Index: Y

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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'Index: Y', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index: Y', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index: Y". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1920), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.



Yafforth (Yafford, Zaffurth, Yaffurth), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 8, 18), 1803 (1 m. 4).

Yakysly. See Yaxley.

Yale lordship, co. Denbigh, 3313 (6):—g. 54 (77), 257 (74), 357 (29), 833 (8), 1804 (55–6).

Yale, David, LL.B., warden of Ruthyn College, g. 833 (57).

Yalhampton, Yalmeton, Yalmpton or Yalumpton. See Yealmpton.

Yan, John, g. 1836 (8).

Yarborough (Zarborugh), Linc., rector of, 1803 (1 m. 2).

Yard, Anne d. and h. of Thomas, 438 (3 mm. 12, 14).
-, - (Yerd), Ric., 438 (3 m. 9).

Yardley (Yardey, Yardeley, Yerdley), Worc., 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (2 m. 10):—g. 132 (7), 357 (42), 804 (15), 1083 (4).

Yardley Gobion (Yardeley, Yerdeley), Ntht., g. 357 (3, 45).

Yardley (Yerdeley), John, serjeant at arms, g. 2861 (30).

Yaresthorp. See Gaysthorpe.

Yarford (Yerford), James, alderman, merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2), 1493:—g. 2684 (8).

Yarmouth (Yaremouthe, Jernemouth) or Great Yarmouth, Norf., 438 (1 mm. 14, 26), 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 mm. 4, 6 bis, 26, 33), 438 (4 m. 15), 874 (2), 1262, 1803 (2 m. 5), 1982 (2, 4), 2327, 2478 iii., 3137 (16), 3313 (4, 6):—g. 11 (10), 132 (122), 257 (83), 1266 (13), 1494 (57), 2055 (12).
-, -, grant to the town, g. 1494 (57).
-, -, guns for defence, g. 1494 (57).
-, -, King's bailiff, 438 (1 m. 26).
-, -, Kyrkelerode, g. 1494 (57).

Yarmouth (Jernemouth), Little-, Suff., Augustinian Friars, 438 (4 m. 13).
-, -, -, prior. See Chapelyn, H.

Yarwell, Ntht., 438 (2 m. 33):—g. 94 (35).

Yate, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 26).

Yate (Yeate), Wm., 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (3 m. 24).

Yates (Yatis), John, 438 (3 m. 23).
-, - (Yatis), Simon, B.D., notary, 438 (3 m. 23).

Yattendon (Yatenden, Yatynden), Berks, 438 (2 mm. 5, 17, 24), 438 (4 m. 11):—g. 1948 (6).

Yavyngdon. See Avington.

Yaxley (Zakkisley), Hunts, 2671.

Yaxley, John, serjeant at law, 438 (1 m. 10):—g. 2055 (95).
-, - (Yakysly), Wm., g. 1732 (34).

Yealmpton (Yalumpton, Yalhampton, Yalmeton), Devon, 438 (1 mm. 12, 25), 438 (2 m. 12):—g. 218 (52), 381 (18), 414 (15).

Yearsley (Yeresley), Yorks, 1803 (2 m. 2).

Yeate. See Yate.

Yeddesley, Devon. See Iddesleigh.

Yeldirton. See Yelverton.

Yelington. See Yetlington.

Yelshawe, Th., chaplain, 1803 (2 m. 3).

Yelton. See Ilton.

Yelvertoft, Ntht., 438 (1 m. 14).
-, -, rector presented, g. 731 (39).

Yelverton, Edward, ship captain, 2304 (3), 2652.
-, -, Margery, 1803 (1 m. 5).
-, -, Nicholas, ship captain, 2304 (5).
-, - (Yeldirton, Yelderton), Rob., ship captain, 1453, 1661 (3, 4), 2304 (4), 2686 (2).
-, -, Wm., 1803 (1 m. 5).

Yenneth. See Eifionydd.

Yeo, John, 1803 (1 m. 2).
-, - (Yoo), Nic., g. 1266 (13).
-, - (Yoo), Rob., 438 (2 m. 9):—p. 1535:—g. 632 (26), 833 (58 iv.), 1804 (20), 2222 (16 Devon), 3499 (12).
-, - (Yoo), Wm., g. 969 (70).

Yeomen, passim.

Yeovil (Yevyll, Yevell), Soms., 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 7).

Yerd. See Yard.

Yerdesley. See Eardisley.

Yerdington. See Eardington.

Yerdleyor Yerdeley. See Yardley.

Yeresley. See Yearsley.

Yerford. See Yarford.

Yersyke. See Trzeke.

Yetlington (Yelington), Nthld., 438 (4 m. 20):—g. 485 (26), 2863 (5).

Yevell. See Yeovil.

Yewdale. See Ewdale.

Ygarme Lagaydh, Magonius, p. 1530.

Yin. See Ine.

Yle, John, chaplain, g. 924 (26).

Ylympton. See Plympton.

Ymbar, Laurence, wood carver, 307.

Ymbercourt. See Humbercourt.

Ymberley, John, monk, p. 1529.

Ymeber, Robert, mercer, g. 749 (28).

Ynan, in Italy [Zenon, near Bassano ?], letter dated at, 130.

Yng, Mr., 880.

Ynglesfeld. See Englefield.

Ynglyssh. See English.

Yolgreve or Yologreve. See Youlgreave.

Yolston. See Youlstone.

Yolton, Wm., 438 (2 m. 19).

Yoman, John, p. 1517.

Yongolde, John, 3529.

Yoo. See Yeo.

YORK, 205 (p. 106), 438 (1 m. 22 bis), 438 (2 mm. 32, 34), 438 (3 mm. 11, 22), 438 (4 mm. 12, 15, 19, 22, 27 bis), 1262, 1414, 1803 (2 m. 2), 2283, 2390, 2546, 2651, 2740, 3227:—g. 94 (25), 132 (26), 709 (14), 784 (12), 833 (11), 1602 (41), 1948 (31), 2137 (18), 2222 (16), 3408 (37), 3499 (78).
-, -, aldermen of, 438 (1 mm. 13, 15).
-, -, mayor of, 438 (1 m. 15).
-, -, weavers of, g. 924 (35).
-, -, -, confirmation of charters, g. 784 (53).
-, -, places in:—
-, Castle, g. 132 (31).
-, -, clerk of, 438 (3 m. 22).
-, Cathedral of St. Peter, 438 (2 mm. 25, 32):—g. 190 (5), 969 (76), 2772 (28).
-, -, college of St. William (vicars choral), p. 1531.
-, -, -, confirmation for, g. 546 (45).
-, -, dean of, 438 (3 m. 7):—p. 1531. See Harrington, J.
-, -, deanery, 1653.
-, -, precentor of, 438 (3 m. 22).
-, -, treasurer of. See Colyns, L.
-, Danyhall, g. 784 (12).
-, hospital to be founded by Henry VII., 1 (p. 2).
-, Mint in, 438 (4 m. 22).
-, St. Andrew's priory, 438 (3 m. 15).
-, St. Leonard's Hospital, 438 (2 m. 14).
-, -, confirmation for, g. 381 (107).
-, -, master of. See Constable, J.
-, St. Mary's abbey, g. 924 (19), 1948 (86).
-, -, Edmund abbot of, 205, 308, 963, 1450, 2546, 2651, 3464, 3505:—p. 1506:—g. 1123 (37), 2222 (16 Yorks, York).
-, -, confirmation for, g. 381 (27).
-, St. Peter's Hospital, 438 (2 m. 14).

York, Walter [Gray ?] abp. of, grant by, g. 158 (32).
-, -, Thomas abp. of (temp. Henry VII.), 438 (3 m. 22).

YORK, ABP. OF. See Bainbridge, C.

York, abpric, of, 438 (4 m. 22), 3015, 3088, 3195, 3197, 3275–9, 3284, 3300–1, 3379, 3545:—p. 1531:—g. 190 (5), 3226 (9), 3499 (8).
-, -, -, confirmation for, g. 414 (17).
-, -, -, Consistorial court, 438 (2 m. 32).

York, archdeaconry of, 310, 438 (2 m. 32).

York, duchy of, 1149, 1418:—g. 54 (70), 94(76), 485 (58), 709 (14), 1804 (6), 1948 (31), 2964 (81).

York, Cicely duchess of (died in 1495), wife of Richard duke of York (who died in 1460), g. 54 (14), 94 (23).
-, -, Richard duke of (1415–1460), father of Edward IV., 520:—g. 519 (57), 749 (23).
-, -, -, grant by, g. 804 (4).

York (Jorco), cardinal of. See Bainbridge, C.

York herald, g. 158 (87), 1836 (29). See Lago, R.; Tonge, T.

Yorkor Yorke, John, p. 1546.
-, -, John, prior of St. Peter's, Ipswich († 1497), g. 2684 (65).
-, -, Sir Ric., 20 (p. 14), 1363.
-, -, Th., prior of St. Andrew's, Northampton, 438 (2 m. 6):—g. 414 (1).

Yorkshire, 205 (p. 106), 1329 (p. 620), 2246, 2426, 2540, 2740:—p. 1516:—g. 132 (10), 218 (55), 381 (15), 632 (20, 26), 651 (25), 804 (29 iv.-vi., ix.-xi.), 833 (11, 45 iii., 50 iii., iv.), 969 (23), 1123 (15, 37), 1365 (3, 24), 1494 (9, 55), 1524 (30), 2222 (16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (17), 2772 (24), 3408 (18, 37), 3499 (12, 33), 3582 (15).
-, -, commissions of the peace, p. 1547.
-, -, ulnage of, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18).

Yotton, John, clk., g. 485 (32).
-, - (Yottun), John, S.T.P., dean of Lichfield, 438 (2 m. 25):—g. 2055 (54).

Youche, Margaret, prioress of Gracedieu, Leic., 438 (1 m. 11).

Youghal (Foghille), co. Cork, New College, p. 1524.

Youlgreave (Yolgreve, Yologreve), Derb., 438 (2 m. 29).

Youlstone (Yolston), Devon, 438. (4 m. 7).

Young or Yong, Adriana, wife of Somerset herald, g. 604 (18).
-, -, Andrew, rector of Wyberton, g. 1462 (11).
-, -, Baldwin, 438 (1 m. 23).
-, - (Yonge), Francis, 438 (4 m. 5):—g. 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3499 (12).
-, -, George, a Scot, 817.
-, -, John, 20 (p. 14):—g. 54 (27, 83), 94 (21).
-, -, John, clk., g. 3582 (26).
-, -, John, dean of Chichester, g. 132 (51).
-, -, John, master of the hospital of St. Thomas of Acon, bp. of Gallipoli, 1782, 3549:—pp. 1526, 1528–9:—g. 969 (45), 3324 (22).
-, - (Zong), John, LL.D., master of the Rolls (vice-chancellor), dean of Leicester, ambassador to France and Flanders, confirmation of patents, g. 94 (44).
-, -, -, letters from, 1213, 1226, 1229, 1245, 1252, 1258, 1279, 1285, 1288–9, 1293, 1303, 1306, 1308, 1322, 1333, 1335, 1338, 1343, 1350, 1353, 1357, 1362, 1370, 1378, 1384, 1389, 1394, 1399, 1404, 1421, 1430, 1434, 1436, 1448, 1456, 1468, 1476, 1481, 1485, 1764, 1871.
-, -, -, letters to, 1492, 1550.
-, -, -, signature of, 19, 2697, 2728:—g. 190 (25), 448 (4), 651 (7), 731 (7, 52), 749 (3, 16, 24), 784 (36, 56), 804 (49), 2055 (109).
-, -, -, warrants to, g. 54 (3, 41, 82), 94 (99), 132 (18, 34, 50, 65, 69), 158 (26, 77), 190 (41), 218 (4, 24, 32, 35, 59), 257 (12, 34, 63, 68, 80, 84), 289 (6, 44), 357 (10, 41), 414 (26, 46), 448 (3, 4, 6), 485 (42), 519 (26), 587 (21–2), 604 (26, 44, 50), 632 (70), 651 (1, 7, 20, 31–2, 34), 682 (3), 709 (22), 731 (7, 20, 52), 749 (3, 16, 24, 26–7), 784 (29, 30, 56), 804 (6, 49), 833 (13), 1003 (15, 24), 1123 (44–5), 1170 (4, 5), 1172 (11), 1462 (19), 1524 (38), 1732 (49), 1836 (27), 1948 (2, 32), 2055 (120), 2137 (20), 2535 (25–6), 2684 (20, 31, 52 ii., 64, 83), 2861 (7), 2964 (54, 64), 3107 (18), 3408 (28), 3499 (14, 41, 47), 3582 (11).
-, -, -, other references to, 1, 19, 20 (pp. 14, 21), 82, 109, 229, 341–2 438 (1 m. 19), 559, 592, 633, 850, 854, 858, 860, 880, 942, 1046, 1066, 1196, 1213, 1226, 1241, 1437, 1470, 1587, 1750, 1841, 2223, 2366 (2), 2391 (pp. 1058, 1060), 2587, 3018, 3095:—g. 257 (4, 26), 709 (54), 1316 (11), 1524 (32, 39), 2055 (109, 132), 2535 (1).
-, -, John, prior of Repton, 1803 (1 m. 4).
-, -, John, Somerset herald, Norrey king of arms (24 Jan. 1511), 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 559, 707, 877n.:—g. 604 (18), 632 (10), 682 (20).
-, -, Nic., 438 (3 m. 6).
-, -, Peter, ship master, 2304 (5), 2686, 2842 ii., 2938, 2968 (5).
-, -, Rawlyn, and Joan his wife, g. 158 (15).
-, - (Yonge), Ric., 438 (1 m. 23), 1803 (2 m. 4):—g. 749 (28).
-, -, Mr. Robert, confessor of the Household, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40).
-, -, Th., 438 (3 m. 28).
-, - (Yonge), Th., ship master or purser, 2866, 3513.
-, - (Yonge), Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 5).
-, - (Yonge), Wm., p. 1534:—g. 2222 (12), 2484 (17), 3499 (71).
-, -, Wm., fitz Roger, of Calais, petition of, 3595.

Yowarde, John, of the Ewery, g. 448 (8).

Yoxall (Yoxsall, Yoxhall, Yoxale, Poxhale), Staff., 438 (2 m. 14 bis), 438 (3 m. 8), 438 (4 m. 15):—g. 709 (14 bis), 1948 (31 bis), 2055 (131), 2137 (18).

Ypres (Iper, Ipre, Ypern, Ipur), in Flanders, 2375–6, 2392, 2404, 2613, 3340.
-, -, St. Benedict's monastery, 2391 (p. 1061).

Yrancy (Urance), near Fontarabia, 1509, 1511 (p. 699).

Ysabeau. See Isabella.

Ysame. See Iseham.

Ysham. See Iseham.

Yspruk. See Innsbrück.

Yspurch. See Innsbrück.

Yssbrokk. See Innsbrück.

Ysselstein (Iselsten, Dysselston, Ilsestin, Dysylstein, Diselstain, Isselstein, Dissilsteyne, Elcisten, Hesylstein), Floris d'Egmond lord of, 325 (p. 147), 919, 1101, 1566, 1599, 1745, 2063, 2083, 2106, 2113, 2123, 2176, 2182, 2203, 2225, 2383, 2391 (p. 1061), 2392 (p. 1063), 2421, 2451, 2656, 2705, 2835, 2995, 3046, 3052, 3082.
-, -, -, letters from, 1599, 3046.
-, -, -, signature of, 2995.

Ysselstein (Yselstain) pursuivant, 1599, 2681.

Yvyndon. See Avington.

Yvysleyys. See Ibbesley.

Yysprouc. See Innsbrück.