Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1536

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1887.

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'Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1536', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1887), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp531-537 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1536', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1887), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp531-537.

"Henry VIII: Miscellaneous, 1536". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1887), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp531-537.


Miscellaneous, 1536

R. O. 1257. Debts to the King.
i. Money due to the King by obligations in the hands of John Gostwyk "by way of forren receipt." The debtors are the abbot of St. Alban's, Thos. Alen of Rayley, Sir Edw. Baynton, the bishop of Bangor, Wm. Byrryton of Stoke Lacy, Heref., the prior of Barnewell; Sir James Bollen and Wm. Shelton of London for the lord Rocheford's debts, 100l.; the archbishop of Dublin, for the lord Rocheford's debts, 300l.; lord Barnes, the abbot of Combermere, John Cooke of Twiforde, the bishop of Chester, the archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, the abbot of Valla Crucis, abbot of Crowland, earl of Worcester, earl of Rutland, George Frith of Kelledon, Nic. Fytton of Little Hereforde, Roland Goodman of London; James Griffith Appowell and Walter Bowles of Westfelde, John Goodryk and Robt. Cheseman, abbot of Leicester, Wm. Leigh, gentleman usher, bishop of Lincoln, Thomas Marshall, clk., and William Marshall of London, Richard ap Morres Gough, John Norton of Norton, Ralph Pexsall, Thomas Parker, president of Hereford; Thomas Patter and Wm. Patmer, Wm. Pawne, the prior of Royston; John Rastell and Martin Pirry, Sir William Skevington, Richard Suthwell, Wm. Standish of Kendal, Sir Thos. Tempest, John West of Ringwod, clk., Sir Thomas Wharton, the abbot of Waverley, John Wyse of Sydenham; John Williams and Edward Walwyn, the senate of Lubeck, 3,333l. 6s. 8d.
Sums (except the last) varying from 4l. to 700l., the latter being the amount owed by lord Barnes.
ii. Due from the late bishop of Norwich's debts:—
Edm. Knevet of Shelton, Thos. Picarell and Thomas Necton, aldermen of Norwich, Thos. Barbour and Robt. Bray of Ipswich, Thos. Wodhous and Augustine Stewarde of Norwich, Leonard Spencer and Robt. Palmer of Bloffelde, Wm. Raynebalde of Ipswich and Augustine Stewarde of Norwich, Sir Ant. Wingfield and Sir Thos. Russhe, the abbot of Langley and prior of Beeston, &c., Wm. Crane of the King's chapel, Ric. Bisshop of Yarmouth, Gilb. Grise of Yarmouth, Alice Coll of Norwich, the prior of the Trinity in Ipswich, Philip Bedingfelde of Dichingham, Ant. Grise of Brodisshe, Sir Humph. Wyngfelde, Robt. Garrarde of Norwich, Ric. Catlyn, Ric. Lacy of Hoxon, John Aylegood of Weybrode, John Pryour of Wanforde, Thos. Smythe of Aye, Sir James Bolleyne, Thos. Reve of Molton, Thos. Felton of Playforde, Philip Barnarde of Yarmouth, Wm. Blomefelde of Norwich, Thos. Sherle and Edmund Boner parson of East Deram, Thos. Maunde parson of Hokkering, Wm. Hogeson of Hardingham, George Graves parson of Banham, John Scott of Grablesham, Robt. Bosshall of Titeshale, Robt. Thorneham of Routon, Wm. Cutler of Knapton, Wm. Birde of Fulmodeston, Walter Westcote of North Beresham, Ric. Bailly of South Creke, Wm. Percy of Southrey, John Reder of Bekkiswell, Henry Cadybut of Cranewise, John Chapman of Cressingham Parva, Wm. Bollein of Holt St. Andrew, Simon Riseley of Stokesby, Wm. Whyte of Rollesby, Arnold Whitton of Wytton, Robt. Childe of Styneley, Andrew Dey of Dunham, Thos. Aspall of Fraunceham, John Haryson of Marton, Robt. Jakler of Asshell, Augustine Firkyll of Worlington, Ant. Emery of Horam, John Askewe of Trymley, Ric. Stanyngborough of Kyrton, Thos. Bedingfelde of Alderton, Hugh Tilleney of Cambridge, Ric. Humer of Barston, Wm. Stevens of Olton.
iii. From the late bishop of Winchester's debts:—
Wm. Cooke of Fordingbridge, Sir Fras. Cheyny; the prior of Brommour, and Ambrose Taunton, steward there, Sir John Seymour, Sir Edm. Walsingham, lord Sands, Ric. Andrewes of Frefolk, the lady Walop, widow.
iv. Late bishop of Rochester's debts:—
Henry Markham of Tadington, Wm. Thorneton of London, dyer, Robt. Whyte of Lynne Bishop, John Saint John, Thos. Thorneton, clk., Robt. Brograve of Kent; Henry Kighley, and Wm. Violett.
v. Mr. Pawne's debts:—
Robt. Bennett of Shynyngfelde, Berks, Arthur Lovekyn of Kent, Ric. Candisshe of Trymley.
vi. Mr. Hennaige's debts:—
Wm. Butts of Medelton, Norf., Ant. Knevett, Thos. Trygott of Kyrkby, Yorks., Thos. a Borough, jun., knight, earl of Northumberland, executors of Sir Henry Gilforde.
vii. Dr. Powell's debts:—
Wm. Williams of Salisbury, the archbishop of York, Ric. Walker of Brystowe, John Hamonde of Salisbury, Thos. Crandon of Salisbury.
viii. The late bishop of Hereford's debts:—
Wm. Ogle, parson of Crednell, the same and Walter Evisham of Crednell, Humph. Ogle, canon of Hereford Cathedral.
ix. The late Queen's debts:—
Bishops of Salisbury and Worcester, Sir Edw. Bayneton, countess of Worcester; John Ashley and Edm. Harvy and Henry Lumnour of London, Edm. Harvy, George Taillour, late her receiver-general, lady Margaret Bryan, Blanche Herbert, widow, Edm. Charnok, page of the Robes.
x. For fines of knighthood:—
Thos. Hutton of Dry Drayton, Camb., Thos. Empson of London, Thos. Denton of Denton, Linc., Fras. Leek of Sutton, Derb., George Rawleigh of Thorneborough, Warw., James Eresie of Elysy, Cornw., James Rogers of Brayneston, Dors., Ric. Tresham of Newton, Northampt., Ant. Rawley of Fernynghoo, Ntht., Philip Barnarde of Akenham, Suff., Barth. Foscue of Hilly, Suff., John Dyngley of Kent, Edw. Boughton of Wolwich, Nic. Clifforde of Bobbing, Kent, John Harington of Exton, Rutl., John FitzGeffrey of Clopton, Beds, Reynold Grey of Kempston, John Cheyny of Drayton Bechamp, Bucks, Wm. Wylde of Culsdon, Surr., Firmyne Rukwod of Weston in Norfolk, John Grevyle of Milcote, Warw., John Talbot of Salebury, Lanc., John Palmer of Lemynton, Glouc., Robt. Wye of Lypyatt, Glouc., Ric. Lygon of Arley, Glouc., Thos. Metham of Metham, Yorks., Thos. Portington of Barmby, William Aclom of Moreby, Henry Gascoyne of Sagbury, Chr. Thurkell of Esthrop, John Aske of Awghton, Wm. Maunsell of York, and George Lomley of Twyng, all in co. York.
xi. For export of corn contrary to the King's command:—
Thos. Miller of Lynne, Ralph Syemonds of Cley, Thos. Walter of Lynne, John Day of Wyveton, Andrew Stubbes of Bungey, John Boteswayne and Ric. Willat of Lowestoft.
xii. Due by the 12 gentlemen of Yorkshire for their fines in part payment of 1,036l. 13s. 4d.:—
Sir George Conyars of Soeborne, bishopric of Durham, and Sir Reynold Carnaby; George Lumley, Nic. Girlington de Hacforde, Wm. Barnyngham of Barnyngham, Ralph Spcnce of Barden, Wm. Aslabye, John Warde of Bowes, John Thorpe of Burdsall, Thos. Lutton of Knapton, Sir Oswald Wilstrop of Wilstrop, Thos. de Laryver of Braynesby, Sir Walter Caverley. All due at All Saints last.
"Total, the whole debts due by this book unto the King's highness," 12,592l. 7s. Tenth of the spiritualty due next April, 30,000l. First-fruits due at the Annunciation of Our Lady, 10,000l.
Pp. 14. Endd.: Book of money due to the King, on and before the Annunciation next, in the office of John Gostwyke, "if the same with diligence be called in."
R. O. 1258. Small Nunneries.
"Within the county of Lincoln:—
The nunry of Styxwold.
The nunry of Urford.
The nunry of Nuncotton.
The nunry of Hennyngs."
P. 1. Small slip.
R. O. 1259. St. Mary's, Warwick.
The whole rents, revenues, and profits of the college church of Our Lady in Warwick.
Of the church baileyship for the rents within the borough of Warwick, 29l. 19s. 9d. Bakyngton and Haselor rents; the parsonage of St. Lawrence; (fn. 1) Miton tithe; Coton tithe; St. Nicholas' privy tithes, St. Nicholas meadow; Hethcote Lefylde and the marshes; the parsonages of Budbroke, Compton Mordok, Pyllarton, Wolffhamcote, Chaddysley, Spellysbury, (fn. 1) Whytlefforde, (fn. 1) Wolverton, (fn. 1) Ichyngton, (fn. 1) Preston Capes, (fn. 1) Cokowe church; a tenement in Coventry; a barn and close in tenure of Rowland Melche; oblations and privy tithes, formerly 16l., now 11l., for the whole year. Amounts and abatements are specified in each case.
Total, 310l. 16s. 9d.
Yearly charges and deductions paid out of the said revenues:—To Mr. Dean, 26l. 13s. 4d.; the parish priest, 6l. 13s. 4d.; 10 vicars, 7l. 6s. 8d. each; 4 clerks, viz., Philip Sheldon, master of the children and organ player, 8l., John Carter, sexton, 5l. 6s. 8d., John Werynge and John Stanley, clks., 6l. 13s. 4d. each; 6 choristers, 40s. each; payments to 5 vicars; obits; for indemnity to the bishop of Worcester, prior of Worcester, archdeacon, prior of Shene, Stonley Abbey and Bordysley Abbey; pensions; necessaries; fees (specified) to the high treasurer, under treasurer, high steward, under steward, auditor, Mr. Knyghtley, Wm. Nele, Mr. Roger Wygston, Mr. John Olney, Mr. Evans, and Ric. Bedull; repairs; allowances; King's tenths, 25l.; law charges, yearly, 13l. 6s. 8d.
Total of all the allowances, 367l. 14s. 10d.
Signed by Mr. John Carvanell, dean of the King's College of Warwick; John Wetwod, president; and John Fyssher and David Vaghan, canons there.
Pp. 4.
R. O. 1260. Sheriffs and Escheators of Northumberland.
Petition to the King in Parliament by Sir Will. Evers and Sir Cuthbert Ratclif, late sheriffs of Northumberland, and Rob. Colyngwood and Chr. Mydeforthe, late escheators of the same county, setting forth that although since 1 Edw. IV. divers sheriffs and escheators have paid divers sums of the profits of their office to the late Sir John Heron and other officers, yet as a great part of the country adjoining Scotland has lain waste, and the said officers assist in the defence of the realm in time of war at their own cost, and are also put to much expense in suing processes against wild persons on the Borders, they have never accounted into the Exchequer, till recently writs were obtained against them. They therefore pray that all persons who have filled the said offices before last Christmas may be discharged of all liabilities in respect thereof.
On parchment, one skin. Endd.
Vit. B. xiv.
140. B. M.
1261. — to Crumwell.
"Charitas Regnat Virtutum [Mater, Veritas Vitæ Ejus Laudem Lucrata Est]."
A letter to Cromwell, commencing with the above acrostic, which is repeated on the next page, complimenting him on his government of England for many years, and on his patronage of learning. Compares him with Lucius Sulla and Timotheus. Thanks him for his great liberality. "Nec dubito, quin aliquando, me vere eum reddes, qui jure, in clientum tuorum turba, annumerari possit, jampridem patrone (ni mea me fallet memoria) sacerdotium nobis, et quidem non rogatus, (quæ tua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . quod tu me, eo dignum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . præstaturus. At eo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ut ni tua benignitas, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . annuus nostri monasterii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mederetur, vix multis annis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ut quicquam inde ad nos emanet. C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ret quam sit exigimus haud ignores. Te igitur . . . . . . . . . . . corporis genubus flexis, obtestor, ut sacerdotio aliquo, q . . . . . . rit, me donare digneris, siquidem tuis promissis fretus summi po[ntificis] . . diploma, haud parvo sane sumptu impetravi." Urges his request, appealing to Cromwell's influence with the King.
Lat., pp. 3. Mutilated. The address seems to have been at the head of the letter.
Vesp. F. xiii.
112. B. M.
1262. Margaret of Abergavenny.
"Good Madam, I beseche you to remember that ys and has be ever your aune Margarett Bergevenny." (fn. 2)
A slip of vellum cut out of a book of prayers.
R. O. 1263. John Baptist Boroni to —.
Requests him to pay for him a bill of 6l. 2s. 8d., comprising a white feather for Mr. Semer, 20d.; 20 pieces of edge for lady Semer, weighing 17s., the fashion 10s.; 2 brooches, weighing 8 cr., lacking 5 groats, and 15s. for the fashion, 51s.; and 4 boxes of comfets, weighing 16 lb., 16s. The parcels were delivered 20 Dec. and 20 March.
Is going within two or three days to Flanders, where he will occupy much money. Signed.
P. 1.
R. O. 1264. John Byrde to Henry VIII.
Information against Thos. Duke, vicar of Hornchurch, that in the presence of Thos. Warner and Sir John Typto, priest, in the house of Ysbell Greneleffe, widow, he said as follows:—"The Kyng and hys consell hathe made a way by wyllys and crafftys to pull downe all manner off relygyus, and thus they go a bowt to abottes and priores and possesynors and grey (agree) with them to delyver up ther ryzth and promos them a sofycyent levyn, a C. markes or more, and when they have gyen all over, all other muste nedes geve over, but and they wollde hollde harde for ther parte, wyche be ther ryzth the Kynge cowde not pull downe none, nor all hys consell."
Complains that the vicar has used great cruelty to him by favor of great men, and that on the 4th of February last, when he and his wife were before Sir Brian Tuke at London, Mr. Tayler, sometime receiver to queen Anne, Mr. Rothe, alderman, Mr. Hadlee, and Mr. Craford, men of law, would not let them speak, or else this treason would have been known at the first. Craford's servant wanted Wm. Wyllett, constable of Hornchurch, to be surety for the vicar, but he refused. "Wytnes that I put up this matter a monethe be fore the rysen off on Antony Cooke, gentellman, the wyche lyet in Yerlond, a ware fare, and a nother Wyllm. Wyllet, and Wyll'm Bussce."
Hol., pp. 2.
R. O. 1265. Antony de Castelnau, Bishop of Tarbes, to Cromwell.
Urges his previous request in favor of Rogier du Prat, French merchant, who says it is time for him to load his merchandise and bring it here, and that he is only waiting for the King's goodwill. Bridewell. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: M. le Secretaire. Endd.
R. O. 1266. Anthony Coope to Cromwell.
Seven convicts escaped on Tuesday night from the bishop of Lincoln's prison at Banbury. As many applications will he made for the forfeit, I thought right to give you notice. You have now an occasion to serve me. The Bishop has in fee-farm the hundred of Banbury, in which I dwell; and he might now be entreated to lease the said hundred for ever in fee-farm to any of your friends or servants, paying him the same rent that he pays to the King. This I will be glad to do, and shall become your debtor for 200l. If you bring it to pass it will be to my singular comfort. My servant can inform you of all particulars. Banbury, Wednesday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
R. O. 1267. John Bishop of Lincoln to Cromwell.
Through ill keepers, on Tuesday night last the prisoners, convicts who were in my prison in Banbury, brake out and are gone; so I am at the King's mercy for the forfeit. (fn. 3) I request your intercession, that the King may forgive me part of the same, and grant days of payment for the rest. There are seven escaped. I beg you, as my cousin archdeacon (fn. 4) tarries beyond sea, to command Mr. Bryan Tuyke to deliver to my cousin Robyns "money for his banke," when Robyns shall sue to you for it. This Thursday at Wooburn.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
R. O. 1268. Sir William Fitzwilliam.
A list of offices granted by the King to Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, Treasurer of the Household.
Constable and Steward of Pountfrete castle and honor, and master of the game in all forests, &c. in the said honor, being parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, for life with a fee of 100l. yearly, after Darcy's death, or as soon as they shall come into the King's hands. To have the rule of all men in the honor for the service of the King, and the power of appointing all stewards, clerks of courts, and officers, who shall have their customary fees. The custody of the manors of Childerley and Lolleworth, Camb., and the tenements, &c. to the King's hands by reason of the nonage of John, son and heir of Sir John Cutte, as long as they are in the King's hands, without account, and all the profits thereof since Sir John Cutte's death.
Pp. 2. Endd.: A Bill of Maister Thresaurers offices.
On the back is written in Cromwell's hand: " The mytygatyon of the pykant termys in the Kyng's letters gyvyng credens to myn. Fyrst. The assistyng hym to the kyngdom of Castyll. Item. The assistens ageynst the Frenche and of the money sent for that purpose. Item of the answer that his honor was not to make ware to his prysoner. For the accelleracyon of answers."
R. O. 1269. Johannes Man to Cromwell.
Has studied at New College, and been induced to give lectures on Greek, to the profit of some at the least, as the master (præses) can testify. Would like an exhibition from the King to study abroad.
Lat., p. 1. Add. at the head: Dom. Crumwello Ser. Regis nostri a Secretis. Endd.
R. O. 1270. Yan Martin to the Deputy of Calais.
Reminds him of his coming to Calais with a letter. Has a fine Spanish jennet, fit to bear arms, which he offers to sell to the Deputy cheap. If the Deputy does not know him it will be because he is sunburnt.
Signed: Yan Martin, qui a ete paige de Mestre Pamme de le cambre et prive du roy dengelterre.
Hol. Fr., p. 1. Add.
R. O. 1271. Jhan Martin to the Deputy of Calais.
In accordance with your letter, I have enquired the value of the horse, and find it is 12 cr. of gold. A Spaniard brought it from Spain, and was obliged to sell it, for want of money, to a villager, who put it to the plough. This has not improved the animal, but it will suit your purpose. I have sent a messenger to Hesdin to get it, and given him 16 sous to bring it to you.
Hol. Fr., p. 1. Add.
R. O. 1272. William More, late Prior of Worcester, to [Cromwell].
"Petitions made to your mastership by William More, late prior of Worcester":—
(1.) To have his pension paid quarterly. (2.) To have the mansion place of Grymley, with garden, orchard, &c, and three ponds there. (3.) To have sufficient fuel from the wood called Monke wood. (4.) To have all the debts due to him from the house, or the house to discharge his debts. (5.) To have all the implements, bedding, &c, and cattle stuff at Grymley. (6.) To have the bedding, hangings, and books now in his chamber in the monastery of Worcester. (7.) To have all such plate as he has bought for the maintenance of his household.
P. 1. Endd.
R. O. 1273. Moryson to Cochlæus.
R. O. In answer to Cochlæus, who had attacked bishop Sampson for writing in defence of the King's supremacy.
Beginning: "Tecum mihi rem esse volo, qui regi mastix esse voluisti, qui neminem non ad contumeliam vocas, qui omnes ad pugnam lacessis, ut Morum et Roffensem seditionis, atque adeo quod in illis fuit, proditionis duces, in Martyrum collegium cooptes. Mori vitam non accuso, etiamsi non desint qui eum crudelitatis ac etiam immanitatis accusent, quod homines, alioquin provectæ ætatis, arboribus ligatos, verberibus cædi, joci ac ludi studio habuerit."
Ending: "At ego stultus sum qui putem a Cocleis quantumvis cornibus armentur, bella inter principes indici. Mecum bellum gere, Coclee, cornua ut sint ad feriendum magis apta facito; acue; venenum adde, aspidis quoque si voles; nunquam Cocleus ita erit armatus, ut ego Cocleum et Cocleorum insultus omnes non contemnam."
Pp. 47. Draft, in Morison's hand.
R. O. 1274. The Earl of Northumberland.
"Values of lands" [of the earl of Northumberland], viz., in cos. Somerset, Dorset, and Devonshire, Sussex, Linc. ("in my Lord's hands and Sir Will. Percy's, term of his life"), Wales, Yorkshire, Northumb., and Durham. Total, 3,266l. 14s. l0d.
Pp. 9. Endd.: The values of the earl of Northumberland's lands.
R. O. 2. Valuation of the parcels of "such woods as my lord hath in Yorkshire, Northumberland, and Cumberland," viz., Lekyngfeld, Poklington, &c.
Badly mutilated, pp. 6.
R. O. 1275. Margaret Wells to [Lady Lisle].
Asks her to move Lord Lisle to take into his service a poor son of hers, who is in Calais without service or succour. Will help to maintain him. "Kyngston a pontems " (upon Thames).
Hol., p. 1.
R. O. 1276. John Wynfeld to Cromwell.
I beg you will be charitable to me, a poor victualler of this town of Dover, for the laborers on the King's works. One Ric. Darwin was hurt and not able to labor, when, my lord sent me word by one of our clerks that I should comfort him with such things as I had in my house, for which I should be repaid. I beseech your mastership that I may have money for what 1 have laid out.
Hol., p. 1. Endd. Begins: Desiring your mastership charitably.


  • 1. These livings are described as "in charge."
  • 2. Probably Margaret Nevill, daughter of George lord Abergavenny, who died in 27 Hen. VIII. She became afterwards the wife of John Cheney.
  • 3. The Bishop received a pardon for this escape on the 24th Jan. 1539, which must have been nearly if not quite three years after the occurrence. On the 10th March 1534, he had received a pardon for a similar escape of thirteen prisoners; but the escape here referred to must have occurred some time between that date and the beginning of July 1536.
  • 4. Rich. Pate, archdeacon of Lincoln.