Index of Persons and Places: W

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: W', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: W', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: W". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 5, Edward II. (London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Wachesham, co. Suff. See Wattisham.

Wachesham, Wachisham, Wathisham, Gerard de, 215 (p. 116), 596.

………, Giles de, 438, 538 (p. 348), 539.

Wackelond, co. Hants. See Wackland.

Wackland, Wackelond [in Newchurch parish], co. Hants (I. of W.), 331.

Wadborough, Wadberewe, Wadbergh [in Holy Cross parish, Pershore], co. Worc. 615 (p. 398).

………, manor, 615 (p. 411).

Waddeworth, co. York. See Wadworth.

Waddeworth, Adam son of Peter de, 395.

Waddington, Wadyngton, Wadington, co. Linc., 274, 412 (p. 230).

Wade, la, co. Hants, 436.

Wade, John, 193.

………, Richard, 579.

………, Henry, 193.

Wadington, co. Linc. See Waddington.

Wadworth, Waddeworth, co. York, 199, 395.

Wadyngton, co. Linc. See Waddington.

Waghen, John de, 316.

Wahull, Thomas de, 53 (pp. 18, 19).

Waitby, Wateby [in Kirkby Stephen parish], co. Westm., 533 (pp. 302, 303).

Wake, le Wake, de Wake, Wak, Elizabeth, 431.

………, Audrey, 412 (p. 233).

………, Hugh, 538 (pp. 345, 350).

………, ……… son of Baldwin (ancestor of Thomas Wake), 402.

………, Joan, 120.

………, ……… wife of Hugh, 458 (p. 257).

………, John, 253, 313, 393, 535, 592, 597, 598.

………, Thomas, 548, 611 (p. 393).

………, ………, petition of, 534 (p. 309).

………, ……… son of John, 266 (p. 143), 402, 458 (p. 258), 473, 598.

Wakelin, Roger, of Holbrook, 152.

Wakering, co. Essex, 189, 273.

………, Wanelockeslond in, 273.

………, Barrow in, q.v.

Walbottle, Walebottil [in Newburn parish], co. N’humb., 219 (p. 121).

Walcotes, co. Linc., 472.

Walda, John de, 227.

Waldeby, co. York. See Wauldby.

Waldegrave, co. N’hamp. See Walgrave.

Waldegrave, John de, 412 (p. 235)

Walden, Waleden [co. Essex], abbot of, 342.

………, King’s, co. Hertf., manor, 451.

Waldeneuton, co. Linc., q.v. See Newton.

Waldingfield, Great, Waldingfeld, Waldy, co. Suff., 538 (pp. 348 bis, 349 bis, 350).

Wale, Thomas, 573.

Walebottil, co. N’humb. See Walbottle.

Walecote, co. Warw. See Woolscott.

Walecote, Alexander de, 397 (p. 219).

Waleden [co. Essex]. See Walden.

Waleis, Walesch, Waleys, Walsche, Walleys, Walsh, Walsse, Henry le, 17.

………, John, 148.

………, Adam le, 538 (pp. 333 bis, 338, 339).

………, Henry le, 57 (p. 24), 66.

………, John de or le, 406, 539.

…….., John le, of Putton 346 (p. 195).

………, Richard le, and Eleanor his wife, late wife of Robert de Brus, 548.

………, Walter le, 284.

………, ………, his son Alan, 284.

………, William le, 17, 57 (p, 25), 280, 412 (p. 234), 538 (p. 351), 566.

Walepol, co. Norf. See Walpole.

Walerond, Waleraund, Walrond, Isabel wife of Walter, 223.

………, John, 148.

………, John, 61.

………, Robert, 206, 469.

Walesch. See Waleis.

Waleton [co. Hunt.]. See Walton.

………, co. Suff. See Walton.

………, co. Surrey. See Wallington; Walton.

Waletone, Henry de, 458.

Walewayn, John, escheator, 599 (p. 380).

Waley, William son of Alan de, 26.

Waleys. See Waleis.

Walfreden, co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).

Walgor, William, 55.

Walgrave, Waldegrave, co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235), 458 (p. 256), 526.

Walingford [co. Berks.]. See Wallingford.

Walkern, Walkerne, co. Hertf., manor, 414.

Walkerslow, Walkeslowe [in Morville parish], co. Salop, 222.

Walkingham, Walkyngham [near Knaresborough], co. York, 240.

Walkingham, Walkyngham, Thomas de, 240.

………, Alan de, and Eva his wife, 120 (p. 52).

………, John de, 120 (p. 52), 240.

Walkington, Walkyngton, co. York, 266 (p. 144), 349, 484.

Walkyngham, co. York. See Walkingham.

Walkyngham. See Walkingham.

Walkyngthrep, Walkyngthorp, co. Somers. See Wilkin Throop.

Walkyngton, co. York. See Walkington.

Walleys. See Waleis.

Wallingford, Wallyngford, Walyngford, Walingford [co. Berks.], castle, 60.

………, court of, 265.

………, honour, 60, 123, 191, 219 (p. 120), 265, 279 (pp. 154, 155, 156), 392, 398 (p. 221), 399, 403 (p. 224), 437, 611 (p. 391).

………, prior of, 123.

Wallington, Waleton, co. Surrey, 459.

Wallop, Over, Up Wollop, Up Wellop, co. Hants, manor, 104, 603 (p. 384).

Wallyngford [co. Berks]. See Wallingford.

Walman, John, 197.

Walmesgare, Simon de, 245.

………, ………, his wife. See Bavent.

Walmestone, Wyelmestone [in Wingham parish], co. Kent, 535 (p. 343).

Walplwe, co. York. See Wapley.

Walpole, Walepol, co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).

Walrikby, co. Linc. See Worlaby.

Walrond. See Walerond.

Walsche, Walsh, Walsse. See Waleis.

Walsham le Willows, co. Suff., 216.

Walsingham, Great, co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).

………, Great and Little, co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).

………, ………, manor, 538 (p. 332).

………, prior of, 538 (pp. 332, 347).

………, advowson of priory, 538 (p. 351).

Walter, Robert son of, 414.

………, Richard, 544.

………, Robert son of, 471 (pp. 265, 266), 475 (p. 268).

………, ………, his wife Dervergulla de Burgo, 414.

………,………, de Essex, 186.

………, Thomas son of, 534 (p. 307).

………, Walter son of, 615 (p. 403).

………, William son of, 534 (p. 309), 536 (p. 322).

Waltham, co. Essex, abbey, 497.

………, co. Linc., 270 (pp. 146, 147).

Walthamstow, Wolkhamstouwe, Wolcomesteuwe, co. Essex, manor, 198, 615 (p. 397).

Walton on Trent, co. Derby, 251 (p. 136).

……… Cardiff, Keyrdif, Walton by Tewkesbury, co. Glouc., 538 (p. 342), 585.

………, Wood, Waleton [co. Hunt.], 538 (p. 350).

……… [le Dale, in Blackburn parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 161).

………, West, Waltone, co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).

………, West, co. Pemb., 64 (p. 33).

………, Waleton, co. Suff., manor, 426.

……… [on the Hill], Wautone, co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).

……… on Thames, Waleton by Tamys, co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).

……… d’Eiville, Waltone Deyvile, co. Warw., 611 (p. 394), 615 (p. 404).

………, ………, manor, 211.

………, Maudit, Walton Malduth, Mauduit [in Wellesbourne Hastings parish], co. Warw., 615 (p. 404).

……… [Head, in Kirkby Overblow parish], co. York, 536 (p. 318).

Walton, Isabel, wife of Gilbert de, 204.

……… Cf. Wauton.

Walwain, co. Pemb. See Walwyn’s Castle.

Walwyn’s Castle, Walwain, co. Pemb., barony, 64 (p. 33).

Walyngford [co. Berks]. See Wallingford.

Wamannok, Wemannok, co. Denbigh, 279 (p. 158).

Wamberge, co. Wilts. See Wanborough.

Wambrook, Wembrok, co. Dorset, 212.

Wamford, Wamforde, Waumford, Richard de, 382.

………, Richard de, and Lucy his wife, 382.

………, Thomas de, 382.

Wanan [co. Montgomery], 214.

Wanborough, Wamberge, Wamborgh, co. Wilts, 272, 279 (p. 157).

Wandesforde, Wandesford, co. York. See Wansford.

Wanetynge, Wanetyng, Joan, wife of William de, 319.

………, John de (son of William), 319.

………, William de, 330.

Wannesgrove, co. Buck., 538 (p. 329).

Wansford, Wandesford, Wandesforde [in Nafferton parish], co. York, 536 (pp. 318, 319).

………, market at, 536 (p 314).

Wanstrow, Wodnestre, co. Somers., 603 (p 386.

Wansy, Waunsy, Wauncy, Robert de, 506.

………, Robert de (son of Robert), 506.

………, William de, 523.

Wanteford, co. Suff. See Wentford.

Wantisden, co. Suff., manor, 390.

Wapley, Walplwe [in Lofthouse parish], co. York, 536 (p. 323).

Wappenham, co. N’hamp., 619.

Warblentone. See Warblyngtone.

Warbleton, Warbelton, Thomas de, knight, 397 (p. 219).

………. Cf. Warblyngtone.

Warblington, Warblyngton, Warblinton, co. Hants, 397 (p. 219).

………, ………, manor, 213 (p. 113).

………, ………, advowson, 213 (p. 113).

………, co. Kent, 538 (p. 331).

Warblyngtone, Warblynton, Warblentone, Thomas de, 207, 538 (pp. 345, 347).

………. Cf. Warbleton.

Warcombe, Worthcumbe, Worcumb [in Ilfracombe parish], co. Devon, 527 (p. 294).

Warcop, Warthecopp, Warthecop, co. Westm., 533 (pp. 302, 303 bis).

Ward, Robert, of Roxton, 536 (p. 315).

………, Roger, 218 (p. 119).

………, Simon, 52.

………, William le, 224, 590.

Warde, Alice, of Ailby, 352 (p. 201).

………, John, 533 (p. 304).

………, R., 68.

………, Richard le, 152, 538 (p. 342).

Warden, William de, 412 (p. 235).

Wardour, Werdore, co. Wilts, 528.

Ware, co. Hertf., manor, 458 (p. 258).

………, advowson of priory, 458 (p. 258).

Ware, John la, 519 (p. 288).

………, Roger la, 260.

………, Roger le, 61.

……… Cf. Warre.

Wareham, Warham, co. Dorset, borough, 538 (p. 330).

………, fair and market, 538 (p. 330).

………, Westport by, 538 (p. 341).

Warehorne, Werehorne, co. Kent, 153.

Warenford [in Bamburgh parish], co. N’humb., 403 (p. 226).

Warenna, Garenne, Warenne, John de, earl of Surrey, 394, 577, 599 (p. 379), 606.

………, William de, earl of Surrey, and Joan (de Vere), his wife, 394.

………, the earl, 273, 592.

Warenner, Robert le, 52.

………, ………, his son Robert, 52.

………, Simon le, of Wark, 396.

……… Cf. Warner.

Wargholm, co. Linc. See Wragholme.

Warham, co. Dorset. See Wareham.

………, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).

………, ………, manor, 538 (p. 332).

………, ………, advowsons of churches of St. Mary and All Saints, 538 (p. 351).

Warin, Alice, 284.

………, Fulk son of, 46, 104.

………, Peter son of, knight, 159.

………, William, 215 (p. 115).

…….., William son of, 615 (p. 403).

Wark on Tweed, Werk, co. N’humb., 396.

……… ………, castle, 396.

……… ………, lord of. See Ros.

……… on Tyne, Werk [co. N’humb.], manor, 501.

Warkworth, Werkeworth, co. N’humb., borough and castle, 219 (p. 121).

………, the New Borough, 219 (p. 121).

Warlingham, Warlyngham, co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).

Warmewell, Geoffrey de, 346 (p. 195).

Warmfield, Warnefeld, co. York, 279 (p. 159).

Warminster, Wermenstre, co. Wilts, 159.

………, Smallbrook in, q.v.

Warndon, Wermyndon, co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).

Warnefeld, co. York. See Warmfield.

Warnford, Warneford, co. Hants, 202.

Warner, Richard le, 603 (p. 386).

……… Cf. Warenner.

Warnhir, co. Monm. See Wernhir.

Warnsti, co. Monm. See Gwernesney.

Warpsgrove, Werpesgrave, co. Oxford, 279 (p. 156).

Warre, John la, 538 (p. 338).

………, Roger la, 20.

………, Roger de la, 411.

………, Sibyl de la, 614.

……… Cf. Ware.

Warren, fishery, co. Kent, 538 (p. 331).

Warter, Wartere, Wartre, co. York, 536 (pp. 318, 320).

………, prior of, 536 (pp. 318, 320).

Warthavale, co. Cornw. See Worthyvale.

Warthecomb, Warthacomb, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).

Warthecop, co. Westm. See Warcop.

Warthecop, Warthecopp, Henry de, 533 (pp. 302, 303, 305).

Warthecopp, co. Westm. See Warcop.

Warthewyk, William de, 219 (p. 120).

Warthol, co. Cumb., 543.

Warton [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 163).

Wartre, co. York. See Warter.

Warwick, co. Warw., castle guard, 615 (p. 399).

………, castle and manor, 615 (p. 408).

………, castle, borough and suburb, 615 (p. 399).

………, suburb, 615 (p. 404).

………, St. James’ church, advowson, 615 (p. 412).

………, St. Mary’s cathedral church with deanery and prebends, 615 (p. 412).

………, St. Mary, deanery of, 615 (p. 406).

………, ………, six prebends in the collegiate church of, 615 (p. 408).

………, Templars, co. Warw., manor, 615 (pp. 400, 409).

Warwick, earl of, 211, 303, 478, 533 (p. 304), 595, 611 (p. 393), 625.

……… See Bello Campo.

Warwick, Alexander de, 615 (p. 404).

………, William, son of Nicholas de, 615 (p. 405).

Washington, Wassington, co. Sussex, Doghelyesfield in, 413 (p. 237).

………, Chancton in, q.v.

Waskerley, Waskreley [in Bywell St. Andrew parish], co. N’humb., 403 (p. 224).

Wassand, Wassaund, Richard, 536 (p. 323).

Wasseburne, Isabel de, 66.

Wassheburne, John de, 533 (p. 304).

Wassington, co. Sussex. See Washington.

Wastacoyt, co. Monm., 538 (p. 335).

Wasteneys, William le, 402.

Wastesham, co. Norf. See Waxham.

Wateby, co. Westm. See Waitby.

Water Eaton, co. Buck. See Eaton.

Water Hall, la Waterhall [in Bletchley parish], co. Buck., manor, 53 (p. 18).

Watere. See Watre.

Watford, co. N’hamp., 161.

………, dedication of the church, 161.

Wath in Ryedale [in Hovingham parish], co. York, 498.

……… [upon Dearne], co. York, 533 (p. 305).

Wath, William de, 160.

………, ………, his brother Richard, 160.

Wathe, co. Hants. See Week.

Wathisham. See Wachesham.

Watlesburgh, co. Salop. See Wattlesborough.

Watre, Watere, Wattere, William atte of Ickford, 385.

………, John atte, 385.

………, John son of William ate, 398 (p. 222).

………, William atte, 284, 417.

Wattisham, Wachesham, co. Suff., 538 (p. 348).

Wattlesborough, Watlesburgh [in Cardeston parish], co. Salop, manor, 188.

Watton, co. York, 536 (p. 320).

………, prior of, 533 (pp. 302, 305).

………, Cawkeld in, q.v.

Waude [Wallbury in Hallingbury?], co. Essex, 538 (p. 349).

Wauenes Wotton, co. Warw. See Wootton.

Wauldby, Waldeby [in Elloughton parish], co. York, 266 (p. 143).

Waumford. See Wamford.

Wauncy, Waunsy. See Wansy.

Waus. See Vaux.

Wauton, John de, 414.

………, Robert de, 599 (p. 379).

……… Cf. Walton, Wautone.

Wautone, co. Surrey. See Walton.

Wautone, Joan wife of John de, 397 (p. 219).

Wavendon, Wavenden, Wavindon, Wavyndon, co. Buck., 538 (pp. 329, 342).

………, manor, 597.

………, advowson, 597.

Waverley, Waverlegh, co. Surrey, abbot of, 413 (p. 237).

Waverton [in Wigton parish, co. Cumb.], 531 (pp. 297, 299).

………, Little, 531 (p. 299).

Waverton, John de, 614.

………, Lambert de, 531 (p. 299).

Wavindon, co. Buck. See Wavendon.

Wavyndon, co. Buck. See Wavendon.

Waxham, Waxtonesham, Wastesham, co. Norf., 455.

………, manor, 221.

Way Baieuse, Waye Bayhouse [in Upway parish], co. Dorset, manor, 588.

Waye Rywaud, co. Dorset. See Broadway.

Wayland, Waylound, co. Norf., hundred, 198.

Weasenham, Wesenham, co. Norf., 148 (pp. 70, 75).

………, St. Peter’s Church, 148 (p. 70).

Weaver, Wevere [in Middlewich parish, co. Chester], manor, 292.

Weaverham, co. Chester, Onston, Crowton and Cuddington in, 23.

Webbe, William le, 612.

Webbele, co. Heref. See Weobly.

Wedeford [co. Hants]. See Wyeford.

Wedergrave, Wedegrave, co. Somers. See Wydergrave.

Wedgnock Park, Wegenok wood [in St. Mary’s parish, Warwick], co. Warw., 602 (p. 382), 615 (p. 408).

Wedmore, co. Somers., Clewer in, q.v.

Wednesbury, Wodnesbury. co. Staff., manor, 509, 581.

Wedon, co. Buck. See Weedon.

………, co. N’hamp. See Weedon.

Wedon, Wedone. See Weedon.

Weedon, Wedon [in Hardwick parish], co. Buck., 202.

……… Lois, Wedon, Wedon Pinkeny, Weedon Pynkene, co. N’hamp., 50.

……… ………, manor, 573.

……… ………, Weston in, q.v.

Weedon, Wedon, Wedone, Ralph de, 265.

………, ………, Elizabeth wife of, 399.

………, ………, knight, 591.

Week, Wathe [in St. Lawrence parish, I. of W.], co. Hants, manor, 278.

……… St. Mary, co. Cornw., Penhallan in, q.v.

Weekley, co. N’hamp., Boughton in, q.v.

Weeley, co. Essex, Crustwick in, q.v.

Weelsby, Wevelsby [in Clee parish], co. Linc., 472.

Weetwood, Wetewod, Wytewod [in Chatton parish], co. N’humb, 536 (p. 316).

Wegenok, co. Warw. See Wedgnock.

Weighton, Little, Wytheton [in Rowley parish], co. York, 266 (p. 143).

………, Market, Wighton, co. York, manor, 519 (p. 287).

Weilande, Weilaunde. See Weyland.

Weiles, John de, 538 (p. 333).

Welehby, John, 458 (p. 259).

Welewe, co. Somers. See Wellow.

Welewik, Ralph de, 279 (p. 155).

Welford, co. Berks, Weston in, q.v.

………, co. Glouc., 538 (p. 341).

Welhogh, Welhow, co. Linc. See Wellow.

Well, la Welle [in Long Sutton parish], co. Hants, manor, 298.

………, co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

………, Welle, Welt, co. Linc., manor, 352 (pp. 200, 201).

……… ………, park, Wellepark, 352 (p. 200).

………, ………, liberty of the wapentake, 421.

Welle, Adam de, 352.

………, Isabel wife of Robert de, 526, 557.

………, Joan, wife of Adam de, 565.

………, Adam de, and Joan his wife, 352.

………, Cecily and Aline de, 526, 535.

………, Isabel de, 362, 534 (p. 307).

………. John atten, John ate, 284, 538 (p. 343).

………, John de, knight, married to Lavina de Haudlo, 605.

………, Robert de, 352.

………, Robert son of Adam de, 441, 526, 535, 557, 565.

………, Robert son of Robert de, 526.

………, Walter ate, 542.

Wellecombe, co. Dorset. See Woolcombe.

Wellehogh, co. Linc. See Wellow.

Welles, co. Norf. See Wells.

Welles, Thomas de, 586.

………, Isabel wife of Philip de, 448.

………, William de, 586.

Wellesbourne Hastings, co. Warw., Walton Maudit in, q.v.

……… Mountford, Wellesbourn, co. Warw., 615 (pp. 404, 409).

………, ………, Hunscote in, q.v.

Wellesworth, Roger de, escheator, 289, 296, 307, 401, 410.

Wellington, Welinton, co. Salop, manor, 611 (p. 393).

………, Lee Gomery in, q,v.

Wellop, co. Hants. See Wallop.

Wellow, Welhow, Wellehogh, Welhogh, co. Linc., abbot of, 463, 472, 534 (p. 308).

………, co. Nott., Grimston in, q.v.

………, Welewe, co. Somers., manor and hundred, 538 (p. 339).

………, ………, Whiteoxmead in, q.v.

Wells, Welles, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).

………, ………, manor, 538 (p. 332).

………, ………, advowson, 538 (p. 351).

………, co. Somers., 142.

………, ………, St. Andrew’s church, 142.

………, ………, dean and chapter of, 611 (p. 394).

………, ………, East Horrington by. See Horrington.

Wells, bishop of. See Bath.

Welnetham, Whelwitham, co. Suff., manor, 390.

Welok, co. Monm. See Gwehelog.

Welsh, John de, 544.

……… Cf. Waleis.

Welshpool, la Pole [co. Montgomery], 214.

………, castle, 214.

Welt, co. Linc. See Well.

Welynton, Henry de, 139 (p. 65).

Wem, Wemne, co. Salop, 470.

………, Lacon in, q.v.

Wemannok, Wamannok, co Denbigh, 279 (p. 158).

Wembrok, co. Dorset. See Wambrook.

Wemeringe, Wemeruge, co. Hants. See Wymering.

Wenanok Wynt, co. Denbigh, 279 (p. 158).

Wenche, William le, of Seighford, 283.

Wendesleye, co. Derby. See Wensley.

Wenge, co. Buck. See Wing.

Wenham, Little, co. Suff., advowson, 215 (p. 116).

Weninton, co. Staff. See Winnington.

Wenlock, Wenlok, co. Salop, 611 (p. 392).

………, prior of, 222.

Wenlouk, Wenlok, co. Monm. See Wentloog.

Wensley, Wendesleye [in Darley parish], co. Derby, 281.

Wentford, Wanteford [in Poslingford parish], co. Suff., fair at, 538 (p. 325).

Wentloog, Wenthlok, Wenlouk, Wenlok, co. Monm., country of, 538 (p. 335).

Wenunwin, Griffin. See Pole.

Wenvoe, Wonfo, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 333).

Weobly, Webbeley, co. Heref., castle, 187.

Werdon. See Verdon.

Werdore, co. Wilts. See Wardour.

Wereham, Wirham, Wyrham, co. Norf., 384, 538 (p. 346).

………, advowson of priory of St. Winwaloe or St. Wynewaloy, 538 (p. 351).

Werehorne, co. Kent. See Warehorn.

Werewelle, co. Hants. See Wherwell.

Wergragan, Werngregan, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).

Werk, co. N’humb. See Wark.

Werkeworth, co. N’humb. See Warkworth.

Werleston, co. Chester. See Worleston.

Werleston, John de, 62 (p. 31).

Werlington, co. Sussex. See Arlington.

Wermenstre, co. Wilts. See Warminster.

Wermhull, co. Derby. See Wormhill.

Wermyndon, co. Worc. See Warndon.

Werngregan, Wergragan, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).

Wernhir, Warnhir beyond Usk, co. Monm., 536 (p. 336).

Werntoym, co. Glamorgan, 538 (p. 334).

Werpesgrave, co. Oxford. See Warpsgrove.

Werplesdon, co. Surrey. See Worplesdon.

Weruntherik [co. Monm.?], 412 (p. 232).

Wesenham, co. Norf. See Weasenham.

Wesenham, Roger de, 148 (p. 70).

Wessington, Walter de, 533 (p. 305).

West Hall, Westhalle, co. Essex, 475 (p. 268).

West Park [in Cranborne?], co. Dorset, 538 (p. 330).

Westbechesworth, co. Surrey. See Betchworth.

Westbourne, co. Sussex, Nutbourne, in, q.v.

Westbury, co. Salop, Cause in, q.v.

Westby, Westeby [in Gisburn parish], co. York, 536 (pp. 313, 321).

Westcotom, co. York. See Coatham.

Westdene, Westdeene, cos. Hants, and Wilts. See Dean.

Westeby, co. York. See Westby.

Westeby, Adam de, 536 (pp. 313, 321).

………, John de, 536 (pp. 313, 321).

………, Stephen de, 536 (p. 313).

……… Cf. Westyby.

Westerdale, co. York, manor, 615 (pp. 406, 411, 412).

Westerfield, Westerfeld, co. Suff., 519 (p. 288).

Westeu Derley, co. Hants. See Tytherley.

Westfield, Westfeld, co. Norf., 538 (p. 346).

Westgate in Thanet, co. Kent, manor, 220 (pp. 122, 123).

Westhaneghefud, co. Essex. See Hanningfield.

Westhanyngfeld, co. Essex. See Hanningfield.

Westharpetree, co. Somers. See Harptree.

Westhathelsay, co. York. See Haddlesey.

Westherlesay, co. York. See Harlsey.

Westhevyngton, co. N’humb. See Chevington.

Westheye [co. Suff.?], 519 (p. 289).

Westhorp in Brompton, co. York, 534 (p. 307).

Westkyngton, co. Wilts. See Kington.

Westley, Westle, co. Suff., 538 (p. 347).

Westludeforde, co. Somers. See Lydford.

Westmancote, Westmanecote [in Bredon parish], co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).

Westminster, 308, 615 (p. 397).

………, St. James, hospital of, 615 (p. 397).

………, abbot of, 60, 538 (p. 331), 615 (pp. 397, 398, 411).

………, abbot and convent of, 458 (p. 258).

Weston [in Welford parish], co. Berks, manor, 212.

……… [Underwood], co. Buck., manor, 597.

……… [Colville] , co. Camb., manor, 592.

……… [in Wybunbury parish], co. Chester, 62 (pp. 30, 31).

…….., ………, manor, 366.

……… [on Avon], co. Glouc., 615 (p. 402).

……… sub Edge, Weston Underegge, co. Glouc., 362.

………, Westone by Baudak, by Baldok, co. Hertf., 148 (pp. 70, 71, 75).

………, Wode, co. Hunt. See Alconbury Weston.

………, co. Hunt. See Hail Weston.

………, co. Linc., 620.

………, Weston Pynkeny or Pygkenie [in Weedon Loys parish], co. N’hamp., 315.

………, Westone, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).

………, co. Nott., 279 (p. 155).

……… [in Monk Hopton parish], co. Salop, manor, 57 (p. 24).

……… [in Nash parish, co. Salop], 503 (p. 304).

……… [in Stow parish], co. Salop, 130.

………, Lullingfields [in Baschurch parish], co. Salop, 211.

……… under Redcastle, co. Salop, 62 (pp. 29, 31).

……… in Gordano, Westone, co. Somers., 538 (p. 339).

……… [under Weatherley], co. Warw., 412 (p. 234), 615 (p. 404).

Weston, Westone, Bartholomew de, 599 (pp. 379, 381).

………, John de, the younger, 213.

………, Robert de, and Hawis his wife, 107, 332.

………, Roger de, 208.

………, Simon de, 356.

………, William de, 228.

Westpecham, co. Kent. See Peckham.

Westport by Wareham, co. Dorset, 538 (p. 341).

Westreed, co. Hertf. See Reed.

Weststaforde, co. Dorset. See Stafford.

Westtuderle, co. Hants. See Tytherley.

Westuderle, co. Hants. See Tytherley.

Westwick, Westwyk [in Gainford parish, co. Durham], 615 (pp. 407, 413).

Westwood, Westwode [co. Worc.], prior of, 79.

Westworldham [co. Hants]. See Worldham.

Westwyk [co. Durham]. See Westwick.

Westyby, Peter, 372.

……… Cf. Westeby.

Westynarth, co. Cornw., 139 (p. 66).

Weteley, co. York. See Wheatley.

Wetendon, co. Warw. See Whittington.

Wetewod, co. N’humb. See Weetwood.

Wetherby, co. York, manor, 536 (pp. 314, 324 bis).

Wevelhurst [Witherhurst in Burwash?], co. Sussex, 207.

Wevelsby, co. Linc. See Weelsby.

Wevere, co. Chester. See Weaver.

Wevre, Henry de, 292.

………, Thomas de, 292.

Weybread, Weybrede, co. Suff., 55.

………, manor, 221.

Weye, river. See Wye.

Weyland, Weylaund, Weilaunde, Weilande, Weylond, John de, 390, 424.

………, John, 61.

………, Richard de, 390.

………, Thomas, 524.

Weymouth, Weymuth, co. Dorset, borough, 538 (p. 330).

Wexcombe [in Great Bedwyn parish], co. Wilts, manor, 538 (p. 328).

Whalebreus, William de, 122.

Whalley, co. Lanc., abbot of, 279 (p. 162).

Whalton, co. N’humb., manor, 219 (p. 120).

Whaplode, Quappelade, Woplade, co. Linc., 252, 472.

Wharram Percy, Wharrum, Wharrom, co. York, manor and advowson, 609.

………, Burdale in, q.v.

………, Towthorpe in, q.v.

Wharton, Querton [in Kirkby Stephen parish], co. Westm., 533 (p. 303).

Whatefeld, co. Suff. See Whatfield.

Whatefeld, William de, 438, 539.

Whatfield, Whatefeld, co. Suff., 438, 538 (p. 348).

Whatton, Quatton, co. Leic., 458 (p. 259).

Wheatley, Weteley [in Ilkley parish], co. York, 536 (p. 317).

………, Quaytolay [by Doncaster], co. York, manor, 199 (p. 103).

Wheghelton, Roesia de, 183.

Wheldrake, Queldryg, Queldryk, co. York, 536 (pp. 318, 319).

Whelpo, Quesphow [in Caldbeck parish], co. Cumb., 146.

Whelwitham, co. Suff. See Welnetham.

Whenge, co. Rutland. See Wing.

Wherwell, Werewelle, co. Hants, abbess of, 397 (p. 219).

Wheteneaston, co. Salop. See Aston.

Wheteworth [in Bothal, now disappeared], co. N’humb., 52, 510.

Whetyngham, co. Lanc. See Whittingham.

Whetyngham. See Whittingham.

Whichwode, co. Oxford. See Wychwood.

Whinfell, Quinfel [in Brigham parish], co. Cumb., 146.

Whissendine, Wyssinden, co. Rutland, 548.

Whitacre, Over, Whytacre, Wythacre, co. Warw., 615 (pp. 404, 408).

Whitby, Whyteby, co. York, 516.

………, abbot of, 516.

Whitchurch, Whitcheriche, Whytecherch, co. Buck., 191, 538 (p. 342).

………, co. Chester, Wirswall in, q.v.

………, Whitchirch, co. Dorset, hundred, 607 (p. 388).

………, co. Glamorgan, castle, &c., 538 (p. 335).

………, Whitcherch, Wytchurche, co. Warw., 615 (pp. 404, 409).

White Lackington, co. Somers., Atherstone in, q.v.

White, Whyte, Wyhte, Alice la, 284.

………, ………, of Bokyngham, 338.

………, John son of Gilbert le, 533 (p. 307).

………, Richard le, 538 (p. 340).

………, William le, 284.

………, ………, his son Robert, 284.

……… Cf. Vyte, Wyth.

Whitebrook, Wytebrok, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).

Whiteclyve, Robert de, 159.

Whitekirk, Wytkirk, Elias de, 536 (p. 317).

Whiteleigh, Whiteleye [in Black Torrington parish], co. Devon, manor, 382.

Whiteman, Wyteman, William, and Sarah his wife, 407.

Whitenhull [Whitnell in Emborrow parish?], co. Somers., 253.

Whiteoxmead, Whyttukkesmede, Whittokesmed, Wittokesmead [in Wellow parish], co. Somers., 538 (p. 339), 571.

Whiteparish, Aldredestone, co. Wilts, 458 (p. 257).

………, advowson, 458 (p. 257).

Whitewell, Peter de, 527 (p. 295).

………, William de, 538 (p. 349).

……… Cf. Wytewell.

Whitfield, Wytfeld [in Glossop parish], co. Derby, 577.

Whitgift, Wytgift, co. York, manor, 279 (p. 159).

Whitheryghen, co. Devon, 422.

Whithill, co. Lanc. See Whittle.

Whitington, co. Suff. See Whitton.

Whititon, co. Norf. See Wighton.

Whitkirk, co. York, Seacroft in, q.v.

Whitley, Witele, co. Berks, 37.

………, Whyteleigh [in Great Budworth parish], co. Chester, 279 (p. 164).

………, Wythele [in Staple Fitzpaine parish], co. Somers., 253.

Whitson, Wyteston, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).

Whittingham, Whityngham, Whetyngham [in Kirkham parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 163).

………, ………, manor, 178.

………, Wytingham, Wytinham [in Fressingfield parish], co. Suff., manor, 270 (pp. 146, 147).

Whittingham, Whytingham, Whetyngham, Geoffrey son of Adam de, 179.

………, ………, his sisters, 179.

………, John de, 179.

Whittington, Whytington, Wetendon [in Grendon parish], co. Warw., 615 (pp. 404, 408).

Whittle, Wythalg [in Glossop parish], co. Derby, 577.

……… le Woods, Whithill in the Wood [in Leyland parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 163).

Whittlesford, Wytlesford, co. Camb., advowson, 615 (p. 400).

………, hundred, 489.

Whittlewood, Witlewode, co. N’hamp., forest, 619.

Whittokesmed, co. Somers. See Whiteoxmead.

Whitton, Wodeton [in Long Horsley parish], co. N’humb., 80.

………, Wytington, Whitington, co. Suff., 270 (p. 146), 519 (p. 288).

………, Thurlston in, q.v.

Whitwell, Whytewelle [I. of W., co. Hants], manor, 59.

………, Whytewell, co. Norf., 538 (pp. 346, 349).

Whitwick, co. Leic., Swannington in, q.v.

Whityngham, co. Lanc. See Whittingham.

Whorlton, Quernington, Quernyngton, co. Durham, 615 (pp. 407, 413).

Whutton [co. N’hamp.]. See Wootton.

Whychecote, Hugh son of Geoffrey de, 83.

………, Hugh son of Hugh son of Geoffrey de, 83.

Whyleton, John de, 538 (p. 338).

Whytacre, co. Warw. See Whitacre.

Whyte. See White.

Whyteby, co. York. See Whitby.

Whytecherch, co. Buck. See Whitchurch.

Whyteleigh, co. Chester. See Whitley.

Whytewelle, co. Hants. See Whitwell.

………, co. Norf. See Whitwell.

Whyteye, Geoffrey, 184.

Whytingham. See Whittingham.

Whytington, co. Warw. See Whittington.

Whyttukkesmede, co. Somers. See Whiteoxmead.

Whixley, Whixeley, co. York, 197.

Wich Malban, co. Chester. See Nantwich.

Wicham, co. Essex. See Witham.

………, co. Kent. See Wickham.

Wichenford, Wycheneford, co. Worc., 615 (p. 411).

Wickenby, Wykyngby, co. Linc., 536 (p. 315).

………, manor, 623.

Wickford, Wykeford, Wikeford, Wykforde, co. Essex, 16, 213 (p. 112).

Wickham, Wykham by Strode [in Strood], co. Kent, manor, 475 (p. 269).

………, West, West Wicham, co. Kent, manor, 12.

Wickwar, Wykewaue, Wykkewaue, co. Glouc., manor, 615 (pp. 401, 407).

Widdicombe in the Moor, Wydecumb, co Devon, 233.

Widdrington, Wyderington, co. N’humb., manor, 219 (p. 120).

Widnes, Wydnes [in Prescot parish], co. Lanc., fees of, 279 (p. 163).

Wigborough, Wykebergh, Wykberg, Wykeberg, co. Essex, 538 (p. 325).

………, Little, 538 (p. 349).

………, Wygeberghe [co. Essex] (stated to be in Kent), 538 (p. 343).

Wigeburg, William de, 346, (p. 196).

Wiggenhall, Wygynhale, Wygenhale, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347 bis).

Wiggins Hill, Wyginghull [in Sutton Coldfield parish], co. Warw., 615 (pp. 404, 408).

Wigginton, Wyginton [co. Hertf.], manor, 227.

………, Wyginton, Wygeton, co. Staff., manor, 412 (pp. 230, 232).

Wigglesworth, Wyklesword [in Long Preston parish], co. York, 536 (p. 320).

Wight, Isle of, 176, 210.

Wighton, Whititon, co. Norf., manor, 51.

………, co. York. See Weighton.

Wigmore, Wyggemor, co. Heref., Mortimer of. See Mortuo Mari.

Wigton, Wygeton [co. Cumb.], 531 (pp. 297, 299).

………, church, 531 (p. 299).

Wikeford, co. Essex. See Wickford.

Wikeshull, co. Salop. See Wixhill.

Wilberfoss, Wilberfosse, co. York, 536 (p. 319).

Wilcott, Wyvelecote, co. Salop, 211.

Wilcrick, Wildecrik, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).

Wild Court [in Blean], co. Kent. See Edheldestone.

Wildecrik, co. Monm. See Wilcrick.

Wildecrik, Thomas de, 538 (p. 336).

Wildgresse, John, and Joan his wife, 286.

Wilie, co. Warw. See Willey.

Wilington. See Wylington.

Wilkin Throop, Walkyngthrep, Walkyngthorp, Willyngthrop [in Horsington parish], co. Somers., 603 (p. 386 bis).

Wilksby, Wilkesby, co. Linc., 482.

………, church, 482.

Wiliton, co. Bedf. See Willington.

Willamescote, Henry de, 57 (p. 23).

Willardby, co. York. See Willerby.

Willerby, Willardby [in Kirk Ella parish], co. York, 266 (p. 143).

………, Staxton in, q.v.

Willey, Wylileye in the manor of Stepelton, Wyle [co. Heref., in Presteigne parish, co. Radnor], 57 (pp. 22, 25).

………, ………, manor, 58.

……… [in Greasley parish], co. Nott., 316.

………, Wylie, Wilie, co. Warw., 412 (p. 234), 615 (p. 405).

William, John son of, of Strickland Kettle, 235.

………, ………, his brother Thomas, 235.

………, Ralph son of, 403 (pp. 224, 225), 510, 533 (p. 302).

………, ………, of Thorndon, 540.

………, Robert son of Ralph son of, 615 (p. 412).

…….., Richard son of, 538 (p. 348).

………, Thomas son of, 533 (p. 307).

………, ………, Alice his wife, 533 (p. 307).

………. Walter son of, 531 (p. 299).

………, William son of, 279 (p. 155).

………, ………, of Harle, 219 (p. 120).

………, ………, of Plumtree, 279 (p. 156).

William ap Phelip, 205.

Williames Hanley, co. Worc. See Hanley.

Williamston, Willameystone [in Haroldston parish], co. Pemb., 64 (p. 33).

Willian, Wylie, co. Hertf., 597.

………, advowson, 597.

Willingale Doe, Willinghale, co. Essex, 538 (p. 349).

……… Spain, Wylinghal, Wyllynghale Spayne, co. Essex, 498, 538 (p. 349).

Willingdon, Wylindon, Wyllindone, co. Sussex, 185.

………, court at, 277.

Willingham by Stow, Wyvelingham, Wilyngham, co. Linc., 349, 484.

………, Cherry, Wyvelyngham, Wylingham, co. Linc., 421, 482.

……… [North], Wyvelingham, co. Linc., 279 (p. 153).

Willington, Wylyton, Wiliton, co. Bedf., 431.

………, ………, manor, 351.

………, Willyngton [co. Derby], 279 (p. 156).

Willisham, Wylauesham, Wylagesham, co. Suff., 519 (p. 288).

Williton, Wylyton [in St. Decuman’s parish], co. Somers., 412 (p. 233).

Willoughby, co. Linc., Bonthorp in, q.v.

………, Wylegbby [in Ancaster parish], co. Linc., 534 (p. 310).

………. Wilouby, co. Warw., 615 (p. 404).

Willoughton, Wylhegton, Wylughton, Wylughton, co. Linc., 372.

………, manor, 349.

Willyngthrop, co. Somers. See Wilkin Throop.

Willyngton [co. Derby]. See Willington.

Willyngtone, Wilyton, Henry de, 527 (p. 294).

Wilmeleghton, co. Warw. See Wormleighton.

Wilmendecote, Wilmenkot, Wilmecote, co. Warw. See Wilnecote.

Wilmerslay, co. York. See Womersley.

Wilmington, Wylmynton, Wylmington [in Sellinge parish], co. Kent, 604, 605.

Wilmondekot, co. Warw. See Wilnecote.

Wilnecote, Wilmecote, Wilmondekot, Wilmenkot, Wilmendecote [in Tamworth parish], co. Warw., 615 (pp. 404, 405, 408).

Wilouby, co. Warw. See Willoughby.

Wilpshire, Wilpschire [in Blackburn parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 161).

Wilseys, Great, Wyveleshey [in Little Wratting parish], co. Suff., 538 (p. 347).

Wilton, Wiltone on Wey [in Bridstow parish], co. Heref., 53 (p. 19).

………, co. Wilts, abbess of, 528.

………, Wylton [in Kirkleatham parish], co. York, 536 (p. 323).

Wilyngham, co. Linc. See Willingham.

Wilyton. See Willyngtone.

Wimborne, Wymburn, co. Dorset, 279 (p. 157).

………, ………, Petersham in, q.v.

……… St. Giles, Up Wymborn, Up Wymborne, co. Dorset, manor, 430, 538 (p. 340).

Wimpole, Wynepol, co. Camb., 458 (p. 257).

Winch, West, Wynch, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347 bis).

Winchcombe, co. Glouc., Naunton in, q.v.

Winchelse, Robert, archbishop of Canterbury, 207, 220 (p. 122).

Winchester, Wynton, co. Hants, 338.

………, a number of street and place names in, 338.

………, St. Maurice’ church, 338.

………, St. Martin’s church, 338.

………, St. Mary Kalenders, fraternity of, 338.

………, St. John’s hospital, 338.

………, St. Swithuns, prior of, 38, 338, 456.

………, castle, 206.

Winchester, Wyncestre, earl of, 538 (p. 350).

………, ………, his co-heirs, 458 (p. 258).

………, earldom of, 263, 520.

………, honour of, 458 (pp. 255, 258), 611 (p. 392).

………, bishop of, 221, 259, 298, 498, 607 (p. 389).

………, ………, liberty of, 498.

Winchester, Wynchestre, Wyncestre, John de, 538(p. 333).

………, Robert de, 533 (p. 304).

………, Roger de, 533 (p. 304).

……… Cf. Wynton.

Winderton, Wynterton, Wyntertone, Wynderton [in Brailes parish], co. Warw., 533 (p. 304), 615 (pp. 404, 409).

Windsor, Wyndesouere, Wyndlesor, co. Berks., castle guard, 506.

………, castle, service connected with, 413 (p. 237).

………, ………, constable of. See London.

………, Old, Wyndesor [co. Berks], 162.

Winfarthing, Wynneferthyng, co. Norf., 475 (p. 270).

Winford, Wynfred, co. Somers., 271.

………, manor, 538 (p. 339).

………, advowson, 538 (p. 339).

Wing, Wenge, co. Buck., church, 227.

………, Whenge, co. Rutland, 615 (p. 402).

Wingham, Wyngham, co. Kent, hundred, 220 (p. 122).

………, Walmestone in, q.v.

Winkleigh, Wynkele, Wynkelegh, co. Devon, 538 (pp. 330, 340).

………, Collacot in, q.v.

………, Southcote in, q.v.

……… [i.e. Winkleigh Keynes in Winkleigh], 29.

………, Wynkelegh Tracye, co. Devon, 538 (p. 340).

Winnington or Winnianton, Wynyenton [in Gunwalloe parish], co. Cornw., manor, 141.

………, Weninton [in Mucklestone parish], co. Staff., 46.

Winson, Wynnestone [in Bibury parish], co. Glouc., 411.

Winsor, Wyndesore [in Yealmpton parish], co. Devon, 213 (p. 114).

Winterborne Houghton, Wynterburn Hoghton, co. Dorset, 279 (p. 157).

……… Kingston, Wynterborn Regis, co. Dorset, 346 (p. 195).

……… St. Martin, co. Dorset, Ashton in, q.v.

Winterbourne, Wynterbourn, Wyntirburn, Wynterburn by Neubury, Wynterborne [in Chieveley parish], co. Berks, 398 (p. 221), 615 (p. 402).

………, ………, manor, 549.

……… Earls, Wynterborne, co. Wilts, manor, 279 (p. 157).

……… Gunner, Maidene Wynterborne, co. Wilts, 514.

……… Stoke, Wynterburnestok, co. Wilts, manor, 458 (p. 257).

Winterhead, Wyntred [in Shipham parish], co. Somers., 538 (p. 338).

Winteringham, Wintringham, co. Linc., 482.

Winterslow, Wynterslawe [co. Wilts], 279 (p. 157).

Winton, Wynton [in Kirkby Stephen parish], co. Westm., 533 (pp. 301, 302, 303).

Wintringham, co. Linc. See Winteringham.

………, Wyntringham, co. York, manor, 534 (pp. 308, 309, 311).

Winwick, Wynewyk, co. Hunt., 538 (p. 350).

………, Wynewik, co. N’hamp., manor, 236.

Wirham, co. Norf. See Wereham.

Wirksworth, Wyrkesworth, Wirkesworth, co. Derby, 281.

………, church, 151.

Wirlyngton, co. Sussex. See Arlington.

Wirswall, Wyreswell [in Whitchurch parish], co. Chester, 62 (p. 30).

Wisbech, Wysbech, co. Camb., 168.

Wiseton, Wiston [in Clayworth parish], co. Nott., 559.

Wisewall, co. Lanc. See Wiswell.

Wishaw, co. Warw., Moxhull in, q.v.

Wistanstow, co. Salop, Cheney Longville in, q.v.

Wisteston, Wystanston [in Marden parish], co. Heref., 614.

Wiston, co. Nott. See Wiseton.

Wistowe, Wystanstowe, co. Leic., 412 (p. 236).

………, advowson, 412 (p. 236).

Wiswell, Wisewall [in Whalley parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 161).

Witchampton, Wychampton, co. Dorset, manor, 538 (p. 341).

Witchcot, Wycchecot [in Stanton Lacy parish], co. Salop, 611 (p. 392).

Witchingham, Wychingham, Wychyngham, co. Norf., 538 (pp. 346, 347 bis),

Witele, co. Berks. See Whitley.

Witham, Wyham, Wyttham, Wicham, co. Essex, manor, 450.

………, ………, court at, 207.

………, ………, court of the honour of Boulogne at, 216.

………, ………, Benton in, q.v.

………, ………, Howbridge in, q.v.

………, North, Northwythem, Northwythum, Northwyme, co. Linc., 412 (p. 233).

………, manor, 320.

………, South, Suth Wyme, Withme, co. Linc., 350.

………, Wythem, co. Linc., river, fishery in, 592.

Withcall, Wythcale, co. Linc., 120 (p. 54).

Wither, Roger, 422.

………, John, 422.

Witherhurst, co. Sussex. See Wevelhurst.

Witheridge, Wytherigge, co. Devon, manor, 607 (p. 388).

Withern, Withren, Wyern, Wytherum, Witherne, co. Linc., 526.

………, manor, 352 (pp. 200, 201).

………, advowson, 352 (p. 201).

Withersfield, Wytheresfeld, Wytherisfeld, co. Suff., 412 (p. 233), 538 (p. 347).

Withme, co. Linc. See Witham.

Withren, co. Linc. See Withern.

Withybrook, co. Warw., Hopsford in, q.v.

Withyford, Great, Wythiford [in Shawbury parish], co. Salop, manor, 470.

………, Little, 470.

Witlesham, co. Suff. See Witnesham.

Witlewode, co. N’hamp. See Whittlewood.

Witley, Wytle, co. Surrey, manor, 413 (p. 237).

………, Wyteleye, co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).

Witnesham, Wytnesham, Witlesham, co. Suff., 270 (p. 146).

………, manor, 270 (p. 147).

Wittenham, Long, Wyttenham [co. Berks], 538 (p. 344).

Witthon, co. Kent, 538 (p. 343).

Wittokesmead, co. Somers. See Whiteoxmead.

Witton, Wytton [in Blackburn parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 161).

………, Wytton [in Droitwich], co. Worc., 57 (p. 24).

Wivelshire, East, Estwevelschire, co. Cornw., hundred, 495.

Wiverton, Wyverton [near Langar], co. Nott. 380.

Wiveton, Wyveton, co. Norf., 538 (p. 347).

………, manor, 538 (p. 332).

Wiwell, co. Linc. See Wyville.

Wixhill, Wikeshull, Wykeshull [in Weston parish], co. Salop, 62 (pp. 29, 31).

Wlankeslowe, co. Salop. See Longslow.

Wlankeslowe, Hugh de, 447.

Wlenchemere, co. Sussex. See Linchmere.

Wlf. See Lupus.

Wlfamston, co. Essex. See Wolston.

Wlhouer, co. N’humb. See Wooler.

Woburn, Woubourn, co. Bedf., abbot of, 538 (p. 342).

Wode, Adam del, 62 (p. 31).

………, Agnes daughter of Humphrey ate, 286.

………, Henry de, 283.

………, Humphrey, 286.

………, John de la, 102, 527 (p. 294).

………, Nicholas atte, 611 (p. 391).

………, Peter ate, 374.

Wodebergh, co. Essex. See Woodborough.

………, co. Wilts. See Woodborough.

Wodebreg, co. Suff. See Woodbridge.

Wodeburn, co. N’humb. See Woodburn.

Wodecote, co. Hants. See Woodcote.

………, co. Worc. See Woodcote.

Wodecroft, co. Glouc., 563.

Wodedallinge, co. Norf. See Dalling.

Wodeford, co. N’hamp. See Woodford.

Wodehall, co. Suff See Woodhall.

Wodehall, Wodhall, William de la, 349, 484

Wodehill, co. Bedf. See Odell.

Wodehorn, co. N’humb. See Woodhorn.

Wodehull, John de, 120 (p. 53).

……… Cf. Wodhulle.

Wodehouse, Wodehuse, Wodehous, Wodhous, Adam son of Walter de or del, 1.

………, Robert de, escheator, 252.

………, William de or del, 1, 533 (p. 306).

Wodekote, co. Warw. See Woodcote.

Wodeleyestile, co. Glouc., 538 (p. 329).

Wodelok, Roger, 259.

Wodemersthorne, Wodemerstorne, co. Surrey. See Woodmansterne.

Wodenorton, co. Norf. See Norton.

Wodenot, Richard, 62 (p. 30).

Wodeton, co. N’humb. See Whitton.

………, co. Surrey. See Wotton.

Wodeweston, co. Hunt. See Alconbury Weston.

Wodhall, co. York. See Wood Hall.

Wodhall. See Wodehall.

Wodhorn, co. N’humb. See Woodhorn.

Wodhous. See Wodehouse.

Wodhulle, Wodhull, co. Bedf. See Odell.

Wodhulle, Thomas de, 21.

……… Cf. Wodehull.

Wodnesbury, co. Staff. See Wednesbury.

Wodnestre, co. Somers. See Wanstrow.

Wogan, John, 513.

Wogeton, co. Buck. See Woughton.

Wolaxton, John de, 177.

………, ………, his daughters Agnes and Elizabeth, 177.

Wolcomesteuwe, co. Essex. See Walthamstow.

Wold Newton, co. Linc. See Newton.

Wolewych, co. Kent. See Woolwich.

Wolf. See Lupus.

Wolfardesworthe, co. Devon. See Woolfardisworthy.

Wolferston, co. Suff. See Woolverstone.

Wolferton, co. Hants. See Wolverton.

………, co. Salop. See Wooferton.

Wolfhamcote, co. Warw., Flecknoe in, q,v.

Wolfhunte, Wolvehunte, John le, 71.

………, John le (son of John), 71.

Wolford mill in Thornbury, co. Glouc., 538 (p. 329).

Wolfrinton, co. Worc. See Wolverton.

Wolfstaneschlem, co. Lanc. See Wolstenholme.

Wolheuer, co. N’humb. See Wooler.

Wolkhamstouwe, co. Essex. See Walthamstow.

Wolknestede, co. Surrey, now called Godstone, q.v.

Wollaton, co. Nott. See Woolaton.

Wollecombe, co. Dorset. See Woolcombe.

Wolleston, co. Buck. See Woolstone.

Wollop, co. Hants. See Wallop.

Wollouer, co. N’humb. See Wooler.

Wolphamcote, co. Warw., Flecknoe in, q.v.

Wolreton, Alan de, 187.

Wolrickby, Wolrikby, co. Linc. See Worlaby.

Wolsington, co. York. See Ouston.

Wolstanton, co. Salop. See Woolstaston.

Wolstenholme, Wolfstaneschlem [in Rochdale parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 162).

Wolston, co. Devon. See Woolston.

………, Wlfamston [in Chigwell parish], co. Essex, 394.

………, co. Warw., Brandon and Bretford in, 187.

Wolvehunte. See Wolfhunte.

Wolveley, co. Hunt. See Woolley.

Wolvemere [co. Hants]. See Woolmer.

Wolverich, John, 224.

Wolverton [co. Buck.], barony, 288.

………, Wolferton, co. Hants, manor, 485, 496.

………, Upper, Wolfrynton [in Stoulton parish], co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).

Wolverton, Wolvertone, John de, 53 (p. 19), 399.

Wolves Newton, Wolvesueutone, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).

Wolveslond [in Burwash?], co. Sussex, 207.

Wolveton [in Charminster parish], co. Dorset, 485.

Wolvey, co. Warw., 458 (p. 259).

Wolwardynton, John de, 412 (p. 234).

Wolwenshull, co. Cornw., 461.

Wolwerton, co. Salop. See Wooferton.

Womberlegh, co. Devon. See Umberleigh.

Womer [near Bradford], co. York, 275 (p. 159).

Womersley, Wilmerslay, co. York, 395.

………, Stubbs in, q.v.

Wondy, co. Monm. See Undy.

Wonfo, co. Glamorgan. See Wenvoe.

Woodborough, Wodebergh, co. Essex, 69.

………, co. Wilts, 615 (p. 401).

………, ………, advowson, 615 (p. 401).

Woodbridge, Wodebreg, co. Suff., prior of, 426.

Woodburn, Wodeburn [in Corsenside parish], co. N’humb., 510.

Woodchurch, co. Chester, Arrow in, q.v.

Woodcote, Wodecote [in Bramdean parish], co. Hants, 38.

………, Wodekote [in Leek Wootton parish], co. Warw., 615 (p. 405).

………, Wodecote [near Chaddesley Corbett], co. Worc., 615 (p. 403).

Wooferton, Wolferton, Wolwerton, co. Salop [in Brimfield parish, co. Heref.], 57 (p. 25), 58.

Wood Hall, le Wodhall [in Kirkby Overblow parish], co. York, manor, 395.

Woodford, Wodeford [by Daventry], co. N’hamp., 458 (p. 256).

……… [by Thrapston], co. N’hamp., 538 (p. 345).

Woodhall, Wodehall [in Sudbury parish], co. Suff., manor, 538 (p. 326).

Woodhay, West, la Wydehaye, co. Berks, manor, 272.

Woodhorn, Wodhorn, Wodehorn, co. N’humb., 52.

………, St. Edeline the Virgin, church of, 52.

………, Ellington in, q.v.

Woodmansterne, Wodemersthorne, Wodemerstorne, co. Surrey, manor, 425, 538 (p. 345).

Wooferton, Wolferton, co. Salop [in Brimfield parish, co. Heref., 57 (p. 25).

Woolaton, Wollaton, co. Nott., 428.

Woolcombe Bingham, Wollecombe Byngeham, Wellecombe [in Great Toller parish], co. Dorset, 346 (p. 195).

Wooler, Wlhouer, Wolheur, Wollouer, co. N’humb., 403(p. 226).

………, manor, 403 (p. 224).

………, advowson, 403 (p. 224).

Woolfardisworthy, Wolfardesworthe [Hartland hundred], co. Devon, 538 (p. 340).

Woolley, Wolvely, co. Kent, 538 (p. 350).

Woolmer, Wolvemere [co. Hants], forest, 456.

Woolscott, Walecote [in Grandborough parish], co. Warw., 615 (p. 405).

Woolstaston, Wolstanton, co. Salop, 611 (p. 392).

Woolston, Wolston [in West Alvington parish], co. Devon, 462.

Woolstone, Wolleston, co. Buck., 538 (p. 329).

………, ………, Hardwell in, q.v.

………, Great, Woulston, co. Buck., advowson, 597.

Woolverstone, Wolferston, co. Suff., 215 (p. 116).

Woolwich, Wolewych, co. Kent, 274.

Woore, co. Salop, Gravenhunger in, q.v.

Wootton, Wotton, co. Bedf., 351.

……… Pellinge, Peling, in Wootton parish, co. Bedf., 182.

……… Fitzpaine, Wodeton, co. Dorset, manor, 607 (p. 388).

………, Wutton, Whutton, co. N’hamp., 412 (p. 235).

………, ………, advowson, 412 (p. 235).

………, Wotton [in Ellaston parish], co. Staff., 187

………, Hill, Wottonhulle [in Leek Wootton parish], co. Warw., 615 (p. 405).

………, Leek, co. Warw., Woodcote in, q.v.

……… Wawen, Wauenes Wotton, co. Warw., manor, 131.

……… Rivers, Wottone, co. Wilts, manor, 505.

………, ………, Toteryg pasture in, 505.

Woplade, co. Linc. See Whaplode.

Worcester, co. Worc., office of sheriff of, 615 (p. 397).

………, court of knights at, 615 (p. 398).

………, castle, 615 (p. 397).

………, castle and city, 615 (p. 410).

………, All Saints Church, advowson, 57 (p. 24).

………, St. Laurence chapel, 615 (p. 411).

………, St. Nicholas church, 615 (p. 411).

………, St. Peter’s, advowson, 615 (p. 404).

………, St. Wlstan’s, 615 (p. 403).

………, St. Wulstan’s, preceptor of, 615 (p. 411).

………, bishop of, 191, 278, 281, 350, 615 (pp. 398, 403, 410).

………, county, office of sheriff of, 615 (p.410).

Worcumb, co. Devon. See Warcombe.

Worfield, Worfeld, co. Salop, manor, 412 (p. 231).

Worgret, Wurgrode, Worgrode [in East Stoke parish], co. Dorset, 346 (p. 195).

Worlaby, Wolrikby, Walrikby, Wolrickby, co. Linc., 458 (p. 258), 536 (p. 315).

Worldham, West, Westworldham [co. Hants], 456.

Worleston, Werleston [in Acton parish], co. Chester, 62 (p. 31).

Wormeleyhton, co. Warw. See Wormleighton.

Wormenhale, co. Buck, See Worminghall.

Wormhill, Wermhull in the Peak, co. Derby, 71.

Worminghall, Wormenhale, co. Buck., 505.

………, Thomley in, q.v.

Wormleighton, Wilmeleghton, Wormeleyhton, Wormleiston, co. Warw., 18, 615 (pp. 404, 408).

Wormleiston, co. Warw. See Wormleighton.

Worplesdon, Werplesdon, co. Surrey, manor, 538 (p. 345).

Worston [in Whalley parish], co. Lanc., 279 (p. 160).

Worth, co. Somers. See Cudworth.

………, co. Wilts. See Highworth.

Worth, Wurth, John de, his daughter Joan, 291.

……… See Knivet.

Wortham, Roger de, parson of Arksey, 519 (p. 288).

Worthcumbe, co. Devon. See Warcombe.

Worthingpole, John de, 355.

………, Thomas de, 355.

Worthyvale, Warthavale [in Minster parish], co. Cornw., 527 (p. 293).

Worton, Over, Overourton, Overe Overton, co. Oxford, 202, 603 (p. 385).

………, ………, manor, 603 (p. 384).

………. ………, advowson, 603 (p. 385).

………, Nether, Nether Overton, Netherorton, co. Oxford, Richard, parson of, 538 (p. 327).

Wotton, co. Bedf. See Wootton.

……… Underwood, Wottone, co. Buck., 538, (p. 342).

………, co. Staff. See Wootton.

………, Wodeton, co. Surrey, 344.

………, ………, manor, 538 (p. 345).

………, co. Warw. See Wootton.

Wottone, co. Wilts. See Wootton.

Woubourn, co. Bedf. See Woburn.

Woughton on the Green, Wogeton, co. Buck., 538 (p. 329).

Woulate, Thomas ate, 286.

Woulston, co. Buck. See Woolstone.

Woxbregge, co. Midd. See Uxbridge.

Wragholme, Wargholm [in Grainthorpe parish], co. Linc., 536 (p. 315).

Wrangdyke, le Wrondik, co. Rutland, hundred 615 (p. 400).

Wraste, co. Bedf. See Wrest.

Wrastlingwurth, co. Bedf. See Wrestlingworth.

Wratting, West, Wrottyng, co. Camb., 409.

………, ………, manor, 409.

………, Great, Wrottynge, co. Suff., 538 (p. 347).

………, Little, Wrottyng, Wrattyng [co. Suff.], 15.

………, ………, Great Wilseys in. See Wilseys.

Wraxall, Wrokkeshal, co. Dorset, manor, 607 (p. 388).

Wrenchestone, co. Glamorgan. See Wrinstone.

Wrechewyke, co. Oxford. See Wretchwick.

Wrenbury, Wrenneburi, co. Chester, 62 (p. 31).

Wrentham, co. Suff., Henstead in, q.v.

Wressell, co. York, Newsholme in, q.v.

Wrest. Wraste [in Silsoe parish], co. Bedf., 53 (pp. 18, 19).

Wrestlingworth, Wrastlingwurth, co. Bedf., 197.

………, manor, 403.

Wretchwick, Wrechewyke [in Bicester parish], co. Oxford, 279 (p. 156).

Wrickton, Wyrkyton [in Morville parish], co. Salop, 222.

Wrinehill, Wryme [in Madeley parish, co. Staff.] , 62 (p. 30).

Wrinstone, Wrenchestone [in Wenvoe parish], co. Glamorgan, 538, (p. 333).

Writtle, Writele, co. Essex, bailiwick of the forest, 177.

Wrobbele, co. Hertf. See Rabley.

Wrokeshale, John de, 279 (p. 157).

Wrokkeshal, co. Dorset. See Wraxall.

Wrondik, co. Rutland. See Wrangdyke.

Wrotham, co. Kent [i.e. Thorp House in West Wrotham], manor, 198.

Wrottyng, co. Camb. See Wratting.

Wrottynge, Wrottyng [co. Suff.]. See Wratting.

Wroughton, co. Wilts, Elcombe in, q.v.

Wroxill, Wroxhull [in Marston Moretaine parish], co. Bedf., 538 (p. 342).

Wryme, co. Chester. See Wrinehill.

Wurgrode, co. Dorset. See Worgret.

Wurth. See Worth.

Wutton, co. N’hamp. See Wootton.

Wyard, John, 57 (p. 24).

Wyberton, co. Linc., manor, 352 (p. 200), 565.

Wycchecot, co. Salop. See Witchcot.

Wych, le Fulwich, Fulwich [in Malpas parish], co. Chester, 251 (pp. 136, 137).

Wycha, co. Worc. See Droitwich.

Wychampton, co. Dorset. See Witchampton.

Wychbold, Wychebaud, co. Worc., manor, 57 (p. 22).

………, court at, 90.

Wycheneford, co. Worc. See Wichenford.

Wychingham, co. Norf. See Witchingham.

Wychwood, Whichwode, co. Oxford, forest, 516.

Wychyngham, co. Norf. See Witchingham.

Wydecome, co. Devon, 538 (p. 330).

Wydecumb, co. Devon. See Widdicombe.

Wydehaye, co. Berks. See Woodhay.

Wydergrave, Wedergrave, Wedegrave [in Hardington parish], co. Somers., 538 (p. 339).

Wyderington, co. N’humb. See Widdrington.

Wyderington, John de, 219 (p. 120).

………, ………, of Denton, 219 (p. 120).

Wydevyle, John de, 615 (p. 400).

Wydnes, co. Lanc. See Widnes.

Wydok, John, 64 (p. 33).

Wye, Weye, river, co. Monm., 538 (p. 336).

………, ferry across, 279 (p. 158).

………, fishery in, 533 (p. 303).

Wyeford, Wedeford [in Pamber parish, co. Hants], 456.

Wyelmestone, co. Kent. See Walmestone.

Wyern, co. Linc. See Withern.

Wygeberghe, co. Kent. See Wigborough [co. Essex].

Wygenhale, co. Norf. See Wiggenhall.

Wygeton [co. Cumb.]. See Wigton.

………, co. Staff. See Wigginton.

Wygeton, John de, 531.

………, Florence de, 531.

………, John de, 532.

………, ………, his wife Denise, 531.

………, ………, ………, her father. See John de Luvetot.

………. ………, his daughter Margaret, 531, 532.

…….., ………, his sisters, 531.

………, Walter de, 531 (pp. 298, 299).

Wyggein, Walter, 182.

Wyggemor, co. Heref. See Wigmore.

Wyginghull, co Warw. See Wiggins Hill.

Wyginhale, William de, 198.

Wyginton [co. Hertf.]. See Wigginton.

………. co. Staff. See Wigginton.

Wygynhale, co. Norf. See Wiggenhall.

Wyham, co. Essex. See Witham.

Wyhte. See White.

Wyke Regis, co. Dorset, 538 (p. 330).

………, la, co. Sussex, 606.

………, la [in Lambourne], co. Berks, 319, 330.

Wyke, Vyke, John de, 620.

………, Thomas ate, 538 (p. 344).

………, Thomas de, 356, 612.

………, ………, his son Robert, 356.

Wykeberg, Wykberg, co. Essex. See Wigborough.

Wykeford, co. Essex. See Wickford.

Wykeford, Roland de, 538 (p. 345).

……… See Wykford.

Wykes, Albric de, 216.

Wykeshull, co. Salop. See Wixhill.

Wykewan, Reginald de, 266 (p. 144).

Wykewaue, co. Glouc. See Wickwar.

Wykford, Simon de, 482.

……… See Wykeford.

Wykforde, co. Essex. See Wickford.

Wykham, co. Kent. See Wickham.

Wykkewaue, co. Glouc. See Wickwar.

Wyklesword, co. York. See Wigglesworth.

Wykyngby, co. Linc. See Wickenby.

Wykyngby, Robert de, 590.

………, Robert de, his sons Herbert, Richard and Roland, 590.

Wylagssham, Wylauesham, co. Suff. See Willisham.

Wylbury, Simon de, 572.

Wyle, co. Heref. See Willey.

Wyleghby, co. Linc. See Willoughby.

Wylewenecotes, co. N’hamp., 538 (p. 344).

Wylhegton, co. Linc. See Willoughton.

Wylie, co. Hertf. See Willian.

………, co. Warw. See Willey.

Wylileye, co. Salop. See Willey [co. Heref.].

Wylindon, co. Sussex. See Willingdon.

Wylinghal, co. Essex. See Willingale.

Wylingham, co. Linc. See Willingham.

Wylington, Wylinton, Wylynton, Wylyngton, Wylyntone, Wilington, John de, 505, 538 (p. 340), 615 (pp. 402, 404, 408, 409).

Wyllindone, co. Sussex. See Willingdon.

Wyllynghale, co. Essex. See Willingale.

Wylmington, Wylmynton, co. Kent. See Wilmington.

Wylton, co. York. See Wilton.

Wyluby, Robert de, 274.

Wylughton, co. Linc. See Willoughton.

Wylyngton, Wylynton, Wylyntone. See Wylington.

Wylyton, co. Bedf. See Willington

………, co. Somers. See Williton.

Wymbisch, Richard de, 412 (p. 233).

Wymborne, Wymborn, Wymburn, co. Dorset. See Wimborne.

Wyme, co. Linc. See Witham.

Wymering, Wemeringe, Wymeryng, co. Hants, 37.

………, manor, 217.

Wymersley, Wymersle, co. N’hamp., hundred, 412 (p. 231).

Wymeswold, Wymundewold, co. Leic., 96.

Wymondham, co. Norf., 42.

Wymundele, Nicholas de, 466, 467.

Wymundewold, co. Leic. See Wymeswold.

Wynanderwath, co. Westm. See Asby.

Wyncestre. See Winchester.

Wynch, co. Norf. See Winch.

Wynchestre. See Winchester.

Wynderton, co. Warw. See Winderton.

Wyndesor [co. Berks.]. See Windsor.

Wyndesore, co. Devon. See Winsor.

Wyndesouere, co. Berks. See Windsor.

Wyndessom, Wyndosen, co. York, 536 (p. 314).

Wyndgate, Wyndegate, co. Somers., 148 (pp. 73, 77).

Wyndlesor, Richard de, 413 (p. 237).

Wyndousom, Henry de, 536 (p. 320).

Wyne, Denise la, 614.

Wynepol, co. Camb. See Wimpole.

Wynewik, co. N’hamp. See Winwick.

Wynewyk, co. Hunt. See Winwick.

Wynford Eagle, Wynfred Egle, Wyndfred Egle, co. Dorset, manor 148 (p. 71), 267.

Wynfred, co. Somers. See Winford.

Wyngham, co. Kent. See Wingham.

Wyngham, Geoffrey, 298.

Wynkele, Wynkelegh, co. Devon. See Winkleigh.

Wynneferthyng, co. Norf. See Winfarthing.

Wynnestone, co. Glouc. See Winson.

Wynterborn, Wynterburne, co. Berks. See Winterbourne.

………, co. Dorset. See Ashton; Winterborne.

………, co. Wilts. See Shrewton.

Wynterborne, co. Wilts. See Winterbourne.

Wynterbourn, co. Berks. See Winterbourne.

Wynterbourne Asserton, co. Wilts. See Isherton.

Wynterburn, co. Dorset. See Winterborne.

Wynterburnestok, co. Wilts. See Winterbourne.

Wyntershull, Wyntreshull, Felicia de, 413 (p. 237).

………, John de, 538 (p. 345).

………, Mary de, 538 (p. 345).

………, Walter, de, 413 (p. 237).

Wynterslawe, co. Wilts. See Winterslow.

Wynterton, Wyntertone, co. Warw. See Winderton.

Wyntirbum, co. Berks. See Winterbourne.

Wyntlyene, Robert de, vicar in the church of Wells, 142.

Wynton, co. Hants. See Winchester.

………, co. Westm. See Winton.

Wynton, William de, 142.

……… Cf. Winchester.

Wyntred, co. Somers. See Winterhead.

Wyntreshull. See Wyntershull.

Wynyenton, co. Cornw. See Winnington.

Wyreswell, co. Chester. See Wirswall.

Wyrfauk, John, 516.

Wyrham, co. Norf. See Wereham.

Wyrkesworth, co. Derby. See Wirksworth.

Wyrkyton, co. Salop. See Wrickton.

Wysbech, co. Camb. See Wisbech.

Wysbech, William son of Geoffrey de, 168.

Wyse, William, 626.

……… Serlo, 626.

Wyssinden, co. Rutland. See Whissendine.

Wystanston, co. Heref. See Wisteston.

Wystanstowe, co. Leic. See Wistowe.

Wytchurche, co. Warw. See Whitchurch.

Wyte, Nicholas le, 612.

……… Cf. White.

Wytebrok, co. Monm. See Whitebrook.

Wytefeld, Wythefeld, John de, 615 (pp. 398, 408).

Wyteleye, co. Worc. See Witley.

Wyteman. See Whiteman.

Wyteston, co. Monm. See Whitson.

Wytewell, John de, 536 (p. 317).

……… Cf. Whitewell.

Wytewod, co. N’humb. See Weetwood.

Wytfeld, co. Derby. See Whitfield.

Wytgift, co. York. See Whitgift.

Wyth, Oliver, 538 (p. 346).

……… Cf. White.

Wythacre, co. Warw. See Whitacre.

Wythalg, co. Derby. See Whittle.

Wytham, North, co. Linc., Lobthorp in, q.v.

Wythcale, co. Linc. See Withcall.

Wythefelde. See Wytefeld.

Wythele, co. Somers. See Whitley.

Wythele, Reginald de, 253.

………, Henry de, 253.

………, Reginald de, Isabel le Beel his wife, 253.

Wythem, river, co. Linc. See Witham.

Wytheresfeld, co. Suff. See Withersfield.

Wytherigge, co. Devon. See Witheridge.

Wytherisfeld, co. Suff. See Withersfield.

Wytherum, co. Linc. See Withern.

Wytheton, co. York. See Weighton.

Wythiford, co. Salop. See Withyford.

Wythlingele, co. Hants, forest, 32.

Wythop, Wythope [in Lorton parish], co. Cumb., 146.

Wythye, William de la, 142.

Wytingham, Wytinham, co. Suff. See Whittingham.

Wytington, co. Suff. See Whitton.

Wytinham, co. Suff. See Whittingham.

Wytinton, William son of William de, 254.

Wytkirk, co. York. See Whitekirk.

Wytle, co. Surrey. See Witley.

Wytlesford, co. Camb. See Whittlesford.

Wytlisham, co. Suff., manor, 390.

Wytnesham, co. Suff. See Witnesham.

Wyttenham [co. Berks.]. See Wittenham.

Wyttham, co. Essex. See Witham.

Wyttokesmede, Roger de, 419.

Wytton, co. Lanc. See Witton.

………, co. Worc. See Witton.

Wyvelecote, co. Salop. See Wilcott.

Wyveleshey, co. Suff. See Wilseys.

Wyvelingham, co. Linc. See Willingham.

Wyveliscombe, co. Somers., Nunnington in, q.v.

Wyvelyngham, co. Linc. See Willingham.

Wyverton, co. Nott. See Wiverton.

Wyveton, co. Norf. See Wiveton.

Wyville, Wiwell [with Hungerton], co. Linc., 252.