Index of Persons and Places: K

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Index of Persons and Places: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Index of Persons and Places: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly. "Index of Persons and Places: K". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III. (London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Kadelegh, co. Devon. See Cadeleigh.

Kallyngton, co. Cornw. See Callington.

Kampesy, co. Suff. See Campsea Ash.

Kantuar’. See Canterbury.

Karesbrok, co. Hants, Isle of Wight. See Carisbrook.

Karliolo. See Carliolo.

Kaux, co. Salop. See Cause.

Kaylesthorp, Kaylesthorp by Louth, co. Linc. See Calcethorpe.

Kaynes. See Keynes.

Kayngham, co. York, E.R. See Keyingham.

Kayngsham, co. Somerset, abbot of. See Keynsham.

Kaynho, co. Bedf. See Cainhoe.

Kebe, John brother of Nicholas, chaplain, 715.
-, ……, Nicholas, chaplain, vicar of Swavesey, co. Camb., 715.

Kechenehalle, co. Essex. See Kitchen Hall.

Kechenore, co. Sussex. See Kitchenhour.

Kechynghall, co. Bedf. See Kitchen Hall.

Keelby, Keleby, co. Linc., 665.
-, ……, Coatham in, q.v.

Keeper of England, writ tested by, 688.
-, ……, ……. See also Edward.

Keisby, Kyseby [in Lavington parish], co. Linc., 271 (p. 193).

Kelby, Keleby, co. Linc., 271 (p. 193).

Keldelyth, William de, 61.

Kele, Robert de, 65.

Keleby, co. Linc. See Keelby; Kelby.

Kelfield, Kelkfeld [in Stillingfleet parish], co. York, E.R., 43 (p. 18).

Kelleshull, Robert de, and Eleanor his wife, 424.

Kellevedene, co. Essex. See Kelvedon.

Kellevedene, Beatrice wife of John de, 660.

Kelling co. Norf., manor, 182 (p. 115).
-, ……, advowson, 182 (p. 115).

Kellweden, co. Essex. See Kelvedon.

Kelly, John, John de, 45, 532 (p. 388).

Kelly, co. Devon, Winbrook in, q.v.

Kelmarsh, Keylmersh, co. N’hamp., little manor, 135.

Kelstern, co. Linc., 271 (p. 191).

Kelvedon, Kellevedene, Kellweden, Kelveden, co. Essex, 188 bis, 660.
-, ……, leet, 660.
-, ……, manor, 259, 660.

Kelyngwyk (sic), co. Worc. See Kenswick.

Kembesshete, co. Hants. See Kempshot.

Kemeton, co. Hertf. See Kimpton.

Kemmeys, Louis de, parson of Combe Martin, co. Devon, 397 (p. 270).
-, ……. See also Camoys.

Kempley, Kempele, co. Glouc., manor, 391 (p. 261).

Kempsford, Kynemaresforde, co. Glouc., manor, 601.

Kempshot, Kembesshete [in Winslade parish], co. Hants, 82 (p. 52).

Kenardington, Kenardynton, co. Kent, 307.

Kendal, Kendale, Kirkby, Kirkeby, Kyrkby, Kyrkeby, in Kendale, co. Westm., 277 (p. 201), 516, 525.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 172 (p. 105), 454, 525.
-, ……, manor, 462 (p. 306).
-, ……, Brundrigg in, q.v.
-, ……, Helsington in, q.v.
-, ……, Hugill in, q.v.
-, ……, Kentmere in, q.v.
-, ……, Sadgill in, q.v.
-, ……, Sizergh in, q.v.
-, ……, Skelsmergh in, q.v.
-, ……, Staveley in, q.v.
-, ……, Whinfell in, q.v.
-, ……, Redeman of, q.v.
-, ……, Ros of, q.v.
-, ……, Ward of, q.v.

Kendale, Edward de, 185 (p. 141).
-, ……, Margaret de, 106, 185 (p. 137).
-, ……, Robert de, heir of, 129.

Kenebauton, co. Hunt. See Kimbolton.

Kenn, Ken, co. Devon, manor, 273 (p. 197).
-, ……, advowson, 273 (p. 198).
-, ……, [i.e. Carswell in Kenn], prebend of, in the chapel of the Blessed Mary in the castle of Exeter, 273 (p. 198).

Kennett, Kynete, co. Wilts, 529 (p. 376).
-, ……, Weston of, q.v.

Kenswick, Kelyngwyk (sic), co. Worc., 708.

Kent, escheator in. See Northo, William de.
-, ……, county court of, 463
-, ……, knights’ fees in, 82 (p. 53).
-, ……, sheriff of, 360.

Kent, countess of, 198, 272, 488, 567.
-, ……, ……. See Margaret.
-, ……, earl of, 666.
-, ……, ……, heir of, 51.
-, ……, ……. See Edmund.

Kent, John de, 474 (p. 340).
-, ……, Thomas de, prior of Merton, co. Surrey, 285.

Kent, river, co. Westm., fishery in, 525.

Kentbury, co. Berks, Titcoombe in, q.v.

Kentemer, co. Westm. See Kentmere.

Kenteshangre, co. Hants. See Shothanger.

Kentisbeare, co. Devon, Pirzwell in, q.v.

Kentmere, Kentemer [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., vale, 454.

Kenton, co. Devon, manor, 29.

Kenwyn, co. Cornw., Allet in, q.v.

Kepston, co. Sussex. See Kipston.

Ker, Robert del, chaplain, 596 (p. 430).

Kerby, co. Leic. See Kirby Muxloe.

Kerdeston, Kerdistone, Roger de, knight, 130.
-, ……, William son of Roger de, 130.

Kerdinton, co. Bedf. See Cardington.

Kerdiston, Kerdistone, co. Norf., manor, 130.
-, ……, advowson, 130.

Kerdyngton, Kerdynton, co. Bedf. See Cardington.

Kerkeby in Asshefeld, co. Nott. See Kirkby in Ashfield.

Kerkeby Fletham, co. York, N.R. See Fleetham, Kirkby.

Kermerdyn, co. Carmarthen. See Carmarthen.

Kerneford, co. Lanc. See Carnforth.

Kernet, Geoffrey, 529 (p. 376).

Kernetby, Margaret wife of William de, formerly the wife of Thomas de Lowther, 600.
-, ……, Roger de, 516.

Kersalton, co. Surrey. See Carshalton.

Kerswell, Carswell [in Broadhembury parish], co. Devon, a cell to the priory of Montacute, advowson of, 49.

Kesgrave, Kesegrave, Kessegrave, co. Suff., 151, 529 (pp. 375, 376).

Kessegrave, co. Suff. See Kesgrave.

Kesteven, co. Linc., Carleton in. See Carlton Scroop.

Ketelby, co. Linc. See Kettleby.

Keteryngg, co. N’hamp. See Kettering.

Ketilbergh, co. Suff. See Kettleburgh.

Ketilbergh, John de, 529 (p. 375).

Ketlebergh, co. Suff. See Kettleburgh.

Ketleston, co. Norf. See Kettlestone.

Kettering, Keteryngg, co. N’hamp., inquisition taken at, 597 (p. 432).

Kettleburgh, Ketilbergh, Ketlebergh, co. Suff., 529 (p. 375).
-, ……, manor, 121.
-, ……, advowson, 121.

Kettleby, Ketelby [in Wrawby parish], co. Linc., 474 (p. 340).

Kettlestone, Ketleston, co. Norf., 190.

Keu, le. See More.

Kewstoke, co. Somerset, Woodspring in, q.v.

Keyingham, Kayngham, co. York, E.R., 52.

Keymergh, co. Denbigh. See Kinmerch.

Keylmersh, Simon son of Ralph de, 135.
-, ……, ……, his son Simon, 135.
-, ……, ……, his wife Mabel (Amabilla), 135.

Keylmersh, co. N’hamp. See Kelmarsh.

Keynes, Caynes, Kaynes, John de, 238.
-, ……, William de, 504.
-, ……, William son of William de, of Faldo, co. Bedf., 35.
-, ……, John son of William de, 504, 593 (pp. 427, 428).
-, ……, Thomas son of John de, 238.
-, ……, William de, and Margaret his wife, 504.

Keynor, Kynore [in Sidlesham parish], co. Sussex, 82 (p. 51).

Keynsham, Kayngsham, co. Somerset, abbot of, 185 (p. 129).

Keythorpe [in Tugby parish], co. Leic., 91.

Kibworth Beauchamp, co. Leic., Smeeton Westerby in, q.v.

Kibworthy, Kybewortheheye [in Walden parish], co. Essex, 55 (p. 27).

Kidderminster, Kydermustre, co. Worc., manor, 667 (p. 495).
-, ……, toll of the town, 667 (p. 495).

Kidlington, Cudelynton, co. Oxford, manor, 122.

Kigbeare, Cadekebeare [in Okehampton parish], co. Devon, manor, 425.

Kilcot, Kyllcote [in Newent parish], co. Glouc., 175.

Kildale, Kildare, co. York, N.R., 582.
-, ……, Percy of, q.v.

Kilgath, Thomas son of Isabel de, 648 (p. 473).

Kilham, Killum, co. York, E.R., inquisitions &c. taken at, 140 (pp. 87, 88), 668 (p. 498).
-, ……, manor, 274.
-, ……, Swaythorpe in, q.v.

Killingholme, Killyngholm, Kylingholm, co. Linc., 124, 565.

Killingworth, Killyngworth [in Long Benton parish], co. N’humb., 140 (pp. 87, 88).

Killum, co. York, E.R. See Kilham.

Killyngholm, co. Linc. See Killingholme.

Killyngworth, co. N’humb. See Killingworth.

Kilmersdon, Kynemersdon, co. Somerset, 200.
-, ……, manor, 623.

Kilmington, Kilmyngton, Kylmeton, co. Devon, 396 (pp. 267, 268), 397 (p. 271).

Kilmynawith, John de, 648 (p. 474).

Kilmyngton, co. Devon. See Kilmington.

Kilnwick [by Watton], co. York, E.R., Bracken in, q.v.

Kilpeck, Kylpek, co. Heref., manor, 184 (p. 125).
-, ……, ……, lord of, 445.

Kilton [in Brotton parish], co. York, N.R., 277 (p. 201), 525.
-, ……, decayed manor, 277 (p. 201).
-, ……, little castle, 525.
-, ……, manor, 525.
-, …… Thorpe, Thorp [in Brotton parish], co. York, N.R., 277 (p. 201), 525.

Kilve, Culve, Kulve, co. Somerset, 470 (pp. 322, 324).

Kilvington, co. Nott., Alverton in, q.v.

Kilwardby, Culwardeby, Kylwarby [in Ashby de la Zouch parish], co. Leic., 112, 662.

Kimble, Little, Kynebelle, co. Buck., 139 (p. 84).

Kimbolton, Kenebauton, co. Hunt., manor, 55 (p. 26).
-, ……, market and fair, 55 (p. 27).
-, ……, Newtown in, q.v.
-, ……, Stonely in, q.v.
-, ……, Wornditch in, q.v.

Kimpton, Kumetone, co. Hants, 82 (p. 52).
-, ……, Kemeton, Kymeton, co. Hertf., 106, 376 (p. 250).

Kineton, Kyngton, co. Warw., inquisition taken at, 184 (p. 124).

Kingesbromleye, co. Staff. See Bromley, King’s.

Kingeston, co. Kent. See Kingston.
-, …… upon Thames, co. Surrey. See Kingston upon Thames.

Kinggeswalden, co. Hertf. See Walden, King’s.

King’s Clenden, co. Surrey. See Clandon, West.
-, …… Cliffe, Kyngesclyve, co. N’hamp., inquisition taken at, 491.

Kingsclere, Clerewodecote, Kyngesclere, co. Hants, 82 (p. 52), 171.
-, ……, manor, 274.
-, ……, Edmundsthorp in, q.v.
-, ……, Tidgrove in, q.v.

King’s coroner. See Gildene, Henry le.
-, …… treasurer. See Cusancia, William de.
-, …… treasurer and chamberlains, writ to, 229 (p. 169).

Kingsdown, Kynesdon, Kyngesdon, Kyngesdoun, Kyngesdoune [by Wrotham], co. Kent, 82 (p. 50), 185 (pp. 137, 144, 147).
-, ……, Chepsted in, q.v.

Kingsholm, la Kyngeshome [in St. Mary de Lode parish, Gloucester], co. Glouc., manor, 569.

Kingskerswell, Kyngescarswille, co. Devon, manor, 139 (p. 86).

Kingsland, Kyngeslone, co. Heref., lord of, service of summoning, to the king’s army, 493, 515.
-, ……, Lawton in, q.v.

Kingsley, Kyngeslay, co. Staff., 243.
-, ……, Whiston in, q.v.

Kingston Russell, Kyngeston [in Long Bredy parish], co. Dorset, manor, 291.
-, ……, Kingeston, Kyngeston, co. Kent, 185 (pp. 142, 143, 147).
-, ……, manor, 185 (pp. 131, 141, 142, 144, 147).
-, ……, advowson, 185 (pp. 136, 144 bis).
-, ……, Upheved of, q.v.
-, …… -upon-Soar, Kynston, co. Nott., 6, 145.
-, ……. ……, Ward of, q.v.
-, ……, co. Somerset, Hestercombe in, q.v.
-, …… Pitney, Kyngeston [in Yeovil parish], co. Somerset, 683 (p. 508).
-, ……. ……, manor, 683 (p. 507).
-, ……, Kyngeston, co. Surrey, hundred, 455.
-, …… upon Thames, Kingeston upon Thames, Kyngeston, Kyngeston on Thames, co. Surrey, 286.
-, …… ……, inquisition taken at, 667 (p. 491).
-, …… ……, men of, 667 (p. 491).
-, …… ……, ……, fee farmers of the king, 455.
-, …… ……, service of rendering to the men of, three cloves at the king’s coronation, 667 (p. 491).
-, …… ……, Coombe in, q.v.
-, …… ……, Ham in, q.v.
-, …… ……, Imeworth by. See Ember.
-, …… Kyngeston, co. Sussex, 170.
-, ……, parson of. See Rademyld, Richard de.
-, …… upon Hull, Kyngeston upon Hull, co. York, E.R., 596 (pp. 430, 431).
-, …… ……, burgesses of, town granted to, at fee farm, 596 (p. 430).

Kingstone, Kyngiston, co. Heref. 301.

Kingswood, Kyngeswode, co. Glouc., king’s forest, 263.

Kingthorpe, Kynthorp [in Apley parish], co. Linc., 474 (p. 340).

Kington, co. Heref., Bradnor wood in, q.v.
-, ……, Haywood in, q.v.
-, ……, Hergest in, q.v.
-, ……, West, Westkyngton, co. Wilts, 470 (p. 321).

Kinmerch, Keymergh, co. Denbigh, 532 (p. 388).

Kinson, Kynstanton [in Great Canford parish], co. Dorset, 688.

Kinver, Kynefare, Kynfar, co. Staff., 60.
-, ……, forest, 667 (p. 496).
-, ……, manor, 667 (p. 496).
-, ……, Clerk of, q.v.

Kipling Cotes, Kybelyngcotes [in South Dalton parish], co. York, E.R., 474 (p. 346).

Kipston, Kepston [in Hunston parish], co. Sussex, 82 (p. 51).

Kirby le Soken, Kyrkebi, co. Essex, 387.
-, …… Muxloe, Kerby [in Glenfield parish], co. Leic., 306.

Kirbythore, co. Westm. See Kirkby Thore.

Kirkandrews, Kirkcandres, co. Cumb., 53.

Kirkber, Kirkebergh [in St. Michael parish, Appleby], co. Westm., 527 (pp. 371, 372).

Kirkbride, Kirkebride, co. Cumb., manor, 53.

Kirkburn, Kirkebrunne, co. York, E.R., manor, 639.
-, ……, Eastburn in, q.v.
-, ……, Southburn in, q.v.
-, ……, Tibthorpe in, q.v.

Kirkby la Thorpe, Kyrkeby, co. Linc., 271 (p. 193).
-, …… in Ashfield, Kerkeby in Asshefeld, co. Nott., inquisition taken at, 113.
-, …… in Kendale, co. Westm. See Kendal.
-, …… Lonsdale, co. Westm., Casterton in, q.v.
-, …… ……, Egholme in, q.v.
-, …… ……, Middleton in, q.v.
-, …… ……, Rigmaden in, q.v.
-, …… Stephen, Kyrkby Stephan, Kyrkebystephan, co. Westm., manor, 531 (pp. 383, 385).
-, …… ……, Waitby in, q.v.
-, …… ……, Winton in, q.v.
-, …… Thore, Kirbythore, Kirkeby Thore, Kirkbythore, Kirkebythore, co. Westm., 22 (p. 8), 531 (pp. 383, 385), 534 (p. 391).
-, …… ……, advowson, 531 (pp. 383, 385).
-, …… ……, Temple Somerby in. See Sowerby.
-, …… Fleetham, co. York, N.R. See Fleetham.
-, …… Misperton, Kirkeby Misperton, co. York, N.R., advowson, 474 (p. 345).
-, …… ……, parson of. See Ritthre, Peter de.
-, …… Overblow, co. York, W.R., Sicklinghall in, q.v.
-, …… Ravensworth, co. York, N.R. Dalton in, q.v.
-, …… ……, East and West Hope in. See Hope.
-, …… Underdale, co. York, E.R., Garrowby in, q.v.
-, …… Wharfe, Kirkeby-on-Querf, co. York, W.R., manor, 274.
-, …… ……, North Milford in. See Milford.

Kirkbythore, co. Westm. See Kirkby Thore.

Kirkcandres, co. Cumb. See Kirkandrews.

Kirkdale, co. York, N.R., Beadlam in, q.v.
-, ……, Muscoates in, q.v.

Kirkebergh, co. Westm. See Kirkber.

Kirkebride, Walter de, 53.
-, ……, Richard son of Walter de, 53.

Kirkebride, co. Cumb. See Kirkbride.

Kirkebrunne, co. York, E.R. See Kirkburn.

Kirkeby in Kendale, co. Westm. See Kendal.
-, …… Thore, co. Westm. See Kirkby Thore.
-, …… Fletham, co. York, N.R. See Fleetham, Kirkby.
-, …… Misperton, co. York, N.R. See Kirkby Misperton.
-, …… -on-Querf, co. York, W.R. See Kirkby Wharfe.

Kirkeby, William de, 22 (p. 8), 89, 469 (p. 318), 474 (p. 334 bis).
-, ……. See also Kyrkeby.

Kirkeby Usburne, Kirkeby, Geoffrey de, 474 (pp. 333, 334).

Kirkebythore, co. Westm. See Kirkby Thore.

Kirkebythore, Thomas de, 22 (p. 8).

Kirkedrax, co. York, W.R. See Drax.

Kirkeham, co. York, E.R., priory. See Kirkham.

Kirkelevyngton, co. Cumb. See Kirklinton.

Kirkestede, co. Linc., abbot of. See Kirkstead.

Kirketon in Holand, co. Linc. See Kirton in Holland.

Kirkham, co. Lanc., Weeton in, q.v.
-, ……, Kirkeham, co. York, E.R., prior and convent of, 474 (pp. 332, 333).

Kirkland, co. Cumb., Blencarn in, q.v.

Kirkleatham, co. York, N.R., Coatham in, q.v.

Kirkley, Kreldawe [in Ponteland parish], co. N’humb., manor, 545 (p. 397).
-, ……, court at, 545 (p. 398).
-, ……, lord of. See Eure, John de.

Kirklington, co. York, N.R., Sutton Howgrave in, q.v.

Kirklinton, Kirkelevyngton, Levyngeton, co. Cumb., manor, 53, 527 (p. 371).
-, ……, Hedresford in, 614 (p. 458).

Kirknewton, co. N’humb., Paston in, q.v.

Kirkoswald, Kyrkosewald, co. Cumb., manor, 229 (p. 168).
-, ……, advowson, 229 (p. 168).
-, ……, Crindledyke in, q.v.

Kirkstead, Kirkestede, Kyrkestede, co. Linc., abbot of, 271 (pp. 191, 195).

Kirkwhelpington, co. N’humb., Great Bavington in. See Bavington.

Kirtling, co. Camb., manor, 112.

Kirton in Holland, Kirketon in Holand, co. Linc., 188.

Kitchenhour, Kechenore [in Peasmarsh parish], co. Sussex, 335 (p. 233).

Kitchen Hall, Kechynghall [in Pulloxhill parish], co. Bedf., court at, 35.
-, …… ……, Kechenehalle [in Harlow parish], co. Essex, 645.

Kitley, co. York, N.R. See Kydelhou.

Kiveton, Kyveton [in Wales parish], co. York, W.R., 13.

Klynton. See Clinton.

Knaptoft, co. Leic., Shearsby in, q.v.

Knelle, Edmund de, 335 (p. 233).

Knight’s Enham, co. Hants. See Enham.

Knighton, Kyngteton [in Bovey Tracey parish], co. Devon, 648 (p. 475).
-, ……, West, Knyghteton, co. Dorset, 177.

Knipton, Gnypton, co. Leic., 474 (p. 340).

Knockin, Knoken, co. Salop, lord of. See Lestrange, Roger.

Knolle, John atte, 82 (p. 52).

Knolle, co. Somerset. See Knowle.
-, ……, la, co. Hants. See Knowle.

Knollere, Richard, 189.

Knolton, co. Dorset. See Knowlton.

Knook, Knouk, Knouke, co. Wilts, manor, 185 (pp. 140, 145).

Knotingley, co. York, W.R. See Knottingley.

Knottingley, Knotingley, Knottyngley, Knottyngleye, co. York, W.R., 43 (p. 18), 546 (pp. 400, 401, 403).

Knouk, Knouke, co. Wilts. See Knook.

Knovill, Knovyll, Alice de, 657.
-, ……, Bogo or Bugo de, knight, 175.
-, ……, Bogo or Bugo de, and Joan his wife, 175.
-, ……, John de, and Margery his wife, 175.
-, ……, John son of Bogo de, 175.
-, ……. See also Basset.

Knowle, la Knolle [in Fareham parish], co. Hants, 628.
-, ……, Cnolle, Knolle [in Shepton Montague parish], co. Somerset, manor, 251, 532 (p. 387).

Knowlton, Knolton, co. Dorset, 139 (p. 84).

Knycht, Richard le, of Eaton Bray, co. Bedf., 477.

Knyghtesthorp, co. Leic. See Thorpe, Knight.

Knyghteton, Nicholas de, 536.

Knyghteton, co. Dorset. See Knighton, West.

Knyghton, John de, 395 bis.

Knyll, Knylle, Ralph de, 185 (pp. 135, 147).

Knyvet, Richard, 598 (p. 439).
-, ……, ……, commission to, 598 (p. 435).

Koc. See Couk.

Kocryde, co. Kent. See Cockride.

Kogeshale, Kogessale. See Coggeshale.

Kokefelde, co. Sussex. See Cuckfield.

Kokerell. See Cokerel.

Kokerington, co. Linc. See Cockerington.

Kornhampton, co. Hants. See Corhampton.

Kreklawe, co. N’humb. See Kirkley.

Kulve, co. Somerset. See Kilve.

Kumetone, co. Hants. See Kimpton.

Kybelyngcotes, co. York, E.R. See Kipling Cotes.

Kybewortheheye, co. Essex. See Kibworthy.

Kybus, John, 529 (p. 376).
-, ……, Ralph, 529 (p. 375).

Kydale, Adam de, 271 (p. 195).

Kydelhou [? Kitley in Arkengarthdale parish], co. York, N.R., vaccary, 335 (p. 231).

Kydermustre, co. Worc. See Kidderminster.

Kylham, co. Hants, 28.

Kylingholm, co. Linc. See Killingholme.

Kyllcote, co. Glouc. See Kilcot.

Kylmeton, co. Devon. See Kilmington.

Kylpek, co. Heref. See Kilpeck.

Kylwarby, co. Leic. See Kilwardby.

Kyma, Kyme, Simon de, 271 (p. 193 bis).
-, ……, William de, 271 (p. 194 bis).
-, ……, ……, knight, 465.

Kyme [South], co. Linc., prior of, 597 (p. 433).

Kymeton, co. Hertf. See Kimpton.

Kynaston, Kyneuarstone [in Much Marcle parish], co. Heref., 50.

Kynebelle, co. Buck. See Kimble, Little.

Kynefare, co. Staff. See Kinver.

Kynemaresforde, co. Glouc. See Kempsford.

Kynemersdon, co. Somerset. See Kilmersdon.

Kynesdon, co. Kent. See Kingsdown by Wrotham.

Kynete, co. Wilts. See Kennett.

Kyneuarstone, co. Heref. See Kynaston.

Kynfar, co. Staff. See Kinver.

Kyngescarswille, co. Devon. See Kingskerswell.

Kyngesclere, co. Hants. See Kingsclere.

Kyngesclipston, co. Nott. See Clipstone.

Kyngesclyve, co. N’hamp. See King’s Cliffe.

Kyngesdon, Kyngesdoun, Kyngesdoune, co. Kent. See Kingsdown by Wrotham.

Kyngeshome, la, co. Glouc. See Kingsholm.

Kyngeslay, co. Staff. See Kingsley.

Kyngeslone, co. Heref. See Kingsland.

Kyngesman, Adam son of Henry, 417.
-, ……, John son of Adam son of Henry, 417.

Kyngesmeburn, co. Westm. See Meaburn, King’s.

Kyngesneuton, co. Warw. See Newton Regis.

Kyngesstanleye, co. Glouc. See Stanley, King’s.

Kyngeston, Henry de, 66.

Kyngeston, co. Dorset. See Kingston Russell.
-, ……, co. Kent. See Kingston.
-, ……, co. Somerset. See Kingston Pitney.
-, ……, co. Surrey. See Kingston upon Thames.
-, ……, co. Sussex. See Kingston.
-, …… on Thames, co. Surrey. See Kingston upon Thames.
-, …… upon Hull, co. York, E.R. See Kingston upon Hull.

Kyngeswode, co. Glouc. See Kingswood.

Kynggeswode, John de, 608.

Kyngiston, co. Heref. See King stone.

Kyngteton, co. Devon. See Knighton.

Kyngton, co. Warw. See Kineton.

Kyngwodd [near Huntington], co. Heref., wood, 55 (p. 28).

Kynore, co. Sussex. See Keynor.

Kynstanton, co. Dorset. See Kinson.

Kynston, co. Nott. See Kingston upon Soar.

Kynt, Margery, 189.

Kynthorp, co. Linc. See Kingthorpe.

Kynttesthorp, co. Leic. See Thorpe, Knight.

Kyrkby in Kendale, co. Westm. See Kendal.
-, …… Stephan, co. Westm. See Kirkby Stephen.

Kyrkebi, co. Essex. See Kirby le Soken.

Kyrkeby, Elizabeth de, 176 (p. 108).
-, ……, Robert de, and his father William, 338.
-, ……, Roger de, 272.
-, ……, Thomas de, 59.
-, ……. See also Kirkeby.

Kyrkeby, co. Linc. See Kirkby la Thorpe.
-, …… in Kendale, co. Westm. See Kendal.

Kyrkebystephan, co. Westm. See Kirkby Stephen.

Kyrkestede, co. Linc., abbot of. See Kirkstead.

Kyrkosewald, co. Cumb. See Kirkoswald.

Kyseby, co. Linc. See Keisby.

Kyveton, co. York, W.R. See Kiveton.