Henry VIII: October 1537, 11-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1891.

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'Henry VIII: October 1537, 11-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1891), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no2/pp309-324 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1537, 11-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1891), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no2/pp309-324.

"Henry VIII: October 1537, 11-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 12 Part 2, June-December 1537. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1891), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol12/no2/pp309-324.


October 1537, 11-15

11 Oct. 882. The Charterhouse at Wytham to Cromwell.
R. O. Are sorry to hear by Dr. Leaton's letters that Cromwell thinks them not willing to give him a lease of the farm called the West Barne. With all their hearts grant him their good wills. Remind him of their great charges to the King at Christmas, and beg him to grant the prior further days if he cannot make provision as soon as he is bound to do. Cannot religiously send out their convent seal before his coming home nor without his consent. From the Charterhouse, Wytham, 11 Oct. Signed: "by your daily headmen the convent there."
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
11 Oct. 883. The Charterhouse of Wytham to Dr. Leaton.
R. O. Thank him for his counsel, and have answered the lord Privy Seal according to it. Beg him to be a solicitor for further respite for them to pay the King. Wytham, 11 Oct.
P. 1. Hol. Add. Endd.
11 Oct. 884. Wm. Woode to Cromwell.
R. O. Complains that one Raff Sherman (fn. n1) has slandered him and broken open his coffers, after making an agreement with him when Woode was seeking to do him good. Sends Cromwell a patent of 5 marks a year. Agreed with Sherman at Halstead to appoint two persons to arbitrate. Spoke to him of his untrue dealing, when he "put his finger in his eye and cried like a baby boy." Thought he was reconciled, but all was dissimulation to cause Woode to rest upon his promise, and meanwhile he to cause Cromwell to be in displeasure with him. Asks Cromwell either to discharge him clearly of Sherman or let him take his advantage at the common law, or else to allow them to agree between themselves. Has been too ill to come up to Cromwell. Thursday, 11 Oct.
Would rather lie in prison air and be stabbed in the hands and feet with bodkins than have such another rebuke from Cromwell.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
x 885. Wm. Woode to Dr. Belosis.
R. O. Wishes for my Lord's favour, and that my Lord should know his mind. "Then let his Lordship do with me his pleasure both in body and goods." When my Lord has seen his writing begs Dr. B. to retain it in his custody. Will give Belosis the 20 marks he promised him if he will be sure to him now at his most need. If there is no remedy but that he must agree with Raff Sherman, he can tell Cromwell that he would have agreed with him if he had been in town. Was offered by a friend of his to have been at an end with him for 16l. Repeats Cromwell's words to himself, which put him neither in comfort nor discomfort. Wishes to know his pleasure.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
11 Oct. 886. G. Earl of Shrewsbury to Cromwell.
R. O. In favour of his old friend John Persall who is commanded under privy seal to appear before the Council in the Star Chamber at the suit of Sir John Hercote in a dispute between them about a highway. Sheffeld Lodge, 11 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
11 Oct. 887. Thos. Gray to Cromwell.
R. O. Begs he may be continued in the keepership of Bambrowght castle which he occupied as deputy to the late lord Darcy. 11 Oct.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
11 Oct. 888. The Doge of Venice to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P. vii. 712.
Hearing that the Turkish fleet has besieged Corcyra, have resolved to use every effort to frustrate the attempt, trusting in the co-operation of Christian princes. Have made a league with the Pope and Emperor, both defensive and offensive, against the common enemy, and ask Henry to assist, as he will understand more fully from their secretary, Hieronymo Zucato. The Ducal Palace, 11 Oct. indict. 11, 1537.
Lat. Add.
12 Oct. 889. Queen [Jane Seymour] to Cromwell.
Nero C. x. l.
B. M.
Informs him of the birth of her son "conceived in lawful matrimony." Hampton Court, 12 Oct. Sealed.
In Sadler's hand, p. 1. Add.: To, etc. Lord Privy Seal o.......high steward of all.....lands.
*** This seems to be the letter printed by Hearne in his "Sylloge" at the end of "Titus Livius," p. 113, as a letter to the Lords of the Council. Another copy will be found in a hand of later date in MS. Harl. 283, f. 155. A similar letter to the University of Cambridge is printed in Cooper's Annals of Cambridge i. 391, and a similar letter addressed to George Boothe exists in a modern copy in Harl. MS. 2,131, f. 27.
12 Oct. 890. Cromwell to Sir Thos. Wyat.
Harl. MS.
282 f. 211.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
Since Rougecroix left on Wednesday last, the good news has come of the Queen's Grace's deliverance of a goodly prince. Wyat is to inform the Emperor of this. Thinks the King will write of it to all the princes, St. James's beside Westminster, 12 Oct. 29 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Ambassador. Endd. as received by sea long after the date.
12 Oct. 891. Fitzwilliam and Poulet to Cromwell.
R. O. Lord Matravers' servant Shelley has just come to them from Croydon, where he is staying with his mother-in-law, (fn. n2) and tells them three or four persons a day are dying of the plague there, and two persons are sick in my Lady's house. Though she does not know of what disease, she will remove. Have informed the King, who has ordered that neither Lord Matravers, nor his mother-in-law, nor the Marquis of Dorset, nor his wife [, who be all present togethers at this time] (fn. n3) shall come hither against the christening. Hampton Court, Friday, 11 o'clock. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: My L. Admiral and Mr. Poulet, xij. October.
[12] Oct. 892. Fitzwilliam and Poulet to Cromwell.
R. O. Have moved the King for the Marquis Dorset and his wife, alleging his being at Stebbing and his wife with my lady of Derby, and at no time with his mother at Croydon, but the King's pleasure is to give them thanks and to spare them for this time. Cromwell is to thank the mayor and his brothers for their good wills, but his pleasure is to spare them, and so he could divers others for the more surety of health, as Cromwell will perceive to-morrow at his coming, which the King looks for. Hampton Court, Friday night. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Oct. Mr. Treasaurer, Mr. Comptroller.
12 Oct. 893. H. Lord Mawtravers to Cromwell.
Letters 310.
After leaving him, resorted to Croydon, where some died of the sickness. Stayed not in the town, but at the Archbishop's house, where is the Marchioness of Dorset, and has been all summer. This morning had the joyful tidings that the Queen was delivered of a prince. The King is not willing that the writer should come to Court at present from fear of the infection. Croydon, 7 [12?] (fn. n4) Oct.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
12 Oct. 894. The Prince's Christening.
Harl. 442,
f. 149.
B. M.
Nichols' Lit.
Rem. Of
Edward VI.
i. p. cclxii.
Mandate to the mayor and sheriffs of London to make proclamation forbidding the access of persons to the Court on Monday next, the day appointed for the Prince's christening, without special letters from the King or some of his Council, on account of the plague. No duke is to bring more than six persons in his company, no marquis more than five, no earl above four, no baron above three, no knight or squire above two, no bishop or abbot above four, and none of the King's or Queen's chaplains above two. Westminster, 12 Oct., 29 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 2.
12 Oct. 895. Sir Thos. Palmer to Ric. [Le]e, Surveyor of the King's Works at Calais.
R. O. Has broken the matter touching the commission that he spoke of. Will let him have the rest of his coals after the Deputy, the prior of the Friars, and Mr. Blont have had some. Asks him to pay 20 angel nobles to the bearer, Peter Beck with, which Palmer borrowed of him, and promised to repay before hiring time. Is glad that Mr. Marshal and he are agreed.
Will bring his horse. London, 12 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
12 Oct. 896. Bishop Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks for Cromwell's letters. Begs help for the quietness of Arustley and Kevylyock; for though, last Whitsuntide, the earl of Worcester, at the King's letters, agreed to the order of this Council that lord Ferrers should have the stewardship there during the Earl's lifetime, he has now discharged the said lord and his deputies; so that no courts are kept and good order will be destroyed. Told his cousin Doctor he would gladly speak with Cromwell, but cannot be spared. Welshmen of the evil sort say one devil is gone, meaning Mr. Englefild, dec., and the writer is the other. Where his said cousin wrote that the Bishop had released one who railed against Cromwell, the truth is:—At Mr. Englefild's and the writer's going into Cheshire and Flint last summer, one was brought to them at Bisshoppiscastell by the deputy-steward of Keviliock for such causes, and they committed the harlot to ward in Keviliock till the present assembly of the Council. Now the said deputy says the earl of Worcester's servants have broken the gaol at Llanydlos and let him and other felons go; as appears by Mr. Devereux's letters, enclosed together with letters from the Earl and lord Ferrers. The two fellows who have broken the gaol are now in the Earl's livery. Has repaired the castles of Ludlow, Brecknock, and Wigmore, and the gaol of Radnor Castle, so that the money the Council received is spent. Now, intending the reëdification of Montgomery Castle, the second key of Wales, desires a warrant for 100l. Begs favour in the suits he has written his cousin Doctor in. Shrowisbury, 12 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
12 Oct. 897. Walter Devereux [Lord Ferrers] to Cromwell.
R. O. To the same effect as his letter to the Council in the Marches, of 7 Oct. [No. 852]. On the 8th Oct. by John Body, the earl of Worcester's servant, he received a letter discharging him of the stewardship. Wrote to the Earl, who has sent another letter by writer's servant Thos. Baskervile, the bearer, saying he would put in another officer. Begs favour and aid. Charteley Manor, 12 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
12 Oct. 898. The Irish Commission.
R. O. Presentment of the city of Waterford before the King's commissioners,—(blank) Oct. 29 Hen. VIII. Wm. Wise and 17 other jurors (named).
Touching coyne and livery. Lady Kath. Butler unlawfully usurps dominion over Powers country in Waterford county. Thos. Power of Balycanvan, as tanist, used to take coyne and livery and commits many extortions. He took to ransom Thos. Abek, merchant of Manchester, and stole the dean of Fernes' horse. He was taken by Mr. Wm. Seyntlowe and delivered to Mr. Treasurer, who took a recognizance of Dame Kath. Butler and Edm. Power, prior of St. Katharine's beside Waterford, to be forthcoming. Crimes and extortions by Thomas, son of Edmund Power. lady Kath. Butler, Shane McClannaghe an Irish judge, Nic. Power of Kylvydan, Gerald McShane of Dromanegh, Power of Denvill, constable of Dungarvan in Sir Richard Power's time, Sir Thos. Butler of Cahergh in Tipperary, Ric. Rothe Butler of Pollekere, James Butler abbot of Inislonaght, Edmund abp. of Cashell (riotously being in a boat in 24 Hen. VIII., robbed a boat of Clonmel, &c.), the bishop of Waterford, dean of Waterford, bp. of Ossory, canons of St. Katharine's, prior of Kellys, the earl of Ossory and his children, old Nich. Power of Carroduf, and Walter and Davy Power, but chiefly by lady Kath. Butler and Ossory. Finding of an escheator's inquest at the death of Sir Ric. Power.
Confessed before the Commissioners 12 Oct. 29 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 8.
R. O. 2. Copies of bills of complaint addressed to the Commissioners by Nic. Poer of Donnyll, and "found by the said jury."
i. When he was waiting upon Wm. Wise, then sheriff of Waterford, and Captain Wm. Seintloo, going unto Gerald FitzJohn of Desmond the week before Xmas 27 Hen. VIII., his tenants were robbed of cattle by lord James Butler and some of dame Kath. Butler's servants.
ii. Coming from the Parliament of May 27 Hen. VIII. he was robbed at Glanrenalde by lord James Butler's servants.
iii. For robberies and assaults committed three weeks past in Goran by lady Kath. Butler's servants.
iv. Servants of dame Katherine Butler, "last wife unto Sir Richard Power," 4 years past came to his house and slew three of his best gentlemen after the peace made betwixt him and lady Katharine; and also, in Midsummer 29 Hen. VIII., stole two of his horses out of the churchyard of Kilbryde.
Pp. 2.
R. O. 3. Verdict of the commoners of the county of Waterford. Peter Dobbyn and 12 other jurors (named).
The whole county is the King's alone. Sir Piers Poer and his father Richard Poer, the later, were sheriffs there and usurped the lordship of the county, and now dame Kath. Butler usurps it in the name of young Piers Poer, son of Sir Ric. Poer, dec., and the said dame Katharine. Particulars of exactions taken by dame Katharine, lord Butler, Nic. Devereux of Ballynnagir, the earl of Ossory and the bps. of Cashel, Waterford, and Ossory; but mostly by dame Katharine and her servants; also of other outrages and murders.
Petition to their masterships to appoint a sufficient sheriff and officers, and these officers to be English and not of the birth of this land. Mr. Seyntloo is the meetest to be sheriff. We, the freeholders of the county, will gladly bear such charges as you think necessary, by advice of Mr. Seintloo Mr. Wise, and other freeholders, for maintenance of the said officers.
Pp. 7.
R. O. 4. Verdict of the jury of the manor and castle of Dungarvan. Moyses Tayllour and 15 other jurors (named).
Disorders committed by their vicar and by Gerald FitzJohn, Maurice FitzJohn, and John Isam's company. Customs of the manor and encroachments upon common land by various individuals.
ii. Petition to the Commissioners by Hew Mererrell, of Bridgewater, in England, for redress of a robbery committed by Gerald Wegynton, when constable of Dungarvan castle for the earl of Desmond in 20 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 5.
R. O. 5. Presentment of the jury of Wexford. Names of jury not given.
Give a long list of robberies, assaults, &c. committed at various dates from the commencement of the reign, commencing with particulars of the robbery of 20 houses in Feddred by John Purcell, now bp. of Fernes, and Care McArte, the King's enemy, 27 May 24 Henry VIII. (the bp., who was on horseback, frequently called for fire, to burn the said houses). Other persons complained of are Walter Roche eon of Nic. Roche, Ph. Rowceter, Walt. Brown, Edm. Synet, and Dan son of Ph. Keting, Gerald and Patrick Haye, Alexander lord Roche, Edm., John, Garret, and Wm., sons of Walt. Roche, Ph. and Wm. Forlong, Sir Wm. Ketyng, master of Kylklogan, Walt. Roche (burned the church of Kilpatrick in Roche island, "wherein [were] certain Christian people, with much goods"), Hamon Stafford, and others.
ii. Complaints addressed to the Commissioners, and found true by verdict "aforesaid"—
(1.) Of Walt. Devereux, of Kylkevan, upon Thomas son of McNewhyt Roche, servant of Robt. son of John Oge Roche, for a robbery 12 June last.
(2.) Of John son of Michael Furlong, brother to Sir Fulk Furlong, dec., upon John son of Wm. Forlong, of the Hortowne, who withholds lands in the Fasagh of Bentre, which should be his as heir to Sir Fulk.
(3.) Of Jas. Turner, burgess of Wexford, who was ejected from his copy hold inheritance in Ballymore by Philip Keteing, of Balldoynstoune, 15 Aug. 22 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 7. Headed: Wexford.
R. O. 6. Presentment of the jury for the body of the shire of Wexford, Walt. Browne and 14 other jurors (named).
Irish rebels abetted by the town of Rosse in 15 & 17 Henry VIII. Murder by David Hore, 18 Hen. VIII. Robbery by Ossory, 25 Hen. VIII. The dean of Fernes, Alex. Ketyng, Gerald Bossher, and Sir Ric. Browne, parson of the Island, have "pursued" bulls from Rome. Farnes abbey and Durbard's island are the King's. The vicar of Kylcowan died in June last, so the King is entitled to first fruits. Robberies and extortions at various dates by Thos. Poyer, Ossory, and Richard Butler.
Pp. 3.
R. O. 7. Verdict of the commons for the body of Wexford county. John Devereux and 14 other jurors (named).
The lord of Ossory seized the King's Castle of Turbard's Island from John Devereux, constable there, in 22 Hen. VIII. and still keeps it. He also, 1 March 10 Hen. VIII., seized Montegarret beside Rosse from Walter Meyler. Wm. Keteing, commander of Kylklogan, has seized land in Dunbrodye. The barony of Karnoo and manor of Fernes, barony of Torkyll and town of Arklow are the King's. Maryertazthe Kevanathe withholds Dounscorttye from the freeholders, who are Richfords and Prendregasts. Outrages, &c., committed at various times between 22 & 28 Henry VIII. by Thos. Power, Thos. Cusak of Cosingistoune, Ric. Butler, Thos. Cogge Newell, John Sutton, Edm. Prendregast, Wm. McShane, son of Shane McPhilip, and Edm. McDowlle of Ramysgraunge, Laur. Newell, Gerald Boye Prendregast, Edlee Roche, and others (named).
Pp. 3.
R. O. 8. Verdict of the inhabitants of Ross. Walt. Hyde, and 9 others (named), jurors.
Lands within the franchise of Ross which have escheated to the King by the treason of Thos. Byrton and others. Outrages by Robt. son of John Roche, Nich. Roche (with divers nations of Wexford, i.e., Keteings, Suttons, Furlongs, Hoorehayes, Chevyris, Devereux, Synnets, and Nevelles), Nic. Hoore, Hamond Stafford, Fitzherry of Kylkevan, Lamport of Balyhue, Jas. Keteing, John and Gilb. Sutton, Patrick son of John Roche, Care McArte and other McArtes, Kavanaghes, McMurroughs, McDonylls, and others.
Copies of—
(1.) Inquisition taken at Roose before John Taylor "superior" there, 1 Sept. 10 Hen. VIII., by Hen. Walsh and 17 other (named) jurors, certifying that Nic. Devereux and other citizens (43 named) by command of Patrick Roope, mayor, with many Spaniards, Frenchmen, Bretons, and Irish came, 22 May 10 H. VIII., and bombarded the town of Roose which was compelled to deliver them 20l. and lost 100l. more.
(2.) Similar inquisition taken the same day finding that the above named are guilty of the death of Gervase Tayger, merchant of Bristol, who was slain in the above bombardment of 22 May.
Two further presentments against the town of Waterford.
Pp. 10. The inquisitions are in Latin.
R. O. 9. Verdict of the heads and commoners of Clonmel. Bennet Whyte and 15 other jurors (named). Inquisition for these two years past "the date above written" (sic).
Coyne and livery and other exactions taken by Ossory, Lord James Butler, Sir Thomas Butler. Idle men and vagabonds. Suppers called "cuddyes." Blackbeds. Indictment of Walt. Butler of Polkyr. Irish judges. Forestallers and tamperers with markets. Extortioners. Riot by Edm. abp. of Casshell. Murders. Customs. Bribes taken by the bp. of Lismore and Waterford and others. The abbot of Innyslawenaghte "using his leman or harlot openly by day and night to his pleasure" and his monks keeping harlots. Complaints against the priory of Cahir, prioress of Mollaghe, the prior of St. Mary's Abbey of the "Freors Karmys," priory of Athasshell, abbey of Holy Cross, and abbey of Hoghnyr on this side Limerick.
ii. Bills of complaint found true by the above jurors:—
(1.) Of Robt. Donyll who was robbed by the abp. of Cashell, 17 Aug. 24 Hen. VIII.
(2.) Of Patrick Bussher of Waterford seized and put to ransom by servants of Sir Thos. Butler and Piers Butler, 24 Henry VIII.
iii. "The advice for the redress of the enormities aforesaid devised by the said jury ":—That coin and livery be "put back," that none shall make a separate peace with any Irish nation, that the Irish nations under the King's laws obey the Deputy, that the "bigge Irish sherts be dampned and put back and brought to lasse making and facyon," that all the nations wear English apparel and use English customs, that no man succour thieves or Irish rebels and that all keep weapons and be ready to "answer the cry" for the common defence.
iv. Bill of complaint of Ric. Graunte of Fetherd. Was formerly servant to Sir John Arundel of Cornwall and obtained leave to visit his friends in Ireland. Arrived at Dungarvan 2 years past, and there met Edm. Maurice, who agreed to conduct him safe to Clonmel. By the way Maurice attacked and wounded him and carried off his goods to Rekyll where his master Sir Thos. Butler dwelt. Sir Thomas then took Graunte prisoner for half a year and charged him 8l. 10s. for ransom.
Certificate of the jury that the above is true against Sir Thomas and Edm. Fitzmorice.
Pp. 7.
R. O. 10. Verdict of gentlemen and commoners of Tipperary county. Thos. Prendregast and 12 other jurors (named).
Exactions and oppressions by Sir Thomas Butler: petition for redress. Names of Sir Thos. Butler's and lord Ossory's servants. Informations against Walt. Butler vicar of Rathranan and Denis Moryce vicar of Kyllshevan.
Pp. 3.
R. O. 11. Bills found to be true by verdict of the gentlemen and commoners of Tipperary county.
(1.) Of Maude Goldyng, born in Waterford, who was taken and put to ransom by a servant of Edmund Butler, and whose mother suffered various losses by Sir Thomas Butler, son and heir to the said Edmund Butler.
(2.) Of Jas. Bray and Ric. Wedlok, merchants of Clonmell, against John Duf, serjeant to Edmund Butler, dec., and now to Sir Thomas Butler, (24 Henry VIII.)
Pp. 2.
12 Oct. 899. Jacques de Coucy [Sieur de Vervins] to Lady Lisle.
R.O. I cannot thank you too much for the good beer you have sent me. Madame la Seneschale sends you some venison of the bristly boar. Boulogne, 12 Oct. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
12 Oct. 900. Jacques Groutier to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I fear you have forgotten me altogether. You must know that I have long been your servant, and shall be all my life. You ask those who came hither, and made themselves known to me, what cheer I made them. Be assured if they had been the greatest people in France I could not have done more for them for the sake of you and my lady. I am very anxious to see you and my lady again. If you would allow my lady to come this summer(?) to Dieppe, to Nostre Dame Demyoult, (fn. n5) I will go to fetch her, and she shall see a great triumph, and I will send her back to Calais with an honourable company. Dieppe, 12 Oct.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
13 Oct. 901. Prince Edward.
Anstis' Order
of the Garter,
ii. 410.
Notice of the birth of prince Edward, 13 Oct., St. Edward's Day, (fn. n6) about 4 o'clock 1537.
13 Oct. 902. Arthur Kelton to Wriothesley.
R.O. "After my return from you," certified my kinsman the cellarer of Evesham and other friends that you intended to move the cause to my Lord, with the counsel of Doctor Petur. They have since written to me to remind you; because the audit and receipt is shortly after All Hallow Day, and the abbot receives all that he can get before hand, contrary to custom. Please abbreviate the time, "so that he might with the some receipt be the more 'ablerar' to content the King's first fruits." Salop, St. Edward's Day.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Thomas Wrisley, with my lord Privy Seal. Endd.
13 Oct. 903. Captain Gilles de Revelles to Robt. Guerault.
R. O. I have seen your letter, and in reply, I did not place you there, "et aves en gran tort dy avoir lasse." As to the Flemings let them return the 20 crs. I lent them and I will send them back. Messieurs de Qualles (Calais) have no cause to keep you in prison, for neither you nor we have done harm to the English. It is favouring one party more than the other, and I did not put the Flemings in prison. They tell me that you are [commanded] to send them to Boulogne(?).
Complains that they made him give his money to 23 other prisoners, who have gone away. Eu, 13 Oct.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: at Calais.
14 Oct. 904. [Rich. Morison.]
Royal MS.
7 C. xvi. f. 212.
Notes on various subjects from the different books of the Old Testament Arranged in two columns on each page, with marginal headings showing the different subjects.
In Morison's hand, pp. 28. The first page very illegible. At the end we read:—Finis, 14 Octobris, anno domini 1537.—" Sicut olim puer contemplatione operum naturæ admirabundus cœpi omnia curiosius examinare, ita hunc librum legens, opera Dei miranda animo volvens, stupore quodam mentis aliquamdiu eram detentus; tandem tamen, spiritu adjutus, eo usque perfeci ut, quemadmodum religiosius saltem venerari misteria non intellecta didici, ita ea ad quæ penetrare licuit sanctissime colui, certæ spei nixus me, Christi aliquando præsidio, ad abstrusiora ilia perductum iri."
14 Oct. 905. Margaret Marchioness of Dorset to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P. I. 570.
Has received the Queen's letters with the most joyful news that has come to England these many years of the birth of a prince. Thanks the King for having appointed her to bear my lord Prince to his christening. Is sorry to be banished from Court by the sickness here. Croydon, 14 Oct. Signed.
14 Oct. 906. Brian Talbot to Cromwell.
R. O. Has delivered Cromwell's letters to the abp. of Canterbury, by whom he had great rebukes, and whose servants used him "with delusion and scorns" after he left the abp's presence. Will never deliver letters to the abp. again. In behalf of his son, desires four gentlemen of the country as Mr. Baron Hale, Mr. Chr. Hale master of the Rolls, Mr. John Fogg, esquire, and one William Gooldwell, justice, may order the matter. Westwell in Kent, 14 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Ld. Privy Seal. Endd.
14 Oct. 907. John Fogg to Cromwell.
R.O. I thank your lordship for befriending John Grene, late farmer of Sir John (fn. n7) Marshall parson of Mersham in Kent, of whose oppressions I lately wrote. Brian Talbot has since come to me to know if Marshall were the priest he once informed against for treasonable words. He is not. That priest lived at Detlyng and is fled. He hurt a poor man John Drure who accused him. But a priest named Huys yet dwelling in Maidstone assisted him, and if instructed I will bring him to you. Asheford, 14 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
908. John Drewry, of Ashford, Kent, to [Cromwell?].
R. O. Petition setting forth that he is maimed and undone for ever for speaking in his prince's quarrel. At the time of the insurrection in the North he went from London as far as Durnam (sic) where he met one Sir Davy, a priest, who had been fellow servant with him to Sir John Fogge. Sir Davy asked him whose part he would take and when he replied, that of his Prince, said "No. A tyrant more cruel than Nero; for Nero destroyed but a part of Rome, but this tyrant destroyeth his whole realm," adding that he especially persecuted Holy Church. On this Drewry denounced him as a traitor and fled to the kitchen, "where myne oste and ostes was, he grinding of malt and she dressing her child by the fire." Sir Davy pursued him, and with a long "prage," thrust at him through two doublets, his shirt, "and a little perished my flesh, not to me knowing till myne ostes spyed it." Drew his dagger, and the master of the house came; in whose presence Davy struck him in the face, "supposing it had be to the heart," and escaped to Hettcorne parish five or six miles off, where he reported to the curate that he had killed a man. Next day (Saturday) Master Hewys, commissary of Maidstone, sent Sir Davy (as he was his countryman and kinsman) a gown and a piece of gold, commanding him to flee, though he knew from the writer that he was a traitor, and, to stop all charges, offered to pay all expenses, both boarding and leechcraft, which the writer refused to his great hindrance. Nevertheless Hewys released the traitor and delivered the priest his goods again and conveyed him out of the country, "he knowing me to be undone, my wife and all my children, my goods spent, my lands sold and mortgaged." Has only been relieved by his good master and Mrs. Fogge, who have helped him with 30s. and above in ready money, besides wheat and malt, and commanded him "to instruct your grace the truth." But Master Hewys is rich and has divers benefices and friends to "suppress" him, unless he receive special favour.
Pp. 2. Begins: Most honorable and my gracious good Lord. Endd.
[14 Oct.] 909. Latimer to Cromwell.
R. O.
L.'s Remains,
p. 383.
Cromwell's request touching Master Barker shall be done. He seems a man of honest conversation, not without good letters. Has seen the resignation. Requires two things: first, that the poor college (fn. n8) be not bound for the pension, to which Master Barker himself is agreeable; for Dr. Bell may well outlive him, and then the succeeder should come into a warm office to be charged not only with fruits and tenths, but also with pension. The other is that Cromwell should persuade Barker to tarry upon it and preach, to the reformation of that blind end of the diocese. For else what are we the better for his great literature and good conversation? The houses are toward ruin, and the whole town far but of frame for lack of residence. Commits this to Cromwell's goodness, which is not wont to regard more the wealth and pleasant living of one body than the necessary relief of many souls. His commandment shall be done about Sir Large, whose cause he thinks Cromwell judges rightly, that malice is in one part and simplicity in the other. Postridie Edwardi, at Warwick.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
14 Oct. 910. Raskelf, Yorkshire.
R. O. "Reparacions made upon the King's manor place at Raskell the 14th day of October by William Lawson, bayley there, anno r. R. Henrici VIIIvi. xxixo." The sum of the account is 4l. 10s. 2d. Signed by "Sir Henry Plover, prest," John Wodward, and John Watson as witnesses.
15 Oct. 911. Prince Edward.
Add. MS.
6,113, f. 81.
B. M.
"The christening of Prince Edward, the most dearest son of King Henry the VIIIth of yt name."
Edward VI.
"By the provision of God, Our Lady S. Mary, and the glorious martyr S. George, (fn. n9) on the 12 day of October, the feast of St. Wilfrid, the vigil of St. Edward, which was on the Friday, about two o'clock in the morning, was born at Hampton Court Edward son to King Henry the VIIIth," year 1537, Dominical letter G., 29 Henry VIII., "which was not christened till the Monday next following."
Incontinent after the birth Te Deum was sung in Paul's and other churches of the city, and great fires [were made] in every street, and goodly banquetting and triumphing cheer with shooting of guns all day and night, and messengers were sent to all the estates and cities of the realm, to whom were given great gifts.
"The preparations ordained for the said christening at Hampton Court." Describing minutely the course of the procession and the decorations of the chapel, with the positions occupied by the officers of the household (Sir John Russell, Sir Fras. Bryan, Sir Nic. Carew, and Sir Ant. Browne in aprons and towels were to take charge of the font until discharged by the lord Steward, or, in his absence, the Treasurer of the Household). The order of going to the christening was: First, certain gentlemen two and two bearing torches not lighted until the prince be Christened. Then the children and ministers of the King's chapel, with the dean, "not singing going outward." Gentlemen esquires and knights two and two. Chaplains of dignity two and two. Abbots and bishops. The King's councillors. Lords two and two. The comptroller and treasurer of the Household. The ambassadors. The three lords chamberlains and the lord Chamberlain of England in the midst. The lord Cromwell, being lord Privy Seal, and the lord Chancellor. The duke of Norfolk and abp. of Canterbury. A pair of covered basins borne by the earl of Sussex, supported by the lord Montague. A "taper of virgin wax borne by the earl of Wiltshire in a towel about his neck." A salt of gold similarly borne by the earl of Essex. "Then the crysome richly garnished borne by the lady Elizabeth, the King's daughter: the same lady for her tender age was borne by the viscount Beauchamp with the assistance of the lord." (fn. n10) Then the Prince borne under the canopy by the lady marquis of Exeter, assisted by the duke of Suffolk and the marquis her husband. The lady mistress went between the prince and the supporter. The train of the Prince's robe borne by the earl of Arundel and sustained by the lord William Howard." "The nurse to go equally with the supporter of the train, and with her the midwife." The canopy over the Prince borne by Sir Edw. Nevyll, Sir John Wallop, Ric. Long, Thomas Semere, Henry Knyvet, and Mr. Ratclif, of the Privy Chamber. The "tortayes" of virgin wax borne about the canopy by Sir Humph. Foster, Robt. Turwytt, George Harper, and Ric. Sowthwell. Next after the canopy my lady Mary, being lady godmother, her train borne by lady Kingston. All the other ladies of honour in their degrees.
When the Prince was christened all the torches were lighted and Garter King at Arms proclaimed his name (proclamation verbatim, titles duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester). "This done, this service following was in time the Prince was making ready in his traverse, and Te Deum sung":—First, to the lady Mary the lord William to give the towel and the lord Fytzwater to bear covered basins, and the lord Montagew (fn. n11) to uncover. Item, to the bishop that doth administer, the lord Butler (fn. n12) to bear the towel, the lord Bray to bear the basins and the lord Delaware to uncover. To the duke of Norfolk and abp. of Canterbury, godfathers, the lord Sturton to bear the towel and the lord Went worth to give the water. To serve the ladies Mary and Elizabeth with spices, wafers, and wine: the lord Hastings to bear the cup to lady Mary, and the lord Delaware that to lady Elizabeth; lord Dacres of the South to bear the spice plates to both, lord Cobham the wafers, and lord Montagew (fn. n13) to uncover the spice plate. The bishop that doth administer, the duke of Norfolk and abp. of Canterbury, godfathers at the font, and the duke of Suffolk, godfather at the confirmation, to be likewise served by knights appointed by the lord Chamberlain. All other estates and gentles within the church were served with spice and ypocras, and all other had bread and sweet wine.
The going homeward was like the coming outward, saving that the taper, salt and basin were left and the gifts of the gossips carried, i.e. Lady Mary, a cup of gold borne by the earl of Essex; the archbishop, 3 great bowls and 2 great pots, silver and gilt, borne by the earl of Wiltshire; Norfolk, ditto, borne by the earl of Sussex; Suffolk, 2 great flagons and 2 great pots, silver and gilt, borne by Viscount Beauchamp. Lady Elizabeth went with her sister Lady Mary and Lady Herbert of Troy to bear the train. Sounding of the trumpets. Taking of "assayes." The Prince was then borne to the King and Queen and had the blessing of God, Our Lady, and St. George, (fn. n14) and his father and mother; and the same day the King gave great largess.
ii. The names of all estates and gentlemen present at the christening.
The lord Chancellor. Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk. Marquis of Exeter. Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. (fn. n15) Earls of Arundel, Oxford, Essex, Wiltshire, and Sussex. Viscount Beauchamp. Lords Howard, Admiral, Delaware, Sandes, Bray, Montagewe,‡ Sturton; Hongerforth of Hechbury, (fn. n15) Cobham, Dacre of the South, Montjoye, Fitzwater, Hastings and Butler. The abp. of Canterbury. Bishops of London, Lincoln, Rochester, Chichester, St. Asse, and Carlisle. [Abbots of Westminster, St. Albans, Waltham, Towerhill and Stratford]. (fn. n16) Mr. Henage, Sir John Russell, Sir Francis Bryan, Sir Nich. Carowe, Sir Thomas Cheyny, Sir Ant. Browne, Sir John Walloppe, Ric. Long, Thos. Semere, Hen. Knyvet, Peter Meutus, Sir Humph. Foster, Geo. Harper, John Welsborne, Rog. Ratclif, Ant. Knyvet, Rob. Turwytte, Sir Humph. Ratclif, Sir John Sentjohn, Sir Thos. Rotheram, John Williams, Ralph Verney, Sir Wm. Essex, Sir Ant. Hongerford, Sir Wm. Barnden (in another hand "ou Baratyn"), Sir Walt. Stoner, Sir John Brown, Sir John Bouchier, Sir Edw. Baynton, [Sir Henry Bayngton], (fn. n17) Sir Hen. Long, Sir Wm. Kingiston, Sir John Briggis, Sir Nich. Poyntes, Sir Walt. Deynis, Ant. Kyngston, Sir John Sentlowe, Sir Hugh Paullet, Sir Giles Strangwishe, Sir Thos. Arundell, Sir John Horsey, Sir John Rogers, Sir Wm. Paullet, John Paullet, Sir John Gage, Sir Wm. Goryn, Sir Edw. Nevill, Sir John Dudley, Sir Willm. Haulte, Sir Edw. Hutton, Sir Wm. Kempe, Sir Thos. Poynynges, John Norton, Sir Ric. Weston, Sir Ric. Page, Sir Giles Capell, Sir John Rainsforth, Sir Thos. Darcy, Sir John Sentleger, Sir John Turrell, Wm. Sailiard, Sir Chr. Willoughby, Sir Ric. Sandes, Sir Geo. Somerset, Sir Arth. Hopton, Sir Ant. Wingfeld, Sir Wm. Drury, Edw. Chamberlain, Ric. Sowthwill, Sir Hen. Parker, Sir Griffith Dunne, Sir Ph. Butler, Sir Rob. Payton, Sir Giles Alington, Thos. Meggis, Thos. Wriothesley, Ric. Manners. The dean of St. Stephen's, archd. of Richmond, dean of Exeter, dean of Windsor, dean of Sarum, Dr. Bell, Thurlbee, Dr. Turryt, Mr. Patte, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Skippe, and Dr. Daye.
P. 12. In a later hand.
Egerton MS.
985, f. 33.
B. M.
2. Another copy in a modern hand, with some slight variations.
Pp. 11.
*** The account printed by Hearne in Leland's Collectanea (ii. ii. p. 670) is the same as this with some verbal differences.
15 Oct. 912. Worcester.
R. O. Examination of witnesses before Roger Warde and John Williams, bailiffs of the city of Worcester, taken in the Guildhall there, 15 Oct. 29 Hen. VIII., in the presence of Humphrey Burforde late high bailiff, three aldermen, and two others named (including Thos. Hyll the town clerk) at the request of Thos. Evance, the King's servant, against Rob. Deyn alias Adeyn, servant to Sir John Hurlston, for saying in Ric. Whitney's house in Martley, Wore, that he would fight in his master's cause against the King, and if he killed the King he should but be hanged, as for killing another man.
Names of the witnesses:—Walter Smythes, Joan Wryght, Gilbert Harley, alias Dalay, Eleanor Whitney, wife of the above Richard, and Walter Harrys. The accused confesses the words.
On parchment, stained and partly illegible. Sealed with the official seal of the bailiff's of Worcester.
913. Henry VIII. to ——.
R. O.
St. P. v. 112.
Having revoked the duke of Norfolk from those parts and established a Council, of which the bp. of Durham is made president, we have appointed you a member of the same. We doubt not your zeal both when at the Council and in your country, and expect you to show such respect to the lord president that we may see you honour us in our minister, especially when matters of complaint are preferred against your tenants.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand. Endd. inaccurately: The minute of the King's letter to my lord of Norfolk.
914. The Council of the North.
R. O. i. "The fees of the King's Council in the North parts."
The lord President, 800l.; Sir Thomas Tempest, 100 mks.; Sir Ralph Ellerkar, 100 mks.; Sir Marmaduke Constable the elder, 20l.; Robt. Bowes, 100 mks.; Wm. Bapthorp, 50l.; Ric. Belassis, 20l.; Robt. Chaloner, 50l.; John Uvedall, 20l.; Sir Wm. Evers, 20l.; serjeant Fayrefax, 20l. Total, 1,200l.
ii. "The fees and wages of the King's Council in the Matches of Wales."
The lord President for diets, at the rate of 13l. 6s. 8d. per week, 693l. 6s. 8d.; Sir John Porte, one of the justices, 40 mks.; Sir Ant. Fitzherbert, 10l.; Sir Edw. Croft, 10l.; Sir Rice Mauncel, 10l.; John Russell, secretary, 13l. 6s. 8d.; Roger Wigeston, 5l.; John Vernon, 13l. 6s. 8d.; Thomas Holt, attorney, 13l. 6s. 8d.; Ric. Hassar (sic), solicitor, 5l.; Wm. Carter, armourer at Ludlow, at 6d. a day, 9l. 3s. Item, for foreign expenses yearly, 100 mks. Total, 875l. 15s. 10d. (sic).
Summa utriusque, 2,075l. 15s. 10d.
Pp. 2. Endd.
2. Expenses of the Council.
R. O. Diets of my lord of Durham, with the fees of those joined with him in Council and 6l. 13s. 4d. for a messenger, 1,220l. The keeping of the pledges of Tyndale and Ryddesdale and the charge of posts must also be paid upon the bishop's bill. The fees of the deputy wardens of the East and Middle Marches, and the annuities of the pensioners, 733l. 6s. 8d. Those of the West Marches, 273l. 6s. 8d., of which half must be paid at Christmas. Fees of the captain of Carlisle and his men, 204l. A fee must be given to Sir Geo. Lawson for the receipt and payment of the above sums.
P. 1. Endd.: The Northern matters.
R. O. 3. The charges of the diets of my lord of Durham, President of the Council in the North, with the fees of those joined in the said Council with him, and 6l. 13s. 4d. for a messenger, amount to 1,220l.
The fees of the deputy wardens of the East and Middle Marches with the annuities of the pensioners there do amount to —— (fn. n18)
P. 1.
15 Oct. 915. Tunstall to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. v. 116.
He and his fellows write to the King of their proceedings at York. Encloses a copy of their letter to Sir Reynold Carnaby, in answer to his letter to Norfolk which arrived after the Duke's departure. Suggests that Uvedale has a signet (described) which might be used for these parts. Norfolk has left the pledges of Tynedale and Riddesdale, which be brought to York, here, not at Newcastle. Thinks it inexpedient to imprison them strictly, else more will not come in. The sheriffs are loth to keep them, and in Sheriffhutton there are not always people enough resident. If the King wishes them kept at Newcastle, wishes he would write to the town to receive them. The names of Darcy, Sir Robert Constable, and others are not yet removed from the commissions of the peace. Require the books sent down containing the decrees of the last commission and my lord of Richmond. Master Fairfax, serjeant-at-law, should be put in our commission as in previous ones. Notwithstanding his age he was on the King's side at Doncaster. York, 15 Oct.
P.S. (in his own hand).—Find that they have no authority to levy force in case of resistance to their precepts, and all the gentlemen are sworn to levy none except at the King's command. Sir Thomas Tempest, by order of Norfolk, keeps the sons of Sir Thomas Percy at his house in the Bpric., which is not strong and within 16 miles of Tyndale, with no obstacle between except when the water is high. Some other place were more meet. The children are young and must be among women. Signed.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
15 Oct. 916. Tunstall to Norfolk.
R. O. Within three hours of Norfolk's departure letters came for him from Master Carnaby and Lionel Gray, which they thought it right to open. They made answer to Carnaby, as their letters to the King and lord Privy Seal will show. Have sent Carnaby's letter to the King. Knows not if Norfolk will be at Court when their letters arrive. The letter of Lionel Gray requires Norfolk's advice, which he can give to the King. Explained on Saturday last to the gentlemen of the county the cause of his sudden departing, and though they would fain have taken leave of him they were glad of the cause he was sent for. York, 15 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
15 Oct. 917. John Uvedale to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received his kind letter by my lord of Durham. Is much bound to him for his advancement to this room and stipend now granted to him by the King, and also for his advice like that of a father. Fears he can hardly get qualified ministers, the profits appointed are so small, and cannot undertake it himself in his old days. York, 15 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
15 Oct. 918. Sedition.
R. O. A day or two before 15 Oct. 29 Hen. VIII. there came to the house of St. Robert's beside Knaresborough a suspicious vagabond called John Petenson, who, for such seditious reports as he began to disclose, was taken by the minister of the house and delivered to Thomas Slingesbie, who brought him, with his confession as hereafter follows, to my lord President and Council to the city of York the same day.
This is the saying of John Patenson, of Old Felton. That friar Robert Ashton was lodged at his father's house on Tuesday last and other divers nights, and desired him to commend him to the brethren of St. Robert's; that my lord Lumley lies at Hull Park at the Friars and the said friar Ash ton is his chaplain, and sometimes is in harness and rides to baron Hilton's, and two or three men of Beverley wait on him. Also that many of them that were fled to Scotland had returned, and lay about Hull Park and Alnwick. That one Arthur Percy came from France to Berwick with seven ships, and is now with lord Lumley at Hull Park. That the commons of Scotland had risen with the outlaws of England against their King, and had driven him to a hold and intended to "pyne" him.
"Finally," he confessed that one Dixon, a Scotchman dwelling in England near the borders "having a coll blakk here" (coal black hair?) of the age of 40, with a white face, met him at Alnwick in the house of one Strother on Monday fortnight, gave him a groat, and desired him to bruit the premises abroad in England, and bring him word again after All Hallow tide, and bade him speak with friar Grene at Knaresborough.
Further, he said, that Stephen Roper, of Cottingham, gave him a groat and bade him go to Beverley to Wilson's wife, intending he should go on her errand into Scotland to speak with her husband, and gave him a token to her, which was that Roper and she did eat bread and cheese and drank together in her house; and then she desired Roper to get her a messenger to her husband into Scotland. On which Patenson went to her, received of her 12d. and went into Scotland to see Wilson. And she "recommended her" to her husband by the same token that at his going from her she gave him 40s. And so he went, he said, to Edinburgh and spoke with Wilson, with the friar of St. Robert's and with another Englishman at the sign of the Swan, a little from the castle of Edinburgh, tarrying there with them two nights and a day, and the friar gave him 2d. and Wilson other 2d., and he returned home to England again. And by counsel of the foresaid Dixon he told all the lies mentioned by him, spoken at Knaresborough and affirmed all those his reports and sayings at Knaresborough to be but feigned. He was accordingly committed to ward in York castle, and after remaining there four or live days, Sir Ralph Ellerker, William Babthorp, Robt. Chaloner, and John Uvedale were sent to examine him again. But he would confess no otherwise than before is expressed from the word "Finally," plainly declaring all his sayings at Knaresborough to be but lies. But when the said Sir Ralph Ellerker and the others left him, they advised — Bucok, keeper of York castle, to examine him upon the premises, and when they were gone he made this confession to the keeper:—
That one William Spurryer, of Beverley, smith, Stephen Roper, Wilson's wife, of Beverley, and William Watson, of the same, with four or five other persons, of Beverley, desired him to have them commended to Wilson, late of Beverley, and Dixon the Scotchman and the friars of St. Robert's, and that he should show them that they desired the said banished men to come back to England with as great a company of Scots as they might bring, and that Spurryer and the others would cause the country about Beverley to assemble in such a way as it has heretofore done, and it would never be well with England till that were done. And Spurryer took to the said Patenson, to his costs, 2d.
On knowledge of this last confession of Patenson the foresaid Sporier, Roper, and Watson were by command of the Council brought to York, but before their examination Sir Ralph Ellerker, Babthorp, Chaloner, and Uvedale were sent for to examine the said Patenson again and make him rehearse his said confession before the gaoler. Being brought before them and the gaoler he denied both it and his former traitorous confessions, declaring them all to be false, and that he heard these communications at divers times of such vagabonds as himself; that he had accused the said persons only because he knew them and not others thereabouts; and that he never was in Scotland in his life.
This being disclosed to my lord President, Patenson was examined again face to face with Sporier, Roper, and Watson, each apart, in presence of my lord President and the Counsel, and there denied his accusations, and scarcely knew them. The said Watson was so deaf that the loudest man crying in his ear could hardly make him hear, and he knew not Patenson. The malice of Patenson being thus proved, he was committed again to prison, and afterwards at the oyer determiner was indicted, arraigned and executed for treason.
Pp. 7. Endd.
15 Oct. 919. Guillaume LE Gras to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have received your letter of the 20th Sept., and am delighted to know your pleasure touching your son Master James, whom you do not wish to go and live at the college. I did not wish to do it without your advice, although many of your friends thought it would be well. To go to college and return to my house is not advisable on account of the distance. We will teach him at home whatever you are pleased to command. Paris, 15 Oct. 1537.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
15 Oct. 920. Guillaume le Gras to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I would write to you oftener if you understood my language; but I trust you are well enough informed by my letters to my lord Deputy of the disposition of your son Mr. James, who shall not go to college; and for my part I would not send him without my lord's consent and yours. We will make him learn at home what we can. I send you five crapes, the finest I can get here. I have advanced for Mr. James 123l. 8s. 2d., as you will see by the bill I send. Be good enough to deliver the amount to Verdun Labé, who is now at Calais. Paris, 15 Oct. 1537.
Hol., Fr.,p. 1. Add.


  • n1. See Vol. XI., No. 1476, which is evidently of the year 1537.
  • n2. Margaret Countess dowager of Dorset.
  • n3. Crossed out.
  • n4. Probably the numeral "xij" in the MS. was misread "vij" by Howard.
  • n5. "Sy vous plesoiet donner conje a Madame sept (sic) este a venyra Dieppe a la Nostre Dame Demyoult.
  • n6. Clearly a wrong date, as appears by preceding letters.
  • n7. Should be Sir William as in his letter of 26 Sept. See Valor Eccl. I. 47.
  • n8. Of Stratford-on-Avon.
  • n9. "By the provision of the living God" in § 2.
  • n10. Sic—"The lord Morley" in Leland.
  • n11. A later hand has written the word 'treditor' sic over his name.
  • n12. The same later hand has erroneously altered this name to Bousher, and this form is followed in § 2, and also in Hearne's Leland, where the name appears as Bourcher.
  • n13. A later hand has written the word 'treditcr' sic over his name.
  • n14. "The blessing of God, &c.," in § 2.
  • n15. Each of these names is marked by the later hand "treditur" or "tryditor" for "traditor."
  • n16. Crossed out. Not noticed in § 2.
  • n17. Inserted later.
  • n18. Blank.