Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.
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J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris, 'Index of Persons and Places: R', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III(London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris, 'Index of Persons and Places: R', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III(London, 1916), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris. "Index of Persons and Places: R". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III. (London, 1916), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
Raath, co. Glamorgan. See Roath.
Rabon, William, 117 (pp. 111, 112).
Raby [in Staindrop parish], co. Durham, 96.
-, ……, Nevill of, q.v.
Racton, co. Sussex, Lordington in, q.v.
Radcliffe on Trent, co. Nott., Lamcote in, q.v.
Rademeld, co. Sussex. See Rodmell.
Rademelde, Henry de, 312, 600.
Radestok, co. Somerset. See Radstock.
Radmere, co. Norf., marsh, 54 (p. 47).
Radstock, Badestok, Radestok, co Somerset, 428 (pp. 339, 340).
-, ……, manor, 115.
Radur, co. Glamorgan. See Radyr.
Radyng, co. Berks, abbot of. See Reading.
Radyr, Radur, co. Glamorgan, manor, 428 (pp. 334, 342).
Ragel, co. Somerset. See Redghill.
Raghton, co. Cumb. See Raughton.
Raghton, Robert de, 520.
-, ……, Thomas son of Robert de, 520.
Rainsbutt, Ravenesbouegh [in Eastoft parish], co. York, W.R., Titelwylgh in, 54 (p. 52).
Rakford, co. Hants. See Rockford.
Ralegh, John de, 428 (p. 337).
Ralph, …, 393.
Ralph, son of Matthew, Margery wife of, 75.
-, …… baron of Stafford. See Stafford.
-, …… earl of Stafford. See Stafford.
-, ……, Robert son of, 314.
-, ……, William son of, 314.
Rame, Joan de, 59 (p. 67).
Ramesey, Rameseye, co. Hunt., abbey. See Ramsey.
Ramhurst [in Leigh parish], co. Kent, 56 (p. 64).
Ramrugge, Thomas de, clerk, 270.
Ramsey, Ramesey, Rameseye, co. Hunt., abbey, 134, 170, 391.
-, ……, …., abbot of, 436.
Randalfston, Randalfstone, co. Dorset. See Ranston.
Randekyn, Walter, 673.
-, ……, …., Alice wife of, 673.
Randolf, William, 681.
-, ……, Hugh, 130.
Randolfestone, Randolveston, co. Dorset. See Ranston.
Ranecumbe [? Ranscombe in Cuxton], co. Kent, 56 (p. 64).
Ranes, Hugh, 205 (p. 184).
Ranston, Randalfston, Randalfstone, Randolfestone, Randolveston [in Iwerne Courtney parish], co. Dorset, 117 (pp. 110–112).
-, ……, manor, 117 (p. 112).
-, ……, lord of. See Broun, William.
Rapelyngheghes, Rapelyngheyes, co. Devon. See Rapsey’s Farm.
Rapsey’s Farm, Rapelyngheghes, Rapelyngheyes [in Gittisham parish], co. Devon, 37, 218 (p. 198).
Rasen, co. Linc., 11, 180.
-, ……, Paynel of, q.v.
-, ……, Market, Estrasyn, co. Linc., inquisition taken at, 651.
-, ……, Middle, Medilrasen, Midelrasen, co. Linc., 192, 195.
-, ……, West, Westrasen, co. Linc., 192, 195.
-, ……, …., lamp before the high altar in the church, endowed, 195.
-, ……, …., manor, 5.
Rassh, John, 669.
Rastel, John, 52 (p. 40).
Rastrick, Rastrik [in Halifax], co. York, W.R., 54 (p. 48).
Ratlinghope, co. Salop, Overs in, q.v.
Raughton, Raghton [in Dalston parish], co. Cumb., 520.
Raunds, Raundes, co. N’hamp., 219 (p. 209).
Raunville, Richard de, 52 (p. 40).
Ravene, John, 379.
Ravenesbouegh, co. York, W.R. See Rainsbutt.
Ravenesholm, John de, 87.
Raveneston Rode, co. N’hamp. See Ravenstone Road.
Ravensthorpe, Ravensthorp, co. York, N.R., site of, 219 (p. 206).
Ravenstone Road, Raveneston Rode [in Yardley Hastings parish], co. N’hamp., 118 (p. 115).
Ravensworth, co. York, Fitz Henry of, q.v.
Rayleigh, Reghleye, Relegh, co. Essex, 104 (p. 91).
-, ……, honour, 84 bis, 104 (pp. 91, 92), 395.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 104 (pp. 91, 93), 487.
Rayne, Little Reynes, co. Essex, 135.
-, ……, Reines, co. Essex, honour, 135.
Reading, Radyng, Redyng, co. Berks, abbot of, 112, 236.
Redbridge, Rudbrigg, Rudbrigge [in Millbrook parish], co. Hants, 52 (pp. 39, 40).
-, ……, service of being bailiff itinerant in, &c., 133.
Redemane. See Redmane.
Redemar, Redmar, Redmer, Geoffrey de, of Out Newton, co. York, E.R., 143.
-, ……, John de, son of Alice atte See, John his son, 144, 145.
-, ……, Robert de, rector of a mediety of Stickford, co. Linc., 451.
-, ……, Stephen son of Geoffrey de, 143.
Redenesse, co. York, W.R. See Reedness.
Redenhall, Redenhale, co. Norf., 129.
Redghill, Ragel [in Winford parish], co. Somerset, 428 (p. 340 bis).
Redmane, Redemane, John son of Adam de, of Yealand Redmayne, co. Lanc., 514.
-, ……, Ellen wife of Adam de, 514.
-, ……, John son of Adam de, his sisters Margaret, and Elizabeth wife of Roger de Croft, 514.
-, ……, Matthew de, 675 (p. 457).
-, ……, Thomas de, 675 (p. 457).
Redmar. See Redemar.
Redmare, Redmar [lost town on the Humber, conjectured to have been in the parish of Owthorne], co. York, E.R., 144, 145.
-, ……, See of, q.v.
Redmer. See Redemar.
Redyng, co. Berks, abbot of. See Reading.
Redyng, Ralph de, 257.
-, ……, …., Joan his wife, 245.
Redyngersh, John de, 428 (p. 335).
Reedness, Redenesse [in Whitgift parish], co. York, W.R., 216 (p. 192).
Reepham, Refpham, co. Norf., 54 (p. 46).
Reghleye, co. Essex. See Rayleigh.
Reigate, Reygate, co. Surrey, castle and town, 54 (p. 45).
-, ……, prior of, 428 (p. 334).
Reines, co. Essex. See Rayne.
Relegh [co. Essex]. See Rayleigh.
Relevet, king’s court of, 303, 548.
Remenham, co. Berks, inquisitions taken at, 45 (p. 26), 70.
Rendcomb, Ryndecomb, Ryndecombe, co. Glouc., 56 (p. 61 ter).
Repps, North, Northreppes, co. Norf., advowson, 54 (p. 46).
-, ……, South, Southreppes, co. Norf., advowson, 54 (p. 46).
Reppyng. See Creppyng.
Repynghale, co. Linc. See Rippingale.
Repynghale, John son of John de, 219 (p. 210).
Resset in Ulverston, co. Lanc. See Roshead.
Retford, co. Nott., inquisitions taken at, 176, 294 (p. 266).
Retheresthrop, co. N’hamp. See Rothersthorpe.
Retherhithe, co. Surrey. See Rotherhithe.
Retheri, co. Glamorgan. See Rudry.
Rettendon, Retyngdon, co. Essex, 239.
-, ……, manor, 239.
Reve, Richard le, 393.
Revely, Thomas, 379.
Reveriis, Richard de, 417 (p. 318).
Reygate, co. Surrey. See Reigate.
Reymes, de Reymes, Robert, 240.
-, ……, Robert son of Robert, 240.
Reynald, John, 594.
-, ……, William father of John, 594.
Reynes, co. Essex. See Rayne.
Reynes, Thomas de, 393.
Reyny, Reyngny, Robert le, of Colwinston, co. Glam., 81.
-, ……, John de, knight, 244.
-, ……, John son of William le, 81.
Rhoscrowther, Ruscrouthour, Ruscruther, co. Pembroke, 118 (p. 117), 428 (p. 337).
-, ……, advowson, 118 (p. 121).
Rhythin, Ruthyn [in Llanilid parish], co. Glamorgan, country of, 428 (pp. 332, 342).
Riby, Ryby, Robert de, 471, 559.
-, ……, Joan daughter of John de, and of Amabel (Durny) his wife, 559.
Richard earl of Arundel. See Fitz Alan, Richard.
-, ……, Hamo son of, 427 (p. 327).
-, ……, Nicholas son of, 576 (p. 400).
-, ……, Plesencia daughter of, 219 (p. 206).
-, ……, Richard son of, 219 (p. 209).
-, ……. See also Fitz Richard.
Richardby, co. Cumb. See Rickerby.
Richemond, Richemund. See Richmond.
Richer, William, 124.
Richmond, Richemond, Richemund, Rychemond, Rychemund, earl of, 49 (p. 33), 107 (pp. 97 bis, 99), 290, 291, 582 (p. 404), 640, 657.
-, ……, co. York, N.R., honour, 113 bis.
Rickerby, Richardby [in Stanwix parish], co. Cumb., manor, 189.
Ridall, co. York. See Ryedale.
Riddlecombe, Rydelcomb [in Ashreighney parish], co. Devon, 103.
Rigmaden, Rigmayden [in Kirkby Lonsdale parish], co. Westm., manor, 675 (p. 457).
Rigsby, co. Linc., Ailby in, q.v.
Rihill, co. N’humb. See Ryle.
-, ……, co. York, E.R. See Ryhill.
Rihill. Richard de, 68.
-, ……, Henry de, 417 (p. 319).
-, ……, Richard de, his daughters Elizabeth, Margery, Christiana, Joan and Ellen, 68.
-, ……, …., his wife Elizabeth, 68.
Rillington, Rillyngton, co. York, E.R., church of St. Andrew, 671.
-, ……, Scampston in, q.v.
Rillyngton, John de, 585.
-, ……, Robert son of Thomas de, 671.
-, ……, …., John brother of, 671.
Rillyngton, co. York, E.R. See Rillington.
Ringbrough, Ryngburgh [in Aldbrough parish], co. York, E.R., manor, 650.
Ringwood, Ryngwode, co. Hants, hundred, service of being bailiff itinerant in, &c., 133.
-, ……, manor, 310.
-, ……, Bisterne in, q.v.
-, ……, North Ashley in. See Ashley.
-, ……, Westover in, q.v.
Ripe (formerly called Eckington), Heighinton, co. Sussex, manor, 428 (p. 331).
Ripley, Rippele [in Sopley parish], co. Hants, 52 (p. 39).
Riplingham, Rippingham [in Rowley parish], co. York, E.R., 219 (p. 206).
Rippele, co. Hants. See Ripley.
Rippingale, Repynghale, co. Linc., 219 (pp. 205, 209).
Rippingham, co. York, E.R. See Riplingham.
Ripple, co. Worc., Queenhill in, q.v.
Ripton, Rypton, co. Hunt., 436.
-, ……, Robert le Vernoun of. See Vernoun.
-, ……, Abbot’s, co. Hunt., 436.
-, ……, …., manor, abbot of Ramsey’s leet at, 436.
Risby, co. Linc., Sawcliffe in, q.v.
Rise, Ryse, co. York, E.R., manor, 198 (p. 176).
-, ……, advowson, 198 (p. 176).
Riseley, Risle, Rysle, co. Bedf., 621.
-, ……, Hervy of, q.v.
Rissington, Great, Brode Rusyndone, Rusyngdon, co. Glouc., manor, 222 (p. 211).
Rithre, Rither, Peter de, chaplain, 219 (p. 206).
-, ……, …., parson of Kirby Misperton, co. York, N.R., 216 (p. 193 bis).
Rivenhall, Ruynhale, co. Essex, manor, 239.
River, co. Sussex. See Treve.
River, Ryver, Ryvere, Denise wife of John de la, knight, 12.
-, ……, John de la, 98, 218 (p. 198).
-, ……, …., of Tormarton, co. Glouc., knight, 12.
Road, la Rode, co. Somerset, 428 (p. 339).
Roath, Raath [by Cardiff], co. Glamorgan, manor, 428 (p. 331).
𠉭…, ‘le Blakepol’ in, fishery called, 428 (p. 331).
Robelyn, Robely, William, 118 (p. 120).
Roberd, Robert, John, 444.
-, ……, John, 572.
-, ……, Oliver son of John, 444.
Robert …, 393.
Robert bishop of Salisbury. See Wyville, Robert.
-, ……, Thomas son of, a bondman, 454 (p. 355).
-, ……, William son of, and Cicely his wife, 62.
Robert. See Roberd.
Robertsbridge [in Salehurst parish], co. Sussex, inquisition taken at, 601.
Roborough, co. Devon, Villavin in, q.v.
Roce. See Rouce.
Roch, Roche, David de, 119 (p. 130).
-, ……, John de la, 420.
-, ……, …., his daughter Margaret, married to Thomas le Blount, 420.
-, ……, Robert de la, 118 (p. 121).
-, ……. Cf. Rupe.
Roche [in Maltby parish], co. York, W.R., abbot of. See Adam.
Rocheford, co. Essex. See Rochford.
Rocheford, Saier de, escheator in co. Lincoln, 603 (p. 419 bis).
-, ……, Walram de, 45 (p. 27).
Roches, Hugh de, 685.
-, ……, John de, 52 (p. 40).
-, ……, John le, Alice (de la Tour) wife of, 509.
Rochester, Roucestre, co. Kent, bishop of, 418.
-, ……, castle, 614.
-, ……, …., honour of, 428 (p. 328).
-, ……, prior of, 239 (p. 242), 287 (p. 260).
Rochford, Rocheford, co. Essex, 395.
-, ……, hundred, 104 (pp. 91, 93).
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 395.
Rockbeare, co. Devon, Ford in, q.v.
Rockbourne, co. Hants, Rockstead in, q.v.
Rockcliff, Rouclif, co. Cumb., manor, 193.
Rockford, Rakford, Rokford [in Ellingham parish], co. Hants, 52 (p. 39).
-, ……, manor, 164.
Rockhampton, Rokampton, Rokhampton, co. Glouc., manor, 46.
-, ……, advowson, 46.
Rockingham, Rokyngham, co. N’hamp., castle, ward of, 116.
-, ……, forest, 178.
-, ……, manor, 180.
-, ……, Cotes by, 180.
Rockland St. Mary, Rokelond, co. Norf., 118 (p. 119).
-, …… St. Peter, Toftes, co. Norf., 54 (p. 46).
Rockstead, Rokesye [in Rockbourne parish], co. Hants, 52 (p. 39).
Rodberghe, Hugh de, 428 (p. 336).
Rode, la, co. Somerset. See Road.
Rodeneye, Rodeny, Richard de, 428 (pp. 338 quater, 339 bis, 340).
-, ……, Walter de, 428 (pp. 338, 339 bis, 340).
Roding, White, White Rothyngg, Whyterothyng, Whytrothyng, co. Essex, 337, 488.
-, ……, …., advowson, 337.
-, ……, …., Mascallsbury, Maskelesbury, in, 617.
-, ……, …., Merkes tenement in, 337.
Rodington, co. Nott. See Ruddington.
Rodmell, Rademeld, co. Sussex, manor, 54 (p. 45).
-, ……, Northease in, q.v.
Rodyton [? co. Glouc.], advowson, 56 (p. 62).
Rofford, Rufford [in Chalgrove parish], co. Oxford, manor, 205 (p. 184).
Rogate, co. Sussex, Wenham in, q.v.
Roger bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. See Northburgh, Roger de.
-, …… son of Nicholas, 62.
Rokampton, co. Glouc. See Rockhampton.
Roke, co. Devon. See Rook.
Rokeby, Thomas de, escheator in co. York, commission to, 45 (p. 27).
-, ……, …., justiciary of Ireland, 118 (pp. 126, 128), 582 (p. 405).
-, ……, …., Luncle, 198 (p. 178).
Rokelond, co. Norf. See Rockland St. Mary.
Rokesdon, co. Bedf. See Roxton.
Rokesford, co. Hertf. See Roxford.
Rokesford, Thomas de, 219 (p. 208).
Rokesle, Rokesley, Rokesleye, Thomas de, 525.
-, ……, Joan de, daughter of John de Kynewaston, 42.
-, ……, Richard de, brother of Thomas, 525.
-, ……, Sarah daughter of William de, married to Bartholomew de Frestlyng, 428 (p. 328).
Rokesye, co. Hants. See Rockstead.
Rokford, co. Hants. See Rockford.
Rokhampton, co. Glouc. See Rockhampton.
Rokhull, John de, 679.
Rokingham, John de, 232 (p. 228).
Rokyng, Rokyngg, co. Kent. See Ruckinge.
Rokyngham, co. N’hamp. See Rockingham.
Rolandiston, Rolandyston, Christiana de, 454 (p. 355), 588.
Rolfe, John, 243.
-, ……, …., Nicholas his brother, 243.
Rollesby, co. Norf., 120 (p. 134).
Rolloure, Philip le, 123.
Rolls, the, keeper of. See Wollore, David de.
Rolves, Gilbert, 570.
Rome, journey to, 243, 592.
Romenal, Romene, co. Kent. See Romney.
Romeseye, co. Hants, abbess of. See Romsey.
Romeseye, Walter de, 97.
Romesye, co. Hants, abbess of. See Romsey.
Romeyn. See Romyn.
Romney, Romenal, Romene, co. Kent, marsh, Demechirche in. See Dymchurch.
-, ……, …., Seint Maricherche in. See St. Mary in the Marsh.
Romsey, Romeseye, Romesye, co. Hants, abbess of, 546, 564.
-, ……, Stanbridge in, q.v.
-, ……, Wools in, q.v.
Romyn, Romeyn, Henry, 141.
-, ……, Joan wife of Henry, 142.
-, ……, Edmund son of Henry, 141.
-, ……, Henry, 52 (p. 41).
-, ……, John, 141.
Rook, West Roke, Westrok, Westroke [in Cornwood parish], co. Devon, 59 (p. 67).
Rook, Rugog [in St. Kew parish], co. Cornw., 108.
-, ……, manor, 108.
Roos, Ros, Rosse, Ros in Holdernesse, co. York, E.R., 45 (p. 27).
-, ……, manor, 45 (pp. 27, 28).
Roos. See Ros.
Ros, co. Heref. See Ross.
-, ……, co. York, E.R. See Roos.
Ros, Roos, Margaret de, 216.
-, ……, Richard de, knight, 650.
-, ……, William son of William de, of Helmsley, 593.
-, ……, George de, knight, 216 (p. 193 bis).
-, ……, James de, knight, 593.
-, ……, …., John son of, 593.
-, ……, John de, knight, 423.
-, ……, …., knight, husband of Margaret, 216 (pp. 192, 193).
-, ……, Margaret de, 71, 217 (pp. 193, 195).
-, ……, …., her son Philip. See Despenser.
-, ……, Richard de, John son of Richard son of, 650.
-, ……, …., Joan his wife, 650.
-, ……, …., …., their son William, 650.
-, ……, Robert de, 417 (p. 318).
-, ……, Thomas de, 74 bis.
-, ……, William de, 227, 592.
-, ……, …., Margery wife of, eldest sister of Giles de Badelesmere, 56 (pp. 56, 64), 119 (p. 131), 571.
-, ……, …., of Helmsley, co. York, N.R., 51 (p. 36), 98, 119 (p. 131), 248, 338, 387, 450, 512, 513, 531, 536, 545, 571, 584, 585, 586, 587, 593, 646, 647.
-, ……, …., …., Margaret his wife, afterwards the wife of Thomas Darundell, 650.
-, ……, …., …., knight, 45 (p. 27), 216 (p. 193), 656.
-, ……, …., …., knight, Margery wife of, 45 (pp. 27, 28), 71, 531.
-, ……, …., …., Thomas son of, 216 (p. 193).
-, ……, …., …., William son of, 45 (p. 27), 216 (p. 193), 286, 542, 671.
-, ……, lady de, lady of, 94, 593.
-, ……, lord of, 362, 593.
Rosedale, Rossedal [in Lastingham parish], co. York, N.R., priory, advowson of, 219 (p. 207).
Roshead, Resset in Ulverston [in Ulverston parish], co. Lanc., 48.
Ross, Ros, co. Heref., inquisition taken at, 118 (p. 124).
Ross Hall, Overrossale and Netherrossale [in Bicton parish], co. Salop, 432.
Rossale, John de, knight, 432.
Rosse, co. York, E.R. See Roos.
Rossedal, co. York, N.R. See Rosedale.
Rossel, Richard, 119 (p. 129).
-, ……. Cf. Russell.
Rossington, Rosyngton, co. York, W.R., advowson, 54 (p. 48).
Rosyngton, co. York, W.R. See Rossington.
Rotherfield, Rotherfeld, co. Sussex, manor, 428 (pp. 330, 334).
-, ……, Eridge in, q.v.
-, ……, Hamsell in, q.v.
Rotherham, co. York, W.R., Dalton in, q.v.
Rotherheved, co. Westm., 74.
Rotherhithe, Retherhithe, co. Surrey, 56 (p. 61).
Rothersthorpe, Retheresthrop, co. N’hamp., 350 (p. 289).
Rotheuel, Rothewell, co. Linc. See Rothwell.
Rothewell, Rothewelle, co. N’hamp. See Rothwell.
Rothwell, Rotheuel, Rothewell, Rothwelle, co. Linc., 418 (p. 320), 419.
-, ……, manor, 433.
-, ……, Malemayns of, q.v.
-, ……, Rothewell, Rothewelle, co. N’hamp., 294 (p. 267).
-, ……, hundred of, 294 (p. 267).
-, ……, …., bailiwick of, 56 (p. 54).
-, ……, manor, 56 (p. 54).
Rothyngg, co. Essex. See Roding.
Rottingdean, Rottyngden, co. Sussex, manor, 54 (p. 45).
Rouce, Roce, John (1), of Tooting, 635.
-, ……, John son of William, of Tooting, 517.
-, ……, John (1), and Avice his wife, 635.
-, ……, John (2), uncle of John (1), 635.
Roucestre [co. Kent]. See Rochester.
Rouclif, co. Cumb. See Rockcliff.
Roudiches by Derby, co. Derby. See Rowditch.
Rougemont (de Rubeo Monte), co. York, John de Insula of. See Insula.
Rougham, Rugham, co. Norf., 54 (p. 46).
Roughton, in Worfield parish, co. Salop, 152.
Rouhey, Walter de, 349.
Rouland, Haukyn, 383.
Rouley, co. York, E.R. See Rowley.
Routh, co. York, E.R., manor, 650 bis.
-, ……, advowson, 650.
Rowditch, Roudiches by Derby [near Derby], co. Derby, 567.
Rowe, Richard le, 591.
-, ……, …., Robert son of, 591.
-, ……, Thomas le, chaplain, 135.
Rowley, Rouley, co. York, E.R., advowson, 219 (p. 207).
-, ……, Bentley in, q.v.
-, ……, Little Weighton in. See Weighton.
-, ……, Riplingham in, q.v.
Roxford, Rokesford [in Hertingfordbury parish], co. Hertf., 219 (p. 208).
Roxholme, Roxham [in Leasingham parish], co. Linc., 216 (p. 191), 217 (p. 194).
-, ……, court at, 216 (p. 191), 217 (p. 194).
Roxton, Rokesdon, co. Bedf., 56 (pp. 57, 58).
-, …… [in Brocklesby parish], co. Linc., 216 (p. 191), 217 (p. 195).
Roxwell, co. Essex, Newland in, q.v.
Royston, co. York, W.R., Notton in, q.v.
-, ……, Woolley in, q.v.
Rubeo Monte, de. See Rougemont.
Ruckinge, Rokyng, Rokyngg, co. Kent, 303, 548.
-, ……, Harnhull of, q.v.
Rudbaxton, co. Pembroke, Fletherhill in, q.v.
Rudbrigg, Rudbrigge, co. Hants. See Redbridge.
Rudby in Cleveland, Rudby, co. York, N.R., parson of. See Wherleton, Thomas de.
-, ……, Sexhow in, q.v.
Ruddestan, co. York, E.R. See Rudston.
-, ……, Thorp by. See Thorpe.
Ruddestan, William de, 678.
Ruddington, Rodington, Rudyngton, co. Nott., 124.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 215 (p. 189).
-, ……, Palmer of, q.v.
-, ……, Shok of, q.v.
Rudge, the, Rugge [in Standon parish], co. Staff., 153 (p. 152).
Rudgwick, Ruggewyk, co. Sussex, advowson, 222 (pp. 213, 214).
-, ……, Howick in, q.v.
Rudham, co. Norf., inquisition taken at, 286.
-, ……, East, Estrudham, co. Norf., 54 (p. 46).
-, ……, West, Westrudham, co. Norf., 54 (p. 46).
Rudry, Retheri, co. Glamorgan, 428 (p. 333).
Rudston, Ruddestan, co. York, E.R., 678.
-, ……, Thorpe in, q.v.
Rudyngton, co. Nott. See Ruddington.
Rufford, co. Oxford. See Rofford.
Rugeley, Ruggeleye, co. Staff., 229.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 437.
Rugge, co. Staff. See Rudge.
Ruggeleye, co. Staff. See Rugeley.
Ruggeleye, Simon de, 229, 437.
-, ……, Humphrey son of Simon de, 229, 437.
Ruggewyk, co. Sussex. See Rudgwick.
Rugham, co. Norf. See Rougham.
Rugog, co. Cornw. See Rooke.
Runham, co. Norf., manor, 260.
Runton, Runtone, co. Norf., Bestone by. See Beeston Regis.
Rupe, William de, 118 (p. 120).
-, ……. Cf. Roche.
Ruschemere, co. Suff. See Rushmere.
Ruscrouthour, Ruscruther, co. Pembroke. See Rhoscrowther.
Rushford, Russhoworth, co. Norf., parson of. See Gonevill, Edmund.
Rushmere, Ruschemere, co. Suff., 120 (pp. 133, 134).
Rushton, Ryshton, Rysston, co. N’hamp., 118 (p. 122), 294 (p. 267).
Russell, Russel, John, 319.
-, ……, James, executor of William Ivel, of Caundle Wake, co. Dorset, 123.
-, ……, John, 219 (p. 210), 672 (p. 454).
-, ……, …., William son of, 672 (p. 454).
-, ……, Joyce, 219 (p. 205).
-, ……, Nicholas, and Agnes his wife, 319.
-, ……, …., …., their sons John, Edmund and Robert, 319.
-, ……, Robert, 218 (p. 198).
-, ……, …., escheator in co. Wilts, 120 (p. 134).
-, ……, …., parson of Strensham, co. Worc., 319.
-, ……, Theobald, knight, 336.
-, ……, …., his son Ralph, 336.
-, ……. Cf. Rossel.
Russhebrok, William de, 565.
Russheworth, co. Norf., parson of. See Rushford.
Rusyndone, Rusyngdon, co. Glouc. See Rissington.
Ruthin, Ruthyn, Rutthyn, co. Denbigh, Grey of, q.v.
Ruthyn, co. Glamorgan. See Rhythm.
Rutland, county of, shrievalty of, 56 (p. 59).
Rutthyn. See Ruthin.
Ruynhale, co. Essex. See Rivenhall.
Ryby. See Riby.
Rychemond, Rychemund. See Richmond.
Rydelcomb, co. Glouc. See Riddlecombe.
Ryder, Alice la, 294 (p. 267).
Rydon, Thomas de, 123.
Ryedale, Ridall, co. York, N.R., Malton in, q.v.
Ryhill, Rihill [in Burstwick parish], co. York, E.R., manor, 167.
Ryle, Great, Great Rihill in Cokedale [in Whittingham parish], co. N’humb., 417 (p. 319).
-, ……, Little, Little Rihill [in Whittingham parish], co. N’humb., 68, 417 (p. 319).
Rymbaud. See Kymbaud.
Ryme Intrinseca, Rym, Ryme, co. Dorset, 288, 552.
-, ……, Beauchamp of. See Bello Campo.
Ryndecombe, co. Glouc. See Rendcomb.
Ryngburgh, co. York, E.R. See Ringbrough.
Ryngburghneuton, co. York, E.R. See Newton, East.
Ryngeborn, Ryngebourn, Ryngebourne, William de, 643 (p. 435).
-, ……, …., escheator in the Isle of Wight, 413, 431.
Rynggewod, John de, and Jowetta his wife, 42.
Ryngwode, co. Hants. See Ringwood.
Rypton, co. Hunt. See Ripton.
Ryse, co. York, E.R. See Rise.
Ryshton, co. N’hamp. See Rushton.
Rysle, co. Bedf. See Riseley.
Rysome Garth, Rysum [in Holmpton parish], co. York, E.R., manor, 345.
-, ……, Thornton of, q.v.
Rysston, co. N’hamp. See Rushton.
Rysum, co. York, E.R. See Rysome Garth.
Ryvel, John, 219 (p. 208).
Ryver, Ryvere. See River.