Supplementary Records: Natland

Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Originally published by Titus Wilson and Son, Kendal, 1926.

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'Supplementary Records: Natland', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3, ed. John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Supplementary Records: Natland', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Edited by John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"Supplementary Records: Natland". Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 3. Ed. John F Curwen (Kendal, 1926), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.


1671 6 October. The highway from Sedgwick to K. Kendall, from Middle Lawkrigg in Natland to land adjoining Watercrook, is in great decay and ought to be repaired by the inhabitants of Natland. K. Indict. Book, 1669–1692

1679 10 October. Order for the repair of a foot bridge called Natland Bridge which is fallen down and not passable. K. Indict Book, 1669–92.

1692 15 January. Presentment that Hawes Bridge is in decay; Order for an estimate of the charge of repair. Ibid.

1705/6 18 January. Order to the high constables to view Hawes Bridge over the River Kent, it being a public bridge, and to speedily contract with workmen for the effectual repair thereof. K. Order Book, 1696–1724.

1710 21 April. Presentment that the public bridge, called Hawes Bridge, is out of repair, the ledges on both sides being broken down, by the late flood, for the length of 8 or 9 yards. Order to the high constables to view and repair the same. K. Indict. Book, 1692–1724.

1710 6 October. Presentment by John Archer, esqr., that the highway leading from Pottbeck to Oxen Holme is very ruinous; order for repair before 1 December, by the inhabitants under pain of £10 fine. Kendal Order Book, 1696–1724.

1720 7 October. Presentment that the highway from Great Shedlings (Gate Settlings) to Hellern (Helm) End and thence to Barwis Green is in great decay. K. Indictment Book, 1692–1724.

1730/1 15 January. In pursuance of an order made at this General Quarter Sessions, for the high constable to view the common highways in Kendal Ward and to make a report of the state and condition of the same. Benjamin Browne reported that the way from Natland Milnbeck to the Sinkfalls is the most part of it very narrow and the wood covers it very much, especially thorn and hazel; and the way from the said Milnbeck to Natland and from thence to Sedgwick is likewise very narrow and much covered with thorn and hazel. Browne MSS., vol. i, n. 220.

1732/3 12 January. Order to the two high constables to view Hawes Bridge which is out of repair and report at the next Sessions. K. Order Book, 1725–37.

1735 10 October. Presentment that the King's highway, a quarter and a half a mile respectively in Natland and Stainton is in decay and ought to be repaired a quarter of a mile thereof by Natland and the residue by Stainton. Rough Minute Book, 1733–37.

1735 4 December. John Archer, doctor of physic and one of his majesty's justices of the Peace for the county, died at Oxenholme. "He was a worthy man, an honor to his profession, an impartial magistrate, an amiable friend, a delight to his acquaintance, an happiness to his country." Memento mori, published by Thomas Cotton, Kendal.

1751 26 October. Application of the surveyor of highways within the township of Natland setting forth that the highways are greatly out of repair and that the 6 days labour is insufficient to effectually repair the same; it is ordered that an assessment of 6d. in the pound be levied upon the several inhabitants, owners and occupiers and in case of refusal or non payment 10 days after demand thereof, it shall be by distress and sale of goods etc. K. Order Book, 1750–60.

1752 6 October. Presentment that from time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary, there was and yet is a certain ancient and common King's highway leading between the market towns of K. Kendale and Milnthorpe, (via Natland and Sedgwick) and that a certain part thereof beginning at Natland Mill Beck in the township of Natland containg in length half a mile and in breadth 8 feet was and yet is very ruinous etc., and that the inhabitants of Natland ought to repair the same. (K. Indictment Book, 1750–60). Ordered that the inhabitants be fined £20 if the said highway is not well and sufficiently repaired before the next Sessions. (Ibid). On 18 January, 1754, the inhabitants produced a certificate that the highway was well and sufficiently repaired and received a discharge on the indictment. Ibid.

1784 4 October. Presentment that Hawes Bridge is one of the public bridges and that it and the 300 feet of the road at each end is in great decay and ought to be repaired at the public expense of the county. K. Indictment Book, 1780–97.

The authority for the justices taking over the maintenance of certain bridges and the 300 foot of approach to the same is derived from the statute of 22 Henry VIII, c.5; wherein they were required to hear and determine in the King's General Sessions of Peace, of all manner of annoyances of bridges broken in the highways to the damage of the King's liege people, and to make process and pains against such who ought to repair the same. And where it cannot be known and proved who ought of right to make such reformation, by reason whereof such decayed bridges for lack of knowledge lie long without any amendment, be it enacted that in every such case the said bridges, if they be without City or Town Corporate, shall be made and amended by the inhabitants of the Shire within the which the said bridge decayed shall happen to be. And the justices shall have power to tax and set every inhabitant to such reasonable aid and sum of money as they shall think convenient and sufficient for the repairing, re-edifying and amendment of such bridges; and they shall also have power to name and appoint two surveyors which shall see every such decayed bridge repaired from time to time as often as need shall require. And further be it enacted that the justices shall have the same power to make, repair and amend such part and portion of the highways as lie next adjoining to every of the ends of such bridges, distant from any of the said ends by the space of 300 foot.

1818 12 January. Order with a plan annexed for diverting and turning a certain part of the highway leading from Natland towards and unto Hawes Bridge. (K. Indict. Book, 1817–24). Also for diverting the highway from K. Kendale towards and unto Natland and also a part of the highway leading from and out of the same at or near Natland Mill Beck towards and unto the turnpike road leading from Heron Syke to K. Kendal. Ibid.

1820 10 January. Thomas Mackreth, perpetual curate of Natland, took the oaths of allegiance, supremacy and abjuration, made the declaration against Transubstantiation and subscribed the same according to law. K. Indict. Book, 1817–24.

1823 29 November. The first stone of a new chapel at Natland has been laid. (Local Chron. 56). It was consecrated by Dr. Blomfield, bishop of Chester in August 1825. Ibid 63.

1831 7 January. Joseph Fawcett, curate of Natland, took the usual oaths as above. K. Indict. Book, 1824–34.

1866 20 October. The Rev. Edward Bannerman took the usual oaths, on his appointment to the curacy of Natland. K. Minute Book, 1859–75.

1872 In an Act (35 Vict., c. 87) for conferring additional powers on the London and North-Western Railway Co., leave was given to make a new road, instead of the existing level crossing at Oxenholme station, commencing from and out of the turnpike road leading from Kendal to K. Lonsdale at a point thereon 30 yards west of the point where that road crosses the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway on the level, and terminating by a junction with the same road at a point thereon 110 yards or thereabouts east of the said level crossing. They may stop up and discontinued as a turnpike road or public highway and appropriate to the purposes of their undertaking so much of the beforementioned existing turnpike road as extends for a distance of 5 yards on each side of the Railway.

1878 In an Act (41 Vict. c. 181) for conferring further powers on the London and North-Western Railway Co., leave was given to acquire certain lands, houses and buildings lying on both sides of and adjoining the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway at the Oxenholme station on that railway. And certain other lands in the township of Natland lying on the west side of and adjoining the said railway, 400 yards or thereabouts south of the said station.