Index of Persons and Places: E

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris, 'Index of Persons and Places: E', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 16 September 2024].

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris, 'Index of Persons and Places: E', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed September 16, 2024,

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, G. J. Morris. "Index of Persons and Places: E". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 9, Edward III. (London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 16 September 2024.


Ealdeheye, co. Kent. See Hay, Old.

Ealdyng, co. Kent. See Yalding.

Earde by Derteford, co. Kent. See Crayford.

Earl’s Barton, co. N’hamp. See Barton.

Easebourne, co. Sussex, Todham in, q.v.

Easenhall, Esenhull [in Monks Kirby parish], co. Warw., 539.

Easington, Essington [in Chilton parish], co. Buck., manor, 56 (p. 58).
-, ……, Esington, Esyngton, co. York, E.R., 144.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 145, 306, 625.
-, ……, Hoton in, q.v.
-, ……, Lockham in, q.v.
-, ……, Northorp in, q.v.
-, ……, Out Newton in. See Newton.

East Suttone, co. Kent. See Sutton, East.

Eastbourne, Borne, Bourne, Estbourn, Estbourne, Estburne, co. Sussex, 21, 158, 312.
-, ……, manor, 158, 428 (p. 331).
-, ……, Bat of, q.v.
-, ……, Medese by. See Meads.

Eastbregg, master of. See Canterbury.

Eastburn, Estbrunne [in Kirkburn parish], co. York, E.R., 198 (pp. 177, 178).

Eastbury, Estbury, Estburye, Isbury [in Lambourn parish], co. Berks, 237, 311, 443, 609.
-, ……, manor, 242.

Eastham, Estham, co. Worc., manor, Hulle in. See Hill.

Eastleach Turville, Estlech, Estlygh, co. Glouc., 56 (pp. 61, 62), 428 (pp. 332, 336).

Eastleigh, Leghe, in Lyminge parish, co. Kent, manor, 16 (p. 6).

Eastoft, co. York, W.R., Rainsbutt in, q.v.

Easton, North Eston, Northeston [formerly a parish, now in Arthuret and Kirkandrews upon Esk], co. Cumb., 232 (pp. 229, 231 bis).
-, ……, Little, Eystans and Turrim, co. Essex, 66.
-, ……, …., manor, 24, 214.
-, ……, …., advowson, 24 bis, 214.
-, ……, …., Hompark in, 214.
-, …… Maudit, Eston, co. N’hamp., 118 (p. 122).
-, …… on the Hill, Eston, co. N’hamp., manor, 234 (pp. 233, 234).
-, ……, Stone, Eston, Stonyaston, co. Somerset, 218 (pp. 197, 199), 428 (p. 340).

Eastwell, Estwelle, Welles, co. Kent, 614.
-, ……, manor, 421.
-, ……, advowson, 421.

Eastwick, Estwyk, co. Hertf., 219 (p. 208).

Eaton Socon, co. Bedf., Sudbury in, q.v.
-, …… Bray, Eyton, co. Buck., manor, 26.
-, ……, Water, Watereton [in Kidlington parish], co. Oxford, manor, 205 (p. 184).

Ebbesborne Wake, Eblesbourn Wake, co. Wilts, 397.

Ebbw Vachan, Eboithvaughan, Eboth Vaughan, Ebothvachan, Ebothvaghan, Ebwithvaghan, Ebwythvaghan, co. Monm., 118 (pp. 124, 125, 126).
-, …… …., manor, 118 (pp. 124, 125, 127).

Ebbw Vawr, Eboth Vaur, Ebothvaur, Ebwithvaur, Ebwythvaur, co. Monm., 118 (pp. 124, 125, 126).
-, …… …., manor, 118 (pp. 124, 125, 127).

Eblesbourn Wake, co. Wilts. See Ebbesborne Wake.

Eboithvaughan, co. Monm. See Ebbw Vachan.

Eboldeston, co. Kent. See Well Court.

Eboth Vaughan, co. Monm. See Ebbw Vachan.

Eboth Vaur, co. Monm. See Ebbw Vawr.

Ebothvachan, Ebothvaghan, co. Monm. See Ebbw Vachan.

Ebothvaur, co. Monm. See Ebbw Vawr.

Ebwithvaghan, co. Monm. See Ebbw Vachan.

Ebwithvaur, co. Monm. See Ebbw Vawr.

Ebwythvaghan, co. Monm. See Ebbw Vachan.

Ebwythvaur, co. Monm. See Ebbw Vawr.

Eccleshale, Ekeleshale, John de, clerk, 183 (pp. 166–168).

Eccleshall, co. Staff., Chatcull in, q.v.
-, ……, Gerrards Bromley in. See Bromley.
-, ……, Podmore in, q.v.

Eccleston, Great, Great Eccliston in Amounderness, Amondirnesse [in St. Michael on Wyre parish], co. Lanc., 367.

Echyngham, co. Sussex. See Etchingham.

Echyngham, James de, knight, 601.
-, ……, William de, 173 (p. 160), 615.
-, ……, …., son of James, 601.

Eckington, Ekynton, co. Derby, manor and advowson, 49 (p. 33).
-, ……, co. Sussex, now called Ripe, q.v.

Edelesbourgh, Edelesburgh, co. Buck. See Edlesborough.

Edelmpton, Edelmton, co. Middx. See Edmonton.

Eden, co. Cumb., river, fishery in, 193 bis.

Edenbridge, Edenbrigg, co. Kent, manor, 66 (p. 63).

Edeneworth, co. Somerset. See Edingworth.

Edgcott, Achecote, co. Buck., 56 (p. 59 bis).

Edgefield, Eggefeld, co. Norf., manor, 201.

Edgware, Eggeswere, co. Middx., manor, 107 (pp. 96, 97).

Edingthorpe, Edyesthorp, co. Norf., advowson, 54 (p. 46).

Edingworth, Edeneworth [in East Brent parish], co. Somerset, 46.

Edlesborough, Edelesbourgh, Edelesburgh, co. Buck., 26 (p. 12), 280.
-, ……, Northall in, q.v.

Edlingham, Edlyngeham, Edlyngehame, co. N’humb., 454 (pp. 355, 356), 588.
-, ……, Abberwick in, q.v.

Edmonton, Edelmton, Edelmpton, co. Middx., 100, 184, 402.

Edmund earl of Kent, John son of, 673.
-, ……, Margaret wife of, 234.
-, ……, Edmund son of, 673.
-, ……, …., Joan sister of, 673.
-, ……, Margaret wife of, her brother. See Wake, Thomas.
-, ……, …., her father. See Wake, John.
-, ……, …., John their son, earl of Kent, 234, 539.

Edmund brother of Edward I, 107 (pp. 96, 98).
-, ……, his son Henry, 107 (pp. 96, 98).
-, ……, …., his son Henry earl of Lancaster. See Henry.
-, ……, his son Thomas earl of Lancaster, and Alice countess of Lincoln his wife, 107 (pp. 96, 97, 98).

Edmund earl of Arundel. See Fitz Alan, Edmund.

Edreston, co. N’humb. See Adderstone.

Edward I, king, 49 (p. 32), 107 (pp. 96–99).
-, ……, his brother. See Edmund.

Edward III, king, son of. See Langley, Edmund de.

Edward prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall, earl of Chester, 103, 107 (p. 95), 108, 128, 199 (p. 179), 218 (p. 196 bis), 231 (p. 227), 235 (p. 237), 236 (p. 239), 379, 420.
-, ……, …., attorneysof. See Clone, John de; Gildesburgh, Peter de; Stafford, Richard de.

Edward, Geoffrey, steward of Humphrey de Waleden, 125.
-, ……, John, 349 ter.

Edwardstone, Edwardeston [co. Suff.], manor, 239.

Edwinstone, Edwyneston, co. Berks. See Idstone.

Edyesthorp, co. Norf. See Edingthorpe.

Edyndon, John de, and Agnes (Devenissh) his wife, 546.

Effingham, Effyngham, co. Surrey, 56 (pp. 60, 61).

Egele, John de, 383.

Egelton, co. Rutland. See Egleton.

Eggefeld, co. Norf. See Edgefield.

Eggeswere, co. Middx. See Edgware.

Egiston, co. Pemb. See Hodgeston.

Eglesfeld, John de, one of the heirs of John de Crokedayk, 232 (pp. 229–231).

Eglesthorp, John de, 219 (p. 206).

Egleton, Egelton, co. Rutland, 56 (p. 60).

Eglingham, co. N’humb., Brandon in, q.v.
-, ……, Branton in, q.v.

Egremont, co. Cumb., borough and market, 582 (p. 404).
-, ……, manor, 582 (pp. 404, 406).

Ehen, Eygne, the river, co. Cumb., fishery in, 582 (p. 404).

Eillesford, co. Kent. See Aylesford.

Ekeleshale. See Eccleshale.

Ekeney, John de, chaplain, 100.

Ekfletburgh, Adam de, 54 (p. 53).

Ekynton, co. Derby. See Eckington.

Eland, John de, knight, 54 (p. 50).

Elberton, Ailberton, co. Glouc., manor, 46.

Elbury [in Churston Ferrers parish], co. Devon. See Allebourne (?).

Elcombe, Elecombe, Elecoumbe [in Wroughton parish], co. Wilts, manor, 128.

Eldelyn. See Oldelyn.

Eldersfield, Eldresfelde, co. Worc., manor, 428 (p. 334).
-, ……, Coldresfeld [co. Worc., stated to be co. Glouc.], 56 (p. 62).

Eldyng, Eldynge, Eldyngge, co. Kent. See Yalding.

Eleanor queen of Henry II, her brother. See Castell’, Goscelinus.

Elecombe, Elecoumbe, co. Wilts. See Elcombe.

Eley, the river. See Ely.

Eling, Elyngge, co. Hants, 133.
-, ……, Ipley in, q.v.

Elizabeth countess of Northampton. See Bohun.

Elkham, John de, 222 (p. 214).

Elkyngtone, Robert de, attorney of Mary countess of Norfolk, 120 (p. 133).

Ellastone, co. Staff., Wootton in, q.v.

Elleneston, co. Somerset. See Elston Combe.

Ellenhall, Ellenhale, co. Staff., lord of. See Ferariis, Ralph de.

Ellesborough, Eselburgh, Esulbourgh, Esulburgh, co. Buck., 173 (p. 160), 615.

Ellesmere, co. Salop, 290.
-, ……, hundred, 290.
-, ……, market, 290.
-, ……, Colemere in, q.v.

Ellingham, co. Hants, Rockford in, q.v.
-, ……, Elyngham, co. Norf., 631.
-, ……, Elyngham, co. N’humb., 211.

Ellisfield, Elsefeld, Ulsefeld, co. Hants, 52 (p. 40).

Elloughton, co. York, E.R., Wauldby in, q.v.

Elmdon, Elmedon, co. Essex, manor, 638.

Elmsted, Elmestede, co. Kent, manor, 140.

Elnothynton, co. Kent. See Allington.

Elnothynton, William de, 52 (p. 42).

Elsefeld, co. Hants. See Ellisfield.
-, ……, co. Oxford. See Elsfield.

Elsefeld, Joan de, 205 (p. 184).

Elsfield, Elsefeld, co. Oxford, manor, 205 (p. 184).

Elsham, co. Linc., 216 (p. 191), 217 (p. 195).
-, ……, prior of, 216 (p. 191), 217 (p. 195).

Elsing, Elssing, Elsyng, Ensyng, co. Norf., 54 (p. 46).
-, ……, manor, 47, 188.

Elstanewyk, co. York, E.R. See Elstronwick.

Elston Combe, Elleneston [in Yeovil parish], co. Somerset, 624.

Elstree, Idelestre, co. Hertf., 16 (p. 6).

Elstronwick, Alstanwyk, Elstanewyk [in Humbleton parish], co. York, E.R., 219 (p. 206), 350 (p. 289).

Elswick, Elstwik [by Newcastle on Tyne], co. N’humb., 211.

Elsyng, co. Norf. See Elsing.

Eltham, co. Kent, 56 (p. 63 bis).

Eltham, John de, earl of Cornwall, 380.

Elvetham, co. Hants, 652.

Ely, co. Camb., bishop of, 18, 104 (p. 92), 239 bis.
-, ……, ….. See Hothum, John de.
-, ……, Thomas bishop of. See Insula, Thomas de.
-, ……, prior of, 380, 562.
-, ……, Eley, the river, co. Glamorgan, fishery in, 428 (p. 333).

Elyngge, co. Hants. See Eling.

Elyngge, John de, 133.
-, ……, John de, son of John, 133.

Elyngham, co. Norf. See Ellingham.
-, ……, co. N’humb. See Ellingham.

Elyngton, Roger de, 31.

Elyot, David, 118 (p. 120).

Emberton, co. Buck., 118 (p. 119).

Embleton, Emeldon, co. N’humb., manor, 39.

Emborough, Emenber, co. Somerset, 428 (p. 338).

Emeldon, co. N’humb. See Embleton.

Emeldon, Richard de, 61.

Emeley, co. York, W.R. See Emley.

Emelyngton, co. York, N.R. See Hemlington.

Emenber, co. Somerset. See Emborough.

Emley, Emeley, co. York, W.R., manor, 575.

Emma, Thomas son of, John son of, 306.
-, ……, Walter son of, 219 (p. 205).

Empnesworth, co. Hants. See Emsworth.

Emsworth, Empnesworth [in Warblington parish], co. Hants, court of, 141.
-, ……, manor, 546.

Enborne, Knobourn, co. Berks, 56 (p. 62).

Endrerby, co. Linc. See Anderby.

Enefeld, co. Middx. See Enfield.

Enefeld, John de, 184.
-, ……, John de, and Margaret his wife, 184.
-, ……, …., Francis his son, 184.

Enfield, Enefeld, co. Middx., 184, 402.
-, ……, manor, 184.
-, ……, vicar of. See Hervey.

Engayne, Dengayne, John, 239.
-, ……, …., knight, 142.

Englishcombe, Ingelscombe, co. Somerset, 428 (p. 339).

Engliston, co. Monm. See Tre Saeson.

Ennerdale, Eynerdal [in St. Bees parish], co. Cumb., 582 (p. 404).

Ensfield, Yenesfeld [in Leigh parish], co. Kent, 56 (pp. 64, 65).
-, ……, manor, 183 (p. 169).

Ensyng, co. Norf. See Elsing.

Eppleworth, Eppelwrth [in Cottingham parish], co. York, E.R., 234 (p. 234).

Erde by Derteford, co. Kent. See Crayford.

Erecampe, John, 219 (p. 208).

Eresby, Erysby [in Spilsby parish], co. Linc., manor, 201, 451.

Erghes, Robert de (brother of Ellen de Santon), William son of, 619.

Eridge, Erugge [in Frant and Rotherfield], co. Sussex, 428 (p. 331).

Erleswode [near Caversham], co. Oxford, 428 (p. 329).

Erlingham, co. Glouc. See Arlingham.

Erlyn, Roger, of Fishtoft, co. Linc., 592.
-, ……, …., Joan mother of, 592.

Erreston, Herreston, co. Norf., 118 (p. 119).

Erringden, Airkeden, Hairekedon, Hayrkeden [in Halifax], co. York, W.R., park of, 54 (p. 48 bis), 102.

Ersedeken, Lercedekne, Andrew, 119 (p. 132).
-, ……, John, 428 (p. 336).

Ertyndon by Guldeford, co. Surrey. See Artington.

Erugge, co. Sussex. See Eridge.

Erysby. co. Linc. See Eresby.

Escote, Estcote, Giles de, 233 (p. 232).
-, ……, Hugh de, 116.
-, ……, Robert de, 110.

Escudemor, Peter de, 212.

Esdik, co. York. See Esedike.

Eseby, John de, 122.
-, ……, …., his brother William, 122.

Esedike, Esdik [in Wighill], co. York, 108.

Eselburgh, co. Buck. See Ellesborough.

Esenhull, co. Warw. See Easenhall.

Esington, co. York, E.R. See Easington.

Esk, the river, fishery in, 219 (p. 201).

Eslington. See Eslyngton.

Eslington, Eslyngton [in Whittingham parish], co. N’humb., 588.
-, ……, manor, 454 (pp. 354–356).

Eslyngton, Eslington, Esselyngton, George de, 454.
-, ……, Robert de (1), father of George, 454, 588.
-, ……, Elizabeth wife of Robert de (1), 454, 588.
-, ……, John de, 454 (pp. 355, 356), 588.
-, ……, Richard de, 54 (pp. 51, 52).
-, ……, Robert de (1), his daughters, Isabel, Elizabeth married to Gilbert Heron and Christiana married to William de la Vale, 454.
-, ……, Robert de (2), father of Robert (1), 454 (pp. 354, 356).
-, ……, …., …., his wife Christiana, 454 (p. 354).

Eslyngton, co. N’humb. See Eslington.

Esse, co. Devon. See Ash.
-, ……, co. Pemb. See Nash.

Esselyngton. See Eslyngton.

Essendine, Wissenden, co. Rutland [stated to be co. Linc.], 219 (p. 205).

Essex, earl of. See Bohun, John de.
-, ……, escheator in. See Walden, Humphrey de.

Essex, Thomas de, 260.
-, ……, Robert son of Thomas de, 260.

Esshe Reyny, co. Devon. See Ashreigney.

Esshefeld, co. York, W.R. See Ashfields.

Esshemersfeld, co. Kent. See Ashenfield.

Essington, co. Buck. See Easington.

Est, John, 670 (p. 450).
-, ……, Robert, 670 (p. 452).
-, ……, Thomas, 670 (p. 451).

Est Deone, co. Hants. See Dean, East.
-, …… Farle, co. Kent. See Farleigh, East.
-, …… Norton, co. Leic. See Norton, East.

Estaundon, co. Hants, Isle of Wight. See Standen, East.

Estbourn, Estbourne, co. Sussex. See Eastbourne.

Estbrigge, hospital of. See Canterbury.

Estbrunne, co. York, E.R. See Eastburn.

Estburne, co. Sussex. See Eastbourne.

Estbury, Estburye, co. Berks. See Eastbury.

Estcodeford, co. Wilts. See Codford St. Mary.

Estcote. See Escote.

Estdene, co. Hants. See Dean, East.

Estdene, Henry de, 52 (p. 41).

Estdepyng, co. Linc. See Deeping, East.

Estderham, co. Norf. See Dereham, East.

Estdeuelissh, co. Somerset. See Dowlish Wake.

Estfeld, William de, the elder, commission to, 54 (p. 50).

Estgeveldale, co. York, E.R. See Givendale, Little.

Estgrenewyche, co. Kent. See Greenwich, East.

Estgrenstede, co. Sussex. See Grinstead, East.

Estgrymsted, Estgrymstede, co. Wilts. See Grimstead, East.

Esthalsham, co. York, E.R. See Halsham, East.

Estham, co. Worc. See Eastham.

Esthamptonette, Esthamton, co. Sussex. See Hampnett, East.

Esthanneye, co. Berks. See Hanney, East.

Esthanyngfeld, co. Essex. See Hanningfield, East.

Estharpetre, co. Somerset. See Harptree, East.

Esthaytfeld, co. York, E.R. See Hatfield, Great.

Esthope, John de, 247.

Esthychenore, co. Sussex. See Itchenor.

Estillebury, co. Essex. See Tilbury, East.

Estlech, Estlygh, co. Glouc. See Eastleach Turville.

Estmedenia, co. Hants, Isle of Wight. See Medina, East.

Estmelegh, Estmeleys, co. Buck., 218 (pp. 197, 199).

Estmerton, co. York, E.R. See Marton.

Estmordon, co. Dorset. See Morden, East.

Estnesse, co. York, N.R. See Ness, East.

Eston, co. Cumb. See Easton.
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Easton Maudit; Easton on the Hill.
-, ……, co. Somerset. See Easton, Stone.
-, ……, Nether, co. Somerset, 428 (p. 339).

Eston, Robert de, 232 (p. 229).

Estperet, co. Somerset. See Parrett.

Estrange, le. See Lestrange.

Estrasyn, co. Linc. See Rasen, Market.

Estrudham, co. Norf. See Rudham, East.

Estsmethefeld, co. Middx. See London, Smithfield, East.

Estsutton, co. Kent. See Sutton, East.

Estuderle, co. Hants. See Tytherley, East.

Estwelle, co. Kent. See Eastwell.

Estwode [near Bildeston], co. Suff., wood, 66.

Estwode, William., and Joan (le Cok) his wife, 246.

Estworldham, co. Hants. See Worldham, East.

Estwydehay, co. Hants. See Woodhay, East.

Estwyk, co. Hertf. See Eastwick.

Esulbourgh, Esulburgh, co. Buck. See Ellesborough.

Esyngton, co. York, E.R. See Easington.

Etardby, co. Cumb. See Etterby.

Etchingham, Echyngham, co. Sussex, manor, 601.

Etherdwick, Etherdwyk [in Aldbrough parish], co. York, E.R., 226 (pp. 219, 220), 257.

Etherdwyk, Richard son of Stephen de, 257.
-, ……, …., John his son, 257.

Eton, Eyton, Eytone, co. Buck., 426 (pp. 324–326).
-, …… by Leomynster, co. Heref. See Eyton.
-, ……, co. Warw. See Nuneaton.

Etterby, Etardby [in Stanwix parish], co. Cumb., 386.

Etton, co. York, E.R., 219 (p. 206).
-, ……, advowson, 219 (p. 207).

Etton, Lawrence de, 219 (p. 206).

Eustace, John, 106.

Euston, Eustone, co. Suff., advowson, 352.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 641.
-, ……, Little Hall, Lytelhalle, manor in, 352.

Evenyng, John, 312.
-, ……, Isabel daughter of John, married to Geoffrey de Sonynggelegh, 312.
-, ……, …., …., their son John, 312.
-, ……, John, 158.

Evere, co. Buck. See Iver.

Eversholt, Everesholt, co. Bedf., inquisition taken at, 544.

Eversley, co. Hants, Bramshill in, q.v.

Evesham, William de, 632.
-, ……, …., his sisters. See Heynes; Sheperherde.
-, ……, John de, 428 (p. 331).

Ewcross, Youcros, co. York, W.R., wapentake, 417 (p. 318).

Ewelle, Eleanor de, 315.

Ewelme, le Ewelme, co. Oxford, advowson, 570.
-, ……, ‘le Spenseres fee,’ manor in, 570.

Ewhurst, Iwehurst, Iwerst, co. Hants, 52 (p. 39).

Ewshott, Iweshute [in Crondall parish], co. Hants, 652.

Exbury, co. Hants, Lepe in, q.v.

Exchequer, treasurer and barons of, 426 (p. 325), 454 (p. 356), 603 (p. 419).
-, ……, treasurer and chamberlains of, 126.

Exe, Nitherexe [in Week St. Mary parish], co. Cornw., 108.

Exemuth, Exmiwe, Exmue, Exmuwe, John de, 19, 461, 555.
-, ……, Clemence daughter of John de, 461, 555.
-, ……, John de, son of John, 19.

Exeter, co. Devon, 59 (p. 67).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 38, 65, 90, 103, 109, 137, 162, 164, 218 (p. 198), 326, 343, 344, 428 (pp. 330, 335).
-, ……, the king’s gaol, service of keeping, &c., 38.

Exford, co. Somerset, 334.

Exmiwe, Exmue, Exmuwe. See Exemuth.

Exning, Exnyngg, Ixennyng, Ixnynge, co. Suff., 286.
-, ……, manor, 423.
-, ……, vicar of. See John.

Exton, co. Rutland, manor, 558.

Eye, del Eye, co. Suff., honour, 107 (p. 99), 290, 291, 380.
-, ……, ward of, a rent, 380.

Eygne, the river. See Ehen.

Eylesford, Gerard de, 16 (p. 6).

Eynerdal, co. Cumb. See Ennerdale.

Eynesbury, co. Hunt., 186.

Eynsford, Eynesford, co. Kent, manor, 16 (p. 6).
-, ……, Pedham in, q.v.

Eynycourt, de. See Deyncourt.

Eyr, le Leyr, William, 622.
-, ……, Edith daughter of William le, married to William de Wyke, 622.
-, ……, Martin, 41 (p. 21).
-, ……, William, 44, 393.
-, ……, …., executor of Joan de Lymbergh, 63.

Eystans ad Turrim, co. Essex. See Easton, Little.

Eyton, co. Buck. See Eaton Bray; Eton.
-, ……, Eton by Leomynstre [near Leominster], co. Heref., 375.
-, …… [in Alberbury parish], co. Salop, 50.

Eyton, William de, 50.

Eytone, co. Buck. See Eton.