Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 79

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 79', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III(London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 79', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III(London, 1913), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

J. E. E. S. Sharp, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 79". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 8, Edward III. (London, 1913), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 79

601. WILLIAM DE CUSANCIA, knight (chivaler).
Writ, 4 January, 19 Edward III.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. Monday after the Epiphany, 19 Edward III.
Wyke. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Dounameneye. The manor (extent given) held of the earl of Lancaster, as of the manor of Kynemaresforde, by service of half a knight’s fee.
He died on Sunday after St. Nicholas last. Peter his son, aged 15 years at the feast of the Purification last, is his next heir.
Writ of certiorari to John de Frelond, Walter de Ciryncestre, Robert Russel and Walter atte Bergh, on the petition of the king’s kinsman, Henry, earl of Lancaster, that, since Hugh le Despenser the father, by whose forfeiture the manor of Wyke came to the king’s hands, held that manor of another than the king, and those to whose hands that manor afterwards came ought of right to hold it by the same services by which it was held before it so came to the king’s hands, and since the manor of Dounameneye, late of the said William, and which is held of the said earl by knight service, the wardship whereof ought to belong to the said earl until the lawful age of the said heir, has been taken into the king’s hand by reason of the said inquisition among other lands &c. which were of the said William, the king would order his hand to be removed from the said manor; the sheriff of Gloucester has been commanded to cause a jury to come before them on such day and at such place as they may appoint; 30 January, 20 Edward III. By K. and p.s.
GLOUCESTER. Inq. Saturday after St. Mark, 20 Edward III.
Dounameneye. What is called in the commission the manor of Wyke is not a manor in itself, but a messuage and a carucate of land in Dounamaneye, called Dounameneyeswyk, and is parcel of the manor of Dounameneye. The said Hugh held the same in fee simple, before his forfeiture, of Margaret de Valers, then lady of Dounameneye, by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee, and not of another. The said lands &c. came into the king’s hand by the said Hugh’s forfeiture and for no other cause.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (1.)
NORFOLK. Proof of age, taken at Tirrington, 28 April, 19 Edward III (fragment).
Robert de Caustone, aged 60 years and more, says that the said Thomas is 21 years of age and more, and that he was born at Tirrington on Tuesday after the Annunciation, 17 Edward II, and baptized in the church of St. Clement there, when witness was present:
Geoffrey Coruner, aged 50 years, says the like, and this he knows because on Saturday next after the said heir’s birth he went to the school at Norwalsham and stayed there for a whole year.
John Wacy, aged 40 years and more, says the like, and knows it because Joan the wife of William son of Stephen died on Monday before the said heir’s birth, and the day of her death was noted in the calendar.
Simon de Schouldham, aged 58 years and more, says the like, and knows it because Roger de Schouldham, his father, was of the council of Thomas atte Lathe, the heir’s father.
Geoffrey B …, aged 44 years and more, says the like, and knows it because he heard by Robert de Caustone, who was dwelling in the place where the said heir was born …
… agrees, …
C. Edw. III. File 79. (2.)
Writ to the escheator in co. Berks; whereas the reversion of a messuage, four virgates of land and a water-mill in Shrivenham, which the said John held for life of the inheritance of Aymer de Valencia, sometime earl of Pembroke, who held of King Edward II in chief, was assigned in pourparty to Joan late the wife of David de Strabolgi, late earl of Athol, kinsman and one of the heirs of the said earl of Pembroke, as appears by inspection of the rolls of the chancery; and now David, son and heir of David de Strabolgi son and heir of the said Joan, is a minor and in the king’s wardship; the king commands him, as he has several times commanded, to make inquisition &c. without delay, under penalty of 40l.; 26 October, 19 Edward III. By C.
BERKS. Inq. 12 December, 19 Edward III.
Shryvenham. The said John, who held the abovesaid tenements for life of John de Garenne, earl of Surrey, by knight’s service, died on Sunday before Whitsunday, 7 Edward III, and Richard Talebot and Elizabeth his wife, kinswoman and one of the heirs of the said earl of Pembroke, entered, as of the right and inheritance of the said Elizabeth, upon the aforesaid tenements, after the death of the said John, at which time Davy de Strabolgy, son and heir of the aforesaid Joan who was the wife of Davy de Strabolgi, was surviving and of full age; and the said Richard and Elizabeth held the same for a year, and afterwards demised them to James de Wodestok for his life; against whom Joan, late the wife of Reginald le Fower father of the said John, recovered a third part of the said tenements as her dower, and died on the feast of St. Martin, 16 Edward III; and Helen, late the wife of the said John le Fower, who now survives, recovered in dower against the said James, of the seisin which the said John sometime had in fee, a third part of the said two parts; and the said James held the said tenement, except the dowers aforesaid, until the feast of the Innocents, 15 Edward III, on which day he died; after whose death the said Richard and Elizabeth re-entered upon the said tenements, except the dowers aforesaid, and demised them to Thomas de Hountele, together with the reversion of the dowers if they should fall in, who now holds the said tenements for life.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (3.)
Writ of certiorari, to the escheator in co. York; whereas on 4 June, 4 Edward III, the king committed to William de Hartlay the wardship of a messuage and four bovates of land in Northgevyldale, which Alice, late the wife of Richard le Alblaster of Northgevyldale who held of the king in chief, held in dower of the inheritance of the said Richard’s heir, a minor and in the king’s wardship, to hold until the lawful age of the said heir, rendering for the same to the king 12s. yearly at his exchequer, as is more fully contained in his letters patent; and afterwards, on 18 August last, the king took the homage of Ralph le Alblaster, son and heir of Walter le Alblaster, deceased, who held of the king in chief, who sufficiently proved his age, as was found in the proof returned into the chancery, for all the lands &c. which the said Walter his father held, and the king surrendered them to him and ordered their delivery, as appears by inspection of the rolls of the chancery; and now, on behalf of the said William, complaint is made that the escheator, on pretext of the said order of the king, delivered the said messuage and land, as parcels of the inheritance of the said Ralph, to the said Ralph, as kinsman and heir of the said Richard, yet nevertheless the treasurer and barons of the exchequer intend to levy the said 12s. yearly on the said William from the said 18th of August, to his great expense and injury, whereof he has prayed remedy; the escheator is commanded to inquire &c. and return what he finds therein; 25 April, 19 Edward III.
YORK. Inq. Tuesday after Holy Trinity, 19 Edward III.
Northgevyldale. A messuage and four bovates of land, which the said Alice held in dower as abovesaid, and which are of the inheritance of Ralph le Alblaster, son and heir of Walter le Alblaster, were lately delivered to the same Ralph, as kinsman and heir of the said Richard, by the escheator, by virtue of the king’s writ to him directed.
The said Ralph is next heir of the said Richard by hereditary right, because the said Walter his father was son and next heir of the said Richard, who was thus grandfather of the said Ralph.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (4.)
Writ, 28 January, 19 Edward III.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. 11 February, 19 Edward III.
Bassingburn. A messuage and 80a. land, and a bondman who held of the said Roger a messuage and 1a. 3r. of land, (extent given) held of the manor of Caxtone, of the lordship (dñacoñe) of Freviles; which manor of Caxtone Hugh le Fitz Symund, knight, holds for the life of Margaret his wife, sometime the wife of Richard le Frevile, father of John le Frevile who is now next heir, by homage and fealty and by service of 2s. yearly for sheriff’s aid.
He died on 2 January last. John his son, aged 16 years on the morrow of All Saints last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (5.)
Writ to the escheator, co. York; whereas the king has commanded his escheator in cos. Essex and Hertford, after taking her oath not to marry without the king’s licence, to deliver to the said Cecily her reasonable dower of the lands &c. that belonged to the said William in his bailiwick which, by reason of his death, were taken into the king’s hand, in the presence of the keeper of those lands &c. or of his attorney; the escheator is commanded to assign her a similar dower of the said William’s lands &c. in his bailiwick, and to send the assignment to the king to be enrolled on the rolls of the chancery; 23 October, 19 Edward III.
YORK. Assignment of dower, from the above lands &c. to the said Cecily, whom John de Clopton has married, made at York 23 November, 19 Edward III, in the presence of Edmund de Denum, attorney of Sir William de Bohoun, earl of Northampton, keeper of the said lands &c. by the grant of Lady Philippa, queen of England, to whom the king committed the wardship of all the lands &c. which were of the said William in co. York, to hold until the lawful age of Richard, his brother and heir, viz.:—
Est Boulton. The manor with all its services, rents &c.
Westboulton, Boulton Kellok, Wendeslawe, Dounum, Caldewell, Wermesworth, Waddeworth, Alverlay, Arkesay, Bentelay and Edelyngton. The manors and lands &c. which were of the said William with all their appurtenances &c.
All which manors, lands &c. are extended at 54l. 14s. 4d. yearly and are assigned to the said John and Cecily, as her dower of the said William’s lands &c.
Endorsed:—Enrolled on the back of the close [roll].
Similar writ to the escheator in cos. Warwick and Leicester, 24 October, 19 Edward III.
LEICESTER. Assignment of dower, 2 February, 20 Edward III, to the said Cecily, made in the presence of the said Edmund de Denum, and also in the presence of William le Scrop, parson of the church of Medbum, Hugh de Honynton, and other trustworthy persons.
Medburn. From 1a. land, 9s. 2d. rent from two tenants (named), and a quarter of a certain view of frankpledge yearly, there are assigned to her a selion of land of the said acre, viz. a third part thereof, lying in Mershdalefeld, near the land of Robert de Medburn and extending to the stream called ‘le E..,’ and 3s. 0 1/2d. rent of the aforesaid 9s. 2d. rent, for her third part, and a third part of the said quarter of a view of frankpledge yearly. There are no other profits there from which she can be dowered.
Similar writ to the escheator in cos. Essex and Hertford, 24 October, 19 Edward III.
HERTFORD. Assignment of dower, 22 April, 20 Edward III, to the said Cecily, made at Beiford by the consent of John, archbishop of Canterbury, and Bartholomew de Burghhassh, the elder, general attorneys of the earl of Northampton in England who has the wardship as above, by the assignment of jurors who have measured all the said William’s lands &c. viz.:—
[Beiford?] An ox-house, a little grange adjoining, a soler over the chief gate, a parker’s house (?) (parcheriam) with a stable, a third part of a sheepfold, a third part of a garden called Clerkeshawe, lands &c. (extent given with field names), and 1 1/2a. 1/3r. meadow in Beiford, for a third part of 2a. meadow in Berkhamstede, of 2a. meadow in Beiford, and of 3r. meadow in Hertfordyngbury, 1a. 1 1/3r. wood in Beiford and 2s. rent in Hatfeld.
[See Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III, 1346-1349, pp. 141, 142, where this assignment is printed in detail.]
Similar writ to the escheator of Rutland, 8 January, 19 Edward III.
RUTLAND. Assignment of dower to the same Cecily, made on Wednesday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 20 Edward III, in the presence of Sir John de Casterton, chaplain, keeper of the lands of Sir William de Bohoun, earl of Northampton, which were of William le Scrop, in co. Rutland, &c. (as above).
Casterton. All the houses on either side of the great gate extending to the highway of Casterton on the south side of the capital messuage, viz. a grange, a stable and chambers &c., rents of tenants, and lands (extent given with field names and names of tenants).
C. Edw. III. File 79. (6.)
Writ to John de Roches, escheator in co. Wilts; because the king considers the inquisition taken by him after the death of the said Oliver, touching the manors of Deone, Stupellangeford, Hampteworth and Codeford to be suspicious, because of the contradictions and variations found therein, he is ordered to be before the king in the chancery on the quinzaine of St. Hilary next, to give information on the contents of the said inquisition; 10 December, 19 Edward III.
Endorsed:—By virtue of this writ the within-written escheator came into the king’s chancery at Westminster in his own person on the quinzaine within-written, and was there diligently examined on a certain inquisition taken by him after the death of Oliver de Ingham, deceased, touching the lands &c. that were of the said Oliver, and returned into the chancery; who, having seen that inquisition, expressly said that that word Codeford, which was placed between the lines in the seventh line of the said inquisition, after the word Hampteworth, was not written nor placed there by himself, but he said that he took a certain inquisition, the copy of which is annexed to this writ, and he delivered it signed to one Thomas de Yippeswich, to be taken into the chancery.’
WILTS. Inq. Saturday after St. Dunstan, 19 Edward III.
Deone, Stupellangeford and Hampteworth. The manors (extent given) held in his demesne as of fee. The said Oliver gave to a certain John Roberd for his life, for his service and counsel rendered and to be rendered to him and his heirs, a yearly rent of 60s. from the manor [of Hampteworth]; which manor pays 2s. yearly at the hundred [court] of the county, and 2d. rent (to?) Adam de Grymstede.
The manors of Deone and Stupell[angeford] are held of the king in chief by barony, and Hampteworth [is held] of the bishop of Winchester by knight’s service.
Codeford. The manor (extent given); which manor, with the advowson of the church, Katherine, late the wife of John de Ingham, had by the gift of Oliver de Ingham, with the king’s licence, for her life, and by her charter granted to John son of Robert de Throp, knight, Robert de Marcham and John son of Robert de Ingham, with the king’s licence, for her life. The manor of Codeford is held of the king in chief.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (7.)
608. WILLIAM DE CHEYNY, knight, (chivaler).
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in co. Hertford, 3 November, 19 Edward III.
Endorsed: By virtue of this writ, I commanded the bailiff of the hundred of Oddeseth to cause eighteen good &c. men of his bailiwick, of the neighbourhood of Coddreth, to come before me at Coddreth on Saturday after the feast of St. Martin, to do what the writ requires. On which day the said bailiff returned to me the names in the annexed schedule, none of whom was willing to appear before me, except John de Kynggeswode and Nicholas Noreys. Wherefore nothing was done in execution of this writ.
Jury panel.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (8.)
Writ (missing).
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. 17 October, 19 Edward III.
Whytyngeham. Two parts of the site of the manor, 88a. arable and 8a. meadow in demesne, and 16 1/2 bondages, called ‘Husbandlandis,’ there and in Thrompton and Barton, and six cottages there, three cottages in Thrompton, another cottage there, two parts of a moiety of the mill of Whytyngham, and 40s. yearly rent from divers tenements of free tenants in Whytyngham, Thrompton, Barton and Glanton, held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a sparrow-hawk (nisi), or a moiety of half a mark, yearly, to be rendered at the king’s exchequer in the castle of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Robert de Eslyngton does the other part of the said service, viz. of sparrowhawk and half mark yearly at the said exchequer, for the lands &c. which he holds of the king in the said towns of Whytyngham, Thrompton and Barton.
Neddirton. Two parts of a moiety of the town held of William Heroun by service of 1d. yearly.
Great Ryhill. Two parts of a moiety of the town held of the heirs of Richard Fitz Rauf by service of 1d. yearly.
Little Ryhill. Two parts of a toft and 40a. land, held of the heirs of Henry de Ryhill by service of a pair of gloves or 2d. yearly.
Alburwyk. A cottage held of Alan de Belyngham by service of a rose yearly.
Joan, late the wife of Henry son of John, and mother of John Fitz Henri, holds in dower all the residue of the lands &c. which were of the inheritance of the said John Fitz Henri in the said county, rendering yearly to the said John or his heirs her pourparty of the services aforesaid.
He died in parts beyond the seas, towards the Holy Land, as is commonly said, in the island of Rodes, on 6 July, 19 Edward III. John his son, aged a year and a half, is his next heir.
Writ of certiorari to William de Thorp and his associates assigned to hold pleas before the king, commanding them to certify the alleged defects in the preceding inquisition, on account of which they have deferred and still defer process, 14 February, 22 Edward III.
Endorsed: The reply of William de Thorp appears in the annexed schedule.
Return (undated). It seems to the court that the inquisition, of which he sends a transcript, is defective in this, that it is inserted therein that John Fitz Henri held on the day he died in his demesne as of fee &c. two parts of the site of the manor of Whityngeham, not making mention that he was tenant of two parts of the said manor. It is also defective in this, that mention is made that he held 88a. arable and 8a. meadow in demesne there, and divers other lands and tenements, of the king by service of a moiety of a sparrow-hawk (nisi) or a moiety of half a mark yearly, to be rendered to the king at his exchequer in the castle of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, not asserting that they are parcels of the said two parts of the aforesaid manor, or of other tenements &c. Also, where it is inserted that Joan late the wife of Henry son of John, who was mother of the said John Fitz Henry, holds in dower all the residue of the lands &c. which were of the inheritance of the said John Fitz Henry &c. the inquisition is defective in this, that it does not declare how much is that residue, nor of what value, nor of whom each parcel is held, nor by what services, nor of whose gift &c. Also, it is defective in this, that in the end of that inquisition it is not expressly or distinctly asserted whether the said John Fitz Henry or the said Joan, on the day the said John died, held any other lands &c. in the same county of Northumberland of the king or of any other or not; and also it is defective in this, that the son and heir of the said John Fitz Henry is named in that inquisition John, son and heir of John Fitz Henry, whereas the proper name of that heir is Henry, as is said.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (9.)
Writ, 5 December, 19 Edward III.
YORK. Inq. taken at Weghton on Saturday in Whitsun week, 20 Edward III.
Yapum. He held a messuage and four bovates of land, which, together with two bovates of land in the same town which Cecily, late the wife of John Larcher erewhile deceased, holds in dower of his inheritance, are held of the king in chief by service of a seventh part of a certain serjeanty, the whole of which is held of the king in chief by service of finding a man with bow and arrows in the king’s castle of York, at his own charges, for forty days if there shall be war in the county, and by homage.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
He died on 24 August, 15 Edward III. John his son, aged 21 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (10.)
Writ to the escheator to enquire how much land the said Peter held &c. on the day he died, 17 January, 19 Edward III.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Midsomeres Norton on Tuesday before the Purification, 20 Edward III.
Never was there any Peter Peytevyn, a tenant of the king in chief or of any other, in the escheator’s bailiwick.
Similar writ, 23 May, 20 Edward III.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Frome on Monday the morrow of Holy Trinity, 20 Edward III.
Stony Eston. A messuage, two carucates of land, 6a. meadow and 50s. rent, held of the king in chief in free socage and by service of doing fealty to the king.
He held no other lands &c. in the bailiwick.
He died in 6 Edward I, day unknown. Bartholomew Peytevyn, son of the said Peter, was his next heir and died in 10 Edward II; and his son Walter, now surviving, aged 30 years and more, is the said Bartholomew’s next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (11.)
612. WILLIAM CORBET or WILLIAM CORBET, knight (chivaler).
Writ, 20 October, 19 Edward III.
HERTFORD. Inq. taken at Hich(in), 7 February, 20 Edward III.
Piriton. A moiety of the manor held jointly with Emma his wife, who still survives, as of the right of the said Emma by the grant of Thomas de Wassyngle, to John de Oddyngsels and the said Emma then his wife, and the heirs of the said John, of the king and his heirs by the accustomed services for ever, by fine levied in the king’s court in 10 Edward II, and by that king’s charter of licence granted in 9 Edward II. The said moiety is held of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of Ulverleye, which barony the said Emma now holds.
He died on 18 October last. John Corbet, his brother, aged 30 years and more, is his next heir in blood.
Writ, 20 October, 19 Edward III.
STAFFORD. Inq. 12 November, 19 Edward III (defaced).
Kingesbromleye. The manor (extent given) held for his life only, by the demise of Roger Corbet, knight, of Hadelye, his father? [ (fn. 1) who survives] by the king’s licence, with reversion to the said Roger. The said manor is held of the king in chief by service of a tenth part of a knight’s fee, and by service of rendering 4l. at the king’s exchequer by the hands of the sheriff of Stafford.
He died on the feast of St. Luke last. John Corbet, knight (chivaler), … aged 34 years on the feast of St. Michael last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (12.)
Writ, 26 September, 19 Edward III.
WILTS. Inq. 1 June, 20 Edward III.
Everle, Upcolyngbourn and Hanyndon. The manors (extents given) held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Date of death unknown. Henry, earl of Derby, his son, is his next heir and of full age.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (13.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 53.
Writ, 27 April, 19 Edward III.
HUNTINGDON. Inq. taken at Huntingdon 16 May, 19 Edward III.
Paxton. A plot containing 1/2a. land, 16a. land, the service of a bondman holding 1/2 virgate of land, and 2s. 3d. assised rent, held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Huntingdon, by knight’s service.
He died on this side the Purification, 15 Edward III. Reginald his son, aged nine years and more, is his next heir.
Writ, 27 April, 19 Edward III.
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bedeford on Monday after St. Matthew, 19 Edward III.
Wrastlingworth. A messuage and 60a. land, held jointly with Alice his wife, of Elizabeth, sometime the wife of William le Latymer, by homage and fealty and by service of 6s. yearly.
Wrastlingworth and Hattele. A fourth part of a messuage and 88a. land held of Joan, sometime the wife of John le Botiller, by homage and fealty.
He died on Friday before the Purification, 16 Edward III. Heir as above, aged 11 years.
Writ, 24 November, 19 Edward III.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Carlisle 10 July, 20 Edward III.
Gamelesby and Forneby. 5s. yearly rent from a free tenant in Gamelesby, and six messuages, twelve bovates of land and six cottages in Gamelesby and Forneby, a third part of two parts of the mill of Gamelesby, together with the reversion of a moiety of the third part of the said mill which Margaret, late the wife of John de Crokedayk, holds in dower, and the reversion of the other moiety of the third part of the said mill which Helen, late the wife of John son of John de Crokedayk, holds in dower; which tenements in Gamelesby and Forneby are held of the king in chief by service of 3s. yearly for cornage.
Burgh-on-Sands. A messuage, 18a. land and 2a. meadow held of Margaret de Dacre by service of 1d. yearly.
Grenrig in Caldebek. A messuage and 8a. land held of Thomas de Lucy by service of 12d. yearly.
He held no other lands &c. in demesne or in service in the county, but by hereditary right there pertain to him the reversions of a moiety of all the lands &c. which Margaret, late the wife of John de Crokedayk, holds for her life in Langholm, Neuland, Gamelesby, Gaytes[ka]les, Soureby, Sourebygill, Torpennowe, Bochardegate, Eston, Hedresford, Gryngledyk, Crokedayk, Brunfeld and Stubhill.
Of the day of his death the jurors cannot be sure, because he died in distant parts outside the county, whereof they have no knowledge. Heir as above, aged 10 years and more.
Writ to the escheator in co. Bedford, referring to the preceding inquisition and commanding him to take into the king’s hand all the lands &c. of the said John in his bailiwick and make inquisition what lands &c. he held and who have occupied them since his death &c., 1 May, 21 Edward III.
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bedeford 28 June, 21 Edward III.
Wrastlingworth. A messuage and 60a. land held jointly with Alice his wife of Elizabeth sometime the wife of William le Latymer by homage and fealty and by service of 6s. yearly; and a messuage and 88a. land held of Joan sometime the wife of John le Botiler by homage and fealty.
He died on Friday before the Purification, 16 Edward III.
Ralph de Tykesore, who espoused Alice, late the wife of the said John, after the said John’s death, holds the aforesaid messuage and 60a. land jointly with the said Alice, and they have received all the profits thereof from the time of the said John’s death. After that death, Joan la Botillere seized the above messuage and 88a. land by reason of the minority of Reginald, son and heir of the said John, because the said tenements were held of her by knight’s service, and assigned to Alice aforesaid a third part thereof, to hold as her dower, and occupied the [other] two parts receiving all the profits from the time of the said John’s death; and the aforesaid Ralph and Alice have received all the profits of the third part.
Heir as above, aged 15 years.
C. Edw. III. File 79. (14.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 53.
Writ (missing).
BEDFORD. Extent, Tuesday the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 19 Edward III.
Wardon. A messuage with a close adjacent, 10a. arable and 4a. pasture held of the king in chief, service unspecified.
She held no other lands &c. in the county.
She died on Thursday next before the Conversion of St. Paul, 18 Edward III. Heir unspecified.
E. Inq. p.m. File 9. (12.)
SALOP. Inq. made at Bridgenorth (Brugg’) — —, 19 Edward [III].
Ashfeld. A messuage and 30a. land held in dower after the death of the said Richard of the king in chief by service of 2s. yearly at the king’s exchequer by the hands of the sheriff.
Roger de Baggesore, his kinsman, aged 30 years at the feast of the Annunciation last, is next heir of the said Richard.
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 51.
LONDON. Inq. taken before the mayor, the king’s escheator, on Thursday after St. Mary Magdalen, 19 Edward III.
St. Andrews, Holbourn. A manor (house(?)) in the parish, which the said bishop used to hold for his own sojourn, and eleven shops pertaining thereto.
Fletestrete in the suburb. Two marks of quit-rent yearly from a tenement which Katherine atte Barre holds; and 16s. quit-rent from a tenement which the hermit (heremita) of Crepulgate holds.
Goderomelane. 12d. yearly rent from a shop.
He died on Thursday after the Translation of St. John the Baptist, 19 Edward III.
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 52.


  • 1. See Calender of Close Rolls 1343–1346, p. 632.