Index of Persons and Places: K

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: K". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. (London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Kailli. See Caylly.

Kanynton, co. Somers. See Cannington.

Karamptone, co. Somers. See Carhampton.

Karesbrouk, co. Hants. See Carisbrooke.

Karite, le, co. N’humb., 252.

Karleton, co. Bedf. See Carlton.
-, ………, co. N’hamp. See Carlton.

Karregkenyn [co. Carmarthen]. See Careg Cennen.

Kayl, Humphrey son of Humphrey de, 198.

Kaylewe, Kaylly, Kayllewey. See Caylly.

Kaynes. See Keynes.

Kayngham, co. York. See Keyingham.

Kayngham, John de, 678.
-, ………, John de, 477.
-, ………, Nicholas de, 678.

Kaynho, co. Bedf. See Cainhoe.

Kaynnes. See Keynes.

Kayrwik, co. N’humb. See Carrick.

Kea formerly Laundegy, co. Cornw., manor, 345.

Keadby, Ketby, in Axholm, co. Linc., 81 (p. 52).
-, ………, fishery at, 81 (p. 52).

Kedington, Kedyngton, Keditton, co. Suff., 160 (p. 129).

Kedyngton, co. Suff. See Kedington.

Keelby, Keleby, co. Linc., 510, 549.

Keele, Kel, co. Staff., 82 (p. 62).
-, ………, manor, 82 (p. 61).

Keevil, Kyvele, co. Wilts, manor, 300 (p. 224).
-, ………, manor, knights’ fees held of, 300 (p. 230).

Kegworth, Geggeworth, co. Leic., 29.
-, ………, lady of. See Sutton.

Kel, co. Staff. See Keele.

Keldirheies, co. N’humb. See Kielderhead.

Keldre, river. See Calder.

Keleby, co. Linc. See Keelby.

Keleby, Hugh de, 510, 549.
-, ………, Isabel, wife of Hugh de, 549.
-, ………, John de, 510.

Keleseye, co. Linc. See Kelsey.

Kelfield, Kelkefeld, Kelkfeld [in Owston parish], co. Linc., 81 (p. 51).

Kelham, Kelum, co. Nott., 81 (p. 55).

Keligren, John de. See Kelygren.

Kelkefeld, Kelkfeld, co. Linc. See Kelfield.

Kellan, Kethlan, co. Cardigan, 418.

Kelleriou, co. Cornw., 462 (pp. 327, 328).

Kelleriou, John, John de, 462 (pp. 327, 328).

Kelleseye, co. Linc. See Kelsey.

Kelleseye, Robert de, writ to, 547.

Kelleuedon, co. Essex. See Kelvedon.

Kellevedene, co. Essex. See Kelvedon.

Kelleynek, co. Cornw. See Kelynack.

Kellum, co. York. See Kilham.

Kellygren, Kelygrin [in St. Tudy], co. Cornw., 377.

Kelmescote, Walter de, 165.
-, ………, ………, his daughter Maud, 161.

Kelsey, Kelleseye, Keleseye, co. Linc., 82 (pp. 62, 67).
-, ………, South, Suthkeleseye, co. Linc., St. Nicholas’ church, advowson of, 300 (p. 233).

Kelum, co. Nott. See Kelham.

Kelvedon, Kelwedon, Kelleveden, Kellevedene, Kelleueden, co. Essex, 480, 628 (pp. 431, 435, 436, 437).
-, ………, manor, 450, 508.

Kelybygan, co. Cornw., 385 (p. 277).

Kelygren, Keligren, Henry de, 377.
-, ………, Henry de, 385 (p. 276).
-, ………, John de, 377.

Kelygreu, Kelygryu, John de, 385 (pp. 276, 277), 486.

Kelygrin, co. Cornw. See Kellygren.

Kelygryu, See Kelygreu.

Kelynack, Kelleynek [in St. Just parish], co. Cornw., 232.

Kembeshete, co. Hants. See Kempshot.

Kemesek, Kemesyk, Joan wife of Edmund de, 337.
-, ………, Joan de, 481.

Kemeston, co. Norf. See Kempston.

Kemesyk. See Kemesek.

Kemplay?, Kempele, Kemple, co. Glouc?, 710 (pp. 496, 498).

Kempshot, Kembeshete, co. Hants, 244 (p. 185).

Kempston Hardwick, co. Bedf. See Hardwick.
-, ………, Kemeston, co. Norf., 243 (p. 178).

Kempton, Kenyton, co. Midd., king’s manor, 654.

Kemsing, Kemsyng, co. Kent, 686 (p. 471).

Kendal, Kirkeby in Kendale, co. Westm., 561 (p. 396).
-, ………, Kendale, co. Westm., fees belonging to half the barony, 561 (p. 396).

Kendal, Kendale, Robert de, 288.
-, ………, Edward de, 288.
-, ………, Robert de, 96.
-, ………, ………, constable of Dover castle, 249.
-, ………, ………, and Margaret his wife, 288.

Kenefeld, John de, 164.
-, ………, ………, his daughter Joan, 164.

Kenet, Oger, 462 (p. 327).

Kenewardeslegh. See Kynewaldesle.

Keneweyk, John, 85.
-, ………, ………, son of John, 85.

Kenewick, Kenewyk, co. Norf. See Kenwick.

Kenill, co. Derby, 82 (p. 60).

Kenilworth, Kenelworth, co. Warw., castle, 82 (p. 65).
-, ………, prior of, 710 (p. 501).

Kensington, Kensyngton, co. Midd., 650.
-, ………, manor, 379 (p. 270).

Kensyngton, co. Midd. See Kensington.

Kent, Edmund, earl of. See Edmund.
-, ………, Margaret, countess of. See Edmund.

Kent, Kente, river, co. Westm., fishery in, 561 (p. 396).

Kent, Walter de, parson of Cardian, 209.

Kentbury, co. Berks, Balsdon in, q.v.

Kentelisbare, co. Devon. See Kentisbeare.

Kentewell, co. Suff. See Kentwell.

Kentisbeare, Kentlisbeare, Kentelisbare, co. Devon, manor, 297 (p. 219).
-, ………, Blackborough Boty in, q.v.

Kentisbury, co. Devon, Burdick in, q.v.

Kentlisbeare, co. Devon. See Kentisbeare.

Kenton, co. Devon, manor, 300.
-, ………, Kenyngton, co. Suff., 296 (p. 216).

Kentwell, Kentewell [in Long Melford parish], co. Suff., manor, 713 (p. 503).

Kenwick, Kenewick, Kenewyk [in Tilney], co. Norf., manor, 132, 707.

Kenyngton, co. Suff. See Kenton.

Kenyngtone, Neal de, 296 (p. 216).

Kenyton, co. Midd. See Kempton.

Kepwick, Kepwich, co. York, 81 (p. 53).

Ker Moor, Carmor [in Carhampton parish], co. Somers., 297 (p. 218).

Kerby, co. Leic. See Kirby.

Kerby, Simon de, 94.
-, ……… Cf. Kereby.

Kerclen, co. Cornw., 385 (p. 277).

Kerdeston, Roger de, 12.
-, ……… Cf. Kerdiston.

Kerdif, William de, 339.
-, ………, Joan, daughter of William de, 339.

Kerdiston, Roger de, 160 (p. 129).
-, ……… Cf. Kerdeston.

Kerdyngton, co. Bedf. See Cardington.

Kereby, Richard de, 258.
-, ……… Cf. Kerby.

Keresey, co. Suff. See Kersey.

Kerlyngton. See Kertlyngton.

Kerman, John, 300 (p. 233).

Kermerdyn. See Carmarthen.

Kernford, co. Lanc. See Carnforth.

Kerselowe, co. Buck. See Creslow.

Kersener, Hubert de la, 630.

Kersey, Kerseye, Keresey, co. Suff., 306.
-, ………, manor, 300 (p. 225).
-, ………, advowson of the priory, 300 (p. 230).
-, ………, prior of, 306.

Kertlyngton, Kerlyngton, Robert de, vicar of Coddenham, 281.
-, ……… Cf. Kurtlynton.

Kerwedros [co. Cardigan]. See Caer Wedros.

Kesteby, co. Linc. See Kexby.

Ketby, co. Linc. See Keadby.

Ketelby, co. Linc. See Kettleby.
-, ………, co. Leic. See Abkettleby.

Kethedyn [co. Brecon]. See Cathedine.

Kethlan, co. Cardigan. See Kellan.

Ketilberston, co. Suff. See Kettlebaston.

Ketleberg, co. Suff. See Kettleborough.

Ketlesmore, co. York, 81 (p. 54).

Ketleston, co. Norf. See Kettlestone.

Kettelby, co. Linc. See Kettleby.

Kettlebaston, Ketilberston, co. Suff., 365.

Kettleber, Ernald de, 73.

Kettleburgh, Ketleberg, co. Suff., manor, 217.
-, ………, advowson, 217.

Kettleby, Kettelbye [in Wrawby parish], co. Linc., 243 (p. 180).
-, ………, ………, manor, 627.
-, ……… Thorpe, Thorp by Bekeby [in Wrawby parish], co. Linc., 325.

Kettlestone, Ketleston, co. Norf., 592.

Keu, Roger le, of Thorpe or Roger de Thorp, cook to the archbishop of York, 351.
-, ………, ………, Joan his wife, 351.

Kevyle, Joan de, 277.
-, ……… Cf. Kyvele.

Keworthe, co. Nott. See Keyworth.

Kexby, Kesteby [in Upton parish], co. Linc., 303 (p. 234).

Keyingham, Kayngham, co. York, 678.

Keynell, Caynel, William, 300 (p. 230).

Keynes, Kaynes, Caygnes, Caynes, Kaynnes, Eleanor, wife of Robert de, 9.
-, ………, John de, 141.
-, ………, Thomas de, 141.

Keynesham, co. Somers. See Keynsham.

Keynor, Kynor [in Sidlesham parish], co. Sussex, manor, 244 (p. 186).

Keynsham, Keynesham, co. Somers., chace, 97.

Keysoe, Caysho, co. Bedf., 265.

Kaythorpe, Keythorp [in Tugby parish], co. Leic., 243 (p. 178), 596.
-, ………, manor, 596.

Keyworth, Keworthe, co. Nott., 197.

Kidderminster, Kydermunstre, Kydermurstre, co. Worc., manor, 605.

Kielderhead, Keldirheies [in Falstone parish], co. N’humb., 252.

Kilburn, co. York, 81 (p. 53).
-, ………, advowson, 81 (p. 55).
-, ………, Osgoodby in, q.v.

Kilby, co. Leic., manor, 487.

Kildare, William de Vescy of, q.v.

Kildwick, co. York, Cowling in, q v.

Kilham, Kyllum, Killum [in Kirknewton parish, co. N’humb.], 545.
-, ………, Kellum, Killum, co. York, manor, 391 (pp. 289, 291, 292).

Kilkhampton, Kylkampton, co. Cornw., manor, 102.

Killing, co. York. See Nunkeeling.

Killingholme, Kylingholm, co. Linc., 300 (p. 232)

Killingworth, Adam de, 695.

Killingwyk, co. York. See Kilnwick.

Killum, co. N’humb. See Kilham.
-, ………, co. York. See Kilham.

Killum, Nicholas de, 545.
-, ………, Patrick son of William de, 545.

Killyngton, John de, 81 (p. 54).

Killyvern (?), 392.

Kilnsea, Kylnese by Ravenserod, co. York, 477.

Kilnwick, Killingwyk by Watton, co. York, manor, 372.
-, ………, Beswick in, q.v.
-, ………, Bracken in, q.v.

Kilpeck, Kilpek, Kylpek, co. Heref., castle, 134.
-, ………, barony, 75, 218.

Kilton, Kylvetone, co. Somers., manor, 297 (p. 218).

Kimberley, Kimberle, co. Norf., manor, 243 (p. 180).

Kimble, Great and Little, Kynebelle, co. Buck., 382.

Kimcote, co. Leic., Cotes in, q.v.

Kinardferry, Kynardeferi, Kynardefery [in Owston parish], co. Linc., 81 (pp. 51, 52).

Kineton, Cheping Kyngtone, co. Warw., inquisition made at, 334.

King’s Meaburn. See Meaburn.

King’s Stanley, co. Glouc. See Stanley.

Kingsbury, Kyngesbury, co. Midd., 681 (p. 464).
-, ………, co. Somers., Rodwell in, q.v.
-, ………, Bishops, Kyngesbery [in Milborne Port parish], co. Somers., manor, 300 (p. 228).
-, ………, ………, foreign hundred, 300 (p. 228).

Kingsclere, Clere, co. Hants, 244 (p. 185).

Kingscliffe, Clyve, co. N’hamp., bailiwick of, 415.
-, ………, forest, 516.

Kingsdown, Kyngesdoun, co. Kent, manor, 606.
-, ………, Mappiscombe in, q.v.

Kingsham, Kyngesham [in St. Pancras parish, Chichester], co. Sussex, 353.

Kingshaugh, Kyngeshagh [in Darlton parish], co. Nott., manor, 200.

Kingsland, Kyngeslane, co. Heref., manor, 711.
-, ………, Street in, q.v.

Kingsley, Kynkesleye, co. Staff., 83 (p. 75).
-, ………, Whiston in, q.v.

Kingsteignton, co. Devon, Gappath in, q.v.

Kingston Lisle, Kyngeston [in Sparsholt parish], co. Berks, manor, 12.
-, ………, ……… Cf. Kyngeston.
-, ………, Kyngeston, co. Devon, 246.
-, ……… Lacy, Kyngeston Lacy [in Wimborne Minster parish], co. Dorset, manor, 681 (p. 463).
-, ……… Russell, Kyngeston Russel [in Little Bredy parish], co. Dorset, manor, 220.
-, ………, Kyngeston, co. Hants, I. of W., 174.
-, ………, Kyngestone, co. Kent, manor, 104 (p. 91).
-, ………, ………, manor, list of fees held of, 104 (p. 93).
-, ……… (on Soar), Kynston, co. Nott., 122.
-, ………, ……… [co. Nott. (stated to be co. Leic.)], 29.
-, ……… Seymour, Kyngeston Seymor, co. Somers., manor, 97.
-, ………, Kyngeston, co. Surrey, 525.
-, ………, ………, men of, 563.
-, ………, Kyngeston, co. Sussex, parson of. See Rademelde.

Kingswood, Kyngeswode [near Wilnecote, now disappeared], co. Warw., 526.

Kingthorpe, Kynthorpe, co. York, 82 (pp. 56, 57).

Kinlet, co. Salop, Earnwood in, q.v.

Kinson, Kynstenstone, Kynstenestone [in Great Canford parish], co. Dorset, 39.
-, ………, manor, 39.

Kintbury, co. Berks, Balsdon in, q.v.

Kinver, Kynefare, co. Staff., forest, lands in, 307.

Kinwardstone, Kynewarston, co. Wilts, hundred, 266, 361.

Kippax, Kypax, co. York, manor, 82 (p. 59).

Kirby Cane, Kirkaby, Kirkeby, Kyrkeby Caain, Kerby, co. Norf., 160 (pp. 126, 128), 235.
-, ……… Frith, Kerby, co. Leic., 94.
-, ……… Muxloe, Kerby, co. Leic., 400.
-, ……… Knowle, Kirkeby under Knolle, co. York, 81 (p. 54).
-, ……… on the Moor, Kirkeby on the Moor, co. York, advowson, 81 (p. 55).

Kiriel, Kyryel, Kyriel, Kriel, John son of Nicholas de, 249.
-, ………, Isabel, 710 (pp. 497, 499).
-, ………, Nicholas, 249.
-, ………, ………, Rose his wife, 249.
-, ………, Richard, 249.
-, ………, William, 394.
-, ………, ………, his daughter Margery, 394.

Kirk Hallam, co. Derby. See Hallam.

Kirk Whelpington, Whelpyngton, co. N’humb., manor, 390 (p. 285).

Kirkaby, co. Norf. See Kirby.

Kirkandrews, Kirkandres, co. Camb., 18.

Kirkbampton, Kirkebampton, co. Cumb., 314.

Kirkbride, Kirkebryd, co. Cumb., 317.

Kirkby la Thorpe, Kirkebyleyrthorp, Kirkeby, co. Linc., 82 (pp. 62, 66).
-, ……… upon Bain, Kirkeby by Bayn, co. Linc., 241.
-, ……… in Ashfield, Kyrkeby, co. Nott., 603.
-, ……… Stephen, Kyrkebistephane, co. Westm., 77.
-, ……… Thore, Kirkeby Thorne, co. Westm., church, 247.
-, ……… Malzeard, Kirkeby Malasart, co. York, manor, 81 (p, 52).
-, ……… ………, fees pertaining to, 81 (p. 54).
-, ……… ………, advowson, 81 (p. 55).
-, ……… Moorside, Kirkeby Moresheved, co. York, 81 (p. 53).
-, ……… ………, advowson, 81 (p. 55).
-, ……… Overblow, co. York, Rigton in, q.v.
-, ………, South, Kirkeby, co. York, 82 (p. 58).
-, ……… Wharfe, Kirkeby on Wharf, co. York, manor, 682.

Kirkdale, Kirkedall, co. York, advowson, 81 (p. 55).

Kirkebampton, co. Cumb. See Kirkbampton.

Kirkebride, Kirkebryde, Kirkebrid, Kyrkebride, John de, 18.
-, ………, Richard de, 317.
-, ………, Walter de, 18, 317.

Kirkebryd, co. Cumb. See Kirkbride.

Kirkeby, co. Linc. See Kirkby.
-, ………, co. Norf. See Kirby.
-, ……… in Kendale, co. Westm. See Kendal.
-, ………, co. York. See Kirby; Kirkby.

Kirkeby, Kyrkeby, Gilbert de, 131.
-, ………, John de, 278, 480.
-, ………, Roger de, 444.
-, ………, William de, 480.

Kirkebyleyrthorp, co. Linc. See Kirkby.

Kirkebythore, John de, 628 (p. 433).

Kirkedall, co. York. See Kirkdale.

Kirkehowel in Wales. See Crickhowell.

Kirketon, co. Linc. See Kirton.

Kirketon, John de, 10.
-, ………, Ralph de, 250.

Kirkland, co. Cumb., Skirwith in, q.v.

Kirklinton, Kyrkelevyngton, Levyngton, co. Cumb., manor, 317.
-, ………, advowson, 437.
-, ………, Alstonby in, q.v.

Kirkosewald, John de, and Alice his wife, 247.

Kirkoswald, Kirkosewald, co. Cumb., manor, 200.

Kirkstall, Kyrkestall, co. York, abbot of, 300 (p. 229).

Kirkstead, Kirkestede, co. Linc., advowson of abbey, 241.
-, ………, abbot of, 241.

Kirmington, Kyrnington, co. Linc., 325.

Kirnesale, Richard de, 603.

Kirton, Kirketon, co. Linc., inquisition made at, 217.
-, ………, ………, soke, 625 (p. 426).
-, ……… in Holland, Kirketon, Kyrketon, co. Linc., 628 (pp. 429, 432, 435, 436, 437).

Kislingbury, co. N’hamp., manor, 12.
-, ………, le Gretene in, 12.

Kiwardesle, Simon de, and Margaret his wife, 160 (p. 129).

Klannoh, Shanuch, Philip, Philip de, 710 (pp. 496, 499).

Knaith, Knaye, co. Linc., 59.

Knappe, co. Sussex. See Knepp.

Knapton, Roger de, 693.

Knaye, co. Linc. See Knaith.

Knebworth, Knebbeworth, co. Hertf., manor, 662.

Kneesal, Knesale, co, Nott., All Saints Church, 699.
-, ………, Robert the clerk of, 699.

Kneesworth, Knesworth [in Bassingbourne parish], co. Camb., 43.

Knepp, la Knappe, la Cnappe [in Shipley parish], co. Sussex, park of, 136, 137.

Knesale, co. Nott. See Kneesal.

Knesworth, co. Camb. See Kneesworth.

Knight, Knyght, Geoffrey, 243 (p. 180).
-, ……… Cf. Knyht.

Knighton, Knightesheton [in Bovey Tracy parish], co Devon, 494.

Knock, Knok [in Long Marton parish], co. Westm., manor, 125.

Knok, co. Westm. See Knock.

Knolle, co. Somers. See Knowle.

Knook, Knouke, Knouk, Cnouk, co. Wilts, 104 (pp. 95, 96).
-, ………, manor, 4, 104 (p. 96).

Knoston, co. N’hamp. See Knuston.

Knottingley, Knottyngley, co. York, manor, 82 (p. 58).

Knouk, Knouke, co. Wilts. See Knook.

Knovyle, John de, his daughters Cecily, Eleanor, and Amy, 260.

Knowle, Cnolle [in Fareham parish], co. Hants, 244 (p. 185).
-, ………, Knolle, Cnolle [in Bedminster parish], co. Somers., 78.
-, ………, ………, manor, 512.
-, ………, Old, Ouele Cnolle [formerly in Carhampton, now in Timberscombe], co. Somers., 297 (p. 220).

Knowlton, Knolton, co. Kent, manor, 293.

Knuston, Knoston, Knoxton [in Irchester parish], co. N’hamp., 82 (pp. 63, 64).

Knyght. See Knight.

Knyht, John, 300 (p. 233).

Knyvet, Gilbert, 300 (p. 232).
-, ………, Richard, and Joan his wife, 490.

Koketmore, co. N’humb. See Cokemore.

Korkikel, William de, 628 (p. 434).

Kredelyng, co. York. See Cridling.

Kreuker. See Crevquer.

Kriel, William. See Kiriel.

Kulven, Thomas, 497.
-, ……… Cf. Culewenne.

Kundal, co. York. See Cundall.

Kuonteshalerydyng, co. Derby, 683 (p. 469).

Kurtlynton, John de, and Alice (Waspray) his wife, 540.
-, ……… Cf. Kertlyngton.

Kusop, co. Heref. See Cusop.

Kydermunstre, Kydermurstre, co. Worc. See Kidderminster.

Kyldrenek, John, 486.

Kyle, William, 243 (p. 181).

Kylingholm, co. Linc. See Killingholme.

Kylkampton, co. Cornw. See Kilkhampton.

Kyllum. See Kilham.

Kylnese, co. York. See Kilnsea.

Kylpek, co. Heref, See Kilpeck.

Kylquoyt, co. Cornw. See Colquite.

Kylvetone, co. Somers. See Kilton.

Kymbe. See Kyme.

Kymbeare, Joan, daughter of Elias de, 697.

Kyme, co. Linc., prior of, 243 (p. 181), 628 (p. 429).

Kyme, Kymes, Kymbe, Maud de, 46.
-, ………, Philip de, 81 (p. 55).
-, ………, William de, 300 (pp. 233, 234), 348.

Kynardefery, Kynardeferi, co. Linc. See Kinardferry.

Kynebelle, co. Buck. See Kimble.

Kynefare, co. Staff. See Kinver.

Kynesheved, co. Cumb., 628 (p. 431).

Kynewaldesle, Kenewardeslegh, Kynewardeslegh, Walter de, parson of Alverstone, 672.

Kynewarston, co. Wilts. See Kinwardstone.

Kyng, Robert, and Wilhelmina his wife, 659.

Kyngehope, co. N’humb., 390 (p. 285).

Kyngesmeburne, co. Westm. See Meaburn.

Kyngesbury, co. Midd. See Kingsbury.
-, ………, co. Somers. See Kingsbury.

Kyngesdoun, co. Kent. See Kingsdown.

Kyngeshagh, co. Nott. See Kingshaw.

Kyngesham, co. Sussex. See Kingsham.

Kyngeshay, in Kings Cliffe forest, co. N’hamp., 516.

Kyngeslane, co. Heref. See Kingsland.

Kyngesleverham, co. Somers., 300 (p. 227).

Kyngesman, Agnes, of Thorganby, 546.
-, ………, Henry, 546.

Kyngesmore, co. Somers., a moor called, 300 (p. 227).

Kyngesneuton, co. Warw. See Newton Regis.

Kyngesstanleye, co. Glouc. See Stanley.

Kyngessutton, co. N’hamp. See Sutton.

Kyngestanleye, co. Glouc. See Stanley.

Kyngeston, co. Berks, 82 (p. 65).
-, ……… See Kingston-Lisle.
-, ……… Lacy, co. Dorset. See Kingston.
-, ……… Russel, co. Dorset. See Kingston.
-, ………, co. Hants. See Kingston.
-, ………, co. Somers. See Kingston.
-, ………, co. Surrey. See Kingston.

Kyngeston, John de, 174.
-, ………, John de, 246, 479, 540.
-, ………, Jordan de, knight, 174.
-, ………, Walter de, and Margaret (de la Hurst), his wife, 174.

Kyngestone, co. Devon. See Kingston.
-, ………, co. Kent. See Kingston.

Kyngeswalleheath, co. Staff. See Wallheath.

Kyngeswode, near Malling, co. Kent, 683 (p. 468).
-, ………, co. Warw. See Kingswood.

Kyngtone, co. Warw. See Kineton.

Kynkesleye, co. Staff. See Kingsley.

Kynor, co. Sussex. See Keynor.

Kynstenstone, Kynstenestone, co. Dorset. See Kinson.

Kynston, co. Leic. See Kingston, co. Nott.
-, ………, co. Nott. See Kingston.

Kynthorpe, co. York. See Kingthorpe.

Kynton, John de, 165, 695.

Kypax, co. York. See Kippax.

Kyriel. See Kiriel.

Kyrkebistephane, co. Westm. See Kirkby Stephen.

Kyrkebride. See Kirkebride.

Kyrkeby Caain, co. Norf. See Kirby.

Kyrkeby, co. Nott. See Kirkby.

Kyrkeby. See Kirkeby.

Kyrkehalum, co. Derby. See Hallam.

Kyrkehowel in Wales. See Crickhowell.

Kyrkelevyngton, co. Cumb. See Kirklinton.

Kyrketon, co. Linc. See Kirton.

Kyrnington, co. Linc. See Kirmington.

Kyryel. See Kiriel.

Kyvele, co. Wilts. See Keevil.

Kyvele, William de, 497.
-, ……… Cf. Kevyle.