Notes and Errata

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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'Notes and Errata', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Notes and Errata', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Notes and Errata". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1920), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Notes and Errata

(In the numbering of the lines headings are not here computed.)
11 (1 ii.), footnote. Add "One, issued to Sir John Trevelyan, is printed in full in Trevelyan Papers, pp. 103–19 (Camden Soc., I., 67)."
11 (5). The appointments of Botyller and Sir John Fisher as justices of Common Pleas are also enrolled on membrane 1, together with the appointment (dated 28 April) of Botyller and John More as justices of assizes for the Home Circuit.
20, p. 18, l. 9. For "yeoman" read "yeomen."
54 (5). Printed in full in Trevelyan Papers, p. 103 (Camden Soc., I., 67).
" (21). Add reference "Pat. 1 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 25."
" (44). " " "
" (84). The mandate to the dean and chapter is dated 29 May.
94 (5). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 5."
" (18), last line. For "m. 2" read "m. 1."
" (24). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 26."
" (66), last line. For "13" read "14."
" (70). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 5."
" (72). " " "Pat. p. 2, m. 3."
" (82). " " "Pat. p. 1, m. 23."
" (91). " " "Pat. p. 1, m. 26."
" (95). " " "Pat. p. 1, m. 23."
" (101). " " "Pat. p. 1, m. 27."
" (108), last line. For "p. 2, m. 11" read "p. 1, m. 27."
132 (2) ii. For "Home Circuit" read "Norfolk Circuit."
" (4). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 7."
" (13). " " "Pat. p. 1, m. 27."
" (25). " " "Pat. p. 1, m. 7."
" (39). " " "Pat. p. 2, m. 28."
" (44). " " "Pat. p. 2, m. 11."
" (54). " " "Pat. p. 1, m. 26."
" (74). " " "Pat. p. 1, m. 13."
158 (32). " " "Pat. p. 2, m. 31."
" (33), l. 1. For "Honstone" read "Houstone."
165, last line. Add "Headed in a later hand, before the mutilation: Bacano, Ch'ri Fischer."
190 (38). The mandate to the dean and chapter is dated 25 Sept.
220, l. 11. Read "Retains Ferdinand's messenger until the new ambassador arrives."
251, margin. For "K.R." read "T.R."
252, margin. Insert "Scotch Docts. 99 (82)."
257 (7). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 6."
" (14). " " " "
" (34), l. 7. For "Craybroke" read "Braybroke."
" (36). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 6."
" (81). " " " " "
" (90). " " "also p. 2, m. 6."
320, last line. For "30" read "29."
357 (16). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 2."
" (25). " " "Pat. p. 1, m. 26."
" (29). " " "Pat. p. 1, m. 26."
" (37). The patent roll entry is marked as vacated because on the Charter Roll.
" (45). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 2."
381 (31). " " "Pat. p. 1, m. 27."
" (32), last line. For "29" read "28."
" (33). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 27."
" (89). " " "Pat. p. 2, m. 10."
414 (62), end. Add "[967]."
" (76). Add reference "Pat. 2 (sic) Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 9." This wardship is exceptional, granting the value of the marriage if Anne refuses to marry at Guldeford's request, and also the custody, etc., of any heir, male or female, who may yet be born to Sir John of the said Margaret "modo private ut creditur pregnantis." The note of delivery runs: 29 March "anno subscripto."
438 (1 m. 24), l. 15. For "Lathorensis" read "Lachorensis."
" (2 m. 25), last line but one. After "Suss." add "alias of Souteus, in co. Suss."
" (3 m. 5), last line but six. For "John late lord S." read "John (sic) late lord S."
" (4 m. 9), l. 20. For "Brome" read "Brome or Broune."
" (4 m. 9), l. 21. Dele "and Sherfeld"; and, after "esq." add "alias Elizabeth Broune of Sherfeld."
447 (27). Add reference "Pat. 2 (sic) Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 5."
449 (14). " " "Pat. 2 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 12."
" (19), last line. For "210" read "280." Only § i. of this entry is printed by Rymer.
484, margin. Dele "Adv. MS. 286."
485 (58), end. Add "[1060]."
488, margin. Supply "S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, ƒ. 11."
516, margin. For "71" read "76."
519 (5), end. Add "[1068]."
" (8). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 19."
" (13). A licence to Colet to give the Mercer's Company in full satisfaction of this grant the manors of Vache, Wotton, Ham and Weston Turvyle, Bucks, with lands thereabouts (specified) is dated 20 Aug. and enrolled in Pat. Roll 2 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 8, but has, unfortunately, been overlooked.
" (19), p. 306, l. 13. Before "III." insert "Hen."
546 (15), c. For "Ch." read "Pat." and the reference "p. 1, m. 25."
" (25), end. Add "[1146]."
" (75), end. Add "[1194]."
549, l. 1. For "Archibald" read "Alexander."
563 (15), l. 2. After "lands" insert "late of Sir William Trussell, of which the said Humphrey died seised."
604 (19), l. 3. After "Edw. IV." insert "(Exch. K.R. Memoranda Roll, 12 Edw. IV., Record. Hillar. rot. 13)."
632 (1). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 14 and (with date 3 Oct.), m. 18."
" (26), end. Add "[1316]."
" (72). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 14."
634, heading. Supply "[1365]" after the number.
644, margin. Supply "S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, ƒ. 18."
682 (23), l. 6. For "m. 20" read "m. 3."
688, margin. Supply "B.M."
707, p. 382, l. 9 from bottom. For "William Cofferer" read "William (sic) Cofferer," because John Shirley was then cofferer (unless indeed William Hatcliff represented him on the occasion).
709 (26), last line. Read "m. 12 and m. 13."
" (36). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 11."
731 (3). " " "also Pat. 3 Hen. VIII., p. 3, m. 8."
749 (15), end. Add "[1623]."
751 (2), last line. Add "Rymer XIII., 298."
754, l. 7. For "Ceira" read "Cura."
760, heading. Supply "[1643]" after the number.
784. A pardon of Thomas à Bery of Bukstede, Suss., butcher, for killing Thomas Grevyn of Bukstede, surgeon, in self defence, dated 22 May, has been overlooked. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 4.
825, l. 6. "Queen widow." Sanuto's "reina Va" have been expanded in the printed edition "reina vechia"; but Rawdon Brown's "reina Vedova" seems more plausible, although there was no person in England to whom the words could apply. Possibly they are due to a misunderstood report of lord Grey of Wilton's death on May 11th. Badoer would write the colloquial "lord Grey Wilton" as "signor Greia Vidona," and explain his relationship to Cecily duchess of York (great grandson of her sister); and Sanuto, reading the name as "signora reina vedova," might easily do the rest.
826, margin. Supply "MS. not found."
827, l. 4. For "Henry VIII." read "Henry VII." The transcript is from Originalia Roll 253 (3 Henry VII.), rot. 41, and should not have been calendared here.
833 (54). The names of the deputies appear on the Roll, namely John Dysley, Wm. Chaderton, Nic. Horner and Thomas Pynchebek, literati.
889, margin. Supply "Rymer XIII. 305."
924 (22). Appendix No. 19A should follow this entry.
964, margin. For "493" read "247."
969 (40), l. 4. After "Laurence" insert "(sic)."
1123 (23). Also enrolled, wrongly, in Pat. 4 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 6.
" (34). The mandate of the dean and chapter is dated 15 March.
" A privilege for the lordship or manor of Breston alias Broughton, Hants, an ancient demesne of the Crown, dated 11 March, has been overlooked. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 24.
1221 (12), end. Add "[3179]."
" (49), end, Add "[3219]."
1226 (2), margin. Supply "B.M."
1235, l. 15. For "Medgate" read "Medford."
1310, last line. For "18" read "185."
1342, margin. For "3" read "2."
1453 (3), margin. Read "F. XIV. 75."
1471 (2), margin. Supply "S.P. Hen. VIII., 3, ƒ. 66."
1529 (2), l. 1. After "2" supply "[5780]."
1530, margin. For "15[151]" read "5[151]."
1565, margin. For "1023" read "1466."
1602 (35). Add reference "Pat. p. 2, m. 6 (dated 18 Jan.)."
1661 (6), margin. For "62" read "61."
1750 (3). To § 3 add "[3861(2)]"; and to § 5 add "[3861(3)]."
1781. This letter is of the year 1514.
1801 (1 m. 3), l. 16. For "Instoke" read "Justoke."
1805 (2). This cannot be earlier than 1 June 1515, when Ughtred was appointed to Berwick.
1830, margin. For "84a" read "74b."
1879, margin. Supply "S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, ƒ. 85." The document is a copy of No. 2684 (5); not, as here stated, of 1948 (68).
1901, margin. For "E. XIII." read "F. XIII."
1948 (15), l. 5. For "m. 11" read "m. 10; also m. 11."
" (23). For "Pardons" read "Protections."
1955, margin. For "2' read "3."
2006 (2), l. 1. After "2" supply "[4267(2)]."
2040, l. 3. The words are very faded, but seem to read "parler au duc de Hesse electure;" although the Landgrave was not an Elector.
2095, l. 2. For "Cahors" read "Oulx."
2131, last line. For "22" read "122."
2137 (22). The mandate to the dean and chapter is dated 21 July.
" A licence, dated 9 July, to Wm. Hampden, son of Sir Edmund H., dec., to alienate the manor and advowson of Dodyngton alias Donyngton alias Dunton, Bucks, to Richard Hampden, Robert Wodeford, Robert Eggerley and Robert Belson in trust for the said Wm. and Etheldreda his wife and their heirs, has been overlooked. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 7.
2198, l. 15. For "Cahors" read "Oulx."
2222 (16), end. Add "[4423]."
2282, last line. For "657" read "659."
2318, margin. For "114" read "144."
2377. Printed by Pribram, Osterreichische Staatsverträge, I., p. 96.
2404 iii., l. 15. For "Lovere" read "Loven."
2422 (16). The mandate to the dean and chapter is dated 25 Oct.
2424, p. 1076, l. 5. For "he" read "it," the Matthew in question being apparently the Gospel.
2484 (3), l. 6. Add "(entered twice)."
2519, margin. For "Ev." read "Er."
2586, margin. For "XVI." read "XVII."
2684 (59). Add reference "Pat. p. 2, m. 12 (dated 11 Feb.)."
2713, margin. Supply "Halliwell's Royal Letters, I., 220."
2772 (15). The mandate to the dean and chapter is dated 6 March.
" (18), end. Add "[4860]."
3278, margin. Supply "Rymer XIII. 455."
3355, margin. Supply "Galt's Life of Wolsey, App., p. 11."
3417, l. 1. For "Grigore" read "Gringore."
3616, p. 1521, l. 14 from bottom. "Harci Mamensis" appears to be a misreading of "Bathoniensis."
Printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office