Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.
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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: R', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I(London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: R', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I(London, 1913), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: R". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. (London, 1913), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
Raath, co. Glamorgan. See Roath.
Rabayn, Elias de, 134.
-, ……, ……, Maud wife of, 383.
Rabaz, Stephen, writ to, 91 (p. 59).
Racchich, co. Somers. See Neroche.
Racton, co. Sussex, Lordington in, q.v.
Radebrig, William de, 235 (p. 164).
Radene, co. Somers. See Rodden.
Radenor, Radenore, Radenoure. See Radnor.
Radestoke, co. Somers. See Radstock.
Radeswell, co. Essex. See Ridgewell.
Radeweye, co. Warw. See Radway.
Radnor, Radenoure, Radenore, Radenor [co. Radnor], castle and borough, 41.
-, ……, castle and manor, 183.
-, ……, castle &c., 235 (p. 160).
-, ……, inquisition made at, 235 (p. 160).
-, ……, market and fair, 235 (p. 160).
-, ……, barony, 235 (pp. 159, 162).
-, ……, Old, co. Radnor, advowson, 235 (p. 166).
-, ……, New, advowson, 235 (p. 166).
Radstock, Radestoke, co. Somers., 226.
Radway, Radeweye, co. Warw., inquisition made at, 316.
Radyng, co. Berks. See Reading.
Radyr, Radur, co. Glamorgan, 435 (p. 324).
Raggeleye, Henry de, 435 (p. 330).
Ragherith, co. Essex. See Rawreth.
Raghton, co. Cumb. See Raughton.
Rainham, Reynham, Reinham, co. Norf., 109, 323, 461 (p. 346).
Ralegh, Raleghe, Raleie, Gervase de, 457 (p. 342).
-, ……, Joan de, 435 (p. 322).
-, ……, Joan wife of Simon de, 434 (p. 298).
-, ……, John de, 435 (p. 322).
Ralph, Hugh son of, 218, 468 (p. 350).
-, ……, Nicholas son of, 22.
Ramesden, co. Essex. See Ramsden Cray, co. Oxford. See Ramsden.
Ramesholt, William de, 434 (p. 301).
Rammeseye, co. Hunt. See Ramsey.
Rammesholt, co. Suff. See Ramsholt.
Ramsden Cray, Ramesden, co. Essex, 434 (p. 298).
-, ……, Ramesden, co. Oxford, 435 (p. 311).
Ramsey, Rammeseye, co. Hunt., abbot of, 146.
Ramsholt, Rammesholt, co. Suff., 434 (p. 301).
Randiri Kneyris, 90 (p. 52).
Randolf, Randulf, Amice wife of John, 335.
-, ……, John, 434 (p. 302).
-, ……, Thomas, son of John and Amice, 335.
Ranulph, Ralph son of, his daughter Joan. See Tateshale.
Rathmell, Routhmel [in Giggleswick parish], co. York, manor, 424.
Ratingden, Ratyngden, John de, son of Agatha de, 271.
Ratlisden, co. Suff. See Rattlesden.
Ratsborough, Rattesbourgh [in Southminster], co. Essex, 207.
Rattlesden, Ratlisden, Rattlesdone, co. Suff., 269.
-, ……, Wood Hall, manor in, 121 (p. 81).
Rattlesden, Simon de, 121 (p. 81).
Ratyngden. See Ratingden.
Raudon, co. York. See Rawdon.
Raueswell [Branswell?], co. Linc., 236 (p. 168).
Raughton, Raghton [in Dalston parish], co. Cumb., 385.
Raunds, Raundes, co. N’hamp., 435 (p. 316).
Raven, Ravene, John, 61, 118.
Ravenehul [Raven in Dinedor?], co. Heref., 230.
Raveningham, co. Norf., 434 (p. 302).
Ravensden, Ravenesdene, co. Bedf., manor, 214.
-, ……, Tilwick in, q.v.
Ravenser, Raveneser [in Holderness, submerged], co. York, 468 (pp. 354, 356).
Rawdon, Raudon [in Guiseley parish], co. York. 45 (p. 27).
Rawreth, Ragherith, co. Essex, manor, 152.
Raydor [co. Radnor]. See Rhayader.
Rayleigh, Reylegh, Reyleihg, Reyleye, Relegh, co. Essex, 258.
-, ……, court at, 288.
-, ……, honour, or barony, 28, 227, 228, 257, 258, 288.
Raynevile, Thomas de, 418.
Reading, Redyng, Redingg, Radyng [co. Berks], abbot of, 236 (p. 168), 319, 421, 432.
Reculver, Reculvere, Reculvre, co. Kent, archbishop’s court at, 159.
-, ……, court of, 372.
Redcar, Redekere, co. York, 215.
Redcastle, co. Glamorgan, 435 (p. 328).
Rede, James le, 434 (pp. 308, 309).
Redeborne, John de, 425.
Redeburn, barony, 468 (p. 350).
Redefen, co. Linc., 236 (p. 168).
Redekere, co. York. See Redcar.
Redeman. See Redman.
Redemilde, co. Leic. See Redmile.
Redenor, co. Cornw., moor, 44 (p. 24).
Redenesse, William de, 80.
Redepole [in Yalding], co. Kent., fishery, 435 (p. 315).
Redinges, Redyng, John de, 277.
-, ……, John de, his daughters, Margaret and Isabel, 277.
Redingg [co. Berks]. See Reading.
Redleye, Redlee, Richard de, 120.
-, ……, Peter de, son of Richard, 120.
-, ……, Richard de, Roberga his wife, 120.
Redman, Redeman, Thomas de, 437.
Redmarsh, the, co. Glamorgan, 435 (p. 323).
Redmile, Redemilde, co. Leic., 25.
Redruth, Rudruth, co. Cornw., advowson of church of St. Uny, 245 (p. 176).
Redymon, William, 49.
Redyng, co. Berks. See Reading.
Redyng. See Redinges.
Ree, Henry del, 164.
-, ……, ……, of King’s Stanford, 50.
Reginald, John son of, 246, 352.
Reigate, Reygate, co. Surrey, court of, 157.
Reighton, Rycheton, Righton, Rychton, Ryhton, Ryghton, Richton, Rychoton, co. York, 163 (pp. 107, 108 ter), 391 (p. 265), 468 (pp. 353, 356).
Reinham, co. Norf. See Rainham.
Relegh, co. Essex. See Rayleigh.
Remeseye. See Romeseye.
Rempny [co. Monm.]. See Rumney.
Rendcombe, Ryndecumbe, co. Glouc. 435 (p. 320).
Renhold, Ronhale, co. Bedf., manor, 98 (p. 64).
Rensi, co. Cornw., 44 (p. 23).
Rensy, Thomas de, 44 (p. 23).
Reprenna, co. Cornw., 44 (p. 24).
Respton, co. Westm., 427.
Reston, co. York. See Riston.
Retherwas, co. Heref. See Rotherwas.
Retherwyk, Joan de, 163 (p. 103).
Reueshale, co. Norf. See Rushall.
Revel, Thomas, 244.
Revesby, co. Linc., abbot of, 468 (p. 350).
Rew, Rewe [in Ventnor parish], co. Hants, I. of W., 232 (p. 153).
Rewel wood, la Ruele, co. Sussex, 90 (p. 51).
Rewenhale, co. Essex. See Rivenhall.
Reydon, co. Norf. See Roydon.
Reydon, Robert de, 434 (p. 301).
Reylegh, Reyleye, Reyleihg. See Rayleigh.
Reymerston, Reymereston, co. Norf., 236 (p. 169).
Reymes, Reymis, John de, 434 (p. 300).
-, ……, Robert de, 434 (p. 298).
Reynaud, Thomas, 434 (p. 303).
Reynberd, Robert, 156.
Reynesthorp, John de, 434 (p. 303).
Reynham, co. Norf. See Rainham.
Rhayader, Raydor [co. Radnor], castle &c., 235 (p. 161).
Rhyn, Pym [in St. Martin parish], co. Salop, 90 (p. 51).
Rhythyn, Ruthyn [in Llanilid parish], co. Glamorgan, country of, 435 (p. 323).
Rial, Richard de, 212 (p. 135).
Ribbesford, co. Worc., 235 (p. 164).
Ribbesford, Henry de, 13, 235 (pp. 164, 165).
Richard earl of Cornwall, 82.
-, ……. See Cornwall.
Richard, Nicholas son of, of Stapleford, 165.
-, ……, Robert son of, 54.
Richards Castle [co. Heref.], castle and town, 221.
-, ……, manor, 221 (p. 144).
-, ……, inquisitions made at, 221 (p. 143).
Richemonde. See Richmond.
Richmond, co. Surrey. See Sheen.
Richmond, Rychmond, Richemund, Richemonde, co. York, inquisitions made at, 375, 418.
-, ……, castle guard, 77, 393, 418, 430.
-, ……, honour, 83, 114, 434 (p. 296).
Richmond, earl of, 326, 418, 430.
-, ……, ……. See Britannia.
Richmond, Richemound, Nicholas de, 229.
-, ……, Thomas de, knight, 418.
Richton, Rychoton, co. York. See Reighton.
Ridale, co. Westm. See Rydal.
Ridgewell, Radeswell, co. Essex, 147.
Riffi, Richard, 44 (p. 23).
Righton, co. York. See Reighton.
Rilleston, Rylleston, Elias de, 240, 468 (p. 352).
-, ……, ……, Emma daughter of. See Fauvel.
Rimswell, Rymeswell, Rymeswelle [in Owthorn parish], co. York, 223, 468 (pp. 354, 357).
Ringbrough, Rymburg, Ryngburg [near Aldbrough], co. York, 468 (pp. 354, 356).
Ringeshale, co. Suff. See Ringshall.
Ringested, co. Norf. See Ringstead.
Ringgested, co. Suff. See Ringstead [co. Norf.].
Ringshall, Ringeshale, co. Suff., 434 (p. 300).
Ringstead, Ringested, Ringgested, co. Norf., 461 (p. 346).
-, …… Great, 434 (p. 300).
-, ……, Little, Kingsted, co. Norf., 461 (p. 346).
-, ……, Ryngsted, co. N’hamp., 435 (p. 316).
Ripariis, Rypariis, John de, 39, 149, 300, 431.
Ripe, Ryp, co. Sussex, 374.
Risbridge, Ryssebreg, co. Suff., hundred, 174.
Risby, Ryseby, Rysby, co. Linc., 233 (p. 156), 468 (p. 351).
Rise, Ryse, in Holderness, co. York, 468 (pp. 354, 357).
-, ……, manor, 215.
Riseley, Rysel, co. Linc., 468 (p. 351).
Riskinton, co. Linc. See Ruskington.
Rissington Wick, Wyk by Stowe St. Edward, co. Glouc., inquisition made at, 117.
Ristington, co. Linc. See Ruskington.
Riston, Ryston, Reston, co. York, 468 (pp. 352, 354, 355).
Risum, co. York. See Rysome.
Rivaux, Rivaus, co. York, abbot of, 391 (pp. 261, 266).
Rivenhall, Rowenhal, Rywenhale, Rewenhale, co. Essex, 73.
-, ……, manor, 429.
River, Ryvere, co. Kent, 36.
-, ……, Archer’s Court in, q.v.
Rivere, Ryvere, Richard de la, 90 (p. 52).
-, ……, Robert de la, 184.
Rivet, Roger, 434 (p. 303).
Roald, Walter son of, 418.
Roath, Raath [by Cardiff], co. Glamorgan, 435 (p. 322).
Robert, Alan son of, 314.
-, ……, John son of, 233 (p. 155), 434 (p. 298).
-, ……, Richard son of, 434 (p. 306).
-, ……, Robert son of, 435 (p. 329).
-, ……, William son of, 468 (p. 352).
Robertsbridge, co. Sussex, abbot of, 376.
Robylot, John, 164.
Rocester, co. Staff., Quixhill in, q.v.
Roche, la Roche, co. Cornw., advowson, 44 (p. 24).
Roche, Adam de la, 434 (p. 309).
Rocheford, Joan de, 434 (p. 300).
Rochester, co. Kent, castle, 349.
-, ……, castle guard, 162.
-, ……, priory, St. Felix, a cell of. See Felixstowe.
Rochford, Rocheford, co. Essex, hundred, 257, 288.
Rockborn, Rokeburne, Rokeberne, co. Hants, manor, 431.
Rockingham, Rokingham, Rokyngham, co. N’hamp., 219 (p. 140).
-, ……, castle guard, 47, 91 (p. 57), 299.
Rockland, Rokelund, co. Norf., 434 (p. 302).
-, ……, advowson, 434 (p. 304).
Rockliff, Routheclif, Rouckecliffe, co. Cumb., 314, 385.
Rod, Rode, co. Heref. [in Presteign parish, co. Radnor], 221 (p. 142).
Rodden, Radene, co. Somers., 101.
Rode, co. Heref. See Rod.
Rode, Ralph atte, 121 (p. 80).
Rodes, Rodys, Henry de, del, 72.
-, ……, Hugh de, 72.
Rodington, co. Salop, Isombridge in, q.v.
Rodleye, Ralph de, 361.
Rodway, Radeweye [in Cannington parish], co. Somers., manor and church, 457 (p. 342).
Rodys. See Rodes.
Roff, Solomon de, justice in eyre, 268.
Roger, Hugh son of, 49.
-, ……, Richard son of, of Pickenham, 329.
-, ……, Robert son of, 128, 209, 420, 434 (p. 303).
-, ……, William son of, 316.
Roger son of John, John son of, 115.
Roges, Rokes, John, 85.
-, ……, Simon or Simon de, of Porlock, 367.
-, ……, Henry, of Holcombe, 367.
-, ……, Joan daughter of Simon, 367.
-, ……, Simon, and Isabel (de Tracy), his wife, 367.
Rokeburne, Rokeberne, co. Hants. See Rockborn.
Rokele, Richard de la son of Richard, 213.
-, ……, Maud de la. See Fraxino.
-, ……, Philip de la, 213.
-, ……, Richard de la, 392 (p. 267), 434 (p. 303).
-, ……, Richard de la (son of Richard), Margaret his wife, 213.
Rokeles, Rokels, John, 21.
Rokelund, co. Norf. See Rockland.
Rokes. See Roges.
Rokesham, co. Linc. See Roxholme.
Rokesle, Rokesleg, Rokeslye, Richard de, 331.
-, ……, Richard de, Joan (de Criel), wife of, 372.
Rokingham, Rokyngham, co. N’hamp. See Rockingham.
Roland, Richard, 457 (p. 342).
Rolendrit, Rolandrith, co. Oxford. See Rollright.
Rolinge, co. Kent. See Rowling.
Rolleston, co. Leic., 91 (pp. 58, 59).
Rolleston, co. York. See Rowlston.
Rollright, Rolendrit, co. Oxford, 235 (p. 163).
-, ……, Great, Rolandrith, co. Oxford, manor, 394.
Rolveston, co. Heref. See Rowlstone.
Rolveston, William de, 386.
Romenhale, co. Kent. See Romney.
Romeseye, Remeseye, John de, 235 (p. 164).
Romesi, Walter de, 384.
Romesye, abbess of. See Romsey.
Romeyn, John, 163 (p. 106).
-, ……, Thomas, citizen of London, and Juliana his wife, 93.
Romford, co. Essex, 434 (pp. 291, 297).
Romney, Old, Romenhale, co. Kent, advowson, 387 (p. 255).
Romsey, Rumesey, Romesye, Romesey, co. Hants, 386.
-, ……, abbess of, 431, 432, 467.
Ronhale, co. Bedf. See Renhold.
Roos, Ross, Rosse, in Holderness, co. York, 468 (pp. 352, 354 bis, 357).
Roos, Ros, Ross, Rosse, Isabel de, 25.
-, ……, Margaret de, 427.
-, ……, Isabel de, 6.
-, ……, John de, 163 (p. 103), 468 (pp. 354, 356).
-, ……, Robert de, 223.
-, ……, Robert de, of Wark, his daughters Margaret and Isabel, 427.
-, ……, William de, 91 (p. 56), 248, 269, 427.
-, ……, William de, and Maud his wife, 434 (p. 302).
-, ……, William son of Margaret de, 137.
-, ……, William de, lord of Belvoir, 25, 298, 324.
-, ……, William de, of Helmsley, 45 (p. 25), 235 (p. 162).
-, ……. William le, of Ingmanthorpe, 298.
-, ……, William de, William baron of, 468 (pp. 352, 354).
Roscelyn, Peter, 320 (p. 216).
Rose, Stephen de la, 141.
Rosevidney, Rosevynny [in Ludgvan parish], co. Cornw., 379.
Rosmorek, Robert de, 111.
Rospegh, co. Cornw., 379.
Ross, Rosse, co. York. See Roos.
Rossale, Thomas de, 163 (p. 108).
Rothe …. See Rotherfield.
Rotherbridge, Rutherebrigge, co. Sussex, hundred, 90 (p. 51).
Rotherfield, Rothe, Rutherefeld, co. Sussex, manor, 435 (p. 318).
-, ……, king’s court at, 23.
Rotherham, co. York., Dalton in, q.v.
Rotherwas, Retherwas [in Dinedor parish], co. Heref., 230.
Rothewell, Rothewelle, co. N’hamp. See Rothwell.
Rothinge, Henry de, 60.
-, ……, Alexander de, son of Henry, 60.
Rothwell, Rowelle, Roulle, co. Linc., manor and advowson, 225.
-, ……, inquisition made at, 176.
Rothwell, Rothewell, Rothewelle, co. N’hamp., manor and hundred, 435 (p. 316).
-, ……, market and fair, 435 (p. 316).
-, ……, honour, 435 (p. 315).
Roubergh, co. Dorset. See Rowbarrow.
Rouckecliffe, co. Cumb. See Rockliff.
Roughton, Rughton, co. Norf., 434 (p. 303).
Roule, Alan de, 278, 322 (p. 219).
Roulle, co. Linc. See Rothwell.
Rounhay, co. Hertf. See Rowney.
Rous. See Rus.
Routh, Rue, co. York, 468 (pp. 354, 356).
Routheclif, co. Cumb. See Rockliff.
Routhmel, co. York. See Rathmell.
Rowbarrow, Roubergh, co. Dorset, hundred, 435 (p. 313).
Rowdon, Roudone [in Chippenham parish], co. Wilts, manor, 426.
Rowelle, co. Linc. See Rothwell.
Rowelle, Robert de, 225.
-, ……, John de, son of Robert, 225.
Rowenhal, co. Essex. See Rivenhall.
Rowling, Rolinge [in Goodnestone parish, near Eastry], co. Kent, 144.
Rowlston, Rolleston [in Mappleton parish], co. York, 468 (pp. 353, 354, 355, 356).
Rowlstone, Rolveston, co. Heref., 230.
Rowner, Rughenore, co. Hants, manor, 34.
Rowney, Rounhay [near Sacombe], co. Hertf., 91 (p. 58).
Roxholme, Roxham, Rokesham [in Leasingham parish], co. Linc., 236 (p. 168).
-, ……, manor, 442.
Roxton, co. Bedf., Chawston in, q.v.
Roydon by Diss, Reydon, co. Norf., parson of. See Morley.
Roydon, Rydon [near Castle Rising], co. Norf., advowson, 163 (p. 106), 391 (pp. 261, 265).
Roys. See Boys.
Royston, co. Hertf., court at, 435 (p. 315).
-, ……, prior of, 236 (p. 167), 434 (p. 301).
Ruchestre, Simon de, 58.
Ruda, Amandus de, 223.
-, ……, John de, 333.
-, ……, ……, and Joan his wife, 223.
Rudde, le, co. Leic., 91 (p. 54).
Rudge, Rugge [in Pattingham parish], co. Salop, 235 (p. 165).
Rudham, East, co. Norf., Broomsthorpe in, q.v.
Rudham, Walter de, 423.
Rudruth, co. Cornw. See Redruth.
Rudry, Rudri, co. Glamorgan, 435 (p. 324).
Rue, co. York, See Routh.
Rue, Joan wife of John de la, daughter of John Uthred, 403.
Ruele, co. Sussex. See Rewel.
Rufford, Rughford, co. Nott., 233 (p. 156).
-, ……, abbot of, 233 (p. 156).
Rufforth, Rughford, co. York, 45 (p. 26).
Ruford, co. Heref. See Ryeford.
Rugge, co. Salop. See Rudge.
Rugge, William de, 235 (p. 165).
Rughenore, co. Hants. See Rowner.
Rughford, co. Nott. See Rufford.
-, ……, co. York. See Rufforth.
Rughton, co. Norf. See Roughton.
Rugthwait, co. Cumb. See Ruthwaite.
Rumbaud, Hawis, 434 (p. 299).
-, ……, Nicholas, 434 (p. 299).
Rumesey, co. Hants. See Romsey.
Rumleye, Alice de, lady of Skipton in Craven, 436.
Rumney, Rempny [co. Monm.], 435 (p. 325).
Rungton, North, Rungeton, Runggeton, co. Norf., 236 (pp. 169, 170).
Runham, co. Norf., manor, 368, 419.
Runton, co. Norf., 434 (p. 303).
Rupe, John de, 435 (p. 329).
-, ……, William, son of Adam de, 434 (p. 307).
Rupe Cawardi, Sibyl wife of Guy de, 178.
Rupeforti, Maurice de, deputy of the justice of Ireland, 54.
Rus, Rous, William le, 463, 464.
-, ……, Gilbert le, 291.
-, ……, Margery, daughter of William le, 464.
-, ……, Richard le, 44 (p. 24), 233 (p. 156), 434 (pp. 305, 308).
-, ……, William le, 434 (p. 301).
Rushall, Reueshale, co. Norf., 163 (p. 106), 391 (p. 261).
Rushmore, Russchemore, co. Dorset, hundred, 435 (p. 313).
Rushton, Ruston by Frome [in East Stoke parish], co. Dorset, 222.
Ruskington, Riskinton, Ristington, co. Linc., manor, 236 (pp. 168, 170).
Russchemore, co. Dorset. See Rushmore.
Russell, Russel, Alan, 233 (p. 156).
-, ……, Alice, 27.
-, ……, John, of Donynton, 164.
-, ……, Margaret daughter of Ralph, 457 (p. 342).
-, ……, Maud, 27.
-, ……, Richard, 434 (p. 307).
-, ……, Robert (Wilts), 235 (p. 163).
-, ……, Robert (Surrey), 236 (p. 168).
-, ……, Simon, 468 (p. 349).
-, ……, William, 232 (p. 152, 153).
-, ……, William, 390.
Rustington, Rustyngtone, co. Sussex, ferry at, 90 (p. 51).
Ruston by Frome, co. Dorset. See Rushton.
Rustyngtone, co. Sussex. See Rustington.
Rutherebrigge, co. Sussex. See Rotherbridge.
Rutherefeld, co. Sussex. See Rotherfield.
Rutherfeld, Adam de, 291.
Ruthwaite, Rugthwait [in Ireby parish], co. Cumb., 322 (p. 219).
Ruthyn, co. Glamorgan. See Rhythyn.
Ruycote, co. Oxford. See Rycote.
Ruycote. See Rycote.
Ryall, Ryhill [in Stamfordham parish, co. N’humb.], 58.
Ryboef, Walter de, 99.
Ryby, Walter de, 233 (p. 155).
Rychmond, co. York. See Richmond.
Rychton, Rycheton, Rychoton, co. York. See Reighton.
Rycote, Ruycote [in Hazeley parish], co. Oxford, manor, 79.
Rycote, Ruycote, Fulk de, 79.
-, ……, Fulk de, Margaret his wife, 79.
-, ……, Fulk de, son of Fulk, 79.
Rydal, Ridale, co. Westm., vale of, 427.
Rydon, co. Norf. See Roydon.
Ryeford, Ruford [in Weston under Penyard parish], co. Heref., 377.
Ryel, co. York. See Ryhill.
Rygge [in Farley Chamberlayne?], co. Hants, 232 (p. 154).
Ryghton, co. York. See Reighton.
Ryhill, co. N’humb. See Ryall.
Ryhill, Ryel [in Burstwick parish], co. York, 468 (pp. 352, 354).
Ryhill, Adam son of Bernard de, 58.
-, ……, Michael, 270.
-, ……, ……, his daughter Isabel married to John son of Hugh, 270.
Ryhton, co. York. See Reighton.
Rylleston. See Rilleston.
Rymburg, co. York. See Ringbrough.
Rymeswell, Rymeswelle, co. York. See Rimswell.
Rymmeslye, co. Sussex, 435 (p. 318).
Ryn, co. Salop. See Rhyn.
Ryndecumbe, co. Glouc. See Rendcombe.
Ryngburg, co. York. See Ringbrough.
Ryngsted, co. N’hamp. See Ringstead.
Ryp, co. Sussex. See Ripe.
Rypariis. See Ripariis.
Rysby, co. Linc. See Risby.
Ryse, co. York. See Rise.
Ryseby, co. Linc. See Risby.
Rysel, co. Bedf. See Riseley.
Rysome, Risum, Rysum [in Holmpton parish], co. York, 468 (pp. 354, 357).
Ryssebreg, co. Suff. See Risbridge.
Ryvel, Roger, 435 (p. 329).
Ryvere, co. Kent. See River.
Ryvere. See Rivere.
Rywenhale, co. Essex. See Rivenhall.