Supplementary Records: Troutbeck

Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Originally published by Titus Wilson and Son, Kendal, 1926.

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'Supplementary Records: Troutbeck', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3, ed. John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Supplementary Records: Troutbeck', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Edited by John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"Supplementary Records: Troutbeck". Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Ed. John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.


1554 John Dixon, Incumbent of Troutbeck, attended the Bp. of Chester's Visitation at Windermere. Browne MSS.

1562 18 July. Whereas Troutbeck is distant and remote from the parish church of St. Martin's Windermere, the space of three myles soe that they cann neither bring the bodyes of the dead to be buryed att their parish church without their great and extraordinary cost and discommoditye nor carrye their children to be baptized without great danger of soul and bodye, nor can they by any means come to to hear Divine Service, to receive the Sacrament nor to be instructed in the word of God as becometh Christians, without their so great cost, travel, danger and incommodity, William Downham, Bp. of Chester, licenced the newly rebuilt Chapel of Jesus at Troutbeck for the celebration of the Sacraments etc., with the consent " of that worshipful man Mr. Adam Carehouse," rector of Windermere. Browne MSS. vol. III, n. 3.

1563 30 April. A licence from Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury, in very much the same words as the above, was issued to the inhabitants seeing that there be a church or chapel with a competent churchyard adjoining to the same anciently seated and decently builded wherein Divine exercises have been and are accustomed to be done, etc. Browne MSS., vol. III, n. 4.

1629 8 August. Award of Christopher Philipson and thirteen others, concerning the seats in Troutbeck Church. "Every tenant right which hath formerly paid any sawd or sallary to the said church shall have a seat or form therein" according to a schedule annexed. Provision is made for the seating of "the young wifes" in the unappropriated seats in cases where the old "wifes" are alive and occupy the seats appropriated to their respective houses. Hist. MSS. Com., 10th Rep. 355.

1637 7 August. Confirmation of the above award by Edward Mannering, Doctor of Law and Chancellor to the Bishop of Chester, with the approval of James Wakefield, rector of Windermere, and command to William Robinson, clerk, curate of the chapel of Troutbeck to publicly declare this confirmation. Browne MSS., vol. XIV, p. 103.

1680 8 October. Petition of Geo. Birkett of Troutbeck, concerning the repair of a way lying at the upper side of one close called the Howing in Troutbecke across which way a river runs which water formerly had a wood bridge also gone to decay. Ordered that the inhabitants of Troutbecke with all convenient speed shall repair and amend the way and bridge. (K. Indictment Book, 1669–92), or otherwise the said inhabitants are to show cause to the next sessions why they ought not to do the same. K. Order Book, 1669–96.

1680 8 December. Copy of Chancellor Sir Joseph Cradock's settlement concerning a dispute about seats in the Chancel of Troutbeck Church (Browne MSS., vol. XIV, 106). In vol. III of the same, there is a plan showing the arrangement of the seats against all the four sides of the Chancel. "When any man that has a seat in this chancell dyes the 3 sidemen or psallery men has power to putt up another into this chancell for the payment of 2s., but noe man knows his own seat, every one takes places as they come, and it is a seat but for life." There are three seats or forms on each side of the aisle between the chancel screen and another division running across the nave, "these forms on both sides are common till the womans forms." Westward of the division are twelve seats or forms on each side. "All below till the next back form on both sides this ile are fixt to every mans estates, five estates to a form, and every one pays soe much psallary as is sett down in a schedule by one Doctor Mannering, 5 wives to a seat." Westward of a gangway from door to door across the nave are three more seats or forms "these below are common to any." "The Psallary men has not power to dispose of seats but in the Chancell when any person dyes that is seated there, and to collect the psallarys and the interest of the stock we have, and to pay the Minister his wages." Hist. MSS. Com., 10th Rep. 350.

1694 18 November. Articles of agreement made concluded and agreed upon between John Grisedale of Troutbeck, clerk, on the one part, and the inhabitants of Troutbeck and Applethwaite above Castlehow in the parish of Windermere on the other part. First the said John Grisedale is to do execute and perform the office of a Minister in every particular as well in Reading public prayers according to the rubrics of the Church of England, and preaching or reading Homilies as also in administring the Sacrament, Marrying, Baptizing, Burying and Churching of women, as often as need shall require, and doing and performing all other things belonging to the Office of a Minister. And diligently to keep and teach a school as well for petty as Grammar Scholars. And in consideration thereof the said John Grisedale is to have and receive his stipendary wages for performing the Office of Minister the sum of £10 in the year to be paid unto him every year by the Collectors or Psallary men for the time being after such manner and form as formerly hath been used and accustomed. And likewise to have and receive for teaching the school the yearly interest of the sum of one hundred marks, being the whole stock of the school— and also to have six pence per quarter of a year for every scholar in Troutbeck and Applethwaite above Castle-how, and for all other scholars as the Master and they can agree. In witness whereof, etc. This agreement betwixt the parties above named is very well approved on by William Wilson, rector of Windermere. Browne MSS., vol. XIV, pp. 92, 109.

1702 16 January. The charge of my dear father George Browne sent his funeral.

Arval Bread 16 dozen at 14 to the dozen whole loaves (fn. 1) 16 0
Mr. Robert Wilson cheese 78 lbs at 2 ¼d. 14
Mr. Jos. Simpson a winding sheet 5½ yards of fine broad flannel at 20d., Black and white worsted Knot 3d. 9 5
Tobacco 1lb. 1 6
To Mr. Grisedale for preaching 5 0
To the poor of our own town and none else 6d. a piece 10 6
To George Wright for making a coffin 6
For breaking a grave in the Chancel 4 0
To William of Hughs for making the grave 6
To Peggy Hughs and Maggy ffisher for winding him 2 0
The Queen's duty for his burial 4 0
To George Wilson, butcher, veal 4 quarters (or whole calf) 5s., another 6s. 6d. 11 6
One sheep 5 0
Sugar 1lb. 8
To Doctor Archer for coming to my father 10 9
To Robert Walker, appothecary, for physic 7 11
To John Longmire expenses in fetching the Doctor 1 0
£5 4 10½

Spared bread a dozen but little cheese and we spared some meat, but not to speak of. All strangers had cold meat and all our neighbourhood. This money was all laid out besides what we had within ourselves, as beef, wheat, bacon, bread and drinks. Browne MSS., vol. III, n. 44. Note, nos. 39 to 46 are somewhat similar accounts for the burial of different members of the family.

1705 20 April. Order to the high constables to repair Troutbeck High or Church Bridge, which it is reputed 5s. will repair, unless it be shown at next Session that it is a private and not public bridge. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.

1707 16 December. John, Lord Archbp. of York (the See of Chester being then vacant) to our well beloved in Christ, Benjamin Browne of Troutbeck, greeting. Whereas upon 14 June last it did appear to our Commissioner (amongst other things) that the curate's reading desk was very improperly and inconveniently placed being at a great distance from the pulpit and that the said Commissioner did order the said Reading desk to be removed and adjoined to the pulpit and made more decent and convenient for divine service. And whereas upon removal of the said Reading desk there will be a vacancy containing in length 2 yards from the Chancel Door to the south side, and in breadth 1½ yard from the partition where the Reading desk now stands into the choir, to which no person can claim any right title or interest, wherein a very good pew may be erected without any prejudice or injury, and whereas you Benjamin Browne, having a very good mansion and considerable estate in the Chapelry, have requested our said Commissioner to assign and set forth the said vacant space to you for the erection of a pew for yourself and family therein to sit kneel and hear divine service, we therefore favourably inclining to your said request do by these presents assign and grant to you the said Benjamin Browne the vacant space with power and authority at your own proper charges to erect a new pew, and the same so erected, we do hereby confirm to you and the successive owners and occupiers of your said mansion house, enjoining you to assign and permit the present sidesmen to dispose of your present seat etc. which he did do as per deed dated 19 November, 1708. Abbreviated from Browne MSS., XIV, 99, 119 and vol. III, n. 27.

On 24 September, 1709, Whereas (the above) and whereas at the primary visitation of William Lord Bishop of Chester holden at Kendall 4 July last a petition was exhibited (Ib. 113) setting forth that William Birkett and others within the Chapelry pretending that the Archbishop nor any bishop had the right over seats in that Chapel had presumed to cut down with an axe and demolish the said pew so erected by the said Benjamin Browne, as also the new Reading desk and carried the remains into the belfry, in manifest contempt of his Grace's authority. Upon which petition his lordship hearing the arguments made by way of excuse was pleased to assent his Grace's authority and confirmed the same. Ibid. 112, 131, 200.

1708 12 August. Letter from Elizabeth, Lady Otway, to Benjamin Browne. "I am very sorry to hear of Roland Brathwait sickness. If it be a jandice, let him get a lemon and cut the top of it and put in tow penyworth off saffron into it and cover it with the top, and sett it to rost, and when rosted quez it into a pint of white wine and let the lemon infuse 24 hours, and take the fine powder of turmerick as much as will lye upon a crown piece and a nutmeg granted and a good sponnefull of aneseed bruised, and mix this in treacle and take the quantity of a nutmeg or more morning and afternoone and drink a little glas off the wine aforesaid after it. This is a very good medicine iff he can get this done for him, if thee would give him 20 headlice mixed with nut-meg and sugar and powder of turmerick and drink a litle warm ale after it sweetened with treacle and nutmeg and a litle powder of turmerick in it and aneseede, it would perhaps doe him good." Hist. MSS. Com., 10th Rep., p. 352.

1717 Petition of 59 principal inhabitants of Troutbeck and Applethwaite to the House of Commons, praying that the exportation of bark into Ireland may not be prohibited, seeing that if deprived of selling their bark they will lose half the profits of their estates and many hundreds of poor men will be reduced to beggary for want of employment, although the tanners of Kendal have prayed for such prohibition. Ibid, 355.

1722 12 August. Similar articles of agreements as given under 18 November, 1694, between William Langhorn, clerk, and the inhabitants of Troutbeck and Applethwaite above Castle-how. The stipend is the same. Browne MSS., vol. XIV, p. 73.

1730/1 15 January. Benjamin Browne, the high constable, reported the Holebeck Lane and Bridge Lane are very narrow in several places and that the hedges and trees grow very much into the ways. Browne MSS., vol. 1, n. 220.

1737 Troutbeck chapel rebuilt at a cost of £150 5s. od. Local Chron., xxv.

1749 6 October. Presentment that 15 yards in length and 2 yards in breadth in the King's highway lying at or in a place called Troutbeck Church Bridge is in a very ruinous, miry and deep broken condition etc., and that the inhabitants of the townships of Applethwaite and Troutbeck have for time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary repaired the said highway and ought still to repair it. Note in the margin, Midsummer Sessions, 1750, ordered to be discharged being a county bridge. K. Indictment Book, 1738–50.

1762 4 October. Presentment that there is a certain common and ancient highway leading from the market town of Ambleside to the township of Kentmere (by the Garburn Pass) and that a certain part of the same King's highway beginning at Greengate Foot and so on to the Church bridge in the township of Troutbeck, containing in length 150 yards and in breadth 8 feet, was and yet is very ruinous etc., and that the inhabitants of the said township ought to repair the same. (K. Indict. Book, 1760–70). Upon appeal to the above indictment made 11 April, 1763, the jury find that the inhabitants are Not Guilty or liable to repair the said road or any part thereof. Therefore it is considered that they be acquitted. Ibid.

1768 11 January. Presentment that Hollowbeck Bridge is one of the public bridges and that the said bridge and 6 feet at either end is in great decay etc., and that the public expense ought to repair the same. Order to the two high constables to view and report the condition at the next Sessions. (K. Indictment Book, 1760–70). On the 11th April following the high constables were ordered to forthwith contract for the repair. (K. Order Book, 1760–70). On 9 January 1769, it was certified as being in a good and sufficient repair. Ibid.

1768 11 January. Similar application and order respecting an assessment for the maintenance of the highways as under Ambleside, 12 January, 1767. K. Order Book, 1760–70.

1770 23 November. To be let 166 rods of highway beginning at the Turnpike at the foot of Holbeck Lane and up the said lane as far as the said 166 rods will extend—The undertakers to make the said road 13 foot in breadth exclusive of the trenches where the fences will allow of that breadth and when the fences will not admit of such breadth they are to make the same as close to the fences as possible. The said road is to be made and finished in the same manner as Turnpike and to be completed on or before 10 June, 1771. The said undertakers to have pay for 20 rods when 30 rods is completed and so to continue still leaving cash for 10 rods of finished road in the Surveyor's hands till the whole 166 rods be completed. Browne MSS., vol. IV, n. 159.

1783 In a list of the voters for a curate at Troutbeck "which place is now vacant by the death of Rev. Mr. Thompson," we find that 25 voted for the Rev. Thomas Martin and 12 for the Rev. Thomas Jackson. (Browne MSS., vol. IX, n. 15.) Rev. William Thompson was drowned in Corfoot Beck, 21 July, 1780.

1788 6 October. Troutbeck Church Bridge. and 300 ft. of the road at each end of it ought to be repaired at the public expense of the county. K. Order and Indictment Book, 1786–1798.

1811 26 April. Presentment that Church Bridge over river Troutbeck, is in great decay and ought to be repaired at the expense of the county. (K. Order and Indictment Book, 1798–1811). On 15 July John Braithwaite, the Bridge Master, on behalf of the inhabitants pleaded Guilty to the indictment and craved time in order to repair the said bridge. It is ordered that the judgement of the court thereupon be suspended until the midsummer sessions next ensuing (K. Indict. Book, 1811–17). On 11 January, 1813, the inhabitants prayed for a further suspension of Judgement, which was granted until the next Easter Sessions. (Ibid). On 4 October 1813, a certificate that the said bridge is now in good and sufficient repair was filed and the indictment discharged. Ibid.

1828 14 July. Presentment that Holbeck Bridge in the King's highway between the market towns of K. Kendal and Ambleside is narrow and in great decay etc., and that the inhabitants of the county ought to amend the same. (K. Indict. Book, 1824–34). Ordered that the above bridge be widened and rendered more commodious and safe for the public and that the high constable do forthwith procure plans for widening and repairing and proceed to the letting thereof. Ibid.

1831 The act for inclosing lands in Applethwaite, Troutbeck and Hugill was passed in 1 and 2 William IV, c. 9.

1832 6 July. On the Roll of this Sessions is filed an order with plan for the enlarging and widening a certain part of the highway leading from the village of Troutbeck to Ambleside, called Hallbeck Lane, (K. Indict. Book, 1824–34), for the length of 924 yards commencing at the turnpike road leading from Kendal to Ambleside and ending at Little Lowther, coloured yellow. K. Order Book, 1824–34.

1835 10 April. Ordered that the County bridge at Troutbeck Church, be enlarged and repaired. K. Minute Book, 1825–38.

1848 21 October. Resolved that the plan of a new bridge and improved approaches thereto at Troutbeck be carried into effect at a cost not exceeding £420. (K. Order Book, 1839–76). On 5 January, 1849. it was resolved that the tender of Abraham Pattinson for the building of a stone bridge and a temporary wooden bridge be accepted, he upholding of the stone bridge for the term of seven years. K. Minute Book, 1839–59.

1853 21 October. Application for and order to divert and turn a certain highway between Goose Well and Butt Hill in Troutbeck of the length of 252 yards, the proposed new road being 246 yards, with better gradients. Upon the plan being produced and consents given the diversion was allowed. K. Order Book, 1839–76.

1854 7 April. Order to divert and turn a public highway leading from Troutbeck Bridge to the village of Troutbeck, and thereby rendering it shorter and more commodious to the public. K. Order Book, 1839– 76.

1898 11 November. Troutbeck Church Bridge was originally a packhorse bridge, 6 ft. 6 ins. wide over all, to which an addition was made some 120 years since, as Mr. Bintley reported, which addition was washed down by the great flood of the 2nd November, leaving the old pack-horse bridge intact. In the opinion of the surveyor it would be best to build an entire new bridge for the reason that in getting down to a solid foundation he might have to go so much below the footings of the old pack-horse bridge as to render it impossible to keep it up. On 18 November it was resolved that a new bridge should be built giving a clear roadway of 21 feet, and that the Local Government Board be asked to sanction a loan of £800 for the rebuilding. (C. C. Minutes, 1898–99). On 10 March, 1899, the contract with Arthur Jackson of Ambleside for the erection of Troutbeck Church Bridge at £720 was sealed. On 8 August following the Surveyor reported that the bed of the river was so soft that he could not get a firm foundation without going down 15 feet. He therefore ordered piles to be driven down to the more solid ground, which had been tied together with iron bars at the top and concreted over, and Mr. Jackson had commenced to build upon the concrete tops. C. C. Minutes, 1899–1900.

1898 11 November. The Surveyor reported that the flood had played sad havoc with the bed of the river below Troutbeck Bridge, boulders of some four to five tons being washed away, but that the bridge itself had not stirred in the slightest degree. Yet if the washing goes on much further the abutments will be undermined and the bridge must collapse. C. C. Minutes, 1898–99.


  • 1. Arval. Anything connected with heirship or inheritance; used chiefly in reference to funerals The Arval dinner, held on the day of the funeral, was a solemn festival to exculpate the heir from the mulcts or fines to the lord of the manor. Each guest to the funeral received Arval cakes.