Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, Files 91 and 92

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, Files 91 and 92', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, Files 91 and 92', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, Files 91 and 92". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. (London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward II, Files 91 and 92

Writ, 27 January, 18 Edward II.
SURREY. Inq. Saturday after St. Peter in Cathedra, 18 Edward II.
Padynden. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Laurence his son, aged 6, is his next heir.
SURREY. Inq. Sunday the morrow of the Purification, 18 Edward II.
Westcote. Two parts of the manor (extent given), including ‘Shrefyeld,’ ‘Candelmasse pans,’ ‘gavelrip’ and ‘bederip,’ held of the king as of the honour of Laigle, service unknown.
Heir as above.
MIDDLESEX. Inq. Saturday the feast of the Purification, 18 Edward II.
Totenham. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief as of the honour of Huntingdon by service of 1/3 knight’s fee.
Date of death unknown. Heir unspecified.
SUSSEX. Inq. Thursday after the Purification, 18 Edward II.
Hamptonette. The manor (extent given), held of John de Sancto Johanne by service of 1d. yearly, and suit of court.
Heir as above.
SUSSEX. Inq. 4 March, 18 Edward II.
Pynkhurst. Two parts of the manor (extent given), held of the earl of Arundell by service of 1lb. pepper.
Heir as above.
SUSSEX. Inq. Wednesday after the Purification, 18 Edward II.
Wolbedynge. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by serjeanty, viz.—bearing the king’s banner in time of war before the footmen from the bridge called Wolfardes brugg to the bridge called Shetebrugg.
KENT. Inq. Thursday before the Purification, 18 Edward II.
Nywyntone. The manor, held, to himself and Juliana his wife and the heirs male of their bodies by the gift of Geoffrey de Lucy, in gavelkind of the king as of the hundred of Middeltone now in the king’s hand, by service of 3s. yearly, and of the abbot of St. Augustine’s, Canterbury, and other lords by divers services.
Heir as above, aged 6 years.
KENT. Inq. Wednesday after the Purification, 18 Edward II.
Leybourn. The manor (extent given), held as the right and inheritance of Juliana his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas de Leybourn, of John del Idle by service of 1/2 knight’s fee and half of 1/4 knight’s fee; which manor William de Leybourn sometime gave to the said Thomas, his son, and Alice his wife, to hold to them and the heirs of the said Thomas.
Writ, 27 January, 18 Edward II.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 3 April, 18 Edward II.
Ottele. The manor (extent given), held of the honour of Gloucester by knight’s service.
Heir as above, aged 5 years.
NORFOLK. Inq. 12 February, 18 Edward II.
Ashle [alias Assele]. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by serjeanty of napery, and by service of suit at the hundred of Waylound.
He died on 6 January last. Heir as above, age unknown.
Writ, 27 January, 18 Edward II.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. 14 February, 18 Edward II.
Crendon. A third part of the manor in reversion (extent given), held of the Marshalcy (de Marchasia), service unknown. The said John demised the manor six years ago to John son of Adam le Fitz Piers of Crendon for life, for 40 marks yearly; whereof he granted 30 marks yearly to William de (Ber?)ewyk for life for the manor of Fullebroc, co. Warwick, which the said William gave him in fee for having the said rent for life, and 10 marks for life to John de Bryngeshore for his laudable service.
Crendon. 1/4 knight’s fee held by the abbot of Nottele and William de Warino of Stone.
Notele. A third part of the avoidance (vacacionis) of the abbey.
Heir as above, aged 5 years.
BEDFORD. Inq. 23 April, 18 Edward II.
Kembeston. The manor held of the king in chief as of the honour of Huntyngdon, service unknown.
Blounham. The manor held of the abbot of St. Edmund’s (Burgi Sancti Edmundi), by service of keeping the temporalities of the abbey as steward; and 10s. thereout are payable yearly to Stephen de Crevker for life by the gift of the said John.
Heir as above, aged 6 about the feast of the Annunciation last.
WILTS. Inq. Monday, 4 March, 18 Edward II.
Lyttleton Paynel. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee, and rendering 20s. yearly to the castle of Devyses.
Heir as above, aged 4 years.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. 2 March, 18 Edward II.
Ochangre. Two parts of the manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of petty serjeanty, viz.—repairing a certain arch of a certain bridge between Northbrouk and Suthbrouk at Ochangre.
Heir as above, aged 5 years.
Writ, 27 January, 18 Edward II.
SALOP. Inq. Sunday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 19 Edward II.
Worfeld. The manor (extent given), including pasture within the forest of Morf and in the waste of Worfeld, held of the king in chief in exchange for certain lands &c. in co. Chester, service unspecified.
Heir as above, aged 5 on the feast of St. Cuthbert last.
WORCESTER. Inq. Monday after SS. Peter and Paul, 18 Edward II.
Intebergh. The manor (extent given), including a park, held of the bishop of Hereford by service of a knight’s fee.
Heir as above, aged 6 years.
WALES [now MONMOUTH]. Inq. 4 July, 18 Edward II. (defaced.)
Bergeveny. The castle (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of guarding the castle and all its lands &c. in time of Welsh War, with the following members:—
English town. A meadow and 100s. rent from free tenants.
Michael’s Church. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, a meadow, a pasture, 2 mills, 10 marks rent, and pleas and perquisites.
Lancadok. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, a meadow, a pasture, a water-mill, and 100s. yearly rent &c.
Lanwytheheryn. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, a meadow, a pasture, and 20s. yearly rent &c.
Brangweyn. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, a meadow, divers pastures, 1a. wood, and 40s. rent &c.
……derek’ (?). A messuage, 2 carucates of land, a meadow, a pasture, 40s. yearly rent &c.
………A messuage, 2 carucates of land, a meadow, a pasture, 39s. 3d. yearly rent &c.
Coit Morgan. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, a meadow, pasture, a wood, 2 water-mills, 41s. yearly rent &c.
Kelitha (?). A water-mill, 100s. yearly rent &c.
Penros. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, a meadow, a pasture, 3 woods, 3 mills, 6l. 12s. yearly rent &c.
Capella David. A water mill, 4l. yearly rent &c.
Cregrien. 20s. yearly rent &c.
Tregothel. 40s. yearly rent &c.
Petlenny. A wood, 4l. 3s. yearly rent, a water-mill &c.
Culcudyn. 60s. yearly rent &c.
Launnavor. Two mills, a wood, 7l. 5s. 4d. yearly rent &c.
Eboth Waghan. 4l. yearly rent &c.
Eboth Waor. A forest, an iron mine, a water-mill, 4l. 16s. yearly rent &c.
Bloreys. A mine of sea coal, a water-mill, 60s. yearly rent &c.
Heir as above, aged 5 on the feast of St. Cuthbert the Bishop, last.
[PEMBROKE.] Inq. Monday the morrow of the Translation of St. Thomas, the Martyr, 19 Edward II. (defaced.)
Kylgerran. The castle with the towns of Kylgerran [alias Kilgarran] and Maynaurd [alias Maynard] (extent given), held of the king in chief as a free baron in Wales.
Emlyn. The commote (extent given), including a rent called ‘Dycoyd’ and a rent from 3 foresters who keep the wood of Emlyn.
A Fee called Dyfrebreuan which is annexed to the castle of Kilgerran.
Kylgerran, Maynaurd, Lanvihanel, and Penruth. The advowsons of the churches.
Heir as above, aged 5 on the feast of St. Benedict last.
[CARMARTHEN.] Inq. Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 19 Edward II.
St. Clare [alias Seint Cler]. A third part of the lordship (extent given), including rents &c. from St. Clare, Lankenyn, Castel Dornod. Backsulnew, and Kylmaynlloed, held of the king by doing suit at the county (court) of Kermerdyn.
Heir as last above.
Writ, 27 January, 18 Edward II.
DORSET. Inq. 15 May, 18 Edward II.
Compton Valence. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Heir as above, aged 5 and more.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 6 July, 18 Edward II.
Jerdele. The manor (full extent given), including meadows called ‘le Northmede’ and ‘le Wold,’ a pasture called Ravenestone rode, a park, a free chace, underwood called ‘le Roundehai,’ rents in Jerdele, Great Dodinton, Barton, Holcote, Grendon and Little Dodinton, views of frank pledge at Jerdele, Assheby Mares, and St. Leonards without Northampton, a toll at Coten without Northampton, and the hundreds of Wymersle and Aunfordesho, held of the king in chief by service of a sore sparrowhawk or 2s. yearly.
Earls Barton. A court called Barounesmot, with an underwood called Bartonbruil, held of the king in chief by knight’s service, as parcel of the honour of Huntingdon.
Wotton. The manor (extent given), held of the heir of Thomas de Wodull by knight’s service, and 4s. 9 1/2d. yearly by the hands of the said heir for the guard of the castle of Rokyngham.
Heir as above, aged 5 and more.
WARWICK. Inq. Saturday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 18 Edward II.
Allisleye. The manor (full extent given), including woods called Hasshauwe, Bolewellschauwe, Estcudemor, and Suffagegrove, held of the earl of Chester by service of a knight’s fee.
Fylongeleye. The manor (extent given), including a park in which is situate a fortalice (forcelettum), whereof one moiety is held of Henry de Lancastre, as of the earldom of Leicester, by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, and the other moiety is held of the heirs of Philip Marmioun by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Heir as above, aged 5 and more.
WARWICK. Inq. Wednesday before Whitsunday, 18 Edward II.
Burthingbury [alias Buthinbury]. The manor (extent given), held of the prior of Coventry by service of a knight’s fee.
Heir as above.
WARWICK. Inq. Thursday before Whitsunday, 18 Edward II.
Fulbrock. The manor (extent given), held of Thomas son and heir of Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by service of a knight’s fee; including:—
Berford. 110s. rents from free tenants.
Pilardynton’. 70s. rents from free tenants.
Schirbourne. 6s. rent held of Geoffrey at the hall (ad aulam) of Schirborne by service of 1/2d. yearly.
The pleas &c. of court are worth nothing because it is in the hundred of Barlychweye.
A water-mill with a fishery in the water of Avene.
The manor is charged to the church of St. Mary Warwick, in 5s. 3d. yearly rent.
Heir as above.
WARWICK. Inq. Friday before Whitsunday, 18 Edward II.
Aston Kaunteloue [alias Cantelue, Cauntelo]. Two parts of the manor (extent given), with the views of frank pledge of Schuckeborou, Weston and Honyngham, held of the king in chief by petty serjeanty, viz.—rendering at the king’s exchequer yearly a bow without a cord whenever there shall be war between the king and the prince of Wales. Isabel de Hastynges holds 10l. rent out of these two parts of the manor, assigned to her in dower for other lands, besides the third part of the manor.
Heir as above.
LEICESTER. Inq. Wednesday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 18 Edward II.
Sharskiston [alias Sharkeston] and Dadelinton. The lordship with views of frank pledge there worth 3s. 11d. yearly, held of William Marmyoun by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Heir as above.
Extent or summary of the above manors &c. which were of the said John, with variations there given within square brackets.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. 27 January, 18 Edward II.
LEICESTER. Inq. Wednesday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 18 Edward II.
Appilby. 1/4 knight’s fee held by William de Appilby.
Odiston. 1/6 fee held by John Mauncel.
Ibbestok. 1 1/2 fee held by Robert de Werdoun and Thomas [Garsall alias] de Garsal.
Normanton. 1/2 fee held by Robert de Stepilton.
Wistouwe. 1 fee held by Laurence de Hastyngges.
Cossebi. 1 fee held by John Burdet.
Burbach. The advowson of the church.
Leyr. The advowson of the church.
Scharston. The advowson of the church.
Wystowe. The advowson of the church.
Ipstok [alias Ibbestok]. The advowson of the church.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c., 8 April, 18 Edward II.
WALES [now MONMOUTH]. Inq. 4 July, 18 Edward II.
Mamheliat. Certain tenements held by Sir Morgan by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Lamveyr. Certain tenements held by Adam ap Ivor by service of fee.
Lancadok and Lannevor. Certain tenements held by Howel Vaghan by service of 1/4 fee.
St. Michael’s church. Certain tenements held by Jevan ap Henry by service of 1/3 fee.
Lanarth. Certain tenements held by William le Walsch by service of 1/2 fee.
Wreurerid [alias Wreure]. Certain tenements held by Sir William de Brome by service of 1/2 fee.
Maynde. Certain tenements held by Richard Wrogh [alias Wroth] by service of 1/2 fee.
Landoun [alias Laundon]. Certain tenements held by David Landoun by service of 1 fee.
By Bergeveny. Certain tenements held by Erdedeuel vergh Howel by service of 1/3 fee.
Bergeveny. The advowson of the priory.
Lanweuar. The advowson of the church.
Lanwyththeryn. The advowson of the church.
St. Michael upon Troye. The advowson of the church.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c., 8 April, 18 Edward II.
BEDFORD. Inq. 23 April, 18 Edward II.
Blounham. The advowson of the church.
Blounham. 1/3 knight’s fee held by Gerard de Braybrok.
Stratford in the parish of Saundeye. 1/6 fee held by Robert de Wernslegh.
Potton. 1/2 fee held by Thomas son of William le Latymer; 1/2 fee held by John de Claveryngg as of the inheritance of Edmund Peverel, a minor and in his wardship; and 1/4 fee held by William le Latymer, which was of William Bourdet.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c., 8 April, 18 Edward II.
LINCOLN. Inq. 8 September, 19 Edward II.
Harington and Aswardby. 1 knight’s fee held by Alexander de Cupeldik.
Fordington and Dauby. 1 fee held by the said Alexander.
North Wythme. 1 fee held by Robert Grimbald and other tenants.
Hermeston. 1/4 fee held by John le Blake.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 8 September, 19 Edward II.
Pydington. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Roger de Gray.
Preston, Hakelington, Horton, Pidyngton, Quenton, and Wotton. 1 fee held by Laurence de Preston.
Hanyton and Buketon. 1/2 fee held by the said Laurence.
Hardingesthorn and Coten [alias Coton]. 1/2 fee held by Richard de Bosevill and the abbess of St. Mary, Pré (de Pratis); and 1/2 fee held by Giles de Cogeho.
Great Hougton and Horton. 1/2 fee held by John de Gadesden.
Braunfeld, Little Houghton, Horton, and Great Houghton. 1/2 fee held by Robert Grymbaud.
Assheby Davy and Grendon. 2 fees held by Alice late the wife of Robert Peoverel.
Braunfeld, Houghton and Little Dodington. 1/2 fee held by William la Zouche.
Barton. 1/2 fee held by Robert de Pinkene and the abbess of St. Mary, Pré.
Great Dodington. 1/6 fee held by Robert de Campana.
Wolde and Holcot. 1/4 fee held by the abbot of Pipwell, Roger Vytor, Geoffrey Gamel and other tenants.
Barton. 1/4 fee held by William de la Carvale.
Hertwik. 1/4 fee held by John Barry.
Great Doddington. 1/4 fee held by Peregrine Bernard.
Boseyat. 1 fee held by William le Latymer.
Wolaston. 1/20 fee held by Thomas de Berkele.
Eston and Bosezate. 1/4 fee held by Roger le Gray.
Russton. 1 fee held by William de la Carvaille.
Draughton. 1/4 fee held by William Malore.
Braibrok. 1/2 fee held by Thomas le Latymer.
Scaldewell [alias Schaldewell], Houghton, Langeport and Upthrop [alias Upthorp]. 1/3 fee held by Thomas de Verdoun.
Waldegrave and Bateshal. 1 fee held by John de Waldegrave.
Hanyngton. 1/4 fee held by Henry Wardedieu.
Hertwik. 1/2 fee held by Robert Grymbaud.
Neuton and Bughton by Geytington. 1/2 fee held by Henry de Tychemerssh and other tenants.
Haringworthe. 1 1/2 fee held by William la Zouche.
Twiwell. 1/2 fee held by Roger le Gray.
Multon. 1 fee held by John de Crumwell.
Jardele. The advowson of the church.
Wotton. The advowson of the church.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. to the escheator in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Kent &c., 8 April, 18 Edward II. Endorsed. There are no knight’s fees or advowsons which were of the said John in the bailiwick, except the advowson of the church of Wolbedyngg contained in the inquisition (p. 385).
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c., 30 April, 18 Edward II.
SOMERSET. Extent. 1 June, 18 Edward II.
Chilton. 1 knight’s fee held by Richard le Venour.
Wyliton. 1/2 fee held by Ralph son of Urse.
Attebeare. 1/2 fee held by Geoffrey de Mohoun.
Worle. 1 fee held by Thomas de Wedon.
Tornok. 1/2 fee held by Philip Corbyn.
Wachet and Doneford [alias Doreford]. 1 fee held by Nicholas de Barton, and others (specified).
Berewyk. 1 fee held by divers men in parcels.
DORSET. Lange Curchille. 1/2 and 1/8 fee pertaining to the manor of Compton Valence, held by John de Gouyz.
Compton Valence. The advowson of the church.
WARWICK. Inq. Saturday the eve of Whitsunday, 18 Edward II.
Mauncestre. 1/2 knight’s fee held by Guy de Mauncestre.
Hatton. 1/4 fee held by Robert Banastre.
[Herdeberwe.] 1/2 fee held by the heirs of Hugh de Herdeborouwe.
Stodleyhaye. 1/3 fee held by John son of William de Haye.
Aldeborowe. 1/8 fee held by Simon de Aldeborouwe.
Brounesware. 1/2 fee held by John Ryvel.
Byrcheston. 1/2 fee held by the lord of Byrcheston.
Shelfhull. 1/6 fee held by William le Walshe.
Padongre. 1/16 fee held by Richard son of Richard.
Aston Cauntloue. 1/4 fee held by Walter le Rous [and others].
Allesleye. The advowson of the church.
Buryngbr’ [alias Burthingbury]. The advowson of the church.
Fulbrok. The advowson of the church.
Extent or summary of the above knight’s fees and advowsons, with the variations there given within square brackets, and with the addition of the following:—
SUFFOLK. Cretyngham and Elyngham. 1 knight’s fee held by John son of Arnold Colvevill.
Cretyngham and Helmyngham. 1/4 fee held by John Mounsous [alias Mounseus].
Wredelyngton. 1/2 fee held by the heirs of Aymer de Valencia; and 1/2 fee held by Robert de Scales.
Gaysle. 1/2 fee held by Alexander Bouelere; 1/2 fee held by the heir of Alexander de la Cressonere; and 1/4 fee held by the heirs of William Talemache.
Little Bradeleye, Reede, Wetheresfeld and Hornyngesherth. 1/2 fee held by Richard de Hauill.
Poselyngworth. 1 fee held by Thomas de la Chaumbre.
Cavendish. 2 fees held by Miles de Hastinges.
Cavendish and Clopton. 1/4 fee held by the heirs of Walter de Clopton.
Badmundesfeld. 1/10 fee held by the heirs of Richard de Bray.
NORFOLK. Kellyng and Salthous. 1 fee held by Walter de Holwell, knight.
Gyssyng and Midelton by Lenn. 2 fees held by the heirs of Hugh de Hastynges.
Hakeharlyng. 1/2 fee held by the heirs of William de Hakford.
Tebenham. 1/10 fee held by the said heirs; and 1/2 fee held by the heirs of Robert de Chawe.
Kellyng. The advowson of the church.
Salthous. The advowson of the church.
Asshele by Saham. The advowson of the church.
SUFFOLK. Ottele. The advowson of the church.
Extent or summary of two parts of the above fees and advowsons.
Letter to Master Robert de Ba …… . . dated Kenilworth, 24 …… (French, fragment.)
Letter from [Hugh le Despenser], guardian on the king’s behalf of Laurence son and heir of John de Hastinges, assenting to the partition of the lands &c. between the said heir and Juliana the wife of Thomas le Blount, late the wife of the said John, dated Mersfeld 23 September, contained in the bill enclosed, and as to the fees and advowsons, desiring that the churches of Jerdele and Blounham, and others pertaining to the manor in his hand, may remain to the infant. [French.]
Letter to Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, the king’s chancellor, from his clerk William de Herlaston. Has received the attorneys of the said Juliana (names given) as commanded. Dated Mersf eld, 23 September. [French.]
Extent or summary of lands &c. in Wales, Salop, Warwick, Wilts, Suffolk and Norfolk, as above; assigned to Sir Thomas le Blount and Juliana his wife, as her dower of the lands of Sir John de Hastings late her husband.
Extent or summary of fees assigned in dower as above said, with variations there given within square brackets.
Writ to the escheator in cos. Warwick, Derby &c. the king understanding that the said John was seised of certain lands &c. in Repyngdon, which he has not yet taken into the king’s hand, 2 March, 19 Edward II.
DERBY. Inq. Monday after the Close of Easter, 19 Edward II.
Repyndon. Certain lands &c. (extent given), including plots of pasture called Milneyerd and Donesmourcroft and 1/3 bovate of land in Wylghton, held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Chester, by homage for all service.
Heir unspecified.
C. Edw. II. Files 91 and 92.