Henry VIII: November 1536, 16-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 11, July-December 1536. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Henry VIII: November 1536, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 11, July-December 1536, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1888), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol11/pp435-451 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: November 1536, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 11, July-December 1536. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol11/pp435-451.

"Henry VIII: November 1536, 16-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 11, July-December 1536. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol11/pp435-451.


November 1536, 16-20

[16 Nov.]
Otho, C. x. 269. B. M. Hearne's Sylloge, 134.
1082. Princess Mary to Wriothesley.
I received your letter by bearer, which compels me to do what I never did to any man except the King, the lord Privy Seal, and, once, to lord Beauchamp, i.e., write a letter of thanks for sending this messenger for my quietness and for your entertainment of my servant Randal Dod. Another, as I hear, is much bound to you, that is Ant. Roke, for whom I thank you. As he was my mother's servant and is an honest man I would him good. Moreover, I thank you for remembering my cook, whom I have obtained the sooner by your means "for I take you to by my second suitor." Hownsdon, Thursday, 9 a.m.
Begins: Mr. Wrythesley.
16 Nov. 1083. Monasteries exempted from Suppression.
See Grants in November, Nos. 13, 14, and 26.
16 Nov.
R. O.
1084. Suffolk to Henry VIII.
It is thought information has been made to the King that the dean of Lincoln did not "use himself" as a true subject when the rebels were up there. He was at a college called Tetersall, 16 miles from Lincoln, all that time, and had no communication with the rebels, and only came to Lincoln the night before Suffolk's arrival thither. Since then he has shown himself a true subject and honest gentleman, and no one there has ever accused him. Begs favour for him. Lincoln, 16 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
16 Nov.
R. O.
1085. Suffolk and Sir Wm. Parr to Henry VIII.
"Amongst other things sent by credit" by George Harper, I advertised your Highness that, upon the last rising at Pomfret, I had sent Somerset herald, this bearer, to Pomfret to see the state of those parts. He has now been there and spoken with lord Darcy at good length, as he can himself best declare. Sends certain letters received from Sir Anthony Browne, Sir Fras. Lovell, William Gonson, and John Candisshe. Lincoln, 16 Nov., 6 p.m.
P.S.—Sends also a letter sent that day by Sir Francis Bryan and Sir John Russell, of "the dangers they find upon the rivers in those parts." Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: Received 19 Nov.
R. O. 1086. Darcy and Somerset Herald.
"The effect of the communication between Thomas lord Darcy and Thomas Treheyes, otherwise called Somerset, herald of arms."
On Monday, 13 Nov., Charles duke of Suffolk, the King's lieutenant of Lincolnshire, commanded Somerset herald to go from Lincoln to lord Darcy. On Tuesday, the 14th, he arrived at Templehurst, a goodly place of lord Darcy's, standing nigh the river of Ayre, where he was honorably received and brought "through the hall into a fair parlour," and immediately sent for to come to lord Darcy in his chamber. Darcy welcomed him with his cap off and took him by the hand, saying: "Sir, I think ye have brought me some news from the King our sovereign lord." The herald said he came from the duke of Suffolk.
Then follows a detailed report of the conversation between "The herald" and "The lord Darcy," to the following effect:—
Herald.—Suffolk understands that on Saturday last there was a rising about Pomfret contrary to the treaty at Doncaster, and desires Darcy to pacify it. Darcy.—On Saturday Darcy's cousin, Sir Brian Hastyngs, sent 20 men to a house he has across the Don. A woman seeing their white coats raised the alarm but Darcy pacified it. Here Darcy showed a letter from Hastyngs confirming this. Darcy.—Will now ask a question of the herald "before this gentleman my cousin" and others. It is said that Suffolk intends to besiege Hull, contrary to their "composition." Is this true? Herald.— Suffolk never intended to lay siege to Hull or to break any point of the composition at Doncaster, nor has he stopped any of the passages. Thinks the rumour arose because part of their army lies at Barton upon Humber and Grimsby on these coasts, because they are too many to be lodged in one place and so lie in all the towns and villages about Lincoln. D.—Thanks Suffolk for the news; asks his hearers to report it to the Captain and commons. H.—Suffolk understands that, in a letter he wrote comforting the earl of Cumberland against the "rebellious," that name enraged many. D.—Such a letter has come to their Captain's hands. If there be any rebellious, he wishes they were at Lincoln; for himself, he trusts to declare himself the King's true servant. When Aske (fn. 1) first raised the people there, Darcy laid wait and would have taken him if he had kept the appointments he made with gentlemen to lie at their houses. Seeing he could not get him, and that the people rose, he went to hold the castle of Pomfret and kept 13 score men 14 days at his own cost. Thither came the archbishop of York and Mr. Magnus, thinking by his policy as an old man of war to escape. Darcy then wrote for aid to the King and Lord Lieutenant and has their answers, and every day the captain wrote to him, charging him on his life to yield the castle or they would burn his houses and kill his son's children. On the Friday night Darcy "bade" them 20l. for respite till the morrow at nine o'clock. They gave him till seven o'clock and then, hearing of no succour and having no gunpowder or fuel and the victuals coming to him being eaten and drunken in the street before his face, he yielded. H.—It is true Darcy could not escape then, but at the entreaty with the lords at Doncaster, being far from the host, he might have escaped. D.—Will show him a tale. "When Thomas FitzGarrad (fn. 2) did rebel in Ireland he sent word to the duke of Richmond, whose soul God pardon, that if he would receive him he would yield him to him. And the Duke answered full wisely and said: By my faith! if I were sure to get him his pardon I would be glad to receive him; but he that will lay his head on the block may have it soon stricken off." Had said to Shrewbury, "Talbot, hold up thy long clee" and promise me the King's favor and I will come to Doncaster to you. Shrewsbury answered, "Well lord Darcy, then ye shall not come it" (sic). Had he thought treason he might have fought Norfolk and Shrewsbury on that side of Doncaster with their own men. (fn. 3) H.—Much of that is true; but if the men of the duke of Norfolk and Shrewsbury promised to take Darcy's part it was probably to deceive him; they were eager to fight. D.—Prays God they may be true; but let that pass, if the King will send his pardon, though he has no need of it if he might be indifferently heard. Hears Cromwell and others try to persuade gentlemen to come to the King; they will do so if his Highness pardon them, but it is a better defence to have them here than with him in Bridewell. For himself he has been true to Henry VII. and the King, and has ever said "One God, one Faith, and one King." H.—How can he say he has been true to the King when he has borne harness against his lieutenant? D.—That was to save my life. When we tarried about the "entreaty" at Doncaster "our own host would have runned upon us to have killed us, saying that we would betray them." H.—Has heard Darcy, at Mortlake and Westminster, "speak so much honor, truth, and faithfulness," that if he were faulty he would be the more to blame. Trusts Darcy will not be angry? D.—No; it shall never be said Old Tom has one traitor's tooth in his head, not even the King can make me do an unlawful act, "as to strike off your head and send it him in a sack." (fn. 4) H.—You speak as though you had been urged to take your captain and send him to the King. Would that be an "unlawful act" if he is a traitor? D.—"He that promiseth to be true to one and deceiveth him may be called a traitor," (fn. 5) but, for all lawful acts not against "our faith," even to defying the Great Turk, he is at the King's command. H.—Speaking of our faith, does he think excluding the bishop of Rome against it? D.—No, and so he said to Cromwell. H.—Hear you any other be up further North? D.—A huge number are up in Westmoreland, Cumberland, Lancashire, and the bishopric of Durham. Darcy then called up a man who had seen the muster in the three former counties, which was said to amount to 140,000. H.—There may be as many of "tag and rag," but of men of war he does not think there are as many in all the North and half Scotland. D.—That country is greatly peopled; a letter, which causes Darcy's "heart to bleed," was sent to their captain from these parts, telling him not to shrink and they would send him 30,000 men, each with a month's wages, and still have 30,000 to fight the Scots, if need were. H.—Thank God the King has men enough and the right on his side, for none can fight against their sovereign lord without being perjured. D.—Would the King knew the danger, and "I would I might speak with my son Bryan or my son Russell " for I know they dare tell the King the truth.
The herald then went with Darcy's servant to a parlour with a good fire, where he had a venison pasty, bread, wine, and beer. Afterwards Darcy sent for him and asked if he had anything else from the Duke of Suffolk. H.—Hears it rumoured that the King's army spoil, and violate women, and murder. The truth is, there has been only one robbery, for which Sir Francis Bryan's servant was executed. D.—Hears that Suffolk does good justice, "and specially at Stamford, by him that cried a new king;" for if the man had been among them they would have hewn him in pieces. Will come to the King, "let them burn this house and kill my sons' children if they will," if he might escape with his life. He then showed the herald a letter he had just received. The writer said, "My lord, I heard the lord Cromwell say that you were a notorious traitor, and I answered that he was a false knave, and your Lordship should prove yourself a true man to the King." Darcy said he was sorry he himself had spoken foolishly of Cromwell at Doncaster, for "every man had a beginning." He had received a rhyme out of Westmoreland, Lancashire, and Cumberland, which made him laugh. He gave it to the herald, who brought it to the King. Asks the herald to show Suffolk that the commons have besieged Carlisle, and though the mayor wished to be sworn to them, they would not receive him. Further, the earl of Cumberland is in great danger of his life, for no man is worse beloved. The Captain and Cumberland are "come of ij. sisters;" and the Captain has written divers letters for him: if he were in "this house," Darcy would "rid him out of their hands." H.—Asks how to help him. D.—My lord of Suffolk is wise enough to devise means. Recommend me to his Grace, and say I pray God the King may not need to take heed nearer home; for if he saw the letters to our captain from all parts of the realm, he would marvel. (fn. 6) Then lord Darcy took him by the hand and gave him a double ducat, and to Berwick pursuivant an angel, and they took their leave.
Pp. 10. Endd.: "A communication between the lord Darcy and Somerset alias Treheron."
16 Nov.
Egerton MS. 2,603, f. 21. B. M.
1087. Sir Fras. Bryan and Sir John Russell to [Suffolk].
Today Russell and Traversse have viewed the fords within three or four miles of this town. Within four miles there are two fords within two butts' lengths of each other, at which 40 horse at one and 25 at the other might cross abreast. If no rain come in these days it will not be up to the knee. There are also two above the town as ill. If the water increase not it will be impossible to defend them. The water has fallen since Sunday nearly a fathom and a half. If the rebels come, we should lose ourselves and the King's artillery if we trusted to the fords. Have six passages to keep and the bridge, which we could hold against all their power if the fords were sure. Sir John Markame, whom my lord of Rutland sent hither, says that between this and Nottingham are many as evil.
The castle here has scant lodging for 100 men, and there is no water.
Advises him to inform the King of this. No men would venture their lives to serve their master with better will than they, but with the water in this state it is not possible. Newark, 16 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 2.
16 Nov.
R. O.
1088. Sir Brian Hastings to Lord Darcy.
I thank you for your kind letter by Lionel Portington, which I sent to the King with credence. "My lord, for the reverence of God, remember now your honor and the worship of all your friends, for, my lord, all the lords thinks it lieth only in you." Riots have been committed, and the King's game killed within your rooms and Sir Rob. Constable's, as Rawcliff, Armyn Gowle and Howden, both before the breaking up of the peace and within these four or five days;—the keepers say four or five score deer, and 10 or 12 dead in pits, that they could not carry away. The rioters were taken in the act, and their names are in a letter enclosed. But for fear of the peace I should have brought them to you. A servant of mine reports that they have gone to besiege Scarborough Castle and take young Rauf Evers. Haitfeld, 16 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: 1536.
16 Nov.
R. O.
1089. Adolf de Bourgogne, Seigneur de Beures, to Lord Lisle.
I send the bearer, as I hear there are good wines of Orleans at Calais, which are not easily procurable here, to request that you will let him bring hither three tuns for my use. La Vere, 16 Nov. 1536. Signed.
In accordance with your letters, I have despatched letters of surety for your men of Calais.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
[17 Nov. ?]
Otho, C. x. 268. B. M. Hearne's Sylloge, 133.
1090. Princess Mary to [Cromwell].
"My lord," I have received your letters by bearer, and perceive you detain my servant Randall Dod until the King be at Richmond, because he might bring the King's answer concerning my suits. Thanks him for sending the bearer in the meanwhile. The King has already shown her more goodness than she deserves, and she desires nothing so much as his presence. Hownsdon, Friday, 11 p.m.
Hol. Mutilated.
17 Nov.
Add. MS. 25,114, f. 222. B. M.
1091. Cromwell to Gardiner and Wallop.
Since the King's last letters Pomeroy and the ambassador resident have still entreated the matter of the marriage; but their commencement of the business, being so slender, has brought them almost as slender an answer; at least, one so general that, although it is not a refusal, it does not much encourage them. It was made by advice of the whole counsel, and not in specialty by the King's highness. Encloses a copy. If Francis reproach them with any slackness, they must turn it to him, and yet not prick him forward more than he is inclined to go himself. The Rolls, 17 Nov. Signed.
In Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Add. as before. Endd.
17 Nov.
Hist. MSS. Com. Report VI., 446.
1092. The Earl of Derby to the Gentlemen of Furness.
As it is thought that the commons of the barony of Kendall intend to come unto Furness and Cartmell, and there take men sworn to them according to their unlawful appetite, and levy money, corn, and victuals, . . . . he (Derby) has written to William Fitton, his deputy at Furness, desiring him in such case to assemble his strength, and call all Derby's servants and tenants, with the aid of all the gentlemen of the country there; and that he endeavour to withstand the enterprise and take as many as possible by dint of sword and other politic means. If he can do this, let him keep his strength wholly together, . . . . . and if they invade the county, from Lancaster towards Preston, then he is to come after them and advance towards the earl of Derby, who, God willing, will meet them ere they pass the county, to their displeasure. Asks the gentlemen to join the deputy, &c., &c. Latham, Nov. 17.
ii. The earl of Derby to William Fitton, deputy steward of Furness.
Following the tenor of the above.
17 Nov.
R. O.
1093. The King's Army in Lincolnshire.
Brief declaration [by Hattecliff ?], (fn. 7) 17 Nov., for the charges of the King's army in co. Lincoln.
Received:—Of John Freman, at Stamford, 3,000l., at Lincoln, 4,000l.; of Mr. Gostwike to the captains of the army, 2,012l. 19s. 3¾d. Total, 9,012l. 19s. 3¾d.
Whereof:—Paid to captains for wages to the 22nd inst., 7,210l. 23d.; prested to the master of ordnance, Mr. Ivars, &c., 280l. 6s. 8d. Total, 7,490l. 8s. 7d.
Remains, 1,522l. 10s. 8¾d., which will discharge the number that now is in wages till 3 Dec., 11 days.
P. 1. Endd.
[17 Nov.]
R. O.
1094. John Travers to Suffolk.
By command of Mr. Bryane and Mr. Rusell, has viewed the ford of Holme this morning. The landing is 34 score yards long and there are two fords in it each four score yards broad, enough for four score horses abreast. Took the ferryman with him. The river is rising. Newark, Friday, 2 p.m.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: King's lieutenant in Lincolnshire. Endd.
17 Nov.
R. O.
1095. Richard Cotton to Cromwell.
All your company are in good health. We lie in the haven of Grimsby, on the Humber, 14 miles from Hull; Mr. Brown lies at Barton on Humber, and the rest of his company abroad in villages from Gainsborough to Grimsby. Mr. Brown has arranged that, if any of the rebels come upon land in these parts, the beacons shall be fired and all his company assemble. Mr. Gonstonde lies at Grimsby with certain pieces of the King's ordnance. He sent a servant to Hull, 12 Nov., with a letter to the mayor to know if they would keep the appointment taken by Norfolk that Lincolnshire men might repair to Hull to buy victuals. The mayor's answer was that they never intended to break it, but that every man might come as they had done before; they also sent Mr. Gonstonde a present of spices and wine. Sir Wm. Constable was chief ruler in the town at the time, and wrote jointly with the mayor to Mr. Gonstonde. On the 14th Nov. Mr. Brown sent a trumpet to Hull, desiring to have more wine for his money, and Sir Robt. Constable, with the mayor, made answer that he might have as much as was there, and gave the messenger a crown. Mr. Gonstonde caused a crayer to be manned forth into the Humber, 11 Nov., which brought in two ships laden with salt, one from Hull and the other from York, which remained here till this day, when my lord lieutenant ordered them to be set at liberty. Grimsby, 17 Nov. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
17 Nov.
R. O.
1096. Darcy to Sir Brian Hastings.
I have received your letter dated yesterday at Hatefeld, and thank you for your good advice. I trust I have sufficient matter of record to declare me that I have hitherto used the part of an honest man. No man was ever in such danger as I was in Pomfret Castle. Would to God the King knew all. I trust you and I may "common" together after the return of Sir Ralph Ellerker and Robert Bowes, who, as I hear from my lord Steward, are to be today or tomorrow at Doncaster. I never before heard that the King's game was so hurt as ye write, but I will see remedy within my rooms and write to my brother Constable to do the like in his rule. Nothing was known of the risings in Lancashire, Furness, Copland, Kendal, Westmoreland, and Cumberland when the appointments were taken at Doncaster with my lord Norfolk and my lord Steward, "and yet much stayed by my lord Steward's letters to my lord of Derby sithens and other letters that the Captain made by my advice and others. I do not know that the lord Clifford is taken. The lord Dacre is ridden up indeed. Anempst my cousin Ralph Eure give credence and of the common sayings therein." For my part I have not meddled, nor will, further than to advise the Captain to write for good stays and avoid spoils, and hope, after the coming of the said two gentlemen, peace will be established. Temple Hurst, 17 Nov.
Draft in Darcy's hand, pp. 2. Docketed: "The copy of my letter to my cousin, Sir Brian Hastings."
17 Nov.
R. O.
1097. Francis Halle to Lord Lisle.
Wrote to him on his going to Amttyll. Thanks him for being his wife's gossip. If the writer had been there, would not have dared to ask Lisle to help to christen a wench, but now he sees his wife will bear none but wenches. The King and the Queen are in good health, and all things are well pacified in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. My lord of Suffolk, Sir Francis Bryan, Sir John Russell, and Sir Anthony Brown are still at Lincoln. Sir Ralph Heldercare and Boowis are gone into Yorkshire with the King's answer to their petitions. On a false report that Yorkshire was up again, Suffolk had certain passages prevented, which made a stir among the Borderers. It is not true that Cheshire or Lancashire are up, as was reported, but as my lord Derby had raised certain persons in the King's behalf who were discharged without pay, they set upon him and took such as he had. The Court is at Windsor. Pomerey, the French ambassador, will shortly be despatched to France. The murderer that shot Mr. Paggynton in Cheapside has not been found. London, 17 Nov. 1536.
This morning Master Gostewyk has had Dr. Barnes to the Tower, who preached yesterday at the burying of Mr. Paggynton. Fyeld, Marschall, Gooddall, and another of that sort of learning are also taken since yesterday morning and be in durance.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
17 Nov.
R. O.
1098. Francis Halle to Lady Lisle.
Thanks for her kindness to his wife at her great need. "I marvel who durst be so bold to desire my good lord to help to christen a wench, except it be because you see that my wife will bear but mothers." Lord Edmond, who is still Comptroller, and his wife, desire to be recommended. He says you need not ask to borrow anything of his, but can take and use it as your own. He desires Mr. Garnsforthe to cause the maid who keeps his house to deliver the "cradyll" for coals, where lady Lisle wishes. Desires to be recommended in all places as lady Lisle thinks best. Longs to be back at Calais. London, 17 Nov. 1536.
Hol., p. 1. Add.. At Calais.
17 Nov.
R. O.
1099. Anne Rouaud (Madame de Bours) to Lady Lisle.
I thank you for the fine ox you have sent me, and also for your letter. I was glad to hear your news, and would like much to be often near you. Your daughter (fn. 8) is well, and you would not believe how tall and handsome she grows. She has received the velvet you sent her for a coat, and the six crowns and the lining (bordure). I beg you to get me a couple of lanards for a friend of mine. I have presented the bugle (huchet) that you sent to my brother Mons. de Gammaches. My daughter thanks you for the shoes (soulles for souliers?) and hose you sent her eight days ago. You would do her husband a pleasure if you sent him an English greyhound, as he is very fond of hunting. Mons. de Riou says he may send a man to you in 8 or 10 days. Bours, 17 Nov.
My son Montmorency sends commendations.
Hol., Fr., pp. 2. Add.
18 Nov.
Harl. MS. 787, f. 18. B. M. C.'s Letters, 330.
1100. Cranmer to Henry VIII.
Has received news from Rome from John Bianket, a Bononois born, formerly his servant, and now servant to the Cardinal who was bishop of Worcester (Ghinucci).
He writes (quoting Blanket's words) that the Pope has summoned many prelates about the Council, among them Reynold Pole, who is well received. He has gone thither in spite of the King's command to the contrary, and the Pope will probably make him a cardinal. The Pope has given him lodging in the Palace, and sets more store by him than by any other of the great men there for this matter. "They be all singular fellows," ever absenting themselves from the Court and desiring to live holily, as the bishops of Verona and Chiete, the archbishop of Salerno and Sadoletus bishop of Carpentras. He (Bianket) cannot see how the Council can go forward while the war lasts; but it has been intimated throughout Christendom. Father Denis, who wrote on the King's side, being now general of the religion goes as nuncio to Scotland. The Emperor is in Genoa, where the duke of Florence and other princes congratulate him on his arrival in good health, when most of his gentlemen are sick. Treaty is made for peace, of which the French seem to have good hope, for they have left off war and have no men in Italy, but Guido Rangone and the garrisons of Turin and other castles. The Pope is fervent for peace.
Has translated the very words of the letter as above, as there were some things concerning Reynold Pole. Prays God to strengthen the King against his adversaries and his "rebel and untrue subjects." Knoll, 16 Nov.
Lansd. MS. 1045, f. 56. B. M. 2. Copy of the above.
Pp. 2.
1101. [Starkey to Pole.]
R. O. P.S. It was signified to the King that the bishop of Rome has named you among others to be a cardinal. To accept this would be very dissonant to the words and promise of your said letters. If you take such a place with an enemy to the King and the realm we must judge you to be of the same faction as he, and as great an enemy to the King, to your little power, as he whom you choose for your captain. If you follow that way no one will receive so much hurt by it as yourself. We should be glad to hear that by the utter refusal thereof you should express that love towards his highness which you professed in your last letters. In doing this we doubt not you will please God and your Prince, and in doing the contrary offend both and declare yourself open enemy to the King and his realm, as in such case he must and will accept you.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 2.
[18] Nov.
Otho, E. IX. 24. B. M.
1102. The [Mayor] and his Brethren of Southampton to [Cromwell].
* * * ". . weys goods, and the same ship . . . . . . . . . . . . . brasell and here lay peaceably before the . . . . . . . . . . present Saturday abouts one o'clock at after[noon] . . . . . . . . here entered into this port three great Fle[mish ships of] war, one with four tops, the second three tops [and the third] two tops, trimmed with ordnance three chest deep . . . . . . . . . ordnance besides, thinking to us they had be[en] . . . . . . . . men, for indeed three such ships are looked [for] . . . . . . from be south London with Malseys, so that [neither the] Bretons ne we mistrusted them till they were . . . . . the town, and then incontinent two of them . . . . . . .the Breton aboard, and have taken with away." Sent four men aboard, who charged them. in consideration of the amity between the King and Emperor, not to meddle with the said ship, being a merchantman in the King's streams, but they took her away, and are lying near the Isle of Wight. Could not have stopped them if we had been 1,000 men, for they had as many in those ships and as much ordnance as could be. Southampton, Saturday, . . Nov.
Pp. 2. Mutilated. Address lost; but "your good lordship" occurs in the body of the letter.
18 Nov.
R. O.
1103. Suffolk and others to Henry VIII.
On the 16th received the King's letters, with the pardon for them of Lincolnshire, dated Windsor the 14th inst., which as to the pardon and delivery of harness they will follow; but "for the sure laying up of the rest" they beg the King to appoint a place, for they dare not take it on themselves. Where the King desires Suffolk to go with Norfolk to Doncaster, and in any case to send Sir John Russell and Sir Ant. Browne with 500 horse, and leave at Lincoln Sir Francis Bryan and Sir Wm. a Parr; it shall be done. Touching the fortifying of Newark and the fords there, the King knows the position at the departing of Richard Cromwell, and also by their letters sent since. Yesterday Sir John Russell, Sir Francis Bryan, and Sir John Sent John, with Travers, viewed a ford (fn. 9) three miles from Newark, which is shallow and broad enough for from 30 to 3 score horse to pass "a fronte." Sent Travers to measure the landing place and enclose his letter. The water is uncertain and "if rage of water come" all they do is but lost. Beg the King to consider they are but 3,600 in all, and must keep 50 miles. Gonson shall be sent to the King with diligence. Edw. Waters is gone to Scarborough with the money the King sent there. John Lawden is, as Gonson says, gone home again. I, Sir Francis Bryan, sent a servant, kinsman of my old friend John Knyght's, to spy; at York he was near taken, but, saying he was Sir Peter Vaffesser's servant, escaped; at last he was brought to Aske and recognized, so he said he sought for a priest of mine "that had robbed." Aske's answer appears in his letter to me, herein enclosed. "I know him not nor he me, but I am true and he a false wretch, yet we two have but ij yene; a mischief put out his tother." Where the King commands them to make no spoil of victuals beyond Newark till they know the rebels are marching towards them; it would then be impossible for they "lie far asunder." Yesterday "I" heard that one Hornclif and one Curtes broke prison in Hull, and today we took them both. They are reported to be the beginners of this mischief, as Sir Ant. Browne heard from Hull, and as Sir Ralph Eldercarr and Bowes told Sir John Russell and Sir Fras. Bryan in passing by Newark. The "foresaid servant of Sir Francis Bryan" says Aske bade him tell his master these two "were the first that sware him in Lincolnshire," and that they afterwards raised the country in Yorkshire. The proverb is true "that when one false knave apechys another, true men shall come to their goods." Enclose a declaration of accounts. Lincoln, 18 Nov., 12 o'clock before noon. Signed by Suffolk, Russell, Bryan, Browne, and Sir Wm. Parr.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd. wrongly: 12 Nov.
18 Nov.
R. O.
1104. Suffolk and others to Henry VIII.
From information against Antony Curtes, gentleman, and N. Horneclif, it is thought they deserve the "extremities" of the laws. Curtes has lands worth 40 mks. a year, and Horneclif farms or lauds worth 10l. or 20 mks. a year. Beg that "my" kinsman, John Wingfeld, and George Harper, the King's servant, may have the lands of the said Curtes, if attainted, and Sir Osseborne Echingham those of Horneclif; whereby the King shall bind those "young gentlemen" to serve him. Lincoln, 18 Nov. Signed by Charles duke of Suffolk, Sir J. Russell, Sir Fras. Bryan, and Sir Ant. Browne.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
18 Nov.
R. O.
1105. Suffolk to Cromwell.
Has written to the King to grant to his kinsman, John Wingfeld, the bearer, and George Harper, the lands, worth 40 mks. a year, of one Antony Curtes, if attainted; also to grant Sir Osborn Echingham those of one Horneclif, worth 10l. or 20 mks. Begs Cromwell's favour in this suit. Lincoln, 18 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Received 19 Nov.
18 Nov.
R. O.
1106. Thomas Hatteclyff to Cromwell.
On receipt of your letter, I despatched a trusty person to Grimsby with 100l., which was delivered to Edw. Waters to be conveyed by him to Scarborough. He embarked in a small crayer of Grimsby on Wednesday last, but I have not yet heard of his return. I enclose account of receipts and payments and remainder of ready money, concerning the King's army in these parts. One Lionel Rathby, of Thursbye, Linc., so used himself in the time of this rebellion that he has fled to Yorkshire, and has not yet submitted to the King's lieutenant. I beg that if he be attainted I may have his lands and goods for a reward. The lands are only worth 6l. or 7l. a year. Lincoln, 18 November. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
ii. A brief declaration made 17 Nov. of the charges of the King's army in Lincolnshire.
P. 1.
18 Nov.
Vesp. F. XIII. 128. B. M.
1107. Lord Darcy to Robt. Aske.
Neither Sir Rauff Ellerker, nor Robt. Bowes, my cousins, nor myself would for none earthly goods send to have you come hither but after a just and true sort, and therefore I require you fail not to come straight hither, for this day a post, your advice had, must be sent to London to the duke of Norfolk. Bring with you Mr. Babthorp, and we will determine concerning the answer of your letters sent to-day, of Scarborough, my going to York, &c. Saturday, 18 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Mr. Aske, Graunt Capitayn. Endd.
18 Nov.
R. O.
1108. Thybault Rouault to the Deputy of Calais.
One of my friends has sent me a goshawk of passage, which has not yet flown. I would have sent another good one, but the bearer does not know how to carry them. You shall have them without fail in four days. I and my sister de Bours thank you for the ox you sent. Ponde Remy, 18 Nov. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
18 Nov.
Wegener Aarsberetninger IV. 49.
1109. James V. to Christian III.
Informs him of his arrival in France. Intends to send an ambassador to him shortly. "Ambarie," 18 Nov. Signed.
Lat. Add.
19 Nov.
R. O. Burnet iv. 396. Wilkins III. 825.
1110. Henry VIII. to the Bishops (a Circular).
Reminds him that the King advanced him to the office of a bishop for the good opinion he had of his virtue and learning, and endowed him with great revenues. After which, finding the people brought into a diversity of opinion, owing to a contemptuous manner of speaking against certain laudable ceremonies and customs of the Church, the King was compelled to admonish him and others to preach God's word sincerely, to declare abuses plainly, and in no wise contentiously to treat of matters indifferent. Notwithstanding which, so little regard was taken by some to the King's advertisements that he was constrained to put his own pen to the book and conceive certain articles which were agreed upon by Convocation as catholic and meet to be set forth by authority, thinking that no person, having authority from him, would have presumed to say a word against their meaning, or been remiss in setting them forth. His object, nevertheless, has been defeated by general and contemptuous words, used by seditious persons, by which the people are much more offended than before, and complain "that we woll suffer that injury at any man's hand, whereby they think both God, us, and our whole realm highly offended;" insomuch as principally upon that ground and for that reformation of those follies and abuses they have made this commotion and insurrection. Is thus compelled to address these letters to all the bps., for the redubbing of these things on pain of deprivation of their bprics. and further punishment. Commands him therefore, (1.) Wherever he may be in his diocese, and whenever he can with his health, to read and declare the Articles openly every holiday in his cathedral, or the parish church of the place where he shall be. (2.) To go in his own person from place to place throughout his diocese, to make a collation to the people every holiday, declaring the obedience due by God's law to the Sovereign, whose commandments they have no right to resist even though they were unjust, and to commend all the honest ceremonies of the Church in such wise that they be not contemned, and yet show how they were instituted, and that people be not corrupted by putting too much trust in them. (3.) The bishop is not, in private communications, to use any words that may sound to the contrary of this commandment, nor to retain any man that shall in his words, "privately or apertly, directly or indirectly, speak in those matters of the ceremonies, contentiously or contemptuously"; but if any man so do, send him in safe custody to the Council, and to do the same in the case of strangers. (4). He is to give strict commands, under like pain of deprivation and punishment, to all vicars, curates, and governors of religious houses to execute the same order touching the indifferent praise of ceremonies, avoiding of contemptuous communication, and plain reading of the Articles in their churches. Further, he is to permit no one to preach in his diocese out of his own church, even by virtue of any licence from the King granted before the 15th inst., unless he be a man of such honesty, learning, and judgment as he dare answer for. Finally, he is to make secret inquiry within the diocese whether there be any priests who have presumed to marry, and if so, to apprehend them and send them up to the King. Windsor, 19 Nov. 28 Hen. VIII.
Three copies (fn. 10) signed with a stamp and two not signed.
R. O. 2. A similar letter with some variations, beginning "Most Reverend" instead of "Right Reverend," and imputing to the person addressed positive disobedience instead of neglect, in one place, viz., in the words "so little regard ye took" instead of "was by some taken."
R. O. 3. Four undated copies of § 1, two signed with a stamp, the other two not signed. [Another copy, not signed, is in Harl. MS. 283, f. 135 in B. M.]
19 Nov.
R. O.
1111. John Bale.
"The answer of John Bale, priest, unto certain articles unjustly gathered upon his preachings."
1. On Nov. 19, the 23rd Sunday after Trinity Mass, told the people that he would declare to them the King's book on Sunday fortnight, when he had finished his sermons on the Creed. The parson found fault with him for this delay. Said in his sermon "that he would declare the said book according to the King's injunctions, and not as they would have him." 2. Never denied that "descendit ad inferna" was an article of the Creed, but said that it was St. Cyprian's opinion it had not been so long in the common creed as other articles. Told them not to believe it "as they see it set forth in painted cloths or in glass windows, or like as myself had before time set it forth in the country there in a certain play." They must not suppose that Christ fought violently with the devils for the souls of the faithful. 3. Said that Erasmus thought "the said article" was added by Thomas of Aquinas. Remarked on his errors concerning the primacy of the bishop of Rome, and that he was not the more a saint because the bishop of Rome had canonised him for money. 4. Said that no man ought to believe anything as infallible or grounded truth, but what is plainly expressed in Scripture, and no truths ought to be preached but what are in Scripture. 5. About St. Luke's Day last, immediately after the soldiers were gone to Lincolnshire to resist the Northern men, there was much unseemly language among the women of Thorndon. One John Page's wife said that neither for the King nor the Council would she ever learn the Paternoster, Creed, or Ten Commandments in English. She, as well as the wives of Thos. Tayler and William Kyrke, bailiff of Thorndon, expressed a hope that the rebels would prevail. The last said that her husband, who had gone into the North, would never fight against his kindred; that he knew of this gear at Easter was a twelvemonth, and that he knew Cromwell when he was the Cardinal's servant, and had scarce a good gown to his back. One Wm. Rede also boasted that if he were compelled to go to Lincolnshire, he would take the Northern men's part, for that was the stronger and the juster. Other women reported that the King minded to maintain all those points that St. Thomas of Canterbury died for. For these causes on 22 Oct., 19th Sunday after Trinity Mass, he admonished both men and women to use more sober language, and afterwards examined Page and Rede in the churchyard, and would have examined others, had not Norfolk's Council sent for him concerning the accusation of Powle Plummar and John Dyckes, attached of high treason on the complaint of him and others. Next Sunday, preaching on the Gospel of the day, Matthew xxii., spoke of the spiritual whoredom of those who leave Christ for idolatry and sin. The women present reported him as having accused them of bodily whoredom, and called him friar, which he was not ashamed of, no more than Paul was when he reported himself once a Pharisee and a persecutor. 6. Never denied auricular confession to be necessary, but said that no priest could assoil those men who would not reconcile themselves to those whom they had offended. Advised the people in cases of conscience not to resort to unlearned or vicious priests, but to the learned and well disposed. Spoke this because certain of the people resorted to a priest who was a common drunkard. 7. Though he said that God was essentially and personally in heaven, denied not that God is in every faithful person by His Spirit, and everywhere else by His power. 8. Can but wonder at men's ignorant blindness in judging Christ's saying to be heresy. "Nemo ascendit in cælum nisi," etc., John iii. 9. Speaking of St. Thomas of Aquine, said that the bishop of Rome had neither power to make saint nor devil. All those who departed hence in faith were saints, as Bylneye was, if he so departed, as I doubt not but he did. 10. Exhorted the people to learn the Paternoster, Creed, and Ten Commandments in English, according to the injunctions. Did not use the word "dampnable." 11. Said that we had no commandment of God for matins, hours, and evensong, though the accustomed use of them was laudable. God had commanded His gospel to be preached by the curates, which was nothing regarded, and His commandment ought to be preferred to the constitutions of men. When neither minister nor audience understood the meaning of the Latin service, it was but lip service and small pleasure to God. 12. Denied not that the Paternoster might be said for souls departed, but it seemed rather meet to be said for those who were alive. Those departed do not require what is asked for thereby. Other prayers, such as "Requiem æternam" are more suitable for departed souls. 13. Said that there were certain errors in the history of All Hallow Day, and that the bishop of Rome sat in the midst of them in the legend as a lord and chief master of them; and that there were many more in the histories of saints put in by the said bishop and his "merchandes." 14. Never spoke it in the pulpit to his remembrance, but supposes it to be true. Would fain know of his accusers "who is so familiar with God as may know that secret point?" 15. Said that whoever is not in true faith, but a continual blasphemer and never in love of God and his neighbour, is not of the Church Militant but of the Church Malignant. 16. Spake of no robbery from God by honoring Our Lady and Saints, but said he thought neither she nor they were content with the superstitions used by many. 17. Never despised the ceremonies of the Church grounded upon the word of God, nor on laudable customs and usages. But he has spoken against such curates as neither can nor will show the meaning of them. Has said that when the Word of God is despised such despisers make them Popish baggage, "when they are also superstitiously taken in the people for want of good teaching;" whereas rightly taken and understood, they might be most highly to the praise of God.
Pp. 9. Endd.: Rastell—Felde—Bale.
19 Nov.
R. O.
1112. Shrewsbury to Lord Darcy.
Hears that Darcy's servant, Thomas Gryse, has compelled Brian Bradford, servant to Shrewsbury's cousin Sir Henry Sevele, and others, to be sworn against their wills, so that they fear to abide at home, and have fled to Sheffield, Rotherham, and other places. This is contrary to Darcy's promise and appointment taken at Doncaster with the duke of Norfolk and the writer. Desires him, if the said poor men shall live at home without further trouble, to write by Nich. Smaleman the b[earer]. Wynfeld, in haste, 19 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: 20 Nov. 1536.
R. O. 2. Another copy, from Shrewsbury's Letter Book.
P. 1. Endd. by Wriothesley: Certain copies of letters from my lord Steward to the lord Darcy, and from him to the lord Steward.
1113. Thomas Gryce to Lord Darcy.
R. O. I have this day received the copy of my lord of Shrewsbury's letter to your Lordship, wherein I perceive it said that I compelled Bradford, Sir Henry Savell's servant, and others, to swear against their consciences. They were sworn openly before sufficient witnesses. On Sunday night last I got word that the said Sir Henry had warned divers men, on pain of death, to be with him on the Monday morning at Rotherham, horsed and harnessed. This was contrary to the great noblemen's appointment, so I sent and took part of them till we have word from the Grand Captain how they shall be ordered; meanwhile they fare no worse that my fellow Pymond and myself. " I shall be sure for taking any more, whatsoever they do, unto I know the Grand Captain's mind, I assure your Lordship, but surely to take heed to ourselves as well as God will give us grace." God send that there be no deceit made with us. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
[19 Nov.]
R. O.
1114. John Lace . . to Gilbert Scott, Constable of Pomfret Castle.
[Sir Henry] Saywell has all his men ready to meet him "this night [a litt]le after midnight," for what intent I know not, "but as . . . . . . retly that he should meet some great man" and come to Rotheram . . . . . Wakefield, or Pontfrett castle; wherefore take heed to the s[aid caste]ll and send "sturar" out on the side of Rotheram and Doncaster. Let lord Darcy and the Council know of this. Crumwellbothum, Sunday, 4 p.m., by your kinsman John Lace . .
"Cousin, I fear me that there be some craft among . . . . . . . . . because Sir Henry Saywell does raise all his men in every . . . . . . . . . . . . . . privily (?), and knows all the great men forth now in their busin[ess]."
Hol., p. 1. Mutilated, with memorandum by Thomas Gryce below: "Mr. Mayor," I pray to send this bill [to them] that keep the castle, and then send it straight to lord Darcy. Add.
19 Nov.
R. O.
1115. Robert [Aske] to Sir Stephen Hamerton.
"Sir Ralph Ellerker and Mr. Bowes is comyn home, and we sett [in] Council at York upon the articles, and yet our purpo[se is] to meet the duke of Norfolk at Doncaster, and there in . . . . in to agreement for particular articles, or else fina[lly] conclude upon war either at York or Donc[aster]." Would be glad to have him at York at Council. Have taken a ship at [Scar]burgh with ordnance, victual, and gunpo[wder]. Send news of your country. "[If they] be rising of themselves, hinder them not of [their] good will." From [Temple]hirst, 19 Nov. "Yours, Robert [Aske], Capitan."
Mutilated. Hol. p. 1. Add.
19 Nov.
R. O.
1116. Darcy to Sir Brian Hastings.
The commons of Beverley and the Wold have taken a ship coming with victual and artillery to Darcy's cousin Ralph Eure in Scarborough Castle. Knows that the Captain and Council at York will to-morrow so provide for the safety of Ralph Eure, deliverance of the captain of the ship and staying of the commons till the next meeting at Doncaster, as will content my lord of Norfolk. The Captain and men of worship are against all risings, sieging of castles, spoils, &c., contrary to the order taken at Doncaster with Norfolk and Shrewsbury, and will to-morrow at York provide for a complete stay until the next meeting at Doncaster, according to Norfolk's letter to Darcy by Sir Ralph Ellerker and Robert Bowes. If his sons and all his friends opposed that meeting, he would be their enemy, for he is determined it shall take place.
The Captain, Sir Ralph Ellerker, and Robert Bowes will be tomorrow at York, with noble and worshipful men from every country, to consult upon a letter, to be sent to Doncaster and so to my lord of Norfolk, of the day for the next meeting at Doncaster; they have agreed to spare Darcy till they meet at Pomfret to go to Doncaster. Trusts Hastings will show Norfolk, Suffolk, and Shrewsbury of this. Templehirst, 19 Nov. T. D.
Corrected draft in Darcy's hand, pp. 2. Subscribed: Copy of my letter to my cousin Sir Brian Hastings, in haste.
[19 Nov.]
R. O.
1117. Sir Brian Hastyngs to Lord Darcy.
I hear you are informed that, on Martinmas day last, I assembled with certain company to do your neighbours displeasure. This is not the case, for since the order was taken, by my lord of Norfolk and others of this part, and your Lordship and other lords, for the commons, I have offended no part of it. I was informed that certain of my neighbours at Snayth reported that they would come and take my cattle at Fenwike, where I have already lost much, and I sent thither about 20 of my servants, without intending further business, for I was that day at Doncaster, and only about eight of my servants with me. And where it is reported that I arrested corn in Doncaster last Saturday, it was by command of lord Borowe, who had orders from the duke of Suffolk. Hatfield, Sunday. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
19 Nov.
R. O.
1118. E. earl of Derby to the Lord Admiral.
Stands bound, by obligation to Sir William Leylond, Sir Henry Farington, and others, before the feast of St. Andrew next, to pull down and melt the lead and bells of the late suppressed monastery of Borscoghe. Desires to know whether he is to do so or make a longer stay; thinks "in this busy world" it would cause much murmur. If the King will take a respite, desires the Admiral to write to Leylond and Farington to deliver him the obligation, and he will make a new one. Desires favor in the price of the stuff he bought of the said monastery. Does not trust the people of the shire where it borders on Lancashire and Yorkshire, near Whalley and Salley. Keeps espial everywhere. Lathom, 19 November. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
19 Nov.
Add. Ms., 8,715, f. 300, b. B. M.
1119. Bishop of Faenza to Mons. Ambrogio.
The news from England is that these tumults are on the way to subside. The insurgents have sent two of their chiefs to treat with the King. The king of England (quel Re) seems satisfied with the king of Scots' marriage, which will take place at Paris, and, as I hear, is proposing a match between his daughter and Mons. d'Angouleme, now Orleans, promising to legitimise her; but it is thought the French will not accept it unless she is declared really legitimate, so that she can inherit the crown. * * * The king of Scotland desires to be recommended to the Pope, saying that he is always ready to do him service, and that the Pope has shown himself very kind to him, and has always granted what he asked. He appears to be of good ability and the best disposition.
Hol., pp. 2. Modern copy. Headed: A Mons. Ambrogio, da Amboyse, li 19 Novembre 1536.
20 Nov.
R. O.
1120. Duke of Suffolk to Henry VIII.
Received his letter this morning. The truth of the credence he gave to Ric. Cromwell was as follows: A little before his (R. Cromwell's) leaving these parts a man of substance came from Marschelande to Sir Fras. Lovell and John Candishe, telling them that there were two gentlemen of Marschelande who desired to speak with them, being sorry for what they had done. Desired to know how he should order them if they wished to submit. Though he did not know the King's pleasure, the King cannot think his wit so slender but that he would have received them.
After Mr. Cromwell's departure one of the said gentlemen came to Lovell and Candish, and told them that the country of Marschelande desired that we should do them no harm, and they would attempt nothing against us. Lovell and Candishe answered they would make no such bargain, but if they would submit they would be suitors to the Duke for them; if they would not do this they should promise to rise no more, but to stay the country, and they would not trouble them. The gentleman promised to do what he could and to bring two of every town to confirm it.
The apprehension of Sir Robt. Constable and Aske is a very doubtful matter. Never intends to practise it but upon a great likelihood that it shall never come to their knowledge till it be done, lest it should procure them to do more mischief. For the saying is that Darcy, Constable, and Aske are they who have most credit among the rebels. Prays God Darcy may do the King such service as stands with his duties and promise. Wrote lately that Antony Curtes and Horneclif were taken as principal beginners of this rebellion in this shire. Curtes is kinsman to Aske, and for malice that Aske has accused him, offers to go and kill Aske. Sends his confession in reply to Aske's charge that he swore him; yet Curtes says that in coming to Lincoln Huddswell told him that he swore Aske. Will send harnesses to my lord of Norfolk, and will also send Bryan to him. Lincoln, 20 Nov., 6 p.m. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.: With examination of Curtes.
20 Nov.
R. O.
1121. Norfolk to Darcy.
i. Copy of the letter of 14 Nov. [No. 1065].
ii. Norfolk to Darcy.
"My lord, sithen the writing of mine other letter, date[d] . . . . . . . . the departure hence of Sir Rauff Ellerker and Robert Bowes . . . . . . . . . . . . the King's highness that beacons were set on fyer . . . . . . . . . . . and people assembled in the honor of Pomfrett, and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . myndyng new insurrection . . ote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . occasion that Sir Brian Hastings should assemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . enterprise beyond Dancastre, and that also my . . . . . . . . . . . . send a great company to Newark, and so to go furth . . . . . . . . . . My lord, I believe there is in your parties some persons . . . . . . . . . . . set and disposed that for to let the good purpose ye and . . . . . . . . . . . . . passe. They do nothing but falsely imagine and pr . . . . . . . . . . . . never thought nor meant to impeach the same our good purpo[se] . . . . . . . . that this new business is begun what reproach . . . . . . . . . and the rest of the noblemen and gentlemen that met with me and my lord Steward at the appointment taken at Dancastre. And what occasion shall be given to the King's highness to suspect me on the other party your wisdom can consider. And for my part, as God be my help [in] time of most need, if I may ever know the said false persons I shall rather seek to be reveng[ed on] them than on the great Turk or any other that had sl[ain . . . . . . not] doubting but your heart is so noble that . . . . . of your power. And eftsoons fare [you well] . . . . . day of November.
Copies, mutilated.
Endd.: The copy of both my lord of Norfolkes letters to my lord Darcy, the xxv day November, A° 1536. And below, in another hand: the xxth day of November.
20 Nov.
R. O.
1122. Darcy to Shrewsbury.
Sir Harry Savell is stirring. He has used light words, contrary to the appointments taken at Doncaster, though but for them he would have been roundly provided for long ere this. I beg that he and all others may be prevented giving occasion to stop the next meeting at Doncaster, according to the purport of the duke of Norfolk's letters, of which I send copies; for Sir Ralph Ellerker and Robert Bowes have the originals, with the King's instructions, "which affirms the same meeting to be," which are to be declared at York, where the captain and worshipful men meet preparatory to the next meeting at Doncaster. 20 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Steward. Endd.
R. O. 2. Draft of the preceding, corrected by Darcy. Endd.: My lord's letter, to my lord Steward, the 20th day November, Ao 1536, by Rawf Medilton, and answere from my lord.
20 Nov.
R. O.
1123. Lord Darcy to Shrewsbury.
I have sent, by Sir Brian Hastyngs my cousin and my servant Ralph Medilton sufficient answer of your letter "anempst" Sir Harry Savell sent by my fellow Nicholas Smalman this bearer. Yet eftsoons I have sent to Thos. Grice and others; so that you shall be assured nothing shall be done contrary to the last meeting at Doncaster, nor be impediment to the next meeting there with my lord of Norfolk, "after the purports" of his Lordship's letters, copies of which you have. 20 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Steward.
R. O. 2. Copy of the preceding in Darcy's hand.
Mutilated, p. 1.


  • 1. Noted in margin.
  • 2. Mem. in margin:—To ask how he knew this, and what he means by it.
  • 3. Margin:—How he knew Norfolk's men would have fought against him?
  • 4. Margin:—"M. The striking off of the head."
  • 5. Margin:—The promise of the lord Darcy
  • 6. In marg.: "M. An interrogatory upon this."
  • 7. See Hattecliff's letter of 2 November, No. 958. This document, however, is not in Hattecliff's hand.
  • 8. Mary Basset.
  • 9. The ford of Holme. See No. 1094.
  • 10. Another copy is in Cleopatra E. v. 290, B.M.