Flemish to make up the money for the horses he came for. L'Ostande, 27 Jan. 1537.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
28 Jan.
R. O.
C's Letters,
159. Cranmer to Cromwell.
Last year, asked the King to make John Culpeper, the bearer, a groom of his privy chamber, when he accepted him as gentleman waiter, promising to see for him on convenient opportunity.
Asks Cromwell to renew his suit when any alteration is made in the privy chamber. Forde, 28 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
28 Jan.
R. O.
160. Sir Nic. Wadham to Cromwell.
Has been prevented by a disease in his neck from seeing the King and Cromwell according to his duty. Has not ridden three miles from his house since Trinity Sunday, but is now somewhat amended. Thanks him for his and the King's letters when the insurrection was at Taunton. Asks him to remember him to the King that he may be somewhat looked upon for his continued service. Thanks him for his favour to his son, (fn. n1) "this bearer, your servant" Meryfeld, 28 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
28 Jan.
R. O.
161. The Mayor and Corporation of Southampton to Cromwell.
We send you Sir John Lestok, a lewd priest, born in Guernsey, who has spoken seditious words about the King in an ale house. We enclose the depositions of two witnesses who heard him. Remember our suit for the help of this town which is his Grace's own town. If our bill were signed we would prepare many things for its surety at our own cost. Hampton, 28 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
28 Jan.
R. O.
162. —— to Cromwell.
Thanks for favour shown in all his wrongful troubles. Asks Cromwell to help him in obtaining the house and demesne of Melsey, when surrendered. Has been ordered by Cromwell to stay the abbot from cutting down the wood, as it will be required for the repair of the haven at Byrdlington, of which the writer has charge. These lands will help him to serve the King in his office. York, 28 Jan. Not signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
28 Jan.
R. O.
163. Mary Basset to Lady Lisle.
Is glad of her news. I understand you will send for me in 10 or 12 days to go to the marriage of my brother. Begs she will move Monsieur to let her return with Madame, as she will be sorry to leave her, Madame treats her with so much respect and kindness. Has received the toilette and the shoes. Thanks her for the gloves and laces sent by the present bearer. Wishes her to send some present to Madame de Bours' maid. Has given her nothing yet, though she is greatly obliged to you for two ells of worsted you gave her when I first came into this country. Bours, 28 Jan.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
28 Jan.
R. O.
164. Sir Francis Bryan to Cromwell.
This morning, the 28th Jan., met this courier in Paris and according to the King's command, opened the letters to him. Considers from the bp. of Winchester's letter, that part or all of his own commission is already sped, but on meeting with him will declare the King's commandment. The French king comes on apace, and Winchester is behind him, so that it will be hard for Brian to escape the French king before he meets him. Will send him word to come a day before the King. All the horses are taken by the duke of Orleans, who has gone in post to his father. Paris, 27 (sic) Jan.
Hol., p.1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
28 Jan.
Adv. Lib., ii.2.
165. Anthoinette [Duchess of Guise] to the Duchess of Longueville.
The bearer, having now recovered, wishes to return to you, and I take the opportunity of writing to tell you the solicitude I have had about your business. Puisguyllon writes that, after seeing what you have sent in behalf of England (pour le cousté d'Engleterre), the King has ordered the contract to be drawn up in behalf of Scotland (pour celluy d'Escosse). I am astonished at this because your father received a promise that nothing should be done till the King was at Moulins. I am much afraid things will not be done so much for your advantage as I wished. I am surprised at the talk of making up once more that which has once been given to you, and the wrong done to your son in taking from him that which has already fallen to him. I wonder wise men can propose such things, which they have no power to do, and I should never advise you to grant this. I think also you have no mind to do so. If they have seen your marriage contract they will see "quy ny sareye que faire, au moins quant a la part escheue par don de nopces a nostre filz" As to "se quy est juget a retour a vostre proufit," thinks the rent would be more secure for her than the money (the principal?). There is no need to make a new contract "sy lont fet proumesee la tyerpce (?) vous non poues" But she must be cautious not to irritate the King, but obey him, so as to preserve her own right and that of her son. We have come here to Doluent (Dolevant) for some days, awaiting the answer of the ambassadors of Gueldres. Your uncle does not approve of your father or your brother going thither, and would rather it were the Marquis. It is said the duke of Gueldres does not want him. On the return of those who have gone thither we shall see what can be done, "sy le paiys se peult saulver pour la meson se leur sera bonne augmentation" If you are in Scotland, they say the distance by sea is not long, and England is even nearer. The queen of Navarre sends compliments, and as she is at the Court, is willing to do you service. Your brother has returned. He has had a slight fever, but is well. Your father had his stomach deranged by the diligence he used but has recovered his appetite and sleeps well, &c. "Noublies le reste du memoyr qu'enportates quant y (il) se poura faire: jentens bieu aues prou daustres affaires. Il nya remyde; il fault prendre courage et ne vous soucies, car jay esperance, puys que Nre. Signeur sy juin (?) a permys ceq ayes eu, quy (qu'il) vous garde quelque grant heur, et bien pour lavenyr, sy se nest en se moude, trop pleus heureuse seres lavoir en laustre" 28 Jan.
Hol., Fr., pp. 2. Add.
Adv. Lib i. 1.
Teulet, 131.
166. James V. and Mary of Lorraine.
Articles for the marriage of James V. with Mary of Lorraine, daughter of Claude de Lorraine, duke of Guise, widow of Chas. d'Orleans, duke of Longueville.
Providing for the payment of a dower of 150,000l. Tournois under stated conditions. If the lady Mary survive the King she is to have the county of Fife and other lands during her life.
French. Endd.: le feu Roy descosse. (fn. n2)
28 Jan.
Harl. MS.
6989. f. 77
B. M.
167. Card. Pole to the Card. of Liege. (fn. n6)
Writes by command of the Pope in favour of Albertus Pighius, a learned man, who now has business before the secret Council of the Emperor.
Knows the card. of Liege's influence in that Council will soon free him from trouble.
Extract, headed as taken from letters dated Rome, 28 Jan. 1538. Small paper, p. 1.
28 Jan.
Poli Epp.,
ii. 113.
168. Card. Pole to Albertus Pighius.
Has received his letters about his own cause before the Emperor's Council and about the controversy of Skenchius with Card. Simonetta. Has written to the card. of Liege to favour him in the Emperor's Council, and therefore thought it unnecessary to get letters from the Emperor's ambassador. The Pope's absence from Rome and Pole's own bad health have led to delays. Reports what he has done with Simonetta about Skenchius. Rome, 28 Jan. 1538.
28 Jan.
Poli Epp.,
ii. 105.
169. Card. Pole to Theodoricus and Tongrensis.
Upon their pious purpose of reformation in the diocese of Liege and the necessity of punishing those who rebel against the Bishop's legatine authority. Rome, 28 Jan. 1538.
29 Jan.
R. O.
170. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
This day, with much ado, we received of John Coserors all the parcels of silk needed for this business, which he got by retail in sundry parcels. You will receive particulars and prices by Jaymes, who, I hope, will be ready to leave by Sunday night. If this stuff had been delivered at first, it would have been now ready made at Calais. I will do my best for the garnishing and cap, but can get no more scarlet kersay than for one pair of hose. I have this day a letter from your Ladyship, but no George noble, unless you mean that which James brought. I have no hope yet for the travers, nor of a gentlewoman that will suit you. I will do year commands to Mrs. Whalley. The garments are made by the tailor's advice, but what fur to put in the tawny velvet gown, I know not. The things which came by Caundeler are delivered. Lady Rutland says you need give nothing but gloves. "And as for Mrs. Anne's French hood, my lady Sussex had, and Mrs. Katharine gave hers to Mrs. Parr" The bearer was sometime my Lord's servant, and would like to be again. "It is a tall man," and he has letters of my lord Privy Seal in his favour. My lord Chancellor has buried his wife, "and taketh great thought" London, 29 Jan.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: In Calais.
29 Jan.
R. O.
C.'s Letters,
171. Cranmer to Cromwell.
Wrote lately that one of the seditious persons who spread false bruits of the King was punished at Canterbury. Another has been likewise punished at Sandwich, as Sir Edw. Ryngisley the bearer can show, who was present, and assisted at the examination. Desires Cromwell to thank him. This day, with the assistance of Ryngisley and the sheriff, has appointed the priest to be punished at Asheforth next market day. Forde, 29 Jan. Signed.
P.I. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
29 Jan.
R. O.
172. Harry Wykys to Cromwell.
Writes in favour of Sir Edw. Bedford, son of his loving friend, and born in Surrey, Cromwell's country. He was presented to the prebend of Middillton by Mr. Cooke, by virtue of a former advowson under convent seal. Dr. Legh has since obtained a later advowson and caused himself to be presented. Chertsey, 29 Jan. Signed.
P. I. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
29 Jan.
Close Roll,
p. 2, no. 18.
173. Boxley Abbey.
Surrender (by John Dobbes, abbot of Boxley, Kent, and the convent) of the monastery with all possessions in Kent, Surrey, and the city of London, and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the marches thereof. 29 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.
With no memorandum of acknowledgment.
29 Jan.
R. O.
174. Brabason to Cromwell.
I beg your favour for John Peppes, who has done diligent service both in my accounts and in other affairs under Mr. Barners, to be made an auditor here, as he will more at large declare. When the Commissioners go, there is no good auditor here. Dublin, 29 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
30 Jan. 175. Edward Earl of Hertford.
See Grants in January, No. 41.
[30 Jan.]
R. O.
176. The Earl of Sussex.
Draft of a grant to Robert earl of Sussex, in consideration of his services against the rebels in the North, &c, of the monastery of Clive, Somers., in the King's hands by authority of Parliament. (See Grants in January, No. 42.)
Latin. Large paper, pp. 4.
30 Jan.
R. O.
177. Harry Huttoft to Cromwell.
I have been with master West at his lordship, lying within two miles of Christchurch, called Wynkton, which I have surveyed; value 15l. 16s. 8¼d. a year, above all charges, as appears by the rental sent with this. The land is good and always well taken, but I remember you said it was very far from Wade to be a member thereto. I have therefore moved him for a lordship he has within a mile of Wade, the ground bounding on every side, even hedge to hedge. The manor, he says, is holden of him by knight's service, and he demands 30s. for a quit rent and 8s. for a parcel of ground lately taken into the park. I think this would be better than the other; it is of the yearly value of 29l. 10s. 6d., and is named Testwode. You will remember when you were at Hampton and rode towards Wade, you saw and viewed a great weir standing over a great river, which was to bring the water to the mill, so that the water and all the meadows your Lordship rode through from thence to Wade, belonged to the farm, and are worth 50l., and 100 marks for a line. I beg that I be commanded to serve his Majesty therein. Please also, remember my creditors. The merchants have been talking of certain wares to come out of Flanders to be laden in a ship now with us, which they would lade without custom because it comes not to land. I desire to know your Lordship's pleasure on this. We have been accustomed to allow it hitherto when goods came from Flanders purposely for parts beyond sea; but you warned me, two years ago, to suffer it no longer, and shortly afterwards we had your letter to let them pass without custom. 30 Jan.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
30 Jan.
R. O.
178. Loys Ferrers, abbot of Wymondham, to Cromwell.
At his last return from London, declared to his brethren Cromwell's great goodness, notwithstanding the sinister and untrue reports made of the abbot by Wm. Cliftone. Asked the convent to assent to grant him an annuity of 53s. 4d., to which they agreed. Sends by Master Baniard, the bearer, a patent of it, and a "portegewe" of gold. 30 Jan.
Hol, p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
30 Jan.
R. O.
179. J. Thompson, Master of the Maison Dieu, to Cromwell.
Has laboured to finish the harbour at Dovor and doubts not but that it shall at length take effect, notwithstanding the weather, which has been more outrageous this winter than was ever before seen. The south-east jutty is set forth seven score feet into the sea and part of it filled. The north-east pier is enlarged 4 score feet and filled 50 feet above full sea mark, the residue, 30 feet, is filled almost up to full sea mark. The west pier, named the King's bulwark, which was of Mr. Caudishe's device, is ruinous and, without remedy, will perish altogether; for it was first filled with chalk "and such like baggage," so that the "prebell" that was the supporter of the chapel is driven away and the foundation failing. The 4 pays paid by Mr. Paymaster, with the book of debts certified to Cromwell, amount to 540l. and above, and this last pay to 80l. at least. Dovor, penultimo Januarii. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
30 Jan.
Vatican MS.
180. Card. de Carpi to Card. Farnese.
Here they have had no little fear of losing the king of England, who asked them to give him Madame di Longavilla for wife without letting the other King (James) know, although she was promised to him and the match concluded in words, as the abbot of Arebio (Arbroath) tells me. They went about making difficulties and delays, but the abbot raised his voice so boldly that it appears they will decide for Scotland. I learn that Winchester, although he pretends to lend faith to their friendly words, thinks the French the greatest enemies to his King and knows that if they had peace with the Emperor they would attack him; as the Emperor would also, who said he loved him and would do what he could for him but could do nothing unless he returned to the Holy See. Winchester evidently understands wherein is danger and wherein safety, and the Nuncio and I have done all we could to keep him sure (assicurarlo). Wishes the Pope not to let anyone know what the writer had suspected about efforts made at Róme by ill disposed persons (maligni). Lyons, 30 Jan. m.d. xxxiii. (should be m.d. xxxviii.).
Ital. From a modern copy in R. O., headed: "Del cardinal di Carpe al cardinal Farnese del giorno 30 gennaro 1583" (added by another hand "1538").
31 Jan.
R. O.
181. St. Alban's.
"Compromissum" by Richard Stephenache, prior, and the chapter of St. Albans, made 31 January 1537, of their right of election of an abbot in the place of Robert Catton, deprived, to Thomas Cromwell lord Cromwell, K.G., Privy Seal and Vicar General.
Parchment. Convent seal attached.
R. O. 182. Richard Abbot of St. Albans to Cromwell.
Came to Mr. Gostewyke this morning to pay him as much money as he could to the King's use, but he has detained him within his gates. Has offered to pay him 300l., which is much as he has and can make friends for in this short warning. Besides other sums, he demands the first payment of the first fruits, which is above the abbot's power. Asks Cromwell to order Gostewik to send him to his Lordship this evening, or else he is like to be imprisoned in the Counter. Signed.
P. 1. Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
31 Jan.
R. O.
183. John Earl of Oxford to Cromwell.
Thanks him for his favour shown in his own causes and also to his son Aulbry Veer, Cromwell's servent. Sends his son Sheffelde, and asks Cromwell to be good lord to him, and also to his son John Bulbeck. Colne, 31 Jan. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
31 Jan.
R. O.
184. Mont Ory Castle.
Deposition of Robart Marshall, of Welle, in the co. of Guisnes, that last Tuesday Mons. de Curlyew, capt. of Brennert, came to Oulderwick and with the Emperor's "ressever" of Brennart viewed Mont Ory castle and has bargained with masons and carpenters to repair it, but, it is said, only the lodgings. All religious houses are assessed, by the Lady Regent and her council, to pay a year's rent to the Emperor beforehand. The lord of St. Bertins has already paid 600 cr. Last of Jan. 1537. Signed.
P. 1.
31 Jan.
R. O.
185. Anthoine Brusset to Lord Lisle.
In behalf of a young gentleman who wishes to reside in England to see the world and learn the language, if he can find a lord to take him into his house. There is great rumour of war. The embassies have taken leave of each other without negotiating anything. I regret it, for I love peace. It is said the good king of England will join the Emperor. Gravelines, 31 Jan. 1537. Signed.
Fr. p. 1. Add.
R. O.
186. Jehan Bertre to Cromwell.
Petition for himself and his fellow merchants of St. Malo. Hears from the French ambassador that Cromwell is willing to restore to him his ship the "Coucou," which was taken five months ago by three English ships under captains Caro, Dudley, and Nicolson, (fn. n3) if proved a loyal merchant and no pirate. Has recently delivered attestations proving this, to Thomas Soulemont, Cromwell's secretary, because he understands French. Begs him to cause Soulemont to report upon the same with speed.
French, p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Petition for the ship of St. Malos taken by Mr. Carewe.
Titus B.i.470.
B. M.
187. Cromwell's Remembrances. (fn. n4)
The Emperor's ambassadors and their answer touching the meeting of those two princes. The allegations of the French ambassador. The desire of the secretary of Venice for access to the King, and the "refrication" of the news of Hungary, Surye and Turkey. Horseley for Bambrugh. The dispatch made into France. Concerning the Subsidy, with the remedy for the deceit used therein. The monasteries of St. Albans, Abing[don], and S. E. B. [St. Edmund, Bury?]. Thwaytes. The Master of the Rolls. The King's attorney. The payment of the Great Wardrobe and of Queen Anne's debts. The Staple of Calais. The order of this realm. The decay of the first-fruits by suppression of monasteries. Sir J. Wallop. Rauf Sadler. Peter Mewtys. The examination of Tyrrell's wife. The men of Colchester. The clipper of money. The Black Friar, concerning parson Alayn. The determination of Mr. Dey, Heth, Thurleby, and Skipp upon the Ten Commandments, Justification, and Purgatory.
P. 1. Endd.: Remembrances.
R. O. 188. John Botte.
Petition of John Botte, of Handsworth, Staff., husbandman, to Cromwell, as lord Privy Seal. About Easter 28 Hen. VIII., was maliciously indicted of heresy by Philip Osborne, Wm. Botte, and John Denton, and was acquitted. Was, however, sent, by Sir Ant. Fitzharbard, justice, as a prisoner to Dr. Poole, chancellor of the bp. of Exeter, to be examined at Lichfield, and the case is fixed for Wednesday next after Candlemas day. It is impossible to get his witnesses in such short time, and he has spent all his substance in his defence. Begs Cromwell to forbid the Chancellor to proceed, and to have the case indifferently examined.
P. 1. Large paper, Endd.
R. O. 189. Lord Lisle and Fitzwilliam earl of Southampton.
Surrender by Sir Arthur Plantagenet viscount Lisle to William earl of Southampton, Great Admiral, of his offices of warden of the forest of Estbere, Hants, and warden of Porchester castle.
190. Grants in January 1538.
1. John, earl of Oxford. Custody of the manors of Messham, Pynkeston, Normanton, and Blakwell, Derby, lately belonging to Sir Rob. Sheffeld, deceased, during the minority of Edm. Sheffeld, son and heir of the said Sir Robert, with the wardship and marriage of the said heir. Del. Westm., 2 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 27.
2. John Rede, son and heir of Will. Rede, formerly of Weybridge, Surrey, deceased. Grant, in tail male, of the house and site of the suppressed monastery of Tanrigge, Surrey; the church, &c., of the same; and all messuages, houses, &c., both within and without and near the site, &c., in Tanrigge; the lordships and manors of Tanrigge, Oxsted, Gaston in Bletchynglye and Westhall in Warlyngham, Surrey, and Sentye in Hertfield, Sussex, the rectories and vicarages of Tanrigge, Croweherst, and Wolkensted alias Godstone, Surrey; and all possesions of the said late priory in Tanrigge, Oxsted, Croweherst, Wolkensted alias Godston, Blechyngly, Warlyngham, and Chepsted, Surrey, Hertfeld, Sussex, Chedynston, Kent, and Longsutton, Hants, in as full manner as John Lyngseld the late prior or any of his predecessors held the same. Annual value, 69l. 8s. 0½d.; rent, 18s. 2½d. by way of tenth.
To hold with contingent remainder to Hen. Rede, brother of the said John, with contingent remainder to Anth. Reid, son and heir of the said William; with contingent remainder to Thos. Rede brother of the said Anthony; with contingent remainder to the said John Rede. The following rents and fees are reserved, viz.: A perpetual quitrent of 37s. 4d. issuing from certain lands and tenements in the said parish of Oxsted yearly due to lord Borough at his manor of Oxsted; a quit-rent of 14s. a year issuing from the premises to Sir Nic. Carewe at his manor of Blechinglegh; a quit-rent of 3s. 4d. issuing from the premises yearly to the prior and convent of Merton, Surrey; 17s. 6d. a year payable to the archdeacon of Surrey for proxies; a quit-rent of 12d. a year payable to the abbot of Battle; 13s. 4d. for the fee of John Skynner steward of the court of the said priory; and 40s. for the fee of Hen. Comport, receiver of the said priory, and 12l. a year payable to two chaplains to serve the cures of the churches of Crowhurste and Tanrigge. Del. Westm., 2 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
3. John Whyte, one of the sewers of the Chamber. Grant of the corrody in the monastery of Michelney, which John Fyssher late had. Del. Westm., 2 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
4. Commission of the Peace:
Hants: Sir Thos. Audeley, C., Thos. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Thos. lord Crumwell, S. bp. of Winchester, Arthur viscount Lysle, Hen. lord Montague, Hen. lord Mountravers (sic), John lord Audeley, Will. lord Sandys, Sir John FitzJames, Sir Ric. Lyster, Sir Thos. Wylloughby, Sir Will. Paulett, Sir John Wallope, Sir Geoff. Pole, Sir Ric. Sandys, Sir Michael Lyster, Sir James Worseley, Sir Will. Brokeley, Sir Will. Gyfford, Sir Peter Fylpott, Sir Anth. Wyndesore, John Paulet, Edm. Mervyn, serjeant-at-law, Thos. Wryottesley, Geo. Paulett, Ric. Paulet, Philip Parys, Francis Dawtrey, Ric. Andrewes, Will. Thorpe, James Bettys, Thos. Wellys, Reginald Wyllyams, Rob. Bulkeley, Nic. Tychebourne, Arthur Uvedale, Will. Warham, John Kyngesmyll, Ric. Coton, John Wyntershull, and John Norton. Westm., 3 Jan. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 7d.
5. Will. Sulyarde, one of the King's counsellors. Annuity of 100l. for life. Westm. Palace, 20 Dec. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 4, m. 36.
6. Sir John Markeham. Grant of the reversions and rents reserved upon the following leases, viz.:—
(1.) By the Crown to Margery Horseman, 1 Jan. 28 Hen. VIII., of the house and site of the suppressed monastery of Newboo, Linc., and certain lands, &c., and a common called "Barugbie More," belonging to the monastery, for 21 years, at 38l. 23d. rent (2.) By Richard the late abbot, and the convent of St. Mary Newboo, to Augustine Porter, 20 May 26 Hen. VIII., of their field, east of Casthorpe, called "le Hallfeld," and the close of land called Inholmes, late in the tenure of Thos. Mercer, and then in that of the said Augustine, for 15 years, at the annual rent of [7l 13s. (fn. n5) ] 4d. (3.) By John the abbot and the convent of the monastery of Swyneshed to Augustine Porter, of Bylton, Linc., 2 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII., of the manor of Casthorpe, and all their lands in Casthorpe, Staynworthe, Wollesthorpe, Denton, and Beroughbie, for 51 years from the feast of SS. Philip and James, A.D. 1527, 19 Hen. VIII., at 7l. 13s. 4d. rent.
Also grant of all groves, trees, and woods upon the premises, and the wood called Ropesleye, which belonged to the said late monastery. Annual value of 45l. 10s. 3d.; rent, 4l. 11s. 1d. Greenwich, 2 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 17.
7. John Yong, the prior, and the convent of the monastery of Holy Trinity, Rypyngdon, Derb. Licence to alienate the manor of Graundesden Magna, with appurtenances in Graundesden Magna, Hardwyke, and Leycotte, Hunts, and certain messuages, &c. (described) there, and in Sutton Bonyngton, Westleyke, and Estleyke, Notts., with the advowson of the churches of Westleyke and Estleyke, a messuage and certain land, &c., in Donesthorpe, Derby, and the advowson of the vicarage of the church of Magna Badowe, Essex, to Sir Francis Bryan, Sir John Porte, Sir Geo. Gresley, and Hen. Audeley. Westm. Palace, 23 Dec. 29 Hen. VIII. Del Westm., 4 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 45.
8. John Baptyst Borrone, milliner and servant to Hen. marquis of Exeter. Licence for two years to import jewels, precious stones, cloth of gold, and all other things of goldsmith's work, also ribbons, gold and silver thread, silk wrought and unwrought, furs of sables, marternes, and foynnes, with all other things appertaining to the occupation of the said John Baptist and necessary for the King, the gentles of his Court or commons of his realm (provided the King have the first sight and choice of the goods), and to re-export such as remain unsold, free of custom. Manor of —(blank), 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Jan.—S.B. In English.
9. Margaret Chaboo alias Chabo, of London, spinster. Pardon, for having, 27 Nov. 29 Hen. VIII., in the parish of St. Helen, within Bishoppesgate, London, stolen a woman's gown and other articles belonging to, Rob. Warde, beer-brewer. Greenwich, 8 Jan. 29. Hen. VIII. Del., Westm., 12 Jan.—P.S. Pat. 1, m. 26.
10. Commission of Oyer and Terminer.
Bucks.: Sir John Baldwyn, Sir Rob. Dormer, Sir John Broun, Sir John Clerke, John Williams, and John Cheynye. Westm., 14 Jan. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 4, m. 21d.
11. Sir Ric. Riche, and Elizabeth his wife, Licence to alienate the manor of Fyndon, Sussex, to Sir Thomas lord Crumwell, by fine. Westm. 14 Jan. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24.
12. Sir Ric. Gresham and Isabella, his wife. Licence to alienate the manors of Borham and Rokeland, Sussex, to Sir Thomas lord Crumwell, by fine. Westm, 14 Jan. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24.
13. For the monastery of St. Albans, Linc. dioc. Congé d'élire to the prior and convent, on the deprivation of the last abbot. 15 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—P.S. No date of delivery. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 32.
14. The monastery of St. Mary, Osney, Linc. dioc. Assent to the election of Robert bishop and abbot of Thame, as abbot, vice John Burton, last abbot, deceased. Grene-wiche, 14 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 Jan.—P.S. Pat p. 3, m. 31.
15. Richard bp. of Chichester, Ric. Coren, the King's chaplaiu, S.T.P., and Thos. Bury, one of the lay ministers of the Chapel Royal. Next presentation to the parish church and rectory of Northlue. Devon, Exeter dioc. Del. Westm., 15 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Endd.: Advowson for the sub-dean of the King's chapel. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
16. Thos. Warner and John Quorte, of Dedham, Essex, yeomen, alias "Senglemen." Pardon for the murder of Thos. Webbe. Del. Westm., 15 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 26.
17. Thos. Wriothesley and Joan his wife. Licence to alienate the manors of Forwood and Fowey, Devon, with tithes of corn, hay, and other fruits to Thos. de Soulemont, of Jersey. Westm., 15 Jan. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. l, m. 17.
18. Will. Sulyarde, one of the King's counsellors. To be justice of cos. Chester and Flint; with the usual fees, as enjoyed by Sir Thos. Englefeld, one of the justices of Common Pleas, now deceased, out of the issues of the co. palatine of Chester. Grenewich, 15 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 4, m. 36.
19. Sir John Nevyll lord Latymer and Katharine his wife. Licence to alienate the manor of Ronhale alias Runball, Beds, to John Gostwyk and Joan his wife, by fine. Westm. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15.
20. Master Ric. Arche, elk. To have the canonry and prebend in the collegiate church of SS. Mary and George in Wyndesore castle, void by the death of Ric. Wolman. Del. Westm., 18 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. —S.B. Endd.: For a prebend in Windsor at the suit of Mr. Bayneton. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
21. Master Thos. Cannar, S.T.B., King's chaplain. To have the canonry and prebend in the collegiate church of St. Stephen in Westminster Palace, void by the death of Master Edward Higgons. Grenewiche, 16 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p, 1, m. 18.
22. John Banyster, the King's servant. Grant of the lands, rents, &c. in Fullebehill, Linc., which came to the King by the attainder of Rob. Leche. Grenewyche, 21 April 28 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat.. p. 3, m. 24.
23. Geo. Wolfet, D.D. Presentation to the parish church of Lantegles, Exeter dioc., void by death. Del. Westm., 20 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Endd.: The clerk of the Closet. Pat. p. 5, m. 15.
24. John Lynnell, elk. Presentation to the vicarage of Estneston, Linc, dioc., void by death. The nomination should have belonged to Ric. Fermour, as an assign of Ric. Empson, s. and h. of Sir Ric. Empson, by grant of the prioress and convent of the late monastery of Sewardesley, Northt., but belongs to the King by reason of the dissolution of the said monastery. Westm., 20 Jan. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 25.
25. John Williams, master of the Jewels. Reversion of the manor or lordship of Fylbertis alias Philbertis, Berks, which was, inter alia, granted by pat. 13 Feb. 3 Hen. VIII. to James Strangways, one of the gentlemen ushers of the Chamber, and Dame Katherine, then his wife, and afterwards leased, by pat. 20 Jan. 28 Hen. VIII. to Chr. Asheton, gentleman usher of the Chamber, for 31 years after the death of the said Katherine, at the annual rent of 20l.
Also grant of the said annual rent of 20l.; the advowson of the free chapel or chantry of Fylbertis alias Philbertis, and views of frankpledge, &c. in Philbertis alias Fylbertis, Esthanney and Westhanney, Berks; to hold as of the manor of Ewelme, Oxon. Del. Westm., 21 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 19.
26. Thos. Browne, and Anne his wife. Licence to alienate a moiety of the manor of Barton Sacy, with appurtenances in Barton Sacy and Newton Sacy, Hants, to John Salmon. Westm., 23 Jan. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 32.
27. John Verney. Next presentation to the parish church of Anstey, Herts, Linc, dioc. T. ——, 23 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 4, m. 8.
28. John bp. of Rochester and Sir Ralph Waren and Christiana his wife, Edw. North and Alice his wife. Licence to alienate the manor of Frekenham alias Frakenham, Suff., and all their lands, &c., there and in Iselham, Suff. and Camb., to Edw. Crome, elk., and Nic. Wylson, elk.; and to the said Edward and Nicholas to regrant the premises to the said Sir Ralph and Christiana, and the heirs of the body of Sir Ralph, with remainder to the right heirs of the same Sir Ralph. Westm., 23 Jan. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 1. m. 25.
29. Rob. Acton, tenant of the manor of Coterige, alias Cowteriche, Worc., alias tenant of a moiety of the manor of Recheford, alias Rocheford, Heref. Pardon of all trespasses, alienations, and acquisitions without licence, of the said manor and moiety. Grenwyche, 17 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 Jan.—P.S. Pat p. 5, m. 29.
30. The King's Council in the Marches of Wales. Warrant to Sir Brian Tuke for the future payment of the diets and fees of the members associated with Rouland, bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, who is appointed president of the said Council, viz., for their diets yearly at 13l. 6s. 8d. by week, and for the yearly fees of certain of them, i.e., of Sir John Porte, one of the King's justices, 40 marks; Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, 10l.; Sir Edw. Crofte, 10l.; Sir Rice Maunsell, 10l.; John Russell, the King's secretary there, 13l. 6s. 8d.; Roger Wigston, 5l.; John Vernon, 13l. 6s. 8d.; Thos. Holte, the King's attorney there, 13l. 6s. 8d.; and Ric. Hassall, the King's solicitor there, 5l.; and to have for their foreign expenses yearly 100 marks. And also for the wages and diets of Will. Carter, armourer, making his abode at Ludlowe, for keeping the armour and artillery there, 6d. a day. Del. Westm., 24 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S. B. In English.
31. Thomas lord Crumwell. Licence to alienate the manor of Donton, Beds, to John Gostwyk, by fine. Westm., 24 Jan. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15.
32. Thos. Weldon, chief clerk of the Kitchen. Reversion of the tenement called the sign of "le White Bere," with the tenement thereto adjoining in which John Tomson, barber, formerly dwelt, in the parish of St. Laurence in le Jury, London, with all those gardens, &c., in St. Giles without Creplegate, which came to the King's hands by the attainder of Sir Ric. Charleton; which possessions (except those in the parish of St. Giles) were granted, by pat. 24 Mar. 2 Hen. VIII., to Rob. Litle, page of the Wardrobe of Beds, and John Staunton, deceased, then keeper of the "Standing Warderobe" at Richmount.
Also reversion of the office of keeper of the houses in the higher bailiwick of Windsor Castle, which was granted to Thos. Warde, gentleman harbinger, in reversion on the death of Peter Warton, now deceased, by pat. 4 June 17 Hen. VIII. Westm. Palace, 17 Feb. 28 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2. m. 23.
33. Maurice Bochear. Lease of a meadow of demesne lands called Tenantemede near the park called le Worthy in the lordship of Barkeley, parcel of the lands called Berkeley's lands, Glouc., with reservations, for 21 years, at 54s. rent and 2s. increase. Del. Westm., 27 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. b. Pat. p. 4, m. 16.
Vacated on account of another lease, 1 & 2 Philip and Mary.
34. Commissions of gaol delivery. Cambridge Castle: Sir John Baldewyn, Sir Ric. Lyster, Thos. FitzHugh, and Ric. Mylward.
Huntingdon Castle: The same.
Bedford Castle: The same.
Aylesbury Gaol: The same.
Ipswich Gaol: The same.
Bury St. Edmund's Gaol: The same.
Norwich Castle: The same.
York Castle: Chr. Jenney, John Hynde, serjeants-at-law, and Francis Frobyser.
York City Gaol: The same.
Canterbury Castle: Sir John Spelman, John Baker, Attorney-General, and Ric. Lyndesell.
Hertford Castle: The same.
Guldeford Castle: The same.
Lewys Castle: The same.
Lincoln City Gaol: Sir Auth. Fitz-Herbert, Sir Walter Luke, John Jenour, and Ric. Jenour.
Derby County Gaol: The same.
Leicester Gaol: The same.
Nottingham Gaol: The same.
Okeham Gaol: The same.
Nottingham (town) Gaol: The same.
Leicester (town) Gaol: The same.
Coventry Gaol: The same.
Northampton Castle: The same.
Lincoln Castle: The same.
Warwick Gaol: The same.
Winchester Castle: Sir John FitzJames Sir Thos. Wylloughby, Nic. Rokewode, and John Dyer.
Launceston Castle: The same.
Fyssherton Anger Gaol: The same.
Dorchester Gaol: The same.
Yevelchester Gaol: The same.
Exeter Castle: The same.
Westm., 28 Jan. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 4, m. 15d.
35. Roland, bp. of Coventry and Lichfield. Licence to hold in commendam, along with his bishopric, any secular or regular benefice; with grant to him and his successors of the parish church of Hanbury, Staff., to be united to the see on the demise of the present rector, Grenwyche, 15 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. Del Westm., 28 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 4, m. 11. Rym. XIV., 585.
36. Will. Briswood, of Herdweke, Notts., yeoman. Pardon for having, at Herdweke, accidentally shot with an arrow called "a matteras" one John Doughtie, who afterwards died of the wound at Sutton Ashefeld, Notts.; the said William having been committed to the Marshalsea prison, as certified by Sir John FitzJames, C.J. of the King's Bench. Westm., 28 Jan. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 25.
37. Michael Stanhop. To be parker or keeper of the park of Knesehale, Notts. with the herbage and pannage thereof, and 2d. a day; on surrender of pat., 1 Mar. 13 Hen. VIII., granting the same (except the said herbage and pannage) to Chr. Villers.
Also to be steward and bailiff of the lordship or manor of Knesehale, which offices are at the King's gift by the attainder of Sir John lord Hussey, with fees of 2d. a day in each office. Hampton Court, 2 July 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
38. Rob. Darkenall and Thos. Dygges. Grant of three messuages and a wharf in Gravesend, two of the messuages and the wharf being in a street (vicus) called Weststrete adjoining Kynges strete on the south, the water of the Thames on the north, the lands of Rob. Brownyng on the east, and the lands of John Lytill on the west; the third messuage being in the same street adjoining Kynges street on the north, the tenement late of Thos. S. flond and now of Wm. Garrard on the west, that of Wm. Waleworth, sen., on the east, and lands of the abbot and convent of Tower [Hill] upon the south. Which messuages are in the King's gift by the death of Marcellus Clerke, an alien (native of Cologne in the Emperor Charles' dominions), who died without heirs, as appears by an inquisition taken at Mylton, near Gravesend, 4 May 29 Hen. VIII., before Thos. Dygges, escheator in Kent. Del. Westm., 28 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
39. Sir Will. Berkeley. Annuity of 20 marks out of the issues of the possessions of Thos. Molyns, deceased, in cos. Devon, Somers., and Wilts, during the minority of
Thos. Molyns, s. and h. of the said Thomas, with the wardship and marriage of the said heir. Del. Westm., 29 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 3, m. 32.
40. Thos. Bysshop. To be clerk of the peace and of the crown in co. Sussex. Del. Westm., 29 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Mutilated.
41. Edw. earl of Hertford. Grant of the late abbey of Mochelney, Somers.; the chief site of the same, &c.; the church, &c; the manors of Mochelney, Dreyton, Westover, Yerneshyll, Cammell, Downehed, Ile Abbatis, Ilmister, Ilcombe (Hilcombe elsewhere), Fiffed, Chypstapull, Middelney, Yeovill, Yevilchester, Milton, Marston, Lamport, and Andreysey, Somers.; the rectories and advowsons of the churches and vicarages of Mochelney, Dreyton, Ile Abbatis, Ilmister, Hylton, Horton, Fyffed, Somerton, Moreton, and Meriet, Somers., belonging to the said late monastery; the advowson of Chipstapull church; and the advowsons of two chantries in Ilmister; and all other possessions of the said late monastery in the above-named places and elsewhere in cos. Devon and Dorset, &c., which came to the King's hands by virtue of the following, viz.:—
(1.) A deed of Thomas, late abbot of Mochelney alias Miclam, Meclange or Muchelnie, &c., dated 3 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. (2.) A fine levied in the Common Pleas, in the Octaves of St. Hilary 29 Hen. VIII., between the King, as plaintiff, and the said Thomas by the name of Thos. Ine, abbot of the said monastery, deforciant. Del. Westm., 30 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 16.
42. Rob. earl of Sussex. Grant, in tail male, for his services against the northern rebels, of the reservations and rents reserved upon the following Crown leases, viz.:—
(1.) To Anth. Busterd, 27 Feb. 28 Hen. VIII., of the house and site of the suppressed abbey of Clyve, Somers., with 632 acres of arable land, meadow, and pasture in Olde Clyve belonging to the same late abbey: with reservations; for 21 years; at 42l. 2s 8d. rent.
(2.) To the same, at the same time, of the chapel of St. Mary, Clyve, belonging to the said late abbey; for 21 years; at the annual rent of 20l.
Also grant, as above, of the lordship and manor of Clyve; and all messuages, granges, &c., in the vills, fields, &c., of Old Clyffe, London, Bilbrooke, Wassheford. Hungref'ord, Golsyngcote, Roodwater, Leygh, and Bynham, Somers., belonging to the said late abbey; which came to the King's hands by virtue of the Act 27 Hen. VIII.; with reservation of the rectory and vicarage of Olde Clyve. Annual value, 109l. 14s. 8½d.; rent, 33l. 14s. 8½d., and exemption from all dues (amounts specified) to the dean and chapter of Exeter, the abbey of Dunkeswell Devon, and the free chapel of St. George's, Windsor. Grenewyche, 29 Dec. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 22.
Vacated on personal surrender 22 March 33 Hen. VIII., in order that the premises might be granted to the same Earl and Mary his wife in another form.
43. Sir Ric. Lyster, Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Lease of the manor of Trunchaunts in Alton, or elsewhere, Hants, parcel of the possessions of William late viscount Beamount and lord Bardolff, deceased, which came into the King's hands on the death of Elizabeth late countess of Oxford, wife of John earl oí Oxford, dec., and previously of the said viscount; with reservations; for 21 years; at the annual rent of 8l. 2s., and a silver needle of the value of 4d. and 7s. 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 30 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. b. Pat. p. 4, m. 16.
44. Sir Michael Lyster. Reversion of the offices of warden and keeper of the forest and park of Claryndon, and of the forests and chases of Paunset, Groveley, Bukholt, and Melchuyt, Wilts and Hants, keeper of the deer, woods, granaries and hay, and master of the hunt of deer in the said forest, chases, and parks; and "launder" of Claryndon park; the office of the King's lieutenant of the premises; the custody of the warren of coneys in the said forest, &c., with the profits of coneys therein, &c.; bailiff or keeper of the water or river of Aven, Wilts and Hants, from Harnam Bridge to the sea, with the rule and appointments of officers in the park and laund of Claryngdon and the said forest (the offices of the rangers and foresters of Groveley and Melchuyt alone excepted); which offices, &c., are at present held as follows, viz.:—The offices of warden and keeper of the said forest, chases, and park with the appointment of officers as above by Sir Ric. Lyster, having been granted by pat. 10 Nov. 16 Hen. VIII. to Arthur viscount Lisle, by whom they were granted to the said Sir Richard by the name of Ric. Lyster, Attorney-General, for the life of the said viscount; the said offices of lieutenant and bailiff and keeper of the water of Aven by the said Sir Richard for life, by virtue of the King's patent; the office of launder of the forest and park of Claryngdon, by Sir Will. Uvedale for life, by virtue of pat. 3 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII.; and the office of the warren of coneys by Sir Edw. Baynton for life by virtue of pat. 26 Mar. 16 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 24.
[Also inrolled in p. 3, m. 21, of this year.]
45. John Gostwike. Lease of divers fisheries in the lordship of Estedepyng, viz.: (1.) The several fishery of the water between the corner of a close at Waldramhall on the north side of the same water to a place called "le Crosse in the Eye" (2.) The several fishery of the water of Weland from "le Stony Bridge" to a place called Peykirkchaere alias Waldramhall. (3.) The several fishery of the water extending from the metes and bounds of Westedepyng to "lez Southbridge" in Depyng. (4.) Also a pasture in the lordship of Westdepyng, called Litelholme. All which are parcels of the lands called Richmond lands, in co. Linc. For 21 years, at rents of 46s. 8d., 13s. 4d., 22s., and 13s. 4d. respectively. Del. Westm., 30 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. b. Pat. p. 4, m. 8.
46. Rob. Bulmer. Lease (for a fine of 40s. paid to the receiver of Sir John Bulmer's lands) of the following parcels in the lordship of Bulmer, Yorks., of the lands of the late Sir John Bulmer, attainted, viz.:—A messuage, with four bovates of land, the water-mill of Welborne, a close and meadows (extents detailed) called Whytehyll, Valle close, Shakehill, a little "pighill" called Foster Tonge, Appullgarth, a bovate of arable land lately belonging to Bulmerhall, Scarborowe Sike, Hollesyke, Marstable, a parcel of meadow called "the Twelve Wands" in the south field of Bulmer, in "the old Car," other parcels of meadow called Drimouth Flatt and Sheperdflatt; and a cottage with garden and 3 acres of arable land in Ebberston, Yorks.; with reservations, for 21 years; at rents of 12l. 4s. 2d. for the messuage, &c., and 8s. for the cottage, &c. Del. Westm., 30 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. b. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
47. Miles Forest, one of the grooms of the Chamber. Lease of the granges of Akebarth and Hasilden, Yorks., and all lands, &c., thereto belonging, in the King's hands by the attainder of Adam late abbot of Jervaux (buildings and extent of closes specified), with reservations; for 21 years, at 38l. 10s. 6d. rent. Del. Westm., 30 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. b. Pat. p. 1, m. 8.
48. Thos. Sorsby. Lease of four tenements or messuages and a lane in Boston, on the east side of the water of the town, Linc., parcel of the lands of the late countess of Richmond, the King's grandmother (more particularly described in pat. 16 May 15 Hen. VIII., granting a 21 years' lease thereof to Athelard Hubbard), for 21 years, at 4l. 5s. rent, and 20d. increase, on surrender of the said patent by the said Thomas, to whom Ric. Kellett, the said Athelard's executor, sold his interest therein. Del. Westm., 30 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. b. Pat. p. 2, m. 8.
49. Thos. Ley. Lease of (1) a watermill in the lordship of Crakehall; (2) 16 acres of meadow in Coteholme in Crakehall; and (3) a sheep-cote called Crakecote, with 9 acres of meadow in a close called Cotegarth in Crakehall, in the lordship of Middelham, Yorks.; parcel of the lands assigned by Parliament for the pay of the garrison of Berwick; with reservations; for 21 years; at rents of 66s. 8d., 16s., and 66s. 8d. respectively, and 6s. 8d. increase. Del. Westm., 30 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B.b. Pat. p. 4, m. 16.
50. John Clyfton, rector of the parish church of Clyfton, Westmor., Carlisle dioc. Licence of non-residence. Del. Westm. 30 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 4, m. 11.
51. James Blyth, elk. Licence to receive and hold for life, along with the parish churches of St. Alban, Wodstrett, London dioc., Shypton, Oxon, and Horton, Bucks, Linc, dioc, one other benefice, with power of exchanging, provided his benefices at no time exceed four, notwithstanding the Act 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 4, m. 22.
52. Sir Ric. Long. Lease of the manor or lordship of Eltham, Kent, and all landsl &c., both within and without the park of Eltham; the house or place called Corbyhal, alias Corbynhall, 16 acres of land in Eltham, and a cottage with a garden near the step of the parish church of Eltham; and all other lands, &c., belonging to the said manor; and an annual rent of 20s. with service, reserved upon a grant in exchange made to John Roper, by pat. 20 Mar. 3 Hen. VIII., of certain parcels of land (particularly described) in the parish of Eltham; for 21 years; at the annual rent of 31l. 8s. 4d. on surrender by Mary Guldeford, widow and executrix of Sir Hen. Guldeford, of a similar 40 years' lease of the premises granted by pat. 1 Sept. 14 Hen. VIII. to the said Sir Henry, then comptroller of the King's household. Greenwich, 15 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 31 Jan.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 16.
53. Arthur Dudley, elk. Presentation to the vicarage of the parish church of St. Michael, Coventrie, Cov. and Lich. dioc. Del. Westm., 31 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 25.
R. C. 191. Hutton's Instructions.
Mr. John Hutton's instructions to be agent at Brussels for the king of England "consisted in these particularities" 1. To present the King's love and service to the Lady Regent of Flanders. 2. To signify to Her Highness all such conferences as she had committed unto him (the said Hutton) before his last repair into England with an intimation of two particulars": (1.) that the King took that conference in good part and was glad to perceive her good inclination for the preservation of amity between him and his brother the Emperor; 2. that the King would not fail on his part to preserve the amity. 3. To say that the cause why the King had commanded some ships of war to sea was to protect his subjects who daily complained of spoils done upon them by ships of war from those parts. 4. To declare that, whereas the King had apprehended a Flemish man of war calling himself the Admiral of Scluse, upon grievous complaint of depredations done by him and his accomplices, whereby they might be accounted pirates, yet in consideration of the amity with the Emperor the King has committed him to the custody of the Emperor's ambassador, in whose presence he should be examined. 5. To show Her Highness that though the ship laden with "brazell" that was taken out of the port of Southampton did not import much, yet the violation of his ports touched the King's honour "wherefore it was his desire to have it restored." 6 To require that the Lady Regent hinder (according to the treaties betwixt England and the House of Burgundy) the entry of Cardinal Poole into the Emperor's dominions. 7. To treat with the Lady Regent about a marriage proposed betwixt the King and the duchess of Milan.
Modern abstract, pp. 4. Endd. in the same hand: "The negociation of Mr. John Hutton, agent at Brussels in the year 1537."
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
Wright's Sup-
pression of the
192. John Williams, Ric. Pollard, Philip Parys, and John Smyth to Cromwell.
Have been at St. Edmund's Bury, where we found a rich shrine very cumbrous to deface. Have taken in the monastery over 5,000 mks. in gold and silver besides a rich cross with emeralds and stones of great value; yet have left the church, abbot and convent well furnished with silver plate. Have been informed that of late two monks of Ely are dead, whether of the sickness we know not, and there has been great death in the town. Will nevertheless enquire and proceed if there be no danger. Today we depart from Bury towards Ely. Signed.
P 1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 193. [Edmund Sexten] to Cromwell.
I have caused certain letters "to be drawn copy wise for my dispatching" which it may please your Lordship to see corrected, and other letters to be sent to my lord Deputy and the King's Council. As I am in debt here and have neither apparel nor money for my furniture homeward, I beg your favour that the King may despatch me and I am ready to mortgage part of my inheritance for repayment thereof.
P. 1. In the handwriting of Sexten's clerk. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd: A remembrance for my Lord.
R. O. 194. John Wellysbourn to Wriothesley.
Desires a commission for three gentlemen of Buckinghamshire, Paul Darell, Nich. Wentworth, and Geo. Gyffard, to examine the lewd living of Sir John Man, now vicar of Westbury, "of whose knavish sayings I have received a letter this morning" I think my Lord shall hear of an evil priest and the worst man living. Would like the commission by 2 o'clock today and will speak with Wriothesley tomorrow at the Court. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.


  • n1. John Wadham. See Vol. XII. ii. App. No. 20.
  • n2. This endorsement, which, I am informed, seems to be in the same hand as the text, must have been made after 1542. The text, however, appears to be more accurate than that of Teulet's MS., which makes the bride's name Marguerite instead of Marye.
  • n3. See Vol. XII., Part ii., No. 563.
  • n4. See Vol. XII., Part ii., No. 1122, where the same memoranda are noted by Cromwell on the back of the letter of Turkish news therein referred to.
  • n5. The sum within brackets is omitted in P.S. and pat. roll, but is given in an after clause. This rent is referred to in pat. 16 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII.
  • n6. Printed in Poli Epp., ii. 203, as a P.S. to No.