Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 36

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 36', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III(London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 36', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III(London, 1909), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 36". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. (London, 1909), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 36

Writ, 12 July, 7 Edward III.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. 6 August, 7 Edward III.
Waddon. The manor (extent given), including a pasture in the chase of Waddon called ‘le Fryth’ and a park, held of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee.
Burton by Ayllesbury. 10l. 9 3/4d. rent, held of the king in chief by service of a tenth part of a knight’s fee.
He died a minor and in the king’s wardship. Elizabeth, his daughter, aged one year on 6 July last, viz.—the eve of St. Thomas the Martyr, is his next heir.
Writ, 12 August, 7 Edward III.
ESSEX. Inq. Friday after St. Bartholomew, 7 Edward III.
Northfambrigge. The manor (extent given), including a ferry, held of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee.
Heir as above, aged one year and more.
Writ, 12 August, 7 Edward III.
SURREY. Inq. 5 September, 7 Edward III.
Shire. A capital messuage, lands, rent, &c. (extent given), held of John de Warenne earl of Surrey, by service of two parts of a quarter of a knight’s fee; whereof are due yearly to Agnes de Salopia, for her life, 66s. 8d., by a writing of the said earl.
He held no knights’ fees or advowsons of churches in the county at his death, but John Dabernoun, knight, held the manor of Lascham of the said earl by service of a knight’s fee pertaining to the said tenements in Shire.
Heir as above.
Extent or summary of the above lands, &c., in cos. Essex, Surrey, and Buckingham.
Writ of certiorari de feodis, &c. to the escheator of Surrey &c. 12 August, 7 Edward III.
Writ of certiorari de feodis, &c. to the escheator of Norfolk, Essex &c. 12 August, 7 Edward III.
ESSEX. Inq. Friday after St. Bartholomew, 7 Edward III.
He had no knights’ fees or advowsons of churches in the county on the day he died.
Writ, to the escheator of Ireland, 12 August, 7 Edward III.
CARLOW. Inq. Friday after St. Lawrence, 7 Edward III.
Balydugan or Balydog[an]. The manor (extent given), including a weir, a park with deer, and a rabbit warren, held of the king in chief by knight’s service; and Roger de la Hyde holds there freely a messuage, by fealty and suit at the said earl’s court there every fifteen days.
Heir as above, aged a year and a half and more.
LOUTH (Uriel). Inq. 28 June, 7 Edward III.
Droghd[a]. A messuage, 3a. land and 4a. meadow, held as of burgage by service of rendering 4s. 6d. yearly to the mayor and bailiffs of Droghda.
Heir as above.
LOUTH; Coly. Inq. 20 June, 8 Edward III.
Karlyngford. The castle and manor (extent given), including lands in ‘le Englishegraunge,’ at Ballaykan held by English tenants, in Kylronaneslond, in the new town of ‘le Coly’ held by English and Irish tenants, in Maydeneslond, Gylduffeslond, Rustagh, and Laverdagheston, lands of Eynaghe and of Dermogh which lie among the Irish, lands in Knokegan, Balylug, Barlyrath, Lucyeneston, Knokannan, Corbaly, Dunregwan, Balycroon, Hykkeston and Kyngeslond, held of the king in chief by knight’s service when scutage runs.
Heir as above, aged two years.
[WEST] MEATH. Inq. Thursday after SS. Peter and Paul, 7 Edward III.
Le Wastyn. Divers lands and tenements in a place called ‘le Wastyn,’ held of the king in chief by knight’s service, viz.—at Adameston. Rogeryston, Mylton, and Colmoryston [or Colomoriston], 370a. land which used to be under the lord’s carucate, and now lie waste because in the marches amongst the Irish; four carucates and 40a. land, each carucate containing 120a., in Bylrath, Mylton, Brustnagh, Clonbaltyn, Brenanyston, Kyllellin, Lathard, Cloghmol, Kyleley, Drummore, Cromore, Moyel, Rothan, Hay, Balytarsyn, Moytanwagh, and Tullaghmel, now worth nothing because wholly destroyed by Macoghan and other Irish there; 22s. yearly rent from lands, &c., at Clonmok [or Clommok]; 6s. 8d. yearly rent from lands there held freely in fee; a yearly rent of a pair of spurs or 6d. from lands, &c., in Tomlynyston [or Tommelyneston]; 2s. yearly rent from lands, &c., in Clonmoryston; 20s. yearly rent from a carucate of land at Samalysrath; 5s. 1d. yearly rents from lands in Mylton; 1d. yearly rent from land in Remoundeston; and divers lands and tenements held by free tenants (named) in divers places annexed to the said place called ‘le Wastyn,’ who render nothing yearly except suit at the court of the said place every fifteen days, and 3s. 4d, for royal service, when proclaimed, for each carucate of land, each one according to the portion of land which he holds, viz.—lands at Droghald, in Clonbrenan, Benetyston and Mylton, in Rogeryston, Lesdry, Colmoryston, Colsyn, Kyllyngbeg, Adameston, Balichillin, Thomelineston, Remoundeston [or Reymondeston], and Remoundiston Freyns.
Heir as above, aged a year and a half and more.
MEATH. Inq. 18 June, 7 Edward III.
Rotouth. The barony (extent given), including a manor, land called ‘Betagesland,’ yearly rents from many carucates of land in Balymacglassan, Donenagshalyn, Kylrow, Kaperagh, Fydorth, Begeston, Balymaclaghlyn, Neweton, Balyhavel, Hardloueston, Coulcaman, Brouneston, Molcroneslond, Lucyaneston, Raweston, Flemyngeston, Maghry, Kylbrew, Krykeston, Kokeston, Rayeston, Kylegelan, Mylton, and Fleneston, and a hundred (court) held for the burgesses of Rotouth, held of the king in chief, by ancient feoffment and by royal service, rendering 8l. to the king when scutage runs.
MUNSTER (; TIPPERARY). Inq. 10 March, 8 Edward III.
Tyrdeglas or Tyrouglas. The castle and manor, held of the see of Killaloe (Laoniens’) by service of 53s. 4d. yearly rent, and by service of 2s. commic’ (?) of the same see to be paid yearly (extent given), including land in Kyldenoy, yearly rents from Clennagsymor, Clanagsybeg and the land of Mothan, from Rathyn, Clonbetage, and Balybegg, from land in Maclonomonyd, from the mill of Clonnancy and from the mill of the town of Tyrdeglas, from the ferry there, from Corkduffenyth, Senkel, Drumoynagh and Clontanroy.
Lother. A grange, lands and rents, &c., (extent given), including yearly rents from lands in Balycragg, Durmod and Kyllynys, from Kappagh Bretyn, from the mill of the town of Lother, from Predagh and Lyssarthan, now worth nothing on account of the war.
Heir as above.
ULSTER. Inq. Saturday after St. Matthew, 7 Edward III.
[ANTRIM.] Cragfergus. The manor (extent given), including a plot not built on called ‘Hagard,’ land at Kiogkegh, Kylglan, and Dyleston, a messuage and land at Rothelaug, lands at ‘le Redegate,’ Lyeltone, Hervyntoun, ‘le Graunge’ in Roucenen, Whytewelle, Lyteltoun, Whytecherche, Sufforlond and ‘le Cragges,’ a borough town at Cragfergus, a borough town at ‘le Coul, water-mills at Cragfergus, Kylloughter, and Coul, yearly rents from a messuage called ‘Hallezerd,’ from lands in Masshelond, ‘le Heymynge,’ Rochefordestoun, Houghtonemart, ‘le Redemyr,’ Wrythertoun, Pierestoun, and ‘le Hagard’ by Cragfergus, a yearly rent of 100 eels from a tenement called Loghmourne, and yearly rents from lands in ‘le Logan’ and Kylglan and suit done for lands in Marchalestoun, Loglyte, Lyseleynan, and Priourton.
Le Ford. A manor (extent given), including a ruined castle, a borough town totally burned and destroyed, lands at Castelconnargh and Ymenaught, and a yearly rent from land in … . hcorp.
Dunmalys [or Dummayls]. A manor (extent given), including yearly rent in ‘le Grenelowe,’ a borough town, &c., worth little on account of war and the destruction of the country.
All held of the king in chief as of the crown, by service of 22 knights’ fees.
ULSTER. Inq. 3 July, 7 Edward III.
ANTRIM. Dunnedergale [or Donnendergale]. The manor (extent given), including an old castle thrown down and waste from the time of the war of the Scots, land at Donaugh and Cragtoun, yearly rents from land in Kylky and Craucro, land in Kyldemounde, certain towns held by divers freetenants (named) from the said earl in fee, by service of doing suit only at the court of Donaugh every 15 days, viz.—the towns of Corytoun, Austynestoun, Little Rascy, and Marmedukton, yearly rents from lands in Cusynton, Stowytoun, Dromlork, Besynton, Westoun and Hobbeton ……… . doing suit at the court of Roberteston every 15 days, tenure unspecified.
DOWN (Dun’). Grenecastell. The manor (extent given), including a castle, yearly rents for land called ‘le Ferdan,’ for lands in Donayl (?), Balymatheu, ‘le Cragwill,’ and ‘le Frewe,’ yearly rent from the profit of a boat assigned for the ferry there, and yearly rent formerly received from the profit of a serjeanty there, &c., now wasted by war.
Rathe. The manor (extent given), including a ruinous castle, land at Balydeugan, an island called Conyngesyle, land in Kyngesfeld, a borough town at Down (Dum’), a mill at Balydeugan, yearly rents from land in ‘le Lerke,’ Balydougho and Balydergan, a yearly rent of a sore sparrowhawk from land in Grenecastell, land in Kylbulk, Losmoghan, Dunesford, Reulesse, Rathemolyn and Balycalghan, and land in Kyllymyn held by the abbot of Saul (Saballe), land in Southgraunge held by the prior of the house of St. John, Down, and land in Burtestoun, &c., wasted by the war of the Irish, tenure unspecified.
Cartishynnagh and Karkerlan. Land which came into the hands of the said earl after the outlawry and forfeiture of Henry de Maundevill and Amyas de Cogan, tenure unspecified.
Heir as above, aged one year at the feast of the Assumption, 7 Edward III.
ULSTER. Inq. Tuesday after St. Matthew, 7 Edward III.
DOWN. Doundannald [or Dondannald], in the county of the New Town of Blathewyc. The manor held of the king in chief as of the crown by the same service as his other lands in Ulster (extent given), including a castle destroyed by the war of the Scots, land in Austinestoun, Dunleth, Waverantone, Masounton, Edrestall [or Drestal], Halywode, Hogetoun, Halcroftes, Chenynton, Doundonnald, Ynestoun, Nicholtoun, Phylippestoun, Punyertoun, Ardkenan, Pierestoun and Agrystone, yearly rents from tenants at Casteltoun and Karmarry, yearly rents of a pair of silver spurs or 3d. from land in Balytoun, and of an otter skin (polllotrini) (?) or 1d. from land in ‘le Syth,’ yearly rents from tenants in Arkyen, and from land in Frenestoun, Ardclenan, and Balymorky [or Balymorkyn], from the islands of ‘le Duffranys,’ and from lands, &c. in Kakebertoun, lands in Gannaghe, a water with a fishery at Halywode and land there, a yearly rent from burgages in the new town of Blathewyc and a water-mill at Dondannald, Kylmelegh [or Kylmeleth], Castelbeg, Mollerytoun (?) and Balycamdan, and certain lands, tenements and rents which came into the hand of the said earl after the outlawry and forfeiture of Henry de Maundevill and Amyas de Cogan, tenure unspecified.
COLERAINE (com’de Coulrath). Northburg [or Northbourgh]. The manor (extent given), including a castle, land at ‘le Roo’ which used to be in the hands of tenants in ‘le Casteltoun,’ and now lie waste on account of the war, land in Cammys, yearly rents from land in Loganton by Hathenady, and from lands, &c. in Erthmoy, Kynergher, Lenagh, Balyouthay, Maynfavour, Castelmyleghan, Loghkiel, Corcagh, Overcorcagh, Coulton, Arys, Cryngel, Knogh, Gylrechton, Bryston, ‘le Halde,’ ‘le Crage,’ ‘le Fynvaugh,’ Casteltwy, Clantfynan, Muncro, Gameltone, Balybough, and Dounshalewy, a water-mill at Erthermoy [or Herthermoy], yearly rent from lands in Tylaghysshyn [or Tilaghishlyn] and Dondouan, lands in Dromort held by free tenants (named), an accustomed yearly rent from land in Dromtarcy, but nothing now because wasted as above, a yearly rent from land in Stantone, and land in Hoghtonesalaghe [or Hogtonshalgh], tenure unspecified.
CONNAUGHT. Inq. taken at Athneri on Friday after St. Luke, 7 Edward III. Cantred of Monewagh.
[GALWAY.] Loghry. The castle and manor (extent given), including land and buildings at Tolloghwban, Tollaghowban or Tollaghoban, now worth nothing on account of the destruction of the tenants by the war of the Irish of Omani, and at Camclon, pasture at Ardcoman, a park for deer, yearly rents from land at Camclon, and from lands held by tenants at will at Ardcoman, Ytabrodhwe, Carcray, half a township in Lekdrigk, Dirdoghyr, and Carmuik, rents from land in Cloncorn, Kilvyll, Balyfyn (?), Rathgorgyn, Kilnegolan and Rathnethan, Bon, Lathraigh and Dirclarry, Leykyn and Broskag, Rathordiwalron, Clus’, Castelfydegan, Athnegaragh, Rathedicrok, Tynobeg, Balymacorthan, Ardecoman and Tologhoban, and rents that used to be received from tenants in Tollahoban, Lokdryk, and Clanclon, with perquisites of the hundred.
All held, except a parcel of land in Montermolynan, of the king in chief as of the crown, by service of 20 (?) knights’ fees.
Heir as above.
CONNAUGHT. Inq. taken at Athnery, 31 December, 7 Edward III.
Owyl or Owyl Botiller. The cantred, parcel of the manor of Loghre (extent of rents given), including rent from land in Moyntraghyn, and from Knappaugh.
Baak or Bak and Glen. The cantreds, parcel of the manor of Loghre (extent of rents given), including rent formerly received from townships of land in Irthloghton, Cabragh and Raytrayny, from lands in Corbeggan, Lysfarewel, Cathyrbolan, Inchawyn and Row, and a yearly rent of six crannocks of oats from tenants in Rathberk, for their suits at the lord’s mill.
Tyraulyf, Orrus, Tyremoy or Tyrremoy, and Concdunmor (?) [or Condumoyr]. The cantreds, parcel of the said manor of Loghre, (extent of rents given), including yearly rent formerly received from divers township of land in Casteldunghy, Carne, Duncoghy, and Leyghuyl.
Silmolron. The cantred, parcel of the said manor of Loghre (extent given), including an old castle at Toberbrid of much value for the preservation of the peace of those parts, if there were sufficient guard there, but now ruinous, a wood pasture and water-mill in Rathfernan, yearly rents formerly received from divers townships of land in Balymackagan, Dyrydunus and elsewhere, Fythbary, Curran, Toberbrid, and Myntynan, and a piece of land in Clonfadd.
Sleoflow. The cantred, parcel of the manor of Loghre, now totally devastated and burned by the war abovesaid (extent given), including yearly rents formerly received from a Teodum in Arkagh, and from one in Kerymoyng and Keryloghnayrn, and from Caryoghtragh.
Serjeanty and pleas, &c. of the great court of Connaught (extent given).
(Unspecified.) 71a. land, held of the see of the bishopric of Clonfert, by service of 37s. 6d. yearly rent, now worth nothing from the poverty of the country.
Sligaghe, Corn’, Lune, and Carbry. The manor, held by the same services as the other lands and tenements in Connaught, now worth nothing on account of the destruction by war as well of the English as of the Irish there.
Knights’ fees:—Concerning knights’ fees the jury can say nothing, because they hold their lands by townships, doing suit at the lord’s court. There is a church and another at Owyl, the advowson and presentation whereof belonged to the said earl and will belong to his heirs; and another church at Arthdraghyn, the advowson and presentation of which belonged to the said earl and to the heirs of Richard de Clare, alternately, each taxed at 6 marks.
All held by the same services by which he held all the lands, &c. in Connaught, as parcel of the same lands, &c. of the king in chief, viz.—10l. yearly rent.
There are other lands and tenements as well in Connaught and Ulster as in other parts of Ireland, which are among the Irish, and no one can get to them to extend them, or take the profits, because the said Irish will not allow any minister of the king or any other Englishman to administer them.
CONNAUGHT. Inq. 8 December, 7 Edward III. (defaced.)
Sayllanwath. The cantred, parcel of the aforesaid manor of Loghre (extent given), including the castle of Mylok pertaining to the said manor, granges, &c. at Monbally, now ruinous, yearly rent of cows, pigs, &c. formerly paid by divers serfs (betagii) who now render nothing because they are under Omadan the Irish king of that country by the earl’s grant, yearly rent formerly received from divers townships of land in Moyfyn, which cannot now be received because the said lands lie among the Irish of Omani who occupy them by force, and in Balymontroghery, yearly rents formerly received from a weir in Atthroyk, from herbage of the Great Island (Magne Insule’), from a fishery and serjeanty, and from land in Loswagh, a yearly rent of a pair of spurs or 12d. from land in Croghill, yearly rent from land in ‘le Clentys,’ and yearly rents formerly received from the land of Lyswardy and Lysdengles and from divers townships of land in Townssillagh, Killyncathill, Leswagh, Corbaly and Lysdowan, from a third part of Kenkille, from the borough of Milok, and from a township of land in Bowk, but nothing can now be received on account of destruction by the war of the Irish.
Muntremolynan. The cantred, parcel of the said manor of Loghre (extent given), including two granges, &c. at Kywarban, lands at Kylcarban and in Carnboty and Corcloske, Balymackorcan, Neutonan and Kylmocorok, and near Dundeyr, divers townships of land in Koppaugh Salaugh and Treheygham, pasture at Kylcarban, and yearly rents from prisage of ale at Portomen, from the ferry of the water of Portomen, from Kynaleyn, Rynhanny, Crallaugh and Obaunnan, and from lands in Dromoran, and townships of land in Kenmoy, Maynigghwryl, and Balymacony.
Clantayg, Clannargyl [or Glannargil], and Conncmar (?). The cantreds, parcel of the said manor of Loghre (extent given), including yearly rent from a moiety of the cantred of Clantayg, yearly rents formerly received from Corkmowe and Odermoth, of which nothing can now be received because Oconeghor occupies it, yearly rents from a theodum in Meyry and Moldone and a theodum in Monthiraghi, from a township in Kylkamyn, from the escheat &c. of the town of Galuy, and from a salmon fishery and an eel fishery, 100s. toll of the great harbour (porti), lands in Berne and Balyother, Balymackylnew, Tolaghkeygan, Dromgornaghe and Gonmor, from which now nothing can be received on account of the war and poverty of the tenants there, and pleas &c. of the court of Gonmor and Gonoghbeg.
Crigfertur. The cantred, parcel of the said manor of Loghre (extent given), including yearly rents from a theodum in Crigfertyr, from two townships of land in Athyn and Athmegorych, and from a theodum in Tyrnaghtyn, and rents received from Balykenaw, and courts at Terneyn and Ternaghtyn, from which nothing is now received for the reason abovesaid.
Le Ker. 14l. 6s. 8d. yearly rent from the cantred.
Fertyr and Clancowan. 67s. 8d. yearly rent from half a cantred there.
Lowyn. 6l. 13s. 4d. yearly rent from Adlayn for a moiety of the cantred of Lowyn.
All parcel of the said manor of Loghre; and all held by the said earl by the same services by which he held all his lands and tenements in Connaught, as parcel of the same lands and tenements, of the king in chief.
Heir as above.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. 12 August, 7 Edward III.
ULSTER. Inq. 4 November, 7 Edward III.
(Unspecified.) A knight’s fee and a half, held by Richard de Maundevill, knight.
Loghton. A knight’s fee, held by Richard Savage.
Chywton. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by John de Burgo and Elizabeth his wife.
Lokan. A quarter of a knight’s fee, held by Richard Savage.
Dundelyff. A twentieth part of a knight’s fee, held by Richard de Maundevill.
Haraghton. A quarter of a knight’s fee, held by Patrick Sandal.
Manybery and Cary. A knight’s fee, held by William de Welles and Cecily his wife.
Manby. A sixteenth part of a knight’s fee, held by Robert Manby.
Donaghy. A knight’s fee, held by John son of John de Maundevill.
Duncorry (?). A knight’s fee, held by Roger son of Richard.
Twywys. A knight’s fee, held by Thomas son of Hugh de Maundevill and John Sandal.
Lyn. A knight’s fee, held by the heir of William Logan.
Waltirton. A knight’s fee, held by Ralph Logan.
Balencal. A knight’s fee, held by Richard Maundevill.
(Unspecified). A quarter of a knight’s fee, held by Alice Somayl.
Balyhaghan. A knight’s fee, held by William Logan.
Le Crag. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by Robert Byset.
Le Rolton. A knight’s fee, held by Miles de Eldon.
Donnor(?). A knight’s fee, held by John de Coyly and Hugh de Coyly.
Talbotyston. A knight’s fee, held by John Talbot.
Le Rowe. A knight’s fee, held by John Weston.
Each whole fee, whenever it happens to fall into the hands of the lord by reason of the minority of any of the heirs, is worth 40s. yearly.
Memorandum in the margin that nothing is done at present concerning the said fees because their value is not known.
Services of serjeanties of the Irish.
Fernecrewe. Land held by Rory Ochan, king of the Irish there, by service of supporting 25 followers (satellites), assigned to him by the said earl or whomsoever shall be lord there, to be in the army of the said earl, &c. whenever desired, ready and prepared for any wars, and the said service is worth 20l. yearly, but nothing of the said service, or of its value can now be had, as the Irish there are at war.
Terryon. Land held by Henry Oneel and Odo Oneel by service of supporting 80 followers for the said earl’s wars, in the same manner, whose support is worth 95l. yearly, but nothing can be had thereof for the reason aforesaid.
Fyrmanagh. Land held by Rory Mcgwyr, king of the Irish there, by service of supporting 40 followers, for the said earl’s wars, in the same manner, whose support used to be worth 40l. in time of peace, but now nothing, for the reason aforesaid.
Uryel. John Mcmahun and Odo Mcmahun hold the rule of the Irish of Uryel of the said earl, by service of supporting 50 followers for the wars of the said earl, in the same manor, whose support in time of peace used to be worth 50l., but now nothing.
Erther. Land held by Donald Ohanlan, king of the Irish there, by service of supporting 40 followers in manner aforesaid, whose support used to be worth yearly 40l. in time of peace, but now nothing.
Ouwagh. Land held by John Mccartan, king of the Irish there, by service of supporting 60 followers, in the above manner, whose support used to be worth 60l. yearly, in time of peace, but now nothing.
Oly. Land held by Robert McKylmury and Cafan McKylmurry by service of supporting 20 followers, in manner as above, whose support used to be worth 20l. yearly, but now nothing.
Turtry or Tyrtry. Land held by Magnus Oflyn, the Irish king of the Irish there, by service of supporting 30 followers in manner as above, whose support used to be worth 30l. yearly, but now nothing.
Memorandum in the margin that this parcel is not put in the kalendar, but the lady is dowered of a third part of the aforesaid service as appears in the writ of dower directed to the escheator in Ireland.
Grencastel. The advowson of the church belonged to the said earl, and now to the king and the heirs of the said earl; but it is worth nothing now, because the whole country there is destroyed by the Irish.
Loghkeel. The advowson of the church belonged to the said earl at his death, and now to the king and the heirs of the said earl; but it now is worth nothing for the reason aforesaid.
Arweghun. The presentation to the church, which used to be worth 20l. yearly in time of peace, and now 100s.
Extent or summary of the above castles, manors, lands, &c., and advowsons of churches, with the variations there given within square brackets.
C. Edw. III. File 36.