Index: G

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1887.

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'Index: G', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1887), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index: G', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1887), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index: G". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1887), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.



Gadaluppe, —, courier, 752.

Gaddsyby, Robt., g. 1256 (33).

Gaeta (Gayette), near Naples, 699 (p. 290), 1161, 1227.

-, letters dated at, 575, 582–3.

Gage, Sir John, 617 ii., 834, 871, 929 ii., 1171.

Gainsborough (Gaynsborough), Thos., prior of St. James', Derby, 364 (p. 138).

Gainsford. See Gaynesford.

Gaissart, in Picardy (?), 466.

Galarato, Gio. Tommaso, 403.

Galtres (Gawtresse), Yorks, g. 1256 (36).

Galtres (Gawteres) Forest, Yorks, 77, 733:— g. 392 (19).

Galway, in Ireland, 743, 937.

-, letter to the town, 743.

-, Friars Minors in, 743.

Galyardett, Francis, g. 1015 (39).

Gamage, Mrs. See Howard, lord William, his wife.

-, Sir Thos., g. 392 (48).

Gante. See Ghent.

Ganton, Yorks, g. 597 (39).

Garadon. See Garendon.

Garantynes. See Geraldines.

Gardiner, Stephen, bishop of Winchester, ambassador in France, 7, 16, 25, 54, 67, 71, 75, 82, 87, 97, 106, 149 (2), 177, 217, 248, 255–6, 273, 276, 303, 315, 351 (pp. 132–3), 374–5, 410, 437, 443, 446, 512 (? "my lord"), 570, 576, 583, 598, 623 ii., 670 (p. 271), 699 (p. 294), 725, 760–1, 795, 823, 873, 952, 956, 1069 (p. 444), 1077 (p. 456), 1084, 1089 ("my lord of Wynch"), 1114, 1123, 1171, 1174, 1179, 1212.

-, -, letters from, 256, 374–5, 446.

-, -, letters to, 16, 25, 54, 235, 255, 725, 760, 761, 873, 1084, 1123.

-, -, his book De Obedientia, 7, 82, 217, 276, 303.

-, -, his chancellor. See Steward, Dr.

-, -, his charge, 351 (p. 132).

Gardiner (Gardener), Thos., prior of Tynemouth, 364 (p. 142).

Gardins, Jehan des, priest, letter from, 883.

Gardonne, Ric., 982.

Gardynere, —, 148.

Garendon (Garadon) abbey, Leic., 364 (p. 138), 475, 1166, 1191, 1238.

-, letter dated at, 1166.

-, letter from abbot and convent, 475.

-, Thomas, abbot of, 475, 1191.

Garet, Lady Eliz., 1187 (2 ii., 3).

Garland. See Gernon.

Garnisshe (Garueys), [Sir Christopher], late husband of lady G., 706.

-, lady, 100, 706.

Garnon, John, 97.

Garrard, Robt., 97, 1257 ii.

- or Garret, Thos., B.D., 891, 1099.

Garratts, the. See Fitzgeralds.

Garter, Order of the, 715, 752–3.

Garter King of Arms. See Wall, Sir Thomas.

Garway (Garwey), Heref., sanctuary at, 393

Gascoigne (Gascoyne), Mr., letter to, 629.

-, Henry, 1257 x.

-, Sir Will., 364 (p. 141), 871, 1152, 1249:—g. 1015 (2).

-, -, letter from, 1152.

-, Wm., 364 (p. 139).

Gascon, the baroness, 284 (p. 105).

Gascon wine. See Wine.

-, merchant, a, 631.

-, merchants, two, 1047.

Gascony, 442.

Gascoyne. See Gascoigne.

Gate, John, clk., 1171.

Gateforthe (Gaytforthe), Yorks, letter dated at, 607.

Gates, —, drowned, 1222.

Gatton, Surr., 816.

Gaunt or Gawnt. See Ghent.

Gaunton. See Ganton.

Gawdy, Robt., 780.

Gawkthorpe, letter dated at, 1152.

Gawteres or Gawtresse. See Galtres.

Gawton, Wm., 899.

Gayer, Reginald, g. 597 (15).

Gayette. See Gaeta.

Gaynesford (Gaynfoorth), Mrs., 664.

-, (Gainsford, Gaysford), George, 622, 671, 899.

-, Robert, 147.

Gaynforth. See Gaynesford.

Gaynsborough. See Gainsborough.

Gaysford. See Gaynesford.

Gayforthe. See Gateforthe.

Gayton, John, 562 (p. 220).

Gaywood, Norf., g. 1256 (16).

Gedling, Notts., 868, 878 ii.

Geffrey, Sir Thos., 323.

Gelders. See Gueldres.

Gelyot (qu. Elyot ?), Mr., 601 (p. 245).

Genenes. See Jennings.

Geneva (Jenever, Ginevra), 119, 221, 273 (p. 100), 368, 860.

Genoa (Janua, Genuenses, Geane, Genua), 273 (p. 100), 319, 374 (p. 150), 437 (p. 178), 592–3, 637, 670 (pp. 268, 270, 272), 714, 795 (p. 336), 814, 924–5, 945, 977 (p. 408), 1042, 1069, (p. 444), 1142 (p. 480), 1175.

-, letters dated at, 403, 652, 946, 1130.

Genoese merchants, 368 (p. 146).

Genoese pilot, a, 538.

Genouillac, James Richard de, Grand Esquire of France, 591.

-, -, his son, 1216.

Gent or Jene, Thos., 1187 (1, 2).

Genua, Marcus Antonius de, 411, 961.

Geofford. See Gifford.

George, a courier, 143, 888–9, 907 ("your man"), 909, 1069 (pp. 446–7, 450, "my man"), 1070, 1094, 1227.

Geraldines (Garantynes), the, or Fitzgeralds, Irish family, 15, 1029, 1032, 1082, 1194.

Gerard, —, two servants of lord Derby, 806.

German Princes and States, 24 (p. 9), 235 (p. 84), 256, 795, 945, 1069 (p. 449).

-, articles presented to Henry VIII. by, 256.

German Princes, English embassy to, i.e. Foxe, Heath, and Barnes ("English discussion," "The English," &c.), 8, 63, 81, 112, 118, 133, 158, 180, 265–6, 280, 289–90, 305, 379, 447–8, 457, 584, 665, 677, 769, 860 (see Errata), 1106.

-, Papal nuncio (orator) to. See Vergerius, Peter Paul.

German philosophy, 447.

-, Protestants See Lutherans.

-, soldiers, 25, 170, 273 (p. 100), 398, 458, 479, 534, 592–3, 600, 670 (p. 268), 682, 730, 795, 861, 1175. See also Lanceknights.

Germany and the Germans (Almagnia, Almain), 24, 70, 141 (pp. 52–3), 235 (p. 84), 273 (p. 100), 283, 304, 314, 351 (pp. 133–4), 375 (p. 152), 376, 398, 437, 447, 449, 529, 575 (p. 228), 587, 601, 620, 663, 665, 670 (p. 267), 730, 769–71, 795, 814, 860, 946, 954, 961, 970, 1069 (p. 444), 1114.

-, papal legate and nuncio in. See Vergerius, Peter Paul.

-, Imperial cities of, 961.

Gernon or Garlon (Garland), —, of [Gernonstown?], in Uriel, 1048.

Gerves. See Jervaulx.

Geysler, Wulfgang, of Sweden, 24 (p. 8).

Ghabrielli, Francesco, courier, 368, 437. See also Francis, a courier.

Ghelder. See Gueldres.

Ghent (Gawnt, Gante, &c.), 401, 541, 663, 718, 1120.

-, a saddler of, 401.

Ghiberti, Giovanni Matteo, bishop of Verona, 1197.

Ghinucci (Guinuci), Jerome de, cardinal, 70, 107, 670 (p. 272), 734.

Gifford (Gyfford or Giffard), —, 1078.

-, George, 858, 916–17, 1166, 1171, 1191 (1, 2, 3), 1215.

-, -, letters from, 858, 916–17, 1166, 1215.

-, John, 1039.

-, (Geofford), Mr., 1193, 1202, 1209.

-, Nic., 1171.

-, Roger, 416.

Gilbert, Sir, 1145.

-, Isabella, 533 n.

-, (Gylbart), John, 1056:—g. 1256 (53).

-, -, letter from, 1056.

Gilbertine monasteries, 1026.

Gilforde, Wm., prior of St. Oswald's, Gloucester, 86.

Gilforde. See also Guildford.

Gilliame, —, embroiderer, 914 bis.

Gilman, Ric., g. 597 (17).

Ginevra. See Geneva.

Girlington, Nic., 1257 xii.

Gisburn or Gisborough (Gysborowghe, Guysboroughe, Giseburn) priory, Yorks., 271, 364 (p. 139), 439, 609, 871, 927.

-, prior of. See Cockerel, Jas. . also Silvester, Robt.

-, cellarer of, 288.

-, bursar of, 288.

Gisburne, John, 364 (p. 140).

Glamorgan and Morgannok, g. 392 (48).

Glascombe (Glassecombe), Radnorsh., g. 1256 (51).

Glasgow, university of, 605.

Glaston, Staff. See Ellastone.

Glastonbury abbey, 318, 445.

Gloucester, 311, 693, 1178.

-, letter dated at, 1099.

-, castle of, 693.

-, St. Oswalds, 1238.

-, -, W. Gilforde, prior of, afterwards dean of Gloucester, 86.

-, St. Peters, abbot of, 1088.

Gloucester, honor of, g. 597 (32).

Gloucestershire, 694.

-, commissioners for valuation of monasteries in, 1192.

-, monasteries in, 1238.

Glynne, Dr. Wm., archd. of Anglesea, &c., 432–3.

-, -, letter to, 432.

Goddard, Will., 876.

Godolphin (Godolghan), John, g. 597 (15).

Godolphin, Sir Wm., 630:—g. 1015 (3),

-, -, letter from, 630.

Godsalve, John, clerk of the signet, g. 1256 (3).

- (Godsalf), Thos., 79, 191, 220, 313:— g. 775 (20).

-, -, letter from, 220.

Golborn, Rob., g. 597 (18).

Golde, Christian, 29.

Goldyng, Mrs., 1193.

Goletta (Guletta), the port of Tunis, 546, 632.

Golston, —, 184.

Gonson (Gonstone, Gunstone), Wm., naval officer, 148, 240, 353, 573, 834.

Gonstone. See Gonson.

Gonzaga, Canigno (Caninus) de, 1042, 1069 (p. 444).

Gonzaga, Don Ferrando de, brother of the duke of Mantua, viceroy of Sicily, prince of Molfetta, count of Bassocamy, 403.

Goodall or Goodale, J., 558, 573, 608, 622, 635, 669, 671–2, 855–6, 865–6, 931, 1059, 1138, 1165.

Goodman, Roland, 1257.

-, Thos., g. 597 (32).

Goodmanesfelds, Chesh., g. 597 (18).

Goodnaybor, Martin, g. 597 (34).

Goodrick, Hen., g. 1015 (2).

-, John, 1191 (4), 1257:—g. 1015 (2, 4).

Goodyng, Ric., 334.

Goring nunnery, Oxon, 1238.

Goring, Sir Wm., 722, 1038–9, 1207.

-, -, letters from, 1038–9, 1207.

Gorron. See Gurone.

Gosbore, Ursula, sub-prioress of Minster, 562.

Gosmen (?), Edw., 1201.

Gosnolde, Edm., g. 392 (23).

Gostwick (Gostewike), John, treasurer of Tenths and First Fruits, 28, 240, 284 (p. 106), 834, 929 ii., 1037, 1052, 1087 (29), 1185, 1257 i. (and endorsement): —g. 226 (22), 597 (1), 1015 (2).

-, -, letter from, 1037.

Goswill, Robt., 164 ii.

Gottorp, in Sleswick, letter dated at, 399.

Gough, Gen., g. 392 (24).

-, John, 332, 1187 (3).

-, Ric. ap Morres, 1257.

Gounter, John, 722.

Gousman. See Guzman.

Gower, in Wales, deanery of, 431 (p. 176).

-, dean of. See Aubre, Morgan.

Gower, Sir Edw., 701:—g. 777 (14).

-, -, letter from, 701.

Gowreley, Wm., yeoman purveyor, letter from, 1019.

Goxhill (Goykewell, Thoykewell), Linc., mon. of, 1238.

Goz, Maurice, g. 1256 (51).

Grablesham, 1257 ii.

Grace, preceptory of (Order of St. John), 391.

Grace Dieu (Gracydewe), nunnery, Leic., 364 (p. 138), 1191, 1238.

Grace Dieu (de Gracia Dei) priory, Monm., 1238.

Graffham (Graffan), Suss., 277.

-, parson of. See Roll, Wm.

Grafton, Oxon, letter dated at, 326 ii.

Grafton, Wilts, g. 1256 (6).

Grain (corn, wheat, &c.), 146, 209, 282 (p. 103), 481 (p. 196), 656, 699 (p. 295), 748, 1030 (2), 1160.

Gramonte. See Graunde Mounte.

Gramvelis, Dns. de. See Granvelle.

Granada (Granatho) silk, 914.

Granby (Graundby), with Sutton, Notts., 878 (p. 365).

Grand Master of France. See Montmorency, A. de.

Granger, —, 1023.

Grantham, Linc., 1008.

Grantham (Grauntham), Vincent, g. 392 (29).

Granvelle (Grandvele, Granuell, de Gramvelis), Nich. Perrenot, sieur de, of the Emperor's Council, 43, 142–3, 200–1, 283, 308, 351 (p. 132), 352, 430, 495, 582, 602, 670 (pp. 267–9, 271–2), 682–3, 689 (p. 283), 700, 720, 726, 753, 768, 783, 887 (p. 369), 888, 901, 909, 926, 1069 (pp, 440, 445, 447), 1070, 1094, 1161.

-, -, letters to, 43, 142, 200, 308, 352, 430, 495, 602, 700, 720, 783, 909, 926, 1070.

Gratfelde, 97.

Graundby. See Granby.

Graunde Monte (Gramonte), in Eskdale, Yorks., priory of, 364 (p. 139), 1238.

Grauntham. See Grantham.

Gravelines (Gravelyns, Grevelingen) 401, 486, 498, 525, 580, 718, 1014.

-, letters dated at, 493, 525, 540, 561.

-, letter from the town, 525.

-, castle of, 401, 498, 561.

-, -, captain of. See Tovar, Jehan de.

-, Couronne inn at, 493.

Gravenhurst, Beds, g. 226 (21).

Graves, Geo., 1257 ii.

Gravesend, Kent, 307, 496.

-, curate of. See Barreth, Wm.

Gray, Nic., g. 226 (19).

-, Thos., 1187 (2). See also Grey.

Graynefilde See Grenville.

Greece, 223, 900 (Grecian Sea).

Green, Greene or Grene, Jerome, 1013.

-, Ric., abbot of Bittlesden, 1248.

-, Thos., 318.

-, Wm., coffer maker, 772, 913–14 bis.

Greenfield, Linc., mon. of, 1238.

Greens Norton, Ntht., 243 (1).

Greenstead (Grinsted), Essex, g. 1015 (29).

Greenwich (Greweche, Estgrenewyche), 139, 141 (p. 51), 307, 337 (p. 128), 351 (p. 134), 524, 558, 601 (p. 245), 674, 688, 699 (p. 289), 715, 748, 759, 760, 782, 794, 797, 876 (8), 878 ii., 879, 909, 912–13.

-, letters, &c. dated at, 65, 73, 76, 100, 159, 235, 326, 332, 350, 669, 675, 706, 712, 725–6, 743, 760, 799, 1047, 1073, 1076, 1178 (2):—g. 226 (12, 13, 15–20, 22–3, 26, 28–32), 392 (4–7, 11, 12, 34, 38, 41–2, 45), 597 (11, 16, 23, 36), 777 (1, 2, 4–6, 8, 9, 12), 1015 (9, 15, 21), 1256 (10, 12, 13, 33).

-, parish church of, g. 776 (2).

-, -, vicar of, g. 776 (2).

-, manor of Plesaunce at, 878 ii.

-, tilt yard at, 793.

Gregory, Mr. See Cromwell, Gregory.

Grene. See Green.

Greneacres, John, g. 226 (19).

Grenchill, Andrew, g. 226 (37).

-, Anne, g. 226 (37).

-, John, g. 392 (27).

Greneleffe, Ysbell, 1264.

Grenesley. See Gresley.

Greneway, —, gentleman usher, 798.

-, Ric., 572.

Grenfylde. See Grenville.

Grenville (Graynfyld), Sir Ric., marshal of Calais, Mr. Marshall, 69, 115, 122, 188, 221, 337, 629 ii., 755, 773, 899, 1075–6, 1165:—g. 1015 (3), 1256 (53).

-, -, letter from, 755.

-, -, letters to, 629 ii, 773, 1076.

-, -, his wife, 69, 773.

Grenville (Grenfylde), Degory, "cousin Dygorie," 68–9, 650, 779, 855, 953, 964, 995, 1059, 1075.

-, Jane, 533 n.

-, (Graynfilde, &c.), John, brother of Sir Ric., servant to the Lord Chancellor, 183, 337, 738, 779, 936.

-, -, letters from, 183, 779, 936.

-, Sir Thos., 533 n.

Gresham (Gresseham, Gressum, &c.), Ric., mercer, 49, 79, 772, 869, 910, 914, 1206.

Greshams (Gressams), The, mercantile house, 319.

Gresley (Grenesley) priory, Derb., 364 (p. 138), 1238.

Gresley (Grenesley), Sir George, 364 (p. 138).

-, Nic., 857.

Gressams. See Greshams.

Gressum. See Gresham.

Grevelingen. See Gravelines.

Grevill, John, 1191 (2), 1257 x.

Greweche. See Greenwich.

Grey (Gray), lord Leonard, viscount Grayne, uncle of lord Thomas Fitzgerald, and marshal of the army in Ireland, 15, 30, 140, 155–6, 298, 301, 317, 349, 402, 515, 606, 757, 802, 822, 859, 895, 897 ("my lord"), 937, 988, 1001, 1013, 1029–32, 1045, 1050–2, 1082, 1102–4, 1112–13, 1143, 1168, 1194–6, 1210, 1223–4.

-, -, letters from, 349, 822, 937, 988, 1194–5, 1210.

-, -, letters to, 1050–1.

-, -, signature of, 15, 155, 938, 1029–30.

Grey of Wilton, William lord, captain of Hammes Castle, 396, 855.

Grey, lord Richard, 1189.

Grey (Gray), Sir Edw. See Powes, lord.

-, Edw., heir to the earl of Kent, 364, (p. 140).

-, Anth., g. 1015 (25).

-, Marg., g. 1015 (25).

-, Reynold, 1037, 1257 x.

-, -, his wife, 1037.

-, -, his son-in-law, 1037.

Grice (Grise), Ant., 97, 1257 ii.

-, Gilb., 97, 1257 ii.

Griffith ap Howell, James, 254, 529–30, 535, 601 ("two rebels, i.e. G. and Harry Philips), 764, 1257.

-, -, an emissary of, 254.

Griffith, David, of Bristol, g. 777 (1).

-, Edw., g. 775 (23).

-, Geoff., 820.

- (Gruffithe), Mr. Lewis, 431 (p. 176).

- ap Howell, Regnold ap, 258 (2).

-, Thos. ap, 31.

-, -, two cousins of, 31.

Grim[ani], Ansaldo de, 946.

Grimley, Worc., 1272.

Grimston Hinging, farm of, 884.

Grinfild, in Wales, 232.

Grinning, in Holland, 954, qu. Groningen, q.v.

Grinsted. See Greenstead.

Grise. See Grice.

Gritti, Louis, son of the doge of Venice, in the Turk's service, 70.

Grondy or Groundy, Wm., 1027, 1099.

Groningen (Grinning), in Holland, 954.

Grotier, Jacques, 830.

Groulius, Guillermus, letter to, 356.

Groundy or Grondy, Wm., 1027, 1099.

Grove, John, g. 392 (52).

Grymston manor, 878.

Grynæus, Simon, letter to, 867.

Gryse, Notts., castle and manor of, 878 (p. 365).

Grysling, Peter, 52.

Guasto (Vastum). Alfonzo d'Avalos, marquis del, 368 (p. 146), 495, 661, 861, 977 (p. 408), 1175.

Gueldres (Ghelder) and the Gueldrois, 273 (p. 101), 368, 429 (p. 173), 592–3, 1069 (p. 451).

-, certain (two) Gueldrois, 307 (p. 117), 410 (p. 167), 429 (p. 173), 601.

Gueldres (Gelders), Charles duke of, 134, 410 (p. 167), 450, 575 (p. 227), 601, 670 (p. 273), 684, 699 (p. 291), 954.

Guidiccioni, Barth., datary, afterwards cardinal, 70.

Guidotti, Ant. (son-in-law of Huttoft), letter from, 508.

Guildford (Gylford), Surr., 963, 994, 1134, 1150:—g. 226 (36).

Guildford, Sir Edw. (died 1534), 766.

- (Gilforde), Sir Henry, executors of, 1257 vi.

-, (Guldeford), Mary, lady, widow of Sir Edward, letters from, 766, 1098, 1153.

-, (Guldeforde), lady, 772, 871.

Guinuci. See Ghinucci.

Guisnes (Guysnes), 401, 471, 486, 1076.

-, letter dated at, 1064.

-, castle of, 395.

-, forest of, 1076:—g. 1015 (19).

Guisnes, county of, in Picardy, 1159.

Guldeford. See Guildford.

Guletta. See Goletta.

Gulyk. See Juliers.

Gunstone. See Gonson.

Gunwyn, James, of Southwick, letter from, 138.

Gurone (Gorron), Bertinus, messenger, kinsman of G. da Casale, 70, 200.

Guys Rees in Trovarth, Denbigh, g. 392 (39).

Guysborough. See Gisburn.

Guysnes. See Guisnes.

Guzman (Gousman), Peter de, g. 226 (3).

Gwent, Ric., D.D., King's chaplain, dean of Arches, archd. of London, 192, 216, 355, 383, 1018, 1182, 1184:—g. 597 (21).

-, -, letters from, 355, 1018.

Gwilliam, Rice ap, 55.

Gyben, —, 364 (p. 144).

Gyddyng, Sir Will., prior of Huntingdon, 1191 (4).

Gyddynghethe, 250.

Gye. See Eye.

Gyfford. See Gifford.

Gylford. See Guildford.

Gylbart. See Gilbert.

Gyllott, Robt., 780.

-, Thos., g. 775 (10).

Gypwyey. See Ipswich.

Gysborowghe. See Gisborough.