Index of Persons and Places: M

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: M', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III(London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: M', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III(London, 1909), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: M". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. (London, 1909), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.


Mabbyng, Richard, of Eaton, 543.

Mablethorpe, Malberthorp, co. Linc., 300 (p. 232).
-, ………, Porter of, q.v.

Mabwynion, Mabwynneon, co. Cardigan, commote, 418.

McCartan, John, 537 (p. 378).

McGwyr, Rory, 537 (p. 378).

McKylmury, McKilmurry, Cafan, 537 (p. 378).
-, ………, Robert, 537 (p. 378).

McMahun, John, 537 (p. 378).
-, ………, Odo, 537 (p. 378).

Machynge, co. Essex. See Matching.

Macoghan, an Irishman, 537 (p. 373).

Macy, Roger, 632.

Maddington, Madyngton, co. Wilts, 78.

Madecroft, co. Hertf. See Maydencroft.

Madeley, Maddeleye, co. Staff., 83 (p. 72).

Madeleye, Andrew de, 86.
-, ………, John de, 86.

Madley, co. Heref., Webton in, q.v.

Madron, co. Cornw., Alverton in, q.v.

Madut, See Maudit.

Madyngton, co. Wilts. See Maddington.

Maelyenydd, Mellenyth [co. Radnor], lordship, 387 (pp. 278, 280).

Maen, co. Cornw. See Mayon.

Magor [co. Monm.], 600.
-, ………, manor, 46 (p. 21), 71.
-, ………, la Grenemore in, 46 (p. 21).

Maidene Niweton, co Dorset. See Newton.

Maidstone, Maydenstane, co. Kent, 237.
-, ………, manor, 237.

Maister, Reginald le, 631.

Makeham, John, 480.

Makeseye, co. N’hamp. See Maxey.

Makman, John, 171.

Malberthorp, co. Linc. See Mablethorpe.

Malbish, Alan, 300 (p. 233).
-, ……… Cf. Malbys.

Malborough, co. Devon, Little Bolbury in. See Bolbury.

Malbys, William de, 81 (p. 53).
-, ……… Cf. Malbish.

Maldon, Maldone, co. Essex, 451.
-, ………, inquisition made at, 529.
-, ………, market, 160 (pp. 126, 127).

Maldon, William de, 698.

Maldone, John de, and Alice (le Blount) his wife, 521.

Malemeyns, Malemeys, Nicholas, 50 (p. 28), 131.
-, ………, Richard, of Barking, and Edith his wife, 223.

Malet, Baldwin, knight, 692.
-, ………, Maud, 243 (p. 180).
-, ………, William, 297 (p. 220).

Malins. See Malynes.

Mallerstang, forest, co. Westm., 77.

Malling, Mallynge, co. Kent, 74.
-, ………, South, Suth Mallynge, co. Sussex, dean and chapter of, 557.

Mallore, John, lord of Walton, 258.

Mallynge, co. Kent. See Malling.
-, ………, co. Sussex. See Malling.

Malmesbury, co. Wilts, hundred, 20.

Malmeshull Gamage, co. Heref. See Mansell.

Malo Lacu, John de, 372.
-, ………, Robert de, 373.
-, ………, Peter de, 362, 559 (p. 393).
-, ………, Peter de, the third, 372, 373.
-, ………, ………, the fourth, 372.
-, ………, Robert de, son of Robert, 373.

Maltby, Malteby [in Raithby parish], co. Linc., 300 (p. 233).

Malton, Maltone, co. York, 81 (p. 53), 250, 689 (p. 476).

Malynes, Malins, Malyns, Cicely wife of Henry de, 338.
-, ………, Edmund de, 338.
-, ………, John de, 648.

Mamcestre, Roger de, 172.

Man, Thomas le, 245.
-, ………, ………, his wife Joan de Tilleneye, 245.
-, ………, Walter, 171.

Manby, Robert, 537 (p. 378).

Mandeville, Maundevill, Maundevyle, Mandevile, William de, 515.
-, ………, Henry de, 537 (pp. 374, 375).
-, ………, John de, 515.
-, ………, John son of John de, 537 (p. 378).
-, ………, Richard de, 537 (p. 377).
-, ………, Robert de, knight, 309.
-, ………, Thomas son of Hugh de, 537 (p. 378).
-, ………, William, and Alice his wife, 479.
-, ………, William de, and Felicia his wife, 515.

Mandeville, honour of, 305.

Manekyn, Stephen, 104 (p. 93).

Maners, Baldwin de, 244 (p. 187).
-, ………, Robert de, 299.

Manewden, Manewedon, co. Essex, 49 (p. 26).

Manewhiteschirche, Manewhitechirche, co. Heref.? 710 (p. 496 bis).

Mannesbrugg, co, Hants. See Mansbridge.

Mansbridge, Mannesbrugg [in South Stoneham parish], co. Hants, manor, 361.

Mansel, Mansell, Maunsel, John, 355.
-, ……… (Hausell), John (temp. Henry III), 65.
-, ………, John, and Joan his wife, 355.
-, ………, Robert, 355, 699.

Mansell Gamage, Malmeshull Gamage, co. Heref., 710 (p. 496 bis).

Mantel, Mantell, Mauntel, Robert, 560.
-, ………, Thomas, 247.

Manthorpe, Manthorp [in Grantham parish], co. Linc., 300 (p. 234).

Mapelescampe, Mapelescaumpe, co. Kent. See Mappiscombe.

Maplestead, Mapeltrestede, co. Essex, 169.
-, ………, Great, Mapelestrested, co. Essex, 49 (p. 26).

Mapoudre, co. Dorset. See Mappowder.

Mapperton, Mapelarton Bret [co. Dorset], 237 (p. 220).

Mappiscombe, Mapelescaumpe, Mapelescampe [in Kingsdown parish], co. Kent, 131, 579.
-, ………, court of Suthcurt at, 131.

Mappowder, Mapoudre, co. Dorset, manor, 142.

Marays, Mareys. See Marisco.

March, Joan, countess of. See Mortuo Mari.

Marchal. See Marshal.

Marche, William, of Stanhoe, 283.
-, ………, Thomas, 283.
-, ………, Walter, of Stanhoe, 283.

Marchedon, co. York, See Marsden.

Marchington, co. Staff., manor, 82 (p. 61).

Marchinton, Marchynton, Elizabeth, wife of Ralph de, 28.
-, ………, Katherine, wife of Reginald de, 28.

Marcle, Little, Markeleye, Merkeleye, co. Heref., 710 (pp. 496, 499).
-, ………, Much, co. Heref., Bickerton in, q.v.

Marczate [co. Bedf.]. See Markyate.

Mardefeld, co. Leic. See Marefield.

Mardeleye, co. Hertf. See Mardley.

Marden, Mauwerdyn, Mawardyn, co. Heref., the lord of, 363.
-, ………, Sutton in, q.v.
-, ………, Wisteston in, q.v.

Mardley, Mardeleye [in Welwyn parish], co. Hertf., manor, 104 (p. 91).

Mare, la [co. Brecon?], 95.

Mare, John de la, of Whatley, and Joan (Paris), his wife, 540.
-, ………, Reginald de la, of Rendcombe, 454 (p. 321).

Marefield, South Mardefeld [in Tilton parish], co. Leic., 16.

Mareham, Marum, co. Linc., 241, 636.

Mareis. See Marisco.

Mareistede in Elm, co. Camb., 356 (p. 257).

Mareschal. See Marshal.

Mareny. See Marny.

Mares, Giles, son of John, 253
-, ………, Isabel de, 253.
-, ………, John, 253.

Mareworthchurche, co. Kent. See Mereworth.

Mareschal, Mareschale. See Marshal.

Mareys. See Marisco.

Margaret, late queen, 242.

Margery, Simon son of, 710 (p. 498).

Marham Church, co. Cornwall, Hilton in, q.v.

Mari, Robert de, 628 (p. 434).

Mariansleigh, Marynelegh, Marneslegh, co. Devon, manor, 297 (p. 219).

Mariet, William, 212.

Marisco, Mareis, Marays, Mareys, Herbert de, 31.
-, ………, Robert, 693.
-, ………, Stephen de, 31.
-, ………, Thomas de, 244 (p. 184).

Markeleye, co. Heref. See Marcle.

Market Weighton, co. York. See Weighton.

Markettesoverton, co. Rutland. See Overton.

Markfield, Mercfeld, co. Leic., advowson, 156.

Markham, John de, 226.
-, ………, John de, his daughters Elizabeth and Cecily, 226.

Markham, West, Little Markham, co. Nott., 81 (p. 55).

Markyate, Marczate [co. Bedf.], prioress of, 128 (p. 105), 642.

Marlborough, Marleberge, Marlebergh, co. Wilts, castle, 242, 349, 428.
-, ………, ………, constable of, 440.

Marmyon, John, knight, 243 (p. 175).
-, ………, Robert, 684.
-, …… . ., Walter, 28.
-, ………, William de, 300 (p. 233).

Marneslegh, co. Devon. See Mariansleigh.

Marnham, co. Nott., Grassthorpe in, q.v.

Marny, Mareny, William de, 285, 533 (p. 366).

Marsden, Marchedon, co. York, 82 (p. 59).

Marsh Gibbon, Mersche Gybewyne, co. Buck., 275.

Marshal, the Earl, 50 (p. 29), 104 (p. 93), 135, 160 (p. 129), 207, 235, 466 (p. 332), 598, 600, 646.
-, ………, ……… ., Marshal of England. See Brotherton.

Marshal, le Mareschal, le Marchal, le Mareschall, John, of Eckington, 322.
-, ………, Roger, of Wootton, 610.
-, ………, William, of Kings Stanley, 629.
-, ………, Adam, 247.
-, ………, Clarice, 686 (p. 473).
-, ……… John, 394, 484, 532.
-, ………, ………, of Guildford, 6.
-, ………, ………, son of Roger, of Wootton, 610.
-, ………, Roger, 170, 542.
-, ………, ………, his daughter Alice, 542.
-, ………, of Wootton, and Sarah his wife, 610
-, ………, Thomas, 322.
-, ………, Walter, 155.
-, ………, William, Hawise, daughter of, 42.
-, ………, ………, William, son of, 42.

Marston, Merston, co. Linc., 300 (p. 234).
-, ………, Butlers, Mershton Boteler, co. Warw., manor, 593.

Marsworth, Maseworth, Masseworth, co. Buck., 670.

Martel, Elias, 310.
-, ………, Lucy wife of John, 487, 520.
-, ………, Guy son of Elias, 487, 520.
-, ………, Lucy wife of John, 310.
-, ………, Richard, 172.
-, ………, Robert, 300 (p. 233).
-, ………, William (temp. John), 520.

Martin, David, bishop of St. David’s, 113.

Martin, Alexander son of, 618.
-, ……… See Martyn.

Martival, Roger de, bishop of Salisbury, 395.

Marton, Long, co. Westm., Knock in, q.v.
-, ………, co. York, 689 (p. 476).

Marton, Walter de, 170.
-, ………, ………, his daughter Alice, 170.

Martre, John le, 174.

Martyn, Robert, 383.
-, ………, ………, and Elizabeth (Byset) his wife, 605.
-, ………, William, 156, 462 (p. 327).
-, ………, ………, Alice wife of, 536 (p. 370).

Marum, co. Linc. See Mareham.

Mary sister of Edward II, 395, 542.

Marynelegh, co. Devon. See Mariansleigh.

Maryner, Edmund le, 101.

Mascy, Joan wife of Hamo de, 123.

Maseworth, co. Buck. See Marsworth.

Masham, co. York, 81 (p. 54).
-, ………, advowson, 81 (p. 55).

Mason, Merdesfen, Merdenfen [in Dinnington parish], co. N’humb., 391 (p. 290), 639, 677, 713 (p. 504).

Masseworth, co. Buck. See Marsworth.

Massingham, Great, Massyngham, co. Norf., 235.
-, ………, Little. co. Norf, manor, 296 (pp. 215, 217).
-, ………, ……… ., advowson, 296 (p. 216).

Massyngham, co. Norf. See Massingham.

Matching, Machynge, Macchyng, co. Essex, 49 (p. 25).
-, ………, manor, 340.

Mateshal, co. Norf. See Mattishall.

Mateshalbergh, co. Norf. See Mattishall Burgh.

Matfen, West [in Stamfordham parish], co. N’humb., 23, 434.

Matford, Matteford [in Alphington parish], co. Devon, manor, 462 (p. 326).

Matham, John de, 525.
-, ………, Walter son of John de, 563.
-, ………, Samson son of John de, 563.
-, ………, Walter de, 525.

Matteford, co. Devon. See Matford.

Mattild, William, 296 (p. 215).

Mattishall, Mateshal, co. Norf., 243 (pp. 178, 179).
-, ……… Burgh, Mateshalbergh, co. Norf., 243 (p. 178).

Maubank, Philip son of William, 497
-, ………, Philip, 497.

Mauclerk, John, 303.

Maudeleyn, Geoffrey, 300 (p. 232).

Maudit, Mauduyt, Madut, Mauduit, John, son of Thomas, 479.
-, ………, Robert, 297 (p. 219).
-, ………, Roger, and Eleanor his wife, 25, 390.

Maufe, Andrew, 238.

Maughonby, Merghanby [in Addingham parish], co. Cumb., 314.

Mauhardyn, William, 94.

Maund Whitechurch, Mawen Nichol [in Bodenham parish], co. Heref., 34.

Maundeville, Maundevill, Maundevyle. See Mandeville.

Maunsel. See Mansel.

Maunston, Richard de, knight, 309.

Mauntel. See Mantel.

Maurholm [in Warton?], co. Lanc., manor, 561 (p. 394).

Mautravers, Alice, 78, 79.
-, ………, ……… See Giffard.
-, ………, John, 78 (p. 47), 104 (p. 96), 297 (p. 221), 313, 682.
-, ………, ………, keeper of the forests, 307.
-, ………, ………, and Agnes his wife, formerly wife of John de Argentem, 472.
-, ………, Joan wife of John, 268.
-, ………, William, 78 (pp. 43, 47).

Mauveysyn, John, of Berwick, 85.
-, ………, John son of John, of Berwick, 85.

Mauwerdyn, Mawardyn, co. Heref. See Marden.

Mawen Nichol, co. Heref. See Maund.

Mawgan, co. Cornw., Trelowarren in, q.v.

Maxey, Makeseye, co. N’hamp., 308 (p. 238).
-, ………, Lolham in, q.v.

Maxton, Maytone [in Hougham parish], co. Kent, 104 (p. 93).

Maydencroft, Madecroft [in Ippollitts parish], co. Heref., manor, 288.

Maydenstane, co. Kent. See Maidstone.

Mayel, Matthew, 94.
-, ………, Richard, 400.
-, ………, ………, clerk of the church of Clenford, 94.
-, ………, Simon, 94.

Mayford [in Woking parish], co. Surrey, the serjeanty of, 300 (p. 226).

Mayland, Maylond, co. Essex, 160 (p. 128), 480.
-, ………, church, 480.

Maylond, co. Essex. See Mayland.

Mayn, Eustace, 235.

Maynard, Simon, 481.
-, ………, William, 87,
-, ………, ………, Nicholas son of, 87.

Mayne, co. Dorset. See Broadmayne.

Mayon, Maen [in Sennen parish], co. Cornw., 377.

Maysek, Richard, 385 (p. 277).

Maytone, co. Kent. See Maxton.

Meaburn, King’s, Kyngesmeburne, co. Westm., 77.

Meaux, co. York, abbot of, 473, 567.

Meaux. See Melsa.

Mechel, Bartholomew, 385 (p. 277).

Mede, Andrew atte, 164.
-, ………, William atte, 164.

Medefelde, co. Suff. See Metfield.

Medelton, co. Kent. See Milton.

Medstede, Andrew de, 104 (p. 95), 494.

Meignill, Hugh de, the elder, 526.
-, ………, Hugh de, the elder, and Joan his wife, 526.
-, ………, Hugh son of Hugh de, 526.
-, ……… Cf. Menill.

Mekesburgh, Roger de, of Eaton, 543.

Melbourne, Meldebourne, Meldebourn [co. Camb.], 689 (p. 478).
-, ………, ………, manor, 423, 472.
-, ………, Melebourne, co. Derby, castle, 82 (p. 65).

Melbroke, co. Bedf. See Millbrook.

Melbury Abbas, Melebury, co. Dorset, 231.

Meldebourne, Meldebourn, co. Camb. See Melbourne.

Meldreth, Melreth, Melrethe, co. Camb., 472, 689 (p. 478).

Meldyngg, co. Suff. See Milden.

Melebourne, co. Derby. See Melbourne.

Melebury, co. Dorset. See Melbury.

Melebury, Roger de. See Cook.

Meldon, Michael de, 82 (p. 67), 83 (p. 69).

Melford, Long, co. Suff., 365.
-, ………, Kentwell in, q.v.

Melksham, Melkesham, co. Wilts, 640.

Melksop, Henry, 104 (p. 91).

Mellenyth [co. Radnor]. See Maelynydd.

Melles, co. Suff. See Mellis.

Melling, Mellyng, co. Lanc., 682.

Mellis, Melles, co. Suff., manor, 235, 296 (p. 216).

Meln, Thomas atte, 394.
-, ………, Warin, Garin atte, 394.
-, ……… Cf. Mulle.

Melreth, Melrethe, co. Camb. See Meldreth.

Melsa, Meaux, Helen wife of Philip de, 665.
-, ………, John son of Geoffrey de, 392.
-, ………, Philip de, 644.
-, ………, Helen wife of Philip de, 644.
-, ………, John de, 675.
-, ………, Philip de, knight, 624.

. . ……, Scholastica de, 392.
-, ………, William de, 644, 665.

Melton Mowbray, Melton Moubray, co. Leic., 81 (p. 56), 526.
-, ……… ………, fair, 81 (p. 56).
-, ……… ………, market, 81 (p. 56).
-, ………, Little, co. Norf., 684.

Meltonby, Henry de, 701.

Melyn, John, 700.

Melynagh [co. Radnor]. See Welynvagh.

Mendham [co. Suff.], 243 (p. 179).
-, ………, manor, 82 (p. 68).

Mendip, Menedep, co. Somers., forest, 445.

Menedep, co. Somers. See Mendip.

Meneley, Menely [in St. Veep parish], co. Cornw., manor, 316.

Menewode, co. Sussex, 300 (p. 227).

Menheniot, co. Cornw., Trethew in, q.v.
-, ………, Trewent in, q.v.

Menill, Nicholas de, 35, 536 (p. 369), 582.
-, ……… Cf. Meignill.

Meol Brace, co. Salop, Pulley in, q.v.

Meonstoke, Meon Stoke, Munestok, Munestoke, Moenestok, co. Hants, 218.
-, ………, ………, manor, 75.

Meon, West, co. Hants, Westbury in, q.v.

Mepershal, Mepersale, Mepertesale, Robert de, 364.

Mepertesale, co. Bedf. See Meppershall.

Mepham, Simon de, archbishop of Canterbury, 599.

Meppershall, Mepertesale, co. Bedf., 364.

Mercer, Henry le, of Cliff, 217.

Mercfeld, co. Leic. See Markfield.

Merchzanou [Marazion?], co. Cornw., 385 (p. 276).

Merdesfen, Merdenfen, co. N’humb. See Mason.

Mere, Meere, co. Heref.?, 710 (pp. 496, 497).
-, ………, co. Wilts, vicar of, 309.

Mere, John de, 309, 690.

Mereham close, in Lechlade, co. Glouc., 300 (p. 228).

Merevale, Miryval, Mirival [co. Warw.], abbot of, 710 (pp. 497, 500).

Mereworth, Mareworthchurche, co. Kent, 394.

Mereworth, John de, 62, 131, 399 (p. 299).

Mergare, co. Kent, 129.

Merghanby, co. Cumb. See Maughonby.

Meriafeld, William de, 385 (p. 278).

Meriet, co. Somers. See Merriott.

Meriet, Meryet, de Meriet, de Meryet, de Meriot, George, 150, 179.
-, ………, John, 46.
-, ………, George, and Isabel his wife, 150, 179.
-, ………, John, 150.
-, ………, ………, Elizabeth wife of, 46.
-, ………, ………, Mary wife of, 46.
-, ………, ……… (son of John), 46.
-, ………, John de (father of George), 179.
-, ………, ……… (grandfather of George), 179.
-, ………, Walter, 297 (p. 219, 220).
-, ………, Walter son of Lucy, 547.

Merinton, Hugh de, of Stoke, and Margery (Morys) his wife, 633.
-, ……… Cf. Merynton.

Meriot. See Meriet.

Merk, Meerk, Mary wife of John le or de, 211.
-, ………, Jacomina de, 104 (p. 92).
-, ………, Ralph de, 481.
-, ………, Simon de, 508.

Merkeleye, co. Heref. See Marcle.

Merkenfeld, Sir Andrew de, 81 (p. 54).

Merriott, Meriet, co. Somers., 150, 611.
-, ………, advowson, 150.
-, ………, manor, 179.
-, ………, fair at, 179.

Mersche Gybewyn, co. Buck. See Marsh Gibbon.

Mersea, East, Estmereseye, co. Essex, manor, 447.

Mersh, John del, 560.

Mershton Boteler, co. Warw. See Marston.

Merstham, co. Surrey, 32.

Merston, co. Kent, 300 (p. 230).
-, ………, co. Linc. See Marston.
-, ………, co. York, 81 (p. 53).

Merton, co. Norf., 160 (p. 128).
-, ………, co. Surrey, prior of, 50 (p. 28), 300 (p. 225), 382.

Meryet. See Meriet.

Merynton, Hugh de, 66.
-, ………, Agnes wife of Hugh de, 66.
-, ………, John de, 66.
-, ……… Cf. Merinton.

Messenden, co. Buck. See Missenden.

Messendene, Nicholas de, 539.

Metfield, Medefelde [co. Suff.], 243 (p. 179).

Methley, co. York, advowson, 82 (p. 59).

Methwold Hithe, Hotrynghithe [in Methwold parish], co. Norf., 476 (p. 339).

Metingham, co. Suff. See Mettingham.

Mettingham, Metingham, co. Suff., 235.

Mettyn, Thomas de la, 57.

Mevagissy, formerly Lamorek, La Morek, co. Cornw., 385 (p. 276), 386.
-, ……… vicarage, 385 (p. 278).

Mewych, wood, co. York, 81 (p. 53).

Michaelchurch on Arrow, Michelschirche, Micheleschirche, Micheleschurch [co. Radnor], 389 (p. 284), 710 (p. 496 bis).

Michel, William, 266.
-, ………, Gilbert, 540.
-, ………, Robert, 266.

Micheldever, co. Hants, Crambourne in, q.v.

Michele Weston, co. Somers., 686 (p. 473).

Michelschirche, Micheleschirch [co. Radnor]. See Michaelchurch.

Middelchynnok, co. Somers. See Chinnock.

Middeldon, co. Devon. See Middleton.

Middelham, co. York. See Middleham.

Middelton, co. Kent. See Milton.
-, ………, co. Sussex. See Milton.
-, ………, co. Warw. See Middleton.

Middelton, Middeldon, Midelton, Midilton, Gilbert de, 315.
-, ………, John de, 171.
-, ………, Roger de, 297 (p. 219).
-, ………, William de, 251, 591.

Middeltone, co. Hants. See Milton.
-, ………, co. Wilts. See Milton.

Middesomeresnorte, co. Somers. See Norton.

Middilton, Kent. See Milton.
-, ………, co. Norf. See Middleton.

Middleham, Middelham, co. York, manor, 362.

Middlesex, archdeacon of. See Baldock.

Middleton, Stoney, co. Derby, manor, 470 (p. 334).
-, ………, Middeldon, Midelton, co. Devon, manor, 297 (p. 219).
-, ………, Middilton, co. Norf., 476 (p. 336).
-, ………, ………, Castelhalle manor in, 474.
-, ………, ………, Blackborough priory in, q.v.
-, ……… Stoney, Mudelynton, co. Oxford, 681 (p. 464).
-, ………, Middelton, co. Warw., manor, 134.
-, ……… Tyas, Midelton Tiays, co. York, manor, 561 (p. 395).

Midelton Ernys, co. Bedf. See Milton Ernest.
-, ………, co. Devon. See Middleton.
-, ……… Tiays, co. York. See Middleton.

Midelton, See Middelton.

Midhurst, co. Sussex, 107, 300 (p. 230).

Midilton. See Middelton.

Midilwode, co. York, 82 (p. 57).

Midlavant, Midlovente, co. Sussex. See Lavant.

Midlynton, Midlyngton, co. Kent. See Milton.

Mikelwanges, co. N’humb., 390 (pp. 286, 287).

Milborne Port, co, Somers., Kingsbury Bishops in, q.v.

Milby, Mildeby, co. York, 81 (p. 54).

Mildeby, co. York. See Milby.

Milden, Meldyngg, co. Suff., 365.

Mildenhall, Mildenhale, co. Wilts, manor, 46 (p. 22).

Miles, John, of Haselholte, 406.

Milford, Muleford [in Laverstock parish], co. Wilts, 104 (p. 96).

Milham, Thomas de, 592.
-, ………, George de, son of Thomas, 592.
-, ………, John de, the elder, 592.

Millbrook, Melbroke, co. Bedf., manor, 286.

Millbrook, co. Hants, Redbridge in, q.v.

Millom, Millum, Miluum, co. Cumb., 628 (pp. 431, 433, 436).
-, ………, manor, 628 (p. 433).

Milneburne, Milneburn, Milnburn, Robert de, 165, 302, 695.
-, ………, Roger de, vicar of Branxton, 695.
-, ………, Thomas de, 165, 302.

Milston, Mulleston [co. Wilts], 300 (p. 231).

Milton Ernest, Midelton Ernys, co. Bedf., 610.
-, ……… Abbas [co. Dorset], abbot and convent of, 323.
-, ………, Middeltone, co. Hants, 244 (p. 185).
-, ………, Middeltone in the hundred of Christchurch, co. Hants, manor, 259.
-, ………, co. Kent, hundred, 131.
-, ……… Regis, Midlynton, Midlyngton, Middletone, Middelton, Middilton [formerly called Milton next Sittingbourne], co. Kent, manor, 80, 131.
-, ……… ………, great courts, 131.
-, ……… ………, inquisition made at, 104 (p. 90).
-, ……… ………, king’s manor, 374.
-, ……… ………, queen’s manor, 614.
-, ……… ………, queen’s court of, 104 (p. 90), 227.
-, ………, Middelton [in Arlington parish], co. Sussex, 238.
-, ………, ………, manor, 238.
-, ……… Lilbourne, Middelton, co. Wilts, 266.

Milton, Henry de, and Agnes his wife, 300 (p. 234).

Milverton, co. Somers., Woodlands in, q.v.
-, ………, co. Warw., 156.

Mimms, North, Mimmes, co. Hertf., advowson, 104 (p. 94).

Minchinhampton, Munchenehampton, co. Glouc., manor, 600.

Mindrum, Mindrom, Myndrom, Mundrom, co. N’humb., 536.

Minehead, Mynhefd, co. Somers., manor, 297 (p. 218).
-, ………, Bratton in, q.v.

Miniot, John, 81 (p. 54).

Minster in Sheppey, Schepeye, co. Kent, prioress and nuns of, 227.
-, ………, Little, Little Munstre, Ministre [in Minster Lovell parish], co. Oxford, 27, 533 (p. 368).

Minstreton, co. Leic. See Misterton.

Minting, Mynting, Myntyngge, Mintynges, co. Linc., 300 (pp. 224, 234).
-, ………, advowson, 300 (p. 233).

Mirival, Miryval. See Merevale.

Mirsthegham, co. Lanc., forest, 82 (p. 61).

Miserden, Musardere, co. Glouc., manor, 300 (p. 228).
-, … … . ., advowson, 300 (p. 228).

Missenden, Great, Mussingden, Messenden, co. Buck., 468 (p. 332).
-, ………, ………, abbey, advowson of, 468 (p. 332).
-, ………, ………, abbot of, 128 (p. 105).
-, ………, Little, co. Buck., Holmer in, q.v.

Misterton, Minstreton, co. Leic., 156, 294.

Mistley, Misteleigh, co. Essex, 502.
-, ………, Dickley in, q.v.

Mite, river, co. Cumb., fishery in, 628 (p. 430).

Miterdale, co. Cumb. See Mitredale.

Mitford, Mitteford, Mitforde, co. N’humb., castle and manor, 391 (pp. 290, 291, 293), 677, 713 (p. 504).

Mitredale, Miterdale, co. Cumb., 628 (p. 431).

Mitteford, co. N’humb. See Mitford.

Mocktree, Moktre [in Leintwardine parish], co. Heref., wood, 387 (p. 279).

Modbury, co. Devon, Leigh in, q.v.
-, ………, Little, Motbury, co. Devon, 462 (p. 327).

Modeford Terry, Modeforde Terry, co. Somers. See Mudford.

Moelys, Moyeles, Alice de, 667.
-, ………, Roger de, 297 (p. 219).
-, ……… Cf. Mules.

Moenestok, co. Hants. See Meon Stoke.

Mohermer. See Monte Hermerii.

Mohun, Mohoun, Mouun, Mooun, Mohon, John de, 297.
-, ………, John de, of Hammoon, 388.
-, ………, John de, of Dunster, 46 bis, 388, 505, 507, 708, 714.
-, ………, ………, son of John of Dunster, 297, 347, 388, 505, 507.
-, ………, ………, father of John of Dunster, and Sibyl his wife, 708.
-, ………, ………, (of Hammoon), 297 (p. 221).
-, ………, ………, ………, son of John, 388.
-, ………, John (Sussex), 244 (p. 186).
-, ………, Reginald de, 46.
-, ………, William de, 46.

Mohuns Ottery, co. Devon. See Ottery.

Mokelynton, co. Essex. See Moughton.

Moktre, co. Heref. See Mocktree.

Mol, Simon, 164.

Molash, co. Kent, Wytherling in, q.v.

Molener, William le, 639.
-, ……… Cf. Mouner.

Molers, Maud de, 81 (p. 55).

Molesden, Molleston, Mollisdoun, Mollesdoun [in Mitford parish], co. N’humb., 391 (p. 290), 677, 713 (p. 504).

Molesey, Moleseye, co. Surrey, manor, 525, 563.

Molesworth, Mullesworth, co. Hunt., 300 (p. 229).

Moleton, John de, 667, 672.

Molins, Molyns, John de, 645.
-, ………, ………, Egidia wife of, 274.

Mollesdoun, Molleston, co. N’humb. See Molesden.

Mollington, Mollynton, co. Warw. [in Cropredy parish, co. Oxford], 334.

Mollisdoun, co. N’humb. See Molesden.

Mollynton, co. Warw. See Mollington.

Molyns. See Molins.

Mombray. See Mowbray.

Monboucher, Monburcher, Montborcher, Bertram de, 493.
-, ………, Bertram de, 625 (pp. 427, 428).
-, ………, ………, Joan his wife, 493, 625 (p. 428).
-, ………, Reginald de, 493.

Monchensy. See Monte Caniso.

Mone, John, 168.

Moneghedene. See Monghedene.

Monek, See Monk.

Monekeshamme, co. Somers., 275.

Monemouth, Monnemowe, Monemewe, Monemue, Monemeuwe, Richard de, 363.
-, ………, Richard son of Thomas de, 363.

Monemue. See Monmouth.

Monesleye, co. Heref. See Munsley.

Monewden, Munghedene, Moneghedene, Monghedene, Muneghedene, Munegedene, Moneweden [co. Suff.], 73.
-, ………, church and parson of, 73.
-, ………, manor, 646.

Monghedene, Munghedene, John de, 73.

Monghedene [co. Suff.]. See Monewden.

Monk Bretton, Munkbretton, co. York, prior of, 167.

Monk, Monek, Mounk, Munck, John le, of Garboldisham, 133, 248.
-, ………, John le, of Garboldisham, his sons Geoffrey, Robert and William, 248.
-, ………, ………, his son John de Garboldesham, 133, 248.
-, ………, John, 693.
-, ………, Richard atte, 94.
-, ………, William, 243 (p. 180), 630.

Monketon, co. Devon. See Monkton.

Monkleigh, co. Devon, Annery in, q.v.

Monks Eleigh, co. Suff. See Eleigh.

Monk’s Toft, co. Norf. See Hadiscotoftis.

Monkton, Monketon, co. Devon, 297 (p. 219).

Monmouth, Monimuwe, Monemue [co. Monm.] castle, 676 (p. 461).
-, ………, forest of, 389 (p. 284).

Monnemowe. See Monemouth.

Monpynson, Mounpyncoun, lady [Christiana de], 248.
-, ………, Edmund de, 243 (p. 178).

Monselowe, co. Salop. See Munslow.

Monsleye, co. Heref. See Munsley.

Montacute, Mountagu, co. Somers., 198.
-, ………, inquisition made at, 401.
-, ………, prior of, 198.
-, ………, the lord of, 293.

Montborcher. See Monboucher.

Monte Acuto, Mountagu, William de, 401, 411, 536 (p. 369), 676 (p. 461).
-, ………, ………, lord of Wark on Tweed, 545.

Monte Alto, Robert de, 471.
-, ………, Robert de, 244 (p. 184).
-, ………, ………, and Emma his wife, 135, 495.

Monte Caniso, Monchensy, barony, 465.
-, ………, fee of, 292.

Monte Caniso, William de, of Edwardstone, p. 117 (n.).

Monteforti, Alexander de, 300 (p. 232).
-, ………, Robert de, clerk, 104 (p. 95).
-, ………, William de, knight, 104 (p. 92).

Monte Gomeri, Monte Gommery, Alice de, late wife of Gawain Butler, 593.
-, ………, Philip de, 689 (p. 478).

Monte Hermerii, Monte Hermery, Mohermer, Edward de, 385 (pp. 276, 278).
-, ………, Ralph de, and Isabel his wife, 332.

Monteniaco. John de, 160 (p. 128).

Montfichet, Mounfichet, barony, 49 (p. 25)

Montgomery, Moungomery, honour, 646.
-, ………, castle, 320.
-, ………, ………, service connected with, 70.

Montpellier [Hérault, France], absence at, 168, 486, 497.

Moorby, Moreby, co. Linc., 597.

Mooun. See Mohun.

Mora, Robert de, 165.
-, ……… Cf. More.

Morby, Robert de, 139.

Morden, Steeple, Stepilmorden, co. Camb., 160 (p. 129).

More, Constance, wife of Stephen de la, 703.
-, ………, Stephen de la, 148.
-, ………, John atte, 484, 539.
-, ………, John de la, 690.
-, ………, Michael de la, 710 (p. 501).
-, ………, Peter de la, 85.
-, ………, Stephen de la, and Constance his wife, 148.
-, ………, William de la, 144, 148.
-, ……… Cf. Mora.

Moreby, co. Linc. See Moorby.

Moregarstone, co. Hants. See Garston.

Morehouse, Helen de la, 243 (p. 181).

Morek, la, co. Cornw. See Mevagissy.

Morel, John, 169.
-, ………, William, 169.

Moreton, South, Southmorton, Mortone, co. Berks, 409, 468 (p. 332).
-, ………, co. Cumb. See Murton.
-, ………, Mortone, co. Dorset, 90.
-, ………, ………, St. Martin’s church. See Wareham.
-, ………, Morton, co. Essex, manor, 706.
-, ……… Valence, co. Glouc., manor, 391 (p. 292).
-, … . . … Corbet, Morton, co. Salop, Corbet of, q.v.
-, ……… Say, Morton, co. Salop, 389 (p. 283), 710 (pp. 495, 498).
-, ……… . ………, Bletchley in, q.v.

Moreton, William de, 632.

Moretonhampstead, Morton, co. Devon, 173.

Morewick, John de, 693.

Morgan ap Meredith, 329.

Morhouses, co. Nott., 623 (p. 423).

Moriceby, Hugh de, 628 (p. 434 bis).

Morieus, Murieux, John, 383.
-, ………, Thomas, brother of John de, 82 (p. 68).

Morkel, Morker, Maud, 37
-, ………, Cecily, 37.
-, ………, Constance, 37.
-, ………, Isabel, 37.
-, ………, John, 37.
-, ………, Nicholaa, 37.

Morle, Morley, John de, the elder, 205.
-, ……… . Adam de, 160 (p. 128).
-, ………, John de, the younger, 205.
-, ………, Robert de, 42, 128 (p. 104), 205, 356 (p. 258), 471, 568.

Morlee, co. Norf. See Morley.
-, ………, co Sussex. See Morley.

Morley, Morlee, Morlegh, Morle, co. Norf., 243 (p. 179), 555.
-, ………, ………, advowson, 243 (p. 180).
-, ………, Morleye [in Ewhurst, Brede, Sidlescombe, Beckley, Peasmarsh and Northram]. co. Sussex, 493, 625 (pp. 427-8).

Morley. See Morle.

Morpath, Peter de, 171, 302, 695.
-, ………, Richard de, 171.

Morpeth, co. N’humb., Hepscott in, q.v.

Morslade, la [in Sandhurst parish], co. Glouc., 26.

Morston, co. Kent. See Murston.

Morston, Bartholomew de, 244 (p. 186).

Mortain, fee of, 360, 377.
-, ………, little fees of, 5, 155, 158, 210, 431, 709.
-, ………, Robert, count of (in Domesday book), 296 (p. 215).

Mortain, Morteyn, Eustace de, 104 (p. 92).

Mortesthorne, Nicholaa, wife of Nicholas de, 220.
-, ………, Nicholaa de, 240.

Morteyn. See Mortain.

Mortimer, lord of. See Mortuo Mari.

Morton, co. Berks, hundred, 244 (p. 184).
-, ………, co. Derby, Brackenthwaite in, q.v.
-, ………, co. Devon. See Moretonhampstead.
-, ………, co. Essex. See Moreton.
-, ………, co. Leic. See Gilmorton.
-, ……… [by Bourn], co. Linc., 559 (p. 392).
-, ……… Pinkeney, co. N’hamp., 343.
-, ……… ………, manor, 343.
-, ………, co. Salop. See Moreton.

Morton, John de, killed at Bannockburn, 693.
-, ………, Robert de, 693.
-, ………, Thomas de, 294.
-, ………, William de, and Helen his wife, 169.

Mortone, co. Berks. See Moreton.
-, ………, co. Dorset. See Moreton.

Mortuo Mari, Mortuo Mary, Edmund de, 387.
-, ………, Margaret wife of Edmund de, 577, 711.
-, ………, Constantine de, 49 (p. 26), 133, 166, 248.
-, ………, Edmund de, 664, 711.
-, ………, ………, Elizabeth wife of, 387 (p. 279).
-, ………, ………, the younger, 577.
-, ………, ………, ………, his son Roger, 577.
-, ………, Hugh de, 382.
-, ………, ………, of Cheilmersche, 46.
-, ………, ………, of Richard’s Castle, 243 (p. 175).
-, ………, Isabel de, lady of Ham Castle, 454 (pp. 320, 321).
-, ………, Ralph de, 300 (p. 229).
-, ………, Roger de, 54, 142, 161, 308 (p. 240), 387.
-, ………, ………, his journey to Ireland, 690.
-, ………, ………, adjudged a traitor, 466.
-, ………, ………, justice of Wales, 149.
-, ………, Roger de, of Wigmore, 28, 681 (p. 467).
-, ………, Roger de, earl of March, 363, 397, 449, 466, 664.
-, ………, ………, ………, Joan wife of, 688.
-, ………, ……… (father of Edmund), 577.
-, ………, Roger son of Edmund de, 577, 711.
-, ………, William de, 243 (p. 181).
-, ………, the lord of, 83 (p. 74).

Morwode, Robert de, 694.

Moryn, John, 81 (p. 54).

Morys, Margery, of Brinklow, married to Hugh de Merinton, 633.

Mosehole, co. Cornw. See Mousehole.

Moseley [in Moss, in Campsall parish], co. York, 276.

Mosergh, co. Cumb. See Mosser.

Mosser, Mosergh [in Brigham parish], co. Cumb., 628 (p. 431).
-, ………, manor, 628 (p. 434).

Mosters, Agnes de, 699.

Mot, Mott, Mot, Mote, Motte, Giles de la, 585.
-, ………, Giles de la, of Appleton, 299.
-, ………, John, 634, 698.
-, ………, Richard, 243 (pp. 180, 181).
-, ………, Richard de la, 585.
-, ………, Robert, 253.
-, ………, William de la, 82 (p. 68).

Motbury, co. Devon. See Modbury.

Mote. See Mot.

Motesfonte [co. Hants]. See Mottisfont.

Mott, Motte. See Mot.

Mottisfont, Motesfonte [co. Hants], prior of, 8.

Moubray, See Mowbray.

Moughton, Mokelynton [in Ulting parish], co. Essex, 160 (p. 128).

Moule, William, 639.

Moulton, Multon, co. Linc., 628 (pp. 432, 435, 437).
-, ………, ………, manor, 628 (p. 430).
-, ………, Multon, co, N’hamp., manor, 559 (p. 392).

Moun, Margery le, 530.

Moun. See Mohun.

Mounbray. See Mowbray.

Mounceaus, John de, lord of Compton, 8.

Mouner, Robert, 628 (p. 434).
-, ……… Cf. Molener.

Mounfichet. See Montfichet.

Moungomery. See Montgomery.

Mounk. See Monk.

Mounpyncoun. See Monpynson.

Mountagu, co. Somers. See Montacute.

Mountagu. See Monte Acuto.

Mounte, John atte, vicar of West Peckham, 394.

Mounteneye, Mounteny, John de, 172, 365.

Mountfield, Mundefeld, co. Sussex, 175.

Mounttorbyn, John de, 49 (p 26).

Mousehole, Mosehole, co. Cornw., 48 (p. 24).

Moustede, Maurice de, 145.

Moutroun, Christina wife of John de, the younger, 288.

Mounbray. See Mowbray.

Mouun. See Mohun.

Mowbray, Moubray, Mounbray, Mounbray, Mounbrai, Mombray, Bline de, late wife of Richard de Peshale, 398.
-, ………, John de, 81.
-, ………, John de, son of John, 250.
-, ………, Alina de, 155.
-, ………, John de (more than one man), 33, 50 (p. 27), 561 (p. 395), 680, 689 (p. 477), 713 (p. 502).
-, ………, ……… (the father), and Alina his wife, 250.
-, ………, ……… (son of John), 81.
-, ………, John son of Roger de, 610
-, ……… . the lady of, 229.

Moyeles. See Moelys.

Moyne, Moygne, Reginald le, 414.
-, ………, John le, 90, 414.
-, ………, Thomas le, 480.

Mucheldevre, Mucheldevere, Robert de, 204.
-, ………, Robert de, and Alice his wife, 204.
-, ………, ………, John their son, 204.

Muchelney, Muchelnye, co. Somers., abbot of, 397.

Mudelynton, co. Oxford. See Middleton.

Mudford, Modeforde Terry, Modeford Terry, co. Somers., manor, 494, 514.

Mulcastre, co. Cumb. See Muncaster.

Muleford, co. Wilts. See Milford.

Muleford, William de, 104 (p. 96 bis).

Mules, John de, 244 (p. 185).
-, ……… Cf. Moelys.

Mulle, Robert atte, 488.
-, ………, Hugh atte, 128 (p. 105).
-, ……… Cf. Meln.

Mulleston [co. Wilts]. See Milston.

Mullesworth, co. Hunt. See Molesworth.

Multon, co. Linc. See Moulton.
-, ………, co. N’hamp. See Moulton.

Multon, John de, of Egremont, 628.
-, ………, Alan de, 628 (p. 432).
-, ………, Richard, son of William de, 628 (pp. 432, 435).
-, ………, John de, lord of Egremont, 554, 597.
-, ………, ………, ………, and Alice his wife, 628.
-, ………, Thomas de, 82 (p. 681), 257, 300 (p. 234).
-, ………, ………, of Frampton, 628 (pp. 431, 432), 681 (p. 465).
-, ………, ………, of Gilsland, 200.
-, ………, ………, ………, his son Thomas, and Mabel his wife, 200.
-, ………, William de, 628 (p. 431).

Mumby, co, Linc., 192, 584, 594.
-, ………, soke, 625 (p. 426).

Muncaster, Mulcastre, co. Cumb., 628 (pp. 433, 435).

Munchenehampton, co. Glouc. See Minchinhampton.

Munchensy. See Monte Caniso.

Munck. See Monk.

Mundefeld, co. Sussex. See Mountfield.

Mundeford, co. Norf. See Mundford.

Mnndeforde, Osbert de, 476 (p. 339).

Mundeham, co. Sussex. See Mundham.

Munden, Great, co. Hertf., manor, 652.
-, ………, advowson, 652.

Mundford, Mundeforde, co. Norf., 476 (p. 339).
-, ………, Mundeford, co. Norf., manor, 12.
-, ………, fishery in, 12.

Mundham, North (?), Mundeham, co. Sussex, 244 (p. 186).

Mundon, co. Essex, 160 (p. 128).

Mundrom, co. N’humb. See Mindrum.

Munegedene [co. Suff.]. See Monewden.

Muneghedene. See Monghedene.

Munestoke, Munestok, co. Hants. See Meonstoke.

Muneton, Peter de, 161.
-, ………, ………, his father Reginald, 161.

Munghedene, co. Suff. See Monewden.

Munghedene. See Monghedene.

Munkbretton, co. York. See Monk Bretton.

Munsley, Monesleye, Monsleye, co. Heref., 710 (pp. 496, 497).

Munslow, Monselowe, Munslowe, co. Salop, hundred, 333.
-, ……… . little hundred of, 64.

Munstre, co. Oxford. See Minster.

Murieux. See Morieus.

Mursley, Murslee, co. Buck., 382.

Murston, Morston, co. Kent, manor, 244 (p. 186).

Murton, Moreton [in Lamplugh parish], co. Cumb., 628 (pp. 433, 437).

Musard, William, the elder, 273.
-, ………, de la Musarder, Isabel (wife of Elias Giffard), 78 (p. 48), 79.
-, ………, ……… See Giffard.
-, ………, William son of William, 273.

Musardere, co. Glouc. See Miserden.

Musegros, Robert de, 65.

Mussenden, Roger de, of Culworth, 370.
-, ………, Hugh de, 370.
-, ………, Roger de, son of Roger, 370.

Mussingden, co. Buck. See Missenden.

Muston, co. York, 587.

Muston, John de, 601.

Mutford, co. Suff., manor, 612.
-, ………, hundred, 612.

Mutford, John de, justice, 621 (p. 419).

Mylor, co. Cornw., Restronguet in, q.v.

Myndrom, co. N’humb. See Mindrum.

Mynhefd, co. Somers. See Minehead.

Mynting, co. Linc. See Minting.

Myntyngge, co. Linc. See Minting.