Henry VIII: April 1510, 16-24

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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'Henry VIII: April 1510, 16-24', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp201-203 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: April 1510, 16-24', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1920), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp201-203.

"Henry VIII: April 1510, 16-24". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1920), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol1/pp201-203.


April 1510

16 April.
Sanuto, X. 158.
432. VENICE.
[On 18 April 1510, came letters from Rome announcing the League between France and England. By this news the whole town was dejected, especially as it was said to be proclaimed in Milan with public rejoicings, and the letters were read with closed doors.]
From the Ambassador at Rome 8 and 10 April.—The Pope told him the Diet had granted the Emperor 350,000 [fl.] for his Italian expedition; that Grassis was not admitted to the Emperor, but the ambassadors of France and Spain were; that it was reported from Ferrara that Germans had captured Friuli and La Scala; that the ambassadors of the League asked him to urge the King of Hungary to enter it and recover Dalmatia; that he was asked to allow passage of men from Naples. The Spanish ambassador says he cannot speak with him in public but they may communicate secretly. News from Milan of the agreement of England against the Venetians. The Pope gone to Santa Maria trans Tiberim, where is the body of Julius I., to perform certain ceremonies.
From the same, 11 and 12 April.—News of the league between France and England confirmed. Alarm in Rome. Conduct of the French there and of their ambassador Signor Alberto da Carpi. Pope meditates flight to Segna. The English ambassador professed to know nothing, and said he had letters of 12 [March] and had forwarded to the Signory letters from their ambassador. It is supposed that the agreement was made before the Spanish ambassador reached England and that the King of France gave 50,000cr. in addition to what was due. Pope's saying to the English ambassador. Suspicion of the conference which the Cardinal of Rouen wishes to have with the Emperor. Useless to speak of Paulo Bajoni whom the Pope wants for himself. Renzo di Ceri ill.
Ib. 162. ii. Hieronimo da Porzil to Zuan Badoer. Rome, 12 April.—Capture of Friuli and La Scala as reported by letters of the 7th from Ferrara. Proclamation of peace between England and France. The Emperor asked 1,000,000 "florin di Ren" and the Diet granted 350,000 "raynes." He asked some grandees to accompany him, but they declined. The Diet wishes the Venetian ambassadors to be heard and the Emperor answers that it will be more honorable to hear them when he is in arms. Pope will go to Viterbo to muster his men on 20 May. Affair of the bp. of Zibiltera (fn. 1) of England settled in Consistory. A courier from France who came yesterday left M. de la Trimolia in Savoy with 400 lances, and the King at Paris with 6,000 foot. The Duke of Urbino has gone to the Pope's troops. League between France and England made the day before the Spanish ambassador arrived. Suspicions of the Pope. Hungary. Action of French in Rome.
From the same, 16 April.—On the 14th the French and the Adorni made bonfires and fired guns and had a mass sung. The English ambassador declined to attend the mass, but had a long table with wine before his house, for the passers-by to drink. The French secretly distrust this going of Spaniards from Naples, and are likely to quarrel with the Emperor over Verona. If the Signory can hold Padua this summer, all will be well.
Ib. 169. iii. [Letters received 21 April 1510.]
From the ambassador at Rome, 15 April.—The Pope told him he had letters from Peter Griffo, Papal collector at London, announcing the agreement; and letters from France of the 2nd that neither the King nor the Duke of Bourbon would come to Italy this year but 400 lances and 6,000 foot should be sent to Chiamon, governor of Milan. Further news of northern Italy. Proceedings in Rome of the French cardinals and Alberto da Carpi.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, Nos. 56, 57 and 58.
19 April.
Venetian Transcr., 176, p. 84. R.O.
19 April 1510.—To-day received together his letters of 8, 10, 11 and 12 inst. The peace with England (fn. 2) is indeed important, but its terms are very variously reported. Christopher's mission will do good by making the King of France suspicious.
Italian. Modern extract, ½ p. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 60.
20 April.
Sanuto, X. 313.
434. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 14 May 1510.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 20 April.—Wrote last on the 13th. A priest has come from Scotland whom he formerly knew as Scotch ambassador to the King of England. He asked what stipend the late Count of Pitigliano had as the Signory's captain, and suggested that his King would like to see Venice and would make a good captain. He has gone to Flanders, but will return soon and carry to Scotland the briefs raising the excommunication. Cannot get copies of the King's letters, as Winchester, the Privy Seal, is ill. News from France that the King will not go to Italy, and there is no fleet (armata) in those waters or at Genoa. Ferigo Morosini is made consul at London. Most of the merchants, including Nic. da Ponte, Hier. da Molin and Lunardo Foscari, gone home through France, under safe conduct. The King is about to send three of his servants to Italy to buy barbs, armour, etc. (barde, arme e altre cosse di guerra). He is courageous, worthy and very robust, and aged 19. His wife has not yet been delivered. Afterwards he will make his progress.
Italian. Modern transcript. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 63.
Exch. Acct., 417(3), f. 70. R.O. 435. KING'S MESSENGERS.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver John Powers, one of the messengers of "our chamber," livery (described). Greenwich, "the first year of our reign" (day omitted). Signed.
P. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 165. R.O. 436. [1002.] EDMUND DUDLEY.
Onus compoti of Thomas Budde, bailiff of Huysshe in co. Wilts, from 23 Hen. VII. to 1 Hen. VIII. The manor formerly belonged to Edmund Dudley. Names mentioned: Richard Benger, Thomas Ranger, John Combe, Thomas Terraunt, Thomas Budde, Will. Colman, and Sir Edw. Darrell, tenants in Huyssh, Woore, Shawe, Everlegh, Marleburgh, Biddesden, and Fiddelton.
Discharge of the same account. Names mentioned: Eliz. Hall, widow, John Hosteler, John Skyllyng, Will. Mondy, Will. Rawkyn, Tho. Bude, junr., Will. Lawrence, Thos. Fetyplace, Will. Seyman, Th. Stidolff, Will. Hede, and Will. Gilbert.
Large paper, pp. 2. Endorsed: "Copy of account of Edmonde Dudely, his manor of Huysshe, Wylcheyr. Andrew Dudley."
See under 24 April. CALAIS.
Patent Rolls Supplementary, 56–9. R.O.
438. PARDON ROLL, 1 Henry VIII.
Lists of persons receiving the King's general pardon (see No. 11, § 1). Every possible variation of name and designation of the parties is given, but no reason for the pardon is specified. The first entry is a fair example of all (although in the case of more important personages the places of residence are often more numerous), viz.:—"Georgius Potte nuper de Sotherey in com. Norff., yoman, alias dictus Georgius Pot nuper de Sowthrey in com. Norff., yoman, alias dictus Georgius Pote nuper de Walington in com. Norff., yoman, alias dictus Georgius Potte nuper de Carewike in Ryddesdale in com. Northumbr., yoman, alias dictus Georgius Potte nuper de Tydde Sancte Marie in com. Lincoln., yoman, seu, etc. Teste Rege apud Westm., xiiij. die Maii. Per ipsum Regem."
[Except in the case of monasteries and other corporations which of course are always in the present, italics, in the following abstract, indicate that a residence is given in the present tense (it is generally repeated in the past) ordinary type that it is preceded by the adverb "nuper"; and of the designations esquire, gentleman, and the like, the first is that given in connection with the first residence named. The principal abbreviations here used are "k." for "miles," "esq." for "armiger" "g." for "gentilman," and "y" for "yoman."]


  • 1. Qu. Worcester.
  • 2. Between England and France.