Index: N, O

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1891.

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'Index: N, O', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1891), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index: N, O', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1891), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index: N, O". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1891), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.



N. A., letter to, II. 155.

Naas (Nasse), in Ireland, II. 729 (5), 1310 i.(3).

Nafferton (Naverton, Neuerton), Yorks., I. 201 (p. 90), 370

-, bailey of, I. 1019, 1020 ii.

Nailer, John, I. 652.

Namur (Namewr), in the Netherlands, I.801; II. 957.

Nangle (Nangyll), Dr. Ric., Austin Friar, bp. of Clonfert, II. 1052.

Nanton, Wm., II. 246.

Naples, I. 310, 347, 365, 684, 762, 1190; II. 129, 484, 509 (2), 539 (p. 203), 546, 656, 1040

-, letter dated at, I. 689.

Naples, viceroy of, I. 122 (p. 59); II. 129, 509 (2), 598.

Narbonne (Narbona), in France, II. 240, 948, 1053 (2), 1125, 1172, 1201, 1203, 1217 (p. 430), 1263, 1285.

Narborough (Narburgh), Norf., I. g. 1103 (18); II. g. 1311 (20).

Narford, Norf., II. 1311 (20, 30).

Narrow Seas, the, II. 393, 397, 416.

Narte, Sir John, II. g. 1150 (34).

Nase, Dr. John, II. 402.

Nash (Nasshe), Arthur, II. g. 191 (25).

Nasingburye, ——, II. 88 (2).

Nassau (Nasso), Henry Count of, I. 53, 801, 986; II. 93 (2).

Nassau, Rene de. See Orange, Prince of.

Nasse. See Naas., Rene de. See Orange, Prince of.

Nateby, Westmld., I. 498 (2).

Natton, John, II. g. 1311 (28).

Nauntvaye, in Wales, I. g. 311 (46).

Navan (the), in Ireland, II. 1308 (p. 458)

-, letter dated at, II. 527.

Navarre, II. 245 (p. 102).

Navarre (Navarn), Henry d' Albret, king of ("Don Enrique de Labrit,"), I. 12, 122 (p. 59), 124, 556 (p. 259), 600, 872, 1107

-, -, letter from, I. 872.

Navarre, Queen of. See Margaret of Angoulême.

Navarre, Jeanne d' Albret, princess of, only daughter of the preceding, I. 122 (p. 59).

Navenby (Nawnby), Linc., II. 187 (4).

Naverton. See Nafferton., Linc., II. 187 (4).

Navestock, Essex, I. g. 1104 (2).

Navy accounts, II. 1028.

Nawarth (Nawerd, Naward), Cumb., II. 537

-, -, letters dated at, II. 112, 440.

Nawnby. See Navenby.-, -, letters dated at, II. 112, 440.

Nayland. See Stoke Nayland.-, -, letters dated at, II. 112, 440.

Neales yng (Yorks?), I. 1034.

Neasbam (Nesham) priory, Dham., II. App. 29:—g. 411 (11)

-, Joan Lawson, prioress of, II. App. 29:—g. 411 (11).

Neath (Nethe, Neth), Abbey, S. Wales, I. 706, 896:—g. 311 (43)

-, Leisanus Thomas, abbot of, I. g. 311 (43).

Neba -, M. de, I. 826.

Necollson. See Nicholson., M. de, I. 826.

Nede, Ric., II. g. 191 (47).

Needles, the, in Wight, I. 438 (p. 211), 656, 718; II. 556.

Negropont, in Greece, II. 355, 1127 (p. 395).

Negryn. See Nigri., in Greece, II. 355, 1127 (p. 395).

Neithrop (Nethrop), Oxon, II. g. 1008 (5).

Nelonds, Wilts, I. g. 311 (33).

Nelson, John, I. 671 (2 iii.)

-, Wm., I. 498 (2), 1035; II. 1057 (2).

Nemours, Philip duke of (died 1533), I. 556.

Nenagh in Ormoud (Inagh Ormonde), II. g. 1008 (35)

-, Grey Friars of, II. 1124

-, -, warden of, II. 1124.

Nepho. See New.-, -, warden of, II. 1124.

Nero, comparison of Henry VIII. with II. 908.

Nesham. See Neasham., comparison of Henry VIII. with II. 908.

Nesme, Guion de, I. 47 (1, 13, 16)

-, -, letter to, I. 47 (13).

Nesse, the (qu. Foreness point?), I. 718 (3).

Nete, the. See under Westminster.

Netelham. See Nettleham.

Nethe. See Neath.

Nethercrage, Nthld., I. g. 1103 (29).

Netherdale. See Nidderdale.

Netherhall, in Dedham, Essex, II. g. 191 (53).

Netherhardys, Kent, I. g. 1105 (8).

Netherholme, Wore., I. g. 539 (19).

Nethermill, Julian, signature of, I. 108.

Nethermore, Wilts, I. g. 311 (33).

Netherset, Norf., II. g. 1311 (30).

Nethershytlington. See Shitlington., Norf., II. g. 1311 (30).

Netherworton. See Worton., Norf., II. g. 1311 (30).

Nethrod. See Neithrop., Norf., II. g. 1311 (30).

Netlam. See Nettleham., Norf., II. g. 1311 (30).

Netley, or Letley (Leteley) Abbey, Hants, II. g. 617 (1).

Nettleham (Netelham, Netlam) heath or field, Linc., I. 380 (p. 177), 734 (3, 7).

Nettlestead (Nettilstede), Suff., letter dated at, II. 1214.

Nettleton (Nettylton), John, I. 849 (p. 383).

Neudegate. See Newdigate.

Neudyke. See Newdyke.

Neuerton. See Nafferton.

Neuham. See Newham.

Neve, Mr., II. 109

-, Roger. See New, Ric.

Nevill, Ralph lord, dec., father of the earl of Westmoreland, II. 186 (62).

Nevill, ——, lord, I. 6 (pp. 5, 7, 8), 29 (1–2), 392 (p. 191), 393, 946 (2), 1083, 1175 ii.

Nevill, Lady, lord Darcy's first wife, II. 1 186 (62)

-, ——, II. 294, 600, 840, 1259

-, Mr., fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, II. 258

-, Mr., II. 186 (41)

-, Mr., brother of lord Latimer, I. 578 (p. 267)

-, -, his wife, I. 578 (p. 267)

-, (Nevell), Anth., II. 600:—g. 1150 (24)

-, David, baron, Irish traitor, II. 1310 ii. (14, 45). See also Newell, baron

-, D., II. 186 (68)

-, (Nevell), Sir Edw., I. 897; II. 576, 811, 911 (pp. 319–20), 977, 1215:—g. 1311 (2, 28)

-, -, letter from, I. 897

-, George, I. 350; II. 1, 186 (68)

-, Henry. See Westmoreland, earl of

-, John. See Latimer, lord

-, (Nevell), Sir John, I. 1159 ii., 1199 (4), 1227 (8,2), 1317; II. 984

-, -, letter from, I. 1317

-, (Nevell), Marmaduke, brother of lord Latimer, I. 16, 27–9

-, -, letter from, I. 28

-, -, his brothers, I. 29

-, -, his wife, I. 28, 29

-, -, examination of, I. 29

-, Richard, I. 91

-, Robert, provost of Rotherham, q. v

-, Robert, I. 849, 1089:-g. 1104 (11)

-, -, letter from, I. 849

-, Sir Robert, I. 6 (p. 7), 171, 392 (p. 191), 1172 (2), 1207 (3); II. 186 (20, 40, 53, 54, 72), 339, 369 (5):—g. 1150 (11)

-, (Nevell), Thos., of Holt, I. 590, 639, 734 (2), 1207 (5, 15); II. g. 1150 (15)

-, (Nevell), Thos., brother of lord Latimer, II. 665, 667

-, Sir Thomas, I. 990:—g. 795 (27); II. g. 1008 (31), 1311 (28)

-, Thos, I. g. 539 (3); II. 157

-, Wm., brother to lord Latimer, I. 234; II. 665 (2)

-, Wm., I. 734 (8).

Nevills (Nevelles), Irish family, II. 898 (8). See also Newell.

New, Nevo, or Nepho (Nevoo), Ric. or Roger, of Horncastle, I. 70 vii., 581 n., 590, 734 (3 Roger Neve); II. 181

-, -, examination of, I. 70 vii.

Newark (Newherk) upon Trent, Notts, I. 392 (p. 192), 537, 1012 (p. 456), 1036, 1087 (p. 500); II. III, 186 (74), 935

-, letter dated at, I. 741

-, Observant Friars of, II. 186 (22)

-, -, father of, II. 186 (74)

-, vicar of. See Litherland, Henry.

Newark, Harry, I. 201 (p. 90), 370.

Newbald (Newbold, Newbaud, Newball), Yorks., I. 141–2, 201 (p. 93), 392 (p. 184).

New Bawn, in co. Wexford, II. 763.

Newbo Abbey, Linc., II. 1196.

Newburgh, or Newborough, Yorks., I. 144, 201 (p. 92), 202 (p. 104), 370 (p. 168)

-, letters dated at, I. 777, 809–10, 825

-, priory of, II. 1181, 1231

-, prior ("abbot") of, I. 369; II. 1151 (2), 1181, 1231

-, -, declaration by, II. 1181

-, St. Saviour's chapel, I. 369; II. 1181.

Newbury, Berks., I. 1294 (2); II. 975, 1256 (2), 1298.

Newcastle, co. Meath, II. 1310 i. (4).

Newcastle juxta Lyons, co. Dublin, II. 1310 i. (2, 4), ii. (1, 5).

Newcastle M'Kenegan, in Ireland, I. 394 (2).

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nthld., I. 201 (p. 101), 219, 292, 319, 364, 369 (pp. 164, 166), 478, 491, 505, 558, 595 (p. 274), 616, 718 (3), 777, 809 (p.359), 825, 858, 891, 902, 916–18, 1011, 1086 ii., 1092, 1094; II. 6, 77, 80, 186, (12), 203 (p. 87), 398, 583, 588, 590, 650, 733, 806, 823, 915, 1007, 1016, 1077:—App. 18

-, letters dated at, I. 116, 259, 294, 552–3, 568 577, 594, 596, 609, 629, 857, 859, 870; II. 695–6, 732, 741, 772

-, mayor of, I. 259

-, castle of, I. 930

-, Grey Friars or Observants of, I. 392 (p. 184); II. 186 (22), 1076

-, -, letter to the warden, II. 186 (22)

-, -, Maison Dieu at, I. 369 (p. 166)

-, St. Bartholomew's nunnery, I. g. 795 (49)

-, -, prioress of. See Lawson, Agnes.

Newchurch, I. of Wight, I. g. 539 (45).

Newchurch hundred, Kent, I. g. 1103 (33).

Newcom, —, widow, I. 1214 (2)

-, Janet, I. 1214 (2)

-, Nan, I. 1214 (2).

Newcourt, Hants, II. g. 1311 (40).

Newdigate (Nudgate), Surr., II. g. 1311 (17).

Newdigate (Nudgate), —, son and heir to Serjeant N., II. 784

-, (Neudegate), Bastian, Carthusian (executed 1535), II. 181

-, John, II. g. 1008 (31)

-, Sibilla, prioress of Holywell, II. 1027.

Newdiguast, Wm., II. 137.

Newdyke (Neudyke), Ric., I. 201 (pp. 96–7), 370 (p. 168), 392 (p. 183, "Endyke")

-, Robt., II. 692.

Newell, Baron, the traitor, II. 135. See also Nevill

-, Laur., II. 898 (7)

-, Thos. Cogge, II. 898 (7).

Newelme, Andrew, II. 196 n.

Newenham. See Newnham., Andrew, II. 196 n.

Newenham priory, in Goldington beside Bedford, II. 1314 bis.

Newenham (Newnham), Sir Wm., I. 590, 639, 734 (2), 1199 (4), 1227 (8, 2); II. g. 1150 (28).

Newenton. See Newington., Sir Wm., I. 590, 639, 734 (2), 1199 (4), 1227 (8, 2); II. g. 1150 (28).

Newes, Nich., II. 1147.

New Forest, the, I. 898; II. 766.

Newgare, II. 187 (6 ii.).

Newhall (Westmld.?), I. 498 (2).

Newham (Neuham) Abbey, co. Devon, I. 920

-, abbot of, I. 920.

Newhaven. See Havre de Grace.-, abbot of, I. 920.

Newherk. See Newark.-, abbot of, I. 920.

Newhouse Grange, Warw., II. 290.

Newick, Suss., I. 927, 941.

Newington (Newenton), Kent, I. g. 1330 (23).

Newington (Newynton), Midd., letters dated, II. 268, 331.

Newington Green, Midd., letters dated at I. 774, 1057, 1062, 1121, 1176, 1211.

Newington beside Hythe, Kent, I. 1146.

Newington (Newentone), Alex., II. 1241

-, (Newynton), Thos., II. 221.

Newland, Glone., I. g. 795 (42).

Newland, Hants., II. g. 1311 (40).

New and old Learning, the (See also Heresy), I. 6 (p. 9), 786, 900 (p. 401), 901 (p. 409); II. 846:—App. 35.

Newlet, Mons. de, I. 861.

Newlyn, Cornw., II. 1325.

Newman, John and John, I. g. 1103 (14); II. 1068.

Newmarsh, in Foulness, Essex, II. g. 191 (40).

Newminster (Numister) supp. abbey, Nthld., I. 479; II. 548 (2).

Newnham. See Newenham., Nthld., I. 479; II. 548 (2).

Newnham (Newenham), Glouc., I. g. 795 (42).

Newnton. See Newton Bromshold., Glouc., I. g. 795 (42).

Newport, Salop, II. g. 411 (13).

Newport, I. of Wight, I. g. 539 (45).

Newport, Monm., I. 30.

Newport Pagnell, Bucks, II. 275.

Newporte, in Flanders. See Nieuport.

Newporte, John, II. g. 1150 (41).

New Sarum. See Salisbury., John, II. g. 1150 (41).

Newsham, Yorks., II. 398.

Newsham Abbey (supp.), in Brocklesby, Line., II. 1341.

Newstead (Newstede), Nthld., I. 1090 (p. 506).

Newstead Priory in Sherwood, Notts., I. g. 311 (4)

-, John Blake, prior of, I. g. 311 (4).

New Testament, the, I. 703, 990, 1325; II. 436, 505 (2), 841–2, 952 (p. 333).

Newton, Cumb., I. 498 (2).

Newton, Norf., II. g. 1311 (30).

Newton, Notts., I. g. 1105 (12).

Newton, Yorks., I. 174 (2).

Newton Bromshold (Newnton), Ntht., II. 1068 ii

-, parson of. See Harbrowne, John.

Newton (Newtoun), Chr., I. 478 (2), 918 ii

-, James, II. 665 (2)

-, Peter, II. g. 1311 (37)

-, Wm., I. 380 (p. 175):—g. 1105 (13).

Newtoun. See Newton.-, Wm., I. 380 (p. 175):—g. 1105 (13).

Newtown, St. Peter's. See under Trim.

New Year's gifts, I. 5, 17 (p. 13), 23, 450, 483, 494, 968; II. 180, 1151 (2 bis), 1210, 1273 (p. 446), 1277.

Newynden, James, I. 957.

Neyton or Neyton Keynez, Isle of Wight (qu. Niton?); II. g. 191 (57).

Nice, council of, (Nicene Synod), I. 530, 541, 757.

Nice, in Savoy, I. 122 (pp. 58–9), 366 (4), 556 (pp. 258–9); II. 245 (p. 102)

-, the rock of, II. 245 (p. 102).

Nicholas, Dr., a learned physician, I. 790 (p. 347)

-, John, I. 1210; II. 623:—g. 411 (20).

Nicholson (Necollson), Mrs., I. 1214 (2), 1277 iii

-, (Nicolson), —, I. 18; II. 80, 172 (2)

-, John and Alice, I. 276

-, John, of Kendal, I. 914 (p. 417)

-, (Nycolson), John, Carthusian, I. 1232

-, (Nicolson), Wm., of Preston in Holderness, I. 141, 201 (pp. 85–6, 88, 93–5, 97), 202 (pp. 103–5), 370 (pp. 168–9)

-, -, his son, I. 141

-, -, examination of, I. 201 v., 370 (p. 168)

-, (Nicolson), Wm., letter from, II. 563.

Nicolaus, Frater. See Burgo, Friar Nich. del.

Nicolson. See Nicholson.

Nidd (Nydd), the Yorkshire river, I. 392 (p. 191).

Nidderdale (Netherdale), Yorks, I. 6 (p. 5).

Nieullay Bridge, near Calais, I. 1047.

Nieuport (Newporte), in Flanders, I. 718 (2); II. 483.

Nigri (Negryn), Philip, of the council of Flanders; II. 957.

Nik, —, II. 300.

Nimmigen, Rutger of, letter from, II. 1331.

Niton, Isle of Wight. See Neyton.

Nix Ric., bishop of Norwich (1501–36), I. 31; II. 304, 1342

-, -, his nephew, I. 31; II. 1342.

Nixon (Nykson), John, II. 836:—g. 411 (17)

-, (Nycson), wm., I. 581 ii.

Noble (Nobyll), Thos., I. 581 ii.

Noell. See Nowell., Thos., I. 581 ii.

Noeufville, —, II. 266.

Nolans, the Irish family, II. 507.

Nonnemonckton. See Nun Monkton., the Irish family, II. 507.

Non-residence, I. g. 539 (31), 1104 (4), 1105 (3); II. g. 617 (6), 1150 (39).

Nonye (Soms.?), I. 1194 (2).

Noragh (Norragh), co. Kildare, II. 1310 i. (4).

Noragh, the baron of, II. 729.

Norfolk, I. 23, 32, 369; II. 21, 46, 56, 88, 203, 272, 398, 487, 602, 1101, 1119, 1151 (2), 1314 (1, 2), 1342:—App. 8:—g. 1150 (18)

-, disaffection and conspiracy in, I. 1056, 1125, 1171, 1212, 1268, 1300; II. 56, 150

-, commissioners of suppression, &c. in, I. 455, 510

-, custos rotulorum of, I. 317

-, (and Suffolk), sheriff of. See Drury, Sir Wm. (1536–7); Wyndham, Edm. (1537–8).

Norfolk, Thomas Howard Duke of, Earl Marshal, King's Lieutenant in the North (1537), letters from, I. 32, 42, 99, 100–1, 198, 216–17, 246, 252, 292–3, 318–21, 336–7, 357, 362, 381–2, 398, 400–1, 416, 419–20, 426, 439, 448, 468–9, 473, 478, 498–9, 577, 594, 609, 615–17, 629, 651, 682, 698, 709–14, 730, 749 ii., 777, 804, 809–10, 825, [847 (12), 848 (p. 378)], 857, 859, 870, 902, 915–19, 942–3, 951, 967, 978, 982, 991–2, 1037, 1058–9, 1064, 1112–14, 1156–8, 1162, 1172–3, 1184–5, 1214–16, 1237–8, 1252–3, 1258, 1307:—App. 2; II. 9, 14, 22, 23, 34, 35, 43, 53, 100–102, 115, 142, 159, 203–4, 226, 229, 233, 243, 248, 261, 291, 332, 340, 345, 369, 422, 430–1, 452, 461, 479, 547, 588–90, 630, 650, 695–6, 732, 741, 772, 822, 828, 839, 850, 971, 1005, 1012, 1030:—App. 5, 45

-, -, letters to, I. 3, 139, 159, 257, 291, 332–3, 345, 378, 479, 505, 558, 632, 636, 666–7, 703, 749, 778, 846, 863–4, 1015, 1029, 1043, 1050, 1060, 1118, 1192, 1246, 1256–7, 1259, 1278; II. 46, 77, 262, 280, 356, 370, 392, 430 (2), 616, 666, 712, 746, 916, 979:—App. 18

-, -, instruction for, I. 98

-, -, other references to, I. 6 i. (pp. 5–8) ii., 7 (p. 10), 16, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 36, 39, 43–5, 50, 52, 64, 66–7, 73, 84, 86, 90, 96–8, 103, 112, 115–6, 133, 135–6, 143, 145–6, 154–6, 162, 171, 173–5, 178, 184, 185 (p. 80), 190, 195, 200 (pp. 84–5), 201 (pp. 86, 89, 92), 202 (pp. 103–4), 218–19, 236, 248, 259, 271 (p. 128), 280–1, 295, 302–4, 308, 313, 315, 322, 338, 349, 369 (pp. 164–5), 370 (p. 168), 371, 380 (p. 179), 383, 391, 392 (p. 193), 393 (pp. 194–5), 409, 410, 424–5, 444, 449, 457–8, 463, 466, 470, 491 (p. 232), 500, 506, 517, 520, 535, 546, 590–1, 596, 641, 671, 687 ii., 698 (2, 3 pp. 311, 313), 699, 706, 730 (2), 731 (p. 323), 737, 775, 787–8, 799, 811, 836, 847–8 (pp. 376–8), 849 (pp. 379, 381, 383), 853, 858, 873 (p. 393), 878, 891, 901 (pp. 404, 409–12), 904, 914 (pp. 416–17), 944 (1, 2), 945 (p. 429), 946 (2), 952, 968,. 973–4, 993, 1011 (p. 454), 1012 (pp. 455–6), 1013 (pp. 457–9), 1019, 1021 (1 p. 463, 3), 1022 (pp. 466–7), 1025–6, 1034, 1036, 1038, 1083, 1084 (Grace), 1087 (pp. 494–5, 497–8, 500), 1088 (2), 1089 (pp. 502–4), 1094, 1129, 1163, 1175 (pp. 540–1), 1178, 1186 (p. 546), 1200, 1207 (1), 1212 (1, 2), 1217–18, 1225, 1254, 1264, 1286, 1294 (2), 1315:—g. 311 (14), 539 (3, 4, 9), 795 (4), 1104 (10, 11), 1330 (26, 27); II. 12 (2), 30, 59, 82, 92, 97, 102 (2), 133, 143, 152, 154–7, 177, 205 (p. 89 lord lieutenant), 206, 238–9, 269–70, 292, 316, 339, 365, 422 (2), 436, 441, 497, 548 (p. 206), 562, 583, 585 (2), 604–5, 642, 652, 715, 733, 738 (p. 266), 823, 865, 911 (pp. 319–20), 913, 915, 922–3, 935, 939, 976, 978, 1042, 1049, 1060 (pp. 372–4), 1062, 1076–7, 1101 (2), 1151 (2), bis, 1153–5, 1181, 1192, 1231, 1258, 1308, 1310 i. (19), 1322, 1329:— App. 14, 19, 31:—g. 411 (27) 1008 (31, 43), 1150 (11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 34, 41, 42), 1311 (24, 28–30)

-, -, his daughter. See Richmond, Mary duchess of

-, -, his handwriting, I. 918 ii

-, -, his inheritance, I. 629

-, -, his treasurer. see Rowse, Ant

-, -, his will, I. 252.

Norfolk, Agnes duchess dowager of, mother of Lord Thomas Howard, II. 1013.

Norfolk, Elizabeth duchess of, I. 252; II. 143, 976, 1049, 1332

-, -, letters from, I. 252 n; II. 143, 976, 1049, 1332

-, -, her father, Edward duke of Buckingham q. v.

Norfolk, Lady (the Duchess Agnes or Eliz.?), II. 973.

Norfyld. See Northfield., Lady (the Duchess Agnes or Eliz.?), II. 973.

Norgate, John, I. 1316.

Norham (Norreham) castle, Nthld., I. 362, 804, 859; II. 6:—App. 1

-, letter dated at, I. 22.

Norman, Chr., letter from, I. 1318

-, John, II. 733

-, Stephen, I. 1318.

Normandy, I. 625, 718, 762, 1107, 1329:—g. 539 (41), 1104 (7), 1330 (35); II. 393, 495, 1040, 1060, 1136.

Normans, mariners, I. 800.

Norpiennes, in Flanders, I. 346 (2).

Norris, Henry (executed 1536), I. 796, 1154:—g. 1104 (6), 1105 (12); II. 181 (p. 60):—g. 191 (18).

Norres or Norris (Norys), Mrs., II. 1006 (p. 374), 1282

-, young Mrs., I. 494

-, John, gentleman-usher, II. 994

-, (Norys), John, II. 1241:—g. 1311 (22 p. 470)

-, Sir John, II. 1256 (2)

-, Mary, II. 973 iv

-, Ric., rector of Cheadle, II. 1299

-, Wm., II. 1241.

North (Northward), the, I. 271, 292 iii.; II. 629, 651, 805, 874, 1322

-, castles in the, I. 930, 1091

-, commissioners in, II. 186 (38), 279. See also Southwell, Robert

-, Council in (established in July 1537), I. 86, 98, 857, 1091, 1172, 1315; II. 100, 102, 102, 177, 216, 229, 238, 250 (2), 291, 369, 392, 479, 589, 651, 732–3, 913–15, 918, 942, 1016, 1045, 1076, 1151 (2), 1181, 1212, 1231, 1242

-, -, lists, II. 102, 250 (2), 914

-, -, letters from, I. 1076; II. 1231

-, -, letters to, II. 1016, 1045

-, -, president of, II. 216 (see Errata), 229, 238, 250 (2). See Tunstall, Cuthbert (Oct. 1537)

-, oaths given in, I. 98, 302, 371, 408, 632, 849 (p. 380)

-, -, forms, I. 98 (3–7)

-, pensioners in the. See Scotland, marches of

-, suggestions for the government of, I. 6 ii., 595

-, state of, I. 39, 43–6, 50, 81, 86, 102–4, 112–16, 133, 135–8, 319, 699, 798, 811, 973, 1294 (2); II. 77, 353, 420, 422 (2). (See also Northern Rebellion.).

North, Edward, I. g. 795 (26); II. 638

-, Thos., I. g. 1103 (19).

Northales, Suff., I. g. 1311 (24).

Northallerton, Yorks., I. 139.

Northampton, II. 275, 489, 532

-, gaol or castle of, I. g. 311 (30); II. 1255, 1269, 1276, 1297:—g. 1150 (28)

-, mayor of, II. 532

-, St. James' abbey, letter dated at, I. 168

-, -, Wm. Brokden or Brakden, abbot of, I. 168; II. 232

-, -, -, letter from, I. 168

-, St. Andrew's Priory, prior of, II. 232.

Northampton, archdeacon of. See Smith, Gilbert.

Northamptonshire, I. 757 ii.; II. 1167, 1171, 1208, 1269, 1314 (1, 2):—g. 191 (48), 1150 (18)

-, sheriff of (1537–8). See Parre, Sir Wm.

Northbroke (Hants?), I. 1309.

Northcotes or Northcote, Thos., I. 581, 581 n.

Northern Rebellion ("this business," "commotion," "rebels in York," "these tumults," "disturbances," "insurrection," "Northern men,"), I. 5, 6 (pp. 4–9), 16, 23, 26, 29, 30, 47 (4, 11 "the war"), 88, 123, 182, 193 (2), 201 passim, 248, 255, 298, 301–2, 305–6, 313, 317, 344, 358, 366 (p. 161), 369, 392, 398, 407 (2), 409, 424, 455, 463, 466–7, 518, 536, 580, 583, 647, 652, 687, 696–7, 742 (3), 749, 752, 767, 779, 784, 855, 892, 899, 923, 959, 987 (p. 446), 990, 1000–1, 1011–12, 1018–23, 1034–6, 1039, 1045 (2), 1053 (p. 481), 1068, 1070, 1079–80, 1085–90, 1094, 1116, 1119, 1129–30, 1147 ii., iii., v., vii., 1186, 1209, 1242 (p. 570), 1271 (2), 1319–20, 1325–6; II. 94, 209, 260, 316, 339, 353, 357 (3), 369, 410, 496, 536, 738, 908, 925, 959, 1102, 1231, 1269, 1333:—App. 20.

Northern rebellion (Bigod's rebellion in Jan. 1537), I. 135–7, 139–48, 154–62, 164, 174–9, 184, 198, 201–2, 208–9, 322, 369, 467, 534, 536, 847–9.

See also Bigod, Sir Francis, and Hallam, John

-, letter from the commons, I. 144

-, a rebel manifesto, I. 138

-, badges worn by rebels, I. 6 (p. 8), 900 (1 p. 402, 3)

-, banners of the rebels, I. 786 (pp. 340, 342), 900 (p. 402), 901 (p. 412), 946 (2), 1021 (p. 463)

-, bills set on church doors, &c., I. 67, 71–2, 81, 163, 200 (p. 85), 259, 319, 322, 336, 490, 520, 786 (p. 342), 792, 1012, 1021, 1034

-, trial of rebels (traitors), I. 973–4, 1106, 1132, 1156, 1159, 1163–4, 1172, 1187–8, 1193, 1199, 1207, 1227, 1239

-, execution of rebels, I. 1266, 1285, 1315, 1319; II. 203 (P.S.), 204, 228–9, 258, 292

-, cutting down of bodies from the gallows, I. 1214, 1218, 1246 (1, 2), 1257–8, 1307

-, intended message to Flanders, I. 1080

-, reported conveyance of harness from Flanders, I. 60

-, the King's army, I. 152

-, oath of the rebels, I. 29 (2), 146–7, 163, 201 (p. 91), 202 (p. 103), 369, 392 (pp. 183–4, 190), 393, 467, 852–3, 900 (p. 402), 901 (p. 405), 945, 1022 (p. 467), 1090 (p. 505)

-, a new oath, I. 201 (p. 99)

-, the pardon to the rebels (charter read at Doncaster, King's charter, indulgence, proclamation), I. 6 i. (p. 8), ii., 7 (p. 10), 29, 43–4, 67, 71, 98 (p. 51), 137, 146, 148, 154, 156, 171, 184–5, 201 (pp. 85, 87, 91, 98–9, 101–2), 202 (p. 103), 225, 234, 259, 271, 281, 302–3, 322, 369 (p. 165), 370 (pp. 167–8, 170), 371, 383 (p. 180), 392.

(p. 192), 393 (p. 195), 408, 490, 506, 534, 546, 594, 632, 671 (p. 296), 687 (p. 301), 698, 749, 787, 840, 841 (3), 846–9, 901 (p. 411), 914 (p. 416–17), 918, 965 (2), 1019–20, 1023, 1034, 1086, 1087 (pp. 495–9), 1088, 1090 (p. 505), 1118, 1175, 1184, 1207 (8), 1264, 1269, 1271 (2); II. 41, 94, 178

-, general pardon, I. 1315, 1317; II. 77 (p. 27), 100, 177, 192, 229 (P.S.), 291 (pp. 119–20), 329, 340, 422, 537:—g. 411 (37)

-, -, copies, II. 329 (2, 3)

-, -, list of exceptions, II. 291 ii

-, petitions or requests of the rebels (articles, bill of articles), I. 102, 115, 137, 145, 159, 165, 171, 201 (pp. 89, 91, 99), 202 (p. 105), 306 (p. 138), 368–9, 370 (pp. 167, 169), 392 (pp. 187, 190, 192), 849 (pp. 383–4), 850, 853, 901 (pp. 409–11), 1013 (p. 458), 1022 (pp. 466–7), 1087 (pp. 497–8), 1088

-, -, printed answer to, I. 102, 154

-, proclamations of the commons, I. 163

-, spoils made by rebels, I. 6 (pp. 4, 7), 98 (p. 51), 103, 302, 306 (p. 138), 370, 392 (pp. 184–5, 189, 193), 698 (2), 789, 849 (p. 383), 901 (p. 411), 1238; II. 280, 292 ii., 369 (2, 3 p. 149), 1076–7.

Northey, Glouc., I. g. 1330 (32).

Northey (Kent?), II. 187 (6 ii.).

Northfield (Norfyld), Worc., II. 530.

Northill, Beds., II. 458, 476

-, St. Anne's chapel in the parish church, II. 458, 476.

Northstede, Yorks., I. 535:—g. 311 (9, 10).

Northstonham. See Stoneham, North.

Northumberland, I. 39, 200, 220, 225, 318, 345, 351, 392 (p. 193), 393 (p. 195), 422, 467, 469, 478, 498, 553, 568, 595, 616, 651, 683, 799, 809 (p. 359), 857, 919, 1086 ii., 1087 (p. 496), 1090; II. 19 (2), 172 (2), 203 (p. 87), 205 (p. 89), 226, 329 (2), 346, 398, 548, 604, 650, 696 (2), 732, 806:—g. 1150 (18)

-, sheriff of, II. 732, 915. See Horsley, John

-, sheriffdom of, I. 1090 (pp. 505–6); II. 172 (2), 1005

-, soldiers of, I. 683.

Northumberland, Henry fourth earl of (died 1489), II. g. 1311 (34).

Northumberland, Henry fifth earl of (1489–1527), II. 205 (p. 89), 398, 955.

Northumberland, Katharine countess dowager of ("old lady of"), widow of the preceding, mother of the sixth earl and of Sir Thomas Percy, I. 369 (pp. 165, 167), 392 (p. 193), 393 (pp. 194–5), 467, 491, 517, 1087 (pp. 495–6); II. 955

-, -, letter from, II. 955.

Northumberland, Henry Peroy, sixth earl of (died June 1537), I. 6 (p. 6), 7 (p. 10), 201 (pp. 89, 98), 271, 291, 321, 328, 369 (pp. 165, 167), 370 (p. 169), 392 (pp. 190–2), 595 (p. 274), 609, 617, 636, 667, 683, 698 (p. 312), 774, 792, 849 (p. 382), 854, 871, 1057, 1062, 1087 (p. 496), 1090 (pp. 504–6), 1121, 1157, 1162, 1173, 1176, 1211, 1304, 1315:—g. 795 (4); II. 6, 19, 97, 161, 165, 172, 182, 193, 197, 201, 203, 205 (pp. 88–9), 229, 242, 262 291 (pp. 119–20), 365, 398–9 n., 466, 519 n., 548, 936, 989, 1295, 1328:—g. 1311 (34)

-, -, letters from, I. 774, 1057, 1062, 1121, 1176, 1211, 1304; II. 19

-, -, his debts, II. 172 (2), 365

-, -, his lands, I. 369 (p. 165), 393 (p. 195), 595 (p. 274). 1087 (p. 496), 1121, 1157, 1162, 1304; II. 19 (2), 172, 205 (pp. 88–9), 291 (pp. 119–20), 398, 548, 1151 (2, 3)

-, -, -, stewardship of, II. 1151 (2, 3)

-, -, his spice plate, I. 201 (p. 98), 370 (p. 169), 698 (p. 312)

-, -, his tenants, I. 792

-, -, his will, II. 165

-, -, woods of, I. 609, 617.

Northumberland, Mary countess of, wife of the preceding, daughter of the Earl of Shrewsbury, I. 328; II. 172 (2 pp. 56–7), 954, 989.

Northwold (Norwold), Norf., II. g. 1311 (30).

Northwood, Glouc., I. g. 795 (42).

Norton abbey, Chesh., I. 130

-, abbot of, I. 130, 317, 1282; II. 58 ii. 597

-, canons of, I. 130; II. 597.

Norton, Glouc., I. g. 1330 (46).

Norton (King's Norton), Worc., II. 530, 876.

Norton, Mr., I. 450, 698 (3), 921

-, Alice, I. g. 311 (18)

-, John, I. g. 311 (18); II. 911 ii.:—g. 1150 (11)

-, John, of Norton, I. 6 (p. 7), 392 (p. 191), 1172 (2), 1207 (4)

-, Ric., I. 6 (p. 7), 29 (2)

-, Sir Sampson, I. 17 (2).

Nortons, the, Yorkshire family, I. (p. 5).

Norway, II. 219, 253, 585

-, "the black fleet" of, II. 1212 (p. 427).

Norwich, I. 32, 231 vi., 1177, 1268, 1300, 1323; II. 6, 13 (2), 561, 602, 864, 1330:—g. 1150 (6), 1311 (24, 30)

-, letters dated at, I. 588, 1177

-, Wm. Leyer, mayor of, II. 13

-, -, letter from, II. 13 (3)

-, Black Friars, late prior of. See Harcock, Edm

-, Carrowe priory. See Carrowe

-, Castle, I. 1063, 1212 (2), 1300 (2):—g. 311 (30); II. 56, 68, 864

-, -, list of prisoners in, I. 1300 (2),

-, Cathedral, prior of, I. 728, 1177

-, -, sub-prior of, I. 1177

-, -, cellarer of, I. 1177

-, Christchurch, I. 588

-, gaol of, I. 1301; II. g. 1008 (12)

-, Guildhall, II. 13 (3)

-, Moushold (Moshold) health, I. 1212 (2)

-, St. Giles' Hospital, I. 795 (33)

-, St. Mary Coslany, I. g. 1330 (26)

-, the "marveolus" monk of, I. 128.

Norwich, bishop of, I. g. 795 (26). See Repps, Wm.

Norwich, late bishop of. See Nix, Ric.

Norwich, bishopric of, I. 80, 1281:—g. 795 (33), 1330 (63).

Norwich, Sir Robt. ("lord Norwich,") dec., I. g. 795 (27); II. 429

-, Thos., prior (late) of Prittlewell, I. g. 1330 (58).

Norwodde, I. g. 311 (18).

Norwold. See Northwold., I. g. 311 (18).

Norwood, Ralph, II. g. 191 (30).

Nostell, near Pontefract, St. Oswald's priory, II. 1314

-, -, Averey Commyng, prior of, II. 186 (54, 72, 73).

Notley Alba, Essex, II. g. 191 (40).

Notley Nigra, Essex, II. g. 191 (40).

Nottingham (Nothyngham), I. 73, 201 (p. 95), 306 (pp. 137–8), 338, 583, 1089, 1156, 1225; II. 166 (p. 55), 1218:—g. 1008 (9)

-, letter dated at, I. 214

-, Castle, I. g. 311 (30), 1330 (62); II. 582:—g. 1008 (28)

-, -, garrison of, II. 1218

-, gaol, I. g. 311 (30); II. g. 1150 (24)

-, park, II. g. 1311 (11).

Nottingham, archdeaconry of, II. 1093.

Nottingham, archdeacon of. See Marshall, Dr. Cuthbert.

Nottingham poursuivant, I. g. 1330 (27).

Nottingham (Notyngham), Wm., letter from, I. 688.

Nottinghamshire or Notts, I. 1089:—g. 1104 (11); II. 321, 600, 1235:——g. 411 (35). 1150 (18)

-, and Derb., sheriff of. See Strelley, Sir Nich.

Nouvion (Nouyon), near Abbeville, II. 930.

Nova Grangia, Monm., I. g. 795 (23).

Novara, in Italy, II. 16.

Novos Christianos, certain, II. App. 38.

Nowell, Andrew, sheriff of Rutland, II. 196

-, (Noell), Arthur, I. 865; II. 1098

-, John, II. g. 411 (4).

Nowt (Not), gylte, I. 687 (p. 304).

Noyon, in Picardy, I. 580, 600.

Nuderell, Thos., II. 30.

Nudgate. See Newdigate.

Nudgate. See Newdigate.

Nugent, Sir Chr., II. 1310 i. (2)

-, Gerald, II. 1310 i. (2)

-, Sir Ric. See Delvyn, baron of.

Numister. See Newminster.-, Sir Ric. See Delvyn, baron of.

Nuneaton, Warw., nunnery of, II. 1314.

Nun Monkton (Nonnemonckton), nunnery, Yorks., I. 786 (p. 342); II. 548 (2).

Nurembhrg, in Germany, I. 845, 986.

Nutt, Hugh, I. 498 (2).

Nuttesforthe. See Knutsford., Hugh, I. 498 (2).

Nutthed, Sir Micheal, I. 914 (p. 417).

Nuttlease. See Mattelese., Sir Micheal, I. 914 (p. 417).

Nyelles, in Picardy, I. 325.


Oakham (Okeham), Rutl., gaol of, I. 311 (30).

Oakhampton (Okehampton), Devon, I. 298.

Oakley (Oclee), Hants, II. 1311 (22)

-, (Occley), Ntht., II. 1102

-, (Okeley), Suff., I. g. 1103 (11).

Oatlands (Otlande, Otelande, Otelond), Surr., II. 1196, 1209, 1243

-, letters, &c. dated at, II. 1189, 1206–7, 1244:—g. 1311 (13, 23, 46).

Obourne. See Woburn, Bucks.

O'Bowrke. See Bourke., Bucks.

Obrene's laws, II. 837 (2). See Ireland, Irish judges.

O'Brien (O'Brene), Conocher, the great O'Brien, I. 343, 983; II. 281, 507 1310 i. (26).

O'Brien, ——. of Arra (Obryne Array), II. 1124

-, (Brenne, Obryne), Donough, son of Conocher, I. 343; II. 837, 1124, 1260

-, (O'Brine), Malage, II. 1310 i. (46)

-, Teague Bacaw (Teke Bacawoobrene), I. 1098; II. 13lUi. (13).

O'Brien's (Brenes), the Irish family, II. 383.

O'Brien's Bridge, in Ireland, II 281, 382.

Obrine or Obryne. See O'Brien., in Ireland, II 281, 382.

Observant Friars (the or der as well as individuals), I. 256, 392 (p. 183), 666, 1021:—g. 795 (44); II. 127, 635, 738 (p. 266), 1300

-, General of, II. 635 (p. 234).

O'Byrne, —, chief of the Byrnes, I. 394 (2)

-, (Obyrn), Dowlyn, II. 1310 i. (43).

O'Carroll (O'Karroll, Okarvaile, O'Kerall, Okarell), —, Irish chieftain, II. 76, 383, 507, 531, 1124, 1300–2

-, -, his wife, II. 1124

-, Fergonanym, II. 531 (?).

Occley. See Oakley.-, Fergonanym, II. 531 (?).

Occold (Occolt), Suff., I. g. 1103 (11).

Oclee. See Oakley.

O'Connor (O'Chonour, O'Chonnor, O'Conowre, A Coner, Ochonour, Okynhowres, Okonner), Brian or Bernard, Irish chief, I. 394 (2), 549, 983, 1278, 1328; II. 76, 86, 146, 383 (pp. 156–7), 385, 507, 527, 531, 723–4, 729 (4 p. 261, 5), 762, 1052, 1096, 1124, 1139, 1189, 1207, 1288, 1300–2, 1308 (p. 458), 1310 i. (47), ii. (3, 5), iii

-, -, his son, II. 507

-, -, his wife, II. 531

-, (Acconner), Cahir (Kair, Caier, Charles, Kaer, Kayr, Roo), II. 76, 146, 383 (p. 157), 507, 729 (1, 4 p. 261), 1139, 1288, 1300, 1302.

O'Connors, the Irish family, II. 729.

Odder nunnery, co. Meath, prioress of, II. 1310 ii. (8).

O'Dempsy (O'Dympsey), —, the Irish chief, II. 383 (p. 157).

Odiham (Odyam), Hants, II. 975.

O'Donell, Manus (succeeded his father Odo in 1537), II. 507, 551, 628

-, -, letter from, II. 551

-, Odo or Hugh, Irish chief (died 1537), II. 86, 551, 628.

O'Doran, Wm., Irish chief, II. 1310 i. (46).

O'Doyn (O'Dwynne, Odyn), —, Irish chief, II. 383 (p. 157), 1288, 1300–2.

Odrone (O'Drone). See Idrone., Odyn), —, Irish chief, II. 383 (p. 157), 1288, 1300–2.

O'Dwynne. See O'Doyn., Odyn), —, Irish chief, II. 383 (p. 157), 1288, 1300–2.

O'Dwyer (Oduyre), —, II. 1124.

Odyam. See Odiham.

Odyn. See O'Doyn.

O'Ferrall (Ofarrale), —, Irish chief, II. 1310 i. (1)

-, Banne, II. 1310 i. (1).

Offaley (Ofayly, Offally, Offale), in Ireland, now King's county, I. 394 (2); II. 146, 383 (p. 157), 527, 531, 729 (4), 1096. 1288, 1300–1.

Offchurch (Oschirche), Warw., II. 437.

Offelym, in Ireland, II. g. 1008 (35).

Offley (Offeley), Staff., I. 584.

Offolyn (qu. O'Flinn?), Donough, II. 837.

Offord Cluney, Hunts., II. g. 1311 (20).

Offord Darcy, Hunts., II. g. 1311 (20).

Ogden, John, clk., I. g. 539 (46).

Oghterarde (Oughterard), co. Kildare, II. 963:—g. 1008 (35).

Ogier, Gouffin, letter from, I. 1096.

Ogle castle, Nthld., I. 1090 (p. 505); II. 250.

Ogle, Robert, Lord, I. 220, 1086 ii. 1090 (pp. 505–6); II. 249 ii., 250 (1, 5)

-, Cuthbert, priest, II. 521

-, George, II. 249 ii., 250 (1, 5)

-, John, of Kirkley, II. 249 ii., 250 (1, 5)

-, John, of Ogle castle, I. 1090 (p. 505); II. 249 ii., 250 (1, 5).

-, Lewis, brother of lord Ogle, I. 1090 (p. 507)

-, Mr., I. 201 (p. 98), 392 (p. 185); II. 289

-, Parson, I. 1090 (p. 505)

-, Ric., II. g. 191 (44), 1150 (16, 43)

-, Ric., jun., I. g. 1104 (10)

-, Sir. Wm., I. 1090 (p. 506); II. 193, 249 ii., 250 (1, 5).

Ogles, the Northumberland family, I. 351.

Oglethorpe (Ogilthorp), Wm., II. 186 (68).

Oisi (Oosy), near I'Ecluse, in Flanders, I. 1181.

O'Karroll or O'Karvaile. See O'Carroll,.

Okeham. Oakham.,.

Okeley. See Oakley.,.

O'Kelly (O'Kelley),——, Irish chief, II. 383 (p. 157).

O'Kenelan, Behan, II. 1310 i. (37)

-, John, II. 1310 i. (37).

O'Kennedys, (Okenedyes), ——, Irish chiefs, II. 531, 1124.

Okenwodd, in N. Wales, I. g. 795 (7).

O'Kerall. See Carroll., in N. Wales, I. g. 795 (7).

Okes or Okys, Thos., I. 1301 (2).

Okeyth. See Ikeath.

Oking. See woking.

Oking, Dr. Robt., chancellor to the bp. of Bangor, I. 507; II. 402.

Okonner. See O'Connor., Dr. Robt., chancellor to the bp. of Bangor, I. 507; II. 402.

Okyn (in the Low Countries?) I. g. 539 (34)., Dr. Robt., chancellor to the bp. of Bangor, I. 507; II. 402.

Okynhowre. See O'Connor., Dr. Robt., chancellor to the bp. of Bangor, I. 507; II. 402.

Oldebeffe (Oldebefe), Wm., II. g. 1150 (28).

Older Gayte. See under London, Aldersgate.

Oldfield, Salop, II. g. 411 (13).

Old Ford (near Straford le Bowe, London), letters dated, II. 623, 667

-, grants delivered at, II. g. 617 (11, 12, 13), 796 (1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10).

Oldhall, Essex, II. g. 191 (40).

Old Testament, II. 904. See also Bible.

Oliver, ——, of Boulogne, I. 612

-, ——, II. 555 (p. 210)

-, John, I. g. 1330 (24)

-, Martin, I. 478 (2)

-, Wm., prior of the Friars Preachers of Bristol, I. 508, 1147.

Olivetan, Peter Robert, I. 1102.

Olleton (Allerton), Notts., II. g. 1008 (9).

Olmested, John, I. g. 1330 (54)

-, John, I. g. 1330 (54).

Olney, Bucks, II. 275.

Olton. See Oulton., Bucks, II. 275.

O'Madden (O'Madyne), Mulloughlin, II. 1052.

O'Maghar or Omagher See O'Meagher.

O'Malaghlyn, &c. See O'Mulloughlin.

O'Malleys (O'Mayles), the Irish family, I. 394 (4).

Omayll, co. Dublin, II. 1310 i. (2).

Ome (co. Louth?), II. 1310 i. (2).

O'Meagher (O'Maghar), ——, Irish Chief, II. 507. 1124.

Omedas. See Homedes., ——, Irish Chief, II. 507. 1124.

Omedeux, Stephen, alias Unde, II. 596, 606.

Omler. See Ambler., Stephen, alias Unde, II. 596, 606.

O'Mollegan, Jas., II., 1310 i. (43).

O'Molmoy. See O'Mulmoy., Jas., II., 1310 i. (43).

O'More (O'Moris), —— ("MacO'More"), Irish chief, II. 76, 383 (pp. 156–7), 507, 1308 (p. 458 bis), 1310 i. (46, 47)

-, Rory (Wrory Amougher), II. 859 (2).

O'Mores, the Irish family, II. 1310 i. (35).

O'Morough (O'Morgho, O'Murrowe, O'Murho), Donill, Irish chief, I. 394 (2); II. 1310 i. (46, 47).

O'Mulloughlin (O'Molaghlyn, O'Malaghlyn, O'Melaghlyn), ——, Irish chief, II. 86, 146, 383 (p. 157).

O'Mulloy, Charles, Irish chief, II. 1139

-, Conacius, II. 1139.

O'Mulmoy (O'Molmoy), ——, Irish chief, II. 76, 86, 146–7, 383 (p. 157), 507, 1300.

O'Murrowe. See O'Morough.

O'Neill (O'Neyle, O'Neile), the Great, I. 1066; II. 383 (p. 157), 507, 551, 628

-, -, his son, II. 628.

Oneley. See Onley.

Onley, Adam, brother of John, I. 889, 909–11

-, -, letter to, I. 910

-, Eliz., wife of John, I. g. 795 (10); II. 1178

-, (Oonly, Only, Oneley), Mr. John, Attorney of the Augmentations, I. 23, 237, 299, 353 (p. 156), 457, 680, 889–90, 909–11:——g. 795 (10), 1103 (18); II. 932, 1160, 1177–8

-, -, letters from, I. 909–11

-, -, signature of, I. 890; II. 932

-, -, his son, II. 1178.

Onybury, Salop, I. g. 795 (38).

Oonly. See Onley.

Oosy. See Oisi.

Ootre, Jehan, I. 187.

Orange, René de Nassau et de Châlon, Prince. of, II. 93 (2), 333 (p. 137), 372).

O'Rayly. See O'Reilly., René de Nassau et de Châlon, Prince. of, II. 93 (2), 333 (p. 137), 372).

Orders, Sacrament of, II. 401 (4), 409.

Ordessalle. See or dsall., Sacrament of, II. 401 (4), 409.

Ordnance (artillery and habiliments of war, guns, munitions of war), I. 6 (p. 4), 93, 338, 566, 866, 924, 971, 986, 1038, 1140, 1190; II. 76, 146, 192, 319, 507, 527, 588, 628, 709, 1288, 1300: ——App. 7

-, master of the. See Mores, Sir Chr

-, surveyor of. See Antonies, Anth.

Ordsall (Ordessalle), Lanc., letter dated at, II. 344.

O'Reilly (O'Raile, O'Rayly), ——, Irish chief, II. 86, 383 (p. 157), 1308 (p. 458 bis).

Orell, Nich., II. 1101 (2).

Orford, Suff., II. 1050.

Orleans, I. 762.

Orleans, Duke of. See Charles.

Ormond, in Ireland, II. 859 (2).

Ormond, earldom of, I. 1066; II. 383 (p. 157), 837 (2), 963–4.

Ormond, Piers Butler earl of, I. 394 (4). See Ossory.

Ormond, Thomas Butler, 7th Earl of (1478–1515), II. 963–4, 1310 i. (20), ii. (9).

Orsett, Essex, II. 1336n.

Ortiz (Ortis), Dr. Pedro, I. 1052–3.

Orton, Mons. d'. See Ourton, Sieur d'.

Orwell (Orowell), the Suffolk river, I. 418, 1117; II. 123.

Orynge, John, II. g. 1150 (21).

Osborndby (Osbournby), Linc., vicar of, I. 1004.

Osborne, ——, II. 555 (p. 210).

Oschirche. See Offchurch., ——, II. 555 (p. 210).

Osdelfwere, Camb., II. g. 1008 (17).

Osegarby. See Osgraby., Camb., II. g. 1008 (17).

Oseney (Osney, Osseney) Abbey, Oxon., II. 1120, 1246, 1310 i. (24), 1314 (1, 2):——g. 1311 (28)

-, letter from prior and convent, II. 1120

-, letter dated, I. 79

-, John Burton abbot of, I. 79 (1, 2), 127, 211, 261. 264; II. 983, 1120

-, -, letter from, I. 79

-, abbot of. See also King, Robert

-, prior of. See Oxford, Wm.

Osgodby (Osgunby, Osgoodbee), Yorks., I. 1186

-, letters dated at, I. 112; II. 243.

Osgraby (Osegarby), Thos., of Stainton, I. 702, 765 (1, 2), 768.

Osiander, Andrew, II. 862.

Osmoderley, Wm., II. 836.

Osseney. See Oseney., Wm., II. 836.

Ossory, in Ireland, II. 837.

Ossory (Ostrey), Miles Baron, bp. of, II. 837 (2), 898 (1, 3).

Ossory (Ostrey), Piers Butler earl of, Earl of Ossory and or mond (1537), I. 343, 394–6, 983, 1066; II. 76, 86, 383, 507, 531, 729 (5), 763, 837 (1, 2), 859 (1, 2, 3), 898 (1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10), 942, 963–4, 991, 1097, 1124, 1232, 1288 ii., 1301, 1308 (p. 458), 1310 ii. (1, 3) iii.:——g. 1008 (35)

-, -, his brother, II. 964

-, -, his children, II. 859 (3), 898

-, -, his daughters, II. 837

-, -, signature of, I. 394–5

-, -, his mother, II. 964

-, -, his wife, II. 837, 859 (3), 1124.

Ostend (Ostande), in Flanders, I. 718 (2), 732; II. 1085

-, letters dated at, I. 751; II. 498, 1039.

Ostia (Hostia), the, in Italy, II. 509 (2).

Ostiglia (Hostilia), in Italy, II. 791.

Ostrelins. See Easterlings., in Italy, II. 791.

Ostrey. See Ossory., in Italy, II. 791.

Ostryche, Wm., II. 1162.

Otes, Ric., II., 1325.

Otford, Kent, II. 600, 846 (p. 299)

-, letter dated at, II. 448.

Otham, Suss., II. g. 1008 (3).

Otlande. See Oatlands., Suss., II. g. 1008 (3).

Otley, Yorks., I. 192.

O'Toole (O'Thole), Arthur, II. 1232

-, Arthur Oge, son of Arthur, II. 1232

-, Terence, son of Arthur, II. 1232, 1310 i. (35).

Otranto, in Italy, II. 524, 546.

Otter, Robt., II. 186 (1).

Otterburn, Nthld., I. App. 2; II. 249, 250 (1, 5).

Otterburn (Otterborn), Sir Adam, I. 397, 1094; II. App. 19.

Otterburn (Otterbourne), ————, a head yeoman, I. 416 (2)

-, James, clk., I. 1083

-, Ric., II. 44.

Otteringhith, Norf., II. g. 1311 (30).

Oughterard. See Oghterard., Norf., II. g. 1311 (30).

Oughterard (Oughtyrhard, Outrard), co. Dublin, II. 729 (5), 1310 i. (20)

-, vicar of. See Crenan, Stephen.

Oughterony (Oughterin) barony, now with Ikeath, co. Kildare, II. 1310 i. (4).

Oulthers, Hen., I. g. 795 (40).

Oulton (Olton), Norf., I. 1301.

Oulton, Suff., II. g. 1150 (42).

Oumbler. See Ambler., Suff., II. g. 1150 (42).

Oundle (Owndell), Ntht., II. 1247, 1255.

Our Lady, views touching, I. 70 i.

Ourton (Horton, Hoorton, or ton), Sieur d', I. 660, 684, 696 n., 873; II. 104, 114, 148 n

-, -, instructions for, I. 684, 696 n.

Ouse (Ous, Owst), the river, I. 6 (pp. 3, 4), 136, 157, 159, 392 (pp. 188, 191).

Outrard. See Oughterard., Owst), the river, I. 6 (pp. 3, 4), 136, 157, 159, 392 (pp. 188, 191).

Outred. See Ughtred., Owst), the river, I. 6 (pp. 3, 4), 136, 157, 159, 392 (pp. 188, 191).

Outtinghes. See Autingues., Owst), the river, I. 6 (pp. 3, 4), 136, 157, 159, 392 (pp. 188, 191).

Over (Overe), Chesh., I. 694.

Over, South, Suss., II. g. 1311 (34).

Over, John, II. 48, 49.

Overey priory. See under Southwark., John, II. 48, 49.

Overhall, in Dedham, Essex, II. g. 191 (53).

Overset, Norf., II. g. 1311 (30).

Oversley, Warw., II. 1019.

Overstone (Oveston), Ntht., II. g. 1008 (19).

Overton (Owerton). near York, letters dated at, I. 132; II. 839, 850.

Overton, Guthlac., dec., I. g. 1330 (13).

Overy, Simon, II. 1101 (2).

Over Yssel, in the Netherlands, II. 1307.

Oveston. See Overstone., in the Netherlands, II. 1307.

Oving, Suss., II. g. 1008 (19).

Ovingham Dam, Nthld., I. 1090 (p. 505); II. 398.

Owdall, Mr., I. 1239, 1273

-, Thos., of Titchfield, I. 812, 948. See Uvedale.

Owen (Owyen), Ambrose, I. 92 (2)

-, Anne, widow of Sir David, sister of lord Ferrers, letter from, I. 106

-, Sir David, dec., I. 106 n:—g. 539 (29); II. 1073 n

-, George, M. D., physician to Henry VIII., I. 1201; II. 970

-, -, signature of, II. 970

-, (Owyen) John, I. 92 (2); II. 858

-, John, son of Sir David, I. 106

-, John, gun-founder, I. g. 1103 (21); II. App. 7

-, -, letter from, II. App. 7

-, Laurence, II. 1027

-, Robt., gun-founder, I. g. 1103 (22); II. App. 7

-, -, letter from, II. App. 7

-, Roland, II. 858

-, Thos., Carthusian, I. 1232

-, Wm., letter from, II. 1333.

Owerton. See Overton.-, Wm., letter from, II. 1333.

Owghthillagh, co. Meath, II. 1310 i. (4).

Owghtinges. See Autingues., co. Meath, II. 1310 i. (4).

Owghtredd. See Ughtred., co. Meath, II. 1310 i. (4).

Owndell. See Oundle., co. Meath, II. 1310 i. (4).

Owsmond, Count de, II. 93 (2).

Owst. See Ouse., Count de, II. 93 (2).

Owston, Yorks., II. 1181.

Oxborough (Oxburgh), Norf., II. 150.

Oxbrygg. See Oxenbridge., Norf., II. 150.

Oxcombe, Linc., II. g. 411 (29).

Oxen, I. 417, 461, 520, 561:—g. 311 (15).

Oxenbridge or Oxbrygg, ——, the Queen's groom-porter, I. 663, 1095

-, Mrs., II. 973 i., ii

-, John, II. 571.

Oxenfeld beside Darlington, I. 789, 1035.

Oxenfield (Oxenfyld), Robt., I. 1258; II. 1.

Oxford (Oxonford, Oxon), I. 19, 30, 70 i., 79 (2), 94, 389, 654, 1325; II. 534

-, charter dated, II. g. 1150 (5)

-, letters dated at, I. 182, 211–12, 261, 606–7, 650, 798, 856, 926; II. 374, 429, 849, 1064–7, 1220, 1246, 1252

-, mayor of. See Freurs, Wm.; also Banester, Wm.

All Hallows, curate of, II. 374

-, petition of the parishioners II. 374.

Bocardo Prison, I. 211 (p. 108), 264 (p. 126).

Carfax, I. 264 (p. 126).

Castle of, I. g. 311 (30); II. 1247 (2).

Guildhall, I. 264 (p. 126).

New Park, I. 79 (2).

St. Peter's in the East, vicar of. See Serls, Robt.

Oxford University, I. 261 (2). 437, 650, 736, 1201; II. 316, 369 (3)

-, -, letters from, I. 650, 886; II. 1064

-, -, a scholar of, I. 298

-, -, poor scholars of, I. 261 (p. 124)

-, -, proctorship of, I. 926.

Brasenose (Brasynnose) College, I. 30.

Brodyates, I. 261 (p. 124).

Canterbury College, II. 412

-, warden of. See Sandwich, Wm.

Edward Hall, I. 261 (p. 124).

Henry VIII.'s College (now Christchurch), I. 261 (2), 757 (the College), 758:—g. 1103 (6); II. 282 n

-, treasurer of, I. 758.

Hynksee Hall, I. 261 (p. 124).

Lincoln College, II. 369 (3).

Magdalen College, II. 809

-, warden of. See London, Dr. John.

Merton College, I. 212.

New College, I. 261 (p. 124), 607; II. 429.

Oriel College, I. 389.

Pecwaters Inn, I. 261 (p. 124).

Whighte Hall, I. 261 (p. 124).

Oxford, archdeacon of. See Curwen, Dr. Ric.

Oxford, John de Verb, earl of, hereditary chamberlain of England, I. 16, 27, 407, 1008, 1013 (p. 458), 1150, 1199, 1207 (20); II. 97, 665, 667, 911 ii., 939, 1012, 1060 (p. 373), 1151 (2, 3), 1159:—g. 411 (27), 1150 (42)

-, -, letters from, I. 16, 27, 407; II. 665.

Oxford, Anne Countess Dowager of (died June 1537), II. 166 (p. 55).

Oxford, Countess of, II. 1060 (pp. 373–4).

Oxford, Wm., prior of Oseney, II. 1120, 1246.

Oxfordshire or Oxon, I. 661, 757 ii.; II. 157, 518, 814, 1314 (1, 2):—g. 1159 (15, 18)

-, (and Berks), sheriff of (1537–8). See Harcourt, Sir Simon.

Oxley, Cuthbert, II. g. 1150 (39).

Oxonford. See Oxford.

Oxted, Surr., II. 187 (6 ii.).

Oxwick, Norf., I. g. 1330 (26).

Oye. See under Calais., Norf., I. g. 1330 (26).