Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1536

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 11, July-December 1536. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1536', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 11, July-December 1536, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1888), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol11/pp1-2 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1536', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 11, July-December 1536. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol11/pp1-2.

"Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1536". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 11, July-December 1536. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol11/pp1-2.


Miscellaneous, 1536

R. O. 1. [Thomas Agard] to [Cromwell].
Lord Leonard Gray, now Deputy, has taken into his service Walsche, brother to parson Walsche, who went ambassador to Spain to the Emperor from Thomas Fitzgerald, the traitor; also parson Tewyte, (fn. 1) one of the traitor's counsellors, and Jas. Garland, the traitor's purse bearer. The public voice in Ireland is that Gray and John Alen, master of the Rolls, are sworn brethren, as Bowes, servant to the bishop of Dublin, can inform your mastership.
James and Richard Fitzgerald were among the first to come in after the coming of Sir Wm. Skeffington, Deputy, dec. James did good service with Mr. Treasurer as Mr. Maunxell and Mr. Saynctlow, now present, can show your mastership. Richard also did no hurt, he "was ever called the worst man of war of all the brethren." Walter "came in to the deputy departed and immediately went out again and did much hurt." But for Mr. Treasurer's gentle treatment of them they had all kept with the rebels. They were rich "if they have not bled or the came here, as it shall appear if they be handled thereafter."
Hol., pp. 2. Endd.
R. O. 2. Robert Appowell to Cromwell.
Petition that he may come to his answer against Thos. Agard, who has informed Cromwell untruly that at his first going to Ireland, he and his fellow robbed his master of all the King's treasure.
Hol., p. 1. Add. at the head: To, &c., Thos. Cromwell, Esq., Secretary and Master of the Rolls. Endd.
R. O. 2. Appowell's Complaints.
1. "Master Aleyn made his avaunte that he would bring my old master, Master Treasurer, to his account before Easter next coming to his confusion and this was notified among many men in Dublin." 2. Mr. Alen has often been at variance with my said master "and grements made by Master Agarde, and also by the Council," and yet Mr. Alen still continues his malice and "utterly disdained my said old master for his housekeeping and the good usage of his servants." 3. He has reported that my said master wastes the King's money, which he cannot prove. 4. My said master gets no aid when the King's matters are tried, except from the King's Serjeant; all the others are influenced by kindred, favour, &c., and the truth cannot pass, unless your mastership send over some of the King's learned counsel. This my said master commanded me to show your mastership. 5. Whereas Mr. Alen, when he comes not himself, sends over his brother with letters to the King and you; my old master desires that two of the King's servants be sworn before the Council there to be carriers of letters. 6. Wm. Oclyve, servant to Sir Wm. Skeffington, late deputy, was refused licence to come to England on business until he promised to give Stephen Aparie, when he reached London, 40s. and a doublet cloth. The said Stephen has the fleece of all poor men coming from thence.
Pp. 2. Endd.: Robt. Appowell, his articles against Mr. Aleyn, with also Stephen ap Parry.
R. O. 3. John Garett, Waterman, to Cromwell.
Begs favour. Is in ward by Cromwell's command. Never spoke or thought hurt to the King. His neighbours will testify that he has lived as a poor true man among them in Chancery Lane 26 years. Was sworn first to the King's father. Though his name be John Garett, he never spake in his life to the lord Fegarett, nor ever will to such offenders.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
R. O. 4. Michael Throgmorton to [Cromwell].
Lest negligence be imputed to him from the date of the letters which he brings to the King and [Cromwell], relates the impediments of his "long and fastydeus giorney." Was five days sick in the country of Grysony; four days awaiting the opening of the way in the mountains of Switzerland, and nine days kept prisoner by the Captain of Montrell, and four days at Calais waiting for a passage, all which was unavoidable.
Hol., p, 1. Endorsed.
R. O. 5. Summons to a Council.
A list of 17 peers summoned to Westminster on Monday next by 8 a.m., viz.:—My lord marquis of Exeter, the earls of Oxford, Shrewsbury, Sussex, Rutland, Wiltshire, and Essex, viscount Beauchampe, lords Cobbam, Windsor, Mordaunt, Borough, Clynton, Matravers, Morley, Lawarr, and Dacres of the South.
P. 1. In Wriothesley's hand.
R. O. 2. Another list of peers, containing 19 names, viz., those above with the exception of Shrewsbury and with the addition of the Lords Privy Seal, Powes and Bray. Whether this is a list of peers summoned to a council is not stated.
P. 1.


  • 1. Probably Ric. Tute or Tuit. See Cal. of Carew MSS., Vol. I., p. 168, and State Papers, III. 37.