
Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 2. Originally published by Titus Wilson and Son, Kendal, 1924.

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'Sedgwick', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 2, ed. William Farrer, John F Curwen (Kendal, 1924), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Sedgwick', in Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 2. Edited by William Farrer, John F Curwen (Kendal, 1924), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Sedgwick". Records Relating To the Barony of Kendale: Volume 2. Ed. William Farrer, John F Curwen (Kendal, 1924), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.


Sedgwick, a township in the parish of Heversham, appears to have been held of the Aencurt family by the family of Yealand, or perhaps jointly by the two branches of that family which respectively descended from the supposed brothers, Roger de Yealand and Norman de Redman. The former married Sueneva, sister of Herbert de Ellel, and below we shall find that Herbert de Ellel gave one moiety of the manor to Ralph de Betham, who gave it to the Hospital of Cockersand. Henry de Redman confirmed the original feoffment to Ralph and the latter's gift to the Hospital. Richard de Sedgwick, who probably held a considerable demesne in the vill, as well as the said moiety which he had from Herbert de Ellel, also confirmed the grant to the brethren of Cockersand. About thirty years later Ralph de Aencurt, with the consent of Helena, daughter of Anselm de Furness, released to the abbey the service of 2s. 6d. per annum which had been reserved to their predecessors under the original feoffment to Henry de Redman or Norman his father.

1184–90 Ralph de Bethum for the health of his soul and the souls of his wife, Henry his son and his father and mother, gives to the brethren of Cockersand the moiety of Sigghiswic which he had by the gift of Herbert de Elhale with the liberties and easements thereto appurtenant, quit of all secular service except 3s. which they shall yearly pay him to the use of Herbert de Elhale, and saving forinsec service. Witnesses: R(alph) abbot of Furness, D(aniel) prior of Cartmel, W(illiam) prior of Lancastre, T(homas) prior of Cunigisheved, R(obert) de Geir(s)tang, then dean and the chapter of Loncastre, G(ervase) de Eincurt, O(rm) de Ireby, Roger de Burton, G(ilbert) de Croft; Chartul. of Cockersand, 1038. From the original charter preserved in the Library of Hornby Chapel. A circular seal of dark green wax is attached.

Confirmation by Henry de Redman to the brethren of Cockersand of the moiety of Sigiswic which they have by the gift of Ralph de Bethum. Ib. 1041.

1180–1200 Orm de Irebi (fn. 1) grants to Cospatrick Brandun the 4th part of Siggeswic, to hold for 2s. yearly. Witnesses: Gervase de Aincurt, Roger de Blancham, William son of Edward, Adam de Musgrave, Richard son of Alard; Thomas the Marshal. Equestrian seal of white wax; Orig. at Sizergh.

1184–1205 Herbert de Hellale grants to Richard de Siggeswic for 4 marks the moiety of Siggeswic to hold for 3s. at Michaelmas. Witnesses: Grimbald brother of Herbert de Hellale Richard his brother Hugh his brother, Adam Gernet, Benedict his son, William de Godemund, Michael de Hennecastre, Anselm de Furnesio, Patrick de Scelmeresherhe, Matthew de Sirithesherge, Ketel de Lewnes, Thomas his son, Ralph de Bethum Roger his brother, Huctred son of Holkoff (recte Osulf), Richard his brother; Orig. at Sizergh.

1200–31 Grimbald son of Herbert de Ellale gives to the canons of Cokersand the whole moiety of Sigiswic and 4 oak trees yearly in his wood of Ellale for their utmost advantage and for their easement in building at Cokersand; for the health of the soul of Lady Helewise de Lancastre; Chartul. of Cockersand (Chetham Soc.), 771.

1202 Richard de Siggeswic is named without any context. Pipe Rolls, Cumb. and Westmorland, 191.

1190–1210 Confirmation by Henry de Redman to Richard de Sigherwik of the moiety of Sigherwik which Herbert de Ellel gave to him by charter. Witnesses, Adam Gernet, Adam son of Ughtred, Stephen son of Gerard, and others. Chartul. Cockersand, 1043. Hornby Chapel deed. Circular seal of white wax bearing a floral device and the legend—Sigillvm Henrici Fil Norman.

1200–20 Richard de Siggeswic, for 20m. paid to him by Ralph de Bethum, releases to the canons the moiety of Siggeswic, which he had by the gift of Herbert de Elhale. Witnesses: Henry de Redeman, seneschal of Kendale, Ralph de Bethum, Thomas his son, Roger de Bethum Roger de Burton, Gilbert de Croft, Adam son of Ketel, Philip Engaine; ib., 1042.

1205–13 Grimbald son of Herbert de Hellale releases to the canons the rent of 3s. for the moiety of Siggeswick, for the health of the souls of Mary his wife and Helewise de Lancastre. Witnesses: Adam son of Roger, (fn. 2) then sheriff of Lancaster, Gilbert de Lancastre and six others; Chartul. of Cockersand, 1039.

1205–13 Ralph de Aencurt with the assent of Helen his wife gives to the canons the rent of one moiety of the vill of Siggiswick, which the canons hold, viz. 2s. 6d., for the health of the soul of Helewise de Lancastre and John son of Adam son of Roger (de Yealand). Witnesses: Adam son of Roger, then sheriff of Lancaster, Lambert Buissei, Gilbert de Croft, Roger de Burton in Kendale, John the parson of Clapham, Adam de Caupmaneswra (Capernwray), Richard de Preston; ib., 1043.

1205–13 Helen de Haynecurth (Aincurt), late the wife of Ralph de Hayncurth, for the health of the soul of her lord, Ralph de Hayncurth and Helewise de Lancastre, releases to the canons the service of 2s. 6d. for the moiety of the vill of Siggeswick which Herbert de Elhalle held. Witnesses: Adam de Yaland, then sheriff of Lancastre, Matthew de Rademan, then seneschal of Kendale, Thomas de Bethum, Richard de Preston, Adam de Hoton; Chartul of Cockersand, 1044, Hornby Chapel deed. Seal of dark green wax, non-heraldic.

1230–46 Release by Thomas son of Thomas de Sedgwick to the canons of Cockersand of his right in twelve acres of land which he held of them in the vill of Sedgwick, namely three acres in one croft, eight acres between that croft and the Stryndes and one acre by the brook which is the division between Sedgwick and Hincaster. Witnesses, Matthew de Redman, Richard de Preston. Thomas de Beetham, Roger Gernet, Vivian Gernet, Patrick de Sedgwick and others. Ib. 1046.

Grant by Herward, abbot of Cokersand and the convent of that place to Matilda wife of Roger de Mabaneshou, her heirs by the said Roger and assigns, of twelve acres of land in Sigiswic, namely three acres in one croft which was Thomas son of Adam's, eight acres between the same croft and the Strendes, and one acre by the brook which is the division between Sigiswic and Hennecastre, to hold for her homage and service in fee and inheritance with the liberties and easements belonging to the same by rendering yearly two shillings of silver for all service, namely twelve pence at St. Michael and twelve pence at Easter, at her decease or the decease of each of her heirs—testament to mother church having been duly made—the third part of her substance in the name of relief shall be paid to the church of Cockersand. Ib., 1047.

1230–46 William son of William son of Ketel [de Stirkeland-Ketel] grants to Jordan de Siggeswic land under Warines-borghanes, to hold as freely as the charter sets forth, which Jordan has of William, father of the said William, touching the same land, to hold for 12d. yearly. Witnesses: Ralph de Aynecurt then seneschal of Kendal, Matthew de Redeman, Richard de Preston, Patrick de Siggiswic, Thomas de Levennis, Thomas de Niandessergh, William White (albus) of Siggiswic, Thomas of the same vill, Nicholas son of Bernard, Richard Mustel, Hugh son of Swain de Stircland, Nicholas Mustel, Vesica shaped seal of brown wax bearing a woman's head. Legend on seal, Sigill' Will' Fil' W. Fil Ke[tel]; Orig. at Sizergh.

1245–55 Thomas son of Patrick de Sigeswick grants to Peter de Westwich [son of Serlo] 5 a. land in Sigiswick which the grantor held of the house of St. Mary of Cokirsand, namely 2 a. in Prestmirevacit', ½ a. between the meadow and Lincolne and 2 a. and ½ a. in the place called Lincolne, to hold for 12d. yearly. Witnesses: Patrick de Sigiswick, William de Wedakir, James de Berebrun, then the king's Serjeant, Ellis de Preston, Thomas son of Bronulf, the king's clerk; Orig. at Sizergh.

1246–49 Patrick de Sigeswic gave to the canons of Cockersand two acres of land in a place called Priestmire bank in Sigeswic, namely the two acres which lie next Priestmire on the north, and all his land called Lincolne and half an acre of land for a messuage between that land called Lincolne and Priestmire meadow. And Hereward, called abbot of Cockersand, and the convent granted to Thomas son of Patrick de Siggiswic, for his homage and service, two acres of land in the vill of Siggiswic, in a place called Priestemirebanke (as described above) rendering therefor yearly 12d. of silver for all service. If he should be able to acquire any land within the same vill up to six acres, it should be counted under the said farm of 12d. At the decease of the said Thomas, his wife, his heirs or their wives, half a mark of silver shall be lovingly bequeathed to the church of Cockersand. Witnesses: to both charters, Matthew de Redeman, then sheriff of Lancastre, Roger de Lancastre, Richard de Preston, Benedict Gernet, Thomas de Levenes, Richard de Godem(und); Chartul. of Cockersand, 1046–48.

1250–60 Grant by Peter, son of Serlo de Westwyk, to William de Pykering, constable of Kyrkeby Kendale, for a sum of money to him in hand given in his need, of his whole tenement in Siggeswyk, to wit twenty acres of arable land and one acre of wood which he held of William son of Patrick [de Sedgwick] and five acres of land which he held of Thomas brother of the same William, and five acres of land which he held of William Croke, and eight acres of land which he held of the wife of William Abbot in Siggeswyk, to hold to him, his heirs and assigns, by rendering therefor yearly to the lords of the fee the service contained in the charters of the same [lords] which remain in the possession of the said William and to the grantor and his heirs a rose at Siggeswyk on the day of the Nativity of blessed John the Baptist, for all service and suits, both of court and others. Witnesses, Sirs Patrick son of Thomas [de Curwen], Henry de Redeman, Robert de Bethum, knights, William de Wyndeshouers, William de Wedhaker, Richard de Preston, Roger Mating, Roger de Burton, Thomas de Levenes and others.

Endorsed—Syggeswyk. The seal broken off. Orig. at Sizergh.

1250–67 William son of Patrick de Sygiswik releases to Richard de Ayncurt the land which Sir Ralph de Ayncurt held at his death of the said William's fee in Sigiswyk. Witnesses: Sir Matthew de Redeman, Sir Gilbert de Lancastre, Thomas de Levenes, Thomas de Howes, Thomas de Forstwayt, Robert de Kendal, William de Wedaker, Adam Gernet; Orig. at Sizergh.

1260–75 Alice daughter of Patrick de Sicheswyc grants to William de Pikering her land in the vill of Sicheswyc, namely a toft with a croft containing 2 a., and 6 a. land lying in parcels between the croft of Thomas Godmund and Brunesholm and under Loukrig, to hold in fee for 6d. rent. Witnesses: William de Wyndeshouer, Thomas de Derley, Thomas de Lancastre, Roland de Torneburg, Thomas de Cheney. Vesica shaped seal of green wax bearing a horn? Legend: S. Alicie D' Lovdir; Orig. at Sizergh.

1265–75 Grant by William de Styrkeland to Sir William de Pykering of his land, which sometime belonged to Sir Ralph de Anecurt in Brigster and in Syggiswic, to hold for 4s. 6d., payable at Whitsuntide and Martinmas, out of which rent 12d. yearly shall be allowed to Sir William de Pykering and his heirs for farm due to Roger Nutting and his heirs for the land of Syggiswic, for which the said Sir William shall acquit the grantor and his heirs. Witnesses: Robert de Ormyshevid, Thomas de Derley, Rowland de Thornebure, William son of Patrick, Richard de Sandes ("de sabilonibus,") Benedict Gernet; Orig. at Sizergh.

1265–77 William son of Patrick de Siggeswyk in Kendale quit-claims to Thomas son of Sir William de Pykeryng and his heirs the right which the grantor had in the lands and tenements which the said Sir William had of his gift and in lands etc. which Sir William had of the respective gifts of Thomas, brother of the said William son of Patrick, of Peter de Westwik, of Richard de [Stainton in] Furnes, and of Alice sister of the said William son of Patrick in the vill of Syggeswyk, to hold of the grantor and his heirs by rendering yearly at Siggeswyk at Christmas one pound of cummin, 6d. at Easter and 6d. at Michaelmas. Witnesses: Sir Richard de Preston then coroner [of Westmorland], (fn. 3) Roger de Burton, Robert de Bethum, knights; William de Wyndishouer, Matthew de Redeman, Nicholas de Leyburne, Rolland de Thorneburg, Henry Abbot; Orig. at Sizergh.

1265–77 Richard de Stainton in Furness grants to William de Pykering the land in the vill of Sigiswic which he held of William son of Patrick [de Siggiswic]; to hold of William son of Patrick. Witnesses: John Gernet, Benedict Gernet, Roland de Thorneburg, Henry de Sigiswic, Nicholas de Lee. Vesica shaped seal of green wax; Orig. at Sizergh.

1275–90 Grant by Gretea de Syggiswike to Alan le Boteller in free marriage with Eva daughter of Greta of the moiety of her land of Syggiswike with meadow, wood, waste and moss, and the messuage and buildings which William son of Juliana holds in the said vill, to hold to Alan and Eva and the issue of Eva by rendering 4s. 6d. yearly. Witnesses: Sir Roger de Burton and Sir Henry de Redemane knights; William de Wyndeshouer, Richard de Preston, John Gernet, Benedict Gernet, William son of Patrick, Henry the clerk. Vescia shaped seal of white wax bearing a fleur de lis; Orig. at Sizergh.

1277 Christiana late wife of John de Ireby arraigned an assize of novel disseisin against Henry de Redeman touching a tenement in Siggeswik; Dep. Keeper's Rep. 46, App. 275.

1281 Christiana late the wife of William son of William son of Ketel de Stirkeland—Ketel in Kendale releases to Thomas son of Sir William de Pikering her dower in tenements in Siggeswik in Kendale. Witnesses: Roland de Thorneburg, Ralph de Patton, Roger de Brunholfeshued, Gilbert his son, Robert Wielator, (fn. 4) Thomas de Derlay. Liolf de Quinnefel. Given at Stirkeland-Ketel in Kendale on the morrow of St. Matthew the Evangelist, 9 Edward [I]. Vesica shaped seal of green wax (broken); Orig. at Sizergh.

1282 Peter de Kendale demands against Thomas son of William de Pykering a messuage and one carucate of land in Siggiswyk (De Banco R. 47, Mich. 10–11 Edward I, m 88d.), in which the same Thomas had no entry except after the demise which Roger son of William de Stirkelaund, father of the said Peter, whose heir he is, made to Walter de Burton, chaplain, for a term now past. Thomas says that the said Roger did not demise the tenenent to the said Walter, but to William, father of the same Thomas, whose heir he is; De Banco R. 50, Trin. 11 Edward I, m. 26d.

1285 Peter de Kendale releases to Thomas son of William de Pykering his right in a messuage and one carucate of land in Siggiswyk in Kendale, for which he lately impleaded the said Thomas. Given at Westminster on Thursday after St. Mark the Evangelist, 13 Edward I Witnesses: Roger de Burton, Thomas de Craystok, knights, Adam Crokedayk. clerk, William de Wyndesoure, William de Croft. Seal of brown wax bearing a lion rampant; Orig. at Sizergh.

1290–1300 Alan le Botyllere releases to John son of Grete de Syggeswick the land which the grantor had of the gift of Grete de Syggeswyck in marriage with Eva daughter of Grete in the territory of Syggeswyck. Witnesses: Sir Richard de Preston, Sir Thomas de Pekeryngg, Adam de Haverington, John Gernet, Henry de Syggeswyck, Robert son of William of the same place, Thomas de Farlton; Orig. at Sizergh.

1290–1310 John son of Grete de Syggeswyk grants to Walter son of Sir William de Stirkland two messuages with land, meadow, wood and waste and rent of assize in the hamlet of Syggeswyk, in exchange for a messuage upon the land of the church of Kyrkeby in Kendale and 20 a. land in the territory of Nateland. Witnesses: Robert de Wessington, Baldwyn de Schepeshevid, Thomas de Levenes, Adam Gernet, Henry de Syggeswyk, Robert son of William de Syggeswyk, Robert the clerk; Orig. at Sizergh.

1295 Thomas de Ireby, knt., notifies Henry de Syggeswyke in Kendale and Robert son of William de Syggeswyke that he has released to Thomas de Eglesfled, his next of kin, the rent, homage and service for their lands in Syggeswyke and orders that all services done by the said Henry and Robert and their ancestors to him and his ancestors shall be done by the said Thomas. Given at Embleton, on Saturday before St. James the Apostle, 23 Edward [I]; Orig. at Sizergh.

Thomas de Egelesfeld grants to Richard de Preston, son of Sir Richard de Preston, and to Anabilla his wife, a yearly rent in Sygiswyck. Witnesses: Roger de Burton and Thomas de Pykering, knights, and seven others (named); Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. x, App. 4, p. 225.

1300–20 Henry son of Robert de Siggeswik grants to Sir Walter de Stirklaund his chief messuage and tenements in the vill of Siggeswik and the reversion of the dower of Matilda, his mother. Witnesses: William de Windeshor, Richard de Prestoun, Ralph the proctor, Peter de Astentwayt, Thomas de Niandesher; Orig. at Sizergh.

1366 Thomas de Stirkland, knt., grants to Thomas de Seynesbury, vicar of the church of Kirkby in Kendale, Walter de Welle, parson of the church of Louthre, and William de Wessyngton his lands, tenements, woods etc. in Siggeswyk, saving to himself the service of his free tenants in the said hamlet; and also the lands and tenements in Levenes which William Langta holds at will. Witnesses: Ralph de Bethum and James de Pikeryng, knights; Matthew de Redmane, Richard de Preston, Roland de Thornburgh, Roger de Levenes, John del Chambre. Dated at Siggeswyk, on Friday after the Annunication of the B.V.M., 40 Edward III. Circular seal of red wax bearing on a shield hung by the corner 3 escallops. Crest a holly bush upon a closed helmet. Legend . . . . de Stirckland. Orig. at Sizergh.

1366 By deed dated at Siggeswyk on Friday after Easter, 40 Edward III, the above-named feoffees regranted the premises in Siggeswyk and Levenes to Sir Thomas de Stirkeland for life, remainder to John son of Sir Thomas, for life, with respective remainders to Peter and Thomas, brothers of John, for their respective lives. Witnesses: the first four and the sixth as above. Three seals: (1) Circular of red wax bearing the Virgin and Child under a canopy with standing figures of either side. (2) Strickland arms. (3) Non heraldic. Orig. at Sizergh.

1374 Grant by Roger son of William Clerk of Kyrkeby in Kendall, chaplain, to John de Yorke and Isabel his wife in survivorship of the lands and tenements in Syggeswyk in Kendall which he had by the said John's gift, with remainder after their death to Christopher de York, son of the said John, and his issue, with remainder respectively to Richard brother of the said Christopher, and to Peter brother of the said Richard. Witnesses: John de Burgh of Kyrkeby in Kendall, Robert de Dokwra of the same and Thomas de Mydelton. Dated at Syggeswyk in the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, 48 Edward III; Orig. at Sizergh.

Grant by James de Pykeryng, knt., to Richard de Wysbeche, vicar of the church of Kirkby in Lonesdale, and Thomas de Whynfell, chaplain, of his lands and tenements in Siggeswyk in the vill of Heversham. Witnesses: John de Wyndesore, Rolland de Thornburgh, Richard de Preston, Thomas de Midelton, Adam de Midelton. Dated at Kirkby Lonesdale, on Tuesday before the Purification of the B.V.M., 48 Edward III. Circular seal of brown wax bearing on a shield a lion rampant. Orig. at Sizergh.

Richard Cayrous, attorney to deliver seisin of the last-named premises; ib.

Grant by Thomas de York and William del Weste to Robert Banes and Adam Banes, chaplains, of the lands and tenements in Siggeswyk in the vill of Heversham, which they had by the feoffment of John de York. Witnesses: Thomas de Redman, Thomas de Midelton, Hugh Warde, Adam de Midelton, John del Biggingges. Dated at Kirkby in Lonesdale, on Saturday before the Purification of the B.V.M., 48 Edward III. Two seals of brown wax (1) broken; (2) on a heatershaped shield a cross of St. George, Orig. at Sizergh.

1374 Richard de Wysebeche, vicar of the church of Kirkby in Lonesdale and another regrant to John de York the premises in Siggeswyk which they had by the feoffment of James de Pykeryng, knt., Robert and Adam Banes, chaplains, to hold in tail male, remainder to James de Pykergng, knt., and his heirs. Witnesses: Thomas de Stirkland, knt., Matthew de Redman, knt., Rolland de Thornburgh, Thomas de Midelton, John del Byginges, John del Chambre of Kendale. Dated at Kyrkby in Kendale, on Saturday before St. Matthew the Apostle, 48 Edward III. Two seals: (1) that of vicar Wysebeche (as above); (2) non-heraldic. Chartul. Cockersand, 1049.

Demise by John de York to John Grayveson of a tenement in Sigeswyk, namely as the highway runs from Hencastre to Sigeswik, following the bounds of Loukrigg to the Kent, following the water of Kent to the bounds of Levenes and Hencastre as far as the said way which comes from Hencastre; to hold for the term of 10 years at 78s. rent; with liberty to renew the lease for a further term of 10 years; with reasonable estovers in the tenement and ½ a. meadow in Pressemire; John de York to sufficiently repair the tenement between this and the feast of St. Philip and St. James. Given at Heversham on Sunday after Michaelmas, 48 Edward III. Seal of red wax, in a heater-shaped shield a cross through; Orig. at Sizergh.

1378 Walter de Stirkeland impleads John Grayneson, John Dennyson, Thomas de Botile and Adam de Botile for cutting down and carrying away the trees and underwood of the said Walter at Siggeswyk, to the value of £20; De Banco R. 470, Easter, 1 Richard II, m. 195d.; 471, m. 82.

1422 Grant by Agnes de Bour. late relict of John de Bour, son of Henry de Bour of Sedbergh, in her liege widowhood, to John de Medilton and Richard de Broghton, chaplains, of her lands and tenements in the hamlet of Syggeswyk. Witnesses: Thomas de Strykland, chivaler, John Cayrous, Thomas de Dokwra, Robert de Bek, John de Mylnethorpp, younger. Dated at Sedbergh, 20 November, 1422; Orig. at Sizergh.

1451 Rental of Cockersand abbey: John Cowper holds our land at will in Syggswyke rendering 7s.; Richard Zorke holds land there and renders yearly 17d.; Chartul. of Cockersand (Chetham Soc.), 1296.

1461 Rental of Cockersand abbey; similar entries; ib. 1296.

1484 Grant by Thomas Strikland, knt., to Thomas Chambir of a messuage in Siggiswik, 6 acres land and meadow, 1 "rana" of wood in Halcroft, 5 a. land adjoining the messuage, 3½ a. land in Bradryddynges, 4 a. land in Overtwartlandes, 4 a. land in Crosbank, for 2d. at Martinmas yearly. Witnesses: Edward Middilton, Oliver Middliton, gents., Thomas Wilson, William Watir, Richard Sleddale, yeomen. Dated 25 January, 1 Richard III; Orig. at Sizergh.

1489 Grant by William Dawber, chaplain, to Robert Makareth, chaplain, of a messuage and 60 a. land and meadow in Siggiswyk in Kendale, which he had by the feoffment of John Bowrdale, chaplain. Witnesses: Walter Strikland, esq., William Chambir, Edward Berra. Dated 1 June, 4 Henry VII; Orig. at Sizergh.

Robert Makereth, chaplain, regrants the same premises to Thomas Strikland, clerk, son of Thomas Strikland, knt. Witnesses: Thomas Middilton, esq., Robert Chambir, Richard Dawber. Dated 8 November, 5 Henry VII; ib.

1492 Richard Sothworth of Gressyngham, gent., conveys to Sir Thomas Strikeland knt., to secure five marks, a tenement in Sigeswyke in the holding of Richard Jacson, yearly rent 4s., parcel of tenements in Hornby and Sigeswyk which William Grene of Gressyngham "hase layd in morgage" to the said Richard by indenture of 31 May, 6 Henry VII. Dated 15 March, 7 Henry VII; Orig. at Sizergh.

1493 Grant by Robert Chambir, son and heir of Thomas Chambir of Hawes to Thomas Strikland, knt., of a messuage and 60 a. land in Siggiswike in Kendale. Witnesses: Thomas Middilton etc. [see next]. Dated 1 October, 9 Henry VII; ib.

1493 Grant by Thomas Strikland, knt., to Walter his son and heir of a messuage and 60 a. land etc. in Sigiswyke in Kendale, which the donor had by the gift and feoffment of Thomas Chambir and Robert his son and heir. Witnesses: Thomas Middilton, William Lambert, esquires, John Croft, chaplain. Dated 20 November, 9 Henry VII; Orig. at Sizergh.

1494 Grant by Thomas Strykland [clerk], son of Thomas Strykland, knt., to Thomas Nyandser, John Chaffer and Richard Chaffer, chaplain (sic), of a messuage and 60 a. land etc. in Sygiswyk in Kendall. Dated 24 May, 9 Henry VII; ib.

Grant by Richard Preston, William Niandser and John Barray to William Penyngton, younger, and John Penyngton, esquires, and Gilbert Chambir, chaplain, of a messuage and 60 a. land in Siggiswike in Kendale. Dated 5 July, 9 Henry VII; ib.

Regrant by the above feoffees to Alan Penyngton and William Penyngton, elder, esquires, and Roger Saule. Dated 1 August, 9 Henry VII; ib.

1494 Regrant of the same premises by Alan Penyngton and the two others to John Rigmaydyn and Adam Penyngton, esquires, and Thomas Corntwayte, chaplain. Dated 4 September, 10 Henry VII; ib.

Regrant of the same premises by John Rigmaydyn and the two others to Thomas Par and Richard Kighlay, esquires, and Roger Kirkby, chaplain. Dated 5 October, 10 Henry VII; ib.

Regrant of the same premises by Thomas Par and the two others to Edmund Sill, Richard Syll, and Richard Clefland, chaplain. Dated 2 November, 10 Henry VII; ib.

1501 Rental of Cockersand abbey: Edmund Chambur renders 7s.; the wife of Giles Syll holds a tenement in Syggswyk freely and renders 17d.; Chartul. of Cockersand. 1297.

Thomas Strykland, knt., died 1 September, 12 Henry VII (1496) seised inter alia of the manor of Segiswyk, 5 messuages and 60 a. land in Segiswyk, worth £5, held of the countess of Richmond as of the half barony of Kendale, service unknown; Cal. of Inq., Henry VII, pt. ii, 270.

1537 Rental of Cockersand abbey: Edmund Chambur holds land in Sigilsweke and renders yearly 7s.; the wife late of Giles Syll holds freely and renders 17d.; Chartul. of Cockersand, 1297.

Lands late of Walter Strykland, knt., who died 9 January, 19 Henry VIII (1528), which ought to descend to Walter, his son and heir: Lands and tenements in the hamlet of Sydgewyke worth £3 and 17d. clear, now in Walter's possession; and other lands etc. there with the water mill, worth £8 and 2d. clear, which Elizabeth Gascoygn, late wife of Walter Stryklande, knt., grandfather of Walter, holds as jointure; Orig. at Sizergh.

1539 Rental of Walter Strykland, esq., renewed 1 July, 31 Henry VIII. Sygyswyke [the following took tenements, except where otherwise stated, and paid the giessum severally noted]: John Mone, 4 marks; George Baguley, 40s.; Gervase Chamer, a cottage, 6s. 8d.; Milles Chamer, 1½ tenement, 5 marks; Symond Chamer, the same, 5 marks; Roger Jaxson, ½ tenement, 20s.; Richard Cartar, a cottage, 6s. 8d.; John Cowper, 40s.; George Jaxson, 6s. 8d.; William Chanse, £3; Thomas Cowper 20s.; John Cowper, a cottage, 6s. 8d.; Thomas Crosser, 40s.; Milles Cowper, 26s. 8d.; Roger Lyndethe, 50s.; Edward Chamer, £5; Peter Chamer, his father's tenement (Sureties: Roland Becke, John Kytson), £3; John Sill, 40s.; Geoffrey Chamer, 40s.; Orig. at Sizergh.

1543 Edward Parker of Grissingame, gent., grants to Walter Strikland of Sizerghe, esq., a messuage, and 3 a. land in Siggiswike, yearly rent 4s. Dated 22 February, 34 Henry VIII; Orig. at Sizergh.

c 1543 Muster roll of the tenants of Walter Strykeland, esq., in Syggyswyke:

With horse, harnes and a bow: Gyffray Chaymer (cancelled), Rychard Baglay, Edward Syll (cancelled), Peter Chaymer, John (cancelled) William Mone, Thomas Couper (cancelled), Edward Chaymar

With horse, harness and a byll: Jhon Cowper, Symond Chaymer, Mylles Chaymer, Jhon Syll, Roger Lyndeth, Rowlland Grenwod.

Footmen with "some harnes": Roger Jakson, Wylliam Thommes each with a jake and a bow; Thomas Croser, Mylles Couper each with harnes and a bow; Rychard Raysebeke, splyntes, a sallet and a bow; Thomas Jakson, Rowlland Lyndeth, each with a jake and a byll.

Footmen without "harnes": Wylliam Chyares (fn. 5) (cancelled), John Beke, each with a bow; Wylliam Jakson, Robert Kocke, Rychard Chaymer (cancelled), John Kouper, Robert Jakson, John Stevenson, each with a byll.

"Yongmen": Jeorge Smyth, Rychard Smythe, Jeorge Smythe, Roger Crosser, Roger Grenwod, Jhon Bayley (cancelled), George Smythe each with a bowe; Rychard Caye, Wylliam Frier, Roger Chaymer, Jhon Hogeschon, Cudbert Hobson, Peter Haudwen, Roger Kouper (cancelled) Robert Syll, Wylliam Mone, Roger Croser (cancelled), Jhon Jakson, Christopher Thomson (cancelled), Jhon Dykson, each with a byll. Orig at Sizergh.

1590 Conveyance by Robert Atkinson, Edward Wilson and Robert Makereth to Thomas Strickland, esq., of messuages and lands in Sigswicke in the several occupation of Thomas Lyndethe, yearly rent 8s. 6d.; William Cocke, yearly rent 5s. 9d.; John Jackson, yearly rent 5s. 9d.; Arthur Chamber, yearly rent 3s. 6d.; Peter Chamber, yearly rent 3s. 6d.; Christopher Fletcher, yearly rent 5s.; to hold in fee. Thomas Strickland, gent., and William Prickett, attorneys to deliver seisin. Dated 12 October, 32 Elizabeth, 1590; Orig. at Sizergh.

Conveyance by Alan Chamber of the Hawes, gent., to Thomas Strickland of Siserge esq., for £40, of the messuage etc. in Siggiswicke in the occupation of Thomas Chamber, of the yearly rent of 20s. Dated 11 October, 32 Elizabeth; Orig. at Sizergh.

1631 Inquest taken at Kirkbie Kendall, 29 April, 7 Charles I (1631) before Henry Harrison, gentleman, escheator, by the oath etc. who say that: Arthur Chambers on the day of his death was seised of one messuage or tenement in Sidgswicke and of 14 acres of land, four acres of meadow, eight acres of pasture in Sidgswicke thereto belonging and usually occupied therewith, previously mentioned in an Inquisition taken before the escheator after the death of Thomas Chambers father of the said Arthur on 3 April, 22 James I (1624). (fn. 6)

Arthur Chambers so thereof seised being in the wardship of the king by reason of his minority died so seised 19 Nov. last (1630).

The premises are held of the king as of his manor of Kirkbie Kendall called "le Marques Fee" by knight service, by one 100th part of one knight's fee and by rendering yearly in fee farm to Robert Strickland, esquire, 14s. 11d. and are worth yearly clear 13s. 4d.

Robert Chambers is brother and next heir of the said Arthur, and he is aged now 9 years 3 months, 23 days and not more. And Cicilia late the wife of the said Thomas Chambers, father of the said Arthur, is living at Sidgswicke. Court of Wards Inq. p. m., vol. 80, n. 151.

1669 There were sixteen hearths in this Constablewick chargeable to the Hearth Tax. See Lay Subsidy Roll, 195, n. 73, m. 36d.


  • 1. Monasticon Anglic, V. 614.
  • 2. Adam de Yealand.
  • 3. He was removed from office in 1277.
  • 4. Alias 'Vidulator' a fiddler.
  • 5. Chause.
  • 6. The inquisition of Thomas Chambers would be produced probably to the jurors at the taking of this inquisition, and if not returned to its proper place might account for its present loss.