Supplementary Records: Strickland Roger and Strickland Ketel

Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Originally published by Titus Wilson and Son, Kendal, 1926.

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'Supplementary Records: Strickland Roger and Strickland Ketel', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3, ed. John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Supplementary Records: Strickland Roger and Strickland Ketel', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Edited by John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"Supplementary Records: Strickland Roger and Strickland Ketel". Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Ed. John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.


1671 7 October. Tho. Cragg of Cragyat, blacksmith, on 17 June, 21 Charles 11, drew a piece of timber over Bowston Bridge in Strickland with seven horses and by reason of the weight of the timber broke and destroyed two ells of the said bridge to the injury of the inhabitants there. (K. Indictment Book, 1669–92). Order that Tho. Cragg shall repair the bridge or be fined 20s. Ibid.

1692 15 January. Presentment that Boulston Bridge and Sprint Bridge are in decay; Order for an estimate of the charge for repairing the same. K. Indict. Book, 1669–92.

1694 20 April. Francis Halhead of K. Kendall, yeo. entered into and detained two closes at Helsfell, called Well Close and Wasse, belonging to Katherine Forth of K. Kendall, widow; fined one shilling. K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724.

1694/5 18 January. "Sprent" Bridge being a public bridge, and the way at Pepper Hag, are presented as in decay and ordered to be repaired before Easter next under penalty of £5. K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724.

1701 2 May. Order that Strickland Roger and S. Ketel, which were formerly joined in their assessment to the poor, be severed. On appeal this order was revoked on 3 May the day following. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.

1701/2 16 January. Cowan Bridge, Sprent Bridge and Bolston Bridge were presented as ruinous and in decay: Order to the chief constable to call some sufficient workmen to view the said bridges and give an estimate for their repair on 14 February. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.

1701/2 16 January. The case of the assessment of Mr. Edw. Wilson's land at Lee Yeat lying partly in Strickland Ketel and partly in Nethergraveship, whether it should pay assessments proportionately to each place, is referred to Allan Chambre, Esq., John Archer, Esq., and Joshua Lambert to examine and report. (K. Order Book, 16961724). On 14 February following, they issued their report as follows: We find that the lands and tenements known by name of Nethergrave lands lie severed and yet seem to be situate within the ring circuit of the townships of Helsington, Scalthwaiterigg, Kirkby Kendal and Strickland Ketel. . . . .that we are of opinion that the said lands have been hamlets within those townships in whose ring circuit they seem to be situate. We cannot find that any Nethergraveship lands, except a parcel of Mr. Wilson's hereafter named, have ever heretofore paid any taxes or assessments within any of the townships whereof we conceive they have been hamlets, though how they have been so demeaned we cannot assign any reason. We find that Mr. Edw. Wilson is owner of lands lying at Lee Yate, viz., one close called Leeyate Close, a close next to it, and the Spout Close, being customary lands held of the Queen Dowager of the yearly rent of 15s. and 6d., parcel of the Nethergrave lands, containing 10 acres; and of closes of freehold land lying at Leeyate called the Little Mire, Dawson's Close and Stony Brow, containing 12½ acres; also two closes called the Blaikbancks of customary land held under Thomas Brathwaite, Esq., yearly rent 9s. containing 7½ acres, all within the precincts of Strickland Kettle, all which except the closes held of the Queen Dowager have, from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary, been assessed and have contributed with lands in S. Ketel in all taxes and assessments; and the excepted lands held of the Queen Dowager have been assessed with other lands in S. Ketel in all assessments made for the poor, repairs and charges of the parish church of Kirkby Kendall and for repair of Burneside chapel and have so been paid until Mr. Wilson within three years past was rated for his last named lands to the poor of Kirkland by two of H. M. Justices, which we conceive was so done by those Justices for want of that true information of the matter now discovered and certified by us. We conceive that the lands of the rent of 16s. 6d. (sic) held of the Queen ought to be assessed in S. Ketel henceforth in all rates named above, but as to other assessments than those named above, we propose that they be rated with the rest of the Nethergravelands until such time as they be re-united to the towns whereof we conceive them to have been hamlets. We find that the lands held of the Queen are of the yearly value of one-third of Mr. Wilson's lands named above in three parts divided, so that the land held of Mr. Brathwaite and the freehold lands ought to be rated as of the yearly value of two-thirds of the whole. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.

1703 8 October. Presentment that the common highway, leading from K. Kendall to Hawkside, between the places called "Bunning Yate" (on the Crook Road) and "Horse Spoot Sike" in length 500 roods, is now in great decay and the inhabitants of Strickland Roger and Strickland Ketel ought to repair the same at their own costs, (K. Indictment Book, 1692–1724). On 11 July following, an Order was issued that the inhabitants of S. Roger and S. Ketel be fined £5 on the presentment at Appleby Sessions 4 October, 1703, and K. Kendall Session 8 October, 1703, for suffering the Queen's highway lying between "Bruninge Yeat" and "Horse Spod" to be and continue much out of repair, unless repaired before the Easter Sessions, (K. Order Book, 1696–1724). On 12 January, 1704/5, it was found that the same could not be sufficiently amended without the help of the Act 3–4 William and Mary; so that an Order was issued for an assessment to be laid by Giles Readman, James Burrough, Tho. Benson, and Will. Bracken, inhabitants of the said townships, on the inhabitants owners and occupiers rateable to the poor there, for the repair of the said highways, so as not to exceed 6d. in the pound of yearly value of houses and lands nor 6d. for £20 in personal estate. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.

1706 11 October. The house of Miles Suart in Towthorn (? Towterne) is licensed as a place for religious worship for the people called Quakers. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.

1706 11 October. Presentment that Sprint Bridge is very ruinous and in decay; Order that Mr. Lancelot Thompson, the chief constable, Mr. James Hodgson and Mr. Reginald Dennyson view the same and contract for its repair with some skilful workmen. (K. Order Book, 1696–1724). And yet it could not have been very efficiently repaired for on 13 July, 1708, we find another Order for the repair of Sprent Bridge, being a public bridge. Ibid.

1709 7 October. Indictment and Order to repair the Laine in Strickland Ketel from Radridd (Ratherheath) to Aikrigg End. (K. Indictment Book, 1692–1724); also the Longlaine from the Horse Troughs to Radridd and so to Radridd Beck and particularly the way near Kitchings called Gateside. Ibid.

1712/3 16 January. The Long Laine lying in Strickland Ketel and S. Roger, being the Queen's highway and very much in decay, ought to be repaired by the said townships. (Ibid.). At the same Court there was a Presentment that "Burnsyde" bridge was very ruinous; order for a report and estimate. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.

1713 9 October. Presentment of Geo. Brathwaite, Jos. Dawson and John Philipson, that the highway leading from Plumgarth Cross along the Laine by Hallhead Hall to Boning Yeate, and so up to the height upon Ruddered, is very ruinous and dangerous for passengers, and in several places too narrow for one cart: order that the inhabitants of Strickland Ketel and Roger repair and amend the same, or show cause to the contrary. K. Indictment Book, 1692–1724.

1713/14 15 January. Presentment that Garnet Bridge, being a public bridge, is out of repair. (K. Order Book, 1696–1724). Order to the High Constable to forthwith contract for its repair. Browne MSS., vol. i, n. 137.

1714/15 14 January. Presentment that the east end of Sprint Bridge, between Strickland and Skelsmergh is in great decay. (K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724). At the same Court it was ordered that the highways in Strickland Roger and Ketel are to be sufficiently amended before Easter Sessions next or the inhabitants are to be severely fined for their neglect therein. K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724.

1714/15 14 January. Certificate delivered into court by the people called Quakers that they have a meeting place for religious worship at Benjamin Gilpin's house at Strickland Roger. Ibid.

1716 August. Robert Gibson and John Dixon of Underbarrow will undertake to pull down Sprint Bridge, near Burnishead and erect a new firm stone bridge in the said place to consist of one bend or arch of at least 14 yards between the springers with ledges two feet six inches high at the crown and nine feet within the said ledges, and fill up earth and pave over the same to make it easy and gradually ascending and descending for carriage and make sufficient water way for the sum of £47 and the old bridge. William and Robert Robinson of Patterdale, masons, will undertake to build a new stone (Sprint) bridge according to the dimensions supplied by the High Constable and uphold the same for seven years for the sum of £39 and the old bridge. George Bateman of Crook, mason, will undertake the same for £41 and the old bridge. (Browne MSS. vol. i, nos. 255, 258, 260; ii, n. 166). The work was eventually given to the Robinsons as there is a deed signed by them, dated 29 January, 1716/7, in which they undertake to erect the new bridge in the same place as the old, and uphold the same for seven years from and after the 1st day of August next ensuing. (Ibid., vol. xiv, n. 215; xv, n. 238). A plan of this semi-circular bridge is preserved in vol. xv, n. 236.

1717 11 October. Presentment that the highway from Lee Yate to Boning Yate in Strickland Ketel is in decay for want of repair. (K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724). And in the following year, 10 October, 1718, the highway between Howse Spoot and Bonning Yeat is again presented as in decay for want of repair. Ibid.

1718/9 16 January. Presentment that the public bridges called Bolston Bridge and Burnyside Bridge are in great decay. Ibid.

1720 7 October. The highways between Horse Spoot and Plumgarths and from Plumgarths to Boning Yeat, and two deep places made to get manure in the highway on the common called Rodreth, being near Boning Yeat in the way leading to Windermere, are in great decay; order that all be forthwith repaired. Ibid.

1722/3. 18 January. Presentment that Garnett Bridge is in decay. K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724.

1724/5 15 January. Presentment that Gurnell Bridge between Strickland and Skelsmergh, formerly a wooden bridge for horses, and lately fallen down, ought to be repaired by the inhabitants of Strickland Roger and Ketel, Skelsmergh and Patton. Ibid.

1725 9 April. The public bridge called Burnyside bridge, formerly presented, is not yet amended, the causeway at the west end being also out of repair; order to Mr. Benj. Browne, high constable, to contract for the repair of the bridge and 300 feet of the causeway (K. Order Book, 1725–1737). On 9 July Robert Robinson, Thomas Turner, George Dockeray and Joseph Grisedale entered into an agreement to firmly and sufficiently pin up and remend all the holes and breaches in the bridge both in the bottom of the jewill and butments at each end and the top at several places in the battlements. Also the butment or fence at the east end on the north side to be raised the same height as formerly has been and coped with large flat stones for the better securing of the same. Also amend the highway at the west end from the bridge down the river 100 yards by making a firm stone wall in the river, the foundations to be laid deep in the sand, from the low end of the said 100 yards up the river for 80 yards and to be raised two feet at the least above the pavement and repave the cawsey with thin stones set across the cawsey three yards broad and the pavement to be repaired over against the chapel yard. To complete before 1 August next ensuing, and maintain uphold and keep the same in good and sufficient repair for and during the term of 10 years. Contract price £11. On 14 October following Robert Robinson of Nether Hartsop in Patterdale received £11 for the repair of this bridge. Browne MSS. vol. ii, n. 95; xv, n. 240.

1726 Presentment that Garnett Bridge is in decay. (K. Indictment Book, 1725–37). On the 7 October it was ordered to be repaired. K. Order Book, 1725–37.

1730/1 15 January. In pursuance to an Order made at this General Quarter Sessions for the high constable to view the common highways and make a report of the state and condition of the same, Benjamin Browne reported that the Long Lane from Horse Troughs to Ratherhead and Bonning Yeat was in many places very narrow and very bad, and from Ekrig end to Ratherhead so very narrow in many places that a horseman can neither pass loaden horse or cart. Browne MSS., vol. i, n. 220.

1733 18 January. Ordered that the road from the Spout in Strickland Ketel to Bonning Yeat be repaired and widened according to Statute. Rough Minute Book, 1733–37.

1740 18 April. Presentment that Burniside Bridge is one of the public bridges and out of repair; order for the high constable to view and report. (K. Indict. Book, 1738–50). On the 3 May following an order was issued to contract for the repair of the same. (K. Order Book, 1738–50).

1746/7 16 January. Order to the two high constables to contract for the repair of Garnet Bridge. Ibid.

1748 7 October. Presentment that one and a half mile in length and two yards in breadth in the King's highway laying in Strickland Ketel and leading between the market towns of Hawkshead and K. Kendal, is dirty, founderous and in decay for want of reparation, etc. K. Indict. Book, 1738–50.

1748/9 13 January. Presentment that Sprint Bridge and Boulston Bridge are out of repair. K. Indict. Book, 1738–50.

1749/50 12 January. Petition of the inhabitants of S. Ketel setting forth that Rob. Newby, surveyor, obtained an order for raising 6d. in the pound towards the repair of the highways within the said township, most of which he has collected but not accounted for; ordered that the said Rob. Newby send an account of the money already received to his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, etc. K. Order Book, 1738–50.

1750 12 May. Petition setting forth that a certain part of the King's highway lying in S. Ketel was indicted as being out of repair, that an assessment of 6d. in the pound was ordered and expended and that the highway is not yet sufficiently amended and that S. Roger and Ketel are both in one township and that the said S. Roger is also liable to the repair; it is ordered that an assessment of 6d. in the pound be levied upon the inhabitants of the said S. Roger; and that the said assessment shall be levied by distress and sale of the goods of every person who shall not pay the same within 10 days after demand. And it is hereby also ordered that for the future the township of S. Roger shall pay to all assessments which shall be made for the repair of the highways within Strickland in such proportion as the number 7 is to the number 13. Ibid.

1755 17 January. Roger Wakefield, Geo. Robinson and Joseph Gough, appellants against Rev. William Smith, respondent, touching an assessment made for the curate of the chapel of Burneside. Upon an appeal against the assessment; it is ordered that the assessment be confirmed and made absolute, and it is further ordered that the said Roger Wakefield, Geo. Robinson and Joseph Gough do forthwith pay unto the said William Smith the sum of £4 for the expense he has been at and put unto in the said appeal. K. Order Book, 1750–60.

1766 13 January. Petition of the surveyor of highways within the townships of Strickland Ketel and Roger setting forth that the highways there are greatly out of repair and that the six days labour is not sufficient to effectually repair the same; it is ordered that an assessment of 6d. in the pound be levied upon the several inhabitants, owners and occupiers, and that in case of refusal or non-payment within 10 days after demand, by distress and sale of goods, etc. (K. Order Book, 1760–70). On 27 April, 1767, a similar petition and Order. Ibid.

1766 6 October. Petition of John Wakefield, surveyor of the highways of the township of Strickland Ketel setting forth that the highway beginning at a place called Akerigg End to Burneside Bridge and from thence to Winter Lane Gate is in many parts thereof too narrow for carriages to pass with safety; it is ordered that the said John Wakefield do enlarge and widen the said road and make the same of sufficient breadth so that the ground to be taken thereinto doth (not) exceed eight yards in breadth and that the said surveyor do not pull down any houses or take away the ground of any garden, orchard, court or yard. K. Order Book, 1760–70.

1774 3 October. Presentment that there was and yet is a certain common and ancient highway leading from the township of Nether Staveley to the market town of K. Kendal and that a certain part of the same King's highway beginning at a place called Black Beck upon Ratherhead and so to the turnpike road leading to K. Kendal containing in length 700 yards and in breadth 21 feet was and yet is very ruinous, etc., and ought to be repaired by the inhabitants of Strickland Ketel and S. Roger. K. Indictment Book, 1770–80.

1789 Easter. Presentment that Sprint Bridge and 300 feet of the highway at each end is and are in great decay and ought to be repaired at the expense of the county. (K. Order and Indict. Book, 1786–1798). Certified to be in good order at the sessions held 16 April, 1790. Ibid.

1790 8 October. Presentment that part of a common and ancient King's highway leading from K. Kendall to Ambleside beginning at Aicrigg End in Strickland Ketel and so along by Burneside, up Winter Lane and on to Ratherhead to the division between the townships of S. Ketel and Nethergraveship, containing in length 6160 yards and in breadth 20 feet, is very ruinous, miry, deep broken, and in decay; and that the township of S. Ketel have from time immemorial repaired the said highway. Kendal Order and Indictment Book, 1786–98.

1790.8 October. Presentment that part of the highway leading from Ambleside to Appleby, beginning at the Boundary Bridge near Old Hag in Strickland Roger and so along to the 300 feet of the road at the west end of Sprint Bridge, and from the finger post near Bowston Bridge and so along the highway to where it adjoins the K. Kendall to Ambleside road, and from Burneside Bridge to where it adjoins the same road, in the township of S. Roger, containing in length 4473 yards and in breadth 20 ft., and now in decay, has from time immemorial been repaired by the township of S. Roger. Ibid.

1796 16 July. Order that the township of S. Roger be fined £50 for not repairing the road from Burneside Bridge to Bowston Bridge, indicted for defects in 1790. Ibid.

1816 The Act for inclosing lands was passed in 56 George 111, c. 35, and on 14 July, 1817, the boundary line of the townships of Strickland Ketel and Nether Staveley as set out by the Commissioner was confirmed. K. Order Book, 1817–24.

1818 13 July. The dwelling house of George Robinson situate at Burneside was duly licensed and allowed as a Place of Public Worship by Protestant Dissenters commonly called Wesleyan Methodists. K. Indict. Book, 1817–24.

1822 7 December. Money has been collected for building a new chapel at Burneside. (Local Chron. 52). It was opened for public worship in August, 1826 (ibid. 67) and consecrated in August, 1827. Ibid. 71.

1828 17 October. Presentment that Sprint Bridge in the King's highway leading from K. Kendal unto Over Staveley is narrow and in great decay and that the inhabitants of the county ought to repair the same; it is ordered that it be widened and rendered more commodious and safe for the public and that Mr. Brathwaite the high constable and Bridge Master do forthwith cause the same to be done. K. Indict. Book, 1824–34.

1829 20 June. Resolved that it is the intention of the Trustees to erect a new Toll House at Plumgarths Cross, with one gate leading to Staveley and one gate on that part of the road leading to Windermere. Ambleside Turnpike Books.

1830 23 April. John Gandy applied to the court for a licence to erect and have mills for making Gunpowder with proper Magazines upon certain closes called Lowfield, Johnson's Close and Calf Close, on the north west side of the River Sprint, but the Court refused granting such licence. (K. Indict. Book, 1824–34). On the 16 July he applied again but the licence was refused on account of defective notice. Ibid.

1833 The manufacture of paper by machinery commenced at Burneside Mills by Messrs. Hudson, Nicholson and Foster. Annals, 298.

1859 22 October. Resolved that the road over Sprint Bridge be examined by the Bridge Master, and if he considers it to be dangerous that he then stop it up and divert the road. On 7 January, 1860, it was resolved to accept the tender of Robert Fairer for rebuilding the bridge for the sum of £390. On 31 December following the Finance Committee report that Sprint Bridge has been finished at a cost of £459 11s. 5d. K. Minute Book, 1859–75.

1865 20 October. Ordered that 100 yards of wall adjoining to Burneside Bridge be raised in order to make the road safe for passengers against the river. Ibid.

1868 2 July. "In another fortnight the rebuilding of Burneside Bridge will be completed." Ibid.

1874 9 April. The arch of Bowston Bridge has given way. Ibid.

1898 11 November. The road retaining wall on the south side of the river at Burneside Bridge is a good deal damaged and in places washed down to the foundation by the recent storm which occured on 2nd November. C.C. Minutes, 1898–99.

1899 10 March. The Surveyor reported that Bowston Bridge had been built in two sections, an original and an addition, and at the junction on the north side part of the abutment had been washed out and that a small section of the arch had fallen. Further that the arch stones in the southern span have for some feet been displaced, rendering it necessary to remove the roadway and fit in new arch stones. C.C. Minutes, 1899–1900.

1905 2 June. The Surveyor reported that Garnett Bridge, though only 11 feet between the parapets is yet a double one. An old pack-horse bridge and an addition. The two sections have lately parted slightly, so that it has been thought prudent to insert a couple of 1½ inch bolts to prevent any further severance. C.C. Minutes, 1905–6.

1918 14 November. Sprint Bridge was considerably damaged by the flood of 15 September last. It was built of red sandstone from plans of Mr. Robinson in 1859, upon a foundation which is nothing but loose gravel liable to shift. The bridge has a span of 36 ft. 9 ins., and the arch rises some 7 ft. 6 ins. from the normal water level. The width of the road between the parapets is 15 ft. 7 ins. or 17 ft. 9 ins. over all. C.C. Minutes, 1918–19.