Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.
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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: W', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III(London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].
J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: W', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III(London, 1909), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,
J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: W". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. (London, 1909), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.
Wace, John, 243 (p. 178).
Wacelyn, William, 81 (p. 51).
Wacheleston, co. Kent. See Washlingstone.
Wachesham, Giles de, 82 (p. 68).
Waddesdon, co. Buck., Beachendon in, q.v.
Waddingham, Wadyngham, co. Linc., 628 (pp. 432, 437).
-, ……… . advowson, 628 (pp. 432, 437).
Waddington, Wadington, Wadyngton, co. Linc., manor, 82 (pp. 62, 63, 66).
Waddon, co. Buck. See Whaddon.
Wadenhoe, Wadenho, co. N’hamp., manor, 681 (p. 467).
Wadenhow, Wadenho, John de, 681 (pp. 464, 465, 466).
Wadfast, Wadefast [in Whitstone parish], co. Cornw., 462 (p. 238).
Wadington, co. Linc. See Waddington.
Wadling, Wodlynge [in Ripple parish], co. Kent, 104 (p. 93).
Wadyngham, John de, 628 (pp. 432, 437).
Wadyngton, co Linc See Waddington.
Wainfleet, Waynflet, Waynflete, co. Linc., 82 (pp. 63, 67), 300 (pp. 224, 232).
-, ………, manor, 82 (p. 66).
Wainhope, Waynhope [in Falstone parish], co. N’humb., 252.
Waith, Wathe, co. Linc., 107.
-, ………, manor, 82 (p. 66).
Wake, Joan, wife of Hugh, 228, 313.
-, ………, John, 611.
-, ………, Thomas le, Thomas de, 18, 81 (p. 53), 160 (p. 127), 628 (pp. 433, 436), 683 (p. 468).
-, ………, Thomas son of Hugh, 313.
-, ………, ………, lord of Liddel, 276, 300 (p. 232), 325, 559 (p. 392).
-, ………, William, 243 (p. 179).
Wakefield, Wakefeld, co. York, 82 (p. 57).
-, ………, court at, 604.
-, ………, market and fairs at, 82 (p. 57).
Wakeley, Wakele [in Westmill parish], co. Hertf., manor, 288.
Wakering, Wakeringe, co. Essex, 120.
-, ………, Great, Wakeringe, Wakeryngg, co. Essex, 146.
-, ………, ………, manor, 687.
-, ………, ………, market, 687.
-, …… . ., Little Wakerige, co. Essex, 146, 698.
-, ………, ………, manor, 687.
Wakeryngge, John de, 245.
Wakinton, co. Heref., 389 (p. 284).
Walche, John le, 482.
Walcote, Richard de, 300 (p. 229).
Walde, le, co. Sussex, 300 (p. 226).
Waldeby, John de, 392.
Waldegrave, John de, 356 (p. 257).
Walden, Waleden [co. Essex], abbot of, 519, 631, 679.
-, ……… ., Saffron, Waleden, Chepingwaleden, co. Essex. 630.
-, ……… ., King’s, Waleden, co. Hertf., manor, 230.
Walden, Waleden, Waledene, Andrew de, 631.
-, ………, Humphrey de, 340.
-, ………, Andrew son of Roger de, 340.
-, ………, Humphrey de, 300 (p. 232), 631.
Waldern, co. Sussex. See Waldron.
Walderton [in Stoughton parish, co. Sussex], 8.
Waldingfield, Great, Waldingfeld, co. Suff., manor, 502.
-, ………, Great and Little, Waldyngfeld, co Suff., 365.
-, ……… . Little, Waldyngfeld, co. Suff., 82 (p. 68).
Walditch, Waledich, co. Dorset, 240.
Waldron, Waldern, co. Sussex, manor, 155.
Waldyngfeld, co. Suff. See Waldingfield.
Wale, Lucy, 272.
Waleden, co. Essex. See Walden.
-, ………, co. Hertf. See Walden.
Waleden, Waledene. See Walden.
Waledich, co. Dorset. See Walditch.
Walemere, John de, 292.
-, ……… Cf. Walmere.
Waleton, co. N’hamp. See Walton.
-, ………, co. Surrey. See Wallington.
-, ………, co. York. See Walton.
Waleton, John de, 480.
Walewayn, John, 244 (p. 184).
Waleys, Richard, 81 (p. 53).
-, ………, ………, Eleanor his wife (formerly Brus), 356 (p. 257).
-, ………, ………, ……… . See Brus.
-, ……… See Walsche; Walsshe; Walche.
Walhop, co. Hants. See Wallop.
Walingford [co. Berks]. See Wallingford.
Walkefare, co. Essex. See Walkfares.
Walkefare, Robert de, 554.
-, ………, John de, 554.
Walkelyn, Geoffrey, 572.
-, ………, John, 572.
Walkfares, Walkefare [in Boreham parish], co Essex, manor, 300 (p. 231).
Walkyngham, John de, 81 (p. 54).
Walle, Roger atte, 297 (p. 220).
Walles, co. Glouc., manor and wood of, 78.
-, ……… Cailly in, 78.
Wallheath, Kyngeswalleheth [in Kingswinford parish], co. Staff., 307.
Wallhop, co. Hants. See Wallop.
Wallingford, Walingford, Walyngford, Wallyngford, co. Berks, castle, 97.
-, ………, court at, 128 (p. 104), 713 (p. 503).
-, ………, honour, 128 (p. 104), 297 (p. 218), 483, 531, 533 (p. 367), 557, 681 (p. 464), 687 (p. 477), 713 (p. 503).
Wallington, Walyngton, co. Norf., 243 (p. 178 bis).
-, ………, Waleton, co. Surrey, 647.
Wallop, Walhop, co. Hants, 244 (p. 185), 300 (p. 231).
-, ………, Over? Wallhop, co. Hants, 342.
Walmer, Walmere, co. Kent, 249.
Walmere, Joseph de, 249.
-, ……… Cf. Walemere.
Walmesthorp, Walnesthorp [co. Glouc.?], 710 (pp. 496, 497).
Walpole, Walpol, co. Norf., 283.
Walsche, Walisshe, John le, of Putton, 524.
-, ………, John le, chaplain, 246.
-, ………, Nicholas le, 524.
-, ……… Cf. Waleys; Walsshe; Walche.
Walsham, North, co. Norf., 82 (p. 67).
Walsham, Alexander de, and Margaret, his wife, 87.
Walsingham, co. Norf., 283.
-, ………, manor, 283.
-, ………, prior of, 296 (p. 216).
Walsopthorne, Walsopthorn, Walsepthorn [in Ashperton parish], co. Heref., 710 (pp. 496, 497).
Walsshe, William le, of Woolstrop, 207.
-, ………, Andrew le, 207.
Walter, Robert son of, 140, 450.
-, ………, ………, Joan (de Multon), his wife, 628 (pp. 431, 434–5)
-, ………, ………, of Woodham Walter, 104 (p. 92).
-, ………, Roger son of, 367.
Walter, son of. See Fitz Walter.
Waltham, Walthham, co. Essex, abbot of, 105, 300 (p. 224), 379 (p. 271).
-, ………, Great, co. Essex, manor, 305.
-, …… . ., Little, co. Essex, 277.
-, ………, co. Linc., 107.
-, ………, ………, soke of, 107.
Waltham, Roger de, 229.
Walthamstow, Wlcomestowe, co. Essex, manor in, 568.
Walton, Cardiff [co. Glouc.], manor, 339.
-, ……… on the Wolds, Walton, co. Leic., lord of. See Mallore.
-, ………, Waleton [in King’s Sutton parish], co. N’hamp., manor, 361.
-, ……… on the Hill, Wautone, co. Surrey, manor, 218.
-, ……… [in Agbrigg wapentake], co. York, 82 (p. 57)
-, ………, Waleton [in Sandal Magna parish], co. York, 604, 682.
Walwick, Walwyk [in Simondburn parish], co. N’humb., manor, 157, 252.
Walyngford. See Wallingford.
Walyngton, co. Norf. See Wallington.
Wanborough, Wambergh, co. Wilts, manor, 442.
Wandsworth, Wandlesworth, co. Surrey, 153.
Wangford, Wangeford [near Southwold], co. Suff., prior of, 160 (p. 129).
-, ………, Henham in, q.v.
Wanneworth, co. Sussex, 88.
Wanningore, Wannyngore [in Chailey parish], co. Sussex, 49 (p. 25).
Wapsbourn, Warplesbourn [in Chailey parish], co. Sussex, 49 (p. 25).
Warbelton, co. Sussex. See Warblington.
Warbelton. See Warblington.
Warbleton, Warbelton, Warblington, co. Sussex, 625 (p. 427).
-, ………, manor, 474.
Warblington, Warblyngton, Warbelson, John de, 474.
-, ………, John de, 288.
-, ………, ………, and Margaret his wife, 474.
-, ………, ………, son of John, 474.
-, ………, Philip de, son of John, 474.
-, ………, Thomas de, father of John, 474.
-, ………, ………, son of John, 474.
Ward de Eton, Margery daughter of, 543.
Warde, John le, 243 (p. 181).
-, ………, de la Warde, Robert, 710 (pp. 495, 497).
-, ………, Thomas, 169.
-, ………, Walter le, 560.
-, ………, William, 169.
-, ………, William le, 251.
Warden, Old, Wardon, co. Bedf., 363, 521, 668.
-, ……… ., Wardon, co. N’hamp., manor, 623 (p. 423).
-, ……… . ………, market, 623 (p. 423).
-, ………, ………, advowson, 623 (p. 423).
Wardle, Wordull [in Bunbury parish], co. Chester, manor, 471.
Wardon, co. Bedf. See Warden.
-, ………, co. N’hamp. See Warden.
Wardun, co. Warw., 156.
Ware, Warre, Warr, John de la, John la, 5, 238, 243 (p. 177), 490, 676 (p. 460)
-, ………, ………, knight, 686 (pp. 472, 474).
Wareham, co. Dorset, St. Martin’s church, 90.
-, ………, ………, Robert, rector of, 90.
Warener Wariner, John le, 81 (p. 54).
-, ………, Richard le, 136, 138.
-, ……… Cf. Warner.
Warenna, Grarenna, Warenne, Warrenne, Warrenn, John de, earl of Surrey 39, 47, 155, 276, 290, 442, 537 (p. 372), 579, 604, 630, 682.
-, ………, ………, ………, and Joan his wife, 250.
-, ……… ., the earl of Warenne, 49 (p. 25), 159, 243 (p. 175), 371, 391 (p. 292), 454 (p. 321), 611, 681 (p. 464).
Wareyn, Alice, 94.
-, ………, Simon, 94.
Warin, Fulk son of, 676 (p. 461).
-, ……… Cf. Warynsone.
Wariner. See Warener; Warner.
Waringstone, Werynggeston [in Buckerell parish], co. Devon, 141.
Wark on Tweed, Werk on Twede, co. N’humb., castle and manor, 536.
-, ………, lord of. See Monte Acuto.
Warmfield, Warnfeld, co. York, manor, 82 (p. 58).
Warminster, Weremynstre, co. Wilts, 479.
Warneford, co. Hants. See Warnford.
Warnell, Warnhill in Inglewood forest [in Sebergham parish], co. Cumb., 402.
Warner, William, 689 (p. 477).
-, ……… Cf. Warener.
Warnfeld, co. York. See Warmfield.
Warnford, Warneford, co. Hants, manor, 244 (p. 183).
-, ………, advowson, 244 (p. 185).
Warnham, co. Sussex, 229.
Warnhill, co. Cumb. See Warnell.
Warplesbourn, co. Sussex. See Wapsbourn.
Warr, Warre. See Ware.
Warrenne, Warrenn. See Warenna.
Warter, Wartre, co. York, priory, 701.
Wartling, Wretlyng, co. Sussex, 625 (p. 427).
Wartre, co. York. See Warter.
Warwick, castle, service connected with, 147.
-, ………, earl of, 128 (p. 106), 449, 557, 559 (p. 293), 623 (p. 423).
-, ………, ……… See Bello Campo.
-, ………, serjeanty of the countess of, 425.
Warynsone, Henry, 548.
-, ……… Cf. Warin.
Wasdale, Wastdale, Wascedale, co. Cumb., 628 (p. 431).
Washbourne, Wassheborn Duraunt [in Harberton parish], co. Devon, 494.
Washford Pyne, co. Devon, Sowdon in, q.v.
Washingborough, Quassingburgh, co. Linc., manor, 625 (p. 426).
Washlingstone, Wacheleston, co. Kent, hundred, 300 (p. 223).
Waspayl, John, 474.
Waspray, John, 540.
-, ………, ………, his daughter Alice, 540.
Wassant, John, 296 (p. 216).
Wassheborn Duraunt, co. Devon. See Washbourne.
Wastehuse, Ralph, 244 (p. 185).
Wasteneys, Edmund de, 470 (p. 335).
Water, Watere, John atte, 246.
-, ………, John by the, 243 (p. 181).
-, ………, Robert atte, 166.
-, ………, ………, his wife Emma, 166.
-, ………, ………, his daughter Joan, 166.
Watercombe, Alexander de, 90.
Waterden, co. Norf., 243 (p. 179).
Waterdon, William de, 713 (p. 504).
Watere. See Water.
Wateringbury, Wetringebury, Wouteryngbiri, co. Kent, 300 (p. 230).
-, ………, court of, 300 (p. 223).
Watevile, Robert de, knight, 691.
Wath, co. York, 250.
Wath, Robert de, 250.
-, ………, William de, 250.
Wathe, co. Linc. See Waith.
Watlington, co. Norf., 243 (p. 178).
-, ………, manor, 243 (p. 178).
Watta, John, 462 (pp. 327, 328).
Watton [in Symondsbury parish], co. Dorset, 240.
-, ……… ., Wattone, co. Hertf., manor, 243 (p. 175).
-, ………, co. Leic. See Whatton.
-, ………, co. York, Margaret a nun of, 701.
Wattvile, Roger de, 481.
Waumford. See Waunford.
Wauncy, Geoffrey de, 532.
Waunford, Waumford, Thomas son of Richard de, 641.
-, ………, Nicholas de, 641.
-, ………, Thomas de, 462 (p. 326).
Wauton, John de, 81 (p. 54), 160 (p. 127).
Wautone, co. Surrey. See Walton.
Wautone, William de, 479.
Wavendon, Wavindon, co. Buck., 531.
Wavertree, Wavertre [in Liverpool], co. Lanc., 82 (p. 60).
-, ………, manor, 82 (p. 60).
Wavindon, co. Buck. See Wavendon.
Waxand, Waxhand, John de, 35, 81 (p. 54).
Waxholme, Waxham [in Owthorne parish], co. York, manor, 609.
Way Baieuse, Waye [in Upway parish], co. Dorset, manor, 24.
Waynflet, co. Linc. See Wainfleet.
Waynflet, John de, 699.
-, ………, John son of Simon de, 300 (p. 232).
Waynflete, co. Linc. See Wainfleet.
Waynhope, co. N’humb. See Wainhope.
Weald, co. Essex. See Northweald.
Wearmouth, Bishop, Suthwermuth, co. Durham, 171.
-, ………, church, 171.
-, ………, Pallion Hall, le Pavylion or Pavilon by. 171.
Weavering, Weveringge [in Boxley parish], co. Kent, 292.
Webbele, Webbeleie, Webble, Webbelle, Webbeleye, co. Heref. See Weobly.
Webbeton, co. Heref. See Webton.
Webton, Webbeton [in Madley parish], co. Heref., 710 (pp. 496, 497).
Weddiker, Wodeacre, Wodacre [in St. Bees parish], co. Cumb., 628 (pp. 432, 435 bis).
Weden, Walter de, 297 (p. 220).
Wedon, co. N’hamp. See Weedon.
-, ………, co. Somers. See Wheddon.
Wedon, Thomas de, 378.
-, ………, John de, 631.
-, ………, ………, William his son, 631.
-, ………, Ralph de, 243 (p. 178), 293, 378, 670.
Weedon, Wedon, co. N’hamp., prior of, 272.
-, ………, Lois, co. N’hamp., Weston in, q.v.
Weelde, William atte, 538.
-, ……… Cf. Welde.
Weer. See Vere.
Weeting, Wetyngg, Weting, co. Norf., advowson of St. Mary’s church, 49 (pp. 26, 27).
-, ………, manor, 49 (pp. 25, 26).
Weighton, Market, Wighton, Wyghton, co. York, manor, 144, 566.
-, ………, Shipton in, q.v.
Weilond. See Weylond.
Welborne, Welburn, co. Norf., 49 (p. 26).
Welbourn, Wellebourn, co. Linc., Northalle manor in, 622 (p. 422).
-, ………, Southalle manor, in, 622 (p. 422).
Welby, Juliana de, 628 (pp. 431, 435, 436, 437).
-, ……… Cf. Welleby.
Welde, Thomas de la, 539.
-, ……… Cf. Weelde.
Weldon, Great, co. N’hamp., 623 (p. 423).
-, ………, Basset of, q.v.
Weler, John le, 629.
Welewyk. See Wellewyk.
Welham, Wellum [in Clarborough parish], co. Nott., 623 (p. 423)
-, ………, Welhom [near New Malton], co. York, 81 (p. 53).
Welhawe, co. Nott. See Wellow.
Welholm, Robert de, 119.
-, ………, Robert son of Robert de, 119.
Welhom, co. York. See Welham.
Welingouere, co. Linc. See Wellingore.
Welington, John de, 356 (p. 258).
Wellbury, Welles, Weyleye [in Offley parish], co. Hertf., 186.
-, ………, manor, 96.
Welle, Philip de, 421.
-, ………, William de, 481.
-, ………, Adam de, 300 (p. 232), 618.
-, ………, Philip de, and Isabel his wife, 337, 421.
-, ………, William de, 421, 465.
-, ………, ………, son of Isabel de Kemsek and Philip do Welle, 337.
Wellebourne. co. Linc. See Welbourn.
Welleby, Richard de, 628 (pp. 432, 435).
-, ……… Cf. Welby.
Welles, co. Hertf. See Wellbury.
Welles, Oylard de, 275.
-, ………, William de, and Cecily his wife, 537, (p. 378).
Wellewyk, Welewyk, Ralph de, 300 (p. 232).
-, ………, ………, knight, Maud his wife, 609.
Wellingore, Wellinghoure, Welingouere, Welingoure, co. Linc., 82 (pp. 62, 63, 66).
Wellington, Welynton, co. Salop, 690
Wellow, Welhawe, co. Nott., 276.
-, ………, fair at, 276.
Wells, co. Somers., 218.
Wellum, co. Nott. See Welham.
Wellyngton, Welynton, Roger de, 690, 710 (pp. 405, 498).
Welond. See Weyland.
Welteden, Weltden, Simon de, 152, 165.
-, ………, ………, his daughter Alice, 165.
Welton by Louth, co. Linc. See Wilton.
Welton, John de, 356 (p. 258).
Welwetham, co. Suff. See Whelnetham.
Welwyn, co. Hertf, Mardley in, q.v.
Welynton, co. Salop. See Wellington.
Welynton. See Wellyngton.
Welynvagh, Melynagh [co. Radnor], 387 (pp. 278, 280).
Wem, Wemme, co. Salop, 161.
-, ………, manor, 593.
-, ………, Butler of, q.v.
Wembdon, Wemedon, Wemedone, co. Somers., manor, 102.
Wembworthy, Wemmeworthi, co. Devon, St. Michael’s church, 141.
Wemme [co. Salop]. See Wem.
Wemmeworthi, co. Devon. See Wembworthy.
Wendon, Great, Wenedon, co. Essex, 49 (p. 25).
Wendover, Wendovere, Wendovre, co. Buck., 243 (pp. 177, 178), 382.
Wendy, Wendeye, co. Camb., 43.
Wenedon, co. Essex. See Wendon.
Wengetone, co. Sussex. See Winton.
Wengham, co. Kent. See Wingham.
Wenham, in Rogate parish, co. Sussex, 468 (p. 333).
Wenlock, Wenlok, co. Salop, proof of age taken at, 161.
Wennington, Wennyngton [in Melling parish], co Lanc., 682.
Went river, co. York, fishery in 82 (p. 58).
Weobly, Webble, Webbelle, Webbeleie, Webbele, Webbeleye, co. Heref., manor, 83.
-, ………, town, 83.
-, ………, castle, 83, 389 (pp. 281, 284), 710 (pp. 496, 498).
Wepham [in Burnham parish], co. Sussex, 511.
-, ………, manor, 511.
Werdale, Patrick de, 548.
Werdoun. See Verdun.
Weremynstre, co. Wilts. See Warminster.
Werham, co. Hants, 474.
Werk, co. N’humb. See Wark.
Wermedeford, co. Essex. See Wormingford.
Wermondesworth, Martin de, 673.
Wermuth, Richard de, 171.
Wermyngeye, co. Norf. See Wormegay.
Werplesdon, co. Surrey. See Worplesdon.
Werwille, co. Cornw. (sic), 232.
-, ………, abbess of. See Wherwell, co. Hants.
Werynggeston, co. Devon. See Waringstone.
Wescy. See Vescy.
West, John son of Ralph, of Stowe, 657.
-, ………, Hawis wife of John, 657.
-, ………, Ralph son of John, 657.
-, ………, Thomas, 297 (pp. 219, 220).
West Acre, co. Norf., prior of, 243 (p. 180).
Westborough, Westburgh, Westbourgh, co. Linc., 243 (p. 180), 300 (p. 234).
-, ………, advowson, 243 (p. 181).
-, ………, manor, 243 (p. 177).
Westbourne, co. Sussex, advowson, 300 (p. 230)
-, ………, Bourne, Westbourn, co. Sussex, manor, 300 (p. 226).
-, ………, hundred, 300 (p. 226).
-, ………, Nutbourne in, q.v.
Westbrigge, co. Norf. See Briggs.
Westbrook, Westbroke [in Faringdon parish], co. Berks, 413.
Westbrunne, co. York. See Burn.
Westburgh, co. Linc. See Westborough.
Westburi, John de, 454 (p. 321).
Westbury, co. Buck., 681 (p. 465).
-, ……… on Severn, Westburi, co. Glouc., church, 484.
-, ……… [in West Meon parish], co. Hants., 244 (p. 185).
-, ………, co. Wilts, Bratton in, q.v.
-, ………, ………, Brook in, q.v.
-, ………, ………, Leigh in, q.v.
Westcantokeshurst, co. Somers See Quantoxhead.
Westchikerel, co. Dorset. See Chickerel.
Westchynnock, co. Somers. See Chinnock.
Westcodeforde, co. Wilts. See Codford.
Westcote [in Binsted parish], co. Hants, 475.
Westcote Drayton, co. Sussex. See Drayton.
Westdene, co. Sussex. See Dean.
Westdraynes, co. Cornw. See Dreynes.
Westerfield, Westrefeld, co. Suff., manor, 73.
Westerleigh, Westerleigh, co. Glouc., 530.
Westforsteburi, co. Wilts. See Fosbury.
Westgate, co. Kent, manor, 131.
-, ………, court, 131.
Westgrenewich, co. Kent. See Greenwich.
Westgrymstede, Westgrimstede, co. Sussex. See Grinstead.
Westhaburne, Westhakeburne, co. Berks. See Hagborne.
Westhampnett, Westhamtonette, co. Sussex, 620.
Westheghtrebury, Westheghtredebury, co. Wilts. See Heytesbury.
Westhodelegh, Westhodleghe, co. Sussex. See Hoathly.
Westhorpe, Westthorpe, co. Suff., 296 (p. 216).
Westhurrok, co. Essex. See Thurrock.
Westillebury, co. Essex. See Tilbury.
Westkantokeshefd, co. Somers. See Quantoxhead.
Westlaton, co. York. See Layton.
Westlee, co. Camb. See Westley.
-, ……… . co. Suff. See Westley.
Westlekesham. co. Norf. See Lexham.
Westleton, Westlaton, co. Suff., 281.
-, … . . …, manor, 219.
Westlexham, co. Norf. See Lexham.
Westley Waterless, Westlee, co. Camb., 160 (p. 129).
Westley, Westlee, co. Suff., manor, 713 (p. 504).
Westmill, co. Hertf., Wakeley in, q.v.
Westminster, 194, 435.
-, ………, house at, 300 (p. 222).
-, ………, abbot of, 153, 300 (p. 222), 435, 450, 508, 654.
-, ………, ………, his steward, 542.
-, ………, the king’s palace, 194, 467.
Westmoreland, lord of. See Clifford.
Westmundhalgh, co. York, 470 (p. 334).
Westnewelond, co. Essex. See Newland.
Weston Turville, co. Buck., 382.
-, ……… Underwood, Weston by Olneye, co. Buck., 378.
-, ………, ………, manor, 63.
-, …… . . upon Trent, co. Derby, manor, 369.
-, ……… Hall, Westonehall, manor, in Foxcarth, co. Essex, 451.
-, ……… sub Edge, co. Glouc., manor, 43.
-, ……… ………, Giffard of, q.v.
-, ……… Corbet, co. Hants, manor, 398.
-, ………, co. Heref., 389 (p. 284).
-, ………, Weston by Baldok, co. Hertf., court at, 356 (p. 257).
-, ……… [by Spalding], co. Linc., 628 (pp. 430, 431).
-, …… . ., Weston by Wedon [in Weedon Lois parish], co. N’hamp., 272.
-, …… . . Favell, Weston by Northampton, co. N’hamp., 709.
-, ………, co. Nott., 603.
-, ………, Michele, co. Somers., 686 (p. 473).
-, ………, co. Suff. [East], 235.
-, ………, co. York [W. R.], manor, 124.
Weston, Westone, John de, 702.
-, ………, William de, 272.
-, ………, Geoffrey de, 178.
-, ………, Henry de, 243 (p. 182).
-, ………, John, 537 (p. 378).
-, ………, Robert de, 272, 389 (p. 284), 710 (pp. 496, 498).
-, ………, Roger de, 171.
-, ………, Thomas de, 702.
-, ………, William de, writ to, 495.
Westpecham, co. Kent. See Peckham.
Westrefeld, co. Suff. See Westerfield.
Westshaldebourne, co. Wilts. See Shalbourne.
Westshifforde, co. Berks. See Shefford.
Westshyrebourn, co. Hants. See Sherborne.
Westthorpe, co. Suff. See Westhorpe.
Westuderle, co. Hants. See Titherley.
Westwell, Westwelle, co. Kent, 104 (p. 91).
-, ………, Beamonston in, q.v.
Westwick, Westwik by St. Albans, co. Hertf., manor, 116.
-, ………, Westwyk [in Ripon], co. York, manor, 124.
Westwittenham, co. Berks. See Wittenham.
Westwod, Westwode, co. Linc. See Westwoodside.
Westwood, Westwode [in Preston parish by Faversham, co. Kent], manor, 104 (p. 90), 399 (p. 299).
-, ………, lord of. See Rokesle.
Westwoodside, Westwode, Westwood [in Haxey parish], co. Linc., 81 (pp 51, 52).
Westwynterslewe, co. Wilts. See Winterslow.
Wetringebury, co. Kent. See Wateringbury.
Wetyndon [Whittington?], wood, co. Glouc., 629.
Wetyngg, co. Norf. See Weeting.
Weveringge, co. Kent. See Weavering.
Weye, John atte and Mabel (de Chyriton) his wife, 697.
Weyland, Weylond, Weilond, Welond, Edmund de, 306.
-, ………, William de, 73.
-, ………, Edmund de, his daughter Joice, wife of Thomas Curzoun, q.v.
-, ………, Elizabeth wife of William de, 73.
-, ………, John, 73.
-, ………, Robert de, 73, 296 (p. 216).
-, ………, Thomas de, and Margery his wife, 391 (p. 287).
-, ………, ………, his daughter Eleanor, mother of John de Nevile, 391 (p. 288).
Weyleye, co. Hertf. See Wellbury.
Weyvile, John de, 691.
-, ……… Cf. Wyville.
Whaddon, Waddon, co. Buck., manor, 537 (p. 371).
-, ………, chase, 537 (p. 371).
Whaplode, Quaplode, co. Linc., 628 (p. 430).
Whatecombe, William de, 540.
Whatley, Whateleigh, co. Somers., John de la Mare of, 540.
Whatton, Long, Watton, co. Leic., 156.
Whatton, Richard de, knight, 699.
-, ………, ………, and Agnes his wife, 601.
Wheatacre, Whetacre, Whatacre, co. Norf., 160 (pp. 126, 128).
-, ………, manor, 290.
Wheatley, Wheteleye, co. Nott., 623 (p. 423).
Wheddon, Wedon [in Cutcombe parish], co. Somers., 297 (p. 220).
Whelnetham, Great, Welwetham, co. Suff., 502.
Whelnetham, Whelwetham, John de, 104 (p. 91). 502.
Whelpley, Whelpele [in Whiteparish], co Wilts, 104 (p. 96).
Whelpyngton, co. N’humb. See Kirk Whelpington.
Whelton, co. Cumb., 314.
Whelton, John de, 135.
Whelwetham. See Whelnetham.
Wherwell, Werwille, co. Hants, abbess of, 232.
Whestricroke, co. N’humb., shieling, 157.
Whetacre, co. Norf. See Wheatacre.
Wheteleye, co. Nott. See Wheatley.
Whichecote, co. Salop. See Witchcott.
Whichford, Whiccheford, Whicheford, co. Warw., manor, 297 (p. 219).
-, ………, advowson, 297 (p. 219).
Whidesho, co. Suff. See Wixoe.
Whinbergh, Quyneberge, co. Norf., manor, 243 (p. 176).
Whissonsett, Wyssingsete, co. Norf., 243 (p. 179).
Whiston, Wytston, Wiston [in Kingsley parish], co. Staff., 83 (pp. 75, 76), 389 (p. 283).
-, ……… Lyeseuse, co. Staff., 83 (p. 77).
-, ………, Whistan, Whitston, co. York, manor, 470 (p. 335).
-, ………, ………, advowson, 470 (p. 335).
-, ………, Upper, Overwhyston [in Whiston parish], co. York, 470 (p. 334).
Whitacre, Richard son of Jordan de, 608.
-, …… . ., William de, 608.
Whitchurch, Wytchirche, co. Buck., manor, 379 (p. 272).
-, ………, ………, market, 379 (p. 272).
-, ……… [Canonicorum], co. Dorset, 240.
-, ………, co. Salop, 593.
White, Wythe, Blound, John le, of Wilden, 321.
-, ………, Geoffrey le, of Eaton, 543.
-, ………, Henry le, 246.
-, ………, John le, and Isabel his wife, 321.
-, ………, ………, John, son of John le, 321.
-, ………, William, son of John le, 321.
White Lackington, co. Somers., Atherstone in, q.v.
Whitehall, ‘ate Whitehall’ [in Laindon Hills parish], co. Essex, manor, 340.
Whiteleigh, Whiteleye in Black Torrington parish, co. Devon, 641.
Whitene, co. Linc. See Whitton.
Whiterouthingge co. Essex. See Roding.
Whitestone, Whitston, co. Somers., hundred, 135.
Whitewell, Hasculph de, 689 (p. 478).
-, ………, William de, 160 (p. 128).
Whitgift, Withgifte, co. York, manor, 82 (p. 59).
Whitheley, co. York. See Wytheleye.
Whitkirk, co. York, Austhorpe and Seacroft in, 82 (p. 59).
Whitley on Sea, Whitlawe [in Tynemouth parish], co. N’humb., 536.
-, ………, Wythele [in Staple Fitzpaine parish], co. Somers., 198.
Whitstable, Whitstaple, Whitstapel, co. Kent, 104 (p. 91).
-, ………, manor, 104 (p. 90), 399 (p. 299).
Whitston, co. Somers. See Whitestone.
-, ………, co. York. See Whiston.
Whitsuere, Whitswere, Richard, and Beatrice atte Broke his wife, 459, 460.
Whittingham, Whittyngeham, co. N’humb., 65.
-, ………, manor, 25.
Whittington, Qwitington, co. Lanc., 561 (p. 394).
Whittlewood, Wiclewode [co. N’hamp.], forest, 518.
Whitton, Whitene, Wytene, co. Linc., 82 (pp. 62, 63, 67).
-, ………, Whytton [co. Radnor], 387 (p. 280).
Whitton, Michael de, 165.
Whitwell, Netherqwytewell, Nether Wytewell [in Catterick parish], co. York, 352.
Whitwick, Wythewyke, co. Leic., manor, 298.
Whychecote, co. Salop. See Witchcott.
Whynfell, co. Westm., forest, 77.
Whyteclyve, William, 90.
Whytelege pasture, co. Staff., 389 (p. 283).
Whyteneye, John de, 612.
Whyterige, Robert de, 317.
Whytik, Walter, 420.
-, ………, Peter, 544.
-, ………, Walter, 544.
-, ………, William, 420, 473, 544.
Whytton, co. Radnor. See Whitton.
Wich, co. Worc. See Droitwich.
Wick, Wyke [in Curry Rivell parish], co. Somers., 397.
-, ………, Wyke, Estwyke [in Wootton Rivers parish], co. Wilts, 242.
Wickham, West, co. Camb., Yenhall in, q.v.
-, ………, Wykham, Wikham, co. Hants, 244 (p. 185).
-, ………, ………, parson of, 332.
-, ………, Wykham, Wikham [in Steyning parish?], co. Sussex, manor, 454 (p. 321), 579.
Wickhambreux, Wykham, co. Kent, manor, 300 (p. 222).
-, ………, advowson, 300 (p. 222).
Wickhambrook, co. Suff., Badmondisfield in, q.v.
Wickilwode, co. Norf. See Wicklewood.
Wicklewood, Wickilwode, Wycklewode, Wykilwode, Wykkelwode, Wikilwod, co. Norf., 160 (pp. 126, 128), 243 (p. 179), 555.
Wiclewode, co. N’hamp. See Whittlewood.
Widdington, Wythington, Wychington, co. Essex, 49 (p. 25).
Widemerpol, co. Nott. See Widmerpool.
Wideresdale, Alan de, 73.
Widford, Wydeford, co. Essex, manor, 300 (p. 231).
-, ………, advowson, 300 (p. 231).
Widmerpool, Widemerpol, co. Nott., manor, 234.
Wigborough, Wygebergh, co. Essex, 285.
Wiggeleye, co. Salop. See Wigley.
Wiggenhall, Wygenhal, co. Norf., 243 (p. 180).
Wighill, Wyghale, co. York, 81 (p. 53).
Wight, Isle of, defence of, 361.
Wighton, Wythton, co. Norf., manor, 350.
-, ………, co. York. See Weighton.
Wigley, Wiggeleye, Wyggele [near Ludlow], co. Salop, 710 (pp. 495, 498).
Wigmore, Wyggemor, Wygemor, Wygomor, co. Heref., castle and manor, 387 (pp. 278, 279).
-, ………, ………, and members, 711.
-, ………, fair at, 711.
-, ………, honour, 363.
-, ………, Mortimer of. See Mortuo Mari.
Wigston, Wykyngeston, co. Leic., 379 (p. 270).
Wigtoft, Wygetoft, 82 (p. 67), 92, 464.
-, ………, advowson, 82 (p. 67).
Wigton, Wygton, co. Cumb., the lord of, 317.
Wik, John de, 309.
Wike, co. Somers. See Wyke.
-, ………, Wyk by Estbury [in Lambourn parish, now disappeared], co. Wilts, 263, 580.
Wikes, Peter de, 699.
Wikham, co. Hants. See Wickham.
-, ………, co. Oxford. See Wykham.
-, ………, co. Sussex. See Wickham.
Wikilwode, co. Norf. See Wicklewood.
Wikres, William del, 639.
Wilasham, co. Suff. See Willisham.
Wilbraham, Great, Wilburgham, co. Camb., 38, 632.
-, ………, Walter, vicar of, 38.
Wilburgham, co. Camb. See Wilbraham.
Wilden, Wildene, Wyldene, Wylden, Wiledene, co. Bedf., 265, 321.
-, ………, manor, 381.
Wilderhope, Wildredhope, Wildridhope [in Rushbury parish], co. Salop, 710 (pp. 495, 498).
Wilderton, Wyldirton [in Throwley parish], co. Kent, manor, 399 (p. 299).
Wildredhope, Wildridhope, co. Salop. See Wilderhope.
Wiledene, co. Bedf. See Wilden.
Wilet, co. Somers. See Willett.
Wilford, Wylford, co. Nott., advowson, 30.
-, ………, manor, 30.
-, ………, Thomas, parson of the church of, 30.
Wilichet, John, 540.
Wilington, Wylyngton, Wylington, Wylynton, Wilyngton, Henry de, 26.
-, ………, Henry de, son of Henry, 26.
-, ………, John de, 26, 300 (p. 230), 479.
-, ………, Ralph de, 78 (p. 45), 413.
Wilkesby, co. Linc. See Wilksby.
Wilkokessone, John, 548.
-, ………, ………, son of William son of John, of Shofton, 548.
Wilksby, Wilkesby, co. Linc., 597.
Willamescote [co. Oxford], See Williamscote.
Willamescote, Richard de, 324.
Willardby, co. York. See Willerby.
Willeby, Henry de, 253.
-, ……… Cf. Wyleby; Wyleichby; Wylloughby.
Willerby, Willardby, co. York, 587.
Willett, Wilet [in Elworthy parish], co. Somers., 297 (p. 220).
Willey, Wylle, in Chaldon parish, co. Surrey, 474.
William, Ralph, son of, 472.
-, ………, John son of, 693.
-, ………, ………, his brother Robert, 693.
-, ………, Ralph son of, 383.
-, ………, ………, his son Richard, 472.
-, ………, William son of, 144, 300 (p. 299), 673.
-, ………, ………, of Ulceby, 300 (p. 234).
William ap Rees, 177.
Williamscote, Willamescote [in Cropredy parish, co. Oxford], 324.
Willian, Wylie, co. Hertf., manor, 531.
Willibrook, Wylebrok, co. N’hamp., hundred, 308 (p. 238).
Willingale Doe, Wylyngehal, co. Essex, 300 (p. 231).
Willingdon, Wylyndon, Wilyngdon, Wilyndon, co. Sussex, 221.
-, ………, hundred, 686 (p. 472).
Willingham [near Stow], Wyvelyngham, co. Linc., 300 (pp. 233, 234).
-, ………, advowson, 300 (p. 234).
Willington, Wylington, co. Bedf., manor, 81 (p. 55).
-, ………, Wylyngton, co. Derby, 300 (p. 227).
Willisham, Wilasham, co. Suff., 82 (p. 68).
Willitoft, Wyllytoft [in Bubwith parish], co. York, 485.
Willoughbridge, Wylfotebrugge [near Ashley], co. Staff., 433.
Willoughby, Scott, Wylughby, co. Linc., 300 (p. 234).
-, ………, West, Wylugby by Anecastre [in Ancaster parish], co. Linc., 59.
Willoughby. Cf. Willeby; Wyleby; Wyleichby; Wylloughby; Wyluby.
Willoughton, Wylghton, co. Linc., advowson, 81 (p. 52).
Wilmescote, Mabel daughter of Roger de, 161.
Wilmington, Wylmynton [in Chirbury parish], co. Salop, 320.
Wilne, co. Derby, Breaston in, q.v.
Wilnhale, Robert de, 633.
Wilpshire, Wlypshire [in Blackburn parish], co. Lanc., 214.
Wilsford, Wyvelesford, by Ancaster, co. Linc., 300 (p. 232).
-, ………, Wyvelesford, co. Wilts, 710 (p. 497).
Wilsthorpe, Wyllesthorp [in Bridlington parish], co. York, 684.
Wilton, Wylton [in Hale parish], co. Cumb., 628 (pp. 430, 433, 434, 435).
-, ……… le Wold, Welton by Louth, co. Linc., 597.
-, ………, Wylton, co. Wilts, abbess of, 151, 259.
Wilton, John de, 485.
-, ………, Walter de, 297 (p. 220).
Wilyndon, Wilyngdon, co. Sussex. See Willingdon.
Wilyngton. See Wilington.
Wimbish, Wymbish, co. Essex, 160 (p. 127).
-, ………, advowson, 160 (p. 128).
Wimborne, co. Dorset, Petersham in, q.v.
-, ……… Minster, co. Dorset, Bere in, q.v.
-, ……… St. Giles, Upwymbourne, co. Dorset, 39.
-, ……… ………, manor, 39.
Wimeswould, Wymundewold, co. Leic., 239.
Wimpole, Wynepol, co. Camb., manor, 367, 689 (p. 478).
Winceby, Wynceby, co. Linc., 300 (p. 224).
-, ………, advowson, 300 (p. 233).
Winchelsea, Winchelesee, co. Sussex, lastage of, 625 (p. 427).
-, ……… See Iham.
Winchester castle, 69.
-, ………, inquisition made at, 184.
-, ………, Pavyloun, bishop’s court at, 468.
-, ………, soke of, 43.
-, ………, St. Giles’ hill, 43.
-, ………, ………, fair at, 468.
-, ………, St. Mary’s, abbess of, 58, 204, 461, 657.
-, ………, St. Swithun’s, prior of, 43, 396, 406.
-, ………, bishop of, 11, 43, 46, 233, 468, (p. 332).
-, ………, earl of. See Despenser.
Winchfield, Wynchesfeld, Wynchyngfeld, co. Hants, 80.
Windermere, Wynandermere, co. Westm., Holme Island in, 561 (p. 396).
Winderton, Winterton, co. Warw., manor, 559 (p. 392).
Windlesham, Wyndlesham, co. Surrey, 647.
-, ………, Bagshot in, q.v.
Windley, Wynley, co. Derby, 82 (p. 60).
Windrush, Wynrith brook, co. Oxford, 88.
Windsor, Wyndeshore, Windeshore, Wyndesore, Wyndlesore castle, 68, 278.
-, ………, ………, guard, 118, 338, 343, 370, 608.
-, ………, ………, guards, terms of commutation, 458.
-, ………, rent paid at, 359.
-, ………, honour, 68.
-, ………, New, New Wyndesore, co. Berks, 278.
Winestead, Wynestede in Holdernesse, co. York, 624.
Wingfield, South, Wynefeld, co. Derby, manor, 234.
-, ………, co. Suff., Chickering in, q.v.
Wingham, Wengham, Wyngham, co. Kent, 80.
Winkbourn, Wynkeburn, co. Nott., 81 (p. 55).
Winkleigh, Wynkelegh, Wynkeleighe, co. Devon, 76, 141.
-, ………, honour, 102.
Winksley, Wynkesley, co. York, 81 (p. 54).
Winmore, Winnemor [in Barwick in Elmet parish], co. York, 82 (p. 59).
Winnemor, co. York. See Winmore.
Winscale, Wyndscales [in Workington parish], co. Cumb., 428 (p. 430).
Winsford, Wynesford, co. Somers., manor, 514.
Winslow, Wynslawe, co. Buck., 539.
Winston, Wynston, Wynstone, co. Suff., 296 (p. 216 bis).
Winterborne Houghton, Wynterbourn Houghton or Hughton [co. Dorset], manor, 297 (p. 221).
-, ……… Whitchurch, Wynterbourn Withcherche, co. Dorset, 323.
Winterbourne, Wynterburne [in Chieveley parish], co. Berks, church, 357.
-, ………, Wynterbourn, co. Glouc., 78, 530.
-, ………, ………, manor, 78.
-, ………, ………, advowson, 78 (p. 45).
-, ……… Stoke, Wynterbornestoke, Wynterbournestoke, Wintreburnestok, co. Wilts, manor, 228, 313.
-, ……… See Wynterborn.
Winterburn, Wynterburn, co. York, 81 (p. 55).
Winterslow, East, Estwynterslewe, co. Wilts, manor, 8.
-, ………, West, Westwynterslewe, co. Wilts, manor, 559 (p. 393).
-, ………, ………, advowson, 559 (p. 393).
Winterton, co. Warw. See Winderton.
Winthorpe, Wynthorp, co. Linc., 594.
Winton, Wengetone [in Alfriston parish], co. Sussex, manor, 243 (p. 175).
-, ………, Wynton, co. Westm., 52.
Wintreburnestok, co. Wilts. See Winterbourne.
Wintringham, Wyntringham, co. York, 81 (p. 53).
Wintriton, Thomas de, 165.
Wirg, Robert, 481.
Wirksworth, Workesworth, Wyrkesworth, Wirkesworth, co. Derby, manor, 156.
-, ………, wapentake, 82 (p. 60).
Wirkyngton, co. Cumb. See Workington.
Wirmondeford, co. Essex. See Wormingford.
Wiseton, Wyston [in Clayworth parish], co. Nott, 199, 226, 623 (p. 423).
Wissett, Wysete, Wyssete, co. Suff., manor, 188, 235.
Wistannestowe, co. Salop. See Wistanstow.
Wistanston, co. Heref. See Wisteston.
Wistanstow, Wistannestowe, co. Salop, 161.
Wisteston, Wystaustone, Wistanston [in Marden parish], co. Heref., 28, 363.
Wiston, Wyston, co. Pemb., 700.
-, ………, co. Staff. See Whiston.
-, ………, Wyston, co. Suff, 365.
-, ………, ………, manor, 452.
Wiston, John de, 94.
Wistow, co. Leic., Newton Harcourt in, q.v.
-, ………, Wistowe, co. York, 351.
Wistowe, William son of Helen de, 351.
Witchcott, Whychecote, Whichecote [in Stanton Lacy parish], co. Salop, 710 (pp. 495, 496).
Witchingham, Wychingham, co. Norf., manor, 296 (p. 216).
Witele, Geoffrey de, of Stoke, 633.
Witham, Wytham, co. Essex, 49 (p. 26).
-, ………, ………, court of, 3.
-, ………, Wytheme, River, co. Linc., 241.
Withcall, Withcal, co. Linc., 597.
W[ithe], Geoffrey, 82 (p. 68).
Witherslack, Wytherslake, co. Westm., manor, 621 (p. 421).
Withgifte, co. York. See Whitgift.
Withurste, Richard de la, and Denise his wife, 86.
-, ………, ………, Agnes daughter of, 86.
Witlesbury, John de, knight, 691.
-, ………, ………, his son John, 691.
Witnesham, Wittyngham, co. Suff., manor, 82 (p. 68).
Wittenham, Long, Westwittenham, co. Berks, 468 (p. 332).
Wittyngham, co. Suff. See Witnesham.
Wiveliscombe, Wyvelescombe, co. Somers., 218.
Wivelsfield, Wyvelesfeld, co. Sussex, 243 (p. 182).
Wivenhoe, Wyvenho, co. Essex, 49 (p. 26).
Wiverton, Wyverton, co. Nott., 601.
Wix, Wykes, co. Essex, manor, 502.
-, ………, le Parkhalle in, 502.
Wixoe, Whidesho, co. Suff., 160 (p. 129).
Wlcomestowe, co. Essex. See Walthamstow.
Wlerston, co. Lanc. See Ulverston.
Wlypshire, co. Lanc. See Wilpshire.
Wocking, co. Surrey. See Woking.
Wodacre, co. Cumb. See Weddiker
Woddemanton, co. Worc. See Woodmanton.
Wode, Nicholas atte, 394.
-, ………, Robert of the, 251.
-, ………, Thomas atte, 158, 244 (p. 186).
-, ………, William atte, of Ellingham, 166.
-, ………, ………, his brother John, 166.
Wodeacre, co. Cumb. See Weddiker.
Wodebergh, co. Wilts. See Woodborough.
Wodeborgh, co. Somers. See Woodborough.
Wodebrigge, 300 (p. 231).
Wodebrok, co. Surrey. See Brookwood.
Wodeburn, co. N’humb. See Woodburn.
Wodeburn, Joan de, 165.
-, ………, Thomas de, 165.
Wodebyry, co. Devon. See Woodbere.
Wodecherche, co. Kent. See Woodchurch.
Wodechirche, Wodechirch, co. Chester. See Woodchurch.
Wodefold, Margaret de, 204.
Wodeford, co. Devon. See Woodford.
-, ……𠀦, co. Wilts. See Woodford.
Wodegarston, co. Hants. See Woodgarston.
Wodehalle, co. Essex. See Wood Hall.
-, ………, co. Linc. See Woodhall.
Wodeham, co. Essex. See Woodham.
Wodeham, Wodham, Thomas de, 159.
-, ………, Robert son of Walter de. See Walter.
-, ………, William de, 159.
Wodehed, co. Rutl. See Woodhead.
Wodehed, Robert le, 166.
-, ……… . ………, Cecily his wife, 166.
Wodehouse, co. Staff. See Woodhouse.
-, ………, co. York. See Woodhouse.
Wodehouse, Wodehous, William del, 422.
-, ………, Thomas de, 422.
Wodehouus, co. Salop. See Woodhouse.
Wodehuse, Wodehous, co. Hants. See Woodhouse.
Wodehywissh, co. Devon. See Woodhuish.
Wodelok, Roger, 244 (p. 185).
Wodelond, Richard, and Anne his wife, 579.
Wodend, co. Cumb. See Woodend.
Wodenesberghe, co. Kent. See Woodnesborough.
Wodepreston, co. N’hamp. See Preston.
Wodepyrie, co. Oxford. See Perry.
Woderisynge, co. Norf. See Rising.
Wodestok, Edmund de, earl of Kent. See Edmund.
Wodestoke, co. Oxford. See Woodstock.
Wodeton, co. Surrey. See Wotton.
Wodeton, Richard de, 164.
-, ………, ………, Cecily his wife, daughter of Robert atte Hull, 164.
Wodeward, William le, 482.
Wodhouse, co. York, manor, 50 (p. 28).
Wodhulle, co. Wilts. See Wood Hill.
Wodhulle, John de, 272.
Woditon, co. Hants. See Wootton.
Wodlynge, co. Kent. See Wadling.
Wodrington, Roger de, 693.
Woketrowe, co. Somers. See Oaktrow.
Woking, Wocking, co. Surrey, manor, 300 (p. 226).
Wolaston, co. N’hamp. See Wollaston.
Wolaston, Robert de, 294.
Wolaton, Ralph de, of Nottingham, 694.
Wolbedyng, co. Sussex. See Woolbeding.
Woldeham, John de, 438.
Wolewich, co. Kent. See Woolwich.
Wolf, Amice wife of John, 412.
-, ………, John le, of Stoke, 633.
Wolferton, co. Worc. See Wolverton.
Wolfeye, co. Warw. See Wolvey.
Wolfhall, Wolfhale [in Bedwin parish], co. Wilts, manor, 440.
Wolfhamcote, Wolframcote, Wolfyncote, co. Warw., 710 (pp. 498, 500).
Wolframcote, co. Warw. See Wolfhamcote.
Wolfreston, co. Worc. See Wolverton.
Wolfyncote, co. Warw. See Wolfhamcote.
Wollaston, Wolaston, co. N’hamp., 82 (pp. 63, 64).
Wollavyngton, co. Sussex. See Woolavington.
Wollore, co. N’humb. See Wooler.
Wolman, John, 253.
Wolmersty, co. Linc., 594.
Wolrigge, Wulrich, co. N’humb., 390 (pp. 286, 287).
Wolryngton, Wulrington, Elizabeth and Eleanor daughters of Robert de, 478.
-, ………, Isabel daughter of Robert de, married to Henry de Bolingbroke, 543.
Wolstanton, Wulstanton, co. Staff., advowson, 82 (p. 62).
Wolston, co. Buck. See Woolstone.
Wolvemere, co. Hants. See Woolmer.
Wolvereton, Wolverton, Wylmerton, John de, 128 (p. 105).
-, ………, John son of Alan de, 116.
-, ………, Ralph de, 174.
Wolverton, Wolfreston, Wolferton [in Stoulton parish], co. Worc., 454 (p. 320).
-, ………, manor, 454 (p. 321).
Wolvesthrop, co. Glouc. See Woolstrop.
Wolvey, Wolfeye, co. Warw., 156.
Wolwardyngton, Peter de, 710 (p. 497).
-, ………, ………, Margaret daughter of, 710 (p. 501).
Wolwych. See Woolwich.
Wondi [co. Monm.]. See Undy.
Wonneworth in Graffham, co. Sussex, manor, 27.
Wonston, co. Hants, Sutton Scotney in, q.v.
Wood Hill, Wodhulle [in Cliff Pipard parish], co. Wilts, manor, 13.
Wood Perry, co. Oxford. See Perry.
Wood Rising, co. Norf. See Rising.
Woodbere, Wodebyry [in Plymptree parish], co. Devon, manor, 672.
Woodborough, Wodeborgh [in Wellow parish], co. Somers., 78 (p. 44).
-, ………, Wodebergh, Wodeberghe, co. Wilts, 185, 270
Woodburn, East (?), Little Wodeburn [in Corsenside parish], co. N’humb., 390 (pp. 286, 287).
Woodchurch, Wodechirche, Wodechirch, co. Chester, advowson, 425.
-, ………, Wodecherche, co. Kent, 328.
Wooden, Wuldon [in Lesbury parish], co. N’humb., 536.
Woodend, le Wodend [in Egremont parish], co. Cumb., 628 (p. 430).
Woodford, Wodeford [in Plympton St. Mary parish], co. Devon, manor, 708.
-, ………, co. Wilts, manor, 395.
Woodgarston, Wodegarston [in Monk Sherborne parish], co. Hants, 244 (p. 185).
Woodhall, le Wodehalle [in Wormingford parish], co. Essex, 452, 453.
-, ………, Wodehalle, co. Linc., parson of. See Richard de Forthington.
Woodham Ferrers, Wodeham, Wodeham Ferres, co. Essex, 159, 281.
-, ………, ………, John the clerk of, 480.
-, …… ., Little, co. Essex, 480.
-, ……… Walter, Wodeham Wauter, Wodeham Water, co. Essex, manor, 160 (pp. 126, 127).
-, ……… ………, Parker of, q.v.
Woodhead, Wodehed [in Pickworth parish, co. Rutland], 82 (p. 62).
Woodhouse, Wodehuse, Wodehous [in Andover parish?], co. Hants, 361.
-, ………, le Wodehouus [in Shifnal parish], co. Salop, 104 (p. 94).
-, ………, Wodehouse [in Alton parish], co Staff., 389 (p. 282).
-, ………, Wodeshouse [in Burnsall?], co. York, 422.
Woodhuish, Wodehywissh [in Brixham parish], co. Devon, 462 (p. 327).
Woodlands, Dodelond [in Milverton parish], co. Somers., 297 (p. 220).
Woodmanton, Woddemanton [in Clifton on Teme parish], co. Worc., 454 (pp. 320, 321).
Woodnesborough, Wodenesberghe, co. Kent, 292.
Woodstook, Wodestoke, co. Oxford, manor, 298.
Woolavington, Wollavyngton [in Duncton parish], co. Sussex, 300 (p. 226).
-, ………, advowson, 300 (p. 230).
Woolbeding, Wolbedyng, co. Sussex, 376.
Wooler, Wollore, co. N’humb., 536.
Woolmer, Wolvemere, co. Hants, forest, 244, 475.
Woolstone, Wolston, co. Buck., manor, 443.
Woolstrop, Wolvesthrop [near Gloucester], 207.
Woolwich, North, Wolwych, Wolewich ex parte Essexie, co. Kent, 223, 575.
Wootton, Wotton, co. Bedf., 610, 669, 689 (p. 477).
-, ………, Woditon [I. of W.], co. Hants, 361.
-, ………, Wotton, Wutton [in Ellastone parish], co. Staff., 83, 86, 389 (p. 283).
-, ……… . ………, manor, 83 (p. 76).
-, ……… Bassett, Wotton, co. Wilts, manor, 626.
-, ……… ………, advowson, 626.
-, ……… ………, Chaddington in, q.v.
-, ……… Rivers, co. Wilts, Wick in, q.v.
Wor …, Joan wife of John de, 667.
Worcester, bishop of, 78 (pp. 47, 48), 454 (p. 322).
-, ………, ………, ordination by, 484.
-, ………, St. Mary’s, prior of, 106.
Wordull, co. Chester. See Wardle.
Workesworth, co. Derby. See Wirksworth.
Workington, Wirkyngton, co. Cumb., 628 (p. 437).
-, ………, manor, 257, 628 (p. 433).
Worksop, Worksopp, Wyrksopp, Wyrkesop, co. Nott., manor, 470 (p. 334).
-, ………, market and fair, 470 (p. 334).
-, ………, priory, advowson of, 470 (p. 335).
-, ………, prior and convent, 470 (p. 334).
Worlache [co. Wilts]. See Burbage.
Wormegay, Wermyngeye, Wyrmegeye, co. Norf., manor, 243 (pp. 176, 177, 178), 281.
-, ………, prior of, 243 (p. 180).
-, ………, prioress of, 281.
Wormehale, co. Buck. See Worminghall.
Wormelow, Wormeslowe, co. Heref., hundred, 28.
Wormendale, John de, 227.
Wormeslowe, co. Heref. See Wormelow.
Wormingford, Wermedford, Wirmondeford, Wythermondeford, co. Essex, 49 (p. 26).
-, ………, Wood Hall in, 452, 453.
Worminghall, Wormehale, Wrmenhale, co. Buck., manor, 498.
Worplesdan, Werplesdon, co. Surrey, manor, 131.
Worth, Wourth, co. Sussex, 49 (p. 25).
-, ………, advowson, 49 (pp. 26, 27).
Worth, Sewall de, 490.
Wortham, Roger de, 144.
Worthington, Wortyngton, co. Leic., 710 (pp. 499, 500, 501).
Wortyngton, co. Leic. See Worthington.
Wotton, co. Bedf. See Wootton.
-, ……… [under Edge], co. Glouc., manor, 97.
-, ………, co. Staff. See Wootton.
-, ………, Wodenton, Wodeton, co. Surrey, manor, 50 (p. 27), 689 (pp. 476, 478-9).
-, ………, ………, advowson, 689 (p. 478).
-, ………, co. Wilts. See Wootton
Wotton, John de, 251.
Wourth, co. Sussex. See Worth.
Wouteryngbiri, co. Kent. See Wateringbury.
Woxebrygge, co. Midd. See Uxbridge.
Wra, co. Lanc. See Wray.
Wraghby, co. Linc. See Wrawby.
Wramplingham, co. Norf., 684.
Wrangle, Wrangel, co. Linc., 594, 597.
-, ………, manor, 82 (p. 66).
Wrastlingworth, Wrastlyngworth, co Bedf. See Wrestlingworth.
Wrawby, Wraghby, co. Linc., 243 (p. 180).
-, ………, Kettleby in, q.v.
-, ………, Kettleby Thorpe in, q.v.
Wray, le Wra [in Melling parish], co. Lanc., 682.
Wrebesdone pasture, co. Staff., 389 (p. 283).
Wreningham, Wrennyngham, Wrenyngham [co. Norf.], 296 (p. 217).
-, ………, manor, 243 (p. 178).
-, ………, advowson of St. Mary’s church, 296 (p. 217).
Wrennyngham, co. Norf. See Wreningham.
Wrenok, forest, 389 (p. 284).
Wrenyngham, co. Norf. See Wreningham.
Wrestlingworth, Wrestlyngworth, Wrastlyngworth, Wrastlingworth, co. Bedf., 503, 521, 689 (p. 478).
Wretlyng, co. Sussex. See Wartling.
Wridefen, co. Warw., 710 (pp. 498, 500, 501).
Writtle, Wrytele, co. Essex, 49 (p. 26).
-, ………, manor, 368.
Wrmenhale, co. Buck. See Worminghall.
Wrobeleye, co. Hertf. See Rabley.
Wrockewardyn, Adam de, 690.
Wrocroft, le, co. Norf., 160 (p. 227).
Wrocston [Wroxton, co. Oxford?], 623 (p. 424).
Wrotham, co. Kent, Yaldham in, q.v,
Wroughton [Overtown], Overwarston, co. Wilts, 104 (p. 96).
Wroxale, Joan de, her daughter Anastasia. See Haddone.
Wroxton, Wroxtan, co. Oxford, prior of, 689 (p. 477).
Wrytele, co. Essex. See Writtle.
Wuldon, co. N’humb. See Wooden.
Wulrich, co. N’humb. See Wolrigge.
Wulrington. See Wolryngton.
Wulstanton, co. Staff. See Wolstanton.
Wurlynton, co. Sussex. See Arlington.
Wutton, co. Staff. See Wootton.
Wyberton, co. Linc., 597.
Wyboston, Wyboldeston [in Eaton Socon parish], co. Bedf., 265.
Wychard, Nicholas, 19.
-, ………, John, 19.
Wychbold, Wychebaud [in Dodderhill parish], co. Worc., manor, 34.
Wychingham, co. Norf. See Witchingham.
Wychington, co. Essex. See Widdington.
Wycklewode, co. Norf. See Wicklewood.
Wycombe, High, Wycumbe, co. Buck., 382.
Wycombe, Richard de, 395.
Wycroft, Joan de, 246.
Wycumbe, co. Buck. See Wycombe.
Wyddial, Wydhal [co. Hertf.], 300 (p. 231).
Wydeford, co. Essex. See Widford.
Wydeworth, co. Devon, manor, 667.
Wydloc, John, 700.
Wydmerpol, Thomas de, 196.
Wygan, John, 73.
Wygebergh, co. Essex See Wigborough.
Wyger, William, 300 (p. 230).
Wygemor, co. Heref. See Wigmore.
Wygenhal, co. Norf. See Wiggenhall.
Wygetoft, co. Linc. See Wigtoft.
Wygetoft, John de, 597.
-, ………, Stephen de, 628 (p. 429).
Wyggele, co. Salop. See Wigley.
Wyggemor, co. Heref. See Wigmore.
Wyghale, co. York. See Wighill.
Wyghton, co. York. See Weighton.
Wyghton, Geoffrey de, of Shipton, 566.
-, ………, Richard de, 566.
Wygomor. See Wigmore.
Wygton, co. Cumb. See Wigton.
Wyk, co. Surrey, the archbishop of Canterbury’s manor of [the site of Loughborough junction station in South London], 229.
Wyke, co. Berks. See Wike.
-, ……… Champflower, Wike [in Bruton parish], co. Somers., manor, 297 (p. 220).
-, ………, co. Somers. See Wick.
-, ……… [in Worplesdon, Ash and Normandy], co. Surrey, 300 (pp. 225, 226).
-, ………, co. Wilts. See Wick.
Wykes, co. Essex. See Wix.
-, ……… [in Donington parish], co. Linc., manor, 625 (p. 425).
Wykham, co. Hants. See Wickham.
-, ………, Wikham [in Banbury parish], co. Oxford, 375.
Wykilwode, Wykkelwode, co. Norf. See Wicklewood.
Wykyngeston, co. Leic. See Wigston.
Wylbury, Iseult wife of Oliver de, 667.
Wylden, Wyldene, co. Bedf, See Wilden.
Wyldirton, co. Kent. See Wilderton.
Wylebrok, co. N’hamp. See Willibrook.
Wyleby, Adam de, escheator, 688.
Wyleichby, John de, 684.
Wylford, co. Nott. See Wilford.
Wylfotebrugge, co. Staff. See Willoughbridge.
Wylghton, co. Linc. See Willoughton.
Wylie, co. Hertf. See Willian.
Wylington, co. Bedf. See Willington.
Wylington. See Wilington.
Wylle, co. Surrey. See Willey.
Wyllesthorp, co. York. See Wilsthorpe
Wylloughby, Richard de, 243 (p. 181).
Wyllytoft, co. Toft. See Willitoft.
Wylmerton. See Wolverton.
Wylmynton, co. Salop. See Wilmington.
Wylmynton, Bertram de, 104 (p. 93).
Wylton, co. Cumb. See Wilton.
-, ………, co. Wilts. See Wilton.
Wyluby, John de, 156, 241, 300 (p. 232), 584.
Wylughby, co. Linc. See Willoughby.
Wyly, Nicholas son of Nicholas de, 469.
Wylyndon, co. Sussex. See Willingdon.
Wylngehal, co. Essex. See Willingale.
Wylyngham, Roger son of Gregory de, 300 (p. 233).
Wylyngton, co. Derby. See Willington.
Wylyngton, Wylynton. See Wilington.
Wylyton, John de, 327.
Wymbish, co. Essex. See Wimbish.
Wymondham, co. Norf., 243 (p. 179).
-, ………, court of, 235.
Wymondley, Little, Wymoundeslee, co. Hertf., manor, 645.
Wymundewold, co. Leic. See Wimeswould.
Wynandermere, co. Westm. See Windermere.
Wynceby, co. Linc. See Winceby.
Wynchesfeld, Wynchyngfeld, co. Hants. See Winchfield.
Wyndeshore, Wyndesore, co. Berks. See Windsor.
Wyndesore, Wyndlesore, Joan wife of Richard de, 118.
-, ………, Richard de, 210.
-, ………, Richard son of Richard de, 118.
Wyndleshan. See Windlesham.
Wyndlesore, co. Berks. See Windsor.
Wyndlesore. See Wyndesore.
Wyndscales, co. Cumb. See Winscale.
Wynefeld, co. Derby. See Wingfield.
Wynepol, co. Camb. See Wimpole.
Wynesford, co. Somers. See Winsford.
Wyneslade, Richard de, 461.
Wynestede, co. York. See Winstead.
Wyneton, John de, 477, 544.
-, ………, Thomas de, 477.
Wyngefeld, Richard de, 169.
Wyngham, co. Kent. See Wingham.
Wynkeburn, co. Nott. See Winkbourn.
Wynkele, Robert de, 243 (p. 181).
Wynkelegh, Wynkeleighe, co. Devon. See Winkleigh.
Wynkesley, co. York. See Winksley.
Wynley, co. Derby. See Windley.
Wynrith brook. See Windrush.
Wynslawe, co. Buck. See Winslow.
Wynston, Philip de, 296 (p. 216).
Wynstone, co. Suff. See Winston.
Wynterborn, co. Wilts, 137.
Wynterborn Hoghmanton, co. Wilts. See Homanton.
Wynterbourn Houghton [co. Dorset]. See Winterborn.
-, ……… Withcherche, co. Dorset. See Winterborne.
-, ………, co. Glouc. See Winterbourne.
Wynterbourne, John de, 204.
Wynterbournestoke, Wynterbournstoke, Wynterbornestoke, co. Wilts. See Winterbourne.
Wynterburn, co York. See Winterburn.
Wynterburne, co. Berks. See Winterbourne.
-, ……… Assheton, co. Wilts. See Asserton.
Wynterheie, Walter de, 497.
Wynthorp, co. Linc. See Winthorpe.
Wynton, co. Westm. See Winton.
Wynton, Taylefer de, 408.
-, ………, Richard son of Taylefer de, 408.
-, ………, Taylefer de, and Elizabeth his wife, 408.
Wyntreshull, John de, 468 (p. 333).
Wyntringham, co. York. See Wintringham.
Wyot, Ela late wife of Roger, 27.
Wyre [cos. Salop and Worc.], chase of, 387 (pp. 279, 280).
Wyresdale, co. Lanc., 82 (p. 61).
Wyrkesop, co. Nott. See Worksop.
Wyrkesworth, co. Derby. See Wirksworth.
Wyrksopp, co. Nott. See Worksop.
Wyrmegeye, co. Norf. See Wormegay.
Wysa, John, 385 (p. 277).
Wyse, Reginald le, 245.
Wyses, co. Wilts. See Devizes.
Wysete, co. Suff. See Wissett.
Wysewell, William de, 214.
Wysham, John de, 454, 579.
-, ………, John de, and Hawis his wife, 454, 579.
-, ………, John son of John de, 454.
Wyssete, co. Suff. See Wissett.
Wyssingsete, co. Norf. See Whitsonsett.
Wystanston, co. Heref. See Wisteston.
Wystaustone, co. Heref. See Wisteston.
Wyston, co. Nott. See Wiseton.
-, ………, co. Pemb. See Wiston.
-, ………, co. Suff. See Wiston.
Wytelau, Richard de, 695.
Wytelegh, Margory (Bendyn), wife of Roger de, 347.
Wytene, co. Linc. See Whitton.
Wytewell, co. York. See Whitwell.
Wytham, co. Essex. See Witham.
Wythe. See White.
Wythele, co. Somers. See Whitley.
Wythele, Henry de, 198.
-, ……… . Reginald de, 198.
Wytheleye, Whiteley, co. York, manor, 81 (p. 53).
Wytheme, river. See Witham.
Wyther, John, 246.
-, ………, Roger, 246.
Wytherling, Wytherlinge [in Molash parish], co. Kent, 104 (p. 93).
Wythermondeford, co. Essex. See Wormingford.
Wytherslake, co. Westm. See Witherslack.
Wytherton, Thomas de, 392.
Wythewyke, co. Leic. See Whitwick.
Wythiford, John de, 85.
Wythington, co. Essex. See Widdington.
Wythornwyk, William de, 392.
Wythton, co. Norf. See Wighton.
Wythyen, John atte, 246.
Wytston, co. Staff. See Whiston.
Wytthynglowe, Richard de, 85.
-, ………, William de, 85.
Wytton, co. N’humb., 165.
Wytton, Alan de, 165, 695.
-, ………, John, son of Thomas de, 491.
Wyvelescombe, co. Somers. See Wiveliscombe.
Wyvelesfeld, co. Sussex. See Wivelsfield.
Wyvelesford, co. Linc. See Wilsford.
-, ………, co. Wilts. See Wilsford.
Wyvelyngham, co. Linc. See Willingham.
Wyvelyngham, John son of Roger de, 300 (p. 233).
Wyvenho, co. Essex. See Wivenhoe.
Wyverton, co. Nott. See Wiverton.
Wyville, Wyvyll, Robert de, 710 (p. 501).
-, ………, Thomas de, and Joan his wife, 250.
-, ………, William de, 81 (p. 53).
-, ……… Cf. Weyvile.