Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.
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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I(London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].
J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: O', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I(London, 1913), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,
J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: O". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 4, Edward I. (London, 1913), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.
Oakham, Okeham, Okam, Ocham, Okham, co. Rutland, 391 (pp. 261, 265).
-, ……, inquisitions made at, 155 (p. 95), 163 (p. 106), 233 (p. 154).
-, ……, manor, 155 (p. 96).
Oakley, Great, Acle, Ocley, co. Essex, 121 (p. 80).
-, ……, advowson, 121 (p. 81).
-, ……, Little, Aklee, Ocle, Akle, co. N’hamp., manor, 91 (pp. 57, 58).
-, ……, advowson, 91 (pp. 57, 58).
-, ……, ……, inquisitions made at, 91 (p. 57).
Oatcroft, Atcroft [in Titley parish], co. Heref., 221. (p. 142).
Oath, Worth [in Aller parish], co. Somers., 324.
Obethorp, co. Linc. See Obthorpe.
Obthorpe, Obethorp [in Thurlby parish], co. Linc., l63 (p. 106).
Oby, Ouby [in Ashby parish], co. Norf., 434 (p. 303).
Ocham, co. Rutland. See Oakham.
Ockbrook, Okebrok, co. Derby, 236 (p. 166).
Ockham, Okham, co. Surrey, manor, 435 (p. 318).
Ocle, co. N’hamp. See Oakley.
Ocle, John, 434 (p. 307).
-, ……. Cf. Okle.
Ocley, co. Essex. See Oakley.
Ocolt, Robert de, 163 (p. 106).
O’Cudy, Thomas, 435 (p. 330).
Odcombe, Odecombe, Odecumbe, Odecomb, co. Somers., 41.
-, ……, manor, 183, 235 (p. 158).
Oddyngeseles. Odingseles, Hugh de, 318.
-, ……, John de, son of Hugh, 318.
Odecomb, Odecumbe, Odecombe, co. Somers. See Odcombe.
Odell, Wahull, Wadhull, co. Bedf. manor, 219 (p. 140).
-, ……, fishery and market, 219 (p. 140).
-, ……, advowson, 219 (p. 140).
-, ……, Little, 219 (p. 140).
Odiham, Odyham, co. Hants, manor, 311.
Odingseles. See Oddyngesetes.
O’Doing, Malauthlyn, 435 (p. 330).
Odyham, co. Hants. See Odiham.
Oede, Geoffrey, of Harbury, 217.
Offeley, co. Staff. See Offley.
Offeleye, co. Hertf. See Offley.
Offham, Ofham [in South Stoke parish], co. Sussex, manor, 152.
Offley, Offeleye, co. Hertf., 434 (p. 300).
-, ……, High, Offeley, co. Staff., manor, 198.
Offord, co. N’hamp. See Ufford.
Offord, Walter de, 47.
-, ……, Thomas de, 47.
-, ……, Walter de, son of Walter, 47.
Offton, Ofton, co. Suff., 434 (p. 300), 456.
Ofham, co. Sussex. See Offham.
Ofton, co. Suff. See Offton.
Ogbourne, Okeborun, Okebourne, co. Wilts, 222 bis.
Ogmore, Uggemor, co. Glamorgan, 435 (p. 322).
Ogwell, East and West, Est Wogwell, West Wogwelle, co. Devon, 296 (p. 201).
Okam, co. Rutland. See Oakham.
Okebourn, Okeborun, Alexander le, 222.
Okebourne, Okeborun, co. Wilts. See Ogbourne.
Okebrok, co. Derby. See Ockbrook.
Okeford, Child, co. Dorset. See Child Okeford.
Okeham, co. Rutland. See Oakham.
Okehampton, Okhampton, co. Devon manor, 312.
Okes, co. Heref. See Noakes.
Okham, co. Rutland. See Oakham.
-, ……, co. Surrey. See Ockham.
Okle, Richard de, 434 (p. 290).
-, ……. Cf. Ocle.
Oldbury, on the Hill, Oldeburi, co. Glouc., manor, 20.
Oldbury, Ealdebery [in Ightham parish], co. Kent, 162.
Oldeburi, co. Glouc. See Oldbury.
Oldman, Alexander, 391 (p. 258).
Oleaker, co. Salop, 87.
Olebenham, co. Berks. See Benham.
Olebrok. See Holebrok.
Oleron, John de, 391 (p. 265).
Oliver, William, 152.
Ollerton, Allerton, co. Nott., 233 (p. 157).
Olney, Olneye, co. Buck., manor, 103.
-, ……, market, 103.
O’Maccus, William, 434 (p. 306).
Ongar, Angere, co. Essex, 461 (p. 345).
Opemonekote, co. Salop. See Hilluppencott.
Opmerdone, co. Sussex. See Marden.
Orby, Orreby, co. Linc., manor, 233 (p. 156).
Oresete, co. Essex. See Orsett.
Orewell, co. Camb. See Orwell.
Orfevere, John son of Walter le, 282.
Orleton, co. Heref., 183, 235 (p. 165).
-, ……, ……, manor, 235 (p. 159).
-, ……, Erleton [in Wrockwardine parish], co. Salop, 279.
Orlingbury, Orlyngbere, co. N’hamp., 219 (p. 140).
Ormby. See Orreby.
Ormesby, co. Cumb., 322 (p. 219).
-, ……, co. Linc., 468 (p. 350).
-, ……, co. Norf., inquisition made at, 368.
-, ……, co. York, Morton in, q.v.
Ormesby, John de, 163 (p. 106).
-, ……, Robert de, 468 (p. 350).
-, ……, Dormesby, Walter de, 434 (p. 303).
Orreby, co. Linc. See Orby.
Orreby, Ormby, John de, 233 (p. 156), 391 (pp. 260, 265), 425.
-, ……, ……, and Isabel (de Tateshale) his wife, 391.
-, ……, heir of, 233 (p. 154).
Orsett, Orsete, Corseth, Oresete, co. Essex, 207, 227.
Orton on the Hill, co. Leic., Weston in, q.v.
-, ……, Overton [in Rothwell parish], co. N’hamp., 435 (p. 317).
Orwell, Orewell, co. Camb., manor, 91 (pp. 55, 58).
-, ……, advowson of St. Andrew’s church, 91 (p. 59).
Osbern, Bartholomew, 52.
-, ……, Thomas, 52.
Osberneby, co. Linc. See Osbournby.
Osbert, Roger son of Peter son of, 392.
-, ……, ……, his sisters Isabel and Alice, 392.
-, ……, Roger son of Peter son of, Sarah his wife, 392.
-, ……, Roger son of Peter son of, Katharine his wife, 392.
-, ……, Roger son of, 97 (p. 63), 163 (p. 106).
-, ……, ……, Katharine his wife, 434 (p. 302).
Osbournby, Osberneby, co. Linc., 180, 233 (p. 155).
Osculton, co. Leic. See Owston.
Osemondeston, co. Norf. See Scole.
Osemunderlawe. See Osmunderlaw.
Osemundeston, co. Norf. See Scole.
Osenee. See Osney.
Osenenne, co. Devon, 296 (p. 202).
Osevile. See Dosevile.
Osgodby, Osgoteby by Kinyerbie Osgoteby [near MarketRasen], co. Linc., 380, 458 (p. 351).
Osgodby, Osgodeby, Walter de, and Joan (le Scrop), his wife, 294.
Oskereswell, John de, 177.
Osmondeston, co. Norf. See Scole.
Osmotherley, co. York, West Harlsey in, q.v.
Osmunderlaw, Osemunderlawe, Ranulph de, 314, 385.
Osney, Osenee [co. Oxford], court of St. Valery at, 195.
Ospringe, co. Kent, manor, 38.
Ostenhanger, Esterynghangre [in Stanford parish], co. Kent, manor, 162.
Oswestry, Oswaldestre, co. Salop, castle, 363.
-, ……, castle, &c., 90 (p. 51).
Otford, Otteford, Otteforde, co. Kent, archbishop’s court at, 96, 162, 435 (p. 314).
Othley, co. Suff. See Otley.
Otho, Thomas son of, and Beatrice (de Bello Campo) his wife, 98.
-, ……, ……, their son Otho, 98.
-, ……, ……, their daughter Maud. See Boteturte.
Otley, Othley, co. Suff., 461 (p. 345).
Otringham, Otryngham, co. York. See Ottringham.
Otteforde, Otteford, co. Kent. See Otford.
Ottringham, Otringham, Otryngham, co. York, 223, 292, 468 (pp. 353, 355)
Ouby, co. Norf. See Oby.
Oudin, William, 434 (p. 300).
Oueresby [co. Linc.]. See Owersby.
Oughterside, Hughtredsate [in Aspatria parish], co. Cumb., 211.
Ouse, River, co. Buck., fishery in, 109.
Ouseburn, Little, Useburn, co. York, 45 (p. 27).
Oustwyk, Oustwik, co. York. See Owstwick.
Oustwyk, Custwyk, Stephen de, 468 (p. 354).
-, ……, William de, 468 (pp. 352).
Ouththoren, co. York. See Outhorne.
Outnewton, co. York. See Newton.
Outthoren, co. York. See Owthorne.
Overesleye, co. Warw. See Oversley.
Overleye, co. Heref. See Lye.
Oversley, Overesleye [in Arrow parish, co. Warw.], lord of. See Butler.
Overstanton, co. Salop [now co. Heref.], 321.
Overton, co. N’hamp. See Orton.
-, ……, co. Salop [in Richard’s Castle parish, co. Heref.], 221 (p. 142).
-, …… [in Stottesden parish], co. Salop, 235 (p. 165).
Overton, Geoffrey de, 235 (p. 165).
Ovile. Oville, William de, 281.
-, ……, William de, Joan his wife, daughter of Jordan la Warre, 281.
-, ……, ……, ……, William their son, 281.
Ovington, Ovitone, co. Essex, 434 (p. 298).
-, ……, Oviton, co. Norf., 434 (p. 302).
Ovitone, co. Essex. See Ovington.
Owersby, Oueresby [co. Linc.], Prilly of, q.v.
Owston, Osculton, co. Leic., 235 (p. 162).
Owstwick, Oustwyk, Oustwik, Custwyk, Custwik [in Garton parish], co. York, 223, 468 (pp. 352, 354, 356).
Owthorne, Outhoren, Hutthorn, Outthoren, Utthorn, co. York, 223, 468 (pp. 353, 354, 356, 357).
Oxford, Jews’ school, 282.
-, ……, Merton Hall, warden of, 236 (p. 168).
-, ……, St. Aldate’s parish, 282.
-, ……, St. Edward’s parish, 282.
-, ……, St. Frideswyde’s, prior of. 282.
-, ……, St. John’s hospital without the East gate, 113, 282.
-, ……, le Grek hale, 282.
Oxford, earl of, 98 (p. 64), 150, 434 (pp. 291, 296).
-, ……, countess of, 257.
Oxton, co. Nott., 301.
Oswick, Oxwyk, co. Norf., 109.
Oysel, Richard, 210.
-, ……, ……, escheator, writs to, 391 (pp. 257, 260), 403.