Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Originally published by Titus Wilson and Son, Kendal, 1926.
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'Supplementary Records: Kirkby in Kendale', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3, ed. John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'Supplementary Records: Kirkby in Kendale', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Edited by John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"Supplementary Records: Kirkby in Kendale". Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Ed. John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
a. 1307 I, Beatrix, uxor quondam Baldewini dicti Granetarii de Kyrkeby in Kendale salutem in domino, quit claim to John de Camera, bailiff of Dame Margaret de Ros, all the right that I have in that free toft which my husband gave me for dowry and in that half toft next it, which lie between the toft of the former Prior of Connigisheved and the toft of Robert Bon in the vill of Kyrkeby in Kendale. For this concession the said John has given me one large sum of money in my urgent need, etc., etc. Witnesses, Dom. Ralph, chaplain, Simon Bewallet, Colin Tinctor, Robert the clerk, Geoffrey brother of Bele, Robert his son, Henry the clerk. Deed 7¾ ins. by 5½ ins. Visica shaped seal in dark green wax 1½ ins. by 1 in. Legend, S' Beteris uxor' Baldni' with a fleur-de-lys in centre. Chambre Deeds, County Muniment Room.
1379 Thomas Appleby, Bishop of Carlisle, offered an indulgence to all who should adequately contribute to the building of the bridge, ponte de Strowmondgate, which spans the Kent in the parish of Kirkeby Kendall in the Diocese of York (Hist. MSS. Com., 9th Report, pt. 1, p. 195b.). In the following year, 1380, there is a bequest in the Will of Thomas de Sandford, "Item, novo ponti in Kirkeby Kendale, xiijs. iiiid." Test. Karleolensia.
1430 4 December. Commission to the Prior of Cartmel to confine Alice Skawseby in a certain house built for anchorites near the church of Kirkeby in Kendall. (Reg. Arch. of Richmond). See a note upon an anchorage at Kendal in Clay, The Hermits and Anchorites of England, p. 79.
1439 15 July. Master Thomas Bryan was presented to the vicarage of Kirkeby-in-Kendale by the abbot and convent of St. Mary's, vacant by the death of Richard Garsdale. Reg. Arch. of Richmond, Yorks. Arch. Soc., vol. 25, p. 227.
1445 Feoffment of William Preston of Kirkland in Kendall to Roger Preston his son of his tenement upon the said Kirkland lying between the tenement of Thomas Chamer on one side and that of Richard Fotman on the other. Witnesses, John Penyngton, knt., Richard
Redmaine, esq., Roger Bethome 'avunclo,' Simon Gnyp, William Gylpin and Thomas Chamer. Given at Kirkby in Kendall on Sunday next before the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross (May 2), 24 Henry VI. Small red seal with monogram R. on tag cut off bottom of deed. Chambre Deeds, County Muniment Room.
1449 A similar feoffment given at Kirkby in Kendall on the last day of April, 27 Henry VI. Chambre Deeds, ib.
1487 Feoffment by Richard Cornthwayt and Margaret his wife to Thomas Chaumer son of Thomas Chaumer of Le Haws of one burgage and a garden adjacent upon le Kyrkland within Kirkeby in Kendall, for the term of 79 years for £20 paid them by the said Thomas—which burgage was situate between the tenement or burgage of Miles Garnett on the south side and the tenement of the said Thomas Chaumer of Le Haws on the north side. Witnesses, Sir Thomas Cornthwayt, chaplain, Robert Chaumer, Thomas Wilson, William Grenehod, Robert Preston. Dated 4th December, 3 Henry VII. Two seals of dark red wax, on each a bird running with wing raised. Chambre Deeds, ibid.
1489 Quit-claim by Thomas Furnour of Kyrkeby in Kendale, smith, and Elizabeth his wife to Thomas Chamer, yeoman, being in possession, and to his heirs and assigns of their right in a burgage and garden adjacent lying upon the Kyrkeland in Kendall aforesaid between the burgage of Miles Garnet on the south and the burgage late of Thomas Chamer father of the said Thomas on the north and abutting in length from the King's highway towards the east unto land called Kyrkbarray towards the west. Witnesses, Thomas Styrkland, knt. Richard Preston, Thomas Wyllson, John Barray and John Rawlynson, yeomen. Dated 6th November, 5 Henry VII. Chamber Deeds. ibid.
1492 Quit-claim by Richard Cornthwayt and Margaret his wife of Preston in co. Westmorland to Thomas Chambre his heirs and assigns of all right and all legal demands real and personal in a tenement upon le Kirklande at the Bridge end. Witnesses, Sir Thomas Cornthwaite, Sir Richard Kilner (chaplains) and Robert Beke. Dated 4 April, 7 Henry VII. Chambre Deeds, ibid.
1511 Richard Baines of Leeds wills that "my wife and my childre have my take in my fermhold in Kendale and my closse callyd Frey Bank in Kendale." Surtees Soc., vol. 79, p. 24.
1530 Bond of Robert Wylson of Kirkeby in Kendall, chaplain, and Adam Wylson of the same, chapeman, to William Gilpyn, William Cayrous and Walter Chambir, gentlemen, in 100 marks. Dated 14th January, 21 Henry VIII. Condition that Robert Wylson, chappellan abide kepe and fulfil the ordynaunce and award of Roger Bellingham, knt., James Leyburn, Gervis Stirkeland and Richard Ducket, esquires, arbiters upon all manner of matters accions, wharrells, sewitts, trespasses, dettes, debates, etc., betwixt the said Robert Wylson of the one parte and the said William Gilpyn, Elezabeth Gilpyn his wife, William Cayrous, Margaret Washington late doghter of oon of the hiers of Thomas Washington late of Halhed Halle, gentleman, Walter Chambir, Robert Chambir, son and hiere apparent to the seid Walter and Joyn Chambir wif unto the said Robert of the other partie, concerning an award betwixt the said Thomas Washington in his lyf uppon the oon partie and the afforseid Robert Wylson chappellan of the other partie. Award to be given within 20 days. Chambre Deeds, ibid.
1535 For the valuation of the Vicarage in the Ecclesiastical Valor of 26 Henry VIII, see hereafter under date 1830.
1542 9 February. I Sir Henry Halled, Lady priest of the parish of Kirkbie in Kendall .... my body to be buried in our Lady Chapel within my parish church of Kendall. Item I give and bequeath to John Halled, my son, the whole tenant right of my house with its appurtenance as it is situate and lieth upon the Kirkland .... in case the said John Halled be departed to the mercy of God, or yet shall not come into the country again or die without issue of his body lawfully begotten then it is my will and mind that my title and tenantright of my said house shall descend and remain to Henry the son of Thomas Halled .... Executors of this my will I do make and ordain Sir Alan Shepherd, priest, James Lickbarrow and Thomas Halled. Witnesses, Sir Alan Shepherd, priest, and Sir Adam Shepherd, priest. Surtees Soc., vol. 26, p. 33.
1582 21 December. It is ordained and constituted by the Alderman and Head Burgesses with the full advice and assent as well of the 24 sworn assistants as of most part of the honest inhabitants here that no manner of person or persons from henceforth shall or may either draw or trail any timber or other draught whatsoever, either by strength of horses or other cattle or by the power of men (above one only beast draught at any one time) over either of the bridges called Stramangate or Nether Bridge, under pain of losing as much as 12d., the one half thereof to the chamber and the other half to the Bridge keepers. K. Boke off Recorde, 121.
1589 11 December. The cuckstool in Kendal. An order against common drunkards, how to be punished, and for common scolds. Whereas some persons without fear of God give up their bodies to dishonour by immoderate drinking of strong ale at unfit times until they become beastlike and insensible to the waste of their goods and the misery of their families, it is ordered that the Alderman or any justice of the peace shall have power to send any persons overtaken with strong drink to the common dungeon, to reclaim them from their destestable offences. It is also ordered that every such magistrate shall have power to commit any common scold to the cuckstool. Hist. MSS. Com., 10th Rep., pt. iv, 315. For the form of apparatus and the method of working it, see K. Notes and Queries, n. 268.
1653 On 31 March, 1653, there was exceeding great need of a schoolmaster at Kendal, so it was ordered that tithes amounting to about £12 should be granted to the mayor and alderman for the use of a schoolmaster and for the increase of his maintenance. John Myriell was probably the first master to benefit by the order, but he resigned in 1655 on his appointment to be vicar of Torpenhow. The next schoolmaster was Richard Jackson, who remained in office until at least 1667. Older Nonconformity in Kendal, 63.
1662 Warrants from the Court of Record of Kendal to the chamberlains to pay money granted by the Court towards the expenses of persons going to London "for the cure of the King's Evil." A sum of 30s. was granted in one case and 25s. in two others. (Kendal Corporation Deeds, bundle A. n. 17). Only the royal touch of the King of England or of France was deemed capable of curing this scrofula disease.
1664/5 2 February, William Dugdale, Norroy King of Arms to the bailiffs of Kendal and Lonsdale Wards, giving notice of his Visitation to be held at the Fox and Goose in Kendal on the 20th of March. Hist. MSS. Com., 12th Rep., p. 34.
1670 On the 23rd January, 1669/70, a gathering of Independents was held at the house of George Archer in Kirkland. On 9th February Daniel Fleming wrote to Sir Joseph Williason, Secretary of State, "Wee have had lately in this countrey a great conventicle of Indipendents to the number as I am informed of 200 in the night-time, and at the house of Geo. Archer, one very active in the late rebellion and still a stif nonconformist..... Wee have ordered them to be brought before us next Saturday at Kendall where wee intend to examine the fact and to bind over the offenders unto the next Quarter Sessions. The Sessions were held on the 15 April and the Indictment Book records as follows:—Geo. Archer of Kirkland, cordwainer, and 24 others named, on the 23 January last, assembled at the house of Geo. Archer aforesaid and there "riotose, routose et illicite conciones" and prayers by pretext of religious culture gathered and heard religious culture and prayers contrary to the form of public and divine culture established in due form of law in the English church to the great scandal and pernicious example of other subjects of the king and in contempt of the laws of this Kingdom of England (K. Indict. Book, 1669–92); Geo. Archer was fined 20s., Abraham Garner and John Garnett 10s. each and the others 5s. a piece.
1671/2 13 February. William Brownsword, vicar of Kendal, wrote to Daniel Fleming enclosing a copy of an Inhibition procured by the Quakers, Robert Barrow, John Stell, Milo Bateman, Milo Huberstie and Margaret Howgill of Kirkby Kendal. A suit had been brought against them by W. Brownsword for nonpayment of tithes, and a decree of excommunication obtained. They have appealed and obtained the Inhibition and a citation ot W. Brownsword to appear at York. Hist. MSS. Com., 12th Rep., p. 88.
1681 A copy of the Will of Thomas Sandes reciting his deed of gift of Sandes Hospital bearing date 6 September, 1670, is preserved in the Browne MSS., vol. xiv, pp. 8–15.
1687 At the Quarter Sessions held on 14 January, 1686/7, it was presented that the highway at Gate Settlings (fn. 1) was in decay, and there being a dispute whether the same belong to the Town of Kendal or the Country, it was consented to by the Justices of the peace of the Town as also of the County that the moneys for repairing thereof be disbursed by the Town of Kendal, and if it should appear to the Grand Jury upon examination of the matter at the next Sessions that the same do belong to Nether Graveship and not to the Town then the moneys to be forthwith paid to the said Town of Kendal. K. Order Book, 1669–96.
1694/5 18 January. The highway within Nethergraveship, leading from Loand Barn to Lowgate Settling is presented as being decayed and ruinous by default of repair. (K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724). Order that the Nethergraveship repair the highway, for which they stand indicted in two months time upon pain of 40s. or show cause, etc. (Kendal Order Book, 1696–1724). At the Court held on 5 April following it was ordered that if it appear upon the trial of their traverses (fn. 2) this day entered that the inhabitants of Kendall ought to repair the same, that then the said inhabitants shall repay the charges of the repair thereof and of this order they are now to take notice peremptorily (Ibid.). Again at the Court held on 11 October following it was ordered that the highway in question between the inhabitants of Kendall and those of Nethergraveship be viewed by the jury to try the issue of the difference between them at 8 o'clock to-morrow morning and that Mr. Joseph Simpson of Kendall and Mr. John Sleddall of Nethergraveship do show the said highway. The verdict of the jury was in the favour of Nethergraveship so that it was finally ordered that the inhabitants of Kendall pay those of Nethergraveship the charges of repairing the above highway in accordance with the verdict of the jury. Ibid.
1696 On 14 April, Sir John Lowther writing to Sir Daniel Fleming says, "It is reported that many disaffected persons have taken refuge in the Barony and about Kirkby Lonsdale, I beg you will see to it." (Hist. MSS. Commission, 12th Report, p. 343). Thus at the following Quarter Sessions held on 24 April, it was reported that the following suspected persons had neglected or refused to make and subscribe the Declaration ordered by the Statute of 1 William and Mary and take the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and adjuration:—Garwas Wilson of Kirkland and Anthony Borrick of Kendall. (Kendal Indict. Book, 1692–1724). For the names of other disaffected persons see under the same date in the various parishes.
1696 9 June. This day the collector of Excise refused most of the money offered him because it was not milled, punched nor punchable according to law. Thereupon a great many of the rabble being ale-house keepers went to the Mayor and demanded how they were to get bread if their money could not pass. He gave them good words and said that he and Alan Chambre, the Recorder, would accept all money not clipped within the inner-most ring and hoped that others would do the same. On the following morning the rioters sallied out to Sizergh, Levens and Dallam Tower and on their return they assaulted the town guard, whereupon twenty were arrested. William Brownsword writing to Sir Daniel Fleming, on the 11th, says, We are in a very distracted and frightful position awaiting the militia, they threaten to beset Lowther and Rydal. Sir Daniel writing to Sir John Lowther on the 15th says, I never knew this country in a worse condition, occasioned chiefly by the coin, the poor here have scarcely any money and prices are high. Hist. MSS, Com., 12th Rep., 344.
1696 On the 14th day of July William Curwen, mayor elect, Thomas Murgatroyd, vicar, John Jefferson, schoolmaster, and many others of K. Kendale signed the anti-Jacobite "Association," formed throughout the kingdom for the protection of William III. (K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724). Christopher Redman the mayor, two alderman and one burgess refused to sign and were in consequence discharged from their offices. Annals of Kendal, 288.
1696 9 October. Order that Joseph Giffeth late of the city of Oxford, butcher, now a prisoner in H.M. gaol for this county, who hath been burnt in the hand for felony and is again under indictment for stealing sheep in co. Oxford, whence he fled, be safely conveyed the next day from parish to parish by some of the officers of each parish unto the city of Oxford aforesaid, and be delivered to the keeper of H.M. gaol there, etc. Kendal Order Book, 1696–1724.
1697 16 April Whereas the inhabitants of Kirkland are greatly burdened with the maintenance of the poor in that hamlet, they not having above four acres of land in the constablewick; order that the Nethergraveship, Watchfield and Church-field, being next hamlets and of great annual value and having few or no poor of their own, shall in future be joined to Kirkland as one constablewick and pay their proportion of assessments for the poor. This order was made absolute at the Court held on the 8th October following. (K. Order Book, 1696–1724). On 14 July, 1702 there was a similar order and on 6 October, 1703, it was agreed that the inhabitants of Nethergraveship, Churchfield and Watch field would contribute £1 5s. for the quarter ending this day and £5 for the ensuing year to the overseers of Kirkland for the support of the poor. K. Order Book, 16961724.
1703 8 October. Indictment that the common highway between Horse Spoot Sike and Lee Yeat, containing 200 roods in length, is now in great decay and that the inhabitants of Nethergraveship ought to repair it. (K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724). On 11 July following an Order was issued that the inhabitants of Nethergraveship be fined £5 for suffering the same Queen's highway to be much out of repair, unless repaired before the Easter Sessions. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.
1706 11 October. Order that Lancelot Thompson, chief constable of Kendall Ward with alderman Foorth of Kendal in behalf of the Corporation, view Stramongate Bridge which is presented as in decay and cause it to be repaired; and that the chief constable pay threefourths of the charge of repair, being the county's proportion and that the inhabitants of Kendall pay the remaining portion. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.
1711/12 18 January. On the complaint of the inhabitants of Kirkby Kendall that for several years past the fish in the river Kent and the rivulets running into the same have been destroyed ... by unlawful engines, etc.; appointment of Mr. William Askew and many others to be conservators of the said river and rivulets, to make discovery of unlawful acts touching the destruction of fish and give account of the offenders to this Court. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.
1712 2 May. It having been presented at the last Sessions that Stramongate Bridge was again in decay, and it having been ordered that the high constables should make a report so far as it relates to the county, they present their estimates at this Sessions, viz. for pinning up the footing on both sides and a breach in a "Jewell" or pier, £2 15s. (K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724; Browne MSS., vol. i, n. 221). "So far as it relates to the county." This point is repeated in the following Order under same date:—Forasmuch as that part of Stramongate Bridge belonging to the county, and that part of Borrow Bridge belonging to the Barony, have been presented to be very much in decay, etc. Browne MSS., vol. i, n. 124.
1712 20 September. Whereas information hath been given to her Majesty's Justices of the Peace that several surveyors of the highways within the Barony have neglected to repair and amend the highways and make them the breadth the law directs and to keep the inhabitants to their six days labour, eight hours a day, and to take care that the hedges adjoining to the highways be cut according to law; the high constable is commanded to summon the surveyors to appear before her Majesty's justices at the Moot Hall in Kendall upon Saturday the 11th day of October next to make presentments upon oath and shew cause if they can why they should not be fined for neglecting their duty. Hereof fail not at your peril. Signed, William Fleming and John Harrison. Browne MSS., vol. i, nos. 20, 56.
1715 Sir Lawrence Anderton, Bart., a Nonjuror of Lostock, owned the castle and park of Kendal, etc., in fee, valued at £230. English Catholic Nonjurors of 1715.
1716/7 18 January. Rob. Dickenson of Endmoor, labourer, indicted for breaking Mrs. Dixon's shop at Kirkland and stealing a sack with two measures of oatmeal therein. Found guilty and ordered to be whipt from the Cold Stone or Cross in Kendall to the Newbiggin in the said town, stript from his waist upwards at 3 o'clock on the following day. K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724.
1719 4 August. Order for the high constable, together with the surveyor of bridges of the Borough of Kendal, to view and report the cost of repairing Stramongate Bridge for 300 ft. at each end of the same, three-parts to be repaired by the county and one part by the borough. In the margin:—" This Order is made void being surruptitiously obtained as appears by an order of 9 October, 1719," as follows:—The Grand Jury draw attention to the ill consequence likely to be brought upon the County by the order made on 4 August last touching Stramongate Bridge, it appearing to this Court that the order was obtained upon false information and that it was in no way made to appear that ever either the County or the country used or ought to contribute or be at any charge about repairing 300 feet at both or either of the ends of the said bridge, the whole being within the Borough of Kirkby Kendall and part of the street of that Borough; Order that the said order be set aside as illegal, unjustifiable and contrived only to lay a never heard of or known charge upon those parts of the Barony that are out of the liberties of the Borough. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.
1720 29 April. For as much as Jas. Addyson of Far Crosbank, labourer, stands convicted of petty larceny; ordered that he be immediately set in the stocks for one hour, and be thence conveyed to the whipping post and be stripped naked from the shoulders downwards and be whipped till blood come, and then after suffering that punishment to be set at liberty, paying his fees, and the sheriff of the county is to see execution done. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.
1723 11 October. Richard Smith of Kirkland to be whipped by the common officer for that purpose for petty larceny, naked from his middle upwards from the Cold Stone in Kendall to the barn at Nether Bridge End in Kirkland and then to be discharged out of custody. Ibid.
1723 4 17 January. George Waller of Kirkland, yeo., indicted for setting up as an ironmonger at Kirkland, he never having been instructed in the business by a 7 years apprenticeship, according to the Act of Parliament. He is bound over in £20 to prosecute a traverse at the next Assizes. K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724.
1724 14 July. At the last sessions the grand jury presented that the water called Well Sike running through Kirkland is prejudicial to his Majesty's subjects, that several children have been drowned therein and others narrowly escaped, by reason the same is not covered and the said dyke being yet unrepaired; Order to the surveyor of highways in Kirkland to forthwith repair the same before next Sessions on pain of £10. At the Sessions held on 9 October following the Syke was reported as repaired at a cost of £10 13s. 4d. K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724; and K. Order Book, 1696–1724.
1731 30 April. Miles Atkinson, master of the House of Correction in Kendall complains of the ruinous condition of the house; order to the two high constables to view and report. On 15 May following an Order was issued for the repair of the house. Kendal Order Book, 1725–37.
1738 12 January. Presentment that 300 yards in length in the King's highway lying in a place called First Gate Settleings leading from the market town of K. Kendale to the market town of K. Lonsdale, is dirty founderous and in decay for want of reparation so that the subjects of Our Lord the King cannot pass without great danger, etc., and that the inhabitants of Nethergraveship ought to repair the said way as often as occasion should require. K. Indict. Book, 1738–50.
1743The Mill Bridge built all of stone. Local Chron., xxv.
1750 5 October. Order to the two high constables to view the Ho. of Correction at Kendale and report the condition thereof at the next sessions and give in an estimate of what will be sufficient to enlarge, alter or repair the same. K. Order Book, 1750–60.
1751 11 October. Upon the petition of the Surveyors of highways within the township of Kirkland setting forth that the highways there are greatly out of repair, and that the six days labour is insufficient to effectually repair the same, it is ordered that an assessment of 6d. in the pound be levied within the township, such assessment to be levied by distress and sale of goods upon any refusing 10 days after demand. K. Order Book, 1750–60.
1751/2 17 January. The like petition and order in respect of the highways in Nethergraveship, Church-field and Watch-field.(Ibid.). This Order was renewed on 5 October, 1753. Ibid.
1753 12 January. Whereas the office of Governor of the Ho. of Correction for Kendale is become vacant by the resignation of William Mackereth (appointed in October, 1741) the court appoints Robert Crackelt of Kendale, yeo., in his stead. K. Order Book, 1750–60.
1755 24 June. Old St. George's Chapel in the Market Place was consecrated by Bishop Keene. Local Chron., XXIX.
1758 2 October. Whereas the office of Governor or Master of the Ho. of Correction is become vacant by the death of Rob. Crackelt, this Court doth think fit to nominate and appoint Margaret Crackelt, his widow, to be Governess or mistress, etc. and the said Margaret hath power and authority to set such rogues, vagabonds, idle and disorderly persons as shall be committed to the said Ho. of Correction, to work and labour and to punish them by putting fetters upon them and by moderate whipping, etc. (K. Order Book, 1750–60). She must have had a deputy for the same Court ordered that Thos. Selan, a rogue and vagabond, be publicly whipt by the Master of the Ho. of Correction through the open Market and afterwards discharged Ibid.
1759 to 1776 The Moot Hall at the corner of Mercer's Lane leading into the Market Square, originally built in 1591 was almost entirely rebuilt in 1759.
The Market Cross that stood in the centre of Stricklandgate was taken down in 1765, in order to make room for the stage coaches that were now beginning to pass through Kendal.
In 1767 an Act of Parliament was obtained for enclosing Kendal Fell Lands and for building a Workhouse on the waste. For this building" large enough to contain 80 poor persons," Richard Pedder, the architect, received two guineas for his plans and model. He seems to have been content, however, as he undertook to draw plans for an additional wing in 1776.
Nether Bridge, at first only wide enough for one cart to pass over it at a time was doubled in width on the southern side in 1772, a work that was destined to be washed away some three weeks later by the great flood of 29th October. This necessary addition for the accommodation of stage coaches was quickly rebuilt, but this time on the northern side. The above four items are more fully dealt with in Kirkbie-Kendall.
1776 15 April. Presentment that Stramongate Bridge is in great decay and that three fourth parts of the said bridge ought to be repaired at the public expense. (Kendal Indict. Book, 1770–80). Indictment discharged on 3 April, 1780. (K. Order Book, 1770–80). As to the three-fourth liability see under the dates 4 August and 9 October, 1719.
1776 15 April. Presentment that Isabel Lowis on 24 February in Kirkland, one red cloth cloak of the value of 10d. of the goods and chattles of one Anne Garnett feloniously did steal and carry away out of a passage leading into the dwelling house of Robert Garnett. She pleaded Not Guilty and prayed to be tried by jury. The jury found her guilty therefore it is considered that the said Isabel Lowis be imprisoned in the Ho. of Correction till 12 o'clock at noon tomorrow and at that time be brought to the (old St. George's) Chapel stairs in Kendal and then publicly whipped from thence to the Maypole in Kirkland and afterwards discharged. (Ibid.). It is further presented that on 27 February a warrant was issued to deliver into the custody of William Fisher, keeper of the Ho. of Correction, the body of Isabel Lowis, and that the constable did so deliver, but that on 1 March Miles Wilson of Kirkland, butcher, and Daniel Tomlinson, tailor, well knowing the said Isabel Lowis so to be in custody, with force and arms did unlawfully break down, prostrate and lay open the wall of the said Ho. of Correction, to wit, two yards by means whereof they did unlawfully rescue and set at large the said Isabel Lowis, out of the custody of the said William Fisher, in contempt of our Lord the King and his laws and to the evil example of all others, etc. Miles Wilson was found to be guilty and sentenced to be imprisoned for one month and pay a fine of 5 shillings. Daniel Tomlinson was found Not Guilty and was discharged. Ibid.
John Howard visited the prison twice this year, January and September, 1776, and reported that it had only one room for males and females, 18 by 13 feet, with one window about 2 feet square, no chimney, no court, no water, no sewer. He came again in 1779. Local Chron., XXX.
1785 10 January. At this Sessions Rev. Caleb Rotheram of the Unitarian Chapel, took the oaths and made the Declaration prescribed in the Statute of 1 Will. and Mary, and the Declaration prescribed, 19 George 111, c. 44, respecting Dissenting Ministers, and subscribed the same according to law. K. Indict. Book, 1780–87.
1785 10 January. Ordered that Henry Wilkinson, the high constable do prepare or cause to be prepared against the next session a plan and estimate for the building of a House of Correction for Kendal and Lonsdale Wards in the town of Kendal. On 9 April, 1785, the high constable having produced a plan and an estimate of £300; it is ordered that he do contract for the immediate erection of the building agreeable to such plan and estimate. (K. Minute Books). On 12 July following, the court being of opinion that £500 would be sufficient to defray the expense provided the Town of Kendal contributed one half of such sum for their share and whereby that Town would have the benefit for the confinement of their prisoners; it was ordered that the high constables of the Kendal and Lonsdale Wards do contract for the building of such Ho. of Correction. Appleby Order Book, 1780–87.
1787 John Todd published his Plan of Kendal.
1790 15 January. Margaret wife of Leonard Clement, fuller, on 30 November, 1789, did feloniously steal and carry away a cartload of peats, value 2d., belonging to Will. Addison: ordered to be confined in the Ho. of Correction until 18 January next, and then carried in a cart to Blind Beck Bridge, with her body naked upwards from the middle, and the words "A Thief" placed thereon written in large characters and then discharged. Kendal Order and Indictment Book, 1786–98.
1790 8 October. Presentment that Stramongate Bridge is in great decay, and ought to be repaired at the public expense of the county. (Ibid.). The local papers advertise that on 22 September, 1791, will be Let the finding materials, taking down and rebuilding Stramongate Bridge over the River Kent in Kendal, after a design of Mr. Harrison's of Lancaster, consisting of three eliptical arches, the two end ones to span 45 feet each and the centre arch 50 feet. The carriage and foot roads to be 30 feet within the battlements. However the old bridge was not destroyed for the interior was found so firmly cemented that nothing short of blasting could have removed the solid work.
1791 8 October. This Court having taken into consideration the rebuilding of Stramongate Bridge and being desirous of having the sentiments of the acting magistracy of this county. It is ordered that the Clerk of the Peace do summon their attendance at a General Meeting to be held at the Coffee House in Kendal on 4 January, 1792, when and where it is proposed finally to determine upon and adopt some one of the plans and proposals for rebuilding the said bridge, or otherwise to resolve so that the rebuilding may be accomplished without further delay. K. Minute Book, 1780–1804). On 12 October, 1793, it was ordered that Mess. Holme and Webster procure workmen and materials necessary for repairing the bridge. Ibid.
In order to widen it a third bridge was built up against the original construction on the north side to match the second bridge previously erected on the southern side. The date of 1794 will be found upon the tympanums of the piers in two places. On 16 July, 1796, an order was issued to pay Will. Holme and Francis Webster £15 each for superintending Stramongate Bridge, prior to its being let to them for repair; also that Mr. Tho. Atkinson, treasurer for Kendal and Lonsdale Wards. be allowed £15 for superintendence; also to pay Mr. John Hird and Mr. Harrison, architect, 10 guineas each for plans and estimates. Again on 6 October there was a further order to pay Mr. Harrison, architect, £10 more for attendance, plans, etc., for amendment of Stramongate Bridge. Kendal Order and Indict. Book, 1786–98.
1798 12 January. Certificate granted to George Gibson, after taking the oath required by law, to preach the scriptures of the Old and New Testament, as a dissenting minister. K. Order and Indictment Book, 1786–98.
1799 11 October. Ordered that William Alderson be committed to the Ho. of Correction and be confined in a solitary cell for three months and to stand in the Pillory for one hour at noon on the 8th of November next in the public street of Kendal. K. Minute Book, 1780–1804.
1801 25 July. Presentment that the Ho. of Correction is too small and inconvenient and that it is necessary to make great additions thereto; it is resolved that the plans for such alterations now in the possession of Mr. Francis Webster be adopted and carried into execution. Ibid.
1805 27 April. At this sessions John Huck (of the Inghamite Chapel), being a protestant dissenter from the Church of England, did in open court take the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration, he also made the Declaration against Transubstantiation and subscribed the same according to law. K. Indictment Book, 1804–1805.
1806 18 April. Ric. Bush, parish of Burton in Kendal, labourer, for stealing 1 lb. of cow's hair, value 10d., belonging to Edm. Harrison, sentenced to imprisonment with hard labour in the Ho. of Correction at Kendal, for 2 years; and on Whitsun Saturday next, between 11 and 12 a.m., to be stripped naked from his hips upwards and publicly whipped with a Cat with Nine tails, from the Town Hall (Market Place) to the top of New Street and back again. Kendal Order and Indictment Book, 1798–1811.
1809 6 October. Presentment that half of Blindbeck Bridge, to wit, in length 6 ft. from N. to S. and in breadth 30 ft. from E. to W., in the highway from K. Kendal to Milthrop is not sufficiently high in times of floods, so that the water overflows, and the township of Kirkland ought to repair and enlarge the same K. Order and Indict. Book, 1798–1811.
1810 5 October. The petty constables of K. Kendal to cause Watch to be kept by night and Ward by day, with able men, from 6 October to 1 May next. Ibid.
1811 18 January. Rev.—Kay, (fn. 3) curate of Kendal church, elected chaplain to the Ho. of Correction at K. Kendal, on the resignation of Rev. John Sampson. Ibid.
1814 18 April. Order that Mr. Tatham enquire and report as to the title of the Ho. of Correction at K. Kendal. (Kendal Order Book, 1811–17). On 17 October following Mess. Fell and Johnson, solicitors of Kendal, were ordered to prepare a deed of Trust, from Mr. Pennington, investing the Ho. of Correction in the mayor and Corporation Ibid.
1817 14 July. Order to rebuild with all convenient speed, Blindbeck Bridge, lately taken down by floods. Kendal Order Book, 1817–24.
1817 14 July. Presentment that the Ho. of Correction at K. Kendal is insufficient for the purpose. Ordered that the Process of this Court be issued against the high constables of Kendal and Lonsdale Wards to compel their appearance at the adjourned sessions on 30 July in order to plead to the said indictment. And at the adjournment it was ordered that the high constables do procure such additions and alterations to be made as are now suggested by a plan produced on or before Midsummer Sessions next. (K. Indict. Book, 1817–24). Mess. Fell and Johnson to call upon Mrs. Richardson of Kendal and request permission to examine her late husband's papers (he being the late Clerk of the Peace) for title deeds or other writings connected with the title to the Ho. of Correction. K. Order Book, 1817–24.
1818 The Freeholder and Kendal Weekly Register first appeared on May 5, 1818, it was published by Richard Lough for the proprietor and editor, Richard Hamilton, price 3d. The Westmorland Journal of Useful Knowledge, appeared on 1 June, 1833, published by T. Richardson & Co., for the editors, price 1½d. Hob Thrush or The Kendal Dobbie, appeared 13 September, 1842, published by John Roan, barber and hair-dresser, price 1d. It only survived three issues. Dawson's Monthly Advertiser was published in 1846. It was an advertising venture, embellished with literary selections and ran to about 10 issues. K. Notes and Queries, n. 251.
1818 A new Miller Bridge was erected for a more commodious approach to the intended Canal, according to plans made by Mr. F. Webster, and at a cost of £888.
1819 19 April. Order to procure all the Standard Measures of the Exchequer for the use of Kendal Ward, and a like set for Lonsdale Ward. K. Order Book, 1817–24.
1820 18 November. Rev. John Corry appointed chaplain to the Ho. of Correction at K. Kendal by the joint concurrence of the county and burgh magistrates. Ibid.
1822 14 October. Presentment that a certain common bridge called Blindbeck Bridge in the King's common highway leading from Kirkland to the Burgh of K. Kendal, is very ruinous broken and in great decay and also is very narrow, insufficient and incommodious, etc., and that the inhabitants of the county and the inhabitants of the said Burgh ought to repair and amend the same in equal proportions. (K. Indict. Book, 1817–24). On 7 April, 1823, it was ordered that a committee be formed to superintend the building of Blindbeck Bridge. (K Order Book, 1817–24). The bridge was now made the full width of the road.
1824 12 January. Presentment that the Ho. of Correction is not in its present state sufficient and convenient and ought to be enlarged by additions necessary for classing the several persons who shall from time to time be kept there according to the nature of their crimes and the difference of their sex, and for providing proper places for the employment of such persons, and that the inhabitants of the county ought to provide and build proper premises as needed. (K. Indict. Book, 1817–24). On 11 April, 1825, the House was again presented and reported as insufficient and otherwise inadequate to give effect to the rules and regulations prescribed in the Prisons Act, 4 and 5 George IV. (Kendal Order Book, 1824–34). Whereupon on the 11 July following a Committee of Magistrates was appointed to adopt and carry into effect all necessary measures for making and completing the additions to and alterations in the Ho. of Correction at Kendal, as delineated in the plans already prepared. Kendal Order Book, 1824–34.
1824 31 January. On the 27th inst., a mass of the castle wall, 22½ yards by 12½ yards, that stood beside the drawbridge fell down. Local Chron., 122.
1824 4 September. The premises of Mr. Smithson and others, known as Leather Hall, at the top of Lowther Street are shortly to be built into a public building under the direction of Mr. Webster, architect, and it will be called the White Hall. The foundation stone was laid on 2 July, 1825. See Kirkbie Kendall, p. 41.
1826 15 July. The Justices assembled at Appleby, having inspected the plans and estimates for the alterations in the Ho. of Correction at Kendal, strongly remonstrate against the measure. (K. Minute Book, 1825–38). But the Magistrates of the Barony find themselves constrained to entertain a different view of the adaptability of the Ho. of Correction at Kendal to that which appears to be now taken by their brother Magistrates in the East and West Wards. They unanimously think it advisable and necessary as soon as may be convenient to carry into effect the proposed classification and employment of the prisoners, and this determination is come to on the conviction that it would be impracticable for them to adopt the suggestion made by the Magistrates at Appleby on 11 July, 1825. K. Order Book, 1824–34.
1826 20 October. The Committee appointed to carry into effect the additions to the Ho. of Correction report that Mr. John Todd, Land Surveyor, is not willing to part with a plot of land lying on the south east side and adjoining the said House, which piece of land is necessary for the purpose; it is ordered that the Clerk of the Peace do forthwith give notice to the said John Todd that the said piece of land is deemed by the Justices to be necessary and that they require him within 21 days to treat with and sell to them the said piece of land, etc. (K. Order Book, 1824–34). On the 28 April, 1827, an Inquest was held to value the land containing 455 super yards, at which the jury awarded a sun of 5s. per super yard. K. Indict. Book, 1824–34.
1827 13 October. On Wednesday last Francis Webster, architect, "Kendal's Everlasting Alderman," died. Local Chron., 72.
1829 12 January. Rev. Ferdinand Faithful (of St. George's Chapel) was appointed chaplain to the Ho. of Correction at Kendal if the Corporation of Kendal agree thereto, at a salary of £15 per annum on behalf of the county. (K. Order Book, 1824–34). On 23 April, 1830, the Rev. F. Faithful resigned the chaplaincy in consequence of his preferment to Headley in Surrey. On 16 July, 1830, the Rev. Edmund Richardson (of St. George's Chapel) was appointed chaplain. Ibid.
c. 1830 A claim for the payment of Tithe of Underwood was made against a gentleman having very considerable property within the parish of Kendal. Whereupon Mr. John Caley (fn. 4) was consulted and asked to make research into all available documents to see if he could find any foundation for such a claim. His researches led him to note certain particulars which are here briefly given.
1. At the "antiq. taxatio" of Pope Nicholas IV (1291) the Rectory was then divided into two medieties, viz:—pars Willielmi (de Ameldon) and pars Walteri (de Madestan), one of the yearly value of £66 13s. 4d. and the other of £66 13s. 6d., and further that there was then a Vicarage of the annual value of £10. This fact Mr. Caley thinks to be contradictory to the date of the Inquisition ad quod damnum taken at Appleby on Thursday next after the Epiphany in the 30th year of Edward 1 (1301) unless it can be supposed that the creation of the Vicarage was anterior to the Appropriation of the church to the Abbey of St. Mary's, York, which is an anomaly.
2. No Ordination or Endowment of the Vicarage can be found, so that resort had to be had to the next best evidence, the Surveys, Terriers and the Minister's Accompts.
3. When the General Ecclesiastical Valor was made by the authority of Parliament, 26 Henry VIII (1535), no return seems to have been made in respect of the Appropriated Rectory, then in the possession of St. Mary's, but the Vicarage was returned as being of the clear annual value of £92 5s. (fn. 5) The following is a literal translation.
Rural Deanery of Kendall in co. Westmorland.
Thomas Magnus. incumbent.
The Vicarage is valued in the mansion withthe Glebe together with a tenement annexed to the same worth by year | £10 | 0 | 0 | |||
Tithes of calves (? one half) | £3 | 5 | 8 | |||
Tithes of hay (? one half) | 1 | 16 | 4 | |||
Tithes of Castle Mills | 6 | 8 | ||||
Pension in the Church of Wyndeandermere | 13 | 4 | ||||
Pension in the Church of Grysmer | 13 | 0 (fn. 6) | ||||
Privy tithes | 4 | 0 | 0 | |||
Predial tithes and Easter book | 46 | 13 | 4 | |||
Principal oblations | 27 | 10 | 0 | |||
84 | 18 | 4 | ||||
£94 | 18 | 4 | ||||
Charges to wit, Procurations | 13 | 4 | ||||
To William Standish, receiver | 2 | 0 | 0 | |||
2 | 13 | 4 | ||||
£92 | 5 | 0 |
A Tenth thereof £9 4s. 6d.
There is no mention of any tithe of Underwood.
4. In the Accompt of the Crown's Minister from Michaelmas 31st to Michaelmas 32nd Henry VIII preserved at the Augmentation Office, and which purports to be the first account after the dissolution of St. Mary's and therefore before the lease to Sir Thomas Seymour, the Rectory is returned as of the yearly value of £105 15s. 9½d. and the several species of Tithes are enumerated, viz:—in addition to the Glebe Lands, the tithe of corn of the whole parish, the tithes of lamb and wool, half the tithe of hay, half the tithe of calves and a half portion of the mortuaries.
5. The whole Rectory was demised to Sir Thomas Seymour, kt., by indenture dated 10 December, 32 Henry VIII (1540) under the seal of the Court of Augmentations for the term of twenty-one years, viz., as given in the Records of Kendale, vol. 1, p. 155, for the rent of £81 5s. 5½d.
6. In the Augmentation Office there is another lease dated 31 May, 4 Edward VI (1550) which after reciting verbatim the lease to Seymour demises the same premises to Sir Robert Tyrwhit for the term of twenty-one years after the expiration of the former lease, at the increased rent of £84 18s. 6d. In neither lease is there any mention of tithe of Underwood.
7. Queen Mary in the first year of her reign (1553) granted the Rectory including the same premises and tithes, to the Master, Fellows and Scholars of Trinity College in Cambridge. There is no mention of any tithe of Underwood.
8. In the Minister's Accompt, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary (1554) the Rectory is answered for at the same rent as in the 32 Henry VIII account, viz. at £105 15s. 9½d., but it is divided into two parts as follows:—
9. Finally Mr. Caley points out that there have been also divers suits in the Exchequer concerning tithes within the parish of Kendal. One of these, Shepherd v. Birkett, is reported in Wood's Decrees vol. 1, p. 290, respecting a customary payment called Tithe Meal Silver which the defendant did not deny to be due to the lessees of the rectory, but alleged that the plaintiff's lease expired at Lady Day and the demand was not due until Easter, whereupon the plaintiff's bill was dismissed. MS. Feudal Hist. of Westmorland.
1833 Mrs. Richardson has offered to subscribe £1,000 toward the erection of a new church at the foot of Stricklandgate. St. Thomas's Church was built at a cost of £3,000 and consecrated by the Bishop of Chester on 5 July, 1837. On 20 October following the Rev. William Pepperrell Hutton took the usual oaths and subscribed the declaration after his appointment to the Perpetual Curacy. K. Minute Book, 1825–38.
1835 The foundation stone of the new Roman Catholic chapel was laid on 27 October, 1835, by Mr. W. C. Strickland, and the building was opened on 13 September, 1837, by Dr. Briggs, the bishop of the northern district.
1839 8 April. The foundation stone of the new St. George's Church was laid. The building was consecrated 17 June, 1841, and the Rev. Isaac Finch was appointed vicar. K. Order Book, 1839–76.
1840 2 July. Resolved that Mr. Francis Burton Danby (Master of the Grammar School) be appointed chaplain to the Ho. of Correction and that he enter upon his duties as soon as he shall be ordained by the Bishop. K. Order Book, 1839–76.
1843 2 January. Notification to the Keeper of the Ho. of Correction that if any more women make their escape over the walls through his negligence, the Court will order his salary to be stopped at once; particularly since the last escape took place at 8 o'clock p.m. when the prisoner should have been locked up and especially as she was a convicted felon under transportation for seven years. On 6 January at the adjourned Sessions it was ordered that the female side of the House be altered according to the plan given by the Bridge Master at an expense not exceeding £135. K. Minute Book, 1839–59.
1843 In March 1838, a deputation of Kendal gentlemen waited upon the Directors of the Preston and Lancaster Railway to confer with them for the purpose of continuing the projected railway on to Kendal. Then in February, 1842, the Caledonian Railway gave notice of its intention to apply to Parliament for an Act for making a railway from Lancaster to Carlisle. In March the plans were deposited with the various Clerks of the Peace and by November all the drawings and estimates were lodged in the Private Bill office in London (K. Mercury). On 23 January, 1843, John Wakefield as chairman of the Kendal Railway Committee issued a notice that toward the £1,000,000 required by the Caledonian Railway to construct the line 69 miles from Lancaster to Carlisle, the London and Brighton and the Grand Junction, together with other leading Railway Companies have resolved to subscribe £500,000 on condition that £250,000 be raised by landowners and others resident to the proposed line. It was proposed to raise the money by shares of £50 each. In one day 550 shares were taken in Kendal (and about 400 in Carlisle) not withstanding that the Kendal and Lancaster Canal Company had offered £50,000 on condition that the line should pass up the Vale of Lune and omit Kendal. On 20 February at a public meeting in the Town Hall strong resolutions against the Lancaster Canal monopoly were carried unanimously. (K. Mercury). On 24 May, 1844, the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway Bill, via Kendal, passed through both Houses of Parliament, and finally the line was opened for traffic in September 1846. (Ibid). For the branch line to Windermere, see under Windermere.
1847 22 October. Rev. Joseph Baldwin Meredith took and subscribed the usual oaths and declaration on his institution to the Perpetual Curacy of St. George's Church. K. Order Book, 1839–76.
1848 8 January. Resolved that the Kendal Water Works Company be allowed to convey pipes along Stramongate Bridge if approved by the Bridge Master. Ibid.
1848 8 April. Rev. James Black (Master of the Grammar School) appointed Chaplain of the Ho. of Correction. Ibid.
1851 10 January. Ordered that Elizabeth Fawcett, the wife of the Governor of the Ho. of Correction be appointed Matron at a salary of £20 per ann. (Ibid). Also that alterations and improvements be made in the House according to Mr. Robinson's plan at an expense not exceeding £60. Ibid.
1863 5 January. Resolved that the county do accept the offer of the Kendal Board of Health to repair the road and footpath over Stramongate Bridge, at the sum of £7 per annum, being the average yearly cost during the last sixteen years. They also agree to the offer made by Mr. James Thompson to widen the road at the north-west side and that he be allowed to take down some 10 yards of the parapet and erect iron railings to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. K. Minute Book, 1859–75.
1870 7 April. The Surveyor reported that he had not been able to arrive at any satisfactory understanding with the Borough authorities concerning the repairs of the approaches to Stramongate, Nether and Blind Beck bridges. He said that it appears that from time immemorial the County have only been at the expense of repairing one half of the road over Stramongate Bridge, the whole expense of the road over Blindbeck Bridge but no approaches, whilst there is no record concerning Nether Bridge. (Ibid). On 5 April, 1871, a Committee report that Stramongate Bridge was in the ancient Borough, Nether Bridge outside the Borough, and Blindbeck divided the Borough from the County. The Borough was not incorporated at the time of the passing of the Act 22 Henry VIII, c. 5, which directs bridges within Boroughs to be repaired by the Boroughs, but notwithstanding this, it appears that in ancient times the Borough did repair or contribute to repair Stramongate Bridge, and at that time did not contribute to the County Rate. We find that since the Borough was incorporated, for the purpose of County Rating with the County, viz: since the year 1836, these three bridges have all been included in the list of County Bridges and we are informed that since that time the whole repairs have been done by the County, and also the roads over and adjoining those bridges, as follows, at Stramongate Bridge the road only over the bridge, at Blindbeck the road over and 100 yards at the south side, and at Nether Bridge 50 yards each way from the centre of the Bridge. The County Surveyor informs us that the average cost of maintaining the above roads for the last 10 quarters has been £18 per annum to the County but that the actual cost to the Town, who have taken the work on Contract, has been £26. The Town Committee are willing to compromise by taking a contract for the repairs of the roads to which the County is liable for a term of years at £22, the County undertaking the whole repairs of the Bridges themselves. K. Minute Book, 1859–75.
1871 18 November. The parapet on the north side of Stramongate Bridge is in a very bad state and requires thoroughly repairing at a cost of £40. Ibid.
1887 11 August. The Surveyor reports that he has examined Nether Bridge and finds that the slit increases between the original arch and the addition that was made to widen the bridge, and thinks it desirable to bolt the two portions together immediately over the arch stones as was done in the case of Levens Bridge, to prevent any further cleavage. (K. Minute Book, 1886–89). On 20 October following, he further reports that he found the foundations very seriously underwashed—so that he had them underpinned and concreted around and the whole thoroughly pointed with cement. Ibid.
1894 4 June. Letter from the Home Office declaring the discontinuance of Her Majesty's Prison at Kendal with an offer to reconvey the premises to the County Council for the sum of £3720. Resolved that the above offer be declined. C.C. Minutes, 1894–96.
1907 6 September. The question of the widening of Nether Bridge was brought before the notice of the County Council and a sub-committee was appointed. On 14 February, 1908, it was resolved that the cost be borne by the County if the Kendal Corporation could see their way to purchase and pull down the Lime Kiln cottages adjoining the bridge, the site to be dedicated to the improvement of the approach. The surveyor reported how he hoped to gain a roadway of 21 feet, as against the existing 16 ft. 10 inches, by taking down the north parapet wall and adding the space occupied by it and the footpath to the road, by putting up an iron railing and beyond it, i.e. outside the bridge, by constructing with reinforced concrete, a footpath 5 ft. wide. (C.C. Minutes, 1907–8). Very fortunately this atrocious scheme was knocked out by the Kendal Corporation declaring that it would not be willing to remove the cottages unless the alteration maintained the present appearance of the bridge. Therefore on 25 April following it was resolved:—That for various reasons it is very desirable that the widening of Nether Bridge be effected by adding a third arch in preference to the reinforced concrete footpath as suggested. On July 13 Robert Pennington's tender of £1662 with slight variation was accepted, and on 4 September it was resolved that an application be made to the Local Government Board for leave to borrow £1600. C.C. Minutes, 1908–9.
Since going to press Mr. H. B. Greenwood has come across a survey of the Kendal Rectory made in 1563 by Dr. Beaumont, which translated and very much abbreviated is as follows:—
The Master, Fellows and Scholars (of Trinity College, Cambridge) hold for their own uses the Rectory of Kirkeby Kendall, farmed out to a certain (Alan) Bellingham, Esq., under a three years indenture at a rent of £105 15s. 9½d.
The Glebe lands are let to various tenants as follows:—
William Wilson holds one acre lying between the common on the north and a close in the tenancy of Isabella Dockram on the south, abutting on the common to the west and upon the land of Mable Milne to the east; and pays 2s. per annum. He also holds two acres between the land of Mabel Milne on the north and Michael Rowlinson on the south, and abutting to the east and west; and pays 4s. per annum. He also holds two acres of plough land between the close of Adam Dawdeson on the east, the land of Richard Johnson on the west, the land of the Rectory on the south and le Wellyrigg on the north; and pays 4s. per annum.
Adam Dawdeson holds two-and-a-half acres and one rood lying between the land of the Vicarage on the south, the land called Borrowgenn on the north and abutting upon the town of Kendal to the east and the land of the said Rectory to the west; and pays 5s. 6d. per annum.
Isabella Dockram, widow, holds two adjacent closes containing five acres and lying between the land of William Wilson on the north and of the said Vicarage on the south and abutting on Dogesfreyre to the west and the land of the said Rectory to the east; and pays 10s. per annum.
Mr. Warriner holds three acres lying between the land of the Rectory in the tenancy of Henry Wilson on the south and the common on the north, with land pertaining to the Rectory in the occupation of various tenants to the east and west; and pays 6s. per annum.
Henry Wilson holds three acres lying between—Warriner on the north and James Wilson on the south and abutting on Isabella Dockram to the west and Michael Rowlinson to the east; and pays 6s. per annum.
James Wilson holds an acre-and-a-half between the land of Henry Wilson on the north and William Wilkinson on the south and the land of the Rectory on the east and west; and pays 3s. per annum.
William Wilkinson holds two acres between the lands of James Wilson on the north and Agnes Burse on the south, and the land of the Rectory on the east and west; and pays 3s. per annum.
Agnes Burse, widow, holds two acres lying between the land of William Wilson (? Wilkinson) on the north and the Vicarage land on the south, and the lands of the Rectory on the other sides; and pays 4s. per annum.
Mabel Milne, widow, holds one-and-a-half acre between the common on the north and the land of William Wilson on the south and the land of the Rectory on the other sides; and pays 3s. per annum.
Adam Lecke holds three acres lying between Michael Rowlinson on the north and Richard Todgill on the south; and pays 6s. per annum.
Michael Rowlinson holds one acre lying between William Wilson on the north and Adam Lecke on the south; and pays 2s. per annum.
Richard Todgill holds an acre surrounded by lands of the Rectory; and pays 2s. per annum.
James Strickland holds an acre and two roods between Burrowegen on the north and the land of Roger Coke on the south; and pays 3s. 6d. per annum.
Roger Coke holds two acres lying near by between the land of James Strickland on the north and Richard Coke on the south; and pays 4s. per annum.
Richard Coke holds two acres between Roger Coke on the north and Henry Rowlinson on the south; and pays 4s. per annum.
Henry Rowlinson holds one acre surrounded by Rectory land; and pays 2s. per annum.
Richard Johnson holds two acres lying between Richard Rowlinson on the north and William Wallis on the south; and pays 4s. per annum.
William Wallis holds an acre lying in a close near by between the lands of the Rectory on every side; and pays 2s. per annum.
Ambrose Hetherington, the vicar, holds the capital mansion with plain hall, chamber and kitchen, built of stone and roofed with slates, a barn, stable and other buildings behind and with four cottages, a curtilage, an orchard and garden attached between the cemetery of Kendall on the north and Nether Bridge on the south, a public street called Kyrke Lane on the west and the river Kent on the east, with an adjoining meadow called Parrock of one acre, and valued at 40s. yearly. The said Ambrose holds a field of plough and pasture land called the Vicars fyld divided into the said closes containing 40 acres and lying between the land of the Rectory on the north and the land of the Lord Marquis and the road called Collyn Lane on the south, the common called Steynbank-green partly and the land of Alan Bellingham partly on the west and the public way called Holsomleys Lane on the east, and it is worth yearly £5. Also the said Ambrose holds all the lesser tithes, viz: ducks, geese, fowls, milk, hemp and flax mills, with all oblations and all other lesser tithes in the towns and hamlets comprising the parish of Kendall, and moiety of hay, calves and mortuaries.
The vicar is only charged with finding two curates at Kirkeby Kendall at his own costs and charges. And albeit every of the said hamlets have a several Chapel and a priest to minister divine service by reason they are so far distant from the parish church yet the vicar is not charged with the stipend of any of the said curates. And none of the said hamlets may marry, christen or bury or administer any sacrament but the same are to be ministered by the vicar and his curates at the parish church.